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From: Michaelis,Jessica Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 11:07 AM To: Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW:Verizon Wireless @ MGH - Request for Inspection Attachments: Close-out Requirements.pdf, Memo from Planning Dept 1-27-2022.pdf; Renewed BP Placard Exp 1-28-24.pdf S Vb; rL7�nC M Request for inspection for Verizon Generator Replacement at the MGH Cell Tower From: Denise Vista <dvista@amatofirm.com> Southold Town Sent:Thursday, October 12, 2023 11:03 AM _ Planning Board To: Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us> I�• — q $. Subject:Verizon Wireless @ MGH - Request for Inspection Hi Jessica, As discussed today, Verizon Wireless has completed the installation of its replacement generator located at 40200 Main Road in Orient, and is requesting that the Planning Department conduct a final inspection. Attached is the Planning Department approval memo, dated January 27, 2022, and the Building inspector's report dated August 17, 2023, requesting such inspection for the attached Building Permit. Please let me know if you have any questions or require any further information. Thank you. Denise J. Vista, Esq. , , LAWMGR(, LIP. PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City,New York 11530 Tel: (516) 227-6363 Fat: (516) 227-6367 Cell: (516) 455-2824 cJ i .a czl stl<t()fi.r1n c9 a CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This electronic message contains information from the law firm of Amato Law Group,PLLC.This e-mail and any files attached may contain confidential information that is legally privileged.If you are not the intended recipient,or a person responsible for delivering it,you are hereby notified that any disclosure,copying,distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.If you have received this transmission in error,please forward same to sender and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner 1 "1"tBWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. w� 631-765-1802 amsmlbk �cll m to T N [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLSG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ SULATION/CAU ICING [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [1] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ j FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ j FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ j ELECTRICAL (FINAL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ j PRE C/O [ ] RENTAL REMARKS: i 1/ �Qti DATE r INSPECTORI)4 / OFFICE LOCA'T'ION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex <' � P.O.Box 1.179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) Aiript. Telephone:631 765.1938 Southold,NY www.southoldtownny.g'ov r PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J.Verity,Chief Building Inspector From: Heather M. Lanza,AICP, Planning Director Date: January 27,2022 Re: Planning Department Report Verizon Generator Replacement SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 40200 Main Road,Orient The Planning Department has conducted a review of the proposed generator pursuant to§280-74 B.(2),and recommends approval of this application. The generator is a replacement for an already existing generator,and it will be located within a sound enclosure.Town Code§280-70 1 sets the standards for wireless facilities in the M11 Zoning District and there are no noise limitations. Thank you for your cooperation. Q�S�fFO1��,oG TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -BUILDING DEPARTMENT H Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-1) • �� Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 https://www.southoldto TE -- Date ecei ed 2 Z W1 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT scut o town Planning Board ' For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. Building Inspector: NOV 0 4 2021 `s}v a .��4'� i*€ t' 4' . S- fY ..'},. ,'::�"�,'r-r7. a�+�'' UILD NBUILDING I _ r;4 li�at�on5�'a,�di<fgcrns;�rnUs`t-tje�fill` d,<_outt:,i �t�dtrkeer5�ire ;Ir.1�ot'tf tete'�>r„;� ���.� TG DEPT. O ANN OFOUTt� OLD -aU fir y1aAxT 4r > sem'->,.^q4 S AH capplatioswl�fnotabrta_eceptelRltieresetApc�nisanofitiex65iurer;an v' �+.E.�t'„r,,-4{� X=..o>JdY',ss{Y:1'i�%�,'--h''°`2,a,�.�h„�€*„': �':n;� . � E der' ��:>� e.w`��n'.�nmxi�• Pte.”����: Date: t't`'S.'<"'`+-n�«w"�wF- � ..:��✓.. 3S.¢, .rxv,y--. .ty...sA�ff� "<pJ�.'1�-'d 'r"OW�ER;7 i0 a,�r^,;it4�ER��'�rtv'--��y{ ,���.sfi:�°'-'s,�'y�q-�.-:r44,�ssv ,� ,x'r `,ls',s'-� { ..,,, �rrir} 5,;,�g�-' -.,.�i''�',f�,�t���•r%,,: �titi '.,� �''-,o. �^xE,-��, =r3'x¢o- � .�.<em�x,+-=r;� �xsz.�tr... '�,"3t��sS,-�„�Td•!� �,��.�,.a�2�< "� ,�:�:'�. "s,�,�t"�'>%'�.'.�.�:. ��._ vz;`�'�,��.-; �_.m:,rk�, Name40200-°Main LLC SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1 Project Address w40200 Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Phone#:(631)323-2424_ Email: Mailing Address:4020_ 0 Main Road Orient New York 11_957 .�,.,,s.�,�.t,+�,�'���_,%,`""�,,ai.�%."M+€r5`�='��.��rfir.� `:+� .�:.;�,�ri., r.;4w u-k��'t�€„ '�-:�'is,'�-"5�`, s;�v.:�st."`,•�<` �'*��,�•"bF"1s°��F„-a,^c. �` f^.'t�' �:`.x e,"rr;'� m, - r,'�""'fig;:;t':'. � �?" Name:�Denise Vista. Esa. Mailing Address:Amato Law Groin, PLLC, 666 Old CountrvRoad, Suite 901, Garden City, NY 11530 Pnone# (51�6�227 6363 _Emai:dvista�amatofirm.com _ *.„;�'�,.pxi-,�.:.`f9�F,2`:Yti-'}1i}m.�ra .s2�-:r-.ri;`^"`•:�_t:i -vy.,.i2 an- �Itr.-,at'�'�y`-4x,"..-..-..e.K.-4..5'.=�-` -3'� Fr -✓,`q-'s'1' _ A.lSfxv,,.Ya+"4:-:»_i*-�v:'�9�- :,'k`_;Sias_' ----.....«.w...;-�r:a::'a-�A'«.vM:{" :.h:r._., #a':5:.=& �,!,�..u,.k�aa,t•x`»:&vs,.:Su":;Sok,,.-:5",i;Ys.sw'.n �✓s-,...<i�s„�°' s� '��- '_,.;tt: 4x..�;� ;�-..t �.,'ti,� c� c§`'k'-r''�,.”"- Far v...�:"� c'i������h";'.:j .3a s' �te ,,�;�,'63a�r��.'. Name:WFC Architects f t Mailing Address:12-1- Technology Orive, Setauket,,NY 11733 Phone#:(631 ) 689-8450- Emailaom.maher wfcaia.com ¢ - _ ,r:.,. :65'r .Yt>a"n'-�'^ r"b, - -u.�'art^a,•ria '4 u"!'�.Yr'-y'.e,-`y�`c'=-"-n•P',C..r•3c!'.",�'°i.G"" +.+...- .v?ez �'2.z'-.+.gl"?4s° :af4".di7i' � 'I FY;�, k� 4�`}./�'^ : wY�P4�'i{�•YrL�tV(.`j��'.:�,C�`,o`Y�s;F 15v.t^, ,53'S h,h��F,^.yvl'�+�ie a vC,'P v.,.,���.,A�iw,..�.^;G:^".t rtf 4����-�,b,,L,t .i�� Rp „"3'x Ua�k'f',,tb `{�:y�'•x!S�e,'%i�, �,//r++a� pp���ry`�'�i® //!�!��-a' �i�rt(p�� , p�Q/� p� .fie _A .�,1„ ''�„F Y*'4'x..z_..Z.a3,w:a.� ,Ft�`'��:z�'„www �.,,��;to.>>�.k� ',t. ,,;s�w.u�xF;�-m,vu1� ��F y;u.�; ..�.�"'#s�,:�k"� •,:m ,gle"*xaY�7�y� r,� �4i�P� :A4QlY;lxflANa'�p,�Itl�®IRMA7`CiON'�"�??:,t'_-"n r`• r t tr:,r,,i 't9,�. ,k,- .3 �4 �n,;r .'t- �,. ,dy�,":,nh:cy$ :tc�+a Y..,.y. „ `i„ .:;� ,ir ., %f".<�, ��'r4�^��r„�€r :,�ar�.raeM✓?�r=�`'�:ky�.,,. - ,�>va��a..tc,w�... .-v�,:ua u a >�� c.,�,� ,: +sks-r a Name:Odyssia Global Communications Corp. .. Mailing Address:24-34 45th Street. Astoria. NY 11^,103 Phone#' 392-4819 Email:nick@odyssia,corn - s = - ."-'c*r^EYde fi' ":a¢,:.a rh"";:. {^L- II -."_`.� ::rA _r3,_-•- ;'"+:•`” ...1' ^�'u^y-'�, ,C-..._4L`.i..M: "<'Ari�;2 �'9Q.�?t: ,�Y:;.i�S `,'y,^^-„,�iiK? 'z$:?:- '.:3'.” +'3`i==s="x ,�',„ =':�.z,°7:.,u 'i�'>.._ _- '.i�� _ �R�,-_r,x�•;. ^=�t.` ,.�=s.._-�.:r'$ .:,1-, :-.�s5=:: �.. ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: D otherReplace existing Venzon Wireless emergency back-up generator with new generator $15,000.00 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ®No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ®No 1 F - ..,:s F s=.'`.iti,`- i t!_' -r;ZY'..r t>` N_ree"`54`x2,`^ �•��',�r. - - =•T'.P _ -Sze,.' r :=. .es.K -." - .�.�r*F- ,x•' .<:r 4. 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BYes ❑No IF YES, PROVIDE ACOPY. � _"' „3�c-,-_sa .," - '.x ryY'_9 x+a.� a- �'a+svt7: K+.t` ':� u-- ',. . yt+�., _ mi;.�, x �'�z ,+:C`:,`� „< •.-_ ✓ _y G-^tom :.HhecBoxiAfter�Readl >; fix. � ��_,- taF � .a : >:, x ,�• e oi+rner coni_ ht r desi i essto 1-t ' �,_ ,, 2 z.; -. Y, <•s /i„��ra'� grs,p�o _ ha°sxespons 6le fc alf dr�ihag and stortnywa erisfdefha rovttled h � CFi to 36>o tFiiq otle RL A: s d 6A?IQ`�S,, E EBD,E`to t e 8n►tAdrog,Tep r �Yfor tip r,tssa�rttle oda Bri{ 111101515F-P91% )n o r9it as a*� ? E fi, ,� ,•, � s ,- n, 5 a th"BS 1d' 0 5 =g "t v, 9 „b�+w7'��'�r^lf '611. u d�rl7nYeo''ttlp+70"irtOf- uthot IIS u a Gw9foiariTO,t a%a lic 1. hd x" i r a � " :'rit+r:" ,i ",'.EFyT^K;,k#.