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Westermann, Caitlin
From:Lanza, Heather
Sent:Monday, December 30, 2024 8:49 AM
To:Westermann, Caitlin
Subject:FW: NYSDOT Case # 111584 - Tree Cutting in HW Permit # 2023-10-97500- The
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant 56655 Main Road (NY 25), Southold; SCTM #
Outgoing mail (email)
From: Lanza, Heather
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2024 8:48 AM
To: 'Tariq, Melik (DOT)' <Melik.Tariq@dot.ny.gov>; Magioncalda, Jennifer (DOT) <Jennifer.Magioncalda@dot.ny.gov>;
LaRosa, Amanda <alarosa@stonefieldeng.com>
Cc: Orientale, Michael <michaelo@southoldtownny.gov>; Wagner, Amy (DOT) <Amy.Wagner@dot.ny.gov>; Steiger, Eric
(DOT) <Eric.Steiger@dot.ny.gov>
Subject: RE: NYSDOT Case # 111584 - Tree Cutting in HW Permit # 2023-10-97500- The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Main Road (NY 25), Southold; SCTM # 1000-06300-0300-015000
Importance: High
Hello everyone,
I would also the add that the Town is very much against street trees being removed without good reason. What
is the reason to remove the center tree that is not in the way of the proposed driveways? It would be better to
retain this tree for community character. How can we make that happen?
Heather Lanza, AICP
Town Planning Director
Southold Town Planning
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Phone: (631)765-1938
E-mail: heatherl@southoldtownny.gov
From: Tariq, Melik (DOT) <Melik.Tariq@dot.ny.gov>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2024 11:17 AM
To: Magioncalda, Jennifer (DOT) <Jennifer.Magioncalda@dot.ny.gov>; LaRosa, Amanda <alarosa@stonefieldeng.com>
Cc: Lanza, Heather <heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Orientale, Michael <michaelo@southoldtownny.gov>;
Wagner, Amy (DOT) <Amy.Wagner@dot.ny.gov>; Steiger, Eric (DOT) <Eric.Steiger@dot.ny.gov>
Subject: RE: NYSDOT Case # 111584 - Tree Cutting in HW Permit # 2023-10-97500- The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Main Road (NY 25), Southold; SCTM # 1000-06300-0300-015000
Hi Amanda,
Our Landscape group has agreed to some relief to the subject letter sent with the email below:
In this case, because the planting area is so limited, we are ok with a 1 to 1 replacement for
each tree removal. Looking at the plans we agree that the west tree has to be removed, but are not
convinced about the east tree. Please show its exact location on the plans. This will help us
determine, if the tree has to be removed.
Also, please add this bat note to comments.
“Any trees 2” or larger diameter at breast height (DBH) shall be trimmed or cut only between
December 1 through February 28 due to the presence of suitable habitat for the Northern Long-Eared
Bat (NLEB-Myotis septentrionalis) and Tricolored Bat (TCB-Perimyotis subflavis). Both of these bat
families are protected as federally and state-listed endangered species.”
From: Lanza, Heather
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2024 8:49 AM
To: Westermann, Caitlin
Subject: FW: NYSDOT Case# 111584 -Tree Cutting in HW Permit #2023-10-97500- The
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant 56655 Main Road (NY 25), Southold; SCTM #
p g Main Road Southold pdf
Attachments: 111584 1 Tree Cutting The Enclaves Hotel 56655 Mai k�J � � 0",
Incoming Mail (email and attachment)
DE" 3 jai 2024
From: Magioncalda,Jennifer(DOT) <Jennifer.Magionca Ida @dot.ny.gov>
Sent:Tuesday, December 24, 2024 4:03 PM Planning Board
To: LaRosa, Amanda <alarosa@stonefieldeng.com> � -�
Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Orientale, Michael<michaelo@southoldtownny.gov>;
Wagner,Amy(DOT)<Amy.Wagner@dot.ny.gov>;Tariq, Melik(DOT)<Melik.Tariq@dot.ny.gov>; Steiger, Eric(DOT)
Subject: NYSDOT Case#111584-Tree Cutting in HW Permit#2023-10-97500-The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant 56655
Main Road (NY 25), Southold; SCTM #1000-06300-0300-015000
Good afternoon Ms. LaRosa:
Please find attached the Comment Letter for NYSDOT Case # 111584 - Tree Cutting in The Enclaves
Hotel & Restaurant 56655 Main Road (NY 25), Southold for your response.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Ms. Amy Wagner at (631)952-6022
or by email at amvmmmWNner@,dotµ ny.gov.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Office Assistant 2
Department of Transportation
Traffic and Safety-Permits
250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Room 6A-7
Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 952-6022 1 ip.6m1'eL r°r:_ggGu r ,lda
ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from
unknown senders or unexpected emails.
Transportation Commissioner
Regional Director
December 24, 2024
Amanda LaRosa, PE
Stonefield Engineering
584 Broadway, Suite 310
New York, NY 10012
Tree Cutting, The Enclaves Hotel
56655 Main Road
NY25 Southold
SCTM: 1000063000300015000
NYSDOT Case No. 111584
Dear Ms. LaRosa:
This letter is regarding the plans for the referenced project which were submitted to us for
review, along with your application for a New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)
Highway Work Permit (HWP).
Prior to approval of site work within the State Right-of-Way (ROW) and issuance of a NYSDOT
HWP, the following items must be addressed:
1 . The project is located in the Long Island North Shore Heritage area and received special
approval by the Zoning Board of the Town of Southold, with an interest in keeping with the visual
quality of the hamlet and not changing the scale and overall appearance as it relates to the
neighborhood. NYSDOT concurs with these objectives.
2. The trees proposed for removal appear to be mature, in healthy condition, and add to the
streetscape; NYSDOT does not warrant removal without justification. A 9/18/24 email from
Ernesto Silva advised that two (2) of the trees are in the way of the proposed driveway cuts. The
tree between the new driveways does not appear to have justification for removal.
3. Show correct location of all three (3) trees proposed for removal, with callouts.
4. The submission shows trees removal, without any replacement. Propose new trees behind
sidewalk, on private property, with genus and species indicated. A 12" diameter tree removed
shall be replaced by four 3" trees. Add their locations on the landscape plan.
5. Newly planted trees shall be maintained for a period of 12 months. The NYSDOT will perform
inspection at the end of this period to verify it.
250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge,NY 117881 www.dot.ny.gov
6. A Work Zone Traffic Control (WZTC) plan must be provided for work in the ROW, in accordance
with National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) along with NYS Supplement.
Use the latest standards sheets. The plan must include a note:
`All lanes must be open to traffic before 10 AM and after 3 PM. No lane closings are permitted
on weekends or holidays. Nighttime lane closings will not be permitted without prior approval
from the State Permit Inspector.'
7. Provide a list of all NYSDOT Item Numbers to be used within the State ROW on the plans.
8. Update revision tables on the plan sheets.
9. Add the following notes to the plans, together in one group, titled "NYSDOT NOTES":
a. Before construction, the contractor shall coordinate with State Permit Engineer regarding
appropriate location for snow stakes sleeves.
b. After construction, sidewalks and ramps must be evaluated for compliance with current
ADA standards. The permittee or his designated "designer of record" shall field verify that
the pedestrian features (ramps, sidewalk, etc.) were constructed to current ADA
standards outlined in NYSDOT Specs Section 608 and related Standard Sheets. Submit
required documentation to the State Permit Engineer before the work can be accepted as
complete and the permit be closed. The features that do not comply with ADA
requirements upon completion will require removal and reconstruction.
C. The contractor shall clean existing drainage basins along and immediately adjacent to the
NY site frontage during and after construction as ordered by the State Engineer.
d. Repair existing shoulder, sidewalk and curbing as ordered by the State Engineer.
e. Any sidewalk panels or connecting pavement that have settled with a greater than '/4" lip
or crack over '/z" wide shall be replaced to meet ADA requirements.
f. Construction materials and equipment should be removed from the NYSDOT ROW at the
end of each workday. Materials allowed to remain on-site must be stored outside the
vehicle clear zone.
g. All driveways and side roads impacted by the Work Zone Traffic scheme shall be kept
open and accessible all the time.
h. If temporary chain link fence is used, it must not intrude upon the public ROW and must
not interfere with the required 5' pedestrian path.
i. NYSDOT General Roadside Seed Mix shall be used for all grass restoration.
j. Approved items can be verified at www,dot.nv.gov/PIC. Standard Sheets are available at;
Standard Sheets US Customaa) (ny.govl. For more info, please go to
dot.n µ ovf ermits.
k. Any utility work proposed in State Highway ROW will require separate application and
submission of restoration plans. Follow the guidelines of our utility handbook, Blue Book
titled, `Requirements for The Design and Construction of Underground Utility Installations
Within the State Highway Right-Of-Way'. The applicant should contact Mr. Joshua Ecker
(631-727-1731 Joshua.Ecker dot.n ov)forfurther directions regarding Utility Highway
Work Permit (HWP) applications. The utility HWP issuance is subject to issuance of
the HWP required for site work.
1. All proposed road improvements detailed in the Site Plans must comply with the latest
versions of American Association of State Highway&Transportation Officials (AASHTO),
ADA, National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Design (MUTCD) with the NYS
Supplement, NYSDOT Highway Design Manual, and the Policy and Standards for The
Design of Entrances to State Highways (`Driveway Design Policy'). Road improvement
plans must provide all appropriate NYSDOT Standard Details and NYSDOT Standard
Item Numbers.
There may be more comments when detailed plans are submitted for our review.
Please submit revised 11 X17 plans, and a response letter. We need one paper and an
electronic copy of each of these items in PDF format. All documents should be combined into a single
PDF file. The response letter shall state how, and where in the plans, the above comments are
addressed, item by item.
Review of the subject project is being coordinated by Ms. Amy Wagner (631-952-6022,
Am .Wa ner dot.n ov). Please send all correspondence to her attention. Refer to the subject case
number and County tax map number in all correspondence.
Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter.
Very truly yours,
0G"Wgyrwa NoGrf
Olumuyiwa Fajolu, PE
Permits Section Manager
Traffic Safety and Mobility
CC: Town of Southold
Ms. Heather Lanza, Planning Director
Mr. Michael Orientale, Deputy Superintendent of Highways
Town Hall Annex �� � P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 " Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
.�a, Telephone: 631765-1938
Southold, NY (P 1
January 9, 2024
Andrew V. Giambertone, AIA President
Andrew V. Giambertone & Associates, Architects
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
David N. Altman, Esq.
Brown Altman & DiLeo, LLP
538 Broadhollow Road, Suite 301
Melville, NY 11747
Re: Approval - The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
on January 8, 2024:
WHEREAS, this site plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition, into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a
hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning
District. The property is located at 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold. SCTM#1000-63-3-15;
WHEREAS, on October 21, 2021, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), as
Lead Agency, completed the EIS and Findings for the Type I action and Positive
Declaration pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part
617. A complete timeline and additional information regarding the SEQR process can be
found in the Findings, Deliberations and Determination Meeting of December 2, 2021,
Special Exception for 56655 Main St. LLC (The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant) document
in Town Laserfiche; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Rggg 2 of 13 januauL-9L_
WHEREAS, on December 6, 2021, the ZBA granted Special Exception 7046SE for the
proposed Hotel & Restaurant subject to numerous Conditions, and Covenants &
Restrictions required to be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; and
WHEREAS, on December 22, 2021, David N. Altman, Esq., authorized agent, submitted
site plans, information and materials for a Site plan review; and
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board found the
application incomplete for review, requiring the submission of revised site plans and
additional information for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 1, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
portion of the revised plans and additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 3, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans and
additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 4, 2022, staff provided comments and analysis via email
regarding the plans submitted, noting their deficiencies; and
WHEREAS, on February 17, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
portion of the revised plans and additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 22, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans and
additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 28, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board accepted the site
plan application as complete for review; and
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted a revised Landscape Plan
for review; and
WHEREAS, on April 5, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold
Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their
comments; and
WHEREAS, on April 7, 2022, Southold Town Code Enforcement submitted
correspondence that there were no open violations regarding the subject parcel; and
WHEREAS, on April 11, 2022 the Southold Town Planning Board held a public hearing for
the proposed action and determined to hold the hearing open until April 25, 2021 for
written comments; and
WHEREAS, on April 19, 2022, David N. Altman, Esq., authorized agent, submitted
correspondence and supporting exhibits on the behalf of the applicant regarding
comments raised at the Public Hearing; and
Endav s Hotel & Rest urant Pace 3 of 13 Janu M 9 0 4
WHEREAS, on April 25, 2022, the written comment period was closed; and
WHEREAS, on April 26, 2022, the Southold Town Fire Marshal determined certain
revisions were required to provide adequate fire protection and emergency access for the
site; and
WHEREAS, on May 3, 2022, the Southold Town Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
provided comments to be incorporated into the proposed site design and layout by the
Southold Town Planning Board; and
WHEREAS, on May 17, 2022 the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) provided
comments and guidance regarding the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, on May 10, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet the
minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2022, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined the project to be
consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies with recommendations to the Planning
Board; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2022, the Southold Fire District determined certain revisions were
required to provide adequate fire protection for the site, consistent with the Southold Town
Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, at a work session on June 22, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board
reviewed the proposed application and required revisions to the site plan and additional
information necessary, for the Site plan to comply with various applicable sections of the
Town Code as detailed in the Work Session Staff Report; and
WHEREAS, on July 8, 2022„ the Southold Town Engineer verified that no NY State outfalls
would be impacted by the proposed action and therefore, no SP°DES construction permit is
required; and
WHEREAS, on July 11, 2022, the New York State Department of Transportation
(NYSDOT) provided comments to the applicant specifying the information and plans
required to complete the application for Case #07500 for a Highway Work Permit; and
WHEREAS, on August 8, 2022, Nelson & Pope, authorized Technical Consultant to the
Southold Town Planning Board, provided correspondence to the Planning Board in
response to comments received during the Public Hearing; and
WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022, after careful consideration, the Southold Town
Planning Board, as an involved agency for the action, adopted the Statement of Findings
adopted by the ZBA on October 7, 2021, for the proposed Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 4 of 13 IWI!ar 9 2024
Application, pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law (State
Environmental Quality Review Act) and the implementing regulations of 6 NYCRR Part
617; and
WHEREAS, on November 29, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans as
required for review; and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2022, the Southold Tonw Planning Board referred the revised
site plan to the Office of the Town Engineer for review; and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board sent a request for
Use Certification to the Chief Zoning Administrator pursuant to §280-131(F)(1); and
WHEREAS, on December 5, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the
revised site plan at their work session and determined that revisions and additional
information were required; and
WHEREAS, on December 15, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined that revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet
the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on December 19, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the
revised site plan at their work session and determined revisions and additional information
were required; and
WHEREAS, on December 21, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted
revised Elevations and Renderings as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans as required
for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 13, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board referred the revised
site plan to the Office of the Town Engineer for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 13, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board referred the revised
site plan to the Chief Zoning Administrator and Fire Marshal for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2023, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined that the site plan prepared by Bryan A. Grogan, P.E.„ dated
August 23, 2016 and last revised December 21, 2022, met the minimum requirements of
Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on February 2, 2023, the Southold Town Chief Zoning Administrator reviewed
and certified the proposed Hotel & Restaurant as a use permitted by Special Exception
#7046SE in the Hamlet Business Zoning District; and
qLavqq Hotel & Restaurant Page 5 of I Januaa 024
WHEREAS, on March 2, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted revised
site plans for review by the Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, at a work session on March 13, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board
reviewed the proposed application and required the applicant to provide a Draft
Performance Guaranty (Bond) pursuant to §280-131(K), provide a completed waste water
permit from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) and a Highway
Work Permit from the NYSDOT as required; and
WHEREAS, on April 27, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a Draft
Bond Estimate for review as required; and
WHEREAS, on May 24, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
revised Draft Bond Estimate that included line items and unit price for review as required;
WHEREAS, on May 31, 2023, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed the proposed site
plan and determined the plan to be consistent with emergency access and safety protocol
requirements; and
WHEREAS on June 1, 2023, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed and confirmed the
Performance Guaranty Bond Estimate; and
WHEREAS, at their work session on June 5, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board
reviewed and accepted the Town Engineer's estimate in the amount of $310,336,30; and
WHEREAS, on June 5, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that with
exception of'the items listed as conditions below, all applicable requirements of the Site
plan Regulations, Article XXIV,, §280 —Site plan Approval of the Town of Southold were
met; and
WHEREAS, on June 5, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board accepted the Bond
Estimate in the amount of $310,336.30, and recommended same to the Town Board; and
WHEREAS, on June 5, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board found the application
consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and
WHEREAS, on June 5, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board granted a Conditional
Approval regarding the Site plan entitled "The Enclaves" prepared by Bryan Andrew
Grogan, P.E. dated August 23, 2016 and last revised December 21, 2022, with five (5)
conditions to be met; and
WHEREAS, on June 20, 2023, the Southold Town Board accepted the Bond Estimate by
resolution as required by condition #3; and
Enclaves ductal & Restaurant Page 6 of 13 JanL18 9 2LQ4
WHEREAS, on October 17, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, R.A., and Bryan Grogan, P.E.,
submitted five (5) paper copies of the Final Site Plan, Floor Plans and Building Elevations
including the stamp, seal and signature of the NYS Licensed Professional preparing the
plans, as required by Condition #5; and
WHEREAS, on October 30, 2023, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted New York State
Department of Transportation (NY SDOT) Highway Work Permit #20231097500 issued
October 30, 2023 through October 29, 2024 as required by Condition #1; and
WHEREAS, on November 29, 2023, a $310,336.30 Performance Bond was
submitted by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company with J. Petrocelli Contracting, Inc.
as principal as required by Condition #3; and
WHEREAS, on December 13, 2023, the Suffolk County Department of Health
Services (SCDHS) granted approval for #C-22-0081 Sewage Treatment Plant (STP),
Collection System and Water Supply for Hotel & Restaurant @ 11 ,420gpd as
required by Condition #2; and
WHEREAS, on December 14, 2023, the 6% Administration Fee of $18,620.18 was
submitted by J. Petrocelli Contracting, Inc. as required by Condition #4; and
WHEREAS, at their work session on January 8, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board
determined that all five conditions of conditional approval had been satisfied as detailed
above; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval with Conditions,
listed below, regarding the Site plan entitled "The Enclaves" prepared by Bryan Andrew
Grogan, P.E. dated August 23, 2016 and last revised February 3, 2023 and authorizes the
Chairman to endorse the plans listed below:
Site plan Table of Contents Details
C-001 Site plan General Notes C-400 Landscape Plan and Details
C-002 Site plan Legend C-500 Site Lighting and Details
C-100 Traffic Control & Parking Plan C-501 Site Lighting and Details
C-101 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-600 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-102 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-601 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-103 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-602 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-104 Work Zone Traffic Control Plan C-700 Site Details
C-200 Grading and Drainage Plan C-701 Details
C-201 Grading and Drainage Plan C-702 Details
C-202 Boring Plan and Boring Logs C-800 Irrigation Plan
C-300 Sediment and Erosion Control A2.1 Hotel Lower Level Plan
Plan A2.2 Hotel First Floor Plan
C-301 Sediment and Erosion Control A2.3 Hotel Second Floor Plan
Details A2.4 Hotel Roof Plan
C-302 Sediment and Erosion Control A3.1 Hotel Elevations
En laye of l && F a taurant Pam,7 013 Januap 2.024
A3.2 Hotel Elevations A3.5 Restaurant Front Elevations
A2.5 Restaurant Root Cellar Floor Plan A3.6 Restaurant Right Side Elevations
A2.6 Restaurant First Floor Plan A3.7 Restaurant Rear Elevations
A2.7 Restaurant Second Floor Plan A3.8 Restaurant Left Side Elevations
A2.8 Restaurant Roof Plan
Conditions on oin
1. Preconstruction meetin :
Prior to beginning any site work, including clearing or grading, a preconstruction
meeting shall be coordinated with the Southold Town Planning Department and
Southold Town Engineer. This meeting shall include the construction manager or
equal, and the designated on-site environmental technician.
2. Prior to Clearin :
a. The 25-foot rear yard setback, and the 10' side yard setback areas must be staked
and inspected by the Southold Town Planning Department as per condition number
9. below.
b. Trees to be retained in other areas of the site must be flagged for inspection by
Southold Town Planning Department as per condition number 8. below.
3. Prior to construction, a SWPPP shall be prepared to address items during construction
such as concrete washout areas, temporary stabilization, and erosion and sediment
maintenance and inspection procedures. (SEQRA)
4. Storm water run-off containment systems must be inspected by the Southold Town
Engineer at the time of installation. Prior to beginning any work on the drainage system
for stormwater, please call the Southold Town Engineer to coordinate inspections.
5. No outdoor events of any size are permitted. (ZBA Special Exception & SEQRA)*
6. No Special Events pursuant to Southold Town Code Chapter 205 are permitted. (ZBA
Special Exception)
F_ndavesHotel & R staurant Rggg.8 of 13 4a ggm-2�
7. No large events with over 100 guests are permitted. (ZBA Special Exception)
8. Retain existing trees wherever possible. These trees shall be flagged for inspection by
the Southold Town Planning Department prior to clearing. (SEQRA)
9. Retain all existing trees within the 25-foot rear yard setback area and the 10-foot side
yard setback area to contribute to boundary screening for adjacent properties and
provide habitat benefits to wildlife associated with established native trees. (SEQRA)
10.Tree clearing shall occur during winter months (between December 1 and February 28)
in accordance with NYSDEC to avoid any potential take of Northern long-eared bat
(Myotis septentionalis), a species listed as federally endangered by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. (SEQRA)
11.All excess soil not used onsite shall be characterized for disposal purposes. Soil
wastes shall be transported to permitted off-site DEC disposal facilities in accordance
with NYSDEC Part 360. Other soils, if determined to have a beneficial use, shall be
transported to other appropriate sites in accordance with NYSDEC Part 360. (SEQRA)
12.To prevent tracking of potentially impacted soil into areas where neither remediation
nor other risk management measures are planned, the following precautions will be
undertaken: (1) access to areas in which a clean soil cap has been constructed will be
limited by temporary barricade fencing until landscaping activities have been
completed; (2) vehicles and equipment will be cleaned or washed down prior to moving
from impacted areas to areas in which soil mitigation is not necessary or has already
been completed; and (3) erosion controls (i.e. silt fencing) shall be installed to prevent
runoff from impacted areas from entering areas in which soil mitigation is not necessary
or has already been completed. (SEQRA)
13.Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be put in place prior to and during
construction and will include, at minimum, stockpile protection, inlet sediment control
devices for storm structure protection, silt fencing, and anti-tracking pads to prevent off-
site sediment tracking from construction vehicles. All erosion and sediment control
measures shall be routinely inspected and maintained such that no sediment will be
transported off-site. (SEQRA)
jdaves_t1otel & Rest urant RggL9 of 13 January 9
14.The on-site environmental technician shall monitor dust levels from equipment,
vehicular traffic and construction activities on exposed soils and take immediate action
when necessary. The environmental technician shall implement the dust control plan
(as provided in Section 2.3 of the SMMP in Appendix L of the DEIS) if there is actual or
potential visible dust. Dust suppression measures shall be employed in accordance
with NYSDEC DER-10 Appendix 1 B for Fugitive Dust and Particulate Monitoring.
15.If there is dust or the potential for dust in areas of concern, the Environmental
Technician shall direct that area to be wet down. Calcium chloride may be used if the
problem cannot be controlled with water. Dust control measures may include the
following methods and, as good practice, can also be implemented at times when dust
monitoring is not being conducted to prevent the migration of non-impacted dust off-
site, as well as potentially impacted dust (SEQRA):
a. Apply water to designated work areas prior to any clearing, mixing, or other earth
moving operations.
b. At a minimum, water shall be applied to all disturbed work areas at least four times
per day during dry weather periods.
c. The disturbed areas shall be sprayed down at the end of each day to form a thin
crust. This is in addition to the required minimum of four times per day.
d. No earth moving activities shall be performed if the wind at the site steadily exceeds
15 miles per hour.
e. All unpaved haul roads and equipment paths shall be watered on a sufficient basis
to prevent dust emissions. An alternative to frequent watering may be to pour a 4-
inch-thick layer of gravel.
f. Transportation of soils on-site shall be performed in a covered vehicle, or the soils
must be sufficiently watered to prevent dust emissions.
g. Onsite vehicle speeds must not exceed 10 miles per hour and the site must be
posted with speed signs.
h. Parking areas shall be designated and shall be sufficiently watered or gravel lined to
prevent dust emissions.
nql va Hqt .& Restaurant Page 1_0 of 13 Janu r 9 20.24
A minimum 15' wide Transition Buffer shall be maintained along the eastern property
line in accordance with §280-94(B)(1) and the site plan. This transition buffer shall
include a staggered double row of at least 133 Leyland Cypress plantings at 18'-20'
high and a 6.5' high noise-attenuating wooden stockade fence to provide privacy from
noise, headlight glare and visual intrusion to residential dwellings.
17.Landscape buffer plantings shall be installed early in the construction process to
provide additional time for growth during the construction period. (SEQRA)
18.Native and drought-tolerant species shall be installed as approved on the landscape
plan to reduce use of fertilizer, pesticides and water for irrigation. (SEQRA)
19.Organic landscaping maintenance shall be implemented as approved. (SEQRA)
20.Existing historic structure shall be retained. (SEQRA)
21.All aspects of the project shall be constructed and maintained substantially in
accordance with the approved site plan including the architectural drawings.
22.Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge) shall not be available for use
by general public. Use of the hotel spa and indoor and outdoor swimming pools shall
be restricted to overnight hotel guests only. No day passes for use of the hotel
amenities will be permitted. (ZBA Special Exception & SEQRA)
23.No outdoor music is permitted anywhere on the property. (ZBA Special Exception)
24.No expansion of the number of approved hotel units is permitted. (ZBA Special
25.Exterior signage details must be submitted for review and approval by the Southold
Town Planning Board prior to permitting.
26.The hotel building must have a sprinkler suppression system.
Enclaves_Hotel & Reqtaurant ?g 11 of 13 January.R2.024
27.Curbs shall be mountable, particularly in areas of the driveways where an extended
load-bearing surface is provided to accommodate larger emergency response vehicles,
as shown on the site plan.
28.The existing well shall be utilized as an irrigation well for all irrigation needs in addition
to the use of smart irrigation control systems and drought tolerant vegetation.
29.Groundwater-monitoring wells shall be installed to monitor groundwater impacts both
upstream and downstream of the effluent disposal system of the onsite STP. This is in
accordance with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS), Suffolk
County Water Authority (SCWA) and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
30.No parking to be allowed on State Route 25 in front of the subject property. (SEQRA)
31.A noise-attenuating wooden stockade fence at 6.5' in height shall be installed along the
eastern and western property lines as shown on the site plan (approved by the
Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals as part of their Special Exception approval
and SEQRA findings). (SEQRA)
32.Acoustic Barriers shall be installed around the cottage exterior spaces. (SEQRA)
33.To address potential noise concerns from the rooftop lounge area, a 30-inch glass
barrier shall be provided on top of the parapet. (SEQRA)
34.The rooftop terrace shall have limited hours of operation (10AM-9PM Sun- Thurs,
11AM-10PM Fri-Sat) and will be for overnight hotel guests only. (SEQRA)
35.Prior to renovation and conversion of the existing house, an Asbestos Containing
Materials (ACM) survey shall be performed. If ACM are identified, removal of any
materials shall be in accordance with prevailing regulations. (SEQRA)
36.The existing onsite sanitary system, which currently services the single-family
residence, shall be abandoned in place in accordance with SCDHS regulations. The
structures shall be pumped and cleaned prior to abandonment. (SEQRA)
37.The existing 275-gallon above ground fuel oil tanks noted in the Phase I Environmental
Site Assessment (ESA) shall be cleaned and removed in accordance with applicable
Enclaves dotal f estaur nt Pae 12 of 1 J �r Lry 9 2024
regulations. These tanks were noted in the Phase I ESA as being empty and currently
out of service as the residence is currently heated with natural gas. (SEQRA)
Special Exception:
Conditions that originate from the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals' (ZBA)
Special Exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE) have the
notation "ZBA Special Exception" to identify them:
SEQRA: Conditions that originate from the SEQRA Environmental Impact
Statement and Findings Statement of the ZBA, with same being adopted by the
Southold Town Planning Board on September 12, 2022 have the notation "SEQRA"
to identify them.
Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to
Site plans:
1. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within
which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Southold Town
Planning Board grants an extension.
2. Any changes from the Approved Site plan shall require Southold Town Planning
Board approval.
3. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Southold Town Planning
Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan,
and issue a final site inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in
conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be
issued unless the Southold Town Planning Board approves the changes to the plan
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office.
James H. Rich III
cc: Andrew V. Giambertone
Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector
Michael Collins, Town Engineer
By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are Town Code requirements
and conditions, including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of
Certificate of Occupancy.
Print name: '!' C plicant
Signature: Date:
�� so Southold Town Hall
Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson �+� ,� 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971-0959
Patricia Acampora Office Location:
Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor,
Robert Lehnert, Jr. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue)
Nicholas Planamento �eou Southold,NY 11971
http://southoldtownny.gov vb
Tel. (631) 765-1849
?0 ..... 1
Special Meeting of November 21, 2024
FlIanning Board
ZBA FILE No.: 7046SE
NAME OF APPLICANT: 56655 Main St. LLC (I he Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant).
mm_ _
PROPERTY LOCATION: 56655 Main Road, Southold,_NY -
BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Special Exception to construct a 44-unit, 2 story hotel, including
four detached cottages on as 6.75-acre parcel. Plans also include the conversion of an existing two-story
single-family dwelling into a 74-seat restaurant.
SPECIAL� : (.."E `TI )Nj� IIESIIUD: Description of Action: The proposed application involves the
conversion of an existing detached single-family residence, which was formerly a bed and breakfast,to a 74-
seat restaurant and the construction of a two-story, 40-unit hotel and four detached cottages.
DATE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS: November 7, 2019 and October 14, 2021
Request for a Special Exception was originally Granted, subject to conditions, on December 2, 2021. On
November 7, 2024, David Altman, Attorney at Law, on behalf of his clients, requested an extension of the
above-mentioned action.
RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: A motion was offered by Member Weisman (Chairperson) seconded by
Member Dantes, and duly carried, to
GRANT, the applicant's request that the above cited determination be extended to expire on December 2,
2025, as per Chapter 280-146 of the Code of the Town of Southold.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Planamento,Lehnert, Weisman,Acampora,and Dantes. This Resolution
was duly adopted (5-0).
Leslie Mattes Weisman, Chairperson
Approved for filing/� /��2,024
D i L E o , L L P TEL 51 6-22Z-0222 ' FAX 51 6-222-0322
November 7, 2024
Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson
Zoning Board of Appeals, Town of Southold
54375 Main Road
Southold, NY 11971
Re: Application by 56655 Main Street LLC (the "Applicant")for an extension of the
December 6, 2021, Special Exception Approval (the "Approval") granted by the
Southold(the"Town")Zoning Board of Appeals("ZBA")w/respect to The Enclaves
Hotel (the "Project") located at 56655 Main Road, Southold, NY(the "Property");
SCTM No.: 1000-063.00-03.00-015.000
ZBA File No.: 7046SE
Our File No.: 100-513-001
Dear Chairperson Weisman and fellow Members of the ZBA:
Our office represents the Applicant in this matter. The Applicant hereby requests a two(2)
year extension of the Approval or such longer period as the ZBA permits.' A copy of the Approval
is annexed hereto and made part hereof as Exhibit 1., Condition numbered "1" of the Approval
requires the Applicant to complete construction of the Project and begin the approved use within
three (3) years of the date of the Approval, to wit, December 6, 2021. (See Exhibit "1", P. 9.)
Condition numbered "1" further provides that the "Board of Appeals may, upon written request
prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension." (See Exhibit "I", p. 9.) There has been no
material change of circumstance since the Approval such that the extension sought by the
Applicant herein should be granted by the ZBA.
Following this Board's Approval, on December 22, 2021, the Applicant submitted its
preliminary site plan application("SP App.")with supporting documentation to the Town Planning
Department ("PD"). On February 28, 2022, the Planning Board ("PB") accepted the SP App. as
complete for review. On April 5, 2022, the PB distributed the SP App. for department review and
comment. Thereafter, on April 11, 2022, a public hearing concerning the SP App. was held before
the PB. Between May 3, 2022, and August 8, 2022, municipal agencies and/or departments,
including the Town Architectural Review Committee, Suffolk County Planning Commission,
Town Engineer, etc., submitted comments with requested revisions (hereinafter, "Departmental
Comments")to the Applicant's site plans. On November 29, 2022, the Project engineer submitted
revised site plans to the PD addressing the Departmental Comments.
I On December 6,2021,the ZBA granted the Approval to the Applicant for the Project,consisting of a 44-unit,2 story
hotel, with four (4) detached cottages at the Property, along with the conversion of an existing two-story structure
fronting on Main Road into a 74-seat restaurant(the"Project").
a w
Another round of departmental review followed and the PB requested further revisions to
the site plans. On January 9, 2023, the Project engineer submitted revised plans to the PB.
Following,on January 13,2023,the PB referred the revised site plans to the Town Engineer,Chief
Zoning Administrator and Fire Marshal, and on March 2, 2023, further revised site plans were
submitted by the Applicant to the PB.
On June 5, 2023, the PB granted Conditional Site Plan Approval of the Project (the
"Conditional Approval"), imposing five (5) conditions that required satisfaction prior to the
commencement of construction of the Project. A copy of the Conditional Approval is annexed
hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "2".2 On January 8, 2024, the PB determined that the
Conditional Approval was satisfied and on January 9, 2024, the PB issued a Resolution granting
final Site Plan Approval for the Project (the "SP Resolution"). A copy of the SP Resolution is
annexed hereto and made part hereof as Exhibit "Y.'
On January 16,2024,the Applicant promptly filed a Building Permit Application(the "BP
App.") with the Building Department (the "BD"). Between March 27, 2024, and May 31, 2024,
the Applicant's Project architect submitted its written responses to comments from the BD.
Annexed hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "4" is a chronology of the Project architect's
responses to BD comments. Following, on June 20, 2024, the BD issued to the Applicant a
Building Permit for the Project. Submitted herewith for the ZBA's convenience are Project
construction progress photos as of October 25, 2024, annexed hereto and made part hereof as
Exhibit 5.
Respectfully,the Applicant diligently pursued the all necessary approvals and permits from
the Town for the Project. Given the time required to complete the SP App. and BP App.processes,
the Applicant has only been afforded less than six (6) months to undertake and complete
construction of the Project,and begin the hotel use. The Applicant,therefore,respectfully requests
that this Honorable Board extend the Approval as requested hereinabove.
Z._...�,�...... .............
. ,_......_._. m ..
The Conditional Approval required the Applicant to: (i) coordinate a preconstruction meeting with the Town
Planning Department and Town Engineer, (ii)stake the rear and side yard setback areas for inspection by the Town
Planning Department, (iii) flag trees to be retained for inspection by the Town Planning Department, (iv) prepare a
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan,and(v) inspection by the Town Engineer of storm water runoff containment
systems when installed at the Property.
s The ZBA is respectfully referred to the SP Resolution for a chronology of the Applicant's SP App. before the PB.
If you have any questions concerning the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you, in advance, for your anticipated courtesy and cooperation.
Very truly yours,
Da id N. Altman,Esq.
cc.: Paul DeChance, Esq., Town Attorney (via electronic mail, only, w/encls.)
Heather M. Lanza, Town Planning Director(via electronic mail, only w/encls.)
56655 Main Street, LLC (via electronic mail, only, w/encls.)
Andrew Giambertone, R.A. (via electronic mail, only, w/encls.)
From: Lanza, Heather
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2024 7:48 AM
To: Michaelis, Jessica;Westermann, Caitlin
Cc: Cummings, Brian A.
Subject: Enclaves Changes to Lower Level Amenities/Spa area
Attachments: Lower Level Plan in Accepted FEIS.pdf;A2-1-Lower Level_2024-03-20.pdf
The summary of changes is:
• two lane bowling alley and adjacent lounge would help to shore up the off season occupancy as it
provided more opportunities for corporate retreats,team building groups etc., where a corporate
entity might take all the rooms in the Hotel for a weekend as a Corporate event. Consequently we
added these amenities.
• Wine tasting room
• additional kitchen space for the event room
• Additionally due to SCDOH regulations we had to reduce the size of the pool and provide adequate
clearance around both the pool and spa. Accordingly those spaces have been revised to
accommodate those issues as well.
• minor tweaks in the layouts of ancillary spaces to accommodate structure as well as HVAC.
Approved lower level plan
Current lower level plan (with the items listed above)
This level remains accessible to Hotel Guests solely, per the ZBA approval.
sV L->+
�._ ........w.. mr-
MAR 2 2 2024
outii« f n.
Planning Board
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The Enclaves
56655 Route 25
Southold,New York
____ _______ _____ _____6 _______
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i ower T evel Plan
Hotel Lower 1_ecel Floor Plan
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From: Lanza, Heather c5'b T
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 3:42 PM
To: Michaelis,Jessica;Westermann, Caitlin L ` `"
Cc: Cummings, Brian A. EC E I V E D
Subject: FW: [SPAM] - Enclaves SWPPP 7N
9 i tholai°.., `6Wt-J,
Incoming mail for Enclaves Planning Board
From: Li Tang<Itang@pwgrosser.com>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 9:49 AM
To: Cummings, Brian A.<brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us>; Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>
Cc: Bryan Grogan<bgrogan@pwgrosser.com>
Subject: [SPAM] - Enclaves SWPPP
Hi Brian and Heather,
Please see attached SWPPP for Enclaves.
llr AVG 1803_ SWPPP Repo i t- 5 p,
Li Tang I Senior Engineer
0) PAri C
w. 631.589.6353
f. 631.589 8705
i n
Please consider the environment-think before you print!
ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders
or unexpected emails.
Town P.O.Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 � F"� Southold, NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) r
Southold, NY 4 Telephone: 631 765-1938
February 8, 2024
Mr. Andrew V. Giambertone
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Re: Approved Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, ±90' n/w/o Town Harbor Lane and Main Road, Southold
Dear Mr. Giambertone:
In response to your request submitted January 29, 2024 and the subsequent Planning
Board discussion at their February 5, 2024 Work Session, the Planning Board has
agreed to allow you to proceed with tree clearing on-site prior to the issuance of a
Building Permit. All tree clearing shall be in accordance with the approved Site Plan and
relevant conditions of the January 9, 2024 Site Plan approval resolution.
The Planning Board would like to take this opportunity to remind you that although a
Building Permit is not required to begin tree clearing on-site, Building Permits must be in
place and a pre-construction meeting held, prior to any earthwork or construction
activities commencing on-site.
Please call the Planning Department at 631-765-1938 with any questions.
n cxx� CVJIA v L"S
Brian Cummings
Senior Planner
cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector
Michael Collins, Town Engineer
Southold Town Plannina Board `work Session-- Februa 20124_ Pa e 2
Pro'ect Name: The Orchards SCTM#: 1000 27-1 3
ation: 2595 Orchard Street Orient _
This proposal i�_Clustered Standard Subdivisio�e building cr envelopel
p p of a 13.3-acre parcel into
five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres includinga 1.35 ac and
7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot
4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District.
Status: Conditional Preliminary Plat .
Action Final Plat Completeness
. .
Attachments Staff Report
Location 5_6655 NYS Rout
Pro'ect Name: The Enclaves�..
Route 25, Southold .�
Description. ,.. _..... d This propose __..... .._,,,. ..io .....
d site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the
Hamlet Business Zoning District.
Status Approved with Conditions
An - ° Review Re
ttaquest for Tree Clearrng�
�chmwent"s:�.. mDraft Letter_�.._.. .._......_._ . _.....__..., ..... ��__.. .�, .,_..-.-...w� ..��ww�..�. ......
_wv� - .....,. .. w -.w.wwwwww _,.. .� ... ... .
roject Name Vines on Mill Winery ....mm _ _
SCT 1000-115.-2-2.3, 2 4 3.2_
Location: 16505 Route 25, Mattituck
Description: Thissite
ite plan
room t a ±1.94 ed creation
of the 200-f. sq. -� � ..with
'�...._w� p p�W p q. ft. winery with no
retailg g District to be
merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights
� � held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District
Status Pendingy
...._....... _
Review for Completeness _. _....... _ ... .._. ._.... ....._.....
Act ....a.....,... . .._
hments: Staff Report
J HouseResubdivis n._. ..... ..._.. ....... www_... .._ _.....u.... �..._.3, 2.4,-3.2"—"
Pro ect Name Vines on Mill Wine & Little White SCTM# 1000-115 2 2
Location: 16--50--5`Route 25, Mattituck
pti ... www w . . proposed, ion application
li51 tion is
t s 1. 4 acres with
#1 O.0µ
Desch tion;.. . This resubdivisio p 00-
115.-2-2.3, 2.4, and 3.2 totaling 9
development rights intact, Lot 2.4 is 32.69-acres and Lot 3.2 is 17.46-acres both'
...._.. with development riqhts held by Southold Town.
Status: Pending_,.
for Completeness
i .,,... .....�...._ ..�.... ......
Report .. ........_..............-� .. ....... _...wm.� ....v�..mm_ ,.m_ ....... _........
❖ January 2024 Draft Monthly Report
❖ ZBA Request for Comments:
Barbara Thermos &Alexandra Lapentanos, 355, 405, 455 Sound Beach Drive,
Mattituck, SCTM#1000-91-1-19, 20, 21, Hearing: 4/4/24
From: Lanza, Heather U b-P
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 10:12 AM Psi HL- I NT,
To: Westermann, Caitlin tD
Cc: Michaelis,Jessica RECF:,.
Subject: FW: Enclaves - Tree Removal B 0 12024
Attachments: Enclaves -Tree Removal Ana lysis-2024-01-29.pdf
South62 Tovvn
LPlanning Board
Incoming mail
From:Andrew Giambertone<AVG @GiambertoneArchitects.com>
Sent: Wednesday.,January 31., 2024 12:27 PM
To:Cummings, Brian A. <brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us>; Lanza, Heather<heather.la nza @town.southold.ny.us>
Cc: Ernesto Silva <ESilva@giambertonearchitects.com>
Subject: FW: Enclaves-Tree Removal
Good Afternoon Brian and Heather,
In the way of confirming which trees were approved to be removed within the lo'and 25' setbacks, I have
attached the marked up tree removal plan superimposed on the tree survey we had done.We simply took
the PW Grosser Approved Landscape plan which shows the trees to remain, and placed that information
on this plan. I'm sending it as there were a number of trees slated to be removed in the lo' East property
line buffer to accommodate the installation of the required Evergreen screen.
Please see the key below, and please confirm if this is your expectation as well. We are trying to have the
site staked out beginning of next week, and if we can I'd like to have our walk-through the week of Feb
12th. Please advise of your availability, and who from the Planning Board will attend this walk-through.
On the attached tree removal plan:
? The trees indicated in Green are to be saved.
? The trees indicated in Pink are to be removed, but reside in the required lo' side yard or 25' rear
yard setbacks
? All other trees are to be removed.
One last note, as the weather has been warmed than usual, I'm not sure of the status of the tick
population in terms of their hibernation, so please ask whoever is coming to the site to dress
Much appreciated, Andy
Andrew V. Glambertone, A.LA
' 0
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From: Lanza, Heather S b4-**,
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 10:10 AM Ps 14L.1MT, 13ce /4c
To: Westermann, Caitlin
Cc: Michaelis,Jessica RECEIVED
Subject: FW: Enclaves -Tree Removal
Attachments: Enclaves Site - All Trees_2024-02-01.pdf FEB 0 12024
o ut o Torun
Incoming mail
Planning Board
(o3- - 3 - 15
From: Ernesto Silva <ESilva@giambertonearchitects.com>
Sent:Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:35 AM
To: Andrew Giambertone<AVG@GiambertoneArchitects.com>; Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town-so uthoId.ny.us>
Cc: Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us>;Terry, Mark mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us>; Phil
BPhil@petrocelliinc.com>; Cummings, Brian A. <brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us>
Subject: RE: Enclaves-Tree Removal
Good Morning Heather,
Just following up on Andy's correspondence below, attached please find the site plan with tree
survey super-imposed, we are going to be out on site today analyzing the existing trees further, if
we find more savable trees we will document and incorporate in the tagging in preparation for the
Feb. 12"walk-through / review.
Thank You.
Ernesto Sava
Andrew V Giambertone & Associates, Architects, PC
This mcs,"ge is f(W the Ivulled rcciricnt only-It miy cormun confidcflLi2l,propncLary or$wgally I'm%ileged mfi-rritiatio-n. Ii the riirlrr of this me+sagr is
n«t the intcn{ictl recripitnt,you arc hr:r6A-notitictl th;tt any d1ssemin3tT41 n,(Ii.iribu:irm,"T copying of this eOmmuniCatiOn is stnctly prohthitcd.If voo
havt:rre-crved this communscation in racer,pleasc nodfs us imnicdiaic1v 6%,cmail and dclete the Ononal message from}tour computer otic rescryc the
right to moctitor all crnad am-nmunicauum,%. Akhough we hdir.vc this;c:::ail and vii lttachrssents are virLIX-rcc,we do nor guar-intce that it is virux frrc,
and tine accepr no hahiltry for any lc s car dama�*c arissng fnim its usc_
` Please consider the environment before printing this email
LAND NOW R FO ERLY OF � Q� 5G T M.NO.1000-63-03-16
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Site Plan "��. 1
NOTE. Issued for flnddiug Permit
Site Plan
Town Hall Annex
State Route 25 � � P.O.Box 1179� � ,�, Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
June 6, 2023
Andrew V. Giambertone, AIA President
Andrew V. Giambertone & Associates, Architects
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
David N. Altman, Esq.
Brown Altman & DiLeo, LLP
538 Broadhollow Road, Suite 301
Melville, NY 11747
Re: Conditional Approval -The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
on June 5, 2023:
WHEREAS, this site plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a
hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning
District. The property is located at 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold. SCTM#1000-63-3-15;
WHEREAS, on October 21, 2021, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), as
Lead Agency, completed the EIS and Findings for the Type I action and Positive
Declaration pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part
617. A complete timeline and additional information regarding the SEQR process can be
found in the Findings, Deliberations and Determination Meeting of December 2, 2021,
Special Exception for 56655 Main St. LLC (The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant) document
in Town Laserfiche; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 2 June 6 2023
WHEREAS, on December 6, 2021, the ZBA granted Special Exception 7046SE for the
proposed Hotel & Restaurant subject to numerous Conditions, and Covenants &
Restrictions required to be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; and
WHEREAS, on December 22, 2021, David N. Altman, Esq., authorized agent, submitted
site plans, information and materials for a Site Plan review; and
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2022, the Planning Board found the application incomplete for
review, requiring the submission of revised site plans and additional information for review;
WHEREAS, on February 1, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
portion of the revised plans and additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 3, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans and
additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 4, 2022, staff provided comments and analysis via email
regarding the plans submitted, noting their deficiencies; and
WHEREAS, on February 17, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
portion of the revised plans and additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 22, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans and
additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 28, 2022, the Planning Board accepted the site plan application
as complete for review; and
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted a revised Landscape Plan
for review; and
WHEREAS, on April 5, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold
Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their
comments; and
WHEREAS, on April 7, 2022, Southold Town Code Enforcement submitted
correspondence that there were no open violations regarding the subject parcel; and
WHEREAS, on April 11, 2022 the Planning Board held a public hearing for the proposed
action and determined to hold the hearing open until April 25, 2021 for written comments;
WHEREAS, on April 19, 2022, David N. Altman, Esq., authorized agent, submitted
correspondence and supporting exhibits on the behalf of the applicant regarding
comments raised at the Public Hearing; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 3 June 6 2023
WHEREAS, on April 25, 2022, the written comment period was closed; and
WHEREAS, on April 26, 2022, the Southold Town Fire Marshal determined certain
revisions were required to provide adequate fire protection and emergency access for the
site; and
WHEREAS, on May 3, 2022, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) provided
comments to be incorporated into the proposed site design and layout by the Planning
Board; and
WHEREAS, on May 17, 2022 the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) provided
comments and guidance regarding the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, on May 19, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet the
minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2022, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined the project to be
consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies with recommendations to the Planning
Board; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2022, the Southold Fire District determined certain revisions were
required to provide adequate fire protection for the site, consistent with the Southold Town
Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, at a Work Session on June 22, 2022, the Planning Board reviewed the
proposed application and required revisions to the Site Plan and additional information
necessary, for the Site Plan to comply with various applicable sections of the Town Code
as detailed in the Work Session Staff Report; and
WHEREAS, on July 8, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer verified that no NY State outfalls
would be impacted by the proposed action and therefore, no SPDES construction permit is
required,; and
WHEREAS, on July 11, 2022, the New York State Department of Transportation
(NYSDOT) provided comments to the applicant specifying the information and plans
required to complete the application for Case #97500 for a Highway Work Permit; and
WHEREAS, on August 8, 2022, Nelson & Pope, authorized Technical Consultant to the
Planning Board, provided correspondence to the Planning Board in response to comments
received during the Public Hearing; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 4 June 6 2023
WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022, after careful consideration, the Southold Town
Planning Board, as an involved agency for the action, adopted the Statement of Findings
adopted by the ZBA on October 7, 2021, for the proposed Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
Application, pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law (State
Environmental Quality Review Act) and the implementing regulations of 6 NYCRR Part
617; and
WHEREAS, on November 29, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans as
required for review; and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2022, the Planning Board referred the revised site plan to the
Office of the Town Engineer for review; and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2022, the Planning Board sent a request for Use Certification
to the Chief Zoning Administrator pursuant to §280-131(F)(1); and
WHEREAS, on December 5, 2022, the Planning Board reviewed the revised site plan at
their work session and determined revisions and additional information were required; and
WHEREAS, on December 15, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined that revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet
the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on December 19, 2022, the Planning Board reviewed the revised site plan at
their work session and determined revisions and additional information were required; and
WHEREAS, on December 21, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted
revised Elevations and Renderings as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans as required
for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 13, 2023, the Planning Board referred the revised site plan to the
Office of the Town Engineer for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 13, 2023, the Planning Board referred the revised site plan to the
Chief Zoning Administrator and Fire Marshal for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2023, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined that the site plan prepared by Bryan A. Grogan, P.E., dated
August 23, 2016 and last revised December 21, 2022, met the minimum requirements of
Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on February 2, 2023, the Southold Town Chief Zoning Administrator reviewed
and certified the proposed Hotel & Restaurant as a use permitted by Special Exception
#7046SE in the Hamlet Business Zoning District; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 5 June 6 2023
WHEREAS, on March 2, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted revised
site plans for review by the Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, at a Work Session on March 13, 2023, the Planning Board reviewed the
proposed application and required the applicant to provide a Draft Performance Guaranty
(Bond) pursuant to §280-131(K), provide a completed waste water permit from the Suffolk
County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) and a Highway Work Permit from the
NYSDOT as required; and
WHEREAS, on April 27, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a Draft
Bond Estimate for review as required; and
WHEREAS, on May 24, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
revised Draft Bond Estimate that included line items and unit price for review as required;
WHEREAS, on May 31, 2023, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed the proposed site
plan and determined the plan to be consistent with emergency access and safety protocol
requirements; and
WHEREAS on June 1, 2023, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed and confirmed the
Performance Guaranty Bond Estimate; and
WHEREAS, at their work session on June 5, 2023, the Planning Board reviewed and
accepted the Town Engineer's estimate in the amount of $310,336.30; and
WHEREAS, on June 5, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that with
exception of the items listed as conditions below, all applicable requirements of the Site
Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold were
met; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the Bond Estimate in
the amount of$310,336.30, and recommends same to the Town Board; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby finds the application
consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Approval
regarding the Site Plan entitled "The Enclaves" prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E.
dated August 23, 2016 and last revised December 21, 2022, with the following conditions:
1. Obtain a Highway Work Permit from the New York State Department of Transportation
(NYSDOT) and provide one (1) print of the approved plan including the seal, stamp and
signature of the NYSDOT to this office.
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 6 dune 6 2023
Conditions Continued:
2. Obtain approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) and
provide one (1) print of the approved plan including the seal, stamp and signature of
the SCDHS to this office.
3. Submit the required Performance Guaranty (aka Bond) after the Town Board has
approved the bond estimate.
4. Submit the Administration Fee of 6% of the approved bond estimate.
5. Submit at least five (5) paper copies of the Final Site Plan, Floor Plans and Building
Elevations including the stamp, seal and signature of the NYS Licensed Professional
preparing the plans.
The conditions listed above must be met, and an approval resolution issued by the
Planning Board at a future public meeting before the site plans can be officially endorsed
and before any building permits can be issued. If you have any questions regarding the
above, please contact this office.
-C-6 u�fl�
Donald J. Wilcenski
cc: Andrew V. Giambertone
Southold To ,',, 1 Board 'VVork Session Janua 8 2024--�Pa 22
Project Name: North Cliff Vineyard Agricultural SCTM#_... _ 000-10...._. . -. _..
1 7.-5-
g Building
Location _
De730 Wickham
Avenue, Mattituck
scription; This agricultural
site plan is for the proposed construction of a one-story
3,374 sq. ft. agricultural storage building on ±20 acres of farmland with
Developrnentµ ts held b §outhold Town ingthe AC Zoning District
t tus n
_. Ao
red..... .,.. �... _ _......._. _www .
tion: Revie
w for CO _.....- w... w. .... .... .. ..
...Attachme.n...ts 1_-StaffRe ort
......... w... w........_
Proet Name: Fork
Lo .. .m. T...,65 Commerce
CIll _ SCTM# 1000-96.-l-1.3
f . _- - �This site plan is for the ho ue ..�.�_
Location: ,utcc proposed ... .. _ _....�.. _ .. _......._
p p construction of two (2) 2-story self-
Description: storage buildings at 53,800 sq. ft. and 37,750 sq. ft. which includes a 300
sq. ft. office; and 18 parking stalls on 3.7 acres in the Light Industrial
Zoning District. . . . .. .m
. .Status:
ction: Review for Extension
Attachments ,Staff Re rt .
Pro ect Name Cell Tower at Albertson Marine SCTM# 1000-56-3-15
Description:ion. This 5 Marn Road„ Southold
Location:_ 6140 ..
proposed wireless facility site plan is for a ±150' above grade level j
(a.g.l.) concealment pole, including antennas, cables„ and related
equipment for two wireless carriers (Verizon and DISH) and Southold
Fire District's emergency communications, along with a ±2,450 sq. ft.
equipment compound on a ±0.95-acre parcel with a
±10,800 sq. ft. existing boat storage warehouse, in the Marine II Zoning
... _ M _ . . .._ .._.. ..._. __ ......._ ..
