HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-37.-5-3 OFFICE LOCATION: SO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) CP ,c Southold, NY 11971 �p� Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 COUNT`1,� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry,AICP Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date January 23,2020 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File KENDALL TODD#7373 SCTM# 1000-37-5-3. KENDALL TODD#7373 -Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's No 6,2019 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish an existing dwelling and to construct a single family dwelling at, 1) located less than the code required front yard setback of 35 feet; 2) located less than the code required rear yard setback of 35 feet; located at 670 Bayview Drive, (Adj.to Spring Pond)East Marion,NY. SCTM# 1000-37-5-3. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268,Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP.This determination was made based on the following: 1. The footprint of the demolished structure will not be expanded supporting community character. 2. The proposed new single family residence is not located within a mapped FEMA flood_zone or discordant with the surrounding community character. 3. A Board of Trustees Wetland Permit(No 7853)required a non-turf buffer to protect the wetland. Due to the high residential density in the area, undersized lot and close proximity to surface waters; in the event the action is approved, it is recommended that the Board require the installation of a UA OWTS and compliance with Chapter 236 Stormwater Management to further Policy 6.Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold's ecosystem. Pursuant to Chapter 268,the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: William Duffy,Town Attorney BOARD MEMBERS ��0f SUUjyO Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ,`O l0 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. O! 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento ycoUN�y,� Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov [RECEIVED ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOV 2019 Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 L _ 5cuthoid Town Planning Board November 13, 2019 Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref.No. #7373 Todd, Kendall Dear Mark: We have received an application to demolish an existing dwelling and construct a new single family dwelling. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-51) is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairperson By: b-4647tx� Encl. Survey/site plan: Paul Barylski Land Surveying, dated July 24, 2019 Fee:$ Filed By: Assignment No. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS AREA VARIANCE House No.(0 9.70 Street BA YV d �)R L V Q- Hamlet E m 1 vj SCTM 1000 Section3o3 Block S Lots) � Lot Size Z Zone I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED._&l -?-0 1 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED Owner(s): KG�D A'LL f o d d Mailing Address: 61 wI a b a POA 011J&Qool� 074 Z Telephone:2-01-9�;Z' Fax• Email: 0��1 �%� �il��d d� •C�y°' �a NOTE:In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent, architect,builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Name of Representative: �(' � ( �LIS � for(,I/O'wner( )Other: Address: //� Telephone: ��d� d� Fax: Email: �geeJG acJ t- fir` Please check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: X'Applicant/Owner(s), ( )Authorized Representative, ( ) Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY TAE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SIT1<LANr DATED and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED - J FOR: ( Bui ding Permit ( ) Certificate of Occupancy ( )Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Change of Use ( )Permit for As-Built Construction ( ) Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the code.) ,/ Article: ACX i 61 Section: C`-12- Subsection: Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ( ) A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ( ) A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ( )Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ( ),Reversal or Other A prior appeal ( ) has, as not been made at any time with respect to this property, UNDER Appeal No(s). Year(s). . (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our officefor assistance) Name of Owner ZBA File# Name of Owner: ZBA File# REASONS FOR APPEAL, (Please be specific, additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized). 1.An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because: �l An c �zeQP l�� �-�,-e e-h-&Cr S&r e. uTpiz►ri i o r U sJ®Pf-�-, aA) -��i Ig(/� ST( 19 iD 2.The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance,because: oftri 06—A61-LAI oyj e.+r I T-d°9✓ ` � ���D�-T;c�"i �N r� pap � 3.The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: o NO aw'v 4.The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: 4- 5.Has the alleged difficulty been self created? { } Yes,or { No Why: ( 7"a✓ ,'7�„� Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning this land? { No { } Yes(please furnish a copy) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,and at the same time presery d protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the communi Si are of Applicant or orized Agent (Agentlust submit written Authorization from Owner) Sworn to before me this- -7 day of yLoog5QK 20' sem ' �acvmJo an ' ptat�' blit,State of New York U-To-taryT,ublic 4*, Pue:a I" No OIJ06349053 { Qualifier!in Suffolk County Gatntuission Expires 1011 /20� APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION (For ZBA Reference) Applicant: I Uri�t Date Prepared: C & -2fi1 I. For Demolition of Existing Building Aregas r Please describe areas being removed: Orl b-M y✓ (, eil L/Y" 11. New Construction Areas(New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor exte r: 3 Dimensions of new second floor:_ & r k Dimensions of floor above second level: Height(from finished ground to}op of ridge): Z� =--- - Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes,please provide height(above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor: d° -All III. Proposed Construction Description(Alterations or Structural Changes) (attach extra sheet if necessary)- Please describe building areas: Nu herr of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: 2— e/_vV 2 v&I a a`g Q 1'18'l. 'NV *bryL Dumber of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: 2 uaL `.t-0 IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: Proposed increase of building coverage: Square footage of your lot: 12 ,Z Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: a Q v V. Purpose of New Construction: F-VI 5 Tt-J G 3-TYLr✓e ryk.2 A(0A - 0,(J l e VI. Please describe the land contours (flat,slope %,heavily wooded,marsh area, etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): Please submit seven(7) photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction), and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 7/2002; 2/2005; 1/2007 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? Yes No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? No Yes please explain on attached sheet. C. 1.)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? / ' i 2 1L I 2.)Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application? e'�- i1 3.)Is the,property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? l 4.)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, havp you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdic ion? YCS Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: DL I-e® jypi L-Qrt(w dr— N.T- '11 U"'I'L and if issued, please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation n ar the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? /VU E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkhead or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting? U Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? d If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe: G. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking, please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel? J—O If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel and the proposed use t d (ex existmg single family,prtposed.same with garage,pool or other _,a (Ja a �� ut rized signature and Date FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY i3 No. ...Z.3 .......... Date ........................Ju.........6................., 19. 9... THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at..8ja.. Bay View Drive Street ................................................ Map No. Gardiners � 3fock No. n+ & lls last Marion, N.Y. .... ........................Lot No. .................................................................... conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated Ik:r......14....I.......... 19J.2..,pursuant to which Building hermit No. ...2..�5.............. dated ..........................ty.....Z9.............. 19 g....,was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is .............. F'riv, to one family dwelling ................................................................................................................................................................ This certificate is issued to .....Arthur Johnson ( owner ..................................................................................................... (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. 7 .......................... .. ............ ...................... .......... ? Building Inspector I � i 1 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM.• The form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit,site plan approval, use variance, or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred-to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Sections 239- m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. 1)Name of Applicant: LL 2) Address of Applicant: V 3)Name of Land Owner(if other than applicant) 4)Address of Land Owner: . 5) escription of Pro sed Project: - 1✓Wv LN, 1 k', `L i a-, �'r Fi�aim dY - 6)Location of Property(road and,tax map number): v AYN V l o 7)Is the parcel within an agricultural district? Wo DYes If yes,Agricultural District Number 8)Is this parcel actively farmed?X1 No ❑°Yes Name and address of any owner(s) of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operation(s)-located500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project. (Information may be available through the Town Assessors Office, Town Hall location (765-1937) or from any public computer at the Town Hall locations by viewing the parcel numbers on the Town of Southold Real Property Tax System. Name and Address 1. � ' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please use back side of page if more than six property owners are identified.) The lot numbers may obtained,in advance,when requested from either the Office of the Planning Board at 765 8 or the o ing oard of Appeals at 765-1809. ignature of Applicant Date Note: 1.The local board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation.Solicitation will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2.Comments returned to the local board will be taken into consideration as part of the overall review of this application. 3.Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant and/or the clerk of the board to the property owners identified above.The cost for mailing shall be paid by the applicant at the time the application is submitted for review.Failure to pay at such time means the application is not complete and cannot be acted upon by the board. 1-14-09 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing Part 1-Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Protect: �EiC b�A Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): filr ��� � vim Pct 1 � y X37 rief Descriptich of Proposed Agtion: l Ain 'IL N of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephonppe:�j I 2 U E-Mail: V® V L Address: , 0 ( W _y Pr) City/PO: StAtey Zip Code: 9 a,' credo``Q 1.Does the proposed'action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? acres b.Total,acreage to be physically disturbed? acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? -26 acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑Urban ❑Rural(non-agriculture) ❑I'ustrial 11 Commercial esidential(suburban) 11 Forest 1:1 Agriculture ;Aquatic ❑Other(specify): ❑Parkland Page 1 of 4 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify: 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES {� If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment eG 71 C, 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 13.a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency?' b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. Id�the typical habjtat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: 0 Shoreline Oforest ❑Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional ❑ Wetland ❑Urban ❑Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, � a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? QrN' 0❑YES b.Will-storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and 5orm drains)? If Y briefly describe: ❑NO S Page 2 of 4 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM THAT THE INFO ATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURA T72,1J, HE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 171 Applicant/spo •r name: a�' �� Date: t �D Signature: Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur i. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? / 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area,(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or / affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may ! .7 Y � occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including'any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 i�w iSAI, p �� "{ia t���Y�,-+le��_.,,,.;,,,_�L",_q}!Y3� _ ___ _ ,a'�i.'d,4:A={'vF�i :- _��-�.�..���i1` ,a ,y.e...�.....• �'� ..d...., - d I?4i� e d Y �e°d 1'et �'�' {x''f9 x 7{�j t •' !'fa'��,j1p �?�� •�[����:.," - }�`•4��'''���!�17'y7r+.dT�l r d...'� `�.'.1 -'fim, vrfrigf,:9.K "ida tity,ilydl.�J6 rvoro C S TP 39 IT -9 u 31 AA 1W 7 ILA,P4 MI IP' n-%4L�, I JM, iFnj th f Muf_fIL,4_i!Ll - — - _-MOM oup'liji t.ffi-il-londWIN—r"T M W,kil-ALU NANTE 15 OINzg WMAd'EN nG ffamp,OnAv) CdOl-I roalkqf3 M OV -tic ,n. A I ki I-yjll Do yff f ff to 1)A- 4, -4toulat4l-allIp'ling"Wo o"t'gr-Ahip,aloop_oe mllvw. r, - Ire`4 k,,l I-endfr Qry 4-4 TWO LKf 'Fz orwid-it ad!i, F,ic n rh I IL4 1411K, 1106il Naimr, AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME : U Iil S L(,9 " �'�- (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE_OF APPLICATION_-CCheck all_that_apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest. "Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO If No,sign and date below.If Yes,complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicantlagent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted thiSAt1 day of Awm��. Signature Print Name ( C4- L Lcqyisp"J� Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy,contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION 4 - - SCTM# The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. E Building Dept. � Board of Trustees 0 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital E construction,planning activity,agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval,license,certification: ®' Nature and extent of action: .. `ii Location of action: n 0 E T t` 7ft 10 p Site acreage: ' Present land use: 7 Present zoning classification: 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: (b) Mailing address:—&—I I PS En-m O�df (c) Telephone number:Area Code @bb ' (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes No❑ If yes, which state or federal agency? 9v - (e'ly 1 - go , DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Yes No CJ (Not Applicable- please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP ction III—PoliclesTages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes 0 No D (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP ection III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes No (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4 Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Sectio III—Policies Page, 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes 0 No (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 51 Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Poli 'es Pages 16 through 71-for evaluation criteria Yes 0 No F --J (Not Applicable—please explain) 4�! Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significa Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 throng 2 for evaluation criteria. Yes 0 No E:�(Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. See Section III—Policies Pages; 34 through 38 for evaluation �•., kriteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No❑ (Not Applicable—please explain) v Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous sub nces and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No L) (Not Applicable—please explain) PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ YeNo❑ Not Applicable—please explain) ( Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suits locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No ❑ (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuar and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No E Not Applicable—please explain Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No M Not Applicable—please explain Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section —Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable—please explain '� ' ,�. '�pig%��.@ � �• t -Milk Tjw SPA ,� �t'•+ :� a , l� I• .71l�- uf"Lv ass 7 , Ellmli ' _`�� ,► .. '• _ _ -' -x r- is-t � - r r - s v Vol WOW ob rr fib �! + 6. Its - r L 16 Ir Ogp - _ Brt'�Y n ��,r" :�� _� n a � 'r'e �yiy. - y ,�'VWu�•. .. `.. �'. � .''it 4.'i�. `,� � .. ���. .y_� +^.. - � Y � __ -- t�� �' - cwt o.:: ,_.. *�, `.+� .,t.,_#.,. �-•.. -'}�� t� ��"' � `�`� '�`t. :� 'o�t --+'". •mss . . '"+�'�'„ r''� +� `, 7 Ak , �• � �s u• � ;wq� R s� ac2� '��, fir,.• '� t �,.� 1 ,J • o '1• 1 by , :, i ` �. ��T`F ,J� r y~� - r i t ...-mow'"m..'a�,e"'�.. ..."" , 'if ��`{� � `•a Y.�•��� ��r �K P i i -w 71 Mpw -. st.r .5 ,'v. '•,C S:�� �N - -� jT^i �` 'T °.,y \�i � �.r,� q Ta' � • 1N .� � .• Jnr M 1 � r•w �•y+1-�•,p � r t: YL 4r, ol y F_ P• M Ir AL ' i` _ ! • .tip' ,�". j .. �. -r, k. ]]t���f a� �' ♦ i! may u� Tj .� { ,' !`.yam L,p,�, �y n.� •- _ y f� _ I'_ looku ✓y. �/ .� h &1 of i r .�►G ,•f T T� +7rJ•s. s! r•� '` .f 4yYti~ "' •' .. i� e. r •i qw - .f -� (^- � • -qY tet, ��` yy 1. 1 ._ cu 0 t }' -ti fir' �� _ '�` -a .►� ;.�± 7 '�► Aw nk ow -;came tis ` +^.t+1�.. .1= - - �� � 1♦� � f� ♦ • � - .:. _ ` - -, • Y al. ems• l � �_...x` s� _ ^ ( _ • fes. _ _ '�,.. �"�• .1:.. f' ^ �� _ .y a(�A. 41 �rrrr deft " t it 02 '. .i •A �t r _, �'. .`ani IPA ••t�� t�1 . :moi AP AN w+ � , i •�. •f• ,.. ,fin. �, �t R��fl.''� !. SC v .Y��.;a,�� .. Awo"N� - AWL n -raw -. g �- _• -�s-.� � a ia�...s�,' .. .- _�-:�F:" ' .•'ti.b - y-• , *�r yam. ♦ � 7 n n �W■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ y. ► ■�■E■EME■■■■E■M■■■■■■■■■■■■EE . �..-�<. �-: -;: x _. -;...._.,,v:. ■■■■■��r■� . ■■FSM■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �- ■■■ R ■■M r ■EMEME■E■■MEMO■■ MEN■lip"MISNOMMEINHEMSEEMIMMIMMEN ZERNMERIMMEIFUMENEEMEM EMM■ _ ■■■ �I�;r■■■�a®�o®■®r�■®■■■■■■EMM■ ■■■ MEMMINNEEMMENMEM ■■■■■■■�■■r�■��■r�■■■■■■■■■■MME - ' Ml ■■■■■■■mini■■■■■s■■■■■i■ENO Foundation •• �® • ��Wht6ri6r Finish • Breezeway . ' • Garage Type-Roof Roo s I st Floor •j / Recreation '•• '•• . Floor TOWN OF SOU'THOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET h7o VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT A �ORMER OWNER' N E ACR QS 7006 c� fid" S W TYPE OF BUILDING RES. ��� \, 1 'SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS o ® 41,000 (' / ® ® ��� S�� e rs""�. D n � d��� ;'�' - 1 .`�'Ca 69 .�� -G a cl'� - � 4/-/dv 8 9 12.5 to I ss rit pct Y '�a r �. `SOWN OF SOUTHOLD muG 1-5-2019 AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Ac re Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD � Meadowland i DEPTH i r. House Plot I BULKHEAD Tota �`'" �. DOCK 1P 16 plO •/� �' ,d` 8 :' bry t9 e.t4, p00 4 ON .,�' AILO •S'''/� .b F ,'/^rye/', (i 0 �'` c` b cd ryg8 1 b 11P ym\ pa\ fi fi VO O i On 24 1B M) \o\ � � a►'Ir \ ' � x �ur c` � a 4.f\ 3 :; R 11 10,� Op� m� e• ` � 5 v O'I � Ji \.3 � II �, • C�`��� r't'�\\ �\ b ,$ .;ml fr i � ?� S I I I � wl� a- i a ^ry a' �/ 4 I.Rsl , Ie r�+,•6 e,•: VA(c) f I mei- I I I a • ' V>. \ P4 • b NH•x I \wl • �5P ^ 4 sNOr1a✓� 6 2 a, I P F TOM OF /'�\ IS— { SOUTHOID ' ` m / 232 x Spring ;PondZ9A(c) (UMEAMnTFF lI1N0J �//r�• � t71 B.BA(c) fy `�'�ref`$ �-•-` _ I VIA \\ pal p \ \ 6 t13-73 , /V/Ir 1Y.1/�rl 1 m 5 -3as ►k i e `I waf-er(-fawn) -- se�Pdmwe --saT-- IM�noeaau�. --n-- uaEssnPAm+ense.urRoreanrs NOTICE 01MInCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK sti o.ulau. w-- �� —rar-- PPe mm�NTrff rouawNC PSTRIeIs nYW We -F-- oenaw SpgOt � SEMER NMEI MNNTENANCE,ALTERATION SPIE OR Real Property Tax Service Age �� -- Rrvvtuaa LLe M rt,onlvtr OISTRISUTIONOFANYPORTION OFOL a a+, vwtEn ��FFr�IRnnuNiY Tu wrrs vrsonlorteo hi Cevnty Cennr RWeAwE,NY17f01 �`z1°"'..°Ye� ^. :r3::�. .a.=.... �,.i•rmoe - - - ^`,'in"'•or•'. — —I SURVEY OF: PROPERTY LOCATED AT EAST MARION LOT No. 114 & 115 AS SHOWN ON MAP OF GARDINERS BAY ESTATES, SECTION .2 FILED: SEPTEMBER 23, 1927: FILE No. 275 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C.T.M. # 1000-37-5-3 AREA = 12,336 SF. SCALE: 1 "=30' NOTE THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS, WETLANDS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED SANITARY LOCATION BY OTHERS PUBLIC WATER SERVICE L pFOc S 66°39'00"E OP �FMFNr �� ' GRAVEL DRIVEWAY 7 6.8 8 W/BELG BLK CURB 8' DIA �a 8' DEPTH LEACHING POOL 1000 GAL POLE r� ,"qb'O SEPTIC LOT 116 TANK�� 2p o, TEST o - O 209 HOLE Cp (0 LOT 115 ro n 305 17.0' CV 1 1/2 STORY ^ ^ FR RES �� y Z FF 167 OL nm 268 M �m "Rcws m GO LOT 113 PROP 'c"o 2ND STY O �Q Zq W ADD00 N PROP WOOD 2ND STY CA � °ECk DECK J N O COO SE se SLgre P �� " O wq TANK <<S N LOT 114 TIE LINES ALONG HWM @DSA WOOD R N 66°49'50"W eAD wA<<STq'� NON-TURF 64.69' BUFFER AREA N 17'00'1 8"W 0 28.92' NEP CL. CE PILE S 63°39'27"W N 87°57'53"W 60 X 20 22.99' 22.82' FLOATINGDOCK PILE SPRING POND SURVEYED BY: PAUL BARYLSKI LAND SURVEYING PATCHOGUE NY 11772 PHONE 631 -294-6985 TEST HOLE DATA FAX 631 -627-3186 (NOT TO SCALE) PAULBARYLSKI@YAHOO COM BY ROY K REISSIG, PE MARCH 21 , 2019 FEBRUARY 2, 2019 @10 00 AM 7-24-2019: ADD BUFFER00' PALE BROWN Ld -3 5' SILTY SAND SM UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION o Q BROWN SAND OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW = O �3: COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED O � — 3 5'-10 0' AND GRAVEL SP OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY Ln Ld _ GUARANTEES OR CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO 0 WATER THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION WET SAND LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION 10 0'-15 0' AND GRAVEL SP GUARANTEES OR CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS 3504-1 J - SEAL : B� YV IOW A�) oy pq°cF S 66°39'00"E GRAVEL DRIVEWAY l `� 76.88' W/BELG BLK CURB O POLE 247 LOT 116 \ Su � O 20 g.191 O 30 Cp W LOT 115 0o 5 15 7' Q EXTENDED LOT 113 cy PORCH TODD RESIDENCE A 670 BAYVIEW AVENUE OP EAST MARION, NY 11939 268, m SCTM No, 1000-37-5-3 a 3 N U PROP 0 2ND STY N BUILDING HEIGHT (ST❑RIES) 2 ZO 24 7 h� ADD DO c� BUILDING HEIGHT(FEET) 25' woo cel DEPTH OF FRONT YARD (FEET) 32,4' 00s O DECK 2NDOP J�' DEPTH OF REAR YARD (FEET) 34.7' W w C f SLATf DECK SIDE YARDS (NUMBER) 2 a 0wq<Rerd^ SIDE YARD INTERIOR LOT (ONE YARD WIDTH) 15,7' �s LOT 114 SIDE YARD INTERIOR LOT (COMBINED WIDTH OF YARDS) 36' p-+ LOT GROSS AREA 12,236 SF (0.28 ACRES) r� LOT DEPTH (FEET) 120,96' LOT WIDTH (FEET) 76.88' Z v4 t'- e"�kooa wooD PERCENT OF LOT COVERED BY BUILDING 14,21%N 66'49'50"W M w cn yFgD wq RfTgi i i NON-TURF i� 01 64 69' //% BUFFER AREA C) '~ N L7 j i a V M N 17`00'18"W i%/ Z Q; a 28 92' eN Po A w ° a x � wAaw PILE S 63°39'27"W 22 99' N 87°57'53"W 60 X 20 A o O o W W 22 82' FLOATING G O W �.4 U NAH SPRING POND PILE � A THESE PLANS ARE AN 4 O C) PLOT PLAN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY '� o z OF THE ENGMEER. zALTERATION OR U SCALE: 1"= 30-0" OTHESE PLANS IS U VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THENEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. A A SURVEY OF: PROPERTY LOCATED AT EAST MARION LOT No. 114 & 115 AS SHOWN ON MAP OF GARDINERS BAY ESTATES. SECTION 2 FILED: SEPTEMBER 23, 1927: FILE No. 275 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C.T.M. # 1800-37-5-3 AREA = 12,336 SF. SCALE: 1"=30' NOTE: THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS, WETLANDS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. SANITARY LOCATION BY OTHERS PUBLIC WATER SERVICE \F S 66039'00"E GRAVEL DRIVEWAY676.88' W/BELG. BLK. CURB Nt \ M 8' DIA ti3• `� S' DEPTH LEACHING POOL 1000 GAL POLE \ �� l6`O ;TANK PTIC LOT 116 TEST .Z 2e.9 HOLE co LOT 115 ro v r se.s . 17.0' 1 1/2 STORY ;u FR. RES FF 16.7 r L9 �m – ,a� 7-Ret. R26.6 m. s Z - <<rs m PROP m LOT 113 kA m ,m0 ^' 2ND STY N O ti3 24.P W ADD. CO Crl PROP. wDOD2ND STY W GJ �!b �0 CD Deck DECK J N l DSe o O CONC e time LP h� RST�rN 0n' TANK m °j' LOT 114 TIE LINES �0 ALONG HWM. N 66049'50"W ye'O ° w^<<ST��N6: NON-TURF 64.69' BUFFER AREA N 17000'18"W o 2 8.9 2' a PILE S 63039'27"W N 87057'53"W 6.0 x 20 22.99' 2 2.8 2' FLOATING KNG PILE QO 6 RY4S SPRING PONDc � 10 �e2 S� SURVEYED BY: Fa �Dso0 e, she` PAUL BARYLSKI LAND SURVEYING PATCHOGUE NY 11772 PHONE 631-294-6965 TEST HOLE DATA FAX 631-627-3186 (NOT TO SCALE) PAULBARYLSKI®YAHOO.COM BY: ROY K. REISSIG. PE MARCH 21, 2019 FEBRUARY 2. 