�.•3 - ,t, Ws�„. 38wSOrRe&11dt [I*� 0,�y�l@Ttr� D :dUll��n addtfio_ns alterattoporfoYsrembv 1or�det�]oldtonas hereirdescnbedr r �a�iplTcaiagrees;to cotrjplywit applca6�e►a sOrd airce u`il ryn'c Vie! 4e•�cau-�..^'x-`-1''i=•k,;g✓?S3:s `v f%,r' *..`tom #rte-t .e-�, 't�.r at t ,' °*`.tea;"*Fi== c- I,ei��'n�.-'--':..?ca61 r`J�l housT�g code and;eguations a �o,adm ,autiorizeoT)nspe ars•or remTsgs�,andin<buiid)n js forecessa ms ectldns:Fais st to nts ,adhere _ :, £; ,. .;,t•E p.,G- ,�pUrns,Jiabl ;'dS d'CIa3s,;(ni5ile e�aitou�i5u!s�kla`k° Q,a � �'�,�'"f'�I� e N p`�k; e'��e�'�e l;La �"<�'�"''�` •:�^a,��„ ��`�.F rai� �fiz`�a,'w•":�£; *r;¢ �,>,��;, ,:. .� , 2.,n�.•�;�,-�',.xn ,�; ecti,!�z.��• � �i�,�nr;Y r Stat-� ��� �` �,a'F�.��,`",x•��,� fi :����„ -��"�,;� a�n• �•n��' Robert Czarniawski, on behalf of New York SMSA Application Submitted By(print name): Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless®Authorized Agent ❑Owner - New Y I%S�M' invited Pad ership d7b/a Verizon Wireless' - Signature of Applicant: By.�� Date: Titre: NefwoFTc ngine ring-Ri-af Este`-"`-`�'"'- STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF IJC't55ac� ) Robert Czarniawski,on behalf of New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the Network Engineering-Real Estate (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) t ,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. \\\\\iTiliillrr/111 .``\\C\ ,N KATE Sworn Sworn before me thisC,\ I l day of �u 20�l ` NO 02ZA62928 Cl�'t- - QU LIFIEDIN _- Notary P lic = NASSAU COUN `�'•'pV®LIC.••' PROPERTY OWNER AUT/ORATION � 0ilNEi`I;;\ (Where the applicant is not the owner) �` co"�►uss (.71 res ►' IZ Z2 oz Marc Rowan on behalf of 40200 Plain;LLC I, residing at c/o 40200 Main Road New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Orient, New York 11957 do hereby authorize Verizon Wireless/Amato Law Group, PLLC to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. 1 40200 Main LLC By: _ Owner's Signature Dat::2,,AAV-C., -0 WA /k. Print Owner's Name MARY HARADA Title: President Notary Public, State of Connecticut 2 My Commission Expires 3/31/2026 Building Department Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) Marc Rowan on behalf of - I, 40200 Main LLC residing at c/o 40200 Main Road,Orient, New York 11957 (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) do hereby authorize New York SMSA Limited Partnership (Agent) d/b/a Verizon Wireless/Amato Law Group PLLC to apply on my behalf to the Southold Building Department. '_40200 Main LLC ' 8. • 2�2 (Owner's Signature) (Date) (Print Owner's Name) Title: TaSll� MARY HARADA Notary Public,State of Connecticut My Commission Expires 3/31/2026 AMA ® 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD, 9TH FLOOR GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 LAW GROUP, P L L C TEL: 516.227.6363 FAX: 516.227.6367 f November 3, 2021 BY FEDERAL EXPRESS Building Department Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Building Permit Application (the "Application") by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold (the"Town") in connection-with the generator-replacemerit for the existing public utility wireless communication facility (the "Communication Facility") located at 40200 Main Road, Orient, New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15,Block 9, Lot 8.1 (the"Property") NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 2/Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Sir/Madam: Verizon Wireless is submitting the Application for an eligible facilities request to modify an existing wireless facility located on the Property. This eligible facilities request must be approved administratively under Section 6409 of the federal Spectrum Act and Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") rules. Review by the Town is limited to determining whether the proposed modification qualifies as an eligible facilities request that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of the facility. The Building Permit must be approved within 60 days of the request date set forth above,subject to-tolling for incompleteness. Proiect Description Verizon Wireless was issued Building Permit #41667, by the Town Building Department on May 25, 2017, for the existing Communication Facility located on the Property. In connection with the foregoing, on September 24, 2018, the Town issued Verizon Wireless a Certificate of Occupancy, # 39918. The approved Communication Facility includes a 10 kW diesel generator, which is located on Verizon Wireless' existing equipment platform. As reflected in the construction drawings submitted herewith, Verizon Wireless is now proposing to remove the existing generator and replace same with a 50 kW diesel generator with sound enclosure, to be situated in the same location as the existing generator, on the existing equipment platform. 405 LEXINGTON AVENUE I CHRYSLER BUILDING,26TH FLOOR I NEW YORK,NY 10174 1 212 485 6000 402 MAIN STREET I SUITE 204 1 METUCHEN,NJ 08840 1 732.317.1511 kAiG Application Materials In connection with Verizon Wireless' Application for the replacement of the existing generator, enclosed are the following materials: 1. One (1) original Application for Building Permit; - ----- -- --------- -- — 2. One(1)original Owner's Authorization; 3. Certificates of worker's compensation, liability, and disability insurance for the general contractor, Odyssia Global Communications Corp.; 4. Four(4) surveys of the Property; 5. Four (4) sets of construction drawings, prepared, signed, and sealed by WFC Architects, last revised on August 3, 2021; and 6. A check, made payable to the Town, in the amount of$235.00, representing the Application.-Ming fee. Eligible Facilities Request The Spectrum Act states that"a State or local government may not deny,and shall approve, any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or.base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station:" (See, 47 U.S.C. § 1455(a)(1)).An"eligible facilities request"is defined to include any collocation,removal, or replacement of transmission equipment. (See, 47'U S.C.•§•1455(a)(2)). , The FCC adopted rules providing legally binding guidance on key terms of the Spectrum Act, notably defining "substantial change" with certain thresholds. (See, Report and Order FCC 14-153, 29 FCC Red. 12865 (FCC October 17, 2014); see also, Report and Order FCC 20-153, 2020 WL 6501650 (FCC October 27, 2020)). Based on the FCC's definition, the proposed modification (i.e., replacement of the generator), does not substantially change the physical dimensions of the tower. As depicted on the enclosed construction drawings, the proposed generator will be located on the existing equipment platform, which-will-not be-extended,-or expanded. In sum, the modification clearly qualifies as an "eligible facilities request" under the Spectrum Act and FCC rules, because it does not exceed any of the thresholds, such that it would "substantially change"the physical dimensions of the tower. As stated above, the FCC requires that qualifying eligible facilities requests be approved within 60 days, subject to tolling for incompleteness. (See, 47 C.F.R. § 1.6100(c)(2), (3)). Since the proposed modification involves removal and replacement of equipment (i.e., the replacement generator)that will not substantially change the physical dimensions of the tower,the Town may only require documents that are relevant to determining that same qualifies as an eligible facilities request. (See, 47 C.F.R. § 1.6100(c)(1)). If the Town does not render a decision within the 60-day period, an eligible facilities request can be deemed granted by operation of law. (See, 47 C.F.R. § 1.6100(c)(4)). 2 If you should have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this Application. Vet.truly yours, Denise J. Vista Enclosures cc: Verizon Wireless (via email,w/out enclosures) 3 r r --- YORc- Work ers'- -- - . CERTIFICATE'O.F - ----- --- sTAre .