_..Status .__.._..._._ Pending_........_. ...__ .... ..__
Action: Review for Determination _ ._. .....,
Attachments. Staff Reoft Mm....... -------
! ...... __.__-63-3-15
resect Name The Enclaves HotelSCTM# J 1000 63 3 163-3-1 5LLo �►
. .....o tion: This propos Route 25, Southold
....._µ.. ...a 55 NYS
ed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
4 residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in
the Hamlet Business Zoning District
µ_ ... - _. ....... _.
Status. ....
Attachments Staff�e( ort n -. .
Action ......._�.Review or a ermina io ........__._..�........ ..._.m__w...-._.._ ..._. .._....... ......_ m ... .�._
❖ Planning Board December Monthly Report
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
Date January 8, 2024
Prepared By: Brian Cummings
I. Application Information
Project Title: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Applicant: 56655 Main St, LLC
Tax Map Number: 63.-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: HB- Hamlet Business
II. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Commercial
Acreage of Project Site: 6.75 acres
Building size ±62,338 sq. ft. 44 unit Hotel (w/full basement)
2,376sf in 4 cottages
3,610 sq. ft. Restaurant-conversion of existing dwelling
Site Plan Table of Contents C-602 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-001 Site Plan General Notes C-700 Site Details
C-002 Site Plan Legend C-701 Details
C-100 Traffic Control & Parking Plan C-702 Details
C-101 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-800 Irrigation Plan
C-102 Site Circulation Plan & Detail A2.1 Hotel Lower Level Plan
C-103 Site Circulation Plan & Detail A2.2 Hotel First Floor Plan
C-104 Work Zone Traffic Control Plan A2.3 Hotel Second Floor Plan
C-200 Grading and Drainage Plan A2.4 Hotel Roof Plan
C-201 Grading and Drainage Plan A3.1 Hotel Elevations
C-202 Boring Plan and Boring Logs A3.2 Hotel Elevations
C-300 Sediment and Erosion Control Plan A2.5 Restaurant Root Cellar Floor Plan
C-301 Sediment and Erosion Control Details A2.6 Restaurant First Floor Plan
C-302 Sediment and Erosion Control Details A2.7 Restaurant Second Floor Plan
C-400 Landscape Plan and Details A2.8 Restaurant Roof Plan
C-500 Site Lighting and Details A3.5 Restaurant Front Elevations
C-501 Site Lighting and Details A3.6 Restaurant Right Side Elevations
C-600 Site Layout and Utilities Plan A3.7 Restaurant Rear Elevations
C-601 Site Layout and Utilities Plan A3.8 Restaurant Left Side Elevations
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
III: Review:
A. Proposed construction
1. Restaurant 74 seats, existing Dwelling/B&B on Main Rd
• 3,610 sq. ft. (adding 584 sq. ft. to the existing building)
2. Hotel —two (2) stories w/ basement, 44 Rooms, including 4 cottages
26,272 sf footprint + 4,472sf Event Room
Rooms @ 500 — 540sf
Cottages @ 594sf
Accessory uses for hotel guests
o Outdoor pool
o Indoor pool
o Spa treatment areas
o Roof top bar/ Lounge area
B. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) & SE RA
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October 2021.
2. Special exception approval granted December 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
3. September 12, 2022, Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement of the
IV. Staff Analysis:
Conditional Site Plan Approval granted by the Planning Board on June 5, 2023 with the
following five (5) conditions to be met:
1. Obtain a Highway Work Permit from the New York State Department of
Transportation (NYSDOT) and provide one (1) print of the approved plan including
the seal, stamp and signature of the NYSDOT to this office.
Submitted: yes, NYSDOT Highway Work Permit #20231097500 issued
October 30, 2023 — October 29, 2024
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
2. Obtain approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS)
and provide one (1) print of the approved plan including the seal, stamp and
signature of the SCDHS to this office.
Submitted: yes, December 13, 2023 approval granted for #C-22-0081
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Collection System and Water Supply for
Hotel & Restaurant @ 11,420gpd
STP includes a fenced compound in the rear of the parcel with 10' x 23'
control building and leaching pool areas. Both the restaurant (pump station
/force main) and hotel connect to the STP.
3. Submit the required Performance Guaranty (aka Bond) after the Town Board have
approved the bond estimate.
Submitted: yes, Town Board approved bond estimate by resolution on June
20, 2023.
$310,336.30 Bond submitted November 29, 2023 by Liberty Mutual
Insurance Company with J. Petrocelli Contracting, Inc. as principal.
4. Submit the Administration Fee of 6% ($18,620.18) of the approved bond estimate.
Submitted: yes, $18,620.18 submitted on December 14, 2023 by J.
Petrocelli Contracting, Inc.
5. Submit at least five (5) paper copies of the Site Plan including the stamp, seal and
signature of the NYS Licensed Professional preparing the plans.
Submitted: yes, Floor Plans, Elevations and Civil Drawings submitted
October 17, 2023
V: Items to consider:
Based on the analysis above, all conditions have been met; therefore, consider
issuing an approval determination at tonight's Public Meeting with the following
ongoing conditions:
1. SEQRA EIS & Findings Statement of the Southold Town Zoning Board of
Appeals (ZBA) as adopted by the Planning Board September 12, 2022
2. Special exception approval granted by the ZBA December 2, 2021 (File No.
7046SE) with the following conditions:
[1] No outdoor events of any size
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
[2] No special events
[3] No large events over 100 guests.
[4] No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
[5] Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge) not
available for use by general public.
[6] No outdoor music anywhere on property
3. All aspects of the project shall be constructed and maintained substantially in
accordance with the approved site plan including the architectural drawings.
4. Preconstruction meeting: preceding the commencement of any clearing or
construction on site, a preconstruction meeting shall be coordinated with the
Planning Department and Town Engineer prior to any action taken on site. This
meeting shall include the construction manager or equal, and the designated on-
site environmental technician.
5. Exterior signage details must be submitted for review and approval to ensure
compliance with Chapter 280-86(C).
minimum 15' wide Transition Buffer shall be maintained along the east property
line in accordance with §280-94(B)(1) and the site plan. This transition buffer
shall include a staggered double row of at least 133 Leyland Cypress plantings at
18'-20' high and a 6.5' high noise-attenuating wooden stockade fence to provide
privacy from noise, headlight glare and visual intrusion to residential dwellings.
7. The hotel building must have a sprinkler suppression system.
8. All curbs shall be made mountable for driveways providing an extended load-
bearing surface as shown on the site plan.
9. The existing well shall be utilized as an irrigation well for all irrigation needs in
addition to the use of smart irrigation control systems and drought tolerant
10.Groundwater-monitoring wells shall be installed to monitor groundwater impacts
both upstream and downstream of the effluent disposal system of the onsite
STP. This is in accordance with the Suffolk County Department of Health
Services (SCDHS), Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) and NYS
Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).
a. All excess soil not used onsite shall be characterized for disposal
purposes. Soil wastes shall be transported to permitted off-site DEC
disposal facilities in accordance with NYSDEC Part 360. Other soils, if
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
determined to have a beneficial use, shall be transported to other
appropriate sites in accordance with NYSDEC Part 360.
b. To prevent tracking of potentially impacted soil into areas where neither
remediation nor other risk management measures are planned, the
following precautions will be undertaken: (1) access to areas in which a
clean soil cap has been constructed will be limited by temporary barricade
fencing until landscaping activities have been completed; (2) vehicles and
equipment will be cleaned or washed down prior to moving from impacted
areas to areas in which soil mitigation is not necessary or has already
been completed; and (3) erosion controls (i.e. silt fencing) shall be
installed to prevent runoff from impacted areas from entering areas in
which soil mitigation is not necessary or has already been completed.
c. Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be put in place prior to and
during construction and will include, at minimum, stockpile protection, inlet
sediment control devices for storm structure protection, silt fencing, and
anti-tracking pads to prevent off-site sediment tracking from construction
vehicles. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be routinely
inspected and maintained such that no sediment will be transported off-
d. The on-site environmental technician shall monitor dust levels from
equipment, vehicular traffic and construction activities on exposed soils
and take immediate action when necessary. The environmental technician
shall implement the dust control plan (as provided in Section 2.3 of the
SMMP in Appendix L of the DEIS) if there is actual or potential visible
dust. Dust suppression measures shall be employed in accordance with
NYSDEC DER-10 Appendix 1 B for Fugitive Dust and Particulate
e. If there is dust or the potential for dust in areas of concern, the
Environmental Technician shall direct that area to be wet down. Calcium
chloride may be used if the problem cannot be controlled with water. Dust
control measures may include the following methods and, as good
practice, can also be implemented at times when dust monitoring is not
being conducted to prevent the migration of non-impacted dust off-site, as
well as potentially impacted dust:
i. Apply water to designated work areas prior to any clearing, mixing,
or other earth moving operations.
ii. At a minimum, water shall be applied to all disturbed work areas at
least four times per day during dry weather periods.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
iii. The disturbed areas shall be sprayed down at the end of each day
to form a thin crust. This is in addition to the required minimum of
four times per day.
iv. No earth moving activities shall be performed if the wind at the site
steadily exceeds 15 miles per hour.
v. All unpaved haul roads and equipment paths shall be watered on a
sufficient basis to prevent dust emissions. An alternative to frequent
watering may be to pour a 4-inch thick layer of gravel.
vi. Transportation of soils on-site shall be performed in a covered
vehicle, or the soils must be sufficiently watered to prevent dust
vii. Onsite vehicle speeds must not exceed 10 miles per hour and the
site must be posted with speed signs.
viii. Parking areas shall be designated and shall be sufficiently watered
or gravel lined to prevent dust emissions.
12.Water Resources
a. Sewage Treatment Plant as required to meet NYSDEC SPDES effluent
requirements for reduction of nitrogen and suspended solids
b. Storm Water Management systems shall be implemented as approved
c. Sediment and Erosion Control plan shall be implemented as approved
d. Prior to construction, a SWPPP shall be prepared to address items during
construction such as concrete washout areas, temporary stabilization, and
erosion and sediment maintenance and inspection procedures.
e. Groundwater may double as fertilizer supplement due to high nitrogen
f. Drought-tolerant plantings shall be installed as approved
g. Organic landscaping maintenance shall be implemented as approved
13.Tree Clearing / Ecological Resources
a. Retain existing trees within the 25-foot rear yard setback area and the 10-
foot side yard setback area to contribute to boundary screening for
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
adjacent properties and provide or mitigate, to a limited extent, habitat
benefits to wildlife associated with native tress.
b. Tree clearing shall occur during winter months (between December 1 and
February 28) in accordance with NYSDEC to avoid any potential take of
Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentionalis), a species listed as
threatened by both the US Fish and Wildlife Service and New York State.
14.Land Use, Zoning, and Plans.-
lans:a. Existing historic structure shall be retained
b. Use of the hotel spa and indoor and outdoor swimming pools shall be
restricted to overnight hotel guests, only. No day passes for use of the
hotel amenities will be permitted.
c. The rooftop terrace shall have limited hours of operation (10AM-9PM Sun-
Thurs, 11AM-10PM Fri-Sat) and will be for overnight hotel guests only.
d. Retain existing trees where possible.
e. Native species shall be installed as approved to reduce use of fertilizer,
pesticides and water for irrigation.
15.Transportation: Parking shall be restricted on the north side of Main Road
16.Aesthetic Resources and Community Character
a. 6.5' high noise-attenuating wooden stockade fence shall be installed along
the west property line as shown on the site plan.
b. Landscape buffer plantings shall be installed early in the construction
process to provide additional time for growth during the estimated 18 — 22
month construction period.
17.Noise and Odor
a. Events shall be held indoors
b. Acoustic Barriers shall be installed along the eastern property line as well
as around the cottage exterior spaces.
c. To address potential noise concerns from the rooftop lounge area, a 30-
inch glass barrier shall be provided on top of the parapet in addition to
acoustic barriers formed by the roofline directly to the east and parapet.
18.Human Health and Safety
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
a. Prior to renovation and conversion of the existing house, an Asbestos
Containing Materials (ACM) survey shall be performed. If ACM are
identified, removal of any materials shall be in accordance with prevailing
b. The existing onsite sanitary system, which currently services the single-
family residence, shall be abandoned in place in accordance with SCDHS
regulations. The structures shall be pumped and cleaned prior to
c. The existing 275-gallon above ground fuel oil tanks noted in the Phase I
ESA shall be cleaned and removed in accordance with applicable
regulations. These tanks were noted in the Phase I ESA as being empty
and currently out of service as the residence is currently heated with
natural gas.
Submission Without a Cover Letter
Project Crlcicve-,� JAN 0 5 Z024,
SCTM#: 1000 - ,.,. .,. 7RECEIVED
Otjing Baard..... .e
l y W ..
Details of Submission:
From: Lanza, Heather
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 1:02 PM
To: Westermann, Caitlin
Cc: Michaelis, Jessica
Subject: FW: Enclaves - SCDHS P6, i+L1�r <
............... _ .........................
6. [.::.C 2023
Planning Board
From: Bryan Grogan<bgrogan@pwgrosser.com> GS. — S - 15
Sent:Wednesday, December 13, 2023 11:34 AM
To: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Cummings, Brian A.<brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us>
Cc:Andrew Giambertone<AVG @gia m bertonearchitects.com>
Subject: Enclaves-SCDHS
Brian & Heather,
Please see the attached SCDHS approval for the Enclaves project. I am not sure you need all of this but figured I
would send it anyway.
C-22-0081 Approved Engineering Re ort. d
li-C-22-0081 Approved Preliminary Plans.pd .
ElC-22-0081 Approved Technical Specifications.pd
F DEQWWM999_WWMPermitConditions_20231213_112447.pd
Bryan Grogan, PE I Sr. Vice President
m. 516.903.3904
Project Name: Enclaves STP
Health Services Reference#: C-22-0081
SCTM#: 1000063000300015000
Revision#: 1
The attached plan, when duly signed by a representative of the department, in conjunction with these conditions,
constitutes a permit to construct a water supply, sewage disposal, and/or collection system for the property as depicted.
The applicant should take note of any conditions of approval, which may be indicated on the plan or enclosed herein.
Construction must conform with approved plans as well as all applicable standards including Standards for Approval of
Plans and Construction for Sewage Disposal Systems for Other than Single Family Residences. Omissions,
inconsistencies or lack of detail on the plan do not release the applicant from the responsibility of having the construction
done in conformance with applicable standards. Issuance of this permit shall in no way relieve the design professional of
responsibility for the adequacy of the complete design.
The permit(plan) expires three (3)years after the approval date. Any modification to the approved design requires the
submission of a revised plan and additional fees (if applicable)for approval prior to construction. No inspections will be
performed by the department if a copy of the approved site plan/survey is not on site during construction or if
the permit has expired.
Permits may be renewed, transferred, or revised in accordance with the procedures described in Instructions to Renew,
Extend, or Transfer an Existing Permit for Other than Single Family Residences (Form WWM-081).
It is the applicant's responsibility to schedule an inspection of the sewage disposal and/or water supply facilities prior to
backfilling. This includes inspections of the sewage collection and disposal systems, water supply system components
and piping, and final grading as shown on the approved plans. This can be done by calling the department at (631) 852-
5754, or through the ACA Portal at (p, - � � 1 �� In certain cases, inspections of the soil
excavation may be required to determine the acceptability of the soils for sewage disposal systems. Excavation
inspections must be confirmed by calling (631) 852-5700 between 8:30a.m. and 9:30 a.m., the morning of the
inspection.Article Vll of the Code, "Septic Industry Businesses," requires that all installers of septic systems within
shall possess a valid license from the Office of Consumer Affairs. This office will not perform inspections for or grant final
approval for construction of projects that are installed by an unlicensed individual. It is, therefore, in your best interest to
utilize a cesspool contractor with a valid license to avoid substantial delays in your project.
Final approval issued by the Department is necessary prior to the occupancy of new buildings, additions to
existing buildings, or for the use of sewage disposal or water supply systems.
WWM-016 Page 1 of 2
Project Name: Enclaves STP
Health Services Reference#: C-22-0081
SCTM #: 1000063000300015000
Revision#: 1
As a condition of this permit to construct, the following items must be completed as a minimum, prior to building
occupancy and use of the sewage disposal system or water supply facilities. For further information concerning this, refer
to Instructions For Obtaining Final Health Department Approval Of Constructed Projects For Other Than Single
Family Residences (Form WWM-019).
(1) Prior to construction, a preconstruction meeting must be held with SCDHS. Contact Steven Churchill at
631-852-5700 to schedule.
(2) Excavation Inspection prior to installation of any leaching pools to determine acceptability of soils.
(3) Satisfactory inspection of the water supply system by Office of Wastewater Management (Call 852-5754 to
schedule an inspection.)
(4) Satisfactory final walkthrough inspection by Office of Wastewater Management of the Sewage Treatment
Plant &the restaurant pump station. Contact Steven Churchill at 631-852-5700 to schedule. Copies of the
signed Manufacturer's Start Up Reports and Operator's Contract along with a survey showing the location and
elevations of the Sewage Treatment Plant structure must be submitted prior to scheduling.
(5)As-Built plans
(6) "Tap letter" from water district
(7) Certifications from the licensed sewage disposal system installer
(8) Well drillers certificate
(9) Certification of Sewage Disposal System Abandonment (form WWM-080)
(10) Design Professionals Certification of Constructed Works (form WWM-073)for:
a. Sewer lines and sewage collection system
b. Sewage pump station/valve chamber
C. Sewage treatment plant
d. Water supply system
(11) Copies of bank statements showing separate accounts for Capital Fund (150% of the most expensive
equipment of the Sewage Treatment Plant) and Maintenance Fund (yearly operation and maintenance of the
Sewage Treatment Plant) in accordance with SPDES permit. The dollar amounts must be in accordance with
the design engineer's estimate.
(12) Within 3 months of issuance of Approval of Constructed Works ("Final Approval"), Operation and
Maintenance Manuals and Technical As-Built Plans of Sewage Treatment Plant must be submitted for review
and approval.
(13) Shop drawings of all major equipment related to Sewage Treatment Plant must be submitted for review
and approval.
WWM-016 Page 2 of 2
State of New York
PERM 42(09/09) Department of Transportation
Highway Work Permit
Permit No.: 20231097500 S V b
Date Issued: 10/30/2023 G
Project ID No.:
� Expiration Date: 10/29/2024
DISC 11 2023
*Permittee 1: *Permittee Z_
WESTBURY,NY 11590 RONKONKOMA, NY 11779 �p 3 _ 3 I's—
sEmergency Contact: PHIL FLORIE Emergency Contact: PHIL FLORIE
Emergency Number: 631-981-5200 Emergency Number: 631-981-5200
Under the provisions of the Highway Law or Vehicle&Traffic Law,permission is hereby granted to the permittee to:
County Municipality State Hwy State Route Beg Ref End Ref
SUFFOLK SOUTHOLD 1720B 25 25 07041618 25 07041619
as set forth and represented in the attached application at the particular location or areas, or over the routes as stated therein, if required; and
pursuant to the conditions and regulations general or special,and methods of performing work,if any;all of which are set forth in the application
and form of this permit.See additional conditions on PAGE 2.
Dated at: Hauppauge Date Signed: 10/30/2023 Commissioner of Transportation By: M.T.Vijay Vijayendran
Christopher C Williams,PE,Resident Engineer 631-727-1731
The issuing authority reserves the right to suspend or revoke this permit at its discretion without a hearing or the necessity of showing cause,
either before or during the operations authorized.
The Permittee will cause an approved copy of the application to be and remain attached hereto until all work under the permit is satisfactorily
completed, in accordance with the terms of the attached application.All damaged or disturbed areas resulting from work performed pursuant to
this permit will be repaired to the satisfaction of the Department of Transportation.
* Upon completion of the work within the state highway right-of-way authorized by the work permit, the person, firm, corporation,
municipality,or state department or agency,and his/her or its successors in interest,shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair
of such work or portion of such work as set forth within the terms and conditions of the work permit.
Permit Fee: $1,400.00
Insurance Fee: $0.00
Total Fees: $1,400.00
Amt Rec'd 1: $1,400.00 Check Num: 1012 Check Date: 11-OCT-23
App 2 Bond#: 107861192 App 2 Bond Amt: $70,000.00
UOF: App 1: No App 2: No
Attachments and additional requirements to this Highway Work Permit include:
Perm33-COM Commercial Access Highway Work Permit Application and
Other-Attach Approved Plans
PERM 41-1 d-Method of Performing Work within the State Right of Way
Other-Attach Labor Law Certification Sec
2 224-f
PERM 42(09/09) State of New York
Department of Transportation
Highway Work Permit
Permit No.: 20231097500
" Date Issued: 10/30/2023
Project ID No.:
Expiration Data: 1.0/29/2024
Return this page to:
Williams, Permittee 1:ENCLAVE SOUTHOLD,LLC
PE,Resident Engineer 95 HOPPER STREET
1900 Old Country Rd
Riverhead NY 11901 WESTBURY,NY 11590-
Work authorized by this permit has been completed.Refund of deposit or return/release of bond is requested.
DATE PERMITTEE. _ �...� �w..... .................
Work authorized by this permit has been satisfactorily completed and is accepted. Inspection Report must be completed.
❑ Refund of Deposit is authorized
❑ Return of Bond is authorized
❑ Unable to meet schedule as specified in bid proposal
❑ Amount charged against Bond may be released.
❑ Retain bond for future permits
❑ Forfeit of Guarantee Deposit is authorized
DATE _ . RESIDENT ENGINEER ...... ...... ..... .........
�� ., ... ...... .......,.,�
❑ Mailing address of refund has been verified.
If different,list new address:
The Regional Office will forward this form to the Main Office with the appropriate box checked.
❑ Permit closed
❑ Bond returned/released
❑ Refund of Guarantee Deposit on this permit is authorized
❑ Forfeit Guarantee Deposit to NYSDOT
❑ Other
For each Highway Work Permit issued,inspections will be performed.The following report must be completed for each site visit,
indicating the date,inspector,and hours spent on inspection.If the total inspection time exceeds 1 hour,then a FIN 12
Inspector Name Date Inspected �... _, Regular Overtime
Inspector Name Date Inspected Regular Overtime
Inspector Name Date Inspected Regular Overtime
Complete hours for each
Add regular hour numbers across rows,and then overtime hours across rows.
Add hour columns down for total hours of permit inspection time.
—._._... .........www......_....ww_._.........------m._w ____ .... ......... _ ..w............... ._........_.._.._...... ._._....w_......
Revision Date: 5/5/2016
Permit flpplicant Certification Regarding Labor Law Section 224-f
*rutim:This certification must be completed by all applicants for a NYSDOT highway work permit. For additional
background,see Labor Law§224-f(attached).
Part 1: Is the entity applying for and performing all work under this permit a utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Public
Service Commission? [ ]YES )dNO.
If YES—section 224-f does not apply, proceed to Part 6 of this form.
If NO—proceed to Part 2.
P rt 2: Is the entity applying for or performing any work under this permit doing so under contract or subcontract with a utility
s bject to the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission? [ ] YES WNO.
If YES—proceed to Part 3.
If NO—section 224-f does not apply, proceed to Part 6 of this form.
Ptrt 3: Is the entity applying for or performing any work under this permit doing so under contract or subcontract with the
Long Island Power Authority,a television or broadband provider? [ ]YES [ ] NO.
If YES—section 224-f does not apply. Proceed to Part 6 of this form and you are done.
If NO—proceed to Part 4.
Part 4: Is the permit for a location and a project already underway under an existing utility contract signed or solicited before
9/15/23? [ ]YES [ ] NO.
If YES—section 224-f does not apply. Proceed to Part 6 of this form and you are done.
If NO—proceed to Part 5.
Part5: Is the work to be performed under this permit under a general contract awarded before 9/15/23 with a subcontract
awarded thereafter? [ ]YES [ ] N0.
If YES—section 224-f does not apply. Proceed to Part 6 of this form and you are done.
• Labor Law§224-f applies;
• read the Labor Law§224-f,attached, regarding your legal obligations to ensure the payment of at least
the applicable prevailing wage;and '
• complete Part 6.
Part 6: lfiation. I certify that the information I have given on this form is true and complete,and that,°if Labor Law§224-f
applies,that an agreement for the payment of prevailing wages has been contractually mandated forte permit work.
WARNING: Intentionally making a false statement or providing false or misleading information in connection with this form is a
criminal offense that may subject you to prosecution under law..
NOTICE:Submitting this form to NYSDOT satisfies the filing requirement of Labor Law§224-f(2).
Prjint name here: g J05
(if applying for a co, t' n or other business entity,print your full name and business title)
Sign Here X:
Mr. Diego A. c c ma-R ear
(631) 727-1731
Resident 03 -- Suffolk East
1900 Counly Road 58
Riverhead, 11901 .
PERM 41-1d(41861
These conditions and regulations apply to Highway Work Permits authorizing work within the State highway right of way for water mains,gas mains,sewer lines and miscellaneous structures
General conditions apply to telephone and telegraph installations as well)as specific conditions on the setting and reselling of poles.These conditions,and any special conditions which
are added to this form,are enforceable by the Department of Transportation
1, Work under the permit shall be commenced within thirty(301 days from the date of dvanit issuance unless a later starting date is approved by the Regional Traffic Engineer.
All the current requirements of the[allowing shall apply:Occupational Safety and Health Administration,Federal Department of Labor,Safety and Health Standards 129 CFR 192611910);
Part 131,Title 17,New York Code of Rules and Regulations,Accommodation of Utilities Within State Right of Way;New York State Department of Labor,Industrial Code Rule
23,Protection of Persons Employed in Construction and Demolition Work;Industrial Code Rule 53,Construction,Excavation and Demolition Operations At Of Near Underground Facilities.
Temporary soil erosion and water pollution controls shall be used as required.The final decision an the mellund of underground installation will he made by the Regional Director
or his representative
1, Work Within Pavement and Shoulder Areas
a. Installations that cross the pavement and shoulder area.Whatever practical,all underground installations shall be placed beneath the pavement and shoulder areas without
disturbance to these paved surfaces.
1) Boring,Jacking,and Tunneling Methods
a) The location at all excavations(jacking pits,etc.)shall be shown in plan and profile.
bf The soil profile and groundwater conditions shall be determined by adequate subsurface exploration.
c) The location of all other existing utilities shall he shown
it) The construction equipment and procedures to be used shall be described in the permit application,
a) The design of all excavations,including ground and surface walter control where necessary,shall be made available for review by the Department,
I) The underground installation shall he described in detail,i,e.size,length,depth,material,provisions for grouting,etc
III Pipes shell generally be enclosed in sleeves or larger pipes.Small diameter services 12 inch I.D or smaller)may be placed without sharing at the discretion of N.Y.S.D.O.T.
h) The limits of an open excavation shall not be closer than 10 feel to the edge of the pavement unless approved by the Department.Open excavations shall he
protected with the required controls for safety and lot the maintenance and protection of traffic in accordance with the Now York State Department of-fransporla,
lion,Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices,
a) Grouting operations may he required if surface settlement,loss of soil or voids around the pipe develop.When grout is required,it shall consist of 1 part cement
to 2 parts sand,by volume,and sufficient water to produce a consistency suitable for placing the grout
lid Backfill of open excavations shall be as required under
2.) f) Open Excavation Method,
21 Open Excavation Method
a) The location of all pavement crossing by the open excavation method shall be shown in plan and profile.
b) The soil profile and groundwater conditions shall be determined by adequate subsurface exploration.
of The location of all other existing utilities shall be shown
d) The design of all excavations,including ground and surface water control where necessary,shall be made avaiable far review by the Department,
of When requested,the construction equipment and procedures to be used shall be described in the permit application.
1) Pipe installations shall be done according to the requirements of the appropriate New York State Department of Transportation's Standard Sheets.The required
granular material shall meet the material requirements far Select Granular Fill in the current New York Stale Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications
including addenda.Exceptions will only he allowed if prior approval is granted by the Regional Soils Engineer.
gl Pavement shall be saw cut at termination points of pavement replacement.
a) Pavement and shoulder removal shall be done in a manner that provides for proper restoration of the replacement section.Straight,vertical cuts of the pavement
will he required.Pavement surfaces that become undermined shall be cut back and removed Alternative repair methods may be used it prior approval is granted.
b) The backfill material shall be placed and compacted according to the requirements for backfilling structures,culverts,pipes,conduits and direct burial cable described
in Section 200,Earthwork,New York State Department of Transportation's Specifications,including addenda.
0 Generally,cuts shall be filled at the and of each working day.With prior approval,steel cover plates may be used.Recessing of these plates may be required.
d) Temporary pavements and shoulders shall be placed as scan as a crossover installation is completed.
b,. Installations that are longitudinal to the pavement,
1) Open Excavation Method
a) The location of all open excavations shall be shown in plan and profile.
b) The soil profile and groundwater conditions shadl be determined by adequate subsurface exploration,
0 The design of all excavations,including ground and surface water control where necessary,shall be made available for review by the Department.
d) The location of all other existing utilities shall be shown
a) Pipe installations shall be done according to the requirements of the appropriate New Yuik Stale Department of Transportation's Standard Sheets.The required
granular material shall meet the material requirements for Select Granular Fill in the current New York State Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications,
including addenda.Exceptions will only be allowed if prior approval is granted by the Regional Soils Engineer.
of Pavement and shoulder removal shall be done in a manner that provides for proper restoration of the replacement section.Straight,vertical cuts of the pavement
will be required.Pavement surfaces that become undermined shall be cut back and removed.Alternative repair methods may be used if prior approval is granted,
bl The backfill material shall be placed and compacted according to the requinumants,for backfilfing structures,culverts,pipes,conduits and direct burial cable described
in Section 200,Earthwork,New York State Department of Transportation's Specifications,including addenda.
of Generally,cuts shall be filled at the end of each working day.With prior approval,steel cover plates may be used.Recessing of these plates may be required
of Permanent or temporary pavement shall be placed immediately as sections of the total installation are completed to subbase elevation.Gravel surfaces in shoulder
areas may he used if prior approval is granted
2) Boring,Jacking,and Tunneling Methods
of All the requirements of 8.1.a-1.1 DESIGN a)through g)shall apply.
a) All the requirements of B,l a.I I CONSTRUCTION al and lit shall apply.
III Open excavations shall be protected with the required controls for safety and for the maintenance and protection of traffic in accordance with the Now York State
Department of Transportation,Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
c) The requirements of B1.b.1.)CONSTRUCTION d)shall apply.
2 Work Outside the Pavement and Shoulder Areas
a. Open Excavation Method
a) All the requirements of Bl b. If DESIGN shall apply.
b) Open excavations shall be protected with the recturied controls tot safety and for the maintenance and protection of traffic in accordance with the New York State
Department of Transportation,Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
a) The backfill materita shall be placed and compacted according to the requirements for backfilling structures,culverts,pipes,conduits and direct burial cable described
in Section 200,Earthwork,New York State Department of Transportation's Specificalians,including addenda.
PERM 41.1d(41861
b, Boring,Jacking,and Tunneling Methods
al All the requirements of 9 1.a. 1,1 DESIGN al through II shall apply.
bl Open excavations shall be protected with the required controls for safety and lot the maintenance and protection of traffic in accordance with the New York
State Department of Tronsportationn,Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
at All the requirements of B 1 a 1 1 CONSTRUCTION shall apply,
1. Subbase
a. The subbase course shall be a minimum of 12 inches thick unless otherwise approved The material shall meet the requirements of current Department of Transportation
subbase course item as specified by the Regional Soils Engineer. ,..
It, Under the permit,construction which adversely affects the subsurface drainage of the pavement structure shall be corrected by the addition of surface or subsurface drains,as required,
2. Pavement and Shoulders
a. Permanent
The replaced pavement shall be similar to the existing pavement in composition and texture,The selection of the material type and compositor shall be subject to the
approval of the Regional Birecmr or his representative.The limit of pavement replacement shell be such that the replaced pavement is supported by thoroughly compacted ...
subbase material and the pavement is restored to the proper grade,cross slope and smoothness.
When bituminous concrete mixtures are required for the pavement replacement,the layers shall consist of one or a combination of mixture types contained in Table 401.1,
Composition of Bituminous Plant Mixtures in Section 401 of the Now York State Department of Transportation's Specificalion,including addenda.The mixture shall be
placed at the proper temperature,without segregation,and compacted thoroughly.When Portland cement concrete mixtures are required for pavement replacement,the mixtures shall consist of either Class C or Class F as contained in Table 5013,Concrete
Mixtures in Section 501 of the New York Slate Department of Transportation's Specifications,including addenda-Class F is a high early strength mixture and should be
used when early opening to traffic is desired.
The concrete mixtures shall be placed without segregation,then consolidated,finished to the proper elevation,and textured,Curing the concrete pavement shall he in accor
dance with one of the methods permilled in Section 502 pertaining to curing.
Pavement shoulders,curbs,gutters and other incidental features shall be replaced in kind unless otherwise approved by the Regional Director or his representative.
b. Temporary
Pavement that is replaced temporarily may be paved with either a hot bituminous concrete mixture mentioned above or a cold bituminous patching mixture,.When a cold
patching mixture is used it shall consist of aggregate and bituminous material proportioned and mixed in a bituminous mixing plant or rotating paddle shaft pugmill.Regardless
which patching mixture is used it shall be laid on a prepared foundation and thoroughly compacted.Since cold bituminous patching mixtures are subject to distortion by
traffic,the temporary patch shall be maintained to provide a smooth surface until the pavement is permanently replaced,.
3. Manholes
Manhole frames and covers shall have sufficient structural adequacy to support the roadway traffic.The type of manhole frame and cover shall be approved by the Regional
Director or his representative.The manhole frame shall be set[lush with the surface of the roadway unless otherwise permitted by the Regional Director or his representative.
1. Traffic is to be maintained at all limes during the progress of this work and adequate signs,barricades and lights shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Subchapter H
of the NY.S,Department of Transportation's Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.A maintenance and protection of traffic plan may be required No lanes shall be closed
without prior approval.
2. The applicant shall erect and maintain suitable barricades around all trenches while work is in progress for the protection of the public,and they shall be suitably lighted by
yellow lights at night.The work shall be carried an in such manner that not more than 100 feet of trench in earth remains open at end of day's work,
3. No pavement cuts are to be left unfilled over night,except in emergencies,and in such cases,adequate precautions must he exercised to protect traffic.Prior approval must
be obtained to use steel plating,
4, No construction materials or equipment shall he left on the shoulders or pavement after working hours,nor shall any construction equipment at material be placed in any manner
or location that will obstruct highway or railroad warning signs..
5. All open trench in the highway right-olway shall be barricaded.There shall be conspicuously displayed bright red flags no less than 24"x 24"attached to such barricades
and illuminated at night with[lashing yellow lights.If in the judgment of the representative at the Commissioner of Transportation,flagmen are necessary,they shall be employed
by the permittee and on duty at all times during the progress of the work so as to direct traffic and maintain yellow flashing lights, etc.
6. Soft shoulder signs of adequate size,not less than 24"square,shall be erected and maintained on all backfill trenches within the shoulder area until the backfill is thoroughly
settled.These signs shall he located at the beginning of each section of work at intersections and at a distance not greater than 1000 feet apart. --
7- During winter conditions highway shoulders shall be maintained free of obstructions which would interfere with snow removal and ice control,
8. The permittee shall keep the traveled way free of foreign objects such as rocks,limber and other items that may fall from transporting vehicles.Spillage of material carried
by or dropped from the under-carriage of any carrying vehicle resulting from the permitlee's hauling operations along or across any public traveled way shall be removed immediate-
ly and such traveled way,both within and outside of the work limits,shall be kept free of such spillage by the permittee,
1, All work is to be performed in a manner approved by the Resident Engineer of the Slate Department of Transportaliun.
2 All disturbed areas shall he returned to their original condition in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner of Transportation or his representative
3.. The permittee shall be required to restore shoulders and ditches and clean up the highway as his work progresses.All driveways shall be restored with material in kind and
to their original conditions.
4. All surplus earth and rubbish shall be cleaned up and removed from the highway right of way upon completion at the work,and the highway left in a neat and orderly condition.
5. As built plans showing final grade of new installation and existing underground facilities encountered shall he provided to N"Y.S"0 O.T,,if variation from approved design plans
occurred during construction.
1.. The applicant agrees,that any present or future injury to or disturbance of the highway,its slopes of gutters,caused by placing mains and service pipe shall be repaired by
the applicant at Iris own expense and in accordance with the requirements of the Stale Department of Transportation.
2, If necessity arises in the future because of the work on the Stale Highway system andlor its structures,requiring the removal,relocation or replacement of the installation
authorized by the permit,said work shall be done as directed by the Commissioner or his representative,and all cost and expense so incurred shall be the obligation of the
said permittee or his successor in interest,
1. All poles shall be set outside the ditch lines so that the proper drainage of the highway will not be interfered with.In case it is impracticable to set poles so as not io interfere
with the flow of water in the ditches,the shoulder.ditch and space around the poles shall be paved by the applicant to protect against wash.
2. There shall he no obstruction to private driveways,connecting highways or roads,paths or sidewalks.
3. In case it is found necessary to trim trees within the boundaries of the highway,the least possible amount shall be done,and in all cases the consent of the abutting property
owner must be secured before the poles are set and trees trimmed
4. Pales shall be of sufficient length to provide a clearance of not less than eighteen feet between the wire and the crown of the highway,under the worst condtitions of temperature
and loading.They shall be set in line and properly plumbed.They shall he well guyed.No guying to trees,unless by special permission of owner.Special precautions ..
shall be taken on curves and where lines cross from one side of highway to the other"Poles shall be straight,sound,and the fittings shall be of sufficient strength to carry
wires under the worst condition of loading lice,wind,etc!,,
5. Where telegraph and telephone wires cross high tension power lines,electric light or trolley wires,special precaution shall be taken to maintain proper clearance under the
worst condition of temperature and loading.
1. If necessity arises in future,because of work on the highway,to relocate,replace or re set poles,cables or conduits,said work shall be done at the expense of the applicant.
A- In addition to the aforementioned conditions,if it is found necessary by this Department to add to or otherwise modify the same,it is to be understood such changes shall farm
a part of the permit and be complied with immediately upon notice,
J. Petrocelli Contracting, Inc. Q H
mV�.n..L(._.. _.T.......�_..S.C.
100 Comac Street
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 RECEIVED
Fx:(631)981-5239 NOV 2 9 2023
Letter of Transmittal L-
9 611, 9"-0T aW "ciwri
Planning Board
To: Lynda Rudder Transmittal#: 1 (p 3. 3 — Jr
Southold Town Hall Date: 10/27/2023
53095 Route 25 Job: 30-0465 ENCLAVES, SOUTHOLD
Southold, NY 11971
Subject: The Enclaves-Original Site Bond
WE ARE SENDING YOU r Attached r Under separate cover via None the following items:
r Shop drawings I- Prints r Plans r Samples
r Copy of letter r Change order r Specifications r Other
Document Type Copies Date No. Description
1 Original Site Bond
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
r For approval r Approved as submitted r Resubmit_copies for approval
r For your use r Approved as noted r Submit_copies for distribution
r As requested r Returned for corrections r Return u corrected prints
r For review and comment r Other
Remarks: Re:
The Enclaves
56655 NYS Route 25 Southold
Copy To: FILE
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. Page 1 of 1
s Elbert)►Mutual Surety
Attention:LMS Claims
P.O.Box 34526
Liberty Seattle,WA 88124
Phone: 06-473-6210
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Fax:866-548.6837
_._ m _.
SURETY Email:HOSCL@libertymutual.com
Site Bond Bond No. 107861193
J. Petrocelli Contracting,Inc.
as Principal,of
100 Comac Street Ronkonkoma NY 11779
(Street} (City) (State) (Zip Code)
and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company ,as Surety,are hereby held and firmly bound unto
Town of Southold
as Obligee,of
54375 NY-25 Southold NY 11971-0959
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
in the penal sum of Three Hundred Ten Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-six Dollars And Thirty Cents
Dollarsfor t
($310,336.30 for the payment ent of which sum we bind ourselves,heirs, administrators,
executors and successors,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
WHEREAS,the Principal desires to improve property identified as
Enclaves Hotel&Restaurant
located at 56655 Main Rd.,Southold,NY 11791,SCI'M#District: 1000 Section:
0..3.000 Lot:
......,w_...,.�.._,_,..._ ........, ..,.Block 03.06 Lot:U15A0��
on 63.60 Blo�.w. mm.m.
WHEREAS,as a condition of the Obligee granting approval to said improvement,the following specific
items must be completed in accordance with the plan submitted: Security gate and perimeter fencing to secure the
property. Planting of Buffer/landscape screening for all east side yard plantings.Erosion&Sediment control.Temporary swales
to mitigate storm water on site. Excavation. ,mixing and re. r,.a_ .o....f...soiil s..t.o..cs rls.Seedingof re- raded soil. -...
NOW,THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such that if the principal shall complete the specific
items in accordance with the plan submitted,then this obligation shall be null and void,otherwise to remain
in full force and effect.
Signed,sealed and dated October 11,2023
J. PetroC..elli C...o..�ntracting........
By° �w'we'l— M, ,
0 Lib Mutual Insurance Company
1912 ► �... �
ncn B
J -
p oro ' �ttorrtey-in-Fact
LMS-zrzaee 14,19 ��
~ ~
On this of , before me personally came
known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say
that he resides in that he is the
the corporation described in and which
executed the foregoing instrument;that he knows the seal of said corporation; that one of the seals
affixed tothe foregoing instrument iosuch seal; that it was affixed byorder ofthe board ofdirectors of
said corporation; and that hesigned his name thereto bylike order.
Notary Public,State Of NOW YA
Ouallfied In Suffolk County
Commission Expires March
On this 11th day of... -, October . 2023 before mapersonally came
Joseph MSfO[zo to meknown,who, being bymeduly sworn, did depose and say
that hainthe Attornoy-|n-Faotof Libertv Mutual Insurance Cor_p fly
the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the seal of said
corporation; that the seal affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal; and that he signed the
said instrument and affixed the said seal as Attorney-In-Fact by authority of the Board of Directors of said
corporation and by authority of this office under the Standing Resolutions thereof..
Danielle Heckman
Notary Public,State ofNew York
Qualified ioNassau County
Commission Expires 11/28/2020
This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to
bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated.
ibert Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
� m The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Certificate No: 8205971-015019
.. .
..— .••-•••-- West American Insurance Company
y, g ty Company Y 9 gthat
KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTSr That The Ohio Casualty Insurance f"orn an is a r ration dui organized under the laws of the State of N Hampshire,
Liberty Mulaaal Insurance Company a iporat'lon dui organized under die laws of l State of Massachusetts,and West American Insurance CompanyIs a corporation dui organized
under the laws of the adage of it diana(herein milerrti sly ated the"Cornparlies"),purviant to and by authority herein set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint, ,lose hT,
Sfarco,RRobert Kepner.Robert W..0_'Kanc ---........ ...__---...M.� _...u-.....�..... ... _ _....""�...�.�. ..............._.._..__----- . _........ ....... ..
all of the C,5_0faC ,-- F p eras icrw� -- stabo t �� ct i ivticuaP#y a kh rer Imo'more than one-named,Rs true and lawful attorney-in-fact to-make,
execute,seat,acknmled e and deliver,for and on Its behapf as surety and aslts sact andi deed,any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations in pursuance
of these presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Companies in their own proper
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed
Y .-_2__ }...
thereto this 15th day of Jul
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
0 stq t INS 101 t"scrg, The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company
u00 ��w �?�v�xetas� West American Insurance Company
1912 0 1919 0 1991 �+ � �'" '�
sffi �r�a,aeyswb °ermt r Wcara�i'�t By. °s
David M.Carey Assistant Secretary
County of MONTGOMERY ss c>
:S On this 15th day of R& 202 t before me personally appeared David M.Carey,who acki swiedged himself to be the Assistant Ser(Wary of Liberty Mutual Insurance e
f Company,'f"tire�"uhio Casual Company,and West Aarredcan Insurance Company,and that he,as such being authorized so to do,execute the foilegaktg instrument for the purposes
2> therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duty authorized officer.
w m ,
y name and affixed my notarial seal at King of Prussia,Pennsylvania,on the day and year first above written.
subscribed m 0
•� S
0 � ��Sr
O ` _...........mom-, .... .__,
IN have hereunto su scr
_ "�' �„rmvrarsamw� �4 of Pennsyfvamra CVaw<iry",vwi.rei
- s `v i TO Mondgoeresa Paetella,Notary Public ^.
.-+ mery County E E
io y t mn r *ttt61a ,.. .,, By:
y ry v rta
M camrnissran a nes March 2B 2025 �r ••m�" "•
F a Nota PubhC ....,,., _.. ...... .�w_...
dCNa PPssleCb
`" P" h,Arm.aesr,P�"aygwo�W na'nAr,,wB, .x,9.w"xrl taP E1.,''reW w-
This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-laws and Authorizations of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual acv
Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading as follows: i�.
ARTICLE IV–OFFICERS:Section 12.Power of Attorney. o
Any officer or other official of the Corporation authorized for that purpose in writing by the Chairman or the President, and subject to such limitation as the Chairman or the m
President may prescribe,shall appoint such attomeys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Corporation to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as sairely m—
to C: any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall C
o have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation.When so executed,su0 cx aar
Z 0i instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by the Secretary.Any power or authority granted to any representative or attomey-in-fact under the
c 0,2
provisions of this article may be revoked at any time by the Board,the Chairman,the President or by the officer or officers granting such power or authority. t
ARTICLE XIII–Execution of Contracts:Section 5.Surety Bands and Undertakings.
Awry officar of the Company auaftri°zed for that pu4xme in wilting by the rharrri or the president,and subject to such limitations as the ctuabaatran or the president may prescribe,LI
shall appoint such aftorne in•fact,as inay be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,exeaoate,seal,acknowledge Nid deliver as surety any and all undertakings ""..
bonds,recognizarces and other surety obligMiuris.Such rattcrtneys tr,fact subfect to the limitations set frzrth in their respective poowem of attorneyshalt have full power to bind the
Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company.When so executed such instruments shall be as binding as if
signed by the president and attested by the secretary,
Certificate of Designation–The President of the Company,acting pursuant to the Bylaws of the Company,authorizes David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary to appoint such attomeys-in-
fact as may be necessary to act on behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety
Authorization–By unanimous consent of the Company's Board of Directors,the Company consents that facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the
Company,wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with
the same force and effect as though manually affixed_
I,Renee C.Llewellyn,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company do
hereby certify that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,is in full force and effect and
has not been revoked.
y p' y October 2023
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 1 lth da of _ �..,
vv ?+ Por G `
1912 4 UJ
1919s 1991
w� 7a raaarn "� Cr +aanaa"y , y �arewm By ........ ......�......--_......_.,...._
zx a e 'xla t i Ren se C t1evieldyn,As n,ltd ant Secretary,.
LMS-12973 I-MIC CCVC WAiC Multi Cc 02121
10�M,utu,al. Financial Statement—December 31, 2022
Assets Liabilities
Cash and Bank Deposits...................................... $3,908,755,039 Unearned Premiums...............................................$10,133,358,204
*Bonds—U.S Government.................................." 3,451,999,931 Reserve for Claims and Claims Expense.................. 27,953,643,316
*Other Bonds........................................................ 18,862,255,155 Funds Held Under Reinsurance Treaties................. 368,610,620
*Stocks.................................................................. 19,372,953,698 Reserve for Dividends to Policyholders.................. 1,379,296
Real Estate...................v....,...,.......,......,,.,...,...,.... 190,092,373 Additional Statutory Reserve......................................................... 197,278,000
Reserve for Commissions,Taxes and
Agents'Balances or Uncollected Premiums........ 7,929,876,358 Other Liabilities............................................. 9,206,000,954
Accrued Interest and Rents................................. 166,740,412 Total.............................................................$47,860,270,390
Other Admitted Assets........................................ 15,968,062,977 Special Surplus Funds.................. $195,696,103
Total Admitted Assets................................ % .�_.....,.
Capital Stock—. 10,000,075
Paid in Surplus.............................13,324,803,036
Unassigned Surplus.....................8,459,966,339
Surplus to Policyholders...................................... 21,990,465,553
p 0 �
Total Liabilities and Surplus.................................
Bonds are stated at amortized or investment value;Stocks at Association Market Values.
r2 The foregoing financial information is taken from Liberty Mutual Insurance Company's financial
wn" statement filed with the state of Massachusetts Department of Insurance.
I, TIM MIKOLAJEWSKI, Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, and
correct statement of the Assets and Liabilities of said Corporation, as of December 31,2022,to the best of my knowledge and belief.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Corporation at Seattle, Washington,this 8th day of
March 2023.
a Al,
Assistant Secretary
62 ELM ST.
TEL: (631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: October 16,2023
ATTN: Heather Lanza
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold,NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25—Southold
Qrtm• Mn lnnn_&�_03_15
WE ARE SENDING YOU: Attached ❑The items listed below,under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VIA: FedEx Sc pgrlla <ic a cs TRACKING#:
5 - A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Floor Plans &Roof Plan
5 - A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Elevations -,
" k�6 4_
C F 17 202,3
L __l
Planning Board
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑ Reviewed&Approved ❑Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑ Returned For Correction ❑Return corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑Rejected ❑Prints returned after loan to us
❑ For bids due
. .µµ............
_,-. -_.._......._...ww_._._...................._..__�.___.___�.........
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the(5) sets requested by the conditions for final planning board approval. Please note Bryan
Grogan from PW Grosser will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
_. ............__._. . .............W.ww
COPY TO: file ...._.........m_w www_ SIGNED: Ernesto Silva w
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
Submission Without a Cover Letter
LT .. r�c
CT 17 202µi
0 '7
Project Title: —��e wn
tic\AJeS is laOra-1.6
LPlanning ca
SCTM#: 1000 - U3
Date: \0\ )R�D3
Details of Submission:
-5 Ccv\e5 o-�
Town Hall AnnexP.O.Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 � "� Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) '
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
June 6, 2023
Andrew V. Giambertone, AIA President
Andrew V. Giambertone & Associates, Architects
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
David N. Altman, Esq.
Brown Altman & DiLeo, LLP
538 Broadhollow Road, Suite 301
Melville, NY 11747
Re: Conditional Approval -The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
on June 5, 2023:
WHEREAS, this site plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a
hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning
District. The property is located at 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold. SCTM#1000-63-3-15;
WHEREAS, on October 21, 2021, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), as
Lead Agency, completed the EIS and Findings for the Type I action and Positive
Declaration pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part
617. A complete timeline and additional information regarding the SEQR process can be
found in the Findings, Deliberations and Determination Meeting of December 2, 2021,
Special Exception for 56655 Main St. LLC (The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant) document
in Town Laserfiche; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 2 June 6, 2023
WHEREAS, on December 6, 2021, the ZBA granted Special Exception 7046SE for the
proposed Hotel & Restaurant subject to numerous Conditions, and Covenants &
Restrictions required to be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; and
WHEREAS, on December 22, 2021, David N. Altman, Esq., authorized agent, submitted
site plans, information and materials for a Site Plan review; and
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2022, the Planning Board found the application incomplete for
review, requiring the submission of revised site plans and additional information for review;
WHEREAS, on February 1, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
portion of the revised plans and additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 3, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans and
additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 4, 2022, staff provided comments and analysis via email
regarding the plans submitted, noting their deficiencies; and
WHEREAS, on February 17, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
portion of the revised plans and additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 22, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans and
additional information as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on February 28, 2022, the Planning Board accepted the site plan application
as complete for review; and
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted a revised Landscape Plan
for review; and
WHEREAS, on April 5, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold
Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their
comments; and
WHEREAS, on April 7, 2022, Southold Town Code Enforcement submitted
correspondence that there were no open violations regarding the subject parcel; and
WHEREAS, on April 11, 2022 the Planning Board held a public hearing for the proposed
action and determined to hold the hearing open until April 25, 2021 for written comments;
WHEREAS, on April 19, 2022, David N. Altman, Esq., authorized agent, submitted
correspondence and supporting exhibits on the behalf of the applicant regarding
comments raised at the Public Hearing; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 3 June 6 2023
WHEREAS, on April 25, 2022, the written comment period was closed; and
WHEREAS, on April 26, 2022, the Southold Town Fire Marshal determined certain
revisions were required to provide adequate fire protection and emergency access for the
site; and
WHEREAS, on May 3, 2022, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) provided
comments to be incorporated into the proposed site design and layout by the Planning
Board; and
WHEREAS, on May 17, 2022 the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) provided
comments and guidance regarding the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, on May 19, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet the
minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2022, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined the project to be
consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies with recommendations to the Planning
Board; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2022, the Southold Fire District determined certain revisions were
required to provide adequate fire protection for the site, consistent with the Southold Town
Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, at a Work Session on June 22, 2022, the Planning Board reviewed the
proposed application and required revisions to the Site Plan and additional information
necessary, for the Site Plan to comply with various applicable sections of the Town Code
as detailed in the Work Session Staff Report; and
WHEREAS, on July 8, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer verified that no NY State outfalls
would be impacted by the proposed action and therefore, no SPDES construction permit is
required,; and
WHEREAS, on July 11, 2022, the New York State Department of Transportation
(NYSDOT) provided comments to the applicant specifying the information and plans
required to complete the application for Case #97500 for a Highway Work Permit; and
WHEREAS, on August 8, 2022, Nelson & Pope, authorized Technical Consultant to the
Planning Board, provided correspondence to the Planning Board in response to comments
received during the Public Hearing; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 4 June 6, 2023
WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022, after careful consideration, the Southold Town
Planning Board, as an involved agency for the action, adopted the Statement of Findings
adopted by the ZBA on October 7, 2021, for the proposed Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
Application, pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law (State
Environmental Quality Review Act) and the implementing regulations of 6 NYCRR Part
617; and
WHEREAS, on November 29, 2022, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans as
required for review; and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2022, the Planning Board referred the revised site plan to the
Office of the Town Engineer for review; and
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2022, the Planning Board sent a request for Use Certification
to the Chief Zoning Administrator pursuant to §280-131(F)(1); and
WHEREAS, on December 5, 2022, the Planning Board reviewed the revised site plan at
their work session and determined revisions and additional information were required; and
WHEREAS, on December 15, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined that revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet
the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on December 19, 2022, the Planning Board reviewed the revised site plan at
their work session and determined revisions and additional information were required; and
WHEREAS, on December 21, 2022, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted
revised Elevations and Renderings as required for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023, Bryan Grogan, P.E., submitted revised plans as required
for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 13, 2023, the Planning Board referred the revised site plan to the
Office of the Town Engineer for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 13, 2023, the Planning Board referred the revised site plan to the
Chief Zoning Administrator and Fire Marshal for review; and
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2023, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed
application and determined that the site plan prepared by Bryan A. Grogan, P.E., dated
August 23, 2016 and last revised December 21, 2022, met the minimum requirements of
Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and
WHEREAS, on February 2, 2023, the Southold Town Chief Zoning Administrator reviewed
and certified the proposed Hotel & Restaurant as a use permitted by Special Exception
#7046SE in the Hamlet Business Zoning District; and
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant Page 5 June 6 2023
WHEREAS, on March 2, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted revised
site plans for review by the Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, at a Work Session on March 13, 2023, the Planning Board reviewed the
proposed application and required the applicant to provide a Draft Performance Guaranty
(Bond) pursuant to §280-131(K), provide a completed waste water permit from the Suffolk
County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) and a Highway Work Permit from the
NYSDOT as required; and
WHEREAS, on April 27, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a Draft
Bond Estimate for review as required; and
WHEREAS, on May 24, 2023, Andrew Giambertone, authorized agent, submitted a
revised Draft Bond Estimate that included line items and unit price for review as required;
WHEREAS, on May 31, 2023, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed the proposed site
plan and determined the plan to be consistent with emergency access and safety protocol
requirements; and
WHEREAS on June 1, 2023, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed and confirmed the
Performance Guaranty Bond Estimate; and
WHEREAS, at their work session on June 5, 2023, the Planning Board reviewed and
accepted the Town Engineer's estimate in the amount of $310,336.30; and
WHEREAS, on June 5, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that with
exception of the items listed as conditions below, all applicable requirements of the Site
Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold were
met; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the Bond Estimate in
the amount of$310,336.30, and recommends same to the Town Board; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby finds the application
consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Approval
regarding the Site Plan entitled "The Enclaves" prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E.
dated August 23, 2016 and last revised December 21, 2022, with the following conditions:
1. Obtain a Highway Work Permit from the New York State Department of Transportation
(NYSDOT) and provide one (1) print of the approved plan including the seal, stamp and
signature of the NYSDOT to this office.
S ruthold Tawn p"lannin Bar 1 rP Session — June 5, 2023 Page 3
NOFO Center Location:ame 7 Marlene Lance Matt tuSCTM#1000 ,143
ck �� �
Descripti _ __ .
on: � This site plan is for proposed interior alterations to an existing 4,866 sq. ft. multi-
use building„ no footprint expansion, with thirty-six parking stalls on 0.7 acres in
_. . Zoning District
Status: Pendin ___._._... ..,
_... the Genera._.,Business_._�._.... _ ....._.. _.
Action w for Determination
Attachments._ ..�._ . N..St
Staff lepr .w_,..
._ . .w, .. -.__._ .. �
..__w ._._.. - mm Additions
at on:ame �
1 0 Brecknock Reach Greenprrk„�,,..w....
This amended site plan is for the proposed construction of a 1,998 sq. ft.
Description: addition and interior alterations to the existing dining building, all part of an
existing continuing care retirement community on 144 acres in the Hamlet
Density Zoni�tg District.
Status . ..._ .,� ._. ,..
Approved.....,, . ,
_., m.
Action: l Review for CO
tachments Staff Report
_m._..... _._... ...... _._,,.w...-----------.,,,.._ _,..,.._.. ._._...- . .w_w_......_,_._ _. ...
j The Enclaves
Locatlo-N ” - - 566 5 NYS RoHotel SCTM# 1000-63-3-15
te25 Southold 4 .. _ ,... _ „I
__......�._..., .. u. . .... ..._
Description: This proposed a 5
sed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. j
residence with 84 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the
Hamlet Business Zoning District
Status: Pend
___ ...M...
_ w. m _ . . .... ........ .. ..... .....
Action: Review for Conditional Determination &Bond Estimate
Attachments. _ ( Staff Re art
p _...�.._.......... . ._......._....._.. _.. __. ......... .... .
_. Heart of Love Lane SCTM# 1000-141-4-6.2
Project Name Hard Corner
Amended . J, (1000 141 4 2 3 & 141-4 6 1)
anon 45 ove LLane & 50 Pike Street Mattituck
De This amended Site Plan is for the proposed alteration and j
Description- _ conversion of an
existing ±16,500 gross sq. ft. commercial office building (with basement) to
contain a 56 seat restaurant and two retail spaces on the first floor and two
commercial spaces and an accessory apartment on the second floor, all on
0.784 acres in the HB Zonin w District.
g ._
Status Approved with Conditions
m _ ...Sffry-Reportpte
. ......._ . __....�... . ._. _. _.._..,.,.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
Date June 5, 2023
Prepared By: Brian Cummings
I. Application Information
Project Title: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Applicant: 56655 Main St, LLC
Tax Map Number: 63.-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: HB- Hamlet Business
II. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Commercial
Acreage of Project Site: 6.75 acres
Building size ±62,338 sq. ft. 44 unit Hotel (w/full basement)
2,376sf in 4 cottages
3,610 sq. ft. Restaurant (conversion of existing
This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a
584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44
units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning district
Site Plan packet Table of Contents
C-001 Site Plan General Notes C-301 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-002 Site Plan Legend C-302 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-100 Traffic Control & Parking Plan C-400 Landscape Plan and Details
C-101 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-500 Site Lighting and Details
C-102 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-501 Site Lighting and Details
C-103 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-600 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-104 Work Zone Traffic Control Plan C-601 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-200 Grading and Drainage Plan C-602 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-201 Grading and Drainage Plan C-700 Site Details
C-202 Boring Plan and Boring Logs C-701 Details
C-300 Sediment and Erosion Control C-702 Details
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
III: Review:
The purpose of the Hamlet Business HB District is to provide for business
development in the hamlet central business areas, including retail, office and service
uses, public and semipublic uses, as well as hotel and motel and multifamily residential
development that will support and enhance the retail development and provide a focus
for the hamlet area.
IV: Analysis
A. Existing:
1. Vacant 6.75 acre parcel with an existing house (3,026 sq. ft.);
1. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site
has been provided.
2. Surrounding land:
a. North: LIRR, R-80 zoned land (in agriculture)
b. Northeast: two R-80 zoned single family residences
c. Southeast: two HB zoned single family residences
d. West: one commercial boatyard zoned HB
e. South: one HB zoned single family residence, one commercial business.
B. Proposed construction
1. Restaurant — 74 seats. Located in the existing building in front
• 3,610 sq. ft. (adding 584 sq. ft. to the existing building)
2. Hotel —44 Rooms, including 4 cottages
• Rooms @ 500 — 540sf
• Cottages @ 594sf
• Accessory uses for hotel guests
o Outdoor pool
o Indoor pool
o Spa treatment areas
o Lounge area
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
3. Wastewater Management: The sanitary plan shows a sanitary treatment plant
(STP) with 10' x 23' control building within a fenced compound in the rear of
the parcel with leaching pool areas. Both the restaurant (pump station /force
main) and hotel connect to the STP. SCDHS approval is required.
4. Storm water: multiple drainage zones are proposed to capture storm water
runoff for the restaurant, hotel, cottages and all impervious surfaces including
pool area, asphalt parking lot and access ways.
C. Zoning Board of Appeals VBA & SEQRA
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October, 2021.
September 12, 2022, Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement of the
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
restricted on site operations further than the SEQR findings with conditions
D. Staff Anal
1. Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) approval is
required. As noted above, an on-site Sanitary Treatment Plant (STP) is
proposed for waste water management;
2. A Highway Work Permit is required to be obtained from the New York
State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for proposed curb cuts and
work within the R.O.W.
3. Use Certification: received February 2, 2023
4. Chapter 236 Office of the Town Engineer:
January 21, 2023: reviewed Sheets 1-23 of the Site Plan for The
Enclaves prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated August 23,
2016, last revised December 21, 2022. Based on my review, the
plans meet the requirements of Chapter 236 — Stormwater
5. Fire Marshal Certification: received May 31 20123
6. Guaranty of Performance Bond
i. Estimate submitted by Applicant May 24, 2023;
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
ii. Bond Estimate review from Town Engineer received June 1,
2023 for 310,336.30 with a 6% Administration fee of
iii. Town Board must also accept the Bond Estimate by resolution;
V: Items to consider:
A. Based on the analysis above, consider issuing a Conditional Approval at the
Public Meeting tonight, and with the five (5) conditions listed below to be met
prior to endorsing the plans.
If yes, a final resolution will be issued by the Planning Board at a future date
when the conditions below have been met. This final resolution will include all on-
going site plan and operation conditions, as well as pertinent DOT and SCDHS
permit details.
Conditions to be fulfilled prior to endorsement of site plan & prior to
building permits being issued:
1. Obtain a Highway Work Permit from the New York State Department of
Transportation (NYSDOT) and provide one (1) print of the approved plan
including the seal, stamp and signature of the NYSDOT to this office.
2. Obtain approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services
(SCDHS) and provide one (1) print of the approved plan including the
seal, stamp and signature of the SCDHS to this office.
3. Submit the required Performance Guaranty (aka Bond) after the Town
Board have approved the bond estimate.
4. Submit the Administration Fee of 6% of the approved bond estimate,.
5. Submit at least five (5) paper copies of the Site Plan including the stamp,
seal and signature of the NYS Licensed Professional preparing the plans.
B. Potential list of ongoing conditions (draft form):
1. SEQRA EIS & Findings Statement of the ZBA as adopted by the Planning
Board September 12, 2022
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)'
restricted on site operations further than the SEQR findings with the
following conditions:
[1] No outdoor events of any size
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update
[2] No special events
[3] No large events over 100 guests.
[4] No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
[5] Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge) not
available for use by general public.
[6] No outdoor music anywhere on property
3. Preconstruction meeting with Staff and Town Engineer for site work
coordination prior to any clearing on site;
4. Wildlife sweeps for Eastern Box Turtles and/or Northern Long Eared bat
during construction phasing;
5. Exterior signage details must be submitted for review and approval to
ensure compliance with Chapter 280-86(C).
6. Transition Buffer along the East property line as required
7. The hotel building must have a sprinkler suppression system;
8. All curbs shall be made mountable for driveways providing an extended
load bearing surface
Tel. (631)-765—1560
Fax (631) 765 9015
� FMt(ii.. .i i i . "� .R)w . i.i.l_ �., .r "1"u��,.'
Sub -F
Southold,New York,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Board
June 1, 2023
1 3,186 L.F. Erosion &Sediment Controls $4.71 $15,006.06
2 2,600 L.F. Security Gate and Perimeter Fencing $7.05 $18,330.00
3 L.S. Temporary Stormwater Swales L.S. $15,000.00
4 L.S. Excavation, Mixing and Re-Grading Soil L.S. $125,000.00
5 L.S. Testing of Stockpiled Soil L.S. $2,500.00
6 95,000 S.F. Seeding of Re-Graded Soil $0.10 $9,500.00
7 L.S. Maintenance, Irrigation and Dust Control L.S. $35,000.00
8 2,000 S.F. NYSDOT Compliant Aprons $22.50 $45,000.00
9 194 EACH Buffer Plantings $231.96 $45,000.24
Southold Town Piannin Board Work Session-- March 13 2023—Page 2
Project Name: The Enclaves Hotel
_ SCTM#: 1000,-63-3-15
oute 25, Southold _
Description: This 5propos d site plan is for the conversi �
I .IT._ .�. on of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
De Location:
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the
Hamlet Business Zoning District.
Status; � .. Pending
Action: Review Revised Plans & Status Update
Attachments..e w _ Staff Report
Project Name':
ame � Messina Conservation Subdivision SC�M#: 1000-56-1-
1000-55-6-35 &36
� mm
_. . .
Locat.ion: .._.�,_...��...__... �7.05, 751 & 2425 Laurel 6yenue, Southold
Description: ghf� � �conservation
Sblnp p s ww,
into eight
� ) residential lot ofappomately35,000 sq. ft. each, one 43.6-acre .
parcel to be reserved as ep n apace by the Town.
Stat _. �...�
mm m _.. Conditional Sketch Plat Approval
Status: Con _
Action: Review Draft C&R's
Attachments: StaffReport
ame: Winthrop b. i . in# �-10o{oNSoutheast side of Avenue, intersecting with Equestrian Avenue,
Fishers Island
Description: This ....�.... r a d .
p proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 3.82-acre parcel into three
lots, where Lot 1 is 0.59 acres and contains two residential dwellings and a
sewer easement, Lot 2 is 2.16 acres and contains a sewer and water
easement and Lot 3 is 1.08 acres and contains two residential dwellings, a
right of way and water easement.
o Statuses Conditional Prellmina Plat Application
Action: Review Draft C&R's
Attachments Staff Report m
P'r6ect Name: Cooper Standard Subdivision SCTM#ww � 1000-106 9 2.3
Loc _ ... ..._....._ ...
Description:tTh s0 proposal for a Standard S parcel
��� ubdivision of a 25.86-acre
, � into three
11 acres.
ITITm _ W__ lots, where Lot 1 is 9 47 acres, Lot 2 is 8.28 acres and Lot 3 is 8.mmmm
Status: Pendin
Action:_ Review for Conditional Sketch Plat Determination
Attachments: Staff Report- � �
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update & Revised Site Plan Review
Date March 13, 2023
Prepared By: Brian Cummings
I. Application Information
Project Title: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Applicant: 56655 Main St, LLC
Tax Map Number: 63.-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: HB- Hamlet Business
II. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Commercial
Acreage of Project Site: 6.75 acres
Building size ±62,338 sq. ft. 44 unit Hotel (w/full basement)
2,376sf in 4 cottages
3,610 sq. ft. Restaurant (conversion of existing
This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a
584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44
units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning district
Site Plan packet Table of Contents
C-001 Site Plan General Notes C-301 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-002 Site Plan Legend C-302 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-100 Traffic Control & Parking Plan C-400 Landscape Plan and Details
C-101 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-500 Site Lighting and Details
C-102 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-501 Site Lighting and Details
C-103 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-600 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-104 Work Zone Traffic Control Plan C-601 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-200 Grading and Drainage Plan C-602 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-201 Grading and Drainage Plan C-700 Site Details
C-202 Boring Plan and Boring Logs C-701 Details
C-300 Sediment and Erosion Control C-702 Details
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
III: Review:
The purpose of the Hamlet Business HB District is to provide for business
development in the hamlet central business areas, including retail, office and service
uses, public and semipublic uses, as well as hotel and motel and multifamily residential
development that will support and enhance the retail development and provide a focus
for the hamlet area.
IV: Analysis
A. Existing:
1. Vacant 6.75 acre parcel with an existing house (3,026 sq. ft.);
1. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site
has been provided.
2. Surrounding land:
a. North: LIRR, R-80 zoned land (in agriculture)
b. Northeast: two R-80 zoned single family residences
c. Southeast: two HB zoned single family residences
d. West: one commercial boatyard zoned HB
e. South: one HB zoned single family residence, one commercial business.
B. Proposed construction
1. Restaurant— 74 seats. Located in the existing building in front
• 3,610 sq. ft. (adding 584 sq. ft. to the existing building)
2. Hotel —44 Rooms, including 4 cottages
• Rooms @ 500 — 540sf
• Cottages @ 594sf
• Accessory uses for hotel guests
o Outdoor pool
o Indoor pool
o Spa treatment areas
o Lounge area
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update & Revised Site Plan Review
3. Wastewater Management: The sanitary plan shows a sanitary treatment plant
(STP) with 10' x 23' control building within a fenced compound in the rear of
the parcel with leaching pool areas. Both the restaurant (pump station /force
main) and hotel connect to the STP. SCDHS approval is required.
4. Storm water: multiple drainage zones are proposed to capture storm water
runoff for the restaurant, hotel, cottages and all impervious surfaces including
pool area, asphalt parking lot and access ways.
C. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) & SEQRA
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October, 2021.
September 12, 2022, Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement of the
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
restricted on site operations further than the SEQR findings with conditions
D. Staff Analysis:
1. Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) approval is
required. As noted above, an on-site Sanitary Treatment Plant (STP) is
proposed for waste water management;
2. A Highway Work Permit is required to be obtained from the New York
State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for proposed curb cuts and
work within the R.O.W.
3. Use Certification: received February 2, 2023
4. Chapter 236 Office of the Town Engineer:
January 21 , 2023: reviewed Sheets 1-23 of the Site Plan for The
Enclaves prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated August 23,
2016, last revised December 21, 2022. Based on my review, the
plans meet the requirements of Chapter 236 — Stormwater
S. With regard to the Planning Board referral review and site plan
Revised site plan providing:
i. Updated Building Elevations
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update & Revised Site Plan Review
Submitted: yes, updated building elevations provides portico
height at 16' high (15' minimum required) and details of
building/roof heights to ensure ladder access at different locations.
ii. Engineer 236 revisions as required
Submitted: yes, see above, Chapter 236 review completed
iii. Load bearing grass paver surfaces must include a notation verifying
the load capacity is at least 75,000lbs for emergency purposes
Submitted: yes, notations provided on sheets C-101, C-102A, C-
102B and C-103
iv. Notation for mountable curbs
Submitted: yes, notations provided on sheets C-101, C-102A, C-
102B and C-103
v. Dogwood trees in landscape medians in lieu of proposed
Submitted: yes, provided on a previous Landscape Plan (sheet C-
400) iteration but not the most recent plans submitted. This needs
to be corrected in final site plan set.
vi. Number of irrigation weeks (26 to 16). An irrigation plan has been
provided as a PDF utilizing an irrigation well and provides
water usage calculations at GPM/day/week for the thirty-eight
(38) proposed zones.
Staff: The applicant has noted an irrigation timeframe of 26
weeks and Board required decreasing that timeframe to 16
weeks in the effort to decrease water consumption. This plan
should be included in the final site plan set when submitted
vii. The building must have a sprinkler suppression system;
Submitted: yes;
viii. All curbs shall be made mountable and driveways should
provide a load bearing surface of at least 20' in width.
Submitted: yes;
ix. Show location of fire sprinkler system fire department
connection location.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update & Revised Site Plan Review
Submitted: yes;
x. Provide turning radius dimensions at both driveways at Route
Submitted: yes;
xi. Provide road striping and "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE"
pavement markings in areas next to hydrants and fire
department connections.
Submitted: yes;
xii. "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE" signs should be posted at regular
intervals along the fire apparatus access road in areas not
designated for parking.
Submitted: yes;
xiii. Firetruck template modeled for aerial fire truck at 43' x 8.5' with
turning radius of 47'6" at 90 degrees
xiv. Two (2) fire hydrants have been provided on site, the hydrant
proposed nearest the front entrance was relocated across the
driveway and nearest the corner of the building at suggestion of
Fire Marshal. A second hydrant has been added in the rear in
the rear of the parcel close to the STP system.
xv. Vehicle circulation signage relocated and landscape island
nearest the front entrance has been modified so that
emergency vehicles can drive around the portico at front
entrance if it is blocked. This is shown on sheet C-1028
Staff: this revised site plan has been referred to the office of the
Town Fire Marshal for review and comment; and, certification if
5. 280-131(K) Guaranty of performance.
(1) Public improvements. A guaranty of performance may be required for
all public improvements as part of the conditions of approval. If a
guaranty of performance is required, the provisions of Article IX, Bonds
and Other Security,[2]shall apply.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update & Revised Site Plan Review
(2) Other on-site improvements, including, but not limited to, securing the
property, buffers, landscaping and/or screening. A guaranty of
performance may be required in an amount to be determined by the
Planning Board for the estimated value of on-site improvements as
part of the conditions of approval under the following circumstances:
(a) Where the application involves a commercial property that abuts
or is across any public or private street from a residential property.
(b) Where the application involves a change or intensification of use
that may substantially impact adjacent property owners.
Staff: a performance bond was required. The Board should consider if
any other elements should be part of the Bond in addition to:
➢ Perimeter buffer/screening, fencing and associated plantings or at a
minimum, enough funds to take the necessary steps to secure or
restore the site (e.g. security fence) and prevent erosion and runoff,
and any other hold-over measures should there be a failure on the
part of the applicant to complete the project.
➢ An estimate must be provided for review by the Town Engineer.
This will be brought to the Planning Board at a future work session.
6. Potential list of conditions draft forml:
i. SEQRA EIS & Findings Statement of the ZBA as adopted by the
Planning Board September 12, 2022
ii. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No.
7046SE) restricted on site operations further than the SEQR
findings with the following conditions:
1. No outdoor events of any size
2. No special events
3. No large events over 100 guests.
4. No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
5. Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge)
not available for use by general public.
6. No outdoor music anywhere on property
iii. Preconstruction meeting with Staff and Town Engineer for site work
coordination prior to any clearing on site;
iv. Wildlife sweeps for Eastern Box Turtles and/or Northern Long
Eared bat during construction phasing;
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Update & Revised Site Plan Review
v. Exterior signage details must be submitted for review and approval
to ensure compliance with Chapter 280-86(C).
vi. Transition Buffer along the East property line as required
vii. The hotel building must have a sprinkler suppression system;
viii. All curbs shall be made mountable for driveways providing an
extended load bearing surface
V: Items to consider:
1. Consider the staff analysis items as detailed above, abbreviated here:
a. Obtain Fire Marshal sign off from the Building Department;
b. Applicant to submit performance guaranty estimate for Town Engineer
c. Applicant to provide C&R proof of filing (ZBA requirement);
d. Submit five (5) site plans sets, including:
i. Building elevations and civil drawings;
ii. Civil drawings to include table of contents / sheet list on title page;
iii, Irrigation Plan;
iv. Landscape plan with Dogwood in lieu of Elm in driveway medians;
e. Staff to complete condition language.
62 ELM ST.
TEL: (631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: March 1, 2023
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board ATTN: Brian Cummings
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold,NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25—Southold
Qrtm• Nn 1 f1M_F,'�_fl�_1 5
WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑The items listed below,under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
2 02/03/2023 - Civil Dwgs
2 02/17/2023 - Elevations IVED
��u Vrcd&F.f,ow.,.
��- n
Planning Board
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑For approval ❑ Reviewed&Approved ❑Resubmit _copies for approval
®For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit _copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑ Returned For Correction ❑ Return _corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑For bids due ❑
Hello Brian,
Attached please find the updated Civil Dwg and the Elevations for the Hotel.
Thank You.
COPY TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
From: Sherry Pirone <sherry@ harvest-pointe.com> RECEIVED
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 1:25 PM w- - ..�.
Cr. Henry Alia- Brian Internet
Michaelis,Jessica �_��B �� ���^��
Subject: Heritage @ Cutchogue �w_..�out�r Town"
Planning Board
Importance: High
Good Morning,
Per Henry's request the following are the names and addresses for the HOA:
Robert E Morrow and Dina Bean
c/o Kenilworth Equities Ltd
600 Madison Avenue,Suite 2001
NY, NY 10022
Jeffrey Rimland
1721-D North Ocean Ave
Medford, NY 11763
Jennifer Steigerwald
32 Millstone La
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Christine Flynn
16 Millstone La
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Let me know if you need any additional information.
i 1;�9tV
I'C1f N-CE
Sherry Pirone
Construction Assistant
75 SchoolHouse Road
Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802
54375 Main Road
P.O.Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971-0959a EK
01 2 byµ,
''Southold -f OWrI.._._...
Planning Board
TO: Donald J. Wilcenski, Planning Board Chairman
FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector
DATE: February 2, 2023
Project: Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
Location: 56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM# 1000—Section 63- Block 3 —Lot 15
Date: January 20, 2017 Revised Date: December 2 L 2022
Michael J. Vel y
Chief Building Inspector
�� 'ti
Tel. (631)-765—1560 Fax (631)-765-9015
d,�1r�.114Pn')... U;
Brian Cummings January 20, 2023
Southold Town Planning Department
54375 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971 RECEIVED
Re. The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant J0 24 2023
SCTM #: 1000 — 63. — 03 — 15
Southold 7ovrn.....
Planning Board
Dear Mr. Cummings:
As per a request from your office, I have reviewed Sheets 1-23 of the
Site Plan for The Enclaves prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated
August 23, 2016, last revised December 21, 2022. Based on my review, the
plans meet the requirements of Chapter 236 — Stormwater Management.
If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my
� �4
Michael M. Collins, P.E.
Town Engineer
Town Hall Annex P.O.Sox 1179
54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone:631765-1938
kA' e
To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer
From: Brian Cummings, Plan
Date: January 13, 2023
Re: Site Plan for Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Application Name: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Tax Map Number: 1000-63-3-15
Location: 56655 Route 25, Southold
Type of Application:
Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated:
Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated::
Final Subdivision Map (Dated: )
Road Profiles (Dated:�
Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: )
Other (Dated:
Site Plan (Dated: )
Revised/Amended Site Plan (Dated: 12/21/22 )
Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: )
Other (AS BUILT) (Dated:
Project Description: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel
(62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq.
ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75-acre parcel in the Hamlet Business Zoning
Your comments are appreciated as soon as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone:631765-1938
To: Frederic Visser III, Fire Marshal
Cc: Mike Verity, Chief Building Inspector(&)
From: Brian Cummings, Planner
Date: January 13, 2023
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application and the site plan last revised December 21,
2022 to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(In Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-63.-3-15)
C111IIIIV�III III 111)1111I111VEI� 0111101III1101114 ,, ... _.
P.W. GROSSER CONSULTING 66661d--rawn—]
r��,,,,rrc,�u,r„ r �:� rir.rr��.,��, rrrrt,r�iri�r��dov,,,v,,u�,r �trai��,,,,arririn� r�ar�r.�uxcr�oR✓�„rrrr� ��1�, rr�,� ,�;r;:rrnnor2l�rr�J�/�/�lx�m�r,r„��T.�„u�a,.,r,✓ra?rr�✓ rr�ic✓arNr
rrr,, ,,w. RN
DATE January 6,2023
Brian A.Cummings
TO Town of Southold Cc
54375 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
FROM Bryan Grogan, PE—P.W.Grosser Consulting
RE Enclaves
®Attached❑Under separate cover❑Overnight❑Regular Mail:
2 Sets of Plans
������� W. i' ���� �����������'�I' ",;,� CONSULTING, INC. � III II �„� III''° 'L �"�� "qi��°3 631 J01 111114,501114 1'44.���III'��Il”,S F'E:
P.W. NS iWri� Iu �� 1 „ ucD. ”' ° IIII°°° IIIIIIIIIIII "IIII ” ' '
� C�W��� ul � �:ul ul�. �..��ur:��� ����C1u
62 ELM ST.
TEL: (631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: December 15,2022
ATTN: Brian Cummings
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission(Rev'd Elev)
Southold,NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25 —Southold
Qrtm• Nn 1nnn-F,A-ni-15
WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑The items listed below,under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VIA: FedEx-S parate Packages TRACKING#:
5 12/15/2022 A3.1,2 Hotel RECEIVED
.d Elevations
lG.,:r � ry..
1 - . Renderings
,r oi nm ._..,.
Planning Board
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑Reviewed&Approved ❑ Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑ Returned For Correction ❑ Return _corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑ For bids due ❑
Hello Brian,
Attached please find the updated Elevations for the Hotel.
Thank You.
COPY TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — December t9. 2022 Pa e 2
Project Name: Fel"i ���division� SCTM# 1000-95-4-16.1
Location: 8365 CR 4 Cutchogue
�' ala eros Standard Sub
Description: This stanad where Lot 1rsubdivision
em uals2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Ago subdivide a 4.2 -acre rircel into two lots
cu tural
Conservation Zonis D istrictw w ..
Status: Conditional Sketch Plat A ro�_
Action: Referral Review
Attachments:µ Staff R _ -_ _.__� ....
ct amencHSCTM.. # 1000-63-3-15laves otelLoction. 5555
Description: This proposed os to plan s for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft.. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the
Hamlet Business Zoning„_District.
Status Pending -
....Action: ��.._.-. _.�� - �- ..
Review Revised Plans .
-Attachments:� Staff Re art -
Pro ect Name. First UniversM#: 1000-63
afist Church
Location: 51970 Route 25
Description: This proposed Site Plan is for the construction of a one story 3,950 sq. ft. place
of worship and 34 parking stalls. There is an existing parish house and single-
family dwelling to remain, all on 1.2 acres in the Residential Office (RO) Zoning
Status: Pen
... � - _...�..
din �..�-. .�..
_.� i.� 5555
Actioo n: . � Review Revised Site Plan
Attachments: Staff Report
Proiect Name: Arrow Horse Farm SCTM#: 1000-83-2 9.3
Description: This agricultural site Cutcho ue
L cation: 139450 re on Rodd ....
plan is for the proposed construction of an 8,064 sq. ft.
building for the keeping, breeding, raising and training of horses with eighteen
stalls and no basement; a 1,800 sq. ft, agricultural storage building, two 240
sq. ft. run-in sheds with supporting parking and driveway access on ±17.02
acres with Southold Town Development ent Rights in the A-C1R-80 Zoning District.
_. Pendir��q
Action: Review for Completeness__ _ .. .._.
Attachments: Staff Report
Project Name: Peconic Water ports SCTM#� - 1000 55-5-9.1 _mw
ription: This site a is for thepproposed creation of a 7,535 sq. ft marine sal
Location: 46770 Count Road 48 Southold
Desc�mmm � service a facility, es,
and stora
g y including the demolition of an existing building, on
a 37,123 s �. ft. parcel in the General Business "B�Zoni�w District.
New Ada Ilcation
Action Review for Compjetnss�.
� ttachmen-
A ts: Staff R2,port
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
Date December 19, 2022
Prepared By: Brian Cummings
I. Application Information
Project Title: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Applicant: 56655 Main St, LLC
Tax Map Number: 63.-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: HB- Hamlet Business
ll. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Commercial
Acreage of Project Site; 6.75 acres
Building size ±62,338 sq. ft. 44 unit Hotel (w/full basement)
2,376sf in 4 cottages
3,610 sq. ft. Restaurant (conversion of existing
This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a
584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44
units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning district
Site Plan packet Table of Contents
C-001 Site Plan General Notes C-301 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-002 Site Plan Legend C-302 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-100 Traffic Control & Parking Plan C-400 Landscape Plan and Details
C-101 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-500 Site Lighting and Details
C-102 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-501 Site Lighting and Details
C-103 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-600 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-104 Work Zone Traffic Control Plan C-601 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-200 Grading and Drainage Plan C-602 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-201 Grading and Drainage Plan C-700 Site Details
C-202 Boring Plan and Boring Logs C-701 Details
C-300 Sediment and Erosion Control C-702 Details
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
III: Review:
The purose of the Hamlet Business HB District is to provide for business
development in the hamlet central business areas, including retail, office and service
uses, public and semipublic uses, as well as hotel and motel and multifamily residential
development that will support and enhance the retail development and provide a focus
for the hamlet area.
IV: Analysis
A. Existing:
1. Vacant 6.75 acre parcel with an existing house (3,026 sq. ft.);
1. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site
has been provided.
2. Surrounding land:
a. North: LIRR, R-80 zoned land (in agriculture)
b. Northeast: two R-80 zoned single family residences
c. Southeast: two HB zoned single family residences
d. West: one commercial boatyard zoned HB
e. South: one HB zoned single family residence, one commercial business.
B. Prol2osed construction
1. Restaurant—74 seats. Located in the existing building in front
3,610 sq. ft. (adding 584 sq. ft. to the existing building)
2. Hotel —44 Rooms, including 4 cottages
• Rooms @ 500 — 540sf
• Cottages @ 594sf
• Accessory uses for hotel guests
o Outdoor pool
o Indoor pool
o Spa treatment areas
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
o Lounge area
3. Wastewater Management'. The sanitary plan shows a sanitary treatment plant
(STP) with 10' x 23' control building within a fenced compound in the rear of
the parcel with leaching pool areas. Both the restaurant (pump station /force
main) and hotel connect to the STP. SCDHS approval is required.
4. Storm water: (see Engineer comments below) multiple drainage zones are
proposed to capture storm water runoff for the restaurant, hotel, cottages and
all impervious surfaces including pool area, asphalt parking lot and access
5. Access: 18' wide access ingress off of Main Road, east of the restaurant,
which leads to the restaurant or continues at 16' wide to the hotel (further
decreasing to 14'). A corresponding 18'- 22' egress driveway continues to the
west of the restaurant and out to the Main Road.
Staff. See modifications as proposed below regarding emergency services
C. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) & SEQRA
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October, 2021.
September 12, 2022, Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement of the
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
restricted on site operations further than the SEQR findings with the following
• No outdoor events of any size
• No special events
• No large events over 100 guests.
• No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
• Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge) not
available for use by general public.
• No outdoor music anywhere on property
D. Staff Analysis:
1. Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) approval is
required. As noted above, an on-site Sanitary Treatment Plant (STP) is
proposed for waste water management;
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
2. A Highway Work Permit is required to be obtained from the New York
State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for proposed curb cuts and
work within the R.O.W.
3. SEQRA Findings;the applicant submitted a narrative identifying the
pertinent findings which required an action or condition this was including
but not limited to:
i. Mitigation strategies outlined in the DEIS and the Findings feature
elements identified consistent'with minimizing ecological impacts.
1. 25' rear yard area to remain natural, wildlife sweeps required
for Eastern Box Turtle and clearing restrictions for Long-
Eared bat. Large existing trees will remain and be protected.
findings for this action under SEQRA
2. Soil and construction management plans regarding impacted
soils on site,
3. Relocating the site access an additional 11 feet to the west
and landscaping this area to provide a 15-foot-deep buffer
consisting of a double row of evergreens including the
installation of 18' —20' foot tall mature Leyland Cypress and
a hedge;
4. A wooden stockade fence with noise attenuation insulation
(6.5 feet in height) is proposed along the eastern and
western property lines;
5. A parapet was added to the hotel to screen the HVAC unit
and a 30-inch glass barrier will be mounted on top of the
parapet to address sights and sounds;
6. Relocation of a dumpster, and adjustments to the outdoor
lighting plan to prevent light trespass (see photometric plan)
7. The proposed landscape buffer plantings will be installed
early in the construction process to provide additional time
for growth during the estimated 18- to 22-month construction
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
8. An on-site irrigation well is provided as required for all
irrigation needs as well as the use of smart irrigation control
systems and drought tolerant vegetation in the landscaping
9. In accordance with SCDHS and NYSDEC regulations,
groundwater monitoring wells would be installed both
upstream and downstream of the effluent disposal system to
monitor groundwater impacts as part of the SPDES permit
obtained for the STP.
Staff. Sheet C-601 shows the location of a 2" upstream
monitoring well and a 2" downstream monitoring well as
required by SCWA in the STP location
4. With regard to the Planning Board referral review and site plan
i. Widen all driveways and interior access roads to 20' load
bearing surface for emergency vehicle access
Submitted: loading bearing surfaces have been provided along
the shoulders of the driveway and within landscape medians;
however, complete width and radius measurements are not
specified in all areas.
The total width of asphalt driveway and load bearing surface
ranges from 23'3" — 26'0"
ii. Provide mountable curbs for emergency vehicle access;
Submitted: although implied, the site circulation plans that
show how different size large vehicles will navigate the site
utilizing the proposed loading bearing grass pavers does not
specify all curbs will be mountable and should be clearly noted;
iii. Provide turning radius dimensions at driveway curb cuts to
main road
Submitted: each 18' wide curb cut access proposes an apron to
NYS Rt 25 that expands to 26'2"
iv. Hotel Parking: the rear of the parcel should be reconsidered in
a way that provides more continuity through the rear of the site
with adequate turn out or turn around for emergency vehicles;
and, sufficient interior parking landscaping as required
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
Staff: the rear parking area has been redesigned in a way
that provided a relocated and shorter access to the STP; a
T-turnaround for large/emergency vehicles is provided in the
NE rear corner; and, twenty-two (22) land banked parking
stalls have been provided in the area that was previously
paved parking with a longer access driveway to the STP.
v. Provide for a bigger turning radius for fire trucks (33ft inside
radius, 48ft outside radius);
vi. Curbs to be low profile, ride over islands;
vii. Hydrant located on the southwest corner of the property
(across from the roundabout and near the paved walkway),
viii. Standpipe (southwest corner of building in front closest to
Submitted: while mountable curbs and expanded load bearing
surfaces are shown on the plan, turning radius dimensions, load
bearing weight and a notation for mountable curbs are not specified.
Ride over islands with low profile curbs provided, two hydrants are
provided with one located near the front corner of the hotel building
nearest the standpipe connection at the hotel building; and, a second
in the rear of the parcel close to the STP system.
5. Fire Marshal
i. Verify that the vertical height clearance of the structure at the
loading berth area is at least 15' high.
ii. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30' in height shall have not
fewer than two means of fire apparatus access.
1. In this case there are two one way driveways which in
the event of an emergency, can both function as ingress
to the site;
iii. The building must have a sprinkler suppression system;
iv. All curbs shall be made mountable and driveways should
provide a load bearing surface of at least 20' in width. The
entrance driveway changes from 18' wide, to 16' wide and then
to 14' wide;
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
v. Show flow calculations (water supply) and locations of hydrants
on the plan.
vi. Show location of fire sprinkler system fire department
connection location.
vii. Provide turning radius dimensions at both driveways at Route
viii. Provide road striping and "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE"
pavement markings in areas next to hydrants and fire
department connections.
ix. "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE" signs should be posted at regular
intervals along the fire apparatus access road in areas not
designated for parking.
x. Provide location(s) of fire hydrant(s), road widths adjacent to
hydrant and "no parking" striping.
Staff: this revised site plan has been referred to the Chief Zoning
Administrator and office of the Town Fire Marshal for review and
comment; and, certification if applicable.
Sheet C-701 provide details for grass paver surface and low profile
6. Chapter 236 Office of the Town En ineer:
Reviewed Sheets 1-17 of the Site Plan for The Enclaves
prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated August 23,
2016, last revised November 23, 2022. Please have the
applicant submit revised plans that address the following:
1. The applicant must obtain a permit from the New York
State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for the
curb cuts associated with the development prior to final
2. Drain DLP B-9 is incorrectly labeled as DLP RA-9.
3. Specify the diameter of the Pond Drain.
4. Sheet 20 of 22, Site Details, shows that all leaching
pools and leaching catch basins are to be 12' in
diameter with a 10' effective depth. This conflicts with
the drainage design. Resolve this discrepancy.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
5. Revise Sheets 21 & 22 of 22, Details, as necessary to
state that if Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) is to be
utilized it must be NYSDOT Specification RCA.
6. The final plans must show the location of and details for
the concrete washout areas and soil stockpile areas as
part of the erosion and sediment control plan.
Staff: when submitted, a revised site plan will be referred to the Town
Engineer for review and comment; and, certification if applicable.
7. Best management practices required are noted on Sheet C-400 for
Landscape Plan and Details;
8. Code re uirernents
i. Accessory Loading Zones:
Four (4) total loading zones are provided. Three (3) at the hotel
entrance area and one (1) at the rear of the restaurant
ii. Parking §280-78:
Total stalls required = 56 + 38 = 94
Total stalls provided = 132 (6 ADA)
Staff: no change to the same amount of stalls (+38 of
requirement) as proposed on the revised plan and there are
twenty-two (22) stalls proposed to be land banked
1. Calculations:
a. Hotel @ 1 space for each guest room and 1 for
each employee or 1 space per guest room,
whichever is greater,
(1)44 units @ 1 per = 44 parking stalls
(2) 12 employees = 44 + 12 = 56 parking
stalls required
(3) 90 paved stalls (4 ADA) and 4 grass paver
provided (94 total at hotel)
b. Restaurant @ 1 space per 3 seats or 1 space per
100 square feet of floor space, whichever is
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
(1) 74 seats / 3 per = 24.6 spaces
(2) 3,806 sq. ft / 100 sq. ft = 38 parking stalls
(3)27 paved stalls and 11 grass paver stalls
provided (38 total)
iii. § 280-94 Transition buffer area.
The purpose of the transition buffer area is to provide privacy
from noise, headlight glare and visual intrusion to residential
dwellings. A buffer area shall be required along all boundaries of
a nonresidential lot abutting any lot in a residential district. Such
buffer area shall comply with at least the following minimum
A. The buffer area shall be located within the boundaries of the
subject property.
B. The minimum width of buffer areas shall be as follows:
(1) Hamlet Business District: 15 feet.
Staff. a 15' wide transition buffer is provided along the entire
east property lune with a staggered double row of (134) 18' —
20' tall Leyland Cypress plantings and a 6Y2' high wooden
stockade fence with acoustic barrier
iv. 280-93 f=ront Landscaped,area:
191' of frontage along Route 25 = 4.75 or 5 street trees
required. Five (5) Red Flowering Dogwood trees proposed at 2"
caliper. 15' front yard landscape set back provided as required
v. 280-95 A & B Interiorparking landscaping
Total Required = 380 sf for Restaurant; 560sf for Hotel
Total provided: 1,061 sf at the restaurant, 2,091 sf at the hotel along
the west side and rear. Ample shade trees are shown as required.
Twenty-two (22) rear parking stalls are proposed to be landbanked
so they are engineered and accounted for, but the area will be left
as landscape until a time there's a need to be activated.
9. Landscaping sheet C-400
i. The landscape plan indicates approximately 123,864sf of
landscaped area and 8,712sf of area to remain natural.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
ii. As proposed, there would be 56.3% landscape coverage for
this HB parcel where a minimum of 25% is required.
iii. Numerous existing trees on site 6" caliper or greater are
proposed to be retained within the restaurant and hotel areas of
disturbance and the areas along the property lines. These
include varieties of Oak, Apple, Cedar, Walnut, Maple and
Staff- the Board agreed to change the species of shade trees
proposed within driveway medians to dogwoods to ensure that
the these trees can be trimmed/limbed up for vehicle clearance
and a native species
iv. An irrigation plan has been provided as a PDF utilizing an
irrigation well and provides water usage calculations at
GPM/day/week for the thirty-eight (38) proposed zones.
Staff: The applicant has noted an irrigation timeframe of 26
weeks and Board required decreasing that timeframe to 16
weeks in the effort to decrease water consumption.
10.Exterior Lighting ursuant to Southold Town Code §172 . Thirty (30)
fixtures proposed
(21) single pole lights @ 14' high; (T3, T4, and T5)
(2) Door wall mounts @ 6' high
(2) Pendant lights under overhang @ 10' high
(2) Sign light fixtures @ 5' high
(1) Wall pack fixture @ 9' high
(2) Wall mounts @ 6' high
Staff.•A comprehensive photometric plan was submitted and there
remain some items to address. All fixtures noted to be provided at
The wall mount and sign lite fixtures are not included on the details
sheet which provides cut sheet specifications for each fixture.
The path lights are shown in the fixture specifications but do not
appear to be accounted for on the photometric plan. Exterior pool
area lights and STP lighting is included.
1. The following items have been corrected on the photometric
plan pursuant to §172:
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
a. All foot candle values are shown as no greater than
the Code maximum of 0.05fc along east (R-80 zoned)
property line;
b. All foot candle values are shown as no greater than
the Code maximum of 0.1fc along a portion of the
east and the west property lines where the parcel
abuts commercially zoned land;
c. All fixtures have been shown with a color temperature
of 2700K;
d. Total Lumens required and provided not completely
shown on the photometric plan. "8,527 lumens per
acre" is included as a note. This should be more
clearly displayed within an information table with
fixture details, including path lighting
(1) Permitted in commercial zone is 25,000 /
(2) Lumens Maximum Permitted: 168,750
lumens (6.75ac X 25,000 lumens per acre).
8,527 x 6.8 = 57,983
11.Exterior signage details must be provided to ensure compliance with
Chapter 280-86(C). There are business signs located on the site plan in
the front yard at the Main Road and at the Hotel entrance but there are no
supporting details including dimensions, lighting and color. The front road
main sign is shown in the proposed restaurant rendering.
Staff: the Board can make a condition that the future sign is reviewed and
approved by Planning Board instead of reviewing and approving it now.
12.280-131 KGuaranty of performance..
(1) Public improvements. A guaranty of performance may be required for
all public improvements as part of the conditions of approval. If a
guaranty of performance is required, the provisions of Article IX, Bonds
and Other Security,[2]shall apply.
(2) Other on-site improvements, including, but not limited to, securing the
property, buffers, landscaping and/or screening. A guaranty of
performance may be required in an amount to be determined by the
Planning Board for the estimated value of on-site improvements as
part of the conditions of approval under the following circumstances:
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
(a) Where the application involves a commercial property that abuts
or is across any public or private street from a residential property.
(b) Where the application involves a change or intensification of use
that may substantially impact adjacent property owners.
Staff: a performance bond was required. The Board should consider if
any other elements should be part of the Bond in addition to:
➢ Off-site public improvements (sidewalk, street trees, aprons)
➢ Perimeter buffer/screening, fencing and associated plantings or at a
minimum, enough funds to take the necessary steps to secure or
restore the site (e.g. security fence) and prevent erosion and runoff,
and any other hold-over measures should there be a failure on the
part of the applicant to complete the project.
➢ An estimate will be requested from the Town Engineer and that will
be brought to the Planning Board and applicant at a future work
13.Existing Trees and Wildlife: naturally vegetated areas provide suitable
habitat for special species such as the Eastern Box Turtle and/or the
Northern Long-Eared Bat. In the effort to preserve existing habitat and
mitigate potential areas of disturbance, the following should be
i. Notation on the site plan that all trees shown will be saved.
ii. Wildlife sweeps for Eastern Box Turtles and/or Northern Long
Eared bat during construction phasing
14.Potential list of conditions draft form):
i. Prior to the Site Plan being endorsed, obtain outside permits
1. SCDHS: Wastewater permit from SCDHS
2. N'YSDOT*: Highway work permit from the NYSDOT
*Engineer coordination
ii. SEQRA EIS & Findings Statement of the ZBA as adopted by the
Planning Board September 12, 2022
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
iii. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No.
7046SE) restricted on site operations further than the SEQR
findings with the following conditions:
1. No outdoor events of any size
2. No special events
3. No large events over 100 guests.
4. No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
5. Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge)
not available for use by general public.
6. No outdoor music anywhere on property
iv. Wildlife sweeps and clearing restrictions as noted above, etc.;
v. Exterior signage review and approval as noted above
vi. Preconstruction meeting with Staff and Town Engineer (+Building
Dept?) for site work coordination prior to any clearing on site;
vii. Transition Buffer along the East property line as required
viii. The vertical height clearance of the portico structure at the
loading berth and hotel entrance shall be at least 15' high.
ix. The hotel building must have a sprinkler suppression system;
x. All curbs shall be made mountable for driveways providing an
extended load bearing surface
V: Items to consider:
1. Consider the staff analysis items as detailed above, abbreviated here:
a. Use Certification and Fire Marshal sign off from the Building Department
b. Revised site plan providing:
i. Updated Building Elevations
ii. Engineer 236 revisions as required
iii, All load bearing grass pavers must have legible radius dimensions
iv. Load bearing grass paver surfaces must include a notation verifying
the load capacity is at least 75,000lbs for emergency purposes
v. Notation for mountable curbs
vi, Dogwood trees in landscape medians in lieu of proposed
vii. Cut sheet specifications for the proposed wall mount and sign lights
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
viii. Include path lights in luminaire schedule
ix. Number of irrigation weeks (26 to 16)
c. Performance bond estimate from Town Engineer
Tel. (631)-765—1560 Fax (631) 765 9015
LY,fl V-1;- d U
Brian Cummings December 13, 2022
Southold Town Planning Department ` IT Irp
54375 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
Re: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
SCTM #: 1000 — 63. — 03 — 15 .w.. kulroro
Pianning Board
Dear Mr. Cummings:
As per a request from your office, I have reviewed Sheets 1-22 of the
Site Plan for The Enclaves prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated
August 23, 2016, last revised November 23, 2022. Please have the applicant
submit revised plans that address the following:
1. The applicant must obtain a permit from the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for the curb cuts associated
with the development prior to final approval.
2. Drain DLP B-9 is incorrectly labeled as DLP RA-9,
3. Specify the diameter of the Pond Drain.
4. Sheet 20 of 22, Site Details, shows that all leaching pools and leaching
catch basins are to be 12' in diameter with a 10' effective depth. This
conflicts with the drainage design. Resolve this discrepancy.
5. Revise Sheets 21 & 22 of 22, Details, as necessary to state that if
Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) is to be utilized it must be
NYSDOT Specification RCA.
6. The final plans must show the location of and details for the concrete
washout areas and soil stockpile areas as part of the erosion and
sediment control plan.
If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my
Michael M. Collins, P.E.
Town Engineer
Southold Town Planning..Board Work Session— December 5, 2022— Page 2
Project Name: Green ort Medical Offices &Apartments SCTM#_ 1000-34-2-1 -
I0003I2 1—
Location: 160 NYS Route 2§, Greenport __
Description: This Site Plan application is for the proposed construction of four (4) camps-
style residential office buildings with three (3) medical office units on the first
floor and ten (10)workforce housing units on the second floor of each, with 120
_,parkingstalls on 4.7 aces in the RO and R-40 Zoning_District.
Status: Pending___
Action: Review Draft Conditioned Negative Declaration
Attachments: I Staff Report
�riect Name: Hotel
_fh_eEn�f;�ei SCTM#: 1000-63-3-15
Location: 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
Description: This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the
Hamlet Business zoning district.
Status: Pending
Action., Review Revised Plans
Attachments: Staff Report
Project Name: Mattituck Hotel #-:f 10061.22-6-22.1
Location: 9025 NYS Route 25,Mqttit ck
Description: This proposed site plan is for the re-development of an existing commercial site
including the demolition of the existing building, and the construction of a hotel
with 121 rooms, restaurant, catering facility and indoor recreation totaling
200,087 sq. ft.; associated parking and a wastewater treatment plant on two
parcels to be merged totaling 11.8 acres in the General Business (B) Zoning
Status: Pending,
Action: Review for g2mplqteness
Attachments: Staff Report
❖ Planning Board Monthly Report for November, 2022
❖ Site Plan Use Determinations (SPUD):
o 170 Moores Lane Realty Corp., 170 Moores Lane, Greenport, SCTM#1000-45-7-3
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
Date December 5, 2022
Prepared By: Brian Cummings
I. Application Information
Project Title: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Applicant: 56655 Main St, LLC
Tax Map Number: 63.-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: HB- Hamlet Business
II. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Commercial
Acreage of Project Site: 6.75 acres
Building size ±62,338 sq. ft. 44 unit Hotel (w/full basement)
2,376sf in 4 cottages
3,610 sq. ft. Restaurant (conversion of existing
This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a
584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44
units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning district
Site Plan packet Table of Contents
C-001 Site Plan General Notes C-301 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-002 Site Plan Legend C-302 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-100 Traffic Control & Parking Plan C-400 Landscape Plan and Details
C-101 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-500 Site Lighting and Details
C-102 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-501 Site Lighting and Details
C-103 Site Circulation Plan & Detail C-600 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-104 Work Zone Traffic Control Plan C-601 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-200 Grading and Drainage Plan C-602 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-201 Grading and Drainage Plan C-700 Site Details
C-202 Boring Plan and Boring Logs C-701 Details
C-300 Sediment and Erosion Control Plan C-702 Details
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
III: Review:
The purpose of the Harslet Business HB District is to provide for business
development in the hamlet central business areas, including retail, office and service
uses, public and semipublic uses, as well as hotel and motel and multifamily residential
development that will support and enhance the retail development and provide a focus
for the hamlet area.
IV: Analysis
A. Existing:
1. Vacant 6.75 acre parcel with an existing house (3,026 sq. ft.);
1. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site
has been provided.
2. Surrounding land:
a. North: LIRR, R-80 zoned land (in agriculture)
b. Northeast: two R-80 zoned single family residences
c. Southeast: two HB zoned single family residences
d. West: one commercial boatyard zoned HB
e. South: one HB zoned single family residence, one commercial business.
B. Proposed construction
1. Restaurant—74 seats. Located in the existing building in front
3,610 sq. ft. (adding 584 sq. ft. to the existing building)
2. Hotel —44 Rooms, including 4 cottages
• Rooms @ 500 — 540sf
• Cottages @ 594sf
• Accessory uses for hotel guests
o Outdoor pool
o Indoor pool
o Spa treatment areas
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
o Lounge area
3. Wastewater Management: The sanitary plan shows a sanitary treatment plant
(STP) with 10' x 23' control building within a fenced compound in the rear of
the parcel with leaching pool areas. Both the restaurant (pump station /force
main) and hotel connect to the STP. SCDHS approval is required.
4. Storm water: (see Engineer comments below) multiple drainage zones are
proposed to capture storm water runoff for the restaurant, hotel, cottages and
all impervious surfaces including pool area, asphalt parking lot and access
5. Access: 18' wide access ingress off of Main Road, east of the restaurant,
i_ZZwhich leads to the restaurant or continues at 16' wide to the hotel (further
decreasing to 14'). A corresponding 18'- 22' egress driveway continues to the
west of the restaurant and out to the Main Road.
Staff.• See modifications as proposed below regarding emergency services
C. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), & SEQRA.
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October, 2021.
September 12, 2022, Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement of the
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
restricted on site operations further than the SEQR findings with the following
• No outdoor events of any size
• No special events
• No large events over 100 guests.
• No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
• Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge) not
available for use by general public.
• No outdoor music anywhere on property
D. Staff Analy%s
1. Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) approval is
required. As noted above, an on-site sanitary treatment plant is proposed
for waste water management;
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
2. A Highway Work Permit is required to be obtained from the New York
State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for proposed curb cuts and
work within the R.O.W.
3. SEQRA Findings: the applicant submitted a narrative identifying the
pertinent findings which required an action or condition this was including
but not limited to:
i. Mitigation strategies outlined in the DEIS and the Findings feature
elements identified consistent with minimizing ecological impacts.
