HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-119.-1-13.1 OFFICE LOCATION: ���� SO OFFICE ADDRESS Town Hall Annex �� lQ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) COO Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 i C4UPff`I,� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date October 13, 2020 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File Ref ALISON M. BYERS #7436 SCTM# 1000-119-1-13.1. ALISON M. BYERS #7436 - Request for Variances from Article IV, Section 280-18; Article XXIII, Section 280-116A(1); and the Building Inspector's June 16, 2020 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish an existing single family dwelling and construct a new single family dwelling; at 1) less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 50 feet; 2) located less than the code required 100 feet from the top of the bluff; located at: 10075 Nassau Point Road, (Adj. to Little Peconic Bay) Cutchogue,NY. SCTM No. 1000-119-1-13.1. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, the proposed action is recommended as CONSISTENT with the LWRP. This recommendation is based on the following: 1. The proposed structure is located further landward than the existing structure. The configuration of the lot and build out restricts the ability to meet required setbacks. 2. The proposed structure is not located within the FEMA Flood Zone. 3. The parcel is not located within the CERA. 4. Mitigative actions to further LWRP polices 4, 5 and 6 are proposed. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: William Duffy, Town Attorney BOARD MEMBERS QF so Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson �� �® 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 h® �O Southold,NY 11971-09.59 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes v, Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. 0 ® �Q 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento c®UNT`I Southold,NY 11971 http://soutlioldtowimy.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD R�c��,�E® Tel.(631)765-1809 •Fax(631)765-9064 4 202® SEP � September 24, 2020 Southold-Town planning Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref.No. # 7436 BYERS, Alison M. Dear Mark: We have received an application to demolish an existing single family dwelling and construct a new single family dwelling. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-51) is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairpers By: C Encls Survey/Site Plan : Squires, Holden, Weisenbacher& Smith Dated : August 17, 2020 (Revised) (Proposed 1 story house w/proposed attached garage) I ' L , 1 FORM NO. 3 7Y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE:June 16,2020 TO: EN-Consultants(Byers) 1319 North Sea Road Southampton,NY 11968 Please take notice that your application dated May 13,2020 For a permit to demolish an existing single family dwelling and construct a new single family dwelling at Location of property 10075 Nassau Point Road,Cutchogue County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 119 Block 1 Lot 13.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction on this conforming 1.39 acre parcel in the R-40 District is not permitted pursuant to Article IV Section 280-18,which states: "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Low- Density R-40 District unless the same conforms to the requirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking Schedule with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." A front yard setback of 50 feet is required.The proposed construction notes a front yard setback of 35.7 feet Furthermore,the proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to Article XXII Section 280-116 A (1) which states: "All buildings or structures located on lots upon which there exists a bluff landward of the shore or beach shall be set back not fewer than 100 feet from the top of such bluff. The construction notes a setback of 50 feet from the construction notes a setback of 50 feet from the topof bluff. 6; Authoriz-ed(Sib afore Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,Z.B.A. SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OFFICE CHECK LIST Please submit the following in NINE Sets collated into separate packets,with ORIGINAL signed set and Check for filing fee clipped on top: CURRENT NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL(for area variance, use variance, and waiver of lot merger applications) Note: Special Exception Permit applications come directly to the ZBA and do not require a Notice of Disapproval) 1.Application(2 pages) Included - 3 page addendum attached 2. Project description Form Included 3.Questionnaire Included - 1 page addendum attached 4. Pre-CO's, CO's,all prior ZBA decisions Included -Z33648 & Z233657 5.AG Data Form,all applications. If not AG answer 1-8 Included 6.Short EAF Form(4 pgs) Included - project description & location map attached 7. Owner's Consent Included 8.Transactional Owner and Agent Included 9. LWRP Form,all applications.If not waterfront complete first two pages Included 10. Photos Included 11. New Survey Included 12.Building Plans Included 13.Town Property Card Included **CHECK is payable to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:call 765-1809 Included - $1,000 d' Fee.$ Filed By Assignment No. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS AREA VARIANCE House No.10075 Street Nassau Point Road Hamlet Cutchogue SCTM 1000 Section 119 Block 1 Lot(s) 13.1 Lot Size 53,161 sf Zone R-40 I(WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED 6/16/20 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED 3/27/20 Owner(s):Alison M. Byers c/o Alison M. Byers, PsyD, VP Mailing Address: Diversified Search, One Commerce Square 2005 Market Street, Suite 3300, Phlladelpha, PA 19103 Telephone:215-495-8731 Fax: Email: DrAByers&gmail.com NOTE:In addition to the above.please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent,architect, builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Name of Representative: En-Consultants for(X) Owner( )Other: Address:1319 North Sea Road, Southampton, NY 11968,Attn.: Robert E. Herrmann Telephone:631-283-6360 Fax:631-283-6136 Email:-rherrmann@enconsultants.com Please check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: ( )Applicant/Owner(s), ()o Authorized Representative, ( ) Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED 3/27/20 and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 5/13/20 FOR: ()o Building Permit ( )Certificate of Occupancy ( )Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Change of Use ( )Permit for As-Built Construction ( )Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.DV not quote the code.) 280 18 Article: XXII Section: 280 Subsection: 116(A)(1) Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: (X)A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ( )A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ( )Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ( )Reversal or Other A prior appeal( )has, (X)has not been made at any time with respect to this property,UNDER Appeal No(s). Year(s). . (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office for assistance) Name of Owner ZBA File# ;, REASONS FOR APPEAL (Please be specai additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized): 1.An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because. See attached addendum. 2.The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance,because. See attached addendum. I The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: See attached addendum. 4.The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because. See attached addendum. 5.Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? { } Yes,or W No Why: Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning this land? {} No N Yes(please furnish a copy) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the community Signature of App ant or Authorized Agent (Agent must submit wntten Authonzation from Owner) Robert E_ Herrmann Sworn to before me this 25th day Coastal Managment Specialist of August ,20 20 lz�otary Pu -c KIM H . STEPHENS NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION N0 . 5015931 OUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXPIRES AUGUST 2 . 20-al i+ REASONS FOR APPEAL ADDENDUM FOR ALISON M.BYERS 10075 NASSAU POINT ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NY SCTM#1000-119-1-13.1 1. Relief is requested from Section 280-116(A)(1) for location of a reconstructed dwelling 50 feet rather than the required 100 feet from the crest of bluff, and §280-18 (Bulk Schedule) for location of the dwelling 35.7 feet rather than the required 50 feet from the front lot line adjacent to "Smith Road." The requested bluff setback relief will not have an undesirable impact on the character of the neighborhood because the proposed dwelling location and bluff setback will be consistent with those located throughout the developed shoreline community of Nassau Point Road. Specifically, it appears that virtually property on the east side of Nassau Point Road within at least one-half mile of the subject property is improved with dwellings and/or accessory structures located substantially less than 100 feet from the bluff, including the applicant's, whose existing dwelling is located only 28 feet from the bluff. The preexisting nonconforming neighborhood character is the result of 1) the surrounding shoreline community having been developed long prior to the code changes in 2004, which first introduced a 100' bluff setback under Town Wetlands Code (Chapter 275), and in 2015 and 2017, which extended the 100' bluff setback set forth in Town Zoning Code (Chapter 280) to bay bluffs; and 2) zoning variances granted for nonconforming dwelling reconstruction and/or expansion subsequent to those code changes. For example, variance relief was granted in December 2016 at 7324 Nassau Point Road (1000-118-4-1), located approximately one-half mile to the north, for the reconstruction of a new dwelling situated 34 feet from the top of bluff(Case No. 7003); in March 2018, variance relief was granted to 9775 Nassau Point Road (1000-119-1-6.1), located four properties to the north, for the construction of additions, alterations, and a swimming pool located 51 feet from the top of bluff, and in June 2018, variance relief was granted to 9475 Nassau Point Road (1000-119-1-1), located eight properties to the north, for the construction of additions and alterations located 45 feet from the top of bluff. Thus, with respect to §280-116(A)(1), the proposed dwelling's 50-foot bluff setback would thus be consistent with the character of the surrounding properties and associated variance determinations. Due to the configuration of Smith Road, a southeasterly spur of Nassau Point Road at the most southerly tip of Nassau Point, there are only two properties facing this unpaved roadway, the applicant's and the property located directly opposite the road to the west, known as 10375 Nassau Point Road (1000-119-1-15). Therefore, with respect to the relief required to locate the proposed dwelling less than 50 feet from the front lot line, this opposing property is the only potentially affected property. The requested relief will not have a detrimental i act on this neighboring Rob rt Herrmann Sworn to before me this 25th day f ugust 20. Notar u. lic SIM H . STEPHENS NNTARY F U 9 L I C §TATE OF NEW YORK t§MM1881ON N0 . 