•Compen'sation . Board NYS'WORKERS'.COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE 1a.legal Name`&Address of-insured(use street address only) 1 b.,Business-Telephone Number of Insured Qdyssia Globaltommunications Corp 718.932-4819 24-3445th,Street. Ast'otia NY 11103 I c.,NYS Unempldyment.lnsurance-Emptoyer Reglsirationn Np tber pf Insured 71.16377 -- War'Looe o1r'of Insured(On"lyrequired ifcoverageis spe-o- �iinirCeiiCo``--- --- -- ` --• , — -- 1d.Federal Employer identification Number of lnst"rred,or�Socia1-'86 urtty certain locbOdns In-New York State, 'Wr e.,aap=Up pofiay) NUinber 11.3,401156 " 2.`Name' er d Address of Entity Requesting Proof.of Coyeragg 3a.'Name7of Insurance Carder, ptityBeing`t ttt6ot bs the.cbrtiricate Hbidet) .Conliilental,111 emnity Company Tosvl�`ofSouttiotd. �3b.=F'olicy-Number of Eritity` isted•in i3ox"1a c.° 53095 Rte 25, #-M487 Q1=04 Southold,Nll 11971 '�c.Policy effective,period 01/30!2021 t0113QJ2022: 4d.The Proprietor,Partners or Executive Officers-pre included.Only check boz if Oil l eadnersfofr6o included)' all exdUded'orcertain partrierslofl'rcers d9clude-d. 'This certifies'that-the•insurance carnet indicated above in box I'iosutes.th6 business referenced above in boz'1a! r workers' compensa#ion under th6New York'State Workers'Oompensatloil Law,(To,use' this'form,,New York(NY)must b 1119ted'_under ROM"3A3A on,the INFORMATION RAGE of the workers'compensation insurance policy). The,insuran'ce Carrier or its Iic-,ensed,agentwill send .this+carlificate,Qf(nsuratice to-the entity listed above as the certificate holder in boS02", -The instlrantd.'64rrier'must-notify the above certificate hotdetand the Mikere GompensationZoard wltbin,i0 dayd�Fq policyjs'canceled= retie.#t noripayfrient-of`preritiurris or within 310i d Sys-IF,there bie rebsorts other than.hdhp'ayrr bht'of premiubris that 4hcei the,Potioy'dr- e(iminetethe insured from thetcoverdg irjdicated'on Phis'Certlfic e,'(Tliese-notrc�s may be sent by regular rilaii j t3 h'arm ` tars :Certiflcafe-is�valid for oneyear`affer'this for�ri ia•apps-0 by the.insurance carrier-or its licensed agent;artrnfil the}zollcy' e9piretion date I#steel in°bok-1'3c';wMehOdf is learner`, This certifirwat%'is issued;as"a'matter"of ihWhiation only and contd`66 r,(gh#s upon the,b0tif date•holder_This certirjiaate does nvt`arnerid, eSc#end;oT a1teF`the,hover��e'affordad by(he policy-listed,hor does it,00hfer`anger igtits�r resp©nsibititiss beyond:thdse contaifted in(tilt referenceil.policy,: - i; this certificate.may'be used as evidence.of'aMorkers'Compensation contract ofinsurance only.while the,underlying.policy is In affect. Plea4bm Note:Up6w-caricellation of the WorkeW c6tripensMiori policy indicated on this-form,if the business;continues'to 66 ,,named oh a.permit,license or eontra,ct.issued by a cerOttoate holder,the business'must provide-that•cerdfidate hoider,wiWa - hew:Certiflcate.of`WorkeW Compensation Coverage or other authorized proof that the business"is b'omplyfng With the'- ,mandatorycoverage requiretnbnts of the NdWYorkState Workers'Compensation Law: Onderperialty,pf perjury,I certify'that`)am art authorized tepresentative of licensed agent of the lnsuranae'carrier refefehc_e`d above and thatthe named.insu_red has the,noveragd as_depicted on`this form. Approved:by: Nicholas Zulkofske (Print nR- f odzed'repte.e;GG oriteensed agent of insuranca`,carrier) =Approved by: — (Sign ure) (Date) Title:Authorized Agent ,Telephone`Number of authorized representative-or licensed agent 6i insurance,carrier:'631-9'41-4113 please Note:Only'insurance carriers and their licensed agents are authorized to issue Form C-105.2.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue it. C-105.2(9-17)' vrww:wcb ny.gov - -- - - - --- --- - - -- - - - - - --- -- - -- - Workers' Compensation Law Section 57. Restriction on issue of permits and the entering into contracts unless compensation is secured. 1. The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized or required by law to issue any permit for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in a hazardous employment defined by this chapter, and notwithstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing the issue of such permits, shall not issue such permit unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair, that compensation for all employees has been secured as provided by this chapter. Nothing herein, __-___—hawaver_,chall__be_construed_as cr-eating_an-y_liabilityc on_-the_padof__such_state or_-municipal_depadment,_boarsi,__-__ commission or office to pay any compensation to any such employee if so employed. 2. The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized or required by law to enter into any contract for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in a hazardous employment defined by this chapter, notwithstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing any such contract, shall not enter into any such contract unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair,that compensation for all employees has been secured as provided by this chapter. C-105.2 (9.17) REVERSE v"oRx Workers' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGEs rnre Compensation Board DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Carrier or licensed Insurance Agent of that Carrier 1a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured ODYSSIA GLOBAL COMMUNICATION CORP 718-932-4819 24-34 45TH STREET ASTORIA,NY 11103 ------ ----- ----- - - - ---- -------------------1c.Federal-Employer-Identification Number-of-Insured-----_—__--__------ Work Location of Insured(Only required it coverage is Specifically limited to or Social Security Number certain locations in New York State,i.e.,wrap-up Policy) 113401156 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company Town of Southold 53095 Rte 26 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"l a" Southold NY 11971 DBL176633 3c.Policy effective period 01/31/2021 to 01/30/2023 4. Policy provides the following benefits: ® A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. B.Disability benefits only. C.Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: © A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. ® B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of pequry,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the Insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described-above. Date Signed 8/24/2021 B rr y W (Signature of Insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that Insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Title Richard White, Chief Executive Officer IMPORTANT: if Boxes 4A and 5A are checked,and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE.Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B,4C or 513 is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220,Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board,Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200,Binghamton,NY 13902-5200. PART 2,To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(Only if Box 4C or 5B of Part 1 has been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law with respect to all of his/her employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note:Only Insurance carvers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form D8-120.1.insurance brokers are NOT authorized to Issue this form. DB_1120.11 (,o_,ir) DB-120.1 (10-17) ACORO' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMfDD1YYYY) 14_� 08/24/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER-OF INFORMATION-ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pol)cy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Brookhaven Aaency Inc Brookhaven Agency,Inc. PHONE 631 941-4113 FAXC. 631 941-4405 100 Oakland Ave,Ste 1 E-MAIL DOREM, Certificates Brookhavena enc .com PortJefferson,NY 11777 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE N IC 0 --------- - -----------------–---------- ---- ------ u a: Utica Mutual Insurance Co. —� -25976---- INSURED I . Continental Indemnitr Co 28258 Odyssia Global Communications Corp iNsugggg., Merchants Mutual Insurance Co. 23329 24-34 45th Street INSURER •Westchester Fire Insurance Co. 10030 Astoria NY 11103 SURER 0: Homeland Ins Co of Delaware 14231 CURER Th Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. 