1. 25' rear yard area to remain natural, wildlife sweeps required
for Eastern Box Turtle and clearing restrictions for Long-
Eared bat. Large existing trees will remain and be protected.
findings for this action under SEQRA
2. Soil and construction management plans regarding impacted
soils on site,
3. Relocating the site access an additional 11 feet to the west
and landscaping this area to provide a 15-foot-deep buffer
consisting of a double row of evergreens including the
installation of 18' — 20' foot tall mature Leyland Cypress and
a hedge;
4. A wooden stockade fence with noise attenuation insulation
(6.5 feet in height) is proposed along the eastern and
western property lines;
5. A parapet was added to the hotel to screen the HVAC unit
and a 30-inch glass barrier will be mounted on top of the
parapet to address sights and sounds;
6. Relocation of a dumpster, and adjustments to the outdoor
lighting plan to prevent light trespass (see photometric plan)
7. The proposed landscape buffer plantings will be installed
early in the construction process to provide additional time
for growth during the estimated 18- to 22-month construction
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
8. An on-site irrigation well is provided as required for all
irrigation needs as well as the use of smart irrigation control
systems and drought tolerant vegetation in the landscaping
9. In accordance with SCDHS and NYSDEC regulations,
groundwater monitoring wells would be installed both
upstream and downstream of the effluent disposal system to
monitor groundwater impacts as part of the SPDES permit
obtained for the STP.
Staff:The site plan does not indicate the location of the
monitoring wells.
4. With regard to the Planning Board referral review and site plan
i. Widen all driveways and interior access roads to 20' load
bearing surface for emergency vehicle access
Submitted: loading bearing surfaces have been provided along
the shoulders of the driveway and within landscape medians;
however, complete width and radius measurements are not
specified in all areas.
The total width of asphalt driveway and load bearing surface
ranges from 23'3" — 26'0"
ii. Provide mountable curbs for emergency vehicle access;
Submitted: although implied, the site circulation plans that
show how different size large vehicles will navigate the site
utilizing the proposed loading bearing grass pavers does not
specify all curbs will be mountable and should be clearly noted;
iii. Provide turning radius dimensions at driveway curb cuts to
main road
Submitted: each 18' wide curb cut access proposes an apron to
NYS Rt 25 that expands to 26'2"
iv. Hotel Parking: the rear of the parcel should be reconsidered in
a way that provides more continuity through the rear of the site
with adequate turn out or turn around for emergency vehicles;
and, sufficient interior parking landscaping as required
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
Staff: the rear parking area has been redesigned in a way
that provided a relocated and shorter access to the WTP; a
T-turnaround for large/emergency vehicles is provided in the
NE rear corner; and, twenty-two (22) land banked parking
stalls have been provided in the area that was previously
paved parking with a longer access driveway to the WTP.
5. Southold Fire District:
i. Provide for a bigger turning radius for fire trucks (33ft inside
radius, 48ft outside radius);
ii. Curbs to be low profile, ride over islands;
iii. Hydrant located on the southwest corner of the property
(across from the roundabout and near the paved walkway),
iv. Standpipe (southwest corner of building in front closest to
Submitted: while mountable curbs and expanded load bearing
surfaces are shown on the plan, turning radius dimensions are not
specified throughout and should be provided.
Ride over islands with low profile curbs provided, hydrant located
near roundabout nearest the front corner of the hotel building is
provided and there is a standpipe connection at the nearest side of
the hotel building.
6. Fire Marshal
i. Verify that the vertical height clearance of the structure at the
loading berth area is at least 15' high.
ii. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30' in height shall have not
fewer than two means of fire apparatus access.
1 . In this case there are two one way driveways which in
the event of an emergency, can both function as ingress
to the site;
iii. The building must have a sprinkler suppression system;
iv. All curbs shall be made mountable and driveways should
provide a load bearing surface of at least 20' in width. The
entrance driveway changes from 18' wide, to 16' wide and then
to 14' wide;
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
v. Show flow calculations (water supply) and locations of hydrants
on the plan.
vi. Show location of fire sprinkler system fire department
connection location.
vii. Provide turning radius dimensions at both driveways at Route
viii. Provide road striping and "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE"
pavement markings in areas next to hydrants and fire
department connections.
ix. "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE" signs should be posted at regular
intervals along the fire apparatus access road in areas not
designated for parking.
x. Provide location(s) of fire hydrant(s), road widths adjacent to
hydrant and "no parking" striping.
Staff; this revised site plan has been referred to the Chief Zoning
Administrator and office of the Town Fire Marshal for review and
comment; and, certification if applicable.
7. Chapter 236 Office of the Town Engineer:
Reviewed Sheets 1-17 of the Site Plan for The Enclaves prepared by
Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated August 23, 2016, last revised
February 15, 2022. Please have the applicant submit revised plans
that address the following six (6) items.
i. The applicant must obtain a permit from the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for the curb cuts
associated with the development prior to final approval.
ii. As submitted, the drainage design does not meet Town
requirements. As an example, the drainage calculations for the
"Hotel Roof/Pond" combines the runoff from the hotel roof,
cottage roof, pond area and cabana roof and specifies five 12'
diameter by 12' deep leaching pools. However, two of these
leaching pools, representing 40% of the total drainage system
capacity, are connected directly to the cottages, which
constitute only 7% of the total impervious area. Please revise
the drainage design for the entire site, ensuring that the
drainage area served by each drainage structure or system is
clearly shown and that drainage calculations accurately reflect
these areas. Provide contours or flow lines that show how
stormwater will be directed into the drainage structures.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
iii. I recommend that all leaching pools not equipped with an open
grate be provided with solid cast iron clean out covers to grade
to facilitate future maintenance.
iv, Sheet 16 of 17, Site Details, shows that all leaching pools and
leaching catch basins are to be 12' in diameter with a 10'
effective depth. This conflicts with the drainage design.
Resolve this discrepancy.
v. Revise Sheet 17, Details, as necessary to state that if Recycled
Concrete Aggregate (RCA) is to be utilized it must be NYSDOT
Specification RCA.
vi. The final plans must show the location of and details for the
concrete washout area and soil stockpile areas as part of the
erosion and sediment control plan.
Staff; this revised site plan has been referred to the Town Engineer
for review and comment; and, certification if applicable.
8. Beat management practices required to further policies 5.4 and 5.5
and protect ground and surface waters:
i. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in
ii. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-
soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the
iii. Require a maximum of 1 Ib. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in
any one application, with a cumulative application of no more
than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year.
iv. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing
nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1St
and April 1st.
v. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited
unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn
does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three
bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of
phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with
0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a
number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is
being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
Staff: the BMP's as required above have been noted on Sheet C-400
for Landscape Plan and Details;
9. Code requirements:
i. Accessory Loading Zones:
Four (4) total loading zones are provided. Three (3) at the hotel
entrance area and one (1) at the rear of the restaurant
ii. Parking §280-78:
Total stalls required = 56 + 38 = 94
Total stalls provided = 132 (6 ADA)
Staff: no change to the same amount of stalls (+38 of
requirement) as proposed on the revised plan and there are
twenty-two (22) stalls proposed to be land banked
1. Calculations:
a. Hotel @ 1 space for each guest room and 1 for
each employee or 1 space per guest room,
whichever is greater,
(1)44 units @ 1 per = 44 parking stalls
(2) 12 employees = 44 + 12 = 56 parking
stalls required
(3) 90 paved stalls (4 ADA) and 4 grass paver
provided (94 total at hotel)
b. Restaurant @ 1 space per 3 seats or 1 space per
100 square feet of floor space, whichever is
(1) 74 seats / 3 per = 24.6 spaces
(2) 3,806 sq. ft / 100 sq. ft = 38 parking stalls
(3) 27 paved stalls and 11 grass paver stalls
provided (38 total)
iii. 28'+ -94 Transition troffer area.
The purpose of the transition buffer area is to provide privacy
from noise, headlight glare and visual intrusion to residential
dwellings. A buffer area shall be required along all boundaries of
a nonresidential lot abutting any lot in a residential district. Such
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
buffer area shall comply with at least the following minimum
A. The buffer area shall be located within the boundaries of the
subject property.
B. The minimum width of buffer areas shall be as follows:
(1) Hamlet Business District: 15 feet.
Staff: a 15' wide transition buffer is provided along the entire
east property line with a staggered double row of (134) 18' —
20' tall Leyland Cypress plantings and a 6%' high wooden
stockade fence with acoustic barrier
iv. §280-93 Front Landscaped Areal,
A front landscaped area shall be required for all uses in all
zoning districts. The required landscaped area shall be covered
with grass or other ground cover and shall include appropriate
trees and shrubs. As a minimum, in all nonresidential districts
and in the Hamlet Density Residential and R-40 Low-Density
Residential Districts, one shade tree having a caliper of two
inches shall be planted within the front landscaped area for
each 40 feet or fraction thereof of lot frontage.
Staff: 191' of frontage along Route 25 = 4.75 or 5 street trees
required. Five (5) Red Flowering Dogwood trees proposed at 2"
caliper. 15' front yard landscape set back provided as required
v. §280-95 A & B Interior parking landscaping
Total Required = 380 sf for Restaurant; 560sf for Hotel
Total provided: 1,061sf at the restaurant, 2,091sf at the hotel along
the west side and rear. Ample shade trees are shown as required.
Twenty-two (22) rear parking stalls are proposed to be landbanked
so they are engineered and accounted for, but the area will be left
as landscape until a time there's a need to be activated.
10.1 and cpu site vegetation landscape area = 132,576sf
i. The landscape plan indicates approximately 123,864sf of
landscaped area and 8,712sf of area to remain natural.
ii. As proposed, there would be 56.3% landscape coverage for
this HB parcel where a minimum of 25% is required.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
iii. Numerous existing trees on site 6" caliper or greater are
proposed to be retained within the restaurant and hotel areas of
disturbance and the areas along the property lines. These
include varieties of Oak, Apple, Cedar, Walnut, Maple and
Staff: the Board may want to consider the species of shade
trees proposed within driveway landscape medians and ensure
that the trees proposed can be trimmed/limbed up to achieve
vertical vehicle clearance and landscaping requirements
iv. Sheet C-400 Landscape plan depicts deciduous shade trees,
evergreens and seeding/lawn area.
v. An irrigation plan has been provided utilizing an irrigation well
and provides water usage calculations at GPM/day/week for
the thirty-eight (38) proposed zones.
Further, the applicant has noted an irrigation timeframe of 26
weeks and Board required decreasing that timeframe to 16
weeks in the effort to decrease water consumption.
vi. Exterior Lighting ursuant to Southold Town Code 172 : Thirty
(30) fixtures proposed
(21) single pole lights @ 14' high; (T3, T4, and T5)
(2) Door wall mounts @ 6' high
(2) Pendant lights under overhang @ 10' high
(2) Sign light fixtures @ 5' high
(1) Wall pack fixture @ 9' high
(2) Wall mounts @ 6' high
Staff:A comprehensive photometric plan was submitted and there
remain some items to address. All fixtures noted to be provided at
2700K. The wall mount and sign lite fixtures are not included on the
details sheet which provides cut sheet specifications for each
fixture. The path lights are shown in the fixture specifications but do
not appear to be accounted for on the photometric plan. Exterior
pool area lights and STP lighting is included.
1. The following items have been corrected on the photometric
plan pursuant to §172:
a. All foot candle values are shown as no greater than
the Code maximum of 0.05fc along east (R-80 zoned)
property line;
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
b. All foot candle values are shown as no greater than
the Code maximum of 0.1fc along a portion of the
east and the west property lines where the parcel
abuts commercially zoned land;
c. All fixtures have been shown with a color temperature
of 2700K;
d. Total Lumens required and provided not completely
shown on the photometric plan. "8,527 lumens per
acre" is included as a note. This should be more
clearly displayed within an information table with
fixture details, including path lighting
(1) Permitted in commercial zone is 25,000 /
(2) Lumens Maximum Permitted: 168,750
lumens (6.75ac X 25,000 lumens per acre).
8,527 x 6.8 = 57,983
11.Exterior signage details must be provided to ensure compliance with
Chapter 280-86(C). There are business signs located on the site plan in
the front yard at the Main Road and at the Hotel entrance but there are no
supporting details including dimensions, lighting and color. The front road
main sign is shown in the proposed restaurant rendering.
12.280-131(K) Guaranly of performance.
(1) Public improvements. A guaranty of performance may be required for
all public improvements as part of the conditions of approval. If a
guaranty of performance is required, the provisions of Article IX, Bonds
and Other Security,[2]shall apply.
(2) Other on-site improvements, including, but not limited to, securing the
property, buffers, landscaping and/or screening. A guaranty of
performance may be required in an amount to be determined by the
Planning Board for the estimated value of on-site improvements as
part of the conditions of approval under the following circumstances:
Staff: Some level of performance bond may include any off-site
improvements as required by the Board, guaranty of the perimeter
buffer/screening fencing and associated plantings or at a minimum,
enough funds to take the necessary steps to secure or restore the site
(e.g. security fence) and prevent erosion and runoff, and any other
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Revised Site Plan Review
hold-over measures should there be a failure on the part of the
applicant to complete the project.
13.Existing Trees and Wildlife: naturally vegetated areas provide suitable
habitat for special species such as the Eastern Box Turtle and/or the
Northern Long-Eared Bat. In the effort to preserve existing habitat and
mitigate potential areas of disturbance, the following should be
i. Notation on the site plan that all trees shown will be saved.
ii. Wildlife sweeps for Eastern Box Turtles and/or Northern Long
Eared bat during construction phasing
14.Consideration of potential conditions
i. Wildlife sweeps as noted above, etc.;
ii. Require completion of obtaining outside permits as detailed above,
1. SCDHS: Wastewater permit from SCDHS
2. NYSDOT: Highway work permit from the NYSDOT
V: Items to consider: Consider the staff analysis items as detailed above.
Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 � Southold,NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector
Amanda Nunemaker, Building Permits Examiner
From: Brian Cummings, Planner
Date: December 1, 2022
Re: Use Certification
Site Plan for Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25, Southold SCTM#1000-63-3-15
The Planning Board has found this Site Plan Application suitable for determination pursuant
to §280-131 F (1) and refers the application to you for final review and certification.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq. ft.) with
full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached
cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool,
and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.), with a total
of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75-acre parcel in the Hamlet Business Zoning District.
Your certification is requested by December 22 2022. If this date is not feasible, please
contact this office directly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Encis: Site Plan Application
Site Plan
Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) "
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
www.southoldt ownny.gov
To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer
From: Brian Cummings, Planner °e&k
Date: December 1, 2022
Re: Site Plan for Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Application Name: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Tax Map Number: 1000-63-3-15
Location: 56655 Route 25, Southold
Type of Application:
Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated:
Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated:
Final Subdivision Map (Dated:
Road Profiles (Dated: )
Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated:
Other (Dated:
Site Plan (Dated:
Revised/Amended Site Plan (Dated:
11/23/22 )
Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated.
Other (AS BUILT) (Dated:
Project Description: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel
(62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq.
ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75-acre parcel in the Hamlet Business Zoning
Your comments are appreciated by December 12th, if feasible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Planning Board--------------- .
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DATE November 23, 2022
Heather Lanza
Planning Director
TO Town of Southold Cc
54375 Route 25
Southold, NY 11971
FROM Bryan Grogan, PE—P.W.Grosser Consulting
RE Enclaves
®Attached❑Under separate cover❑Overnight❑Regular Mail.
5 Sets of Plans
IIS „ 1Z(1) w 'I �I m �I” S �I m1111 III � v IIII` PHONE—,E—, 6 1. ,63 w 630 .��"�W°INS01U4 AVENUE,��TE"7
���. ��1...���GMT, P.C, IP II O,�&II1 R.0 I EMI , IVY 11716
� . � ul�.�� ul w����..�°�N Il�,ul� ���r,�,u�� �� �� :,
Town Hall Annex 1 � � �� P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
September 13, 2022
Andrew V. Giambertone, AIA President
Andrew V. Giambertone & Associates, Architects
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
David N. Altman, Esq.
Brown Altman & DiLeo, LLP
538 Broadhollow Road, Suite 301
Melville, NY 11747
Re: Adopt Findings Statement - The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held
on Monday, September 12, 2022:
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, as an involved agency for the action,
reviewed and commented on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Final
Environmental Impact Statement; sending those comments to the Southold Town
Zoning Board of Appeals, the Lead Agency for the action; and
WHEREAS, on October 7, 2021, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), as
Lead Agency adopted the SEQR Statement of Findings dated October, 2021 for the
proposed Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant; and
WHEREAS, after careful consideration, the Southold Town Planning Board, as an
involved agency for the action, found the Statement of Findings adopted by the ZBA
thorough and adequate; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, as an involved agency, hereby
adopts the Statement of Findings adopted by the ZBA on October 7, 2021, for the
proposed Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant Application, pursuant to Article 8 of the
Environmental Conservation Law (State Environmental Quality Review Act) and the
implementing regulations of 6 NYCRR Part 617.
A complete timeline and additional information regarding the SEQR process can be
found in the Findings, Deliberations and Determination Meeting of December 2, 2021,
Special Exception for 56655 Main St. LLC (The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant)
document in Town Laserfiche.
If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please
contact the Planning Board Office.
Res ectfully„
Donald J. Wilcenski
Scott Russell, Southold Town Supervisor
Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board
Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals
Southold Town Building Department
Southold Town Engineer
Southold Town Police Department
Southold Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator
Southold Town Architectural Review Committee
Southold Fire District
Suffolk County Department of Health Services (Involved Agency)
Suffolk County Water Authority (Involved Agency)
Suffolk County Planning Commission
NYS DEC - Stony Brook
NYS DEC - Commissioner
NYS Department of Transportation
NYS Department of State
NYS Natural Heritage Program
Environmental Notice Bulletin
S Board Work Session -Au ust 22 2022 -Pa e
SCTM#-:7 1000--27--1--3—'—
pt�qj��ct_Npme: The Orchards -—-------
Location: 2595 Orchard Street,06ent ........
Description* This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3-acre
parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre
building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99
acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80
Zoning District.
- Conditional Sketch
----- ..
— Rff Re ort IS Action— view Revised
Attachments Sta
Project Name: North Cliff Vineyard Agricultural SCTM#: 1000-107.-5-6.3 & 6.5
Storage Building
305 m"--,A-ve—nue-,"--M"-aft—ituc--k--"—
construction of a one-story
Description. This agricultural site plan is for the proposed
3,374 sq. ft. agricultural storage building on ±20 acres of farmland with
Southold Town in the AC Zoning District,—
Development Rights held b.v
New App Liq�!tLiori
Action: Completeness & Waiver,RfeqRest
Attachments Staff Report
• ---�-JOOO
Ti� s Hotel -63-3-15 •
.prpj act Namlq:
Location- 56655 NYS Route 25, Southol..d
Description: This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in
the Hamlet Business Zoning,.P1qE!q
Status: Pending_,,
FAcn: SE'QR'A Findings, -- -—---
I-1---- --- ZBA Findings
Attachments: NPV Repqrt',4PLS 'L
pqqLla!l Exception �Pl? oval &
Proiect Name: Sports East Recreational Facilit
SCTM#-� 1000-75-1-6
Location: 10- -80 Carroll Avenue, Peconic
Description: - -s I ite plan is,f or the proposed construction of a 2-story 45,500 sq. ft,
Public Indoor Recreational Facility building and associated parking. This
proposal requires a subdivision of the parcel, and a change of zoning
district from A-C. to RFZ (Recreational Floating Zone) on 5.3 acres in
- mmfor Completenq.ssll .......
Attachmen t s
_I Staff Repo
Southold Town Planning Board.Work Session -August 8, 2022 - Page 2
Liebert Standard Subdivision
Location: On the east side of Hortons Lane, 100' southeast of Jennings Road,
Description: This proposal is for the standard subdivision of a 2.43-acre vacant lot into
two lots, where Lot 1 equals 54,134 sq. ft. and Lot 2 equals 54,134 sq, ft.
in the R-40 Zoninq District.
'a u Conditional Final Plat Ap val
Action: _I:i�view Revised Final Plat..
;0aa_ck*m`ents_:_ Staff Report
Proiect name" Vansant Resubdivision _60 -96' '13 & 14
Location: 1135, 1265 & 1355 Smith Road, Peconic
Description: This resubdivision proposes to create two lots from three existing 15,000
+/- sq. ft. parcels, SCTM#s 1000-98-4-12, 13 and 14. Existing Lot 13 will
be divided between Lots 12 and 14 to create proposed Parcel A at
22,735 sq. ft. and proposed Parcel B at 23,750 sq. ft. Both will require an
area variance to create lots that are non-conforming in the R-40 Zoning
Action: .__._I_qqMpleteness
pect Name: Messina Conservation #. 1000-56-1-1
5r-0j ... ....... Subdivision _[1 000-55-6-35 & 36
Avenue, Southold
-be's'crip--tion: This 80/60 conservation subdivision proposes to subdivide 50 acres into
eight (8) residential lots of approximately 35,000 sq. ft. each, and one
43.6-acre reserved as op pace by the Town.
Status: Conditional Sketch Plat Ap oval
Action: Final Plat Ap lication Completeness
Attachments: Staff Report
� ��
7 r engineers • architects • surveyors
August 5, 2022
Town of Southold Planning Board
54375 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
RE: Traffic Comment Response
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Main Road, Southold
To Members of the Town of Southold Planning Board:
At the request of the Town of Southold Planning Board, N+P Engineering, Architecture & Land Surveying,
PLLC(N+P) has conducted a review of the three letters received by Margaret Steinbugler dated April 11tH
2022, April 24th, 2022 and July 5th, 2022. We have reviewed these three letters and offer the following
responses to these comments, summarized below.
I learned the following from a review of the ITE TGM, 10th edition:
• The trip generation rates that the applicant applied to estimate traffic
generated by the proposed hotel and restaurant were based on data from urban
and suburban locations. Southold Town and Southold hamlet are neither urban
nor suburban, thus these trip generations rates are not applicable to the
applicant's proposal and were used inappropriately.
• The ITE TGM 10`h edition offers estimates of trips generated by business hotels
based on number of employees (you may recall that the applicant estimated
trips based on number of rooms). If the number of hotel employees (43) is used
as the independent variable instead of the number of rooms, weekday morning
and afternoon peak trips are 147 and 150 trips respectively, compared to only
17 estimated in the applicant's traffic study. Basing trips on number of
employees results in nearly 9 times more trips than the applicant estimated
based on number of hotel rooms.
N&P Engineering,Architecture and Land Surveying, PLLC
Long Island: 70 Maxess Road, Melville, NY 11747 • 631.427.5665 • nelsonpope.com
NYC: 14 Penn Plaza, 225 West 34th Street, Suite 912, New York, NY 10122
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant,Southold
N+P 09015
Page 2 of 7
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual is the most widely used and
acceptable source for trip generation in the transportation engineering industry. This publication sets
forth trip generation data obtained by traffic counts conducted at sites throughout the country. According
to the ITE Location definitions below, the study area will fit under the suburban category as opposed to
the rural category.
o General Urban/Suburban—an area associated with almost homogeneous vehicle-
centered access. Nearly all person trips that enter or exit a development site are by
personal passenger or commercial vehicle.The area can be fully developed (or nearly so)
at low-medium density with a mix of residential and commercial uses. The commercial
land uses are typically concentrated at intersections or spread along commercial
corridors, often surrounded by low-density, almost entirely residential development.
Most commercial buildings are located behind the parking area or surrounded by parking.
The mixing of land uses is only in terms of their proximity, not in terms of function.A retail
land use may focus on serving a regional clientele whereas a service land use may target
motorists or pass-by vehicle trips for its customers. Even if the land uses are
complementary, a lack of pedestrian, bicycling, and transit facilities or services limit non-
vehicle travel.
o Rural—agricultural or undeveloped except for scattered parcels and at very low densities.
Based on the descriptions above, the subject site is located within a hamlet center that more closely
fits the description of a suburban setting.
According to the Traffic Impact Study,the proposed hotel will contain 44 rooms and will be supported
by 12 employees. The basis of 43 employees is not clear and use of trip generation by the number of
rooms is an acceptable approach.
In addition, I noted in my April 11 testimony that the applicant concluded in several instances that
traffic increases would be 'insignificant" or 'not noticeable without providing any standard or
threshold between significant and insignificant levels. Such a threshold has been found:the New York
City CEQR Technical Manual, December 2021 edition, Chapter 16, notes that for a lane group with
level of service (LOS F) under the 'With-Action' condition, an increase in projected delay of 4.0 or
more seconds compared to the 'No-Action' condition should be considered significant. The
applicant's traffic study notes that the intersection of southbound Boisseau Avenue and the Main
Road,for Saturday peak hour conditions, under a 'no build'scenario will have a level of service of F
and a control delay time of 63.4 seconds vs. a delay time under the 'build'scenario is predicted to be
68.1 seconds. The increase in delay for this level F intersection is thus 4.7 seconds, which is
considered significant by the NYC DOT, in contrast to the applicant's assertion that this increase
would not be noticeable. Surely the NYC DOT is an entity that is likely more tolerant of wait times at
intersections than Southold residents are.
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Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant,Southold
N+P 09015
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The threshold between significant and insignificant levels stated above are for signalized intersections.
For unsignalized intersections,the CEQR manual went further and stated that:
For unsignalized intersections the same criteria as for signalized intersections would apply. For the minor
street to trigger a significant impact, a total approach volume of 90 PCEs (passenger car equivalents)
must be identified in the future With-Action conditions in any peak hour.
The intersection of Boisseau Avenue and Main Road is unsignalized. Based on the above criteria, an
increase in delay of more than 4 seconds for the minor approach that is already operating at an LOS F will
not be considered a significant impact if the approach volumes are less than 90 vehicles. This does not
occur for the weekday AM and PM peak hours for the intersection of Boisseau Avenue and Main Road.
The southbound Boisseau Avenue approach has more than 90 vehicles during the Saturday peak hour
for the no-Action condition (existing conditions). The proposed project is not anticipated to add any
traffic to the southbound Boisseau Avenue approach during the Saturday peak hour.The increase in
delay at this approach is due to additional vehicles on Main Road that would delay vehicles turning
from Boisseau Avenue onto Main Road. The critical gap acceptance calculated by the HCS software
(software utilized to conduct capacity analyses) for vehicles exiting a stop-controlled approach of an
unsignalized intersection is approximately 7 seconds,which is conservative.Traffic observations show that
motorists in the study area exit side streets during shorter gaps (4 to 5 second gaps),which would reduce
the operating delay at the intersection. Additionally, the 95' percentile queue length will remain
unchanged with and without the Proposed Action. Given these factors, it was not anticipated that the
calculated level of service delay at Boisseau Avenue (0.7 seconds above the CEQRA threshold for the
Saturday peak hour),would result in significant operational impacts at this intersection.
Traffic Directional Distribution
In the FEIS, the applicant states "The proposed project will generate 46 trips during the Saturday peak
hours of traffic, and this represents a less than four(4)percent increase in traffic on Route 25 in front
of the site," (FEIS, p. 50). This conclusion is heavily influenced by assumptions regarding traffic
directional distribution.
The TIS traffic directional distribution assumes that 60%of traffic arriving will come from (and depart
to) the west and 40% will arrive from (and depart to) the east. This assumption is justified with the
statement {TIS, p. 27) "The weight of the population within the capture area of the hotel and
restaurant is heavily weighted to the west"The TIS presents no population data for the capture areas
of the hotel and restaurant and provides no analysis to validate this assumption.
Data to substantiate this critical assumption could have been found or collected. Census data for the
project's capture area could have been looked up and presented. Evaluations of traffic to and from
nearby restaurants could have been made but were not. A survey of B&B owners or of other local
hotels and motels could have been performed to assess distribution of their guests from west and
east,one might reasonably assume that such data from hotels and motels in Riverhead and Greenport
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Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant,Southold
N+P 09015
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would bracket the range of traffic distribution that a hotel in Southold hamlet would experience, but
it appears no such data was sought. In the absence of any substantiating data for this assumption, a
sensitivity of the outcome to a more conservative traffic distribution should be made. As an example,
if 90% of the traffic for Saturday peak arrived from the west, the traffic increase would be
approximately 6% (not less than 4%).
An additional directional distribution assumption about the fraction of trips entering and exiting the
site is embedded in TIS Table 2 but not discussed. The ITE TGM trip generation data sets report,for
each set, the percent of vehicles entering and exiting the site when the data was collected. The TIS
adopted the entering/exiting split associated with the data set used but performed no sensitivity
study to assess the impact of other entering/exiting traffic splits.
The applicant's 40%/60% east/west directional distribution is supported by the existing roadway
volumes as shown on the table below summarizing the Route 25 existing peak hour summer traffic
volumes passing in front of the site.
EB Volumes WB Volumes EB Directional WB Directional
Distribution Distribution
AM Peak Hour 328 345 49% 51%
PM Peak Hour 432 440 49% 51%
Saturday Peak Hour 494 625 44% 56%
Source:Traffic Impact Study for Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant,June 2019
From the review of the existing traffic volumes, it can be seen that the east/west directional
distribution is 49%/51%during the AM and PM peak hours and 44%/56%during the Saturday midday
peak hour. Therefore, the assumption of a more conservative 10%/90% east/west directional
distribution is not supported by the existing roadway volumes. It should be noted that trips
associated with the hotel use should include trips throughout the patrons stay at the hotel, not just
initial arrival and departure. There are a number of destinations and attractions east of the subject
site (i.e., wineries, Village of Greenport, etc.) as well as the Cross Sound Ferry for guests that may be
visiting from locations in the northeast. It is therefore our professional opinion that the 40%/60%
east/west directional distribution used in the TIS is reasonable.
The percent increase in traffic calculated in the TIS was based on both the eastbound and westbound
traffic.The claim that changing the westbound traffic distribution from 60%to 90%for Saturday peak
hour arriving from the west would result in an approximately 6% traffic increase (not less than 4%)
is accurate, however, doing that will also reduce the percentage of traffic coming from the east.
Therefore, changing the distribution from 60%/40% to 90%/10% should not change the overall
percent increase in traffic on Route 25.
Collecting local data (census data and survey at local hotels and restaurants) when available to
develop a trip distribution is helpful. However, based on the number of trips generated by this project
during the worst peak hour (Saturday peak hour), assuming 90% of the site traffic will come from
the west should not significantly change the level of service results at the site driveways and study
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Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant,Southold
N+P 09015
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intersections derived from the assumption that only 60% of the traffic is coming from the west. For
example, based on the 60%/40% assumption in the TIS, 16 vehicles will enter the site from the west
and 10 vehicles will enter the site from the east, 12 vehicles will exit the site to the west and 8
vehicles will exit the site to the east. Assuming a 90%/10%distribution, 23 vehicles will enter the site
from the west and 3 vehicles will enter the site from the east, 18 vehicles will exit the site to the west
and 2 vehicles will exit the site to the east. An increase in 7 vehicles (from 16 to 23) over a period of
one (1) hour, equivalent to one additional vehicles every 8 minutes should not significantly change
the level of service results in the TIS. It should also be noted that, with the 90%/10%split, the traffic
on the most critical movement(southbound left turn out of driveway)will be reduced from 8 vehicles
to 2 vehicles. Therefore, we believe changing the distribution from 60%/40% to 90%/10% will not
significantly change the results in the TIS.
Restaurant Trip Generation
Questions can be raised about the accuracy of the restaurant trips shown in the TIS Table 2. Using
the ITE TGM 91h edition per seat trip generation rate and the assumed 50/40 west/east traffic source
split, I was able to reproduce the traffic trips in TIS Table 2 for the quality restaurant (land use code
[LUC]931) with 74 seats.
However, the ITE TGM also contains trip generation data for LUC 931, quality restaurant, based on
square footage. Trip generation rates for this land use, per 1000 sq ft, are 5.57 trips for AM peak
hour, 9.02 trips for PM peak hour, and 10.82 trips for weekend peak hour. Applying these rates to the
proposed 3806 sq ft restaurant results in 21, 34, and 41 trips for AM peak hour, PM peak hour, and
weekend peak hour, respectively. The corresponding trips in the TIS Table 2 are 12, 22, and 25 trips,
respectively. Applying the area-based trip generation data predicts 75% 55% and 64%more trips at
these times than the TIS predicts.
The ITE Trip Generation Handbook (p. 3) emphasizes the need for care in selecting the independent
variable for traffic studies, noting "The choice of independent variable can be one of the most
important decisions in calculating trip generation."Given this criticality, it is curious that the TIS fails
to mention the availability of the area-based trip generation data and lacks any discussion about
independent variable selection. This is a clear gap.
It should be noted that the TIS was based on the ITE TGM 10th edition, and it is possible the trip
generation data for the 10th edition changed forsome LUCs from the 9th edition. I was unable to access
the 10' edition (the staff at the Southold Free Library is working to find a copy), but was able to find
a sub-set of the 10t'edition trip generation data in a table at:
httos:./N111Nw.troutdaleoreAOQQOV/sites/default/files./fileattachments/public 1Norks/aaae
/9661ite land use list 10th edition.odf
This source reports a trip generation rate of 7.8 trips per 1000 square feet of gross floor area for a
quality restaurant, PM peak hour (whether weekday or weekend is unclear). For the proposed
project's 3806 sq ft restaurant, the associated number of trips would be 30(=3.806 * 7.8). Thirty is 8
trips greater than the 22 trips stated in the TIS Table 2 for weekday PM peak and 5 trips greater than
the 25 trips stated for Saturday peak and represents 36% more weekday PM trips and 20% more
Saturday peak trips.
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Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant,Southold
N+P 09015
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The trip generation data for restaurants provided in the ITE Trip generation manual are based on
both seats and square footage.The use of either seats or square footage is appropriate.
Based on ITE, for a multi-use development like the proposed project (hotel and restaurant), a portion of
the traffic utilizing the restaurant use will originate from the hotel and will not utilize surrounding
roadways.Therefore,the combined trip generation data for the restaurant and hotel uses obtained from
ITE will be higher than the anticipated site generated traffic utilizing the study area roadways. However,
the TIS did not reduce the trip generation from either the restaurant or the hotel to take credit for this
interaction (internal capture). Hence,the estimated trip generation for the study was conservative.
Additionally, it should also be noted that the analyses conducted for special events in the TIS
assumed a total of 148 vehicles (112 vehicles entering and 36 vehicles exiting) the site during the
Saturday peak hour. These numbers are significantly higher that the number of trips (79 trips)
estimated with more conservative assumptions shown on Table A in the April 11, 2022, letter from
Margaret Steinbugler to the Town of Southold Planning Board.
Hotel Trip Generation
Using the ITE TGM 9t" edition data for LUC 312, business hotel, I was unable to reproduce the trips
reported in TIS Table 2. The Table indicates 17 trips each for weekday AM peak and weekday PM
peak, and 21. trips forSaturday peak. The ITE TGM 91"edition trip generation rate for a business hotel,
weekday, peak period of generator, is 0.57 trips per occupied room. This indicates 25 trips(= 0.57
44), which is 47%greater than the value of 17 trips in the TIS Table 2.
The ITE TGM 91h edition does not offer trip generation rates for business-hotels- on weekends. To
reach an estimate for weekend trips,I applied the trip generation rate per occupied room for LUC 310,
Hotel, Saturday peak, of 0.87. For a 44-room hotel the estimated trips would be 38(=0.87*44)for
100% occupancy. Thirty-eight is 17 trips greater than the 21 trips stated in the TIS Table 2 and
represents 80%more trips. It would be a fair criticism of my analysis to point out that the 'hotel'land
use code was not applied in the TIS, but this example shows how very sensitive the trip results are to
the LUC selection. In fact, none of the hotel LUCs exactly capture the nature of the proposed hotel,
which suggests that the TJS should have included a sensitivity analysis assessing the influence of LUC
selection on predicted trips.
The peak hour of the generator (hotels) does not coincide with the peak hour of the adjacent street.
Hotel peak arrival times (check-in times) and check out times are normally outside the morning peak
of the road (7-9am) and the evening peak of the road (4-7pm) when the road traffic is the highest.
Therefore, analyzing site traffic from the peak hour of the adjacent street should be more
conservative in this case.
Again it should also be noted that the analyses conducted for special events in the TIS assumed a
total of 148 vehicles using the site (112 vehicles entering and 36 vehicles exiting) during the Saturday
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Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant,Southold
N+P 09015
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peak hours.These numbers are significantly higher that the number of trips (79 trips) estimated with
more conservative assumptions shown on Table A in the April 11, 2022, letter from Margaret
Steinbugler to the Town of Southold Planning Board.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide a response to the Board. Should you have any questions or
require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Osman Barrie, P.E., P.T.P., P.T.O.E
Senior Project Manager
Cc: Heather Lanza,AICP,Town of Southold Planning Dept (via email)
Mark Terry,Town of Southold Planning Department (via email)
Mara Cerezo,Town of Southold Planning Department(via email)
Brian Cummings,Town of Southold Planning Department (via email)
Carrie O'Farrell, AICP, NPV(via email)
1 L + P
7 r
STATE OF Governor
OPPORTUNITY. Transportation
2.Iona� Mrerlo�
July 8, 2022 RECEIVED
Mr. Sebastian Rubinstein
Stonefield Engineering & Design, LLC JUL 112022
584 Broadway, Suite 310
New York, NY 10012 Plannin6f F6 �n
Planning Board
Proposed The Enclaves Hotel
56655 Main Road NY 25
Southold, NY
SCTM# 1000-06300-0300-015000
NYSDOT Case No. 97500
Dear Mr. Rubinstein,
This is regarding the plans for the referenced project which were submitted to us for
review, along with your application for a NYSDOT Highway Work Permit (HWP).
Prior to approval of site work within the State right-of-way (ROW) and issuance of a
NYSDOT HWP, the following items must be addressed:
1. Show all existing conditions along the State Right of Way, such as pavement
markings, utilities, property lines, any fixed objects, drainage structures, and
other appurtenances along the site's State highway frontage.
2. Show restoration details for features that may be disturbed due to the
contractor's operations, e.g., pavement, curb, sidewalk, and pedestrian ramps.
All work and materials in the State Right of Way shall be shown to be ADA
compliant and referenced to NYSDOT specifications, item numbers, and details.
3. Show existing and proposed signs on the plan (including text and MUTCD
number). Indicate if any signs require replacement or relocation. Show new
location with dimensions from the pavement edge.
4. The driveways shall comply with ADA requirements. Driveway Type number
must be shown for new entrances with NYSDOT Standard Details & Notes. Refer
to NYSDOT Standard Sheet 608-03 Residential & Minor Commercial Driveways.
https //www,dot.n�r.gov/mMain/bush ness-ceMnter/en�Ineenng/cadd
info%drawing / tgildard-sheets-us-reposgM/608-03 050120.pdf
290 Veterans Memorial High vaq—Suite H3ut)paU9e, DIY 1t738 1 wo.,.,,;.detm;.acv
5. Provide appropriate signage (e.g., all traffic, one way, do not enter, stop, etc.)
and pavement markings (e.g., double yellow barrier, stop bar, etc.) at the site
6. The proposed driveway cannot encroach neighbor's property. The distance
between the flair of the driveway and the adjacent property should be no less
than 5'. See Note 1.A in Figure 5A-3 of our publication 'Policy and Standards for
the Design of Entrances to State Highways'.
7. All drainage must be contained on-site since we do not allow runoff from private
property onto public roads. Show driveway profile and on-site elevations,
including elevations at the highway right-of-way lines. The high point of the
driveway should be located at the property line.
8. Indicate the groundwater table. Include drainage calculations on the plans and
provide details for the proposed retention system verifying that all drainage is
contained onsite.
9. The pavement runoff must flow smoothly along the pavement edge. Grades must
be shown at appropriate intervals along the shoulder, at the limits of the
driveway, and the nearest drain inlets.
10. Install 5' sidewalk along the entire site frontage. Show the width of sidewalk and
snow storage strip. Label the distance between curb and property line at
appropriate intervals. Refer to NYSDOT Standard Sheet 608-01 for applicable
11. Install curb along the entire site frontage. Vertical Faced Curb Detail should refer
to and follow NYSDOT Standard Detail 609-01, Concrete and Stone Curb and
Gutter Curb.
12. Specify the curb ramp type and options selected for the proposed Type-2
13. Ensure that all proposed pedestrian features such as ramps, sidewalks, and
curbs are built within the public ROW. This will reduce potential liability for both
the property owner and NYSDOT. If a dedication of real estate to the NYSDOT is
required, please contact Ms. Sharon Muchnick (631-952-3362) of our Office of
Right of Way.
14, All asphalt placed in State Road shall be 'Superpave' warm mix asphalt, as per
EB 21-047. The asphalt item numbers and depths for the shoulder restoration
shall be as follows.
404.098101 Top Course............ 2"
404.198901 Binder Course......... 3"
404.258901 Base Course.......... 6", in two 3" layers.
304.10119917 Subbase Course .... 6"
407.0102 Tack Coat
15. Delineate a 5' wide ADA compliant pedestrian connection between the building
on site and the sidewalk along State Road. Add ramps, signage, and pavement
markings where needed for continuity. We recommend that all building entrances
onsite be interconnected with each other.
16. Provide landscape plans with native plants. Include size & species proposed.
17. Indicate any areas of turf establishment on State Right-of-Way where areas will
be disturbed by construction. Add topsoil/seeding items to indicate - Item
610.1402 Topsoil-Roadside & Item 610.1601 Turf Establishment-Roadside.
18. Provide Erosion and Sediment control plans in accordance with Standard Sheets
19. Label any utilities proposed within the State Right of Way as; 'By others, under
separate Utility Highway Work Permit from NYSDOT'.
20. We recommend that survey markers be installed at the property limits along the
State highway frontage and ROW markers at any intermediary turning points in
accordance with NYSDOT Standard Sheet 625. Please include the appropriate
detail and show locations of survey markers and reference markers on the plans.
21. Update revision tables on the plan sheets
22. A Work Zone Traffic Control plan must be provided for work in the right of way, in
accordance with National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices along with
NYS Supplement (MUTCD). The plan must include a note:
'All lanes must be open to traffic before 10 AM and after 3 PM. No lane closings
are permitted on weekends or holidays. Nighttime lane closings will not be
permitted without prior approval from the State Permit Inspector'.
23. Accommodate pedestrians on site during construction, with a 5' wide ADA
compliant passage, so that they don't have to cross travel lanes of traffic.
24. Add following notes to the plans, together in one group.
a. Before construction, the contractor shall coordinate with the State Permit
Engineer regarding the appropriate location for snow stakes sleeves.
b. After construction, sidewalks, and ramps must be evaluated for compliance
with current ADA standards. The permittee or his designated "designer of
record" shall field verify that the pedestrian features (ramps, sidewalk, etc.)
were constructed to current ADA standards outlined in NYSDOT Specs
Section 608 and related Standard Sheets. Submit required documentation
to the State Permit Engineer before the work can be accepted as complete
250 Veterans Memorial High vay—Suite 6A-7,Hauppauge, NY 11758 1 evvv,.-v.dot.ny.gcv
and the permit be closed. The features that do not comply with ADA
requirements upon completion will require removal and reconstruction.
C. The contractor shall clean existing drainage basins along and immediately
adjacent to the site frontage during and after construction as ordered by the
State engineer.
d.. Any sidewalk panels or connecting pavement that have settled with a
greater than 1/4" lip or crack over 112"wide shall be replaced to meet ADA
e. Running slope of the driveway within the Right of Way shall not exceed 6%.
f. Repair existing shoulder, sidewalk and curbing as ordered by State
g. Construction materials and equipment should be removed from the
NYSDOT ROW at the end of each workday. Materials allowed to remain on-
site must be stored outside the vehicle clear zone.
h. Removal of the existing concrete curb should be done from the back side to
minimize any damage to the existing pavement. This involves pulling the
curb out from the back and pouring new curb up against the existing
i. All new or relocated signposts must be installed in PVC sleeves.
j. Pavement restoration shall be in kind. Composite pavement restoration shall
be taken to existing longitudinal joint. If any damage occurs to the concrete
panels, the contractor will be responsible to replace the whole panel.
k. Label minimum width of asphalt restoration to be 4' for proper compaction.
Add 1 ft overcut for the top course.
1. All cold joints to be sealed with hot-applied sealant.
M. Tack coat is required between all lifts and joints, regardless of when placed.
n. Composite pavement restoration shall be in accordance with the current
Regional Pavement Repair Guide Sheets.
o. The thickness of curb ramps should be a minimum 6" and they should
include wire fabric reinforcement with 3" of top cover. The ramps shall have
a level 5'x5' landing in the sidewalk.
P. The curb ramps shall be oriented to direct the pedestrians straight to the
destination ramp across the driveway/street.
q. Any utility work proposed in State Highway right-of-way will require separate
application and submission of restoration plans. Follow the guidelines of our
utility handbook, Blue Book titled, 'Requirements for The Design and
Construction of Underground Utility Installations Within the State Highway
Right-Of-Way'. The applicant should contact Mr. Diego Aucacama Rivera
(631-727-1731, diego.aucacama@dot.ny.gov) for further directions
regarding Utility Highway Work Permit (HWP) applications. Please note;
The utility HWP issuance is subject to issuance of the HWP required for site
r. All proposed road improvements detailed in the Site Plans must comply with
the latest versions of AASHTO, ADA, National Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control with the NYS Supplement (MUTCD), NYSDOT Highway Design
Manual, and the Policy and Standards for The Design of Entrances to State
250 Veterans Memorial High.,ay—Suite 6A-?, Hauppauge, NY 117SB .goy:
Highways (`Driveway Design Policy'). Road improvement plans must
provide all appropriate NYSDOT Standard Details and NYSDOT Standard
Item Numbers.
There may be more comments when detailed plans are submitted for our review.
Please submit a set of revised plans and a response letter. We need a paper and
electronic copy of each of these items in pdf format. The response letter shall state how,
and wherein the plans, the above comments are addressed, item by item.
A review of the subject project is being coordinated by Mr. Mohammad R Islam (631-
952-6813, F°u�r �g Ary. iqy) Please send all correspondence to his
attention. Kindly refer to the subject case number and County tax map number in all
Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter.
Very truly yours,
o&Jr .
Olumuyiwa Fajolu, P.E.
Permit Section Manager
Traffic Safety and Mobility Group
cc: Town of Southold
Ms. Heather Lanza, Planning Director
Mr. Vincent M. Orlando, Superintendent of Highways
,� �U 131r;IVmnoii''d Hkjh a�7--S�ni, f 4 :, il�ari[il: u�irt, NY 1dhoC ri oov
Southold Town Planning Board Work Session —June 22, 2022 — Page 2
--.........r...................................-------------------- .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................- ....................................
Poject Name: 15105 Oregon Road Standard SCTM#: 1000-73-1-1
........................................................................................ ..................................................................... ...........................................................- ..............;
........................ ................. .......................................................................................................................
Location: 15105 Ore Road, Cutchoque
.............................................................................................................:......................................I............... ...................................................................................................................I.....................................................................................................................................................................................................
Description: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 5.18-acre parcel into
two lots where Lot 1 equals 2.60 acres,and Lot 2 equals 3.24 acres and
is improved with a single-family residence in the Agricultural
Conservation and Residential 80 Zoninq Districts.
............ ...............................................................I--............................................I..................................................................................I.............................................................................................................. ............................................................
Status: Pendinq
........................................_Pending......................................................................................................................................................... ................... ......................................... ............................. ..................................................................
Action: Sketch Plan Completeness
T........................................................................ .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Staff Report
.................................I..................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
t N
Proca : Sold Gas StationConvenience Store SM : 1
Southold & nce re CT # . 000-55-5-2.21
.......................................................................................... ...............I...................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................... ....................................................................................
45450 CR 48, on the s/w corner of CR 48 and Younqs Avenue, Southold.,
Description: The revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,400 sq,. ft.
(60' x 40') convenience store and vehicle fuel sales,-with: 8 fuel pumps,
one canopy at 2,520 sq. ft. (60' x 42') and 24 parking spaces on 1.46
acre s
s in the General Business (B) Zoning District.
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Action: Review Final Site Inspection
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Attachments: Staff Report
L........................................................................................................L................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................I..................... ............
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Project Name:
The Enclaves Hotel SCTM#: : 1000-63-3-15
................................ ....................... .....................................................................................................................................
Location: 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Description: This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in:
the Hamlet Business Zoninq District.
...................... .................................................I............................................. ....................................................................................................................
Status: Pendi!lg
................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................
Referral Review
..................................-.............................................................................................. ........... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................
Attachments: taff Report
........................................................................................................................................- ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4- Planning Board Monthly Report for May, 2022
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Date June 20, 2022
Prepared By: Brian Cummings
I. Application Information
Project Title: Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Applicant: 56655 Main St, LLC
Tax Map Number: 63.-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: HB- Hamlet Business
If. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Commercial
Acreage of Project Site: 6.75 acres
Building size ±62,338 sq. ft. 44 unit Hotel (w/full basement)
2,376sf in 4 cottages
3,610 sq. ft. Restaurant (conversion of existing
This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a
584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44
units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning district
Site Plan packet Table of Contents:
C-301 Sediment and Erosion Control Details
C-001 Site Plan General Notes C-400 Landscape Plan and Details (3/10/22)
C-002 Site Plan Legend C-500 Site Lighting and Details
C-100 Traffic Control & Parking Plan C-501 Site Lighting and Details.
C-101 Site Circulation Plan & Details C-600 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-102 Alternative Valet Parking Plan C-601 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-200 Grading and Drainage Plan C-602 Site Layout and Utilities Plan
C-201 Boring Plan and Boring Logs C-700 Site Details
C-300 Sediment and Erosion Control C-701 Details
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
III: Review:
The purpose of the Hamlet Business (HB) District is to provide for business
development in the hamlet central business areas, including retail, office and service
uses, public and semipublic uses, as well as hotel and motel and multifamily residential
development that will support and enhance the,retail development and provide a focus
for the hamlet area.
IV: Analysis
A. Existing:
1. Vacant 6.75 acre parcel with an existing house (3,026 sq. ft.);
1. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site
has been provided.
2. Surrounding land:
a. North: LIRR, R-80 zoned land (in agriculture)
b. Northeast: two R-80 zoned single family residences
C. Southeast: two HB zoned single family residences
d. West: one commercial boatyard zoned HB
e. South: one HB zoned single family residence, one commercial business.
B. Proposed construction
1. Restaurant— 74 seats. Located in the existing building in front
• 3,610 sq.-ft. (adding 584 sq. ft. to the existing building)
2. Hotel —44 Rooms, including 4 cottages
• Rooms @ 500 — 540sf
• Cottages @ 594sf
• Accessory uses for hotel guests
o Outdoor pool
o Indoor pool
o Spa treatment areas
o Lounge area
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
3. Wastewater Management: The sanitary plan shows a sanitary treatment plant
(STP) with 10' x 23' control building within a fenced compound in the rear of
the parcel with leaching pool areas. Both the restaurant and hotel connect to
the STP. SCDHS approval is required.
4. Storm water: (see Engineer comments below) multiple drainage zones are
proposed to capture storm water runoff for the restaurant, hotel, cottages and
all impervious surfaces including pool area, asphalt parking lot and access
5. Access: 18' wide access ingress off of Main Road, east of the restaurant,
which leads to the restaurant or continues at 16' wide to the hotel.(further
decreasing to 14'). A corresponding 18'- 22' egress driveway continues to the
west of the restaurant and out to the Main Road.
C. Code Requirements: Hamlet Business District (HB)
Parking Required:
➢ Hotel.@ 1 space for each guest room and 1 for each employee or 1 space
per guest room, whichever is greater, .
44 units @ 1 per = 44 parking stalls
12 employees = 44 + 1.2 = 56 parking stalls required
90 paved stalls (4 ADA) and 4 grass paver provided (94 total at hotel)
➢ Restaurant @ 1 space per 3 seats or 1 space per 100 square feet of floor
space, whichever is greater
74 seats /3 per = 24.6 spaces
3,806 sq. ft/ 100 sq. ft = 38 parking stalls
27 paved stalls and 11 grass paver stalls provided (38 total)
• TOTAL stalls required = 56 + 38 = 94
• TOTAL stalls provided = 132 (6 ADA)
Accessory Loading Zones:
Four (4) total loading zones are provided. Three (3) at the hotel entrance
area and one (1) at the rear of the restaurant
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
D. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) & SEQRA
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October, 2021
(see Findings attached)
Note that the Planning Board has the ability to make their own set of Findings
prior to site plan approval or adopt the findings made by the ZBA as included
below. The comprehensive and extensive SEQR process conducted by the
ZBA involved a consultant hired by the applicant to create the Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) and a consultant hired by the Town to aid the ZBA in
reviewing, editing, modifying and mitigating potential impacts resulting in the
findings statement.
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
restricted on site operations further than the SEQR findings with the following
• No outdoor events of any size
• No special events
• No large events over 100 guests.
• No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
• Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, roof top bar/lounge) not
available for use by general public.
• No outdoor music anywhere on property
E. Public Hearinq
The public hearing on the site plan application was held on April 11, 2022
with a two-week period for written comment that closed on April 25, 2022.
As the Board is aware, several letters and emails have been submitted for
the record in addition to the comments made in person that include the
following items of concern:
Traffic Impact and safety: volume of existing main road traffic and impact.
of , interaction with existing 7-11 business and potential for left hand
exiting turns;
Staff: The volume of traffic generated by the proposed project is
not anticipated to result in significant impacts to the adjacent
roadway during peak periods if required mitigation is strictly
adhered to.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
The traffic study concludes that the surrounding transportation
network will be able to accommodate increased traffic volumes
associated with the proposed development, including the
restaurant and typical hotel uses, with no significant adverse traffic
or parking impacts. In order to maximize the sight distance
available to vehicles exiting the site, the traffic study
recommended that parking be restricted on the north side of Main
Road (NYS Route 25) along the entire frontage of the site. Other
than this recommendation, no further mitigation is proposed at this
Large events have been limited to no more than 10 events per
year and peak event traffic will be brief in duration (anticipated for
30-minute period prior to the start and after the end of large
events). The proposed access and egress will operate in a safe"
manner with the inclusion of traffic control mitigation for large
events and will be subject to NYSDOT review and approval. Based
on the traffic impact analysis for the project and in consideration of
the identified access locations, site circulation, and identified
mitigations during large events, it was concluded that significant
adverse traffic and parking impacts have been minimized.
Regarding whether or not left turns from the driveway onto Rt. 25
should be prohibited, the NYS DOT will weigh in on that during the
highway work permit approval process.
Environmental concerns for clearing and development of existing vacant
(wooded) lot in downtown. Loss of wildlife and wildlife habitat. Loss of
existing trees.
Staff: Some limited habitat and ecological resources will be lost
but significant impacts to ecological resources are not anticipated
considering current conditions onsite and the mitigation strategies
outlined in the DEIS and this Findings Statement and development
consistent with the design features identified to minimize
ecological impacts. 25' rear yard area to remain natural, wildlife
sweeps required for Eastern Box Turtle and clearing restrictions
for Long-Eared bat. Large existing trees will remain and be
Degradation of community character with regard to proposed use and
design of proposed hotel building
Staff: from Findings Statement (attached) No significant adverse
impacts to visual resources or community character are
anticipated from the project based on the proposed plans and
project layout, provision for site plan review by the Planning Board
(including referral and advisory input from the Town Architectural
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Review Board), landscaping, buffering, screening, architecture,
consistency with zoning, retention of the residential building,
specific limits in the frequency of both small and large events,
outdoor lighting, and other visual considerations. Adjustments
were made to the plans during the environmental review as
necessary to address preliminary concerns and improve overall
aesthetics and screening. This included but was not limited to
relocating the site access an additional 11 feet to the west and
landscaping this area to provide a 15-foot-deep buffer consisting
of a double row of evergreens (including the installation of 14-to-
16-foot tall mature Leyland Cypress) and a hedge; wooden
stockade fence (6.5 feet in height) is proposed along the eastern
and western property lines; a parapet was added to the hotel to
screen the HVAC unit and a 30-inch glass barrier will be mounted
on top of the parapet to address sights and sounds; relocation of a
dumpster, and adjustments to the outdoor lighting plan to prevent
light trespass. The proposed landscape buffer plantings will be
installed early in the construction process to provide additional
time for growth during the estimated 18- to 22-month construction
o Publicly accessible views of the property will remain largely
consistent with existing conditions, as the existing residential
structure will be maintained as part of the project, while the
proposed hotel use will be largely hidden by the existing residence
and proposed landscaping.
o Additionally, the applicant has responded to some of ARC
- Enforcement of occupancy with regard to events;
o Staff: Conditions will be enforced to ensure that occupancy on site
is consistent with Findings and the site plan.
- Negative impact on water quantity and quality
o Staff: Sewage treatment plant is proposed to accommodate both
hotel and restaurant which treats the effluent before entering the
ground, effectively mitigating any impacts. A monitoring well will
be provided near the STP.
F. Referrals
The following are summaries of comments received. Full reports available in
the file
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Southold Fire District:
1. Provide for a bigger turning radius for fire trucks (33ft inside radius, 48ft
outside radius);
2. Curbs to be low profile, ride over islands;
3. Hydrant located on the southwest corner of the property (across from the
roundabout and near the paved walkway), and;
4. Standpipe (southwest corner of building in front closest to hydrant).
Fire Marshal
1. Verify that the vertical height clearance of the structure at the loading berth
area is at least 15' high.
2. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30' in height shall have not fewer than two
means of fire apparatus access.
➢ In this case there are two one way driveways which in the event of an
emergency, can both function as ingress to the site;
➢ The building must have a sprinkler suppression system;
➢ All curbs shall be made mountable and driveways should provide a
load bearing surface of at least 20' in width. The entrance driveway
changes from 18' wide, to 16' wide and then to 14' wide;
➢ Verify/clarify what the bold line rectangle is that's shown nearest the
egress driveway at restaurant.
3. Show flow calculations (water supply) and locations of hydrants on the plan.
4. Show location of fire sprinkler system fire department connection location.
5. Provide turning radius dimensions at both driveways at Route 25.
6. Provide road striping and "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE" pavement markings
in areas next to hydrants and fire department connections.
7. "NO PARKING — FIRE LANE" signs should be posted at regular intervals
along the fire apparatus access road in areas not designated for parking.
8. Provide location(s) of fire hydrant(s), road widths adjacent to hydrant and "no
parking" striping.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
The Committee reviewed the proposed project plans and provided the following
1. This project with primarily flat roofed structures is not in keeping with
neighboring properties along Main Road. These properties have pitched roof
barns behind the houses, which are barely noticeable. It is preferable-that this
be a contemporary compound aesthetically in keeping with the ambiance of
Southold Village.
2. There should be no mirrored or tinted glass used on the project, as it is
incompatible with the more traditional open and welcoming spirit of the North
Fork. There is an architectural identity and integrity to neighborhoods and
small towns on the North Fork. Mirrored glass in contrast, has an anonymity
associated with large office parks or urban areas. Also, it is more susceptible
to bird strikes than clear glass and is a source of reflected heat gain for
adjacent property owners. Despite the deep overhang on the east elevation,
since the sun rises from the horizon in the east, there is no overhang deep
enough to shadow mirrored glass. There are many other more residentially
appropriate options for solar screening and privacy.
3. An electronic entry gate is discouraged as it is incompatible with similar North
Fork neighborhood characteristics.
4. A Hardie shingle, shake or siding is preferred to replace much of the
proposed cut Italian limestone, again for better neighborhood contextually.
5. Planting plan should include greater diversity of indigenous plant materials to
benefit and sustain the North Fork's fragile ecosystem and more deciduous
shade trees particularly at the south entrance to each of the freestanding
cottages to address energy conservation and optimize passive solar heating
and cooling (see ARC reference list for "20 most valuable woody and
perennial native plant genera," attached.)
6. Addendum: subsequent to full discussion at the meeting and distribution of
draft minutes, three ancillary comments were submitted by members Ron
McGreevy and Umberto Fasolino. Summary of comments:
a. The hotel would be screened with conifers from the Main Road so a
design not in keeping with the Southold community context is alright.
b. The overhang on the east elevation would shade mirrored glass, so
mirrored glass is alright.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
c. The Italian limestone would give a "European design aspect" to the
project, so it is alright.
CONSISTENT with the LWRP, provided the Planning Board considers and
requires the following recommendations:
1. Resolution for Acceptance of SEQR Findings Statement for the proposed
Enclaves hotel and Restaurant Special Exception Use Permit Application
dated October 7, 2021.
2. Findings, Deliberations and Determination Meeting of December 2, 2021,
Special Exception for 56655 Main St. LLC (The Enclaves Hotel and
3. The following best management practices will be required to further policies
5.4 and 5.5 and protect ground and surface waters:
a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping.
b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble
nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture.
c. Require a maximum of 1 Ib. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one
application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per
1,000 square feet per year.
d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen,
phosphorus, or potassium between November 1 St and April 1 st.
e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless
establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have
enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The
number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product,
e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not
restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if
a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary.
Office of the Engineer:
Reviewed Sheets 1-17 of the Site Plan for The Enclaves prepared by
Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated August 23, 2016, last revised
February 15, 2022. Please have the applicant submit revised plans
that address the following:
Southold Planning-Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
1. The applicant must obtain a permit from the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for the curb cuts
associated with the development prior to final approval.
2. As submitted, the drainage design does not meet Town
requirements. As an example, the drainage calculations for the
"Hotel Roof/Pond" combines the runoff from the hotel roof,
cottage roof, pond area and cabana roof and specifies five 12'
diameter by 12' deep leaching pools. However, two of these
leaching pools, representing 40% of the total drainage system
capacity, are connected directly to the cottages, which
constitute only 7% of the total impervious area. Please revise
the drainage design for the entire site, ensuring that the
drainage area served by each drainage structure or system is
clearly shown and that drainage calculations accurately reflect
these areas. Provide contours or flow lines that show how
stormwater will be directed into the drainage structures.
3. 1 recommend that all leaching pools not equipped with an open
grate be provided with solid cast iron clean out covers to grade
to facilitate future maintenance.
4. Sheet 16 of 17, Site Details, shows that all leaching pools and
leaching catch basins are to be 12' in diameter with a 10'
effective depth. This conflicts with the drainage design.
Resolve this discrepancy.
5. Revise Sheet 17, Details, as necessary to state that if Recycled
Concrete Aggregate (RCA) is to be utilized it must be NYSDOT
Specification RCA.
6. The final plans must show the location of and details for the
concrete washout area and soil stockpile areas as part of the
erosion and sediment control plan.
Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) RESOLVED, that the Suffolk
County Planning Commission Approves the site plan for the Enclaves Hotel &
Restaurant with the following comments: Comments:
1. The proposed Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant is located within a New
York State Potential Environmental Justice Area (see Suffolk County
Planning Commission staff report). For each project referred to the
Suffolk County planning Commission (pursuant to NYS GML 239 and
Article XIV of the SC Admin. Code) within a PEJA, the local
municipality should coordinate, prepare and implement an enhanced
Public Participation Plan. Traditional forms of outreach, as well as,
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
modern forms of social networking should be utilized. Other forms of
outreach especially to local civic associations and neighborhood
religious organizations should not be overlooked. All documentation
and explanations regarding the project and process should be clarified
in plain language and communicated orally or by infographics if
necessary. a. As part of the land use process within a New York State
designated Potential Environmental Justice Area all optional public
hearings for the land use process on the proposed action should be
conducted. Translation services where applicable should be provided.
b. The notice of public hearing to be published should be noticed well
in advance of public hearings; at least 60 days before the hearing. c.
Public Notice should be in multiple languages. d. Notice should be
posted in at least one local non-English speaking newspaper. The
Summary of Environmental Justice impacts must be included in the
notice. e. The local municipality should reserve judgment on projects
within a PEJA for no less than 45 days after the close of a public
hearing on a project within a PEJA.
Staff: The public hearing was already held and closed. The ZBA had two
public hearings, and the positive declaration and SEQRA process
provided ample public notice and opportunity for comment. This project
was also highly publicized in the local media.
2. Mobile sources of air emissions, particularly arising from fuel
combustion originating from passenger automobile tail pipe exhaust
was not detailed in referral materials to the Suffolk County Planning
Commission. A more detailed examination of dispersion of emissions
and its effect on the PEJA surrounding the project site would be in
order. The following are related to environmental justice and are
provided as best management guidance with respect to motor vehicle
trips reduction, standing idle time and parking design to reduce co-
pollutants from motor vehicle activity. a. The potential pollution burden
of the proposed development in relationship to the existing burdens
within a one mile radius of the proposal should be cumulatively
assessed within the environmental quality review process. All new
development with parking lots should designate minimum of(8-10%)
for parking spaces for clean energy vehicles, but should not increase
the number of parking spaces beyond the minimum required in order to
provide such designations. b. All new development with parking lots
should have plans for (2%) of off street parking stalls to become future.
electric vehicle charging stations. c. All parking lots should meet the
requirements above and allow designated car share parking stalls. d.
All parking lots should meet the requirements above and provide for
car service and on line merchandise/food delivery services to have
designated space for passenger pick up/drop-off and delivery
loading/unloading zones. e. Parking Stall Demand Reduction (PSDR).
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
techniques, to lessen parked and idling,cars, decrease trip generation
and avoid unnecessary disturbance to CO2 absorbing vegetation
should be employed.
Staff: This received a positive declaration under SEQRA and pollution
was addressed and mitigated. Parking lots will be minimized to the
extent practicable while also providing enough parking for the site. Two
or more electric vehicle charging stations are recommended.
3. No more than 60% of the naturally occurring vegetation on-site should be
cleared for development. Vegetation and wildlife inventories should be by
actual on site investigations via "line-transect" methodology (or other peer
accepted direct observation scientific methods) supplemented by relevant
literature and reported by a qualified biologist. Moreover, contiguous open
space should be shifted to the north to form a greater buffer with the
residential zoning adjacent to the project site.
Staff: This is not feasible under the zoning. Listed species such as box
turtles and Northern Long-eared bats are going to be assessed by a
qualified biologist on site prior to clearing.
4. The preservation of Prime Agricultural soils on the development site should
be accommodated for and these areas may be utilized for non-contiguous
agricultural reserves, kitchen gardens, on-site nurseries for native, pollinator
flowers to be used at the hotel and restaurant, etc. The Long Island Farm
Bureau, Cooperative Extension and the American Farmland trust can be of
assistance in providing guidance.
Staff: This property is not in an agricultural area. Also the soil is
contaminated and requires some mitigation before it could be used for a
kitchen garden.
5. For land use development projects within or adjacent to a New York State
Potential Environmental Justice area, all site grading/cut and fill should be
balanced. No soil material should be transported off site. No mining should be
permitted for any reason.
Staff: The site grading/cut and fill is as balanced as feasible. Soil
remediation is necessary due to contamination. No mining will be
6. Additional considerations for overland storm water runoff on site are
warranted. The applicant should be encouraged to review the Suffolk County
Planning Commission publication Managing Stormwater-Natural Vegetation
and Green Methodologies and incorporate into the proposal, where practical,
design elements contained therein. It is noted that the subject proposed
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant development parcel is situated within the 0- 10
year groundwater travel time to the Hippodrome Pond drainage system and is
located within a Surface Water Priority Area Ranking Group 1 as shown in the,
draft Suffolk County Sub-watersheds Plan. Wastewater is intended to be
directed to an onsite sewage treatment facility. The applicant should be
directed to begin/continue dialogue with the Suffolk County Department of
Health Services and Suffolk County Department of Public Works for review
and approval of the wastewater treatment methodology.
Staff: The Town has a robust stormwater pollution prevention program
and also works with DEC and SPDES permits where necessary. The
SCDHS approval is required as part of the site plan process.
7. The applicant should be encouraged to begin/continue dialogue with the New
York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) with regard to motor
vehicle access and impacts to traffic conditions on area roadways.
Staff: The DOT approval is required as part of the site plan process.
8. The applicant should review the Planning Commission guidelines particularly
related to public safety lighting and signage.
9. Since the hotel will be proximate to the Long Island Railroad right-of-way, the
hotel structure should be constructed using materials and techniques that will
reduce interior noise levels in accordance with the recommendations of the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or other authority that
has promulgated standards for reduction of interior noise levels.
10.The applicant should review the Planning Commission guidelines particularly
related to Energy Efficiency and incorporate into the proposal, where
practical, design elements contained therein.
Staff: Energy efficiency is being incorporated into the proposal. Solar power
generation is recommended to be added.
11.The applicant should review the Planning Commission guidelines particularly
related to Universal Design and incorporate into the proposal, where practical,
design elements contained therein. The applicant should be advised to
consider including some portion of the hotel guest rooms to be set aside as
inclusive for vacationing families in company of individuals with disabilities.
Staff: ADA requirements are already required to be followed.
12.Suffolk County Transit Bus route S92 traverses NYS Rte. 25 to points east
and west. Internal pedestrian circulation should provide a safe passageway to
NYS Rte. 25 where pedestrians can connect with a Suffolk County Transit
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Staff: There is an internal sidewalk to Rt. 25.
13.The applicant should be directed to begin/continue dialogue with Suffolk
County Department of Public Works Transit Division to accommodate a bus
passenger shelter in the vicinity of the proposed. hotel site development.
Staff: Bus shelter is recommended
14.Parking stall demand reduction techniques should be considered to decrease
the required off street parking. See the below link to the Suffolk County
Planning Commission publication on Parking Stall Demand Reduction as a
methodology to create.a nexus for parking forgiveness and developer
provided public benefits.
Staff: Southold Town Code requires parking be accommodated on-site.
15.Applicant should consider provisions for some type of staff housing either on-
site or in the near vicinity
Staff: There is some staff housing being provide nearby by the applicant.
Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA)
a. SCWA strongly supports utilizing an on-site irrigation well for all
irrigation needs as well as the use of smart irrigation control systems
and drought tolerant vegetation in the landscaping plans.
b. With regard to the proposed on-site STP, the revised DEIS submitted
in October 2019 states "in accordance with SCDHS and NYSDEC
regulations, groundwater monitoring wells would be installed both
upstream and downstream of the effluent disposal system to monitor
groundwater impacts as part of the SPDES permit obtained for the
c. The site plan does not indicate the use of monitoring wells of which the
Authority supports the use of. SCWA believes that these contaminants
should be treated and detected at the source, not at the well head.
G. Landscaping: site vegetation landscape area = 132,576sf
The landscape plan indicates approximately 123,864sf of landscaped area
and 8,712sf of area to remain natural.
As proposed, there would be 56.3% landscape coverage for this HB parcel
where a minimum of 25% is required.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Numerous existing trees on site 6" caliper or greater are proposed to be
retained within the restaurant and hotel areas of disturbance and the areas
along the property lines. These include varieties of Oak, Apple, Cedar,
Walnut, Maple and Bittersweet.
Sheet C-400 Landscape plan depicts deciduous shade trees, evergreens
and seeding/lawn area.
Planting height details are inconsistent regarding the east property line
plantings. The site plan notes 18'-20' high and the information table notes
14-16' tall.
An irrigation plan has not been provided and should include water usage
calculations at GPM. Further, the applicant has noted an irrigation
timeframe of 26 weeks, the Board should consider decreasing that
timeframe to 16 weeks in the effort to decrease water consumption.
Code requirements:
280-94 Transition buffer area.
The purpose of the transition buffer area is to provide privacy from
noise, headlight glare and visual intrusion to residential dwellings. A
buffer area shall be required along all boundaries of a nonresidential
lot abutting any lot in a residential district. Such buffer area shall
comply with at least the following minimum standards:
A. The buffer area shall be located within the boundaries of the
subject property.
B. The minimum width of buffer areas shall be as follows:
(1) Hamlet Business District: 15 feet.
(2) Marine I and II Districts: 20 feet.
(3) Limited Business District: 20 feet.
(4) General Business District: 25 feet.
(5) Industrial districts: 30 feet.
(6) Any district other than a residential district adjoining land
owned or maintained by New York State, Suffolk County or
Southold Town with current or. potential use as parkland: 25
C. The buffer area shall be of evergreen planting of such type, height,
spacing and arrangement as, in the judgment of the Planning Board,
will effectively screen the activity on the lot from the neighboring
residential area. As a minimum, the planting shall consist of a double
row of trees six feet in height planted at intervals of 10 feet on center.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Nonevergreen planting may be included to supplement evergreen
planting, but not to take its place.
D. A landscaped earthen berm, wall or fence of a location, height,
design and materials approved by the Planning Board may be
accepted for any portion of the required planting and/or buffer area.
E. Where the existing topography and/or landscaping provides
adequate screening, the Planning Board may accept the existing
planting and/or buffer area as the required planting.
Staff: a 15' wide transition buffer is provided along the entire east
property line with a staggered double row of (134) 18' — 20' tall
Leyland Cypress plantings and a 6'h' high wooden stockade fence
with acoustic barrier
1. §280-93 Front Landscaped Area:
A front landscaped area shall be required for all uses in all zoning
districts. The required landscaped area shall be covered with grass or
other ground cover and shall include appropriate trees and shrubs. As
a minimum, in all nonresidential districts and in the-Hamlet Density
Residential and R-40 Low-Density Residential Districts, one shade
tree having a caliper of two inches shall be planted within the front
landscaped area for each 40 feet or fraction thereof of lot frontage.
Staff: 191' of frontage along Route 25 = 4.75 or 5 street trees
required. Five (5) Red Flowering Dogwood trees proposed at 2"
- 15' front yard landscape set back provided as required
2. §280-95 A & B Interior parking landscapin_g
A. All uses required to provide 20 or more off-street parking spaces
shall have at least 10 square feet of interior landscaping within the
paved portion of the parking area for each parking space and at
least one tree with a two-inch caliper for every 10 parking spaces
or fraction thereof. Each separate landscaped area shall contain a
minimum of 100 square feet, shall have a minimum dimension of
at least eight feet, shall be planted with grass or shrubs and shall
include at least one tree of not less than two-inch caliper.
B. A landscaped area shall be provided along the perimeter of any
parking area except that portion of the parking area which
provides access to a street or parking facility on an adjacent lot.
Accessways to adjacent lots shall not exceed 24 feet in width and
shall not exceed two in number for each purpose. The landscaped
area shall have a minimum dimension of four feet, shall be planted
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
with grass or shrubs and shall include at least one tree of not less
than two-inch caliper for every 40 feet along the perimeter of the
parking area. In cases where the parking area adjoins a public
sidewalk, the required landscaped area shall be extended to the
edge of the sidewalk.
Staff: Total Required = 380 sf for Restaurant; 560sf for Hotel
Total provided: unspecified; however, ample landscape islands are
shown with shade trees as required. The total sum of the interior
landscaping islands provided is unknown.
H. Exterior Lighting pursuant to Southold Town Code §172 : Thirty (30) fixtures
1. (21) single pole lights @ 14' high; (T3, T4, and T5)
2. (2) Door wall mounts @ 6' high
3. (2) Pendant lights under overhang @ 10' high;
4. (2) Sign light fixtures @ 1' high (?);
5. (1) Wall pack fixture @ 9' high
6. (2) Wall mounts @ 6' high
Staff: It is not clear from the plans exactly which fixtures are being proposed.
There are multiple models included on the details plan sheet C-501 but it is
difficult to ascertain which fixture models are proposed.
Further, lighting seems to be mainly provided as parking pole light fixtures. Any
building wall back fixtures, exterior pool area lights, STP lighting must be
included in a comprehensive photometric plan.
The following items on the photometric plan do not meet the code:
- Multiple foot candle values are shown as greater than the Code maximum of
0.05fc east property line along R-80;
- Color temperature cannot be verified by information provided for fixtures
noted above. LED <_2700K, Code maximum is 3000K.
- Total Lumens required and provided not completely shown on the
photometric plan. "8,527 lumens per acre" is included as a note. This should
be more clearly displayed within an information table with fixture details.
Permitted in commercial zone is 25,0001 acre: .
Lumens Maximum Permitted: 168,750 lumens (6.75ac X 25,000 lumens per
acre). 8,527 x 6.8 = 57,983
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
I. Staff Analysis:
1. SEQRA Findings: Staff have not identified any further necessary findings
for this action under SEQRA. The Planning Board may adopt the ZBA
Findings Statement.
2. Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) approval is
required. As noted above, an on-site sanitary treatment plant is proposed
for waste water management;
3. A Highway Work Permit is required to be obtained from the New York
State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for proposed curb cuts and
work within the R.O.W.
4. Exterior signage details must be provided to ensure compliance with
Chapter 280-86(C). There are business signs located on the site plan in
the front yard at the Main Road and at the Hotel entrance but there are no
supporting details including dimensions, lighting and color. The front road
main sign is shown in the proposed restaurant rendering.
5. Driveways and interior access roads:
i. Widen all driveways and interior access roads to 20' load bearing
surface for emergency vehicle access
ii. Provide mountable curbs for emergency vehicle access
iii. Provide turning radius dimensions at driveway curb cuts to main
6. Hotel Parkinq
i. The rear of the parcel is shown to provide separated parking areas
for access to the cottages (16 paved stalls, four parking stalls for
cottages and an additional four grass paver parking stalls labeled
as overflow) and a second parking area that provides twenty
parking stalls and a 20' wide access to the waste water treatment
area (and accessory utilities).
As a result, a 1,571sf planted landscape island (counted towards
interior parking landscaping) is created in between the two areas
and provides no ample turn around for emergency vehicles. This
area should be reconsidered in a way that provides more continuity
through the rear of the site with adequate turn out or turn around for
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
emergency vehicles; and, sufficient interior parking landscaping as
ii. More parking is provided on site than required, for Special
Exception uses the Planning Board has the ability to increase
parking requirements by 150% if they see fit. In this case, an
additional 38 parking stalls are provided on site in the area of the
Hotel via 34 paved stalls and four (4) grass paver "overflow"
parking spaces.
Further, an alternative parking plan and Valet plan is provided on
sheet C-102 that depicts an event parking plan with 108 parking
stalls in the Hotel area, providing 68 valet spaces in an alternate
parking layout utilizing the rear parking areas. The Board should
consider the amount of parking provided and the amount needed
for a Hotel event. At a minimum, the two parking plans should be
integrated within one parking plan for reference.
Some of the excess parking should be identified as land-banked.
Land-banked parking is shown as parking on the plan, but is
identified with a note as "Land-banked parking area", and is instead
kept as a landscaped/vegetated area. Land-banked parking areas
can be paved at a later date if more parking is found to be required
on site in the future.
7. STP: how often is maintenance required? Exterior lighting to be included?
8. Consistent with the SCPC recommendation and previous Planning
recommendations, consideration should be made by the Planning Board
to include a bus shelter in the front yard along NYS Route 25 for the S-92
County Bus route;
9. As mentioned in the EIS, consideration would be made during site plan
review to include solar on site (or on hotel building) to provide a renewable
energy source on site.,No solar is referenced or provided throughout the
site plans;
10.280-131(x) Guaranty of performance.
(1) Public improvements. A guaranty of performance may be required for
all public improvements as part of the conditions of approval. If a ,
guaranty of performance is required, the provisions of Article IX, Bonds
and Other Security,[2]shall apply.
(2) Other on-site improvements, including, but not limited to, securing the
property, buffers, landscaping and/or screening. A guaranty of
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
performance may be required in an amount to be determined by the
Planning Board for the estimated value of on-site improvements as
part of the conditions of approval under the following circumstances:
Staff: Some level of performance bond may include any off-site
improvements as required by the Board, guaranty of the perimeter
buffer/screening fencing and associated plantings or at a minimum,
enough funds to take the necessary steps to secure or restore the site
(e.g. security fence) and prevent erosion and runoff, and any other
hold-over measures should there be a failure on the part of the
applicant to complete the project.
11.Existing Trees and Wildlife: naturally vegetated areas provide suitable
habitat for special species such as the Eastern Box Turtle and/or the
Northern Long-Eared Bat. In the effort to preserve existing habitat and
mitigate potential areas of disturbance, the following should be
i. Notation on the site plan that all trees shown will be saved.
ii. Wildlife sweeps for Eastern Box Turtles and/or Northern Long
Eared bat during construction phasing
12.Consideration of potential conditions
V: Items to consider
1. Accept the recommendations of the LWRP and Town Engineer as detailed
2. Consider and accept the requirements from the Southold Fire District and
Town Fire Marshal for fire protection as listed above;
3. Consider the recommendations of the ARC;
4. Consider the staff analysis items as detailed above.
5. Require the applicant to go through the Findings and mitigations listed and
provide a narrative explaining how they are met on the site plan. Mitigation
notes should be added to the appropriate site plans where relevant. Once
revised plans are submitted, a list of conditions can be generated.
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review
Example: add the trees to be preserved to the landscape plan (tree 6" and
above should already be shown on site, so it shouldn't be too much to have
the ones being saved shown on the landscape plan if they haven't already).
6. Require completion of obtaining outside permits as detailed above, including:
a. SCDHS: Wastewater permit from SCDHS
b. NYSDEC: SWPPP NOI and/or SPDES Permit from the NYSDEC
c. NYSDOT: Highway work permit from the NYSDOT
d. SCWA: Letter of Water availability based on requirements detailed
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
SCTM #1000-63-3-15
Note: The following is a summary of the SEQRA EIS Findings Statement which was
adopted by Southold Town ZBA in October 2021.
2.1 Soils and Topography—(Begins on page 7)
• The grading program will result in an excess cut of 8,764±CY of material.Some of this material
(2,720± CY) may be kept on site for capping in areas that are not disturbed(e.g., buffer
areas), or used in vertical mixing or for on-site fill; however, most will be transported off-site,
during the construction period. All excess soil will be characterized for disposal purposes.Soil,
wastes will be transported to permitted off-site disposal facilities in accordance with
NYSDEC Part 360. Other soils, if determined to have a beneficial use,will be transported
to other appropriate sites in accordance with NYSDEC Part 360.
• To prevent tracking of potentially impacted soil into areas where neither remediation nor
other risk management measures are planned,the following precautions will be
undertaken: (1) access to areas in which a clean soil cap has been constructed will be
limited by temporary barricade fencing until landscaping activities have been completed;(2)
vehicles and equipment will be cleaned or washed down prior to moving fromimpacted
areas to areas in which soil mitigation is not necessary or has already been completed; and
(3) erosion controls (i.e. silt fencing or equivalent) will be installed to prevent runoff from
impacted areas from entering areas in which soil mitigation is not necessary or has already
been completed.
• Erosion and sedimentation controls will be put in place prior to and during construction and
will include, at minimum, stockpile protection, inlet sediment control devices for storm
structure protection,silt fencing, and anti-tracking pads to prevent off-site sediment tracking
from construction vehicles. All erosion and sediment control measures will be routinely
inspected and maintained such that no sediment will be transported off-site.
• The primary sources of dust will be equipment, vehicular traffic, and construction activities
on exposed soils. Dust from work activities will contain contaminants of concern.The on-site
environmental technician will monitor dust levels and take immediate action when
necessary. The environmental technician will implement the dust control plan (as provided
in Section 2.3 of the SMMP in Appendix L of the DEIS) if there is any actual or potential visible
dust. Dust suppression measures will be employed in accordance with NYSDEC DER-10
Appendix 113 for Fugitive Dust and Particulate Monitoring.
• If there is dust or the potential for dust in areas of concern,the environmental technician will
direct that the area be wet down. Calcium chloride may be used if the problem cannot be
controlled with water. Dust control measures may include the following methods and, as
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
good practice, can also be implemented at times when dust monitoring is not being
conducted to prevent the migration of non-impacted dust off- site, as well as potentially
impacted dust:
o Water applied to designated work areas prior to any clearing, mixing, or other earth
moving operations.
o At a minimum,water will be applied to all disturbed work areas at least four times per
day during dry weather periods.
o The disturbed areas will be sprayed down at the end of each day to form a thin crust.
This is in addition to the required minimum of four times per day.
o No earth moving activities will be performed if the wind at the site steadily exceeds
15 miles per hour.
o All unpaved haul roads and equipment paths will be watered on a sufficient basisto
prevent dust emissions. An alternative to frequent watering may be to pour a 4-inch-
thick layer of gravel.
o Transportation of soils on-site will be performed in a covered vehicle, or the soilsmust
be sufficiently watered to prevent dust emissions.
o Onsite vehicle speeds must not exceed 10 miles per hour and the site must be posted
with speed signs.
o Parking areas shall be designated and will be sufficiently watered or gravel lined to
prevent dust emissions.
Finding 1: The project is not expected to result in significant adverse impacts on or from
topography, landforms, or soils and no significant development constraints were identified based
on-site conditions and the impact avoidance and mitigation strategies identified in the EIS and
inherent in the project design.Any potential impact will be temporary, mitigated to the maximum
extent practicable, or is unavoidable. (p. 12)
2.2 Water Resources—(Begins on page 12)
• Sewage Treatment Plant.The proposed BESST system has demonstrated that effluent meets
the NYSDEC SPDES requirements for reduction of nitrogen and suspended solids.
• The proposed action includes the installation of a stormwater management system
• The proposed Sediment and Erosion Control Plan includes, at minimum, stockpile protection,
inlet sediment control devices for storm structure protection, silt fencing, and anti-tracking '
pads to prevent off-site sediment tracking from construction vehicles. Prior to construction,
a SWPPP will be prepared, which will address additional items during construction such as
concrete washout areas,temporary stabilization,'and erosion and sediment maintenance and
inspection procedures.
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, W
SCTM# 1000-63-3-15
• Separate irrigation well
• Groundwater on site may double as fertilizer supplement due to high nitrogen content.
• Drought-tolerant plantings
• Organic landscaping maintenance.
Finding 2: The Proposed Action will not have a significant adverse effect on surface waters or
` groundwater quantity or quality when factoring in the identified impact prevention and
mitigation strategies listed above and the inherent impact avoidance and mitigations that were
included in the project's design. (p. 15)
2.3 Ecological Resources—(Begins on page.15)
• Retain existing trees within the 25-foot rear yard setback area and the 10-foot side yard
setback area to contribute to boundary screening for adjacent properties and provide or
mitigate,to a limited extent, habitat benefits to wildlife associated with native trees.
• The proposed landscaping plantings do not include any species listed as invasive by the Long
Island Invasive Species Management Area or included on Suffolk County's "No Sale/Transfer
• Tree clearing will occur during the winter months (between December 1 and February 28) in
accordance with NYSDEC recommendations to avoid any potential take of Northern long-
eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), a species listed as threatened by boththe US Fish and
Wildlife Service and New York State. Winter clearing of the successional forests will also
minimize potential impacts to breeding wildlife and birds.
Finding 3: Some limited habitat and ecological resources will be lost but significant impacts to
ecological resources are not anticipated considering current conditions onsite and the mitigation
strategies outlined in the DEIS and this Findings Statement and development consistent with the
design features identified to minimize ecological impacts. (p.19)
2.4 Land Use, Zoning, and Plans—(Begins on page.19)
• Existing historic structure will be retained and adapted for a new use.
• The proposed hotel building will reflect the existing scale of buildings at the subject property
and surrounding community (i.e., low density, one- and two-story structures).
• Use of the hotel spa and indoor and outdoor swimming pools shall be restricted to overnight
hotel guests, only. No day passes for use of the hotel amenities will be permitted.
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
• The proposed rooftop terrace will have limited hours of operation (10AM-9PM Sun- Thurs,
11AM-10PM Fri-Sat) and will be for overnight hotel guests only.
• The provision of overflow parking in the proposed site plan ensures that anylarge event that
takes place on the property will not impact surrounding roadways or properties with
"spillover" parking.
• Landscaping for visual screening.
• Retain existing trees where possible.
• Native species to reduce use of fertilizer, pesticides and water for irrigation.
• Meet Town lighting code to prevent light pollution.
Finding 4:The project is not expected to result in significant adverse environmental impacts based
on land use, zoning, special use permit standards, and public planning policies subject to strict
compliance to identified mitigation and project design features and any further -,brbd or
requirements that may be imposed by other involved agencies or the ZBA in consideration of the
Special Exception Permit application. (p. 22)
2.5 Transportation—(Begins on page 22)
• Restrict parking on north side of Main Road.
• Provide overflow parking to prevent impacts to nearby roadways from "spillover" parking.
• Large events are prohibited.
• Valet parking will be provided when necessary
Finding 5: The volume of traffic generated by the proposed project is not anticipated to result
in significant impacts to the adjacent roadway during peak periods if required mitigation is
strictly adhered to. The proposed access and egress will operate in a safe manner with the
inclusion of traffic control mitigation for large events and will be subject to NYSDOT review and
approval. Based on the traffic impact analysis for the project and in consideration of the identified
access locations, site circulation, and identified mitigations during large events, it was concluded
that significant adverse traffic and parking impacts have been minimized. (Bottom of page 28 -
2.6 Aesthetic Resources and Community Character—(Begins on page 29)
• Landscaping, buffering, screening, architecture, consistency with zoning, retention of the
residential building, prohibiting large.events, outdoor lighting to be compliant with Town
lighting code, and other visual considerations.
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
• Relocating the site access an additionalll feet to the west and landscaping this area to
provide a 15-foot-deep buffer consistingof a double row of evergreens (including the
installation of 14-to-16-foot-tall mature Leyland Cypress) and a hedge;
• Wooden stockade fence (6.5 feet in height) is proposed along the eastern and western
property lines;
• a parapet was added to the hotel to screen the HVAC unit and a 30-inch glass barrier will be
mounted on top of the parapet to address sights and sounds;
• relocation of a dumpster, and
• adjustments to the outdoor lighting plan to prevent light trespass.
• The proposed landscape buffer plantings will be installed early in the construction process to
provide additional time for growth duringthe estimated 18-to 22-month construction period.
Finding 6:Several steps have been taken to mitigate potential impacts on community character
and cultural resources and various mitigations and controls are in place to address potential
issues. Based on the project design and required mitigations, no significant adverse impacts were
identified to visual or cultural resources. (p. 34)
2.7 Noise and Odor—(Begins on page 34)
• Large events are prohibited
• Events must be indoors.
• Hotel amenities for overnight hotel guests only(no day passes for pools,spa, rooftop lounge).
• Acoustic barriers will be installed along the eastern property line as well as around the cottage
exterior spaces. These barriers will include 6.5-ft wooden stockade fencing withan acoustic
barrier with a minimum STC of 29 (such as NoiseOut 2 or LV-1R), which will make full contact
with the ground to complete the acoustic seal.
• The proposed HVAC units will be placed on the roof and will be contained within noise- attenuating
enclosures, if necessary, upon review of mechanical equipment.
• The proposed rooftop terrace will have limited hours of operation (10AM-913M Sun- Thurs,
11AM-10PM Fri-Sat) for hotel guests only. To address potential noise concerns from the
proposed rooftop lounge area, while the roofline directly to the east and the parapet both
act as an acoustic barrier, the proposed design has been modified to include a 30-inch glass
barrier on top of the parapet.
• No outdoor amplified music will be permitted.
Finding 7: Several design modifications and mitigative steps have been taken or identified to
address potential impacts from noise and odors. Strict compliance to identified mitigations is
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
SUM# 1000-63-3-15
necessary to reduce potential impacts to the maximum extent practicable. (p. 38)
2.8 Historic and Archaeological Resources—(Begins on page 38)
• Historic building in front to be restored and re-used.
Finding 8: The project retains the existing residential structure and adaptively reuses it thereby
saving the building. Cultural resources experts at OPRHP have reviewed the proposed plan;
provided guidance and input and indicated that based on the retention of the structures and
minor modifications to the structure that are sensitive to the architectural and historic integrity
of the structure, that no adverse historic resource impacts will occur from the project. (p. 41)
2.9 Human Health and Safety—(Begins on page 41)
• All excess soil from the construction process will be characterized for disposal purposes. Soil
wastes will be transported to permitted off-site disposal facilities in accordance with
NYSDEC Part 360. Other soils, if determined to have a beneficial use, will be transported to
other appropriate sites in accordance with NYSDEC Part 360.
• To prevent tracking of potentially impacted soil into areas where neither remediation nor
other risk management measures are planned, the following precautions will be taken: (1)
access to areas in which a clean soil cap has been constructed would be limited bytemporary'
barricade fencing until landscaping activities have been completed;
(2) vehicles and equipment will be cleaned or washed down prior to moving fromimpacted
areas to areas in which soil mitigation is not necessary or has already been completed; and
(3) erosion controls (i.e., silt fencing or equivalent) will be installed to prevent runoff from
impacted areas from entering areas in which soil mitigation is not necessary or has already
been completed.
• Dust from work activities could contain contaminants of concern. The on-siteenvironmental
technician will monitor dust levels and implement a dust control plan if there is any actual or '
potential visible dust.
• Prior to renovation and conversion of the existing house,an ACM survey would be performed.
If ACM is identified, same would be removed in accordance with prevailing regulations.
• The proposed development is not expected to adversely impact the local police department
or fire district; however, upon receipt of responses from the Southold Town Police
Department and Southold Fire District, the project sponsor will respond to any
recommendations should they be offered by either or both agencies.
• The existing on-site sewage disposal system, which current services the single-family
residence will be abandoned in place in accordance with SCDHS regulations. The structures
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
will be pumped and cleaned prior to abandonment.
• The existing 275-gallon above ground fuel oil tanks were noted in the Phase I ESA as being
empty and currently out of service as the residence is currently heated with natural gas. The
tanks will be cleaned and removed in accordance with applicableregulations as part of the
overall project.
Finding 9: Development associated with the Proposed Action will increase the demand for
community services and facilities as it would for any future growth; however, mitigation has
been/will be provided and property tax revenues will be generated for emergency service districts
and school district without placing any additional strain on the school district. The subject
premises have been inspected for possible contaminants including AMCs, lead based paints, and
soil contamination and appropriate actions have been taken where necessary. Impacts on public
health and safety are not expected. (p. 44)
2.10 Other Impacts—(Begins on page 45)
2.10.1 Use and Conservation of Energy (p. 45)
Finding 10.1:Based on the foregoing discussion and identified energy conservation strategies,the
long-term energy resource supply and demand in the region, it is not expected that the proposed
project will have a significant effect on the demand, use or delivery of energy resources. ,
Applicants have expressed an interest in possibly installing solar panels on the hotel roof. This.,
will be considered further during the site plan review process. (p. 45)
2.10.2 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts (Short-Term and Long-Term) (p. 46)
Short-term impacts will occur during the proposed construction activities; however, these
impacts will be temporary and cease upon completion of the construction phase of the project.
Anticipated impacts include:
• Construction-related noise generated during limited demolition activities, as well as site
preparation and construction of the proposed building and parking areas. However,
construction will be limited to the permitted hours for construction activities set forth
by the Town.
• Although erosion and sedimentation controls will be in place prior to and maintained
during the entirety of the proposed construction, limited erosion may occur.
• Fugitive dust may be generated.
• Construction-related vehicles may have temporary adverse impacts on local traffic.
Upon implementation of the proposed action, long-term-adverse impacts will occur. These
impacts include:
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
SUM# 1000-63-3-15
• Change in the use of the property from a residential parcel to a commercial use, including
a restaurant and hotel use and up to 10 large events per year.
• Redevelopment of the site will increase the area of impervious surface by 3.05±acres.
• The loss of 5.49± acres of early successional communities will result in decreased habitat
availability for the plants, birds, and wildlife that utilize these habitats and a decrease in
the abundance and diversity of the plant and wildlife species present.
• The proposed action would result in an increase of 2.47 acres of mowed lawn and
landscaping including trees and the decorative pond. The proposed landscaping consists
of maintained turf grass with scattered deciduous trees and trimmed hedgerows with the
property boundary screening comprised of evergreen trees. The proposed landscaping
plantings do not include any species listed as invasive by the Long Island Invasive Species'
Management Area or included on Suffolk County's"No Sale/Transfer List" (Suffolk County
Local Law No. 22-2007, Adopted 6-26-2007).
• Stormwater generation will increase post-development due to the projected increase in
impervious surface area. However, the proposed drainage plan will accommodate all
stormwater on-site from a two-inch rain event.
Finding 10.2:Some impacts are unavoidable. The Subject Action has the potential to result in the
above-listed unavoidable impacts which are common results of new development (e.g.,
clearing, ground disturbance, etc.) but differ in degree. These impacts have been mitigated to
the maximum extent practicable and remaining impacts are considered unavoidable. (Bottom of
page 46-47)
2.10.3 Irretrievable and Irreversible Commitment of Resources (p. 47)
For any development or new land use, there is a certain commitment of resources (natural and
human or manmade) for consumption, conversion or that is made unavailable for further use as
a result of the development and/or use. The construction and operation of the proposed
development will require a commitment of natural and human resources, as follows:
• Building and construction-related materials will be committed to achieving theproposed
development, including but not limited to wood,steel, concrete, and topsoil.
• The operation of construction equipment and post-development operations would
require electricity,water resources and fossil fuels.
• Approximately 3.14±-acres of pervious land would be transformed into impervious
surfaces in order to accommodate the proposed hotel building, cottages, parking areas
and internal driveway.
• The proposed action would result in the loss of 5.49 acres of successional southern
hardwoods and old fields.
• Water demand and sewage generation will increase by approximately 10,395± gpd(from
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
300± gpd to 10,695± gpd) for the proposed development assuming peak occupancy and
a 250-person event. Irrigation demand is estimated to be 13,786 gpd on average during
the 26-week irrigation season; however, irrigation demand will be handled by an onsite
irrigation well rather than placing strain on the local public water supply. All sanitary
waste being treated by an on-site BESST STP to be constructed in the rear of the property.
Finding 10.3:Analysis indicates that irreversibly committed resources are associated with the
removal of natural vegetation, and the use of building materials and nonrenewable energy
resources associated with future construction processes and hotel and restaurant operations. No
other significant nonrenewable energy or environmental resources are expected to be lost due to
the Subject Action. (p. 47)
2.10.4 Growth-Inducing-impacts (p. 48)
Finding 10.4: The hotel and restaurant will provide economic growth, increased property tax
revenues, temporary construction jobs, long-term part-and full-time jobs, and is likely to have an
economic benefit to the community. (p. 48)
2.10.5 Impacts on Solid Waste Management (p. 49)
Finding 10.5:Solid waste will be picked up, transported and disposed by a private contractor once
the hotel and restaurant are operation and will be disposed at a licensed solid waste disposal or
recycled at an approved recycling facility. (p. 49)
3.0 ALTERNATIVES (Begins on page 49)
Finding 11.0: The analysis of project alternatives provides a basis for comparing some of the
characteristics,potential impacts, and benefits of alternative actions with those of the Applicant's
preferred plan. Based on this review, the proposed action with identified impact mitigations is the
preferred action. (p. 50)
Finding 12.0: The proposed project will provide several public benefits to help offset anticipated
impacts as described above. These benefits arise from direct, indirect and induced investments,
employment, salaries, benefits as applicable from temporary construction activities and part-
time, full-time and long-term maintenance and contractor work. The project will generate
additional property tax revenues, augment area sales and services, and provide lodging and
dining uses that will help support and stimulate the local economy. (Bottom of page 51-52)
Note: The following is an excerpt from the ZBA Determination — December 2, 2021
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
"Approval subject to the following conditions:
1. That the applicant complete construction on the hotel and begin the approved Special
Exception use in compliance with the conditions imposed by the Zoning Board of Appeals
within three years. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of
expiration, grant an extension.
2. In accordance with the Zoning Board of Appeals,approval shall thereafter be deemed a lawful
use as if the same were permitted by chapter 280 without need for a special exception
permit; provided, however,that:
a. All conditions imposed by the special exception approval shall continue to apply
unless they, by their express terms, are of limited duration.
b. All conditions imposed on special exception approval uses generally or specifically by
Chapter 280 shall continue to apply, regardless of whether any such conditions were
expressly incorporated into the special exception approval.
c. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall retain continuing jurisdiction over the same.
d. A special exception use which has been discontinued.for a period of one year or more
shall be deemed abandoned.
e. The applicant must apply to the Planning Board for site plan review/approval within
60 days of the date of this decision. Failure to do so will render this Special Exception
Permit null and void, unless a written extension is granted by the ZBA upon written
request of the applicant for good cause.
3. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall file Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's)
acceptable to the Southold Town Attorney that shall remain in force and effect so long as the;,
approved Special Exception use as a hotel is operational stating that:
.1. No outdoor events of any size shall be permitted on the subject property.
2. No special events as defined in Chapter 205 (Public Entertainment and Special Events)''
of the Town Code shall be permitted on the subject property.
3. No large events, defined in the FEIS as events over 100 guests, are permitted on the
subject property. Small indoor events that are accessory and incidental to the
principal hotel use shall be permitted. Small events are defined as events under 100
4. No expansion of the number of approved hotel units shall be permitted.
5. Proposed hotel amenities including but not limited to the indoor pool,spa and fitness
facility, the outdoor pool, hot tubs and cabanas, and the roof top bar/lounge, are
limited to use by overnight hotel guests only as accessories to the principal hotel use
and shall not be available for use by the general public.
6. No outdoor music is permitted anywhere on the subject property.
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 Main Road,Southold, NY
That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when'
NOTE: Violations of Conditions. A violation of any limitation or condition of a special exception
approval or of any provision of this chapter applicable to a special exception use shall constitute
a violation of this chapter. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall retain jurisdiction and shall have
the right, after a public hearing, to modify, suspend or revoke such approval or any term or
condition thereof or to impose thereon one or more new conditions, pursuant to Article XXV,
Section 280-141 of the Town Code."
Tel. (631)-765-1560 ® Fax. (631)-765—9015
Southold Town
Planning Board
Brian Cummings May 18, 202
Southold Town Planning Department
54375 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
Re: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
SCTM #: 1000 — 63. — 03 — 15
Dear Mr. Cummings:
As per a request from your office, I have reviewed Sheets 1-17 of the
Site Plan for The Enclaves prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E., dated
August 23, 2016, last revised February 15, 2022. Please have the applicant
submit revised plans that address the following:
1. The applicant must obtain a permit from the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for the curb cuts associated
with the development prior to final approval.
2. As submitted, the drainage design does not meet Town requirements.
As an example, the drainage calculations for the "Hotel Roof/Pond"
combines the runoff from the hotel roof, cottage roof, pond area and
cabana roof and specifies five 12' diameter by 12' deep leaching pools.
However, two of these leaching pools, representing 40% of the total
drainage system capacity, are connected directly to the cottages, which
constitute only 7% of the total impervious area. Please revise the
drainage design for the entire site, ensuring that the drainage area
served by each drainage structure or system is clearly shown and that
drainage calculations accurately reflect these areas. Provide contours
or flow lines that show how stormwater will be directed into the
drainage structures.
3. 1 recommend that all leaching pools not equipped with an open grate
be provided with solid cast iron clean out covers to grade to facilitate
future maintenance.
4. Sheet 16 of 17, Site Details, shows that all leaching pools and leaching
catch basins are to be 12' in diameter with a 10' effective depth. This
conflicts with the drainage design. Resolve this discrepancy.
5. Revise Sheet 17, Details, as necessary to state that if Recycled
Concrete Aggregate (RCA) is to be utilized it must be NYSDOT
Specification RCA.
6. The final plans must show the location of and details for the concrete
washout area and soil stockpile areas as part of the erosion and
sediment control plan.
If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my
�! Uk"
Michael M. Collins, P.E.
Town Engineer .
STATIC OE Governor
ORPORTUNkTK Transportation
Re ional Director
July 8, 2022 RECEIVED
Mr. Sebastian Rubinstein
Storiefield Engineering & Design, LLC JUL 112022
584 Broadway, Suite 310
New York, NY 10012 Southold Town
Planning Board
Proposed The Enclaves Hotel
56655 Main Road (NY 25)
Southold, NY
SCTM#' 1000-06300-0300-015000
NYSDOT Case No. 97500
Dear Mr. Rubinstein,
This is regarding the plans for the referenced project which were submitted to us for
review, along with your application for a NYSDOT Highway Work Permit (HWP).
Prior to approval of site work within the State right-of-way (ROW) and issuance of a
NYSDOT HWP, the following items must be addressed:
1. Show all existing conditions along the State Right of Way, such as pavement
markings, utilities, property lines, any fixed objects, drainage structures, and
other appurtenances along the site's State highway frontage.
2. Show restoration details for features that may disturbed due to the
contractor's operations, e.g., pavement, curb, sidewalk, and pedestrian ramps.
All work and materials in the State Right of Way shall be shown to be ADA
compliant and referenced to NYSDOT specifications, item numbers, and details.
3. Show existing and proposed signs on the plan (including text and MUTCD
number). Indicate if any signs require replacement or relocation. Show new
location with dimensions from the pavement edge.
4. The driveways shall comply with ADA requirements. Driveway Type number
must be shown for new entrances with NYSDOT Standard Details & Notes. Refer
to NYSDOT Standard Sheet 608-03 Residential & Minor Commercial Driveways.
info/drawings/standard-sheets-us-repository/608-03 050120.pdf
250 Veterans Memorial Highway—Suite 6A-7,Hauppauge..NY 117,881 v,=w.dot.ny.gov ,
5. Provide appropriate signage (e.g., all traffic, one way, do not enter, stop, etc.)
and pavement markings (e.g., double yellow barrier, stop bar, etc.) at the site
6. The proposed driveway cannot encroach neighbor's property. The distance
between the flair of the driveway and the adjacent property should be no less
than 5'. See Note 1.A in Figure 5A-3 of our publication 'Policy and Standards for
the Design of Entrances to State Highways'.
7. All drainage must be contained on-site since we do not allow runoff from private
property onto public roads. Show driveway profile and on-site elevations,
including elevations at the highway right-of-way lines. The high point of the
driveway should be located at the property line.
8. Indicate the groundwater table. Include drainage calculations on the plans and
provide details for the proposed retention system verifying that all drainage is
contained onsite.
9. The pavement runoff must flow smoothly along the pavement edge. Grades must
be shown at appropriate intervals along the shoulder, at the limits of the
driveway, and the nearest drain inlets.
10. Install 5' sidewalk along the entire site frontage. Show the width of sidewalk and
snow storage strip. Label the distance between curb and property line at
appropriate intervals. Refer to NYSDOT Standard Sheet 608-01 for applicable
11. Install curb along the entire site frontage. Vertical Faced Curb Detail should refer
to and follow NYSDOT Standard Detail 609-01, Concrete and Stone Curb and
Gutter Curb.
12. Specify the curb ramp type and options selected for the proposed Type-2
13. Ensure that all proposed pedestrian features such as ramps, sidewalks, and
curbs are built within the public ROW. This will reduce potential liability for both
the property owner and NYSDOT. If a dedication of real estate to the NYSDOT is
required, please contact Ms. Sharon Muchnick (631-952-3362) of our Office of
Right of Way.
14. All asphalt placed in State Road shall be 'Superpave' warm mix asphalt, as per
EB 21-047. The asphalt item numbers and depths for the shoulder restoration
shall be as follows.
404.098101 . Top Course............ 2"
404.198901 Binder Course......... 3"
404.258901 Base Course.......... 6", in two 3" layers.
250 Veterans Memorial Highway—Suite 6A-7,Hauppauge,NY 11788 1 www.dot.n;j.gov
304.10119917 Subbase Course .... 6"
407.0102 Tack Coat
15. Delineate a 5' wide ADA compliant pedestrian connection between the building
on site and the sidewalk along State Road. Add ramps, signage, and pavement
markings where needed for continuity. We recommend that all building entrances
onsite be interconnected with each other.
16. Provide landscape plans with native plants. Include size & species proposed.
17. Indicate any areas of turf establishment on State Right-of-Way where areas will
be disturbed by construction. Add topsoil/seeding items to indicate - Item
610.1402 Topsoil-Roadside & Item 610.1601 Turf Establishment-Roadside.
18. Provide Erosion and Sediment control plans in accordance with Standard Sheets
19. Label any utilities proposed within.the State Right of Way as; 'By others, under
separate Utility Highway Work Permit from NYSDOT'.
20. We recommend that survey markers be installed at the property limits along the
State highway frontage and ROW markers at any intermediary turning points in
accordance with NYSDOT Standard Sheet 625. Please include the appropriate
detail and show locations of survey markers and reference markers on the plans.
21. Update revision tables on the plan sheets
22. A Work Zone Traffic Control plan must be provided for work in the right of way, in
accordance with National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices along with
NYS Supplement (MUTCD). The plan must include a note:
'All lanes must be open to traffic before 10 AM and after 3 PM. No lane closings
are permitted on weekends or holidays. Nighttime lane closings will not be
permitted without prior approval from the State Permit Inspector'.
23. Accommodate pedestrians on site during construction, with a 5' wide ADA
compliant passage, so that they don't have to cross travel lanes of traffic.
24. Add following notes to the,plans, together in one group.
a. Before construction, the contractor shall coordinate with the State Permit
Engineer regarding the appropriate location for snow stakes sleeves.
b. After construction, sidewalks, and ramps must be evaluated for compliance
with current ADA standards. The permittee or his designated "designer of
record" shall field verify that the pedestrian features (ramps, sidewalk, etc.)
were constructed to current ADA standards outlined in NYSDOT Specs
Section 608 and related Standard Sheets. Submit required documentation
to the State Permit Engineer before the work can be accepted as complete
250 Veterans Memorial Highway—Suite 6A-7,Hauppauge,NY 117881 www.dot.ny.gov
and the permit be closed. The features that do not comply with ADA
requirements upon completion will require removal and reconstruction.
