HomeMy WebLinkAbout4291-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Z39~.~ ...... Date ............. &~t..28.-, 19. -~0 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at !~11. R5 .&. F&eto~ .Aw..~. Street Map No.. 1[~ ........ Block No...1~ ...... Lot No. --- ..... llatt~tuek.. !~,~. ...... conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated .......... 1~ .... ¶ ~.., 19.6~ pursuant to which Building Permit No. dated ....... Na~' ..... ¶~ ..... , 19~., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is .... BttSlaSs& lhlild~...fl&~oli31,. ,,.l'Irl~..a.~..t.i...o~...App..~.v..~....b~.. Bi Apl,. The certificate is issued to . 8~-Oil- .C~ .......... 0vile:. .......................... (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval Building InspeTr FORM NO. 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFIGE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) 4291 Z Permission is hereby granted to: .Jho~s...Z.~..Ca~se~,!~. ,t~C.....l~u~ ..0~3,.. C~ ~o~ at 11o to .......... ~Bu~l~ ..new...gas ~1 ~e...~ ~.~£c ~..s.tat~o~ ............................................................. .............. (App~'eVe,I..by..~ea~'~..e~..Appe&~.,.) .......................................................................... at premises located at ............ ~e.te..~r~,..&ve..&.lla.~,n...limuJ..JtJJ,~3~.) ........................................ ........................................... l~i~.tt .~.t.~ ,el~,t ........ 1~.~., ............................................................................ pursuan,t to application dated ............................. J~J~ .......... ~J.~ ......... , 19...1~9, and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $ ..~ .O..~*.(J~ ........... Approve~ ...........:.~. f.. /~.., 19..~.. Permit No .... /-].o~.~./. ~-~... Disapproved a/c .................................................. APPLICATIO~I' FOR BUILDING FERMIT Date .M~y...J.5~..:~69 .......... 19 .... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Pl. otl)lan showing location of lot and o/ buildings on premises, relatimmhip to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, .and giving a detailed description of lay out of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this applica~on may n~t be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this applicati,~a, the Building In spector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available fo r inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole o r in part ~ any. purp~?se ~_hatever until a Certificate ~f Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspect0a'. APPLICATION IS 1-1r_~Y MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of S~athold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for reraoval or demo- liti°n' as herein described' The applicant agrees t° c°mply ~~ulling eOde'h.mlsing code, and regulations. (S'~pli~nt, or. name if a COlq)oratlon) 5. x,. (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, p, lumber or builder ..... Ac3ent. ..................................................................................... Name of owner of premises ..... Sun. Oil. Compar~¥ ..................................................