5015931 1Page t1N LjrlED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY €Xpj �[S AGUST 2 . 20 0 property because the property is elevated well below the roadway and the subject property, and significant vegetative screening exists between the neighboring property and Smith Road. And the neighboring property is similarly characterized by a nonconforming front yard setback of roughly 23 feet to a two-story detached garage, which was constructed pursuant to variance relief granted in December 2005 (Case No. 5734). That variance determination characterized the relief as "insubstantial" and recognized that with "continued maintenance of the existing landscaping and screening," the front yard setback relief would not cause an undesirable change to the neighborhood character. 2. The site is presently improved with a 1-story, seasonal dwelling constructed prior to 1957, which is positioned only 28 feet from the top of bluff adjacent to Little Peconic Bay. As it is severely aged, outdated, and highly vulnerable to hurricane strength winds, the benefit sought by the applicant is the replacement of the existing structure with a modern, year-round, hurricane-resistant, solar-powered, net-zero energy efficient, single family dwelling relocated as far landward of the bluff as reasonable and practicable. The property, however, is constrained on its east side by the bay bluff, associated with which since 2015 is a 100-foot setback required by Town Code Section 280-116(A)(1). Because of the limited lot depth between the top of bluff and Smith Road(the 100' bluff setback nearly reaches the front lot line on the south side of the property), it is impossible to locate a dwelling anywhere on the property where it would meet both the required bluff and front yard setbacks. And even establishing a nonconforming but substantially improved bluff setback of 50 feet creates the need for setback relief from the required 50' front lot line setback. Therefore, it is not reasonably possible to construct a new dwelling without necessitating some degree of relief from both the bluff and front yard setback requirements. However, the proposed location and design of the house was specifically intended to create a careful and reasonable balance between the two setbacks by seeking a significant improvement in the bluff setback without overly encroaching upon the adjacent roadway. 3. The requested bluff and front yard setback variances are both mathematically substantial, constituting 50 percent and almost 29 percent relief, respectively. However, the requested relief is not substantial in fact given 1) the preexisting nonconforming nature of the property, which was developed prior to 1957 and not subject to the required bluff setbacks enacted more than 60 years later; 2) the limited lot depth that makes it impossible for a dwelling to meet both the required bluff and front yard setbacks anywhere on the property; 3) the fact that the proposed 50-foot bluff setback represents a 22-foot and nearly 78 percent increase over the existing 28-foot setback; and 4) the fact that the proposed 35.7 front yard setback will not deleteriously impact the only potentially affected property, whose nearest structure is located 25 feet from and thus even closer to the adjacent road. 4. The project has been designed and will be mitigated to effectively minimize or eliminate any potential adverse effects on the physical and environmental conditions of the subject property and surrounding natural resources. Specifically, through the design aT n measures described Robert E."flermiann. Sworn to before me this 25th day of -ugust 2020. /f, KIM H . STEPHENS f - NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK Notary Public COMMISSI ON No - 5 0 1 5 9 3 1 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY 21Page EXPIRES AUGUST 2 , 20x1 below, the project will potentially improve the property's protection from potential storm and erosion damage and will have a beneficial impact upon stormwater runoff control and recharge; septic treatment; and the environmental quality of groundwater, adjacent surface waters, and the adjacent bluff and shoreline ecosystem. a. The existing dwelling located 28 feet from the top of bluff will be replaced with a dwVac ; located at least 50 feet from the top of bluff, a roughly 78 percent increase in bluff setand the existing patio surface located 15 feet from the top of bluff will be perman removed. b. The nonconforming septic system, which is located 71 feet from the bluff, will be r ov and replaced with a low-nitrogen, I/A sanitary system located more than 100 feet fro he bluff. Unlike conventional systems that are not designed or equipped to treat nutrients su as nitrogen, I/A systems are designed to significantly reduce nitrogen loading into the groundwater and ultimately surface waters. c. A stormwater drainage system consisting of roof gutters, leaders and drywel will be installed to collect and recharge roof runoff and runoff from other developed urf s, including the driveway, which will also be comprised of a pervious gravel surface. d. While approximately 5�390 sf of existing vegetative cover situated more than 15 feet from the? pp Y g top of bluff will need to be cleared for the proposed construction, approximately 8,195 sf of the property will be replanted with native vegetation. e. A 15' wide, approximately 3,685 sf non-turf buffer will be established adjacent to the top of bluff, from which existing invasive vegetation will be removed and existing native vegetation will be supplemented with additional native plantings. f. A project limiting fence will be installed to contain site disturbance and potential surface runoff during construction. 5. The difficulty in meeting the code is not self-created. The existing dwelling was constructed prior to 1957, as recognized by Pre-C/O No. 33648; and the property was purchased by the applicant in 2009. While it is reasonable to anticipate that a dwelling of that age in a waterfront location would inevitably need to be substantially renovated, reconstructed, and/or expanded, it could not have been anticipated at the time of purchase that in December 2015, Local Law 9-2015 would modify the language of §280-116(A)(1) to require a 100' setback from the bluff. And it is the preexisting lot depth which makes complying with that setback requirement impossible; and any reasonable effort to substantially improve compliance with the setback in turn creates need for front yard setback relief, which without the bluff setback would not be necessary. Robert E. errmann Sworn to before me this 25`h day of August 2020. SIM H , STEPHEN9 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION N0 . 5015931 No ary ublic U OVAL IF I EO IN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXPIRES AMST 2, 2gol 3Page APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT: Alison M. Byers DATE PREPARED:August 25, 2020 1.For Demolition of Existing Building Areas Please describe areas being removed:Existing one-story dwelling with deck and patio and all related appurtenances, including existing sanitary system. II.New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: 29'x 84'enclosed space;44'x 91'wraparound deck;44'x 125'covered area including overhangs Dimensions of new second floor: N/A Dimensions of floor above second level: N/A Height(from finished ground to top of ridge)-16.8'above highest finished grade;25.9 above lowest finished grade;21 7 above average Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed?If yes,please provide height(above ground) existing grade measured from natural existing grade to first floor: Yes 2 T above hi nest existingrade; 11.7 above lowest existing grade,6.3 above average existing grade III.Proposed Construction Description(Alterations or Structural Changes) (Attach extra sheet if necessary). Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: N/A Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: N/A IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: 2,254 sf Proposed increase of building coverage: 2,675 (to 4,929) Square footage of your lot: 53,161 /30,171 buildable land Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: 16.3% (buildable land) The site is presently improved with a one-story, seasonal dwelling, V.Purpose of New Construction: constructed prior to 1957, recognized by Pre-C/O No. 33848. This preexisting nonconforming dwelling structure, which is positioned only 28 feet from the top of the bluff acijacent to Little Pecunic;Bay, is seveiely aged, outdated, and I u to hunicanestiength wincig Thils, the purpose of the proposed construction isto repl�r_e'thiq hidirfing with a moriern,year_- round, hurricane-resistant, solar-powered, net-zero energy efficient, single family dwelling relocated as far landwar-d from the bluff as resonably practicable. VI. Please describe the land contours (flat, slope %,heavily wooded,marsh area,etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): The prnpecW is Poriimhered on its Past skip hV a -;tppp hiuff,assnr:inted with which is a 1nn-font sethack required by Town Code Section 280-116(A)(1)since 2015. Given the depth of the lot between the top of the bluff arid the front lut line (on the south side ofthe pinpoity the 100' bluff setback nearly maches the wad), it is not possible to locate a new dwelling on the property more than Inn feet from the bluff And an effort to substantially Increase compliance with Section 280-116(A)(1) by increasing the bluff setback In turn results In the need Tor front yard set5acK reliet pursuant 0 bection 2bU-1 ts. Please submit 8 sets of photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction,and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 4/2012 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? Yes X No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? No X Yes please explain on attached sheet. see attached C. L) Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? Yes 2.) Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application?Yes 3.) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? Yes 4.) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction?No Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees:wetlands application to be filed upon and if issued, please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. completion of ZBA review D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? No E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting?No Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? No If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe: G. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking, please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel?Yes If yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. Land adjacent to east. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel One-story, single-family dwelling with deck and patio and the proposed use New one-story, single family dwelling with deck and carport. (ex: existing single family, proposed: same with garage,pool or other) August 25, 2020 Authorf= e ature and Date Robert E. Herrmann J QUESTIONNAIRE ADDENDUM FOR ALISON M.BYERS 10075 NASSAU POINT ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NY SCTM#1000-119-1-13.1 Approximately 187 cy of clean sandy fill will be trucked in from an approved upland source for the purpose of attaining proposed grades (maximum 4.5' vertical change in grade elevation). The proposed grading scheme is designed to 1)reduce the visible headroom beneath and restrict access to the underside of the northerly covered deck for aesthetic and safety reasons, respectively; and 2) create a gentler, landscaped slope from east to west with the assistance of minimal terracing using two natural stone retaining walls no more than two to three feet in height. FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. PRE EXISTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z- 33648 Date: 04/17/09 THIS CERTIFIES that the building SEASONAL DWELLING Location of Property 1 10245 NASSAU POINT RD CUTCHOGUE (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No_ 473889 Section 119 Block 0001 Lot 012 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Requirements for a ONE FAMILY DWELLING built prior to APRIL 9, 1957 pursuant to which CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NUMBER Z- 33648 dated APRIL 17, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY SEASONAL DWELLING WITH SCREENED PORCH, DECK AND PATIO.* The certificate is issued to COOKE LIMITED PARTNERS (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION REPORT. Authorized Signature Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO: Z-33657 Date: 04/20/09 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION Location of Property: 10075 NASSAU POINT RD CUTCHOGUE (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 119 Block 1 _ Lot 12 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No- conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated APRIL 3, 2009 pursuant to which Building Permit No_ 34541-Z dated APRIL 3, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ADDITION TO AN EXISITING ONE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to COOKE LIMITED PARTNERS (OWNER) ---� of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL, CERTIFICATE NO. 4026589 04/13/09 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A 1 uthorized S cmaLure Rev. 1/81 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance, area variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n of the General Municipal Law. Alison M. Byers 1. Name of Applicant: c/o Alison M. Byers, PsyD, VP; Diversified Search 2. Address of Applicant:One Commerce Square, 2005 Market St, Ste 3300, Philadelphia PA 19103 3. Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant):Same as Applicant 4. Address of Land Owner: 5. Description of Proposed Project: Demolish existing one-story dwelling structure; construct new one-story, single family dwelling See survey/site plan prepared by SHWS last dated August 17, 2020. 6. Location of Property: (road and Tax map number) 10075 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue; SCTM #1000-119-1-13.1 7. Is the parcel within 500 feet of a farm operation? { } Yes {X} No 8. Is this parcel actively farmed? { } Yes {X} No 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s) of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff, it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office (765-1937) or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please use tJbckof this page if there are additional property owners) 8 25 20 Signature of App-Tint Robert E. Herrmann Date Note: 1. The local Board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2. Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3. Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing Part I-Project Information.The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification Complete Part I based on information currently available If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1 You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part I-Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project- Byers Reconstruction Project Location(describe,and attach a location map)- 10075 Nassau Point Road,Cutchogue,Town of Southold,SCTM#1000-119-1-13.1,property is located on east side of Nassau Point Road at Smith Road,maps provided. Brief Description of Proposed Action: See attached project description. Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: 215-495-8731 Alison M.Byers c/o Alison M.Byers,PsyD,VP E-Mail. DrAByers@gmail.com Address. Diversified Search,One Commerce Square,2005 Market Street, Suite 3300 City/PO- State: Zip Code- Philadelphia PA 19103 1. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that X may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2 Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? N O YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: Town of Southold Board of Trustees,Town of Southold Building Department,and X Suffolk County Department of Health Services 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 53,161 sf b Total acreage to be physically disturbed? +/-21,747 sf c Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties) owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 53,161 sf 4 Check all land uses that occur on, adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑ Urban ❑Rural(non-agriculture) ❑ Industrial ❑Commercial ® Residential(suburban) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ® Aquatic ❑ Other(specify): ❑ Parkland Page 1 of 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR ALISON M.BYERS 10075 NASSAU POINT ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NY SCTM#1000-119-1-13.1 Demolish existing one-story, 2,254 sf dwelling structure located 28.6 feet from top of bluff and patio located 15 feet from top of bluff, construct one-story, 4,929 sf single family dwelling structure, consisting of 2,045 sf habitable dwelling (with 18.7' x 22' roof deck above), 562 sf carport, 1,663 sf covered decks, and 659 sf roof overhang with no structure beneath, located a nunimum of 50 feet from top of bluff, install pervious gravel driveway and parking area, 5' wide landscape steps to dwelling, 3' high landscape retaining walls, landscape beds, and 4' wide earthen pathways, including path to existing bluff stairway; remove existing nonconforming septic system located 71 feet from top of bluff and install new FA OWTS sanitary system more than 100 feet from top of bluff; relocate public water service and install underground electric service; install stormwater drainage system; clear approximately 5,390 sf of existing vegetation for new construction, and revegetate approximately 8,195 sf area (all more than 15 feet from top of bluff); truck in approximately 187 cy clean fill from an approved upland source to achieve proposed grades; and establish and perpetually maintain a 3,685 sf non-turf buffer within 15 feet of top of bluff(remove existing invasive vegetation/add native vegetation), all as depicted on the survey/site plan prepared by Squires, Holden, Weisenbacher, & Smith, last dated August 17, 2020; the "Proposed Demolition&Clearing Map"prepared by Squires,Holden, Weisenbacher, & Smith, last dated August 17, 2020; the "Proposed Vegetation Map" prepared by Squires, Holden, Weisenbacher, & Smith, last dated August 17, 2020; and the "Proposed 15' Non-Turf Buffer Plan"prepared by Muse Design Inc., last dated March 22, 2020. 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a A permitted use under the zoning regulations? X b. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? X 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? X 7 Is the site of the proposed action located in, or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify Name:Pecomc Bay and Environs,Reason:Protect public heatlh,water,vegetation, &scenic beauty,Agency: Suffolk ounty,Date: 7-12-88 X 8.a. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES X b. Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action9 X c. Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? X 9 Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements9 NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: X 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water. X I 1 Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities9 NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment A new I/A sanitary system is X proposed. 12 a Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? b Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? X X 13 a Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? X b. Would the proposed action physically alter, or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes, identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: X 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on, or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply ❑ Shoreline ❑Forest ❑Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional ® Wetland ❑Urban ®Suburban 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats, listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? X 16. Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES X 17. Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? YES If Yes, a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? ❑NO❑YES b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: ❑NO❑YES Page 2 of 4 18 Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)9 If Yes,explain purpose and size: X 19. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility9 If Yes,describe X 20. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes, describe: X I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Robe .Hemnann,Coastal Mgmt. Specialist Date: August 25,2020 Signature: Part 2-Impact Assessment.The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part I and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: a public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g., wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality, flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion, flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance.The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3.For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur", or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact, please complete Part I Part 3 should, in sufficient detail, identify the impact, including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant. Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude.Also consider the potential for short-term, long-term and cumulative impacts. ❑ Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 °(\ 3 ` � _�,���I�• 2 4:0. 16111 c Dy`OPE HHEL o *; 25 o `4. y Eme son A eyards PmdarJPa __ y\GaPw hael s v� Vineyards Rbcsrnogc'. CG cel, _ ¢PO�-RSD v / �GGa LA :3'S.r Bedell e° NEG 90°2 I ;;•,:a, Cellars s Pugliese Vineyards PS EASTiaQfU �jE�'�l _'' y; ., X�_.,, CUTCHOGUEjy 1 �� Peconic Bay a MI( Winery E N �A r� v- 2 po •J 'i rag;'w 41, � WVLSON eALowl m� A\ '3 �p°,,0 q,_V o z o N F EET I CK Little DOD �� r r sP F ¢ y09 Haywatev PLEEjW e'14 9 NA AU Cove \eck I '2 y cyst' �' � a RfR i NgnV 5uffolk County Hagstrom Map #45 r('..L-_�'.•: �./{1/ �40`'� 1-10YSc'S12pC •� p/9?t' Q`c� `� 1 2,0 - I D "�- 00' _ Marsh Pi ST OAK S7 1 L ) TI1TF{ILL LD i � C, 1 R0 I Nu� zezveta j y / GEORGE RO x pv� I Old Cove 41 a Ji FANNING RD C— YC j \m\ / .� In 7 \i� 'i••,, OR ARD St I I KODROS RD UP z z P ® D a� K.goo o JACKSON D�ST �/� I 51te(Acce55 Ula n - z �11�� 5ubect pop ty er ) r ,t NEW SUFFOLK Nassau Pt i ( LlTIT LE E:L 11 C BAY Board of Zoning Appeals Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) c/o Diversified Search,One Commerce Square j, Alison M.Byers residing at 2005 Market St.,Suite 3300 (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) Philadelphia,PA 19103 do hereby authorize (Agent) En-Consultants to apply for variance(s)on my behalf from the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. (Owner's Signatur ) Alison M.Byers (Print Owner's Name) APPLICANT/OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics urohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees.The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: Byers,Alison M. (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance X Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this day of 20 Signature ' Print Name Alison M.Byers AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics Prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to Provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME : Herrmann, Robert E. (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance X Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this 25th Cday of August ,2020 Signature Print Name Robert E. Herrmann Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1 , All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its si nificant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Townj If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in detail, listing both supporting and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 119 - 1 _ 13.1 PROJECT NAME Alison M.Byers The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ® Board of Trustees ❑ Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital ❑ construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) ❑ (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: VN Nature and extent of action: Demolish existing one-story,2,254 sf dwelling structure located 28.6 feet from top of bluff and patio located 15 feet from top of bluff;construct one-story,4,929 sf single family dwelling structure,consisting of 2,045 sf habitable dwelling(with 18.7'x 22'roof deck above),562 sf carport, 1,663 sf covered decks,and 659 sf roof overhang with no structure beneath,located a minimum of 50 feet from top of bluff,install pervious gravel driveway and parking area,5'wide landscape steps to dwelling,3'high landscape retaining walls,landscape beds,and 4'wide earthen pathways,including path to existing bluff stairway;remove existing nonconforming septic system located 71 feet from top of bluff and install new I/A OWTS sanitary system more than 100 feet from top of bluff;relocate public water service and install underground electric service;install stormwater drainage system,clear approximately 5,390 sf of existing vegetation for new construction,and revegetate approximately 8,195 sf area(all more than 15 feet from top of bluff),truck in approximately 187 cy clean fill from an approved upland source to achieve proposed grades;and establish and perpetually maintain a 3,685 sf non-turf buffer within 15 feet of top of bluff(remove existing invasive vegetation/add native vegetation),all as depicted on the survey/site plan prepared by Squires,Holden,Weisenbacher,&Smith,last dated August 17,2020;the"Proposed Demolition&Clearing Map"prepared by Squires, Holden,Weisenbacher,&Smith,last dated August 17,2020;the"Proposed Vegetation Map"prepared by Squires,Holden,Weisenbacher,&Smith, last dated August 17,2020,and the"Proposed 15'Non-Turf Buffer Plan"prepared by Muse Design Inc.,last dated March 22,2020. Location of action: 10075 Nassau Point Road,Cutchogue Site acreage: 53,161 sf Present land use: Residential,single family dwelling Present zoning classification: R-40 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Alison M.Byers (b) Mailing address: Diversified Search,One Commerce Square 2005 Market St., Suite 3300,Philadelphia,PA 19103 (c) Telephone number: Area Code 215-495-8731 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No ® If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III- Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes 1:1 No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III- Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The site is protected by a bulkhead at the toe of bluff,but the proposed dwelling will also be constructed at least 22 feet farther from the bluff than the existing structure;and the existing patio surface located only 15 feet from the top of bluff will be permanently removed, thus further minimizing the risk of potential erosion damage,consistent with Policy 4. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable See attached addendum. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM ADDENDUM FOR ALISON M. BYERS 10075 NASSAU POINT ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NY SCTM#1000-119-1-13.1 POLICIES 5& 6 Consistent with the goals of Policies 5 and 6 of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and Chapter 275, Wetlands, the below plan features will mitigate potential project impacts and result in the protection and improvement of groundwater and surface water quality and the protection and restoration of the adjacent bluff, shoreline, and tidal wetland ecosystem through increased bluff setbacks; enhanced treatment of septic waste; increased drainage capacity and decreased runoff potential; and enhancement of native vegetation buffer area that both increases protection from bluff erosion and serves as a sink and filter for stormwater runoff and the contaminants potentially contained therein. 1) The existing dwelling located 28 feet from the top of bluff will be replaced with a dwelling located at least 50 feet from the top of bluff, a roughly 78 percent increase in bluff setback; and the existing patio surface located 15 feet from the top of bluff will be permanently removed. 2) The nonconforming septic system, which is located 71 feet from the bluff, will be removed and replaced with a low-nitrogen, I/A sanitary system located more than 100 feet from the bluff. Unlike conventional systems that are not designed or equipped to treat nutrients such as nitrogen, I/A systems are designed to significantly reduce nitrogen loading into the groundwater and ultimately surface waters. 3) A stormwater drainage system consisting of roof gutters, leaders and drywells will be installed to collect and recharge roof runoff and runoff from other developed surfaces, including the driveway, which will also be comprised of a pervious gravel surface. 4) While approximately 5,390 sf of existing vegetative cover situated more than 15 feet from the top of bluff will need to be cleared for the proposed construction, approximately 8,195 sf of the property will be replanted with native vegetation. 5) A 15' wide, approximately 3,685 sf non-turf buffer will be established adjacent to the top of bluff, from which existing invasive vegetation will be removed and existing native vegetation will be supplemented with additional native plantings. 6) A project limiting fence will be installed to contain site disturbance and potential surface runoff during construction. See attached addendum. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes [—] No® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes 1:1 No ® Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable PREPARED BY TITLE Coastal Management Specialist DATE August z5,2020 Robert mann Amended on 811105 ALISON M.BYERS, 1007.5 NASSAU POINT ROAD, CUTCHOGUE 0� Nassau Point •• Figure 1. Aerial view of subject property and surrounding developed shoreline in September 2019. Image by Google Earth. 1 Figure 2. Looking west from Little Peconic Bay at subject property's bluff and bulkhead. -:s s_'!'ln, ��'° .. ,c l tyZ�.�. f7 �a,r � r.� .1. a•y`�( Yr\ -'t. �°• -�,��1�� ..Fi .3a`y,. „#� ]f n� .� �, /♦-� a 7` t 6 y a "�! �` i'7��I a�' .... .... .... . 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"•c. - G // / / / / / /' / -/ OWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY' KC%.UKU LARD OWNER STREET VILLAGE DISTRICT SUES. LOTl2 ��IZ�_�-'-� ~='--------- / Y"�•1cfd (/ / �'J/�i / /`�d �J ��i� � �� - �' C�/ `/ � ,pl':' �f FORMER OWNER N E ACREAGE i S --- -- W --- TYPE OF BUILDING ` RES. ,OqG4 , i SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. IND. CB. MISC. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE RE-MARKS 30 -- ------ _ �- _ 32-00 7A"t) 3 '� -. G / 6 d �% /G - =' � B f" u z r ao%f. few / .�f, r- .c'. " 1 Vt 11 ;7 -' r o e �r 0 3 `7 F1 UO ////0 5- D - 3- " t/ (' l S L / _r t�tr� BUI I OND TI Dq 3L45 NEW NORMAL BELOW I ABOVE -� r Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value Tilloble 1 - ---� ! J-4 Tillable 2 Tilloble 3 i Woodland Swampland � ------ b UShd.ir� A �.---- -- ---------------- House Plot Tcto l lir ai ■■ ■■ ■�■■.■■■■■ 4 Ai 6P n. art a• ■■�■ �� ■�■■■■.�� - ON [ 4 _ ONO IM614 1 � S . Y I rocx - If 9. 13. a 7 �� � 50WH®LD PROPERTY KC%-VKW LARD _ ca , OWNER STREET VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT ' _ +, FORMER OWNER N E ACREAG Wo ce Z M d— -- W TYPE OF BUILDING RES. SEAS. VL. `i'"" FARM comm. I IND__ - I CB. I MISC. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS ------------- Al D Jam-- D orl/ __ .-_�-_---�- ---- -_ _.. ---�!�-� ___ .,_� j Vit, �--G.d --- _ _�.--_ �,-�!��► v / 10 S,1©- Ll AGE BUILDING CONDITION 1v1Q;, �' Jekk) 47*4 - c�- ;;,. I`u > Cit NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE ale i!Do C I m4d'Aj�w Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value !- Tillable 1 - -- -- Tillable 2 -----' --- Tillable 3 Woodland _ --.- Swampland - --- Brushland --_— -- C House Plot ------- Total TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY KCLUKU GAaD OWNER STREETt § VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT *41id U at/ v e FORMER OWNE N E ACREAGE f&4— /i AC S W 1 TYPE OF BUILDING RES. SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. IND. CB. MISC. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS t 6 .. - - r 71+ " .: f AGE BUILDING CONDITION of BELOW I ABOVE ifl Qy a 3 � ke -6 C.17y� e, 75 � NEW NORMAL F Yt --- Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland t Swampland Brushld -------- --- { House Plot " Total c13dcl-- tib, -1 - 1 S s t ,rs r "4 HT. -- ---Foundation 4 Bath - r r � Extension BasementFloors Extension Foot. Walls Interior Finish Extension Fire Place fY"�) Heat Porch Attic Porch Rooms ]st Floor Breezeway Patio Rooms 2nd Floor ------------- -- ---- Garage _-_ Driveway Otf rna(f l h lq 1 r 1 o 11 � m e 1 4, 0 YG - g7A1• � A .O Qq 1 I o_ ` '\ LITTLE � a y lb 9 ^ PECONIC 14.2 \._ 3.7A(c) - �p � A 14.1 4.4A ` '!O 1 BAY \ FS V\ NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Real Property Tax Service Agency ca....�r u..e.r wwm..a.M v i�vw J DESIGN ARCHITECT FARUK YORGANCIOGLU ARCHITECT P0 Box 2163 andgehampton New York C e ...