HomeMy WebLinkAboutMudd, Nancy QgUF FOL 4. James F King,Piesident Off' CQ P O Box 1179 Bob Ghosio,Jr,Vice-President G�� Southold,NY 11971 Dave Bei geny Telephone(631 765-1892 John Biedemeyer �. Fax(631)765-6641 Michael J Domino `F Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Worksession Report Date/Time: AOX McCarthy Management, Inc. on behalf of NANCY MUDD requests a pre- submission inspection to discuss the possibility of constructing a docking facility at the end of the right-of-way. Located: 3775 Pine Neck Rd., Southold. SCTM#7 -70--6--.�Rr, Type of area to be impacted: _Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Pa f Town Code proposed work falls under: _Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion _Amendment —Administrative—Emergency �re-Submission Violation Info needed: Modifications: 0/6e-1j rv� a a 2 t, �j G Conditions: Present Were: /Zi. King LB. Ghosio Bergen, /J. Bredemeyer /i`Michael Domino D. Dzenkowski other u Form filled out in the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: f i i Area 29,095 Sq. F (or 0.67 Acres JO a (5� A' 00 F1-'a AV .� V�ro� 4 LO 6 � 063-5� Z 1 .5 A T SOUTHOLD 4 SURVEY OF PROPERTY 0 t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0 SUFFOLK COUNTY .9 . Y 0 1000-70-06-26 SCALE 1 '.." 40" FEBRUARY 21, 2012 .�, FEBRUARY R`Y . , 2012 (Revisions) JIM0 V 03 CD 1 o tQ t1� .C;flr• 140 oH\,Ns 109 30.2$ 2$ 'p of a64 _�--- �-- Pate ,,........_.........-,-----�r-,..� ... X2-1 00 •�� 4 • Guest Hse- r, to CID Rig -S ft __--- --- 54 A P '`. r" f X 1 c -T1 , CD 0 • 26-S 1 1-7-Or Enc�osad a' porch o OCL OD c Co n c. Walk 11/2 StY• OHWI 0 N Cry ► 0. ° % 40.6 to CCOL Mon. Q. y p.2t4• o. • (A StOdada fen • -- 1 *40*00 1 � k OF Nr Q� ?,4 � ^. *+ ' 4 4 OA tvil kM 13 Monument 1 n "� �,,.. J.. .. :f•' ;til%4y.« . r �--- Wetland Flag. Landward Edge of Tidal Wetlands as Delineated by --- } _� =: tn� �.��•�4u� ,.�,,� ,�� �,� Suffolk En vironmen tvl Consulting' , Inc. on February 17, 20'12 _ a�, �,• r �.�• 1V. _� � �.� 49618 APR 16 2012 1' . ANY AL TERA TION OR Anal77ON TO THIS SURVEY' IS A VIOLA 77ON 4E�CONIC EY0',RS, P. C. OF SEC 77ON 7209OF THE NEW YORK STATE EOUCA TII UN LAW. = " (6J1) 765-5020 20 FAX (6JI) 765- 1797 EXCEPT AS PER SEC 77ON 7209—SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CER 77FICA TIONS P. 0. BOX 909 HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONL Y IF 12JO TRAVELER STREET SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMP'R'ESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR WHOSE SI GNA TURE At�P'PE,�4�c S HEREON. .���`.�' Tt'��L�, N. Y. 11977 • ti i. 1`` � i� 11 "'- AI's,^ih q J�' � tla APR 16 2012 €4... ! Prepared'for: John Breese 6 Indlova _2.e Surveyed: June 2, 2009 e�oc &plies F C; V. e, w rz AmW 01#06"'T, oat ta` de P e _�.8 s , ' a 2. SCT# 1000-70-6-24a�ritatn z 9 Ramp o Town: Southold Replace 0 1281 Ramp 3' Suffolk County, NY eh 3aN 3.0 Datum: Low Water --2.4 ' -30 32 3 3� a 3S -3.5 EXIStln Dock, -4.1 3� -32 -2.1 _2.3 Ramp 4 Float -5.4 -0.1 3.6 p _a 0 irsb Auk ; , tland a Boundary 200 7C1 , k' dun;, � HWM A 12 ,t •- �•-:s=:sem`---------------- __ �A/ d P'letlond ------ ----------- ` �tlr-��Q Boundary R. R. Fox June -2004 O oC) Q # _-X0-0(9-24 0] fl. 50-� IO 00 Bree,5e °p LQnd 0 36aad 7� _1 Rou 1 O N C� ection - 20` Existing Dock Replace Existing f r' 41. 4'x4D' 6'xa.6' Ramp with new Relocate Existing 30"x 28' Ramp Float (8'x24) & Piles rt 1. Maintain i S E A 2.5'deep hvc . ,�,., ,,�, ,.�r,u.,. . T, ,.,� - - - - - -�- � - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - •-, ' .���,`�� MAPPING V P.O. Box # 366 ,tiands exist. � Aquebogue Fox exisbttmNew York 11931 no ��� ROBERT H. FOX NYS PLS# 50197 IRS, McCarthy Management, Inc. April 13 2012 'r t := - APR Town of Southold, Trustees 6 2012 Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Town of Southold, Trustees:\ p This letter serves as written re uest fo\ re-submission conference for location of a dock at 3775 q Pine Neck Road, Southold. Thank you. SincereY_ Thomas J. McCarthy enc cot AAc cb+ .5%6 ?7q- (� eel! los- 5-g- 46520-Route 48 Tel. 631.765.5815 Southold, NY 11971 Fax.631.765.5816 Estate of David Mudd 3775 Pine Neck Road Southold, NY 11971 April 13, 2012 di F APR 16 2012 _' s LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION To Whom It May Concern: Nancy Mudd and Executor of property located at 3775 Pine Neck Road, Southold NY, SCTM# 1000-70-5-45 authorizes Thomas J. McCarthy and/or McCarthy Management, Inc., to act on my behalf in regards to Real Estate, Construction, and Development matters. Thank you. Sincerely, �Amc� Nancy Mudd / I I McCARTHY MANAGE MENVC. _ 46520 County Road 48 ` SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 DATE(631) JOB NO. (631) 765-5815 � (�( _ ? FAX (631) 765-5816 ATTENTION TOC) LRE 1 ► �C� �V`J f� �e =5U iS�i 0v'1 WE ARE SENDING YOU .❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via' APR 1 6 2012 ;-the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ; ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ OPIESL DATE NO. 9 DESCRIPTION e v z o h m --e Coll o r e j t e I Ov AS4 fl-K411i5q , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FORBIDS DUE ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: PRODUCT 240T If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once.