2019 010:00 AM PALE 7-24-2019: ADD BUFFER w 0.0'-3.5' SILTYBROWN SAND SM UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY 15 A VIOLATION c� Q BROWN SAND OF SECTION17209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. O 3. AND GRAVEL SP COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED O 3.5'-10.0' OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY, to W GUARANTEES OR CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO Ld I– WATER THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED.AND ON HIS BEHALF TO ••-•-.""""— THE TITLE COMPANY.GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION WET SAND LISTED HEREON.AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. 10.0'-15.0' AND GRAVEL SP GUARANTEES OR CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEOUENT OWNERS. ........................ 3504-1 SEAL : SECOND STO ADDITION AND RY �. oEOcr S 66'3900"E �..s� i' GRAVEL DRIVEWAY etir e76.88' .•� W/BELG.BLK,CURBINTERIOR ALTERATIONS I�f O LOT 116 POLE 20•,3. f/F• r� TEST �a O rt 2°"9 HOLE TODD RESIDENCEtp LOT 115 hp n; s°s 17.0' MOP. LOT 113 1�1 .. be e 1 2ND STY Y ADD. N 670 BAYVIEW DRIVEF 2j.7 PROP. OD C4 ( �/ ^7. ( D OEC.t 41 N DECK J r•, roA'C d' V7 rTl 4P LOT 114 z TIE LINES N /) 11939 ALONHWM.0„W MEAST MARIONiLlw N 6 j (g % BUFFER AREA 64.69' �t y; cl lb N ,28.92 8"WDSUFFOLK COUNTY28 92' e�,D Q1 z Lu RILE S 63'39'27"W Simpson Strong-Tic H2A N 87'57'53'W so x 2D 22.99' �G r List of Drawings: ROOF FRAMING DOUBLE TOP PLATDOCK E. 22.82' rL � a a PILE T-100 COVER/PLOT PLAN �PRIN(; POS 1) U Z Q � CRIPP F STt S T-101 NOTES JACK AND KING STUDS TO BE STRAPPED HEADER-WIDTH VARIES WITH 1 1/4"20 GA.GALV STRAPPING 12" N u o CJ T-102 NOTES MIN ON STUD FULL BEARING ON HEADER T-103 NOTES � ® _ PLOT PLAN j A-101 LOWER LEVEL AND FIRST FLOOR REMOVAL HEADER STUDS FULLLENGTH WALL STUD ® ® ° SCALE1"=30 0' Q j PLAN NOTE: A-102 SECOND FLOOR REMOVAL PLAN UPLIFT CONNECTION IS REQURCD AT EACH A-103 LOWER LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN END OF HEADER AND AT BOFTOO OF 3'.. A-104 FIRST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1 vI°Zo c;.a GALv STRAPPING HEADER STUDS IN ADDITION 10 STl CONN EC l2"MIN.ON STUD "TORS AT WA l.l. DS ,IND AT TOP O A-105 SECOND FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN CUPLIFT AND BOTTOM OF cRIPPLFS CONVECTOR REQt RED Lu A-106 ROOFCONSTRUCTION PLAN A-200 REMOVAL ELEVATIONS POST TO GIRDER JOIST HANGER FOR A-201 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS SIMPSON STRONG-TIE(CC) 2\ INSTALLATION A-202 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS CC INSTALL « 16"O.C. Abreviations: A-301 BUILDING SECTIONS T A-302 BUILDING SECTION YPICAL FRAMING AND UPLIFT CONNECTIONS FOR OPENINGS A.F.F ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ZO C'F.I CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE a EN-101 ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE NOTE,: Cl CAST IRON RIDGE CLIPS(LSTA 18) ALLOWABLE ASD TENSION LOADS F CMU CONCRETE MASONRY t:Nfl' - 1 160 LBS USE FOURTEEN(14) IOD C O.CLEAN OUT W NAILS COL.COLUMN OA OVERALL ° CONC.CONCRETE OC ON CENTER CL CENTER LINE. OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER Simpson Strong-Tie OPNG OPENING ° HD7B DL DEAD LOAD OZ OUNCE DN DOWN ° ° ° DR DOOR PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT LLI DBL DOUBLE PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH DWG DRAWING PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE ° ° DWR DRAWER PC PIECE PERP PERPENDICULAR ° EHCI EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON PIL PILASTER Simpson Strong-Tie ° ° °.°'° FL.ELEVATION PL PLATE ° ELEC.ELECTICAL.ELECTRIC LSTA 18 .° ° P/L PROPERTY LINE Simpson Strong-Tie ° EXP JT EXPANSION JOINT PEAS PLASTER R EXT.EXTERIOR.EXTERNAL HCP PLYWD PLYWOOD STUD TO PLATE RIDGE STRAP TIE IIOLD DOWN DETAIL PROP PROPERTY SIMPSON STRONG-TIE(LSTA18) HIP CORNER PLATE SIMPSON HD7B FAB FABRICATED PRCSTPRECAST JOIST HANGER FOR LTP4 OR WRAP COIL STRAP WOOD WEB INSTALLATION FROM STUD TO UNDER SILL,PLATE. LSTA STRAP TIE INSTALL rr, 16"O.C. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE(HCP) TENSION LOAD:6615 LBS F.B O FURNISHED BY OWNER PREFAB PREFABRICATED WOOD W PT POINT HCP2-2X MEMBER SIZE FIN FINISH PTN PARTITION U HCP4-4X MEMBER SIZE FXTR FIXTUREW a FL FLOOR QTS QUANTITY NOTE: or FLUOR FLUORESCENT R RISER � F UPLIFFT.FOOT.FEET T�7�LBS FDN FOUNDATION RA RETURN AIR L 1 z LATERAL:FI-130 LBS RAD RADIUS N} LATERAL F2-55 LB ' S REQD REQUIRED a 1"STANDOFF FTG.FOOTING REV REVERSE.REVISION SATISFIES CODE G.C.GENERAL CONTRACTOR }_ ¢ > 3"1�11N1MU�1 REQUIREMENTS RH RIGHT HAND �M RO ROUGH OPENING (— p U ROW RIGHT OF WAY SIDECOVER ® G`G�AGYPSUM BOARD O o e � O r' REINF.REINFORCE,REINFORCING HiC HANDICAPPEDo 1 LFTA HD.WD HARDWOOD SECT SECTION Ix. I W A35F HM HOLLOW METAL MOD.SPECIFICATION rn — 1 I IVAC HEATING/VENTILATING/ c z AIR CONDITIONING TBD To z q 16, o be Determined o Q z \ i Simpson Strong-Tie LB.POUND TRG TONGUE AND GROOVE ' O 3 0 TWO — LTB40 LL LIVE LOAD TY P.TYPICAL 112ASimpson Strong-Tie LT.LIGHT UL Undcr%Nri VIE VERIFYIINer'SFIELD ton — L LENGTH/LONG 112A1'1lliS1E PLANS ARE AN PROVIDE FOURTEEN MIN MINIMUM W/WITH INSTRLTMF.NT'OFSERViCE RAFTER TO DOUBLE TOP PLATE (14)IOD NAILS MISC.MISCELLANEOUS WC WATER CLOSET nNi>nRe I'tu•:rxoPlarl'Y NUR AND ALI,VALLEY CONNECTIONS JOIST TO JOIST POST TO CONIC. FOOTING WD WOOD O ATIO'NTI 11: .N('AD61 TYPICAL FLOOR TO FLOOR CON\'I';CTIONS NIC NOT IN CONTRACT W/O WITHOUT nl:'101II ON LANE IS A SIMPSON STRONG-TIE(H2A) SIMPSON STRONG-TIF,(LTB40) SIMPSON STRONG-TIE NO NUMBER l I n1E NOI- IS ISn SIMPSON S•iRONCi-TIF,(V1TS16,ASST,LSLA.4BP) WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC V[o1.ATIONohsi:C"rx>N H2A INSTALL « 16"O.C. INSTALL AS SHOWN CBSQ44NON NOMINAL 720901 111ENIMYORK USE BO"iH MTS 16 AND AiSF INS"I A L,rr I6'O.0 NTS NOT TO SCALE s'rrcn:I'M ucn'noN I,nw. General Requirements of the Residential Code of New York State Table 3.10 Roof Sheathing Attachment Requirements for Wind Loads- SEAL : Table 3.4A Rafter and/or Ceiling Joist to Top Plate Lateral and Shear Connection Exposure B The below listed Chapters,Sections or Appendixes are only part of the Residential Code of New Requirements-Exposure B rable 3.13A Wail Sheathing Requirements for Wind Loads - Exposure B r - York State. Please refer to the Residential Code of New York State-2015 for any Chapters, (PrescrlpUve Alternative to Table 3.4, Section,Appendixes or Exceptions,in whole or in part,that are not Noted. _ _ tro t\,,,,!Sp,e.!In prl ':'r' � !n I)ilcc Oris•IdIII:,!\\in,l Spcad lntl,hl h, 4f, ZIRI "I, r� I'Ir !fl I (I /, ., 711-crib-nnJ flus/`An.i,:xrd:i:dd:, ,. y0 Inn a C1Rt'r TI'R 4L SNi ATHISt, Unless otherwise expressly stated the words,terms,tables and figures listed within these construction R"ll"('nl:ne In,,, NA' vnmhrr nfad(mnnx,nNall-Pill Box N.d,ITnemid<d) ___T___-_ r ' v 5 ' P Y „-,,h_,:1,! 1-- ==—TEE - )1 rx Jn til Rt( II R4I FI,F 1. ��. _' 5Pa rg I I He:chn!1: Regmrrd m I ach Hager and or i cdmg 6, l 1np Flan I nnnrenon- n,..,: a.I., , x,,1,,r mnL'.ad.m Ind!+,,,a,a•u„n<•:,,, i hat 1t.,,.r.v,+n air.,,,,1,h. V t notes can be found within the Residential Code of New York State-2015. „nrhr,,,,1 t, X ; ; _---- --- 1RI,r\pa.Ing i Anrnum Panel I'ht,knacc I it,I I a a �, Q CHAPTER 3 - BUILDING PLANNING Section R301 -Design Criteria a — — — - -- ,: - R301.1 Design-Building and structures,and all parts there of,shall be constructed to safely support ° " " j worm"I Rt r I u RAL P t\FI. Prc-Pt",btu11,arc based un a.,w,P,�:m,u'Tank 1 a i ,. „ - I:- _ n o Y s' CD all loads,including dead loads,live loads,roof loads,flood loads,snow loads,wind loads and seismic rah»lata-J.nigra•<n„nrrqu,rermmaa.>alnranadJ:1,.h .:I inEapn,arr„ h 2 d"rte,'.„nnacrnc,hnld,l Rud\pal me .th,•n arlling iu„i+an'insta!IeJ parallcllo rancr,.lhw+'ul the a,enad,mune roller ane ccliing log>I shallequ.,l n,c,.rcdthc ,n.Fh fa0, 1 RA, RA,Tn:cc„ I,xA,,,Ri,k n r ^ '• e a a' (Ipeh<,<,,ri_1 I,tinrtlttln:far,e•!rhle'k11ei,!;nl loads as prescribed b the Residential Code of New York State-2015, qurr Y 'aha!a:ed numk,cr of nods re d nr.gl.,I-sI R"Ac,x RaA<I-a,,.,nR.,L,I ,r!un• M1 e _L_ r, b ,phlnna:: I,:r ,,2 r,nmell„hall t+r,mtel;eJ.leach 1::1,1,t<r,,lk,or carting InI:when faa,rned Ice 2,4 u:p ^ ” i \ :a {h i g _ _ reah._Ar uhcn f.,,tc,cd na`,Ir,1,L,1,_ _ __ __ RIgRI„Nh\tHf\t, :a nnr TABLE GEOGRR301.APHIC D CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA ,r, :nc,�.r Rar i i u.,�..Liv �o v„,o. N, !,„r,tr „uuo",a 1, is iX ill iS � '.Ih IS Pcr.hprr,n �.1 7 If, Ih 15 7: - _ _ _SU_BJECTTODAMAGEFROM !CE SHIELD Table 3.4B Uplift Strap Connection Requirements - Exposure B -'••• '�,Icnrh•ne -',v� �t Q T \ GROUND ' WIND SEISMIC ' WINTER UNDER. —1 = v ,SNOWLOAD' SPEED' DESIGN Froetline DESIGN . LAYMENT FLOOD AIR FREEZING (Roof-to-Walla Wall-to-Wall, and Wall-to-Foundation) - '" - ----- I (mph) CATEGORY` Weathering' depth” Terrane' Decay° TEMP' REQUIRED' HAZARDS” INDEX ` - - - 3'mm Mod shshl 13°F Ycs N/A (Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3.4) da,,,: ('F.LLt I OSIC hilt RRO%Rn sHF:%1 HIN(; 20!/ 120mph B Severe „hon<.mnrxinu a,n„c chid,) R301.2.1.1 Design Criteria- Residential Construction within Nassau&Suffolk Counties must be Dead Load 4xumpticl-R,zst(rd g Acscmhl}DL IS r Penn.<,,:. „d,I,,,!,..,::,-."..iron..,I•,r., n:rrr, r,,,,<„.I ('and p< .eel:x I I:,:r Sir.. a<hnr ` 4.0 c r•eJ ` designed in accordance with he"Amari Forest and Paper Association AF P I_ 1. I_ I 1_ )2 W g o t can oasts ap ( & A)"oodFramc nurrseantulrn«Ulnd ,1,..,,I„I,,;n<dierann•n,,,t-.,ane ,> gx UU 1(Nl 110 LU l ill L fl .:” _ u 1v F.n Irnl•nlg n<»ts.,,nM.r:<o r n"r Thr m: Construction Manual for One and Two Family Dwellings(WFCM)-2001' s rd m h 11 6!'be na._,rdwr,a,,,,na n' I, 12 W ".+bili,lie ,ua,a 'nred•rnv rna,MJrn rafi.I,n,•-i:,r,.•,axrt K,-thr >:,.. fn•(a,. Rauf Span \umber of Xd C VrnnWit Nails or Ind Be,Nall, F raminq Spacing(in, IRI In Fach Lnd of 1-1-4"x_'U gage Strap'" la'n,r..�ar.... ,.,pa L,„u ,,e,r.I an,Ix,!mr;nn•r•n,-,t hl .n,• Fnr tr .nen,.r.,.1,h <,, na•r Ih<„a:' B0 ARD Sl1117 H11(, a, ,t a, •.fa'd Ix r. �. Table 3.1 Nailing Schedule 2 1 _ _ "< n, 1,i, «-N d;.t¢onal!v oar „I Inc,re.nppo til If, \;ltd Sparin,: l f) ) ! I _ 1 3 i �-1 7 O, Number of Number of - I I _ _ ? 3 1 Description Common Neils Boz Nails Nall Spacing I I I t t 4 1 < - - ,,! ,nim Dere ,1 ­1111,001 FRAMII46",,,'...•,:_. :r,,..,' ,..' 2a 1 I _ 7 1 1 c Table 3.11 Wall Sheathing and Cladding Attachment Requirements for Wind Ir• x :R :, ;a t„ , > 8 M Rafter to Top Plate(Toe-railed) (see Table 3.4A) (see Table 3.4A) permfte, i` J 1 _ ? i 4 ; S Loads-Exposure B (,� Ceding Joist to Top Plate(Toe-railed) (see Table 3.4A) (-.c,AA) per Joist 3h 1 2 i 3 1 5 r _ {S i a i p: `, C h 5 v _7 i 1 4 7 � ^ Ceiling Joist to Parallel Rafter(Faco-wiled) (see Table 3.9A) (see Table 3.9A1 each lap /--r z '„ N Ceiling Joist Laps Over Panitiow(Face-naded) (m Table 3.9A) (ace Table 3.9A) each lap I.' 1 1 _ _ 2 3 3 4 _ _ r \ ? �(• Collar Tie to Rafter(Face-nailed) (ace Table3.6A) (see Table 3.6A) per he Ih I I t il;rer ecu,-rlr•i �� �/ BI king to Rafter Toe-nailed 2.lid 2-IOd each end --, B ( ) 0 ' � 1 i __�� V1 Rim Boardm Rafla(End-nailed) z-16a 3-16d each end =n 1 1Table 3.21 Top Plate Splice Requirements for Wind - C-- sure wALLFRAnmvc 16 '1 I i 1 ExptlB& p aG O St S , -ST ! — One-Story Slab-on-Grade a < T.P Plate:.Top Plate(Face-nailed) 2-16d' 2-I6d' per foot _K I 3 5 5 f, --- - -. _ I ! I=7 I ! Top Plates at Intersections(Face-nailed) 4-16d 5-16d pmts-each side 12 , _ Stud to Sind(Face-nailed) 2-16d 2-16d 24"ox I _ 3 4 5 h Header to Header(Face-roiled) 1&I 16d 16"o.c.slung edges 36 = 1 1 4 F - , n r'n.h afa,: ,. <. .,rn,oc dal, ., ,. ^z a-•-� w Q Top or Bottom Plate m Stud(End-nailed) (see Table 7.7A) (sec Table 3.3A) per sad 1 I _ 2 i , a 1 .2 r. 1: r, r „ Ell,2 3 4 4 c Ill-, t - -Bolton P6a to Floorjoist,Bandjoist,Endjoist or 2-16d" 2-16d'a per foot _• 1 1 ; 6 ,m ” l] h -- 1 ID O O LL) w Blocking(Face-nailed) - -- - '' 1= _ - _ I_” - 1 U N Q [-' • •:FLOOR FRAMINGseas 22 old 3 3 3 __i ,. Joist to Sill,Top Platear Girder(Toe-naded) 4-8d 4.wd ' perjoisr - - '' i2 0 1' ' n , 12 ❑ ! ❑ Bridging to Joist(Toe-nailed) 2-8d 2-IOd each end 12 - - - 4 h x -- -._ •J 1: !+ 1' Blocking m Jenst(T—Ild) 2-8d 2-Ind each end to _ i < i S v y mk GO Ledge Strip tolaTop Plate) 346d 4-16d each block I ., 3 1 c $ 6 r IIr 1i•, N"' __ N„,x I tP Vul*i(, < ---_-; ( ) per/ _ I _____ \!,n.,:r :rnhcr,,,�— Ban Join aLedger oJo,at eam(Toeenalled) 3-16d 4.164 3-Ild 3-10d �rJmsr I( _. 1'r•� �.,:•,,.: I: 1 i l f)CHL.\7Hi oist Ledger Std to Beam Faa-naded) 3-16d 4-16d each joist 1 5 c rs•S,a.,:v p ( Jo '' hca hr_ rt P.a'Irr Band Joist to Sill or Top Plate froe-wiled) 2.16d' 7-16d per foot - - - 1 5 t. - .,r or:,,,Sea,.a, ,71 - -� - - .. ,:, ,...,,• ,-, • .. ., .._. 