- A Tel 631 740 6436 \" faNkyorganc,nglu@hotmad Co. I I I ' I i I - _ARCHITECT OF RECORD ' WPERP\I COLLECTOR DECK I w�ros xermr aa«aewmn CHELSEA ATELIER ARCHITECT PC � o y.. Cure d.rasro,y•G681 h AMSL•..,M1,w, '�RODF DECK I � 26 East 64th Street Su 100 ROOF!LOWER P V COLLECTOR BECK _ Iii — P O BOO 16665 _ __ i New Yorrc New York Tel 212 255 3494 Fax 212 255 3495 , _ Info@chelaeaa.1-..m _ - L ATTACHED CARPORT �- � al p� I r6 r I I � __ __ p_L-- �- � SEAL s� t-:4 - o I' il':- - ti-y..• -1 y4F'PP�' 9j� .,j I it - -=---=-- U D F I ,- _ -----,--,---__-__-__•.,=5- a.`' ., j.> Ii ._1 + - ;_ <I ,�ti.. •%T4 e:�rwre o*xaoe�vauo„ - • ,z `` - -, - - - - - ' ., .�-• '.,I _ I 1 .. I - frcprtpnsee> t •. a _ __ �. ELEVATION - EAST " =f• - t' _=_--- 1 -- -------- — �i! AQI. Cevat Ayhan Ozan AIA • `: --.'_, _ �`,_. -• - - - - - - �,, _ ^- - NYS L—oe No 026917__- `. ISSL'FC- — HEIGHTOFBUILDING VERT/CAL 01STANCEMEASUR01 FROM THEA VERAGFELEVAT/ONOF THE __ _ EXISTING NATURAL GRADE ADJACENT TO THE BUILDING BEFORE ANYALTERATION OR FILL,TO THE 01 C)1.1.1FCi,%GZO HIGHEST POINT OF THE UPPER COLLECTOR DECK ---- - -- ---------- AVERAGE NATURAL GRADE=+45 17'AMSL c 6 A FROM+45 17'AMSL TO TOP OF MAIN ROOF AND P V COLLECTOR DECK=17 1 ft FROM+45 17'AMSL TO UPPER P V COLLECTOR DECK=21 70'<35 0'MAX ALLOWED I I MAX FLAT ROOF ELEVATION=+66 87'AMSL i I _ I I I ' VP ERP\(COLLECTOR BECK I IL.15']'••6691 Mbvct FPar m`aCa Cern I '} .��• `__w...,.w- (I r. ^'9 x ROOF DE I K e ckrana-a X66 5]?AIASL "NPOOFl LON£RPVCALLECTORD_ECK _ I � ^'�-�' it - -- 'nya":W12r I 1 'II CBO—,AR�I< �f 11 e ATrncnED caRPCRr 9EBROOM f 1 eEORooM I l NGr 0011;u�1 a - "- -_i'___�---4'----- ,J MEGHANICAL��,'NO PV BAITER\ �(_ = Nf COVEREDOq TDOORAREA - STORAGE ROOIA_ •- _ - n' _ ___-__ _ _ _ = efoi O,pWse4 bw16r,e fpotpMt� _ - _i- ••. _ _ SECTION D client and property Information ALISON M. R` A L,2_ 6 PROPERTIES ERS I I I SITUATE _ I NASSAU POINT SOWN OF U FOLLK COUNTY,LNEW YORK I I }�'•. I suffolk county tax map n then upper mft—aeth ebrx,�l pBPPERPV COLLECTORDECK; -%8-1 EL f(AMaI EL-tS-T=.aBET i I Roo"DECK ^J _ _ _ I DISTRICT 1000 MNN ROOF/LOWER P V COLLECTOR DECK .e SECTION 11900 21 - - -- — ' - -- -- -_ -•�� BLOCK 0100 PARCEL 013 001 = 1_ ------ --- - 1 protect name pl 'E I I I _ _ ] �_�I = -_ I ATTACHED CARPORT NASSAU POINT gay $I� a� ��.•°, ' _ ' '1 r I:, _ — STOPOSED ORY DWI=ONE LLING LOT-13 1 ar,.aa wwral I Flo I :{..•y'••',�_'�_". - I-''( ";__ ----_-- -- --- ',% �l II�� o. drawing title COV--cRED OUToOOR 0.RPA r f- _ -____________-_____—_ •„ _ - _ ,, � `'- • ��� ��� � ELEVATIONS -, �=---- --_ ---I-... ___-_ --- --I,-- ` ,.? =-=: - --�y-= =--==----------- - EL. - EAST AND WEST -- — -- `~ — &SECTION-D _-------- -- - - _ - -,(' :_ -___ _:"- -_—_ I _ r - ♦'l. X12•l+ -_ _ _ -� - - - --tom - - - ' - - - 11 1 11 ELEVATION WEST _ _ drawln number = k - --- �, _ L ;L• _ 'SCALE-1/8 1 0 g-------- - 3 ——_ _ s 32' - 64' DESIGN ARCHITECT FARUK YORGANCIOGLU ARCHITECT P O Box 2183 Bnogehampton New York Tel 631 740 6438 farukyarganaoglu@hotmail com ARCHITECT OF RECORD CHELSEA ATELIER ARCHITECT P C 26 East 64th Street Suite 100 P O Box 10065 New York New York Tel 212 255 3494 t Fax 212 255 3495 info@chelseaatelier com SEAL ----—- - - ��aED ARC, a 2091 JOQ, Cevat Ayhan Ozan AIA NYS Licence No 026917 ISSUED _ - _---- 01 f9 M,.RCH 2020 o I UPPER P V COLLECTOR CK ELEVATION _ bRTH -IIID - _ _' client and property Information ALISON M BYERS PROPERTIES SITUATE NASSAU POINT ,.t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ' SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK Suffolk county tax map aoFyE �t DISTRICT 1000 PV COLLECTOR DECK SECTION 11900 BLOCK 0100 -- PARCEL—_ 013 001 i C-1`0.O '� project NASSAU POINT name C4RPORT — PROPOSED ONE _--- — - — --s STORY DWELLING b�� I --7-7,77- LOT 13.1 _W'+r� - ---�--_-- --T?"-;' t drawing title --- -- Ij r --- EL. 0 +51.7 ELEVATIONS -= ----- - ==- --- NORTH AND SOUTH ELEVATION - SCALE: 118 = 1'-011 drawmgnumber SOUTH 2- v_ T - - .-D=.2' 4`; - 8' - 16' - - - 32' 64' - ' - A13.1 - 09 JOB No. 15370 N C13011 (PROPOSED 15' WIDE 3,685 S.F. NON-TURF BUFFER ADJACENT TO BLUFF CREST; SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP SANITARY NOTES: ADJUSTABLE LOCKING TYPE 'F' (REMOVE EXISTING INVASIVE SPECIES, MAINTAIN EXISTING NATIVE SPECIES, CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER SECTION ALTERNATE INLET REMOVABLE INSPECTION COVER WITH AERATOR_MOUNTING CASTING AND CAST-IN-PLACE RECEIVING FLANGE DISTRICT 1000 1. INTENT OF THE PERMIT IS THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW COMPLIANT (TO BE WATER TIGHT AND LOCATION CAST-IN-PLACE HANDLE COVER WITH FRESH AIR VENTASSEMBLY AND SUPPLEMENT WITH ADDITIONAL NATIVE PLANTINGS SECTION 119.00 SANITARY SYSTEM FOR 2 BEDROOMS. INSECT PROOF) BIO-KINETIC•SYSTEM LOCKING LUGS APPROVED SEALANT OR EXTENDED AERATION SOLVENT W ELD _ _ S ((SEE PLAN BY OTHERS). BLOCK 01.00 2. PERMIT PROPERTY AND NEIGHBORING PARCELS ARE ON PUBLIC WATER. SEALING DEVICE CHAMBER 7 CONNECTION 02.39'23'o PARCEL 013.001 NO KNOWN WELLS WITHIN 150FT OF PROPOSED SYSTEM. 2.5' MAX. - q +' W 3. EXISTING SANITARY SYSTEM SHALL BE PUMPED CLEAN, STRUCTURES I LITTLE PECO NIC BAY t ; 2"� „ (III III �IIi lllj REMOVED, CONNECTING PIPING REMOVED, AND BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN SOIL, z'-e• AND ABANDONMENT CERTIFICATION SUBMITTED BY CONTRACTOR IN I MAX. $ MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING :. =.n'�`• ° �nM� �.i.i.� wa.� ACCORDANCE WITH S.C.D.H.S. STANDARDS. I I _ TO MEET AASHTO-H20 q q °W zz " tK 4. TEST HOLE WAS DUG ON JANURY 25, 2019. GROUNDWATER WAS `ti I li�� 4-- °q ° p ' NOT ENCOUNTERED. I p MEAN HIGH WATER EL. 0.94 ° p Q • 5. PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM SHALL BE IIA SYSTEM PRECAST 1,300 5 WALL I� 4"DIAMETER EFFLUENT LINE --- O -, 4"DIAMETER INLET LINE / GALLON TREATMENT UNIT WITH (1) 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP CESSPOOL. I / _ O � -. .�� I t STEPS ARE 70 BE DEBRIS LINE 'i'�►:.� d r. 6. NO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. PROPOSED DRAINAGE I COPOLYMER i • " \ LL0 GROIN _ �� COVED MANHOLE ED _ CASTING AND COVER \ 810 KINETIC 3YSTEM MOUNTING p° Q STRUCTURES TO HAVE 20FT SEPARATION TO SEPTIC POLYPROPYLENE COATED PRETREATMENTCHAMBER ; • y-Imo,_...-� �------ �.- 7. THE NORWECO SINGULAR MODEL TNT TANK SHALL BE: 1/2" STEEL BARS ® 33" "'- _ '"'^"+ REINFORCED PER ACI STD. 318 SINGULAIR AERATOR, ALTERNATE INLET LOCATION FINAL CLARIFICATION CHAMBER TED DISCHARGE --.- ZONE VE EL. T2 256, ' M 12 0 C FLANGEASS LY ._,._T`• 07 - �N HSG ATER AS TESTED AND ACCEPTED BY NSF, OPERATING 60 MINUTES ON 60 PLANVIEW GASKE H tv _ fL'°'g4 GROIN MINUTES OFF / PLAN VIEW NORWECO FRESH AIR VENT ASSEMBLY OPTIONAL BLUE CRYSTAL! ` ��+ `� _ - INLET INVERT TO OUTLET INVERT IS FOUR INCHES. INLET INVERT IS JOINT SEALANT TO BE CHLORINATION SYSTEM SINGUTAIR•TANK OUTLET COUPLING BULKHEAD __ _ 4 z�%\ 2 X ZONE X - w SrePs - _ , TO4"DIAMETER EFFLUENT LINE \ ! ` -' ''-: •, TWELVE INCHES BELOW TANK TOP. I 1' BUTYL RUBBER FOR SINGULAIR•AERATOR ON DEEPER INSTALLATIONS, PRECAST RISERS MUST BE USED TO �j ALL JOINTS (SEE NOTE 1) OPTIONAL BIO-NEUTRALIZER• DECHLORINATION SYSTEM BIO-KINETIC*SYSTEM DISCHARGE DETAIL i :> EXTEND AERATOR MOUNTING CASTING AND BIO-KINETIC SYSTEM MOUNTING - --- - - X 8' �` '��_ '`SHORELINE OF CASTING TO GRADE. INSPECTION COVER ON PRETREATMENT CHAMBER PROVIDE NON-SHRINKING AERATOR MOUNTING CASTING TOE OF BLUFF � ' LANDING '� 1� _ MUST BE DEVELOPED TO WITHIN TWELVE INCHES OF GRADE. UNDERGROUND POWER SUPPLY ENTRANCE \ _�_-____ '--`" NG BIO-KINETIC SYSTEM MOUNTING X ,6 _ _ __ __-_.-_-_ _-_-_ - _-_ _ - _ �� 5�16�` "8',, CONCRETE INVERT FORMED MAST JOINT SEALANT 810_-KfN_ETIC•SYSTEM - - REMOVABLE COVERS ON RISERS WEIGH IN EXCESS OF SEVENTY-FIVE (SEE AERATOR MOUNTING AND INSTALLATION CASTING AND COVER ro AT LEAST DETAIL DRAWING) MOUNTING CASTING _ - POUNDS EACH TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS a„ ,:. . .- -., ... E DIAMETER OF THE . LICENSED - ..._,� X I SI THE LOCAL � BIO-KINETIC•SYSTEM LOCKING LUGS GROUT OR • CONTACT ROMAN STONE CONSTRUCTION CO, LCATHREE-QUARTERS NGULAIR DISTRIBUTOR FOR ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. _ --------- 1 �-- - - FOR TRAFFIC H2O LOAD CONDITIONS, THE FLOOR AND TOP OF TANK P�EH Q , a- SEALAPPLIING DEVICEOVED LANT OR D3 SYNTHETIC SEAL w SHALL BE THICKENED AND REINFORCED WITH COVERS TO GRADE n ' 4,G•° P L ��� _ 8. THE PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM WILL VENT THROUGH THE HOUSE STACK. LE - - CONNECnoN /._- ., .._., - - SOLVENT WELDgE CAST IN PLACE FLEXIB 1'-0' _ '` - "• RUBBER SLEEVE WITH _ .,°------s.---___--__._.----- STgIRWA III �'_, - - _ v 4"DIAMETER EFFLUENT LINE Y", , - :. _.�.� �__ STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS 48 I.D.TYPICAL ACCES / JUNCTION EXIBLE RUBBERD Z S P S MANHOLE OR FL CASTING PICK-UP BOOT GR OVE,TY (CAL.-- Q.' fin... -'--- -_a.,, 4-6. _..------- -- _ 8 '�-- - T PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM DESIGN: (NOT TO SCALE) DESIGN IS BASED ON 2 BEDROOM SYSTEM, SINGLE FAMILY -- ,.-,..�.,�` -_-•____--._..�------^---"_'_` -.. ,s - ., _° 1. - SYSTEM(DISCHARGE E DET ) . ,�^�•- �" ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO A S.T.M C 478, LATEST REVISION USI oI cIHARIGE - -, - A r _ - � "' ✓ SE AIL 60° 6D" STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE M.H. SECTIONS. 60" a TREATMENT UNIT SIZING BASED ON 500GPD NORWECO SINGULAIR MODEL MANHOLE RISER SECTION TO BE FURNISHED 1N 1 2,3, OR 4' HEIGHTS, AS REQUIRED. a. TNT DISTRIBUTED BY ROMAN STONE CONSTRUCTION Co, BAYSH E 2' PRETREATMENT CHAMBER ,__ -- �- 3. LOADING TO CONFORM TO AASHTO H-20 LOADING. 0'-3" BIO-KINETIC SYSTEM , D _ LOW PROFILE SINGULAIR BIG-KINETIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT 6" �� 1 ALL CONCRETE IS TO MEET 40MI PSI AT 28 DAY SET. SYSTEM, MODEL 500GPD (BASIC UNIT) 4 A __ - 4•- - �------------ _ �_ _ J _ 5. OUTLET PIPE TO BE SET 0.1' MINIMUM BELOW INLET PIPES. SUBMERGED TRANSFER PORT FINAL CLARIFICATION CHAMBER '- - �'---- -- _ GRAVITY SYSTEM - WITH CIRCULATORS AND FILTERS CAST-IN-0LACE AERATION OUTLET END VIEW �,M •�. _ =� -,. _. # w... -- __EPS.-. -- - WY» d 6. THE MAXIMUM CHANGE IN ELEVATION BETWEEN INLET AND OUTLET INVERTS CHAMBER TRANSFER PORT , - --- -- - -- � _-- - -- �` �� .•._ „. -- --`" TREATMENT UNIT: 1,300 GALLON RECTANGULAR. 3 CHAMBER PRECAST INVERT(S) °` "= ::i -•.------ ---� ..---•------ �•----_._- - --- --.-.. "''"" ,.�.„,,,", •-_-,__ >- '"--- SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 2 FEET. NOTE:TOTAL SYSTEM CAPACITY: I,3DDGALLONS - ---- �` ""'�"�'�`-"'--- --_.._,-,` "^--..` 1�`'-• ;�„" EXTENDED AERATION CHAMBER SECTION A-A 810-STATIC*SLUDGE RETURN USE (1) 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP CESSPOOL --- RATED CAPACITY:600 GALLONS PER DAY MODEL TNT - 500/600 G.P.D. ""�' - \ ,•., .. `- --- i �� X 4 �- -- `� �„ � F� -_ ALL CESSPOOL COVERS SHALL BE TO GRADE WITH / 5 A L \ t • M `�----' HEAVY DUTY LOCKING CAST IRON COVERS 4To�RG�No's�pFA�EGAP NORWE SINGULAIR TN UNIT \� _ `�-_ -\ GRADE CO SING T TREATMENT T I` �'1 '^ ^- - e"•, ' ""�"�.�,� ". `� "�^•,� NOT TO SCALE \ 4" SCH 40 11.25• BEND (TYR OF 4> CAST IRON FRAME & 1 A< I \ �'`` a" SCH ao PIPE COVER, TO GRADE s": PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE HOUSE O N 1 UNI GRA PATIO i T ST E \. , I gE R h� E, TO ( `. BASEMENT FLOOR 1' MINIMUM IED I ..,.4_. I FFLUENT PIPING sourH WING PIPE r0 �`- FROM TREATMENT TA fJK LEACHING FIELD ¢ a b' PROPOSED FL EL.: 41.2 CLEAN 2' MAXIMUM \ 0 II " OUT ANDSCAPE BE4 �"` "�� a" scH ao TEE INLET, MIN. 4" Dia. CLASS 2,400 Ln ,.PROP. I i �` a TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB SLATE OR OTHER _ E3-_ •, ,.,�„, INV EL PIPE OR APPROVED PIPE, PITCHED STOPPER OR STOPPER OR \ .. =35.94 EFFLUENT SAMPLING PORT " END PLUG SUITABLE COVER END PLUG I ) _ A ® 1/8 PER FOOT MINIMUM Y� p <<, _ I L �p BASEMENT FLOOR 0 O O \ _ I N` I-. --J O �'`= NORTH WING NOT TO SCALE 000, p Ln w ` r (��_^ ,,�.,.� ,�#•,° �, Q. � x PROPOSED FL. EL.: 41.2 �� I \\ ( V) I O � O I O a SEWER PIPE EXIST. 4 D y'/ T w m MANHOLE I 0� o PRECAST OO i z i STY ,. Off , /// PROPOSED -a . . HOUSE AND ° } - CLEAN `.� FINISHED GRADE EL. 37.50 SAMPLING � LEACHING 3� I 45-ELBOWS 30-ELS LIG D \ �• APPURTENANCEStMOV p ROOFHANG I2ROO�t O/P", 0 m z �/ PORT STRIBUTION j O our Box , D RINGS L=7 MINIMUM I R Ld ' (IRT W LK �` \ - -- 4 2% J T �' ¢ FINISHED GRADE EL. 360o BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE L) I� � i I- ]a ca - OVER `\DW, 2 s MAx ^�. ' ---- o /a" PER Fr. MIN, CLEAN SAND & GRAVED L/0wi = 45-ELBOWS 'B' WYE -""- � °c a g INV. EL PITCH z.s'MAx , (]� �� I O ALTERNATE 'A' ALTERNATE 'B' I? c O�ERED DEC}< _- '25.4 =35 41 V, EL INV. EL I 00 �O I w CLEANOUT DETAIL FOR AREAS NOT SUBJECT TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC a p D• / Lti L 51.0 =34.89 INV. EL INV. EL I 0 Q z \ - ETE '� _ A C UNITS 1 6.6' =3479 1,300 GAL. NORWECO =34.46 =34.4, NV. EL CESSPOOL I QO j = N ALL VIEWS, ALTERNATE 'A' IS FOR BENDS, \ v / i S i SINGULAIR TNT V IL I 0 t iPf/� - � `/ / �2�`-� ® 1 500 600 INV. EL (1 OF i) 12 �� P O L� O O j ALTERNATE 'B' IS FOR USE WITH BLDG. EXTENSION/CONNECTION �Ati7C�lED� Xaa 48. EL 2 .,7 I 0 -' a 1 f 1 is /?%�/~ '///i '°,• :%%// SE'/ I ® 1 TREATM NT UNIT =34.z, n .v / ! ✓� �{% ORT/HO // C}p;RPORT 4.5' EFFECTIVE DEPTH f- 8 DIAMETER -I I L/ 8' DIAMETER CLEAN-OUT DETAIL w 3• \ ' . //' ) RO��'/J/SSSSSS i ` /. \� I GARBAGE `- o /Zi BE ROOMS , / •ELQY I BINS " t 3' MIN. ABOVE C �' / GROUNDWATER NOT TO SCALE o w / J i V / / X :T �- / / / LL! o Lj N °� - i .� Eli y`-��/., �� � r'%51!7 AWA � 2'MIN - o iST RY / 1t! � E I \ ,\ r GROUNDWATER g / - /I' R. / ^� ,2 .5" _ ,f{ i CLQ/ 01 .6' O o lm/� _' � �i ,: ,�'���% TYPICAL CESSPOOL DETAIL HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER EL. 11.74 AS PER MONITORING WELL S 53324.1 ON MAY 26, 2010 ON ALVAH'S LANE, NEAR MIDDLE ROAD NOT TO SCALE 0� tMQVE� J. \\ PROPOSED co -- PROFILE THROUGH PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION BOX <I' / �� 5 �,D C UT _� TEST i 0 125.4'_ �� +� ,' PROJECT I� POLYLOK 20" D-BOX WITH LOCKING __ NOT TO SCALE COVER AND EXTENSIONS TO GRADE POLYLOK 20" D-BOX BOX PARTS: \ ` LIMITING / CLEAA'NGO - y FENCE PART NO. 3017-20 HEAVY COVER PART NO.-3017-C20 AY \ MAIN MATERIAL - HDPE 62"TTALL ALL RRISER PISER ART NO. 30099R12 \ � -.._.. �•- �(� � ^����y,y,��^"� �V EW � � ;� GROUND EL. 143.5 DISTRIBUTION SANITARY CONT GRAVES DR \ GENERAL NOTES: PANEL OUTLET PIPES TO HAVE POLYLOK 3049 Ovs \ D 3' SM BROWN SILTY EQUILIZER END CAPS LEVELERS w \ ' I ERV( - SAND --� _ 1. DATUM IS N.A_V.D. OF 1988. SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS 1: �l, �, I 4h"4}„ �\ �w I _ �.� \ x \ ARE BASED ON PHOTOGRAMMETRY BY GEOMAPS INTERNATIONAL, 26' FINISH GRADE LATERAL ✓ \ DATED APRIL 22, 2018. PALE BROWN 20 AMP O,`GAI-LON - D4 20' SP FINE SAND - CV \\ I RADE Q, \\\\ 100' SETBACK FROM TOP OF BLUFF 2. AREAS OF TAX MAP PARCEL: ��_ NORweco \ C� � r STAIRS bN ATI N U IST1N jG�-{ �I SPIGOT O PVC SCH 40 PIPE AND FITTINGS BY \ V\ Lf ' � , 1 FAI_i ��- ;x \ \ \ �. SCTM 1000-119-1-'3.1= 53,161 S.F. 1.220 ACRE \ \0 � _ ( ) e ' TN G.P.D. OTHERS) 1/4" PITCH TO DISTRIBUTION BOX t\ TNT SEPTIC TAN '\ ,� \ T.-\S ' T )N ,. a '�. 100.00 RIULR J'& GU WATER 3. UTILITY LEGEND: TEST HOLE DATA B1 SCHEMATIC _ � MATERS & GAS SERVICE -_G----------G------- Z 23� ._ _ \ N 1 W_ - _ _ _ _ _ LwJ _ --- NOT TO SCALE ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM DISTRIBUTION BOX 1 - �\��\ '`, / 1 /� - - - I � VALVE���= -- WATER SERVICE -W----------W-------- `\- \� _ NO WATER ENCOUNTERED. NOT TO SCALE O _---•- NOT TO SCALE -TER POLE � _ _ - - +---- ELECTRIC SERVICE - E-----------�-------- �v'a, 1 ' •54.00��W I TER PROP. 3't - W X TELEPHONE/ COMMUNICATIONS -T-----------T-------- TEST HOLE BY MCDONALD GEOSCIENCE \\\ \ ✓ WACLS ROAD - POLE 1 1 _R€TAINING- 7Tu � 47.6 (UTILITIES FLAGGED BY OTHERS.) DUG: JANUARY 25, 2019 - - ;E'N ` AIN 1 _ - _ j 11 FENCE POST MON / F{ `�' RISER WATER_M -W GRAVEL ROAD) 4. TREE LEGEND: MAX. CENTER ro CENTER = `' E TH XISTING _ (PERVIOUS ( ) WOVEN WIRE FENCE, FLAGGED SIGNIFICANT TREE THOMAS MUSE o'-o" MIN. 14.5 POLE E 5. PLANS PREPARED MAX, 6 MESH SPACING ///---WOVEN WIRE FENCE GAUGE, - - _ MON � �2 PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN AS PER P / MIN. 14.5 GAUGE, - _ _ �- - - BY FARUK YORGANCIOGLU, ARCHITECT. MAX. 6" MESH SPACING FENCE POST, TYPICAL - - - _ \ �. 6. STRUCTURES ON ADJACENT PARCELS ARE SHOWN AS PER LOT COVERAGE TABLE AS PER ARCHITECT DRIVEN MIN. ,6° INTO GROUND FILTER FABRIC-� z OFFICE RECORDS ANC AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. I. y. Y� � (� ''`•--. � ZONING AREA: R-40 RESIDENTIAL �: ;:•� ' �,� � COMPACTED solL o f N \� 8. THELEXISTIINGRS SEPTIC SYSTEM STRUCTURES SHALL PUMPED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LOT COVERAGE: 30,171 X 20% - 6034 S.F. �' ' t^ ExIsrlNc COW ,� SONE P PRO P. I/A SANITARY SYSTEM � .a. - , UNDISTURBED S00GPD`NORWECO SINGULAIR �_ "t a \ ,, T HEIGHT of FLOW j GROUND CLEAN AND BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN SAND, AND / OR REMOVED AREA WITHIN PROJECT LIMITING FENCE: 21,974 SF. < 43,560 S.F. (1 ACRE) f cRouND FILTER FABRIC TREATMENT\UNIT (AND �r W'"'_ SERF ` r �'�� IN ACCORDANCE WITH S.C.D.H.S. STANDARDS. ''.%.,°,.• ACE 15" MIN. II 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP CESSPOOL now or formerly: FILTER FABRIC \\ � � \ 9. EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS (SUCH AS HOUSE, PATIO, DRIVE, <,/X40� _I= e 0 �/� MANHOLE, ,SAMPLING 'tea JOHN & JANE_TNGL2ILLI ��\ WALKS, ETC.) SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION EXISTING LOT COVERAGE: " TIf p 6 CLEAN-OUTS, n FILTER FABRIC 3 �I F��ENr prFS i--- "` ��\ UNIT, ELEC. PANEL`�c DISTRIBUTION BOX HOUSE WITH PUBLIC WA-TER) ` OF THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS. HABITABLE DWELLING WITH PORCH (LIVABLE FLOOR AREA)= 1,856 S.F. PERSPECTIVE VIEW F0 MIN, 6" INTO GROUND 4„ ( ,OC. OF FUTURE CP\SHOWN. e ( 10. THERE ARE NO KNOWN WELLS WITHIN 150' OF THE PROPOSED OPEN DECKS 398 S.F. \ \ SECTION 4 \ CESSPOOLS. EXISTING LOT COVERAGE= 2,254 S.F. < 6,034 ALLOWED CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR TEMPORARY SILT FENCE WITH STRAW BALES KEY _ _ �,��� PGS- 36 gX � 42' 11. FLOOD ZONE BOUNDARIES ARE TAKEN FROM PRELIMINARY DIGITAL PERCENT LOT COVERAGE= 2,254/ 30,171 = 7.5% < 20% ALLOWED WOVEN WIRE FENCE To BE FASTENED TO FENCE Posrs WITH WIRE rlEs OR STAPLES. FRS I r- --� GPS FLOOD HAZARD MAPS PREPARED BY F.E.M.A.; DATUM= NAVD 1988; 2. THE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO THE WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT THE TOP EXISTING 1 STORY HOUSE `";, F.I.R.M. PANEL= 36103CO506H AND THE MID SECTION. O PROPOSED TO BE DEMOLISHED „ x 3 WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER, THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED BY 6" AND FOLDED. •� \ / 12. NEIGHBORING WELL AND CESSPOOL LOCATIONS ARE SHOWN PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE: 4. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN 'BULGES' DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. ` AS PER OFFICE RECORDS, AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED IN THE 5. POSTS: STEEL, EITHER 'T' OR UD' TYPE OR 2" HARDWOOD PROP. FINISHED GRAPE x EL 51.0 FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. HABITABLE DWELLING (LIVABLE FLOOR AREA)= 2,045 S.F. FENCE: WOVEN WIRE, 14.5 GAUGE, 6" MAX. MESH OPENING \ COVERED DECKS= 1,663 S.F. FILTER FABRIC: FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABILINKA T140N, OR APPROVED EQUAL \ EXISTING CONTOURS " 40 '/ 13. PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR CONTAINS STORAGE AREA AND \ CARPORT= 562 S.F. PREFABRICATED UNIT: GEOFAB, ENVIROFENCE OR APPROVED EQUAL 40 \ MECHANICAL SPACE, ALONG WITH OUTDOOR SPACE. AREA UNDER OVERHANG (NO STRUCTURE BELOW) 659 S.F. OPROPOSED NEW CONTOURS �O� 14. THE EXISTING HOUSE IS SERVED BY PUBLIC WATER. PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE= 4,929 S.F. < 6,034 ALLOWED PROJECT LIMITING SILT FENCE DETAIL O�O S \ 15. EXISTING SANITARY SYSTEM IS SHOWN AS PER OFFICE PERCENT LOT COVERAGE= 4,929/ 30,171 16.3% < 20% ALLOWED NOT TO SCALE , RECORDS, AS PER OTHERS. ���J// PROPOSED HOUSE / �� /� �� 0 16. SEE DEMOLITION AND CLEARING MAP OF PROPERTY FOR DEMOLITION REVISED: AUGUST 17, 2020 (AS PER EN--CONSULTANTS) / � �� AND CLEARING INFORMATION. REVISED: JULY 8, 2020 (LINE WEIGHT & COLOR) r, - oVTERATIONOFADDITICNTO PROPOSED DECK & CARPORT �� �0 17. EXISTING 4' DIAMETER BRICK CESSPOOLS (CP) ARE SHOWN. PROPOSED MAP OF PROPERTY ` RFARIr1rAUI,ENSEDLAND 18_ NO EXISTING DRYWELLS WERE FOUND. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN FOR REVISED: JULY 6, 2020 (VEG. LIMIT) ,Rs; ^ IS A VIOLATION Of sECTION REVISED: JUNE 25, 2020 (KEY & BUFFER AREA) r, ,I ON 2,OF THENFWYORK PROPOSED 3,685 S.F. NON TURF J / 19. ALL AREAS CHARACTERIZED AS BLUFF ARE SO CHARACTERIZED 1. ROOF RUNOFF 1. EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS WILL BE MAINTAINED AT NASSAU POINT ROAD. REVISED: JUNE 5, 2020 (KEY) ::TrassuRVEYMnPr,orBEgRwOr(1E BUFFER AREA; SEE BUFFER ALISON M BYERS `NEYCR�sGRHNINKEOSCaLOREMBOSSED LANDSCAPE PLAN BY OTHERS BASED ON MATHEMATICAL DETERMINATION THAT THE BLUFF SLOPE PROPOSED HOUSE ROOF MEASURES 5,003 S.F. 2• PROPOSED PERVIOUS DRIVEWAY SHALL PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITIONS TO REVISED: MAY 29, 2020 (EXIST. & PROP. CLEARING LIMITS) ALLNUTBEcotJSIDEREDTOBEAVALID IS 20% OR GREATER, AND THE DIFFERENCE IN CONTINUOUS HEIGHT REQUIRED: 5,003 S.F. X 2" RAIN = 833.8 C.F. EXISTING (PERVIOUS GRAVEL) SMITH ROAD. REVISED: MARCH 27, 2020 (PROP. SITE IMPROVEMENTS) cr- T,q ATIONSINDICATEDHERONSIGNIFYTHAT PROPOSED PROJECT LIMITING / BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OF BLUFF AND TOP OF BLUFF IS EQUAL 833.8 C.F. OF STORAGE REQUIRED 3. PIPING BETWEEN DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE 15" DIAMETER MINIMUM RECEIVED SITUATE TRIS SURVEY WAS PRFPAREDINADCORDANCFWITH FENCE TO OR GREATER THAN 20 FEET. USE: (3) 8'DIA X 7'DEEP DRYWELLS DOUBLE WALL HDPE PIPE. REVISED: MARCH 19, 2020 (AS PER ARCH. REVIEW) THE V'W7L BY HECODEWYRKSTEEOR LAND ASSOCITIONOF AREA= 21,747 S.F. <43,560 S.F. 1 ACRE 887.0 C.F. OF STORAGE PROVIDED 4. ROOF LEADERS SHALL BE DIRECT CONNECTED TO LEACHING STRUCTURES. /� REVISED: JANUARY 31, 2020 (FEMA & CONTOUR INTERVALS) PROFESSIONAL BY THE NEW YORK STATE SAID ASSOCIATION OF ( ) PRerEssloNAUANosURVEYORs.samcERnFlcanorJs 20. "BUILDABLE LAND" AREA LANDWARD OF THE TOP OF BLUFF LINE NASSAU POINT REVISED: JANUARY 24, 2020 (UTILITIES) sH.4LLRUN ONLYTOTHEPFRSUrJFOR WToMTHE $;•'"vEYISPREPAREDANDONHISBFHALFTOTHE EDGE OF EXISTING CLEARING; ±19,450 S.F. AS \ MEASURES 30,171 S.f. 2. COVERED OUTDOOR AREA IN BASEMENT REVISED: JANUARY 16, 2020 (PROP. SITE IMPROVEMENTS) T'sCC"`'ANY,GOvERNMENTALAGENCYANDLENDING SHALL HAVE 4 FLOOR DRAINS, THAT ARE �E MAP SEP L �i 2G -' CvusTEOHtREDN,ANorornEAsslauEE's APPROXIMATED FROM GEO-MAPS PHOTOGRAMMETRY 21. SOLAR COLLECTORS ARE PROPOSED ON ROOF DECKS, SEE _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REVISED: JANUARY 10, 2020 (POLE & TREE LOC.; MANUAL ELa'e.NCINSTHUTIow.cERrIFICAlIONSA(4LNOT 19,450 / 53,161 = 36.6% EXISTING CLEARING PIPED TO A DRYWELL. (THESE DRAINS ( ARCHITECT'S PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. COLLECT INCIDENTAL WATER, RAIN OR 'P.,EN I WED EY Z A ZoningBoard Of Appeals SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK STAKEOUT OF TOP OF BLUFF LINE) F":S EP,,RJLTDADDITIOtJALINSTITUTIONSOR T SNOW.) PROPOSED DRYWELL, LABELLED I �/(f ' i 22. CUT AND FILL CALCULATIONS: 'COA', IS 8' DIAMETER X 7' DEEP. 1 ,'•)'F E DECISION # / 1 SUBSEQUENT OWNERS EDGE OF PROPOSED NEW CLEARING PLACE,'.