HomeMy WebLinkAbout46678-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 46678 _re Date: 8/11/2021 Permission is hereby granted to: DeBlasio-Silsdorf,'Marie........... 495 Dean Dr _w_,........ ________....... ..... - .. .. Cutchogue, NY 11935 To: install generator as applied for. Must maintain minimum 10' side yard setback. At premises located at: 495 Dean Dry Cutghoue SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 116.-5-6 Pursuant to application dated _ 7/30/2021 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 2/10/2023. Fees: ACCESSORY $100.00 ELECTRIC $85.00 CO -RESIDENTIAL $50.00 Total: $235.00 _wU�w.w.�------- .....��aector........... �� � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT t Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 ) 1111 Q/ < „ Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT f ` ! I 1 r'Office Use Only b-7K g ! . PERMIT NO. 1/ Building inspector:-,.,--- H �y Q�° °� Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:7/27/21 OWNER(S)OF PROPERLY: --TName:Franklin R Silsdorf sc---rM# Z000- ffio r <, -_ (,o Project Address:495 Dean Drive Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone#:631-445-4611 Email:fsilsdorf@gmail.com Mailing Address:Same CONTACT PERSON: Name:Same Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: DOther Installation of 23 Kw Generator $;$7,500.00 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 8 No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ._ No 1 „1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Residential Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210AS of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(pri n ra n kl i n R S f I sd O rf ❑Authorized Agent BOwner Signature of Applicant: ; ” Date: 7/27/21 STATE OF NEW YORK) 4', COUNTY OF :...._.......w ...��.._) being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, CJ (S)he is the �I l�r (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of � c 20 � Notary Public DARLENE K BRUSH Notary Public-state of New York NO.01BR6318051 PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATIO Qualified in Suffolk County (Where the applicant is not the owner) My Commission Expires�a"zo,zoz3 i,_.__. .... residing at............ ...._�... .._.., .....�_. do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein, Owner's Signature Date www....ww...ww..e_Print Owner's Name 2 e u A. O M pl N 00 dw q 2 . .G d C C,r e r GENERAC� maaentiai bianaDy wnerators /-mr-woieci uas trigine INCLUDES: Standby Power Rating G007038-1,G007039-1,G0070383,G007039-3(Aluminum-Bisque)-20 kW60 Hz LE True PowTM Bectrical Technology G007042-2,G007043-2,00070423,G0070433(Aluminum-Bisque)-22 kW60 Hz 0 Two-linemultilingA dijtd LCDMubcnlmoxkdler ME' 200 ampserviceratecisniartsWitchliensfe saitch adlable Cil Bectia cgmo= -10 .1-11,Ali - M Stridard W-FP ca i �vity RM 9jsWnstdus&n-drknanceIrftxd LEDindicators MI Rxrd&muated enclosure Ell Redblefuel lire corriector 4 Nturel gas or LP gas opertion GENERAL` 0 5YwIlmitedwxraty w Listed and labeled bythe_Rxilluest Research Instiltuteellamirg lnstdiaHonadose Esl8ln(457mm)tc)agmctLm* "Must bel aAayfrom docrs,WnJDAs,and ftiash air Intakes and in axadmWth local codes. tttpsJ/amssm-org7ibruV[Ircda)Oli4edPadtKW @us OUIET—TEST 0ons1rucIicrdndustrV9KL[bC 2D4_1="11-01_REyg_pdf C 05 -S or C LISTED Mile-CElLcrGJLcffbficehcn wlyzoiesto uriburdled urilsa-id unts padmed wthlimledarrutsw!dm Lkutspadeged wthths-STW