HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-9818 Glenn Goldsmith, President ®v so Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President �® '' ®�® 54375 Route 25p,0. Box 1179 Eric S@penoski Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly �a Elizabeth Peeples Telephone(631) 765-1892 Fax(631) 765-6641 ®��C®UNTV,� BOARD OF TOVFIN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 19, 2022 Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Bressler & Geasa, P.C. P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: STEVEN RABINOWITZ 3265 PARK AVENUE, MATTITUCK SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 Dear Ms. Wickham: The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees regular meeting held on Wednesday, May 18, 2022: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the request for a Transfer of Wetland Permit #9818 from Kevin M. Murphy to Steven Rabinowitz, as issued on February 17, 2021 and Amended on September 15, 2021. Any other activity within 100' of the wetland boundary requires a permit from this office. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (631) 765-1892. 4AWW-,A- Si -erely, J Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees GG/dd Glenn Golc th, President 0 Town Hall Annex .: A Nicholas Krup,., Vice-President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski o z P.O. Box 1179 Liz Gillooly Southold, NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples oy ® ®�� Telephone (631) 765=1892 �dl Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date/Time: Completed in field by: Abigail A. Wickham, Esq., on behalf of STEVEN RABINOWITZ requests a Transfer of Wetland Permit#9818 from Kevin M. Murphy to Steven Rabinowitz, as issued on February 17, 2021 and Amended on September 15, 2021. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM#: 1000-123-8- 22.4 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=4 Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 1.00 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: I II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: Jl�O.e a6�� �0��✓G`� have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: / Present were: E. Peeples L. Gillooly G. Goldsmith N. Krupski E. Sepenoski Other LAW OFFICES WICKHAM,BRESSLER&GEASA,P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD,P.O.BOX 1424 MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND i ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 4 �t E E TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 awickham@wbglawyers.com March 31, 2022 APA „ 7 Board of Southold Town Trustees .vs 9o01:0d Tc v n P.O. Box 1179 Board of Trustees Southold,New York 11971 Re: Certificate of Compliance No. 1858C dated 9/15/21 issued to Kevin M. Murphy Current Owner: Stephen Rabinowitz Premises: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck,New York 11952 SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 Dear Sir or Madam: - Please see our client's permit transfer request enclosed, together with our check for the $50.00 transfer fee. Very my yours, Abigail A. Wickham AAW/dc encl. 30/shdTrusteesRabinowitz2022 a STEVEN RABINOWITZ 241 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, APT. 14E NEW YORK,NEW YORK 10014 steverabinowitz@wuail.com RD ECEIVE November_15, 2021 0 APR — 7 20 Board of Southold Town Trustees P.O. Box 1179 Southo►dTown Southold,New York 11971 BoardofTrustew Re: Certificate of Compliance No. 1858C dated 9/15/21 issued to Kevin M. Murphy Premises: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck,New York 11952 SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 Dear Sir or Madam: Please be advised that I have purchased the above referenced property on October 20, 2021 from Kevin M. Murphy (see copy of deed attached). I hereby request that the above referenced Certificate of Compliance issued by the Board of Town Trustees be transferred to my name. A copy of Certificate of Compliance No. 1858C is attached for your reference. The $50.00 transfer fee is also enclosed,together with your Department's required Affidavit and Authorization forms, which I have executed. You may contact me at my email address above if any further is required. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, even Rabin o itz Dr/Trustees1tr2021/Rabinowitz End 301trustee1tr2021 Rabinowitz Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I/We, Steven Rabinowitz owners of the property identified as SCTM# 1000- 123-8-22,4 in the town of Mattituck ,New York,hereby authorizes Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application process for permit(s)from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for this property, Property Owner's Signature Propert gnature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20 21 a • ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM Notary Public,State of New York / No.52-4642e71 Qualified in Suffolk County Notary Public 'Commission' Expires Sept.30,201-5 Board of Trustees Application, AFFIDAVIT_ STEVEN RABINOWITZ .. BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HEISHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,''AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE,DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLDTHE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM.ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S),IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION,I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENTS) OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL,TO ENTER,ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A FINAL INSPECTION. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AND AS.REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM OF THE PERMIT. Signature of Property Owner Sigr�atur Prope y, ei SWORN TO BEFORE ME THISJ DAY OFt-e & ., ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM Notary Public,State of New Yoik No.in Suffolk Qualified in Suffolklk County ounty Commission Expires Sept.3o,202 Notary Public I NY 005'-Buigu 1 mW Said Deed wWfCuvcfi=t iVjmf Gr ritot's'i\ets'lndividual br Cbiporatidii(SingleShcet)',(NYUTU'St#12)., CONSULT.YOURLAN"'ERBEFORE SIGNINGTI1LS'1NSjrRUN1ENT-TRISINSTRUM irSHOULDBEt1SEDRYLAw'YERS.ONLY, THIS;INDENTURE,madethe 'day of"Oetober in:the year 21121 .BETWEEN KEVIN M.MURPHY, residing at 3265,Pa&Avenue Nlattituck,'M%V York.11952r party of the;first part;and :STEVEN RABINOWITZ:. Iresiding at 241.Avenu a of the:Americas,_#14E;New Yorl,:Ne*York 10014 .. patty ofthe second;part. I WITNESSETH,that the party,ofthe first part,,in'consideration of Tea Dollars:and.othervaluable.consideration paid by the, party'•gf the second part,doeshereby granfarid rolease unto the-partyof the; par.the heirs or successors and assigns,of die party of the second.part forever, j ALL that"certain..plot,piece.or,parcel.of.land,with the buildings and improvemenis.thercon.erected,situnie,:lying and being in'the: i j� -SEE ATTACHED:SC$EDULE�"At' I I i t SAID'premises being knoNYii is:326$:Park•Aveniie;Mattituck,New Yoi-k11952' BEINGthq same pxeiuises.conveyed'by.deed d0ed.07/31/2017 and recorded OS/14/2017 in Uber'129241?age:966 in the Offce:of'the,County,Clerk of the County,of Suffolk. .TOGETHER tdith allright,title and interest,if auy;of the'party.of the first part o f.in and to anystreets:And roads abutting the above described premises to.the center lines thereof;TO.GLT7iEA.iAtlrthe appurtenances and all.the estate and iights:of the ,party of the first partiu andto:sa d premises;TO HAVE.AND TO HOLD:the premises herein granted unto-the party'of the second parr,the heirs or successors,and assigns of thc'party of the second"part forever. AND the partyof:the first parico.venan(s^thadhe party of the first.pa t has not done-or suffered:mything whereby ihesaid; 'premises have becn.incumbered in.any way whatever;except as aforesaid. :AND the party of thefirst.pait,ln compliancewith.Secdon l3 of.the Lica Law,covenants.that the party of die firstpart will recerve'(tie conslderaaon for this conveyance acid will hold-the nghi to rccetve sdcfi con§iderauon asa.tiusi fund to be•apblied. fust for,thc purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement.and will apply the same first to the paypi0t.fof the cost of the improvement before using;any part of the total ofthe same for any'odier purposer The.word'parry"'shall be'construed as if it read"parttes"whenever.the-sense of this indenture so requires. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the,first part has.duly executedthisdcc the:dayand`.year first above written: : IN PRESENCE OF x y KI✓VIN M..i1'IiJ1tPHY f i \ Y 1 i USE.tCAW0WIFDGdIUTFORAIDEtAoSiJ`1YlT igNmvyojRKSTATCONL}: USFAChe1'OSYLEDGAfENTFORAIRE/A{Y.1VITfll,YlVF.tYIORt;577lTFOyLY.•, StateotNetit•Yorli;Countyof }ss; State ofNclvYorkrCountyof ;On[hell-.day of 0ctobeY. inthe"year.202.1 On the day of in[fie Year before me;the undersigned,personally:appeared: before me,the undeisigned,personally appeared. .Kevan LVI.14rurphy personally,knmvn to me or proved to me on the basis.of satisfactory, personally known to me oc proved to*me. the;.basis of satisfactory etadence to be the individuals}whose.nante(s)is(am):subkiibed to clic eJidenceto lie theiodivideal(s)'whose names))s(are)subscnbed ta'tlfc wrtbm instrument and'acknowledged to'me'.tbnt helshe/they executed ywilhrn iirstrument:and-acknow)edged to me'Ihat he/shathey executed trio same^in his/Irer/therr cnpticrty(ies).,and that,by hiMicrlthetr the same in his/hOltheir'capaciiy(trs) ;and that(by KtAerkher 3ignature(s)6n the instrument;the individual(s),or the peRoii.:uPat signathre(s).on the'instiumenS'the mdividual(s),or ifie person upon behalf.oP.tvhtch the t it duals)acted; ri " d the�nsinunent, l>c]ralf'of lvhich'the individual(s)'pcted'a ceculedthe instrument r:l f/ l c 1309ERLH.KANE NOTARY PUBLIC;STATE OF NEW..YORK NO:.O i KA626332T Qualified?n*Nmv..York Coun ComrtiissionErpiresJune.11,.. U7"�F AcKNoivl.EDGSfEYTFORAIFOR'USEIYITAI,yNF.WYORKSTATEQNLY.- -Acf.woiMEDGUkW£FQRhfFORUSEOUTSIDE,NENYOJMV,=ONLy. /Nem'SbrkSutricn�m NimessAcbtoirledgmeriiCerri�c6leJ;, /OurajSrateorFnreignGeacrr+litcbrarireGga,earCerrfcateJ StatcofNewYork,.County of }ss, ss: fCagPletc Verne with sfafe,-cauarq;Province orAGtgtcipafiry•J• On the iday of in the ycar' before,me;the undersigned;personally appeared,. Op'the day;of• in tFie.year before me.the.undetsigned,personally aplxaicd the subscribing withcss.to the foregoing instrumeiu,'widr:whom Z.am personally acquainted,.who being by me'duly sworn;did depcse:and personally kn:ai%m to me;or'ptoyed to me:on'.the basi's'of sansfactoiy:, say tti5t fie/shchliey rcside(s}in. evidence to be theindividoal(s)Wbose name(s)..is(are}sub&&bed to the' within nsttument'and'aftowledged to:me'.that'he/shelthey.executed (iftJieplaceofresidenceisirtacity,include-diestreelaudsrrMrawi er. lhesame'in:his(hefltheircapacity'.o ,thatby.hisltier/.tkeii rgnature(s) furry,thereaJj;that he/shehhey know(S) on the:instrument;the individual(§);or the.&isori upon.behalf of.ivhicli the i#dividual(s);actcd,executed the,insirument-and that such iitdividual; to:be the indrordual described.'in:and.wtio'executed the:foregoing: made such appearance before the undersigned inithe insttumcrit that said:sbbkdbitig witness was.preserit and.saty said. execute'the same-and.that said'%itness,at`thesame time'subscribed (Luerf11ieciry'or'bt/tcrpoliticalsubdh;lsl4nand Me,sfaleor.counfy..or hisllter/Arch name(§)as a vritness.tfiereto.. gthi rPlace the pc-n ivledgmctir ryas iakettJ: BARGAIN&SAi.r DkM- PiTnrC(hr N&N-MAGAWSTGRAKrows ACLS TirreNo_.;Abstracts.:Inc.'563-S-15421. Dtstitici:I000., Sccn6R J23.00 11I.M..MikPliy Ht Octc 08:00 LOT;022:004 COUNI'y;,ORTOWN Suffdlk TO- Stevdn RabihbWitz RF.CORDE•DATREQUESTOF fidelity.National Titlelnsur'ance ConipaAy of NCR'York' REMRNDYAIAICTO FIDELtTY NAtiONAi TITLE.IivsuRANCE Gail Wiekham,Esq: _ CbNiPANY OF NEIV YORK 1307:15 Main.Road. -I.�roarnuirrnY4:B: Mattituck,.NY11951 c; Ijlx<Y�r:/4FideIity. .tlrmWr v u•Y kSwrr t:,,mfTd<AmfgNr:a.. W: U.. M, W. :O .D' 0 O U W P" 0- W° W U; Qt a. rn ui IrIr W N: W Q:. �'ABST Ron,CTS;.IIVCO.RRCDRA.`CEE).— Ro�idcint1a1,6.Gcmm6r'ciol:T@lo Insi_rr�rnco;sincaa9;S(3.4. . nsagen!jor . :First Anne f�i�art.Tifle.I}isrrrartce Corirpiiny -SCHEOULE:A DESCRIPTION. Titfe'Nuni ber:563-5-15429 Page: 1 with the buildings.and..iinprovements thereon erected •ALL that certain'plot"piece orparcel ofaand{situate lying:and being;at Mattituck,,in the Ti?vun?of Southold,County.of:Suffofkand.StataofNew-York,.bounded and described as.follows: BEGINNING of a poirit.;on Itis northerly lirie.of Bungalow Road also:known'as parkAvenue,.wfi ch said poinfmarks the southwestcome.c'of premises a bout:to::be.descntied'and.the:southeastcomer of prerriises.formerly.of R:G:Kopf,'now or formerly df Joseph:J.Carey;. PON NING:THENCE.from said point'o.r place:.of beginning North 26 degrees 49 rriinutes,'oo: seconds East,-246:2 feefto the southerly.bank of Deep Hole.Creek, THENCE'Easterly...along:the southerfy,bank_of a]eep,Hole:Creek South 40.deg!-e%-,j 9 rriiiiiijes,52 seconds:East,108.01 feet THENCE:South 2t degtees'49'mihutes:`Ot)seconds West, 213.79-feet to'the northerly. iine::of Bungalow;Road:alsoo known as.Park Avenue; THENCE'along`.the.nofthedya ne..ofBurtgalow:R.oad-also known as Park:Avenue:Notth 57 degrees 43,rriinutes 00.seconds INest;;100.00::feet to the.point:or,place:of BEGINNING: TOGETak-wwIth All ,i:ight., title.athd interest, 'if any;. of. the party of the firsa: part;of; in•and:to the.streets.and roads abetting}the+premises and'all.right,. ti$1'e and interest,..i€'-arty., of the party of ahs first' part to all accretions, and Land under water ,of;Deeg..Hole Creek. Glenn Goldsmith, President *QF SO(/�yO Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski, Vice President l54375 Route 25 h0 0 P.O. Box 1179 John M. Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 Michael J.Domino N G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams �Z91 Y� Fax(631) 765-6641 ITNI BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: $11-712) INSPECTED BY: Ch. 275 Ch. 111 INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, haybale-line/silt. boom/silt curtain 1St day of construction '/2 constructed Project complete, compliance inspection COMMENTS: i� 1 i` a 1 �CJiGc� C'Ink hj,i�k %TN ac�.oC�A�c� i� AW��Mt� ®-T i2In ace. 2, 6 ►mbe.-- pi_\as . c,o� 09 O's 0%'% =rr%;4. 4� o.ce�� ��o;.�,S o,�� a�= �l,e �,�o0s;�� s►de �'ca� ,,.,��.� i s ��ece %g a. -rvVe, �o \�taA on �A" S;aeS 0-� We Pzke'l co-k'adA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: w��c�, �✓��� r\01 or, +IN,— p �0``is• ®K •dos G "� C GG a/1-7/?-1 Glenn Goldsmith, President QF S0(/TTown Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ,`O� ��� 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 John M. Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 Michael J.Domino G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams � Fax(631) 765-6641 couNT`l,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 16, 2021 Robert-W: Anderson - - -- - Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 RE: KEVIN M. MURPHY 3265 PARK AVENUE, MATTITUCK SCTM#: 1000-123-8-22.4 Dear Mr. Anderson: The following action was takeri,=at the Southold Town Board of Trustees regular meeting held on Wednesday, September 15, 2021: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit#9818 for(32) 6"timber piles installed @8.5' o/c in lieu of the (26) 6" piles originally proposed; the-installation of-rope handrails on either side of the fixed catwalk, stringed between the existing,piles from the landward end to the seaward terminus of the fixed catwalk; to re-position the previously approved access stairs to the westerly side of the existing fixed catwalk; install a 3'x20' aluminum ramp connecting the fixed catwalk to the floating dock in lieu of the previously approved 18.5'x4' hinged wooden ramp; reposition the two (2) 9" timber piles securing dock float; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., dated August 20, 2021, and stamped approved on September 15, 2021. Any other activity within 100' of the wetland boundary requires a permit from this office. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, A"' \ Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees GG/dd Glenn Goldsmith,Presidento���F so�Tyol Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ,` 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 John M. Bredemeyer III [ Southold, New York 11971 Michael J.Domino G • Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams '0 Fax(631) 765-6641 �yCOUNV I BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ---- -- - - - - - - - - ------- -- - - - - 1858C Date: September 15, 2021 THIS CERTIFIES that the demolition/removal of the existing dock structure/(a grade wood walkway revegetate the area of disturbance resultant from the removal of the fixed pier; construct new dock assembly, 135'x4' fixed catwalk constructed of open grate material; supported by(32)6"timber piles installed @8.5' o/c constructed to maintain height of 4' or greater above present grade;the installation of_ rope handrails on either side of the fixed catwalk, stringed between the existing piles from the landward end to the seaward terminus of the fixed catwalk;to re-position the access stairs to the westerly side of the existing fixed catwalk; install a 3'x20' aluminum ramp connecting the fixed catwalk to the floatingdock 6'x20' floating dock secured by two 2)9"timber piles; At 3265 Park Avenue,Mattituck; Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-123-8-22.4 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated October 29,2020 pursuant to which Trustees Wetland Permit#9818 Dated February 17,2021 was issued and Amended on September 15, 2021 and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for the demolition/removal of the existing dock structure/@ grade wood walkway revegetate the area of disturbance resultant from-the-tdmoval-of_ the fixed pier; construct new dock assembly 135'x4' fixed catwalk constructed of open grate material; supported by(32)6"timber piles installed-@8.5' o/c constructed to maintain height of 4' or greater above present grade •the installation of rope handrails on either side of the fixed catwalk stringed between the existing piles from the landward end to the seaward terminus of the fixed catwalk;to re-position the access stairs to the westerly side of the existing fixed catwalk; install a 3'x20' aluminum ramp connecting the fixed catwalk to the floating dock; 6'x20' floating dock secured btwo 2)9"timber piles. The certificate is issued to Kevin M. Murphy owner of the aforesaid property. ,,V J�"v, �e S or' igna e AERIAL VIEW Scale: 1"=30' �~ APPROVED BY 0 o� BOARD OF 1 RUSTEES ESLD G TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPANE y TANK DATE 6.2'x 6.2' ?q61� LANDWARD LIMIT of ��� ZOZ SHED TIDAL WETLANDS as per Thomas W.Cramer, A/C AREA of ACTIVE A./.S.A.on FEB.6,2018 _ P� I-N1T d RESTORATION --- 'f' (. .See Planting Plan � Detail... ) M,I\ A,.�;: - - — - �r� �l i�� PROPOSED DOCK 1 ASSEMBLY 4A� �fy E C E V I L _. AUG 2 3 2021 Sc i it.-N Tewn s Board gf Trustees MURPHY/BERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 ' Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 08/20/2021 Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton, NY • 11932 1 (631) 53.7—5160 1 of MLW AERIAL VIEW PLANTING DETAILS: Scale: F'=20' MHW Applicant proposes to abandon and remove the existing dock structure and LANDWARD LIMIT of 1771 construct a new dock assembly angled towards the northerly end of the property. TIDAL WETLANDS as per Thomas W.Cramer,� Applicant also proposes to revegetate approximately 1,163 sq. ft. of wetlands in A.LS.A.on FEB.6,zol s.1 `b addition to restoring the vegetation present underneath the existing dock assembly. The subject area is currently inhabited by Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia), and Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus ' -3.3 t2ao o' virginiana) Consequently, thea licant proposes to revegetate the subject area by PP P P g l E. Red Cedar ' _15 AREA of ACTIVE ; (Juniperus virginiana) •-1 3 __ • 44.4 \ removing all foreign debris (as well as the existing pea gravel thereon), by RESTORATION to be - `� preserving any and all woody vegetation within the area and by planting Cape _ - - PRESERVED __ - -1.7 -3. -6.7 American Beach Grass (Ammophila breviligulata)within the interstitial spaces ALUMINUNt • therein, effectively providing the area with an herbaceous understory. ` 1 2 (3 P PROS (Oc20') .E` Furthermore, Applicant proposes to revegetate the area disturbed by the � �'%'' • FLO,4T removal of the existing dock assembly,by planting Groundsel Bush as well as ' G �SD 8 -6o.0 Cape American beach grass therein.U. 3.3(Baccharis halimfolia) I ' 6.9 to be -3--:p1L 01c 15 ' PLANT KEY: PLANT KEY: a i . . , PRESERVED 4X35) -1. 2.2 03.8 1 � , � Groundsel Bush Cape American Beach Grass CATWALK Baccharis haiimifolia Ammophila breviligulata ' ' ' • Planted @ 2" Caliper OP•F1XED �� i Planted @ Plug Size _________ _______, __' ' • Planted @±4-6'o/c • Planted @±12" o/c '- - One-thousand one- ------ ------ ---- ----- ----- -- --� :,- --- ------------- -- • Eleven(11) 1pantstotal • ------------���_____.. `_-.----�----- ----- ------ ----------- ------------- -- ---------� three ::.:.•:. . �;;. . ..,:.,:. . ::•-::. .:.:-•:. .::_:': . ..,.•.:�. . hundred and sixty .............. (1,163)plugs total. PROPOSEDEXISTING Groundsel Bush DOCK (Baccharis halimii Planted iper, (T.B.R.) PLANT KEY: pla 4-6' o/c Eastern Red Cedar ven (11) plants total Juniperus virginiana • Planted @ 4"Caliper + • Planted @±10'o/c • Two(2)plants total MURPHYMERNSTEIN Property — Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123—08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Date: 08/20/2021f� E l P 1 Scale: As Shown l Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton, NY • 11932 2 of (631) 537—5160 AUG 2 3 2021 ar CROSS VIEW Scale: F'=20' 159.5' 135' HINGED 18.5' 6' 10, ALUMINUM MHW MLW RAMP FLOATING FIXED CATWALK 6" q) PILES PLACED DOCK (Constructed of Light Penetrable through flow decking); 8.5' o/c (x32) ROPE HANI RAIL (x2) 9" (D WOOD PILE 7WOOD STAIR r .d t kllu wt.:5. �z s:rsp^ 2' 4' 6, (4.0' W)w/ EX STIN CO MO REE handrails (Phragmites australis) TYPICAL CATWALK CROSS SECTION—No Scale I � I � I TOP PLANKING (THRU-FLOW Material) I � I � GIRDERS i (2"x 8"TYPICAL) I � I I � I � CROSS BRACE I (2"x 4"TYPICAL) I � D E r'J PILES--► iB AUG 2 3 2021 �I I • I � —.—...................—.............I SGuth3.ddlCN71 B ar f 7r t s MURPHYMERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 08/20/2021 Scale: As Shown P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 Comments: (631) 53.7-5160 3 of ,v �n Glenn C smith, President O�OS�E �`�C � Town Hall Annex A. Wc*r 'las Krupski, Vice-President �� yJ,q 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer, III o '` P.O. Box 1179 ze Michael J. Domino o Southold, NY 11971 Greg Williams y'hp� � Telephone 765-66416 -1892 Fa BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date/Time: `Z7/21 5 6 4 Completed in field by: G� Go �SM,`��'' Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., on behalf of KEVIN M. MURPHY requests an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit #9818 for (32) 6" timber piles installed @8.5' o/c in lieu of the (26) 6" piles originally proposed; the installation of rope handrails on either side of the fixed catwalk, stringed between the existing piles from the landward end to the seaward terminus of the fixed catwalk; to re- position the previously approved access stairs to the westerly side of the existing fixed catwalk; install a 3'x20' aluminum ramp connecting the fixed catwalk to the floating dock in lieu of the previously approved 18.5'x4' hinged wooden ramp; reposition the two (2) 9" timber piles securing dock float. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM#: 1000-123-8-22.4 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=4 Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 ✓ Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: I II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment ✓Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: S}ca• �� �ocw cd� I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: Present were: J. Bredemeyer M. Domino G. Goldsmith N. Krupski G. Williams Other AERIAL VIEW Scale: F'=30' o~ 0 00 } EXISTING, SSD w PROPANE TANK 6.2'x 6.2' Z46'20LANDWARD LIMIT of ' SHED TIDAL WETLANDS as r per Thomas W.Cramer, = A/C AREA of ACTIVE A.LSA.on FEB.6,2018 ` ------- ;• d'��O l iNIT RESTORATION GRAVEL {...See Planting Plan DRIVEWAY; �� r{ d 00 Detail...) MHW PROPOSED DOCK ASSEMBLY �O YY r� M r t� .� AUG 2 3 2021 I S(:,J .!i:; ;Own Board f T''"tp S MURPHYMERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY - 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 08/20/2021 Scale: As Shown P.O. Box 2003 - Bridgehampton, NY • 11932 Comments: 1 ( 3 ) f 3 6 1 537-5160 1 O` ML AERIAL VIEW PLANTING DETAILS: Scale: 1"=20' MHW Applicant proposes to abandon and remove the existing dock structure and LANDWARD LIMIT of it construct a new dock assembly angled towards the northerly end of the property. TIDAL WETLANDS as per Thomas W.Cramer, Applicant also proposes to revegetate approximately 1,163 sq. ft. of wetlands in Al SA.on FEB.6,2018. �b addition to restoring the vegetation present underneath the existing dock � assembly. The subject area is currently inhabited by Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia), and Eastern Red Cedar Uuniperus -1.6 -� ` o 3 3 X240�' virginiana) Consequently, the applicant proposes to revegetate the subject area by ' E. Red Cedar ?,_----' `. Iuni Cerus virginiana) :1.3 _-- ; o?'S ;4.4 \ removing all foreign debris (as well as the existing pea gravel thereon), by AREA of ACTIVE ( S ) _ RESTORATION to be preserving any and all woody vegetation within the area and by planting Cape � _ -' � '`�, PRESERVED _ - 1.7 -3.1 -6.7 American Beach Grass (Ammophila breviligulata) within the interstitial spaces •ALUMINU1Vt • therein, effectively providing the area with an herbaceous understory. �• RAMP PROS--, 20' `\ -t.2 3'x ( ) Furthermore, Applicant proposes to revegetate the area disturbed by the i • ( ) F�OST `1 removal of the existing dock assembly,by planting Groundsel Bush as well as Groundsel Bush D 8 -0.0 -3.3 -b.o Cape American beach grass therein. ! {Baccharis halimifolia) p ACE •6.9 S . , - to be 6,� �,pILE 01c� is°' -- �' ,' PLANT KEY: PLANT KEY: PRESERVED - 7 2.2 X3.8 Groundsel Bush Cape American Beach Grass 135 ) D CATw ALK�4 x Baccharis halimifolia Ammophila breviligulata OP F1XE 2 0 ; • Planted @ 2"Caliper • Planted @ Plug Size _________ --------- ------------- _____ __ -_� • Planted @±4-6'o/c Planted @±12"o/c --- .------ ---- ---- ----� ::- - --- ------------- --L, • Eleven(11) lnantstotal • One-thousand one- :Y ' ------------ ------------ ----- ` '=:--- ----- ----------- ------------- -- -------- hundred and sixty three ' `" (1,163)plugs total. PROPOSED Groundsel Bush t EXISTING I DOCK (Baccharis halimii (T.B.R.) Planted 2. " iper, '\ PLANT KEY• plan 4-6' o/c ic Eastern Red Cedar ven (1 1) plants total Juniperus virginiana • Planted @ 4"Caliper + • Planted @±10'o/c • Two(2)plants total MURPHYBERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123—08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting ---� Date: 08/20/2021 D �,j L6 V 1 Scale: As Shown LAU -P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton, NY • 11932 Comments: (631) 537—5160 3 2021 of So;��hry!^Tv'ti Baird CROSS VIEW Scale: I"=20' 159.5' 135' HINGED 18.5' 6' 10' ALUMINUM • MHW MLW RAMP FLOATING FIXED CATWALK 6" 0 PILES PLACED (Constructed o Li ht Penetrable through-flow deckin DOCK g8.5 o/c (x32) ROPE HANLyRAIL (x2) 9" 0 WOOD PILE WOOD STAIR - -6' (4.0' W)w/ EX STIN +OMO REE handrails (Phragmites australis) — — — — — — — —•—•---•-------•--- — - TYPICAL CATWALK CROSS SECTION—No Scale � I I � I TOP PLANKING (THRU-FLOW Material) � I I � GIRDERS i (2"x 8"TYPICAL) 1 I � I � I � CROSS BRACE I (2"x 4"TYPICAL) I � J I PILE I AUG 2 3 2021 .—._.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.I South'Jidlewrl RoarRoard of T,,ustees MURPHYMERNSTEIN Property—Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123—08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 08/20/2021 Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton, NY - 1 1932 3 (631) 53 5160 of I 1 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village ® Suite E o 2310 Main Street ® PO Box 2003 ® Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President HAND DELIVERED August 20, 2021j�' Board of Trustees AUG 2 3 2021 l Town of Southold Soath,Td Ta�yy n—'_ P.O. Box 1179 Board of Trnss;eps Southold, NY 11971 RE: MURPHY Property—Request for Permit Amendment Situate: 3265 Park Avenue - Mattituck, NY - 11952 SCTM#: 1000—123—08—22.4 Permit#: 9818 Dear Members of the Board, This Firm represents the owner of the above referenced property, who is seeking to amend the subject permit to include for the following as-built alterations; 1. Thirty-two (32) 6"(D timber piles (26 originally proposed) @ 8.5' o/c installed to support fixed catwalk. 2. Rope handrails on either side of the fixed catwalk, stringed between the existing piles from the landward end to the seaward terminus of the fixed catwalk. 3. Re-positioned Stairs along the westerly side of the existing fixed catwalk. 4. Aluminum ramp (3'x 20') connecting the fixed catwalk to the floating dock. 5. Re-positioned 9" timber piles to secure dock float Attached herewith, please find the following: a. Revised Site Plans, prepared by SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. last dated August 20th, 2021, (two [2] sets); b. Check made payable to the Town of Southold in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) in satisfaction of the requisite application fee. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this request. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to this Office at any time. Yours Truly, Robert W. Anderson (enc.) �� •� C"I" ' f as AUG 2 3 2021 Southold Town Soar f TrUSLee C.c. K. Murphy Maim Diane From: DiSalvo, Diane Sent: Wednesday,August 18, 2021 11:31 AM To: 'kmurphy1227@gmail.com' Subject: 3265 Park Avenue Attachments: Murphy.pdf See attached notes from final inspection of August 17, 2021. As discussed the permit will need to be amended in order for you to comply and for a certificate of compliance to be issued. p�awe p%saLvo o f fboe Ass�sUvut southoLd Towv,,Trustees P.D. 'Fox 2279 sou.thoLG, NY 22972 (031) X65-18J°2 1 Glenn Goldsmith, President *QF SOUL Town Hall Annex y� A. Nicholas Krupski, Vice President ,`O l0 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 John M.Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 Michael J. Domino N �c G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: INSPECTED BY: (�' , Go��Sr►; Ch. 275 Ch. 111 INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, haybale.line/silt boom/silt curtain 1St day of construction '/2 constructed Project complete, compliance inspection COMMENTS: Pcc�:,e,��t c�a� �,�►a� ,� ac�.oc�o,�c� w;��•, �e�r�i�' oc �1���, �ee� To aty-�ec, be-< as / V--0 05 � n 1 0.4&- An Nhe- 40QpoS ti TC s%de- '§SBC^ ��1OA 1 S \k/c� -01.ece \s a cove 1,ac4ro.o 1 0., bold sides 09 -W'd �Zked CCA"Iez- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village ® Suite E 2310 Main Street PO Box 2003 Q Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President HAND DELIVERED March 1st, 2021 y� Board of Trustees MAR — 2021 Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 L�7�_ iof-i RriEstees Southold, NY 11971 RE: MURPHY Property—Final Inspection & Dock Fees Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY • 11953 SCTM#: 1000—123—08—22.4 Dear members of the Board, As per the Boards request, please find a check made payable to Southold Town in the amount of one-thousand three-hundred four dollars ($1,304.00) in satisfaction of the requisite dock and final inspection fees. Thank you for all of your time and consideration regarding this project. Sincerely, Robert W. Anderson (enc.) Glenn Goldsmith,President �QF SUI Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President _, . �O� y�lO 54375 Route ^, P.O. Box 11799 ----Y'�- John M. Bredemeyer III l [ Southold,New York 11971 Michael J.Domino G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631)'7615-6641 COUM`l,�ct1� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ----�-- ------ ------- ,-- -�--------------- -----•-----TOWN-6F-SflH�i@�H=------ -------------------------- --------------- -------- SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES YOU,ARE'REQUFRED-TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72'HQURS'PRI6R TO COMMENCEMENT-OF THE ACTIVITIESCHECKED OFF • � - BEL-'OW� � . . v - � - _, INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-constructidn;-hay=bale line/silt bocm/silt curtain 1St-day of construction l constructed x When project-complete,-call,for compliance-inspection; -. BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 9818 DATE: FEBRUARY 17,2021 ISSUED TO: KEVIN M.MURPHY fr PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3265 PARK AVENUE,MATTITUCK SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on February 17,2021,and in consideration of application fee in the sum of$250.00 paid by Kevin Murphy and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to demolish/remove the existing dock structure I @ grade wood walkway; revegetate the area of disturbance resultant from the removal of the fixed pier; construct new dock assembly; 135'x4' fixed catwalk constructed of open grate material; supported by twenty six(26)611 timber piles; spaced 10' o/c; constructed to maintain height of 4' or greater above present grade; 18.5'x4l hinged wooden ramp; 6'x20' floating dock secured by two (2) (911 timber piles on the east and west side of float; 4'wide access stairs located at the landward terminus of the proposed catwalk; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Suffolk Environmental g Consulting,Inc., dated February 3,2021and stamped approved on February 17,2021. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed,and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the 17th day of February,2021. 4W W, tit RM TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Permittee Kevin Murphy, residing at 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck,New York as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the following: 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or claims for damages,of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any operation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will, at his or her own expense, defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes full liability with respect thereto,to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. 2. That this Permit is valid for a period of 24 months, which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved,to provide evidence to anyone concerned that authorization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation,the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice,to remove or alter this work project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee of the completion of the work authorized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required supplemental to this permit,which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. 10. No right to trespass or interfere with riparian rights. This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Glenn Goldsmith,President QF SO!/r - " " Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ,`O ��� 54375 Route P.O.Box 11799 John M.Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 Michael J.Domino G Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams �� Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 22, 2021 Robert W.Anderson -Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 11932-2003 RE: KEVIN M. MURPHY 3265 PARK•AVENUE, MATTITUCK SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 Dear'Mr. Anderson: The,Board-of Town Trustees-took the folloWing•action during-its.regular"meet'ing held on Wednesday,,February 17, 2021 regarding the-above matter: WHEREAS, Suffolk Environmental on behalf of KEVIN M. MURPHY applied'to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of.the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated-October 29, 2020, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, . WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation that the application be found Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program policy standards, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on December 21, 2020 and February 17, 2021, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, 2 WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED,-that-the--B-oard•of Trustees-have-found the-application-to be-Consistent-with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, and, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of KEVIN M. MURPHY to demolish/remove the existing dock structure/@ grade wood'walkway; revegetate the area of disturbance resultant from the removal of the fixed pier; construct new dock assembly; 135'x4' fixed catwalk constructed of open grate material; supported by twenty-six (26) 6" timber'piles; spaced 10' o/c; constructed to maintain height of 4' or greater above present grade; 18.5'x4' hinged wooden ramp; 6'x20' floating dock secured by two (2) 9" timber piles on the east and west side of float; 4' wide access stairs located-at the.landward terminus of the proposed catwalk; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., dated February3, 2021 and stamped approved on February 17, 2021. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable,-and permit issued within six months of the date of this . notification. Inspections are-required at a fee of$50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $1304.00 Ve truly yours, JL 414V�ox Glenn Goldsmith President, Board of Trustees GG/dd MLW AERIAL VIEW PLANTING DETAILS: Scale: 1"=20' MH W Applicant proposes to abandon and remove the existing dock structure and LANDWARD LIMIT of construct a new dock assembly angled towards the northerly end of the property. TIDAL WETLANDS as per Thomas W. Cramer, Applicant also proposes to revegetate approximately 1,163 sq. ft. of wetlands in A.LSA.on FEB.6,2018 b addition to restoring the vegetation present underneath the existing dock assembly. The subject area is currently inhabited by Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia), and Eastern Red Cedar Uuniperus " • 1.6 ;3.3 X240 ' virginiana) Consequently, the applicant proposes to revegetate the subject area b i ��.- q Y� PP � P p g l Y AREA of ACTIVE !E. Red Cedar .-1.3 ___, 15' 4.4 removing all foreign debris (as well as the existing pea gravel thereon),by RESTORATION (Juniperus hirginiana) _ __---'- preserving any and all woody vegetation within the area and by planting Cape to be _ -- -1 7 -3 1 -6 .7 American Beach Grass (Ammophila breviligulata) within the interstitial spaces !' PRESERVED - ' ' ' therein PROP. WOOD --- , effectively providing the area with an herbaceous understory. 1 2 RAMP PROS. 0x20') \ Furthermore, Applicant proposes to revegetate the area disturbed by the :Groundsel Bush • � F�.OAT (4 x 18.5') 1 removal of the existing dock assembly, by planting Groundsel Bush as well as (Bciccharis halimifolia) ' Cape American beach grass therein. ,�.,�-�� to be pILE -u.0 -6.0 p � :•: : : PRESERVED POSED Ole -3.3 o' :� �6.9 PRO o' ,s ,---, PLANT KEY: PLANT KEY: . . . ACED \ :...:. PL -2.2 -3.8 i X35 1 % 4 • • ; Groundsel Bush Cape American Beach Grass Baccharis halimifolia Ammophila breviligulata !:0, 00 Op FIXED ' r • Planted @ Plug Size -2.0 , • Planted @ 2 Caliper g " ' . • Planted @±12" o/c _ -------------------�__! Planted o/c ------ ------ -- --�:': -----�:': -----�:::T- --�:: - ---,:: ------------ --i, + . • One-thousand one- ---------�r =---- ----� ---- --- -- --- ------- ------- ----- ---i----------� Eleve ( n three n 11) 1p ants total e hundred a d sixty (1,163)plugs total. PROPOSED PROVED BY i Groundsel Bush OARD OF ! RUSTEES EXISTING _ (Baccharis halimifol' OWN OF SOUTHOLD DOCK ' (T.B.R.) Planted cg 2. iper, plan 4-6' o/c DAT 1 D E C E V E i ven (11) plants total T - ! FEB — 8 2021 � Sout'r���Tcn�n MURPHYMERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. • Date: 02/03/2021 Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton,NY • 11932 (631) 53.7- 5160 of 3. CROSS VIEW Scale: F'=20' 159.5' PROPOSED 135, HINGED WOOD 18.5' 6' MyW MLW RAMP PROPOSED FLOATING PROPOSED WOODEN FIXED JATWAI]K PROPOSED 6" 4) PIL DOCK PLACED 10.0' o/c 10' 1 PROPOSED 9" WOOD PILE 5.6' PROP. WOOD 4wow WWjj' _ -2' 6' STAIRS EXISTING COMMON REED (4.0' W) (Phragmites australis) -------------- I TYPICAL CATWALK CROSS SECTION—No Scale I I � i TOP PLANKING (THRU-FLOW Material) I � I � GIRDERS (2"x 8"TYPICAL) I � I � I CROSS BRACE (2"x 4"TYPICAL) i PILES 0 FEB - 8 2021 �'J I I Sout:;;ld fo��n .—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—._.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—..r Boar I ofTrustaes MURPHYIBERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08 —22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Date: 02/03/2021 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton, NY • 11932 3 of (631) 53.7- 5160 AERIAL VIEW Scale: I"= 30' o� .o 00 EXIST SHED G —� PROPANE TANK 6.2'x 6.2' q6:'>0' LANDWARD LIMIT of SHED TIDAL WETLANDS as per Thomas(N Cramer, A/C AREA of ACTIVE A.I.S.A.on FEB.6,2018 7T RESTORATION --- --"- rP (...See Planting Plan Detail...) Ate. Mui I ' 79 — PROPOSED DOCK ti0�0� F ASSEMBLY r 1 4i F E B - 8 2021 L Soot,-A Town Boa,,J of Troy,,es MURPHYIBERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. l Q f 3 Date: 02/03/2021 Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton, NY • 11932 (631) 537— 5160 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Concerning the proposed improvements @ BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000— 123—08—22.4 Applicant hereby amends the original proposal to include the following specifications: 1. Applicant proposes to remove the existing dock structure/ @grade wood walkway 2. Applicant proposes to revegetate the area of disturbance resultant from the removal of the original fixed pier. 3. Applicant proposes to construct a new dock assembly with the following dimensions: a. Fixed Catwalk: 135.0' x 4.0' (constructed of open grate material) i. Supported by twenty six (26) 6.0" timber piles; spaced 10.0' o/c. ii. Constructed to maintain height of 4.0' or greater above present grade. b. Hinged wooden ramp (18.5' x 4.0') c. One (1) floating dock (6' x 20') i. Secured by two (2) 9"(D timber piles on the east and west side of the proposed float. d. Access stairs (4.0' wide) located at the landward terminus of the proposed fixed catwalk; positioned along the catwalks eastern side. E ( r vi, FE0 - 8 2021 Sou(tIC lovIn Board of T ustees r f�oSUFF cQ c� Glenn Goldsmith, President Ai��� Gyp Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino u o �` 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer, III o g y P.O. Box 1179 A Nicholas Krupskiy�j ao��} Southold, NY 11971 , Greg Williams � �.r� Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: KEVIN M. MURPHY c/o SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. Please be advised that your application dated October 29, 2020 has been reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of February 17, 2021 and your application has been approved pending the completion of the following items checked off below. Revised Plans for proposed project Pre-Construction Hay Bale Line Inspection Fee ($50.00) 1St Day of Construction ($50.00) '/ Constructed ($50.00) X Final Inspection Fee ($50.00) x Dock Fees ($3.00 per sq. ft.) The Permittee is required to provide evidence that the non-turf buffer condition of the Trustee permit has been recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as a notice covenant and deed restriction to the deed of the subject parcel. Such evidence shall be provided within ninety (90) calendar days of issuance of this permit. Permit fees are now due. Please make check or money order payable to Town of Southold. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. You will receive your permit upon completion of the above. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: 4'x55' fixed catwalk = 220sq. ft. x $3.00 = $660.00 4'x18.5' ramp = 78sq.ft. x. $3.00 = 234.00 6'x20' floating dock = 120sq.ft. x $3.00 360.00 TOTAL FEES DUE: $ 1304.00 BY: Glenn Goldsmith, President �h 2'21 {0 Board of Trustees Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village a Suite E e 2310 Main Street PO Box 2003 ® Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President HAND DELIVERED February 51h, 2021 Board of Trustees FEB - 8 2021 Town of Southold SOL101 ;1 TUUM P.O. Box 1179 acaru e.Tr:.•aees Southold, NY 11971 RE: MURPHY Property—Revised Project Description Situate: ' 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000— 123—08—22.4 Dear Members of the Board, Our Firm is in receipt of comments from the NYSDEC in regard to the proposed activities to take place at the subject property. Please be advised that although we have extended the overall length of the proposed structure, the proposed dock is still less extensive than what currently exists. Attached herewith, please find the following attached herewith: " 1. Site Plans prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., last dated February 5, 2021, four (4) sets; 2. Survey Prepared by Elizabeth G. McQuilkin last dated January 27th, 2021, four (4) sets, and; 3. Revised Project Description, four (4) sets. Thank you for your time and your anticipated cooperation in regard to this matter. Should you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this project, please feel free to reach out to this Office at any point. Sincerely, Robert W. Anderson (enc.) Glenn Goldsmith,President oF=soUly Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino ,`O� O01 0 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 John M.Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams ��: �� Fax(631) 765-6641 CUUNTY,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 22, 2020 Robert W. Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O.-Box 2003 Bridgehampton,'NY 11932 RE: ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE PURSUANT TO NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT'NYCCR PART 617- KEVIN M. MURPHY 3265 PARK AVENUE, MATTITUCK SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 Dear Mr. Anderson: The Southold Town Board of Trustees adopted the following Resolution at a meeting held on Wednesday, December 21, 2020 DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN M. MURPHY requests a Wetland Permit to demolish/remove the existing dock structure and,replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following components: at-grade wood walk consisting of a 4x27.5' northeast to southwest portion and a 4'x24.5' southwest to northeast portion; a 4'x10' landward ramp; a 4'x68' fixed catwalk; 4'x-18.5' floating dock ramp; and a 6'x20' floatingdock configured in an "L" shape formation, angled to the north. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board of Trustees are familiar with this project having visited the site on December 9, 2020, and having considered the.survey of property by Lisa McQuilkin Land Surveying dated October 8, 2020, and having considered the plans for this proposed project submitted by Suffolk Environmental Consulting dated July 31, 2020 at the Trustee's December 14, 2020 work session, and WHEREAS, on December 21, 2020 the Southold Town Board of Trustees declared itself Lead Agency pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, on December 21, 2020 the Southold Town Board of Trustees classified the application`6' an unlisted action pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, WHEREAS-,"in reviewing project plans submitted by Suffolk Environmentaf-Corisulting dated July 31, 2020 it has been determined by the Board of Trustees that all potentially significant environmental concerns have been addressed as noted herein: • Scope: The proposed dock is comparable to docks on neighboring properties in an area where docks historically are used for commercial and recreational purposes _ • Scope in relation to the riparian rights of shell fishers: The plan allows a standard fixed catwalk to float design that will not impede access for those seeking shellfish and crustacea in season. • Scope in relation to view shed: The seaward end of the proposed dock will not extend appreciably beyond existing docks. As such the perspective will not be discernibly different from the existing view. Environmental upkeep: The dock design projects a usual lifespan of 30 years with limited pile replacement so as to minimize disturbance of the bottom. THEREFORE, according.to the foregoing, the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve and Authorize the preparation of a Notice of Negative Declaration pursuant to SEQRA for the aforementioned project. Very truly yours, Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees GG/dd Page 2 of 2 Kevin M.Murphy 3265 Park Avenue,Mattituck SCTM#: 1000-123-8-22.4 12/9/20 P;�Fes'® -- Mimi __-, - filly — Ll W . , � � / r,� B _...,,•moo_ e Kevin M.Murphy 3265 Park Avenue,Mattituck 000 2/9/21 ob . awo4411 "1 � -•�-�•,•'���b3l+s - -....,.$• -s - �.`.�. . . . s IQ OR 44 lo - - P Glenn Goldsmith,Pret 0$UFFOL/TC Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice,`-resident ��� Gti�' 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III co P.O.Box 1179 Michael J.Domino 0 Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams '�'�.� �ap� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date/Time: 2IT12! l �� Completed infield by: Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN M. MURPHY requests a Wetland Permit to demolish/remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following components: at-grade wood walk consisting of a 4'x27.5' northeast to southwest portion and a 4'x24.5' southwest to northeast portion; a 4'x10' landward ramp; a 4'x68' fixed catwalk; 4'x18.5' floating dock ramp; and a 6'x20' floating dock configured in an "L" shape formation, angled to the north. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=4 Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: 1 II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment ve' Wetland Coastal Erosion 66rgency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested-modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: / / Present were: J. Bredemeyer ✓ M. Domino _ZG. Goldsmith N. Krupski G. Williams Other 10 .�y, Glenn Goldsmith,President Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino ;`O� Ol0 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 John M.Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams �� �� Fax(631) 765-6641 �y00UlVTY,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 22, 2020 Robert W. Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O.'Box 2003 Bridgehainpton,'NY 11,932 5 RE: ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE PURSUANT TO NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT,NYCCR PART 617- -KEVIN M. MURPHY 3265 PARK AVENUE, MATTITUCK SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 Dear Mr. Anderson: The Southold Town Board of Trustees adopted the following Resolution at a meeting held on Wednesday, December 21, 2020: DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN M: MURPHY requests a Wetland Permit to demolish/remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following components: at-grade wood walk consisting of a 4'x27.5' northeast to southwest portion and a 4'x24.5' southwest to northeast portion; a 4'x10' landward ramp; a 4'x68' fixed_ catwalk; 4'x98.5' floating dock ramp; and a 6'x20' floating'dock _ configured in an "L" shape formation, angled to the north. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 S E Q R A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board of Trustees are familiar with this project having visited the site on December 9, 2020, and having considered the survey of property by Lisa McQuilkin Land Surveying dated October 8, 2020, and having considered the plans s for this proposed project submitted by Suffolk Environmental Consulting dated July 31, 2020 at the Trustee's December 14, 2020 work session, and WHEREAS, on December 21, 2020 the Southold Town Board of Trustees declared itself Lead Agency pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, on December 21, 2020 the Southold Town Board of Trustees classified the application as an unlisted action pursuant to S.E.Q.R.A.; and, WHEREAS,In reviewing project plans submitted by Suffolk EnvironmentarCDnsulting dated July 31, 2020 it has been determined by the Board of Trustees that all potentially significant environmental concerns have been addressed as noted herein: • Scope: The proposed dock is comparable to docks on neighboring properties in an area where docks historically are used for commercial and recreational purposes • Scope in relation to the riparian'rights of shell fishers: The plan allows a standard fixed catwalk to float design that will not impede access for those seeking shellfish and crustacea in season. • Scope in relation to view shed-. The seaward end of the proposed dock will not extend appreciably beyond existing docks. As such the-perspective will not be discernibly different from'the existing view. • Environmental upkeep: The dock design projects a usual lifespan of 30 years with limited pile replacement so as to minimize disturbance of the bottom. THEREFORE, according to the foregoing, the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve and Authorize the preparation of a Notice of Negative Declaration pursuant to SEQRA for the aforementioned project. Very truly yours, Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees GG/dd Page 2 of 2 Kevin M.Murphy 3265 Park Avenue,Mattituck SCfM#: 1000-123-8-22.4 12/9/20 1-7 1 A. D\Y \\\ lb \ell em-\ ':v \ �� ,0�'� lb P,,o \ \ �� �� f// /r frp \Kl\o �a 4 P- To sof \ 'd �2 3p'PPR�0$ -00•Q Q TVY,p4-4 's2 \\\a^ A%� `�6 d ,Oo �y SSPL�iP� QQQ ,ppf..` 139yoq, y 5 j10.1 w� 10.% p JI.SBCR y t S� �r SCR Al Da '000,00 �0 Q° kO - NOTES: � � (� L, 0 V•PROPOSED DOCK ASSEMBLY AS PER PLANS BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC., DATED DECEMBER 29, 2020. •EXISTENCE OF ANY EASEMENTS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY A COMPLETE TITLE SEARCH. •SURVEYOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES. F E B _ 8 2021 PROPERTY OWNER: DRAWING INFORMATION: KEVIN M. MURPHY SCALE: 1"-30' Sld, vin DRAWN BY: R.K.H. Board of Trusties FILE No.: Q036-18-A DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2018 ADDITIONAL MAPPING: FEBRUARY 28, 2019 ¢3r^y SURVEY OF LOT 16 & PART OF LOT 17, ADDITIONAL MAPPING: AUGUST 3, 2020 '� " °'� �` LISA McQUILKIN ADDITIONAL MAPPING: OCTOBER 8, 2020 G �°' � R� `Q ;1 ; AS SHOWN ON MAP OF ADDITIONAL MAPPING: JANUARY.27, 2021 �'��� ;�'�, LAND SURVEYING MARRATOOKA POINT _� FILED: MARCH 19, 1927 - MAP No: 331 PROPERTY INFORMATION: 274 EAST MAIN STREET AT MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AREA: 22,894.14 S Ft. = 0.5256 ACRES -- SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK q• EAST ISLIP, N.Y. 11730� �` r' SCTM: 1000-123.00-08.00-022.004 ELEVATIONS IN NAVD88 DATUM TEL: 631-277-3605 ��, ,�®SFS"��,�,�;,;;"; CONTOURS ARE IN 2ft. INTERVALS _ U5 Q .< , =` FAX: 631-277-3906 e�C A N D 5� ,"• UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION IAN.COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS MBOSSED SEAL ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO BE A TRUE VAWD COPY.DISTANCES SHOWN FROM PROPERTY WNES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE,AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE IN TILE ERECTION OF FENCES OR OTHER STRUCTURES.CERTIFICATION INDICTED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF,TO THE COMPANY OR AGENCIES LISTED HEREON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. 3265 PARK AVENUE, MATTITUCK Glenn Goldsmith, Pres' t Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino ;° 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski ` Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams Telephone(631)765-1892 =N- .g Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date/Time: i Completed in field by: ,� Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN M. MURPHY requests a Wetland Permit to demolish/remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following components: at-grade wood walk consisting of a 4'x27.5' northeast to southwest portion and a 4'x24.5' southwest to northeast portion; a 4'x10' landward ramp; a 4'x68' fixed catwalk; 4'x18.5' floating dock ramp; and a 6'x20' floating dock configured in an "L" shape formation, angled to the north. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=4 Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet _ 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Noticeof Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 ✓/ Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: 1 II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment ✓ Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: � 1 C-I cA have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: Present were: Z J. Bredemeyer _zm. Domino G. Goldsmith N. Krupski AG. Williams Other AERIAL VIEW Scale: F'=30' o~ 0 00 PROPANE TANK &2'x6,2' LANDWARD LIMIT of SHED TIDAL WETLANDS as ROAD %` per Thomas W.Cramer, ENCROACHMI\I �`. AiC A.I.S.A.on FEB 6,2018 UNIT GRAVEL ------------ --__---- DRIVEWAY WOOD RAMP 6?0, �. MHW i ' MLW i PROPOSLl)DOCK i ASSI_iMBLY i' j 41 i Qj i Y O 15.0' MURPHYBERNSTEIN Property—Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 07/31/2020 Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 1 1932 1 (631) 53.7 —5160 o1 AERIAL VIEW Scale: I"= 10' I I I ' I i MHW MLW i I ' I ' I ' I I ; C ------ 68.0'14 O 10.0' m r I C - PROPOSED PROPOSED WOOD RAMP PROPOSED WOODEN FIXE CATWALK WOOD RAMP z ----------- WOOL) -------WOOD I i DFCK PROPOSED 6ci GRADE WOOD WALK PROPOSED 6" (D PILES i WOOD PLACED 10.0' o/c STAIRS EXISTING WOOD ' WALK IFi a i 27.5' i 1 ' i I MURPHYBERNSTEIN Property — Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY • 11952 - Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 07/31/2020 Scale: As Shown OCT Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton, NY - 1 1932 2 9 2020 9 f (631) 537 —5160 j TYPICAL CATWALK CROSS SECTION—No Scale ! CROSS VIEW I Scale: 1"= 10' j I j TOP PLANKING I � GIRDERS I (2"x 8"TYPICAL) I I � I � � I N CROSS BRACE (2"x 4"TYPICAL) I • � I � I I � I � I i I I � _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.I 102.5' EXISTING WOOD DECK AND STAIRS 10.0' 68.0' 18.5 6.0' PROPOSED MHW MLW PROPOSED WOOD RAMP E.L. 2.0' WOODEN FIXED PROPOSED WOOD RAMP PROPOSED FLOATING CATWA K DOCK --f ��� PROPOSED 6" 0 WOOD PILES — PROPOSED 9" 0 ';# WOOD PILE EXISTING @ GRADE WOOD WALK ' EXISTING COMMON REED (Phragmites australis) @ OR>2.0'ABOVE BOTTOMLAND MURPHYMERNSTEIN Property—Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123—08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 07/31/2020 Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 (631) 53.7-5160 3 of 3 TEST HOLE BY: \ McDONALD GEOSCIENCE DATE: JUNE 27, 2019 SM RBRONN SILTY SAND. \ \9 RL 1.3 A SM HATER IN BROWN SILTY SAND. B\ \�s RL-1.3 `SGC PT WATER IN BROWN DOG. \ G EL-3.3 SP WATER IN PALE BROWN FINE SAND. \ \ WATER ENCOUNTERED 2.4ft. \\ \\ \ f BELOW GROUND SURFACE \ \ 'pOfy�� \ \ l p 0. � % \St \yo_�o'40 1 � p.• o� °' v �10 N,- 04 a oy yOFM�gRU ky s y q /s \ \\o \ \ �Oi//i//��'f�y/ �/CCo � ('�r9'�e��o� es y° n�i , / v C i !6 44 ! G C roo/�A\ o�' '000, o\ r< a cb �p / �,• O rZ3°\ P° r 3°56 PROP R '°A�p,I.�Tr�RlI�A,PG�°o lied e � m _ / o• G r?3oo �N ryo�oR Boo C i \I 1 r3 F 61gs !'°R 01* 9yv� e I 1 / a e�9 o�sRiYos 1 Illy co) tir ems' loo 00 sNc o9°�s y r/�yl�l Hy CI NOTES: • PROPOSED DOCK ASSEMBLY AS PER PLANS BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC., DATED JULY 31, 2020. • EXISTENCE OF ANY EASEMENTS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY A COMPLETE TITLE SEARCH. I l'` OCT 2 9 •SURVEYOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES. ' PROPERTY OWNERS: DRAWING INFORMATION: --� KEVIN M. MURPHY SCALE: 1"=30' WILLA BERNSTEIN DRAWN BY: R.K.H. FILE No.: Q036-18—A DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2018 ADDITIONAL MAPPING: FEBRUARY 28, 2019 SURVEY OF LOT 16 & PART OF LOT 17, ADDITIONAL MAPPING: AUGUST 3, 2020 Q���N G M`P � LISA McQUILKIN AS SHOWN ON MAP OF ADDITIONAL MAPPING: OCTOBER 8, 2020 v1F + LAND SURVEYING + MARRATOOKA POINT NFORMATION: FILED: MARCH 19, 1927 — MAP No: 331 PROPERTY I 274 EAST MAIN STREET AT MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, EAST ISLIP, N.Y. 11730 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK AREA: 22,894.14 Sq.Ft. = 0.52511 ACRES . a� SCTM: 1000-123.00-08.00-022.004COUN , NEW ELEVATIONS IN NAVD88 DATUM IFN `u TEL: 631-277-3605 CONTOURS ARE IN 2ft. INTERVALS Ep L FAX: 631-277-3906 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEN YORK STATE EDUCATION LAR.COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED OR EMBOSSED SEAL ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO DE A TRUE VALID COPY.DISTANCES SHOWN FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EATSTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE,AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE IN THE ERECTION OF FENCES OR OTHER STRUCTURES.CERTIFICATION INDICTED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SUR"v EY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF,T, THE COMPANY OR AGENCIES LISTED HEREON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS, 3265 PARK AVENUE, MATTITUCK MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY 11952 SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 Peconic i cuff f � 4 t �a c Latrel • bns 1 skt r-- 1 I BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue - Mattituck, NY - 11952 SCTM#: 1000 — 123 —08 —22.4 (Photographs taken on July 27`h 2020) mom x kL 40 v . EIPE�ITt a° ,iia ; M "fix The photograph above (taken facing north) depicts the wood walk connecting the existing wood deck and stairs to the fixed catwalk portion of the existing dock. BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue - Mattituck,NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000 — 123 — 08 —22.4 (Photographs taken on July 27`h 2020) AA yk * t: 9 tip tom"a r r „ n y m a° ,+e The photograph above (taken facing northeast) depicts the landward portion of the existing fixed catwalk component of the dock assembly thereon, as well as the seaward most portion of the wood walk that connects the deck stairs to the dock assembly. BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue - Mattituck, NY - 11952 SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08 —22.4 (Photographs taken on July 27th 2020) ,ate;, � - �.;4 -. "_ « ,� - • Al •^µ ms � b]� �¢�, N The photograph above (taken facing northeast) depicts the seaward portion of the existing dock assembly, including: the fixed catwalk, floating dock ramp, and the dock floats. BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08 —22.4 (Photographs taken on July 27`h 2020) WO•,�3, 4 0 ' y' ? R IV. e3 J R•' � pp t %e yeS W y ftk ,}udLIN a}gfled' .,'. ,� i4�i' � fi t 7��" I 4 e r!p >{ p '� awt� r a, k � ;>,'a, ,t ; fit �� �' t� �1 � �, 5 P��� � �� s 4� � �' •f P' t $ rr"� r"'h a i 4 #�.� a SSS, f� Y 4 S x AA YJ I � r The photograph above (taken facing north) depicts the subject dock assembly, including the collapsed ramp, fixed catwalk and floating docks thereon. BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08 —22.4 (Photographs taken on July 27`h 2020) 4 9Y ,:r e yvt nL„�yamy F � u' r r. y .Ail The photograph above (taken facing northeast) depicts the collapsed portion of the existing dock assembly. BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue - Mattituck, NY - 11952 SCTM#: 1000 — 123 —08 —22.4 (Photographs taken on July 27th 2020) - , AL.. _— ! _ r Ale s "�""a� ���r� -- �Y�R� ��•��'- .-fir... .,.,. �i•�-�y� -as °�;+r .,. suw- The photograph above (taken facing east) depicts the floating dock portion of the existing dock assembly located on the seaward portion of the subject property. BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Proper y Situate: 3265 Park Avenue - Mattituck, NY - 11952 SCTM#: 1000— 123 — 08 —22.4 (Photographs taken on July 2714 2020) "Y 9 k 3 ,f 4IF :MIN � The photograph above depicts the existing dock located on the subject property. The photograph also depicts the warped and broken portion of the subject dock assembly. --- BEE 6fL.N0.tts ------ SEE SEC NOi15 ... ^� SEE SEG.NO 115 1 11NE " - UNE N at NO BUTCH - .� —— ----` { FOR PCL NO SEE SEC.NO. sw-ow R •��, �s e � - s E DR. t' ¢ iu 1 � T ins •�w m O { 5.1 12� ,]/. x �� � x �� � ^'•'t"^,a '"' {z.ergn . i,.By�) 1.{rfq n ,.' FOR PCL NO i+J SEE SEC.NO. w , '_ • ~ ,�- C _. Is ,e d A CREEK w 9 d 1 5.54 " 0 3� v,, s Wa �{� q ,�a •. 47 25 2 t as 3 � aA p s, +,li' +� y� , ,s ,e +! a �,i. ♦ ♦ `.. .� m O ~ / m i x M i5 is O -A n ATA / i' 21 � N R -.. ,..�.. �.,.. � -- -- _ Nw,EN.No4Nk0�T.1NC„E COUNTY OceAgOenc Real JV) T10N wG.NT,tp M ` E123 . sa P - PROPERLY IMP OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 g E K Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Glenn Goldsmith, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, AICP LWRP Coordinator Date: December 11, 2020 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for KEVIN M. MURPHY SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN M. MURPHY requests a.Wetland Permit to demolish/remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following components: at-grade wood walk consisting of a 4'x27.5' northeast to southwest portion and a 4'x24.5' southwest to northeast portion; a 4'x10' landward ramp; a 4'x68' fixed catwalk; 4'x18.5' floating dock ramp; and a 6'x20' floating dock configured in an "L" shape formation, angled to the north. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP based on the following: 1. The shortening of the dock structure furthers Policies 6 and 9.. It is recommended that if approved, a vegetated buffer that includes the existing vegetation is required. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney Peter Young,Chairman Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren Standish,Secretary ` , P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., December 9, 2020 the following recommendation was made: Moved by John Chandler, seconded by Peter Young, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of KEVIN M. MURPHY to demolish/remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following components: at-grade wood walk 4'X 27.5', 4'X 24.5', landward ramp: 4'X 10', fixed catwalk: 4'X 68', floating dock ramp: 4'X 18.5', and floating dock; 6'X 20' in an "L" shape formation, angled to the north. Located: 3265 Park Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#123-8-22.4 Inspected by: John Chandler, Peter Young The CAC Supports the application using best management practices and remediation of the debris in the wetlands. Vete of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Uichael J,Domino,President Tmim Hall Annex John M.Bredemeyer Ill,Vice-PresidentV U875 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Charles J.Sanders Southold,Now York 11971 V T Glenn Goldsmith elephone(631) 765-1892 Nicholas 1&upsk] Fax(631) 7135-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only -Coastal Erosion Pen-nit Application X Wetland Permit Application Administrative Permit Amendment/Transfer/Extens ion Received Application: 2'1.20 eceived Fee:$ Z_'0.00 Completed ompleted Application: ll,(0.Z-0 Incomplete: SEQRA Classification: Type I—Type ll Unlisted OCT 2 9 2020 Coordination:(date sent) LVW Consistency Assissment Form:117, 01 C _J CAC Referral Sent: a as Date of Inspection: 01-0 M,rV CL' Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination t Technical Review: Public Hearing Held: 10- Resolution:— Name of Applicant Kevin M. Murphy Address 720 E 9t11 Street, Apt. 14T - New York, NY - 10003 Phone Number: (202) 580 - 9529 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000— 123 —08 —22.4 Property Location: 3265 Park Avenue - Mattituck,NY - 11952 925.0' SE of Bungalow Lane, South Side of Deep Hole Creek (provide LILCO Pole#, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Robert W. Anderson- Suffolk Environmental Consulting,Inc. (If applicable) Address: P.O. Box 2003; Bridgehampton, NY 11932 —Phone: (631)537—5160 0 Vy Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area(in square feet): 22,894.14 square feet± Previous use of property: Residential w/dock Intended use of property: Residential w/dock Covenants and Restrictions: Yes X No If"Yes", please provide a copy. Will this project require a Building Permit as per Town Code? Yes X No If"Yes",be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will be required. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals Yes X No If"Yes',please provide a decision.(...See Attached ZBA Decision...) Will this project require any demolition as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept.? Yes X No Does the structure(s) on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? X Yes No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date Southold Building Department Permits 10/20/67,4/18/86, 1/10/90 No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? X No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description(use attachments if necessary): Applicant proposes to demolish/ remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assemblyprising of the following components: @-grade wood walk (4' x 27.5'(NE to SW portion), 4' x 24.5'(SW to NE portion)), landward ramp: 4' x 10', fixed catwalk: 4' x 68 , floating dock ramp: 4' x 18.5', and floating dock: 6' x 20' in an L-shape formation, angled to the north. Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed operations: provide the property with a new dock to replace the current dilapidated dock assembly. Area of wetlands on lot: 0. ± square feet Percent coverage of lot: 0.0 % Closest distance between nearest existing structures and upland edge of wetlands: 0.0 feet (Existing Dock) Closest distance between nearest proposed structures and upland edge of wetlands: 0.0 feet(Proposed Dock) Does the project involve excavation or filling? X No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? N/A How much material will be filled? N/A Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: N/A feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: none Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: N/A Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): Wetlands stand to benefit from the proposed activity, in that, portions of the existing dock are currentlyrg on bottomland in waters of the town. Additionally,by therg_anting of this permit, a navigational hazard (existing dilapidated dock) will be removed from the waters of the town and replaced with a functional compliant dock assembly. 617.20 1ppe►►div B Short E►►riro►tn►e»f►►lllssess►neul conn Instructions for ("orrlpletina Part 1 - Project lnformationl The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part t based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages a~s necessary to supplement any item. Part t - Project anti Sponsor information Name-of Action or Project: MURPHY Property Project location(describe,and attach a location map): 3266 Park Avenue Mattituck, NY - 11052 Brief Description of Proposed Action: Applicant proposes to remove existing dock assembly and construct a new, more compliant dock assembly comprising of the following components and dimensions: landward ramp: 4' x 10', fixed catwalk: 4' x 68 , floating dock ramp: 4' x 183, and floating dock: 6' x 20' in an L- shape formation, angled to the north Mame of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: ,111537-5160 iRobert W. Anderson @ Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., E-Mail:;t3nrcesrMot'cenvironmental.com Address: -- - ------- - - -- ----- P.O.Box 2003 --- - - -- - - ------- - - ---- - -- ------ -- - --- - - ---- ---- - ---- - - - - -- -- -- - - - ------- City/PQ: Stalle: Zip Code: - Udgehampton NY 11932 1.Docks the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local late, ordinances NO YES administrative rule,or regulation's If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that F may be affected in tite municipality and proceed to Part 2. ifno,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agencyl? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: ew York State Department of Environmental Conservation Tidal Wetland Permit;Town of Southol l R LinJ Wetlands Permit,Army Corps of-Engineers Approval, and-NYS Dept. of_State-Concurrence..- _ _ .- 3.a.Total acrea�.;e of tile site of the proposed action? 0`52 Y ,roes b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed't <0.01 ± acre~ c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor` 052 __acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed actioati ❑Urban ❑Rural (non-agriculture) ❑1ndustrial ❑Commercial ®Residential(suburban) 13 Forest 13Agriculture (]Aquatic ❑Other(specify): ❑Parkland Page 1 of'4 . . . ~ 5. Is tile proposed action, NO V E S. N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations.1 LXI 11 b.Consistent with tile adopted comprehensive planT 1-1-1 D 6. Is the proposed action consistent with tile predominant character of die existing built or naturall NO VE-Q, 7. Is the site of tile propos�q action located in. or does it adjoin.a state listed Critical Frivironin u?i 'IN 0 YES enital Are, If Yes,identify: X El 8. a. Will ilieprop.osedactioiirestiltitiastibstaiid,,iI itiereiwiiitrafFtc,,ibovepr(�,sciitlevel.,,I NO YES b. Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? 0 1:1 c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle mutes available oil or near site of tile proposed action? =X7 JAI E] 9.Doe-s the proposed action nicet or exceed tile state energy code requirenlents.1 NO Y FS If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design featureswl.d technolo i N/A Proposed bock 10. Will tile proposed action connect to an existing public/private watersupply"I NO j YES If-No.describe method for providing potable water: �� '"'^ ^ 18.noes the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment ofl NO YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)J If Yes.explain purpose and size: -19.Has the site 6f itis pr®posed;action or an djc fining;propeit}+Been the liicdtioii of"ori active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility's If Yes,describe: F1 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing orl N0 YES completed) for ltazardous wastel If Yes,describe: _ _ __ M_ _ _ x _ _ _ ._ . � _ i AFFIRM THAT"THE INFORIM ATI ON 111110V11)ED ABOVE 1S TRUE AN 1)ACCURATE'TO'TF-IE 0ES'T OF i<9Y KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor nam .µ obert W.Anderson Date:'. Signaturek Part 2- Impact Assessment) Tile Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the=fle and context of the proposed action?" No,or Nloderate small to large impact impact may may occu►• occur I. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations` El 0 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the list;or intensity of use of land'# El 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing conununityT 0 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the envirorunental characteristics that caused thl establishment of Critical Environmental Area(CFnAyf El El 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic ori affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? G. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate a reasonably available'enerW conservation or renewable energyo ortunitics`. EJ 7. Will the proposed action impact existing+ LJ a.public/private watersupplic,3? b. public/private wastewater treatment utilities.? El El 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological) architectural or aesthetic resources' 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands waterbodies,groundwater,air quality, flora and fauna) Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage) a problems EJ 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health'[ El 0 Pa rt 3- Determination of significance) The bead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur',or if them is a need to explain why a particular element of die proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included b)J the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring) duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also considerthe potential forshort-term,long-term and cumulative impacts) Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, LJ that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. 0 Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and catalysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date , . Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer inLe adAgeney Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) PRINT Page 4 of 4 a _ Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York Kevin 14hCurphy BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS)AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,-AND THAT ALL, WORK WILL BE'DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. 46 I SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS � DAY OF ,20 Z-0 flit► ary.'Pu_ bloc MATTHEW D.IVANS NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01 IV6053859 Qualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 01-22 Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) 1, Kevin M. Murphy residing at '20 E 9`� Street Apt. 14T • New York NY_.- 1.0003_do hereby authorize Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. To apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on our behalf. Kevin M. Murphy APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of the town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: Kevin M. Murphy (Last name,first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else of other entity,such as a company.If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee X Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other,"name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If you answered"YES,"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling,parent, or child is(check all that apply): A) the owner of greater then 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); �-C) an officer, director, partner,or employee of the applicant;or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this day of ��-*- CS/— 20W> Signatures Aa Print name Kevin M. Mu h APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of the town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: Robert W. Anderson (Last name,first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else of other entity, such as a company.If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee X Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other,"name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent, or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage, or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative) and the town officer or employee.Either check appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling,parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater then 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this 28th, ay --October 2020_ Signature Print name R W. Anderson Form TS 1 Town of Southold S�Ff7(k Town Hall Annex Glenn Goldsmith,President Michael J.Domino ,�� Gym 54375 Route 25 John M.Bredemeyer III ro z P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski ® � Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams 'y,�0 �p� �J' Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 3, 2020 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 Re: Board of Trustees Application of Kevin M. Murphy 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 To Whom It May Concern: You are receiving this letter as notice that, in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 202.1, this application is now scheduled to be heard by the Southold Town Board of Trustees, via videoconferencing on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 beginning at 5:30 P.M. Please continue to check the Town's website as the meeting date approaches for the latest meeting agenda and videoconferencing information. Also enclosed is an informational notice regarding the videoconferencing meeting and how to access the online meeting. Please mail a copy of the informational notice along with all other required paperwork to each of the adjacent property owners. Please keep a copy of said informational notice for your records so that you can access the meeting in order to have a conversation with the Board during your application review. r Truly Y9,urs, e,4"'X Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees Glenn Goldsmith,President O�Q$QFFO(,��oG Town Hall Annex. Michael J. Domino may` y 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer IIIN z P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski k Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams ��l?' p! Telephone(631)765-1892 t �a Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WORK SESSION & PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESEDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 5:OOPM & 5:30PM r A Regular Work Session and Public Board Hearings of the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF.. TRUSTEES will be held on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 with the Work Session beginning at 5:OOPM and Public Hearings beginning at 5:30PM. y Pursuant to Executive Order 202.1 of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in-person access by the public will not be permitted. Town residents are invited to attend the public meetings virtually via the Zoom online platform. Written comments may also be submitted via email to the Trustees Clerks at elizabethc@southoldtownny.gov and diane.disalvo@town.southold.ny.us. Said comments will be conskoered at the public hearing provided that they are submitted no later than 12:00 P.M. (Prevailing Time) on the day of the public hearing. The public will have access to view and listen to the meeting as it is happening via Zoom. If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone, there is an option to listen in via telephone. Further details about how to tune in to the meeting are on the Town's website at https://www.southoldtownny.gov/calendar or call the Board of Trustees office at (631)765-1892 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:OOAM—4:OOPM. Options for public attendance:. • Online at the website zoom.us, click on "join a meeting" and enter the information below. Zoom Meeting ID: 922 8909 5446 Password: 020187 • Telephone: Call 1(646) 558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and Password when prompted (same as above). In order to "request to speak" when the application you are interested in has begun, please press *9 on your phone and wait for someone to acknowledgezyour request: When prompted to unmute your phone press *6. To view the application files please visit: https://www.southoldtownny.gov At the bottom of the picture on the main screen click on the second button from the right"Town Records, Weblink/Laserfiche"; go to bottom of page and click on "pg. 2"; click on "Trustees" folder; click on "Applications"; click on "Pending= all files are listed by name in alphabetical order. Click on -J .M the name of the application to view the file. Glenn Goldsmith,President OR '049, T Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino 54375 Route 25 John M.Bredemeyer III ti = P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams ?' p! Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BE ADVISED — AS PER CHAPTER 55 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Failure to submit the following originals to this office no later than the day prior to the scheduled Public Hearing for your application will result in a postponement of said application: • All original'white & green certified return receipt mail receipts stamped by U.S.P.S. • Completed original Proof of Mailing Form Failure to submit the following originals to this office no later than 12:OOPM the day of the scheduled Public Hearing for your application will result in a postponement of said application: • Original Affidavit of Posting form — DO NOT COMPLETE SAID FORM UNTIL THE GREEN SIGN HAS BEEN IN PLACE ON THE PROPERTY FOR AT LEAST SEVEN (7) DAYS. All green signature cards related to said application that were returned to your office should be either dropped off in our "Trustee drop box" or mailed into our office whenever they are received. These cards are not required prior to the Public Hearing, unless specifically requested for by this office. This specific requirement is subject to change. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village © Suite E 2310 Main Street PO Box 2003 © Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President HAND DELIVERED December 7,2020 Board of Trustees Southold Town U DEC P.O. Box 1179 - 9 2020 f Southold, NY 11971 ' "n RE: MURPHY Property-Affidavit of Mailing Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM#: 1000-123-08-"022.4 Dear Members of the Board, As per Southold Town Code Section 55-1, please find the following attached herewith: 1. Affidavit of Mailing, one [1] original; 2. Certified Mailing Receipts, originals and one [1] copy. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter. Should you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this application or its contents,please feel free to reach out to this office at any time. Sincerely, Robert W. Anderson (enc.) _ ° p ° • s © , e o . ■ r9 •. ®. • e-=1 Ne I " � r�11-q Certrf)ed Mad Fee $3.55 P� rq $ertlfled Mail Fes t ryry p' 2Ok f5 Q- $ v�1 Er bra Services&Fees(checkbow add fee 4f 'p Extra Services&Fees(checkbaw add fee AF A t ❑Retum Receipt(hardcopy) $ L ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 1 ❑ pt( ) U Postmark n Postmark r-IReturn Receipt electronic r� [I Return Receipt(electronic) $ G 0r O ❑Certified Mail Restricted Dalnery $ Here �' l: • Certified Mad Restricted Dallvery $ TI � ❑Adult Signature Required' $ _ � � ❑AdultSlgnatureRequired $ DECFa o X020 []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ EC m 4 2p2Q m E]Adult Signature ResMcted Dallvery$ C3 Postage �17.7�1 Postage $0.70 � 12/C14i2t1 o' $ 12/04/2[12 N o Total Postage and F mTotal Postage and F11 1`} ��� M f.1 $ ff�� $ I t CO Sen To CEI --------------------------- Sent To h•rR1 S� Hclits a---ffla_?A13'� �.cle_y1�11 -----lauL-- ------. - fir( °QPL..'b.orPCOBoe xN;---'- -------------------------------------------- p Street andApt.A(o.,or PO Box IJo. 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A Signature n 1 ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signal: name and address on the reverse X Vr J! /v�-`? C3Addressee ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X E3ent E3 Agent can return the card to you. Addressee B. Received by(Printed Name) C ate of Delivery so that we can return the card to you. card to the back of the mailpiece, 10 ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Rej(1*ntedNamq)ETC. Date of Delivery front if space permits. —1 or on the front if space permits. essed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes I 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes old'-vCkM- If YES,enter delivery address below: '•No f If YES,enter delivery address below. [3No K,e Ke5 Oro-49 ?A13Ttrust D t ,& WaYn h t Rc�l coo Kells y (�� AX Ash: Mi,chael S. I nsd - (o I PAr K Avewf, Ncw�lerKf NY 101 713 3. Service Type p Priority Mail Express® III II'I II I II II II II I II I II I I II I I III 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express®13v ❑Adult Signature Registered MailT"� II I I III II IIII III I II I II II I II I I I I I I I II I I III I I II I E3❑Adult Signature E3 Registered MallTm �Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 13R Mail Restricted t Certified Mall® Delivery ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mall Restricted 9402 4184 8121 3634 38 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt far 9590 9402 4184 8121 363414 1 Certified Mall® Delivery Merchandise 1313 Collect on Delivery Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 13 Signature ConfinnatlonT°� ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise er(transfer from Service label ❑Collect on Delivery,Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfinnationTp° f —— -- 0 insured Mail ❑Signature Confirmation ry ry (Rall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 2. Article Number(Transfer from service labep -- ail ❑Signature Confirmation 1 , 2 2 8 0 0 0 01 2 2-91, 1319 �la f I' ?018 3090 0001 4 916 1411 mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery t - ?o)— 1 1,July,2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt PS Form 3811 July 2015 PSN'7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt I t ` - - SENDER- COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY R: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete Items 1 2 and 3. A. Slgnature s'. A. Signature p _ M Agent Pled items 1,2,and 3. 7/1 ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X- our name and address on the reverse �p��— 2'A�ent so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee Y X, /' // �" I, Y t we can return the card to you. �/j'� 0 Addressee , ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery B, eceived (Printe N e) C. Date o Delivery or on the front if space permits. p h this card to the back of the mailpiece, Z� the front if space permits. .� %^� L.Z 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes T A. &6s'Sr. if YES,enter delivery address below: El No �- N / 'It�l A6 A. Giaconc If YES,enter delivery address below: [3 No EYt-Ir V. B- a K�kpt,�� 11 �ucke�G�• ��- 6ltn Cove-) Ny _ 1 1342 3. Service Type 4 II 1111111 IIII III I II I II II I II II I II I II I I I II III ❑Priority M all Exp ® (IIII I III III I II I I II II II I II I II III I II I III Service e * 11 Priority peesO 11 Adult Signature TM ❑AdulSgnature ❑RegisBred MalT" E3 Adult Signature Rescted Delivery, JXR istered Mail ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mall Restric ted ®Certified Mai® Dvery 0 certified Mali® Delivery9590 9402 4184 8121 3634 21 ❑Certified MelRestricted Dele�..>' O•Retum Recelptfor 90 9402 4184 8121 3634 45 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Del O Return Reoeiptfor ❑Collect on Del ive Merchandise Trn ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise ❑Collect on Delivery Restilctedpelivem}r ❑Signature Conflnnation ry ❑Signature Confirmation*"' 2. Article NUmber(Tmnsfer from sei vlce_labe0 — ❑Signature Confirmation Number(Transfer from service labeQ ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 9 Man--- m-1-1—d Mall ❑Signature Confirmation 7 018 3090'-0001 4 916 1404 oil Restrlcted'[)ery'emy Restricted Derry ®19 2280 0001 2291 13 2,6 Wall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 10) _ Retun Receipt 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domesti� = 00-9053,Jly 2015 PS7502i' ° Domestic Return Receipt 1� PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: Name of Owners Property Address Mailing Address SCTM#: Thomas M. Bass Jr. 15 Park Avenue ext. 17 Buckeye Road 1000-123-8-22.5 Evelyn V. Bass Mattituck,NY Glen Cove,NY 11952 11542 Helies Bradley 2013 Trust 3190 Park Avenue 101 Park Avenue 1000-123-8-20.1 c/o Kelley Dyre and Mattituck,NY New York,NY Warren 11952 10178 Attn: Michael S. Insel Ross Christopher Trust 3340 Park Avenue 10 Rangeley 1000-123-8-21 Ross Michelle Trust Mattituck,NY Ridge 11952 Winchester, MA 01890 Michael J. &Nicholas A. 270 Park Avenue ext. 25 Westphal Dr. 1000-123-8-27 Giacone Mattituck,NY Delmar,NY 11952 12051 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Robert W. Anderson, residing at Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc, P. O. Box 2003, Brid eg hampton, NY 11932, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 4th day of December, 2020, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Bridgehampton, that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT. Sworn to before me this Day of C " 20 ZO 007: MATTHEW D IVANS Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01IV6053859 ualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 01-22 Zm z� Glenn Goldsmith;President0�0 CG` S Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino 54375 Route.25 John M.Bredemeyer III y a P.O Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski �� '�'h Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams '�� ® ' pl �r Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of KEVIN M. MURPHY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING D 0 NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL AFTER POSTING REMAINS IN PLACE FOR A-T LEAST SEVEN.DA YS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC-HEARING DATE 00017 f& residin at/dba SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING,INC g P Q Rnx—03 BRIDGEHAMPTON,NY 11932-2003 being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the4l# ay ofj4D&4oCA%1La , 201+, I personally posted the property known as lf4Lr4ol by placing the Board of Trustees official n tieing poster where it can easily be seen from the street, and that I have checked to be sure the noticing poster has remained in place for a frill seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Wednesday,December 16,2020. Dated: �?rc f �s1Q a r4e) Z- Sworn to before me this ft"11-day ofte(. 20ZO MATTHEW D. (VANS PU STATE OF NEW YORK No.011 Veft3869 NOt y ub1tC salified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 01-22 PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: t _— (I.'^' sh �i_+:`.♦�9 !e,��a,4ti�.."-'-��mrr•.m:'.-..:55! .,f.'.i ^Y• iii:is•"": ,lhv,:e� ,St•rzlYY:�:`` fr .,,+e,.,.x�..i i::.4,.e Fz�,; ��✓,�LiN�„�e5���`<3=�� �fr �j . ry `iw as xx. ,1, .+-,,� •j � - �«=z -- ^���"_X;,��""�.��j�+��'-'yam S„s`;�:F`'",i�:�>%;rte;;=•:�iy' --.;,`L°,y r.S'., '�'{kJ-d"i`1F F_S''-`3� • 'iJ..c;W•u:.r-;prir —'RFn ,;/3��� «-_ � ��•i��+~f hey:' `r -.� 3 _�'"'Y": '�.F.Y 4`i'.•'� r"^:.iv r�?n,_bf'•..,�,'�"r:, - jM,a`'= may;._ - t.^H'y`'a` .{;:.�Y�."�fi".Siir',,yv`.;.'�:�.• .4-:"zr',k C-o-.�y=�„v, rp �.3`t`ryS` .-yr^-.,,.,. " .z�'2.-�^e»,) 0 ,f`.%' .c>=y:.{z;.`:Zr_.h'u.'ss�'>=�.,-`ri'•�..uw.a�'I; 5�4,c.:ran''a1,:N � STATE,OFVEW YORK. CQI)1 "I'?Y=E?F. FS?I:K_ residing at being diil-y,sworn,.deposes and says.that'on the day of :, 20,T,,deponent niai'led'a•true copy ofthe Notice set forth in:.the Board of Trustees Application,directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite,there respective name -,that the addresses set - a opposite the names of said persons are the address'of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of;Southold;that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at ,that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTMIED ALAWRETURN-RECEIPT. Sworn to before me this Day of , 20 Notary Public Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc, Newman Village © Suite E 2310 Main Street PO Box 2003 - Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President HAND DELIVERED February 5th, 2021 LD 11 Board of Trustees FEB - 8 2021 Town of Southold Souti's!tl Tuv"n P.O. Box 1179 Bean;o. r3;te0s Southold, NY 11971 RE: MURPHY Property—Revised Project Description Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000—123—08—22.4 Dear Members of the Board, Our Firm is in receipt of comments from the NYSDEC in regard to the,proposed activities to take place at the subject property. Please be advised that although we have extended the overall length of the proposed structure, the proposed dock is still less extensive than what currently exists. Attached herewith, please find the following attached herewith: 1. Site Plans prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., last dated February 5, 2021, four (4) sets; 2. Survey Prepared by Elizabeth G. McQuilkin last dated January 27th, 2021, four (4) sets, and; 3. Revised Project Description, four (4) sets. Thank you for your time and your anticipated cooperation in regard to this matter. Should you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this project, please feel free to reach out to this Office at any point. Sincerely, le Robert W. Anderson (enc.) AERIAL VIEW Scale: I"= 30' o� .o 00 y EXISTG SHED PROPANE Q ` w TANK 1. 6.2'x 6.2' 246,,0, LANDWARD LIM[T of SHED TIDAL WETLANDS as per Thomas W.Cramer, z AIC AREA of AC A.LS.A.on FEB.6,2018 Q`Ply UNIT RESTORATION - ---- �' GRAVEL , G •See Planting Plan DRIVEWAY; d 00 Detail...) MHW , z'�, O PROPOSED DOCK Qb ASSEMBLY G� tiw �0 4w� Y (� r `, FEB - 8 2021 MURPHYIBERNSTEIN Property -- Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. 1 f 3 Date: 02/03/2021 Scale: As Shown P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton,NY • 11932 Comments: (631) 537—5160 AERIAL VIEW 1 PLANTING DETAILS: Scale: I"=20' MHW Applicant proposes to abandon and remove the existing dock structure and LANDWARD LIMIT of construct a new dock assembly angled towards the northerly end of the property. TIDAL WETLANDS as Applicant also proposes to revegetate approximately 1,163 sq. ft. of wetlands in per Thomas W. Cramer,, '� A./.S.A. on FEB.6,2018! `b addition to restoring the vegetation present underneath the existing dock assembly. The subject area is currently inhabited by Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia), and Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus 0 1.6 0 3.3 _ X240 0 "�t virginiana) Consequently, the applicant proposes to revegetate the subject area by "�5 \'`�. removin all foreign debris as well as the existing ea ravel thereon b 'E. Red Cedar 1.3 ___ 4.4 g g ( g p g ), y AREA of ACTIVE _- RESTORATION (Juni ti irginiana) preserving any and all woody vegetation within the area and by planting Cape to be "__- -1 7 -3 1 -6.7 American Beach Grass (Ammophila breviligulata)within the interstitial spaces PRESERVED "" • • • �.:.:.:.: ,___ therein, effective) providing the area with an herbaceous understor PROP. WOOD Y p g Y 1 2 RAMP PROS. 0x20 ) Furthermore, Applicant proposes to revegetate the area disturbed by the :Groundsel Bush ® F�OAT (4'xl R.5') removal of the existing dock assembly, by planting Groundsel Bush as well as �_ : (�czccharis halirnifolia) ! -6.0 to be Ii a Cape American beach grass therein. PRESERVED p1L :' 3 i�6.9 'PROVOS �' 01C ,s 0 ,---,�_�1� PLANT KEY: PLANT KEY: 135') ;2.2 ;3.8 ; Groundsel Bush Cape American Beach Grass D CATw p,LK(4 X ; Baccharis halimifolia Ammophila breviligulata OP YjXE 2.p Planted @ 2" Caliper Planted @ Plug Size • Planted @±4-6' o/c • Planted @±12" o/c ------- .-- -- _._1...'�--�.-_1.•.'_ __ 1__Y .'. __ ------------ - 1 ---------+ .. ------ __i__ - , • Eleven(11)plants total • One-thousand one- -------ui----- --- ----------- hundred and sixty three ---------- -=$ ------------------ ----- ----- --- ------- (1,163)plugs total. r" PROPOSED Groundsel Bush EXISTING ' (Baccharis halimifol' DOCK Planted @ 2.0" iper, (T.B.R.) �� �j7 plan 4-6' o/c � ven (11) plants total r�` i ' `J L FEB — 8 2021 MURPHYMERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08 —22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: 02/03/2021 Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 - Bridgehampton,NY • 11932 (631) 53.7— 5160 of CROSS VIEW Scale: F'=20' 159.5' PROPOSED HINGED 135' 6' WOOD 18.5' M W MLW RAMP PROPOSED i FLOATING PROPOSED WOODEN FIXED CATWAflK PROPOSED 6" O PIL DOCK nni (PLACED 10.0' o/c f io' 1 � � PROPOSED 9" (D . WOOD PILE 5.6' � 1,v+.r�► ""ANA PROP. WOOD ----- 6' STAIRS EXISTING COMMON REED (4.0' W) (Phragmites australis) ------------------------ I TYPICAL CATWALK CROSS SECTION—No Scale I I i TOP PLANKING (THRU-FLOW Material) i I i I i GIRDERS i (2"x 8"TYPICAL) I � I i I i CROSS BRACE i (2"x 4"TYPICAL) I � ECL VE . 1 i PILE ii FEB - 8 2021 `J I i Eo a a n,Tn[; �e° MURPHY/BERNSTEIN Property —Proposed Dock Assembly SCTM#: 1000— 123 —08—22.4 • Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck,NY • 11952 Drawn By: RW Anderson Date: 02/03/2021 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Scale: As Shown Comments: P.O. Box 2003 • Bridgehampton,NY • 11932 33 (631) 53.7—5160 of PROJECT DESCRIPTION Concerning the proposed improvements @ BERNSTEIN/MURPHY Property Situate: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck, NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000—123—08—22.4 Applicant hereby amends the original proposal to include the following specifications: 1. Applicant proposes to remove the existing dock structure/ @grade wood walkway 2. Applicant proposes to revegetate the area of disturbance resultant from the removal of the original fixed pier. 3. Applicant proposes to construct a new dock assembly with the following dimensions: a. Fixed Catwalk: 135.0' x 4.0' (constructed of open grate material) L Supported by twenty six (26) 6.0" timber piles; spaced 10.0' o/c. ii. Constructed to maintain height of 4.0' or greater above present grade. b. Hinged wooden ramp (18.5' x 4.0') c. One (1) floating dock (6' x 20') L Secured by two (2) 9"(D timber piles on the east and west side of the proposed float. d. Access stairs (4.0' wide) located at the landward terminus of the proposed fixed catwalk; positioned along the catwalks eastern side. PD ' D FEB - 8 2021 � 5ou6 old Tavfn Board of Trustees ,z., In Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc® Newman Village m Suite E 2310 Main Street PO Box 2003 ® Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President HAND DELIVERED December 7,2020 S',L Board of TrusteesSouthold TownP.O.Box 1179 2020Southold, NY11971 "" RE: MURPHY Property—Affidavit of Mailing Situate: 3265 Park Avenue •Mattituck, NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000—123—08—_022.4 Dear Members of the Board, As per Southold Town Code Section 55-1,please find the following attached herewith: 1. Affidavit of Mailing, one [1] original; 2. Certified Mailing Receipts, originals and one [1] copy. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter. Should you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this application or its contents,please feel free to reach out to this office at any time. Sincerely, Robert W. Anderson (enc.) ®r rq AL 11 4 rel Caddied Mad Fee ^S cry .� 9 Certified Mail Fee $3.55 Ii Er Er $ P C� = Extra Services&Fees(check box add fee 4g�a Extra Services&Fees(check boy add fee 8r^epp t ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ - L ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ ie V 1 Postmark rq ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark �L C3 ❑Return Receipt(electronic) O []Certified Mall Restricted DelWary $ ®�� o er02o rn O CerfiiedMailRestdctedDelivery $ Here ❑ C7 []Adult Signature Required $ _ ❑Adult Signature Required' $ Er° v /. 2020 m C] ❑Adult Signature RestdctedDelivery$ _ C] ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ ass °v Postage C] Postage $0.701 � $ btl®71� 17/04/20 cr $ 12/04/20 Rf C] Totalpostage and Tf 1I 3 Total Postage and F es 111 ��� M $ /. $ (( t SIC i CO Sent To y� HCl{tS 111�wIli ?Al3'�tus G!o l rcrµal ra — !A:% -- S�• ��4"jvl. _514?aS--------------------------- _q - --- -- ----- -- iate�.L u�treet andA L No.,or PO Box Ato. 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See Reverse for Instructiorn �I I � � s Postal, t Postal o CERTIFIED o RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL r_1 Dom6stic mail Only Dome.�tic Mail Only i � I -I- . . - { rl Certified Mail Fee $3.55 a $�. V u ,Q Certified Med Fee 55 cg Er Extra Services&Fees(checkbox,add fea app t � , -I' Extra Services&Fees(check box,add lee 4W � 'pG i ❑ Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ V ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy)' $ C t a ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ I postmark �G ra ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ 11 - Postmatk 17 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here '� O ❑Certtded Mail Restricted Del[Very $ 1 p�1�sr ❑Adult SignatureRequtred $ __ (� O ❑gdultSignatureRequtred $ ®�� �to�o []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ �� Z�z0 m � ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ - O Postage $11.7Q Postage $11.711 Er $ 12/04!20 ty � $ � 12/[�4/2tl? ^or'� fO Total Postage and FIT. 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Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes Isko40 iicr` cvs4r- if YES,enter delivery address below: ja No He.lie5 Bradley ?A�3Trwr if YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No lG e o elle, D r� Wash Rc I K � A4,n: Mch e1 S. I ns� AX (ol PArK Aveytat - N#A.3 qorK f N*( VO l•76 IiII III III I II II II III II I I III I I III 13.3 Service Type ❑Priority Mall Expresso 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express® I ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MaIITTM ~ ❑Adult Signature E3 Registered MalTr^ ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mal Restricted! 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A. Signature '01 "items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature ■'Print our name and address on the reverse ❑Agent r-j— eM y X ❑Addressee your name and address on the reverse �(' ��O so that we can return the card to you. t we can return the card to you. /�� ❑Addressee ■ Attach this card to the back of the mail iece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery F B. eceived_ (Prime N e) C. Date o Delivery i p h this card to the back of the mailpiece, I{ or on the front if space permits. the front if space permits. � L 2 7� 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes (Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes T M• &ss 1, If YES,enter delivery address below: [3 No -t•- Ackol p3 A. GjaCorlt If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No E`'`ly^ V• R-W Jas+-pima( 'Dr. I l 13uoke1e did• 1�%f-- X71,en Covey Ny �l 15yZ3. = s IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIitIIIIIII ❑dultgl natireeRes3rlt; Qellvery' R isteredMallRestrictedIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIII!II ❑AdultSignature M� ❑ReglsteredMaIIT^, O Priority Mail Expresso �= 3. Service Type 11 Priority Mall Expresso ❑Adult Signature f ❑Registered MallT°r g i ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Re Istered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 4184 8121 3634 21 ®Certified Mall® ' .-- Delivery ❑Certified Mall Restriet�DslNery�`" i❑�Retum Recelptfor 90 9402 4184 8121 3634 45 �Certified Mail® De very ❑Collect on Delivery, Merchandise ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Mer�chaR ❑Collect on Delivery Restrkted Der%% '❑Signature Confirmation*" ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Si TM =pt for 2. Article Number(Trensfer from se(vlce_IabeD — Mall__ ❑Signature Confirmation Number(Transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery gnature Confirmation 7 018 3090 -0001 4 916 1404 :Mail Restricted Dellvery Restricted D�:<ry k—..& all El Signature Confirmation _�o) 019 2280 0001 2291 13 2,6 til Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS,F,drm 381 July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 i "'` Dourest{ Retum Receipt 38111,July 2015 PSNH7530-d2-000-9053 7 ' lo) Domestic Return Receipt i PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: Name of Owners Property Address Mailing Address SCTM#: Thomas M. Bass Jr. 15 Park Avenue ext. 17 Buckeye Road 1000-123-8-22.5 Evelyn V. Bass Mattituck,NY Glen Cove,NY 11952 11542 Helies Bradley 2013 Trust 3190 Park Avenue 101 Park Avenue 1000-123-8-20.1 c/o Kelley Dyre and Mattituck,NY New York,NY Warren 11952 10178 Attn: Michael S. Insel Ross Christopher Trust 3340 Park Avenue 10 Rangeley 1000-123-8-21 Ross Michelle Trust Mattituck,NY Ridge 11952 Winchester,MA 01890 Michael J. &Nicholas A. 270 Park Avenue ext. 25 Westphal Dr. 1000-123-8-27 Giacone Mattituck,NY Delmar,NY 11952 12051 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Robert W. Anderson, residing at Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc, P. O. Box 2003, Bridgehampton, NY 11932, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 4th day of December, 2020, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Bridgehampton, that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT. Sworn to before me this Day of C �A20 ZD MATTHEW D IVANS Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01IV6053859 ualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 01-22:3 Zaz� - - -- -- - - ---- - --- - - - - - - - - -- -- -- ---- - --- Glenn Goldsmith.President FFD( A0�0 CD', Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino 61'X�z Gym 54375 Route.25 John M. Bredemeyer IIIy J P.O Box 1 179 A.Nicholas Krupski + u- "� % Southold NY 11971 Grey Williams ® plyr Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of KEVIN M. MURPHY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ,'DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORIYI UNTIL AFTER POSTING REMAINS IN PLACE FOR A T LEAST SEVEN DA YS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING DA TE ;�OI, ✓ If1. . residingat/dba SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING,INC P-0-BOX 2003 BRIDGEHAMPTON,NY 11932-2003 being duly sworn, depose and say: it That on the41# ay of.ADe44Ao%jj,*,. , 20�+; 1 personally posted the property known as ur by placing the Board of Trustees official n(fieing poster where it can easily be seen from the street, and that 1 have checked to be sure the noticing poster has remained in place for a full seven days itnnlediately preceding the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Wednesday,December 16,2020. Dated: '� , �S �� f (si Llre) Sworn to before me this / `day of—)5 . 20Z0 MATTHEW D. IVANS NOTWY-PtUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01IV6 Wa&9 Not }' Llblic --Qualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 01-22 0O23 Kevin M.Murphy 3265 Park Avenue,Mattituck ... 2/9/21 �wlR L.. — •/ma c .Mo �eRr+....,,f�*^ter is 44 3 i r r 23 NOTICE F HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing concerning this property will be held by the Southold Town Board of Trustees via the online Zoom platform. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: KEVIN M. MURPHY SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: For a Wetland Permit to demolish/remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following components: at-grade wood walk consisting of a 4'x27.5' northeast to southwest portion and a 4'x24.5' southwest to northeast portion; a 4'x10' landward ramp; a 4,x68' fixed catwalk; 4'x18.5' floating dock ramp; and a 6'x20' floating dock configured in an "L" shape formation, angled to the north. Located: 3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-8-22.4 TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 — at or about 5:30P.M. — To access the Zoom meeting please see the meeting agenda located in the Trustees section of the Town website. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) through the Southold Town website. To view the application files please visit: https://www.southoldtownny.gov At the bottom of the picture on the main screen click on the second button from the right "Town Records, Weblink/Laserfiche"; go to bottom of page and click on "pg. 2"; click on "Trustees" folder; click on "Applications"; click on "Pending"; all files are listed by name in alphabetical order. Click on the name of the application to view the file. BOARD OF TRUSTEES * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * (631) 765-1892 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C,the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered"yes" or"no",then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus,each answer must be explained in detail,listing both supporting and non- supporting facts.. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 0123 - 08 - 022.4 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Dept. ❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees ® ZBA ❑ 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) ❑ (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Applicant proposes to demolish/ remove the existing dock structure and replace it with a new dock assembly comprising of the following_components: @- rg ade wood walk (4' x 27.5'(NE to SW portion), 4' x 24.5'(SW to NE portion)), landward ramp: 4' x 10', fixed catwalk: 4' x 68', floating dock ramp: 4' x 18.5', and floating dock: 6' x 20' in an L-shape formation, angled to the north. Location of action: 3265 Park Avenue • Mattituck.NY • 11952 Site acreage: 0.5256=L acres Present land use: Residential w/singley dwelling Present zoning classification: R-40 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency,the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Kevin Murphy (b) Mailing address: 720 E 9th Street, Apt. 14T • New York, NY• 10003 (c) Telephone number: Area Code (631) 537—5160 (d) Application number, if any: N/A Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ® No ❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? NYSDEC, DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This project is consistent with the above policy in that, the proposed action will result in a more compliant dock structure than what currently exists. Also, construction of the proposed will result in a beneficial use of a costal location. Consequently, this project is compliant with the above referenced policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable This policy is not applicable in that, the proposed construction activities are not proximate to any historic or archeological resource of the Town of Southold. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 5 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable This Policy is not applicable to the proposed in that, the surrounding neighborhood is improved with similar residential appurtenances(i.e. dwellings with docks). Furthermore as there is a dock assembly currently existing thereon, construction of a new dock structure will not cause any further impact to the visual quality or scenic resources of the town. Consequently, this policy is not applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable This policy is not applicable to the subject project. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable This policy is not applicable to the proposed project. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable This project is consistent with the above referenced policy in that, the proposed dock structure is significantly smaller than that which currently exists and encroaches into Deep Hole Creek significantly less than that which exists. Conseauently, this proiect is consistent with the above referenced policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to,and recreational use of,coastal waters,public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependence uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town Waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Anolicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary 1 Policy 12 Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary DiSalvo, Diane From: robert@suffolkenvironmental.com Sent: Monday, November 09, 2020 11:01 AM To: DiSalvo, Diane Subject: RE: Murphy- 3265 Park Avenue Good Morning Diane, Yes we will be utilizing the previous check for the MURPHY Property application (3265 Park Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952). 1 apologize for the confusion regarding this matter. Please feel free to contact me at any point regarding this application, and if there is anything that I can to help aid in the Boards review of this application or its contents. Sincerely, Robert W.Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 (631)537—5160 From: DiSalvo, Diane<diane.disalvo@town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 3:12 PM To: 'robe rt@suffolkenvironmental.com' <robert@suffoIke nvironmental.com> Subject: FW: Murphy-3265 Park Avenue So, I see now that you were advised that the previous check that was submitted with a different application--Check #2398 of Kevin M. Murphy in the amount of$250.00 which has already been deposited into our Town account—can be utilized for your current application. Your cover letter with the application says that you have enclosed a check in the amount of$250.00. Can you please send us an email that simply says that you are utilizing the previous check I referenced above for this current application. Thanks Diane From: DiSalvo, Diane Sent: Friday, November 06, 2020 2:39 PM To: 'robert@suffolkenvironmental.com' Subject: Murphy - 3265 Park Avenue Can you please check your records—I don't see that a check was attached to this application. DInvLe D%SG1IVD 1 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc, Newman Village m Suite E 2310 Main Street PO Box 2003 m Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President ;i it ;• _' ;;- ! SENT by REGULAR MAIL Board of Trustees OCT 2 9 2020 Southold Town J P.O. Box 1179 Sou;,c!d 7oyWi Southold, NY Board of Tiu,t-.es 11971 RE: MURPHYMERNSTUN Property—Proposed Dock Replacement Situate: 3265 Park Avenue •Mattituck, NY • 11952 SCTM#: 1000—123—08—22.4 Dear Members of the Board, This Firm represents the owners of the above referenced property,who are seeking to remove the existing dock and replace it with a more conforming less expansive dock structure thereon. Consequently,your Board's approval is required.Attached herewith,please find the following application materials: 1. Southold Town Board of Trustees Wetland Permit Application, (one original and three [3] copies); 2. Authorization Form, (one original and three [3] copies); 3. Agent Authorization Form, (one original and three [3] copies); 4. Applicant Open Government Disclosure Form,(one original and three [3] copies); 5. Agent Open Government Transactional Disclosure Form, (one original and three [3] copies); 6. SEQRA Short Environmental Assessment Form, (one original and three [3] copies); 7. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Assessment Form, (one original and three [3] copies); 8. Location Map of subject property, (four [4] sets); 9. Photographs of the subject property and current conditions thereon, (four[4] sets); 10. Site Plans prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting,Inc. last dated July 315f,2020, (four [4] sets); 11. Survey of the subject property,depicting all existing and proposed conditions thereon, prepared by Lisa McQuilkin, L.S. last dated October 81h,2020, (four [4]prints) and; 12. Check Made out to the Town of Southold in the amount of two-hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) in full satisfaction of the requisite fees. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter. Should you have any questions or concern pertaining to this application or it's contents,please feel free to reach out to this Firm at any time. Sincere. Robert W. Anderson (enc.) C.c. K. Murphy W.Bernstein