C. The contractor shall clean existing drainage basins along and immediately
adjacent to the site frontage during and after construction as ordered by the
State engineer.
d. Any sidewalk panels or connecting pavement that have settled with a
greater than 1/4" lip or crack over 1/2" wide shall be replaced to meet ADA
e. Running slope of the driveway within the Right of Way shall not exceed 6%.
f. Repair existing shoulder, sidewalk and curbing as ordered by State
g. Construction materials and equipment should be removed from the
NYSDOT ROW at the end of each workday. Materials allowed to remain on-
site must be stored outside the vehicle clear zone.
h. Removal of the existing concrete curb should be done from the back side to
minimize any damage to the existing pavement. This involves pulling the
curb out from the back and pouring new curb up against the existing
i. All new or relocated signposts must be installed in PVC sleeves.
j. Pavement restoration shall be in kind. Composite pavement restoration shall
be taken to existing longitudinal joint. If any damage occurs to the concrete
panels, the contractor will be responsible to replace the whole panel.
k. Label minimum width of asphalt restoration to be 4' for proper compaction.
Add 1 ft overcut for the top course.
I. All cold joints to be sealed with hot-applied sealant.
M. Tack coat is required between all lifts and joints, regardless of when placed.
n. Composite pavement restoration shall be in accordance with the current
Regional Pavement Repair Guide Sheets.
o. The thickness of curb ramps should be a minimum 6" and they should
include wire fabric reinforcement with 3" of top cover. The ramps shall have
a level 5'x5' landing in the sidewalk.
p. The curb ramps shall be oriented to direct the pedestrians straight to the
destination ramp across the driveway/street.
q. Any utility work proposed in State Highway right-of-way will require separate
application and submission of restoration plans. Follow the guidelines of our
utility handbook, Blue Book titled, 'Requirements for The Design and
Construction of Underground Utility Installations Within the State Highway
Right-Of-Way'. The applicant should contact Mr. Diego Aucacama Rivera
(631-727-1731, diego.aucacama@dot.ny.gov)for further directions
regarding Utility Highway Work Permit (HWP) applications. Please note;
The utility HWP issuance is subject to issuance of the HWP required for site
r. All proposed road improvements detailed in the Site Plans must comply with
the latest versions.of AASHTO, ADA, National Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control with the NYS Supplement (MUTCD), NYSDOT Highway Design
Manual, and the Policy and Standards for The Design of Entrances to State
250 Veterans Memorial Highway—Suite 6A 7,Hauppauge,NY 117788 k"w.dot.ny.gov
Highways ('Driveway Design Policy'). Road improvement plans must
provide all appropriate NYSDOT Standard Details and NYSDOT Standard
Item Numbers.
There may be more comments when detailed plans are submitted for our review.
Please submit a set of revised plans and a response letter. We need a paper and
electronic copy of each of these items in pdf format. The response letter shall state how,
and wherein the plans, the above comments are addressed, item by item.
A review of the subject project is being coordinated by Mr. Mohammad R Islam (631-
952-6813, Mohammad.islarn@dot.ny.gov). Please send all correspondence to his
attention. Kindly refer to the subject case number and County tax map number in all
Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter.
Very truly yours,
Olumuyiwa Fajolu, P.E.
Permit Section Manager
Traffic Safety and Mobility Group
cc: Town of Southold
Ms. Heather Lanza, Planning Director
Mr. Vincent M. Orlando, Superintendent of Highways
250 Veterans Memorial Highway—Suite 6A 7,Hauppauge,NY 117881 www.dot.ny.gov
Michaelis,Jessica JUL 2022
From: Cummings, Brian A. Sout o Town
g Planning Board
Sent: Friday,July 8, 2022 10:33 AM
To: Michaelis,Jessica
Subject: FW:The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant - No SPDES Construction Permit Required
For mail/file, please.
From: Collins, Michael<michael.collins@town.southold.ny.us>
Sent: Friday,July 8, 2022 9:17 AM
To: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southoId.ny.us>;Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us>; Cummings,
Brian A. <brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us>
Subject:The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant- No SPDES Construction Permit Required
I checked with NYSDOT and there are no State outfalls on Main Road (SR25)that could be impacted by runoff from the
construction of this site. Therefore no SPDES Construction Permit will be required. The applicant must still comply with
Chapter 236 of the Southold Town Code.
Michael Collins, P.E.
Town Engineer
Town of Southold
(631) 765-1560
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged
information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is
prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication.
Town Hall Annex ®� SoP.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 ®�`� ��®� Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
GsZ Telephone: 631765-1938
MEMORANDUM —Soutfiold Town
Planning Board
To: Donald Wilcenski, Chair
Town of Southold Planning Board
From: Mark Terry, AICP
Assistant Town Planning Director
LWRP Coordinator
Date: May 31, 2022
Re: _ Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM 1000-63-3-15 Zoning District—HB
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq. ft.),
including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, a full basement,
accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the
conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 1-60
parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district. The property is
located at 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold. SCTM 1000-63-3-15
The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the
Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP) Policy
Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form
submitted to this department,the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. This
recommendation is made based upon the following:
1. Resolution for Acceptance of SEQR Findings Statement for the proposed Enclaves
hotel and Restaurant Special Exception Use Permit Application dated October 7,
2. Findings, Deliberations and Determination Meeting of December 2, 2021, Special
Exception for 56655 Main St. LLC (The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant).
Policy 5.5. Protect and conserve the quality and quantity ofpotable water.
The following best management practices are recommended in the landscaped
areas to conserve potable water:
a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping.
b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble
nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture.
c. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one
application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000
square feet per year.
d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen,
phosphorus, or potassium between November 1St and April 1St.
e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless
establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have
enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The
number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g.
22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted.
Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn
is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary.
Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written
determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action.
Cc: Brian Cummings, Planner
Sout oia Town
P.O. BOX 908. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971
(631) 765-4305
FAX (631) 765-5076
May 25, 2022
Mr. Brian A. Cummings, Planner
Southold Town Planning Board
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Re: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Dear Brian:
Please be advised that the Board of Fire Commissioners have reviewed
the above-mentioned site plan and would request the following changes for fire
department equipment access and emergency services.
1. A bigger turning radius for fire trucks (33 ft inside radius, 48 ft outside
2. Curbs to be low profile, ride over on islands;
3. Hydrant located on the southwest corner of the property (across from
the roundabout and near the paved walkway), and
4. Standpipe (southwest corner of building in front closest to hydrant)
The Board would like to reserve the right to review the above subdivision if
any changes occur to this property or to other property in the immediate area.
Lrool A. Miller
Fire-District Secretary
MAY 17 2022
Southold Town
Steven Bellone Planning Board
Natalie Wright Department of
Commissioner Economic Development and Planning
May 13, 2022
Town of Southold
54375 State Route 25'
P.O.Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Attn: Brian Cummings
Re: The Enclaves Hotel &Restaurant
Local File No: N/A
S.C.T.M.No.: 1000 06300 0300 015000
S.C.P.C. File No.: ZSR-22-14
Dear Mr. Cummings:
The Suffolk Planning Commission at its regular meeting on May 4,2022,reviewed the referral
from the Town of Southold entitled, "The Enclaves Hotel&Restaurant"referred to it
pursuant to Section A14-14 thru A14-25, Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative
The attached Resolution signifies action taken by the Commission relative to this application.
Very Truly Yours,
Sarah Lansdale
Director of Planning
W,&I� Wl
By Christine DeSalvo
Andrew P. Freleng, Chief Planner
Division of Planning and Environment'
H.LEE DENNISON BLDG■ 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY,11th FI ■ P.O.BOX 6100 0 HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099■(631)853-5191
File No. SD-22-01
Resolution No. ZSR-22-14 of the Suffolk County Planning Commission
Pursuant to Sections A14-14 to thru A14-25 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections A14-14 thru A14-25 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, a
referral was received on April 5, 2022 at the offices of the Suffolk County Planning
Commission with respect to the application of"The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant"
located in the Town of Southold
WHEREAS, said referral was considered by the Suffolk County Planning Commission at its meeting on
May 4, 2022, now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, pursuant to Section A14-16 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code and Section 239-m 6
of the General Municipal Law, the referring municipality within thirty (30) days after final
action,shall file a report with the Suffolk County Planning Commission,and if said action is
contrary to this recommendation, set forth the reasons for such contrary action,
Be it further
RESOLVED, that the Suffolk County Planning Commission Approves the site plan for the Enclaves
Hotel & Restaurant with the following comments:
1. The proposed Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant is located within a New York State Potential
Environmental Justice Area (see Suffolk County Planning Commission staff report). For each
project referred to the Suffolk County planning Commission (pursuant to NYS GML 239 and
Article XIV of the SC Admin. Code)within a PEJA, the local municipality should coordinate,
prepare and implement an enhanced Public Participation Plan. Traditional forms of outreach, as
well as, modern forms of social networking should be utilized. Other forms of outreach
especially to local civic associations and neighborhood religious organizations should not be
overlooked. All documentation and explanations regarding the project and process should be
clarified in plain language and communicated orally or by infographics if necessary.
a. As part of the land use process within a New York State designated Potential
Environmental Justice Area all optional public hearings for the land use process on the
proposed action should be conducted. Translation services where applicable should be
b., The notice of public hearing to be published should be noticed well in advance of public
hearings; at least 60 days before the hearing.
c. Public Notice should be in multiple languages.
d. Notice should be posted in at least one local non-English speaking newspaper. The
Summary of Environmental Justice.impacts must be included in the notice.
e. The local municipality should reserve judgment on projects within a PEJA for no less
than 45 days after the close of a public hearing on a project within a PEJA..
2. Mobile sources of air emissions, particularly arising from fuel combustion originating from
passenger automobile tail pipe exhaust was not detailed in referral materials to the Suffolk
County Planning Commission. A more detailed examination of dispersion of emissions and its
effect on the PEJA surrounding the project site would be in order. The following are related to
environmental justice and are provided as best management guidance with respect to motor
vehicle trips reduction, standing idle time and parking design to reduce co-pollutants from motor
vehicle activity.
a. The potential pollution burden of the proposed development in relationship to the
existing burdens within a one mile radius of the proposal should be cumulatively
assessed within the environmental quality review process.
All new development with parking lots should designate minimum of(8-10%)for parking
spaces for clean energy vehicles, but should not increase the number of parking spaces
beyond the minimum required in order to provide such designations.
b. All new development with parking lots should have plans for(2%) of off street parking
stalls to become future electric vehicle charging stations.
c. All parking lots should meet the requirements above and allow designated car share
parking stalls.
d. All parking lots should meet the requirements above and provide for car service and on-
line merchandise/food delivery services to have designated space for passenger pick-
up/drop-off and delivery loading/unloading zones.
e. Parking Stall Demand Reduction (PSDR)techniques,to lessen parked and idling cars,
decrease trip generation and avoid unnecessary disturbance to CO2 absorbing
vegetation should be employed.
3. No more than 60% of the naturally occurring vegetation on-sit should be cleared for
development. Vegetation and wildlife inventories should be by actual on site investigations via
"line-transect" methodology(or other peer accepted direct observation scientific methods)
supplemented by relevant literature and reported by a qualified biologist. Moreover, contiguous
open space should be shifted to the north to form a greater buffer with the residential zoning
adjacent to the project site.
4. The preservation of Prime Agricultural soils on the development site should be accommodated
for and these areas may be utilized for non-contiguous agricultural reserves, kitchen gardens,
on-site nurseries for native, pollinator flowers to be used at the hotel and restaurant, etc. The
Long Island Farm Bureau, Cooperative Extension and the American Farmland trust can be of
assistance in providing guidance.
5. For land use development projects within or adjacent to a New York State Potential
Environmental Justice area, all site grading/cut and fill should be balanced. No soil material.
should be transported off site. No mining should be permitted for any reason.
6. Additional considerations for overland storm water runoff on site are warranted. The applicant
should be encouraged to review the Suffolk County Planning Commission publication Managing
Stormwater-Natural Vegetation and Green Methodologies and incorporate into the proposal,
where practical, design elements contained therein. It is noted that the subject proposed
Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant development parcel is situated within the 0- 10 year groundwater
travel time to the Hippodrome Pond drainage system and is located within a Surface Water
Priority Area Ranking Group 1 as shown in the draft Suffolk County Sub-watersheds Plan.
Wastewater is intended to be directed to an onsite sewage treatment facility. The applicant
should be directed to begin/continue dialogue with the Suffolk County Department of Health
Services and Suffolk County Department of Public Works for review and approval of the
wastewater treatment methodology.
7. The applicant should be encouraged to begin/continue dialogue with the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYS DOT)with regard to motor vehicle access and impacts to
traffic conditions on area roadways.
8. The applicant should review the Planning Commission guidelines particularly related to public
safety lighting and signage.
9. Since the hotel will be proximate to the Long Island Railroad right-of-way, the hotel structure
should be constructed using materials and techniques that will reduce interior noise levels in
accordance with the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development or other authority that has promulgated standards for reduction of interior noise
10. The applicant should review the Planning Commission guidelines particularly related to Energy
Efficiency and incorporate into the proposal,where practical, design elements contained
11.The applicant should review the Planning Commission guidelines particularly related to
Universal Design and incorporate into the proposal, where practical, design elements contained
therein. The applicant should be advised to consider including some portion of the hotel guest
rooms to be set aside as inclusive for vacationing families in company of individuals with
12. Suffolk County Transit Bus route S92 traverses NYS Rte. 25 to points east and west. Internal
pedestrian circulation should provide a safe passageway to NYS Rte. 25 where pedestrians can
connect with a Suffolk County Transit bus.
13. The applicant should be directed to begin/continue dialogue with Suffolk County Department of
Public Works Transit Division to accommodate a bus passenger shelter in the vicinity of the
proposed hotel site development.
14. Parking stall demand reduction techniques should be considered to decrease the required off
street parking. See the below link to the Suffolk County Planning Commission publication on
Parking Stall Demand Reduction as a methodology to create a nexus for parking forgiveness
and developer provided public benefits.
hftps://www.suffolkcountyny.00v/portals/0/formsdoes/plan nino/SCPlan ni ngCommission/2019/PSD R%20 Final%20 Draft%20103019.
15.Applicant should consider provisions for some type of staff housing either on-site or in the near
File No.: SD-22-01
The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Town'of Southold
Vacant —At Large
CASEY, JENNIFER -Town of Huntington X
CHU, SAMUEL—Town of Babylon X
CONDZELLA, JOHN —Town of Riverhead X
COVERDALE, JOHN —Town of Brookhaven X
DOTY, DAVID—Town of East Hampton X
FINN,JOHN -Town of Smithtown X
FLYNN, DANIEL—Town of Southampton X
GALLE, ELIZABETH -Town of Shelter Island X
KAUFMAN, MICHAEL - Villages under 5,000 X
MCCARHTY, THOMAS -Town of Southold X
PERRY, LISA—Villages Over 5,000 X
Motion: Commissioner Thomas McCarthy Present: 11
Seconded: Commissioner Galle Absent: 3
Voted: 11
Abstentions: 1
DECISION: Approved
Jeffrey W.Szabo Administrative Offices:4060 Sunrise Highway,Oakdale,New York 11769-0901
Chief Executive Officer (631)563-0353
May 4,2022 S4
Brian Cummings,Planner
Town of Southold .,.,, __..
Planning Board Office MAY 10 2022
P.O.Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971 otiAid .. cn
Panning Board
RE: Site Plan-The Enclaves,44 Unit Rest/Hotel
SCTM# 1000-063.00-03.00-015.000
Dear Mr. Cummings:
Thank you for allowing the Suffolk County Water Authority(SCWA)yet another opportunity to
comment on the captioned project.
Once again, consistent with our prior comments, SCWA strongly supports utilizing an on-site
irrigation well for all irrigation needs as well as the use of smart irrigation control systems and drought
tolerant vegetation in the landscaping plans.
With regard to the proposed on-site STP,the revised DEIS submitted in October 2019 states "in
accordance with SCDHS and NYSDEC regulations, groundwater monitoring wells would be installed
both upstream and downstream of the effluent disposal system to monitor[] groundwater impacts as part
of the SPDES permit obtained for the STP."
The site plans referred to SCWA on April 5 do not indicate the use of monitoring wells of which
the Authority supports the use of.
Treated effluent from these types of facilities has the potential to include emerging contaminants
that are all now regulated in New York State to extremely low levels. SCWA believes that these
contaminants should be treated and detected at the source,not at the well head.
Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this project further, I may be reached at 631-
c our,
Jeffrey W. Szabo
cc: Patrick Halpin, Chairman, SCWA
Joseph Pokorny,Deputy CEO Operations, SCWA
Elizabeth Thompson,R.A. Chairperson Town Hall Annex
Anne Surchin,R.A. ,� "+ 54375 Route 25
Reynolds duPont,Jr. PO Box 1179
Ronald McGreevy Southold,NY 11971
Umberto Fasolino , Fax(631)765-6641
Members Present:
This meeting was held in person and electronically on April 7,2022. Elizabeth Thompson,R.A.
Chairperson;Anne Surchin, R.A.;Ron McGreevy;Umberto Fasolino;Brian Cummings,Town
Planner;and Elizabeth Cantrell,Secretary
Present for The Enclaves: Andrew V. Giambertone,AIA President&Project Partner;and
Ernesto Silva, Project Architect were present,and Jonathan Tibbett,Owner was present via
The minutes for the most recent meeting of January 6,2022 were approved.
All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings,exterior materials samples and
other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will
ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final
recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting
Minutes,and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will
consider these recommendations,together with all comments from other agencies,and provide
the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions.
Andrew V. Giambertone,AIA President&Project Partner;and Ernesto Silva,Project Architect
were present and Jonathan Tibbett,Owner was present via Zoom presented the project. The
proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.residence with a 584 sq. ft.
addition into a 74 seat restaurant and the construction of a 49,659 gross sq.ft. Hotel with 22 units,
an outdoor pool and 123 parking stalls on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Located: 56655 Route 25,Southold.
The meeting was called to order at 4:OOp.m.
Page 1 of 3
Elizabeth invited Andrew V. Giambertone,AIA President&Project Partner for The Enclaves to
present for committee review and discussion the proposed site plan and design drawings.
Following a 20 minute presentation,committee members discussed with him several
concerning issues. The discussion led to the following recommendations:
-This project with primarily flat roofed structures is not in keeping with neighboring properties
along Main Road. These properties have pitched roof barns behind the houses,which are barely
noticeable.It is preferable that this be a contemporary compound aesthetically in keeping with
the ambiance of Southold Village.
-There should be no mirrored or tinted glass used on the project,as it is incompatible with the
more traditional open and welcoming spirit of the North Fork. There is an architectural identity
and integrity to neighborhoods and small towns on the North Fork. Mirrored glass in contrast,
has an anonymity associated with large office parks or urban areas. Also it is more susceptible
to bird strikes than clear glass and is a source of reflected heat-gain for adjacent property
owners. Despite the deep overhang on the east elevation,since the sun rises from the horizon in
the east,there is no overhang deep enough to shadow the mirrored glass.There are many other
more residentially appropriate options for solar screening and privacy.
-An electronic entry gate is discouraged as it is incompatible with similar North Fork
neighborhood characteristics.
-A Hardie shingle, shake or siding is preferred to replace much of the proposed cut Italian
limestone,again for better neighborhood contextuality.
-Planting Plan should include greater diversity of indigenous plant materials to benefit and
sustain the North Fork's fragile ecosystem and more deciduous shade trees particularly at the
south entrance to each of the freestanding cottages to address energy conservation and optimize
passive solar heating and cooling. (See attached ARC reference list for"20 most valuable woody
and perennial native plant genera",attached.)
Following discussion by all participants,the meeting was adjourned at 5:00p.m.
Date April 19,2022:
Subsequent to full discussion at the meeting and distribution of draft minutes,two ancillary
comments were submitted by members Ron McGreevy and Umberto Fasolino.
A summary of these additional comments:
-The hotel would be screened with conifers from the Main Road so a design not in keeping with
the Southold community context is alright.
Page 2 of 3
-The overhang on the east elevation would shade mirrored glass, so mirrored glass is alright.
-The Italian limestone would give a"European design aspect" to the project,so is alright.
While these individual comments make some interesting points,they do not reflect full
committee consensus. After careful and respectful review,the remaining committee members,
both architects,continue to support the original committee consensus as discussed and presented
above in the minutes. This project is not about preserving or complimenting community
character in an appreciable way but rather appears to be reshaping it for special interests,and
thus does not meet architectural review standards to value and uphold the unique and precious
character of Southold Town.
Elizabeth Cantrell,A.R.C.Secretary
Page 3 of 3
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Town Hall Annex Telephone (631) 765-1802
54375 Main Road uN jamese@southoldtownny.gov
P. O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971-1179
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April 19, 2022 Planning Board
To: Brian Cummings, Planner
From: James Easton, Fire Marshal
Site Plan Comments for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Re: 56655 Route 25, Southold
Site Access:
• A fire access road with an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet in
width (FC 503.2.1) and 15 feet in vertical clearance (Town Code 280-109C)
shall be provided. Wli.at is th.c clearance height oi`the structii.re above the
truck loading berth area`s Must i.) 1-5 feet.
• Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet or three stories in height shall have
not fewer than two means of fire api ai-atus access for each structure. (FC
• Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they shall be placed a
distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum
overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be served, measured in a
straight line between accesses. (FC D 104.3)
• Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access road, the minimum
road width shall be 26 feet, exclusive of shoulders. (D 103.1) Show
location( ) oa lire hydrant(s), road widths adjacent to bydrants and "no
parking striping",.
• Where the vertical distance between the grade plane and the highest roof
surface exceeds 30 feet, approved aerial fire apparatus access roads shall
be provided. For purposes of this section, the highest roof surface shall be
determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the intersection of
the roof to the exterior wall, or the top of parapet walls, whichever is greater.
(FC D105.1) Please verify this section does not apply to these structures.
Water Supply
• A water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection
(FC Appendix B Table B 105.1[2])shall be provided on the fire access road
or another approved location not more than 400 feet from the building. (FC
Section 507). Slow llow calculations nd locations oflliyd ants on site plan-m
• Fire department connections shall be so located that fire apparatus and hose
connected to supply the system will not obstruct access to the buildings for
other fire apparatus. The location of fire department connections shall be
approved by the fire code official. (FC 912.2) Show [oc tion of lure sprinkler
system fire department location.
• Road striping and "NO PARKING—FIRE LANE" pavement markings
should be provided in areas next to fire hydrants and fire department
connections. (FC 503.3)
• "NO PARKING—FIRE LANE" signs should be posted at regular intervals
along the fire apparatus access road in areas not designated for parking. (FC
503.3, FC Appendix D103.6)
James Easton
Fire Marshal
Town of Southold
TEL 51 6-222-0222 V FAX 51 6-222-0322
............................... KEIDA98ROWNALTIVIAN.00m � WWW.BROWNALTMAN.r-om
April 15, 2022 W�
Via Electronic Mail and 7
FedEx Overnioh APR1 9 2022
Donald Wilcenski, Chairman _ I I
Planning Board, Town of Southold 96'6ih6@-,t6'wn
Planning Board
54375 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold,New York 11791
Re: In the Matter of the Site Plan Application ("Application") of 56655 Main St LLC
("56655 LLC") wl the Town of Southold Planning Board ("PB" or "Board")
regarding the property located @ 56655 Main Road, Southold, New York (the
"Property"); S.C.T.M.No.: Dist. 1000, Sec. 63, Blk. 03, Lot 015
Our File No.: 100-513-001
Dear Chairman Wilcenski and Members of the Planning Board:
As counsel to the Applicant, we submit this correspondence in further support of 56655
LLC's Application to develop hotel and restaurant at the Property (the "Project").' At the
conclusion of the April 11, 2022 Site Plan hearing (the "Hearing"),this Board closed the Hearing
and kept the record open for a two(2)week written comment period. 56655 LLC hereby addresses
comments made by the public at the Hearing regarding traffic, including the request to undertake
a new Traffic Impact Study ("TIS"). Respectfully, this Board does not have the authority to
conduct a new TIS and is bound by the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA")
record and Final Environmental Impact Statement ("FEIS") accepted by the Southold Zoning
Board of Appeals ("ZBA").2 (See Troy Sand& Gravel Co., Inc. v. Town of Nassau, 125 A.D.3d
1170 (3d Dept., 2015)).
As this Board noted at the Hearing, 56655 LLC's Project was the subject of an extensive
and exhaustive, three-and-half(31/2) year, SEQRA review ("SEQRA Review") by the ZBA.3
' 56655 LLC seeks to develop a forty-four (44) unit, two-story, hotel and seventy-four (74) seat restaurant at the
Property. The restaurant will be located in the former Hedges B&B building at the southern part of the Property,near
Main Road. The Property is approximately 6.75 acres in lot area.
I On August 19,2021,the ZBA accepted the FEIS. The FEIS was prepared by the ZBA's independent environmental
consultant, Nelson Pope & Voorhis ("NP&V"). Notice of completion was published on September 1, 2021, in the
Environmental Notice Bulletin. Further,the BZA provided a twenty-two(22)day public and agency comment period.
No comment was submitted by the PB regarding the Findings Statement.
'The ZBA,by written notice dated March 24,2017,to involved and interested agencies,noted that it sought SEQRA
Lead Agency status. Thereafter,by Resolution dated November 16,2017,the ZBA declared itself Lead Agency and
conducted a coordinated SEQRA review. (A copy of the Resolution is enclosed herewith.) It should be noted that
other than the Suffolk County Division of Planning,New York State Department of Environmental Conservation—
Division of Environmental Permits and the Suffolk County Water Authority, no other involved or interested agency
responded to the ZBA's request to be declared Lead Agency.
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During the SEQRA Review a record (the "SEQRA Record"), including the submission of expert
reports and testimony by 56655 LLC, was provided to the ZBA. The SEQRA Record included a
Traffic Impact Study and, subsequently, a GAP Study (collectively, "Applicant's TIS") from
56655 LLC's traffic consultant, Dunn Engineering. Applicant's TIS was performed in
consultation with and thoroughly scrutinized by NP&V, the ZBA's independent consultant.
Ultimately, on October 7, 2021, the ZBA issued a positive written Finding Statement regarding
the Project.4
The Findings Statement provides, in relevant part:.
Finding 5: The volume of traffic generated by the proposed project
is not anticipated to result in significant impacts to the adjacent
roadway during peak periods if required mitigation is strictly
adhered to. Large events have been limited to no more than 10
events per year and peak event traffic will be brief in duration
(anticipated for 30 minute period prior to the start and after the end
of large events). The proposed access and egress will operate in a
safe manner with the inclusion of traffic control mitigation for large
events and will be subject to NYSDOT review and approval. Based
on the traffic impact analysis for the project and in consideration of
the identified access locations, site circulation, and identified
mitigations during large events, it was concluded that significant
adverse and parking impacts have been minimized.
Thereafter, on December 6,2021,the ZBA issued a written decision(the"ZBA Decision")
prohibiting Large Events at the Property.' (A copy of the ZBA Decision is provided herewith.)
Finding C of the ZBA Decision states:
C. The effect that the location of the proposed use and the
location that entrances and exits may have upon the creation or
undue increase in vehicular traffic congestion on public streets
highways or sidewalks to assure the public safe!y. The proposed
Hotel-use will not have a negative impact on traffic and congestion
provided the aforementioned mitigation and conditions are made a
part of any approval.
Further, the ZBA Decision imposes certain conditions on the Project that further limit the same:
4 As an accessory use to the hotel, 56655 LLC intended to hold a limited number(no more than ten(10)per annum)
of large events(i.e.,weddings,anniversaries)with a maximum of 250 guests. NP&V determined,following its review
of Applicant's TIS, that large events consisting of 100 guests or more (hereinafter, "Large Events") required traffic
mitigation measures specified in the Findings Statement.
s Due to the ZBA Decision, 56655 LLC reduced the number of on-site parking spaces from 160 to 132, or 28 fewer
on-site parking spaces.
A .............................................111111-1-111-11- 1
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1. No Large Events are permitted at the Property. Small indoor
events with 100 or fewer guests are permitted;
2. No expansion of the number of hotel units; and
3. Hotel amenities (i.e., pool, spa, fitness facility, rooftop
lounge) are limited to guests staying at the hotel.
The Project before this Board, therefore, is smaller in scope than the Project originally
considered and, ultimately, approved by the ZBA. Therefore, there has been no modification of
this Project or change of circumstance that warrants a new TIS or modification of the Findings
Where there has been a coordinated SEQRA Review an involved agency may not conduct
an independent investigation outside the SEQRA Record. (6 NYCRR Part 617.6(b)(3)(iii); See
Troy Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. v. Town of Nassau, 125 A.D.3d at 1172). An involved agency is
required by the overall policy goals of SEQRA and the specific findings made by a lead agency to
rely on the SEQRA Record in making the findings that will provide a rationale for zoning
determinations. (6 NYCRR Part 617.11(d)(3); See Id. at 1172).
Moreover, it is entirely impermissible to use the Site Plan Review process and the forum
provided thereby as means to conduct a backdoor challenge to the ZBA's Decision and/or Findings
Statement. Those residents who spoke at the Hearing in opposition to 56655 LLC's Site Plan
Application and made allegations regarding alleged adverse traffic impacts proffered the same
unfounded,unsupported and baseless claims during SEQRA Review and at the October 14, 2021,
ZBA Special Exception Permit Hearing. Site Plan Review before this Board is not the proper
means or forum for those opposed to this Project to try and contest the ZBA Decision or the data
on which that decision is based.
New York State Town Law Section 274-B (Approval of Special Use Permits), subsection
9, expressly provides that an aggrieved party seeking to challenge the ZBA Decision must do so
pursuant to Article 78 of the New York State Civil Practice Law and Rules by filing an action in
the New York State Supreme Court within thirty (30) days from the date the ZBA Decision was
filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, to wit, December 6, 2021. More than thirty days have
passed and no Article 78 Proceeding has been filed in the Supreme Court challenging the ZBA
56655 LLC respectfully submits that this Board must consider the SEQRA Record,
compiled over three-and-half years, during a coordinated review, when it decides 56655 LLC's
Site Plan Application. This Board cannot undertake a new TIS. To conduct a new TIS, without
basis or merit for the same, effectively sets aside the SEQRA Record, the Findings Statement and
the ZBA Decision. This Board has more than ample and sufficient evidence before it in the
6 Requiring a new TIS effectively sets aside the 3'/z year SEQRA Review, invalidates the Findings Statement and
nullifies the ZBA Decision,all in contravention of applicable law.
In addition,56655 LLC is not aware of any Article 78 Proceeding seeking to challenge the SEQRA Review process
or the Findings Statement.
lei, ....... .....
11111-11-1-1-............... ...................
SEQRA Record for it to make a Site Plan determination consistent with the SEQRA Record and
Findings Statement.
Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and we ask that this Board look favorably
on 56655 LLC's Site Plan Application.
Very truly yours,
Brown Altman&DiLeo, LLC
N. Altman
cc.: Jessica Michalis, Sec., Southold Planning Board (w/ encls.; via electronic mail and
overnight delivery)
56655 LLC (w/out encls.; via electronic mail, only)
PWGC (attn.: Bryn Grogan, P.E.; (w/out encls.; via electronic mail, only)
BOARD MEMBERS ,_ ,,z Southold Town Hall
Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson
53095 Main Road•P_O.Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971-0959
Patricia Acampora Office Location:
Eric Dantes_ _ Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank
Gerard P.Goehringer 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue)
Nicholas Planamento +° Southold,NY 11971
November 16,2017
Andrew V. Giambertone,AIA,President
Andrew V. Giambertone&Associates,Architects
62 Elm Street
Huntington,NY 11743
scLid Vq + 5-e r>
Dear Mr. Giambertone;
The Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals adopted the following resolutions at a meeting
held on Thursday,November 16,2017:
WHEREAS, the Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals has received an application(Case
#7046) from Andrew Giambertone and Associates, Architects, on behalf of client and property
owner 56655 Main Street LLC c/o Jonathan Tibett for a Special.Exception Use Permit for"The
Enclaves" 44-unit hotel and 74-seat "sit-down" restaurant, The hotel being a Special Exception
Use in the Town's Hamlet Business Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, the subject 6.75-acre property is located at 56655 Main Street (NYS Route 25) in
the Town of Southold and is identified as Suffolk County Tax Map No: District 1000; Section
} 63; Block 3; Lot 15; and
WHEREAS, the proposed action will also require site plan review and approval from the
Southold Planning Department; a sewage discharge permit and potentially a State Pollution
Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for stormwater discharge from the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC); a sewage treatment facility
approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS); a public water
service connection approval from the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA); electrical
" r
Page 2,The Enclaves Hotel b 'n taurant '�m
Declare Lead Agency and issue Positive Declaration
service provided by PSEG Long Island; an adcess/curb but/work permit from the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYSDOT); and consultation with the New York State Office of
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) due to the site's potential archaeological
sensitivity; and
WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) has General Municipal Law
Section 239-m planning review authority over the project; and
WHEREAS, the proposed project has been preliminarily classified as an "Unlisted" action
pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and SEQRA Lead Agency
coordination is optional for Unlisted actions; and
WHEREAS, the Town Zoning Board of Appeals opted to conduct Lead Agency coordination
and circulated letters to all involved agencies indicating that the Zoning Board of Appeals is
most appropriate agency to lead the environmental review and that it was interested in assuming
Lead Agency review status in this matter; and
WHEREAS, responses were received from the Suffolk County Division of Planning,NYSDEC
Division of Environmental Permits and the Suffolk County Water Authority indicating that they
had no objection to the Town Zoning Board of Appeals becoming Lead Agency in this matter
and the allotted 30-day Lead Agency coordination time period eventually lapsed and no further
correspondence were received, thereby allowing the Zoning Board of Appeals to become Lead
Agency; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals and its environmental consultants Nelson, Pope and
Voorhis (NP&V) conducted a review of the Special Exception Application, proposed plans, and
EAF Part 1 submitted by the Applicant and prepared an EAF Part 2, EAF Part 3, a Part 3 EAF
attachment and Determination of Significance; and
WHEREAS, based on the environmental review and analysis, the Zoning Board of Appeals has
concluded that the proposed action may result in one or more moderate-to-large environmental
impacts, and that a "Positive Declaration" pursuant to SEQRA must be adopted and a full
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared by the Applicant to further evaluate
potential environmental impacts and appropriate project mitigations.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Southold Zoning Board of
Appeals, hereby declares itself Lead Agency in the above referenced matter and adopts the
annexed SEQRA Positive Declaration.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,the Applicant is hereby instructed to prepare a Draft Scope for
the required EIS per applicable standards and specifications of SEQRA and the content of the
EAF Parts 2, 3 and Part 3 attachment, and that the Town file a notice of Positive Declaration
with the NYSDEC's Environmental Notice Bulletin.
Page 3,The Enclaves Hotel 8,e Jtaurant
Declare Lead Agency and issue Positive Declaration
If you have any questions regarding the infoimation coiitai ied in this resolution,please contact
the Zoning Board of Appeals Office.
' cer y,
Leslie Kanes Weisman
cc: Planning Department
Town Attorney
BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall
Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971-0959
Patricia Acampora Office Location:
Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor,
Robert Lehnert,Jr. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue)
Nicholas Planamento , , � Southold,NY 11971
Tel.(631) 765-1809 •Fax(631) 765-9064
December 8,2021
Andrew V. Giambertone,AIA President
Andrew V. Giambertone&Associates,Architects
62 Elm Street
Huntington,NY 11743
David N. Altman, Esq.
Brown Altman &DiLeo, LLP
538 Broadhollow Road, Suite 301
Melville,NY 11747
Re: ZBA Application#7046SE
The Enclaves Hotel, 56655 Main Road, Southold, NY SCTM
No. 1000-63-3-15
Dear Sirs;
Enclosed please find a copy of the Zoning Board of Appeals determination rendered at their
December 2, 2021 meeting, granting a Special Exception Permit to establish a 44 Unit, Two
Story Hotel in the Hamlet Business Zoning District upon the above referenced premises in
accordance with Article VII, Section 280-35B(4); and Article XI, Section 280-45B(2) of the
Town Code.
Before commencing any activities, site plan approval and a building permit is necessary.
Please submit a copy of the enclosed decision to the Building Department so that they may
make the necessary determination.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office.
Sinc rel
Kim E. Fuentes
Zoning Board Assistant
CC: Building Dept.
Planning Dept.
BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall
Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson � so r 53095 Main Road-P.O.Box 1179
' Southold,NY 11971-0959
Patricia Acampora Office Loran:
Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor,
Robert Lehnert,Jr. 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue)
Nicholas Planamento <'' ou Southold,NY 11971
httpJ/southoldtownny.gov U.oor
Tel.(631)765-1809-Fax (631)765-9064 5 t ,ld Its "Cie"r
ZBA FILE No.: 7046SE ,
NAME OF APPLICANT: 56655 Main St.LLC(The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant).
PROPERTY LOCATION: 56655 Main Road, Southold,NY
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
SEQRA DETERMINATION: Type I Action - The Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals, as
Lead Agency, at the conclusion ofthe,ir coordinated review classified the proposed Action for the
construction of a 44-unit hotel,including 4 detached cottages with accessary outdoor swimming pool
and conversion of a two-story single family dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant on a 6.75 acre parcel
located in the Hamlet Business Zoning District(hereinafter referred to as the"Proposed '"),
a Type I Action,pursuant to 6 NYQRRPart 617 pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Environmental
Conservation Law entitled"State Environmental Quality'Review Act.
In 2017,the ZBA assumed the role of lead agency on this application,classified the project as a Type
I action under SEQRA,and found that the project had the potential to result in one or more potential
significant environmental impacts if not,properly mitigated. A Positive Declaration was issued by
the ZBA on November 16,'2017 requiring the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact
Statement. The ZBA conducted a coordinated review with involved agencies and issued a Final
Scope dated April 19, 2018 for the required Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS.) The
applicant submitted a DEIS dated April 2019 to the ZBA, which was revised pursuant to ZBA
comments and the last revised DEIS,dated October 2019;was determined to be adequate with respect
to its scope and content for the purpose of filing, distribution, and commencing public review. A
DEIS Notice of Completion was published in the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation (NYSDEC) Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) on October 16, 2019 providing a
public comment period until November 18, 2.019
A public hearing was held on November 7,2019,and the ZBA elected to extend the written comment
period to December 9, 2019; The Applicant: prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement
("FEIS") in response to comments and questions received during the document review period and,
after several revisions,on August 19,2021,the ZBA accepted the revised FE1S as complete,provided.
a 22-day public and agency consideration period (August 20, 2021 through September 10, 2021),
and a Notice of FEIS completion and acceptance was published in the ENB on September 1, 2021;
A SEQRA Findings Statement for the proposed action was prepared by the Zoning Board's planning
consultant, Nelson, Pope, & Voorhis, that was found to adequately reflect the findings and
Page 2,December 2,2021
#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
conclusions of the Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals and that complies with the Decision-
Making and Findings Requirements set forth by§ 617.11 of 6 NYCRR Part 617 State Environmental
Quality Review. At the October 7,2021 Regular Meeting of the Board of Appeals, a resolution was
read into the record and adopted by vote of the Board accepting the SEQRA findings statement for
the Proposed Action, and a copy of the Statement of Findings was filed at the Southold Town Hall,
made available to the public,posted on the Town's official website,and distributed to the Applicant
and all Involved Agencies. Additional comments submitted by Involved Agencies can be found in
the applicant's SEQR file and the Town's Laserfiche Weblink website.
SCJI FOLI COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under
the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23,and the Suffolk County Department
of Planning issued its reply dated February 22, 2017 stating that this application is considered a
matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community
impact. The Agency further commented that the Town should require that the applicant consult with
the Suffolk County Department of Health Services to ensure compliance with applicable Sanitary
Code requirements, and if appropriate advise the applicant of sources of transferable development
rights(TDRs),and or accepted innovative/alternative sanitary on-site wastewater treatment systems,
that may be available in order to comply with Health Department and Groundwater Management
Zone Standards.
In a Suffolk County Department of Planning letter dated July 31,2017,the department stated that as
a SEQRA Involved Agency that it reserved the right to comment on the Proposed Action in the future
and requested to be kept informed of all actions taken.
L ?RP D.E"TERMINATION:The relief,permit,or interpretation requested in.this application is listed
under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268.
PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRII TION.~ The subject property is a conforming. 6.725-acre parcel
located in the Hamlet Business (HB) Zoning District on the north side of Main Road, (NY State
Route 25)90 feet+/-west of the intersection of Main Road and Town Harbor Lane, across from a 7-
Eleven convenience store. The property address is 5.6655 Route 25/Main Road, Southold, the tax
map number is Section 63, Block 3, Lot 15. The parcel is irregularly shaped and measures 191.30
feet fronting State Road 25 along the southerly property line. The parcel measures 932.78 feet along
the easterly property line, and measures 415.71 feet along the northerly property line bordering
property owned by the Long Island Rail Road. The property line turns south 51.34 feet and turns
east for 59.72 feet before turning south measuring,616.57 feet along the westerly property line. The
property line then turns east for 193.10 feet along the southerly property line and turns south for
178.00 feet and meets back up with NYS State Road 25.The parcel is improved with an existing two
story framed residence,a one-story frame garage, and two sheds as shown on the survey prepared by
John Minto L.S. dated July 7, 2016.
BASIS OF APFLIC A"1"ION: Request for Special Exception to construct a 44-unit, 2 story hotel,
including four detached cottages on as 6.75-acre parcel. Plans also include the conversion of an
existing two-story single-family dwelling into a 74-seat restaurant.
SPECIAL E QLF l"ION Rl II S TED: Description of Action: The proposed application involves
the conversion of an existing detached single-family residence, which was formerly a bed and
breakfast,to a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a two-story,40-unit hotel and four detached
cottages. As part of the proposed conversion of the single-family home, the applicant is proposing
to connect the structure to an existing adjacent shed by way of a 519±-square foot(SF) addition,for
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SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
a total gross floor area (post-conversion and expansion) of 3,806± SF (excluding 524± SF of cellar
space). An existing one=story detached garage will remain and will be used for storage, while a
second existing shed will be removed. The proposed restaurant will provide 38 dedicated off-street
parking spaces to the north and west of the restaurant consisting of 27 asphalt paved spaces(two of
which will be ADA accessible spaces)and 11 grassed spaces.
The proposed two-story hotel building will be situated in the rear of the subject.property behind the
restaurant. The proposed L-shaped hotel is proposed to contain 40 rooms ranging in size from 500
SF to 540 SF.Four(4)detached cottages, each with an area of 594 SF, are proposed to the north of
the hotel building. The proposed hotel use will include associated appurtenances, including an
outdoor in-ground swimming pool, poolside cabanas, a small decorative pond, outdoor rooftop
lounge, and basement spa including pool for use by overnight hotel guests only and during agreed
upon hours. Also proposed is a possible future one-story enclosed event space to the south of the
hotel building which was not evaluated in the FEIS as a catering Ball and any use of this space must
remain clearly accessory and incidental to the proposed hotel use.
Parking for the proposed hotel and large events is proposed to be located to the north and west of the
hotel building and will consist of a total of 122 spaces, including 96 asphalt spaces, four of which
will be ADA accessible, and 26 grass spaces. Access to the hotel and restaurant is proposed to be
one-way-in via an existing curb cut to the east of the restaurant, and egress will be one-way out over
an exit driveway on the west side of the restaurant.
The proposed action also includes the construction of a sewage treatment plant(STP)to serve the
proposed prcject, which will be situated at the northeasterly side of the subject property. The STP
has a total designed capacity of 10,695 gpd and 10.0%plant and leaching pool expansion areas are
provided as required.The proposed STP control building will be 10 feet=by-23-feet and one story.in
height. The STP will be fenced by an,8.5-foot=high chain link fence with slats and vegetative
screening, and STP lighting has been designed to provide essential lighting without light trespass,
glare or other light related impacts on adjoining properties. An existing.on-site irrigation well located
near the proposed restaurant will be used as the source for on-site landscape irrigation. ,
If the Zoning Board of Appeals were to deny the Special Exception Permit for the proposed permitted
hotel use.The applicant's alternate plan contained in Appendix M of the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement would include the conversion of the existing residence to a 74-seat restaurant use (as of
right and the same as the proposed action)and the construction of a one-story,30,650 SF non-medical
office building.
Large events" at the proposed hotel are defined in the FEIS and by the applicant as events such as
weddings,fundraising events or other private gatherings with a capacity of 100 guests to a maximum
of 250 guests, to be held indoors, at the hotel (also referred to as "Special Events" in the Draft and
Final EIS). In the FEIS the occurrence of large events was limited by the Lead Agency(ZBA)to no
more than 10 large events per year and no more than one large event per week,to be held only indoors
to mitigate noise. It was noted that the large events proposed at the subject site do not meet the
definition of"Special Events"pursuant to Chapter 205 (Public Entertainment and Special Events)of
the Town Code and are not regulated as such. Further, in the FEIS no "Special Events" as defined
by Chapter 205 of the Town Code are permitted at the property.
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At the October 14, 2021 hearing the applicant's Trac Engineer Ron Hill, a principle of Dunn
Engineering, stated in his testimony that "The operations of the Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant will
not impact traffic. The traffic impact study will also evaluate the potential for traffic impact special
events up to 250 persons ten times per year no more than once a week. That study continues
(inaudible) occurring on a summer Saturday afternoon during peak summer traffic. Our analysis
included that some increases in delay would occur in particularly increases in delay for traffic exiting
the site: The independent consultant requested we do a gap study to verify that that was likely to
happen; we did that, they reviewed it, and they determined that if we had an event of over 100
individuals, we would need traffic control to help our traffic get in and out. With events of less than
100; they said it would be minimal traffic impact and didn't need traffic control." (See transcript
page 19)
Numerous letters and petitions were received by the ZBA from members of the public,particularly
those living in the neighborhood, objecting to the proposed project, citing concerns over the traffic
and noise impacts the hotel and proposed large events would generate, and the adverse impacts to
the local nearby beach within the Southold Park District should hotel guests be permitted to use it.
Also of great concern by residents was the perceived increase in traffic that has occurred since the
applicant's traffic engineer conducted the most recent traffic study. Particularly cited was the
dangerous traffic conditions caused by cars pulling into and out of the small parking lot at the 7-
Eleven Convenience store across from the subject property and the impacts to two residential side
streets. While the FEIS limited the annual,numbers of large events to 10 indoor events per year and
required a Southold Town Police Department tTaffic control officer for those events as mitigation of
large to moderate impacts,sinaller'impacts remain a concern,Although the residents'letters and oral
testimony at hearings expressing concerns for safety and: gttality of life were grounded in personal
experiences and not empirical data, the.Board believes they have merit. A Board may rely on the
detailed personal knowledge of residents (see Witkovich v. Zoning board of Appeals of Town of
Yorktown, 84 Ad3d 1101, 923 NYS2d 645 (2d Dept 2011). In addition,the Board members,based
om their own their personal knowledge of the area and the current changes in traffic conditions on
Main Road (Route 25) following the traffic studies relied upon in the FEIS, also believe that large
events will have a negative impact on the area. The Board members are aware of the increase in
traffic accidents and congestion at the 7-Eleven convenience store, in part caused by no unloading
area available in the small parking lot for very large delivery trucks that regularly park on the road
shoulder and block sight lines for oncoming vehicles. The members of a Zoning Board of Appeals
may also rely on their own personal knowledge of an area in rendering a determination (see Thirty
West Park Corp.v. Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Long Beach,43 AD3d 1069, 843 NYS2d
106 (2d Dept 2007).
At the October 14,2021 hearing the project architect,Andrew Giambertone,a part owner in the hotel
and restaurant, stated in his testimony that the "Enclaves Hotel was not designed to be a catering
hall... It's counterintuitive to the guests that we're hoping to attract on the weekends." "It is the
intent that small events shall take place at the restaurant and not inside the hotel space." Further
Mr. Giambertone stated that "the larger event space may not be built. ...If it makes sense business
wise, we would entertain building the larger events space for parties of 100 to 250 but otherwise we
may forego it." (See transcript page 53).
On October 9, 2021 the Board received a letter from Andrew Giambertone in which he addressed
the Business Environment/Financial Viability of the proposed project in reply to concerns by
residents that questioned the financial viability of the project as proposed. He states "Even with a
50%occupancy we can sustain the viability of this development project....We would not embark on
an investment of this magnitude without conducting the requisite due diligence to assure ourselves
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SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
of the success of the project, in the context of a very conservative analysis.... Further... the purpose
of[large events]is to help offset the anticipated off-season reduction in business."
4""II RACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD: The neighborhood contains a mix of residential and
business properties. In the vicinity of the proposed restaurant and hotel there are single-family
dwellings, agricultural land,. a 7/Eleven convenience stare, a small car dealership, boutique
restaurants, boutique stores, a parcel with marine storage, and the Lang Island Rail Road. At the
October 14, 2021 hearing the project architect/hotel and restaurant partner presented several
depictions of the restaurant and hotel as seen from the public view on NY State Road 25. The
architect did not present any renderings of the future event space; therefore,this board is unable to
determine how the proposed hotel with event space will be designed and whether it's appearance "
will be visible to public view and be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood.
The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on November 7,.2019 and
again on October 1"4,2021 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all
testimony,documentation,personal inspection of the property and,surrounding neighborhood,and .
other e
idenee, the Zoning Board finds the following Facts to be true and relevant and makes the
,- following findings: /
The Board has reviewed the General Standards governing Special Exception uses set forth in Section
280=142 and finds:
A. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonableuseof adjacent properties or
of properties in adjacent use districts. As set forth, the FEIS and Findings Statement
provide conditions to mitigate possible impacts from noise and traffic resulting from the
proposed action. For example, the FEIS and Findings Statement provide that there should
be no outside amplified music or outside events to mitigate against noise,and that the number
and size of large events be limited. Although the FEIS did examine and provide mitigation
for traffic caused by what has been previously defined as "large events", the Boards finds
that, based upon its own personal knowledge and the testimony of residents who live near
the subject property,that traffic studies relied on in the FEIS do not adequately account for
the drastic change in traffic patterns in the area since the last traffic study by the applicant's
traffic engineer was completed. Consequently, the Board now also finds, based on the
increase in traffic and congestion, that large events of more than 100 people that would
require a traffic control officer will prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent
properties. Therefore,the Board has determined that the proposed hotel and the destination
traffic such use will generate, will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent
properties provided there is an additional condition that no large events of more than 100
people are allowed at the subject property.
B. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally
established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of
permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. As set forth above, with
the mitigation provided for in the FEIS and Findings Statement along with the additional
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condition imposes herein, including that there be no large events at the property,the Board
has determined that the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or
legally established uses in the district wherein the requested use is located or of permitted
or legally established uses in adjacent use districts.
C. That the safe! the health the welfare,the comfort the convenience or the order of the
Town will not be adversoy,affected by the proposed use and its location. The Board has
determined that with the aforementioned mitigation measures and conditions that the
proposed hotel use will not have a detrimental effect on the safety, health,welfare,.comfort,
and convenience.
. That the use will be in harmony with and promote the ggneral purposes,and intent of
Chapter 280. The proposed hotel is an' anticipated use in the HB Zone District per Tow In
Code and meets an existing demand. Rather than visitors traveling by car for"day trips,"
the proposed hotel would allow for guests to overnight for one or several days.Upon
implementation of the proposed action,it is expected that most visitors would frequent the
Hamlet Center businesses,taking advantage of the hamlet's walkability and diverse
business offerings. ,In addition,the proposed use will provide an alternative to Air BNB
type rentals and will help lessen the stress that the short-term rental of single-family homes
puts on available housing stock.
E. That the use will, be coin patible with its surroundings and,with the character of the
neighborhood and of the communily in en ral, particularly with regard to visibili'
scale and overallappearanee. There was testimony during the public hearings that the
proposed hotel will not be characteristic of the neighborhood in sire, scale, or architectural
design.There is only one other"hotel/restaurant"on Main Road in the Hamlet of Southold,
operated as a boutique inn with only four guest rooms on the second floor,above a restaurant
in an old residential looking building However,the proposed screening and the distance the
hotel is proposed to be setback from the street will mitigate any potential impacts from the
size, scale or architectural,design.
F. That all proposed structures a ui ment and material shall be readil accessible for
fire and police 'protection. The hotel as proposed as well as all associated structures,
equipment and material will be readily accessible for fire and police protection.
G. That the proposal shall comply with the re uirements of Chapter 236, Stormwarter
Management. As part of the required site plan process,the proposed action will be required
to comply with the requirements of Chapter 236
In making such determination,consideration was also given to:
A. The character of the a istin and probable development of roses in the district and the
peculiar suitability of such district for the location of any of such Permitted uses.
Given the size of the subject property,the proposed screening, and the setback of the
proposed buildings from the street, and the above referenced mitigation and conditions,the
proposed hotel will not have a negative effect on the character of the existing and probable
development of uses in the district.
B. The conservation of property values and the encouragement of the most appropriate
uses of land. According to the applicant's market value study by Breslin Appraisal Co.
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SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
dated October 14, 2021: "The proposed hotel would serve as a catalyst for existing
businesses to extend evening operating hours and potentially encourage the development
of new businesses... "concluding that "the applicant's intended hotel/restaurant use will
not adversely impact property values in that it is a contemplated use and one expected to
be located in this location."
C. The effect that the location of the proposed use and the location that entrances and
exits may have upon the creation or undue increase of vehicular traffic con estion on
public streets highways or sidewalks to assure the public safe!Y. The proposed Hotel
use will not have a negative impact on traffic and congestion provided the aforementioned
mitigation and conditions are made apart of any approval.
D. The availability of ade uate and proper public or private water suggly and facilities
for the treatment removal or discharge ofsewage,refuse or other effluent whethet
li uid solidgaseous or otherwise that may be cause(l or created by or as a result of
the use. The applicant has:proposed adequate and proper private water supply and
facilities for the treatment,removal or discharge of sewage, refuse or other effluent. The
applicant is proposing to dig a private well for irrigation and to use draught tolerant
plantings in its landscape plan. The applicant will build an on-site sewage treatment plant
to effectively mitigate pollution from sewage from the hotel and restaurant use.
E. 'Whether the use or the materials incidental thereto or,produced thereby may give,off
obnoxious gases,.odors,smoke or soot,. The use or the materials incidental thereto will
not give off obnoxious gases, odors, or soot
F. Whether the use will cause disturbin emissions of electrical discharges,(lust light,
vibration or noise. The hotel use will not have any exterior amplified music or other
amplified sounds. All exterior lighting must be Dark Skies compliant as determined by the
Southold Town Planning Board during the required site plan review and approval process.
G. Whether the operation in pursuance of the use will cause undue interference-with the
orderly en"o meat by the public of parking or of recreational facilities if existing or i.f
proposed by the Town or by other competent governmental a mcies. The hotel use of
Southold Town Park District properties was referred to the Park District. The Park District,
expressed no concerns about the proposed use and stated that any issues would be
addressed through their by-laws, and the applicant has agreed to abide by their decision in
a letter dated October 29,2001 from Andrew Giambertone,architect and partner.