24074 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE DDL UBR POLICY NUM13ER I POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 A CLAIMS-MADE ®OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED $100,000 X Contractual Liability X X 5429003 01130/2021 01130/2022 MED EXP(Any oneperson) 'S5,000 X Includes XCU Coverage PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 POLICY a]JECT F LOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG $2,000,000 E✓ O $2,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 C X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) S UTOWNED SCHEDULED X X CAP1068043 01/30/2021 01/30/2022 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ X AUTOS HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS (Per accidgrit) SUM Coverage $1,000,000 X UMBRELLA LIAR IV OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $6 000,000 C EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE X X CUP0002353 01/30/2021 01/30/2022 AGGREGATE $6,000,000 R $ WORKERS COMPENSATION X I PER Tr I I OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY STATI FR ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE —N E.L EACH ACCIDENT S 1'000,000 B OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLUDED? NIA X 37-225487-01-04 01/3012021 01/30/2022 (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE 1 000 000 Ryes, Idescribe under TIQN OF TI e! E.L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 31,000,000 F Installation Floater BMO(22)63108118 05/09/2021 06/09/2022 1,000,000 1,000,000 D Umbrella Llability(2nd 5m) X X N11036361 004 01/30/2021 01/30/2022 6,000,000 per occ 6,000,000 agg DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space Is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 53095 Route 25 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Southold,NY 11971 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <N$Z> ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD N W E S MAIN ROAD (S.R 25)(66') I I 181 72•'"` °n`•""`'Y N87'09'20'E i €p —420•,)- 70 n O I;I= cn O I � e i�YA , gt�f5y P 1 –Z I _• �bu,ums h _ � T _ - MONOPOLE DETAIL c -.n.� I , i s87•09•20•w I ` I Y 9 A NOTES 1)ELEVATIONS NAVD88 ee` 2)PILINGS INSIDE MARINA NOT INDICATED 3)FLOOD ZONES EXTRAPOLATED FROM p F E MA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP#88 OF 1026, ✓ MAM6103CO088 H DATED SEPTEMBER 25,2009 6 4)HEIGHT OF TOWER FROM TOP OF CONCRETE BASE `$ IS 69 8• 0 UN DERCONSTRUCTI0NM0NOPOLE RELATEDSTRUMURES,BMECHIWICPLS ONJUNE] .2814 9 O SHEET N0: PROJECT. PF4=Na 060099 FllE Na m FINAL SURVEY OF DE ED BY- MONOPOLE M NOVEMBER2014 scale -0D HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC MONOPOLE AND EQUIPMENT DRAWN BY' MSIKWJDMD CIO)BY MS MC ENGINEERS—ARCHITECTS SURVEYORS—PLANNERS (ORIENT POINT MARINA,40200 MAIN ROAD) HSR SURVEY UPDATED 7-22009,F8 529,P 1-2(FB d93,P 20.22 SURVEY Lm 560 WALT 819TNAN ROAD,YELV02E KY.11747 ORIGINALLY PERFORMED 4-F2006)ELEVATIONS UPDATED TO RAVD8810.27-2011 ESTAB 1872 PIIONE(631)732-7777,FAMILE(631)732-7760 SITE AREA=464 ACRES FINAL SURVEY PF MONOPOLE AND EQUIPMENT PLATFORM 11-154014 9NATE AT ORIENT POINT SOUTHOLD,N Y SG TA%YAP Nn 10001S9d 1 ® " E " " D NOV 0 4 2021 BUILDING DEPT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR WIRELESS ®:,a= COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY Li NT rOINT 2 4 -0200 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT., NY11957 . , i49, VZW PROJECT I 16318733 WFC PROJECT N 21 - 14738 A R C H I T E C T S 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET, NY 11733 P. 631.689.8450 F. 631.689.8459 www.wfcaia.com LATEST ISSUANCE 'QED At SITE I F O T I® PpRhOJECT CI 11k,41 G I DE X INITIAL ISSUANCE REVISION NO. &DATES;' ,pRDERC��j. VERIZON WIRELESS SITE NAME: "ORIENT POINT 2" APPLICANT: NEW YORK SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (914) 714-7371 DWG. NO. DRAWING TITLE d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS i t`4 _ 4 CENTEROCK ROAD ARCHITECTURAL * 60 WEST NYACK, NY 10994 F. T-100.00 TITLE SHEET SITE TYPE/DESCRIPTION: AT GRADE: EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS l OKW DIESEL DC 7/27/21 1 8/3/21 GENERATOR TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW PROPERTY OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. (631) 323-2424 G-100.00 GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS 6 5OKW DIESEL GENERATOR WITH SOUND ENCLOSURE SET 40200 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT, NY 11957 7/27/21 1 8/3/21 O N��11 ROBERT HAASE SP-100.00 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 7/27/21 1 8/3/21 ATOP EXISTING ELEVATED STEEL DUNNAGE EQUIPMENT A-100.00 EAST ELEVATION AND ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN CONSULTANT: PLATFORM. 7/27/21 1 8/3/21 LEASING CONTACT: JIM KORWAN (516) 946-8920 A-101.00 GENERATOR INFORMATION 7/27/21 1 1 8/3/21 PROJECT LOCATION: 40200 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 TAX MAP INFO:: SECTION 15, BLOCK 9 AND LOT 8.1 CONSTRUCTION CONTACT: PETE MCCARTHY (631) 236-2108 ZONING DISTRICT: 1000 ZONING DESIGNATION: MARINE II A/E (ENGINEER) CONTACT: NEIL A.MocDONALD,AIA, LEED AP (631) 689-8450 EXT.115 LATITUDE: 41.15294 (NAD 83) NO. DATE SUBMISSION LONGITUDE: -72.24419 (NAD 83) ELEVATION: 5' +/-AMSL (NGVD 29) PSEG LONG ISLAND CONTACT: SUSAN BRUCE-FEINSOD (631) 348-6044 1 7/ 1 8/33/21/21 ISSUED FOR REVIEW REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS ZONING JURISDICTION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD VZW SITE ID: 5008164 VZW PROJECT ID: 16318733 NO. DATE REVISION KEY PLAN: AREA OF WORK nrtta. a.w,mrt nrAarz rnwflxs®a ISIYQITf WC88TAT81A881 C E IM❑111T[ SIAI'�COVLYFAffi!I LOCATIOlm P KEY Pk�v pian,10"na ' Anima@ tkisea'se C:tNt[PF. s- yg G ori(-n4 Point Ferry Plum,island F' ay NA;vn is 0* trt r .p� ggf a 40200 gain Rd ORIENT POINT 2 l soxoaMain>i GENERATOR REPLACEMENT rte" .,>Time 3 Fi,17in,a ' m 40200 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 TITLE: TITLE SHEET DATE: JULY 14, 2021 PROJECT NO: 21-14738 W DRAWN BY: MM (� 2 n nn � CHECKED BY: TM l`� f� fl I// SCALE: AS NOTED SCALE: ��� = 200 NORTH ru0�1 0 4, 2'�1� DRAWING NO: BUI!_DING DEPT NORTH TOWN OF SOU Am ooe ()O SITE LOCATION SITE LOCATION THOLD SHEET NO: 1 OF 5 SYMBOL LEGEND ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL NTES FOR CONSTRUCTION £. DRAWING LEGEND: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS WARRANTIES: SITE LEGEND: A I shown on these drawings is for design intent only. Verify existing conditions 1. Information sho g 9 Y /C AIR CONDITIONING IG ISOLATED GROUND ``� '; f="• " "'}"' "' `� 1. The Contractor shall guarantee all labor and materials used in this project for a minimum dimensions in field. Coordinate discrepancies with the architect and/or engineer. Do not 9 P 1 New Wall Partition 24� Contour / Topo Ac ACOUSTICAL ID INSIDE DIAMETER and P scale drawings to determine dimensions. period of one (1) year commencing from the date of final acceptance by the client. Line ACP ACOUSTICAL PANEL INFO INFORMATION ACT ACOUSTICAL TILE INSUL INSULATION (D) (ION) and benchmarks necessary for proper work from given survey New Rated -- Property Line ADJ ADJACENT ISP INTEGRATED SERVICE PANEL 2. Establish lines, grades a rY P P g 2. The Final date of acceptance is deemed as the date that all required state and federal Partitione. Y , data. work shall be erected and installed plumb, level, square and true and in proper AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR approvals have been obtained including, but not limited to: AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE P , � y.: . alignment. New Partial Ht. Stockade Fence ; ; ; g A. Final inspection AGL ABOVE GROUND LEVEL JC JANITOR'S CLOSET P Partition Line ALT ALTERNATE ,n 3. All work shall be done in strict accordance with provisions of local, state, federal, laws, B. Certificate of Occupancy Existing Partition -x-x-x- Chain Link Fence ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH K E° rds and regulations wherever applicable. Contractor shall g ordinances, OSHA stands g PP M N ALUM ALUMINUM KW KILOWATT Line coordinate and arrange all third art special inspections required under NYSBC chapter 17. ANSI AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE =.r coord g party P P 3. Any deficiencies that come evident during this one (1) year period shall be corrected by E Existing Door to Gas Piping Line L Wk Contractor shall be responsible for quantities of work. furnish labor, materials and the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. ? 