1 ; rlan•r Chi,::�..� l ..4 ROOFSHEATHINO, --. ._ - .. _ _ .. ,y t ( !x,1,n Srmctuml Panels Sd /Old (see Table 310) 2ti - 1 1 Diagonal Board Sheathing ,. _ i r, I"x6"or l"1,8" 2-8 -IOd per support h cac,nz a,.,:, 1"X10"orwtder 3-8d 3-IOd per support _1h 4 5 n C ,,. ,,, :f•!I'. - "-cawp!•.:6liti .uo hascdnr,-umphon,u,Tabic 11 ❑•r wall,hr.,d wnh:r;,r ! .,t •c.,ruor,•rr:,. rdr• -. CEILING St�ATNING - -::,t,�, 'a'1c:al.d :;d,n<,:;nr<L•vn reouuen)n!aa„uuice h!oldirg 11xa¢,dm I II bre F3 rnu!a:cJ l'­11.)<rr.' r,Ie:hcJ u,,:„tnammg.nr,L:,r,a,!,,,•n.:vi.n trawl"p;nr:,,'•rr,un:h,r.;<t,.o:v, To Plate Q G-vpsnm Wallboard Sci coolers 5d aoolm 7"edge,IO"field 6 E* .. _ ,spa<ro a,cumas-x.nh,r n Splice Requirements for Wind Exposure B.—. ,.rte•,'.up!:•,.�nn:ren•n r:.)vin•rnen1,ac<um<a-,of and ceiling asetrrN,dead load o:V <f Ill(.O X i<,sf=o ,t, 11 a •bell hr«.lucnl h,r.,bene•,<,< 'r'" "'" R p 4 p & C Q WALL SHEATHING P I P` II Other Cases a„....K,.,n p•1,,, 1,r.I thr Ceiling e„<n:hl,r1 not ennnceted w tha•i x)f asmmhlc,the tabulated number of bad•shall 4..r<,Ia.:r pond,tun;.:Ii,ar j h„-,a.,,'•,.I;re pr„n:r<u io h',un<,r::.:,..!e•I. Structural Panels 8d lod (ea Table 3.11) Fiberboard Panels ,........ '+,I nail at ra.,i;nd of the strap f.:r•uiar'.:e. ..•a.,r.c.n.,ume 7/16” 6d' - 3”edge/6”field '_ 1!:nii,u ASTM\1,51 I;,dr t:,tevl,trap �- 25/12" 8d' - 7"edge/6'field Gypsum wallboard ad coolers ad cooler; 7"edge a 10"311) Table 3.6A Ridge Tension Strap Connection Requirements for Wind-Exposure osure - Ritielt o 8d 8d slasetanblelLq g P q p Table 3.12A Roof Sheathing/Requirements for Wind Loads -Exposure B ' Particleboard Panels 8d 8d (sae manufacturer) g q p (Prr,scrlpt;ve Alternative to Table 36; -- i zz Diagonal Board Sheathing - - ❑ 1"z6"er l"z8" 2-8d 2-IOd per support i'.rcr So.nn,:6u-•V,InJ i;x<,:.r,;h. r.< l v1, Iia, ;'n 1"x10'or wide 3-Bd 3-IOd penuppon -- --------- - ,,I, _--.------ -� 11 G a, ;FLOOR SIO3ATRING �---- tread I bad As Inpoona R-It a.0 nhh n; ,ail S I Rt('Tl"Rile SHF A l ill\(, l V) Sttuctural Panels 1'�Su.•nd t n.a, _,,col ln,p. r n '-h ltd r. Jr uln l u n I UI •n V or less 8d I0d 6"edge/12"field It:.,!S , v 01- arerthan l" IOd 16d 6"ed /6"field rein :..,tun ♦z.d. a,. 1 !• " __. - __!__�__. Diagonal Board Sheathing 8r a,�, n''° .,,, i I2,.ticm,lhc,.,padre ,r :,,:•. 1'x6"or I"x8" 2-8d 2-IOd penuppon " J , " _ -T-- 3-8d ___ 1"x10"or wider 3-8d 3-1 Od per support : i : El :, ;, Nailing requirements rte based on wall sheathing wiled 6 inches on-center at the panel edge.If wall sheathing,s .led 3 inches on-center at the 1 r, O •'• 1X e i X :,, - '' "'•""" - panel edge to obtain higher shear capacities,wiling reg,dremener for stnremnal members shall be doubled,or alternate connecters,such as shear _I 2 4 < - - 1 plates,shall be used to maintain the load path. ,. •' ', \ 'a l .. ,, .„ _. _, - When wall sheathing is co ninuow over connected membra,the abuiated rwnber of roils shaft be permined to be reduced to 1-16d roil per foot. - ' - h D I Corrosion resistant I I gage roofing nails and 16 gage staples arc permitted,check IBC for additional requirements. _ ' -I - h 4 i a c n ' „ ----------- BO\N U S I I l k H _ '' I I:acone!I,.,,r::,.i,•rro:•n•,up1,:r,I .--.;.-__ .. - ----.-:T-3 AMERICAN FOREST&PAPER ASSOCIATION - a e < ..I ,•• ' \dm rear,B•1a d T'uri. ,.itr l uI•:Sea.•..r I Table 3.2B Bottom Plate to Foundation Connections (Anchor Bolts) Resisting =4 ` s ^ s, Lateral and Shear Loads from Wind-Exposure B j 1 — ;\ a 1 Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3 2? -- t i--- .. _ fir;,•S" ad lausi N."d X, y,) IuU ., [� 1, !' ` ` Is„nnr:Pl.c m fnurranun-tnchnr f4dt ,t 1 < I' Snpperrmg Va,. ,,•\,eh,.r H,i-ipac t„nix•.n,,.,Rr<:ser„ ____ I' •lrh nal ri lh,1,a c 4 a Table 3.128 Maximum Roof Sheathing Spans for Roof Live and Snow Loads Z v.,, .:ad> 77, ___ _—__ -- ,_-- Dead 1 bad M1\.um pnun\:Ro.,r 1,rmhi,DI I"„! I're..,r,l,r 11,•n.Icr h lir.;.,r.a..un,sv n I Ale:2 n hrn tar,nnr I,.:er u•rJ t,r,•.,I uphrl.lar,•nl.aad,le,hone the maxmrun+ , _ _ ._.-, - -' �. W^z [- ,.Iur,li,r uphR lonJsllahle'V for la;ttaLv,d enrol kmd,!TaMr t'_B, rnna'�rr.uuh„r'c,h hnm.rl:n,me,cae:n, ',nJ� (-'7 , I 4 If I.,,r rte , ., , L Z !ahu!avd a„I.1,hon,p.ur„:,len lateni anJ,h:a,load.ao,a��e ue!I>are,hrathrdmar<nrd.uxe arh Sn:,,•n1a� f,:r.nhn ,.,;,hc' l u;.I,n•” Ld 'Nt`,i°PAr.:R ,C_OrI;;Iii h:x•,It,r lehuiand.,mn,•th,�!I, , IIeII h,:h,-d h,;hr apprnpnarc,h,adh gtvpr,,.Iuin•,r,l:<inrm I i!l'-'"1 r1, ,:,,,1,.a.htl :a _ _ 4 c x - �3,”. .,,Jt.,r bn11,p Iuee-c,.<,•,:n leer,n:u•n;cl . .- - - .1 - ,, /1¢� •Z^j ( , wunl,pr:xf,erralenlan!;o mhh.,+Ini a;ahu!nrd latral+anm inn,r.mlrtct'rcalrr Y,.:n::,:pa �an,I',:,v,�.u,�•�„11 I'�� •,. , : 1,c Jra•nnmN„rte tSe loads r.on:1 able 3• - - 4 '' ' Shead,mg'1-.;,. ^.i e"I Shlrk:,o„ Rater lel,.,pa�lna lin, O�„<, Q z r nide an 1 Table 3.2C Sill or Bottom Plate to Foundation Connections (Anchor Bolts) ( a r Resisting Uplift Loads from Wind-Exposure B Rah:dal,d,nnnr<,L•n yulrrm,,,i.<haf be r,-nnmea I,:o<m�,up.,<d o,o.uf;:r r,In:.n.1,111!.-11d 11:1-r „r ,, .ilrlg +,�1 ]T i2 :i 2.1 _a C, 7 (Prescriptive Alternative to Table 3.2) <,n.,. o Z Q -_ ,tar „ 'd Strucn,r.,l 1'a _ ,'1 ,” (ding In rd Int,f" e H _ O '-' Q , n;lc Flax„(n:, f:hula:e.l,„r , 1,r L:rcrnenl,as ha•ee,:n:r:.1,:.1,.n nm„I n,li;,; :,, .... .dead luta,;In Tb,re ice„ltd(,uc[t:lad .. ,::y .. Srnl lin r» ac •N, ((III 'In !::, ;.:,r I,1, I F r <_1,r:,dg,cr,.,r,pr,, „J,_ I ah:,l.ncJ,-:•n,,»n rul:rem<,r,a 1,„r,.nrI a 1.'»., •,dc: n: ha .•tic cd7 n I” U.,n.,If',.,:e to t::urnla:nn\n<hnr li,lt teh.I;a;d+:Jur,+„Ibr:pl„„Iii air nail;Ipl;cr hlr:,, ., 21 :-i ,n Plc I�,undnna n Supm,litnig M.-r1,:n•\n,hr r N,.!,,.a n 1' 32'De, _ -- l 4, 2i ItlJur t,: cru••n spa, 'o� �4>, �-- r 1,J ”"" I n,•: U,,,)r,'.V r oa.In i 'I I1E.SE PLANS ARE AN Li,nrrrr, - dv - I INS TR UMHN'['01:SERVICE ',pld:!bad - ;° 2f '4 ,' a lice ria• ''IL In`rJ ci:f:rddt,rr1!-1 ea<h ens n;Cie,r..,1,.,r,lla'I;n,..I:d:ha her.•,n;i,alta;Sec I- :r_...,.,<,>:tL .n, ,1, 1: 1: AND ARP TIIF-PROPER I Y Imam+r t,ua, �!'!' OF`-I[ll:ENOINEIiR +h:r;, ..,<r�,l.c,Ilan.uxl a,hh;n•r�,;1,a:b-�c I,,,r-cy.. <., ' t ALTERATION OR AUDITION ,a.,.nr•.I n <,1 ,a a,ml.ind;hear Ina,:,:rte r r, .rrh„r l ab no.r, t;1,r!. „ „<. ,,,,,, 1,a.r .:,:,:,,,bel.,/,:. 1,,. n,, , trap 1,i.,,,nu,,..,,,,!!2J Ex„baa,m,a,..<n:,. . ._r I„•noel, ,.. run ;4 ;a w r, TO I I IESI:PLANS IS A alun for up nu'• ..,, ,..:.,, ' ,rr"+Ibrt ',, ,r1, .• , 'I ... .r. pr .< 1,a„Inrrra 'n?r,pa„np� r< IrrJar f ,aa.n':.,,io^I,;',Ip .., -1i�'!' •' VIOLA110N OF SEC'PION Int oaJ,:i'aF,tn):(f.,r lamvl aoA,bra,Inad„T.r, IRI inn olhn.rn.1,,,:,,dl Ir,ranom:rc ie<tum 3_ ,Jaicd n.mhn„ !ltd hr�, - - 7209OF IIIF NFW YORK --- - SIA TE I'.DI IC'A11t)N LAW SEAL : R301.2.1.2 Internal Pressure- Windows in buildings located in wind-borne debris regions shall Section R308- Glazing Exception:Where a stairway of two or fewer risers is located on the exterior side of a door,other than 6.Wood structural members supporting moisture permeable floors or roofs that are exposed to the �F J have glazed openings protected from wind-borne debris or the building shall be designed as a 8308.3 Iluman impact loads-Individual glazed areas including glass mirrors in hazardous locations the required exit door,a landing is not required for the exterior side of the door. weather,such as concrete or masonry slabs,unless separated from such floors or roofs by an impervious moisture barrier. k partially enclosed building in accordance with the Residential Code of New York State. Glazed such as those indicated as defined in Section R308.4 shall pass the test requirements of CPSC 16CFR, 7.Wood furring ships or other wood framing members attached directly to the interior of exterior opening protection for wind-borne debris shall meet the requirements of the Large Missile Test of alt 1201. Glazing shall comply with the CPSC 16 CFR, Part 1201 criteria for Category 1 or 8311.5.1 Width-Stairways shall not he less than 36 inches in clear width at all points above the P g P q g P P y g ry permitted handrail height and below the required headroom height. Handrails shall not project more masonry walls or concrete walls below grade except where an approved vapor retarder is applied ASTM E1996 and of ASTM E1886 referenced therein. Category i I as indicated in Table R308.3. than 4.5 inches on either side of the stairway and the minimum clear width of the stairway at and between the wall and the furring strips or framing members. TABLE R308.3 andrail height,including treads and landings shall not be less than 31.5 inches where a Exception:Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness of 7/16 inch and a maximums an of 8 MINIMUM CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION OF GLAZING below the I b g g P -"-"- - "-_ - __-__-" -__-- ATI__"" - --""-- "- " handrail is Installed on one side and 27 inches where the handrails arerovtdcd on both sides. Seaton 8320- Protection Against Termites GLAZING INDOORS P \ feet shall be pennitted for opening protection in one and two story buildings. Panels shall be precut GLAZED PANELS GLAZED PAN[LS AND ENCLOSURES R320.1 Subterranean termite control -in all of Nassau and Suffolk Counties,methods of - GLAZING IN STORM REGULATED BY REGULATED By REGULATED BY to Cover the glazed openings with attachment hardware provided. Attachments shall be provided in EXPOSED SURFACE OR COMBINATION GLAZING IN ITEM 7 OF SECTION ITEM 60F SECTION ITEM 5 OF SECTION SLIDING GLASS R311.5.2 lleadroom -The minimum headroom in all parts of the stairway shall not be less than 6 feet, Protection shall be by chemical soil treatment,pressure preservative treated wood in accordance with AREA O ONE ONE SIDE DOORS DOOR$icat gory Class) (Category ClascJ icategarry class) (Category Claw (category class, DOORS class)E 8 inches measured vertical) from the sloped lane adjoining the tread nosing or from the floor surface the AWPA standards listed in Section 323.1,naturally termite resistant wood or physical barriers accordance with Table 8301.2.1.2. _ LITE---.-.___-- ----..--_-__-- _-- Y P P J g gO "„ I 1 NK I u __! n of the landing p (such as metal or plastic termite shields),or any combination of these methods. TABLE 8301 5 I �"__�`__- - �,Ol•platform. MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS It II II it 11 If ! (in pounds per square foot) - --------------------USE LIVE LOAD- R311.5.3.1 Riser height-The maximum riser height shall be 8.25 inches.The riser shall be measured vertically between leading edges of the adjacent treads.The greatest riser height within any flight of CHAPTER 4 - FOUNDATION -' I 8308.4 Hazardous locations-The following shall be considered specific hazardous locations for the stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 of an inch. Section R402- Materials - -- - - ilk•.A.' u l -----"- --- - - purposes of glazing: 8402.2-Concrete-All Compression Strengths for Concrete Basement Walls,Foundation Walls, F ' ,rucD„r l';a.nnrc, - - td l_ Tread depth -The minimum head depth shall be 9 inches. The tread depth shall be Basement Slabs and other Concrete Structures shall comply with Table R402.2. 113 ',Fuc,•.,.,I,<•, _ 1„ 1. Glazing in swinging doors except Jalousies. measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the foremost projection of adjacent treads and at a :,," 2. Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in sliding and bifold right an gleto the tread's leading edge.The greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not a - -- --------- - g � � € g 1 � F Section 8403- Footings a ,tl closet door assemblies. cn:IJLnr,n,m!,u,nr,:n,•nl. _ _ exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. Winder heads shall have a minimum tread depth of 10 R403.1 General-All exterior walls shall be supported on continuous solid concrete footings which r.n,rnL ,ch.'.Ir;;,nil ,•. ____ __ _ 3. Glazing in storm doors. inches measured above at a point 12 inches from the side where the heads are narrower. Winder treads W TABLE RDS IN __ g shall be of sufficient design to accommodate all loads according to Section R301 and to transmit the (� MINIMUM ROOF LIVE LOADS IN POUNDS-FORCE 'koon„„I hili dram Jrcrrn�nvnl. -- ht �' PER SQUARE FOOT OF HORIZONTAL PROJECTION -------------- ---- 4. Glazing In all unframed Swinging doors. S}1a11 have a mmlmum tread depth depth of 6 inches at any point. Within any flight of stairs the W _.___. --- resulting loads to the soil within the limitations as determined from the character of the soil. Footings TRSOUARRY E OADED AREA ANY IN ' ,•rin`_n,IN, _-_- ' --, _ 5. Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs,whirlpools,saunas,Steam rooms,bathtubs and greatest wilder tread depth at the 12 inch walk line shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. a -" sha11 be supported on undisturbed natural soils or engineered fill. Z ' showers. Glazing,to any part of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom P P P STRUCTURAL MEMBER -. _.. - _.___ -- _.________._ Winders ai emitted,provided that the width of the tread at Dint not more than 12 inches from the ._ ROOF SLOPE ; 01*200 201 toW;Over 6M i I"i>I 11*,od1 1 `„I'"^ "'ga'"''` 1"p^''F""" g f h glazing g is less than 60 inches measured vertical) above an standing or walking side wherethe treads are narrower is not less than 10 inches and the minimum width of any tread is not Irl.,t,:, 1-then a In,hc, ! exposed edge o the b az g Y Y g g R403.1.1 Minimum size-Minimum sizes for concrete footings shall be as set forth in Table R403.1 r „ It, : I Ir.., e.,ar°F:e,l'",,.,I...e! ,.,!•.I'a .:l,n;,,r,n,..,.,",•!,..n.u,,.,,1.; less than 6 inches. The continuous handrail required by Section 8315.1 shall be located on the side r, , U j surfaces. h 1 d a]n,yunrc:mh nil., k+,r J u,.h:, ,,.'rt,l ::to I f APN,r.r„an„.p.,.e,nn•,nng n:�mynr<rncnr,,;�,,.n... K.'12,!t:•, , where the lilac IS nan'OW@C N M „ •.,!I',hn,'I:,:.,..,,:.I,,,tmr,k„U r, 6. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel adjacent to a door where the nearest vertical edge p -EtNF::'aataa W 121n,hc, I,°.,,1 lr� .,•n•nn' �\,t,,..,;",:..,' r•AR p<RCINEORCING I- {--------+- "'r...• a..,.r.,h,,, h<,:,.,,,,nn,,,,lr,.n,,;•n t,•,,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,I:.,•.:: is within a 24 inch are of the door in a closed position and whose bottom edge is less than 60 inches T e'IN""" BAR w knc I.'.mesh,•-Ix•r In,n,I !, I „N.m:.',n,hr„a;.herrlJ„•n•.,-.•n„rr.,.,,,r,n,,,,•.,e:.'.,:,:,,,:,,,,w,;h 8311.5.4 Landings for stairways -There shall be a floor or landingo at the top and bottom of each I, IA IN MIP, LENG-H �I !- „ch u,nln,n.a:nn,.,p.,h "'I'-h-pr ur.l:rr!�t:,n.!•s,m. above the floor or walking surface. stairway. `- a..I.,n„nlr , ..:I.•, (,traria,..nn„•I: I•L�n,:n a:,,��, I,,,.,.o:• I,.r,l !,.,...,.,•L..•I-ill:,,",,, I,.",,,,,,,,.,,:.,r,l.,:l-ow'�r"\,o w,lh,.n'.,,n.,_r r!,.n,ill,,.,,!n 1d1-11,.,.,,:In,�ao.,.r.......,,cn,I.•.:,1' 7. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel,other than those locations described in items 5 �.. >Inn:l•rg,,+,r="ril,,',n,•�,n orhrr L,r l.:.,:,uvpnrnnvm• ¢ Z ^ and 6 alcove,that meets all of the following conditions: Exception;A floor or landing is not required at the top of an interior flight of stairs,provided a door TABLE 8307.7 7.1 Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 Sq.Ft. does not swing over the stairs. 'F'f''•'°X T ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS"°° Q 7-_ ---" 7.2 Bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. ce ALLOWABLE �` 0. STRUCTURAL MEMBER DEFLECTION •+ - -- -- --- -- -- --, 7.� Top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. R311.5.6 Fandrails -Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of each stairway with two or "'=- - I--� ce Q jltdter.ha,Iqe°lulu•,p:tc.ncr then?I:wnh ro, L/i�U '� "�"'. .-. 'r.„la,,,i cram:,•.,u.,r11cJ h,r.Jlcr, ! 7.4 One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the glazing. more risers Handrail height,measured above stair tread nosings,shall he not less than 34 inches and � "-"- � Z w :---- -�.--- ---- - ' H Q not more than 38 inches. All required handrails shall be continuous the full length of the stairs from a sB.N L+lu w I""rlur"'.al..",J r."""""` Section R309-Garages and Carportsflightt ,o Lu - " - -"- Dint directly above the to riser of a to a Dint direct) above the lowest riser of the flight. p4 REINFORCING hL,,:n,anJp e>Irn•J cllln•, L ;nn �' p P Y P P Y a U p w - -- -- 8309.1 Opening protection -Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping Ends shall tie returned or shall terminate in newel posts or safety terminal. I landrails adjacent to a BAR :All nthet srnwtnr I n,emhr,. I.,240 ,•7 -1 181N MIN LENGTH u oses shall not be ennitted. Other openings between the garage and residence shall beequipped wall shall have a space of not less than 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail. ' ---- -- --' PrP Pg gw,lls ; .L"•::;:,:I:,... ii'mcm-all,a nh ,L„Icr or a I,ur l lm,h 11,ahn ., Tt,°mrmn,,,n,P":.,°.a„I,r•..I,n-,. !t~•:":I,ne dm rnr..,,:: I------- ------1 -.- - --- -- --- - with a 3/4 hour fire-protection-rated door assembly equipped with a self-closing device. �,.,..r.r.........:::..IrN, .^r.•„^•,.ilii.•, Section 8312-Guards ::•„nn,:�,'.,�°,P,..,,.,•:....:..:..:::<,,.r,,::,l:,l,.,°I,.::.:,h,,, e„ n_hrI'•I,2eu_u InJ,.'.,,! :, n,•,I 1:•r.;,.l,r. R309.2 Separation Required -The garage shall be separated firorn the residence and its attic area by -J 8312.1 Guards required -Porches,balconies or raised floor surfaces located more than 30 inches FIGURE R°B31 5 Noir.:t -'!'•' Irv): I I .pa.n,:eht horizontal or vertical separations conformingto Sections R309.2.1 and R 309.2.2. n, 11,,Id hallI.< ,crn,atil,!I„hr!.,Lill':+•1)71 [1,,( ,,,1 t above the foor or grade below shall have guards not less than 36 inches in height. Open sides of z ealnE!,•.,a,n„a„pur,,•.r„unrar,r,n:lnn• d,mien'•I"."I,II,,' stairs with a total rise of more than 30 inches above the floor or grade below shall have guards not L F„rram,'c,cnnrmh,vcl.h.,P.Frt.,Lrna.I-,rlh,4 ,,II Ith.,.,mdr,rr R309.2.1 Vertical Separations -Where partitions are used to separate vertically an attached garage Section 8404- Foundation Walls P,rnr1„r.,•a,n.,°.L,•r,,.,1.,,,1 P P less than 34 inches in height measured vertically from the nosing of the treads. ,,w,,;,,",r),•,,,,,,,,1,.1, ,,,,,,,,,.,.,,I,I.-„r„n,,,,,,1, from the dwelling or its attic,the partition assembly shall have a 3/4-hour fire-resistant rating. R404.L2 Concrete foundation walls -Concrete foundation walls shall be constructed as set forth in ,1,n..n..i'I'.:Jl,w,,,,,,a1:,e''1-'-d.,:!I:.,.,rh Tables R404.1.1(2), R404.1.1(3)and R404.1.1(4). e:. 1 ,.,:1."I.,n,.:,,In::P!•:,.n.,:.l.,::..•..,:. ,n•':." R312.2 Guard opening limitations -Required guards on open sides of stairways,raised floor areas. w ,:.11. _ 8309.2.2 Horizontal Separations -Where horizontal construction is used to separate the garage from balconies and porches shall have intermediate rails or ornamental closures that do not allow passage Section R303- Light, Ventilation and Heating the residence or its attic,such construction shall be protected with one layer of 5/8-inch thick,Type-X, of a sphere 4 inches or more in diameter. o gy suni board,installed in accordance with the requirements of Section R702.3. Openings in All Residential Construction shall comply with this section when referencing Habitable Kuoms(9% I q Light&4%Ventilation),Adjoining Rooms,Bathrooms,Stairway Illumination,Required Glazed horizontal separations shall not be permitted except where the residence is otherwise protected by Section 8313 -Smoke Alarms,Automatic Sprinkler Systems and Carbon vcttical separations. Where the horizontal separation is a floor-ceiling assembly the structure Monoxide Alarms Openings and Required Heating(68°Min.). supporting the separation shall also be protected by not less than 5/8-inch thick,Type-X,gypsum TADLE-401 41 8312.1 Smoke alarms-Single and multiple-station smoke clams shall be installed in the following PRESUMPTIVE LOAD-BEARING VALUES OF board ore equivalent. FOUNDATION MATERIALS q locations. I. In each sleeping morn,2.Outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate -- --- R303.6 Stair illumination-All interior and exterior stairways shall be provided with a means to vicinity of the bedrooms.3.On each additional,toil of the dwelling including basements and cellars LOAD RSVRE r; z illuminate the stairs,including the landings and treads.Exterior stairways providing access to a Section 8310- hmergeneV Escape and Rescue Openings ty Y g• g O but not including crawl Spaces and uninhabited attics. In dwelling g p poune5 basement from the outside grade level shall be provided with an artificial light source located in the 11310.1 Emergency escape and rescue openings required -Basements with habitable spaces and P dwellings or dwelling units with split levels CLASS OF„ATEP'A_ °yua,r I- a g P every sleeping room shall have at least one operable emergency escape and rescue opening. Where and withou-an intervening door between the adjacent levels,a smoke alarm installed on the upper immediate vicinity of the bottom landing. Icvel shall suffice for ad, ,,:I,,,,," ��' emergency escape and rescue openings are provided they shall have a sill height of not more than 44 lacent louver level provided that the lower level is less than one full story rn below the L er level. When more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed within an }` " w inches above the floor. PP q •- - - q Section R305- Ceiling Height individual dwelling unit the alamT devices shall be interconnected in such a manner that the actuation R305.1 Minimum Height-Habitable rooms,hallways,corridors,bathrooms,toilet rooms and R310.1.1 Minimum opening area -All emergency escape and rescue openings,except Grade floor of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual unit. The alarm shall he clearly audible laundry rooms shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet. The required height shall be Openings,shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 Square Feet. Grade floor opening.,shall have in all bedrooms over background noise levels with all intervening doors closed. All smoke alarms ,•..,'I,.!•.' ,.h•'!" .I,,,,',•,' measured from the finish floor to the lowest projection from the ceiling. a minimum net clear opening of 5.0 Square Feet- shall be listed and installed in accordance with the provisions of this code and the household fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72. 8310.1.2 Minimum opening height-Thinimum net clear opening height shall he 24 Inches. Section R307-Toilet,Bath and Shower Spaces e mR313.1.2 Power source-The required smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms shall receive their 8307.1 Space required -Fixtures shall be spaced as per Figure 8307.1R310.1.3 Minimum opening width -The minimum net clear opening width shall be 20 inches. primary power from the building wiring when such wiring is sere ed from a commercial source,and when primary power is interrupted,shall receive power from a battery. Wiring shall be permanent 11404.1.6 Height above Finished grade -Concrete and masonry foundation walls shall extend above WALL WALL WALL /W4-L ,At the finished grade adjacent to the foundation at all points a minimum of 4 inches where mason -.!L-a IN -.! A w t z IN �+- , 11310.2 Window wells -The minimum horizontal area of the window well shall be 9 square feet,with and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for overcurrent protection. Smoke b Jg P masonry / r �' -. . veneer is used and a minimum of 6 inches elsewhere. r-- --+'` ----+--- -- -� ,}- - -��I }--t----- - tt---� a minimum horizontal projection and width of 36 inches. The area of the window well shall allow the alarms shall be permitted to be battery operated when installed in buildings within commercial power T I j '� 1 r { emergency escape and rescue opening to be fully opened. or in buildings that undergo alterations,repairs or additions regulated by Section R317.1.1 _J ( N R404.1.7 Backfill placement-Backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall has t-� � ; TR7 I , 1 -i � Exception: The ladder or steps required by Section R310.2.1 shall be permitted to encroach a R313.4 Carbon Monoxide alarms -Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in the following sufficient strength and has been anchored to the floor,or has been sufficiently braced to prevent " 3D IN : maximum of 6 inches into the required dimensions of the window well. locations: 1.Within each dwelling unit on any story having a sleeping area. 2.On any story of a damage by the backfill. -':N I vara J q W C!FARAIJ E dwelling unit where fuel fired appliances and equipment,solid burning appliances and equipment. U :avnmRlFs R310.2.1 Ladder and steps -Window wells with a vertical depth greater than 44 inches shall be fireplaces or attached garages are located A carbon monoxide alarm installed on any story of a Section R405- Foundation Drainage z w equipped with a permanently affixed ladder or steps usable with the window in the fully open position. dwelling unit having a sleeping area shall suffice for that story where fuel fired appliances and R405.1 Concrete or masonry foundations -Drains shall be provided around all concrete and A IN CLEARANC^ V'• F.-J J E-•' rRON1 OF e Nla,, Ladders or steps required by this section shall not be required to comply with Sections R31 1.5 and equipment,solid-fuel burning appliances and equipments,fireplaces or attached automotive parking masonry foundations that retain earth and enclose habitable or usable spaces located below grade. } s„olvt_R R31 1.6 Ladders or rungs shall have an inside width of at least 12 inches,shall project at least 3 inches garages arcako located When more than one carbon monoxide alarm is required to be installed Drainage tiles,gravel or crushed stone drains,or perforated pipe shall be installed at or below the area W x z WATER CLOSET from the wall and shall be spaced not more than 18 inches on center vertically for the full height of the within an individual dwelling unit,the alarms shall be interconnected in such a manner that the to be protected and shall discharge by gravity or mechanical means into an approved drainage system. 3? z WALL OR BIDE i J,,A,.L window well. actuation o'one alann w ill actio ate all of the alarms in the individual unit.Carbon monoxide alarms Gravel or crushed stone drains shall extend at least 1 foot beyond the outside edge of the footing and 3 w "'"�' ' SIN shall not be located within or near the openings to garages,bathrooms or furnace rooms. 6 inches above the top of the footing and be covered with an approved filter membrane material. The Oo¢ OF: O -� top of open joints of drain tiles shall be protected with strips of building paper,and the drainage tiles F- < o Z , ___r _. 1 Section 8311 - Means of Egress 1 1P 11 11311.3 Hallways-The minimum width of a hallway shall be not less than 3 feet. Section R319-Protection Against Decay or perforated pipe shall be placed on a minimum of 2 inches of washed gravel or crushed rock as least LID - I 11319.1 Lo•ation required- All construction within Nassau and Suffolk Counties is required install one sieve size larger than the tile joint opening or perforation and covered with not less than 6 inches o �z,IN 1 R311.4.1 Exit door required -Not less than one exit door conforming to this chapter shall be an approve]pressure if lumber or decay resistant heartwood in the following conditions. of the same material. ?,IN q g P PP P g tCLEARANCr CLEARANCE WA t provided from each dwelling unit. The required exit door shall provide for direct access from the 1.Wood Jost,or the bottom of a wood structural floor when closer than 18 inches or wood girders rt 1 habitable portions of the dwelling to the exterior without requiring travel through a garage when closes than 12"to the exposed ground in crawl spaces or unexcavated area located within the Section R406- Foundation Waterproofing and Dampproofing o TUB periphery cf the building foundation 8406.1 Concrete or masonry foundation dampproofing -Foundation walls that retain earth and O 3 �i R311.4.2 Door type and size -The required exit door shall be a side-hinged door not less than 3 feet 2. All wood framing members that rest on concrete or masonry foundation walls and are less than 8 enclose habitable or usable spaces located below grade shall be dampproofed from the top of the _ S [^ in width and 6 feet 8 inches in height. inches from the exposed ground. footing to the finished grade. Masonry walls shall have not less than 3/8 inch Portland cement WATER c osFTs WALL 3.Sills andsleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in direct contact with the ground unless parging applied to the exterior of the wall. The parging shall be dampproofed with a bituminous rtn;SF PIANS ARP AN 11311.4.3 Landings at doors -There shall be a floor or landing on each side of each exterior door. separated four such slab by an impervious moisture barrier. coating or 3 pounds per square yard of acrylic modified cement or 1/8 inch coat of surface-bonding INS RUMEN FOFSERVICE The floor or landing at the exit door required b Section R31 1.4.1 shall not be more than 1.5 inches 4. the ends of wood girders entering exterior masonry or concrete walls having clearances of lesscomplying y p rp g nNu nru:rnr FIGURE 8307.2 g q Y g g - g mortar with ASTM C 887 or an other material ennitted for waterproofing in Section ofntl:ENGINEER'. MINIMUM FIXTURE CLEARANCES lower than the top of the threshold, The floor or landing at exterior doors other than the exit door shall than 0.5 inches on tops,side;and ends 8406.2. Concrete walls shall be dampproofed by applying any one of the above listed dampproofing Al.TERA"rioN OR ADDITiON not be required to comply with this requirement but shall have a rise no greater than 8.25 Inches 5. Wood siding_sheathing and wall framing on the exterior of a building having a clearance of less materials or any one of the waterproofing materials listed in Section R406.2 to the exterior of the viol nitION'01�SEC]IS IS ON than 6 inclus tiom the ground. wall. 7209OF11IFN17W YORK sin nt I'DUCA I[ON LAW -- Section R408- Under-Floor Space R603.7 Structural sheathing -Wall sheathing requirements&attachment shall conform to AF&PA CHAPTER 8 - ROOF-CEILING CONSTRUCTION R905.2.8.1 Base and cap flashing-Base and cap flashing shall be installed in accordance with 408.1 Ventilation-The under-floor space between the bottom of the floor and the earth under any WFCM-2001 Tables 3.11,3.13A. Section R802-NVood Roof Framing manufacturers installation instructions. r no \ building(except space occupied by a basement or cellar)shall be provided with ventilation openings R802.1 Identifiration -Load-bearing dimension lumber for wood roof-ceiling construction shall through foundation walls or exterior walls. The minimum net area of ventilation openings shall not Section R613- Exterior Windows and Glass Doors be identified by a grade mark of a lumber grading or inspection agency that has been approved by W I b R905.2.8.2 Valley flashing-Valley flashing shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers be less than i square foot for each 150 square feet of under-floor space area. One such ventilation R613.4 Wind-borne debris protection -Protection of exterior windows and glass doors in building an accreditation body that complies with DOC PS 20. In lieu of a grade mark,a certificate of installation instructions before applying shingles. y i er of said building. located in hurricane-prone regions from wind-borne debris shall be in accordance with Section inspection issued by a lumber grading or inspection agency meeting the requirements of Section opening shall be within 3 feet of each cot 2 . .9 Application-Mineral-surface roll roofing shall be installed in accordance with the 8301.2.1.2. 8502-Wood Fhor Framing. All framing in these construction drawings assumed to be 8905 � ssi��;r R408.3 Access-Access shall be provided to all under-floor spaces. Access openings through the Douglas Fir Larch No.2 with an E value of 1,600,000 psi and an Fb value of 875 psi.unless Residential Code of New York State or the Manufacturer's Specifications,whichever is greater. floor shall be a minimum of 18 inches by 24 inches. Openings through a perimeter wall shall be 16 R613.5.1 Anchoring requirements -Window and glass door assemblies shall be anchored in noted otherwise. inches by 24 inches. When any portion of the through wall access is below grade,an areaway of not accordance with published manufacturer's recommendations to achieve the designed pressure CHAPTER I 1 - ENi?RGY EFFICIF,NCI' less than 16 inches by 24 inches shall be provided. The bottom of the areaway shall be below the specified. R802.2 Design ind Construction -Roof-ceilings shall be designed and constructed in Section N1102- Building Envelope N 1102.1 Thermal performance criteria -The minimum required insulation R-value or maximum CD threshold of the access opening. Through wall access openings shall not be located under a door to accordance with AF&PA/WFCM-2001 and ASCE 7. P q the residence. Section R703- Exterior Coverings required U-factor for each element in the building thermal envelope(fenestration,roof/ceiling,opaque R703.1 General-Exterior walls shall provide the building with a weather-resistant exterior wall R802.3 Framin;details -Rafters shall be framed to ridge board or to each other with a gusset wall,floor,slab edge,crawl space wall and basement wall)shall be in accordance with the criteria in CHAPTER 5 - FLOORS envelope. The exterior wall envelope shall include flashing as described in Section R703.8. The plate as a tie. R dge board shall be at least 1 inch nominal thickness and not less in depth than the Table N 1 102.1 or Table N 110 1.3.5 for electric resistance heat. Section R502-Wood Floor Framing exterior wall envelope shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to prevent the cut end of the rafter. At all valleys and hips there shall be a valley or hip rafter not less than 2 accumulation of water within the wall assembly by providing a water-resistive barrier behind the One-and-two-family dwellings,with greater than 15-percent glazing area;townhouses,with greater R502.1 identification-Load-bearing dimension lumber for joists,beams and girders shall be inch nominal thickness and not less in depth than the cut end of the rafter. Hip and valley rafters J g exterior veneer as required by Section 11703.2. than 25-percent glazing area;and any residential building in climates with 11DD equal to or greater U identified by a grade mark of a lumber grading or inspection agency that has been approved by an shall be supported at the ridge by a brace bearing partition or be designed to carry and distribute than 13,000;shall determine compliance using the building envelope requirements of the Energy accreditation body that complies with DOC PS 20. in lieu of a grade mark,a certificate of inspectionthe specific loadat that point. Where roof pitch is less than 3 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, 11703.2 Weather-resistant sheathing paper -Asphalt-saturated felt free from holes and breaks, Conservation Construction Code of New York State. -Wood structural members that support rafters and ceiling joists,such as ridge beams,hips and valleys, issued by a lumber grading or inspection agency meeting the requirements of Section R502 weighing not less than 14 pounds per 100 square feet and complying with ASTM D 226 shall be shall he designed as beams. a Floor Framing. All framing in these construction drawings is assumed to be Douglas Fir Larch g PART V-Mechanical applied over studs or sheathing of all exterior walls as required by Table 11703.4. Such felt or No.2 with an E value of 1,600,000 psi and an Fb value of 875 psi.unless noted otherwise. material shall be applied horizontally,with the upper laver lapped over the lower layer not less than 2 W 11802.6 Bearing-The ends of each rafter or ceiling joist shall have not less than 1.5 inches or All Mechanical Systems,Heating and cooling equipment,Exhaust systems,Duct systems, w W inches. Where joints occur,felt shall be lapped not less than 6 inches Combustion air,Chimneys and vents,Special fuel-burning equipment,Boilers/Water heaters, R502.6 Bearing-The ends of each joist,beam or girder shall have not have less than 1.5 inches of bearing on wood or metal and not less than 3 inches on masonry or concrete. Ilydronic piping,Special piping and storage systems and Solar systems must comply with and be a Z bearing on wood or metal and not less than 3 inches on masonry or concrete except where supported R703.4 Attachments -Unless specified otherwise,all wall coverings shall be securely fastened in installed in accordance with Part V-Mechanical of the Residential Code of New York State. in a 1 inch by 4 inch ribbon strip and nailed to the adjacent stud or by the use of approved joist 11802.7 Cuttingand notching -Structural roof members shall not be cut,bored or notched in Q accordance with Table 11703.4 or with other aluminum,stainless steel,zinc-coated or other excess of limitations specified in this section. hangers. 1--� Z a, corrosive-resistive fasteners. CHAPTER 13 - GENERAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS R802.7.1 Sawn Lumber-Notches in solid lumberjoists.rafters and beams shall not exceed one REQUIREMENTS W R502.7 Lateral restraint at supports-Joists shall be supported laterally at the ends by full-depth J TABLE 117034 ~ M solid blocking not less than 2 inches nominal in thickness;or by attachment to a header,band,or rile WEATHER-RESISTANT SIDING ATTACHMENT AND MINIMUM THICKNESS sixth Of the depth Of the member,shall not be longer than one-third Of the depth Of the member .Section 5-Appliance Access w _ b ' TTPr OF SUPPORISFORTHF SIDING NATEMALANDFASTENEnS and shall not be located in the middle one-third of the s an. The tension side of members 4 NI 1305.1 Appliance access for inspection,service,repair and replacement -Appliances shall be ' Joist,or to an adjoining stud;or shall be otherwise provided with lateral support to prevent rotation. _____ - . . , - P Q, Z Z �t F° inches or greater in nominal thickness shall not be notched except at the ends of the members. accessible for inspection,service,repair and replacement without removing permanent construction. uOTIN+AL `.°_"- Thirty inches of working space shall be provided in front of the control side to service an appliance. ^ Tu10"NESS•'' JOINT PAPER '° ,r"'P^^<' >< �RR'^'° `•^<°^^^°�'° °^:a,^'^°' O°<°"° "°^'"°•°'s"°°'^R The diameter ofthe holes bored or cut into members shall not exceed one-third the depth of the ¢ 8502.7.1 Bridging-Joists exceeding a nominal 2 by 12 shall be supported laterally by solid SIDINGMA-ERIAL 11„<„.,I ;' ,;,,:,,„: 1 °v"'I »^" °'° i installed with at least an 18-inch working space. platform ' fR p,Mf NT PEOUIRED .