7:00 PM
Present: Gerard Orientale, Jay Jansen; Frank Imbriano; Derek Bossen; Curtis Rand (via Zoom)
This Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Tree Committee was called to order at 7:00 PM—this
was an in person meeting and also held via the Zoom platform. The minutes from the August 25,
2021 meeting were approved by Gerard.
Discussion Items:
Our newly appointed Fisher's Island Committee person, Curtis Rand joined the meeting by Zoom.
Dave Cichanowicz at our previous meeting had asked Mr. Rand on behalf of Fisher's Island if he
would get a feel for how many trees would need to get planted there this Fall. Mr. Rand agreed
that he would touch base with Peter Burr and then get back to us. Mr. Rand would like to use
some funds for minor maintenance of trees that were planted previously, i.e,to mulch etc.,in order
to keep what is already in the ground healthy.
We reviewed a proposal from Lakeside Landscaping for"minor maintenance work" i.e., removal
of old burlap, install deer protection, trimming of branches, levelling of soil -- on some of our
existing trees. Jay advised that he had already put some deer protectors on some of the trees which
required same. We will provide Lakeside with a map of the trees which require the maintenance.
The Committee discussed getting together to go out and stake locations for the planting of the
trees, hoping to have the planting done by mid to late November. Discussion was held regarding
the purchasing of the trees.
We will hope to be able to attend a Town Board work session sometime in mid to late November
to present the proposed Tree Code.
With respect to the trees in the middle of the Town—we are still looking for the cherry trees for
the middle of Town, we are hoping to purchase four. Stumps still need to get ground.
Peg — although not present at the meeting — has prepared the preliminary letters for Arbor Day
information which will be sent out to all schools in the beginning of October. We will be moving
ahead with Arbor Day.
We will next meet on October 27, 2021 —Via Zoom Platform& in Person.
This meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane DiSalvo
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