4. The p q �� Remain ANT ANTENNA LAM LAMINATE (D) equipment required to complete work. �,° `t==_ APPV'D APPROVED LAN LOCAL AREA NETWORK A R C H I T E C T S - Door/Wall To e Electrical Conduit ARCH ARCHITECT (URAL) LB (LBS) POUNDS(S) 5. Provide proof of workman's compensation insurance and disability insurance coverage QUALITY ASSURANCE Remove AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE LL LIVE LOAD 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET,NY 11733 required by governing state law prior to start of work. A. Workmanship shall be of the highest quality and done by employees skilled in the 0000 New Door T Telco Conduit AWS ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICES LP LOW POINT P. 631.689.8450 I F. 631.689.8459 I www.wfcaia.com LTE LONG TERM EVOLUTION 6. Each contractor shall be held to have visited the site and to have verified all existing practice of their trade. X\ FtED A'QC conditions prior to submission of bid. Notify the architect immediately and prior to progress Detail Number -T/E- E I e c t ri c a I/Te I c o B M `� NDER y� B. All work which fails to meet the standard as herein described, shall be replaced by the C onduits BBU BASE BAND UNIT MAX MAXIMUM of work if unusual field conditions arise. `� � M�co A-� Contractor, at the Contractor's sole expense, including the work of others damaged by the Section Marker BD BOARD MATL MATERIAL 7. The Contractor shall verifyand be responsible for all field dimensions and job conditions, initial failure or the corrective repairs. Ground Wire BLDG BUILDING MBD/MBDs MAIN DISTRIBUTION BOX(ES) Drawing Page Conduit BLK BLOCK MECH MECHANICAL cn � and shall notify the architect of any discrepancies, conflicts, and/or omissions which would 3 interfere with the satisfactory completion of the work. Should the Contractor fail to follow this C. All items of work identified on the drawings b name, note, or material designation are Number B.O. BOTTOM of MFR (D) MANUFACTURE (R) (D) 6 4 9 Y 9 �+ Overhead Wire procedure and continue with the work, the Contractor shall assume all responsibility and new, unless otherwise noted. BSMT BASEMENT MFR/MANUF MANUFACTURER (S) FOF 1 BTS BASE TRANSCEIVER STATION MISC MISCELLANEOUS N liability arising therefrom. SP-101 Elevation View C atch BUR BUILT UP ROOFING CONSULTANT: SAFETY & HEALTH PROVISIONS B asin/Drywell N 8. Where pipes, conduits or low tension wiring penetrate fire rated or sound rated c NIC NOT IN CONTRACT enclosures such as wall or slab, the spaces around such penetrations shall not exceed 1/2". A. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety 0000 Door Number - Light Pole �/CL CENTER LINE No NUMBER pack spaces solid with mineral wool or approved equal on both sides of the rated enclosure precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Contract. The CAB CABINET NOM NOMINAL to ensure full fire/sound rating in compliance with the local building code. Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for the safety of, and shall provide reasonable x'- Elevation Utility Pole CB CATCH BASIN NTS NOT TO SCALE protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to employees executing the work and other Benchmark CDMA CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS 9. In all cases, drawings shall not be scaled for information. Dimensions and conditions persons who may be affected thereby. The Contractor shall give notices and comply with CEM CEMENT o must be verified in the field. applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of public authorities a-- Partition Type Tag V Fire Hydrant CLR CLEAR (ANCE) OA OVERALL bearing on the safety of all persons and / or their protection from injury. The Contractor shall I CLG CEILING OC (O.C.) ON CENTER 10. All new materials and installations shall be in accordance with the manufacturers latest erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and performance of the Contract, 2 x 2 C Bilin Grid I Si n COAX COAXIAL CABLE OD (O.D.) OUTSIDE DIAMETER printed specifications, and with all applicable code requirements reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including erecting temporary barriers, g I g CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT OH OVERHEAD posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations CNTR COUNTER OPNG OPENING 11. All work shall be performed in accordance with best standard trade practices. Each and notifying owners and users of adjacent sites, spaces, and utilities. ELECTRICAL& MECHANICAL CONI CONCRETE COL COLUMN OPP OPPOSITE No. DATE SUBMISSION trade shall cooperate with other trades to facilitate job scheduling and completion. 0 7/27/21 ISSUED FOR REVIEW B. All necessaryprecautions shall be taken b the Contractor, throughout the course of the Field Weld LEGEND: CONST CONSTRUCTION 1 8/3/21 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS p Y 9 S�- Smoke Detector CONTR CONTRACT (OR) P 12. Proprietary names identifying items of work are used to designate the standard of project, to ensure that: Weld All Around CPT CARPET PCs PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES construction. Items of equal quality may be submitted for the architects review. W e I d i n Designation Sprinkler 1. Safe and proper ingress and egress from the building and all project areas will be 1/401 q g ® Head CT CERAMIC TELE PL PLATE O CTR CENTER PL LAM PLASTIC LAMINATE 13. Each contractor shall be responsible for any damage to adjoining remaining areas as a maintained. CORR CORRIDOR PNL PANEL result of his work, and shall repair damaged surfaces to their pre-existing conditions or as Fillet Weld PP POWER PANEL may be required to complete the entire scope of the work. Weld siz Hung Exit Sign y q P P 2. Fire protection and life safety components within the building will be properly , D PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH maintained. DB(S)/(dB) DECIBEL(S) PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 14. Alterations to existing work shall be patched and finished, as necessary, to match Wall Mounted Exit DEMO DEMOLITION existing contiguous surfaces or new finishes shown. 3. Structural integrity of the building will be maintained. Construction materials shall be Sign DEPT DEPARTMENT R spread out if placed on framed ceiling or roof members. Loads shall not exceed theDIA (0) DIAMETER RAD RADIUS 15. At the completion of each workday, each trade shall be responsible for cleaning up their design live load per square foot. Provide adequate shoring and or bracing where Duplex Receptacle DIAG DIAGONAL RD ROOF DRAIN .n work. Rubbish removal shall be done in a durst inhibitive fashion, and the job site shall be structure has not attained desi stren thDIM DIMENSION REF REFERENCE NO. DATE REVISION 9 g DL DEAD LOAD REINF REINFORCED free of all debris and broom clean upon completion. Quad Receptacle DN DOWN REQ'D REQUIRED KEY PLAN: AREA OF WORK 4. There will be no creation of noise outside the hours of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM unless 16. Where applicable, clean all floors, walls, doors, mise, glass, etc. leaving job free of dust DP DAMP PROOFING RF RADIO FREQUENCY agreed to in advance, in writing, with the property owner. MATERIAL LEGEND: =bet Switch DR DOOR RFCC RF CONCEALMENT POLE and debris, prior to project completion. DTL DETAIL RFG ROOFING 5. Building security shall be maintained in order to prevent unauthorized entry to theDWG DRAWING RIP RETIRE IN PLACE 17. Existing equipment and materials to be removed, which are not required to be relocated premises and / or secured portions thereof. ,. Emergency Light (Existing DWR DRAWER RRH/RRHs REMOTE RADIO HEAD(S) or retained by the owner, shall become the property of the contractor and removed from the ", ••• MIDNf.®Alm 3lAT6.AR CO.AmpON ' RM ROOM '°°a"`°umATAT[PAAI° • Y � Concrete remises. 