HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYMIR RECEIVED SEP M TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE NEW YORK MUNICIPAL INSURANCE RECIPROCAL SUBSCRIBER'S AGREEMENT Agreement entered into this o1q'�)day of_Aucu t , 2(QA, by and among the TOW0 o &)Ou ho" ("Subscriber"); and THE NEW YORK MUNICIPAL INSURANCE RECIPROCAL ("Insurer"); and THE NEW YORK STATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES FOUNDATION ("Attorney-In-Fact"), for purpose of forming a municipal reciprocal insurer ("the Insurer") pursuant to Article 61 of the New York State Insurance Law. IT IS AGREED: 1. Membership Eligibility 1.1 Subscribers to the Insurer shall be New York State counties, towns, villages, cities and district corporations (as defined in Section 2.00 of the New York State Local Finance Law). 1.2 No one may become a Subscriber of the Insurer without the approval of a majority of the Board of Governors of the Insurer, provided such is done in accordance with the guidelines for accepting risks as set forth in the New York Insurance Law, and standards of insurability filed with and approved by the New York State Superintendent of Insurance. 1.3 Each Subscriber, as a condition of continuing insurance, shall participate in such risk management programs as may be established by the Attorney-In-Fact with the approval of the Board of Governors. 2. Establishment of the Board of Governors 2.1 There shall be a Board of Governors, which shall be the advisory committee required and defined by Article 61 of the Insurance Law. The Board of Governors shall consist of not less than nine (9) members, each of whom shall be an elected official or management employee of a Subscriber. The terms of the original Board of Governors shall be staggered, with one-third of the Board (chosen at random) serving for one year, one-third serving for two years, and one-third serving for three years. The original Board of Governors 1 shall be elected at a special meeting of the subscribers held prior to the licensing of the Insurer. Thereafter, at each annual meeting of Subscribers, the successors to members of the Board of Governors whose terms expire that year shall be selected for a term of three (3) years. At any annual meeting of Subscribers, the Subscribers may increase or decrease the size of the Board of Governors; provided that there shall in no event be fewer than nine members. 2.2 Each Subscriber shall have one vote to be cast for the election of a member of the Board of Governors. 2.3 A majority of the members of the Board of Governors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board of Governors shall in all cases act only by vote of a majority of its authorized membership. 2.4 In the event that the Insurer shall for any reason terminate the grant of insurance to a subscriber whose representative is a member of the Board of Governors, such person shall automatically cease to be a member of the Board of Governors. 2.5 In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Board of Governors more than 45 days prior to any annual meeting of Subscribers, then the Board of Governors may appoint a successor to serve until the following annual meeting. Any unexpired balance of the term of such vacant position shall then be filled by vote of the Subscribers at the annual meeting. 2.6 The Board of Governors shall have four quarterly meetings each year, including the annual meeting. 2.7 No member of the Board of Governors shall, as such, incur any personal liability for damages or loss of any kind, from any cause, except as may be incurred by reason of members own malfeasance, or as otherwise required by law. 3. Powers and Duties of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors shall have full power, authority and discretion to: 3.1 Adopt any and all rules and regulations for the Insurer, and the Attorney-In- Fact, not inconsistent with this Agreement or the New York Insurance Law. 3.2 Establish policies for the Attorney-In-Fact to ensure the effective control and custody of funds, investments, moneys and other assets of the insurer. 2 3.3 Determine the types of coverage risks to be offered by the Insurer. 3.4 Suspend, remove or terminate the Attorney-In-Fact for good cause. 3.5 Establish and maintain a reserve for contingencies, to be accumulated out of income, and used at its discretion for the benefit of the Insurer. 3.6 Establish a schedule for reimbursement of expenses and other fees. 3.7 Establish and appoint subcommittees to consist of at least three members of the Board of Governors. 3.8 Establish the times and places of its meetings. 3.9 Elect its officers, which shall include a chair. 3.10 Provide for the custody and keeping of all securities owned by the Insurer and all moneys received by the Attorney-In-Fact for the account of the Insurer, after deduction of the reasonable and necessary expenses of the Board of Governors and the Attorney-In-Fact, and to expend those funds necessary to meet fees, taxes, losses, surplus, expenses, and liquidation of Subscriber's accounts. 3.11 Select, as may be necessary, all management and consulting companies, including independent auditors, to examine the books and accounts of the Insurer. 3.12 Select and appoint a successor to the Attorney-In-Fact by executing in Subscriber's name and on Subscriber's behalf such power of attorney, designation or other instrument as may be necessary or proper to enable the successor to act as Attorney-In-Fact, with all the powers and authority needed by it, subject to the approval of the New York State Superintendent of Insurance. 3.13 Determine what acts or omissions shall constitute cause for disqualification of any Subscriber, and adopt regulations governing the closing or liquidation of the account of any Subscriber so disqualified. 3.14 Establish procedures to: 3.14.1 Promote loss control, safety programs and other methods of risk management. 3.14.2 Develop equitable risk classifications. 3.14.3 Develop uniform record keeping. 3.14.4 Prevent any conflicts of interest between the Attorney-In-Fact and the 3 Insurer. 3.15 Establish the compensation for the Attorney-In-Fact, and enter into a contract with the Attorney-In-Fact. 3.16 Authorize the borrowing of funds by the Insurer, whether by surplus loan or otherwise, as permitted by law, and to enter into security and other agreements ancillary to such borrowings, as permitted by law. 3.17 To carry out all such other acts as may be necessary and consistent with this Agreement and the New York Insurance Laws and regulations. 4. Authorization to Attorney-In-Fact. Subscriber appoints and authorizes the Attorney-In-Fact, to: 4.1 Execute assessable policies of insurance in its name on Subscriber's behalf. 4.2 Act for and bind the Subscriber in the transactions relating to or arising out of the operations of the Insurer, subject to lawful limitations. Enter into contracts and execute such other documents as necessary under this agreement. 4.3 Issue policies of insurance, as permitted by law, to Subscribers only. As directed by the Board of Governors; modify, delete, or cancel, all or any portion of any such policy or policies. 4.4 Reinsure any portion of any policy or policies of insurance issued by the Insurer, as permitted by law. The Board of Governors is to give prior approval to all such contracts and documents to be executed by the Attorney-In-Fact. 4.5 Pursuant to directive of the Board of Governors, defend, institute, or prosecute any law suit or other legal proceeding in which a Subscriber is a party, and to compromise and/or settle all suits or proceedings in accordance with the terms of the policies issued by the Insurer. 4.6 Pursuant to directive of the Board of Governors, bring suit, in its own name or otherwise, to enforce payment of any premium or assessment due to the Insurer should a Subscriber fail to immediately comply with a request to make any such payment. 4.7 Accept service of summons or other legal process in any action, suit or proceeding arising as a result of any contract, agreement or transaction of the Insurer, and 4 such service upon the Attorney-In-Fact, or on any other person so appointed by the Attorney- In-Fact shall be equivalent to personal service of such summons or other legal process on each and every subscriber. 4.8 Charge against Subscriber's account, and pay from it, Subscriber's proportionate share of(a) any assessment lawfully ordered or levied by the Board of Governors or by the Superintendent of Insurance under Article 74 of the New York Insurance Laws; and (b) all losses sustained for other obligations, including but not limited to borrowings and other indebtedness, for both principal and interest, incurred by the Insurer; and (c) all taxes, fees, expenses and other operating costs incurred by the Insurer. 4.9 Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the Board of Governors is to give prior approval to all contracts and documents to be executed by the Attorney-In-Fact other than those related to day to day business operations, and the Attorney-In-Fact at all times shall be subject to the supervision and regulations of the New York Department of Insurance and all other applicable laws and regulations. 5. Powers and Duties of Attorney-In-Fact. The Attorney-in-Fact derives all of its authority from the Board of Governors and the New York Insurance Laws. The Attorney-In-Fact shall: 5.1 Enter into contracts with service companies to assist the Attorney-In-Fact and the Board of Governors in the performance of their duties under this Agreement, and under the policies of insurance issued by the Insurer. The Board of Governors is to give prior approval to all service contracts to be executed by the Attorney-In-Fact. 5.2 Maintain a separate account in each Subscriber's name, tracking all financial transactions in which each Subscriber is involved pursuant to this Agreement. 