�EN, of PRor--osED sTRucrUl;Fs SHOT,rrd APPROXIMATELY 187 C.Y. CLEAN SAND/ LOAM TO BE TRUCKED IN REQUIRED: 2600 S.F. X 60% X 2" RAIN I REVISED: SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 (AS PER ARCHITECT) SURVEYED: MAY 16, 2018 ,- PROPOSED AREA OF ,NEW CLEARING HEREOF! MAY BE SUBJFCTTO L11PAI TATIONS A FROM AN APPROVED SOURCE. 260.0 C.F. OF STORAGE REQUIRED `� r �aA ✓' , _ ±5,390 S.F. SEE PROPOSED DEMOLITION AND cnusED BY ErJVIRONrgENTAL CONDITIONS, ON- 23. PROJECT LIMITING FENCE AREA = 21,747 S.F.< 43,560 S.F. (1 ACRE) USE: (1) WDIA X 7'DEEP DRYWELL � t� I I /� /)� SIT[_,AND OFF-SITE CONDITIONS, EASEr,1ENTS, 295.7 C.F. OF STORAGE PROVIDED SCALE: 1" 20' rq• G\ CLEARING MAP OF PROPERTY BY SHW&S SURVEYORS \` ROBERT A. SMITH, L.S. 4 3 `�� LAST REVISED JULY 8, 2020 5u�V�-r•nrrr,,AND RFST^ICTIONS OF rFco��r�!-�In T ,E ,T TO VFRIf-ICATIO.^J BY G,OVEf (':P FIiTnL 3. PROP. DRIVEWAY WATERSHED S. H. W. and S., LAND SURVEYORS P.C. a ; 1 y o PROPOSED TOTAL CLEARED AREA = l t,,% rI^ter -I_� ,,m�IN(;_IURISr,,, SQUIRES, HOLDEN, WEISENBAC E &` . M O-TiOr!. 19,450 + 5,390 S.F, 24,840 S.F. -------- REQUIRED: 2256 S.F. X 60% X X 2" RAIN = 20 0 20 40 60 It s 24,840 / 53,161 46.7%PROPOSED TOTAL CLEARING 225.6 C.F. OF STORAGE REQUIRED LAND SURVEYING N LAND PLANNING N ENGINEERING ��.,, ,-� �� USE: (1) 8'DIA X 7'DEEP DRYWELL EDWARD P. ARMUS, P.E. No. 84106 SOUTHAMPTON N NEW YORK s °ND.4��3� 295.7 C.F. OF STORAGE PROVIDED GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=20' °'`,'h�4r i1 c�a� LABEL: DWY DW 15370-13.1-prop-20.dwg B 857 P 99-101,114 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP -DISTRICT 1000CU Cn SECTION 119 . 00 Ism BLOCK 01 . 00 -- C If ITTLE 4- ° PARCEL 015 . 001 r' � -0OB I Ay III I �CU 0- L ° I , Proposed 15 wide non — turf o buffer ad J•acent to bluff crest 4° � � � �`�- -� P `� ' � � ° - E a CD a) 0 �CL C � 3685 sf. Maintain existing native vegetation , remove invasive . - - -- � �o � - --- Q rZ N (13 M species to be maintained and c °46 supplemented with additional 10" .2 v8 Nnat•ve plantings ( see list) . T_ Cn 45 r-- 49 0 ° o 1` , It cQ M -J °_ .o °Photo P In 0 C) NO N , 50 - - L >\ (LI q N N S2 " S , �_. - - w �- N M �� 1 �� Photo Poi nw_ _.. � .� ,.,� .» BYERS BEACH HOUSE MI '23 , NORTH '\ i etc' 1 Q E 3 �,W,., m ' > • Photo Point !_ � . � .._ TOP OF ZF - - z ---- -- -- - SCALE . 1 O N4 LANDWARD EDGE OF 15'WIDE NE1 NON-TURF NATIVE PLANT BUFFER Photo Point R F"o 0 2s Existing Top Of Bluff Non- Turf Buffer Area. Observed Native Plants To Remain Un-Disturbed including: ---- ` 777t Sr Opuntia humifusa (Low Prickly Pear) Cactus Family Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Bearberry) Heath Family 0 z o 4. 4 X EPS Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Blue Stem) Grass Family Aronia melanocarpa (Black Chokeberry) Rosoceae Family < 0 I o �. z CN Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. (Gray Sagewort) Aster Family Festuca rubra L. Nutt. (Red Fescue) Grass Famil _ J Solida o sem ervirens Seaside Goldenrod Aster Famil Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt Wool Beachheather canthus F. Ln CL a) °' N �TOE of BLUFF ( \ I N 8 . LANDING g p ) y ( y ) O E CO 1 P ExISTING 3' �e�-�„ TIMBERS wQY Limonium carolinianum (Sea Lavendar) Leadwort Family Panicum virgatum (Switch Grass) Grass Family _ �/ z 1 - q ^ �� _ µ rt TO BEACH 7 - 6 Myrica pensylvanica (Northern Bayberry)Myncaceae Family Black Locust / Eastern Red Cedar/ Oak (red&white 15 Non Turf BUFFER AREAUi CC 0 ., � �hv �� � ----� NewEngland Cape Grass/Black Cherry/Dune Lichen/Mosses C LIMITED TO. W �- 2 1-LL '--._ w - ~e' '.�b„xTw xd i,.. .. ,— �.4r ..[r.�.--.i:.---------�.. --------------------------------------- 7­77 —��.- -. _—_�-----.-....---.------.----_— --.� ;� >tl. +: A. Invasive Removal /Monitor �`�A 1 7 I I I kG 4 ------------- lr -�- ..� ttin hand pulling ) M „ W » r 1ILonicera ( shrub &vine I � x.. - 3 for limitedindividuals k ) , ry s m a, Y ¢ x evident seed bank. 2. Cl. ° I PR PORE � � � b >. a f',, -” Y ”"n ^e• ; xr f^`B ., k,.�,7 "` YY` K "5i+,1 may, <�n/,4 'may V31. .. e • • • • �- -C CL l _s F L7F u Elaea Q us limited individual � r OF Bi i -hIevident seed bank. 3. R o s a .r i r.. • ..... ..•• �� ry. "' ..4 k ..' r✓. gip, y^ I , L .:. , ..,. ._ k `.,,..... ., ,A a.' .s".. ... �: �.,�,° ,, , A�x ` ,: ::'; ,. .'a. ,.€.,, y '„- , ,:a .. , .4.,M�. :.., ;..,,,.�,. i1,h..:�::. ... � :r' ',5:.' £fid' r„'a fit.: :....-_ c. .4 .'Y .., A. �i'•H M Ifl ora s r ,,. � �,. � ��; .. N� : � , , A, �4.� � # � �:�. � aI in viduals X ., u o eve i 5 „ �N. � ��: ,.� .; _ � evident s 4. EX - . .. - . . .� seed d ban k 3 . . PQT,o � � � 5 ; ,r . . . Ell TOB Yew 4 �� cssorted herbaceous ., ti, "C4s r .. r.,.' w •,... i,rq„M,. >., ,�, z+n, Y .} CAS 8 O LAND SCA w LAN Cfl - --- ��® a, _ .. ED r- ;,,, s � ao . », .� ',��.R '.; „'.. ., ,'. � ,,,+ ~� eren n ial •.„_ _ ( garden center s, w var. limited ited i ndividuals. 5. , :t r w M � �. k. ,. � Miscanthus U Q ro , S, Y z M s very limited, BED MALI,., oo a ¢ [' qf ' oP. w o vED OVER NG- , DR a .� x` evident seed bank. e� m o DECK . ., . �►• RED � A CO L 51.0 , Y , f f i r.� D 8I ' o I �._� PRO r' 4 I -W ATS cHE ®X . LimitedPlantin Proposed LU D m .�. ,_a R �c � � ;a'0�1 'k.�r�xo9[e., � ""°„ ,,.,....-.,. � CA CSA ° � ,�.. s-„'.. ., L $1.0 I PROP GAS SVC. ,h AF,.P '' y� d, y } � ' I40 3 Gal . Myrica r „ o 3 $us pensylvanica == 5 N E 1 Ex. Buffer, View LookingN E Ex. Buffer, View Looking S L 51.5 OVERHANG �A al . Panlcum vir atum D m«.. « LEC. P �- RED EC, r t.'x Ar $ • kz Yi }'t 1".. ?naN.. 't 1+-tr'r- � ;,'w a ,. , h • u +t, 7�'t. g g COVE _.., . rn. �. : ���� .:��� � . �. ,. . � �, �, rt , ,,.... ,:�. ° .-. O ,. 1,xo �,4 , ,.:. ;",.r=F,:,., i` ,� Y x-., H"'Ar;A�r ,. � wt*;�., " x✓`a J �c a,y „ T 0 � N-OU _ ,.• r a r � <r ,: �� �, �,�a � .: � PROPOSE � U A ry M 500 I mmo hilCn PROJECT n n C' 0 a. " LIMITING �M n v►c> FENCE �> Y �” r y I ; b r e v i l i g u l a t a O Op. SER } • '` y wq ar,, . ( all weed free) . _ P � o PROP. PROP. BURIED k STAIR Z ELEC .500 GALLON METE --" LP TANK SPIGOT `F �° ”; r e a S selected C t for planting : n t i n • A p g Cc, DR m se ed 0 TU - - WATER RISERS & �Y s area in a S ` ` p VALVES r ER sed 15 non turf buffer proposed � - » RECEIVED E P t POLE RETAld'1 � WALLS , ,, ,., GUY H Ito ,.w _ .„ cent to bluff face. M T / 7 MON _-_�` / �t . .`.`, .,i _ °, SEP SER N "'.,, R A „ 2 4 20 r� r W. ATS .._ .� ash � � 20 � OLE � G W rF «• . »..:: _.' .�” . �- rI •�'• .,��. P TIN ., . �, - , , . ;.. , ,_ ,.,, �.,, , �� $ , � ` I I ,I '�I r' I•� I � r,;;` `. ";: Y,� ,_ . , .. .,, I If I . ,�, V k EX I S � � ,la; • o-,�, h ,;-: .:` r1`,ai,:. ~„ ;; , .t H fid„ I ,,z. . , : Lzonin.�B(),Ircj' MON � , , ,,'�. '• � .�; r .� ti "�, > - ,..�.- ":: - ,F , heal r of conditioner ilZ ^ e vys �y::" , S 9 :. CP i l ,+"f�`•,i i. :,m. - r ,4 : „�y .'.% .^ 4'r X ,. a1 k'r3 Y <,., p;' . e' y , : . ..[ .. . _ : cert. weed free e USE DESIGN INC topsoil /compost d , II . . .e. SANITARY SYSTEM r SAN ,.+. PROP. D NORWECO SINGULAIR I N O 500GP Now OR FOR ., ,-, ,�� � . t : ,,, ,,.� s z . , . , M, -� MERLY. � . , � � allowed .owed TREATMENT UNIT AND 5 L . FS 1 8' DIA. X 12' DEEP CESSPOOL .�o"N & .SANE INGr�"-�' ` • 1V' O s. fertilizers. CLEAN-OUTS, MANHOLE, SAMPLING c"ousE w1T" PUBLIC wATER> v ` ; UNIT, EEC. PANEL & DISTRIBUTION BOX /� q ` P X F (LOC. OF FUTURE CP SHOWN.) �,>�� 36 •� L}Z • 4 A0 Locust Drive COLOG CAL DESIGN PROJECT MAN GEMEN - - BASED ON SURVEY DATA PROVIDED BY: � .l.�i�, o4 , �„ ,, , „, - _ x EL 51.0 i-ROI-'. FINISNc.0 (RADE I i� 239 ROBERT A. SMITH L.S.L.S 4 � ��� � & � „r°�` , N 4� �� `��'� � � ����� -� it EX u S. H. W. and S., LAND SURVEYORS P.C. �a. HOUSF_= SQUIRES, HOLDEN, WEISENBACHER & SMITH E 3 Ex. Buffer, View Looking E N4 Ex. Buffer, View LookingN Sleet Number SCALE . Z O —� .._ . PROPOSED H0USE LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING � ENGINEERING 1 — SOUTHAMPTON - NEW YORK A I I Photos Taken 11 -0 6-19 B1 of 1 JOB No. 15370 N C13011 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DISTRICT 1000 LITTLE PECONIC BAY SECTION 119.00 — S 02.3923" W .�,`... ,. BLOCK 01 .00 PARCEL 013.001 o _� Z `n DEBRIS LINE' BULKHEAD ZONE VE12 EL. '� .� _ , ( ) � 25g,0j, - STEP BULKHEAD X�- �� X4X ZONE X --� �� S LANDING SHORELINE OF ,. BOTTOM OF BLUFF `� •• 5/16/18 7.6 i S STEPS -- a . 00 4 LANDING a ,caa:�*ruxi.ri�A�M,,cas�^ - STEPS �'DAt�rxarara� ' e"da�Nyy."�aixaH. `7 �r STAK E �- TAKE TOP OF BLUFF STAKE "� LANDING 1 � _ - O SI X TAKE f, �. 53X ; X BIRDAL 50.6 -. g TOWER STAKE :l 52g GRASS � rssas�rx,�rna��w � I SLATE . REMAINS I W � , SHOWER ' 8 z m I Pr> /� _ i LANDINGa, z; m STORAGE ( Q) m ENCLOSURE CRCl/ '° cn Q - --— sa Ld _ -50.1 I 0 L yy z O STORY -- -- 3 O cr cn ELEC/ 1 I'IO(JSE J ak METE - c Q 16 6 — -- -- t Q J v j o z w 83 48.7 o0 n X _ o — 63.7'— -- -- - — k x ei 7.415 DEC{( x eid64a� �� SOUTH BLDG.1 IS 1 LijX cn I EXISTING A �� 4' DIAMETER 1 T 'MAIN 1 7 }8.1 o z ( BRICK S EPD BEL( SWAY HOVE CV CESSOLS 1 1 �APRONS d- .,X y�� CONC. L �, bo ju I - ��5 ' T � 8 i � 1 Z � , ,r r_ w � w rr pR�� _ 10 sF TPA \R � -- M - EL C X ;� ��� � FROM LA GLEP E METER X�� GRP f ��N — f �C�' , p p WITH SPIGOT GUY & RIS R _� GE � � ��� Q p , WATER z N F 1'17'00" W 100.00 METERS & - -- — — — — z 149.2. POLE 2 _ l X ,00"W " ter+ 7 1 4 II A A - & E FJ M, — O L 6 _ r-: _ 0 1 a1� � 4, G N � EXISTIVG W _� - SMI 6 MON POLE WITH RISER _ _ - - - - - MON , '-5-�0NE 0 OF XX now or formerly f p���MENT oDs _ JOHN & JANE INGRILLI X �Lq � ,���� -..r-`- 42.4 RS �� NOTES 0 OI �,(ti 1. DATUM IS N.A.V.D. OF 1988. SPOT ELEVATIONS, ?. j CE IL .� 'V CONTOURS AND EXISTING CLEARING ARE BASED ON '� T 4 MON TO APRILPHOT22, 2018,P,Y BOPGOFMBLUFF LINE AS MANUALLYDATED ;;10N \ STAKED OUT AND NUMBERED ON LOCATION, DATED JANUARY 10 T- 2020. � h y 1 � THE '�/ 2. AREA OF TAX MAP PARCEL: u eosseD oiE ',' O SCTM 1000-119-1-13.1= 53,161 S.F. (1.220 ACRE) Lb w 3. UTILITY LEGEND: C�.TiE1CfiFRrM IFVTHAT THISSUh a cFwiTH TELEPHONE/ CCMMUNICATIONS -T- - - -T- - - - - - THE EXIS. t1 i n iu SURVEYS -- - Ar::OPTEi i,'E As of nasi OF WATER SERVICE _ W- - --W - -- -- PROEES� .