H. Tlie necessity for bit umittous-surfaced space for purposes of off-,street parkin of
vehicles incidental to the use and whether such space is reasonably ade uate and
appropriate and can be.furnished by the owner of the plot sought to be used within or
adjacent to the lot wherein the use shall be located. All parking for the hotel and
restaurant guests shall be on site.
I. Whether a hazard to life limb or property because of fire flood erosion or panic
may be created by reason of or as a result of the use or by the structures to be used
therefor or by the inaccessibiby of the vroverty or structuress thereon for the
convenient entiand operation of lire and other emergency apparatus or by the
undue concentration or assemblage of ve sons upon such glot. There is nothing in the
record before the Board to indicate that there is a hazard to life, limb or property because of
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SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
fire, flood, or erosion or that panic may be created by reason of or as a result of the use or
by the structures to be used therefor or by the inaccessibility of the property or structures
thereon for the convenient entry and operation of fire and other emergency apparatus or by
the undue concentration or assemblage of persons upon such plot.
I Whether the use or the structures to be used will cause an overcrowding of land or
undue concentration of population. The proposed hotel will not cause an overcrowding
of land or an undue concentration of population.
K. Whether the plot area is sufficient appropriate and adequate for the use and the,
reasonably anticipated o gration and expansion thereof". The proposed density of the
hotel and restaurant use conforms to the bulk schedule requirements specified in Southold
Town code.
L. Whether the use to be operated is unreasonably near to a church school theater
recreational area or other place of public assembly. The proposed use is not
unreasonably near to a church, school,theater,recreational area or other place of public
M. Whether the site of the proposed use is particularly suitable for such use. The site is
6.75 acres located in Southold's business district. It is conforming to Town Code bulk
schedule in the size of the building,number of permitted uses,'and number of hotel units.
1*l. Whether adequate buffer yakdsand screening can and will be-provided to protect
adjacent properties and land uses from possible detrimental impacts of the proposed
use. The applicant will plant 10-12-fopt-tall Leland Cypress or equivalent evergreen
screening on the East side'of the property to screen the parcel from adjacent residential
properties.The front of the property is also screened to limit the visibility of the hotel from
the street.
O: Whether adequate provision can and will be nude for the collection and disposal of
stormwater runoffsew-age, refuse and other li uid solid or gaseous waste which the
ro osd use will enerate... The applicant has plans to contain all stormwater runoff in
drywells as stated in the drainage plan. The applicant will build an onsite sewage treatment
system. The applicant will hire a private carting service to dispose of solid waste.
P. Whether the natural characteristics of the site are such that th.e ro Deed use Hale be
introduced there without undue disturbance or disrn tion of important natural
features systems or processes and without risk of pollution to.groundwater and.
surface waters on and off the site. There are no unique natural features on the site such
as wetland or steep contours. The site plan will have construction mitigation and
requirement that all stormwater be maintained on site. The proposed use can be developed
without undue disturbance or disruption of important natural features, systems or processes
and without risk of pollution to groundwater and surfaces waters.
Q. The issuance of a Special Exception, permit, as applied for in this application, is also
subject to the following, s ecific criteria and re uirements which have been met
pursuant to Section 280-4-5B(g) and 280-35)3(4)of the Town Code:
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SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
Transient hotels or motels,.resort hotels or motels or conference facilities,provided that
the following requirements are met:
a. Minimum parcel size shall be five acres. (Minimum size is three acres in
BB Zoning District). The property measures 6.75 acres.
b. The maximum number of guest units shall be:
a) One unit per 6,000 square feet of land without public water or sewer.
b)One unit per.4,000 square feet of land with public water and sewer.
c. A Sewage Treatment Plant(STP)is proposed.
d. No music;entertainment or loudspeaker system shall be audible from
beyond the property line.
e. The maximum size of a guest unit shall be 600 square feet. The room sizes
measure between 500 to 540 sq. ft.;the cottage measure 594 sq.ft.
R. The Board has identified mitigation of relevant adverse impacts to the ecological and social
environment in the accepted State Environmental Quality Review Finding Statement of
October 2021.
BOARD RESOLUTION, In considering all of the above factors,motion was offered by Member
Weisman(Chairperson), seconded'by Member Planamento,and duly carried to
GRANT, a Special Exception Permit, as shown on the Site Plan prepared by PWGC/P.W. Grosser
Consulting Engineer, last revised February 18,2021;(Sheets 1-16,unstamped and.unsigned).
1. That the applicant complete construction on the hotel and begin the approved Special
Exception use in compliance with the conditions imposed by the Zoning Board of Appeals
within three years.The Board of Appeals may,upon written request prior to the date of
expiration, grant an extension.
2. In accordance with the Zthereafter oning Board of Appeals,approval shall therear be deemed a
lawful use as if the same were permitted by chapter 280 without need for a special
exception permit;provided,however,that:
a. All conditions imposed by the special exception approval shall continue to apply
unless they, by their express terms, are of limited duration.
b. All conditions imposed on special exception approval uses generally or specifically
by Chapter 280 shall continue to apply, regardless of whether any such conditions
were expressly incorporated into the special exception approval.
c. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall retain continuing jurisdiction over the same.
d. A special exception use which has been discontinued for a period of one year or
more shall be deemed abandoned
e. The applicant must apply to the Planning Board for site plan review/approval within
60 days of the date of this decision. Failure to do so will render this Special
Exception Permit null and void, unless a written extension is granted by the Z13A
upon written request of the applicant for good cause.
3. As a condition of approval,the applicant shall file Covenants and Restrictions(C&R's)
acceptable to the Southold Town Attorney that shall remain in force and effect so long
as the approved Special Exception use as a hotel is operational stating that:
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SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
1. No outdoor events of any size shall be permitted on the subject property.
2. No special events as defined in Chapter 205 (Public Entertainment and Special Events)
of the Town Code shall be permitted on the subject property.
3. No large events, defined in the FEIS as events over 100 guests, are permitted on the
subject property. Small indoor events that are accessory and incidental to the principal
hotel use shall be permitted. Small events are defined as events under 100 guests.
4. No expansion of the number of approved hotel units shall be permitted
5. Proposed hotel amenities including,but not limited to the indoor pool, spa and 'fitness
facility,the outdoor pool,hot tubs and cabanas, and the roof top bar/lounge,'are limited
to use by overnight hotel guests only as accessories to the principal hotel use and shall
not be available for use by the general public.
¢. No outdoor music is permitted anywhere on the subject property.
That.the above conditions be written.into the Building Inspector's Certiftcate of Occupancy, when
issued ....
NOTA: Violations o,f Condition.i A violation of any limitation:or condition of a' spoci l exception
approval or of anyprovision of this chapter applicable to a special exception use shall
constitute a violation of this chapter. The,honing Board g(Appeals shall retain
jurisdiction and shall have:the right, after a public hearing, to modiA suspend or revoke
such approval or any term or condition thereof or to.impose thereon one or more new
conditions,pursuant to Article XXV, Section 280-141 of the Town Code.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:Members Weisman(Chairperson),Dantes,Planamento and Lehnert.-
Nays:Member Acampora. This Resolution was duly adopted(4-1).
Q,eslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson
Approved for filing 12,r 6 /2021
Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 «�� �+ "" Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
April 12, 2022
Mr. Andrew V. Giambertone
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Re: Public Hearing
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, ±90' n/w/o Town Harbor Ln and Main Road, Southold
Dear Mr. Giambertone:
A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday,
April 11, 2022 regarding the above-referenced application.
The Public Hearing has been held open for two weeks, until April 25, 2022, for written
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office.
Donald J. Wilcenski
TEL 51 6-222-0222 1 FAX 51 6-222-0322
D i L E O , LLP
April 8, 2022
VIA EMAIL ' ssica.michael'r` owti.soutliol.n .I s
Heather Lanza, AICP, Town Planning Director p
I� : 2022
Southold Town Planning i R
Southold Town Hallffi6 w n
53095 Route 25 Planning Board
P.O. Box 1179 (�r; , ,1xvs��( rcvd .
Southold,NY 11971
Re: Site Plan Application to the Town of Southold("Town")Planning Board to develop
a hotel and restaurant (the "Application") by 56655 Main St LLC in connection
with the property located at 56655 Main Road, Southold, NY (the "Property");
SCTM No. Dist. 1000, Sec. 63, Bk. 3, Lot 15
Our File No. 1.00-513-001.
Dear Ms. Lanza:
In connection with the April 11, 2022 Town Planning Board hearing (the "Hearing")
regarding the Application, enclosed are the following submission documents:
1. The Affidavit of Mailing for the Hearing;
2. The list of adjacent property owners obtained from the Town Planning Department(the
"Adjacent Property Owners") is annexed hereto as Exhibit "A";
3. The mailing addresses for the Adjacent Property Owners obtained from the Town
Assessor's 2021 Tax Roll is annexed hereto as Exhibit"B";
4. Annexed as Exhibit "C" are the following public notice documents sent to the
Adjacent Property Owners by certified mail return receipt requested:
a. The Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners;
b. A copy of the Zoom Hearing Instructions; and
c. Sheet Numbers 63 and 55 from the Suffolk County Tax Map.
5. Annexed as Exhibit "D" are the following Hearing documents sent certified mail
return receipt requested to the property owners listed on the Agricultural Data
Statement obtained from the Town:
a. A signed copy of the Agricultural Data Statement;
b. Sheet Number 63 from the Suffolk County Tax Map; and
c. A copy of the Zoom Hearing Instructions.
6. The Certified Mail Receipts for the public notice mailing to the Adjacent Property
Owners and the public notice mailing to the property owners identified on the
Agricultural Data Statement are annexed hereto as Exhibit"E"; and
7. The Green Return Receipt Cards received to date are annexed hereto as Exhibit"F".
Please date stamp a copy of this submission cover letter and return by email to
daltman@brownaltman.com and mingber@brownaltman.com. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Matthew Iu Esq.
Encls. ,
The Enclaves Hotel&Restaurant
56655 Main Road, Southold,NY(SCTM No.: 1000-63-3-15)
-6cliDi�ci�xf�x� xel�i� tx6cpetres��llyycxp�te��ttkexI�C ��tyac �dClkl8c�
'�'f� � �' � rcciak� teswidalzia�x4kbcf r�fR�li � xtgc
�i�a�f #���nt�e�t��nK�xe " � �iswa�k�a�e:al� k�ixtaxf�e
I have sent notices by certified mail – return receipt, the receipts and green return
receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property
which abuts and every property which is across on April 1,2022
Karen Haase
Your Na a (prin
c/o Brown Altman&DiLeo,LLP, 538 Broadhollow Road, Ste. 301,Melville,NY 11747
Notary Pu
ARY PUBLIC, T,�TE'OFNE1V YOI :Re skarnfio n No.02116399267Oua�iafled in�+C�rxsa�ea I aunty
m mission Expires(Je^obi,,r 15,2023
GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon, Fri., 4/8/22
Re: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
SCTM#: 1000-63-3-15
Date of Public Hearing: Monday, April 11 2022 6:01 .m.
Notice to Adjacent Property Owners
The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25,Southold
1. 63-3-1.1
2. 63-3-3(LIRR)
3. 63-3-28.1
4. 63-3-12
5. 63-3-13
6. 63-3-14
7. 63-3-16
8. 63-3-17.2
9. 63-3-17.3
10. 63-3-17.4
11. 55-6-37.1
Donna L.Dill,PE
Manager-Civil Inspection
Structures Department
MTA Long Island Rail Road
Hillside Maintenance Complex
Mail Code 3143
93-59183 Street
Hollis,NY 11423
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Southold Town Planning Board
Notice to Adjacent Pro a 'Owners
You are hereby given notice:
1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of
Southold for a Site Plan;
2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to
your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-63-3-15;
3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the HB
Zoning District;
4. This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel
(62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building,
2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal
services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story
dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces
on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during
normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning
Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS
Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Former Capital One Bank) by appointment only. If you
have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938.
Information can also be obtained via the internet:
1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southold town n ov;
2. Click on Town Records Weblink/Laserfiche icon located on the home page;
3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder;
4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending";
5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above).
Or by sending an e-mail message to: JessicaM southoldtownn . 'ov;
6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on
Monday, Aril 11 2022 at 6:01 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold and virtually via the Zoom online platform; that a notice of such hearing
will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The
Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your
representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing.
It is not necessary to attend this hearing to participate. Written comments
received prior to the public hearing date are acceptable. Written comments may
be submitted via letter or email to: JessicaM@south,o,idtownny.gov
Petitioner/Owner Name: 56655 Main Street LLC
Date: 3/18/22
Southold,NY 11971-0959
Town Hall Annex ,
54375 State Route 25 Telephone:631-7654938
d w www.southoldtownny.gov
(cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) ° G
Southold.NY r
Monday, April 11, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Options for public attendance:
• In person:
Location Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold.
• To join via computer:
pwd=Qm91 Mzhham1VditkdnBV0Go5QTd2dz09
Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting"
and enter the
Meeting ID: 891 2181 7401
Password: 570535
o Join by telephone:
Call 1(646) 558-8656
Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above)
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When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit,
site pian approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district
OR within 500 feet of a farm,operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring
this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with
Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law.
Applicant Name: 56655 Main Street LLC
Address: c/o Jonathan Tibett, 20 Stony Hill Path, Smithtown, NY 11787
Land Owner(if other than applicant):
Land Owner Address:
Description of Proposed Project: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a
44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq. ft.)with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the
main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and
personal services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story
dwelling to a 74-seat-restaurant(3,610 sq. ft.),with a total of 132 parking spaces on a
6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Property Location (road and tax map ft 56655 Route 25, Southold;
Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No
Names&addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing
active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project:
SCTM#1000-63-3-1.1: 1070 Boisseau Ave. LLC, 2412 National Dr., Brooklyn, NY 11234
SCTM#1000-63-3-24: Joseph &Marilyn Krukowski, 59475 Route 25, Southold, NY
Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is
proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above.
4�5 V_ L-55 y 3 Ids is
App gent Signs ure Date
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OFFICE LOCATION: i; ' P.O.Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971-0959
Town Hall Annex s
54375 State Route 25 a °r Telephone:631-765-1938
(cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave_) a �
Southold.NY ;1
re L.
Monday, April 11, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Options for public attendance:
In person:
Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold..
• To join via computer:
pwd=Qm91 Mzhham1VditkdnBV0Go5QTd2dz09
Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting"
and enter the
Meeting ID: 891 2181 7401
Password: 570535
Join by telephone:
Call 1(646) 558-8656
Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above)
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- - 56215 Route 25 ® tete, MTA Long Island Railroad
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so that we can return the card to you.
• Attach this card to the back of the maliplece, IteC ect rirrted Name) C. Date of Delivery
or on the front if Space permits.
Is Items 1? Yes
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PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 .,. °'t Domestic Return Receipt
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• Print your name and address on the reverse X Agent
so that we can return the Card to you. I • 0 Addressee
• Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, F iviedby(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery
or on the front if spade permits.
1. Article Addressed to: D. Is del'i'very address diffoa Yes
63-3-1.1If YES,emj",delivery address t ;I (�No
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PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9063Domestic Return Receipt
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or on the front if pace parmits,
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Tomasic Eugen
Tomasic Mirella
876 Willis Ave Ste 2
Albertson, NY 11507
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59475 Route 25
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TEL 51 6-222-E1222 FAX 516-222-07322
April 8,2022 ... 11.11, °.
Vl'"A EMAIL I 'e ica.mic el" own.routhold n .yjs ���� � .�
Heather Lanza,AICP, Town Planning Director 6ui66J -r6wn
Southold Town Planning Planning Board
Southold Town Hall
53095 Route 25
P.O.Box 1179
Southold,NY 11971
Re: Site Plan Application to the Town of Southold("Town")Planning Board to develop
a hotel and restaurant (the "Application") by 56655 Main St LLC in connection
with the property located at 56655 Main Road, Southold, NY (the "Property");
SCTM No.Dist. 1000, Sec. 63,Bk. 3,Lot 15
Our File No.: 100-513-001
Dear Ms. Lanza:
In connection with the April 11, 2022 Town Planning Board hearing regarding the
Application,enclosed are the following submission documents:
1. The Affidavit of Posting; and
2. Two(2)color photographs of the public notice sign posted at the Property facing Main
Please date stamp a copy of this submission cover letter and return by email to
daltman@brownaltman.com and mingber@brownaltman.com. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
By:)"-4-1 "
Matthew lrt r;Esq.
This is to serve notice that I personally postedthe
rproperty known as
by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property
line facing the street(s)where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be
sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of
the public hearing on r,'l
Your Name prit)
° ; ,I Avenue L; \-, r
,Ar; I ac��
Notary Public
airrr�No,.02TN m:49926"1rrc� � � sura�r�aID�)�Expires Ck ucrt 1.6.262
GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:0 noon Fri. 418122
Re: The Enclaves Hotel iia Restaurant
SCTM#: 1000-63-3-15
Date of Public Hearing: Monday, Aril 1'1 2022 6:01 .M
Y F ro
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bald/Ilii fi/7�J�f�J��'f�r „� ��l aril(%j/�%Ai1/i ff
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ly �„ A � 7 MONDAY
APRIL 11, 2022- f3 01 P Afl.
1 / �i
ave an interest in this project, you are invited to view the
Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the hearing
during normal business days between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
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From: Baylinson, Lester
Sent: Thursday, April 7, 2022 9:51 AM
To: Cummings, Brian A. I RECEIVED[---, 7 1
Cc: Mirabelli, Melissa; Michaelis,Jessica AIR 4'7 (D
Subject: Site Plan for the Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
aouto Yo—vi
Planning Board
HI Brian,there are no open violations on this parcel past or present it is ok to proceed.Thanks, Lester B
Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 �� Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Southold, NY
To: Lester Baylinson, Code Enforcement Officer
James Easton, Fire Marshal
From: Brian Cummings, Planner
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments,
review, and any violations on record, if applicable.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(in Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-63.-3-15)
Town Hall Annex " ' � P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 �� �� Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �' � ;
Southold, NY � , �� Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson
Southold Town Architectural Review Committee
From: Brian Cummings, Planner
Date: April 5, 2022
Re Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you
(In Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCT114#1000-63.-3-15)
Town Hall Annex ;,�, � � „ -�
P.O.Sox 1179
54375 State Route 25 a Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Southold, NY
To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector
Amanda Nunemaker, Building Permits Examiner
From: Brian Cummings, Plann�
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments,
review, and certification, if applicable.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Encls: Site Plan Application
Site Plan
P.O. Box 1179
Town Hall Annex '
54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) y � ��
Southold, NY � Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Lester Baylinson, Code Enforcement Officer
James Easton, Fire Marshal
From: Brian Cummings, Plann r c
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments,
review, and any violations on record, if applicable.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(in Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-63.-3-15)
Town Hall Annex " P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 ' Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) '+
Southold NY , Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer
From: Brian Cummings, Planne&
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Application Name: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Tax Map Number: 1000-63-3-15
Location: 56655 Route 25, Southold
Type of Application:
Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: )
Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated:� �
Final Subdivision Map (Dated:,
Road Profiles (Dated: 1
Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: )
Other (Dated:
Site Plan (Dated: 8/23/16°revised 2115122
Revised/Amended Site Plan
Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated:
Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: )
Proiect Description: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story
hotel (62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building,
2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services
spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-
seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in
the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Town Hall Annex g
P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 � � nw Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY � ��,� Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator
From: Brian Cummings, Planner
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments,
review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(in Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-63.-3-15)
Town Hall Annexe - P.O.Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " �� G�h Telephone: 631 765-1938
Southold, NY P
April 5, 2022
Mr. Eugene Smith
NYS Department of Transportation
250 Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Re: Comments on the Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25, Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
Dear Mr. Smith:
The following site plan is being referred to you for comments:
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
If there are any questions, you can contact us at (631)765-1938 between the hours of
8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully yours,
Brian Cummins
Enc. Site Plan
Site Plan Application
Town Hall Annex 1 � `' 4 P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 v Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Suffolk County Department of Health Services
From: Brian Cummings, Plan no
Date: April 5, 2022
RE: Site Plan Application Review—
o Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131
The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency; please provide the
following, as applicable:
1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while
reviewing the proposed project;
2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated;
3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below.
Project Name: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Address: 56655 Route 25, Southold
Tax Map #: 1000-63-3-15
1. Go to the Town of Southold website .southoldtownn '. ov;
2. Click on the Laserfiche Weblink icon located on the home page;
3. Click on Planning Dept. folder;
4. Click on Applications;
5. Click on Site-Plan;
6. Click on Pending;
7. Click on SCTM# "1000-63-3-15;
8. Click on Site Plan.
The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant—Page Two—April 5, 2022
Requested Action: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story
hotel (62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq, ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq.
ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an
outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business
zoning district.
SEQRA Classification: (X) Type I
) Type 11
) Unlisted
Contact Person: Brian Cummings
(631) 765-1938
•r Site Plan Application Form
• Site Plan
Appendix A- County Referral For
Appendix A-Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook
Suffolk • • Commission
Submission Cover Form For Planning • Zoning Referrals
Local Case Number:
Hamlet: Southold
Application/Action Name: Yds Block: 3 Lot:1_ Local Meeting Date:
District: 1000 Section: 63 BI public Hearing: No
Refierrin enc : T e olfp f Referral: SEgBA Acton: Draft EIS Positive Declaration
<° f-in Board or CoMMISSI
New EAF Final EIS Negative Declaration
Zoning Board of Appeals Expansion Lead Agency Findings
Town Board/Village Board of Modification Draft Scope
Brief description of application or proposed action This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-
story hotel (62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq.
ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.),
with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Type of Action Please check appropriate box below if action is located within the Suffolk County Pine Barrens Zone, within one
mile of a nuclear power plant or airport or within 500 feet of..
A municipal boundary;
The boundary of any existing or proposed counly, state„or federal park or other recreation area;
» The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or s,l�ale road;
* An existing or proposed county drainage channel line:
- The Atlanfic Ocean Long Island Sound,any bay 0 Sul[Wk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water,
- The boundary of county„slate„or federally owned land held,or to be held for governmental use;
- The boundary of a farm located in an agricultural district
Comprehensive Plan (Adoption or Amendment) Subdivision
Zoning Ordinance or Map(Adoption or Amendment) Use Variance
Code Amendment Area Variance
Official Map Special Use Perm it/ExceptionlConditional Use
Moratorium Site Plan 4
Note:The above represents a summary of the required actions subject to referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission. The provisions of
GML and Laws of Suffolk County must be used to verify which actions are subject to referral and the related procedural requirements.
Additional Application Information
- Action Previously Referred to Suffolk County Planning Commission Yes No (If yes, Date 1
Adjacent Municipality Notified (see NYS GML 239 nn) Yes No N/A
- Located Within Long Island Pine Barrens Zone Yes No
- Workforce/Affordable Housing Yes No N/A
- Energy Efficiency Yes No N/A
- Zoning Board of Appeals Approval Yes4 No N/A
Suffolk County Department of Health ApprovallComments Yes No N/A
* New York State Dept..of Environmental Conservation Approval/Comments Yes No N/A
- New York State/Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works Approval/Comments Yes No N/A
Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6,Groundwater Management Zone- I II III IV V VI VII Vill
Contact Information
Municipality Town of Southold Contact Name:,
Department/Agency: Piannirr De artmertt Brian Cummin s
Phone Number: 631-765-1Q-4A Email Address:tgrian.cummfrti s town. a uthokd.n ms-
Applicant:56655 Main Street LLC Contact:David N.Altmann,Esq. Name:
Applicant Address; 536 Broadhollow load Suite X01 w 516-222-02''22
Town Hall AnnexP.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 �� � � Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ��
Southold, NY �° �ti� Telephone: 631 765-1938
k' www.southoldtownny.gov
To: Suffolk County Planning Commission
From: Brian Cummings, Plann
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Site Plan Application Review:
a Request for Comments pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County
Administrative Code
• Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a
referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131
The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the
following, as applicable:
1. Comments or requirements from the Suffolk County Planning Commission that the
Southold Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed
2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated;
The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further
information, please feel free to contact this office.
Project Name: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Address: 56655 Route 25, Southold
Tax Map #: 1000-63.-3-15
Requested Action: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-
story hotel (62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main
building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal
services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling
to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre
parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Southold Referral
SEQRA Classification: (X) Type I
( ) Type II
( ) Unlisted
Contact Person:
Southold Town Planning Board
(631) 765-1938
• Site Plan Application Form
• Site Plan(s)
• SCPC Referral Submission Cover Sheet
Town Hall Annex kP.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 � �° ` Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone:Telephone• 631 765-1938
Southold, NY I '
To: Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA)
From: Brian Cummings, Planne
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Site Plan Application Review— The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral)
and Southold Town Code §280-131
The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency; please provide the following, as
1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the
proposed project;
2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated;
Project Name: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
Address: 56655 Route 25, Southold
Tax Map #: 1000-63-3-15
1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownn ov;
2. Click on the Laserfiche Weblink icon located on the home page;
3, Click on Planning Dept. folder;
4. Click on Applications;
5. Click on Site-Plans;
6.. Click on Pending;
7. Click on SCTM# "1000- 63-3-15;
8, Click on Site Plan.
The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant— Page Two—April 5, 2022
Requested Action: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel
(62,338 sq. ft,) with full basement, including 59,,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq, ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq.
ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning
SEQRA Classification: (X) Type I
) Type 11
) Unlisted
Contact Person: Brian Cummings, Planner
(631) 765-1938
0 Site Plan Application Form
Site Plan
Town Hall Annex "� `� P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 � "� � Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) "�
Southold, NY ' t �, � Telephone: 631 765-1938
April 5, 2022
Ms. Carol Miller
c/o Southold Fire District
P.O. Box 908
Southold, NY 11971
Re: Request for Review on: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25, Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
Dear Ms. Miller:
The enclosed site plan application is being referred to you for your comment on matters
of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access,
emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this
application. Please respond with your comments at your earliest convenience.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Please contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation..
Brian A. Cummings
Encls.: Site Plan Application
Site Plan
Town Hall Annexe P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 rv�w Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY � � �l � Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor
Members of the Town Board
Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk
cc: Town Attorney
From: Brian Cummings, Plann
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25, Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments,
review, and a determination of jurisdiction, if applicable.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(In Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-63-3-15)
Town Hall Annex � a P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 � � ���� °Y.
Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " °
Southold, NY � a, Telephone: 631 765-1938
To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector
Amanda Nunemaker, Building Permits Examiner
From: Brian Cummings, Planne
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments,
review, and certification, if applicable.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Encls: Site Plan Application
Site Plan
Town Hall Annex ° P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 w Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) '
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Southold, NY
To: Lester Baylinson, Code Enforcement Officer
James Easton, Fire Marshal
From: Brian Cummings, Plann r c
Date: April 5, 2022
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25 Southold
SCTM#1000-63-3-15 Zoning District: HB
The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments,
review, and any violations on record, if applicable.
This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq.
ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4
detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal services spaces, an outdoor
swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant
(3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet
Business zoning district.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(In Laser Fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-63.-3-15)
When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit,
site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district
OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring
this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with
Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law.
Applicant Name: 56655 Main Street LLC
Address: c/o Jonathan Tibett, 20 Stony Hill Path, Smithtown, NY 11787
Land Owner(if other than applicant):
Land Owner Address:
Description of Proposed Project: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a
44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the
main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and
personal services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story
dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a
6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Property Location (road and tax map #): 56655 Route 25, Southold;
Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No
Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing
active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project:
SCTM#1000-63-3-1.1: 1070 Boisseau Ave. LLC, 2412 National Dr., Brooklyn, NY 11234
SCTM#1000-63-3-24: Joseph & Marilyn Krukowski, 59475 Route 25, Southold, NY
Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is
proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above.
Z��' /i. �11' 3 3 &
Applca Agent Signature Date
1. PB Resolution setting the hearing—This is your copy of the Planning Board
resolution that set the public hearing.
2. List of adjacent property owners to notify—This is the list of the adjacent
property owners that you must mail the notice of hearing to. These notices
must be mailed by certified mail, with return receipt.
3. Notice to adjacent property owners and copes of the tax map pages —
These are the documents that must be mailed to the adjacent property
owners (certified w/ return receipt). Some applicants like to include a cover
letter, but a cover letter is not a requirement.
4. Agricultural Data form and copies of the tax map pages —This form must
be signed and mailed (certified w/ return receipt) along with the copy of
the tax map page to the property owners listed at the bottom.
5. Affidavit of Postin; —This affidavit must be signed, notarized and returned
to the planning department by April 8th with the certified mail receipts and
any green cards that you have received.
6. Southold Town Code related to Public Hearin s —This is just a copy of the
Southold Town Code related to public hearings for your record.
7. Zoom Instructions—This is a copy of the zoom instruction for the public
meeting for your record. One of these is included in the "notice to adjacent
property owners".
Feel free to call me with any questions.
Jessica Michaelis, Planning Board Secretary
631-765-1938, jessicam@southoldtownny.gov
Town Hall Annex '�� P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25d �� � � Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �� " .
�� Telephone: 631 765-1938
Southold, NYrf
March 15, 2022
Mr. Andrew V. Giambertone
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Re: Set Hearing
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, ±90' n/w/o Town Harbor Ln and Main Road, Southold
Dear Mr. Giambertone:
The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning
Board on Monday, March 14, 2022:
WHEREAS, this proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a
hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning
district; and
WHEREAS, at their February 28, 2022 work session, the Southold Town Planning
Board accepted the proposed site plan application as complete for review; therefore be
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, April 11, 2022 at
6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "The Enclaves"
prepared by Bryan Andrew Grogan, P.E. dated August 23, 2016 and last revised
February 15, 2022.
The public hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the
sign & post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office at the Southold
Town Annex when you are contacted to do so.
The Enclaves Pape 2 March 15 2022
Please return the Affidavit of Posting/Mailing,Posting/Mailing, included in the packet, along-with
the certified mailing receipts, AND the signed green return receipt cards before
12:00 noon on Friday, April 8 2022. The sign and the postneed to be returned
to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing is closed.
If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please
contact the Planning Board Office.
Donald J. Wilcenski
Notice to Adjacent Property Owners
The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 Route 25, Southold
1. 63-3-1.1
2. 63-3-3 (LIRR)
3. 63-3-28.1
4. 63-3-12
5. 63-3-13
6. 63-3-14
7. 63-3-16
8. 63-3-17.2
9. 63-3-17.3
10. 63-3-17.4
11. 55-6-37.1
Donna L.Dill,PE
Manager-Civil Inspection
Structures Department
MTA Long Island Rail Road
Hillside Maintenance Complex
Mail Code 3143
93-59 183 Street
Hollis, NY 11423
Southold Town Planning Board
Notice to Adjacent Property Owners
You are hereby given notice:
1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of
Southold for a Site Plan;
2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to
your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-63-3-15;
3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the HB
Zoning District;
4. This proposed site plan is for the construction of a 44-unit, two-story hotel
(62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the main building,
2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and personal
services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story
dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces
on a 6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during
normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning
Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS
Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Former Capital One Bank) by appointment only. If you
have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938.
Information can also be obtained via the internet:
1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov;
2. Click on Town Records Weblink/Laserfiche icon located on the home page;
3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder;
4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending";
5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above).
Or by sending an e-mail message to: Jess caM southoldtownn ov;
6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on
Monday, Aril 11 2022 at 6:01 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold and virtually via the Zoom online platform; that a notice of such hearing
will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The
Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your
representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing.
It is not necessary to attend this hearing to participate. Written comments
received prior to the public hearing date are acceptable. Written comments may
be submitted via letter or email to: JessicaM southoldtownn ov
Petitioner/Owner Name: 56655 Main Street LLC
Date: 3/18/22
b rrn
Town Hal]Annex 'r �7,A.'o, Southold,NY 11971-0959
54375 State Route 25 xg Telephone:631-765-1938
(cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) r �r
Monday, April 11 , 2022
6:00 p.m.
Options for public attendance:
• In person:
Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold.
• To join via computer:
pwd=Qm91 Mzhham1VditkdnBV0Go5QTd2dz09
Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting"
and enter the
Meeting ID: 891 2181 7401
Password: 570535
• Join by telephone:
Call 1(646) 558-8656
Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above)
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When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit,
site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district
OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring
this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with
Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law.
Applicant Name: 56655 Main Street LLC
Address: c/o Jonathan Tibett, 20 Stony Hill Path, Smithtown, NY 11787
Land Owner(if other than applicant):
Land Owner Address:
Description of Proposed Project: This proposed site plan is for the construction of a
44-unit, two-story hotel (62,338 sq. ft.) with full basement, including 59,962 sq. ft.in the
main building, 2,376 sq. ft. in 4 detached cottages, accessory meeting/event and
personal services spaces, an outdoor swimming pool, and the conversion of a two-story
dwelling to a 74-seat restaurant (3,610 sq. ft.), with a total of 132 parking spaces on a
6.75acre parcel in the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Property Location (road and tax map ft 56655 Route 25, Southold;
Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No
Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing
active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project:
SCTM#1000-63-3-1.1: 1070 Boisseau Ave. LLC, 2412 National Dr., Brooklyn, NY 11234
SCTM#1000-63-3-24: Joseph & Marilyn Krukowski, 59475 Route 25, Southold, NY
Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is
proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above.
Applicant/Agent Signature Date
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This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as
by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property
line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be
sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of
the public hearing on
I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return
receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property
which abuts and every property which is across on
Your Name (print)
Notary Public
GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon Fri. 4/8/22
Re: The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
SCTM#: 1000-63-3-15
Date of Public Hearing: Monday, April 11 2022 6:01 p.m.
Town of Southold
PC/Codehook for Windows
§ 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-2003]
Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an
application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time
and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or
petition shall be provided as follows:
A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause
a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official
newspaper within the period prescribed by law.
B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or
petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town
board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below:
(1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town, which
shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which
the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application
or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public
hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line.
The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately
preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant, petitioner or his/her agent shall
file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the
public hearing.
(2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every
property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street
from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by
certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the
initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the
addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include
description of the street location and area of the subject property, nature of relief or
approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant, petitioner or agent
shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement
of the public hearing.
OFFICE LOCATION: n�� »�`� � P.O.Box 1179
Town Hall Annex , 'r�
Southold,NY 11971-0959
54375 State Route 25 *e Telephone:631-765-1938
^y° www.southoldtownny.gov
(cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) 0
Monday, April 11 , 2022
6:00 p.m.
Options for public attendance,
• In person:
Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold.
• To join via computer:
pwd=Qm91 Mzhham 1VditkdnBVOGo5QTd2dz09
Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting"
and enter the
Meeting ID: 891 2181 7401
Password: 570535
• Join by telephone:
Call 1 (646) 558-8656
Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above)
Subinissioll Without a Cover Letter
Sc ri.C�er ... SN MAR SIV. 0 2022
,h(",(jt hcflc1 9"tiwh
MariMrig Board
SCTM#_ 1000 - (-0,?)
Date: 1O O
Southold28, 2022 — Page 3
&Proiect Name: The Enclaves Hotel SCTM#: , 1000-63-3-15 -1
Location: 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
Description: This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft, addition:, into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6,75 acres in,
the Hamlet Business zoning district..
Status: Pen"ding
Action: Revi ew for Completeness
Attachments: i Staff Report
❖ February Monthly Report
Site Plan Use Determinations (SPUD):
o Purita Winery additions & alterations, 5415 Old North Road, Southold,
SCTM#1 000-51-3-5.1
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness
Date February 28, 2022
Prepared By: Brian Cummings
I. Application Information
Project Title: The Enclaves Hotel
Applicant: 56655 Main St LLC
Date of Submission: Originally 2017, Revised plans (after ZBA) 12/22/2021
Tax Map Number: 63-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: Hamlet Business (HB)
II. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Hotel/Restaurant
Acreage of Project Site: 6.75 acres
Building area proposed: Restaurant:
This Site Plan application is for the proposed construction of a hotel with 44 rooms, and
a 74-seat restaurant.
Table of Contents:
PW Grosser Plans
Architectural Plans
C-001 Site Plan General Notes
T-002 Site Plan Legend Color Rendering (South, East, West elevations)
S-001 Proposed Site Traffic Control and
Parking Plan Hotel
P-001 Proposed Site Circulation Plan and A2.1 Lower Level Plan
Details A2.2 First Floor Plan
P-002 Alternative Proposed Valet Parking Plan A2.3 Second Floor Plan
T-003 Proposed Site Drainage and Grading A2.4 Roof Plan
T-004 Boring Plan and Boring Logs A2.5 Root Cellar Floor Plan
T-005 Sediment and Erosion Control Plan Restaurant
T-006 Sediment and Erosion Control Plan A2.6 Proposed First Floor Plan
Details A2.7 Proposed Second Floor Plan
T-007 Landscape Plan and Details A2.8 Proposed Roof Plan
T-008 Site Lighting and Details A3.1 Proposed Hotel Elevations (all 4 sides)
A-001 Site Lighting and Details A3.2 Proposed Hotel Elevations Sectional
A-002 Proposed Site Layout and Utilities Plan A3.5 Restaurant Front Elevation
A-003 Proposed Site Layout and Utilities Plan A3.6 Restaurant Right Side Elevation
A-004 Proposed Site Layout and Utilities Plan A3.7 Restaurant Rear Elevation
A-005 Site Details A3.8 Restaurant Left Side Elevation
A-006 Details
A. Existing
1. Vacant 6.75 acre parcel with an existing house (3,287 sq. ft.);
a. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site
has been provided.
2. Surrounding land:
a. North: LIRR, R-80 zoned land (in agriculture)
b. Northeast: two R-80 zoned single family residences
c. Southeast: two HB zoned single family residences
d. West: one commercial boatyard zoned HB
e. South: one HB zoned single family residence, one commercial business.
B. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA):
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October, 2021
(on file)
Note that the Planning Board will need to make their own set of Findings prior
to site plan approval.
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
• No outdoor events of any size
• No special events
• No large events over 100 guests. Small events allowed under 100
• No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
• Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, rooftop bar/lounge) not available
for use by general public.
• No outdoor music anywhere on property
C. Proposed construction:
1. Hotel —44 Rooms
• Includes 4 cottages
2. Restaurant— 74 seats. Located in the existing building in front
• 3,806 sq. ft. (adding 519 sq. ft. to the existing building)
3. Pool
4. Event Space
5. On-site sewage treatment
D. Bulk Schedule/Code Requirements: Hamlet Business Zone
1. Lot coverage
a. Required: 40% maximum
Proposed: 18.6%
2. Landscape coverage
Required: 25% minimum
Proposed: 56.3%
III: Completeness Review
1. The item labeled as "Future Event Space" continues to exist throughout the civil
drawings and site plan. It cannot be labeled "future". Building the project in
phases where that event space is built later can be accommodated in the Board's
final decision. General details should be provided if it is proposed to be added to
the plans.
Submitted: yes;
2. Landscaping: The proposed landscaping is incomplete. Interior parking
landscape islands and shade trees are not shown (pursuant to Town Code §280-
95 Landscaped Parking Area).
Also needing to be addressed are the following:
• Town Code §280-94 Transition Buffer Area
• Town Code §280-93 Front Landscaped Area
Submitted: yes; completed analysis of the Landscape Plan will be completed
during referral review
3. Provide a comprehensive photometric plan to include all on site light fixtures and
specifications (buildings, parking areas, signage) that meets Town Code §172
Outdoor Lighting);
a. Information table providing: fixture details, quantity, mounting height, color
temperature (2700K for LED), maximum lumens at 25,000/acre, proposed
b. Foot candle values provided every 10 feet in a grid, no greater than 0.05fc
at rear property line, east side yard property line where parcel abuts R-80
zoning district and Route 25 front property line
c. Foot candle values shall be <_S.Ofc on site. Values are shown at 10fc and
Submitted: yes; completed analysis of the photometric plan will be completed
during referral review
4. Specify building materials and colors on elevations;
Submitted: yes,
Hotel— Rubble Stone Veneer, Masonry Stucco, Cut Stone, Mirrored Glass,
Glass, Louvered Shutters, Wood Rail, Wood Trellis, Glass Rail, Clay Tile Roof
Restaurant—Asphalt Roof Shingles, Painted Wood Trim, Painted Cedar Siding,
Double Hung Wood Windows, Board and Batten Siding, Decorative Lattice
5. Provide aisle width, driveway width and parking stall dimensions throughout all
sheets of the site plan,
Submitted: yes,
6. Renderings or photo-simulations showing the current proposal.
Submitted: yes, color rendering shows three elevations of Hotel
V: Planning Board items to consider:
Accept the application as complete for review and begin the following steps:
1. Distribute the site plan application to at least the following agencies: SCDHS,
NYSDOT, SCWA, Town Engineer, Building Department, LWRP, Southold FD,
Fire Marshall, Town Board, Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
2. Set the public hearing for April 11, 2022, at the Planning Board's March 14, 2022
Public Meeting
Subfnissiofl Writhout a. Cover Letter
Subject_ e7nooes
SCT M#: 1000
.te: &
����������� ��� ������N���0�0����^��
62 ELD�ST.
NEW YORK 11743
TEL' (63l)367-0V50~FA%:(63l)367-66J6 DATE: February 16,2022
ATTN: Heather Lanza
To: Town ofSouthold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold, N?/ ll97l 5bb55Rte. 25 —Southold
q,,",- nz" |noo'«q-n'A-|';
weARE SENDING YOU: 0 Attached El The items listed below,under separate cover via
[]Shop drawings F] Prints [] Plans []Samples []Specifications
[]Copy ofletter []Change order []
12 02/16/2022 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Floor Plans 8iRoof Plan
12 02/16/2022 }\3.1,2—/k3.5-8 Hotel&cRestaurant E|ovu1ioox
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED aachecked below:
For approval 0 Reviewed&Approved Resubmit ____copies for approval
Foryou,uao 0 Approved 4oNoted Submit ____copies for distribution
Fl As requested LJReturned For Correction Romm —corrected prints
[] For review and comment [] Rejected LJ Prints returned after loan mus
[] For bids due []
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COPY TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
62 ELM ST.
TEL: (631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: February 16,2022
ATTN: Heather Lanza
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold, NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25 —Southold
Qrtm• Nn 1M(1_F'2_fl'�_15
WE ARE SENDING YOU,' ®Attached ❑The items listed below,under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑
VIA: FoeE ,SyLatwf.aTRACKING#: � —7 � lalp
12 02/16/2022 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Floor Plans &Roof Plan
12 02/16/2022 A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Elevations
Ia 7 2x22
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ® Reviewed&Approved ❑ Resubmit _copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑ Returned For Correction ❑ Return corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑ For bids due ❑
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COPY TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
62 ELM ST.
TEL:(631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: February 16,2022
ATTN: Heather Lanza
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB# 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold, NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25—Southold
Qotm• Nn 1 oon-#',u i-1 5
WE ARE SENDING YOU; Attached ❑The items listed below,under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VIA: 1 eel x-.
Sp arat� Packaecs J�aF TRACKING#: `��(D(.) aeol
12 02/16/2022 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Floor Plans &Roof Plan
12 02/16/2022 A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel&Restaurant Elevations
Ili; EN ""�
1 �
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑ Reviewed&Approved ❑ Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑ Returned For Correction ❑ Return corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑ Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑ For bids due ❑
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COPY TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
62 ELM ST.
TEL: (631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: February 16,2022
ATTN: Heather Lanza
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold, NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25 —Southold
Qr-tm• Nn 1(1(1(-1.2-(12-15
WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑The items listed below,under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VIA: F edEA'-5eparat jlaal nt2!,; o TRACKING#: 7 (-,:Y-D r. "7
12 02/16/2022 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Floor Plans &Roof Plan
12 02/16/2022 A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel & Restaurant Elevations
A nA,
k"l kGl liFl4i � i�r+�
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑ Reviewed&Approved 1 Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑ Returned For Correction ❑ Return corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑ Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑ For bids due ❑
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COPY TO.................... �......
file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
From: Cummings, Brian A.
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2022 5:01 PM
To: 'MatthewJ. Ingber' <mingber@brownaltman.com>
Cc: David N. Altman <daltman@brownaltman.com>; Anthony C. Curcio <acurcio@brownaltman.com>;
AVG@GiambertoneArchitects.com; Ernesto Silva (ESilva@giambertonearchitects.com)
<ESilva@giambertonearchitects.com>; bgrogan@pwgrosser.com; Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>
Subject: RE: Enclaves-Site Plan Application -56655 Main Road
Good afternoon all,
I just wanted to reach out to provide the follow up letter from the last work session (see attached), as well as
provide the analysis of what remains incomplete for the application (below). For an efficient process, it is
imperative that there is clear and consistent information provided throughout the application prior to distribution
and review. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the information below.
a. The item labeled as "Future Event Space" continues to exist throughout the civil drawings and site
plan. It cannot be labeled "future". Building the project in phases where that event space is built
later can be accommodated in the Board's final decision. General details should be provided if it is
proposed to be added to the plans.
b. Provide a comprehensive photometric plan to include all on site light fixtures and specifications
(buildings, parking areas, signage) that meets Town Code §172 Outdoor Lighting);
i. Information table providing: fixture details, quantity, mounting height, color temperature
(2700K for LED), maximum lumens at 25,000/acre, proposed lumens.
ii. Foot candle values provided every 10 feet in a grid, no greater than 0.05fc at rear property
line, east side yard property line where parcel abuts R-80 zoning district and Route 25 front
property line
iii. Foot candle values shall be 55.Ofc on site. Values are shown at 10fc and greater.
c. Specify building materials and colors on elevations;
d. Provide aisle width, driveway width and parking stall dimensions throughout all sheets of the site
e. Renderings or photo-simulations showing the current proposal.
Thank you,
Brian A. Cummings,Town Planner
54375 NYS Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex r r P.O.Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 )
r) �9��,' �, Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY i ', Telephone: 631 765-1938
DNA www.southoldtownny.gov
February 4, 2022
Mr. Andrew V. Giambertone
62 Elm Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Re: Proposed Site Plan for The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant
56655 NYS Route 25, t90' n/w/o Town Harbor Ln and Main Road, Southold
Dear Mr. Giambertone:
I am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on January 24, 2022 where the
Planning Board found the above-referenced Site Plan Application incomplete for review.
Before the Board can commence its full review, it is necessary to provide the following
directly to this department:
1. Provide at least nine (9) prints of a revised site plan including the stamp, seal and
signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan, and include the
following on the plan:
a. Provide a separate Key Map showing:
i. The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, as defined in
§280-4 of this chapter, and all uses of the site.
ii. Location and use of all buildings and structures, including curbcuts,
within 200 feet of the boundary of the subject property;
b. The item labeled as "Future Event Space" must either be added to the plan or
removed from the plan. It cannot be labeled "future". Building the project in
phases where that event space is built later can be accommodated in the
Board's final decision. General details should be provided if it is proposed to
be added to the plans.
The Enclaves Page 2 February 4, 2022
Note: The ZBA decision limits events to 100 people maximum, however the
plans reference 250-person events. This will need to be rectified on the plans
that have this reference.
c. Submit page 16 of the site plan packet (missing from the submittal)
d. Provide the gross floor area of the buildings, ideally with a breakdown of each
building and each floor.
e. Provide a comprehensive photometric plan to include all on site light fixtures
and specifications (buildings, parking areas, signage) that meets Town Code
§172 Outdoor Lighting);
i. Information table providing: fixture details, quantity, mounting height,
color temperature (2700K for LED), maximum lumens at 25,000/acre,
proposed lumens.
ii. Foot candle values provided every 10 feet in a grid, no greater than
0.05fc at rear property line, east side yard property line where parcel
abuts R-80 zoning district and Route 25 front property line
iii. Foot candle values shall be 55.0fc on site. Values are shown at 10fc
and greater.
f_ Provide the required interior landscaping for the parking areas (pursuant to
Town Code §280-95 Landscaped Parking Area).
g. Provide more details regarding the rear parking areas to determine how they
are to function —how are they proposed to be separated or delineated on site?
h. Address Town Code §280-94 Transition Buffer Area
i. Address Town Code §280-93 Front Landscaped Area
j. Specify building materials and colors on elevations,-
levations;k. Provide aisle width, driveway width and parking stall dimensions throughout
all sheets of the site plan;
I. Renderings or photo-simulations showing the current proposal
The Enclaves Page 2 February 4, 2022
If you have any questions regarding this site plan or its process, please do not hesitate
to call this office at 631-765-1938.
Brian A. Cummings
Ci E I'd r"oIR�q,r"a ti "h,oa u,m!ras
Nar� � Board
DATE February 1, 2022
_. Town of Southold Planning Board
Attn: Heather Lanza
TO Southold Town Hall Annex Cc
54375 Route 25
Southolcl _NY 11971
FROM Bryan Grogan, PE
RE Drawings
®Attached ❑Under separate cover ❑ Overnight[]Regular Mail:
12 Sets of Drawings
IUuy Wy, > 6o H bu
6a6H 1 X14 6 E N4,,J ml E: 7
) V I � ri ��
DW G166" " iR Iw( � fl �V(3 1d$):w M a0 1 .,4 1 A,
N Y 117 16
62 ELM ST.
TEL: (631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: January 31,2022
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board ATTN: Heather Lanza FEB �� 1 2022
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
RE: ani nung Board
P.O. Box 1179 Planning Bd. S�nla�ttsslt�°� �--
Southold,NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25—Southold
Qrtm•1\T!\ 1000-61-01-11;
WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑The items listed below, under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑Prints ❑Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑ Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VAFedEx-Separate Packages TRACKING `]5cl I ()LA
12 12/16/2021 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel& Restaurant Floor Plans& Roof Plan
12 12/16/2021 A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel & Restaurant Elevations
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑Reviewed&Approved ❑Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit _copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑Returned For Correction ❑Return corrected prints
❑For review and comment ❑Rejected ❑Prints returned after loan to us
❑ For bids due ❑
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COPY..... �.. ......... ..... ._ ..... —.�_.......... _...�
TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
TEL:(631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: January 31,2022
ATTN: Heather Lanza
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold,NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25 —Southold
Qrtm•NTn 1 f1M_r;'2_f1Z_1 S
WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑The items listed below,under separate cover via
[]Shop drawings D Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VIA: l Ex sg�s rate Packwges az,.Jq TRACKING#: "7 - l + L4- 1--A
12 12/16/2021 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel& Restaurant Floor Plans& Roof Plan
12 12/16/2021 A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel &Restaurant Elevations
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑Reviewed&Approved ❑ Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑Returned For Correction ❑ Return _corrected prints
❑For review and comment ❑Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑For bids due ❑
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COPY TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva_
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
TEL:(631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: January 31,2022
ATTN: Heather Lanza
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold,NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25 —Southold
C�tm•1�Tn 1 flf)fl_��_(1'2_1 S
WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑The items listed below, under separate cover via
Shop drawings ❑Prints ❑ Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VIA: P a[&I a,mmSmrt1e Pack °e 5q" I� –1 LO�Oy
12 12/16/2021 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel & Restaurant Floor Plans& Roof Plan
12 12/16/2021 A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel & Restaurant Elevations
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑ Reviewed&Approved ❑ Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑ Returned For Correction ❑ Return _corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑ Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑ For bids due ❑
Hello Heather,
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COPY TO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva,,--
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
TEL: (631)367-0050•FAX:(631)367-6636 DATE: January 31,2022
ATTN: Heather Lanza
TO: Town of Southold Planning Board
Southold Town Hall Annex JOB#: 16-003
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179 RE: Planning Bd. Submission
Southold,NY 11971 56655 Rte. 25—Southold
Gtm•1�Tn 1M(1_F.Z_(1Z_1 S
WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑The items listed below, under separate cover via
❑Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications
❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑
VIA: f ecllEx-S�D li a<gg� TRACKING#: —7—I J9" 15 OL4-1-J9c)
�. ��r°ate1t� ...�_�- b
12 12/16/2021 A2.1,2,3,4-A2.5-8 Hotel& Restaurant Floor Plans& Roof Plan
12 12/16/2021 A3.1,2—A3.5-8 Hotel&Restaurant Elevations
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑ Reviewed&Approved ❑ Resubmit copies for approval
® For your use ❑Approved As Noted ❑Submit copies for distribution
❑As requested ❑Returned For Correction ❑ Return _corrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑Rejected ❑ Prints returned after loan to us
❑For bids due ❑
Hello Heat..... ......... ..........._. ..�.. ..�.
Attached please find the updated drawings with the Event Space updated. Please note Bryan Grogan from PW Grosser
will send his Civil Dwg package separately.
Thank You.
COP. ................_.. �......_ ........_. �..��
.YTO: file SIGNED: Ernesto Silva
If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.
' I
Initial D get e—rafi11atiOl1 /--..
Date Sent:, �.__ �.
Project Name:.
project Address'
3 District.
Tax Map No•:1�000=_=—
Suffolk County T
. � *
i � �
rP % Permit Application and suppoding documentation as to
Note: Cop's of Building
proposed use or uses should Ise submitted ) „ l X117
Initial Determination as to whether use is permitted,
Ian is relutred:—
Initial Determination as to whether site p
of Sd inspector
nspec o
.- -- � Signature
. N
Planning Department(P.D.) a ..
Date of Cornment: -° - _
P..D. Date Received:
Signature of P16nning Dept.,Staff Reviewer
eterI °ninon
Decision: .
of Rruldina
In �
- �.�.. SnPc;tnr
' , ,, FORM NO. 3
DATE: January 21, 2022
TO: Andrew V. Giambertone (56655 Main Street LLC)
62 Elm Street
Huntington,NY 11743
Please take notice that your application received January 3, 2022:
For permit to: `onstruct a 44 unit hotel wi 1, 40 rc opi_s an 4._p rivale cotta yes, poor and
ca an s and to convert an e: istin ;i�_&gjjjy d\ya l ing into a 74 seat restaupnt at:
Location of property. 56655 "lain load„ Southold. NY
County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 63 Block 3 Lot 15
Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds:
Pursuant to Article XXIUI ITSection 280-127, the proposed use requires site lila m a.1212E vgl
from the Southold Town,Planning Board.
You may now apply to these agencies directly.
Authorized Signature
Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application,
may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department.
CC: file, Planning Board
Southold Town Planning Board Work Session -Januaa 24, 2022 — Pa e 2
ProjectName: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building : SCTM#:� 1000-55-5-11
Location: ? 46950 CR 48, Southold
Description: This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft.
building to a water testing and filtration business; including the
construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the
General Business "B" Zoning ~District.
