HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-66.-2-42 $§ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Rental Permit 0392 Owner Edward Graham Occupied as Single Family Dwelling Located at 695 Rogers Road Southold 66.-2-42 Maximum Permitted Occupancy 10 Is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold, the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Expiration is two (2) years from date of issue. The operator is responsible for arranging for the bi-annual inspection. 11/20/2024 od ref rc t Official This Notice must be posted by the main entrance at all times eel- TOW O S0►t THO!L.D BUILDING DEPT. � 631-765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST/ REBAR [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION/CAULKING [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ ] ELECTRICAL (FI [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ ] PRE C/O [ RENTAL RE'7�RKS:p �✓ . D e.,(D - � 0� Wvco Q oU lJ'� DATE INSPECTOR 1�1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Rental Permit - $g 0392 Owner Edward Graham Occupied as Single Family Dwelling Located at 695 Rogers Road Southold 66.-2-42 Maximum Permitted Occupancy 10 Is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold, the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Expiration is two (2) years from date of issue. The operator is responsible for arranging for the bi-annual inspection. 4/7/2023 Code IT force �Official This Notice must be posted by the main entrance at all times * 'TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 631-765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PL G. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] IULTIN/CULIN [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ ] ELECTRICAL (FINAL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ ] PR C/O ENTAL c ° 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Rental Permit Permit No. 0392 Owner Edward Graham Occupied as Single Family Dwelling Located at 695 Rogers Road Southold 66-2-42 Village Maximum Permitted Occupancy 5 Is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold, the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Expiration is two (2) years from date of issue. The operator is responsible for arranging for the bi-annual inspection. 2/26/2021 John Jarski Date of Issue Code Enforcement Officer This Notice must be posted by the main entrance at all times ,r SO Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G ,� Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION Rental Permit Fee$200 (Application must be renewed every two years) i i MAR - 6 2020 Section A. Property Information: Rental Property Address- 6 yrs Tax Map Number: 1000 SECTION -BLOCK -LOT "2F - l0 40 � � c}• SECTION B. OWNER INFORMATION: Property Owner Name: - EdI/ a-r& /4, G i-Gt.I,cLm Property Owner Legal Address: Property Owner Mailing Address: s erg kaQ f U 3l_ y Telephone Number (s): Daytime �679 c - 431-51 -201 Evening Emergency Property Owner Email Address: e r&-�0-M @-0 �C) Page 1 of 5 so Town Hall Annex ®z,t Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road ` Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 c®U ,� , ZZZZZ,�-, BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Section C. �- Authorized Agent Information: Name of Authorized Agent of dwelling unit, if any: �J Address of Authorized Agent (no P.O. Boxes):,' Mailing Address of Authorized Agent:•'' Telephone Number(s): Daytime Evening Emergency Email Address: rJ Section D. Managing Agent Information: Name of Authorized Agent of dwelling unit, if a�1 Address of Authorized Agent(no P.O.J,Bo ex s): Mailing Address of Authorize gent: Telephone Number(s)aytime Evening Emerge y Email Address SECTION E. SITE MANAGER INFORMATION: (required for rental properties containing 8 or more rental units) Name of Managing Agent of dwelling unit, if any: Z' I-11 Address of Managing Agent (no P.O. Boxes): Page 2 of 5 �rr��pF SOU , Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax (631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 ® 19-- Southold,NY 11971-0959 zrrr BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mailing Address of Managing Agent: Telephone Number(s): Daytime Evegirlg- Emergency Email Address: / SECTION F. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Number of Rental Dwelling Units on property: (rY1-�- �'l Ott5e— �[�rt C��'Y�-�/y� For each Rental Dwelling Unit set forth the Rental Dwelling Unit identifier (for exampled&Le-6/i Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 or Apt A, B, Q the use of each room in the Rental Dwelling Unit (for example, Kitchen, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Living Room) and the dimensions of each room. For properties with multiple Rental Dwelling Units use "Rental Permit Application Addendum." Rental Dwelling Unit Identifier: P c Requested Maximum number of persons allowed to occu y Dwelling Unit: Number of rooms in Rental Dwelling Unit: Use and Dimensions of each room in Rental Dwelling Uit: _ LZ 13 sc .P f S=1 FSs�� ^I�S' F1� tea TV Arrm =I(i A L-t' le .— r 3 s �'1L #3- l av 5b " 12-0 �zc i rs/3a u�,�, Sb s PF v�'n�n P•r�, -a73s� Page 3 of 5 so Town Hall Annex r� �A a i A, Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road �s' Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 , Southold,NY 11971-0959 'Q BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SECTION G. INSPECTION: Pursuant to the Town Code of the Town of Southold Chapter 207 (Rental Properties), a safety inspection by Code Enforcement Official is required. If the owner chooses not to have said inspection performed by the Town, a certification from a licensed architect, a licensed professional engineer or a home inspector who has a valid New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building Code Certification is required stating that the property which is the subject of the rental permit application is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold, the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. ❑ 1 am requesting a fire safety inspection to be performed by a Code Enforcement Official from the Town of Southold ❑ 1 am submitting a completed Town of Southold certification form from a licensed architect or a licensed professional engineer. SECTION H. DECLARATION: Signature must be notarized and MUST be the owner of the dwelling unit. STATE OF NEW YORK) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) I Ed IIJXrd- a certify under penalty of perjury,the following: 1. 1 am the owner of the property identified in "Section A" of this application. 2. The property owner's legal address set forth in "Section B" of this application is my legal address and I understand the Town will use the address for service pursuant to all Page 4 of 5 { 1 Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 c®UN�'a,�a BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD applicable laws and rules. I further acknowledge that I will notify the Town of Southold Building Department of any changes of address within five (5) days of any changes thereto. 3. 1 have read and received a copy of Chapter 207 of the Code of the Town of Southold and agreed to abide by the same. 4. 1 will notify the Town within five (5) business days as to any change to the information regarding Authorized Agent, Managing Agent, or Site Manager. Property Owner's Name: Edo(A-r � /-) 1byM&"q11 Property Owner's Signature:X 0— sworn Sworn to before me thisCg qday of ��' , 20,Q U Officia otary Public Signature and Original Notary Stamp SABRINA M BORN {Votary Public,State of New York No.01806317038,Suffolk County- Commission Expires Dec.22,20 Page 5 of 5 �®f S0�/rMay 16, 2020 Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 d Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RENTAL PROPERTY CERTIFICATION Form is to be completed by a license architect, licensed engineer or licensed home inspector Separate form is required for each individual Rental Dwelling Unit Professional seal r egulred for Architect,or Encineer, licensed Home Inspector muss*pr oy de copy of valid-current certification Rental Property SCTM Number: Rental Property Address: 695 Rogers Lane., Southold NY 11971 Owner/Name: Edward Graham Rental Dwelling Unit Identifier: Number&Square footage of each bedroom as depicted in the attached floor plan: (i.e. Bedroom #1 -100 sq., Bedroom#2-90 sq., etc.) Property Description (Include all improvements indicated on survey) I certify that I have done a physical inspection of the subject rental dwelling unit and find that it fully complies with all the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold,the Residential Code of New York State,the Building Code of New York State,the Plumbing Code of New York State, the Fuel Gas Code of New York State, and the Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State. Victor Cornelius III CEO Inspector Print Name and Title ceo# 1216-0283 bAginal Signature Please place professional seal: �a0E50U1y� VM� �toqw� S�• SuAol& � # * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. `�courm,N�' 765-1802 -- INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2NDr f ] INSULATIOWCAULKING [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] FINAL .[ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE,RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ ] ELECTRICAL (FINAL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ ] PRE C/O REMARKS: Thy IIDu I �vW✓ ' • �"le.-' -f�iM OW4 ID VO o' K owl t�, ,r DATE INSPECTOR ® vv" .� 13 '� ��b � '�'��y 2a� is .� �� 6� „�-�_"�-'•s 1151 r s4 AIV eA �'€�rr t' � f 1 0 ltet F 16 Coote l. g i LI i i i i _' 3 ��.� TO N ®F s®uTH®L® PROPERTY E9/a0'6 R® M- S I OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT Q — (`e p e'5 FORMER OWN�E1 ),� N 'j E ACR. /� S W TYPE OF BUILDING / / L0 U d 2P 7 1` RES.2�0 ---1 EAS. VL FARM COMM, CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS - SA-k e g 6' 0 0 0 b 00 f 3o oa �� ✓ S 0-6 a4 Iq a - �1(& S- Y-ah a r G�Q M N y I AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Vclue Acre Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodlandt FRONTAGE ON ROAD �� Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKHEAD Total DOCK 1 17 z r A •rx y.�7ir .. ''+r. .r • •' mom 101 momOON NOON■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ �, , ;:, ■■■■■■■■■■■ NOON■■■ y F 1ryi• y r ,.: —_--z- ti NOON■®■■■ � 7 . r ■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■� � � ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SEN■■� ..4 -- ■ NOON■■■ ■■■ � INN�■■�■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ � I■��7 ■ NOON■■■ ■■■■I.���■���■�I■■!!1■ �l ru ONE MEN I■r■ ��■N � .. • : .. ■ ■■■■■■■■ NONE■[ ■■■ ■■■NEON■■■■■1■INTO■■ ��w����i�/N NOON ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■FZ■■■ NOON ■ , , ; NOON■N■■NN■■■■■■■■■■■■■NE■■■■ Base ent BreezewayPlace • . Recreation Room, kooms 2nd Floor r �.:!3�I,..' 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A �.N` •'�'y.. ,��.♦ I+�..�"r�iltis, ,�.r� +1, �n�fiu,.- �.r� �- • �i�i;! n:.4,•.;:+:.! nr+3iui�F. `i t�♦ +„i wa�lus iw� �i.��:,,t�, ,,.,%� '� ♦ �i4•'.�-,i•,+,,,.• ,ri o i J r .,� .. /, , ra .,..b�' = r Q1• .,S t�, r. t! `•,. }.' d•.rnreitie yl�w`rs. �/F,�, �. ,.�wuin,i<iriO.: ro. e✓�i.� �� `r. 'zrrib -r ♦�"..!- 3 rj�•r.. r-1�4 of_.,�� n + ti�"�5.�.,i�'v►p ♦,;;-c+ / �ti� � ae�•:','���M,.ro �f t 4► ran�'•t.d�,a+ u,;j. � •�+.a t"i:i''r a ,. !. _��� Vii.` .,,�,r :' .r ss�.��y �� � •••4 .sir \ '*a //! � ���, �, ;. - � w+F� f•� .�y''�.® ;F .:';�•�.5+r11■y�.. �a.v� Y�.�N a,�j� `�:le ynr� .Irl 'i'{ PO Box 1083 Southold, New York 11971 April 30, 2020 Town of Southold Building Department PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 j MAY - 1 2020 To Whom It May Concern: Topic: Rental Permit Inquiry Last year we began the rental process with our Town — completing the necessary forms and payment of the $200.00 fee. Our home inspection was scheduled for March 29-this year but because of Covidl9—that was cancelled. We have pending renters for June 1st through August 23. We are hoping for follow-up information as to our home inspection from the Town so the process could be completed and we may be able to rent. Please advise us about the inspection reschedule..i.e...how will we be notified? Sincerely, �.� a Edward A. Graham J PO Box 1083 695 Rogers Road Southold, New York 11971 May 23, 2020 Michael J. Verity Chief Building Inspector Town Hall Annex Building ' MAY 2 6 2020 54375 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: We are requesting a home summer rental permit from the Town. Enclosed are the necessary completed application form copies. Our initial inspection from the Town was scheduled for March 30th but because of Covidl9, the Town government offices were closed. ,We were then able to hire a State inspector. The Rental Property Certification inspection was performed on May 16, 2020. We completed the requirement to have 5/8 fire-rated sheet rock