HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-55.-5-11 SITE LAYOUT NOTES: REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: REQUIRED SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: d 1. THI5 15 AN ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN 8 IS a U O SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED I. THE USE OF NATIVE, DROUGf-IT-TOLERANT I. ALL NON-ESSENTIAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLANTS I5 REQUIRED IN ALL LANDSCAPING. SHALL BE TURNED OFF WITHIN ONE HALF AN W 0 SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION Z O REPRESENTED ON THIS SITE PLAN 15 TO THE HOUR AFTER THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. 2. ONLY THE USE OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS AND/OR WHEN NOT IN USE. LIGHT5 THAT ARE W N= WHERE THE WATER-SOLUBLE NITROGEN 15 CONTROLLED BY TIMERS OR THAT ARE PROJECT ZONING DATA J W r-I 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED NO MORE THAN 20% OF THE TOTAL MOTION-SENSOR-ACTIVATED ARE '11-_UN ERSIr_*aC3,>��J,NTTorn-_M 2M �� Q W '- FROM A SURVEY DATED FEB. 3, 201E NITROGEN IN THE MIXTURE ARE PERMITTED. ENCOURAGED TO REPLACE LIGHTING TAX MAP # 1000-55-5-I I 2_1-131f1A AC„NO•�yl Et,� �IIiAI IIFE CO ND, O CO "�R'�7�N NECESSARY FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. A :'r.oVAi SET FORTH Iti THE RFSO�[PITOI�I O, AI.^�',���D TEn LAN Z AND PREPARED BY: 3. A MAXIMUM OF I LB. OF NITROGEN PER ZONING DISTRICT B --/�n4-�=EKE"c"I ED(SEEcONmnONSO ESoL�om O Z JOHN C. EHLERS 1000 SQUARE FEET IN ANY ONE 2. ALL WORK/GOMMERGIAL VEHICLES AND , Z:: J 6 EAST MAIN STREET APPLICATION 15 REQUIRE, WITH A TRAILERS SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE REAR LOT AREA 0.3 ACRES P EASE pt't`ti I s+�tE &'�6 J J RIVERHEAD, NY I1a01 CUMULATIVE APPLICATION OF NO MORE OF THE PROPERTY; NO COMMERCIAL _ i= LO 631-36q-8288 THAN 2 L55 PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET PER VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED TO PARK IN At pit. usiu� + ♦;4 Ix O O CofO - BUSINESS BUILDING Z-300'1; 3/25/Ia68 r, 'n • YEAR. FROM OF THE OFFICE BUILDING. T17t•►: Lnrt: O O O 4. THE APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER 3. EXISTING 6' FENCING ALONG THE EAST SIDE Gof0 - ALTERATION 4 ADDITION Z-2'1868; 9/I/IaTI ,1Pv►r"''CUtiv ������"`" �. �• m vet:ti OF sort HULL %.NLNG RUMW Z PRODUCTS CONTAINING NITROGEN, YARD AND REAR YARD PROPERTY LINES PHO5PHORU5, OR POTASSIUM BETWEEN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN ORDER TO FEMA FLOOD ZONE X NOVEMBER I5T 8 APRIL IST 15 PROHIBITED. SATISFY THE TRANSITION BUFFER REQUIREMENT. ._....:. •-•"t:� •:s f, F`- �'OTE:The a ""ced site develo n•ent fans ¢! W 5. THE USE OF PHOSPHORUS CONTAINING LAWN P • p i be valid for a period of ei�titeen I8 Z J tnontas from the date of approval as .I FERTILIZER 15 PROHIBITED UNLESS I"'DT GOVE�GE �. pp per cod,section 28;}.132A. � � _E5TABL151NG A NEW LAWN OR SOIL TEST00 5HOW5 THAT THE LAWN DOES NOT HAVE % LOT > d' O ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS. FERTILIZER LABELS DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA HAVE THREE BOLD NUMBERS. THE NUMBER COVERAGE J � Vq IN THE MIDDLE 15 THE PERCENTAGE OF Y r-I O PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRODUCT, E.G. 22-0-15. TOTAL LOT AREA 12 558.0 S.F. Q Z 4 USE OF PRODUCTS WITH Ob-1 IN THE MIDDLE OR LOWER I5 NOT RESTRICTED. PRODUCTS EXISTING BUILDING 1,355.2 S.F. 10.8% w J cV WITH A NUMBER HIGHER THAN 0.6'7 MAY Ll_ W (D ONLY BE USED IF A NEW LAWN 15 BEING EXIST. PORCH 4 STAIRS 101.4 S.F. 0.8% LID � r-I ESTABLISHED OR A 501L TEST INDICATES IT r- L0 15 NECESSARY. PROP. PRE-MANUF. BLDG. 572.0 S.F. 4.6% PROP. RAMPS 4 STAIRS 184.1 1.5% TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 2028.E S.F. 16.2% ONE-FAMILY ONE-FAMILY W YEAR-ROUND YEAR-ROUND SURFACEO ��,A � �- L O f RESIDENCE RESIDENCE EXIST. ND. FENCE ON EXIST. ND. FENCE ON PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE (PARTIALLY EXISTING PROPOSED W I. (PARTIALLY BROKEN) BROKEN) TO BE REPAIRED DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA % LOT AREA % LOT V J o ggl, I GOYERAGE COVERAGE S81 16'$p„W 16 g0,l W m $o 0 $p o, TOTAL LOT AREA 12,558 S.F. 100.0% 12,55e, S.F. 100.0%� Q N O _ PRpP• G�5 _ �_ BUILDINGS (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED) 1,68E S.F. IE _7 15.4% 2,422 S.F. N ��_ S a0 7'0 FASPHALT PARKING IW2 S.F. 71.1% 4,bg6 S.F. 37.430 O O PAVED WALKWAYS 81 S.F. 0.6% 015 S.F. 0.5% ] b O 5 0 0 T'p� CRUSHED STONE PARKING l 0 S.F. 0.0% 2,06E S.F. 16.5% PROP. 8'�x8' EFFECTIVE PORCH, RAMPS, 4 STAIRS 36 S.F. 0.5% 205 S.F. I.6% DEPTH CATCH BASIN AS PER DETAIL I/PD-002; o PROP. CRUSHED v- PROVIDE LEADERS FROM STONE PARKING $O' GRA55 $ LANDSCAPING 1,0"13 S.F. 8.5% 3,07E S.F. 24.5% NEW ROOF 8 SLOPE PROP. -- PARKING TOWARDS INLET (DET. 2/PD-002) NOTE: SURFACE AREAS IN WHICH A ROOF OVERHANG 15 DIRECTLY OVERHEAD HAVE BEEN ATTRIBUTED TO THE c0 U "BUILDINGS (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED)" AREA; THESE AREAS ARE NOT COUNTED AGAIN TOWARDS THE SURFACE AREA OF EXIST. 0 FOUND BELOW THE ROOF OVERHANG. ONE-FAMILY _ EXIST. WD. ONE-FAMILY - DEXIST. WD. BROKEN ASPHALT FENCE ON YEAR-ROUND YEAR-ROUND rr ' iZE51DENC:E PARKING; PROPERTY LINE RESIDENCE z 0 PROPERTY LINE REQUIRED SETBACKS - MAIN BUILDING - TO BE REMOVED 2 z REQUIRED EXIST. PROPOSED COMPLIES J -! ���; PROP. TRASH $p, COLLECTION AREA -- 2 2 PROP. FRONT YARD VARIABLE I 71.q' -il.q' YES I-STORY EXIST. EXIST. PRE-MANU. SIDE YARD 25.0' 1.6' 1.6' NO ASPHALT 2 ASPHALT - - ---- -- PARKING PARKING WD. BLDG. rY (STORAGE) BOTH SIDE YARDS 50.0' 17.4' 17.4' NO REAR YARD 55.0' 108.8' 64.'7' YES 5.0 1 10.0' - ---- �F PROP. WD. RAMP PROP. I - PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GORE 250-50, STRUCTURES SHALL BE 5ET BAUD EITHER 100, FROM THE EXIST. CELLAR ORAS EXIST. CELLAR RIGHT-OF-WAY OR A MINIMUM OF THE AVERAGE OF THE SETBACKS OF THE ADJACENT ENTRANCE PROP. WD. / ENTRANCE DEVELOPED PARCELS. STAIRS W RE-SEED AREA J cA TO PROVIDE STC>RM WATER DRAINAGE CALGULAT'ION5 (PROP. PRE-MANUF. BLDG k CRUSHED STONE PARKING ONLY) Lu 30.3' GRASS COVER 50.3' OFF'-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS z �, � _ W , _ .., _ _ .__. _ (5.F) � TOTAL CROSS FLOOR AREA 5 P SURFALZ COVERAGE TYPE AREA RUNOFF PEA RUNOFF p TYPE OF REQUIRED NUMBER OF _ .,_ . PARKING -- =�� CMFFICIENT (ore)o 0 USE PARKING SPACES T - SPACES V EXIS .BLDG, EXIST.BLOO. PROF. PRE ROOF-PRE-MANUF.BLD6. EXIST. WD. 3.4' II.b' 4 EXIST. WD. 3.4' 11.61, 2 ,i MANUFACTUREP BLD6. REQUIRED (1ST FLOOR) (CELLAR) TOTAL "12q S.F. o.q5 0.03 _ , •r--• -.. " - '•». _ - CRUSHED STONE PARKING 2066 S.F. 0.65 O.Ob W FENCE ON r 1.6' FENCE ON t- __ 1.6 1 PER 100 S.F.OF OFFICE PROPERTY LINE - - J U1 OFFICE « 461 - - 461 4.6 TOTAL PEAK RUNOFF OF ALL SURFACE TYPES(GFS): O.Oq PROPERTY LINE u1 FLOOR AREA TOTAL STORAGE REQUIRED(CU.FT) 536 �.O' � � '� 7.O' � N PROP. EGRESS rs) EXIST. O EXIST. 0 WINDOW WELL WORKSHOP I PER 250 S.F.OF SALES AREA455 - - 455 16 H (� 1=FFEGTIVE DEPTH OF 6'0,STORM WATER DRYWELLS REQUIRED(FT) b.0 I STORY I STORY STORAGE I PER 1,000 S.F.OF GROSS - 423 517 q40 O.q NUMBER OF WO,V DEEP STORM WATER DRYwELLS PROPOSED I In EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE WD. FR. EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE WD. FR. O KFENCE FLOOR AREAON PROPERTY LINE BUILDING EXIST. VINYL lyEXIST. VINYL FENCE ON ON PROPERTY LINE � BUILDING � Qr ON TOTAL(ROUNDED UP): �8 � I-CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED FOLLOWING THE RATIONAL METHOD IN WHICH Q = CIA WHERE: PROJECT: (BUSINESS PROPERTY LINE (BUSINESS PROPERTY LINE Q - PEAK RUNOFF(GFS) - G = RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT OCC.) OCC.) I = RAINFALL INTENSITY(INAHR) IN-FILL PARKING LOT w/ NEW ASPHALT OFF-STREET PARKING GOMPLIANGE N ISSEN m � m � LINE OF ROOF A � DRAINAGE AREA(ACRES) WHERE REQ.D (NY STATE DOT TYPE bF '-RAINFALL INTENSITY HAS BEEN ASSUMED AS 2 IWHR ' TOP COURSE ASPHALT UPON OVERHANG (TYP.) - 1' REQUIRED PROVIDED °-TOTAL 5TORASE REQUIRED HAS BEEN CALCULATED ASSUMING A TOTAL RAINFALL OF 2 INCHES,AS PER 22.51 COMPACTED 4" STONE AGGREGATE) 22.51 _.. ._..._.: ._ .,_ _ TOWN OF SOurHOLD STORMwATER MANAGEMENT CODE SECTION 236-'!(A). DEMOLISH PORTION OF 4.q --- -- ----- 4 q, TOTAL PARKINS SPACES I b b PLANNING EXIST. GONG. CURB WALK 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES I I PROP. �i'xlq' HANDICAPPED 5.011 1 TOTAL PARKING AREA(S.F� 2,bo0 S.F.(4) 4,34q S.F. ' PARKING W 8'x161' ACCESS AISLE PROP. WD. RAMP (A.D.A. COMPLIANT) -PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CODE 2b0-'ib 46950 COUNTY RD 48 2-OFFICE FLOOR AREA EXCLUDES CLOSETS,ENTRY VESTIBULES MECHANICAL AREAS,AND RESTROOM5. °-PER 2010 ADA STANDARDS FOR ACCESSIBLE DESIGN,TABLE 20b.2. EX15T. GONG. PORCH w EXIST. GONG. PORCH 4-no S.F.OF PARKING AREA REQUIRED PER PARKINS SPACE,AS PER 2b0-15.G.ENTRANCE d EXIT SOUTHOLD, NY �O EXIST. ' 0 ASPHALT (� LANES ARE NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THIS PARKING AREA. ASPHALT mEXIST r r u� < u1 G PARKING PARKIN RESIDENTIAL 4 �� i.'.,,:I•: ,' : : RESIDENTIAL DRAWING TITLE: k \ N }. p. ,.5, e\. ... VACANT LAD �� �. a < g V CAco NT AND O .}' .- �. �. ". COry� -I ..,9,1 x.,&"3 a® `r..'<,a,.• .b: ',.:,, $°; tb,,. \ 'i:C. `. •``;lF. + % F' 1 N ear':.., .l a \ TA�l - '.k` 1<'sf'. ' Y '` t., \\REMOVE ` ' a ' \\ 1 Yn »' \\. g• �.a' .ham` :I ���, , PROJECT LOCATION &SCOPE PORTIONS OF Eze. R - ONE STORY SMALL ONE STORY SMALL PROP. q xl�i PARKING � �" '< '` �-$� '•��• � ,�, •� _'�� EXIST. ASPHALT 161, "., 3 yea - SITE PLAN & ZONING DATA � it w � � STRUCTURE w/ a STRUCTURE / SPACE TYP. Ia :�.:.;#: =b. ,,:�„ .€ .€' �: :mow.,,.,.,.\• PARKING � � � _ a�: '� T-�`�'\ •� � �`>. 1 MULTI-OCCUPANT - 1 MULTI OCCUPANT .. `�. , �. 4 �g� . a f F. x I gy $ - t +t t (COMMERCIAL IA USE COMMERCIAL USE) - ,p .,- ::�" ':, � _ - ° ;,,. � �...: %'t9`. 'gym n. .\, r \,. 1v= 2 O V' 0 4'`... „„.i ..ro \. acC`.\� ,a k I Il O .+! k,. Y .,k¢ r.� :�,• \' 'id. 'v, 'g:.f;f•'� `' �j. �i= :e�Ne ':.»i., .,. < _ I 1' 1- ., 'tw5'" EXIST. EXIST N a"k P t ;�� EX �1 11 /_ ***««fir ..> :�,< `\ q. ;' � ,. � - O SIGN �� ; p > >;� > 'f� : '. I GN �' I<' <S .�9f $i .fa' �pR W�,e :i�f 4 •� , tl �js I 0 I Y� a l ' PAGE: a m r:k Y: t3 'tr'eY .'.1.� Yam. P SHADE E w MIN �� a PROF. THE _ ti F.. ,, x'' "�a: iY. :. ,SP �i \ 9, v 1 �@ I SH of DEMOLISH 2 CALIPER PER HONEY LOCUST, G L L ( PORTI ON OF .:.,:' ~:'T . MOVE II o , p E `� .... NG. �'u:P E XIST. GO ' E AK OR 51M1 A � a`PIN O L � �� .� TIMBER CURB R) ,. EXIST. W "°� P, 2 PR "a -a'. c^J. \ 0 :xis+� 0 �n ORBS / \ y G \ h,i`�. •.b pp, 3 II - II ; :I 1 II I II I o�: I . ' av� RA55 ' a' ..'.. ` '$ n.r e ism 11 Z G vPD-00loOO >` h 4' i `'`E .4. 'fit.�, :\+ Y•I�z ax r `\ ', ,a K MODIFIED DRIVE 5HA � L �.. �"' \ � =SHALL L �, 5 8 "` :. yip. ,. \. ,gym N '=M+ f,t ,tea', ••^i' .�" 1 a aN ` <E X ON a r MEET EXIST. G G. G• 4"^� '°�°�' .\\. Yb. O G � e ` T. \: e>` e t 2 i" aa, M.: II � 1 fi a w ., > - - 5 CURB FROM STREET / \ _ EXIST CURBS '�� ,�\ •� ,_'� , � ,�` ;�.. 1 X €' ` ° - � a - � D c " � °�:� ATE: -►y �, If F 2 +'f'�N `kP� �\ NS a EXIST. STORM \;'FROM STREET- RM a 3 a`t > F -- EXIST. 5T0 �,: 'f s' �" '�Pr'•. 1 Vie'. 1 , A• DRAIN ''r ` .. �^ o .\ . . O REMAIN �'' ,� a\\� ,�` T 6 DRAIN 't ; '\ a �' 1/ / G• G \ f, 0 / wp .°.f. ,'�' 'I'.s 't`> •d 2 :a. ham'.: . a . •, _ ' V •t :` `P vvv \1 \ 4 P 3 .... ;\' +:�:xcS.ga]• :"ax'b`.: ,r•Y #., Y \\, ,a', 3' v. .. -�: ''v+`R'a. '.R. ..�.f x�\ , : .t' yd. Y`. � C\ .',�;"�'°�f.b, ate; „.`taa, E�� 'Ca.. ,y�'°ti:. ,.� ,•�``�;;": � i.. 1, •k 'R•� saes y, 'f"""• 'x �mg mb. rY w , Yin ,.,� > \` c 10 \ . P 3> x,aa. +r a�>.. � AiW I: 3,.� e °.g` a`\ .a\� ,Y S"'_ .wY.S *'z's iS:u:. ..V \'^ ':"I ,,8r: R I: 'lv` :.,F \ ,mawXT" 't}'r .a \ i 2022 JAN O 5 10 20 30 40-11 O O 5 IO 20 30 40 O " » _ . ra LOOATI ON MAP FLAN PLAN I DEMOLITION C�I TE FLA • 6RAPHIG SCALE FROFOS�� 5I TE PLA � GRAPHIC,SCALE L. I SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" SCALE: NITS ---- -" �t SITE LAYOUT NOTES: 8" TH I GK RE I NFORGED G�ONGRETE � ".O� D �� Q a) a) I. THIS 15 AN ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN b 15 0 Ti�,�F1=1G BEARING L SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A GE 5 D PLAI11'�'I�'G ®ARD W Z N SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION � ~ REPRESENTED ON TH15 51TE PLAN 15 TO THE ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. GRASS SHOULDER AREA (T` F.) 24" DIAMETER GAST IRON w .j 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED OR DEFINED SURFAGE GOYER INLET ORATE FRAME TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Q W FROM A SURVEY DATED FEB. 5, 2016 DATE 1 2-S f 2-02-2 � 1 = Z AND PREPARED BY: JOHN G. EHLERS � I = Z 6 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 111101 _ 1-- U) Y 651-56q-8288 — O 0) O D- LA X III Z � m W —III III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o �- � ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ III— Q W w � III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I I » o �- III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Jam (+ � � o =III III= zCN Oz II I LOW % LO N FREGAST GONG. o Q OROUNO LEAGH I NO RING. SEE '' o NATER GALGULATIONS ON SITE PLAN FOR REO'D W EFFEGTIVE DEPTH 2'_O" DIAMETER ASi=- MIN. E'ER SITE PLAN MIN. W HAY BALES AND/OR V SILT FENCING, AS GLEAN SAND 4 GRAVEL FILL PER DETAILS (TYPJ O I J .. Q STORM k4ATER DR`OONELL DETAIL 5GALE: 1/2" = I'-Oil 5TOG PILE ' 5T0 GE A A (600 5.17.) CRUSHED STONE FARKINO SHALL EMfi'LO`I' DELL—TE< L0,40 5UFFORT GRID 4 DUPONT NON-NOVEN OEOTEXTILE FABRIG (OR EOUAL) ®.� Non-Vegetated / Porous Paving with LSG Series (Load Support Grid) For Edging Options, See Our Edging CADS Note: See Edging Option CAD 2" of Granular Surface (this aggregate stone should be the same 1/4"to 314" clean angular stone used to fill HAY BALES AND/OR the LSG cell SILT FENGINC7, AS `---_ PER DETAILS (TYP) _ P Cif C' C' t7 J C' '"' " " Cell-Tek LSG filled with 1/4 to 3/4 clean angular stones. 0�0 LSG (Load Support Grid) can be 3", 4"or 6"cell depth. 50' MIN. ) - Consult Cell-Tek'° BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP a- 1fro a G�j , d C7¢ aSEDIMENT ON SITE v` -- dlT � o 0o �` � Rebar J-Hook#4 rebar (18" H or 24" H per engineer) HAY BALES $/OR SILT FENCING i Irrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrs-aJt_tr rrrr Q DuPont-SF20 Or SF40 Non woven Geotextile Fabric W --= ;- --- Compacted Subgrade ui w E- rrC rcy o < o LEGEND NOTES' z ° PROJECT: r r- ,-•. - •Max weight per Cell Depth p _� -3"=8000 Ibs(axle loads:18kN) � a �IL tu N I SS E N Cep-Tek LSG tilled with 1/4"to 3/4"clean -4*=H10 Loading40,000 lbs axle loads:75kN angular stone Wth1"-2"granular surface -6"=H2O Loading 80,000 lbs(axle loads:14%N) \ CELL-TEL/0' KK Gevsyrtthetics $09 Barkwood Ct.,Suite M Rebar J-Hook#4 rebar(18"H or 24'H I V Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 per engineer) y 0 46950 COUNTY RD 48 / Ph©ne:410.721.4844 SOUTHOLD, NY_ Fax:410.721.3844 ' Entail: info@celltekdirect.com r _r , r r DuPont`SF20 OrSF40 Non-woven GON5TRUCTION ENTRANGE - FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED " DRAWING TITLE: www.ceiltekdirect.com GeotexUle Fabric STONE BLEND OR N.Y. STATE D.O.T. APPROVED R.G.A. FILL TO 18" (MIN.) ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE EROSION CONTROL SITE PLAN /TEMP. �� i DETAILS �i CONCRETE HAY BALES AND/OR WASHOUT 4 SILT FENCING, AS ! AREA /n PER DETAILS (TYP.) TEMPORARY o,(500 5.F.)/ CRUSHED STONE FARE I NO DETAIL 5 TEMFORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANGE DETA I L CONSTRUCTION - - PD-002.00 ENTRANCE AS PERK i SCALE: NTS PD PAGE: -002.00 SCALE: I/4" 1'-0" DETAIL 5/PD-002 1 PD11111110002111100 ANGLE 2 PREVIOUSLY LAID GALE. //��//ice//`r///,�// //i/ DATE: 01/07/21 2 OF 2 V ///// '--/' IS' MAX. G. TO G. tL� 0� FLOW 5` otu JAN 12022', t , - EMBED FILTER GL _ - // / I FAO MIN. 6" INTO GROUND z " M /��ii/ E N CONTOUR 4' MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA F �VQ� x - E PIGLETS OR 2"x2" STAKES 1.5' TO V IN GROUND. 4" VERTICAL FAGS 1/2 ACRE / 100 LINEAR FEET y DRIVE 5TAKE5 FLUSH WITH TOP OF HAYBALE5. 10 20 50 BEDD I NO DETAIL 51 LT FENCE DETAILS C ANGHOR)NO DETA I L/STRAN BALE D KE DETAIL GRAPHIC,SCALE 5GALE: I/4" = I'-O" PD-002.00 5GALE: I/4" = I'-O" PD-002.00 SCALE: I/4"' = I'-O" EROSION CONTROL SITE PLAN PD-oo2.00 50ALE: 1" = 20'-0" OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ��0f SOU P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 O TyOI Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) O Southold, NY � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov 110 NTI,� ' PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 25, 2022 Mr. Gregory Nissen 217 Monsell Place Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Approval - Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Mr. Nissen: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, January 24, 2022, 2021: WHEREAS, this site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration*business; including the construction of a 572 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 2021, Gregory Nissen submitted an amended Site Plan Application for review; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2021, the Planning Board accepted the application as complete for review; and WHEREAS, on October 4, 2021, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), determined that the proposed action was a Type II Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(9) construction or expansion of a primary or - accessory/appurtenant, nonresidential structure or facility involving less than 4,000 square feet of gross floor area and not involving a change in zoning or a use variance and consistent with local land use controls, but not radio communication or microwave transmission facilities. The action is for the interior conversion on an existing building with no footprint expansion, and the addition of a 572 sq. ft. garage; and Water Dynamics Storage Page 12 January 25, 2022 WHEREAS, per the agreement with the SC Planning Commission, this action is a matter for local determination because it is a site plan application proposing less than 5,000 square feet of new or renovated floor, and does not require a referral to the Commission; and WHEREAS, on November 1, 2021, a Public Hearing was held and closed; and WHEREAS, on November 3, 2021, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2021, the Southold Town Code Enforcement officer verified that there were no open violations on the subject parcel; WHEREAS, on November 5, 2021, the Southold Town Fire Inspector reviewed and determined that there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site; and WHEREAS, on November 10, the Southold Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection for the site; and WHEREAS, on November 17, 2021, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed.project and determined the project to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies with recommendations to the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on January 11, 2022, the applicant submitted a revised Site Plan for review; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2022, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the revised site plan and determined that the application met the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2022, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed use as a permitted use in the Business (B) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, at their Work Session, held on January 24, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the proposed Site Plan and determined that all applicable requirements of the Town Code site plan regulations, Article XXIV, §280 Site Plan Approval were met; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further Water Dynamics Storage Page 13, January 25, 2022 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants approval with conditions of the site plan entitled "Nissen Planning" prepared by Anthony Portillo, R.A., dated January 7, 2021, including pages 1 & 2, and authorizes the chairman to endorse the site plan. Conditions: 1. Commercial vehicles and vehicles displaying company logos are prohibited from parking in front of the building. They must be parked in the rear of the property. 2. Any exterior lighting fixtures that are not shown on the approved site plan require Planning Board review and approval. 3. The Town Engineer must be contacted prior to beginning site work. Proposed storm water run-off containment systems must be inspected by the Town Engineer at the time of installation. 4. - Landscaping requirements: a. Drought-tolerant native species; b. Use only organic fertilizer or pesticides. In addition, please be aware of the following Town Code requirements: Approved site plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. Any changes from the approved site plan shall require Planning Board approval. • Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the approved site plan, and issue a final site inspection approval letter: Should the site be found not in conformance with the approved site plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued until the Planning Board approves the changes. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. Water Dynamics Storage Page 14 January 25, 2022 If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. espectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl.. cc: Building Dept. w/map Town Engineer w/map By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are Town Code requirements and conditions, including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Print name: aV8UM , Applicant �- Signature: ate: - SITE LAYOUT NOTES: REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: REQUIRED SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: I 0')I. THIS 15 AN ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN 4 IS �f e a U SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED I. THE USE OF NATIVE, DROUGHT-TOLERANT 1. ALL NON-ESSENTIAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING a F- SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION PLANTS 15 REQUIRED IN ALL LANDSCAPING. SHALL BE TURNED OFF WITHIN ONE HALF AN LLJ 0 f REPRESENTED ON THIS SITE PLAN IS TO THE HOUR AFTER THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS Z 04 ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. 2. ONLY THE USE OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS AND/OR WHEN NOT IN USE. LIGHTS THAT ARE J = %_4 WHERE THE WATER-SOLUBLE NITROGEN IS CONTROLLED BY TIMERS OR THAT ARE PROJECT / ZONING DATA �-= Ti NO MORE THAN 20% OF THE TOTAL MOTION-SENSOR-ACTIVATED ARE - Q W 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED - - _ --- --- - - --- - - - FROM A SURVEY DATED FEB. 3, 2016 NITROGEN IN THE MIXTURE ARE PERMITTED. ENCOURAGED TO REPLACE LIGHTING TAX MAP # 1000-55-5-II L1J >: AND PREPARED BY: NECESSARY FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. H Z 3. A MAXIMUM OF I LB. OF NITROGEN PER ZONING DISTRICT B 0 V) Z JOHN C. EHLERS 1000 SQUARE FEET IN ANY ONE 2. ALL WORK/COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND J _ 6 EAST MAIN STREET APPLICATION IS REQUIRE, WITH A TRAILERS SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE REAR J_ P J CUMULATIVE APPLICATION OF NO MORE OF THE PROPERTY; NO COMMERCIAL LOT AREA 0.3 ACRES RIVERHEAD, NY IIGOI H Ln Y 631-36q-8288 THAN 2 L65 PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET PER VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED TO PARK IN ix ; 0) 0 YEAR. FROM OF THE OFFICE BUILDING. GofO - BUSINESS BUILDING Z-3007; 3/25/1968 0 C) 0 4. THE APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER 3. EXISTING 6 FENCING ALONG THE EAST SIDE GofO - ALTERATION 4 ADDITION Z-27868; a/I/Icl-m >_ m PRODUCTS CONTAINING NITROGEN, YARD AND REAR YARD PROPERTY LINES Z PHOSPHORUS, OR POTA551UM BETWEEN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN ORDER TO FEMA FLOOD ZONE X NOVEMBER IST d APRIL IST IS PROHIBITED. SATISFY THE TRANSITION BUFFER REQUIREMENT. I-- 5. THE USE OF PHOSPHORUS CONTAINING LAWN Z LLI FERTILIZER 15 PROHIBITED UNLE55 LOT COVERAGE Q J ESTABLI51NO A NEW LAWN OR SOIL TEST - -- - - --- J 00 SHOWS THAT THE LAWN DOES NOT HAVE % LOT > d' 0 ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS. FERTILIZER LABELS DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA HAVE THREE BOLD NUMBERS. THE NUMBER COVERAGE J T IN THE MIDDLE IS THE PERCENTAGE OF Y T1 O PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRODUCT, E.G. 22-0-15. TOTAL LOT AREA 12,558.0 S.F. USE OF PRODUCTS WITH 0.67 IN THE MIDDLE < Z N OR LOWER IS NOT RESTRICTED. PRODUCTS EXISTING BUILDING 1355.2 S.F. 10.8gb WITH A NUMBER HIGHER THAN 0.67 MAY - -- - Li _j ONLY BE USED IF A NEW LAWN 15 BEING EXIST. PORCH $ STAIRS 101.4 S.F. Cfl B95 LLJ cc ESTABLISHED OR A SOIL TEST INDICATES IT I~ LO 15 NECESSARY. PROP. PRE-MANUF. BLDG. -1q2.0 S.F. 6.3go Q O PROP. RAMPS 4 STAIRS 200.-7 TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES ]��� 2.245.b S.F. I-1.�f90 ONE-FAMILY ONE-FAMILY W YEAR-ROUND YEAR-ROUND RESIDENCE RESIDENCE SURFACE COVERAGE TABLE EXIST. NO. FENCE ON EXIST. WD. FENCE ON PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE (PARTIALLY EXISTING PROPOSED W (PARTIALLY BROKEN)BROKEN) BROKEN) TO BE REPAIRED DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) UAREA % LOT AREA % LOT J C.) I' COVERAGE COVERAGE � I� TOTAL LOT AREA 12,558 S.F. 100.0% 12,558 S.F. 100.0%50 fr; Q f N ry PROF. BUILDINGS (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED) 1056 S.F. 15.4% 2k(12 S.F. 21.4% \ 7.0' I o o m ASPHALT PARKING clk52 S.F. T1.1% 4024 S.F. 3(bb% � tV 36.0' Of - - O 0 PAVED WALKWAYS 81 S.F. 0.6% O.S�o b O 50, 0 7.0 CRUSHED STONE PARKING 0 S.F. 0.0% I,abl S.F. 15.691; PROP. CATCH EFFECTIVE PORCH, RAMPS, $ 5TAIR5 36 S.F. 0.5 J 2Iq S.F. DEPTH GATGH BASIN AS PER DETAIL 1/PD-002; it PROP. GRU5HED PROVIDE LEADERS FROM STONE PARKING $O' ORA55 S LANDSCAPING 1,0 75 S.F. 5.5% 2,a67 S.F. 23.6Y NEW ROOF 4 SLOPE PROP. - PARKING TOWARDS INLET (DET. 2/PD-002) NOTE: SURFACE AREAS IN WHICH A ROOF OVERHANG IS DIRECTLY OVERHEAD HAVE BEEN I IB TO THE ep i _ iq "BUILDINGS (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED)" AREA; THESE AREAS ARE NOT COUNTED AGAIN TOWARDS THE SURFACE a0 41 Q FOUND BELOW THE ROOF OVERHANG. z AREA OF EXIST. 0 0 2` 0 ONE-F?MILY _ EXIST. ND. ONE-FAMILY (q EXIST. WD. � BROKEN ASPHALT Q YEAR-ROUND , FENCE ON YEAR-ROUND O? , FENCE ON c> PARKING; RESIDE'NGE B PROPERTY LINE RESIDENCE p PROPERTY LINE REQUIRED SETBACKS - MAIN BUILDING O z TO MOVED _ W W - 2 , PROP. TRASH z n. J 2'O` $O COLLECTION AREA REQUIRED EXIST. PROPOSED COMPLIES p N -,\ z J W W 16, I STORY FRONT YARD VARIABLE I 71.a' ?I.G' YES M o z OR p MIN PRE-MANU. w 4, 0 SIDE YARD 25.0 1.6 1.6 NO m m p lL EXIST. Q EXIST. WD. BLDG. �o _--- _ a g L) ASPHALT ASPHAL v , (STORAGE) m '� BOTH SIDE YARDS 50.0' 17.4' 17.4' N w w � PARKING PARKIN / -- J 0 w REAR YARD 35.0' 105.8' 5q.8' YES w Q o 5,O' - PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CODE 280-50,STRUCTURES SHALL BESET BACK E THE. 10 F O TH OF 2 � PROP. WD. RAMP PROP. RIGHT-OF-WAY OR A MINIMUM OF THE AVERAGE OF THE SETBACKS OF THE ADJACENT m EXIST. CELLAR PROP. WD. GRO EXIST. CELLAR DEVELOPED PARCELS. w J ? ENTRANCE STAIRS ENTRANCE Q a m -lit W W -- - - _. F z m RE-SEED AREA /5g, -- - ---- -- J = Q w TO PROVIDE STORM WATER DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS w 30.3' 30.3' OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS z GRASS COVER (PROP. PRE-MANUF. BLDG d CRUSHED STONE PARKING ONLY) w 5 IV U - - - -- -- n. to - Q 2 GROSS FLOOR AREA (5.F.) SURFACE COVERAGE TYPE AREA p�(2J F- !f1 W Ul W TOTAL RUNOFF PEAK RUNOFF W a a .0 0 0 TYPE OF REQUIRED NUMBER OF _ _ PARKING COEFFICIENT (GF5) O z d !� Q' USE PARKING SPACES (1� EXIST.BLDG. EXIST.BLDG. PROP.PRE- SPACES - - --- V IL EXIST. ND. cr 3.4' IL6' EXIST. ND. 3.4' 11.6' (IST FLOOR) (CELLAR) MANUFACTURED BLD6. TOTAL REQUIRED ROOF-PRE-MANUF.BLDG. qqq S.F. O.qS 0.04 FENCE ON F- 1.6, FENCE ON i- _ _-_ /.6' --- - ------- - - - - -- - ---- - CRUSHED STONE PARKING Igbl S.F. 0.65 0.06 PROPERTY LINE u1 PROPERTY LINE --- ; OFFICE I PER 100 S.F.OF OFFICE - _ O (V ,0 (V i FLOOR AREA t� 461 461 4b TOTAL PEAK RUNOFF OF ALL SURFACE TYPES(GF5):L - 0.10 N PROP. EGRESS TOTAL STORAGE REQUIRED(GU.FT)�� 368 .Ci p p Q I PER 250 S.F.OF SALES �i i (r WINDOW WELL WORKSHOP AREA 455 - - 455 Lb N EXIST. � EXIST. O EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF 8'0,STORM WATER DRYWELLS REQUIRED(FT) 8.I I STORY I STORY I STORAGE I PER 1,000 S.F.OF GROSS - - EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE ND. FR. EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE WD. FR. � BLDG. FLOOR AREA - 423 _01 II60 1.2 NUMBER OF V0,q'DEEP STORM WATER DRYWELLS PROPOSED I EXIST. VINYL , EXIST. VINYL _ ON PROPERTY LI114E BUILDING ON PROPERTY LINE BUILDING ' PROJECT: FENCE ON ; 2 FENCE ON TOTAL(ROUNDED UP): 5 -CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED FOLLOWIN6 THE RATIONAL METHOD IN WHICH Q = CIA WHERE: BUSINESS PROPERTY LINE BUSINESS PROPERTY LINE Q = PEAK RUNOFF(GF5) OGG.) G = RATIONAL RUNOFF COEFFICIENT OGG.) I = RAINFALL INTENSITY(IN/HR) N I SS E N .� IN-FILL PARKING LOT w/ NEW ASPHALT OFF-STREET PARKING COMPLIANCE A - DRAINA6E AREA(ACRES) I m WHERE REQ.'D (NY STATE DOT TYPE 6F I to LINE OF ROOF -- ----- --- ---- - -=-- --- 2-RAINFALL INTENSITY HAS BEEN ASSUMED A5 2 IN/HR TOP COURSE ASPHALT UPON OVERHANG (TYP.) REQUIRED PROVIDED a-TOTAL STORAGE REQUIRED HAS BEEN CALCULATED ASSUMING A TOTAL RAINFALL OF 2 INCHES,As PER PLANNING 22.3' COMPACTED 4" STONE AGGREGATE) 22.3' ----- - --- --- -- -- -- _ _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE SECTION 236--T(A). TOTAL PARKIN&SPACES b 8 DEMOLISH PORTION OF 4,q `--- -- ---- 4.q' EXIST. GONG. CURB $ WALK: / PROP. 9'xlq' HANDICAPPED 5.0 / ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES�� I I 1 ' PARKING w/ &'xl9' ?.CCES5 A15LE PROP. ND. RAMP TOTAL PARKING AREA(5.F) 2800 S.F.(s) 434q 5_F. (A.D.A. COMPLIANT) -PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GORE 280-18 46950 COUNTY RD 48 2-OFFICE FLOOR AREA EXCLUDES CLOSETS,ENTRY VESTIBULES MECHANICAL AREAS,AND RESTROOMS. s-PER 2010 ADA STANDARDS FOR ACCESSIBLE DESIGN,TABLE 208.2. SOUTHOLD NY PL► ' EXIST. GONG. PORCH W- / -� EXIST. GONG. PORCH 4-550 S.F.OF PARKING AREA REQUIRED PER PARKING SPADE,AS PER 2&0-75.0.ENTRANCE 3 EXIT rr� EXIST. ' m EXIST. \1 O LANES ARE NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THIS PARKIN&AREA. ASPHALT r ASPHALT d '' PARKING CO ' / , RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL PARKING ` S< 4 " Y7 . ' DRAWING TITLE: VACANT LAND 0 REMOVE VACANT LAND p CO q.0, - -- - N & SCOPE PORTIONS OF ,,. PROJECT LOCATION ONE STORY SMALL "1 'off = SITE PLAN & ZONING DATA EXIST. ASPHALT ( ' ONE STORY WALL PROP. q'xiq' PARKING 22�: Q � PARKING SPACE (TYPJ STRUCTURE w/ r r 1 MULTI-OCCUPANT l9 / MULTI-OCCUPANT (COMMERCIAL USE) - 2 (COMMERCIAL USE) .' a Nf o . 1 EXIST. /3 r �I r1 EXIST. 2 /3 t= ' 'SIGN 1q.0' SIGN fl O m Y r .,;.. _ I PAGE: lI go) PROP. SHADE TREE w/ MIN. 1''`REMOVE PORTION OFDEMOLISH 2" CALIPER (HONEY LOCUST, a'' EXIST. TIMBER CURB EXIST. GONG. l� PINE, OAK, OR SIMILAR) -R~ P" D-0 III' CURBS ( O / PROP. P��} f 3 GRASS �� $ 11 511��WP`LK MODIFIED DRIVE SHALL N EXIST. CURBS MEET EXIST. GONG. /O 1ST GONG « CURB FROM STREET 1 FROM STREET DATE: 02 01 22 TO REMAIN EXIST. STORM ��' � EXIST. STORM "� •`�,�} �,� . ` � '� ° fi yam, . °"} � � :1 OF 2 DRAIN 'N515 0-1`Q�SSq DRAIN �K _ c� M i owr 5 y M Planning Board Ile P G T40�0 �d 0 t�tl O 5 10 20 30 40 50 O 5 10 20 30 40 50HIM i LOCATION M � I DEMOLITION SITE FLAN GRAPHIC SCALE FROFOSED SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" SCALE: I" = 20'-0" SCALE: NTS 51 TE LAYOUT NOTES: i i 61) I. THIS 15 AN ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN 8 IS 8 TH I GIG RE I NFORGED CONCRETE a ; v SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED E NO SLAB SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION ~ REPRESENTED ON THI5 SITE PLAN 15 TO THE W Z O ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDOE. ORASS SHOULDER AREA (T"'P.) 24" DIAMETER CAST IRON J T-1 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED OR DEFINED SURFACE GONER INLET ORATE 4 FRAME LLI FROM A SURVEY DATED FEB. 3, 2016 Q W AND PREPARED BY: Z JOHN G. EHLERS _j Z 6 EAST MAIN STREET F— J RIVERHEAD, NY IIQOI _ — H Ln Y 631-36q-8288 0 0) Q �- Lo (1 -I IF I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ = 0 Z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Z ( ( II ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ II— Q W � O- _ II ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ -� � ILI OL III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ II 11= J0) (0 1 ��_F az4 III— U_ w (0 Oz ( ( I I I I r- = L�n ty PRE CAST GONG. J o O ROUND LEf4GH I NO R I NC. SEE VA WATER GALGULATIONS ON SITE PLAN FOR REO'D EFFEGTI\/E DEPTH 2'-O" D I AMMETER AS 2'-O" � HAY BALES AND/OR MIN. PER S 1 TE PLAIN MIN. H SILT FENGING, AS V PER DETAILS (TYP.) GLEAN SAND ORA VEL FILL STORM NATER DR`l-NELL DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = I'-O" 5TOC PILE y STO AGE (60oF) CRUSHED STONE PARKINO SHALL EMPLOY .,ELL-TEK LOAD SUPPORT G R I D DUPONT NON-WOVEN O EOTEXTI LE FA<BRI G (OR EQUAL) z -- o Non-Vegetated / Porous Paving with LSG Series (Load Support Grid) U O Z -- 0 g - zw o � cn >: mz � ® ; For Edging Options, See Our Edging CADS a o ? _ Note: See Edging Option CAD W a o IM 1"- 2"of Granular Surface (this aggregate stone should a g 0 HAY BALES AND/OR be the same 1/4"to 314" clean angular stone used to till W o w SILT FENCING, AS the LSG cell a PER DETAILS (-IYP.) % _ Q Cell-Tek LSG filled with 114" to 3/4 ,clean angular stone t J rt _ / , 4.J'✓J�rr l i - 501 MIN. p �n lr� t� , LSG (Load Support Grid) can be 3", 4"or 6" cell depth. BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP L c_ o• o•:-ti c�. .r ; ZY'" 0t`` 1 ,1;:`'o_-_V.6-0 ; , 4_ Consult Cell-Tek'~ SEDIMENT ON SITE a a `O t0'-�'.D r � ;:t7 t0'O`,O fC�ti..,j i=� t..A 0.,�0;O O _ ^. ��Y3=:�d- OCE Rebar J-Hook#4 rebar (18" H or 24" H Z z N a 0,t�, 0 4 �,�. t 'O'O p_Q b,_O g U �'� - per engineer) /OR SILT FENGING a b fl c_ _ o o ti-a.r Y (( o:ot o -: --'o/o__ p HAY BALES "c' . g If�t� �••�, IL_ .� "5�i �'� Li.ti_ ' ++I •,� �� +.�� .1 - �,�I L :.1 C W Q- �r r r r r r r r r r r r,r r r fr r r r-�►-�y}.1 r r r r r '+ () !(n— Q Q \ o za DuPont"SF20 Or SF40 Non-woven Geotextile Fabric Compacted Subgrade I d N tu to LEGEND NOTES: z ° PROJECT: •Max weight per Cell Depth l -3"=8000 Ibs(axle loads: 18kN) I 0- w N I SS E N Cetl-Tek%S�G filled with 1/4"to 314"clean -4"=H10 Loading 40,000 Ibs(axle loads:75kN} u- } 0000 000c angular Stone withl"-2"granular surface -8"=H2O Loading 80,000 Ibs(axle Ioads:145kN) v PLANNING 0000°. . Doosa CELLJE _/7`m�- --- Geosynthetics 809 Barkwoad Ct., Suite M Rebar J-Hook#4 reba'(18" H or 24'H 46950 COUNTY RD 48 _ Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 per engineer) SOUTHOLD, NY Phone:410.721,4844 Fax: 410.721.3844 ;'.:.: CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED 4" DRAWING TITLE: Email: info@celltekdirect.com DuPont-SF20 Or SF40 Non-woven STONE BLEND OR N.Y. STATE D.O.T. APPROVED R.G.A. FILL - - www.celltekdirect.cam Geotextile Fabric TO 15" (MIN.) ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE EROSION CONTROL SITE PLAN TEMP. DETAILS �i CONCRETE HAY BALES AND/OR it WASHOUT 4 SILT FENGING, AS AREA ° PER DETAILS (TYP) TEMPORARY �(300 S.F),;' CRUSHED STONE PARK I NO DETAIL TEMPORAR`r CONSTRUCT 1 ON ENT AM4 E DETAIL ' ENTRANCE CONSTAS PER_ , ,CTIONPD-002.01 PD-002.01 SCALE: 1/4 I -O DETAIL 3/PD-002 SCALE: NTS _ PAGE: PD-002mOl ' �°3' A RD ''' ''"' �� DATE: 02/01/22 201172 PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE. ,�i�i�i 44' W MAX. G. TO G. z Ow FLOW RECEIVED 111111-144+ JUN ; 0 2022 EMBED FILTER CLOT =z GRADE M= - �,�/ ON ONTOUR MIN. 6" INTO GROUND A, -� - Southold Town Planning Board -- NOTE: MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA ��O Vol", o - PICKETS OR 2"x2" STAKES 15' TO 2' IN GROUND. " VERTICAL FACE 1/2 ACRE / 100 LINEAR FEET DRIVE STAKES FLUSH WITH TOP OF HAYBALES. /` h 0 5 10 20 50 40 50 OF 4 BEDD I NO DETAIL SILT FENG= DETAILS r& ANGHOR I NO DETA I L/STRAN BALE DIKE DETAIL EROSION GON'TROL SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE PD-002.01 SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" PD-002.01 SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" PD-002.01 SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" 5GALE: 1" = 20'-0" SITE LAYOUT NOTES: REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: REQUIRED SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: O I. THI5 15 AN ARCHITECT'S 51TE PLAN $ IS FROJEC.7DATA : a V SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED 1. THE USE OF NATIVE, DROUGHT-TOLERANT I. ALL NON-ESSENTIAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING Q PLANTS IS REQUIRED IN ALL LANDSCAPING. SHALL BE TURNED OFF WITHIN ONE HALF AN ~ O SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION REPRESENTED ON THI5 51TE PLAN 15 TO THE HOUR AFTER THE CLOSE OF BU51NE55 W Z O ARGHITEOV5 BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. 2. ONLY THE USE OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS AND/OR WHEN NOT IN USE. LIGHTS THAT ARE J = WHERE THE WATER-SOLUBLE NITROGEN 15 CONTROLLED BY TIMERS OR THAT ARE PROJECT / ,ZONING DATA F- r-I 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED NO MORE THAN 20% OF THE TOTAL MOTION-5EN5OR-ACTIVATED ARE - Q W >- FROM A SURVEY DATED FEB. 3, 2016 NITROGEN IN THE MIXTURE ARE PERMITTED. ENCOURAGED TO REPLACE LIGHTING TAX MAP # 1000-55-5-II AND PREPARED BY: NECESSARY FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. Z 3. A MAXIMUM OF I LB. OF NITROGEN PER ZONING DISTRICT B O Z JOHN G. EHLERS 1000 SQUARE FEET IN ANY ONE 2. ALL WORK/COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND J 6 EAST MAIN STREET APPLICATION 15 REQUIRE, WITH A TRAILERS SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE REAR -J LOT AREA 0.3 ACRES RIVERHEAD, NY IIg01 CUMULATIVE APPLICATION OF NO MORE OF THE PROPERTY; NO COMMERCIAL F- LO Y 631-36g-8288 THAN 2 LES PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET PER VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED TO PARK IN M O O YEAR. FROM OF THE OFFICE BUILDING. GofO - BUSINESS BUILDING Z-3007; 3/25/Ig68 a LOm 4. THE APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER 3. EXISTING 6' FENCING ALONG THE EAST SIDE 700fo - ALTERATION I$ ADDITION Z-27868; g/1/IgT7 }- d' m PRODUCTS CONTAINING NITROGEN, YARD AND REAR YARD PROPERTY LINES Z , PHOSPHORUS, OR POTA551UM BETWEEN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN ORDER TO FEMA FLOOD ZONE X NOVEMBER IST 4 APRIL I5T 15 PROHIBITED. 5AT15FY THE TRANSITION BUFFER = Q REQUIREMENT. Z 5. THE USE OF PHOSPHORUS CONTAINING LAWN FERTILIZER IS PROHIBITED UNLESS LOT GC\/ERAGE Q J E5TABL151NG A NEW LAWN OR 501L TEST J Op SHOWS THAT THE LAWN DOES NOT HAVE % LOT : 5; d' O ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS. FERTILIZER LABELS DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA COVERAGE Z O Cfl HAVE THREE BOLD NUMBERS. THE NUMBER n rl IN THE MIDDLE 15 THE PERCENTAGE OF � O PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRODUCT, E.G. 22-0-15. TOTAL LOT AREA 12 558.0 S.F. Z }, 4 USE OF PRODUCTS WITH 0.67 IN THE MIDDLE ei EXISTING BUILDING 1,555.2 S.F. 10.5% OR LOWER 15 NOT RESTRICTED. PRODUCTS m J N WITH A NUMBER HIGHER THAN Ohl MAY W O ONLY BE USED IF A NEW LAWN 15 BEING EXIST. PORCH 4 STAIRS 101.4 S.F. 0.5% vi ESTABLISHED OR A 501L TEST INDICATES IT I` = Lf) 15 NECESSARY. PROP. PRE-MANUF. BLDG. 572.0 S.F. 4.6% J O PROP. RAMPS ff STAIRS 154.7 1.5% TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 2025.6 S.F. 16.2% ONE-FAMILY ONE-FAMILY W YEAR-ROUND YEAR-ROUND ' RESIDENCE 5URI^AGE GC�YERAGE TABLE _ EXIST. W RESIDENCE D. FENCE ON EXIST. ND. FENCE ON - � ~ PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE (PARTIALLY EXISTING PROP05ED w (PARTIALLY BROKEN) BROKEN) TO BE REPAIRED DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA LOT AREA 4b LOT V J 0 w _` ry S8j°l4 0„W COVERAGE COVERAGE d TOTAL LOT AREA 12 558 S.F. 100.05� 12,555 S.F. 100.09� Q ry ry i'Rop BUILDINGS (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED) 1056 S.F. 15.4% 2,422 S.F. Iq.3% GRA5 7m o o m ASPHALT PARKING gke)2 S.F. 77.1% 4OC16 S.F. 37.4% A, r �Y 36.0, � ry c. O 0 PAVED WALKWAYS 81 S.F. 0.6% q5 S.F. 0.5% 7'0, CRUSHED STONE PARKING O S.F. 0.0% 2,066 S.F. 16.5% PROF. 5VX95, EFFECTIVE DEPTH GATGH BASIN AS PORCH, RAMPS, STAIRS 36 S.F. 0.35'; 203 S.F. I.6% PER DETAIL I/PD 002; a PROP. CRUSHED PROVIDE LEADERS FROM � STONE PARKING $0' ORA55 4 LANDSCAPING 1,075 5.F. 8.5% 3,076 S.F. 24.5%' NEW ROOF 4 SLOPE PROP. - PARKING TOWARDS INLET (PET. 2/PD-002) NOTE: SURFACE AREAS IN WHICH A ROOF OVERHANG 15 DIRECTLY OVERHEAD HAVE BEEN ATTRIBUTED TO THE up ip N "BUILDINGS (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED)" AREA;THESE AREAS ARE NOT COUNTED AGAIN TOWARDS THE SURFACE FOUND BELOW THE ROOF OVERHANG. ONE-FAMILY AREA OF EXIST. 0 EXIST. WD. ONE-FAMILY \ r- EXIST. ND. BROKEN ASPHALT FENCE ON I a F FENCE ON YEAR-ROUND YEAR-ROUND RESIDENCE TO BE REMOVED PROPERTY LINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY LINE REQUIRED SETBACKS - MAIN BUILDING �I REQUIRED EXIST. PROPOSED GOMPLIE5 J J PROF. TRASH -• -S 0, COLLECTION AREA 2 PROP. FRONT YARD VARIABLE ' 71.q' 71.q' YES I-STORY EXIST. EXIST. PRE-MANU. 51I71= Tf',RD 25.0' 1.6' I.6' NO a ASPHALT 2 ASPHALT ko - PARKING PARKING AD. BLDG. v ►; (STORAGE) BOTH SIDE YARDS 50.0' 17.4' 17.4' NO REAR YARD 55.0' 108.8' 64.7' YES 10.0, -] PROP. ND. RAMP PROP. I - PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CODE 280-50, STRUCTURES SHALL BE SET BACK EITHER 100' FROM THE GRAS RIGHT-OF-WAY OR A MINIMUM OF THE AVERAGE OF THE 5ETBACKS OF THE ADJACENT EXIST. CELLAR PROP. WD. EXIST. CELLAR DEVELOPED PARCELS. ENTRANCE STAIRS � ENTRANCE z RE-SEED AREA /5.' __ _____ _ J J - - TO PROVIDE r STORM WATER DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 30.3' I OFF-a•T�'ZEET PARKIN& REQUIREMENTS z GRA55 COVER _ _ (PROP PRE-MANUF. BLDG 4 CRUSHED STONE PARKING ONLY)-" x w �_ �_ 0 TYPI^ OF i� REQUIRED NUMBER aF _._ _€CaR©55 FLQOR AREA {5.F J -_ _ PARK N SURFACE COVERAGE TYPE I AREA COEFFICIENT (CPS)cv (W U Al- II RUNOFF PEAK"OFF 2 lY Q' USE PARKING SPACES EXIST.BLDG. EXIST.BLD&. PROP.PRE- SPACES EXIST. WD. 3.4 I I.6 EXIST. WD. 3.4 I I.6 (IST FLOOR) (CELLAR) MANUFACT UR.ED BLDG. „ ROOF-FRE-MANUF.BLDG. f "12q S.F. - 0.03 - Q I 2 TOTAL REQUIRED I� � 1 .-m.� > FENC:E ON 1- /.6' FENCE ON � _ ___ I.6' �`"- �.