HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-09/14/2021 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes & Discussion Notes from Meeting held Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. nd This Regular Meeting was held in the Annex Executive Board Room, located on the 2 floor at Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 (Main Road), Southold, New York. Masks are required until further notice. The public had access to view and listen to the meeting as it was happening via Zoom. If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone, there is an option to listen in via telephone. Comments from the public may not be solicited nor received without an appointment. It is expected that the Committee will enter into Executive Session* at some point after opening the Regular Meeting for the purpose of discussing applications regarding proposed acquisitions of real property where publicity would substantially affect the value thereof. The public is not allowed to attend, view, or listen to Executive Session. Options for public attendance:  To join via computer: Click Here https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88019231921?pwd=Y0ZuU1ZNVEdqYnNwZzlJci81TEpBdz09 Passcode: 356593 *A note that “This meeting has been locked by Host” indicates that the Committee has entered into Executive Session. Or Online at the website zoom.us, click “Join a Meeting” and enter the Webinar ID: 880 1923 1921 Passcode: 356593  Or One tap mobile: US: +16465588656,,88019231921#,,,,*356593# or +13126266799,,88019231921#,,,,*356593#  Join by telephone: US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 720 707 2699 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 880 1923 1921 Passcode: 356593 Members Present: Sam McCullough, Chairperson Doris McGreevy John Simicich Eric Keil (7:11 p.m.) Anne Murray (via Zoom) Will Lee (via Zoom) Members Absent: Kimberly Krupski Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Bob Ghosio, Town Board Liaison (via Zoom) Zoom Attendees: Holly Sanford, Peconic Land Trust Project Manager (via Zoom) Commencement  All “Attendees” will be dismissed from this meeting upon the Committee’s Motion to enter into Executive Session.  The meeting place was moved to the 1st floor of the Southold Town Annex due to COVID concerns.  The meeting began at 7:07 p.m. with five LPC members present. LPC members Anne Murray and Will Lee joined the meeting via Zoom. Committee Minutes and Administration  Acceptance of LPC meeting minutes from August 17, 2021 MOTION made by Sam McCullough, seconded by Doris McGreevy, to accept the 8/17/2021 LPC meeting minutes. Motion carried: 5/0 (LPC member Eric Keil not present at time of vote)  Next Regular LPC Meeting Date The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, 2021 in the Annex Executive Board Room. Inquiries for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property None General Land Preservation None Land Preservation Applications & Potential Applications  TUTHILL OYSTERPONDS HOLDING COMPANY SCTM #1000-17.-4-16, 1000-17.-6-14.2, 1000-18.-3-30.3, 1000-18.-6-17.3 Review of Conservation Subdivision lot design for comments to Planning Board The Committee reviewed the Visio maps prepared by the landowner for the Proposed Conservation Subdivision for the Tuthill Oysterponds Holding Company and a draft memo Staff had prepared and circulated to Committee members. The Visio maps were presented to the Planning Board on March 26, 2021, and have been under discussion for informal review as the landowner works toward meeting the conditions of the December 3, 2019 Conditional Sketch Plan Approval. The Committee noted that the comments addressed lot design only, and that the Committee intended to address uses and scenic restrictions for the areas the landowner is proposing to preserve by a potential Town purchase of development rights once the lot design is determined. After discussing and confirming the following, the Committee directed Land Preservation Coordinator Melissa Spiro to send the Committee’s comments as presented in the draft memorandum to the Planning Board. North Dyer, SCTM# 1000-17-4-16 The Committee confirmed that the LPC would not recommend preservation of this property as designed were it not included as part of the overall 80/60 Conservation Subdivision and if it did not contribute to the maximum preservation of prime soils, active cultivated agricultural areas and, where applicable, scenic viewshed. The Committee confirmed that the LPC supports the design of the seven (7) lot proposal shown on the Visio map presented to the Planning Board in March 2021. South Dyer, SCTM# 1000-17-6-14.2 The Committee confirmed that the Committee would not support a design that “lands” more lots than allowed in an 80/60 Conservation Subdivision for the property, or allowed for a development area larger than allowed in an 80/60 Conservation Subdivision for the property. The Committee noted that residential use/access to Orient Harbor had been discussed but not shown on the Visio plan, and that any proposed residential use/access should be shown as part of the Conservation Subdivision development area, and not as part of the land to be preserved by the Town purchase of development rights. The 80% preservation area being offered to the Town for development rights purchase should be exclusive of all development areas for residential uses and exclusive of the development area shown for the farm stand use. The LPC supported the proposed design changes shown on the Visio map presented to the Planning Board in March 2021 as long as the plan, when submitted by a surveyor, does not include any of the areas used for residential use and does not exceed the lot or development area limits of the Conservation Subdivision requirements for the South Dyer property. North Brown, SCTM# 1000-18-3-30.3 The LPC did not support a design with any land counting toward the Conservation Subdivision 80% requirement, or being offered to the Town for development rights purchase, being located to the north of the proposed lots. The LPC did not support a design with a split cluster lot design as proposed. The Committee confirmed that it would support a design with one (1) development area, permanently linked to the proposed preserved land, located apart from the clustered lots, and that development area locations acceptable to the LPC would be adjacent to the proposed road in the location of Visio map proposed lot 4, or adjacent to the road south of this lot within the wooded area, or within the Main Road frontage area. South Brown, SCTM# 1000-18-6-17.3 The LPC raised concerns regarding the location of the lot designed as a flag lot from Narrow River Road. The LPC confirmed that it would support this lot location only if it is designed as a development area permanently attached to the land proposed to be preserved. The LPC recommended relocating the development area to the Main Road frontage area in keeping with the character of existing development along Main Road, noting that a relocation in this manner will also decrease the development area needed to provide access to the lot.  EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Sam McCullough, to enter into EXECUTIVE SESSION – Proposed Acquisitions of Real Property Where Publicity Would Substantially Affect the Value Thereof Motion carried: 6/0 The LPC members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 7:38 p.m. Meeting locked.  Land Preservation Coordinator Melissa Spiro gave updates on inquiries, new applications, appraisals and current applications. MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Sam McCullough, to end Executive Session. Motion carried: 6/0 EXECUTIVE SESSION ENDED at 8:11 p.m. MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Doris McGreevy, to grant landowners request for an extension to allow for additional time to consider the Town’s proposed offer for a development rights easement on the property that was discussed while in Executive Session. LPC will grant landowners a thirty (30) day extension starting from date of letter. No additional time extensions will be considered. (Motion No. 2021-6) Motion carried: 6/0 MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Sam McCullough, to re-enter into EXECUTIVE SESSION – Proposed Acquisitions of Real Property Where Publicity Would Substantially Affect the Value Thereof Motion carried: 6/0 The LPC members re-entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 8:12 p.m.  Land Preservation Coordinator Melissa Spiro gave additional updates on inquiries, new applications, appraisals and current applications. MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Sam McCullough, to end Executive Session. Motion carried: 5/0/1 (LPC member Will Lee via Zoom did not respond) EXECUTIVE SESSION ENDED at 8:11 p.m. Adjournment: MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Sam McCullough, to adjourn this meeting. Motion carried: 5/0/1 (LPC member Will Lee via Zoom did not respond)  The meeting ended at 8:34 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary