HomeMy WebLinkAboutRun, Hide, Fight Protocols .�f RUN HIDE FIGHT PROTOCOLS PROFILE OF AN ACTIVE SHOOTER An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms. CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ACTIVE SHOOTER SITUATION •Victims are selected at random • The event is unpredictable and evolves quickly COPING WITH AN ACTIVE SHOOTER SITUATION • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers • Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit • If you are in an office, stay there and secure the door •Attempt to take the active shooter down as a last resort HOW TO RESPOND WHEN AN ACTIVE SHOOTER IS IN YOUR VICINITY 1.RUN • Have an escape route and plan in mind • Leave your belongings behind • Keep your hands visible 2. HIDE • Hide in an area out of the shooter's view • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors • Silence your�cell phone and/or pager 3. FIGHT •As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter •Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter HOW TO RESPOND FOR YOUR TOWN BUILDING Town Hall b; Lockdown Drill- (If there is a threat within the building) • Immediately make a notification using the panic button on the Town's telephone system to alert the rest of the offices of a threat within the building. Employees not familiar with using the intercom feature on the telephone system should ask their Department Heads for instruction. The Little Green Button on desktops can also be activated to serve as an additional alarm. • Once made aware of a threat within the building, employees must find a good place to hide within their respective offices in a room that can be locked. If an office does not have this ability, an alternate site must be chosen. Avoid movement in open hallways. • Employees with locking offices for safety should attempt to scan the hallway and bring anyone caught in open spaces into their office. • Employees-should remain totally silent and out of view in their hiding spaces and not come out until there is some type of code word uttered by officials clearing the building after the threat is over. Silence your Cell Phones. • The open space in the Meeting Room/Court House should look to exits and the Justice Court Offices for shelter. • Each department head should develop a plan for their respective employees detailing where employees would likely hide for submission to the Police Department Lockout Drill- (There is a threat outside of the building) • DPW must conduct a review of which exterior door lock securely and repair any that do not. • Notification of a lockout drill would be made over the intercom system, at this point all employees will try to secure the building so the threat is unable to get inside (ex. subject robs the Bank of America and is running out of the bank with a gun toward Town Hall). Blinds should be pulled and all exterior doors should be secured and locked. • Employees would then follow the same steps above by hiding in a locked compartment in their offices until the threat is over. Town Hall Annex Lockdown Drill- (If there is a threat within the building) • Immediately make a notification using the Little Green Button desktop panic button to alert the rest of the offices of a threat within the building. Employees not familiar with using the Little Green Button feature on the telephone system should ask their Department Heads for instruction. • Once made aware of a threat within the building, employees must find a good place to hide within their respective offices in a room that can be locked. If an office does not have this —' ability, an alternate site must be chosen. Avoid movement in open hallways. • Employees with locking offices for safety should attempt to scan the hallway and bring anyone caught in open spaces into their office. • Employees should remain totally silent and out of view in their hiding spaces and not come out - until there is some type of code word uttered by officials clearing the building after the threat is over. Silence your Cell Phones. • Each department head should develop a plan for their respective employees detailing where employees would likely hide for submission to the Police Department Lockout Drill- (There is a threat outside of the building) • External access doors next to the Building Department are to be locked. Then all Lockdown procedures are to be followed. Highway Department, Landfill Site, Recreation Department and other Town-owned buildings • Immediately make a notification using the Little Green Button desktop panic button to alert the rest of the offices of a threat within the building. Employees not familiar with using the Little Green Button feature on the telephone system should ask their Department Heads for instruction. • In limited indoor building space their employees should identify a safe place to retreat to and hide in a locked compartment/room, communicate the threat to fellow employees and remain in place until a code word is given. Silence your Cell Phones. ' Human Resource Center, Mattituck Lockdown Drill- • Immediately make a notification using the Little Green Button desktop panic button to alert the rest of the offices of a threat within the building. Employees not familiar with using the Little Green Button feature on the telephone system should ask their Department Heads for instruction. • In limited indoor building space their employees should identify a safe place to retreat to and hide in a locked compartment/room, communicate the threat to fellow employees and remain in place until a code word is given. Silence your Cell Phones. Lockout Drill- All exterior doors should be checked for their locking ability and the building made secure. Common areas that are left unlocked are cafeterias, kitchens, work areas, etc. AFTER YOU ARE IN A SAFE LOCATION CALL 911 INFORMATION YOU SHOULD PROVIDE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OR 911 OPERATOR • Location of the active shooter • Number of shooters • Physical description of shooters • Number and type of weapons held by shooters • Number of potential victims at the location HOW TO RESPOND WHEN LAW ENFORCEMENT ARRIVES • Remain calm and follow instructions • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets) • Raise hands and spread fingers • Keep hands visible at all times •Avoid quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety •Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating