HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/2021 Historic Preservation Commission Work Session (Via ZOOM Webinar) Thursday, May 20, 2021 3:00 PM Work Session: 3:00 pm Pre submission Conferences: (30 minutes allotted to each presentation) 1. 3:00pm – Dzama @ 7760 Main Bayview Rd. Represented by Jennifer Del Vaglio of East End Pool King to propose a pool fence to an existing single family dwelling. SCTM# 1000-87.-5-19.3 -Commissioners agree to make a site visit before the public hearing. -Applicant will provide the commissioners with detailed description of fence and post materials. -Public hearing is set for June 17, 2021. 5/17/2021 9:54:19 AM 1 Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes (Via ZOOM Webinar) Thursday, May 20, 2021 3:30 PM Regular Meeting: 3:30 pm Call to order: 3:32 pm Pledge of Allegiance Minutes: Approve Minutes of April 15, 2021 meeting. nd Motion to approve April 15, 2021 minutes as written, by, Commissioner Surchin, 2 by, Commissioner McCarthy, AYES, Ostroski, Surchin, McCarthy, Santana and Wexler. Motion Approved Monthly budget report: Regular monthly expenses. A copy was distributed to all Commissioners. Public Hearings: 3:35 pm: Shaw D L & L S Family Trust @ 220 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY, 11957. Proposed generator and fence for screening to an existing single-family dwelling. SCTM# 1000-25.-1-21 -Applicant proposed the use of a four foot natural cedar fence with a lattice top design to be installed according to town code. -No public comments were made. 5/17/2021 9:54:19 AM 2 Motion to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for, the proposed fence as applied for, by nd Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by, Commissioner Wexler, Ayes, Ostroski, Surchin, McCarthy, Santana and Wexler. Motion approved unanimously 3:36 pm: Bernstein (Sheldon) @ 20 Vincent Street, Orient, NY, 11957. Proposed fence and alterations to screen porch to an existing single-family dwelling. SCTM# 1000-26.-1-6 -Commissioners decided to divide the proposal into two separate requests. -The first request was a fence that will also serve as a pool barrier. -The second request was proposed changes to an existing screened in porch. -No public comments were made. -A motion was made to issue a certificate of appropriateness for the proposed fence. -Commissioners decided to leave the public hearing open pending window specifications for the proposed changes to the screened porch. Motion to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness, by Commissioner Surchin, for the construction of a code compliant fence to be designed in one of the two following options. Option 1: a fence that will be constructed in two different fence styles. The first style fence will be a 4 feet high natural cedar fence that will be used along sections A,B,H and the street front half of G, as labeled on the survey as applied for. The second style fence is 1 x 1 black mesh with a top rail and will run along sides C,D,E,F and half of G. Option 2: a natural cedar fence that will be placed in all front, side, and rear yards according to town code fence height as applied for, nd 2 by, Commissioner McCarthy, Ayes, Ostroski, Surchin, McCarthy, Santana and Wexler. Motion approved unanimously 3:37 pm: Umana @ 51750 Main Road, Southold, NY, represented by Complete Expediting. Proposed installation of roof-mounted solar panels to accessory buildings as applied for. SCTM# 1000-63.-6-4 -Applicant proposed the use of anti-glare panels. -No public comment was made. 5/17/2021 9:54:19 AM 3 Motion to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for, the proposed solar panels as applied nd for, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by, Commissioner Santana, Ayes, Ostroski, Surchin, McCarthy, Santana and Wexler. Motion approved unanimously Old Business: - A schedule of duties is being implemented to expedite HPC updates and postings to the Town Website. (Tracey Dwyer) - Planning has explained that the project managers and architect are in agreeance with the recommendations given by the Historic Preservation Commission for the affordable housing project at 53315 Main Road, Southold and will update us as their project moves forward. - Flyers have been designed and will be posted in several locations for any Landmark properties interested in purchasing a brass plaque for their home. - Asch property award (Anne Surchin & Tracey Dwyer). New Business: - Awnings in the historic districts of the Town of Southold need a Certificate of Appropriateness. - Presentation of the restored Landmark plaque to the Murphy home @ 225 Hortons Lane, Southold, to be scheduled for June 17, 2021. - Tentative Scheduled meetings through 2021. MEETING DATE NOTICE DATE (by or prior to) Thursday, May 20 Monday. May 3 Thursday, June 17 - Friday, May 28 Anne will chair. Thursday, July 15 Monday. June 28 Thursday, August 26 Monday, August 2 September Monday, August 30 October 21 Monday, October 4 November, 18 Monday, November 1 December, 16 Monday, Nov. 29 Motion to enter Executive Session at 5:10 pm Meeting Adjourn at 5:10 pm. Next HPC Zoom Work Session and Meeting scheduled for 3:00pm on Thursday, June 17, 2021. 5/17/2021 9:54:19 AM 4 5/17/2021 9:54:19 AM 5