HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/2021 Historic Preservation Commission our Unique yg�i my � YE, se • So HOLD r • ra7'v9ded0 G VArk Regular Meeting Minutes TOWN HALL MEETING ROOM (Via ZOOM Webinar) Thursday,OCTOBER 28,2021 3:00 PM Work Session: 3:00 P.M. Pre submission Conferences: 1. Treiber, Peter and Irene, 405 Rackets Court, Orient, NY. Proposed Additions and Altera- tions to a Single Family Dwelling. SCTM# 1000-17-6-8. a) Anthony Portillo, Architect, appeared before the Commission to describe redesign and rendering, reducing window size in the four season room, and change roof design. b) The Commissioners determined that the design is much improved. c) A Motion was made to set a public hearing for November 23, 2021 by Commissioner Surchin, seconded by Commissioner Santana. AYES: Orloski, Surchin, Wexler and Santana. 2. Holzapfel,Joyce, 1490 Village Lane, Orient, NY. Proposed additions and alterations to a Single Family Dwelling. SCTM No. 1000-24-2-14. a) Anthony Portillo, Architect, appeared before the Commission to describe the redesign and rendering to extend the shed roof and install three awning windows. b) The Commission requested an additional presubmission conference of November 23, 2021 to present type of windows and additional photos to show view from the street. 3. HC NoFo, LLC, 53315 Main Road,Travelers Street, Southold. Proposed Construction of an Affordable Housing Project. Three new 2 story buildings, each containing four units; one existing 2 story building to contain 2 units (Total 14 units). SUM No. 61-1-9.1. a) Todd Feuerstein, representative, appeared before the Commission to describe Hardy Board siding, new roof shingles and lattice to be installed on the existing dwelling. b) The Commission requested an additional presubmission conference of November 23 for the applicant to present a rendering to depict square one to two inch lattice and to coat exposed concrete block with stucco/cement. 4. Becker, Kathleen, 154 King Street, Orient. Proposed additions and alterations to a Single Family Dwelling. SUM No. 1000-26-2-3 Page 2, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission October 28, 2021 a) Barbara Cohen, Representative, appeared before the Commission to describe the dwell- ing built in 1963 renovated to change access and the roof line. b) The Commission requested an additional presubmission conference on November 23, 2021 for the applicant to present specifications on windows, door, siding and roofing. S. Kane, Keith and Lynette, 335 Village Lane, Orient. To legalize an "as built" four season room. SCTM No. 1000-25-2-4.13. a) Michael Kimack, Representative, appeared before the Commission to describe the im- provements which include installation of siding and windows b) The Commission requested an additional presubmission conference on November 23, 2021 for the applicant to present specifications on siding and windows, and to also present rendering of original structure vs. new improvements, and that a public hearing will be scheduled for December 9, 2021. Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:58 pm Attendees: Chairperson Ostroski, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Commissioner Santana, and Commissioner Wexler. Also present: Coordinator: Kim E. Fuentes, Assistant Town Attorney John Burke Quorum present: Pledge of Allegiance: Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve September 30, 2021 meeting minutes by Commissioner Wexler, seconded by, Commissioner Surchin, AYES: Ostroski, Surchin,Wexler, and Santana. Motion approved. The Commission discussed the preliminary budget for year 2022,which the Town Board will vote to approve in November. Old Business: 1. HPC Town Website and Laserfiche update will continue as necessary. 2. No date has been set at this time for T. Webb and R. Harper Orient Historic District Preservation Program co-sponsored by the OA and OHS. The Commission discussed possible dates in the Spring months. (Mariella Ostroski) 3. Updates on Asch property award in progress. (Anne Surchin). 4. Landmark incentives—progress pending (Mariella Ostroski). Discussion will be scheduled for the next meeting for strategies to direct to and educate local realtors. The 2 Page 3, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission October 28, 2021 Commission members discussed possible locations and past discussions with local Realtors. 5. Old Fordham Estate, Orange H. Cleaves, 1805-1876. The property is currently a Bed and Breakfast. A letter received by Rosel Morele (SP?), who is not the owner, requesting that the property be recognized as landmark property. Currently waiting for an application to be submitted by the property owner. New Business: 1. Meeting dates: November 23 (Tuesday) and December 9. Additional meeting dates were presented for 2022. 2. Trieber, Peter& Irene, 405 Rackets Court, Orient. The coordinator to schedule the applicant for a public hearing on November 23, 2021 Meeting Adjourned: 5:15 pm Motion to exit the public meeting and move to execution session was made by Commissioner Surchin, seconded by, Commissioner Wexler, AYES:,Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, and Santana. Motion approved. Next HPC work session and regular meeting,with Zoom access, scheduled for November 23, 2021 at 3:00 pm. 3 i