� E ! blocking,diagonal bridging(wood or metal),or continuous 1 inch by 3 inch strip nailed across the „ U: member. Holes shall not be closer than 2 inches to the top or bottom of the member,or to any Room heaters s shall be r room ted at be r n s a AF hr shall not be required for room heaters. ' 1 "- - ' other hole located in the member. Where the member is also notched,the hole shall not be closer bottom of joists perpendicular to joists at intervals not exceeding 8 feet. ,'" t h h 1 a a u.:r„.•,: `' L. than 2 inches to e note ) ¢ + t M111305.1.2 Appliances in rooms -Appliances installed in a compartment,alcove,basement or 1"( w a. ¢ .' al,,, R502.8 Drilling and notching-Structural floor members shall not be cut,bored or notched in excess �n+,uln'. + „ - c ( 1 neer Ot - similar space shall be accessed by an opening or door and an unobstructed passageway measuring n L'-) cC - R802 7 2 Engineered wood products Cuts,notches rind holes bored�n laminated ve of the limitations specified in Figure R502.8' - - f I \ lees than 24 inches wide and large enough to allow removal of the largest appliance in the space, � w „ R_ _ lumber,glue-laiTinated members or l,joists are not permitted unless the effect o such provided that a level service space of not less than 30 inches deep and ttie height of the appliance,but o LU I penetrations are specifically considered in the design of the member. t 1 than C� �, Ll F- i - no less tan 30 inches,is present at the front or service side of the appliance with the door open. R802.8 Lateral support-Rafters and ceiling joists hating a depth-to-thickness ratio exceeding 5 - A71305.1.3 Appliances in attics -Attics containing appliances requiring access shall be provided to 1 based on nominal dimensions shall berrovided with lateral support at points of bearing to P pP P b with an opening and a clear and unobstructed passageway large enough to allow removal of the V) „„ , .,,, .,• ...,.t „ \rl,,, prevent rotation largest appliance,but not less than 30 inches high and 22 inches wide and not more than 20 feet in ¢ Ill+=r.1 length when measured along the centerline of the passageway from the opening to theappliance. The F' 11802.1 Ll Roof tie-down -Roof assemblies subject to wind uplift pressures of 20 Lbs per Sq. Ft. passageway shall have continuous solid flooring in accordance with Chapter 5 not less than 24 inches or greater,as established in Table R301.2(2),adjusted for height and exposure per'i'able wide. A level service space at least 30 inches deep and 30 inches wide shall be present along the sides ^ R301.2(3),shall hay e rafter or truss ties provided at bearing locations in accordance with Table of the appliance where access is required. the clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 880'_.1 1. A cortinuous load nth shall be pros, to transmit the Uplift forces from the rafter or � P� 1 � P 20 inches by 30 inches,where such dimensions are large enough to allow removal of the largest � -� , \,. �••, .,I„_,,,,i Y__ ,, ,,,,,, truss ties to the foundation. Wind uplift pressure on roof assemblies shall be determined using all appliance. E-- - effective wind area of 100 S Ft.and Ione I in table R301.2(2). q' Ni 1305.1.4 Appliances under floors -Underfloor spaces containing appliances requiring access shall Section R803- Roof Sheathing be provided with an unobstructed passageway large enough to remove the largest appliance,but not "'"O-R M „t: = .•I less than 30 inches high and 22 inches wide. A level service at least 30 inches deep and 30 inches •e wCR, ' I i` , -- - 8803.1 Lumber sheathing -allowable spans for lumber used as roof sheathing and the z - - " ,,;1'.'' attachment there of shall conform to AF&PA WFCM-2001 Tables 3.10,3.12A,3.128 Wide shall he present at the front or service side of the appliance. , ^' R,•- ;,,h Section 111306-Clearances from Combustible Construction z CHAPTER 9 - ROOF ASSEMBLIES O � I 11 ';, I.:, �•, ; _ . . '-°r'f_. Nil 306.1 Appliance clearance-Appliances shall be installed with the clearances from unprotected 1` Section 8905-Requirements for Roof Coverings combustible materials as indicated on the appliance label and in the manufacturer's installation c R+T, a.UL1v'_�ISlg,ryr." J.I U ,••!'+ »,J;"I. R905.2 Asphalt Shingles-The installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the provisions of instruction. , U - this section. cn „ 1`11306.2 Clearance reduction-Reduction of clearances shall be in accordance with the appliance q I R905.2.2 Slope Asphalt shingles shall only be used on roof slopes of two units vertical in 12 units manufacturer's instructions and Table\41306? „r r units vertical m 1_ nit horizontal ) ��,=' �= ;, �' •„ horizontal or nate For roof slopes from two u is vert unitsu to four units rAPLE M,tnb! ' -. .•:,.I,.,.:�:,�I^:•,,, "..1 \ .,. I.„. ,.:.,t .II.,I,h:,�:11<1•..,+1,,,I i:...,,,,,,,.,,l.,,r lt1,I I.1.1 g PP RED If,T ON.r„LEAn ANc .A1,, PAOTE I •..'I-d, �, II ,�I,, 1,1„n+,h,•,kl:, ES' .SPECIF,tO FORMS OFP OECT ON• °' horizontal,double under) ent kation is required m accordance with T. - 1 �! ,,'� ��,.L,,,. -•,.,' ,1„1.,.1,,;.11.,,, ,1„1„,,,,,,, ...,',:,.",:,' . ;.,,,;;,,, ,;, ,,,; �1,_.,...,, . Y PP q K, , , I I P>_,ANOE vertical in 12 unit o 1.I, .,,,Nill. 1h, J 1„',h.,. ,::1,:1 Section R905.2.7.s ll,+" :, ,1,1,"<.„'::,... a m application e u .'D\+IRrP�,E:�;��r„ ,.. .r RI .T _ -,r 111 + ..�, vnE r,F PRr,E'r:nN APw,•nm n„wen,en i'cr°c„o..1n<I1,s1 7 '.I.. I'1" :,1:.1 , .:, ,I, nl,."h`,., , .,. r,. :.,.:: I„r„I.,.,:.,I•II,r,,.1:,1,..,Il.,, ,,,,,:.I,., ,„ ...... :: L , n I�r1 R,N<.All.,IHFp1,t V " 8905.2.3 underlayment-Unless otherwise noted,requircd underlayment shall conform with ASTM - °5,,, „ ,1 -.'pr, l„,.. ,.,,„h,'. ..,.,1 „ .1 ..I :, 1:.. qtr.n: 1„ .. I,.,11,.11.,...III,. 11,1 ,.., ,,,, Pan r,T„ A.9r'i�.,, f.c."1, D 226,Type 1,or ASTM D 4869,Type 1. Self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet shall mr >" " =«••m^=-°I mP <,Mm"= FIGURE R502 comply with ASTM D 1970. ` CUTTING NOTCHING AND DRILLING ' ' R502.9 Fastening-Floor framing shall be nailed in accordance with Table 602.3(1) Where posts R703.5 Wood shakes and shingles - Wood shakes and shingles shall conform to C.sNl)Gradrns> 8905.2.4 Asphalt shingles-Asphalt shingles shall have self-seal strips or be interlocking,and and beams or girder construction is used to support training,positive connections shall be provided to Rules Jnr WoodShakes and Shingles. comply with A}TM D 225 or D3462. Asphalt shingles shall to certified to withstand 110 mph basic ensure against uplift and lateral displacement. w i n d speed. 1. , 8703.5,1 Application-Wood shakes or shingles shall be applied either single-course or double Section R506-Concrete Floors(On Ground) course over nominal 1/2 inch wood-based sheathing or to furring strips over 1/2 inch nominal R905.2.5 Fasteners-Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be galvanized steel,stainless steel, R506.1 General-Concrete slab-on-ground floors shall be a minimum 3.5 inches thick. The nomvood sheathing. A weather-resistant permeable membrane shall be provided over all sheathing, aluminum or c(pper rooting nails,minimum 12 gage shank with a minimum 3/8"inch diameter head, specified coin ressive strength of concrete shall be as set forth in Section R402.2. with horizontal overlaps in the membrane of not less than 2 inches and vertical overlaps of not less ASTM F 1667.of a length to penetrate through the roofing materials and a minimum of 3/4 inch into W P P g ,.:+ v than 6 inches. Where furring strips are used,they shall be 1 inch by 3 inches or 1 inch by 4 inches the roof sheathing. Where the roof sheathing is less than 3/4 inch thick,the fasteners shall penetrate Z m R506.2.1 Fill-Fill material shall be free of vegetation and foreign material. The fill shall be and shall be fastened horizontally to the studs with 7d or 8d box nails and shall be spaced a distance through the she,ithing. Fasteners shall comply with ASTNI F 1667. W compacted to assure uniform support of the slab,and except where approved by a registered design on center equal to the actual weather exposure of the shakes or shingles,not to exceed the maximum Q ~ P PP 11905.2.6 Attachment-Asphalt stir/shingles shall have the number of fasteners required by the �c z � professional,the fill depths shall not exceed 24 inches for clean sand or gravel and 8 inches for earth. exposure specified m Table 8703.5.2. The spacing between adjacent shingles to allow for expansiontz shall not exceed 1/4 inch,and between adjacent shakes it shall not exceed 1/2 inch. The offset manufacturer tcwithstand a basic wind speed of 110 mph. Fastening method shall be tested in Q < 3 W R506.2.2 Base-A 4-inch-thick base course consisting of clean graded sand,gravel,crushed stone or spacing between joints in adjacent courses shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 inches. accordance wit] ASTM D 3161,modified to use a wind speed of 1 10 mph. t0 crushed blast-furnace slag passing a 2-inch sieve shall be placed on the prepared subgrade when the " L O 8905.2.7 Underlayment application-For roof slopes from two amts vertical in 12 amts horizontal O Slab i5 below grade. TABLE R703.5 2 MAXIMUM WEATHER EXPOSURE FOR WOOD SHAKES AND SHINGLES ON EXTERIOR WALLS"', Up to four units\ertical its 12 units horizontal, underlaymnet shall be two layers applied in the (Dimensions are in inches) following manner.Apply a 19 inch strip of underly ment felt parallel with and starting,at the eaves, 8506.2.3 Vapor retarder-An approved vapor retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches LENGTH EXPOSURE FOR SINGLE COURSE EXPOSURE FOR DOUBLE COURSE PP' P y P _ fastened sufficiently to hold in place. Starting at the eave,apply 36 inch wide sheets of shall be placed between the concrete floor slab and the base course or the prepared subgrade where FART V11-PLUMBING underlavment,os,erlapping successive sheets 19 inches,and fastened sufficiently to hold in place. no base course exists. Is l i All Plumbing Systems& Fixtures,Water Heaters,Water Supply and Distribution,Sanitary Drainage, °o Q For roof slopes of four units vertical in 12 units horizontal or greater,underlayment shall be one layer M Vents,and Traps must comply with and be installed in accordance with Part VII-Plumbing of the o Q z o CHAPTER 6 -WALL CONSTRUCTION applied in the following manner. Underlayment shall be applied shingle fashion.parallel to and O 3 ,Iw6r: Residential Code of New York State. Section 8602-Wood Wall Framing I starting from the eave and lapped 2 inches,fastened sufficiently to hold in place. End laps shall be < F [~ _ .- __ 8602.1 Identification-Load-bearing dimension lumber for wood wall construction shall be offset by 6 feet PART Vlll-ELECTRICAL„ . ,,.. - identified b a grade mark of a lumber grading or inspection agency that has been approved by an `,.". "' '^` All electrical work must conform to N.F.P.A.70-1999 and be installed in accordance with Part VII}- 'n❑Sri PLANS mat:AN Y N,•„;,r1:.,.