�s ,Alo[,ERTtEiGAn°NS ELECTRIC SERVICE - € - - -- -E- - - MAP OF PROPERTY SHALL R )PJ r� OM THE ';VEY �r 1n>µ~1A1 1 TO THE GAS LINE - 6- --- - --G - - - SL - T-.Ec: A�_„,.Er1 v rrao_ENDING (UTILITIES FLAGGED BY OTHERS.) FOR _ J 9D)OTHE A>Si`aNEE'S E, cLF 1 1.A N; S ARL NOT 4. TREE LEGEND: S. IFNIIONS OR � ALISON M. BYERS SUBSEG_ FLAGGED SIGNIFICANT TREE (THOMAS MUSE) SITUATE REVISED: AUGUST 17, 2020 (100' SETBACK LINE) TT REVISED: JULY 8, 2020 (LAYER COLOR) GROUND EL. ±43.5 NASSAU POINT REVISED: JANUARY 31, 2020 (FEMA & CONTOUR INTERVAL) 3' SM BROWN SILTY l REVISED: JANUARY 24, 2020 (UTILITIES) 26 �_ SAND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REVISED: JANUARY 16, 2020 (SCALE) PALE BROWN REVISED: JANUARY 10, 2020 (POLE & TREE LOC.; 2G' SP FINE SAND SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK MANUAL STAKEOUT OF TOP OF BLUFF LINE) REVISED: SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 (AS PER ARCHITECT) TST HOLE DATA 'Bl SURVEYED: MAY 16, 2018 �L. LA NOT To SCALE SCALE: 1 ” = 20' :A NO WATER ENCOUNTERED. ROBERT A. SMITH, L.S. 49239 �� �� TEST HOLE BY MCDONALD GEOSCIENCE 20 0 20 40 60 S. H. W. and S., LAND SURVEYORS P.C. * DUG: JANUARY 25, 2019 SQUIRES, HOLDEN, WEISENBACHE & SIi GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=20' LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING — ENGINEERING SOUTHAMPTON — NEW YORK 15370-13.1-exis-013120.dwg B 857 P 99-101,114 JOB No. 15370 N C13011 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DISTRICT 1000 S 02.39LITTLE PECONIC BAY SECTION 119.00 23" WJJ BLOCK 01.00 PARCEL 013.001 1 `n DEBRIS UNE _ '`��• _ N GROIN ZONE VE (EL. 12) — 256.07' _ DE13 BULKHEAD ,1 \ ZONE X —� _�- STEps GROIN i- SHORELINE OF TOE OF BLUFF LANDING _`� _ 5\16/`18 ---- - . .STEPS EXISTING 3' WIDE TIMBER BEACH STAIRS n 00 L LANDING ' "- .," STEPS "> . r *a¢�s,��1.nro�,'�m "gym,': I ` ftg LAND( � � rr oars n r., h x N " • v vx \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ UAB. \ 77 5' WIDE X. \\ PROPOSED VEGETATION ✓ �✓ u� v x e1 .T0.5� ` v �AV\ �,\N� ���f�F But \•.�50 �y AAVA�y`VA\���y ���� V ' ,\.• `c` `� , �'kE_ _f j 77 , A r \\ JI ����� PROPOSED VEGETATION 11 r11 LLL - A \ J w S L �Ak PROPOSED ViiGETATION y Q Lti I�� fr ti LL yl > � D n `^ tf L w m LANDSCAPE BED Q r� t m z I z Z Q a' ! L ( — - — <� PROPOSED VEGETATION 11 '7`-L z W .rte ROOF OVERHANG LL L o _j Q Li l t 3 I N ; o zQ PROPOSED 1 STORY HOUSE o j o = _ Q ,� IKEXISTING VEGETATION 04 x el 44.1 el 46 w � 1 L� boZ Q S GRAVE DRIVE Lv --�-" LANDSCAPE BED )� 1 i PERVIOU µ r`� --.._l OL r��n71C f� t _, -� k 41 'pip �fS ^i n^ten ^, n^r✓ r v`^r^^�✓ ^�✓� EXISTING VEGETATION TOL H SPIGOT r EXISTING VEGETATION ^��"'^ ?^�✓ ^ GUY & RISER 7 �F PROPOSED VEGETATION 100.00 WATER z _1 O� ll Lti�� e �� _ \ N 11 17'00" W 0 METERS & 0 -��c, ,,�� 149.23' POLE 2 VALVES - 9 �� o . R a: Po y 1 N 16-54'00"W OAD : r fy ri i & SMITH R - ; MON pOLE WITH RISER MON Vj �- — J \�0� - now or formerly: ., JOHN & JANE INGRILLI AI C�C`/IL',iT OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE' SH(�?ljlf`d F't t01N MAY BE SUBJECT 10 LIPv1iTAT IONS U; tD RYE NVIPONMENTA.L CONDITION ON ��rrtia' EAG Q E AND Gf IFF-SITE CONDITIONS, EASFrvlr NTS, ' •^•,� r F OF �C VLN�INTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD AND T�IVF U- F 1 0 VERIFICATION BY G0VERNMEN TAi> MENT AGEf CIES HAVING JURISDICTION. I2q ALTERATION OR ADDETION TO OMFT RS LEGEND NOTES qN- FrnE,I'.o�� N�F'S��T DN 1.a T � .^_4tlf�;�THE NEW YORK Lij—I ® "`Illi\• I C T� S SURVEY MAP NOT REARING THE o �` r �� � EDGE OF EXISTING CLEARING 1. DATUM IS N.A.V.D. OF 1988. SPOT ELEVATIONS, TY69SGREEN INkEDSEALOREMROSSEO ° ���r j CONTOURS AND EXISTING CLEARING ARE BASED ON r,LL,NoieEcoNsnIEREDroREAvnLD f' PHOTOGRAMMETRY BY GEOMAPS INTERNATIONAL, DATED i FICAT EDGE OF PROPOSED NEW CLEARING T TE RVEYWASP FPARE ERNAIS RDANCF T ■ MON � � � APRIL 22, 2018. TOP OF BLUFF LINE AS MANUALLY rHls suRVFv WAS PREPAREe m1 nrcoRanN E ti,r{ ---- STAKED OUT AND NUMBERED ON LOCATION, DATED THE EXISTING CODE OFPRAGTIGEFOR LANDSUR vR EDGE OF PROPOSED NEW VEGETATION JANUARY 10, 2020. AuoPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF ,('• PRDEESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS.SAID FT RTITIGAT:ONS RECEIVED ��-----� 2. AREA OF TAX MAP PARCEL: $PALL RUN ONLY To THE PERSON FOR wHOM mE -------- ( ) NEE NG SI—,TY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS REHAI F r0 THE PROPOSED AREA OF NEW VEGETATION SCTM 1000-119-1-13.1= 53,161 S.F. 1.220 ACRE r_Ec ANY,,avERNMENTALI FI �r1c gaol 8,19 5 S F. UV LISTED HEREON,AND )rhe A q ���� 3. UTILITY LEGEND: L r NO,INSTITUTION rrRnr, fjj r, NRT G _ i NON—TURF BUFFER AREA TELEPHONE/ COMMUNICATIONS P LLronUOE,ir,,er.1 IN- PROPOSED 3,685 S.F. WATER SERVICE W suRSEOU N owNERs ELECTRIC SERVICE �_ _E �: Ut Appeals f PROPOSED TOTAL VEGETATED AREA GAS LINE - -c -- PROPOSED VEGETATION �a EXISTING PLUS NEW CLEARING = 24,840 S.F. 4. TREE(UTILITLEGENDIES GGED BY OTHERS.) MAP OF PROPERTY REVISED: AUGUST 17, 2020 (100' SETBACK LINE; EXISTING SERVICES) PROPOSED NON—TURF BUFFER = 3,685 S.F. FLAGGED SIGNIFICANT TREE (THOMAS MUSE) FOR REVISED: JULY 8, 2020 (LINE WEIGHT & COLOR) PROPOSED NEW VEGETATION = 8,195 S.F. REVISED: JUNE 25, 2020 (NOTE) TOTAL PROPOSED NEW VEGETATION = 11,880 S.F. GROUND EL. ±43.5 ALISON M. BYERS REVISED: MARCH 27, 2020 (VEGETATION INFO.) 24,840 — 11,880 = 12,960 S.F. REMAINING CLEARING BROWN SILTY REVISED: MARCH 19, 2020 (CLEARING INFO.) FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 3' SM SAND SITUATE REVISED: JANUARY 31, 2020 (FEMA & CONTOUR INTERVAL) 12,960 / 53,161 = 24.4% PROPOSED FINAL CLEARING 26' NASSAU POINT REVISED: JANUARY 24, 2020 (UTILITIES) 20' SP PALE BROWN REVISED: JANUARY 16, 2020 (SCALE) FINE SAND REVISED: JANUARY 10, 2020 (POLE & TREE LOC.; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANUAL STAKEOUT OF TOP OF BLUFF LINE) TEST HOLE DATA `B1' SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK REVISED: SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 (AS PER ARCHITECT) NOT TO SCALE SURVEYED: MAY 16, 2018 NO WATER ENCOUNTERED. TEST HOLE BY MCDONALD GEOSCIENCE ROBERT A. SMITH, L.S. 49239 DUG: JANUARY 25, tots SCALE: 1 " = 20' S. H. W. and S., LAND SURVEYORS P.C. SQUIRES, HOLDEN, WEISENBACHER & SMITH 20 0 20 40 60 LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING — ENGINEERING SOUTHAMPTON N NEW YORK GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=20' 15370-13.1—veg.dwg 6 857 P 99-101,114 JOB No. 15370 N C13011 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DISTRICT_ LITTLE PECONIC BAY SECTION 119 00 S 02-39,23,, W BLOCK 01 .00 PARCEL 013.001 Z ui `n DEBRIS LINE �'"'`�► N GROIN ZONE VE (EL. 12) �� _ 256.07s ,.3 . - DEBT BULKHEADZONE X —� I SrEPs GROIN 1_TOE OF BLUFF LANDING_ _ 5/16/18 - - - - -- -_ - SHORELINE OF i .r •. .., ,, ,•,A ; ,,.,,, d ,_' . . .Y`, '.y„,.m�����a.� �t,�"r6ce:'w 'a�P,�a�; � �� � . .. .✓m�,l„4n:,� •.:g s�.i,Y�bSkrar,.a�. �u'�.tx=�;; � �� STEPS F k `�' �� �A��• P� - - _ _ i ;TING , - SraIRWAY W(-ILE BFqc'Fp rte,„ LANDING ,, „vy�•.�aema�ar�Aeau+�;?�°`,g: .�s A� �. CO . . •,kf ,. u` Baa tz _. . ... ,a h+�+',,64L"n,yyy,tkA Mtt.�,P.t$! „r• t,. .r. „7., •e a UAW%,ftt STEPS „:sem rAk A � \ F\ \ \ \ T .t \\�\ \ \\\\\\ \ i k � g�, LANDING h+z �� PROPOSED 1 a��\VA IEE \�X , \ ' � �\\ Eby l•,- v \ \ ` \' Y moo.s , v v A A v �, BUEER \ v v E\ S I AX` '9 iy \ w SHOWER Q II ON EXISTING PATIO I' J BE REMOV DE TO LANDING , �/ �� L m _..� C z ESTORAGE PORCH -I S�F,I, °gyp m v �� NCLOSUR� IT« OFO�F � I --- -- �� O Z z f w EXISTING Z w_ 1,E ;I � I STORY X HOUSE �OUBSEE/ 1L v' . I I r ✓ � ° <ELECAJ AND Q Q MES HTENANCES TO 116. ' DEMOLSRAND REMOVED ?o IL - o 63.7' xeErz- s _ DECK W EYI-1U 01 1 L OPEN , tBREEZEIVAYo WOOD OyBLDGMCR STEPS EXISTING VEGETATION 0 04 � el 14- CON ..APRON WALL _ f i J W `( 04 EXISTING VEGETATION 00 I� �E� �1 � �p,R� � � ; � ' sPIGOT I- EXISTING VEGETATION ���P T C�, FULL VVI I 'W 1 00.00' H �� ATER E G� Z L 0 GUY & RISERS L J -� METERS & 133., N 1 1'17'00" W - VALVES- 149.23' POLE 2 -- „W Po 1 N 16'5400 �I ,< ��� SMITH ROAD MONRISER POLE WITH MON SlON - now or formerly: JOHN & JANE INGRILLI 6- ctQ of ti� DORS LEGEND NOTES J T R TIONr"' o EDGE OF EXISTING CLEARING; 119,450 S.F. AS 1. DATUM IS N.A.V.D. OF 1988. SPOT ELEVATIONS, �j -^- '•�A IOraorlsr ___J APPROXIMATED FROM GEO-MAPS PHOTOGRAMMETRY CONTOURS AND EXISTING CLEARING ARE BASED ON N2,OFTHENEwYORK 19,450 / 53,161 = 36.6% EXISTING CLEARING PHOTOGRAMMETRY BY GEOMAPS INTERNATIONAL, DATED RECEI ® MON ""SURVEY MAP NOT BEARIAPRIL 22, 2018. TOP OF BLUFF LINE AS MANUALLY 1; NG THE 11 (D 1 -G RjENINKED SEAL OREnt,BnsSE.D ® � � EDGE OF PROPOSED NEW CLEARING STAKED OUT AND NUMBERED ON LOCATION, DATED �0 e r^NsruEREDTOBEA VALID �/� J JANUARY 10, 2020. 'j c TEI ATIONSINDICATEDHFaoNSIGNIFYTHAT 2. AREA OF TAX MAP PARCEL: TH uR1NYSti1 fRFRAEfSIN„cccRrrar,FWITH PROPOSED AREA OF NEW CLEARED VEGETATION SCTM 1000-119-1-13.1= 53,161 S.F. 1.220 ACRE T.. dr COPc of PRACTICE FDR LANo SURVEvszz� ( ) i THE N W YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF 5,390 S.F. 3. UTILITY LEGEND: g i tiP.ALIA DSURVE FORS.SAID CERTIPIf,ATION$ Or,[Y TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE TELEPHONE/ COMMUNICATIONS PqT PARED AND ON HIS RFHALETOTHE 7_777-771 PROPOSED NON-TURF BUFFER AREA ,�c JE-N'PENTAr AGENCY AND LENDING - 3,685 S.F. WATER SERVICE E'- - - - - - -Vd ----- ,IEDHn+EON,AND TO THEA ,e�NEE'S ` ELECTRIC SERVICE ---- -E ---- �IN`+ UL'TION_CERTIEICAI L..,'S ARE NOT E Tr PDITIDNAL INSTITUTIONS OR GAS LINE G - -- - PROPOSED DEMOLITION & 'I 1NERS DEMOLITION AND CLEARING NOTES (UTILITIES FLAGGED BY OTHERS.) 4. TREE LEGEND: y CLEARING MAP OF PROPERTY REVISED: AUGUST 17, 2020 (100' SETBACK LINE; REMOVAL NOTES) 1. EXISTING AREA OF CLEARING MEASURES ±19,450 S.F. FLAGGED SIGNIFICANT TREE (THOMAS MUSE) t J AS APPROXIMATED FROM GEOMAPS PHOTOGRAMMETRY FOR REVISED: JULY 8, 2020 (LINE WEIGHT & COLOR) 19,450 / 53,161 = 36.6% EXISTING CLEARING REVISED: JULY 6, 2020 (DEMO. INFO.) 2. NEW PROPOSED AREA OF CLEARING MEASURES GROUND EL. ±43.5 ALISON M. BYERS REVISED: MARCH 27, 2020 (DEMO. & CLEARING INFO.) 5,390 S.F. REVISED: MARCH 19, 2020 (DEMOLITION INFO.) 3. PROPOSED 15' WIDE NON-TURF BUFFER MEASURES 3SM BROWN SILTY REVISED: JANUARY 31, 2020 (FEMA & CONTOUR INTERVAL) 3,685 S.F. SAND SITUATE 4. EXISTING PLUS NEW CLEARING MEASURESNASSAU POINT REVISED: JANUARY 24, 2020 (UTILITIES) 19,450 S.F. + 5,390 S.F. = 24,840 S.F. 26 PALE BROWN REVISED: JANUARY 16, 2020 (SCALE) 24,840 / 53,161 = 46.7% TOTAL CLEARING 20' SP FINE SAND REVISED: JANUARY 10, 2020 (POLE & TREE LOC.; 5. REMOVE ALL EXISTING U.G. UTILITIES AND BRICK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MANUAL STAKEOUT OF TOP OF BLUFF LINE) CESSPOOLS WITHIN THE PROPERTY TEST HOLE ,DATA 'B 1' REVISED: SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 (AS PER ARCHITECT) SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SURVEYED: MAY 16, 2018 `' NOT To SCALE NO WATER ENCOUNTERED, YI NT OF PROPOSE' TEST HOLE BY MCDONALD GEOSCIENCE I ROBERT A. SMITH, L.S. 49239 ��' _,>' r� MAY BE SUBJEc DUG: JANUARY z5, 2o1s SCALE: 1 ” = 20' S. H. W. and S., LAND SURVEYORS P.C. BY ENVIRONMEN I.' NC OFF-SITE CONDI , SQUIRES, > MIHOLDEN WEISENBACHER c SW rN AND RESTRIC VERIFICATION " ra' 20 0 20 40 60 ECT TOi LAND SURVEYING LAND PLANNING — ENGINEERING cl s HAVING JURISDI: SOUTHAMPTON — NEW YORK GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=20' 15370-13.1—demo.dwg B 857 P 99-101,114