placed above our boiler and flue as well as the inside completion of the bay window construction in our living room. We received the Certification in the mail Friday, May 22, 2020 and it is enclosed in this packet. Our proposed renters are familiar with the North Fork and come with excellent recommendations. They are available to come June 1 st and stay throughout the summer as our only renters. We are hopeful for your approval now and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, 6'L� Ed Graham FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUMDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, Ne Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No.r 7���?.. . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. . 2 . . . .. . ., 19. .7.7 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at . . .1�0g1��.r S .coact. . . . . . . . . Street ]3 Mock No. 7. . . . . . .Lot No, g. . . . . wuuthold. , 1�..._t.. . . . . . . . . . Map No. .8�-���P�'�. �'►S , conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . Tlov • - 17 , 19.7 5- pursuant to which Building Permit No. 83014 . dated . . . . -h ov. . 17. . ., 19r/5. ., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . .P j.vatq. .�x� .1��ra �,v' . �� .17_ xa . tits th. cld f;�on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued toWin. - . . .Omer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . -X-E... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. -111�L '. 23. . :x.976. • . . • • • • • • • • - • • - HOUSE NUMBER . .695. . . . . . Street . . Rogers. 11mad. . . . . . . . .Southold.. . . . . . . . Building Inspector Foci• Town of Southold 2/24/2021 P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Rd 1 Southold,New York 11971 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 41823 Date: 2/24/2021 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION/ALTERATION Location of Property: 695 Rogers Rd, Southold SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 66.-242 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 11/18/2020 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 45522 dated 12/2/2020 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: "as built"alterations, including garage conversion to habitable space and enclosed porch, to an existing one family dwelling as applied for. The certificate is issued to Graham,Edward of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 45522 12/9/2020 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED ut o ' e Signature g Town of Southold 2/26/2021 53095 Main Rd Southold,New York 11971 PRE EXISTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 41825 Date: 2/23/2021 THIS CERTIFIES that the structure(s)located at: 695 Rogers Rd., Southold SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 66.-242 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the requirements for a built prior to APRIL 9, 1957 pursuant to which CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NUMBER Z- 41825 dated 2/23/2021 was issued and conforms to all the requriements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: wood frame one family dwelling with attached garage and outdoor shower stall Notes: BP 8301 addition to dwelling COZ-7543:BP 45522"as built"alterations COZ41823 The certificate is issued to Graham, Edward (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION REPORT. 0-- Uh( d Signature BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HOUSING CODE INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: 695 Rogers Rd.,Southold SUFF.CO.TAX MAP NO.: 66.-2-42 SUBDIVISION: NAME OF OWNER(S): Graham,Edward OCCUPANCY: ADMITTED BY: SOURCE OF REQUEST: Graham,Edward DATE: 2/23/2021 DWELLING: #STORIES: 2 #EXITS: 2 FOUNDATION: cement block CELLAR: 1/4 CRAWL SPACE: BATHROOM(S): 1 TOILET ROOM(S): 1 UTILITY ROOM(S): PORCH TYPE: DECK TYPE: PATIO TYPE: BREEZEWAY: FIREPLACE: yes GARAGE: attached DOMESTIC HOTWATER: yes TYPE HEATER: indirect oil AIR CONDITIONING: TYPE FEAT: oil WARM AIR: - HOT WATER: baseboard #BEDROOMS: 4 #KITCHENS: 1 BASEMENT TYPE: unfinished OTHER: ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: GARAGE,TYPE OF CONST: STORAGE,TYPE OF CONST: SWIMMING POOL: GUEST,TYPE OF CONST: OTHER: VIOLATIONS: REMARKS: INSPECTED BY: JOHNJ DATE OF INSPECTION: 6/18/2020 TIME START: 2:30pm END: 3:20pm