_ _ _ _
Status: Pending
Action: Review for Determination
Attachments: Staff Report."' '
_ a
Project Name: The Enclaves Hotel SCTM#: 1000-63-3-15
Location. 1 56655 NYS Route 25, Southold
Description: i This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft.
residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the
construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in
the Hamlet Business zoning district.
Status: New Application11-I.....-,
_... , ......
Action: 4 Review for Completeness
Attachments Staff Report
Project Name: The Fields at Ill'attituck 1 SCTM#: 1000-113-2-1.2
Location: j 4935 Bergen Avenue, Mattituck
Description: This resubdivision proposes to separate the drainage area for the new
road serving the lots of The Fields at Mattituck subdivision from Lot 27 so
that it may be dedicated to the Town along with the subdivision road.
Status: New Application _
Action° Review for Completeness
Attachments Staff Report.
Project Name: Apodiacos Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-35-5-3
Location: 4260 Main Road, Greenport
Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 3.26 acre parcel into
three lots, where Lot 1 is .93 acres and contains an existing house, Lot 2
is .95 acres and Lot 3 is 1.38 acres,
Status: New Application
Action: Review for Completeness
Attachments: Staff Report
Southold Planning Department Staff Report
Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness
Date January 24, 2022
Prepared By: Heather Lanza
I. Application Information
Project Title: The Enclaves Hotel
Applicant: 56655 Main St LLC
Date of Submission: Originally 2017, Revised plans (after ZBA) 12/22/2021
Tax Map Number: 63-3-15
Project Location: 56655 Main Road
Hamlet: Southold
Zoning District: Hamlet Business (HB)
II. Description of Project
Type of Site Plan: Hotel/Restaurant
Acreage of Project Site: 6.75 acres
Building area proposed: Restaurant:
This Site Plan application is for the proposed construction of a hotel with 44 rooms, and
a 74-seat restaurant.
III: Completeness Review
See attached checklist for Site Plan Requirements.
A. Existing:
1. Vacant 6.75 acre parcel with an existing house (3,287 sq. ft.),-
t.);a. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site
has been provided.
2. Surrounding land:
a. North: LIRR, R-80 zoned land (in agriculture)
b. Northeast: two R-80 zoned single family residences
c. Southeast: two HB zoned single family residences
d. West: one commercial boatyard zoned HB
e. South: one HB zoned single family residence, one commercial business.
B. _Zoning Board of Appeals ZBA
1. SEQRA Positive Declaration — EIS & Findings Completed October, 2021
(on file)
Note that the Planning Board will need to make their own set of Findings prior
to site plan approval.
2. Special exception approval granted December 2, 2021 (File No. 7046SE)
• No outdoor events of any size
• No special events
• No large events over 100 guests. Small events allowed under 100
• No expansion of the number of approved hotel units
• Proposed hotel amenities (spa, pools, rooftop bar/lounge) not available
for use by general public.
• No outdoor music anywhere on property
C. Proposed construction:
1. Hotel —44 Rooms
2. Restaurant — 74 seats. Located in the existing building in front
• 3,806 sq. ft. (adding 519 sq. ft. to the existing building)
3. Pool
4. Future Event Space
5. On-site sewage treatment
D. Bulk Schedule/Code Requirements: Hamlet Business Zone
1. Lot coverage
a. Required: 40% maximum
Proposed: 18.6%
2. Landscape coverage
Required: 25% minimum
Proposed: 56.3%
E. Exterior Lighting:
A number of exterior lights are proposed, however a lighting plan with the
necessary specifications has not yet been provided.
F. Landscaping:
The proposed landscaping is incomplete. Interior parking landscape islands and
shade trees are not shown (pursuant to Town Code §280-95 Landscaped
Parking Area).
Also needing to be addressed are the following:
• Town Code §280-94 Transition Buffer Area
• Town Code §280-93 Front Landscaped Area
V: Planning Board items to consider:
A. Find the above referenced site plan application incomplete and require the
following to be submitted:
1. The item labeled as "Future Event Space" must either be added to the plan or
removed from the plan. It cannot be labeled "future". Building the project in
phases where that event space is built later can be accommodated in the
Board's final decision. General details should be provided if it is proposed to
be added to the plans.
Note: The ZBA decision limits events to 100 people maximum, however the
plans reference 250-person events. This will need to be rectified on the plans
that have this reference.
2. Submit page 16 of the site plan packet (missing from the submittal)
3. Provide the gross floor area of the buildings, ideally with a breakdown of each
building and each floor.
4. Lighting Plan meeting Town Code
a. 2700 Kelvin limit
b. Provide a comprehensive photometric plan to include all on site light
fixtures and specifications (buildings, parking areas, signage) (see Town
Code §172 Outdoor Lighting) ;
5. On a separate key map, provide:
a. The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, as defined in §280-
4 of this chapter, and all uses of the site.
b. Location and use of all buildings and structures, including curbcuts, within
200 feet of the boundary of the subject property;
6. Provide the required interior landscaping for the parking areas (pursuant to
Town Code §280-95 Landscaped Parking Area).
7. The rear parking areas require more details to determine how they are to
function —how are they separated and delineated?
8. Address Town Code §280-94 Transition Buffer Area
9. Address Town Code §280-93 Front Landscaped Area
10.Renderings or photo-simulations showing the current proposal.
11.In addition, the Architectural Review Committee may require colors, sample
materials and additional information to be determined by that committee.
Southold Planning Department
Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness - Section 280-133
Project Name: The Enclaves Hotel
Completed by: Heather Lanza
Date: January 24, 2022
Received Comment
A. Submission of a complete site plan application shall consist
(1) A completed site plan application form.
(2) The site plan review fee, as specified in Subsection B Needs to be
below. Editor's Note: See now § 280-138, Fee schedule for double-checked
site plan applications.
(3) A completed environmental assessment form. SEQRA
completed by
(4) Nine copies of the site plan.
(5) Four copies of a property survey, certified by a licensed
land surveyor.
B. Standards. Site plan design shall include the following items:
(1) Technical data:
(a) The lot, block and section number of the property, taken
from the latest tax records.
(b) The name and address of the landowner on record:
[1] The names and addresses of adjoining landowners. �I
[2] The name and address of the applicant, if not the
same as the landowner.
(c) The name and address of the person, firm or
organization preparing the map, sealed with the �l
applicable New York State license seal and signature.
(d) Date, graphic scale and North point, whether true or
magnetic; if magnetic, show the date of reading.
(e) A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor or civil
engineer. The site plan may reference a land surveyor's
map or base reference map. All distances shall be in
feet and hundredths of a foot. All angles shall be given
to the nearest 10 seconds or closer. The error of closure
shall not exceed one in 10,000.
(f) The locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way
within 500 feet of property lines. If none exist within 500
feet of the subject property, indicate the distance to the
nearest intersection with a public street.
(g) A separate key map showing location and owners of all
adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest
tax records, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet.
Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness
Southold Planning Department
(h) The location, width and purpose of all existing and
proposed easements, setbacks, reservations and areas 4
dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property.
(i) A complete outline of other existing easements, deed 4
restrictions or covenants applying to the property.
(j) Existing zoning, including zone lines and dimensions. 4
(k) Site plans drawn at the scale of one inch equals 20 feet.
If all required information cannot be shown clearly on
one plan, the information should be separated as
[1] Alignment and schedule plan.
[2] Grading and drainage.
[3] Landscaping. �I
[4] Other, e.g., site utilities.
(2) Natural features: Received Comment
(a) Existing contours with intervals of two feet or less,
referred to mean sea level as per United States
Geological Survey datum.
(b) Boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or
stormwater overflows, tidal bays, saltwater marshes,
beaches and all freshwater bodies, including wetlands N/A
and intermittent streams, perimeter boundaries of
shoreline bluffs, dunes and beaches.
(c) The location of existing natural features, including but Trees on site plan
not limited to natural drainage swales, watercourses, and on 2016
wooded areas and wetlands, as defined by the New survey
York State Department of Environmental Conservation
and the Board of Trustees of Southold Town, marshes,
ponds, dunes, bluffs, beaches, kettleholes,
escarpments, wildlife habitats, flood hazard areas,
erosion-prone areas and trees of six inches in diameter
at a point three feet above the trunk base.
(d) The location of any existing cultural and historical May have been
features within 500 feet of the property boundaries. X addressed in
(3) Existing building structures and utilities:
(a) The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, Not provided
as defined in § 280-4 of this chapter, and all uses of the X
(b) Paved areas, including parking areas, sidewalks and
vehicular access between the site and public streets.
(c) The locations, dimensions, grades and flow directions of
any existing culverts, waterlines or sewage disposal
systems, as well as other underground and
aboveground utility poles and utility lines within and
adjacent to the property.
Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness
Southold Planning Department
(d) The location and use of all buildings and structures,
including curbcuts, within 200 feet of the boundary of the X
subject property.
(4) Proposed construction: Received Comment
(a) The location of proposed buildings or structural
improvements, indicating setbacks from all property �l
lines and horizontal distances from existing structures.
(b) The location and design of all uses not requiring
structures, such as off-street parking and loading areas
and pedestrian circulation.
(c) The location, direction, power level and time of use for Incomplete
any proposed outdoor lighting or public address X lighting plan
(d) The location and plans for any outdoor signs must be in
accordance with applicable sign regulations. �l
(e) The location and details of aprons, curbs, sidewalks,
fencing (type and location), and grading, including
existing and proposed topography with two-foot
contours (on site and 200 feet beyond the property line)
and spot elevations for buildings and all structures,
drainage calculations, details of drainage structures and
watershed areas, where applicable.
(f) Grading and drainage plans shall be based upon site (adequacy to be
stormwater retention, in conformance with Chapter 161, ,f determined later by
Highway Specifications. Town Engineer)
(g) The location and listing of landscaping, buffering and
street tree plans, including type, material, size, quantity �l
and location.
(h) The location of water and sewer mains, electrical
service, cablevision and telephone installations, ground
transformers, fire wells and fire hydrants and/or any
alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal
and treatment.
(i) Building elevations for all facades and floor plans �l
showing the proposed use of floor area.
Notes: N/A = Not Applicable
Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness
ALTMAN & TEL 51 6-222-0222 1 FAX 51 6-222-0322
December 2l, 2021
Heather Lanza, AICP, Town Planning Director
: 2,' 11
Southold Town Planning D 1�C' 6
Southold Town Hall
53095 Route 25 Paii�iig Boi::,ird
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Re: Site Plan Application to the Town of Southold("Town")Planning Board to develop
The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant (the "Application") by 56655 Main St LLC in
connection with the property located at 56655 Main Road, Southold, NY (the
"Property"); SCT M No. Dist. 1000, Sec. 63, Bk. 3, Lot 15
Our File No.: 100-513-001
Dear Ms. Lanza:
In connection with the Application regarding the Property, enclosed you will find the
following submission documents:
1. One (1) original and one (1) copy of the Site Plan Application executed by 56655 Main
St LI-C ;
/2. Two (2) copies of the Notice of Disapproval issued by the Town Building Department
dated Novetil ber 15, 2016;
A One (1) ongiiial and one (1) copy of a Certificate of Authorization executed by 56655
Main St LLC;
4. One (1) original and one (1) copy of the Applicant's Affidavit executed by 56655 Main
�5. One (1) original and one (1) copy of an Owner's Agent Authorization executed by
56655 Main St LLC;
6. One (1) original and one (1) copy of the Applicant's Transactional Disclosure Form
executed [1), 56655 Main St LLC;
7. One (1) copy of the December 6, 2021 Town Zoning Board of Appeals SEQRA
Findings Statement and Special Exception Approval to develop The Enclaves Hotel
and restaurant at the Property;
8. One (1) copy Property Deed;
19. Four copies of the Survey, prepared by JM Land Surveying, dated July 7, 2016;
10. Nine (9) original copies of the site development plans, prepared by P.W. Grosser
Consulting Engineering ("PWGC"), dated August 23, 2016, including the following
a. Site Plan General Notes (C-001), last revised February 18, 2021;
b. Site Plan Legend (C-002), last revised April 8, 2020;
c. Proposed Site Traffic Control and Parking Plan (C-100), last revised May 11,
d. Proposed Site Circulation Plan and Detail (C-101), last revised April 8, 2020;
e. Alternative Proposed Valet Parking Plan (C-102), last revised May 11, 2021;
f. Proposed Site Drainage and Grading Plan (C-200), last revised May 11, 2021;
g. Boring Plan and Boring Logs (C-201), last revised April 8, 2020;
h. Sediment and Erosion Control (C-300),00), last revised May 11, 2021;
i. Sediment and Erosion Control Details (C-301), last revised April 8, 2020;
j. Landscape Plan and Details (C-400), last revised May 11, 2021;
k. Site Lighting and Details (C-500), last revised May 11, 2021;
1. Proposed Site Layout and Utilities Plan (C-600), last revised May 11, 2021;
in. Proposed Site Layout and Utilities Plan (C-601), last revised May 11, 2021;
n. Proposed Site Layout and Utilities Plan (C-602), last revised April 8, 2020; and
o. Site Details (C-700), last revised April 8, 2020.
1. Nine (9) copies of the Existing Photo Key Plan, dated December 16, 2021,prepared by
Andrew V. Giambertone & Associates ("AVG"), including thirteen (13) color
photographs of the existing structures located at the Property;
1,2. Nine (9) copies of the Elevation- Sign Location drawing (CI-19), prepared by AVG,
dated March 13, 2020, including the following color photographic simulations:
a. Monument Sign View from East 2; and
b. Monument Sign View from West 2.
13. Nine (9) copies of architectural plans for The Enclaves, prepared by AVG, including
the following sheets:
a. Lower Level Plan (A2.1), dated April 23, 2020, last revised December 16, 2021;
b. First Floor Plan (A2.2),dated October 11, 2016, last revised December 16, 2021;
c. Second Floor Plan (A2.3), dated October 11, 2016, last revised December 16,
d. Roof Plan (A2.4), dated October 11, 2016, last revised December 16, 2021;
e. Root Cellar Floor Plan (A2.5), dated October 11, 2016, last revised December 16,
f. Proposed First Floor Plan (A2.6), dated October 11, 2016, last revised December
16, 2021;
g. Proposed Second Floor Plan (A2.7), dated October 11, 2016, last revised
December 16, 2021;
h. Proposed Roof Plan (A2.8), dated October 11, 2016, last revised December 16,
i. Proposed Hotel Elevations(A3.1),dated October 11,2016,last revised December
16, 2021;
j. Proposed Hotel Elevations(A3.2),dated October 11,2016, last revised December
16, 2021;
k. Restaurant Front Elevations (A3.5), dated October 11, 2016, last revised
December 16, 2021;
1. Restaurant Right Side Elevations (A3.6), dated October 11, 2016, last revised
December 16, 2021;
in. Restaurant Rear Elevations (A3.7), dated October 11, 2016, last revised
December 16, 2021; and
n. Restaurant Left Side Elevations (A3.8), dated October 11, 2016, last revised
December 16, 2021.
14. Nine (9) copies of a 500 Foot Radius Map (C-100), prepared by PGC, dated
December 16, 2021, which includes the names and address of all property owners
within a 500 foot radius of the Property; and
15. One (1) check, number 8594, in the amount of$11,507.50 for the Application filing
Please note that 56655 Main St LLC prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement
("DEIS") and Final Environmental Impact Statement ("FEIS") pursuant to the New York State
Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") as part of the Zoning Board of Appeals Special
Exception Application. We request that the contents of the DEIS, the FEIS and December 6, 2021
ZBA SEQRA Findings Statement be incorporated by reference with the instant Application (a
copy of the SEQRA Findings Statement is enclosed).
Kindly date stamp the duplicate copy of the enclosed submission cover letter and return
same in the enclosed prepaid FedEx envelope or return by email to daltman@brownaltman.com
and mingber@brownaltman.com. Please contact our office if you have any comments regarding
this submission. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
.. ..........
David N. Altman, Esq.
cc: 56655 Main St LLC (via email, only)
PWGC (attn.: Bryan Grogan, PE; via email, only)
C � Iw
Site Plan Name and Location
Site Plan Name: The Enclaves _........ Application Date:
Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-63 - 3 - 15 Other SCTM#s
Street Address: 56655 Main Street Hamlet: Southold
Distance to nearest intersection: 90 feet west of Town Harbor Lane
Type of Site Plan: X New Amended Residential Zoning District Hamlet Business
Owners/Agent Contact Information
Please list rrarrre, naar'1/n a rlr°e.., and ro e� number f)r�the eo. le below;
Property Owner 56655 Main St-LLC
Street c/o Brown Altman&DiLeo,LLP, 538 Broadhollow Rd. Ste,301 W
City Melville _ITIT�State NY zip 11747
Home Telephone (`516)222-0222 Other
._..._..._. ... .........._........._...___... ..__.
Applicant., ITIT5,6655 Main St LLC �.
Street c/o Brown Altman& DiLeo LLP 538 Broadholl�:w Rd, Ste:. 301 W
City Melville ,,,,,-.—.,State NY Zip 11747
Home Telephone (516)222-0222 Other
Applicant's Agent or Representative:
Contact Person(s)*_David N.Altman,Esq. -Brown Altman&DiLeo,LLP
Street538_BroadhQ.11. w Road Suite 301 W
City Melville ............—State NY zip_L1747
Office Telephone (516) 222-0222 Other,
*Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here.
Site Plan Application Form 2/1812010
Site Data
Proposed construction type: X New X._..... Modification of Existing Structure Agricultural
rChange of use
Property total acreage or square footage: 6.75 ac sq. ft.
Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: 6.77 c. sq, ft,
Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes No X
If yes, explain:
Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code§280-9 Lot Recognition? Y X N_
If"yes", explain(and attach any necessary documentation—title report, subdivision approval, etc.)
Property Deed attached
Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: 11, / l / 2016
Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes X No
If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes X No
If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. 12/6/2021 ZBA Approval submitted herewith
Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is
proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use.
List all existing property uses: Residential
List all proposed property uses: Hotel and stand-alone restaurant as depicted on the Site Plan,dated August 23,2016,
last revised May 11,2021,prepared by P.W. Grosser Consulting
Other accessory uses:_hgtgl_ pa. pool, rooftop loutt,g ate l.,p rtes tial event facility
Existing lot coverage: 1.85 % Proposed lot coverage l 6.3 %
g O 7 q, proposed O 80,075 sf.ft.
Gross floor area of existing structures : 3,28__ mmmmITIT _� ft. Gross floor area of ro osed structures :_......�.
Parking Space Data: #of existing spaces. 2 #of proposed spaces: 160 Loading Berth: Yes No X.IT.
Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: 13.9 _% Proposed landscape coverage, 58 %
Wetlands: Is this property within 500' of a wetland area? Yes No . ...... Maybe...._.....m
I, the undersigned, certify that all the alp a informati i is true.
5665 MAIN ST1✓ ,
Signature of Preparers >�y: . Date:
Nar e. grid:rew V.Gs bertone
Tit �: Member 2
Site Plan Application Form 2/18,,2010
FORM NO. 3 APR 18 2017
M800 Board
DATE, November 15, 2016
TO: 56655 Main Street Lf-C
62 Ehn Street
Huntington,NY 11743
Please take notice that your request dated 013-ob-o-r-0 2.016
For permit to ggngnLet a hotel at
Location of property'.1031RQWK�15 �tbPl&-N—y
C0U0jyTax Map No- j000---Swtion63 Block Lot 13
Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following Sounds:
Mv _Zga1nL-—Badw—ld
ioll ag
t t Sigrlatur
The undersigned,Andrew V. Giambertone, certifies that he is a Member of 56655 Main St
LLC, and further certifies as follows:
Andrew V. Giambertone is and has been a duly authorized Member of 56655 Main St
LLC, with authority to execute and deliver agreements binding 56655 Main St LLC; and
to perform such acts as may be legally, properly and reasonably required or necessary
relating to the development of the property located at 56655 Main Road, Southold,New
York; SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Authorization this
day of 202?- .
56655 MAIN T LLC
e: An r
e Giaml rtone
it1e: Member
Sworn to me before this the
_l5 day of ,rte — 202 -1-
02?Notary Public
RegWinidon No.OIAV
Andrew V mGiambertone _being duly sworn, deposes and says that he
resides at c/o Brown Altman&DiLeo LLP,538 Broadhollow Rd.,Ste.301 W,Melville NY 11747 in the
56655 Main St LLC
State of New York, and that b� is the owner of property located at
56655 Main Street, SoLithold , SCTM# 1000-63-3-15 , or that he is the
_Member_of Ike 56..655 M ain St LLC, a limited liability company ,
(Title) (Specify whether Partnership or Corp.)
limited liability company
and said pwat�= is the owner of the above property, which is hereby making a Site Plan
application;that there are not existing structures or improvements on the land which are not
shown on the Site Plan;that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been
clearly established and is shown on said Plan;that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly
filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads;that he has examined all
rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply
with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner
without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be
installed in strict accordance with the plan as approved by the Planning Board.
Signed..... ......_.
5665 AIN ST C.
S i ned)3
(Paye or Cor a , Placer a d.Title)
lea, Andrew V. Giambertone
Ti a Member
Sworn to me this
JIT day of
Notary Public
Roostoffion No.07AY 32
in Suffok County
CommftionExp' ry 2®,2023
The undersigned,Andrew V. Giambertone, certifies that he is a Member of 56655 Main St
LLC (the "Company"), and further certifies as follows:
Andrew V. Giambertone is and has been a duly authorized Member of the Company. The
Company is the owner of the property located at 56655 Main Road, Southold,New York;
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15 ("Property").
The Company hereby authorizes Brown Altman & DiLeo, LLP, P.W. Grosser
Consulting,Inc.and Andrew V. Giambertone&Associates(collectively,the"Authorized
Parties") to act as the Company's agent and handle all necessary work involved with the
site plan application process for this Property with the Town of Southold ("Town")
Planning Board.
The Authorized Parties shall also be authorized to act as the Company's agent with all
other Town agencies, including, but not limited to, the Planning Department, Planning
Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Architectural Review Board and Building Department
for the purposes of developing the Property.
IN WITNESS WI IEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Owner's Agent Authorization
� r
this j�T day of ,, ` ti'r"` Y , 202=L .
56655 MAIN S '' L�C'
arae: Andrew V.mmm Tm iamberm ne
itle: Member
Sworn to me before this the
5�day of S�Incbe-r 202-1-
Notary Public
® 01
'Southold Planning Department
Transactional Disclosure Form
The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers
and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of
possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same.
Your Name: By: G anib rubor,Andrew V. Title: Member
Last,First,middle initial
unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so,
indicate the other person's or company's name.
Nature of Application: (Check all that apply)
Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan X
Other(Please name other activity)
Do you personally(or through your company,spouse, sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or
employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business
interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial
ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the
If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated.
Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold N/A
Title or position of that person N/A
Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the
appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided.
The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply):
A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the
applicant is a corporation);
B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not
a corporation);
_ C.an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or
D.the actual applicant
Description of Relationship:
N/A m —-- ..—-------------- ------------------
-________________Submitted this , ! day of-,___ '10 V
56655 IN ST C
Print Name At rew V. Giambertone
Disclosure Form
BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall
Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson �"� 53095 Main Road®P.O. Box 1179
Southold,IVY 11971-0959
Patricia Acarrflpora
, Office Location:
Eric Dances Town Annex/First Floor,
Robert Lehnert,Jr, r" 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue)
Nicholas Planarnento ,°� »� � Southold,NY 11971
htV.I/Southoldtownny.gov (�
Tel,(631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 I���t���a� Tc' derk
NAME OF APPLICANT: 56655 Main St.LIC(The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant).
PROPERTY LOCATION: 56655 Main Road, Southold,NY
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
1,[„&iG 1 T1 Cill1 A 1y` t), T e 1 Action - The Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals, as
Lead Agency, at the conclusion of their coordinated review classified the proposed Action for the
construction of a 44-unit hotel,including 4 detached cottages with accessory outdoor swimming pool
and conversion of atwo-story single family dwelling to a 74-scat restaurant on a 6.75 acre parcel
located in the Hamlet.Business Zoning District(hereinafter referred to as the 66Proposed Action"),as
a Type I Action,pursuant to 6 NYCRR fart 617 pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Environmental
Conservation Law entitled"State Environmental Quality Review Act.
In 2017,the ZBA A su ed the role of lead agency on this application,classified the project as a Type
I action under SEQRA,and found that the project had the potential to result in one or more potential
significant environmental impacts if not properly mitigated. A Positive Declaration was issued by
the ZBA on November 16, 2017 requiring the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact
Statement. The ZRA conducted a coordinated review with involved agencies and issued a Final
Scope dated April 1.9, 2018 for the required Draft Environmental Impact Statement EIS.) The
applicant submitted a DEIS dated April 2019 to the ZBA, which was revised pursuant to ZBA
comments and the lastrevised DEIS,dated October 2019,was determined to be adequatewith respect
to its scope and content for the purpose of filing, distribution, and commencing public review. A
DEIS Notice of Completion was published in the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation EC) Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) on October 16, 2019 providing a
public comment period until November 18,2019
A public hearing was held on November 7,2019,and the ZBA elected to extend the written comment
period to December 9, 2019; The Applicant prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement
("FEIS") in response to comments and questions received during the document review period and,
after several revisions,on August 19,2021,the ZBA accepted the revised FEIS as complete,provided
a 22-day public and agency consideration period (August 20, 2021 through September 10, 2021),
and a Notice of FEIS completion and acceptance was published in the ENB on September 1,2021;
A SEQRA Findings Statement for the proposed action was prepared by the Zoning Boards planning
consultant, Nelson, Pope, & Voorhis, that was found to adequately reflect the findings and
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#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
conclusions of the Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals and that complies with the Decision-
Making and Findings Requirements set forth by§617.11 of 6 NYCRR Part 617 State Environmental
Quality Review. At the October 7,2021 Regular Meeting of the Board of Appeals, a resolution was
read into the record and adopted by vote of the Board accepting the SEQRA findings statement for
the Proposed Action, and a copy of the Statement of Findings was filed at the Southold Town Hall,
made available to the public,posted on the Town's official website,and distributed to the Applicant
and all Involved Agencies. Additional comments submitted by Involved Agencies can be found in
the applicant's SE QR file and the Town's Laserfiche Weblink website.
SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under
the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23,and the Suffolk County Department
of Planning issued its reply dated February 22, 2017 stating that this application is considered a
matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community
impact. The Agency further commented that the Town should require that the applicant consult with
the Suffolk County Department of Health Services to ensure compliance with applicable Sanitary
Code requirements, and if appropriate advise the applicant of sources of transferable development
rights(T s),and or accepted innovative/alternative sanitary on-site wastewater treatment systems,
that may be available in order to comply with Health Department and Groundwater Management
Zone Standards.
In a Suffolk County Department of Planning letter dated July 31,2017,the department stated that as
a SEQRA Involved Agency that it reserved the right to comment on the Proposed Action in the future
and requested to be kept informed of all actions taken.
LWRP DETERMINATION:The relief,permit,or interpretation requested in this application is listed
under the Minor Actions exempt list and is not subject to review under Chapter 268.
PIWPERTY FACTS/DES CIUPTION: The subject property is a conforming 6.725-acre parcel
located in the Hamlet Business (HB) Zoning District on the north side of Main Road, (NY State
Route 25)90 feet+/-west of the intersection of Main Road and Town Harbor Lane, across from a 7-
Eleven convenience store. The property address is 56655 Route 25/Main Road, Southold, the tax
map number is Section 63, Block 3,Lot 15. The parcel is irregularly shaped and measures 191.30
feet fronting State Road 25 along the southerly property line. The parcel measures 932.78 feet along
the easterly property line, and measures 415.71 feet along the northerly property line bordering
property owned by the Long Island Rail Road. The property line turns south 51.34 feet and turns
cast for 59.72 feet before turning south measuring 616.57 feet along the westerly property line. The
property line then turns east for 193.10 feet along the southerly property line and tums south for
178.00 feet and meets back up with NYS State Road 25.The parcel is improved with an existing two
story framed residence, a one-story frame garage,and two sheds as shown on the survey prepared by
John Minto L.S. dated July 7, 2016.
BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Special Exception to construct a 44-unit, 2 story hotel,
1. ..........—PLICATION:
including four detached cottages on as 6.75-acre parcel. Plans also include the conversion of an
existing two-story single-family dwelling into a 74-seat restaurant.
si-Ill (
I,-\b. FIX('I,.I-",I.li�.'�N!' lki-,,(,,)�(,)F.�'.S-I'F,F): Description of Action: The proposed application involves
the conversion of an existing detached single-family residence, which was formerly a bed and
breakfast,to a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a two-story,40-unit hotel and four detached
cottages. As part of the proposed conversion of the single-family home, the applicant is proposing
to connect the structure to an existing adjacent shed by way of a 519±-square foot(SF)addition,for
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#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
a total gross floor area(post-conversion and expansion) of 3,806± SF (excluding 524± SF of cellar
space). An existing one-story detached garage will remain and will be used for storage, while a
second existing shed will be removed. The proposed restaurant will provide 38 dedicated off-street
parking spaces to the north and west of the restaurant consisting of 27 asphalt paved spaces (two of
which will be ADA accessible spaces)and 11 grassed spaces.
The proposed two-story hotel building will be situated in the rear of the subject property behind the
restaurant. The proposed L-shaped hotel is proposed to contain 40 rooms ranging in size from 500
SF to 540 SF.Four(4)detached cottages, each with an area of 594 SF, are proposed to the north of
the hotel building. The proposed hotel use will include associated appurtenances, including an
outdoor in-ground swimming pool, poolside cabanas, a small decorative pond, outdoor rooftop
lounge, and basement spa including pool for use by overnight hotel guests only and during agreed
upon hours. Also proposed is a possible future one-story enclosed event space to the south of the
hotel building which was not evaluated in the FEIS as a catering hall and any use of this space must
remain clearly accessory and incidental to the proposed hotel use.
Parking for the proposed hotel and large events is proposed to be located to the no and west of the
hotel building and will consist of a total of 122 spaces, including 96 asphalt spaces, four of which
will be ADA accessible, and 26 grass spaces. Access to the hotel and restaurant is proposed to be
one-way-in via an existing curb cut to the east of the restaurant, and egress will be one-way out over
an exit driveway on the west side of the restaurant.
The proposed action also includes the construction of a sewage treatment plant(STP) to serve the
proposed project, which will be situated at the northeasterly side of the subject property. The STP
has a total designed capacity of 10,695 gpd and 100% plant and leaching pool expansion areas are
provided as required.The proposed STP control building will be 10 feet-by-23-feet and one story in
height. The STP will be fenced by an 8.5-foot-high chain link fence with slats and vegetative
screening, and STP lighting has been designed to provide essential lighting without light trespass,
glare or other light related impacts on adjoining properties. An existing on-site irrigation well located
near the proposed restaurant will be used as the source for on-site landscape irrigation.
If the Zoning Board of Appeals were to deny the Special Exception Permit for the proposed permitted
hotel use. Ile applicant's alternate plan contained in Appendix M of the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement would include the conversion of the existing residence to a 74-seat restaurant use (as of
right and the same as the proposed action)and the construction of a one-story,30,650 SF non-medical
office building.
SPEC:... .......
Large events" at the proposed hotel are defined in the FEIS and by the applicant as events such as
weddings,fundraising events or other private gatherings with a capacity of 100 guests to a maximum
of 250 guests, to be held indoors, at the hotel (also referred to as "Special Events" in the Draft and
Final EIS). In the FEIS the occurrence of large events was limited by the Lead Agency(ZBA)to no
more than 10 large events per year and no more than one large event per week,to be held only indoors
to mitigate noise. It was noted that the large events proposed at the subject site do not meet the
definition of"Special Events"pursuant to Chapter 205 (Public Entertainment and Special Events)of
the Town Code and are not regulated as such. Further, in the FEIS no "Special Events" as defined
by Chapter 205 of the Town Code are permitted at the property.
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#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
At the October 14, 2021 hearing the applicant's Traffic Engineer Ron Hill, a principle of Dunn
Engineering, stated in his testimony that "The operations of the Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant will
not impact traffic. The traffic impact study will also evaluate the potential for traffic impact special
events up to 250 persons ten times per year no more than once a week. That study continues
(inaudible) occurring on a summer Saturday afternoon during peak summer traffic. Our analysis
included that some increases in delay would occur inparticularly increases in del ayfor traffic exiting
the site. The independent consultant requested we do a gap study to verify that that was likely to
happen; we did that, they reviewed it, and they determined that if we had an event of over 100
individuals, we would need traffic control to help our traffic get in and out. With events of less than
100, they said it would be minimal traffic impact and didn't need traffic control." (See transcript
page 19)
Numerous letters and petitions were received by the Z from members of the public, particularly
those living in the neighborhood, objecting to the proposed project, citing concerns over the traffic
and noise impacts the hotel and proposed large events would generate, and the adverse impacts to
the local nearby beach within the Southold Park District should hotel guests be permitted to use it.
Also of great concern by residents was the perceived increase in traffic that has occurred since the
applicant's traffic engineer conducted the most recent traffic study. Particularly cited was the
dangerous traffic conditions caused by cars pulling into and out of the small parking lot at the 7-
Eleven Convenience store across from the subject property and the impacts to two residential side
streets. While the FEIS limited the annual numbers of large events to 10 indoor events per year and
required a Southold Town Police Department traffic control officer for those events as mitigation of
large to moderate impacts, smaller impacts remain a concern.Although the residents' letters and oral
testimony at hearings expressing concerns for safety and quality of life were grounded in personal
experiences and not empirical data, the Board believes they have merit. A Board may rely on the
detailed personal knowledge of residents (see Witkovich v. Zoning board of Appeals of To of
Yorktown, 84 Ad3d 1101, 923 NYS2d 645 (2d Dept 2011). In addition,the Board members,based
orn their own their personal knowledge of the area and the current changes in traffic conditions on
Main Road (Route 25) following the traffic studies relied upon in the FEIS, also believe that large
events will have a negative impact on the area. The Board members are aware of the increase in
traffic accidents and congestion at the 7-Eleven convenience store, in part caused by no unloading
area available in the small parking lot for very large delivery trucks that regularly park on the road
shoulder and block sight lines for oncoming vehicles. The members of a Zoning Board of Appeals
may also rely on their own personal knowledge of an area in rendering a determination (see Thirty
West Park Corp.v. Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Long Beach,43 AD3d 1069, 843 NYS2d
106 (2d Dept 2007).
At the October 14,2021 hearing the project architect,Andrew Giambertone,a part owner in the hotel
and restaurant, stated in his testimony that the "Enclaves Hotel was not designed to be a catering
hall... It's counterintuitive to the guests that we're hoping to attract on the weekends.- ,it is the
intent that small events shall take place at the restaurant and not inside the hotel space." Further
Mr. Giambertone stated that "the larger event space may not be built. ...If it makes sense business
wise, we would entertain building the larger events space for parties of 100 to 250 but otherwise we
may forego it." (See transcript page 53).
On October 9, 2021 the Board received a letter from Andrew Giambertone in which he addressed
the Business Environment/Financial Viability of the proposed project in reply to concerns by
residents that questioned the financial viability of the project as proposed. He states "Even with a
50% occupancy we can sustain the viability of this development project....We would not embark on
an investment of this magnitude without conducting the requisite due diligence to assure ourselves
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SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
of the success of the project, in the context of a very conservative analysis.... Further... the purpose
of[large events]is to help offset the anticipated off-season reduction in business."
CHARACTER OF TREN1JQHB0RH0QP: The neighborhood contains a mix of residential and
business properties. In the vicinity of the proposed restaurant and hotel there are single-family
dwellings, agricultural land, a 7/Eleven convenience store, a small car dealership, boutique
restaurants, boutique stores, a parcel with marine storage, and the Long Island Rail Road, At the
October 14, 2021 hearing the project architect/hotel and restaurant partner presented several
depictions of the restaurant and hotel as seen from the public view on NY State Road 25. The
architect did not present any renderings of the future event space; therefore,this board is unable to
determine how the proposed hotel with event space will be designed and whether it's appearance
will be visible to public view and be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood.
The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on November 7,2019 and
again on October 14,2021 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all
testimony, documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood,and
other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the
following findings:
The Board has reviewed the General Standards governing Special Exception uses set forth in Section
280-142 and finds:
A. That the use iijll not Prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adifteent prooerties or
of proj)erties in adjacent use districts. As set forth, the FEIS and Findings Statement
provide conditions to mitigate possible impacts from noise and traffic resulting from the
proposed action. For example, the FEIS and Findings Statement provide that there should
be no outside amplified music or outside events to mitigate against noise,and that the number
and size of large events be limited. Although the FEIS did examine and provide mitigation
for traffic caused by what has been previously defined as "large events", the Boards finds
that, based upon its own personal knowledge and the testimony of residents who live near
the subject property, that traffic studies relied on in the FEIS do not adequately account for
the drastic change in traffic patterns in the area since the last traffic study by the applicant's
traffic engineer was completed. Consequently, the Board now also finds,ffibased on the
increase in trac and congestion, that large events of more than 100 people that would
require a traffic control officer will prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent
properties. Therefore, the Board has determined that the proposed hotel and the destination
traffic such use will generate, will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent
properties provided there is an additional condition that no large events of more than 100
people are allowed at the subject property.
B. That (fie use�vfll nW prevent the ordel-K and reasonable itse of )Crllfitted or le2:1111,
established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of
permitted or legally estabi islied u&es in_Ldjacent use districts,As set forth above,with
the mitigation provided for in the FEIS and Findings Statement along with the additional
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#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
condition imposes herein,including that there be no large events at the property,the Board
has determined that the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or
legally established uses in the district wherein the requested use is located or of permitted
or legally established uses in adjacent use districts.
C That the safety,the health,the welfare,the comfort.the convenience:or,the order of the
Town will not be adverselj affected by the proposed use and its location. The Board has
determined that with the aforementioned mitigation measures and conditions that the
proposed hotel use will not have a detrimental effect on the safety,health, welfare,comfort,
and convenience.
D. That the use-will lie in harniowr with and Proniote the general QUITOses and intent of
��ia)ter 280, The proposed hotel is an anticipated use in the HB Zone District per Town
Code and meets an existing demand.Rather than visitors traveling by car for"day trips,"
the proposed hotel would allow for guests to overnight for one or several days.Upon
implementation of the proposed action,it is expected that most visitors would frequent the
Hamlet Center businesses,taking advantage of the hamlet's walkability and diverse
business offerings. In addition,the proposed use will provide an alternative to Air BNB
type rentals and will help lessen the stress that the short-term rental of single-family homes
puts on available housing stock.
E. That the use will be corgi ijitible with its surroundings and, Mth the c1laracter of*the
nehiliborhood an(] of the coniniunity in general, particularly with garard, to visibility
scide and overall allnear ance, There was testimony during the public hearings that the
proposed hotel will not be characteristic of the neighborhood in size, scale, or architectural
design. There is only one other"hotel/restaurant"on Main Road in the Hamlet of Southold,
operated as a boutique inn with only four guest rooms on the second floor,above a restaurant
in an old residential looking building However,the proposed screening and the distance the
hotel is proposed to be setback from the street will mitigate any potential impacts from the
size, scale or architectural design.
F That all proposed structures, equipment and material shall be readilv accessible for
M-c and police protection. The hotel as proposed as well as all associated structures,
equipment and material will be readily accessible for fire and police protection.
G. That the3ro
2- pDeal shall comVIN, ivith the rea,rrgreraierrts of Chapter 236., Stormwater
As part of the required site plan process,the proposed action will be required
to comply with the requirements of Chapter 236
In making such determination,consideration was also given to:
A. The character of the existing and probable development of uses in the district and the
Peculhar su!iLlability of such district I'm-the location of;inv ol'suchperl"Ilitted uses.
Given the size of the subject property,the proposed screening, and the setback of the
proposed buildings from the street, and the above referenced mitigation and conditions,the
proposed hotel will not have a negative effect on the character of the existing and probable
development of uses in the district.
B. Theconservalion ofl)roverh, w,aluesand the encouraLenient ail"the most apjw(ULriatc
uses of hand. According to the applicant's market value study by Breslin Appraisal Co.
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#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
dated October 14, 2021: "The proposed hotel would serve as a catalyst for existing
businesses to extend evening operating hours and potentially encourage the development
ofnew businesses..."concluding that "the applicant's intended hotel/restaurant use will
not adversely impact property values in that it is a contemplated use and one expected to
be located in this location."
C The effect that the location of the progosed use nand the.location that entrances nand
exits rn at have upon the creation or ttn(I'ye increase of vehicular traffic congestion on
public strects, higbwals or sidewalks to assure the public safety. The proposed Hotel
use will not have a negative impact on traffic and congestion provided the aforementioned
mitigation and conditions are made a part of any approval.
D. The availability of adeguate find proper imblic or urivate Nvater stjL)12lv and Cheilities
for the treiitnient, retijoval ordischarize of seivage. refuse or other effluent(whether
liguid,solid, gaseous or othervise) that
the use. The applicant has proposed adequate and proper private water supply and
facilities for the treatment,removal or discharge of sewage,refuse or other effluent. The
applicant is proposing to dig a private well for irrigation and to use draught tolerant
plantings in its landscape plan. The applicant will build an on-site sewage treatment plant
to effectively mitigate pollution from sewage from the hotel and restaurant use.
K Whether the use or the materials incidental
obnoxious gases,odors.smoke or soot. The use or the materials incidental thereto will
not give off obnoxious gases, odors, or soot
F. Whether the use Nvill cause disturbing,emissions of electrical discharges,dust, IiLxhl,
vibration or noise. The hotel use will not have any exterior amplified music or other
amplified sounds. All exterior lighting must be Dark Skies compliant as determined by the
Southold Town Planning Board during the required site plan review and approval process.
G. Whether the o1wration-inn pursuance of the use will cause atique interference with the
orderly enjoyment by the j2ubfic of varking- ow ofrecreaflonal facilitics,if exisihw or if
Lworjused bj,, the Town or by other el)[nVetent goveraniental agencies. The hotel use of
Southold Town Park District properties was referred to the Park District. The Park District
expressed no concerns about the proposed use and stated that any issues would be
addressed through their by-laws, and the applicant has agreed to abide by their decision in
a letter dated October 29, 2001 from Andrew Giambertone, architect and partner.
H. The necessity law bitunflnotis-surfaced spacc for v)uLj['j)(q)jSRCjS2L21L�qMt
01,&: st ree F_ o
vehicles incidental to the use and whether such space is reasonably aftguate an
appro pri-ate-and can be furnished bpi the tj)vner of(lie 1)10( sought to be eased wijthiiaor
aadjacent to the Iplot vdiercin the use shall be located. All parking for the hotel and
restaurant guests shall be on site.
1. Whether a hazard, to life, linjb or propert), because of fire,flood,crosion
or painic
u1s)" be Created by rea-son of or asa result of the use or by the strucitires to be used
ther-Cror Or by tile jilaccessibilih,
Conv"C'nient ently r I)v the
undue concentration or asseniblage of persolls uptin such 1flol. There is nothing in the
record before the Board to indicate that there is a hazard to life, limb or property because of
Page 8,December 2,2021
47046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
fire, flood,or erosion or that panic may be created by reason of or as a result of the use or
by the structures to be used therefor or by the inaccessibility of the property or structures
thereon for the convenient entry and operation of fire and other emergency apparatus or by
the undue concentration or assemblage of persons upon such plot.
J. Whether the use or the structures to be used will cause an overcrowding of land or
uiiduect)iiceiiiti-ntiottof"poul�iiti(,)zi. The proposed hotel will not cause an overcrowding
of land or an undue concentration of population.
K. Whether the Not area is sitfricieiil!,..aL)aro r!i-irite.rand adeguatefor the use arid the
reasonably anticipated operation gand expansion thereof. The proposed density of the
hotel and restaurant use conforms to the bulk schedule requirements specified in Southold
Town code.
L. Whether the;use toII)e operated is,unreasonably near to as church.scliool, theater,
recreational arms or other place ofpublic assembly. The proposed use is not
unreasonably near to a church, school,theater,recreational area or other place of public
M. Whether the site of the proposed ease is particulariv suilableforsuch use. The site is
6.75 acres located in Southold's business district. It is conforming to Town Code bulk
schedule in the size of the building,number of permitted uses,and number of hotel units.
N. Wheflier adelguate buffer vards and screening can and'"Al-beprovided to protect
adjacent prol)erfies and land uses frown possible detrimental inip.acls of tile pronosed
use. The applicant will plant 10-12-foot-tall Leland Cypress or equivalent evergreen
screening on the East side of the property to screen the parcel from adjacent residential
properties. The front of the property is also screened to limit the visibility of the hotel from
the street.
O. Wheffier adeguate provision can and will be fnade for the collection and disposal or
storinwater runoff,sewaperi.,refuse nand other figuid,solid or gascous iyaste whicli the
proposed use will generate. The applicant has plans to contain all stormwater runoff in
drywells as stated in the drainage plan. The applicant will build an onsite sewage treatment
system. The applicant will hire a private carting service to dispose of solid waste.
P- Whether the natural characteristics of the site are such that the groposed use iMav be
introduced there without undue disturbance or disL Umtion of inipio.r.tant natural
features,systems or processus and without-risk or Pollution to aroundwater and
surface waters on and offthe site. There are no unique natural features on the site such
as wetland or steep contours. The site plan will have construction mitigation and
requirement that all storinwater be maintained on site. The proposed use can be developed
without undue disturbance or disruption of important natural features, systems or processes
and without risk of pollution to groundwater and surfaces waters.
Q. The issuance of a Special Exception perinil,, as, applied for in this application, is also
'SuL)JeT( (o the following specific criteria rmd re(juirenients which have been met
pursuant to Section 280.-45B(2) and 280-35B(4) of the Town Code:
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#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
Transient hotels or motels,resort hotels or motels or conference facilities, provided that
the following requirements are met:
a Minimum parcel size shall be five acres. (Minimum size is three acres in
FIB Zoning District). The property measures 6.75 acres.
b. The maximum number of guest units shall be:
a)One unit per 6,000 square feet of land without public water or sewer.
b) One unit per 4,000 square feet of land with public water and sewer.
c. A Sewage Treatment Plant(STP)is proposed,
d. No music, entertainment or loudspeaker system shall be audible from
beyond the property line.
e. The maximum size of a guest unit shall be 600 square feet The room sizes
measure between 500 to 540 sq.ft.;the cottage measure 594 sq. ft.
R. The Board has identified mitigation of relevant adverse impacts to the ecological and social
environment in the accepted State Environmental Quality Review Finding Statement of
October 2021.
BOARD RESOLUTION: In considering all of the above factors, motion was offered by Member
Weisman(Chairperson), seconded by Member Planamento, and duly carried to
GRANT, a Special Exception Pen-nit, as shown on the Site Plan prepared by PWGC/P.W. Grosser
Consulting Engineer, last revised February 18,2021, (Sheets 1-16,unstamped and unsigned).
1. That the applicant complete construction on the hotel and begin the approved Special
Exception use in compliance with the conditions imposed by the Zoning Board of Appeals
within three years.The Board of Appeals may,upon written request prior to the date of
expiration, grant an extension.
2. In accordance with the Zoning Board of Appeals, approval shall thereafter be deemed a
lawful use as if the same were permitted by chapter 280 without need for a special
exception permit;provided,however,that:
a. All conditions imposed by the special exception approval shall continue to apply
unless they, by their express terms,are of limited duration.
b. All conditions imposed on special exception approval uses generally or specifically
by Chapter 280 shall continue to apply,regardless of whether any such conditions
were expressly incorporated into the special exception approval.
c. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall retain continuing jurisdiction over the same.
d.- A special exception use which has been discontinued for a period of one year or
more shall be deemed abandoned
e. The applicant must apply to the Planning Board for site plan review/approval within
60 days of the date of this decision. Failure to do so will render this Special
Exception Permit null and void, unless a written extension is granted by the ZBA
upon written request of the applicant for good cause.
3. As a condition of approval,the applicant shall file Covenants and Restrictions(C 's)
acceptable to the Southold Town Attorney that shall remain in force and effect so long
as the approved Special Exception use as a hotel is operational stating that:
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#7046 SE,The Enclaves Hotel and Restaurant
SCTM No. 1000-63-3-15
1. No outdoor events of any size shall be permitted on the subject property,
2. No special events as defined in Chapter 205 (Public Entertainment and Special Events)
of the Town Code shall be permitted on the subject property.
3. No large events, defined in the FEIS as events over 100 guests, are permitted on the
subject property. Small indoor events that are accessory and incidental to the principal
hotel use shall be permitted. Small events are defined as events under 100 guests.
4. No expansion of the number of approved hotel units shall be permitted
5. Proposed hotel amenities including but not limited to the indoor pool, spa and fitness
facility,the outdoor pool,hot tabs and cabanas, and the roof top bar/lounge, are limited
to use by ovemight hotel guests only as accessories to the principal hotel use and shall
not be available for use by the general public.
6. No outdoor music is permitted anywhere on the subject property.
That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when
NOTE: Violations of Conditions. 4 violation of any limitation or condition of a special exception
approval or of any provision of this chapter applicable to a special exception use shall
constitute a violation of this chapter. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall retain
jurisdiction and shall have the right, after a public hearing, to modify, suspend or revoke
such approval or any term or condition thereof or to impose thereon one or more new
conditions,pursuant to Article UTV Section 280-141 of the Town Code.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:Members Weisman(Chairperson),Dantes,Planamento and Lehnert. -
Nays: Member Acampora. This Resolution was duly adopted(4-1).
Weisman, Chairperson
Approved for filing 12,r 6 /2021
NYOU_.UPIRad"local.ukCovenuM...WOnaftesAZU eta .�t.e�u�.�tt�lAPR 18 IV—
THIS WDFa1Y" 114 made the C° f day or �,► .to the yea 2015
Rita CosteUe Cohen,Individually and as specific devisee of the brat will and testament of
Albert Cohen,deceased
56655 Raute 25
Southold,NY 11971
party ortba flat put,and
56655 Main St LLC,a New York Limited Liability Company
20 Stony EMI Path
Smithtown,NY 11787
putt'of tie second put,
WIMMSSM,dotto party of the first pari,In consideration of Ten Dofiaa and other vaWW&eandderation paid by the
pally of dw second part,does busby putt and mleue nolo*wpm orde seemed part,the beta orsuccc: and asdgas of
the party of dw second part famer.
AM thattanein pick plat or parcel of lard,with de bmlldiasa and hmprovernats tbetmert erected,dwatc lying and bring in the
BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same pr6mises conveyed to Albert Cohan and Rita
Costello Coban by deed dated June 13,1985 and recorded an June 28,1985 In Liber 9821 Cp 9
to the Suffolk County Clerk's Office,
TOGETMM with alld jht,title and Interest.If arry.of the pact'of the ilut part of,in ad to any streets and rads abmWtg the
lyestotriovendorlima:lhemPTOG RwIth die appartmarwasandallalfa and rightsofthe
party orthwa flrat pan.In sewd aro sold ;TO HAVE AND TO 13OLD the praaaises herein grarhted now the party of tbs
second pan,the heirs or aruxessors sod udgm of the party or the second part forever.
AND the piny of de that part coveasnts that the party of the fhu put has not done or arffered anything whereby the mrd
prevases have races lacumbtred In any way avlaatevrr.t4cgA as afar
AND"party of she rim para,in corraptlance vwhis Section 13 oftha 1.1=1LAW,covensall that titopafty of the ampartwil'l
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IN W11N888 WKMOF.The party of the Qat part has duly ctemed ddi dad the day and year fiat above written.
IN FACU vice ora tee� av ta Ww_z��
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StakerN Vork.Cmalyat Suffolk )JIM SlakofNewrYork,Cmgof � 4SL.
On j ddy of166 In the yew 2015 dw daffy of In the yew
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Notary Public SWO 0l lalow tfu r any Pamb t e
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7WNa Dwnucr 1000
SECTION 063.00
Rho Costello Cation BLOM 03.00
Lar 013.000
TO Couf<rrmtTbwN Suffolk
56655 Mnln St LLC UWND9DATMWW0Jr
Videft Nalloant77tla 14ammcs Caaupwp
oN1L',1�r Dlana C.Prevele,Esq.
li C�aMPANY botaero 6r Albanese LLP
oor"I"arta 1050 Franklin Areoue
l� eft �" Gordon Clty,NY 11530
a, Loa
� swg �
� �g .,�r Title No.3019-736405
(1)NaRTH 40 45'20u'WEST, 178.0 FEET;..
(2)SOUTH 85"14'40"WEST, 103.0 TO LAND OF GOME74
(1)NORTH 5°30'SO"WEST, 616.57'FEET;
(2)SOUTH 71°22'40"WEST,59.72 FEET;
E Policy to be Issued under th;s repoit Y411 Insure the title to such buildings and Improvements erected on the
premises,which by law constitute real property.
FOR CONMANCING ONLY:TOGETHER with all the right,tide and:Intent of the party of the first part,of in
and to the land lying In the street In front of and adjoining said premises.
Town Hall AnnexP.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971
(cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) " e Telephone: 631-765-1938
Southold,NY www.southoldtownny.gov
� 0
To: Accounting
From: Planning Department
Date: December 14, 2023
Re: Check
Please deposit the attached check into Planning Inspection Fees Revenue account
Applicant/Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount check p_e_a__.No._._.
���� Date/No.
Enclaves Site Plan 63-3-15 ---
Invoice No. Description Retainage / Disc
12-08-23 120823 1000-63-3-15 ADMIN 18620 . 18 . 00 . 00 18620 . 18
- 03
12-08-23 1005683 18620 . 18 . 00 . 00 18620 . 18
DIME BANK 50-666
December 8, 2023 $*****18, 620 . 18
Pay: ***************Eighteen thousand six hundred twenty dollars and 18 cents
,, 8
vi H �
fill 100568311, 1:0214066671: 625002507311#
� �
Town Hall Annex � � � �� P.O. Box 1179
54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971
(cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938
Q ''
To: Accounting
From: Planning Departments
Date: December 22, 2021
Re: Check
Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Site
Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board.
Applicant/Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount CheckmmDate/No.
..... ..................................... .. _._
The Enclaves Hotel & Restaurant 63-3-15 $11,507.50 12/23/21
Site Plan #8584
Andrew V. Giambertone&Associates JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,NA 8.584
Architects, PC New"'rod<„NY 10017
62 Elm Street 1 21210 l
Huntington,NY 1174;„1
(631)367-0050 —A-212.312-02-1—
i ( �tw *11,507.50 ;
l .
Town of Southold '
Enclaves Planning Bd. Site Plan App. Filing Fee
V00,13113L.V 40 2 L0000 2 0.0 n" fa'.