Satoh ere ETL cr LL offfifiedintheLfAorly I-b4k I UK= M INNovAn\/EENGINE DEsiGN&RIGOROUS TESTING ae atthe heat of Gen- 0 Sall)-STATE, FREQUENCY CQMPENcATED VOLTAGE I�ULATION This ales success in providing the most reliable generators possible Genas G- stateof-the-artpowwmadmi2ing regulationsystern isstandardon all Generacniod- Forceenginalineup offers added peaceiofmind and rdiability for Wien it's needed e1s; I provides optimized FASFRESF(],EEto chariging load conditions and MAXI- themost.The GForceseries migines am purpose built end designed to handlethe, MUM MUTCR SrARIING GAPPBLITYby Eledronicelly torque-matching the surge rigors of adanded runtimes in hightemperaurias and Werre operating conditions loadstotheenginet I]gitalvoltageregulationatt 1% FE TRUE,PMM-L3ECRGALTB]HN0L0G3Y ftedor harmonics and smewave El SINGLE saiRcESBWCERB3PMcEfrom Gmwads odensivedealer network form produce less then 5%Totel Harmonic 11stortion for utility quality pavy.This provides partsand service kiaw-how1brtho ertire unit,from the enginetothe small- Mom confident operation of sensitive dedrionic equipment and micro-dip based est d ectronic component appliances,such as variable speed WACsystems. El TEST allFMA- GENERAC TRANSFER SVVTCHES Lalglrfea-drdiabilkya-esynorVmusWth El PRararyPETIESTm ED NEIVIAMG11-22 BIXUAIION G343VC POAERSS0v13 Om meson for this confidence is that the GENERPC El SYSTEM TCRSIONALTE17, 111 21 IviffORSTART'INGABILITY product I ine is oflered with its clan trarisfer sy3tems and controls for total system compatibility MOBILE LINKe 00NNECnV[TY'FREEwithsEled Gjaidian Sanes Home stardby generators,Mobile Link W-Fi Ellaivs users to monitor generator status from W wherein ttuwcdd using asmertphono,tEblet,crM Ebsiyaooiass i,ifon, ionsuch as the curet operating status and mantenencia elerts Users can connect an acimurittoanauthorized servicadederibrW tiady,and proadiveserviog V\Ith Mobile Li*,users are taWan care of befbm the rod pow stage "-'�GENERAC % PROMISE GENERAL LULL KVV matures ana mneTits Engine O Grow GForoe design Nladmiaas eri it a"breethlrg"for Increased ftiel a idency.P dexi honed ryllnderwells and Past mdy drgs helpthe aronenn 000ler,redudng oil corsump ien ad resiitirg in longer wonelife. D "Sirb�-lol(cast irencylinderwdis RgIdomArL cnandaddeddurabilityprwidelagenginelife. D Bednaicigritiayspaddadvenoe Iresefeahresocmtdrstoam,esn=th,grid-$zbrgeaybnr- 0 Rilpiessuelutxicafiensysten prizedlutxicliontodlutdbeerirgsmemsbetter pafomiaroe,lessmain andlongererxine life MwfeftngLptoa2year/200harall derigelnterrd. rs Iovdl pressure dxtdm system Sxtdonm protection proms catastrophic ergine dame dueto lavcil. 0 Fightenpe e s Adorn Pemits damage dueto aveitnedirg. Generator El %d*gfidd AJlamforasmaler,ligftwaghturtMopeates25%moreefidentlyffmamMmrgammkuegwar.hon. ' 9eaed stator landuces a smooth oAxAvedam for compatibility Wth elec kajc egjpment. €, Osplecedphime)ctation Madmizesmotor stating capability. D AitorneficWltageregrlallon fxletlrgaAxAvdtaletot1%pieuerlt5daneglrgvoltage spies. ❑D td-2200listed Faryorrsallety. Transfer Switch(if applicable) 0 FUlyatanatic Treisfesvital electrical Ioadstothe wergzed scum oFpow. D NBA3R Om beinslaiedIr"oraEsidefor madmunfledbility. El frmctemorting W utsnewaneDdstingclstribtAcripwdforsii ple,low-cost Installation. EvolutionT""Controls D Al.rro'M44-MCsFnlumindedMons Selectsthe operating mode and piwdes easy,at-a-glanoe stAis indication in anycondition. LD Tho-line miltilingud LCD dispiay Rouides homam nas eedlyvtstbie logs of hstory,mante>acA and everts rp to 50 ocarrenoes. IM Sided,rased buttons 5lnocth,wealher-resistat user 1rtafacefor programming and operations. 