5.3 Annually, or as otherwise directed by the Board of Governors, render to each Subscriber a statement showing a summary of collective transactions of the Insurer and also a statement of each Subscriber's separate account. 5.4 Deliver to the Board of Governors its bond in such form and amount as shall be approved by the Board. 5.5 Keep a record of current Subscribers which, during its office hours, shall be 5 available for inspection by Subscribers. J 5.6 Before resigning, give to the Board of Governors at least 90 days' prior written notice of its intention to do so. 5.7 With the approval of the Board of Governors, and in accordance with the New York Insurance Law, establish, promote and.manage a risk management program among each of the Subscribers. 6. Subscriber Meetings and Powers 6.1 There shall be an annual meeting of Subscribers to be held in such place within New York State as may be designated by the Board of Governors by written notice. 6.2 Each Subscriber shall receive written notice of the time, place, and agenda of the annual meeting to be mailed by first class mail at least 20 days prior to the date set forth for such meeting. 6.3 At each annual meeting, each Subscriber shall have one vote as to any matter which the Board of'Governors directs shall be put to vote. 6.4 Special meetings of Subscribers may be called by resolution of the Board of Governors, or upon the written request of no fewer than one-third of the Subscribers, by written notice given in the same manner as notice of an annual meeting. Each Subscriber shall have one vote as to any matter which may properly be considered at such special meeting. 6.5 A majority of all Subscribers shall constitute a quorum at any annual or special meeting. Candidates for the Board of Governors shall be elected by plurality vote, and all other proposals shall require a majority vote of those present. 6.6 A Subscriber may be counted towards a quorum, and vote by written proxy, at any annual or special meeting; provided that no proxy shall be voted except as to matters specifically identified therein. 7. Policies of Insurance 7.1 A policy or policies of insurance shall be granted by the Insurer to each Subscriber upon application by the Subscriber and approval by the Insurer. 7.2 For each policy of insurance issued by the Insurer, and in force as of any date, 6 each Subscriber shall underwrite an amount which equals that proportion which the individual Subscriber's own earned premium bears to the total earned premiums of all such underwriting. 7.3 Subscriber assumes its proportionate share of all operating expenses, and underwriting liability on policies of insurance which the Insurer has granted, or may in the future grant, but such liability, and any other the Attorney-In-Fact is authorized to incur on Subscriber's behalf, shall in every case be several and not joint with other Subscribers. 7.4 No Subscriber shall be or become liable for any default, failure or neglect on the part of any other Subscriber. 7.5 Each policy of insurance shall state, as does this Subscription Agreement, that any policies issued by the Insurer shall not be subject to coverage by the Property/ Casualty Insurance Security Fund and shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 76 of the New York Insurance Law and as a result of such lack of coverage, and as a result of the inapplicability of Article 76, each Subscriber shall be unlimitedly contingently liable on a several basis for any assessment which may be made in accordance with the New York Insurance Law. 7.6 In accordance with the New York Insurance Law, the Attorney-In-Fact, with the approval of Board of Governors, and within such times as the New York State Superintendent of Insurance prescribes, may order assessments in a manner determined by the Board of Governors for amounts to provide: (a) sufficient funds to make good any impairment (as defined by law); (b) sufficient funds to provide any surplus required by the Superintendent of Insurance or authorized by the Board of Governors; and (c) sufficient funds to permit the repayment of any surplus loan or other borrowing; and that in accordance with the New York Insurance Laws, each Subscriber shall pay on demand such Subscriber's proportionate share of any assessment lawfully ordered or levied by the Board of Governors or the New York State Superintendent of Insurance under Article 74 of the New York Insurance Law. 7.7 Subscriber agrees to comply with all provisions of the Risk Management program established by the Board of Governors and acknowledges that subscriber may be canceled or required to pay increased premium as a result of non-compliance. 