�� =-�� CRUSHED STONE PARKING 2066 S.F. 0.65 O.Ob � PROPERTY LINE ►n PROPERTY LINE - -L to OFFICE I PER 100 S.F.OF O�FIGE 4b TOTAL PEAK RUNOFF OF ALL SURFACE TYPES(CF5): O.Oa 7.0' N � 7.0 (V � N FLOOR AREA -- --_ PROP. EGRESS TOTAL STORAGE REQUIRED(GU.FTC�� 336 0 WORKSHOP I PER 250 S.F,of SALES 455 - - 455 18 W EXIST. `t EXIST. WINDOW WELL Amp - (� I EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF V0,STORM WATER DRYWELLS REQUIRED(FTfJ 6.0 I STORY I STORY Q STORAGE I PER 1,000 S.F.OF GROSS _ 423 51 I a4o 0.9 NUMBER OF 8'm,8'DEEP STORM WATER DRYWELLS PROPOSED I EXIST. CHAIN LINK FE1�GE AD. FR. EXIST. VINYL EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE WD. FR. 0 EXIST. VINYL BLDG. FLOOR AREA ON PROPERTY LINE BUILDING ON PROPERTY LINE / BUILDING - - - FENCE ON FENCE ON I TOTAL(ROUNDED UP)I 8 CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED FOLLOWING THE RATIONAL METHOD IN WHICH Q - CIA WHERE: PROJECT: Q = PEAK RUNOFF(CF5) (BUSINESS PROPERTY LINE G = RATIONAL RUNOFF GOEFFIGIENT PROPERTY LINE (BUSINESS d OGG.) OCC.) I = RAINFALL INTENSITY(IN/HR) IN-FILL PARKING LOT w/ NEW ASPHALT taFF-9fREET PARKING COMPLIANCE A = DRAINA6E AREA(ACRES) m OT PE bF m LINE OF ROOF - - - 2_ N I SS E N WHERE REQ.D NY STATED TY RAINFALL INTENSITY HAS BEEN ASSUMED AS 2 IN/HR I TOP COURSE ASPHALT UPON OVERHANG (TYP.) REQUIRED i PROVII7I�D °-TOTAL STORAGE REQUIRED HAS BEEN CALCULATED A55UMIN&A TOTAL RAINFALL OF 2 INCHES,,AS PER r 22.3' COMPACTED 4" STONE AGGREGATE) 22.3' TOWN OF SOUTIiOLD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE SECTION 236-1(A). P�A N N I N VI TOTAL PARKING SPACES 8 8 DEMOLISH PORTION OF `F•9' 4 q' ACCESSIBLE PARKIN&SPACES EXIST. CONC. CURB I$ WALK I PROP. g'xIq' HANDICAPPED 5.O / ra) ' PARKING w/ 8'xIq' ACCESS AISLET PROP. ND. RAMP TOTAL PARKING AREA(S.F� 2AOO S.F. 434q S.F. 1 (A.D.A. COMPLIANT) -PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CODE 2&O-"I8 46950 COUNTY RD 48 2-OFFICE FLOOR AREA EXCLUDES CLOSETS,ENTRY VESTIBULES MECHANICAL AREAS,AND RE5TROOM5. EXIST. GONG. PORCH EXIST. GONG. PORCH 4_PER 2010 ADA STANDARDS FOR ACCESSIBLE DESIGN,TABLE 2ob.2. SOUTHOLD, NY lU W 350 S.F.OF PARKING AREA REQUIRED PER PARKING SPACE,AS PER 280-"►B.G.ENTRANCE S EXIT 0 EXIST. 0 EXIST. LANES ARE NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THIS PARKIN&AREA. m ASPHALT ASPHALT PARKING rn < � PARKING RESIDENTIAL DRAWING TITLE: RESIDENTIAL $ f4 Ql y a VACANT LAND VACANT LAND : . \ O s s: s ° � � •,\\, ¢�: , _ u 1 , ((� :'«: �y.., i.\ r,r� :�m! REMOVE / � 1 ?k . 5' ..�. .+v.\\\` 'L �°� �' . �6 ., p, � N SCOPE � PROJECTLOCATIO &? c \T ON5 OF •�'POR I \ r a 5''. `+'' 3$ y+Q< N M "" +\ ONE STORY SMALL O E STORY 5 ALL :< ''>:_ \' �:: , PROP. q x l q PAR N s;�, <.�a : ,;:r,M � ti I 2 a yk :�a. ,�•; to sN.. ;>'k;..: 9,�,e EXIST. A..PHALT .l :\a :�. .,�:.... „ k�,. ,.. x:�:.:.� \_ :,: ..�<-� I NING DATA m, 4' S TE PLAN & ZO STRUCTURE w . .. '« UG � /STR TUBE w P 1 �s KING 5 AGE TYP. PAR � + +. aps \ a T `w fit. aP >'r °',^ ::\\�`.. ..° ' �„ : : G UP MULTI OCCUPANT .._�.MULTI O G ANT I g M a , - G MERGIA USE - COMMERCIAL USE) �'. , a• I Via. \ e G ` 4 \ k°EXIST. I Ir /_ za. O SIGN ;. �' , " \ ,.,•, SIGN �- i I '•4 aY' PAGE: ,yam PROP. SHAVE TREE w MIN. "I \ `��qAz, ` �' 3 y' `sa \ F. t #' , t, I u l .w. \ OF DEMOLISH I rn � .� , `�'. �\:' +.�'>� ' :�° \,� -�.: _�.. REMOVE PORTION 2 GA )PER (HONEY LOCUST "tP' �"�h�' � y'g .F E 9 a'r,Z": .1.- ..,F a�,s e'E k BER CURB EXIST. GONG. °'�' s,. �<: ,�' x& , XIST. TIM s•` :.E e'e �,; �' k�=M E S M W �:a, a�.PIN OAK OR I ILA „ _ PRO .O ;,�, A-�, � �e c �s<„\\,,. <�," PD- 001m00 CURBS 0 0 / \ :+ >>. GRA55 � `s" �, ,i�, r�> ., may, .. rF b_ :�+\2 \\ $"•<��i` y + a� { K MODIFIED DRIVE SHALL 1. �t " , aYY 3:. \ �y', •\ & A: 'tea :a 5.: MEET EXIST. GONG. G• :�\��� ,' r� \\, «. Al ,. P ,: ."'i`4KK, %.-... / \G a.a �:. \ \ '. 5 �,: \, F XIST CURBS - '<E 5 1 CURB FROM STREET I �` > + ,. _� • 4 � ,�` ,��..,. _ DATE: FROM STREET - / / EXIST. STORM `r•4� • �I-- EXIST. STORM '` _. _ _ 4 � n .a.`�,''..�' '�9€ ^a^ �,. <",.0.' s ::?a: xmtl .F ..s�... '� .�.., �5!•` ,srb•,, i 4 / / :,\�. ems`.:. <. �,'.':::�-_'^ '`h" ..�a+ R Y •� •,� 1 {i 4 °6 =,ri<t- a « \f nF«• .y .,. ,�, :t't f.?q. br: O REMAIN (J w n �. r;m�a T 6 G DRAIN '.�: ,�\: ��.._ ,��` �_ _� A DRAIN '® "�^,, ,�°'� _,. ®` � �°'�°: +\+ 41 S : a < n> \ 8 G• `\.. �g• ""' :.mow`"' .8: >.a -•` `, .,i G G \\ �e ` . .,: O I 4a '.T f' \ \\\ \` 1, G \ wb:``ayA' 2 a " a i21- / O 6°Y,•, :.plc ��`.a Yc ..w\� \�>.• "�;,. '. r:a• ate, e' .: •:, `'> 'aai " a 3+ � , V \\ t^ ;a �•.� `fat-. a \ \ a.: o e,�. 4 t £ " „ G \ \,_ w +� n^ a, ss ,. cK. :��`a "am w' r: _ AK :'°:�'A' \y V 7�p, s a+`.. "'mil"v 6•''� M1 <. >+.. r., � �\\`? ,'wt!;,,, g �Y: '4 'D,°' 3:• .•[. a^''\, g, •m&°.�`^:y: 'a\\\a >+ : �$, ,. •+"°x:'.: £'';, :,,.,a,..,u 4`,: °DS" '..?h: �\\a..o\ �.4y.< ,"Y".°.:•� \`ham \ s .. \�\\\i; +4 ..ca�,"' ,.\�•�,\C>h'a 9h .:°L� +;1`� � .,„,ta;'Si. ;I•""F.+'�::; q +r. \D \ a�. d: 4p \\\\ \ I:4 .\c o\\\\.� ,`+,�\\+,. .a. tea;;: 'za#'.,, ": := t „ 'k •.`k» \�r., a,€.�. ¢`. ,` i` •i' s (4.: ..Zvi»,, sr, \\� ^a. \ 'b. .o-• !$ ,.; e\\r ' < ;r, .`..,,, ,. :� ..4.\r.,a.:,>\\\\\�,.,d r, .•,a :71f�'.*",rim .A'c+�:: a� °;`, a.,.a\eY$',��aa°1 „tia>aax: .°:.,,w�,'.:•i.+`oo\\^:°a'.:rs::.. .,.,,its ,,.�..aoe=_-..,m:,.�,._;•T:}_ �.�' L'.e�.vw;,x `-»\` O 5 10 20 30 40 O O 5 10 20 30 40 O DEMOLITION SITE PLAN &RAPHIC SCALE i RCFOSEC7 SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" 5CAL.E: NT5 'Wa-kec`0ywm i CS . SITE LAYOUT NOTES: I. TH15 15 AN ARCHITECT'S SITE PLAN 8 15 8n TH I GAG REINFORCED SG�ONGRET Q v SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION REPRESENTED ON TH15 51TE PLAN 15 TO THE LLJ 0 ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. 24" DIAMETER CAST IRON � > NN-t O R�4SS SHOULDER �RE� (TYP.) INLET ORATE � FRAME 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED OR DEFINED SURFACE COVER � w T-i G \\ FROM A 5URVEY DATED FEB. 3, 2016 Q W V AND PREPARED BY: JOi'N G. EHLERS Z 6 EAST MAIN STREET 2 RIVERHEAD, NY II101 _ F_ 1110 Y 631-36q-8288 = O 0) O CL LQ Z �' m -I ( I III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ = 0 � z ( ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ z I ( II ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ II (— Q W JJJOL I I ( ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I I I » O �- III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I III- Z (0 z >:4 II III . , . I Q -II I III- z O I I I LnCrVI PREG,4ST GONG. o `o N OROUND LEAGHINO RING. SEE T-i J o WATER CALCULATIONS ON S 1 TE PLAN FOR REG2'D W EFFECTIVE DEPTH � 2'-0" DI AMETER AS 2'-O" MIN. PER SITE PLAN MIN. w HAY BALES AND/OR F— SILT FENGINO, AS PER DETAILS (TYP.) GLEAN SAM-, a OR,4VEL FILL fz 570RM NA7ER DRY'NELL DETAIL " SCALE: I/2" I'-O" 5TOC PILE STO 6E r6o0 F.) CRUSHED STONE PARK I NO SHALL EMPLO`I' .,ELL-TEK LOAD SUPPORT OR I D $ DUPONT NON-NOVEN G EOTEXTI LE FA5R I G (OR EQUAL) I .C) Non-Vegetated ! Porous Paving with LSG Series (Load Support Grid) For Edging Options, See Our Edging CADS Note: See Edging Option CAD 2" of Granular Surface (this aggregate stone should be the same 1/4"to 314" clean angular stone used to fill HAY BALES AND/OR the LSG cell SILT FENCING, AS PER DI_TAIL5 (TYP.) -- �"' ' a fC �' C7 p ,*^ Cell-Tek LSG filled with 1/4., to 314" clean angular stones. U _ U LSG (Load Support Grid)can be 3", 4"or 6"cell depth. 50' MIN. Consult Cell-Tek'~ BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP o, L > -'o o, SEDIMENT ON SITE , air eo o' per' a vto o6 o r 1a ,o b?o e �a3 �► � oc4— `�-Rebar J-Hook#4 rebar (18A H or 24" H i ? �q° c? - 0 nor, ' �c�?_o-fro__01 0 per en ineer z �y�v�: ..- ) c s� +moo 6, P 9 ) W (% C, Y ,�r HAY BALES 4/OP, SILT FENCING I V DuPont"SF20 Or SF40 Nan woven Geotextile Fabric LLI r- --- Compacted Subgrade to tt2 f I A A lX w � I / C / C I � ~ o � y � y d w � LEGEND NOTES: I I z PROJECT: Max weight per Cell Depth O q) 3"=8000 Ibs(axle toads:18kN) D — ° Cell-Tek LSG filed with 114"to 314"clean -4"=H10 Loading 40.000 lbs(axle loads: to 75kN) N ISS E N noao.,_ oaoa,_ ry � d angular stone Wthl"-2"granular surface -8"=H2O Loading 80,000 Ibs(axle loads:145kN) I W 0000a- r,O p°oa-, PLANNING CELL-TE" GeosynthetFcs 809 Barkwood Ct.,Suite M Rebar J-Hook#W rebar(18"H or 24'H � Linthicurn Heights, MD 21090 per engineer) 46950 COUNTY RD 48 Phone:410.721.4844 / SOUTHOLD, NY Fax: 410.721.3844 Email: info@celltekdirect.com _ _ ! ! DuPont`SF20 8rSF40 Non-woven CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED 4" GeotexUle Fabric STONE BLEND OR N.Y. STATE D.O.T. APPROVED R.G.A. FILL DRAWING TITLE: www.celltekdirec#.com TO 0" (MIN) ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE EROSION CONTROL 0 SITE PLAN TEMP. ( DETAILS �i CONCRETE HAY BALES AND/OR WASHOUT 4 SILT FENCING, AS AREA » PER DETAILS (TYP.) TEMPORARY �'0,(3oo S.F),�' C., U5� E1::) STONE FAR<11�O DETAIL � TEMPOfi AR"*r CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AS PEP? I ~ I i PD-002.00 SCALE: NTS PD-0O2.00 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PAGE: DETAIL 3/PD-002 mr_� U_002111100 R O e ANPREVIOUSLY LAID SALE �,����i,������i r� DATE: 01/07/21 2 OF 2 IS' MAX. C. TO C. FLOW SC w� — _ ,�,� , �i� EMBED FILTER GLD '? *— � HAYBALES PLACED ON CONTOUR MIN. 6" INTO &ROUND — MIN =- = 4' NOTE: MAXIMUM DRAINA&E AREA RE—; STEEL PICKETS OR 2"x2'I STAKES I.V TO 2' IN &ROUND. 4" VERTICAL FACE 1/2 ACRE / 100 LINEAR FEET DRIVE STAKES FLUSH WITH TOP OF HAYBALES. 0 5 10 20 0 40 SILT PENCE DETA I L5 ANCHOR I NC DETAIL/5TRAN BALE DIKE DETAIL PHI ALE 3 � � ER05ION CONTROL SITE PLAN PD-002.00 SCALE: 1/4" = I'-a" PD-002.00 SCALE: 1/4" = P-O" PD-002.00 5GALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SITE LAYOUT NOTES: REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: REQUIRED SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: F O J /_ T DATA : I. THIS 15 AN ARCHITECT'S 517E PLAN 8 15 �/ fJ� j�J`'� : a' O SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED 1. THE USE OF NATIVE, DROU&HT-TOLERANT I. ALL NON-E55ENTIAL EXTERIOR L16HTIN& Q U SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION PLANTS 15 REQUIRED IN ALL LANDSCAPING. SHALL BE TURNED OFF WITHIN ONE HALF AN UJ Z O ~ REPRESENTED ON THI5 SITE PLAN 15 TO THE HOUR AFTER THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS Lu = Cy ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. 2. ONLY THE USE OF OR6ANIG FERTILIZERS AND/OR WHEN NOT IN USE. LI&HT5 THAT ARE WHERE THE WATER-SOLUBLE NITRO&EN 15 CONTROLLED BY TIMERS OR THAT ARE PROJECT / ZONING DATA �J t � 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED NO MORE THAN 20% OF THE TOTAL MOTION-SENSOR-ACTIVATED ARE Q W FROM A SURVEY DATED FEB. 3, 2016 NITROGEN IN THE MIXTURE ARE PERMITTED. ENCOURAGED TO REPLACE LI&HTIN6 TAX MAP # 1000-55-5-II >" AND PREPARED BY: NECESSARY FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. Z 3. A MAXIMUM OF I LB. OF NITR06EN PER ZONING DISTRICT B O to JOHN C. EHLERS 1000 5QUARE FEET IN ANY ONE 2.ALL WORK/COMMERCIAL VEHICLES AND ,J Z 6 EAST MAIN STREET APPLICATION 15 REQUIRE, WITH A TRAILERS SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE REAR CUMULATIVE APPLICATION OF NO MORE OF THE PROPERTY; NO COMMERCIAL LOT AREA 0 3 ACRES H J RIVERHEAD, NY IIg01 t- LQ Y 631-36g-8288 THAN 2 LB5 PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET PER VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED TO PARK IN IY O 0 YEAR. FROM OF THE OFFICE BUILDING. GofO - BUSINESS BUILDI Z-3007; 3/25/Ig68 0 CL am' 4. THE APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER 3. EXISTING 6' FENCING ALONG THE EAST 51DE COPO - ALTERATION t ADDITION Z-2'1868; g 77/I/Ig >- d m PRODUCTS CONTAINING NITROGEN, YARD AND REAR YARD PROPERTY LINES Z PHOSPHORUS, OR POTA551UM BETWEEN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN ORDER TO FEMA FLOOD ZONE X O NOVEMBER 15T 8 APRIL 15T 15 PROHIBITED. 5ATI5FY THE TRANSITION BUFFER REQUIREMENT. H 5. THE USE OF PH05PHORUS CONTAINING LAWN Z FERTILIZER 15 PROHIBITED UNLE55 LOT COVERAGE Q J E5TA5LISIN& A NEW LAWN OR 501L TEST J_ 00 SHOWS THAT THE LAWN DOES NOT HAVE % LOT > q 0 ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS. FERTILIZER LABELS DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA HAVE THREE BOLD NUMBERS. THE NUMBER COVERAGE J rl e1 IN THE MIDDLE 15 THE PERCENTAGE OF Tq C) PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRODUCT, E.6. 22-0-15. TOTAL LOT AREA t2,558.0 S.F. Z >" '4 USE OF PRODUCTS WITH 0.67 IN THE MIDDLE < Z N OR LOWER IS NOT RESTRICTED. PRODUCTS EXISTING BUILDING 1,555.2 S.F. 10.89b WITH A NUMBER HIGHER THAN Ohl MAY LL W (D ONLY BE USED IF A NEW LAWN 15 BEING EXIST. PORCH 4 STAIRS 101.4 S.F. 0.5% ESTABLISHED OR A SOIL TEST INDICATES IT Liz 15 NECESSARY. PROP. PRE-MANUF. BLD6. 512.0 S.F. 416% O Q vi J O PROP. RAMPS 8 STAIRS Ib4"7 1.5% TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 2025.6 S.F. 16.2% ONE-FAMILY ONE-FAMILY W YEAR-ROUND YEAR-ROUND cc. RESIDENCE RESIDENCE 5URFAGE COVERAGE TABLE EXIST. HP. FENCE ON EXIST. WV. FENCE ON V a PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE (PARTIALLY EXISTING PROP05ED Lu (PARTIALLY BROKEN) BROKEN) TO BE REPAIRED DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) ~ U AREA % LOT AREA % LOT V J ' COVERAGE COVERAGE NONd - TOTAL LOT AREA 121555 S.F. 100.0% 121555 S.F. 100.0% PROP, 500, _ BUILDIN65 (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED) 1,686 S.F. 15.4% 2,422 S.F. nl '�••.,,,.,, F'RASS �l1 �.., ASPHALT PARKIN& a,bb2 S.F. -M.1% 4,664 S.F. 3"1.15Y� ry 36.o' ry 0 O O PAVED WALKWAY5 51 S.F. 0.6% 15 5.F. 0.e 9% O O T O, CRUSHED STONE PARKING 0 S.F. 0.090 21066 S.F. 16.5% PROP. 5Vx6' EFFECTIVE DEPTH CATCH BASIN AS PORCH, RAMPS, STAIRS 36 S.F. 0.35'; 203 S.F. Ib% PER DETAIL I/PD-002; o- PROP. CRUSHED PROVIDE LEADERS FROM !fl STONE PARKING $O' ORA55 I LAND50APING I,O'i3 S.F. 8.590 5,105 S.F. 24.15Y NEN ROOF 4 SLOPE PROP. PARKING TOWARDS INLET (VET. 2/PV-002) NOTE: SURFACE AREAS IN WHICH A ROOF OVERHANG 15 DIRECTLY OVERHEAD HAVE BEEN ATTRIBUTED TO THE "BUILDIN65 (ROOF O.H. INCLUDED)" AREA; THESE AREAS ARE NOT COUNTED A6AIN TOWARDS THE SURFACE cp FOUND BELOW THE ROOF OVERHANG. AREA OF EXIST. O 0 ONE-FAMILY - EXIST. WD. ONE-FAMILY tp EXIST. ND. BROKEN ASPHALT YEAR-ROUND �'/ FENCE ON YEAR-ROUND FENCE ON RESIDENCE PARKING;TO BE REMOVED PROPERTY LINE RESIDENCE 0 PROPERTY LINE REQUIRED 5ETBAGK5 - MAIN BUILDING R. iy z , REQUIRED EXIST. t'ROPOSED COMPLIES �2.0, _ PROP. TRASH $O, COLLECTION AREA PROP. FRONT YARD VARIABLE ' 'Tl.g' -TIA, YES OEXIST. EXIST. I-STORYPRE-MANU. SIDE YARD 25.0' I.6' I.6' NO j ASPHALT Q ASPHALT PARKING PARKING (STORAGE) BOTH SIDE YARDS 50.0 I"1.4 I'T.4, NO _ REAR YARD 55.0' 108.8' 64.7' YES 8.0' 10.0' PROP. ND. RAMP PROP. - PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CODE=0-50,STRUCTURES SHALL BE SET BACK EITHER 100' FROM THE EXIST. CELLAR ORA5 EXIST. CELLAR R16HT-OF-WAY OR A MINIMUM OF THE AVERAGE OF THE 5mAGKS OF THE ADJACENT ENTRANCE PROP. ND. ENTRANCE DEVELOPED PARCEL5, STAIRS p RE-SEED AREA 15•8: d1d----- -- ,J 30.3' TO PROVIDE 50.3' OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS STORM WATER DRAINAGE GALGULATIONS z CRASS COVER (PROP. PRE-MANUF. BLD6 8 CRUSHED STONE PARKING ONLY) Ir U1 �r 6ROS5 FLOOR AREA (5.F) TOTAL SURFACE COVERA6E TYPE AREA RUNOFF PEAK PIA40FF g TYPE OF REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING COEFFICIENT (cis) U �r USE PARKING 5PACE5 W EXIST,BLD6. EXIST.SLD&. PROP.PRE- SPACES ROOF-PRE-MANUF.BLD6. 72a S.F. OA5 OA3 EXIST. ND. 3.4' Ilb' Q- EXIST. PC. 3.4' II.6' (1ST FLOOR) (CELLAR) MANUFACTURED BLD6. TOTAL REQUIRED j FENCE ON r 1.6' FENCE ON L ---. J CRU5FED STONE PARKIN& 2066 S.F. ohs OA6 W PROPERTY LINE m PROPERTY LINE ----J I N OFFICE I PER 1 ORS.F. OFFICE - - O Q f� 481 461 4b TOTAL PEAK RUNOFF OF ALL SURFACE TYPES(CPS); O.Oa 'i•O' �� "i 0' EXIST. PROP. EGRESS I PER 250 S.F.OF SALES 5 - - I� TOTAL 5TORAee REQUIRED(G1.FT)�� 536 W EXIST. WINDOW WELL AREA455 1 0 EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF V0,STORM HATER DRYpeLL5 REQUIRED(FT) 6.0 � I STORY I STORY DC STORAGE I PER Ipoo S.F.OF 6RO59 EXIST. GRAIN LINK FENCE PC. FR. BLDG. FLooR AREA - 425 517 44o 0.4 NUMeER of 6-0,6'DEEP STORM WATER DRYPELLS PROP05W I EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE WD. FR. 0 EXIST. VINYL EXIST. VINYL ON PROPERTY LINE BUILDING ON PROPERTY LINE BUILDING '- HAVE PROJECT' FENCE ON FENCE ON (BUSINESS PROPERTY LINE ' (BUSINESS � PROPERTY LINE TOTAL(ROUNDED UP): 6 CALCULATIONS= PEA (cs� FOLLOWiN6 TFE RATIONAL METHOD IN WHICH Q . CIA WHERE: C RATIONAL RUNOf'P COEFFICIENT `t OGG.) OGG.) OFF-STREET PARKING COMPLIANCE I RAINFALL RAIN 'R'TM!'R' N ISS E N � IN-FILL PARKING LOT w/ NEW ASPHALT tf A = DRAINAEaE AREA(ACRES) m m LINE OF ROOF s_ WHERE REQ.'D (NY STATE DOT TYPE 6F � RAINFALL INTET151TY HAS BEEN ASSUMED A5 2 IN/HR ' TOP COURSE ASPHALT UPON OVERHANG (T`(P) REQUIRED PROVIDED °-TOTAL 5TORA&E REQUIRED HAS BEEN CALCULATED ASSUMING A TOTAL RAINFALL OF 2 INGFE5,AS PER PLANNING 22.3' COMPACTED 4" STONE AGGREGATE) 22.3' ; TOWN OF 50"40LD 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT GORE SECTION 236=7(A). TOTAL PARKING SPACES 6 6 DEMOLISH PORTION OF `�•9' S.O' 1 4•ql ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES�� I I EXIST. GONG. CURB 4 WALK 1 ' PROP. 'xIq' HANDICAPPED TOTAL PARKIN&AREA(5.F) 2000 S.F.a) cmo S.F. PARKING w/ 8'xlg' ACCESS AISLE �Of'• �• �� --� (A.D.A. COMPLIANT) '-PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CODE 260=16 s-oFFICE FLOOR AREA EXCLUDES CLOSETS,ENTRY VESTIBULES MECHANICAL AREAS,AM RESTRQOMS. 46950 COUNTY R D 48 ' EXIST. GONG. PORCH W ' EXIST. GONG. PORCH 4-PER 2o10 ADA STANDARDS FOR ACGE55IBLE DE5I6N,TABLE 206.2. su, , . 550 5F.OF PARKIN&AREA REQUIRED PER PARKIN&SPACE,A5 PER 260-16Z. SOUTHOLD NY EXIST. \ � ' O EXIST. m ASPHALT ASPHALT PARKING °uri PARKINGI IN RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL Q O ,... DRAWING TITLE: VACANT LAND VACANT LAND REMOVE I i � �Q�6 0 ; PROJECT LOCATION & SCOPE PORTIONS OF ONE STORY SMALL PROP. g'xlg' PARKIN& 3 ONE STORY SMALL 3;"' EXIST. ASPHALT STRUCTURE w/ O l STRUCTURE w/ PARKING � SPACE (TYP) � � ��. � �l SITE PLAN & ZONING DATA r MULTI-OCCUPANT j p ZOZ� u? O / MULTI-OCCUPANTz ±77 JAN a (COMMERCIAL USE) 2 O (COMMERCIAL USE) EXIST. t= / N EXIST. rEoi�; SION 13 ! , SIGN 13 '' `s P:tinrring Board tl PAGE: DEMOLISH wr` D I; EXIST. GONG. O / l� REMOVE " I PROP. 4�, _ OF / 2 - �� , PORTION ', z GRASS O.6 z ■ 00 EXIST. TIMBER CURBS " " CIE,! CURB G O.+'���'�' fi ry' ' GON PROP. SHADE TREE w/ MIN. r EXIST STORM 2 CALIPER (HONEY LOCUST ' ��. . , EXIST. STORM ` '�` DATE: 01/03/21 10F 2 DRAIN PINE, OAK, OR SIMILAR) °0'1'�6°53q DRAIN .'s a w , :: " '°a `, t4e- ;.�M'" -r' } •, Y - '4 t y r - { m 1 \.- , • e, , `�.��a�-.�1`�t'�L`ZufiS:Yj iTiTlli�`.u..twe:.vsr:...........u,.....•w,r.a�aJW"1t6.,., ..tl.a.m' -fi� ,�...�...�8'"_,._v..._ -_...... ,a - ...w.. .. _ _ __ O 510 20 50 40 O 5 10 20 °30 40 O I�)EMOL I T I ON S 1 TE PLAN 6RAPHIG SCALE F Ofi'O5EP SITE PLAN 6RAPHIG SCALE LOCATION MAP 5GALE: I" = 20'-O" 50ALE: 1" = 20'-0" 50ALE: NT5 uj ate-c Corp. SITE LAYOUT NCTES: �� 1. TH15 15 AN ARCHITECT'S 51TE PLAN 4 15 8 TH I GIG RF I NFORGED GONGRFTE Q SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED TRAFEI C, E3EARINO S AB _U SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION LLI O ~_ O REPRESENTED ON TH15 51TE PLAN 15 TO THE Z ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOHLEDGE. CRASS SHOULDER ,AREA (TYP•) 24" DIAMETER CAST IRON J T4 2. SURVEY INFORMATION HAS OBTAINED OR DEI-I NED SURFACE COVER I NL T CRATE FRAME W }' FROM A SURVEY DATED FEB. 3, 2016 Q AND PREPARED BY: Z 0 � JOHN 0. EHLER5 J J 0) 0 6 EAST MAINSTREET RIVERHEAD, NY 1I101 _ — 651-569-a2aa — O O 0 n- LO Cr z � m LU_ — II III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ = o I-- ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ III II ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I �_ Q W COL _III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I II J � OL + ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ z 0) III J � o ' II III . , . I az � WCN 02� II I II I LO N FREGAST GONG. :� o GROUND LEACHING RI NC. SEE V4ATER GALGULATIONS ON SITE PLAN FOR REO'D W EFFECTIVE DEPTH 2 —O D I AMETER AS HAY BALES AND/OR M W I N. FER SITE PLAN MIN. cL ; i_- SILT FENCING, A5 PER DETAILS (TYP.) GLEAN SAND 4 GRAVEL FILL = �' V J Q STORM NATER DR**r ELL DETAIL " = "" SCALE: I/2 I O 5TOG PILE 5TO GE (6 p ) CRUSHED STONE FARK I NC SHALL �MF'LO`r CELL—T�< LOAD SUPPORT i GRID a DUPONT NON-NOVEN OEOTEXTIL.E FASRIG (OR EQUAL) Non-Vegetated / Porous Paving with LSG Series (Load Support Grid) For Edging Options, See Our Edging CADS Note: See Edging Option CAD 2" of Granular Surface (this aggregate stone should r be the same 1/4"to 314" clean angular stone used to fill HAY BALES AND/OR the LSG cell SILT FENCING, AS PER DETAILS (TYP.) --- --- ..] C� ,r c� P G rJ C O p "" q jj ? �( Cell-Tek LSG filled with 1/4 to 314 clean angular stones. D , -�� `� - LSG (Load Support Grid) can be 3", 4"or fi"cell depth. so' MIN. ° -� - i3` � °' Consult Cell-Tek'~ BUT SUFFIGIENT TO KEEP 4T'Q{O o O rc Co�CS'Z? C� d t�7"i7?0 �i C Y o 4+ �? b' o,o `c3 0, SEDIMENT ON SITE -- -- ----- --- cSJp UL ; ° o" 0� ; ;� o;c � ��c y- � Rebar J-Hook#4 rebar (1$" H or 24" H z b - o;. per engineer) HAY BALES /oR SILT FENCINGUj 0 DuPont"SF20 Or SF40 Non woven Geotextile Fabric W --- �`"— Compacted Subgrade o 1 K LU I-I I C,ry /TCh, LU Q o 1 1 ' I NOTES: LEGEND z Q � PROJECT: _-• , .: ,�. s: ,-u:- , •Max weight per Cell Depth 3 =8000 Ibs(axle loads:18kN) Cell-Tek-LSG filled with 114"to 314"clean -4"=H10 Loading 40.000 lbs(axle loads:75kN) ^°' LL N ISS E N angular stone withl"-2'granular surface -6"=H2O Loading 80.000 Ibs(axle loads:145kN) ° y I , I ',- Ooggo- rp 00na. �l PLANNING --- -- ---- CELL-TE"" Geosynthetics Rebar J-Hook#4 tabor(18"H or 24"N V 809 Barkwood Ct.,Suite M per engineer) ° 46950 COUNTY RD 48 Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 SOUTHOLD, NY Phone:410,721.4844 Fax:410.721.3844 Email: info@celltekdirect.com r r r r r r r r - DuPont-SF20 0r SF40 Nonwoven , ., ;. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED DRAWING TITLE: rr www.celitekdirect.com Geotextile Fabric STONE BLEND OR N.Y. STATE D.O.T. APPROVED R.G.A. FILL TO 18 (MIN.) ABOVE EXI5TING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE EROSION CONTROL SITE PLAN r ri DETAILS TEMP. it CONCRETE HAY BALES AND/OR r+ WASHOUT SILT FENCING, AS r AREA PER DETAILS (TYP.) CRUSHED STONE PAR<I NC DETAIL TEMPORAR`r CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETA I L °.(300 S.F.),' " _ PAGE: TEMPORARY r0 CONSTRUCTION ,' '- - PD-002.00 SCALE: NTS PD-002.00 SCALE: 1/4 - I -O ENTRANCE AS PER + DETAIL 5/PD-002 _ __ ___._.._ V.-VU-002m00 "j-( JAN ©'C 2022 DATE: 01/03/21 2 OF 2 ,IrcC. .�� IS' MAX. C. TO G. O� PLOW SL EMBED FILTER GLD _ - i ON CONTOUR MIN. 6" INTO GROUND " M 4, I1 _ �i� NOTE:MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA oo GY\ 4 - TEE PICKETS OR 2"x2" STAKES IV TO V IN GROUND. ��, 4" VERTICAL FAGS 1/2 ACRE / 100 LINEAR FEET DRIVE STAKES FLUSH WITH TOP OF HAY13ALE5. 5 '° 20 s° 40 50 . BEDD I NO DETAIL r5 SILT FENCE DETAILS C ANCHORI NI DETA I L/STRAV4 BALE D KE DETAIL EROSION CONTROL SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE PD-oo2.0o " _ I I" PD-002.00 _ " "" PD-002.00 SCALE: I/4 - I -D SCALE: I/4"" - I-O SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" SCALE: I" = 20'-O" RECEIVED AUG 3 0 2021 � Southold Town Planning Board f'ixOp,Ah m a V2, 41 -Z -P-e-&m—14Y gL tOT Uqo 10 14 o a Its six,FT, P-4-mp TO wl:, JAAp"fto _Top To jt&moj 4,. 5174 ya, �T, I T,Aw� mmif, I Vy VP(-W. Ko 6. -ro �Omwojw *14v to Imp " WO Of"Tir -rF,E(.TM 6 tj T rNS T F�P -AWX (P-YJTI 64Ub,Of4) N-1 M rfD W44 M- "MP Wv, VTVW�V. %A IA P top Vo IkA 04,j t DWI', v N k1 N61 A-e K T;P P it SAT" COUNI-ti 40�M+Alpl N%( e SuvEY OF PROPERTY N SITUATE: SOUTHOLD TOWN : SOUTHOLD S U FFO LK CO U NTY, NY W E SURVEYED 02-03-201 G 5UFFOLK COUNTY TAX # 'A. 1000 - 55 - 5 - I I CERTIFIED TO: �\ Gregory R.Dodd: - 1 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company l� ' O \ OP X01, �� I FZ �r 2 O O, - -' 0 -n i .8r 22•�� ,i. . � 'I 0 7, : �' N COS � •, ' �� z O A.n s s p a. � �1.6 ,�f� `, t 3 t 79 T'n 4 1 - _ FE(dAl1G 11. o 615011W 50 00t I �tyD Now fog QUIN RECEIVED NY�F I ' ' I I AUG 3 00 2021 Southold Town Planning Board ; I NOTES. _ _ _ "Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey mop beonng a licensed land surveyors seal Is o laf NEMONUMENT FOUND' J O H N C. E H LE RS LAND SURVEYOR ,L�i C.Eye' violation of section 72or sub-division E uc io of the _1 //�� New York Slate Education Law" --rp— VINn PENCE e+ ��- i/� "Only copies from the original of flits survey —p-- STOCKADE PENCE _ - -_ - -- _ _ -___ _ _ _ 0 marked with on original or the land surveyor's '�° stamped seal shall be considered to be valid true copies' —)G—X— CFIAIN LINK FENCE G EAST MAIN 5TREET N.Y.5. LIC. NO. 50202 "Ceriirications indicated hereon signify that this surrey was prepared in accordance with the RIVERHEAD N.Y. -1 1901 3G9-8288 Fax 3G9-8287 sting Code of Practice for Land Surveys adopted Area = 1 2,552 5q. Ft. f �� Q by the New York State Association of Professional _ _ _ Land Surveyors Said certifications shall run only Area = 0.2882 Acres to ln@ person for whom the survey Is prepared, GRAPIIIC'SCALE 1'N=-30' longlslandland5urveyor.com �.�; g02 AAvg and an„5 behalf to the ,,,,e company, gavernman- S�v J`- tat agency and lending inslitution fisted hereon, and _ o WI1I� IO,the assignees'transferable lending instiluhon. Certifico- '16-1 fions ore not transferable to additional institutions �CE:t: 46950 CR 48 SOUTHOLD NY AUG 3 0 2021 Southold Tawn-- Planning Board : 4• , ` 4 ti a� _.. r rM ,� � _ _ , ,, .� . ! � '� . • a Wr,K �fur``+ ..'; .�. r .. .� La Aft 1 •....: Ate ".' ` ro �r - , 1• , �a 4 �► '� _� rs rive A. +.f, " 9 ` AApe B� w r• ' Mf • M � - � Y i r flR •, ' y - F �y. .. < T. •, �O All Pictometr 04/07/2021 ArcGIS Web Map 47 Y e s ti , . I 1, ' a •u , 1 i ! t $. - F1/4 y O.Osq mi r JA Altak y a r , 10 el r► � f I , July 27, 2021 1. Jonathan Hawkins 11. Vanduzer Appliance Company INC 19. Angelina Perez 1.2,000 2. Kenneth Norcress 12. S Cartselos LLC 20. Chester P Finne 0 0.02 0.04 0.09 mi Parcel Data 3. John J. Quinn 13. S Cartselos LLC 21. Michael W Drumm i 1, 1, 1 1 1 4. Robert Bohn 0 0.04 0.07 0.15 km RECEIVED 5. Kimberlie Jobes 14. 2 Joes LLC r— 6. Diane McGunnigle 15. Madeleine Schlaefer AUG 3 0 2021 7, Quad Enterprises CO LLC 16. Town of Southold sou�ncid own 8. Thomas McCarthy 17. Wayne Swiatochia Planning Board 9. Jemcap SD I LLC 18. George Brown 10. Southold Medical Arts Building INC Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS BUILDER J , G F 38 6' —�— 8' —I- 8' — 8' m X o� sLn 2-2X10 MSR SYP TRUSS CARRIERS ��� LO NEW BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS / 96' X 38' X 11'8" POST & FRAME BUILDING C. O—18" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS (TYP) / B CAP; 4480 LB COLUMN Wr) POST SSAVER 301 L PATENTED UPLIFT NOTCHED POST W/12" CONCRETE COLLAR 02-3'0" X 6'8" 9— TTE FIBERGLASS ENTRY DOORS L 00 O7—12' X 10' STEEL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOOR 00 ALL GABLE POSTS ❑3 3-48" X 24" THERMALPANE SINGLEHUNG WINDOWS = CD EXTEND TO TOP 0 CD ® 3 PLY 2X6 GLULAM POSTS W/POST SAVER POST J —J v� OF ROOF TRUSS PROTECTION 8' OC (TYP) cn � 2X8 TREATED GROUND CONTACT SKIRT BOARD n O = - N 2X4 SPRUCE WALL GIRTS & ROOF PERLINS 24" OC N E OWNER 2-2X10 MSR SYP TRUSS CARRIERS 08' SPANS W m W m (773 PLF CAP; 560 PLF ROOF LOAD) 3-2X10 MSR SYP TRUSS CARRIERS 012' SPANS (839 PLF CAP; 560 PLF ROOF LOAD) Z TRUSS CARRIER TO POST= J"XC GRK STRUCTURAL SCREWS W Z 00 7 GFA.POST (2 PER SPUCE MIN) 2331 SHEAR RATING DO .. PRE—ENGINEERED ROOF TRUSSES- 5/12 PITCH, 48" OC, 30-5-5 LOADING J 2 ROWS 2X4 BOTTOM CHORD TIES (104" OC.) Z O 379 LB UPLIFT; 5-12D FACE MILS=445 LB (PG. A4.5) 12" VE & GABLE OVERHANG W/ VENTED SOFFIT & / FASCIA 0W 28 GA G-100 PAINTED STEEL ROOFING & SIDING SET DOORS FOR 6" � O 12" PAINTED STEEL VENTED RIDGECAP CONCRETE F LO 0 R— C7 L / 3-2X10 MSR SYP FINISHED INSIDE 2 HEIGHT 12'0" � TRUSS CARRIERS ALL INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF SHIRK 6' �- 7' 12' T 5' - ► 4 POLE BUILDINGS LLC U THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WTHOUT 9 PERMISSION BUILDER AND EXTERIOR LIGHT 3 8 EXTERIOR LIGHT OWNER ARE RESPONSIBLE TO ALL DIMENSIONS BY OTHERS BY OTHERS BE OREYCONSTRUCTION FLOOR PLAN DRAWN BY ALS REVIEW. R, SCALE: 3/16" = 1'0" REVISIONS U 3 0'2021 DATE 5/26/21 SITE NISSEN Southold To FLOOR PLAN Planning Board A , 1 BUILDER J J rn U, I r m 28 GA PAINTED -I z u, STEEL 121"X6" HEMMED FASCIA o� 1' B.a x"0'E 24" x 48" 24" x 48" 24" x 48" 3TIJ 9 THERMAL PANE THERMAL PANE THERMAL PANE 28 GA. 6 1YATvI3 PICTURE WINDOW PICTURE WINDOW PICTURE WINDOW 00 PAINTED STEEL 9000 II I I I CORNER TRIM 28 GA PAINTED STEEL EM WALL PANELS ATTACHED W/ SCREWS u n BACK SIDEWALL LEFT ENDWALL SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" OWNER 28 GA PAINTED STEEL 12" RIDGECAP(VENTED) 28 GA. 12 PAINTED STEEL Z > SIN 5r s" RAKE TRIM W Z 28 CA PAINTED STEEL I SCREWDOWN ROOF 28 cA PAINTED J PANELS STEEL DOUBLE Z O ANGLE Z.TRIM ♦� V 12'0" x 10'0" 1 W OVERHEAD DOOR 3.01,x 618" `Q 9 LITE CD ENTRY 00 OR I 0 ALL INFORMATION SHONE BASE ON THIS DRAWING IS THE ti ik 1� 11 L IL.� I ANGLE PROPERTY OF SHIRK POLE BUILDINGS LLC THIS DRAWN MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WTiOUT PERMISSION BUILDER AND OER ARE FRONT SI D EWALL RIGHT ENDWALL TOWN VERIFYALLLESPONSIBLE DIMENSIONS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'0" DRAW) BY AILS REVIEW REVISIONS RECEIVED DATE 5/26/21 AU�2U21 TE NISSEN ELEVATIONS EVATIIONS Southold Town Planning Board //�\ ` 2 BUILDER u J PAINTED RIDGECAP ^o 6 � 2X4 ROOF PERUN 28 GA PRINTED d a 2 WEATETRTTTE ROOF TRUSS PER TRUSS 7RUF STEEL ROOFING g �� Vi1�fID PAINTED SCREWS 28 GA 3-:l}X.120 2X4 ROOF RAKE TRIM C t SEALTTTE AINTED STEEL GALV. NAILS PURLIN WALL \ 2X6 fE CLOSURE 2X4 qRf OR PERLIN PAINTED STRIPS 24' ON CENTR A-Me GRKM F TRUSSIRIL 2X6 HEAD ul XGIRD PUCE INTO R ° SCR[TYS METAL SIDINGVQ�IED m1'WEATRTITE OVERHEAD ' GABLE TR SS �FFIT v m2X4 ROOF PAINTED SCREWS STRUCTURAL DOOR TRIM F&J TRIM pPL7RLI�IS9' ON CENTER POST OVRHEAD HEAD DOOR F USSES DOOR THERSTRIP DING GRK STRUCTURAL O n 12' RIDGE CAP METAL SIDING !k ROOF PURLIN TRUSS SCREW TO POST OVERHEAD DOOR GABLE OVERHANG m DETAIL ROOFING FASTENERS FASTENING DETAIL BRIER FASTENER DETAIL HEADER DETAIL DETAIL SCALE: 1/2' - 1'O' SCALE: 1/2' - 1'0' SCALE 1/2• - 1'0' SCALE 1/2• - 1'D- SCALE: 1/2" - 1'0' SCALE 1/2• - 1'D' WALL POST PAINTED STEEL FING WALL POST 6 NAILS 2X4 ROOF PRLIN DOOR JAMB 2X6 FACE BOARD GAIV. 1JAllS / 2X4r,ITWALL PER TRUSSTRU FASCIA 'J\ 2](aALVANIZED DECK SCREWS L 6-arPUCE ROOF TRU VEND GALV. NAILS 4 NAILS PR GA. PAINTED STEEL SOFFIT EACH SIDE POST F&J TRIM TRUSS CARRIER METAL SIDING 2X6 TI SIDEWALL GIRT BLOCK TRUSS TO TIE BLOCK ENTRY DOOR 12'EAVE OVERHANG FASTENING DETAIL FASTENER DETAIL JAMB DETAIL DETAIL SCALE 1/2' - 1'0' SCALE: 1/Y - 1.0' SCALE: 1/2' - 1'0' SCALE: 1/2' - 1.0' OWNER 28 GA. PAINTED STEEL ROFING 2X4 BOTTOM CHORD SCREWS & WWASH RS PERMANENT LATERAL Z >- BRACING (SEE TRUSS Z WG FOR SPACING) W�/� FACE BOARD 2X6 SPF I 2X4 F DIAGONAL BRACE - 2X4 ROSPF OF FROM RIDGELI E TO BOTH EA%ES PRE-ENGINEERED v/ URLINS 24' OC. PAINTED J ROOF TRUSSES FASCIA 48' OC. Z VENTED V = PRE-ENGINEERED ROOF PANELS 2X6 WIND UPLIFT W TRUSSES 48' OC. PAI SimHLOw 2-2X10 MSR SYP TRUSS CARRI Fdul TRIM #1 SYP TRUSS CARRIERS---- INTO POST O 2X4 SPF SIDEWALL GIRTS 24' OC. N 3 PLY 2X6 GLU-LAM POSTS 8' OC. TYP. WALL BRACING REGUIREMENTS: 29 GA, STRUCTURAL ALL INFORMATION SHOWN \Wmj--BRACING PANELS INSTALL EXTERIOR AWPA U1 TREATED POSTS 8' OC. TYP. ON THIS DRAWING IS THE OF WALL PURLINS WITH SCREWS PROPERTY OF SHIRK 28GA STRUCTURAL POLE BUILDINGS LLC STEEL SIDING THIS DRAWING MAY NOT 2X4 SPF WALL GIRTS 24' OC. PANIMS IN5DUlE0 BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WITH SCREWS IF PERMISSION BUILDER AND GRADE GRADE OWNER ARE RESPONSIBLE 2X8 PRESSURE TREATED TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS V-4000 PSI SYP SKIRT BOARD",, PRESSURE TREATED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION GRADE (BOTTOM SYP GROUND CONTACT OF SKI ) OPTIONAL 2X8 SKIRT BOARD DRAWN BY ALS �'+ •." +• - .•a:f-'ti:.'t.+ l.l�...ip;-xa :-, REVIEW ------------- // \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \// \ \// REVISIONS 3/4' NE COMPACTED \\/\\ /\\/\\/\\/\\�\\�\\�\\�\\�\\/ \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ \\/\ S(OPT10 SOIL BAGOITLL j//\/ /\//\//\//\//12�- 4 TtEBAR IN% 12•-p RESAR IN CONCRETE OOIIIIR I /\/ ' CalARi i _ / \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 3000 PSI. CONCRETE \ \ \ \ //\//\//\//\/ \// \i FOOTING (SEE a 3000 PSI. CONCRETE FOOTING \\j \j\\j 300o PSF SOIL/\\/ ON FLOOR PLAN) \\ \• . SEE SIZE ON FLOOR PLAN DATE 5�26�21 AUG 30 2021 SITE NISSEN ,�/ : // / / / / / / / _ / / / / / / / // \ SECTIONS TYPICAL FRAME TYPICAL FRAME Sou tho I d Town SECTION / /i,/i,/i,/i./i./i//i,//i.//i./ SECTION /,//i.//i// (ENDWALL VIEW) (SIDEWALL VIEW) Planning Board SCALE: 1/4" = 1'0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'0" A . BUILDER u BUILDING DESIGN NOTES AND DETAILS A4 8 CONCRETE FLOOR (OPTIONAL) FIBER REINFORCED 4000 PSI CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE OVER COMPACTED BASEdo A4.1 GRADING & EXCAVATION SLAB WILL BE POURED AGAINST SKIRTBOARD WITH NO TURN DOWN. hit< FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE BELOW FLOOR LEVEL WITH ADEQUATE FALL TO CARRY z SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM BUILDING. FOOTINGS SHALL BE CIRCULAR (UNLESS A4 9 STRUCTURAL DESIGN PARAMETERS NOTED OTHERWISE) AUGERED TO THE DEPTH AND DIAMETER SPECIFIED, WITH ALL BUILDING USE= STORAGE m x LOOSE FILL REMOVED BEFORE CONCRETE FOOTING MATERIAL IS PLACED. USE GROUP=U �u o a) RISK CATEGORY 1 p xulo a)A4 2 FOOTINGSEXPOSURE CATEGORY= C STANDARD DEPTH FOR FOOTING EXCAVATION IS 44" FROM FINSIH FLOOR HEIGHT HEIGHT & AREA LIMITATIONS=513 UNPROTECTED o FOOTINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 36" DEPTH FOR FROST PROTECTION OR; OCCUPANCY LOAD=AS PER DESIGN LOCAL BUILDING CODE DEPTH REQUIREMENTS FOR FROST PROTECTION WILL BE TOTAL NUMBER OF FLOORS= 1 FOLLOWED. DRY MIX CONCRETE HYDRATED IN—SITU WILL BE USED UNLESS TOTAL FLOOR AREA (SQ FT)=988 OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BUILDING VOLUME (CU FT)=14,200 A4.3 FRAMING STRUCTURE IS DESIGNED FOR ASCE 7-10 ULTIMATE WIND SPEED, VULT=130 MPH LUMBER FOR SIDEWALL GIRTS AND PERLINS SHALL BE #2 SPRUCE OR COMPARABLE. (3 SECOND GUST) AND NOMINAL DESIGN WIND SPEED VASD=103 MPH. LUMBER FOR SKIRTBOARD, POSTS AND BEAMS SHALL BE #2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE TIMBERVALUES FOR 3 PLY 2X6 GLU—LAM :FB=2150, FC=2050 LUMBER SOIL BEARING CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON SOIL BASE CONDITION 3000 PSF FOR TRUSS CARRIERS SHALL BE #1 OR BETTER SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE ALL GROUND @48" BELOW GRADE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE CONTACT LUMBER SHALL BE TREATED TO AWPA U1-09 (COMMODITY SPECIFICATION A, 30 PSF(LIVE) MIN.SNOW, 5 PSF TOP CHORD & 5 PSF BOTTOM CHORD LOADS USE CATEGORY 4B AND SECTION 5 2) AND ASAE(ASABE)EP559, .60 CCA MINIMUM AND A4 10 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES SHALL BEAR AN ACCREDITED LABEL USING #1 OR BETTER SYP. THESE PLANS ARE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING BUILDING CODES: A4.4 ROOF TRUSSES 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE AND ASCE 7-10 ROOF TRUSSES SHALL BE PRE—ENGINEERED. GROUND SNOW LOAD, DRIFT LOAD, COLLATERAL LOAD, AND WIND LOAD ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUILDING CODE. A4 11 DESIGN REFERENCES: TRUSS ERECTION AND BRACING SHALL BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS NFBA GUIDLINES FOR POST & FRAME CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS BOTTOM CHORD OF TRUSS SHALL HAVE PERMANENT LATERAL BRACING AMERICAN WOOD COUNCIL 2018 NDS & WFCM 2018 FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION OF 120" OC OR AS REQUIRED PER ROOF TRUSS DESIGN. THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL OF SOUTHERN PINE COUNCIL (JOISTS & RAFTERS/ HEADERS & BEAMS) OWNER RECORD HAS REVIEWED THE PRE—ENGINEERED ROOF TRUSS DRAWINGS AS PER R502.11.1 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS (ANSI 117-2010) & IBC 107.3.41 AND THEY COMPLY WITH THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS (SSTD10) A4.5 ROOF TRUSS UPLIFT AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS ASCE MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES Z PRIMARY ROOF TRUSSES SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL POSTS GEORGIA PACIFIC ENGINEERED LUMBER (EDITION 10) Z AND INTERMEDIATE ROOF TRUSSES SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE STRUCTURAL HEADER W WITH UPLIFT BLOCKS WITH ,A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF FACE NAILS TO OFFSET THE WIND U UPLIFT FACTOR AND LATERAL LOADS NOTED ON THE ROOF TRUSS DRAWING IN A4.12 WARRANTY NOTES to o ACCORDANCE WITH IBC SECTION 230491, 2308.101, AND 2308.106 ANY DESIGN MODIFICATION OR ANY STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION BEFORE, DURING, OR Z O A4.6 FASTENERS AND FRAMING CONNECTIONS STRUCTURE COMPLIES WITH ASAE(ASABE) AFTER CONSTRUCTION TO BUILDING BY ANY PERSON(S) OR COMPANY OTHER THAN EP484 DIAPHRAM DESIGNS& ACTIONS FOR METALCLAD BUILDINGS, IBC WIND BRACING WORK PERFORMED OR APPROVED BY SHIRK POLE BUILDINGS LLC WILL VOID ANY AND (3 F.. REQUIREMENTS, IBC CONSTRAINED/ UNCONSTRAINED POST REQUIREMENTS& POST TO ALL WARRANTIES PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURERS AND/OR SHIRK POLE BUILDINGS LLC. R FOOTING CONNECTION ALL FRAMING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE OF A SIZE AND DESIGN SUCH DESIGN MODIFICATIONS AND/OR STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS INCLUDE: O TO MEET DESIGN LOADS SPECIFIED NAILS USED IN .60 ACQ/CCA TREATED WOOD DRILLING, REMOVING, CUTTING, SAWING, SPLINTERING OR DAMAGING ANY (� SHALL BE 12D HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED, ASTM A 153 PLATED 1 2 MIL SCREWS, AND A STRUCTURAL MEMBERS INCLUDING FOOTINGS, POSTS, GIRTS, BEAMS, TRUSSES, 65 CLASS G 185 HARDWARE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF 12D NAILS IN 2X4 ROOF PERLINS, PANELS, WINDOWS, DOORS, NAILS, SCREWS, AND BOLTS. PERLINS IS 2. THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF 12D NAILS IN 2X4 WALL GIRTS IS 3 THE SUCH DESIGN MODIFICATIONS AND/OR STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS ALSO INCLUDE MINIMUM # OF 12D NAILS IN 1 Z" STRUCTURAL TIMBER IS 1 PER 2" BOARD WIDTH ADDING ADDITONS, SNOW DRIFT LOAD FROM ADDITIONS, LEAN—TO'S, ATTIC ALL INFORMATION SHOWN STORAGE, CHAIN HOISTS, OPENINGS, SKYLIGHTS, ROOF VENTS, AND LOUVERS ON THIS DRAWNG IS THE TRUSS CARRIER CONNECTION TO POST. 7-"x4" GRK RSS STRUCTURAL SCREWS SCREW PROPERTY OF SHIRK VALUES; LATERAL DESIGN VALUE-333 LB, TENSILE STRENGTH—139,000 PSI, SHIRK POLE BUILDINGS LLC WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY FAILURES RESULTING POLE BUILDINGS LLC FROM THOSE MODIFICATIONS LISTED ABOVE, OR FROM ANY OTHER MODIFICATIONS THIS DRAWING MAY NOT PULLOUT=2644 LBS, HEAD PULL THROUGH=825 LBS, MIN BENDING ANGLE=35° BE REPRODUCED WTHOUT NOT APPROVED BY A CERTIFIED ENGINEER PERMISSION BUILDER AND A4 7 METAL SIDING AND ROOFING METAL SIDING AND ROOFING SHALL BE INSTALLED OWNER ARE RESPONSIBLE WITH #9 WOODGRIP, 4" HEX HEAD, METAL AND RUBBER WASHERED GALVANIZED TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION COLOR MATCHING SCREWS. FASTENERS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ROOFING & SIDING DRANAV BY ALS MFG'S REQUIREMENTS. METAL SIDING AND ROOFING SHALL BE WARRANTED REVIEW #1 GRADE 80,000 PSI MIN TENSILE STRENGTH CORRUGATED 28 GAUGE PAINTED REVISIONS ABM STEEL PANELS GALVANIZED TO A MINIMUM OF G-100. METAL SIDING AND ROOFING SHALL BE TRIMMED WITH CORRECT FLASHINGS AT RECET"'V _LJ Ell F— EXPOSED EDGES, ROOF ENDS, CORNERS, DOORS, WINDOWS AND RIDGES, EXCEPT; DATE 5/26/21 BOTTOM EDGE OF STANDARD ROOFING MATERIALS AUG 3 9 2021 SITE•NISSEN DETAILS Southold Town Planning Board ` 4 DRYWELL DETAIL ROOF DRAIN ADAPTER I ATE ET IL SEE P;=W STRUCTURE ND'TTES RR REINF ORC 9M- LiTU1ENT& IuSTPLL C1L"IAW fM'GS A 4rM DOME OS MOPOV71 NdEC6Es4�$V TtNEtINC-F+RaFO NECESTURETL MNG I AY1'aim A1lalAltaLEILiA14iEAOR (Sul SLCv70 Ctd'9R GNAW F1}unafT�r� I N1Cd k P'ATMPN ft 130 OR SOLID"'HOLE CG11R7 03YER PATTERN No,1012A TYPE C OR VJ -- APPROVED EQUAL D T�[�i Cid S+V�M sl p E - - Oi C;HAT FDR MEET PI. ° — 1'MIN. TMAX . � - NOTES FOR Fr--DF 7R-C PLAN V'1�4°►N LE, i I1N6 E:451PN I J S: 3 7R dFMT ECT Z PROPL Q Y�Sa{T 1-ALL DFANP S RUCTLti 51-IALLHEPLACED - INA=FTABLELEACKIZEW ASAf4'}tX7M tti9 F TT1�S IR�T♦d r11T hl 4 [- R3 ;. .:� o �'�� � BY THER%'CZNUR,N NEi IFUW FCCR IQ1WNG 43EC(3T€(TLEjFILTER'FArAirJAWAT S � 61ATEI3fAL IS 1 bIL3D1&456E REO,E1SCN?ART IST[3 Taa'Gf CU�LLf+fl By FALFiFi aR�+AI ::,_ ,= EE GETPdTL'�M TET SUITABLE MATERIAL Allb �'�D° �I. 4 s,., CAS7 '1 l6i! FILLEa AS DETAI Ei� T .>To w SHEET FILM,ASF�UA1� P y`11=I{ �" E 0-ffe40K PIT OROT H REX ATOM$HALL K VEFT OP91 OR WATTENDED.WAYAMONS E VATEWKSLL$€ET ADUN LEACHING R ti1T SUITABLE POROUS 5TOHEPR7TEGTTEDAS0I1CTEDVTNE �� . HWANEERITN FENCES,EoFACADESAND 4TEAPSPPFRMEDB THE ENGi Lu - 4TFiER AFPI� ~i'- PUTT RPE A 9 3, t1LLETtid FLUB 1 INS HIES FOUR FINALADULIFIII{C L' :,�_; uj _ ^i A FdEJMQ0Is1di HLCIEw Q $e VG'?� ° 4S 42® -31 &iW aw4NCL 7'2 NORFAR RIC GIRCIDFORAWLATMAL J,THE CQUR=TOR`MALL FROIADEA0 S3'SET€Nd�A},131�G0UI�dGTR.'E11t}SL;Trj ��- - `,�-•.t' _�-.�s�•'M1.,:'�m.a_ '; ,�'4 - '' � - -�--- � -� - _� I IMSURE.THE SJOETY CP WWPIFN AND THE - 'e`;��': �.�.��' LO-1 !"sM I'Mr,EXPMED TOTHE C ,' , ::_' - - _ I E VATEANdINWUMOFf;IN ID ��' 1 ' �� � � �� �— FALLIN G AND SLING MTERML IN y Y * M e W CL3TaFd6ViNT 64TTH THEFkFtES�N6S Of 611E �tI�EIId STTF��� i� ' • 46�4`�1E�1�,C��Pt�' J�`'x�` �•��°.�1i. 1 CONF APE Cf TH THE III T'aRr GRAVEL OR TO 90TT(,AOF ELEVA-no �1[EW �l�IIR�URY TOW ��FlAkli TIJLE1'9dS,�LM AND HEALTk1 REGULATIONS FUR 1Ct{E'a�R13t�ER DiFtT"c�f� `� CONSTRUCTION pstbat 5 #,&CXFILL&MCQA'PAr;MCNdSK L MiriK LIFTS-ALL BA F' ILILN,IATERWLTCE€ COMP-'CMD av xmms OR OTHiR AFI'f OWD I Notes: 1" of rainfall = approximately 700 gallons per 1000 sq ft of roof over One 8'x4' Ring holds 1263 gallons LIAUG . paH E- 2" of rainfall = approximately 1400 gallons per 1000 sq ft of roof over 2021 Two 8'x4' Rings hold 2526 gallons = approximately 2.8" rainfall OWrlard We will leave grass and gravel in back of lot maintaining permeable green space. 4, .N �F r? • [t•i41{rtAElli r� Jr'�tY 1 ia . l T � LED filament lamps Proposed Outdoor Lighting — 46950 County 60 Watt replacements Road 48 i q LAMPS PLUS A b ^ ' Product Details >R /Outdoor Lighting /Dark Sky /Style#M5911 The Bayport Dark Sky outdoor light comes in a rich bronze finish. 4 �. Additional Info: rlr'y S29876,S29894, S39825,S39809 S9826 %P V S28850,S39879 The Bayport Collection of exterior lighting offers subtle, handsome styling. This design was created according to Dark Sky standards for ; s"' Beam Profile preserving the nighttime environment. Bayport " lights offer casual charm with a seaside feel. This LEO( � ' outdoor wall light features a bronze finish. i • 46V LE Illuminate your outdoor spaces with this simple, - LE —' distinctive fixture. 6t�Vr . .a du �" • 7 3/4" high x 7" wide. Extends 8" from the wall. • Takes one 100 watt bulb (not included). "" 4 Beam Angle:360' • Bayport Collection outdoor wall light from gpa ' Designers Fountain. • Bronze finish over cast aluminum construction. , � ` • Dark Sky compliant. ~A +' • With an industrial or barn light look. ` • Wet location outdoor rated. c us LED Filament Lamps -A19-60W Replacement ' Sl P P � �' Sam ' ' ' usrEo � Bayport Collection Dark sky 7 3/4" High Outdoor Wall Light Item Bulb M.O.L. Life; 9 Number lamp Description W Type Base V Finish CCT Lm CRI (Inches) Hrs. UPC Pack S29876` 7A19/CL/LED/E26/27K/120V 7 A19 E26 120 Clear 2700K 800 80 41/8 15K 045923298769 24/6 NOTES: Fixtures to be located near entryways. No overhead S29894'• 7A19/CL/LED/E26/3K/120V 7 A19 E26 120 Clear 3000K 800 80 41/8 15K 045923298943 24/6 528850* 7A19/CL/LED/E26/4K/120V 7 A19 E26 120 Clear 4000K 800 80 41/8 15K 045923238500 24/6 parking area lighting. We will use the S39825 Bulb. S39 7 825* .SA 19/SW/LED/E26/2 7K/120V 7.5 A19 E26 120 Soft White 2700K 800 80 41/8 1SK 0459233982S4 24/6 Main Building 4 Fixtures = 3,200 Lumens - - S39809''• 7.SA19/SW/LED/E26/3K/120V 7.5 A19 E26 120 Soft White 3000K 800 80 41/8 15K 045923398094 24/6 RECEIVED I S9826 r 6.SA19/SLV/LED/E26/27K/120V 6.5 A19 E26 120 Silver Crown 2700K 6S0 80 41/8 15K 045923098260 24/6 Garage 4 Fixtures = 3,200 Lumens - 90CRI -CEC/T20 AUG 3 0 2021 S39879 , 8A191LED/927/CL/120V 8 A19 E26 120 Clear 2700K 800 90 4'/� 15K 045923298790 24/6 Total = 6,400 Lumens s utncld town S11356*. 8A19/LED/927/SW/120V 8 A19 E26 120 Soft White 2700K 800 90 4'/r 15K 04S923113567 24/6 Planning Board S113554., 8A19/LED/930/CL/120V 8 A19 E26 120 Clear 3000K 800 90 4,. 1SK 04S923113SS0 24/6 n Also T24 compliant. t Silver crown are 180 beam angle. OFFICE LOCATION: ;; ; .. MAILING ADDRESS•. Town Hall Annex ' P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25r° Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 1 www.southoldtownny.gov :. PLANNING BOARD OFFICE July 28, 2022 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Gregory Nissen 217 Monsell Place Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Approved Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Mr. Nissen: The Planning Board has found that the requirements for the above-referenced Site Plan have been completed as approved based on the site inspection made July 22, 2022 and the Planning Board work session on July 25, 2022. This site is in general conformance with the approved site plan entitled "Nissen Planning" prepared by Anthony Portillo, R.A., dated January 7, 2021; and, the Planning Board supports the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Any changes during construction on site are identified on the as-built site plan submitted. This letter does not condone any changes from the approved site plan and approvals from other agencies; Planning Board approval is required prior to any significant changes to the site. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, do not hesitate to call this office. Respectfully, )l . Brian A. Cummings Planner cc. Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector Southold Town Planninq Board Work Session —July 25 202 — Page 2 ( Proect Name Kala iro Subdivision umSCTM# 6 1 J g s Standard 1..000-95 4 1 ... ....... ... Location:......... ...... _ -- 1_.1..8365 CR 48,.�Cutchogue.... - ----- . ..._.. m ............-----------__..... Description: I This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the 1 Agricultural Con servation zoning district Status: Conditional Sketch Plat Approval 11 for Preliminary Plat Application Completeness Action .. _.e Review.mm�........ ......... ...... .. Attachments: I Staff Report Protect Name 1750 Sterling Agricultural Barn , SCTM# 1000 96 3 2.1 Location. . .........---- .�..830 Sterling Lane,...Cutchogue....... ................... ...... ........ _._. Description This agricultural site plan is proposed to demolish an existing 1,378 sq. ft. barn and construct a 4,826 sq. ft. barn for agricultural storage located within a 2.0-acre reserve area (SCTM#1000-96.-3-2.1) where there exists a 2-story single family dwelling with garage and four (4) accessory storage buildings totaling ±3,754 sq. ft., the parcel is attached to ±16.8 acres of farmland (SCTM#1000-96.-3-2.2) with Development Rights held b Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. y J Status.:.... --- AP--prove.. 4 Action I Review for CO Attachments: I Staff Report - _ Project Name Water Dynamics Corp Storage Building & SCTM# 1000 55 5 11 _ a. R 48, Southold Location. ���� 46950 C.......... _..... — Description: This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. m._. _ _----- ............ . Status: Approved ................... ........ [Action: ..Review for CO. ........................ Attach ff Report Attachments: Sta. .... .... ... w...... _ ... _... ...� Project Name: Key Ca ... ....__ __ -- - - � y Capture Energy Battery Storage SCTM# 1000-83 3 6.1 Subdivision n: 10750 Oregon Road Cutchogue Description: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 27.04-acre parcel into 2 lots; where Lot 1 is proposed to be 24.49 acres and Lot 2 for the new LIPA Substation is proposed to be 2.54 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District. New A lication _. Status.. P.p I Action: RI'lleview for Completeness 1w..Attachments: Staff Report __..--_ Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Final Site Inspection Date July 25, 2022 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Water Dynamics Corp. Applicant: Gregory Nissen Date of Approval: 1/24/2022 Tax Map Number: 55.-5-11 Project Location: 46950 CR 48 Hamlet: Southold Zoning District: General Business (B) II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Commercial Acreage of Project Site: ±0.28 acres Building Size 792 sq. ft. This site plan is for the proposed interior alterations to convert an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building (former hair salon) to a water testing and filtration business office and shop; including the construction of a 792 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District, Southold. A. Approved: a. 22' x 36' (792sf) metal storage building Staff: constructed as approved, milkweed and other pollinator plantings have been provided around the foundation; b. Parking: nine (9) stalls constructed as approved including one (1) ADA compliant stall/loading area with ramp access to the front door and a new ramp to the rear door of the office building. c. Conditions of approval: i. Commercial vehicles and vehicles displaying company logos are prohibited from parking in front of the building. They must be parked in the rear of the property. 1 ii. Any exterior lighting fixtures that are not shown on the approved site plan require Planning Board review and approval. iii. The Town Engineer must be contacted prior to beginning site work. Proposed storm water run-off containment systems must be inspected by the Town Engineer at the time of installation. iv. Landscaping requirements: 1. Drought-tolerant native species; 2. Use only organic fertilizer or pesticides. V: Item to consider: Support the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the business office with storage building site. All ongoing conditions detailed in the resolution and on the site plan remain in full effect. 2 AM P Architecture Address:10200 Main Road,Unit 3A,Mattituck NY 11952 Phone:(631)603-9092 Design + Build RECEIVED JUN � ®'�022 June 29, 2022 Sout old Town Planning Board Re: Nissen 46950 County Rd 48 Southold NY To Southold Town Planning Board, Enclosed please find an updated plans for a Planning Board Application. Please contact our office if you have any questions. Thank you, Jess Magee w ok�- °V" Y�n to �� 1 - S5 -5 - it Page 1 of I Southold Town Plannin Board Work Sessions Januar.r. 24, 2022 -.. _Page 2 Project Name: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building SCTM#:i 1000-55-5-11 1 Location: 46950 CR 48, Southold Description: This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 aces in the f General Business "B" Zoning_District. ... . Status: Pending ..._..._ _ Action: Review for Determination Attachments: m e Project Name: The Enclaves Hotel I SCTM#: 1000-63-3-151.1I Location: 16655 NS Route 25, Southold a Description: ( This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business zoning district. Status: New Application Attachments: Completeness Action: I Review for Staff Report_ G Project Name: The Fields at Mattituck SCTM#: 1000-113-2-1.2 9 Resubdivi sion Location: 4935 Bergen Avenue, Mattituck Description This resubdivision proposes to separate the drainage area for the new road serving the lots of The Fields at Mattituck subdivision from Lot 27 so i that it may be dedicated to the Town along with the subdivision road, Status: New Application Action: Review for Completeness Attachments° Staff Report Project Name: Apodiacos Standard Subdivision SCTM#: , 1000-35-5-3 Location: 4260 Main Road, Greenport Description: rris eep Standard Subdivision lots, whe e Lot 1 s 93 ac esand c f a 3.26 acre parcel t contains an existing ng house, h Lot 2 is .95 acres and Lot 3 is 1.38 acres. Status: New Application Action: Review for Completeness Attachments, Staff Report Town Hall Annex , Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road ��� Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 «o P BUILDING DEPARTMENT J TOWN OF SOUTHOLD JAJ1 ° b F. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Donald Wilcenski, Planning Board Chairman FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: January 20, 2022 RE IiIREMEN"TS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: Water Dynamics ynamics Corp. Location: 46950 CR 48 Southold SCTM# 1000— Section 55 - Block 05 —Lots 11 Date: January 03, 2021 Revised Date: 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE BUSINESS OFFICE IS A PERMITTED USE IN THIS B DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. Michael J.Veri Chief Building Inspector SCOTT A. RUSSELL MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR " TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD S M"I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 r Fax (631)-765—9015 � h,111".1 k, FL 0,0A d? o.'.k)\'Vf i tir9pf P W fla Pf f , °o i ory 0 i 1 i 1 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER JN4 2 " 2['1 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Brian Cummings January 20, 2022 Planner Southold Town Planning Department 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building SCTM #: 1000 — 055. — 05 — 11 Dear Mr. Cummings: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed Page PD-001.00 and Page PD-002.00 of the Nissen Planning Site Plan prepared by Anthony Portillo, R.A., dated January 3, 2021. Based on my review, the plans meet the requirements of Chapter 236 — Stormwater Management. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, V, Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer ,��LL111�n 'ssIof" GI�CZ�ZOGIL a CCl)6/' Leifer ��' i 4�Ia 71�ir,,q Ltoat d ..,_.....�.' SC`FM{#: IOC)« ... . - �. Date: Ca ents: 1C' OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex SO P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " " Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.south oldtowimy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector Nancy Dwyer, Building Permits Examiner From: Brian Cummings, Planner�CJ Date: January 5, 2022 Re: Use Certification Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 The Planning Board has found this Site Plan Application suitable for determination pursuant to §280-131 F (1) and refers the application to you for final review and certification. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 572 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Your certification is requested by January 13, 2022. If this date is not feasible, please contact this office directly. Thank you for your cooperation. Encls: Site Plan Application Site Plan OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex OF $ 1, P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) . Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold,NY www.southoldtownny.gov rou V PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Engineer From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: January 5, 2022 Re: Amended Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building Application Name: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building Tax Map Number: 1000- 55.-5-11 Location: 46950 County Road 48, Southold Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: Final Subdivision Map Dated: Road Profiles Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other Dated: Site Plan Dated: ,J Revised Site Plan Dated: last revised 8125/21 Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other (AS BUILT) Dated: Pr)sect Descry tion: This site plan is, for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. build,inrg to a water testing and filtration business„ including the construction of a 572 sq. ft, storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: ��.<»� MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �� , Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ' z Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold,NY www.s outh oldtownny.gov " N PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 10, 2021 Mr. Gregory Nissen 217 Monsell Place Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Mr. Nissen: I am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on December 6, 2021 where the Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced Site Plan Application and required the following: 1. Please provide the items listed below on a minimum of five (5) revised Site Plans including the seal stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. Additional pages of the site plan may necessary in order to provide clear, legible plans that effectively convey all necessary information. Note: a draft electronic site plan (PDF) including the items listed below is encouraged to be submitted to this Department prior to printing multiple copies of the site plan for review efficiency. a. Provide the revised dimensions of the accessory storage building and associated details (building elevations/floorplans), including Storm Water Management requirements as detailed below. b. Provide an ADA compliant ramp to the front of the building with dimensions and property line setback. c. Provide the ADA parking stall as square as possible and include stall dimensions. Water Dynamics Page 12 December 10, 2021 d. Relocate at least parking stall #1 to the rear of the buildings and any other space(s) to rear of the buildings to the greatest extent practicable. e. Pursuant to Town Code §280-93, provide one shade tree having a caliper of two inches within the front landscaped area. f. Provide percentages to supplement all area calculations for buildings, asphalt and landscaping. Reduce impervious area on the parcel and replace with vegetation to the greatest extent practicable. g. Provide the following items pursuant to Town Code Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management: 1. The Site Plan should be prepared at a scale of 1"=20'. 2. Provide a detail for the area to be restored with crushed stone. 3. Provide drainage calculations for the roof of the proposed storage building and the area to be restored with crushed stone. Ensure that sufficient drainage is provided to store the runoff from a 2" rainfall event. 4. The final plans must show the location of and details for all erosion and sediment controls including, but not limited to, the construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile areas. h. List the following Best Management Practices (BMP's) on the Site Plan to help further protect ground and surface waters: 1. The use of native, drought-tolerant plants is required in all landscaping. 2. Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture are permitted. 3. A maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application is required, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. 4. The application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1 st and April 1 st is prohibited. Water Dynamics Page 13 December 10, 2021 5. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e. , 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. i. Provide the following as site plan conditions: 1. All nonessential exterior lighting shall be turned off within 1/2 hour after the close of business and/or when not in use. Lights that are controlled by timers or that are motion-sensor-activated are encouraged to replace lighting necessary for safety purposes. 2. All work / commercial vehicles and trailers shall be located in the rear of the property; no commercial vehicles are permitted to park in front of the office building. 3. Existing 6' fencing along the east side yard and rear yard property lines shall be maintained in order to satisfy the Transition Buffer requirement. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to contact this office,. Respectfully, Brian Cummings Planner Southold Town PlaDnIng Board Work Session.-.December 6. 2021 — Pp,�L�2 Project Name: NOFO Center Amended SCTM#: 1000-143-3-1 Location: 75 Marlene Lane, Mattituck Description: This site plan is for an existing commercial building with new proposed uses. Status: New Application Action: Review for Completeness .......................- Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: WJF Farms Agricultural Storage SUM* 1000-83-2-12.7 Building Location; 12595 Oregon Road, Cutchope 7 Description: � 'This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 60' x 100' (6,000 sq. ft.) agricultural pole barn, including employee bathrooms, an office and storage with a 1 9-space parking lot, and a 60' x 40' (2400 sq. ft.) agricultural storage shed. Status* New Application .......... Action: Review for Completeness Report Staff Attachments: . .....t P rt. Project name:- - New Suffolk Waterfront Fund SCTM#- 1 1000-117-8-18 Location.. 650 First- I Street,-on the corner of Main Street and First Street, New Suffolk Description: This approved Site Plan is for the re-location, renovation and addition of 47 sq. ft. to the historic Galley Ho restaurant building, totaling 1,725 sq. ft., to include a 66-seat restaurant and 16-slip marina on 2.3 acres in the M-11 Zoning District. Status: Approved 'Site'Plan Action.- Discuss Parking Attachments: None Project Name: 14695 Main Road (Dentist Office) Amended SCTM#:. 1000-114-8-5 (Parking Lot Expansion) Location- 14695 NYS Route 25, Mattituck Description: Amend the approved site plan for an existing dentist office to expand the parking lot. Status: Pending _ Action: Referral Review, Attachments: Staff Report Project Name'. Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building SCTM#:: 1000-55-5-11 Location: 46950 CR 48, Southold Description: This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. Status: Pending Action: Referral Review Attachments Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review Date December 6, 2021 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Water Dynamics Corp.. Applicant: Gregory Nissen Tax Map Number: 55.-5-11 Project Location: 46950 CR 48 Hamlet: Southold Zoning District: General Business (B) II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Commercial Acreage of Project Site: ±0.28 acres Building size 988 sq. ft. III: Review and Analysis This site plan is for the proposed interior alterations to convert an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building (former hair salon) to a water testing and filtration business office and shop; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District, Southold. A. Proposed construction: a. Interior alterations to convert an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building (former hair salon) to a water testing and filtration business office and shop b. *988 sq. ft. metal storage building; Staff: the applicant is in the process of revising the site plan to include an ADA compliant access ramp to the front of the building; and, a storage building with a smaller footprint (-196sf @ 792sf) and a slightly smaller (-52sf) (26'x38' (988sf) to 26'x36' (936sf) roof to provide for a loading overhang c. Seven (7) parking stalls — Existing site is graveled to the property lines (see analysis below); d. Dumpster enclosure proposed behind storage building e. SEQRA Type II action; 1 B. Parking Required: Office space at 823sf= 823 / 100 = 8 TOTAL stalls required = 8 TOTAL stalls provided = *7 (including 1 ADA) Staff: the office is proposed for no more than 5 full time employees per day with most work vehicles not staying on site overnight. A condition can be added to ensure that "No work vans or vehicles are permitted to park in front of the buildings, all work vehicles and trailers are to be located in the rear of the property; C. Storm water: one (1) proposed 8' x 4' deep drywell D. Asphalt: 3,965 sf of existing asphalt to be removed E. Access: 22'6" wide existing access (no change) off of CR48 F. Public Hearing held and closed on November 1 , 2021 G. Referrals (summaries of comments received. Full reports available in the file) Office of the Engineer: Water Dynamics Corporation prepared by Maxine Nachtigal Liao, R.A., dated June 11, 2021, last revised August 25, 2021. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address the following: 1. The Site Plan should be prepared at a scale of V=20'. 2. Provide a detail for the area to be restored with crushed stone. 3. Provide drainage calculations for the roof of the proposed storage building and the area to be restored with crushed stone. Ensure that sufficient drainage is provided to store the runoff from a 2" rainfall event. 4. The final plans must show the location of and details for all erosion and sediment controls including, but not limited to, the construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile areas 2 Staff: these comments are with regard to any proposed area of disturbance, including removal of asphalt for purpose of plantings and additional landscaping. These comments were previously referred to the applicant and are to be incorporated into a revised plan that includes Fire Marshall No comments or concerns Suffolk County Planning Commission SCPC Exempt Southold Fire District: Adequate fire protection for the property; Architectural Review Committee ARC The Committee reviewed the proposed project plans and approved them as submitted; LWRP CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the Planning Board considers and requires the following recommendations to further the below listed policies to the greatest extent practicable: The parcel is located south of Suffolk County Route 48, a NYS designated scenic byway. The following is recommended to retain and improve the scenic character of the roadway.