0 LtilttyvdtagesensIng O rstantiymc itorsutilityvoltagm setpdrts65%dmpat,80%pidc up,ofstandadvoltege. El Gernadorvdtageserang UneintlymoritorsgersrdorWltageetovaifythe cleanest pmerdel heredtothehome El lttl ty irterW delay Rmerts rLim-ce stat ups of the ergine,e4 edabl a 2-1500 sea rds frau the today dgWt sdtirg of 5 secords by aqudified deder. © Erigirewam-Lip \kdfies engine is ready to assLime the load,se0ointepprodmately5seconds. IM R4reood-dorm Allmeriginet000dpriatoshi.Mnn,selpdrteppradmdelylmInAe. °g Rogamabie a mse Operates ergne to prevent dl seal"rg end damage teneen pmw awes by i ming the gawdor for 5 mindes every other week Also offes a selectable setting for weddy or morttly oper tion pWd1 g fledbilityard potetialyWertA coststotheamna, D Smart battery drama Drivers dirge to the battery ort y when needed at w4 ng ides deperdrg on outdoor all tempsatire ObmpafbleWth lead add ad AWstyle berries. Wri lane droit breaWr Rdec s gmadorfran watoat. D Sectroric gmandr Maintains corstent 60 Fizfrequency. Unit SAEweelher pidedIveendam Sand atWxAed err amiss ensure gJet operation and protection xOnst moths rnatlre,Meta rig winds up to 150 mph(241 With).Hriged lay loddng roof pffd far sw"ty.Uit-a#frort for easy access to all routire rrdrtenarnce items.9ecbrostelicelly applied tendered qxW pant for aided durability. Endosed critical gale nvAer W et,c iticd grade mLREr is mouited Inside the u it to premt lquiea °° Srdl,compa:,t,aiir r ve tv mforeneasy,eyeappeairg Installation,asdoseas18in(457mm)aneyfromastnichre. GENERAC° LV/LL KVV reaiure5 ana mnem5 Installation System Efl 14 in(35 6 an)fledblefuel lire carecbor fisted*0 Z21.75/CSA 6.27 outdoor appliance cavedor far the required con fflon to the gm supply PIong. M Irkdsedmaittrap Meets II(CwdNTA54Instdlaticnrecuimiarts. Connectivity(WI-Fi equipped models only) 0 Abilityto uewgmeatorst&s Meritor generator with alma#cne,tablet,or cmp ter et any time ua the Mobile Link aoia#ion fbr c nostepeaceoPmind. MAbildytouewgenaatorlerdse+RnardTctdHxrs IWeNthegens'"scomplete protedio,profile for eerdsehmnandtotelhours. 172 Abilitytouewganalormanharnceinfameion FrWdesmdnternceinfa.. mforthespeciflcmoddgewatorvhtmsftWedmdrknEmeisdu?. MJ MathyrepatwithprwIoLsmonNsactivity DeWleimaMyrepatspnhideNstWcdgawdwirdamatlaL IM AbilitytogewgawatorbdJaylnfanEim &iltinbdtaydiagnostics dspl*ngcurrantstatecfthebdtay. 11 VVI3&ar irfame icn FtrWdes detailed local ambient wedher cordtcrr for ge motor laefion, GENERAC t. I-UIZZ KVV qjeu Ti cat ions Generator Maki 07038-1,=7039-1 (1107042 007043-2 MUMM,aD7039-3 0M423,WOW (20" (22" (2D IW (22 W4 M,-ODOV&sf ACOOV4&- 20,OOOV&e---- 22,00OVIKe inumcciti-ru-c-u-spmer cTa3ty(Nq 9, 1 Med rrEmmurricortirucus load avent-240 Wts(LP/Nq 833/75.0 __--9171813 -- 8331759- Man lire drajit ba*ff IrT- hLrriiaefratorPd 2 Fbvff fditor 10 12Vdtke426R54OCbVmru- ---G435ANMOSMffininrum' Lkiftm3gft(lb/kj 4481203 4661211 436/198 445/202 rl�� ------- -- 5i i-12. iW i 7 L f-9 6- .S�nd m4UMB(A)A23ft(7 nj Wthgerer&r��-ngi7riar�Gi--- 67 67 67 67 - 57 5T 65 Fwasadimficin 5mn Engine Erginetyi)e G3UWCFbrm1OOOSaes Wwarargerrerit OffhEadmAve Bectmc Stater 12 WC ;011 c*ii*indCdngfilter" A*-'I-Ag �f 8 �et�n9 rpm 3,600 7 MMral gas, fRhr,(rr?lho 2D4(5.78) 228(646) 1/2 Load 164(464) 203(5.75) Rill Laid X1(8.52) P27(926) 287(8.13) 30B(8 66) Llqjid prcpme fp/tT(g2u'tT)[Uhl 1/2 Load 87(237)[899 92(253)[957] 86(236)[895] M(2 53)[9 •Fdlicad -130(3E6)[13.48] 142(30[14.77] 136(3 74)[14 1 q 142(390)[7471] Nota Fuel pipe rrust be si2cd fu full load.F;bqj red Ed pmmretD gffu&r fud i nlet at dl load oxgles-3.5-7 in vvEter cd um(0 87-1.74 604 fcr Wq 10-12 1 n Vaff cd um(249-2 99 kPa)for LPgm FcrBlUcmtmtmltpyft31hrx2500(MorOtrx1000M FbrMegqodeoortmtrrLjlt*Olhrx93l5MorrrPhx3726(%). Controls TvD-hrejJanted rrdthrvjW LM 9rripieLiserinterfa:i4orem-cfqxralion. MadetxlrorsAUiO cqfali]ii MIX 2at wth stater mrtrci,unts"s cn lfublityfals,tiansferto load td(esplam droved.Gift- Slaidad Ff6ram edatddaybetmeri2-1500semrds I40-171WI90M-21 FtMreSEt QpalJel3mffusff/Bause-9A Frrorvarirg Stardard R;IfiiAiF Oldicankrig 16-c;Ec cn,7 rest(90 ssr-mma nun ckirEticn) -Snirt Batay ChagEr Sla'dad L"j7 d LaNBAIejBMayPrcUernRuteclion and Bilay Condition indicalicri _c1aidad LhdEr-FreWffLyDiEloaiYSbEpperCUmnErtRubB±cn Adorrialicl-cw0l Ress I-f6hOlIerrpwdueSuldam Hgi EgireTeipeauuie-§U&c;W Stridad dffrcn etn-d faltcqxb lity 'Rdd i7k -,-.-StErdird "Said lads iibW g73e-drr55iid -dtt-e--g-ff"Er"E'l-or'r-r-E'V-b'e-hg�-ff'-dqiE.rd-ng-c-n i ns-WIA-cri pad mtei PdirigdEfintens-3a-dt)f.Appicadefbrs4# rig ffrffgfful povufcrft draon cf#-e Lblity pDw akga M oveloaJ apblity is aelatlefbrths rang(A[rEErgsina=afgmwthB96514,I9CB046aidON3271)`Maimirnklmdtarpsardarrentae sL4 EcttD a-d linnted ty arh faWasfud EfTUrreglouleciorW arrbiattenpw&Fq AtAq engimpaw aid conditM et Maomrnpwff appmniEteiya5l/oforeajll,ODOft(3348rild)aesm levd;aid afsDwll dremuppradrrdy 1%fbreah 10*F(6*Q dne60*F(16*Q GENERAC` LV/LL KVV --;wic I l.(idols SerAce sated SlYLart Snatch Features 0007039-1(20IN>r) 0 Includes digital pawter managanent tednology(DPM)standard Model 0007043-2(22 M CI Irtdligertar lyma3es upto fcurarconditioner loadswith no additional hadvae 007039.3(20 M0007043.3(22 M 0 Up to eight ailifional large(240 VPC)loads can be rrarno Wien used in i Ph of pales _ _v y J 2 cog unction vAthSmart Management Modules(SMMs). Clrraitrabr9(aTps) _.-__`--_ —_----- -------- --~2_0-0 12440_,-10fBedridl oP ed, redaral halal mrtaisfartKdeanomnedions. —t- -�9 _ 0 Ratedforalldassesofload,100%egripmertrated,both inductive end resistive. Ulityvoltagerruntor(badl* -RdEup 80% 0 2-pole,250 VPC contadois. - °d _ -__ .__ 65% 0 Serviceegripmertreeddualootn desigtRiuntoalt13sec- Fwasesbi-veddyfor5 mnrtae Standard 0 Ratedforbothalurnmunand ooppermncluoas- HLorlllisted' - — _____---•--.Staidarii- -- - 0 Main oortads aresilver O ated orsdver dloyto resist melding ad rtiddng. e,dosretype.___ ---__._-__z T__=_.•- r — -NHu1WUL 3R --- - al7mittxet ed 22,000 O N941A'UL3Raiuninunatdaorend osureall ovsforindoor aroutdaormounting —•— ------�_ - - ------= - •- - -- -_— _ -. flexibility W9 250 MCM-#6 *Functon of R duhon controller Dimensions 6affase can be set to meddy or mordliy 200 ATVs 120/240,1a 1 (�xetTrastian Senrlae Reed - Height V4Tditt Hi H2 V01 V2 D" in 2675 30.1 105 135 691 cm 67.95 7645 26 61 3429 17.55 H2 NI Wre Ranges Canduc or Lug Neutral Lug Gourd Lug 400MCM-#4 350MCM-#6 2/0-#14 perm wr-- GENERAL" LUIl1 KVV /'1Va1laD1e AWessarleS Model#..a. PYoductf. ion j 6005819-0 `~� j 26R VW OSI Battery — i Fvery standby generator requires a batt to start the _ ce ((( yg req ery system Generacoffers the recommended 26Rwat cell battery C y L 1 for use with all air-cooled standby product(excluding PbwePaaP) 6007101-0 I Battery Pad W3mer I Pad warmer rests under the battery.Recommended for use if temperature regularly falls below 0 OF(-18`C).(t bt' f j necessary for use with AGM-style batteries). �1 • • I G007102-0 Oil Vlbnner --^^1(11 warmer slips directly overthe oil fitter.Recommended for use if temperature regularlyfalls below 0 OF(-18°C). ` 16007103-1 Breather Warmer _ �BreEtherwarmer is for use in extreme odd weather applications For use with Evolution controllers only in climates f where heavy icing occurs. 6005621-0 i AmnliaryTi arsfer Swdch The auxliarytransferswitch contact lot allows thetrarsfer switch to lockout asingle large electrical load that may not j(bntact Kit be needed.Not compatible with 50 amp prL-wired switches l X07027-0-Bisque f Fascia Base Wap KUt I The fascia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new err-cooled generators.This offers a sleek,con R+ (3andard on 22 kVli)^ T�toured appearance as well as offering protection from indents and insects by musing the lifting holes located in the i j base G005703-0-Bisque ?Tcuctftlp Paint le _ #If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged,it is important to touch up the paint to protect from future corro- sion.The touch-up part kit includes the necessary paint to correctly marten or touch up a generator enclosure f0,706485-0 Scheduled Maintenance Kit Generads scheduled maintenance kit provides all the Ram nemssaryto perform complete routine maintenance on a I Generac automatic standby generator(oil not included). fIG007005-0 ,W Fi LP Tank Rud Level !The VVI-19i enabled LPtan k fuel level monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP fud tank Monitoring Monitor !theI-PtaWs fud level is an important step inverifying thegeneratoris readyto nn during an unexpected powerfailure Status alerts are available through a free application to notify users when the LPtank is in need of a refill. 6007000-0(50 amp) Smart Management Module Smart Management M nage ent Modeles(SMM)are used to optimize the performance of a standby generator.it manages large G007006-0(100 I electrical loads upon startup and sheds them to aid in recoverywhen overloaded.In maty cases,using SIVIM's can l amp) j reduce the overall size and cost of the system. G0071690 _ Moble Link®091lular The Mobile Link family of Call der Accessories allows users to monitor generator stabs from anywhere in the world, i Accessories j'using a smart phone,tablet,or PC lastly access infomnation such as the current operating status and maintenance { 1 alerts.users can conned an account with an authored service defer for fast,friendly,and proactive service.Wth Mobile Link,users are taken cam of before the next power outage. L_ ul mend ons urns mom UC tl1 I tl mm 1116 mm [20 11ne [46 Olnj G007038-1 696471074185 _ G007038-3 696471074185 G007039-1 686471074192 G007039-3 696471074192 — G307042-2 696471074208 7Z7 2 mm G007042-3 696371074208 [etltlml — -- 0007043-2 696471074215 OD07043-3 696471074215 - 0 0 O O 046 mm 1 1232 mm 12D.5 uq [46*'n' LEFT SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW Rmaemsst wnaeagm nr D_-93elrztdAm nwW f rmddrrrnsars BONdRlgll BEI MENE;CNSF02IWKLAIW RIPM GENE RAC` Oaheac Pbver Systern>ss,Ina• S46 V129290 HVVY..59,V15ukesha,VN 53189• generac.com ©2020GwwPun2rS)s1erm,1nc A34g%rmmed.fig six irabonswesubjecitodEngevdhoutnotce PartNo.M000221268 Pa,.B 050 020