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorize d ~ficer. (Name and title of corporate officer) Location of land ~m which proposed work will b e done. Map No ................. Lot No .............. Street and Number. N/E .Co~lae~. FaC~.OX~. ave .... P .y .... State exist~g use and ~cup~cy ~ premiss ~d intend~ use ~a ~p~ o~ p~ ~C~lon. Existing use and occupancy .................................................................... Intended use .and occupancy .G.a..~.o.~..~.n.e...a.n.d...~.e.~:.v.~.~.e..~./:.~.o.x~ ............................ ~. '0, 3. Nature'of work (check which applicable): New Building .... .X... Addilion ........ Alteration ........ Repair ......... Removal ........ Demolition ........ Other Work (Describe) ......... i ............ 4. Estimated Cost .... ~0~1)00 .................... Fee .. i .~.1..07..0..0 ..................................... (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If ,dwelling, number of dwelling units ...~.O..ll.e... Number of dwelling units on each floor .............. If g. arage, number of cars .......................................................................... 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use .............. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, ff any: Front .............. Rear ............. Depth ............. Height ................ Number of Stories ............ ............................................ Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .............. Rear ............... Depth ................ Height ................ Number of Stories ..................... 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front .... 66~.0." ....... Rear .66.*.0? ....... Depth . .3/1'.07... Height ............ Number of Stories .. I~/~ ....................................................... 9. Size of lot: Front ...~.9..8.,.0.'. ..... Rear ...~.4..6,~Q'. ..... Depth ...~.5..0:.0.'. ..... 10. Date of Purchase ...~y. .... 19 9 .............. Name of Former Owner ....J.:..D...I'~.s..c.o.1..1..&...~. 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated....~.B.~. . .cl.l~s..t. ...................................... 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulatkm? ....... ~I0 ................. 13. Name of Owner.ofpr~mises .Sim./111..Co ....... Address I~ .]D.QI'9.11$..~N~ .... Phone No ............ Name of Architect ....... S~,~$ ................. .~ddress ....~SN$1~ .~.o.~' ..... Phone No ............ ~. Name of Contractor .. ~,~ ............... ~ .....Address ....... s.a. la.e. ..........Phone No ............ PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate ali set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or de scription acoording to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner iot. See Apl~cation on File & Filespla~s STATE OF NEW YORK, )S.S. COUNTY OF . .~X.ffO3.k... ) .............. ~hos..J~..C&~s~%& ................. being duly swo~n, deposes ~d ~ys ~at he is ~e appli- (Name of ~dividu~ si~ing a~licat~n) ~t .a~ve n~ed. He is the ... ~... ~. 0~. ~. ~. ~D ............................................ (~n~a~r, a~t, ~t-~ate ~icer, etc.) of ~id owner ~Q~, a~d)~ duly a~ W p~rm or have pe~e ~id ~k ~d ~ make ~d file ~ applicon; ~at ~l statue,s ~ntain~ in ~is applica~n ~ ~e to the ~st of h~ knowl~ge ~ belief; and ~at ~e ~k will ~ p~ in the mann er set fo~ ~ the application filed ~e~wi~. Swo~ W befo~ me ~is ~ ~ . ~ ............ ~,~day of ........ ~.:.' ~..:3~9~6~ ~o · r~ of ~ew w/~ ~o. 52'8125850, Suff~;,. - Y0r~ After lnv~etiqatLo~ and iaepectian the ~d f~ ~t ~e ~in ~p~ Ln co--crOn wl~ ~e ~nstr~t~ o~ ~e 9.3 ~e sho~9 cent~ L~a~d on ~e ~ co~ner of F~t~ ~m~ ~ l~al ~s, ~d ~e ~ro~9 c~Lt~e~ a c~ shopp~ The Board £tnds that strict applLcstion o£ the OEdinonco will czea~ed in vniquel ~ho p~op~tM in question m~et8 the requir~ents e£fec% the l=o~ezt~as in the lmmedinte vicinity o£ this proper~¥ and ia the same use district/ and the variance does obaeree the spirit of the Ordinance and will not chanqe the character of the district. ~here~ore, it was RESOLVED tha~ CasselXe Builders, Inc., 5~ of ~s s~tion site as ~plied ~ ~ ~o~M l~a~d ~ ~e ~ ea~ ~r of F~o~ Avenue ~d Ro~ 25 (~ln R~d), ~ttit~, ~ ~k. ~ a~aX ~s ~ted s~ to ~e Rules & R~ulatl~ I. ~o major repair ~ork to be done in the open. 2. I~q~, lub~lcatinq and other devices shall be located ~i~ty_~$O) feet ~c~ the lir~ o£ any st~t or highway, 3. ~l ~1 oil ~e= o~ s~t~s ohall ~ stored ~1~ ~d o~ ~tAclea ~all ~ at. ed S. 81~ ~ ~ ~ accord ~l~ ~t~le located At a meeting on April 3, 1969, a motion was made and carried to correct error in item % 2 (above). It should read as follows: devices 2. Pumps, lubricating, and other ~T~~ shall be HX~w~]~at least 15 feet from the line of any stree~r highway, right-of-way or property line. Appeal No. !2~J~ ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Ca~B~lla ~t~llcle~,, Inc, ~t~ ~tl~, ~ York TO%VN OF SOUTIIOLD, NE~V ACTION OF T.~ ZONn~G BOAm) OF Appellant at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack o£ access to property (~) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) the appeal 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph .................... of the Zoning Ordinance. and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be 'confimedbecause ~4~ P.~ (~-.~.?.), upon application o£ M.T. Bu~de~m, Inc., 504 walt ICalim~l~ Ro~d, litll~tlrlc2to~ 8~t~m, ~ Yo~k, ~O~ a special except/on in accordance wlth the Zo~ ~tiole IVA, ~t~n 42~2c a8 ~Z apples ~ ~tlcle ~, S~tl~ 4~1, C~. ~at~ o~ ~o~rtys no~ e.t cor~z ol F~tory A~ Of ~~ ~ttlt~ 8hopp~q Cen~, o~ by ~ FRC~y A~. 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (xvould) (would not) produce hardship because practical difficulties or unnecessary (b) The hardshi~ created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because (c) The variance (does) (does not) 'observe the spirit of the Ordinance and change the character of the district because (would) (would not) and therelore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. FORM ZB4 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ~ttl~ [~e~llle, ~ecretary 'Building ~ .~,~L~ COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ~ ~ ~ _ ~iverhead, New York ~EPgRTI~ ~ypg OR ~A~T LEGIBLY IN INK .... ~ u Health Department Permit No. Plan No. 1-1~ Application for Approval of Commercial Sewase Disposal System_ TO: The Suffolk County Department of Health Date Application for approval of commercial sewage disposal system is hereby requested. Location: ~ ~m~_~m.~ A.~_ --~ & ~ ~ ~' ]~-~?? (Name, side of street, name and distance to nearest intersecting street) Name Hamlet Village Town I hereby certify that this commercial sewage disposal system has been constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Suffolk County De- partment of Health on (date) and with all the requirements of the of latest bulletins Health. on sewage disposal of the Applicant's Signature Title Suffolk County Department (Builder Owner) Tele. No. Ready for inspection Inspected by Installation Based on FOR USE OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT ONLY satisfactory - Yes /_~-~, ~o. the information stated hereon by the applicant and other information made available, it is the option of this Department that this system with proper maintenance can be expected to function satis- factorily and is not likely to cause a nuisance, provided designed sewage flow is not exceeded. Structural features are not included. AU9 2 8 1970 Date SCHD - S-13 6/58 Distriot E~glneer .... ~ FO~ NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificnte Of Occupnncy No. z. 381.~ ..... Date ............ b."~Y. · .. ~ ......., 19 70. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at :~iac~n. [~d..&. Fae%ory .~ve. Street Map No .... ~ ....... Block No.. ~ ...... Lot No..~ ..... Mu~$~ek. · .N .Y, ....... conforms subst~tially to the Application Eot Buildi~ Permit heretofore filed in this office dated ........ kay.. ~ ~. .... , 19. %9 pursuit to which Building Permit No.. dated ........... .hay.. 4~..., 19 69, was issued, ~d conforms to all oE the require- ments oE the applicable provisions of the law. The occup~cy for which this certificate is issued is ... busine'~'s 'bui'ldin'g · '~' .gasolin~. ser.~ce..~ta~on..(~rro~. ~y ~d kppls The certificate is issued to . 'S~' ~il' Oo ....... Owner ............................. (owner, lessee or ten,t) of the afores&d building. S~olk Cowry Department of Health Approval ... P~.~¢VO ......................... Underwirters Cert ~/ N808687 [~. ,,[ ~; ............. .......... Building Inspector W LEFT SIDE E L E VAT !.o N F R o N T E L E V A T I oN CARP.-f CLA55 "A" ,325 "F}I~E-C_HEX N}IDb,~IFoI-IT DLACK"SHINGLE5 ON Yz" 5HF. ATHING .~ - ALOMINUI C~-NT~.R£D OH LRV,~ I~O~(~tCK gNiT4. ELEVATION ALUM,O,R DOORS NOTE f ELF.,V, I '~' E L F_.. V, ~. -r ,i ELEVATION - 2. LADIES 12E T M KEy PLAN -&A LADIE~ ~,OOM O~4Ly ELEVATION MEN ,[ LADIEt~ ELEVATION- 3 LADLE5 ELEVATIOfl-4 MEN i ~,EA ~ ~L SECTION 'A-A' FURNACE H/1N~,Ell~ ~4 ~E ~l'O ') ~OLTEO THII. oU GIt It DETAIL ELEVATIOM-G MEN OPEN FP..ONT LIDLES~ 5FAT ELEVATION*'~ LADIES t1~o 0PE~ATED FLUG~ VAL~E,.~/~' TOP 5PU~ W TH W~LL HAN~gG. MEN~ ~M. LAV- AM~I[A~ ~TAWOARD 'p.~3oo -40 LEO~EWOOD, I?',I~", WiTH N ~loq ~AUCET ~ PoP UP 0~1~. ~ Z6o~ ~U~P/Y To WALL ~lTH SLOPS, gECEA~D UN~T~ L~EP ~ ~ LAVITo~Y UNITS. URIklAL ~C~EE~ -~AN'Y~ETI~L ~P~-c 1~",42" ~ ~1 TAN KiNG TAB SUN OIL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA 3, PENNA. ~PE-IS O- ~-[~A¥ CoLoNIAL 5-E. F2V, GTA. FSLD'G. I~ L E V A T I o N 5 15D-2E EV¢- L IFOUNID~,T'I Flfll~H FL[.'LI~ W .I ,,f ~ +F[~ , ,: q i~·, · ¢.., ~' , , e-*4L,W. ~ CHAN.~&eT. ~E FLueH '~ SUN OIL co.MpANy ~' ENGINEER{NG DIVISION, GENE~L M~RK~ING OP~TIONS ' DETAtL AT 4'~¢" ~TE[L~oLUMNG,. ' PLAN5 ~ D&TAJLS~ 5cA~[ ~4~ ,ito' -- 15 MM NEoN ~ TRU CT U P, AL- NOTE5 ASSEMBLED VIEW ~T61¥14 TEANSFO[MER '~,,00 VOLT, 60 MA .TiME.O-,MATIC'~ &lo1 ~5 FLA~I.~E~ W/TH REMOVEAf~L£ ¢OVE~, Io OA.~ECTAW6OLI~R STEEL POLE~ :FA~gICATED FEoMCOR-TE~ ~o,ooo ) YIELD. POLE~ ARE 6'5~UA~C A~ 90~ _~L";43/a'iLANOiqOL~. OPEN~klG WFfH NIELSEN ~U~TCA~E bATCH / ELEVATION ('.'g.4eAALV 6TEEL FLAT '4' SECTION "A- A" TYPIC~AL SIGN FRAME CON!~TRUCTION AT POLE C, ONNEC, T~ON FINISHED APPEARANCE PATTERN ,A/I~/~u w~ ,~ '.._g" o,~,, /.~ I- g~ o, t:k--, SADDLE II FRONT MOUNTING PLAN BASE DETAIL T FOUNDATION [ kl STALL A'T ION [ N STIZOCTI oNS J~ AT 'E-~ IAL'~ ; I, POLK ASSEMBLY I~CLUDI~6 CONU~CTtN6 ~ob%~ ~ t. 5~T o~ 4 AWCNOR ~OLT$ A~O L~GNTING TU~E~)TRANS;O~t~5, ~16.) ALL I~ PLACE A~D CIRCOU O~ D~P~ IF NECE$SARY FO~ ~I~M ~EA~IN~, po~ CONCRETE ~: ~: ~ MIX) fid ~ILL ~1~[ EXCAVATION W~TH0uT ~HE,OS[ oF FO~ EXCEPT A~OVE 6~AD~. ~ A~CHO~ ~Ok~ IN PRoPEA RELICTION ~O DIRECTIO~ W~IlC~[ 51G~ I~O pOIKIT, CAPPED coNoolT AND MACE-SUrE ToP OF FOUNOA~IO~ I~ P~FE~LY L~VEL, WHE~ 6EA~o~AL k~ATI4ER JVCT IFIE$~LEAU~ FOOKtDA~ION F~OPE~L~ pRo~Ec~ED A~AIM~9 COLD, /~Cl-lo~ ~OLT PRoJ~C~lOW5 Li~E~LL~ WLTW ~EP LEAD, POL~ ASSeMbLY (N~TO pull, ioN ~-~WO ILl,TALL NUT~ ~kIUGL~, ~FhM WITH Hi4" ~IALF- WASHEE~ ~5 N.E~E~ARY~O OPEN 141~c, Eo ~ikL~ ~o IklSP~CT Ik~&~o~. ~AWE C~TAIkl l~ 5EcW~ltki CLO~EO ANO ~IEF;~TEMEO /ki ONE POINT, ~l~U LIFT AR~S AND FAST ~kl ~G~ G~CU~CbY IN PLACE USING I1~" ~oLlg~ WHICH UNLE$% OffHE~W~%E %TATED I~ PO~CHA%E O~PE~,%lL,~ IGgO ~E O~ C0~TRACTO~ ~iiALL I~SffALL CIKCgLT F[Oh/I ~AkI~L~O&~O pOINT ~g L~/AD50U~OP ~IGM. ~LL ~o~KTOBE OoN~ INCONFORM~NC~ WITH THE NATIONAL ELECT~ICCo~E, .I2A i NI'T I h.I ¢, ', APPLY OWE WIIITE FlklI~,H CoAT(%UN OlL ¢o. PAIhJTCooE'lOb') OVER ALL EXPOSED 5UKFACE5 OF POLE A~EMISLY OPOfl COMPLE~IoN OF TNC IKI~TALLATIO~ EKTERIo~ OF PLASTIC ~lG~ FACE~ WITH ~ DAM~ GoF~ ~olH. MAK~ cERTAiN ~I-IAT FA~TEW I~C, PoIklT5 OF I4iKIG~D FACE AKE SECURE. T~ASE PPEAI~ANC E VIEw SUN OIL COMPANY ENGINEERING DIVISION, GENERAL MARKETING OPERATIONS 1600 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA 3, PENNA. A-3630(I IP)ADVERT ISING SIGN I PRTD. IN U,$.A .> t,/ / ~ I / SEEPAGE Ft'[ } 1000 GAL. FUELj OIL TANK L L ~-SE?TIC TAN F., , [=ROPOSED $~f5A¥ SEt STATION 5UILDING ~TD, ]'YPE 15- COLONItAL CE P,L. 14~,.O' 4~tO'' ZS'-O" JVilN, ~EDTR. TANg, ATER WELL TllqE AK OUTLET- b EOHC- INLE' MA J N rtOAO (N."(S. RTE. 25) i 'two WAY DRIVE. ADDITIONAL LAND A P? ROAC Iq OFFICE a SALE5P-.O0~ '",23'*7'NIET. DR. F--~IT LIGHTOMiTTED AS PE~ pREVIOUS APPEAL ~RANTEI'3 BY FLOOR PLAN SCAL~: ~a'% It'O`'' [5AT TYPE'I5 BLDG. NOTE: CO$'~C. FLj~,$,TNROUGI-IOUT. REST ~M, FLR5, ~0 RAVE G" F~5'ISTUr~E PROOF OASE COVED. ~'- 5" H~GH WAINSCOT QN 51DEWALLS To ~E MOISTURE PN~OF. UTILI~ ~- CEILING TO ~E I2' PLASTER O~ER 3~ ROCKLATH. ALLWINDOW T~B~TEELDOUELE HUN~. 5T C U ,5 T O 1'4 5 E .V C E TO qEC/MAIN RD. (NY$ 43.0 // // // 44.; / / 45.5 / / J ~ ~ CONC. MON. 45.0 ~' 'J / gP , OROAD ~ SIGN / 42.4 / / / 40.5 / / / / / 4g 45,0 46.6 S.48'57'30"W. --45 9 - ~44.83 MAIN NOTE; ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO AN ASSUMED DATUM PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY iS NOT AVAILABLE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER tS NOT AVAILABLE SET BACKS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED THROUGH EXCEPTION BY THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Title No. 69S-01720 39.9 3,7.9 37 . 5 42. I CONC. MON. o~ N.48°57' 30 Mottituck 40. I Shopping Center, Inc. 38.7 146.00' 44.2 43.3 42,8 AREA - 24,/..~9 sq. ff. 45.8 45.4 44 .9 46,6 46.5 45.0 198.00' 45.2 44.56 45.0 44.8 OILED SHOULDER 42, 09 40.96 LEACHING BASIN ASPHALT ROAD PAVEMENT__ - 43,94 ASPHALT PAVEMENT (CONC, BASE) 42.94 41.76 -- 38.5 39.4 CONC, MON. 42.0 BENCH MARK TOP CONC. MON. EL.=45.04 39.0 40.7 43.2 44.6 (N.Y.S. Rte. 25) "1 CERTIFY THAT THiS SURVEY, AS PREPARED BY ME, iS CORRECT," SURVEY SUN OIL MATTITUCK TOWN OF SUFFOLK SCALE: 1"=8' MAY 5, 1969 FOR COMPANY SOUTHOLD COUNTY , N.Y. GUARANTEED TO: HOME TITLE DIVISION OF CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CO. ALDEN W. YOUNG,RE, 8~ L,S. RIVERHEAD~ N,Y. 41,3 I,/' ~THLS DIME~)510N -FO ~E VERIPL~D ~Y ~N HWY. DEFT, BEFOg5 '~ ' ~" ~ . ~N 5T ~u~T 44 r/ , 44.2- ..&EEPAGE PIT; I000 GAL. FUEL~' OIL TANK ~TU N/~NOU5 00i~, CUP. P~ 83L ~ O FL"f W b' L L 4S, B DNIVE $-~,O00GAL. GAS TANKS LONG. j. mm 45.0 46.6i AP aOAC~ .96 iI 58.7+ 7BP MAIN ----- TWO :SEPTI~ - TANK, PipE. A'LL DOWNSPOUT5 FLOOR. /)5 5MOWN 43.3 PROPOSED 3- P~A¥ 5EP,,V)CE ,,STATION BUILDING 5TS, I'YPE t5- COLONIAL ?tN. FLO0~ cONCRETE MAT Z4'- O" PUMP 15LB. LIGHT POLE I¢0'-0" MIN. REbTF~ -FR. SEEPAGE pj~- 42.,8 X --T-.~x WELL · WATER 2" FILL BOX ,,/~,~OL~ 0V~--L_~.~~ ~000 G/)~ V,/AST~ ~5 iT U MINOU5 IVz'' LtNF~5 rWITH 7ANFCZ TAN, K*'I ,/ I~ M,V, LIGHT POLE __ ~ EONC, PUMP Z4'-O" ,£ONC&ETE ~AT-- C o N C. 5~/A LIE , 46.6, / 5 4,~'° 57'~0" ~/ - 198;O[ 46,5 5OIL ,~ SOD - EX)3T, POLE CURB --2 44,9 45.0 AP?~oAcM Ld 42.0 44-,8 TOP 177L+ ~-XIST LEACHrNC~ 5A$1N L GRATE TO ?I. USN Type'ATE( ROAD (N.Y,S. RTE. 2'5) WAY = 5Lo" 3g ,0 EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE 1 10V -- LIGHTING CIRCUIT f~,TpAN£L) 1OOOV/ 22OV -- POWER CIRCUIT BP-2 " I ~'4 40.7 43.2 Details ............................. LS_- 3 ........ ~ ...... Oone~-eLe Curb Dstalls ......................... ~'~_,¢_ ...... Z~ ..... Electrical [SD-TP. .... ~- ..... ................................................... ~z,oaz1~ts .................................. !~!C_7~= ..... ~ uos~ u.~k ....................... is 2:_~_ ............ F~D~ De~all~ ...................... ~ ~ b~_~ .... I ....... ~.r J.,E ~nq ....................... S~-_~b ......... I ....... v~lTy ~A ...................... ~] ......... A ...... E C T I 0 N "X"-"K" SL~A L ~ &'4' = IL O" EYJST)I~ GRADES SHOWN THUS PROPOSED GflADES SHOWN THUB B. ~. : BENCH ~AflK AS SHOVJ~I AT TOP COklC, MON. LOCaTED.AT .'5. OLtTH,EA_ST PROPERTY CORIqcR r,zLEV.= 4S.0¢ ' T.c,= TOP OF CU~ t{- TC, BLUE PR!NT RECL~FfD SUN OIL. COMPANY PLOT PLAN OF ?R, OPOSED ~ER,¥1CE STATION NEC/MAIN RD,(NY5 -~TE?ZS)& MC'FOgy AVE. MATTiTUCK J