8. Subscriber's Accounts. Subscriber's Accounts shall be administered as follows: 7 ' I 8.1 The Attorney-In-Fact, in addition to the books of account of the collective transactions of all subscribers of the Insurer, shall keep and maintain a separate account for each individual Subscriber setting forth the entries determining the operating reserve, if any, of such Subscriber. 8.2 Each Subscriber's account shall be credited with the premiums earned by it as an underwriter on all policies issued by the Insurer, and charged with its proper share of all losses incurred under such policies as well as with the expenses incurred by the Insurer. 8.3 Underwriting earnings, and interest income from investments of the Insurer, shall be apportioned and credited to Subscribers based on the percentage of the individual subscribers earned premium to the total earned premium. 8.4 Investments will be as permitted by applicable sections of New York Insurance Law and are further restricted to: (a) time deposit accounts or certificates of deposit issued by, a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in the State of New York that are secured by a pledge of: (i) obligations of the United States, (ii) any obligation fully guaranteed or insured as to interest and principal by the United States acting through an agency, subdivision, department or division thereof, (iii) obligations of the State of New York, or (iv) obligations of any municipality, school district or district corporation of the State of New York, (b) obligations of the United States, whether or not subject to a repurchase agreement, and (c) obligations of the State of New York, whether or not subject to a repurchase agreement. 9. SUBSCRIBER'S OPERATING RESERVE. Pursuant to Section 6109 of the New York State Insurance Law: (a)(1) Every subscriber must accumulate a minimum operating reserve by authorizing 8 the Attorney-In-Fact to credit to the subscriber's account an amount not less than one quarter of such subscriber's underwriting earnings during the fiscal year. (2) Such accumulation will continue until the subscriber's operation reserve is at least twice the amount of annual premiums in force. (3) The superintendent may approve other methods for accumulating the subscriber's operating reserve upon application from the Attorney-In-Fact. (b) A reciprocal may require its subscribers to accumulate operating reserves in excess of the minimum specified above, pursuant to the terms of the subscriber's agreement and to any action of the advisory committee. (c)(1) No subscriber shall have a secured or preferred claim against the reciprocal's assets arising out of the operating reserve, and payments of claims and creditors will have preference to any claim for withdrawal by a subscriber. (2) Upon withdrawal from membership, and after giving 60 days written notice of withdrawal to the Attorney-In-Fact, a subscriber may withdraw the amount of his operating reserve less such surrender charges provided for in the subscriber's agreement. (3) No withdrawal is permitted after an order of liquidation of, or appointment of a receiver of liquidating trustee for, the reciprocal. 10. Revocation 10.1 Subscriber reserves the right to revoke this Agreement and the power of attorney at the end of any policy year upon sixty day's written notice to the Attorney-In-Fact. As of such date, such Subscriber shall cease to assume any liability as an insurer in any policy of insurance thereafter issued by the Insurer and the Subscriber's liability as an insurer in all policies of insurance issued prior thereto shall terminate with respect to occurrences after such date. Subscriber remains liable as an insurer on all policies issued prior to the date of revocation with respect to occurrences prior to such date, such liability being discharged by the surrender of its operating reserve pursuant to this Agreement, and by way of any assessment which may be levied in accordance with this Agreement. If it is determined by the Attorney-In-Fact that the Subscriber's share of liability for losses, expenses and assessments is less than its operating reserve, such reserve, less surrender charges, will be returned. 9 Subscriber's revocation of this Agreement shall be construed as simultaneously ordering cancellation of all outstanding policies of insurance granted by the Insurer. The provisions of this Section shall be applicable in the case of any withdrawal, whether voluntary or at the direction of the Insurer. Subscriber acknowledges and represents that it releases any claims or demands against the Insurer for return of its surplus contribution and subordinated loan payments and as otherwise determined by the Board of Governors. 10.2 Within one year after receipt of notice of revocation, all amounts in Subscriber's separate account, other than the amount accumulated as an Operating Reserve or as may be assessed by levy, shall be paid to Subscriber, upon approval by the New York State Insurance Department. Thereafter, such Subscriber's proportionate share of earnings, if any, for the period of time for which it was a Subscriber during the year in which it revoked this Agreement, shall be determined and paid in accordance with this Agreement. 11. Ownership of Documents. The license of the Insurer, and all other papers, books, records, furniture and other equipment used in conducting the business of such Insurer, are and shall remain the property of the Subscribers. 12. Surplus Contribution and Subordinated Loan Payments 12.1 Notwithstanding any surplus funds received by the Insurer pursuant to subordinated loan agreements, each Subscriber shall be obligated to pay such initial surplus as required by Section 6102(e) of the New York Insurance Laws in accordance with such plan as developed by the Board of Governors. 12.2 Each subscriber shall be severally liable for such assessments as the Board of Governors shall levy, for the purpose of meeting the repayment terms of any subordinated loan agreements, should the insured be unable to satisfy such obligations out of its surplus. 13. Previous Agreements. This Agreement and the power of attorney granted by it shall supersede all previous agreements and powers of attorney, if any, executed by Subscriber. 10 14. Miscellaneous 14.1 Any personal pronoun used to refer to the Attorney-In-Fact shall apply regardless of whether the Attorney-In-Fact is a firm, corporation, not-for-profit foundation or one or more individuals. 14.2 The power of attorney granted by this Agreement shall be and is strictly limited to uses contemplated by and expressed in this Agreement and no other. 14.3 Subscriber shall fully and faithfully carry out, execute, and perform all requests in which the Board of Governors and the Attorney-In-Fact shall by virtue of this Agreement bind Subscriber, and in the same manner, Subscriber ratifies and confirms all that the Board of Governors and the Attorney-In-Fact may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this Agreement. 14.4 Any reference to a specific section or article of the New York Insurance Law shall be deemed to refer to the then current section or article or its equivalent or any amendment or addition or deletion thereof, if any. The Board of Governors shall be authorized to issue a correction or memorandum concerning any such changes made in the law. 15. Amendment This Subscription Agreement may be changed, amended, or modified only in accordance with Section 6107(d) of the New York Insurance Laws. (SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW) 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand the day of#A.kj{tijC1 ' 20,R k. Subscribing Municipality ' By: P Scok+ u s&-11 Title: S j Y STATE OF NEW YORK ss: COUNTY OF n � On the day of �S�- , 20�(, before me personally came c5CQ3� -Z� U, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing Subscriber's Agreement, and acknowledged that5 -U,W51M executed the same. LAUREN M.STANDISH �J((A�a-1 - 44ayc&D h` Notary Public-State of New York No.01ST6164008 Notary Public Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires April 9, 2023 ' My commission expires: hr q �@0,33@0,33 TO BE SIGNED BY ATTORNEY-IN-FACT r THE NEW YORK STATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES FOUNDATION, INC. By: ----j 4 Title: 12 State of New York County of Su%0 lk ss: eA 1 being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the ku SQy," of the J_OQU\In 04 Soo+h0(d (Municipality) and is an officer of the municipality. Deponent further states that he is familiar with the financial condition of the municipality and with its assets and liabilities and that the _TUWV)4 OLAhO�d (Municipality) has assets, in its own right, in an amount not less than fifty thousand dollars in excess of liabilities. (Signature & Title) Sworn to before me this l'' II � c� day of lL �- , 20 J.4 Notary Public Rev. l0/19 LAUREN M. STANDISH Notary NPublic-state of W York No.O i ST6164008 aualified in Suffolk county Commission Expires April 9,2023 13 RECEIVED o�®�1SFFQL�� SSP 9 2021 Southold Town Clerk Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Missy Mirabelli Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: September 8, 2021 Subject: Agreement Between Town of Southold and NYMIR With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing an original, fully executed Agreement for your records. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. Cc: Accounting /mm Enclosures