6. Water, Gas, p Electricity, and other utilities as applicable, shall not be interrupted duringE Ro ROUGH OPENING E construction, unless agreed to in advance, in writing, with the property owner. Emergency Light (New) EA EACH 18. All concrete used for on-site construction shall be air entrained, minimum 4,000 psi at 28 Steel Section EIFS EXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEM S _ days, air entrained from 4% to 5%. 7. There will be no accumulation of dirt and dust. The contractor shall leave the area of Pendant Flood ELEC ELECTRIC (AL) �� � � � � Light ELEV ELEVATION S SOUTH ---- '� work broom clean at the end of each day. ������������������ Undisturbed g EMDED EMBEDDED SCHD SCH SCHEDULE JFNM pA�Y. T>, 19. Elevation 0'-0" is a reference of the existing grade height. Notation to heights will be ����� ��� Earth/Soil / fN ONIT[°S ATTb OPBMAIIXt from this elevation, unless otherwise noted. Os Smoke Detector EMERG EMERGENCY SD STORM DRAIN ex Ston /Gravel ENCL ENCLOSE (ENCLOSURE) SECT SECTION 20. Verizon Wireless will remove hazardous materials, including asbestos containing EQ EQUAL SF SQUARE FOOT material(s) encountered throughout. If existing asbestos containing material is encountered � Existing Fire Extinguisher ETC ET CETERA sIM SIMILAR during the work, report this immediately to the Verizon Wireless construction manager for Galy. Steel Grating � EXC EXCAVATE SPEC SPECIFICATION $ New Fire Extinguisher EXH EXHAUST SPR SPRINKLER remediation. im X X X X X X ' Galv.Steel Diamond A EXIST/(E) EXISTING SS (S/S) STAINLESS STEEL X X X X X XX 21. Large scale drawings take precedent over small scale drawings. Detail drawings take X X X X X X X X P I a to o New 4' Pendant Light F STD STANDARD ER FE precedent over large and small scale drawings. _- FCC DAL COMMUNICATIONS STL STEEL Brick Facade ® . COMMISSION STOR STORAGEr Mhk 22. The Contractor shall be responsible for documenting existing conditions prior to start of Supply FD FLOOR DRAIN SUSP SUSPENDED Li Li work. Documentation shall be in the form of electronic photographs and written description FDN FOUNDATION of existing damaged items, not specifically noted on construction drawings. Provide copiesReturn FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER T of this documentation to the architect & Verizon Wireless Construction Manager at start of FIN FINISH (ED) T TREAD work. Damaged items, not specifically noted or visually observed in photographs, shall APPLICABLE CODES FIXT FIXTURE TEL TELEPHONE become the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall remove, repair and/or replace FACILITY NOTES FLR FLOOR (ING) THK THICK (NESS) at their own expense. FP FIREPROOF TIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION.S. T.O.S.P OF ORIENT POINT 2►� 1. New features labeled as such; all else existing or future by others. ALL CONTRACTORS WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL, STATE,AND LOCAL CODES FT FEET T.FPSC FIREPROOF SELF-CLOSING T.O. TOP (TOP OF STEEL) 23. In the event of a discrepancy between drawings and specifications or between drawings AS ADOPTED BY THE:LOCAL AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ) FOR THE LOCATION. THE EDITION FTG FOOTING TTYPICAL GENERATOR REPLACEMENT bring the discrepancy to the architect's attention immediately, in writing, for clarification. 2. The existing public utility wireless communications facility will be unmanned and will be OF THE AHJ ADOPTED CODES AND STANDARDS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF CONTRACT AWARD SHALL visited approximately once a month for maintenance purposes; therefore it is not anticipated to GOVERN THE DESIGN.THE FOLLOWING CODES ARE NOTED: G U 24. The Contractor shall take no advantage of any apparent error or omission in the generate additional traffic. ■ BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GA GAGE, GAUGE UL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES 40200 MAIN ROAD contract documents. in the event the contractor discovers such an error, or omission in the ■ EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GALV GALVANIZED UMTS UNIVERSAL MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM contract documents, the contractor shall immediately notify the architect. The architect will 3. No additional parking is required for the existing use, as this is an unmanned site. ■ MECHANICAL CODIE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GC GENERAL CONTRACT (OR) UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ORIENT, NY 11957 then make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for fulfilling ■ PLUMBING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPT UPS UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY the intent of the contract documents. 4. No solid or liquid waste will be produced by the existing use, as this is an unmanned site. ■ FUEL AND GAS COIDE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GHz GIGAHERTZ ■ FIRE CODE OF NEVNYORK STATE 2020 GL GLASS, GLAZING V TITLE: 25. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required inspections. 5. No water or sewage facilities are required for the existing use. ■ ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GND GROUND VCT VINYL COMPOSITE TILE e NFPA 70, NATIONAIL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC)2020 GPS GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM VIF (V.I.F.) VERIFY IN FIELD GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS 26. The Contractor shall forward final close-out photos documenting all installed equipment, ■ NFPA 58, LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS CODE 2020 GSM GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE VZW/VW VERIZON WIRELESS mounts, connections, etc. of the completed installation at the antenna level including model 6. There will be no commercial or retail signs, nor special lighting for the new site other than TELECOMMUNICATIONS numbers, down tilts, etc. to the Architect upon completion minor maintenace lighting at the proposed equipment cabinets beneath the equipment weather CONTRACTORS WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: GWB GYPSUM BOARD WALL w canopy. W WEST DATE: JULY 14, 2021 e AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACI)318, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL H W/ WITH PROJECT NO: 21-14738 27. The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for dunnage and canopy steel fabrication. EGRESS NOTES e CONCRETE. HC HOLLOW CORE WD WOOD AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC), MANUAL OF STEEL HDR HEADER WFC WFC ARCHITECTS DRAWN BY: MM 28. Prior to the final inspection, the Contractor shall provide the following to the Architect: I CONSTRUCTION,AVSD, 15TH EDITION. HDW HARDWARE WM WIRE MESH CHECKED BY: TM - Final redlined As-Built drawings 1. Maintain legal exit access for aces being interrupted b construction. Provide 60" main ■ 2017 ICC Al 17.1 STANDARD FOR ACCESSIBILITY AND USABLE BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES. HT/HGT HEIGHT W/0 WITHOUT 9 9 P 9 P Y SCALE: AS NOTED -All third party inspections results aisles and a min. of 44" secondary aisles for employees to exit space in case of an ■ TIA/EIA 222-F(REV"G'WHERE APPLICABLE MUNICIPALITIES REQUIRE), STRUCTURAL STANDARDS HM HOLLOW METAL WWM WELDED WIRE MESH - clear digital photos on disk or via email emergency when working within buildings. Maintain aisles free and clear from obstruction. FOR STEEL ANTENNA TOWER AND ANTENNA SUPPORTING STRUCTURES: HP HIGH POINT WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC DRAWING NO: - Generator start up report (When generators are installed) Provide temporary exit diagrams, mounted in conspicuous locations for all to see. ■ TIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS.607, COMMERCIAL BUILDING GROUNDING AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS FOR HTG HEATING HVAC HEATING VENTILATION - - Certificate of Electricians Certificate and grounding test verification 2. Maintain exit and emergency lighting for adjacent occupied or tenant spaces during the ■ ANSI T1.311, FOR TELECOM - DC POWER SYSTEMS-TELECOM, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION & AIR CONDITIONING course of construction. Should any of these systems require shutdown, notify the Verizon SHEET NO: 2 OF 5 Wireless project manager, in writing, with 72 hour notice. Jp • `r{4'. „1£,' "' �. :i.