- 1. Relocate parking space(s) to rear of the buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking space #1 is too close to the ingress and could conflict with vehicles entering the site. Consider reorienting or eliminating these spaces; 2. Limit or exclude the parking of commercial vehicles to the rear of the parcel 3. Reduce impervious area on the parcel and replace with vegetation to the greatest extent practicable. 4. The following best management practices will be required to further policies 5.4 and 5.5 and protect ground and surface waters: J A. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. B. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water- soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. C. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. D. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1 St and April 1st, E. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. H. Landscaping: The property currently exists as mostly paved/asphalt to entirely every property line. The applicant is proposing to remediate these areas as much as practicable in order to provide less impervious surface areas and the potential to provide additional landscape plantings in the future. The rear of the parcel is surrounded by 6' fencing which shall be maintained in order to satisfy the Transition Buffer requirement. The pre-existing landscape coverage is not code compliant and any increase in landscaping on site would make the site less non-conforming. Code re uirements: a. 280-9 " Front Landscaped Area: 55' of frontage along CR 48= 1 street tree required (none specified; retaining certain existing low plantings and grasses may be sufficient in order to maintain safe sight lines for vehicles; or, the Tree Fund if the Board makes a finding consistent with the language below) b. 280-129 C. Landscaping and screening: that all parking, service and similar areas are screened at all seasons of the year from view of adjacent residential districts and streets and that the landscaping of the site complements the intended use. Existing trees of at least six 4 inches or more in diameter measured three feet above the base of the trunk shall be retained to the maximum extent possible. (1) Tree fee. (a) Upon the request of an applicant, if the Planning Board makes a finding pursuant to this cha ter that ttae ro posed site lan resents a proper case for recluiring trees to be planted for screening or landscM t?q purposes, but that a suitable location for said Plantings does not exist, or it is otherwise impracticable, the Planning Board may permit the a licant to a a sum of money in lieu thereof. The fee shall be as follows.- [1] Not less than $350, nor more than $750 per tree, based on caliper, that would have been required for screening or landscaping purposes. (b) Timing of fee payment. The fee shall be paid prior to any site plan approval. (c)The fee shall be deposited into the Fiduciary Fund and used by the Southold Town Tree Committee exclusively for the planting of new street trees and/or the replacement of damaged or removed trees on Town property. I. Exterior Lighting pursuant to Southold Town Code §172 eight (8) fixtures proposed, see below, all to be located at building entryways, no parking lot lighting proposed a. Main Building four (4) fixtures; b. Storage building four (4) fixtures c. All fixtures proposed at 2700K @ 7' high d. Lumens proposed = 6,400 e. Lumens Permitted = 7,000 V: Planning Board items to consider: 1. Consider and accept the recommendations of the LWRP,- 2. Provide all required items on a minimum of five (5) revised Site Plans including the seal stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. a. Provide all requirements as specified by the Town Engineer: b. Provide an ADA compliant access ramp to the front of the building, including property line setbacks-, 5 c. Consider relocating or eliminating parking stall #1 on site for safety concerns and potential for additional front yard landscaping; d. Provide the accurate size of the proposed storage building and roof area.. All storm water calculations pursuant to Chapter 236 shall be revised accordingly and sent to the Town Engineer for verification. e. Provide landscaping requirements as determined above f. Provide percentages to supplement all area calculations for buildings, asphalt and landscaping; g. Provide the following as conditions on the site plan: i. This office building and workshop is for employee use only and generally not open to the public. Any increase in intensity of use or need of parking may require an amended site plan approval from the Planning Board. ii. No work vans or vehicles are permitted to park in front of the buildings, all work vehicles and trailers are to be located in the rear of the property; iii. Existing 6' fencing along the east side yard and rear yard property lines shall be maintained in order to satisfy the Transition Buffer requirement. Note: a draft electronic site plan (PDF) including the items listed above is encouraged to be submitted to this Department prior to printing multiple copies of the site plan for review efficiency. 3. Once the requirements listed above have been submitted on a revised site plan and the Town Engineer has verified the plan is consistent with Chapter 236, all site plan requirements have been met and this application can be scheduled for a determination at the next available Planning Board Public Meeting. 6 From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 2:58 PM To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: FW:46950 CR 48 From: greg@mermaidwatersolutions.com [mailto:greg@mermaidwatersolutions.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 9:00 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: 46950 CR 48 Hey Brian, Wow. Lots going on in southold that makes my silly project seem very minor. I hope that it really is ... lol. That group and you guys have a hard job. Development is inevitable but how do you not make it suck! Okay, so I close on the building Friday. The entire parking lot is asphalt and all around the edges has this 5' weed growing. I want to scrap it all clean. Assuming that is okay. I also want to get a building permit asap to: Remove a deck on the back that is unsafe Start to replace a few windows and demo finished basement that is full of moisture. ( Leaving it unfinished ) So ensure the shell is tight— The interior as a salon has these weird 3/ walls I also want to remove etc. I want to start the HVAC and see what I need to address etc. Can I ask for a building permit for these items while the plan is still in review? My plan is to lower the existing sign out front by 2' and shink the total signage area by 25% 1 am also going to review the lighting. I don't want any lighting on the sign. It will match or be smaller than the eye care place next door, small than the gym etc. Do you think its safe to submit the sign plan to the building department also? Thanks. Sincerely, Gregory Nissen Mermaid Water Solutions Goldman Water Testing 631-298-4278 gr! ,.q@,, I i() .<, r 017 ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. SCOTT A. RSSELL MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 Fax. (631)-765—9015 110VWI ,� 16ti" k .@1.��� G�" ge�V!� pp wYYi / M1 IM PoY MyQ�V G3G6 P,.�Ag°a'y yl, mm line � nnnnm ' OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER NOV 182 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Nanning Board Brian Cummings -,2021-- Planner Southold Town Planning Department 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building SCTM #: 1000 —055. —05 — 11 Dear Mr. Cummings: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Proposed Site Plan for the Water Dynamics Corporation prepared by Maxine Nachtigal Liao, R.A., dated June 11, 2021, last revised August 25, 2021. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address the following: 1. The Site Plan should be prepared at a scale of 1"=20'.. 2. Provide a detail for the area to be restored with crushed stone. 3. Provide drainage calculations for the roof of the proposed storage building and the area to be restored with crushed stone. Ensure that sufficient drainage is provided to store the runoff from a 2" rainfall event. 4. The final plans must show the location of and details for all erosion and sediment controls including, but not limited to, the construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile areas If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, 1` 1) 1 Michael Collins, P.E. Town Engineer OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex y w4 P.O. Bog 1179 54375 State Route 25 � $y Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)Southold, NY 11971 � 9� Telephone: 631 765-1938 +� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .mm .." RECEIVED MEMORANDUM NOV 1, 8 � o P� nnnru �3oard To: Donald Wilcenski, Chair m Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date: November 17, 2021 Re: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 CR 48, Southold,NY SCTM: 1000-55-5-11 Zoning District—B This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. SCTM1000-55-5-11. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following is considered: 1. To further Policy 3.Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. The parcel is located south of Suffolk County Route 48, a NYS designated scenic Byway. The following is recommended to retain and the improve the scenic character of the roadway. 1. Relocate parking spaces to the rear of the buildings to the greatest extent practicable. Parking space#1 is too close to the ingress and could conflict with vehicles entering the site. Consider reorienting these spaces. 2. Limit or exclude the parking of commercial vehicles to the rear of the parcel. 3. Reduce impervious area on the parcel and replace with vegetation. 2. To further Policy S.S. Protect and conserve the quality and quantity ofpotable water the following best management practices are recommended in the landscaped areas: a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. c. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1st and April 1st. e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Brian Cummings, Planner OFFICE LOCATION: „; ,wMAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex tJ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 { � Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Y . Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov OUN , p �2�zfl-091 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 2021 Mr. Gregory Nissen 217 Monsell Place Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Mr. Nissen: In response to your request submitted September 29, 2021 and the subsequent Planning Board discussion at their October 18, 2021 Work Session, the Planning Board has agreed to allow you to proceed with interior work on the existing building prior to Site Plan approval for the following: • New windows; • Minor framing alterations; • Interior (basement) demo work • Demolish existing rear deck The Planning Board would like to take this opportunity to remind you that this site remains under Site Plan review, and that any improvements made prior to Site Plan approval are at your own risk. The Planning Board's permission to proceed with the specific work you request does not imply that an approval is guaranteed. Nor will this permission preclude the Planning Board from making necessary changes to the layout or site elements that may affect the site design. Please call the Planning Department at 631-765-1938 with any questions. Respectfully, Brian Cummings Planner cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector Michael Collins, Town Engineer pul ._ 4 w OU 4 2' a r YIIu a sogdthoO d fown Nanning Board SOUPIFI�I �. � F Il11 IIIL. ICI S..1'MI IlllR IC.'IF �u yp yIIII qIIII � q II �/ I(_'), vCA y7'�?�8 yg1O.1J'":...,�..N 4 KY 1.....), Im'�L 1�. I N71 November 10, 2021 Mr. Brian Cummings, Planner Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp Dear Brian: Please be advised that the Board of Fire Commissioners have reviewed the above-mentioned site plan and found that there is adequate fire protection for this property. The Board would like to reserve the right to review the above site plan if any changes occur to this property or to other property in the immediate area. Sincerely, Carol A. Miller Fire District Secretary From: Easton, James Sent: Friday, November 5, 2021 11:21 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica �wm Cc: Cummings, Brian A. 0,1, Subject: Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building ()u.uthou U Ii.:°rwro Nau"uNng IBoard Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 CR 48, Southold SCTM# 1000-55.-5-11 I have no comments/objections regarding this site plan application. Thank you, James Easton Fire Marshal, Town of Southold ; a �tttdrxsC rtt scuNmaVdcicllav��m7vd (W) 631-765-1802 tt PRIVELEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected by privilege. If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited Ifyou have received this transnlrssion in error,please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the original message. I SccbFllissiori jlfithout a Cover Letter RECEIVED Sender: C� Lv 1 SJ� --.,..—Plai n ing Board Subject: WCOR(— SCTM11-: I000 - Date: JC)faQ/at Comments: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as I-IL M by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on �A '14, 1 �t I have sent notices by certified mail - return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record elf�every property which abuts and every property which is across on - Your Name (print Signature � :.�, ' Address v Date Notary Publi 6N TM�Y PLOLK',,,`ai"'Y"A'T (::)F NEW XCiRK Regi it w41'Pn No (:b'I':al;' 126 jjit,c�in Suffolk rC7"i Y"Od T1�.ro'r�,.Pl"I�.. wV`f,Cd a �.,�CutIh 1IT%,201:a . PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon Fri. 10/29/21 Re: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Buildin SCTM#: 1000-55-5-11 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, Novexber 1 2021 5:01 .m. Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Water Dynamics 46950 County Route 48, Southold, NY SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 A. 55.-2-22 -2-- U-C— J2. 55.-2-23 (y) 1 55.,-5-10 v/4. 55.-5-12.1 \/5., 55.-5-12.2 c V 6, 55..-5-.13 u� � �, w u u,� n � ium miry VVV wu muro m muu � � G'C uuw wM imwu �� i� muu umw m fU ni � r N IJ I m s g 1] Cur9[CRo cf @VE6' an --. *ry C eFriPdlroIIt W w 75 s . da�u_uwu . COr � �a.� O kr a veil Y (i Vr Fr NI,r �Ccre (Extra Saroicres&Fees fo arc W mix,add fan a44 qko4w" .. O IId+mVou"nnlld+wnaYVi& otu"n0nvp49ry n: ,'i •` y � patoruxlf'e�eaa0utt I'o�uu6aara "a„", ,,"w+ '.."..".."dnf — C" .. 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We appreciate your patience. Certified Mail $3.15Kkx " Tracking #: Text your tracking number to 28777 (2USPS) 70200640000184717621 Total $5.11 to get the latest status. Standard Message and Data rates may apply. You may also First-Class Mail@ 1 $1.36 visit www,usps.com USPS Tracking or call Large Envelope 1-800-222-1811. Southold, NY 11971 Preview year Mail Weight: 0 lb oz Track your Packages Estimated Delivery y Date Sign up for FREE Q Certifiedd M Maiails $3.75 Sat 2021 https://informeddelivery.usps.com l Tracking #:70200640000184717614 Earn rewards on your business account Total $5.11 purchases of Priority Mail labels with the USPS Loyalty program by First-Class Mail@ 1 $1.36 using Click and Ship. Visit Large Envelope www.usps.co /smallbizloyalty Kensington, MD 20895 for more info. Weight: 0 lb 2. oz United States Postal Service Estimated Deliverer y Date NOW HIRING NATIONWIDE Mon 10/25/2021 h Positions with Benefits Career Pat Certified Mails $3.75 Apply online at Tracking : www.usps.com/careers ww.usps.com/careers Total $5.11 All sales final on stamps and postage. First-Glass Mail 1 $1,36 Refunds for guaranteed services only. Large Envelope Thank you for your business. Southold, NY 11971 Tell us about your experience. Weight: 0 lb oz Go to: https://postalexperiience,com/Pos Estimated Delivery y Date Sat 10/23/2021 or scan this code with your mobile device„ Certified Mail $3.75 Tracking #: 70200640000184717522 Total $5,11 First-Class Mail 1 $1.36 Large Envelope $, Southold, NY 11971 Weight: 0 lb 2.00 oz Estimated Delivery Date Sat 10/23/2021 or call 1-800®41047420. Certified Mail® $3. 7 Tracking #e 7020064000000561.5013 Total $5.1.1 RRecei pt"1S51.i�0.....095? ec i pt #, 840....511701.53....1.._4971J03-1 Clerk: 11 Michaelis,Jessica From: Baylinson, Lester Sent: Thursday, November 4, 2021 3:35 PM To: Cummings, Brian A. ......-. I;„� " „I-m_.... Cc: Michaelis,Jessica; Mirabelli, Melissa RECEIVED Subject: TM# & 55.-5-11 & , , f 2021 m .. Hello,there are no past or present violations on any of these parcels, Ok to proceed, � ``���nU't, o 1cI i`own Nanning IBoard t OFFICE LOCATION: ;.n* MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex °��` t P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 a� � �' Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) w y Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov iti f PLANNING BOARD OFFICE ( N�o v 0 4 2l'''p 11 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .,._ U hold own �:)I nniiig Board MEMORANDUM To: Lester Ba linson Ordinance Ins ectoro o Y p James Easton, Fire Marshal From: Brian Cummings, Planner lk� �o Date: November 3, 2021 Re: Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Thank you for your cooperation, Lase►-fiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING DRESS: Town Hall Annex ).� so& P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �" Southold, NY , Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov IS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector Nancy Dwyer, Permits Examiner From: Brian Cummings, Planner qJC o Date: November 3, 2021 Re: Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Thank you for your cooperation.. Encls: Site Plan Application Site Plan OFFICE LOCATION: � . IL G DRESS: Town Hall Annex � 0�� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY , www.s outhol dtownny.gov ton COUN PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Lester Baylinson, Ordinance Inspector James Easton, Fire Marshal From: Brian Cummings, Planner' Date: November 3, 2021 Re: Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Thank you for your cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 OFFICE LOCATION: s MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex sotl P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) '^ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s ou th of dt ownny.gov 1,3 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Engineer From: Brian Cummings, Planner q�lw Date: November 3, 2021 Re: Amended Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building Application Name: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building Tax Map Number: 1000- 55.-5-11 Location: 46950 County Road 48, Southold Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: Final Subdivision Map Dated: Road Profiles Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other Dated: Site Plan Dated: last revised 8/25/21 Revised Site Plan Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other (AS BUILT) Dated: Project Description: This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: %1zrZr2 1*"-7. MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex so P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � ` '� `r, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) , Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ell- OW PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator From: Brian Cummings, Planner Xb Date: November 3, 2021 Re: Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: z LING DRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ��� ? Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) . Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-imy.gov cam'" PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 3, 2021 Ms. Carol Miller c/o Southold Fire District P.O. Box 908 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Ms. Miller: The enclosed Site Plan Application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Please contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, 13 vucun C---t�_vvl�.V -s Brian Cummings Planner Encls.: Site Plan Application Site Plan Building Specifications OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �QF SUS P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 * ' ' Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) . ry Southold, NY �, Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov �4UNV PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk cc: Town Attorney From: Brian Cummings, Planner'Q'L NO- Date: November 3, 2021 Re: Site Plan Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review; and a determination of jurisdiction, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. Thank you for your cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Michaelis, Jessica From: Michaelis, Jessica Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 9:05 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: ARC Two applications for October ARC meeting. 1 will double check with Brian when he gets in today. He will be in this afternoon. ............ .... Pro ect Name; Water Dynamics Corp.�orStorage Building SCTM# 1000-55 5 11. : ................................ Location 46950 CR 48 Southold ' Description: This s o proposed water testingand f ltration b business; n existing includig theconstruct on of a building 988 a sq.Yft storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business `B' Zoning District .......... .. plication Status. ........ New.Ap.................. ......... ... . ...._ .,. ...........,. ., .......... .. ....... htt :// el,as x - ..... ... ............... Pro ect Name Green ort Harbor Brewing Storage Building SCTM# 1000-75 5 12 ..... ........... ......................---...........,........ ._......... ..... . .......,, Location: 41625 Main Road, Peconic ................. ... .....,. ...... 1-1-1.1,...... .. Description: This site plan is For the proposed construction of a 4,800 sq. ft. storage building on � 6 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District u Status Application New Appliti ...... .... ...... ... ...... ....... htt ://24,38.28.228:2040/weblink/O/doc/1060131IPa el.as x Th,ar11-yoLI, ess.ica Michaelis, Office A ssistazi.t Southold Torun Planning I)cpartn cnt 54375 NYS ROUtc 25 11.0, Box 1179 Southold, N'Y 11971 Phone: 6.31. -765-1935 F'rnail t. OFFICECI : •• LING : ,,, Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � »�� / Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY ", Telephone: 631 765-1938 w ww.s outholdtownny.gov ", CoUNTI PLANNING 130ARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD November 3, 2021 Mr. Gregory Nissen 217 Monsell Place Greenport, NY 11944 Re; Public Hearing Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Mr. Nissen: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, November 1, 2021 regarding the above-referenced application. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson ;Olf FN 4, Town Hall Annex Ronald McGreevy 54375 Route 25 Umberto Fasolino PO Box 1179 Reynolds duPont,Jr., Fishers Island Liaison Southold,NY 11971 Anne Surchin,Historic Preservation " Commission Liaison Fax(631)765-6641 Telephone: (631)765-1892 www.southoldtownny.gov Town of Southold RECEIVED Architectural Review Committee - .— -------- i Minutes �� �2 6 2021 OCTOBER 14, 2021 at 4:OOP.M. _......... W "cWn Members Present: Nanning ing Boaird Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson; Ron McGreev • Umberto Fasolino• Anne Surchin• Bran Cumm.i...g.....w..w..___....__...._�..._. p p Y. i Cummings, Town Planner; Elizabeth Cantrell, Secretary The minutes for the June 10, 2021 meeting were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes, and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations,together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. New Site Nan Ap lication: WATER DYNAMICS CORP.STORAGE BUILDING SCTM#1000-55-5-11 Greg Nissen, owner presented this site plan for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq.ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq.ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. Located: 46950 County Road 48,Southold. The Committee reviewed and approves the proposed project as it was submitted today, Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. New Site Plan Application: Greenport Harbor Brewing Storage Building SCTM#1000-75-5-12 Brian Cummings,Town Planner presented this site plan application is for the proposed construction of a 4,800 sq. ft. storage building on 0.6 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. Located:41625 Main Road, Peconic. The Committee reviewed the proposed site plan and is making the recommendation that the area of construction disturbance be minimized and that trees in undisturbed areas be protected.After 1 construction is completed any remaining disturbed areas should be planted with a mix of conifers(e.g spruce, cedar) in order to screen the building form the street in the winter. The Committee reviewed and approves the proposed project as it was submitted. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. Elizabeth Cantrell,A.R.C.Secretary 2 Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — October 1820.21 Page 2 Project name: Baxter, William J. Jr. SCTM#: 1000-102-5-9.4 Location: 260 Griffing_Street, Cutchogue Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 2.38-acre parcel into 4 lots where Lots 1, 2 & 3 = 0.6 acres each, and Lot 4 = 0..5 acres, in the Hamlet Business Zoning District. Status: Conditional Final Plat Approval Action: Review C&R's Attachments: Draft C&R's Project Name: Lebkuecher Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-125.-2-2.2 Location: 3475 Aldrich Lane & 935 Franklinville Rd, Laurel Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 35.79-acre parcel into two lots, where Lot 1 is 3.66 acres with an existing residential structure and Lot 2 is 32.13 acres with greenhouses in active farm use, in the R-80 and HB Zoning Districts. ........ .. Status: Conditional Final Plat Approval Action: Review C&R's Attachments: Draft C&R's Project name: New Suffolk Waterfront Fund SCTM#: ' 1000-117-8-18 Location: 650 First Street, on the corner of Main Street and First Street, New Suffolk Description. This approved Site Plan is for the re-location, renovation and addition of 47 sq. ft. to the historic Galley Ho restaurant building, totaling 1,725 sq. ft., to include a 66-seat restaurant and 16-slip marina on 2.3 acres in the M-Il Zoning District. Status: Approved Site Plan Action: Discuss Parking Attachments:. None Project Name: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building SCTM#:I 1000-55-5-11 Location: 46950 CR 48, Southold Description: This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. Status: Pending Action: Review Request for Site Work Prior to Site Plan Approval Attachments Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Request for certain interior/on-site work Date October 18, 2021 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Water Dynamics Corp. Applicant: Gregory Nissen Tax Map Number: 55.-5-11 Project Location: 46950 CR 48 Hamlet: Southold Zoning District: General Business (B) II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Commercial Acreage of Project Site: ±0.28 acres Building size 988 sq. ft. III: Review See attached checklist for Site Plan Requirements. This site plan is for the proposed interior alterations to convert an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building (former hair salon) to a water testing and filtration business office and shop; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District, Southold. A. Proposed: a. Interior alterations to convert an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building (former hair salon) to a water testing and filtration business office and workshop b. Construction of a 988 sq. ft. metal storage building and rear parking area. Narrative provided by applicant explains that the building and rear parking area was designed around maneuverability of box truck deliveries; c. Seven (7) parking stalls — Planning Staff will continue to work with the applicant in the effort to provide a compliant parking schematic. The parcel is currently asphalted to almost all property lines; 1 B. Request from owner/applicant Greg Nissen: Exterior: • Clear existing weeds growing around the parking lot; • Remove hazardous rear deck; Interior ® To ensure the shell is tight— Start to replace a few windows and demo finished basement that is full of moisture. (Leaving it unfinished); • Remove interior 3/ salon walls; • Start the HVAC and see what needs to be addressed. V: Planning Board item to consider: Allow certain work to be completed on this existing site as detailed above. 7 1. PB resolution setting the hearing—This is your copy of the Planning Board resolution that set the public hearing. 2. List of adjacent property owners to notify—This is the list of the adjacent property owners that you must mail the notice of hearing to. These notices must be mailed by certified mail, with return receipt. 3. Notice to adjacent propertv owners and copes of the tax map pages — These are the documents that must be mailed to the adjacent property owners (certified w/ return receipt). Some applicants like to include a cover letter, but a cover letter is not a requirement. 4. Affidavit of Postin —This affidavit must be signed, notarized and returned to the planning department by October 2nd with the certified mail receipts and any green cards that you have received. 5. Southold Town Code related to Public Flea!j —This is just a copy of the Southold Town Code related to public hearings for your record. 6. Zoom Instructions—This is a copy of the zoom instruction for the public meeting for your record. One of these is included in the "notice to adjacent property owners". Feel free to call me with any questions. Jessica Michaelis, Planning Board Secretary 631-765-1938, jessicam@southoldtownny.gov OFFICE LOCATION: i MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall AnnexN,' � � ' P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �' fi Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) WO "rn Southold, NY G, Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 5, 2021 Mr. Gregory Nissen 217 Monsell Place Greenport, NY 11944 Re: SEQR Classification and Set Hearing Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Mr. Nissen: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 4, 2021: WHEREAS, this site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(7) "construction or expansion of a primary or accessory/appurtenant, non- residential structure or facility involving less than 4,000 square feet of gross floor area and not involving a change in zoning or a use variance and consistent with local land use controls, but not radio communication or microwave transmission facilities"; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is a Type II Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, November 1, 2021 at 6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Water Dynamics Water Dynamics §Storage Page 2 October 5 2021 Corporation" prepared by Maxine Liao, R.A. dated June 11, 2021 and last revised August 25, 2021. The public hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the sign & post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office at the Southold Town Annex when you are contacted to do so. Please return the Affidavit of Posting/Mailing,Posting/Mailing, included in the packet, along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, October 29 2021. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Water Dynamics 46950 County Route 48, Southold, NY SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 1. 55.-2-22 2. 55.-2-23 3. 55.-5-10 4. 55.-5-12.1 5. 55.-5-12.2 6. 55.-5-13 Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-55-5-11; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the B Zoning District, 4. This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. The property is located at 46950 CR 48, Southold. SCTM#1000-55-5-11. 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2"d Fl., Former Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www seutholdtoywrnny,g_oy; 2. Click on Town Records Weblink/Laserfiche icon located on the home page, 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: JessicaMC southofdtownny. ov; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, November 1 2021 at 6:01 p.m. at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold and virtually via the Zoom online platform; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. It is not necessary to attend this hearing to participate. Written comments received prior to the public hearing date are acceptable. Written comments may be submitted via letter or email to: JessiwcaM�..southoldtownny gov Petitioner/Owner Name: Water Dynamics Corp. Date: 10/5/21 MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: y '�r P.O.Box 1179 , Southold,NY 11971-0959 Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 Telephone:631-765-1938 ' www.southoldtownny.gov (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) R Southold.NY � PLANNING BOARD OF'F'ICE TOWN OF SO T OLD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING Monday, November 1 , 2021 6:00 p.m. Options for public attendance, • In person: Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. or • To join via computer: https:/IusO6web.zoom.us/j/84407697040?pwd=M1 IJaUYySTVRVW1 VMmUrRIZRc2JIQT09 Or Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID: 844 0769 7040 Password: 087996 Join by telephone: Call 1 (646)558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above) r, ,r f a a - a qo ` G � wag u 3 7 R 4✓ �gm t �..A bya- U] aF n = r a 2 i r: r n a 1 O n m' k r v;a r , 10 w m A. < ko a, K �n � � o v v z s 4 r s z i I €ova ��'"• � �a 9 i r � a - a _ e em I � IIII` � I 4 v wf.( �• 'n �a I I I I h Ion ag�,sgl a �'ss� s���r�xss s-oag„ Ln 0 ti AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon Fri. 10/29/21 Re: Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building SCTM#: 1000-55-5-11 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, November 1, 2021, 6:01 p.m. Towti of&rahold PCICodebook for- G(jirrrlows § 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-20031 Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant, petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property, nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant, petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. 1 MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: 0y P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Town Hall Annex t` u a 54375 State Route 25 Telephone:631-765-1938 � r awww.southoldtownny.gov (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) ,'r7 Southold,NY °-, a?•^ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING Monday, November 1 , 2021 6:00 p.m. Options for public attendance:. In person, Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. or o To join via computer, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84407697040?pwd=M1 IJaUYySTVRVW1 VMmUrRIZRc2JIQT09 Or Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID: 844 0769 7040 Password: 087996 Join by telephone: Call 1 (646)558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above) OFFICE LOCATION: a : Town Hall Annex1 So P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �� /�rr Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, ? Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SUT OLD October 5, 2021 Mr. Gregory Nissen 217 Monsell Place Greenport, NY 11944 Re; SEAR Classification and Set Hearing Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building 46950 County Road 48, Southold SCTM#1000-55.-5-11 Dear Mr. Nissen: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 4, 2021: WHEREAS, this site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(7) construction or expansion of a primary or accessory/appurtenant, non- residential structure or facility involving less than 4,000 square feet of gross floor area and not involving a change in zoning or a use variance and consistent with local land use controls, but not radio communication or microwave transmission facilities"; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is a Type II Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, November 1, 2021 at 6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Water Dynamics water Dynamics tpra e Page 2 October 5,w2021 Corporation" prepared by Maxine Liao, R.A. dated June 11, 2021 and last revised August 25, 2021. The public hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the sign & post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office at the Southold Town Annex when you are contacted to do so. Please return the Affidavit of PostiqgtMailing, included in the packet, alon with the certified mailin recei is AND the si ned green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, October 29 2021. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Plannin Board Office after the public hearing is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman ,LIL, S sjorl — S pt�� nbq!�27, SOLIthold TgLqLi Plq�nn09JRQ_a_r( �t Project Name, Hard Corner Southold Mixed, Use SCTM#' 1000-61-4-1 Location: 53530 Route 25, Southold Description- This site plan is for the proposed mixed use construction of a 2-stogy 4,983 sq, ft building fronting NYS Route 25 with retail on the first floor and three Affordable Housing apartments on the second floor and 25 parking stalls-, and four 1,597 sq. ft. 55 and older rental units along Wells Avenue. all on 2.28 acres in the Hamlet Business (1-113) Zoning District. Status-. Pending, Action: Referral Review (continued) Attachments, Staff Report' Project Name: The Heritage at Cutchogue (Harvest Pt.) SCTM#- 1000-102-1-33,3 Location: 75 Schoolhouse Road, on the n/w corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximately 1,079 feet n/o the Main Road, in Cutchogue. Description; This Residential Site Plan is for the development of 124 detached and attached dwellings Status: Approved with Conditions Action: Review for CO's of several units Attachments: Staff Report Project Name' Oregon Storage Warehouses SCTM#: 1000-_81.373-5.3 Location: 11900 Op gon Road, Cutchogue Description: This sitelan is for the proposed construction of a ±69,360 sq ft. self- storage facility. and includes the construction of six (6) storage buildings: three 12,000 sq. ft. 1-story buildings, two 11,880 sq, ft, 1-story buildings, and one 9,600 sq. ft. 1-story building, Also included is the conversion of an existing 797 sq. ft. garage to an office. an existing dwelling to remain, and 20 proposed parking stalls all on 5.7 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District. Status, Approved e and two of the storage buildings Action: Review for CO of the offic Attachments: Staff Report 10 Project Name- Water Dynamics Corp. Storage Building SCTM#: 1000-55-5-11 Location, 46950 CR 48, Southold existing 1,303 sq, ft. Description- This site plan is for the proposed conversion an ex building to a water testing and filtration business-, including the construction of a 988 sq ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. Status: New Application Action: Review for Completeness Attachments, Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness Date September 27, 2021 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Water Dynamics Corp. Applicant: Gregory Nissen Tax Map Number: 55.-5-11 Project Location: 46950 CR 48 Hamlet: Southold Zoning District: General Business (B) II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Commercial Acreage of Project Site: ±0.28 acres Building size 988 sq. ft. III: Completeness Review See attached checklist for Site Plan Requirements. This site plan is for the proposed interior alterations to convert an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building (former hair salon) to a water testing and filtration business office and shop; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District, Southold. A. Proposed construction: a. Interior alterations to convert an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building (former hair salon) to a water testing and filtration business office and shop b. 988 sq. ft. metal storage building; c. Seven (7) parking stalls — Existing site is graveled to the property lines, Planning Staff will continue to work with the applicant in the effort to provide a compliant parking schematic; d. Storm water management and existing curb cut to CR 48 e. D arnp #er enclosure pro o d behind st racle building f. SE ;2RA TVDe 11 action: 1. B. Staff Analysis: The following have been provided for review: a. Dimensions, existing conditions; b. Building elevations and floor plan for the proposed addition; c. Grading and drainage information pursuant to Chapter 236 for stormwater; including: calculations, erosion and sediment controls, 2' contours or spot elevations, specify open/closed inlet grates; d. Applicant should clarify if any exterior light fixtures are proposed. Cut sheet specifications are required; V: Planning Board items to consider: 1) Accept the above referenced amended site plan application as complete for review, to begin the site plan review process, including: a) Distribute referrals; b) Classify the action as Type II under SEQRA; c) Public Hearing: set the hearing for November 1, 2021 at October 4t"'s public meeting; Southold Planning Department Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness - Section 280-133 Project Name: Water Dynamics Completed by: Brian Cummings Date: September 27, 2021 Received Comment A. Submission of a complete site plan application shall consist of: (1) A completed site plan application form. (2) The site plan review fee, as specified in Subsection B New below. Editor's Note: See now § 280-138, Fee schedule for site plan applications. (3) A completed environmental assessment form. Short (4) Nine copies of the site plan. (5) Four copies of a property survey, certified by a licensed land surveyor. B. Standards. Site plan design shall include the following items: (1) Technical data: (a) The lot, block and section number of the property, taken from the latest tax records. (b) The name and address of the landowner on record: [1] The names and addresses of adjoining landowners. [2] The name and address of the applicant, if not the same as the landowner. (c) The name and address of the person, firm or organization preparing the map, sealed with the applicable New York State license seal and signature. (d) Date, graphic scale and North point, whether true or magnetic; if magnetic, show the date of reading. (e) A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer. The site plan may reference a land surveyor's map or base reference map. All distances shall be in feet and hundredths of a foot. All angles shall be given to the nearest 10 seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in 10,000. (f) The locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within 500 feet of property lines. If none exist within 500 feet of the subject property, indicate the distance to the nearest intersection with a public street. (g) A separate key map showing location and owners of all adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest tax records, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet. (h) The location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations and areas dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property. (i) A complete outline of other existing easements, deed �I 1. Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department restrictions or covenants applying to the property. (j) Existing zoning, including zone lines and dimensions. (k) Site plans drawn at the scale of one inch equals 20 feet. If all required information cannot be shown clearly on one plan, the information should be separated as follows.. [1] Alignment and schedule plan. [2] Grading and drainage. [3] Landscaping. [4] Other, e.g., site utilities. (2) Natural features: Received Comment (a) Existing contours with intervals of two feet or less, referred to mean sea level as per United States Geological Survey datum. (b) Boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or stormwater overflows, tidal bays, saltwater marshes, beaches and all freshwater bodies, including wetlands N/A and intermittent streams, perimeter boundaries of shoreline bluffs, dunes and beaches. (c) The location of existing natural features, including but not limited to natural drainage swales, watercourses, wooded areas and wetlands, as defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation N/A and the Board of Trustees of Southold Town, marshes, ponds, dunes, bluffs, beaches, kettleholes, escarpments, wildlife habitats, flood hazard areas, erosion-prone areas and trees of six inches in diameter at a point three feet above the trunk base. (d) The location of any existing cultural and historical features within 500 feet of the property boundaries. N/A (3) Existing building structures and utilities: (a) The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, as defined in § 280-4 of this chapter, and all uses of the site. (b) Paved areas, including parking areas, sidewalks and vehicular access between the site and public streets. (c) The locations, dimensions, grades and flow directions of any existing culverts, waterlines or sewage disposal systems, as well as other underground and aboveground utility poles and utility lines within and adjacent to the property. (d) The location and use of all buildings and structures, including curbcuts, within 200 feet of the boundary of the subject property. 7 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department (4) Proposed construction: Received Comment (a) The location of proposed buildings or structural improvements, indicating setbacks from all property lines and horizontal distances from existing structures. (b) The location and design of all uses not requiring structures, such as off-street parking and loading areas and pedestrian circulation. (c) The location, direction, power level and time of use for any proposed outdoor lighting or public address systems. (d) The location and plans for any outdoor signs must be in accordance with applicable sign regulations. X (e) The location and details of aprons, curbs, sidewalks, fencing (type and location), and grading, including existing and proposed topography with two-foot contours (on site and 200 feet beyond the property line) and spot elevations for buildings and all structures, drainage calculations, details of drainage structures and watershed areas, where applicable. (f) Grading and drainage plans shall be based upon site stormwater retention, in conformance with Chapter 161, Highway Specifications. (g) The location and listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, quantity and location. (h) The location of water and sewer mains, electrical service, cablevision and telephone installations, ground transformers, fire wells and fire hydrants and/or any alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. (i) Building elevations for all facades and floor plans showing the proposed use of floor area. Notes:. Site Plan Application elements waivers: § 280-133 C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Board shall have the discretion to waive any or all of the requirements of this § 280-133 by resolution at a duly noticed public meeting, for those applications involving modifications to existing structures with no substantial change to the existing footprint, where the Planning Board determines that such modifications or any change in use will not require significant changes to existing major site design features, as well as applications involving uses strictly related to agriculture (but excepting retail winery operations), if it determines such requirements are not necessary to protect and maintain the public health, safety, or welfare and to further the objectives set forth in § 280-129. Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Department Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road rlI P. O. Box 1179 " Southold, NY 11971-0959 Re: Change of Use &Site Plan To Whom it may concern: We are looking to purchase or lease 46950 CR48, Southold, NY—formerly operated as a hair salon—to operate our water testing and filtration business, Mermaid Water Solutions and Goldman Water Testing. We are the sole owners of the business, but the current location is leased space. We purchased the business from John Scaramucci in December of 2020. We are native to the east end,Shelter Island, but now reside in Greenport. We are: Water Dynamics Corp. DBA Mermaid Water Solutions&Goldman Water Testing Current location 8700 Main Rd, Mattituck NY Goldman Water Testing-Professional water testing for residential and commercial. Serving Suffolk County East of Route 112. Mermaid Water Solutions- Whole house water filtration, Installation,service. Residential and commercial,serving Long Island. The Crew: Office employees: Full time:3 Technicians:Full Time:5 Water Collectors:Part time:2 Amanda& Greg: Owner Operators In most cases the Technician's drive their vans to and from work and keep them for emergency service. Please check out website for more information. We are NOT a walk-in business and have nothing for sale to walk in customers. Occasionally a customer will stop in to get water test results or drop off a payment, but this is infrequent. The office operates as a call center and administrative location. There is a stock area for our filters and media for the filter assemblies. The current building with minor interior changes such as getting rid of hair wash sinks, some partition wall removal and simple "clean up"would all that we would do. The exterior will need some "clean-up" but this also is very minor. No structural changes, additions, or extensions would be requested. There is a rear deck we would probably remove to allow of access to the basement. Some windows and doors need to be replaced and the basement partition walls must be removed and left unfinished. Behind the existing building to the west,we would want to add a storage building 26 x 38 (under 1000 sq ft) to store our stock. We would keep this building so the typical box truck could pull in,turn around and unload. We would center the garage/storage space to have set backs greater than 5' . This would be an unheated small pole barn structure, likely white with a grey roof to match the main structure—we would keep it to scale with the 1400 sq ft office space—and make it look residential and modest. Please see attached sketch of structure by Shirk Buildings and the site plan. Mermaid has been in the Town of Southold since 1974 and we do not plan to go anywhere. We are a good local employer providing health care and a living wage to our crew. We like to believe we also provide our customers a personal and local company to trust to address their water concerns. Respectfully submitted, Amanda Clark&Gregory Nissen k SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD 21 SITE PLAN APPLICATION FORM '�� " " �� Site Plan Name and Location Site Plan Name: ��'��U6 ta '�i Application Date: „ Suffolk County Tax Map #1000- - - Other SCTM #s d Street Address: m�` Hamlet m� t Distance to nearest intersection: Type of Site Plan: zNew Amended Residential Zoning District Owners/Agent Contact Information Please list name, maili!g,address, and�alro�r�number. or the prrople below: Property Owner Street—�Li LwAt CityHt",State � Zip t l� — "l Other ...� Home Telephone � ' �. _ _�....����... �..� Applicant Oveoet;--� � o k a• � ......__....... ...........�.�.._. City e :;. State Y Zip " Home Telephone ,S` j �j Other ..,_. .... .. ..... ._.. .. ... .. .,., .. _ ....---. Applicant's Agent or Representative: Contact Persons}* Street City'.. ..._, .. ._._ State Zip Office Tel _w _Other Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to contact person * p y p rson noted here. Site Plan Application Form M8 010 Site Data Proposed construction type: New -=1 ` e Agricultural .Change of use Property total acreage or square footage: r , ac./sq. ft. Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: AfEL ac./sq. ft. ° Is e. _ �.._.W.._.. _..... ther �. .... _r an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes No If yes, explain: Does the parce](s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? Y_N_ If"yes", explain (and attach any necessary documentation— title report, subdivision approval, etc.) Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes No If yes, have you submitted an applicatioii to the ZBA? Yes No If yes, attach a copy of the applicakion packet. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses: List all proposed property uses: , g,'LlJ7-91° 2 orki q . Other accessory uses. 1 ITm—w a Existing g P lot coverage: % Proposed lot coverage:.,, www �% t'* � Gross floor area of existing structure(s):_LtOrLe _sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s):_ '' 1, (,( P Space Data: g proposed spaces Loading Berth: Yes No,'�—la° .. p Parking. of existing spaces: # of .... --.. � Landscaping Details Existing landscape coverage / Proposed m.landscal)c coverag . — .. Wetlands: Is this property f a wetland area? Yes No Maybe ... _.. ert within 500 0 I, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true. Signature ofPreparer: �. �� Date. Sile Plan.lpplicoiion Form 2118,12010 Southold Planning I)e artrnent Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name:. i, + t ' Last,First, middle init' unless you are applying in the name ofsomeone else or other,entity, such as a company. Ifso, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan „ Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse, sibling,parent or child)'have a relationship with.any of0der or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes, by blood, i narriage or business interest. "Business interest"rneans a business,including a pttrtnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes Noww If you answered "Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C. an officer, director, partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship. Submitted this day of i 20�-� Signature�� L Print Name_ r Disclosure Form Owner authorization of an applicant �/7 /I/ 1,Gregory Dodd,owner of property identilled as 469510 CR48 Southaid LLC In Southold NY, hereby authorize Greg Nissan to apply for a site plan on my property and hire arly agents: necessary to complete the work Involved In the site Plan application process with tho Southold PlannIng Board. Sincerely, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME ON ON THIS DAY or-4 MARY BETH TAIlq Klo-rAHY POLIC,State 0l New YOrl' N0,01TA61U460 In Nassau County E'4PIrtj Fobniary 14, 9'0� 1/10/21 Greetings GN5 Mermaid Customers. We are happy to reach out to you as the new owners of GNS Mermaid. The company was founded in 1973 and rebranded in 1996 and now we are proud to be the next family to run this amazing local business. You know them as the industry standard of water treatment and filtration, and we intend to carry on that tradition of John and Cissy Scaramucci. We are Amanda Clark and Gregory Nissen. Amanda is an all-American College athlete and two time Olympian in the sport of sailing. Amanda grew up on Shelter Island. Gregory is a NYS Water Treatment Operator gaining his experience through former employment managing Quinipet Camp and Retreat Center on Shelter Island and then a number of estates properties. We moved from Shelter Island to Greenport in 2015 and our daughter Margaret is in Greenport School's wonderful pre-k program. Just about everything will remain as it has been. The new business name will be "Mermaid Water Solutions" and our water testing division will be renamed "Goldman Water Testing". We will be rolling out a system of automatic service maintenance. We can track your needs, based on your system, and call, email or text you when service is due. You will be able to interact with us on a variety of platforms including email, text, and on-line payments. We have the utmost respect for the local small business on long Island and are honored to be joining that group of hard-working families. As the new owners,we will be here for you for the long haul. Drop us an email if you have fallen off the service rotation. Your system should be looked at least once a year to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment. And with the Pandemic we prepared to respect your personal space, wear masks, sanitize our gear between clients, and have an employee testing protocol in place. Sincerely , Amanda Clary& C,ppry Nissen , hh Cissy&John Scaramuccf N (i %r`i I ✓� I f�./4 CD CD 0 n n M T (D (D CD o (D o -4, Co g � co o" CD W aCD N ❑ El El ov T v � °) ') --7.. a. T a n � Q 2 3 El T O rl ® n q � C ❑FE g °� l -� co (D 0 � —' � o � V CD � � J m ❑ ® rs m co p o p O_ Q N �I ,k y1 `6 � r t J � LL C b w a ° x *� r cri — ---- uj Q w i W W N Wsz LLJ WO O u LJJ 6 W ' .�' qqryry , __LU .. O —cz� � �° U m � l7 a e. Z rt'a w Q O � m t e, CL vi U Q W " Ln - m lQ LLJ >O y 4 I W Y r r 0 3 a gZ O -0 _0 N LU Q a °o ° n o ..... u �� Z "- i= 5 I °r �° _..w " Cti Lv I � & I i a In f — `> Q ( c., 1 rA I Cl1 Lle C I I C� > 7i C) G i i i o g CxrZ ; �..," ....,_...,.,• w._�.m. ,_.... f x co 0 I f v A,���� d 1 ^��� �,,^ryy 7• � h d Ipr,. q Nry" 4 w,. __.. .. A i In u U u i? C1 Oa O r _... ---..._ u LU u.1 (1- CL m 46950 County toad 48 Neighbors 500' 1) Jonathan Hawkins—3125 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 2) Kenneth Norcross—2755 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 3) John J Quinn— 2735 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 4) Robert Bohn—2685 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 5) Kimberlie Jobes—2355 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 6) Diane McGunnigle—2355 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 7) Quad Enterprises CO LLC— 1645 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971, BOX 67 Greenport NY 11944 8) Thomas McCarthy—46520 County Road 48, Southold NY 11971 9) Jemcap SD I LLC-46770 County Road 48, Southold NY 11971 10) Southold Medical Arts Building INC-46850 County Road 48, Southold NY 11971 11) Vanduzer Appliance Company INC—46155 County Rd 48, Southold NY 11971 12) S Cartselos LLC-46695 County Road 48, Southold NY 11971 13) S Cartselos LLC-46695 County Road 48, Southold NY 11971 14) 2 Joes LLC-47055 County Road 48, Southold NY 11971 15) Madeleine Schlaefer—47025 County Road 48, Southold NY 11971 16) Southold Town Of 47355 Middle Rd— PO BOX 1179 Southold, NY 11971 17) Wayne Swiatochia—3150 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 18) George Brown—2900 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 19) Angelina Perez—2780 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 20) Chester P Finne—2679 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 21) Michael W Drumm —22600 Boisseau Ave, Southold NY 11971 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS I All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Pe»nits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2.. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, at_ gt action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area f'Altich hicludes a.l,1_ f Southold'l"own'. 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus each answer must be explained in detail listing both supporting and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shallnot be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION PROJECT NAME t' e r4 m . U0 cslz< The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees l. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response). (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g, capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action P�_VLJ Jc�t ('�a � 1 Location of action: Site acreage: Present land use: Present zoning classification: a ; 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: �i (a) Name of applicant: On e' -� I (b) Mailing address:,dltl q d Pkijc e,,,, (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ) JAwwww_ � (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes E No . If yes, which state or federal agency? ww______m � C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project.will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. mm �, Yes El No Not Applicable s Attach additional sheets if nec essary cessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes 11 No Q ... Not Applicable Attach addition.—... al sheets if necessary .._... Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Po tries Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes No Not Applicable .. ....... Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III-Polia:ie4ot s 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes � No Applicable i Attach additfi ona.l sheets if necessary ..............._. __ Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria m Yes F-1 No ❑Not Applicable .__�a-ch ..."._. .,,b. '.__. ...�..._. Att ch additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III- Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes No , No t Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes No Not Applicable Attach additio nal sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and waste, See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. EJ Yes EJ No Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. nn I_._1 Yes 0 No Not Applicable At7t,Ji..idWtiow1sl�elsif�......cessa�..�_ m.......... .......................................... .................... mm........ �e ie ry WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. Se °LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. 1-1 Yes FINo � Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. S LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. D Yes El No Not Applicable ..._..... —...� Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agric .iltural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evalua 'on criteria. F] Yes �! No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate propriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III— Policies; ages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes No* Not Applicable PREPARED TITLE� DATE r�' w Amended on 811,105 SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE v SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS 1. New Site Plan Applications a. $500 flat fee b. Plus $500 for each acre (or fraction thereof) in excess of the first acre c, Plus $0.10 for each gross square foot of proposed construction, 2. Amended Site Plan Applications a. $250 flat fee b, Plus $0,10 for each gross square foot of proposed construction in excess of the square footage of construction included in the previously approved site plan. S� 3. Agricultural Site Plan Applications �df (excepting retail winery operations*) a. $500 flat fee Yp 2�O l V e f Fee Schedule Site Plan Applications FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: July 15, 2021 TO: Gregory Nissen (Water Dynamics Corp, Greg Dodd) 217 Monsell Place Greenport,NY 11944 Please take notice that your application dated May 26, 2021: For permit to: Consti ct new accessory ; _,,trqctijL torage garage) to are cxlst . c_omi-nercial property at: Location of property: 46950 County oad 48 Sot.ithold 'NY County Tax Map No. 1000— Section 55 Block 5 Lot 11 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Pursuant to Article .XY,111 Section 280-127 the t�r�a:posed new accessory recigires site Mara)p t fom the Southold Town Pjannjae vr You may now apply to these agencies directly. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Planning Board 1^"VC I( F; LOCATION' MAILING A_1)t ltESS: To 2 t...ta.(II .2 u r . 'QF 5 En.f t:l 11 79 54,375 at,z V.�; C�c��bfiu 07 yr Soul,[iolld, NrY 1 � 7'➢� (c,oii% doh un R,d 'Yowa gs ,.arc:.) Telephone. 631 765 1938 �e.At;t�a�➢.r9, NY d www.souttioldtowiuiy.gov �OUNTV PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: August 30, 2021 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Site Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name & Type .......,... Tax Map # � Amount Check Date/No. .....D�Dynamics...C.or.W.....---- . ....._........... ..�...m. Water ..p Site Plan 55.-5-11 $598 80 8/6/2021 #5259 ALP -W3t r Dynamics Corp. 10300 1n 8oIa i , M rnri ici Water S luit ons�&dbf�rhan'miter Testing PO Box 9�.M ttptuck,�NY 1195 r d =. 9 4 '7 r �0 6 PAY TO ORDERO EF ._,..__. SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT `*598.80 u rc ORDER O __— .s._. _._.._ ._.. .y.... �._..— f ****a*'*a** n iks aw��ce'n� - DO�..(�.�;RS Lary 11 LJe Md red Eiartet ei�I��t ar�r� 80/100 - JTt+ '14 ', f Ls 0 EPA R TNiENT r ,e x Site Flf,in ,� �.. 5, 151:4 11 4,C, 0 C 131 6 3 9 95 a G. n"