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Certificate of Attendance
Training Program for Municlipal Planning and Zoning Officials
This two hour training program was completed on October 4, 2021.
Presented to:
Leslie Weisman
Ashira Ostrow
Executive Director, Wilbur F Breslin Center for Real Estate Studies
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Certificate of Attendance
Training Program for Municipal Planning and Zoning Officials
This two hour training program was completed on October 18, 2021.
Presented to:
Leslie Weisman
Ashira Ostrow
Executive Director, Wilbur F. Breslin Center for Real Estate Studies
Associallon of Towne of the State of Now York
Sponsor: Association of Towns of the State of New York
Activity Title: 2021 Planning & Zoning School
Date and Location: Saturday, November 13,2021
Virtual Event
By signing below, I certify that I attended the activity described above and am entitled to claim
credit hours upon the approval of the legislative body.
Name (Print legibly) Siature
SooEe +/eC�Gf� LrSct=Q.
Address Date
Yb�f 4-t kt 6 j- 1UY ll ff --
Town/ State/Zip
WHEREAS, effective January 1, 2007, all planning board and zonuig board of appeals members in
New York State, as well as alternate members of those boards, must complete a minimum of four hours
of training each year;and
WHEREAS, the legislative body of the [Town / Village / City] is required to approve the activities that
satisfy this training requirement;NOW,THEREFORE, be it
RESOLVED, that the.Association of Towns with the cooperation and assistance of the New York
New York State Planning Federation and others,is approved to provide training to meet the above cited
state law requirements when the training provided pertains to municipal planning, zoning, community,
design, environmental issues, economic development, and local government functions and practices.
Please return this Certificate to your Town's Legislative Body for approval.
AnocWbon of Towns of the State of Now"fbrna.
Sponsor: Association of Towns of the State of New York
Activity"Title: 2021 Planning & Zoning School
Irate and Location: Saturday, November 13, 2021.
Virtual Event
By signing below, I certify that I attended the activity described above and am entitled to claire
credit hours upon the approval of the legislative,,,l�
r "
Name (Print leg" S gna e
Address Twits:
Town / State /Zip
a me x w if)t , a c . k 9"'
WHEREAS, eff`ccttive j,A nttuarV 1,2007„ all planning board and zoning board of appeals menibers in.
QTc%, N`orlk State, ans wdl as ;alternate nactanlners of flara,se boards,, must crannlalctc a ntnanninlaa:nM cif"fo u.r hours
of training each .year; and
WHEREAS, the legislative body of the [Tc)\vn / Village / Cityl is rctlnnircd to apprtnve the activities that
satisfy this training reclaairernent NOW,THEREFORE, be it.
RESOLVED,LED, that the Ass+aclation of Towns with the cooperation and nas,sistfancc° of t-nc Ncw 'Vorlc
I e\v 1:or k State Manning Fccleration :and others, is al-)proved to provide training to nacet the, a stage: cited
state law reclaa.irernents when the training provideki pertains to nananicipna.l lalnannin ;, zoning, ccarnnnnµnLill.ity,
design, eri ironnnrae.nt.al issues, cca.anomi.c c.a=ek)j)nuc°nt, and locaA governtnctit functions and practices.
Please return this Certificate to your Town's, Legislative Brady for agproval.
01 Now
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This certificate is issued under§1500.4(b)(12) of the NYS CLE Program Rules and under§10(B) of the NYS CLE Board
Regulations and Guidelines. By issuing this certificate, the CLE provider verifies that the attorney named below completed this
program. Attorneys must retain their certificates of attendance for at least four(4)years from the date of the program.
A. Attorney and Program Information E. Credit for Attendance
Award credit in accordance with§8(A)(4)(a)of the Regulations. Enter number of
Eric Dantes credits earned in each category:
• Name of Attorney For Newly Admitted and/or E Irl nr tof�ne s:
Challenging or Appealing Administrative Zoning Decisions: 0 Ethics and Professionalism
What You Need to Know Skills
Law Practice Management
•Title of Program 2.00 Areas of Professional Practice
12/29/2021 For Experienced Attorneys
• Dates of Attendance For self-stud programs,indicate date completed program.) Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias
O C YPc9 Y P Po9 )
In accordance with§10(B)(2)of the Regulations,for multiple breakout sessions,
provider should attach a sheet indicating the sessions attended by the attorney.