•,d.4 .br°g"d 1 s^ '.i4•' 4J•.`;• C r EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES FROM A R C HI T E C T S \ UTILITY POLE #35 \ BEYOND 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET, NY 11733 � py� P. 631.689.8450 1 F. 631.689.8459 1 www.wfcaia.com \ r- /j Ok DER 10, tz rn QIP c �j •\ / =�`'': CONSULTANT: / OPROPERTY LINE, TYP. NYSDEC Freshwater Wetlands /' ' s. 1 EXISTING / <5pSTORAGE �� ) BUILDING �p� / ' / / O p�` / ,��,P� PGG Q P�� Q P� �o��•• �� � ' ,� ;�. °��o �,�� �G���c G/ +' •� oy pyo �� �� P�� �P�� P�` P• / g°`/� °�� �P���� s�, 9�Gyo : NO. DATE SUBMISSION P� P� `� p- i 9� �• EXISTING ` Fla 0 7/27/21 ISSUED FOR REVIEW MARINA 1 8/3/21 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS tiq .� \. WL /•A�p•0 'P oy 9t' l1T CLOSEST DISTANCE BETWEEN LIMITS OF / m�0000�, �° / 6'C' �A� / G CLEARING AND WETLANDS c,. �9 99co�� 3�-n Ftp EXISTING + <��� /O EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT AND o� /�/ ® oA• ,� �o �A`' o`F TRANSFORMER, METER { o ful GENERATOR MOUNTED ON EXISTING ELEVATED tip' A Oyu r� AND DISCONNECT \���G� / a GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM. SEE 2/A-100.00 ��� /// 9�0 'Aye °�9 EXISTING RESTAURANT AND NO. DATE REVISION FOR MORE INFORMATION / ; MARINE FUELING STATIONIF KEY PLAN: / ` `�,9 AREA OF WORK EXISTING QF COMPATIBLE ,% 00 / /•/ `mss 9�G,p d i9�� n CONCEALMENT POLE WITH �G9 3r. ',c. 9,1,E°� `F����o + .l= y EXISTING 20'-0" EXTENSION / 00 'ss • / /•�F'/ �O00 � ,.Q / Nr,runt nwmucn rnr mixnnssa1 / /// 10' s. ooh / ///4'// / P�Q �O �QO a. / °°"°ro,nmrtcv a ur u rn + j�60,° 9., EXISTING MARINA �0e� Dc //QP r + s NYSDEC i al Wetlan `cPo PP lop C s. ! r / / G FTI -7 7a .01 ' ^ co "ORIENT POINT 2" GENERATOR REPLACEMENT Fq�c• / 2 `s / 9 / A-100 � /+ P 40200 MAIN ROAD + EXISTING BOAT LAUINCH RAMP ORIENT, NY 11957 348.41' TITLE: NYSDEC _� _ /1�� ° EXISTING BULKHEAD ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN Tidal Wetl _ I LATITUDE: 41.15294 (NAD 83) _ ands LONGITUDE: -72.24419 (NAD 83) c coR DATE: JULY 14, 2021 S3g'44'40"w A pN EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE ELEVATION: 5' +/-AMSL (NGVD 29) PROJECT NO: 21-14738 RSTAX MAP INFO:: SECTION 15, BLOCK 9 AND LOT 8.1 DRAWN BY: MM H ZO of EXISTING SHORELINE \ rof (f�� ZONING DISTRICT: 1000 CHECKED BY: TM ff�t' aJ ZONING DESIGNATION: MARINE II SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: 0' 20' 40' 80' tot 19 qw, ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 1 40' 1 SCALE - 1 it 40'-0" NORTH SHEET NO: 3 OF 5 t?, a< j EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ICE BRIDGE WITH it,V EXISTING 7/8"0 ANTENNA CABLES EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS GPS UNITS MOUNTED TO EXISTING WEATHER CANOPY _ EXISTING TRIPLEXERS MOUNTED TO EXISTING VERIZON — — — EXISTING CANOPY POST, TYP. WIRELESS ICE BRIDGE ;_ ' EXISTING DUAL BAND RRHs MOUNTED TO IEI EXISTING UNISTRUIT FRAME (STACKED) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 1OKW DIESEL DC GENERATOR iiTO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW 50KW DIESEL II I'IGENERATOR WITH SOUND ENCLOSURE SET ATOP EXISTING ' EXISTING VERIZON I I r----, r----, r----, r----, r---, r----, r----, r----, ': b " " -- L--� ELEVATED STEEL DUNNAGE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM I�, II.___—J L____J L____J L____J L____J L____J L____J L_ WIRELESS SECTOR Iu I' ANTENNAS AND lI DASHED LINE REPRESENTS EXISTING x x x X_ e� x x _ x x x x x x �e�L x x x x EXISTING DIPLEXERS LESSEE WEATHER CANOPY ABOVE / \ \ \ \ _ \ A R C H I T E C T S MOUNTING WITHIN EXISTING 89'-0" RF x\ � / x 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET, NY 11733 I I - I ��riu�al aarl°A om�'mQ r�ro ��moanm�a Ill P. 631.689.8450 1 F. 631.689.8459 www.wfcaia.com CONCEALMENT POLE. _ rR . ` a p a.,r-` a � �€ I �� In E q il��l � I � c x 1 =1 . ±ifll -.. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS STEEL STAIR \ £ I "TA EXISTING 89'-0" RF CONCEALMENTPOLE. �4T- ,DELTA DELTA x i k- CABINET CABINET CABINET NEW �, 6 4, 50KW DIESEL x GENERATOR II I I i I -- - - CONSULTANT: NEW W12X26 STEEL BEAM TO BE INSTALLED UP �� I I ; I ,� \ (LENGTH AS REQUIRED). SEE DETAIL x � 1 i 1 , x I 1 ,� 1 ,� / \ 3/A-100.00 FOR MORE INFORMATION di x x EXISTING EXTERIOR FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET ATTACHED i 1 TO EXISTING PLATFORM RAILING / x 1 / EXISTING DC GENERATOR -- DISCONNECT ENERATOR ` x DISCONNECT TO BE REMOVED x x x x x x �x x x x c�� x x x x Ze^L x x NO. DATE SUBMISSION 0 7/27/21 ISSUED FOR REVIEW EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS HELICAL PILES (f20' DEEP) x EXISTING DELTA CABINETS AND EXSITING DELTA BATTERY CONCRETE PIERS WITH CONTINUOUS CONCRETE PILE CAP CABINET SET ATOP EXISTING STEEL DUNNAGE EQUIPMENT 1 8/3/21 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS PLATFORM WITH EXISTING WEATHER CANOPY ABOVE EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED FROM EXISTING LESSEE TELCO CABINET TO EXISTING MESA + x EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCING WITH PRIVACY SLATS SPAN CABINET WITHIN EXISTING AT&T COMPOUND k EXISTING FLOOD LIGHTS MOUNTED TO EXISTING CANOPY POSTS, TYP. EXISTING POWER PANEL/ATS TO REMAIN ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN 0'1 08" 1'-4" 2'-8" SCALE = 3/8" = 1 �-0�� 3/8"=1'-0"wwwww�w 10 lierf, - NORTH NO. DATE REVISION KEY PLAN: AREA OF WORK EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 7/8"0 ANTENNAS CABLES ROUTED WITHIN EXISTING CONCEALMENT POLE EXISTING 13'-0" HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCING WITH PRIVACY SLATS fOY1fM BeAC98tAtl LAUD E EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 1OKW DIESEL DC GENERATOR TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW 50KW DIESEL GENERATOR WITH SOUND ENCLOSURE SET ATOP EXISTING N ELEVATED STEEL DUNNAGE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM z EXISTING 1-1/2"x3/16" ryl DNRED 4IATGODV APMENf z EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS GPS UNITS MOUNTED SERRATED GALV. STEEL GRATING. f- cn TO EXISTING WEATHER CANOPY NEW GALV. STL. 16GA. DIAMOND PLATE z¢ z ACROSS NEW STEEL DUNNAGE UNDER w z EXISTING DELTA CABINETS AND EXISTING DELTA BATTERY p w Z CABINET SET ATOP EXISTING STEEL DUNNAGE EQUIPMENT NEW GENERATOR, AS REQUIRED J Q n n PLATFORM WITH EXISTING WEATHER CANOPY ABOVE w V) z z EXISTING AT&T FENCED IN EQUIPMENT AREA TO REMAIN __.___..___._...._.........__._...-..__ w z z NEW W12X26 zo � bi EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN z R 3 Q Q z EXISTING W12X26 BEYOND o w z F— F- Z U > p w o N Q Q X NEW 2-1/2"X2-1/2"X5/16"or- �Fozg , r p fes+ �/.� A CONTINUOUS ' \ '* ..S x' •J^ h N 'J`e�V'. fr\ S.y•,•`\°e ''l 1S'f s 'k — X z z >- STEEL ANGLE „ cn cn _ — x.. � �°Y :' ` BOLTED TO NEW W12X26 W/ 1/2 ` i } x x c� k' I (III [Ill�illl ; ,= BOLTS 18 O.C. (n U) J Q •�: •,. ..'\; , x xIIunLL u LE _... O O x LL LL ;' , . @ r;':�'i ,Xy"t, X `• r :k`. x ;..; `Ae \: >':: a rid ?...... „ a a o 4x4x5/15x6 GALV STEEL L 0 o I w LONG CLIP ANGLES, TYP. OF LJ u LJ u LJ ;.r, _ '�� � ,`F �, ,,�';,.•�'"��,> •`��_ 41r •^ �. F-',. .I IIIII 'IIIJlllll. 1,_ ,;. y�, , 2 PER CONNECTION �� �� ,^ '^ ,^ :: a =� << � d ORIENT POINT 2V V V V °ftt h ` R +► -H -H -H -H N >. . . s n;. : ,° = W GENERATOR REPLACEMENT ,t m Ld 00 00 00 L0 i, 9s, ggn.� R v., `�.',•..n.f`:' ' �f. .i���,,, ` , •"jRwy:: 40200 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 II i l I LT T Ii T T T E E E E E E E E E E E — i TITLE: x i I EAST ELEVATION AND l I LJ L- _J L- -H ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN EXISTING FENCING NEW FENCING DATE: JULY 14, 2021 PROJECT NO: 21-14738 EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS HELICAL PILES(f20' DRAWN BY: MM DEEP/CONCRETE PIERS WITH CONTINUOUS CONCRETE PILE CHECKED BY: TM CAP SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: , , 0ll-4" 2_8„ , 5_4„ ELEVATIONSTEEL DUNNAGE DETAILEAST 1 3 3/16"=1'-0" " SHEET NO: 4 OF 5 - SCALE = 3/16 = 1 —0 SCALE = 1 -1/2 = 1 —0 ALTERNATOR SPECIFICATIONS COOLING # 71 • NEMA MG1 , IEEE, AND ANSI STANDARDS COMPLIANCE FOR RADIATOR SYSTEM: 49-STATE CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATIONS: ALTERNATOR: TEMPERATURE RISE AND MOTOR STARTING. ENGINE SCAQMD .