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Fthenakis, Vasilis
r Glenn Goldsmith, Presi , o�QSQFFO(�-�0 ��� Town Hall Anpex Michael J. Domino\ �,, Sd375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III N P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski ® Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J Date/Time: Completed in field by: N KN¢1 ( Cole Environmental Services on behalf of VASILIS FTHENAKIS requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss the proposal of demolishing existing landward main dwelling and expand existing cottage at top of bluff. Located: 6925 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-111-15- 9 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=q Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 / Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: 1 II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: — Some coj cxr,o r i^,4k 6u,1L ow 50ck ax, eyke w c PoPe. LcbJu xr o✓c( UJB �nlu�f (Jt"!y lv �� �0 5 f-�✓ & t, Swu, c avcr<r,� W( -Q,cJ I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: S�,et-t� Present were: /J. Bredemeyer ___,,-, ll�l Domino G. Goldsmith Krupski G. Williams Other LOT MaWn REM TO iu7Ex'DEo UAP A OF NASSW N P RLM Vj 7�i9 No SURVEY ,OF PROPERTY ' AT .NASSAU POINT, TQWN OF' SOUTHOED SUFFOLK,COUNTY, N.Y. WN& 6 2014 E•CLU� �; . � F , LOT 50 ' ,�amP cuc 326.08 � `,Urb vA`M �l PDX � � H Ea'lira LOT 51 O is • �' ' �. Car- 2a 317.29'- O + WOW LOT 5� MEA-3Z248 801 FT. CAG t'{,a 1Y.'S. LIC NO. 49678 Aur ALm?Arm,as A1X iuw 7b IRS SURVEYIS A'VFOLAWN - RECONIC•St1 0.48;' P.G Of'SECMV nWOP"a fdrW}[Jf7K STAR EWCA77ON LAW. (631J 795--5020 FAX(631) 765-1797 E7YCEPT AS PFR SEC77ON 27o9-St9WnlSW Z ALL,Cs7mCAWGVs NER aV,ARE VAUD FOR nAs MAP AND COMES nlE MV gr&y F P.O.,80X'909' SAM MAP OR nlRfCGIRWREAR 7rHa A",ESSEP sFior.of 711E SVRIg'YQiT, S011�H�,LN.Y 11971 T LOT jT�S WW so-AME COUNTYDMAPA OF NASSAU SURVEY OF PROPERTY POliVH OFRC£ON AUG.16 1922 AS FILE Na 155 A T NASSAU POINT _ di TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLk COUNTY, N.Y. ,p�pER 1 9 SCALM 11-30 B RD A� l� JUN& s 2014 ' _ - PATS_ _ LOT 50 roa w- p 326.08lo W-t � ut CIA rod oc E > PAPOOa . '1N N82 q LOT 51 $ �-a c sum t l w� �p S1RY®. .. - 317.29• ' o l ° 1 0. _ _ 582'0 . K ,,.•.,-r• f' �. LOT 5© M�=a32,2�80.Fr. i' iI r = - -- I I ij y •. �S UC. NO. 49618 i i a- _ ''k " RS, PC (63J) 765 ANY ALlERAT10N OR AOD17fON 7O THIS SlJR6E1 IS A V/OLAAON �5 i j�� q� �� fECON/C,' ., G.A OF SECTION 72VOF WE NEW YORK STA 1E EDUCARON CAW. (j l� (631)'765=5020 FAX rJ797 EXCEPT AS PER SE07ION 7209-SUEIMS/ON 2 ALL CERDF7CA71oNS - P O.,80k 909' HEREON ARE VAUD FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF OULY IF ; . 12JO rnavaER SMEE 14—®66 SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR 1HE I MMISED SEAL OF THE SURLZYOR .SOUTHOLD, N.Y 11971 M, 051F'SIMA7URE 1F9'EARS HEREON. - FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. 4203. . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray. . . .20. . . . ., 1914. . THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at S/.S .Nassau. Point—RQ. . . . . Street Map No.Iiasa .Pt. . . . Block No. . . . . . . . . . .Lot No. 5.1. . . .Cutchogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . . . . . . .Fab. . . . . 25 19.71 . pursuant to which Building Permit No. .7.092z. . dated . . . . . . . . . k'eb. . 24 . . . . ., 19.74., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is .Aacassory. .builing. with .addition.&. ,alterat:.ox# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to Alf rad.Blaikia . . . . Chmor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . . . . N,R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. .pending. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER . . .6925 . . . . . . Street . . Kas sant .PoiAt .'ZoA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Inms ector i"= +�r 3f :�y ' 'fs-.�y:',�""9�� .�•�; � ` - �- � .t' '.�� r �- r.t T,ry� '-�..r p�`� - t •�.. ,...^r'S• ��� y_ a f .. A�R r�.aC�ti .%- r 7. }��'_ � +��•� ri �4f .Y•` ....4 Y��. � K � �� Y �., �+..' . _'li'.. y..._ 9F i! " 1-4 AV- TV SF. •Y $ 4• ` 91' 9 L• ,rg .flr -k ^Y �a•IF _ "' - � . _ ' 1 w Rift Aft Ob • • • • f r 4 73 ' ye;= 3 ✓^ � •• �� �. `� K _ S�r}R '�" t �f.-� � Cyt, a, ;- .,VITG. a ,: of � '� >. ,i.0� ,,� •7. `.�� r�,� • ',�,� ^( Y}k'���� -z _ .. 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" q , 77 4�0 • '� ,�,•,� l X,�;.,: �• �L Rte` dr - s` L r r 401 a jr ,k 1 -rri 4 .Z IV a94 VA, •.r.aa.�",' A rL y L_'I i-.��4Z' '' ". ,;[�_� ,.•��� � �•� �Y �1'.�nT� 'w� ` +k � a g R_ •i.• �• Y IFiC 4L IPA At Naki jt op rt t , w ,yam �� ;r .. • y .4 r; . ° \\ by _. a O ,.Wel � t tp4 ter '� ® S S ♦ � s `'` c" '1 `^' \ -- \� m^� $e o aj� +oc. ?Ncl � z a a S o 8 •• S ,P! 9 a1 '^a,t,�.. t ,� n' 2"`s i ez a ro A -� P S • A' �, q ypN�- P" \ ��?� � ^, _w 0-,v_4 L i � � 3 +ot- S f � �, a d 'd ♦ C ® \ e � A 42 .� -p♦ to e € .p o P \ klyw �$ d ,e " is a t�w iu et ' rA otn eEre,woEN � 1r e.+ P radm 3 d y. _ P d y,EST \.♦ 13w ] ti � � m tP t b a3Nc) e i s P^ P^ m is tP P '\ M 1.1IT1(c) a^ 1e p 71 - yi t7Alc) ,1 ,3 IANC) io -\.-�...� .� ! �i1 a �- � � �' M 1° ♦1 M \ O ° P+ O°'" ,.Wc) '"ted i d ♦ z i R i17A 1 , _ d s d °. ♦Yi p.NC+ i Rs 15 ____ � s Q \ 0 e°Vcl, '+3 4PAwr � r P- 1e.1 wn ,3 4 ♦7r \1 2P fi .'21 • `�\ 2BB 500 N 309.11112 I to M �'a MRI• � ($w2 __+_W.)_ 2 tet c" s p tT W .P ,y .'\r � N P' e1 F ♦i ',.o:1ct o' � �,.an o) t, P' m ,9 .p72 1.awrc) L lawlc) ,2 i po rnl 1� 2e•(c) \ �. < 2 �• Al p^ i! sem, +. d'.'"37.Y ^� IAA(c) r \ ,d "1'g0 �c. �.t �� ,mac) d � y' ✓' -'3eT P s e1 31 t.Wd ♦ d ®m ,a '' srr•sc P t •5 A(c) ♦.Nsl� ♦° P 1 FOR PCL.NO.Rym eea ♦1 sm.NO. 0. 2M \:..PO•g0. ♦ A IAATCH --�---LINE ,,].� ♦1 NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K \ tow os SoeTHotm SECTION NO nirteeco r trrm Real Property Tax ServceAgency v ,p r— �. a �v Coinry O^M Rk=d.NYI,Mt 1Y -' -,. _ tasttc,<rau^rtriz rn�^nnarzo trauarA A purwcr rtp 1000