• Location of Program(City,State)
✓❑Location Not Applicable(Check only for self-study programs.) F. Credit for Faculty Participation
Award credit in accordance with§3(D)of the Regulations..Select participation
type and enter number of credits earned in each category:
B. Format of Program For Experienced Attorneys Od :
(Check only the format completed by the attorney to whom this certificate is issued.)
0 Speaker 0 Panel Member
1. Traditional Live Classroom Format
2. Fully Interactive Videoconference 0 Moderator Law Competition Faculty
_.� Ethics and Professionalism
Live Simultaneous Transmission Skills
(webconference,teleconference,webcast,videoconference,satellite broadcast,etc.)
Law Practice Management
3. Questions Allowed During Program(Synchronous Interactivity)
Areas of Professional Practice
4. Questions Not Allowed During Program
Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias
• 5. On-Demand/Recorded (Audio/video)
O 6. Other (Describe) G. CLE Provider Information
Newly admitted attorney format restrictions(except as provided in§2(A)and NBI, Inc.
§2(F)of the Regulations):
Formats 1 &2-acceptable for credit in any category • Provider Organization
Format 3-unacceptable for Skills credit 1218 McCann Drive Altoona, W 154720
Formats 4&5-unacceptable for Skills or Ethics and Professionalism credit
C. Attorney's Method of Participation (Check only one) 866-240-1890
O Group Setting, or •Telephone
Individual/Self-Study(including an attorney individually dialing in or Nikki Brown
logging in to a webconference,teleconference or webcast,or individually • Provider Ascent Name
viewing/listening to a recorded program) 44xu
D. Level of Difficulty (Check only one) • Provider Agent Signature
The nt t '1p course is appropriate for: Ie I � (Check only one)
O BOTH newly admitted and experienced attorneys ❑• has been certified as an Accredited Provider by the
(transitional/nontransitional), or NYS CLE Board, or
❑• ONLY experienced attorneys (nontransitional), or 0 has had this individual course
ONLY newly admitted attorneys (transitional) accredited by the NYS CLE Board as: • Course Number
This certificate may NOT be used to award CLE credit to New York attorneys
New York State CLE Board•www.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle•Revised 01/18 under New York's Approved Jurisdiction policy.
�� �. � f i f • • f • � f f : i � • f � f• � f f • ' '
This certificate is issued under§1500.4(b)(12) of the NYS CLE Program Rules and under§10(B) of the NYS CLE Board
Regulations and Guidelines. By issuing this certificate, the CLE provider verifies that the attorney named below completed this
program. Attorneys must retain their certificates of attendance for at least four(4)years from the date of the program.
A. Attorney and Program Information E. Credit for Attendance
Award credit in accordance with§B(A)(4)(a)of the Regulations.Enter number of
Eric Dantes credits earned in each category:
♦Name of Attorney - e le C d tto :
Land Use and Zoning Issues 2021 1.00 Ethics and Professionalism
Law Practice Management
♦Title of Program 6.00 Areas of Professional Practice
12/29/2021 For Experienced Attorneys Only:
♦ Date(s)of Attendance(Forself-studyprograms,indicate date attorney completed program,) Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias
In accordance with§10(8)(2)of the Regulations,for multiple breakout sessions,
provider should attach a sheet indicating the sessions attended by the attorney.
♦ Location of Program(City,State)
✓0 Location Not Applicable(Check only for self-study programs.) F. Credit for Faculty Participation
Award credit in accordance with§3(D)of the Regulations.Select participation
type and enter number of credits earned in each category:
B. Format of Program For ExPffienced Attorrleo
(Check only the format completed by the attorney to whom this certificate is issued.)
0 Speaker 0 Panel Member
1. Traditional Live Classroom Format
2 � Moderator � Law Competition Faculty
. Fully Interactive Videoconference
Ethics and Professionalism
Live Simultaneous Transmission Skills
(webconference,teleconference,wetxast,videoconference,satellite broadcast,etc.)
Law Practice Management
3. Questions Allowed During Program(Synchronous Interactivity)
Areas of Professional Practice
4. Questions Not Allowed During Program
__ Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias
e 5. On-Demand/Recorded (Audio/video)
0 6. Other (Describe) G. CLE Provider Information
Newly admitted attorney format restrictions(except as provided in§2(A)and NBI, Inc.
§2(F)of the Regulations):
Formats 1 &2-acceptable for credit in any category Provider Organization
Format 3-unacceptable for Skills credit 1218 McCann Drive Altoona, W 154720
Formats 4&5-unacceptable for Skills or Ethics and Professionalism credit
C. Attorney's Method of Participation (Check only one) 866-240-1890
0 Group Setting, or ♦Telephone
[001u Individual/Self-Study(including an attorney individually dialing in or Nikki Brown
logging in to a webconference,teleconference or webcast,or individually ♦ Provider Agent Name
viewing/listening to a recorded program)
D. Level of Difficulty (Check only one) A Provider Agent Signature
The_ f nfel of thC_. • .t ( I� I` fpri to fOT: E Pf V : (Check only one}
0 BOTH newly admitted and experienced attorneys 0 has been certified as an Accredited Provider by the
(transitional/nontransitional), or NYS CLE Board, or
❑� ONLY experienced attorneys (nontransitional), or ac has had this individual course
accredited by the NYS CLE Board as:
0 ONLY newly admitted attorneys (transitional) ♦ Course Number
This certificate may NOT be used to award CLE credit to New York attorneys
New York State CLE Board-www.nycourts.gov/attorneystcle•Revised 01/18 under New York's Approved Jurisdiction policy.
,�y �� �" � i i 1 . . .l • � i i : : i � • i � I• � I i ••I i
This certificate is issued under§1500.4(b)(12) of the NYS CLE Program Rules and under§10(B) of the NYS CLE Board
Regulations and Guidelines. By issuing this certificate, the CLE provider verifies that the attorney named below completed this
program. Attorneys must retain their certificates of attendance for at least four(4)years from the date of the program.
A. Attorney and Program Information E. Credit for Attendance
Award credit in accordance with§8(A)(4)(a)of the Regulations.Enter number of
Eric Dantes credits earned in each category:
A Name of Attorney For Newly Admitted and/or Experign a orn s:
Land Use Law: Handling Subdivision, Zoning and 0 Ethics and Professionalism
Annexation Issues Skills
Law Practice Management
♦Title of Program 2.00 Areas of Professional Practice
For Experienced Attornevs Only:
♦ Date(s)of Attendance(For seff-study programs,indicate date attorney completed program.) Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias
In accordance with§10(8)(2)of the Regulations,for multiple breakout sessions,
provider should attach a sheet indicating the sessions attended by the attorney.
♦ Location of Program(City,State)
✓❑Location Not Applicable(Check only for self-study programs.) F. Credit for Faculty Participation
Award credit in accordance with§3(D)of the Regulations.Select participation
type and enter number of credits earned in each category:
B. Format of Program For Experienced Attorneys Ofil :
(Check only the format completed by the attorney to whom this certificate is issued.)
0 Speaker 0 Panel Member
1. Traditional Live Classroom Format
Moderator 0 Law Competition Faculty
2. Fully Interactive Videoconference
..._..........._ Ethics and Professionalism
Live Simultaneous Transmission Skills
(webconference,teleconference,webcast,videoconference,satellite broadcast,etc.)
Law Practice Management
3. Questions Allowed During Program(Synchronous Interactivity)
Areas of Professional Practice
4. Questions Not Allowed During Program
Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias
• 5. On-Demand/Recorded (Audio/video)
0 6. Other(Describe) G. CLE Provider Information
Newly admitted attorney format restrictions(except as provided in§2(A)and NBI, Inc.
§2(F)of the Regulations):
Formats 1 &2-acceptable for credit in any category ♦ Provider Organization
Format 3-unacceptable for Skills credit 1218 McCann Drive Altoona, WI 54720
Formats 4&5-unacceptable for Skills or Ethics and Professionalism credit
C. Attorney's Method of Participation (Check only one) 866-240-1890
0� Group Setting, or ♦Telephone
I,..".J Individual/Self-Study(including an attorney individually dialing in or Nikki Brown
logging in to a webconference,teleconference or webcast,or individually ♦ Provider Ascent Name
viewing/listening to a recorded program)
D. Level Of Difficulty (Check only one)
♦ Provider Agent Signature
„ &LE_P„IT,-f t- 9 (,: (Check only one)
The content of the&.��. ro ria e for: ..T
0 BOTH newly admitted and experienced attorneys * has been certified as an Accredited Provider by the
(transitional/nontransitional), or NYS CLE Board, or
ONLY experienced attorneys (nontransitional), or 0 has had this individual course
0ONLY newly admitted attorneys (transitional) accredited by the NYS CLE Board as: ♦ Course Number
This certificate may NOT be used to award CLE credit to New York attorneys
New York State CLE Board•www.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle•Revised 01/18 under New York's Approved Jurisdiction policy.