•. • SUSTAINED SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT OF UP TO 300% OF THE RATED " - MANUFACTURER: KOHLER � TYPE: 4-POLE, ROTATING-FIELD CURRENT FOR UP TO 10 SECONDS. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, °C (•F)* 50 (122) EXCITER TYPE: BRUSHLESS, RARE-EARTH • SUSTAINED SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT ENABLING DOWNSTREAM CIRCUIT ENGINE JACKET WATER CAPACITY, L (GAL.) 4.5 (1.19) ° PERMANENT MAGNET BREAKERS TO TRIP WITHOUT COLLAPSING THE ALTERNATOR FIELD. RADIATOR SYSTEM CAPACITY INCLUDING ' LEADS: QUANTITY, TYPE 12, RECONNECTABLE 4, • SELF-VENTILATED AND DRIPPROOF CONSTRUCTION. 1 • WINDINGS ARE VACUUM-IMPREGNATED WITH EPDXY VARNISH FOR ENGINE, L (GAL.) 12.3 (3.2) =,'I " 110- 120/220- 240 V ENGINE JACKET WATER FLOW, LPM (GPM) 125 (33) 120 (32) ;", •_ ' u., DEPENDABILITY AND LONG LIFE. VOLTAGE REGULATOR SOLID STATE, VOLTS/HZ HEAT REJECTED TO COOLING WATERret:; "': INSULATION: NEMA MFG1 • SUPERIOR VOLTAGE WAVEFORM FROM ATWO-THIRDS PITCH STATOR , AT RATED KW, DRY EXHAUST, 37.8 (2207) 41.3 (2352) ` ,:` , .:. MATERIAL CLASS AND SKEWED ROTOR. KW (BTU/MIN.) HEAT REJECTED "' - < ,._ TEMPERATURE RISE 130_C, STANDBY SPECIFICATIONS: ALTERNATOR: TO AIR CHARGE COOLER AT BEARING: QUANTITY, TYPE 1 , SEALED RATED KW, DRY EXHAUST, COUPLING: FLEXIBLE DISC PEAK MOTOR STARTING KVA: (35% DIP FOR VOLTAGES BELOW) KW (BTU/MIN.) 12 (682) 8.4(477) AMORTISSEUR WINDINGS: FULL 480 V 4P7BX 12 LEAD 180 WATER PUMP TYPE CENTRIFUGAL " TION ,r VOLTAGE REGULATION, �, NO-LOAD TO FULL-LOAD: CONTROLLER DEPENDENT 480 V 4P8X (12 LEAD) 261 FAN DIAMETER, INCLUDING BLADES, MM (IN.) 597 (23.5) ;. FAN KWM HP 1.8 2.3 .:, . : .': ONE-STEP LOAD ACCEPTANCE: 100% OF RATING 480 V 4P10X (12 LEAD) 275 , ( ) ( ) `' '°'` UNBALANCED LOAD CAPABILITY: 100% OF RATED STANDBY 240 V 4Q7BX (4 LEAD) 113 MAX. RESTRICTION OF COOLING AIR, CURRENT 240 V 4Q8X (4 LEAD) 121 INTAKE AND DISCHARGE SIDE 240 V 401OX (4 LEAD) 144 OF RADIATOR, KPA (IN. H20) 0.125 (0.5) A R C H I T E C T S *ENCLOSURE REDUCES AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CAPABILITY BY 5°C (9°F). 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET,NY 11733 ENGINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL OPERATION REQUIREMENTS P. 631.689.8450 1 F. 631.689.8459 www.wfcaia.com ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS: 49-STATE CALIFORNIA ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: 49-STATE CALIFORNIA AIR REQUIREMENTS: 49-STATE CALIFORNIA cR pA& ENGINE SCAQMD ENGINE SCAQMD ENGINE SCAQMD ODER MANUFACTURER KOHLER DIESEL BATTERY CHARGING ALTERNATOR: RADIATOR-COOLED COOLING AIR, Q: C:.A ENGINE MODEL KDI KDI V00lSNDD(CNEGATIVE/POSITIVE) NECOMBUSTION SN AIR, M3/MIN. (CFM) 4.8 (170) 96.3 (3400) 4.0 (140) 3404TM 3404TCR AMPERE RATING 90 HEAT REJECTED TO AMBIENT AIR: 1 ENGINE TYPE 4-CYCLE, TURBOCHARGED STARTER MOTOR RATED VOLTAGE (DC) 12 ENGINE, KW (BTU/MIN.) 13.2 (750) ? O�- CYLINDER ARRANGEMENT 4 INLINE BATTERY, RECOMMENDED COLD CRANKING ALTERNATOR, KW (BTU/MIN.) 7.6 (435) fy �' DISPLACEMENT, L (CU. IN.) 3.4 (207) AMPS (CCA): MAX. AIR INTAKE RESTRICTION, SOF NO BORE AND STROKE, MM (IN.) 96 X 116 (3.28 X 4.57) QUANTITY, CCA RATING ONE, 650 KPA (IN. HG) 5.2 (1 .54) 4.2 (1.24) COMPRESSION RATIO 18.5:1 17.0:1 BATTERY VOLTAGE (DC) 12 *AIR DENSITY = 1.20 KG/M3 (0.075 LBM/FT3) CONSULTANT: PISTON SPEED, M/MIN. (FT./MIN.) 418 (1371) 510 (1673) MAIN BEARINGS: QUANTITY, TYPE 5, REPLACEABLE INSERT RATED RPM 1800 FUEL CONSUMPTION 49-STATE ENGINE MAX. POWER AT RATED RPM, KWM (BHP) 64 (86) 70 (94) FUEL DIESEL, LPH (GPH) AT % LOAD STANDBY RATING CYLINDER HEAD MATERIAL_ CAST IRON FUEL SYSTEM: 49-STATE CALIFORNIA 100% 17.4 (4.6) CRANKSHAFT MATERIAL CAST IRON ENGINE SCAQMD 75% 13.2 (3.5) VALVE MATERIAL: 50% 9.1 (2.4) INTAKE CHROMIUM-SILICON STEEL FUEL SUPPLY LINE, MIN. ID, MM (IN.) 8.0 (0.31) 25% 5.3 (1 .4) EXHAUST CHROMIUM STEEL FUEL RETURN LINE, MIN. ID, MM (IN.) 6.0 (0.25) GOVERNOR: TYPE, MAKE/MODEL MECH. (OR ELECTRONIC MAX. LIFT, ENGINE-DRIVEN DIESEL, LPH (GPH) AT % LOAD PRIME RATING 0. 2'-0" ELECTRONIC *) FUEL PUMP, M (FT.) 6.0 (20.0) 3.7 (12.1) 100% 16.1 (4.2) FREQUENCY REGULATION, MAX. FUEL FLOW, LPH (GPH) 46 (12.2) 87.4 (23.1) 75% 12.1 (3.2) NO SMOKING SIGN NO-LOAD TO FULL-LOAD DROOP, 5% MAX. RETURN LINE RESTRICTION, 50% 8.3 (2.2) (OR ISOCHR. *) ISOCHRONOUS KPA (IN. HG) 20 (5.9) 17.7 (5.2) 25% 4.9 (1.3) DIESEL FUEL 11„ FREQUENCY REGULATION, STEADY STATE ±0.5% ±0.28% FUEL FILTER NO. DATE SUBMISSION FREQUENCY FIXED PREFILTER 74 MICRONS FUEL CONSUMPTION CALIF. SCAQMD ENGINE - 0 7/27/21 ISSUED FOR REVIEW AIR CLEANER TYPE, ALL MODELS DRY PRIMARY/WATER SEPARATOR 5 MICRONS © 5 MICRONS © DIESEL, LPH GPH AT % CAPACITY ' o �% .M (GPH) LOAD STANDBY RATING 1 8/3/21 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS * REQUIRES AVAILABLE ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR OPTION 98% 95% 100% 15.2 (4.0) EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY 75% 11.6 1.6 (3.1) RECOMMENDED FUEL #2 ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL 50% 8.0 (2.1) 229 9ALLONS 0) EXHAUST 25% 4.6 (1 .2) ISMOKIN 11F EXHAUST SYSTEM: 49-STATE CALIFORNIA DIESEL, LPH (GPH) AT % LOAD PRIME RATING \_2" HIGH MINIMUM CONTRASTING LETTERS ENGINE SCAQMD LUBRICATION 100% 12.3 (3.2) ENGINE SYSTEM: PLACE A MINUMIM OF THE NO 49-STATE CALIFORNIA 75% 10.6 (2.8) FUEL SIGN EXHAUST MANIFOLD TYPE DRY SMOKING SIGNS NEAR THE ENGINE SCAQMD 50% EXHAUST FLOW AT RATED 6.6 (1.7) GENERATOR/FUEL TANK AREA, KW, M3/MIN. (CFM) 8.8 (310) TYPE FULL PRESSURE 25% 4.1 (1.1) SIGN (GREEN BACK GROUND) PERMANETLEY EXHAUST TEMPERATURE AT RATED KW, OIL PAN CAPACITY, L (QT.) 15.3 (16.2) AFFIXED TO FUEL TANK DRY EXHAUST, °C (°F) 490 (914) 471 (880) MOIL PAN CAPACITY WITH FILTER, L (QT.) 15.6 (16.5) MINIMUM/MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BACK 6 (1.8)/ 8 (2.4)/ OIL FILTER: QUANTITY, TYPE 1 , CARTRIDGE NO. DATE REVISION PRESSURE, KPA (IN. HG) 9 (2.7) 13.5 (4.0) OIL COOLER WATER-COOLED EXHAUST OUTLET SIZE AT KOHLER RECOMMENDS THE USE OF KOHLER GENUINE OIL AND FILTERS. KEY PLAN: ENGINE HOOKUP, MM (IN.) 63.5 (2.5) AREA OF WORK EXHAUST RAIN CAP NOTES: 33.87" DOOR OPNG. 1 . BOTH SIDES OF THE GENERATOR ARE SERVICE ACCESSIBLE WITH EASY ACCESS SERVICE PANELS. eeca .nr 2. 6 AMP BATTERY CHARGER. n_ 0 0 0 0 0 IT 3. 120VAC ENGINE BLOCK HEATER. 0 ° 0 0 0 c.1 E 4. GENERATOR MUST BE GROUNDED. � sl 5. SOUND ATTENUATED ENCLOSURE STANDARD WITH GENERATOR. •�� KOHLER. 0 0 & 6. MUST ALLOW FREE FLOW OF DISCHARGE AIR EXHAUST. 0 ° KOHLER. Power Systems KOHLER. 7. MUST ALLOW FREE FLOW OF INTAKE AIR. 8. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN TO ENSURE THAT THE GENERATOR Power Systems Power Systems - INSTALLATION COMPLIES WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. (r1nn S.wno vACWI- tum ALTERNATOR ACCESS m� �m ° LO ° c a PANEL , Oi <° to ° ° AIR INTAKE KOHLER Power.com . ° KOHLER Power.com 0 0 LO • c 60t§tN 11 0111 •� • IN 9E � llll �� 0 o ° ° 00 0 0 O ° ° O 0 O 00 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 r` \ / ° o 0 0 00 ° ° a r] _ P. ° o o 0 0 0 0 Wc .' . ° ° e ° �o ° lq O O ° 1 N11 KID AIR INTAKE �• J/ 90.6" 37.99" 86.61" t STUB-UP 40.94" 100.99" LENGTH 0 o � o 0 0 0 0 0 o D o 00 o TANK NOTES: "ORIENT POINT 2" IN 14 �B ®F E ® A. NPT EMERGENCY VENT PER NFPA 30 WITH VENT CAPS (QTY 2) GENERATOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 0 B. FUEL FILL WITH LOCKABLE CAP AND 2" RISER AIR DISCHARGE H g D. NORMAL VENT WITH MUSHROOM VENT CAP AND 3" RISER d- ' a, ELECTRICAL g 40200 MAIN ROAD STUB-UP ° ORIENT NY 11957 0 ° � � ~ E. REMOVABLE ENGINE SUPPLY DIP TUBE WITH CHECK VALVE ENGINE EXHAUST opt � ,�� AREA OPEN TO BOTTOM F. REMOVABLE FUEL RETURN DIP TUBE 0 ° Do H. FUEL LEVEL SENDING UNIT TITLE: M. BASIN DRAIN GENERATOR INFORMATION ° O D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D 0 0 00 0 N. FUEL IN BASIN SWITCH 14.57" 79 76„ 1. FULL WEIGHT: 836LBS © 229 GAL. l 1 918LBS © 275 GAL. DATE: JULY 14, 2021 100.99" 15.16" 63.87" PROJECT NO: 21-14738 1 DRAWN BY: MM REMOVABLECHECKED BY: TM / \ END PANEL T o m SCALE: AS NOTED \ 0 0 o O DRAWING NO: M 0 000 GENERAlbR INFORMATION ' 1 SCALE N.T.S. SHEET NO: 5 OF 5 • =