„•,n.,1`'• .1„' R905.2.7.1 Ice protection-In all of Nassau and Suffolk County an ice barrier that consists of a least Electric of the Residential Code of New York State. The inspection Agency providing h I INSFRUMHN]OF SERVICE accreditation body that complies with DOC PS 20. In lieu of a grade mark,a certificate of inspection J h•,., P }, y p g t e electrical AND ARE Ti 11:PROPER'rY issued by a lumber grading or inspection agency meeting the requirements of Section 8502-Wood ns o layers of underlayment cemented together or of a self-adhering polymer modified bitunted certificate must certify that all electrical work has been installed in accordance with these Codes. OF TI if:ENGINEER Floor Framing All framing in these construction drawings assumed to be Douglas Fir Larch together or ofaself adherin polymer modified bitumen sheet,shall be used in lieu ofnonnal nt:rt':RnnoN PLANS IS ION Framing. g g underla yment.,nd extend from the eavr's edge to a point 24 inches inside the exterior wall line of the 1-011rnt'sh PLnNs Is n No.2 with an E value of 1,600,000 psi and an Fb value of 875 psi.unless noted otherwise. y VIOLA"PION OF SECTION building, 7209 of I1 n;NE w r() SIA'rI-1:D1 ICA'IION LAW. SEAL Z, ;F 1 �4 \ O U EXIST.DECK TO �T�n L7a EXISTING DECK REMAIN(TYP) W W 7 a z rq LQ �l z EXIST.ROOF z Llj RAFTERS ABOVE TO d Z UP r BE REMOVED(TYP.) E" < M [j EXISTING SUNROOM a a ¢ `O LLJ �. o W U N Q �- I I ' EXIST.DOOR TO B� � REMOVED(TYP.) z EXISTING LIVING EXIST.WALL TO BE ROOM REMOVED(TYP.) EXISTING BEDROOM EXIST.STAIRS UP F ¢ EXIST.FIREPLACE TO TO BE REMOVED p EXISTING CONC.SLAB TO BE REMOVED IN ITS BE REMOVED IN ITS ENTIRETY ENTIRETY EXIST.FLOOR JOISTS EXIST.WALL TO BE:�/ z ABOVE TO BE REMOVED(TYP.) O REMOVED(TYP.) F Ell ING BATHROO j \ EXIST.WINDOW p EXISTING DINING KEXISTINGf TO BE REMOVED TCHEN ROOM _ ' j n, (TYP.) Lu UP 'EXIST SINK TO BEDROOM REMOVE PART > EXISTING f OF EXTERIOR WALL FOR NEW BE REMOVED WINDOW,TYP, EXISTING FOUNDATION &STING 112 SEE FLOOR PLAN WALLS TO BE REMOVED IN EXIST.ENTRY STAIRS BATH FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION O THEIR ENTIRETY TO BE REMOVED w W � U z ¢ z Q`_ w I �rz F- W � LOWER LEVEL C2 FIRST FLOOR o>z 3 w o 1 REMOVAL PLAN AO MVAL PLAN D<� a 3 � O2 ¢ x O w SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" E. 11 4"=1'-0" i �- 0 rn o z Q z _ Q '11IFSE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENTOFS11RVICE AND ARE THE.PROPERTY Ol IIIE ENGINEPR. AIA ERA CION OR ADDITION TO THESP.PLANS 1S A VIOLA ZION OP SECTION 720901 PI Iii NIiW YORK S I ATG EDUCATION LM SEAL: O F--I W W W as z N M W ^ EXISTING ROOF RAFTER AND CEILING JOISTS TO BE = < C4 REMOVED(TYP.) Q X W a W O o z EXISTING ROOF RAFTER AND CEILING JOISTS TO BE 7 REMOVED(TYP.) EXISTING ROOF EXISTING STAIR TO BE RAFTER AND CEILING REMOVED IN ITS JOISTS TO BE ENTIRETY REMOVED(TYP)—7 EXISTING DOOR TO BE REMOVED( Z EXISTING CHIMNEY TO BE O REMOVED IN ITS ENTIRETY I U i W EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS AT EXISTING WINDOWS TO BE SECOND FLOOR TO BE REMOVED(TYP) REMOVED IN ITS ENTIRETY W rY ill W U z � z W F Oa SECOND FLOOR REMOVAL PLAN x3 z o , 1 0 3 00 SCALE: W w w O U O z Q 2 N z C) c a Q THESE,PLANS ARE AN INS'LRUMEN'i OI'SERVICE AND ARG'Cl IE.PROPE.RI Y OF I'lIE ENGINEER. ALT ERA IION OR ADDI"ZION TO TTIFSE PIANS IS A VIOLA]ION OI SI•.CI ION 7209 OF]III'.NEW YORK S'I'A II EDl1CA"ITON LAW - ---------- ------— - — SEAL 10 INTERIOR j �"r` 3'-9Y2" ] * I IL 3'-10"WELL WIDTH 3'-6"HT.4000 PSI REINFORCED CONIC.STORM LEACHING RING FOUNDATION LINE O SECTION 6'-0"DIA.,8"THICK CIRCULAR M WELLCRAFT CLEAR WELL SLAB WITH NO ACCESS HOLE COVER ABOVE NEW 4"PVC(SCH.40) 5'-0"MIN, DRAINAGE PIPING,PITCH 1/8" EGRESS WINDOW WELL TO PER FOOT MIN.CONNECT TO SE WELLCRAFT 2062 /2062 NEW DRYWELL. SERIES BONA � 51'-4" POLYCARBONATE COVER LWELLCRAFT EGRESS \ 3'8" 24'_7" 26'-9" LADDER BUILT IN TO POURED CONCRETE� EXTERIOR MOLDED UNIT FOUNDATION WALL, �� 8" 3'-0" 5'-0" 2'-11" 8'-9" 2'-11" 5'-0" 3'-1" 2' 11" 20'-9" 6'-3" ENLARGED PLAN W Z SEE DETAIL FOR � .. Z aADDITIONAL INFO \� 2 AT WINDOW WELL 9 36"H. _ MO O SCALE: 114"=1'-0" HANDRAIL 1 4 Z of Li POURED CONCRETE N Lc7 ^ FOOTING,SEE NEW CONCRETE z Z , DETAIL FOR STAIRS,SEE Y z ADDITIONAL INFO SECTION FOR d U `" ¢ Z Q ADDITIONAL GUARDRAIL 30"x30"x12"POURED p°o 10"POURED CONC TOP OF EGRESS WINDOW F" INFORMATION p iv ►� tL f' 1 CONC.FTG.W/#4 @ 6" J O FOUNDATION WALL W1#5 iv LINE OF EXTERIOR FINISH a 0. C4 4"DRAIN P 1 O.C.E.W. a O z REBAR @16"O.C.VERT.#4 w O REBAR @16"O.C.VERT.,3500 DN 4"., p •p PSI CONCRETE MIN.ON A `J Z Ccl 4 o � �v� 1'-8"W.X 8"D.P.C.FOOTING �"� CJLLJ iv 32x68 c�oioQ O o W W I- [Jd MO II LINE OF GRADE SLOPE _ W10x26 J , AWAY FROM WELL ANDERSON STORMWATCH EGRESS WINDOW,SEE 3 112"X 3 1/2"X118"HSS II BEAM POCKET BEAM PO 0 CKET WINDOW SCHEDULE z z iv a REINSTALL STAIRS I�EGRESS WINDOW WELL n o u- 0 8"POURED FOUNDATION v TO BE WELLCRAFT 2062 t° BASEMENT F- LINE OF WALLS WALL WITH NEW BILCO DOOR SERIES co z ABOVE(TYP.) WITH MANUFACTURER -9'-6 314" p PROVIDED NEW BILCO STAIRS —/ im ` Qd - ELEVATION AT WINDOW WELL OQ N SCALE. 1/4"=V-0" z y (V w0 w NEW EGRESS WINDOW,SEE iv p -j BASEMENT: z * p 4"POURED CONC SLAB DETAIL 21A-103 FOR v O o 6X6-10/10 WWM OVER 6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. i a MIL.POLY VAPOR BARRIER GRADE BEYOND � F OVER COMPACTED FILL — I U 4"X3"X3/16"HSS — - -- -------- -; W bWELLCRAFT CLEAR WELL O O 2062 POLYCARBONATE o COVER _------ ______ 6"TOPSOIL 30"x30"x12"POURED � z CONC.FTG.W/#4 @ 6" ? NEW 14"FLOOR w O.C.E.W. TRUSS WITH 1/2" GYP.BD AT CEILING, - U TYP. o (2)2x8 HEADER WELLCRAFT EGRESS is LADDER 8"POURED CONC.FOUNDATION STEP FOOTING /� NEW INSULATED r. : EGRESS WINDOW WALL W/#5 REBAR @16"O C.VERT. #4 REBAR @16"O.C.VERT.,3500 PSI Lta CONCRETE MIN.ON A 16"W.X 8"D. �I EGRESS WINDOW WELL 't TO BE WELLCRAFT 2062 P.C.FOOTING 20'-9" SERIES w F W 12"PEASTONE BACKFILL LLJ ZD G�3z z w r _ LOWER LEVEL ,Y: C o o c ^ r O x Q -IIIESE PLANS ARE.AN INS'1'RI NIENTOPSERVICE AND ARF?'CHIC PROPER"1Y VWALL SECTION 01 r11EENOINUR RU WINDOW WELLOR AJ)DlroTIlEst PLnNs IS nLE. tl4"=1'-0" v1oLn1I(lNorsl.ct'u>N 720901 'rlII'NE:W YORK S'l A'IT EDUCATION LA" STRUCTURAL NOTE: KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN NOTE: WINDOW AND DOOR NOTE: SEAL: DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL WALLS PARALLEL TO PROVIDE EXHAUST HOOD AT KITCHEN FOR EQUIP. CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THE SIZE,STYLE& LEGEND Nr- STRUCTURAL MEMBERS(TYP.) EXHAUST.PROVIDE MIN.100 CFM EXHAUST FAN. MANUF.OF ALL NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS WITH THE HOMEOWNER PRIOR TO ORDERING AND BEFORE i WALL CONSTRUCTION /Fv< DOOR JAMB NOTE: EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS: THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. V7 � k DOOR JAMBS TO BE LOCATED 4"MINIMUM OFF WALL AND BRICK VENEER 8"TYP.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR DIMENSIONED. EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS MUST HAVE A CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SQ.FT.,MINIMUM HEIGHT OF I, PROVIDE DOOR STOPS AT ALL DOORS AS REQ'D. ROUGH OPENING NOTE: BEARING WALL FOR R AND MINIMUM WIDTH OF 20",5.0 SQ. CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THE ROUGH OPENING �s FOR FIRST FLOOR WINDOWS OPENING ONTO GRADE. DOOR AND HARDWARE NOTE: SIZE REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS LINE OF WALLS ABOVE A,� CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL NEW WITH THE MANUFACTURER'SPECIFICATIONS OFFS oNp DOORS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS.PROVIDE AND PANTRY SHELVING NOTE DOOR TO BE INSTALLED _ - INSTALL ALL HARDWARE AS SELECTED BY OWNER. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE FIVE ADJ.314"PLYWD. FLOOR SADDLE NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW THE SIZE,STYLE 8 TYPE SHELVES wl MELAMINE FINSH AS INDICATED ON PROVIDE SADDLES BETWEEN ALL CHANGES IN WITH OWNER PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER. THE FLOOR PLANS. SHELVES TO BE SET ON FLOORING MATERIAL(TYPICAL) FE,71 EXHAUST FAN,75 CFM (NOTE DOORS TO BE SOLID-CORE RAISED PANEL) ADJUSTABLE STANDARDS. M.S.=MARBLE SADDLE/W.S.=WEATHER STRIP O SO HARDWIRED SMOKE DETECTOR SMOKE DETECTORS NOTE: © CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTORS AS PER THE RES. CODE OF NEW YORK STATE INTERCONNECTED AND o WOOD POSTS g HARDWIRED TO ELECTRIC PANEL A-3 1 POSTS FROM ABOVE SOUND ATTENUATION BLANKET NOTE: M.S. MARBLE SADDLE U CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOUND W.S. WEATHER STRIP ATTENUATION BLANKET AROUND ALL BATHROOM/POWDER ROOM WALLS a EXISTING DECK W W W a; z O O O 4"x6"WOO j Z M 4"x6"WO 3 1/2"x 11 7/8"PARALAM POST i--i W U LU ' POST­ 0 Z w } o TYP. NEW EXTERIOR WALL r l ^I N ~ N CONSTR.: NEW SIDING,OVER U "" 2 N F N U) � HOUSEWRAP ON 1/2"COX EXT. 3 1/2"x 3 1/2"x1/8" O GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON TYP. CEILING ° HSS 2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16"O.C. w/ a � a R-15 SPRAY FOAM INSUL.ON 1/2" CONSTRUCTION: ¢ 0 00 SIMPSON MODEL p A 301 GYP.BD 1 1 FL112"GYP.BD OVER CEILING JOISTS _ I HUCQ FACE _ \.J Z w u- MOUNTED X EQ. EQ. 4"xC'WOOD ~ Ca cx cli X CONCEALED (2)1 3/4"x4" pO`T O o W W N N HANGER 3 12/"x O COLUMN-7 U (V Q E- 111/4" 0 O OD NEW BILCO DOOR WITH WINDOW/SLIDING DOOR SCHEDULE W12x50 FLUSH BEAM MANUFACTURER PROVIDED NEW 3 1/2"x 3 1/2"x1/8" 3 1/2"x 11 1/4"PARAI AM I i DR7r� BILCO STAIRS NAME MANUF PRODUCT SIZE SQ.FT. SQ.FT. REMARKS HSS GLASS VENT V) 1 ENLARGED 15 R A 7. 7° I ¢ UP 4"x6"WOOD A- A ANDERSON 400 TW2432 2'-5 5/8"x 3'-4 7/8" DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW O LIVING P U 110' N IN `x D POST SERIES WITH N STORMWATCH z N I ROOM b T _ EXISTING PROTECTION O I 1/2" 11 114"PARALAM I I BEDROOM#1 `O SIMPSON MODEL HWU 3 Q 1l2"x it 1l4"TOP MOUNT B ANDERSON 400 TW30410 3'-1 5/8"x 5'-0 7/8" DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW g LINE OF POST a LINE OF - w POST Q `4 (EACH SIDE) Q ¢ SERIES WITH EGRESS WINDOW F in ABOVE oo O a cn ABOVE a CM S a T-7" 3'-2" ¢ 6'-5" STORMWATCH Q Co PROTECTION 'vI--v v ? w I Of I I N,, PROVIDE FIBERGLASS PAN w! C ANDERSON 400 A51 4'-11 718 x 2'-0 1/8" AWNING WINDOW O x� x FLOOR DRAIN FOR WASHING O X 2'0" 2'-9" X �+x N MA'HINE SERIES WITH LL J STORMWATCH M x r 3 2 6 8 LINE OF LDRY. M CL PROTECTION POST N TYP.INTERIOR WALL DIRECT VENT GAS ` �- ABOVE W/D - - __ CCNSTRUCTION: D ANDERSON'A' FWGD 2'-8 3/8"x 6'-7 1/2" STATIONARY FRENCHWOOD GLIDING PATIO DOOR p FIREPLACE TO BE cy O x - ONE LAYER OF 1/2"GYPSUM WALL SERIES WITH 2968-S SELECTED BY OWNER `* „r JE IST. CMco CL STORMWATCH BOARD ON EACH SIDE OF 2"x4"STUDS@ 16O.C.w/2"x4"SOLEPROTECTION zo TH -- � ! PLATE AND(2)2"x4"TOP PLATES 4"xWx3/16"HSS O x i x E ANDERSON'A' FWGD 5'-11 1/4"x 6'-7 1/2" FRENCHWOOD GLIDING PATIO DOOR O W12x58 FLUSH BEAM - W12x58 FLUSH BE M ' W12x58 FLUSH BEAM " - `� NEW EGRESS WINDOW,SEE DETAIL SERIES WITH 6068 _ _ - _ KITCHEN b J---' 2/A-103 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. STORMWATCH w /16"HSS O w PROTECTION OLINE WALL ABOVE4"x3"x3/16"HSS x (TYP.) o F ANDERSON 400 G55 4'-11 1/4"x 4'-11 1/4" GLIDING WINDOW,EGRESS WINDOW PAND EXISTING SERIES SEE TEMP.PLYWOOD SHUTTER DETAIL 2/A-106 4"x4 WD.POST, �xBATH BEDROOM#2cch B G ANDERSON'A' FWGD 15'-9"x 6'-7 1/2" TRANSOM WINDOW TO HAVE ANDERSON ART GLASSTYP,U.O N (2)2x12 HDR71 ( w p NSTORMWATCHSERIES WITH 151068-4 N Q EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL: PROTECTION oA w INSTALL NEW SIDING,OVER H ANDERSON 400 TW210410 2'-11 5/8"x 5'-0 7/8" DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW HOUSEWRAP ON EXISTING SERIES WITH 2 x12 HDR (2)2x12 HDR 0202 HDR - SHEATHING STORMWATCH -- - PROTECTION O 0 I ANDERSON 400 P4040 4'-0"x4'-O" PICTURE WINDOW z SERIES WITH TYP. CEILING STORMWATCH 3 —NEW PORCH: <-A-3)01 1 PROTECTION Llj U CONSTRUCTION AT AREA 1 1 1/2"THERMAL BLUESTONE(OR 1 J ANDERSON 400 C15 2'-0 1/8"x 4'-11 7/8" CASEMENT WINDOW OF STL BEAM: STONE TO BE SELECTED BY W O SERIES WITH 1/2"GYP.BO,ON 1"FURRING STRIPS OWNER)ON 1"MORTER BED Q�_ _ AT 16"O.C.SECURED TO CEILING OVER 4"P.C.SLAB ON 6X6-10!10 STORMWATCH >} Q U PROTECTION W n z O JOISTS. WWF.OVER 6 MIL.POLY.VAPOR z _j BARRIER OVER 6"CRUSHED K ANDERSON'A' FWGD T-11 1/4"x 6-7 1/2" FRENCHWOOD GLIDING PATIO DOOR 3= 7- STONE STONE BASE ON COMPACTED > 3 F SERIES WITH 8068 Q>< FILL STORMWATCH ¢ Z FIRST FLOOR PROTECTION C) Q o 1 CONSTRUCTION PLAN L ANDERSON 400 AX351 3'-4 13/16 x 2'-4 3/8" AWNING WINDOW SERIES WITH ` STORMWATCH p PROTECTION x rn M ANDERSON'A' AAN2818 2'-7 114"x l'-7 1/4" BASEMENT AWNING WINDOW SERIES WITH o z Q z d STORMWATCH ✓ Ca z o PROTECTION N ANDERSON'A' ACW2638 2'-5 114"x T-7 1/4" BASEMENT CASEMENT EGRESS WINDOW - SERIES WITH STORMWATCH TH SE PLANS ARI AN PROTECTION INsrRUMI NT 01 SERVICE AND ARE'l I IF,PROPGR'1'Y OF*1111:ENGINEER. ALTERATION OR ADDI'ITON '101111?SH PLANSIION S IS A VIOLATION OI' K'1 72090'IIWNEW YORK STAT 1'EDUCATION I,AW. CLOSET SHELVING NOTE: NEW WOOD MOLDING NOTE: STRUCTURAL NOTE:: SMOKE DETECTORS NOTE. WINDOW AND DOOR NOTE: SEAL: .__ LEGEND CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A 1.1/4"DIA OAK POLE ALL NEW WOOD BASE,DOOR TRIM,WINDOW TRIM DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL WALLS PARALLEL TO PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTORS AS PER THE RES. CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THE SIZE,STYLE& @ 5'-0"H.A.F.F.&A 3/4"PLYWOOD SHELF AND ALL TRIMMED OPENINGS TO MATCH EXISTING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS(TYP.) CODE OF NEW YORK STATE INTERCONNECTED AND MANUF.OF ALL NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS WITH THE - w/OAK VENEER&HARDWOOD EDGE @ 6'-0"A.F.F. WOOD TRIM.REVIEW WITH OWNER ALL AREAS HARDWIRED TO ELECTRIC PANEL HOMEOWNER PRIOR TO ORDERING AND BEFORE THE WALL CONSTRUCTION C FOR ENTIRE LENGTH OF CL. TO RECEIVE WOOD TRIM. DOOR JAMB NOTE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. r* DOOR JAMBS TO BE LOCATED 4"MINIMUM OFF WALL SOUND ATTENUATION BLANKET NOTE: BEARING WALL LINEN CLOSET SHELVING NOTE: EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR DIMENSIONED.PROVIDE I CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOUND ROUGH OPENING NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE FIVE ADJ.3/4"PLYWD. REMOVE EXISTING SIDING AND INSTALL NEW TYVEK DOOR STOPS AT ALL DOORS AS REQ'D.STOPS TO BE LINE OF WALLS ABOVE z ATTENUATION BLANKET AROUND ALL CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THE ROUGH OPENING \,s SHELVES W/MELAMINE FINISH. SHELVES TO BE VAPOR BARRIER AND SIDING(SEE ELEVATIONS) SELECTED BY OWNER SIZE REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS DOOR TO BE INSTALLED SET ON ADJUSTABLE STANDARDS OVER EXISTING SUBSTRATE SHEATHING. WITH THE MANUFACTURER'SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THAT THE CONDITION OF BATHROOM NOTE. THE EXISTING SHEATHING IS SUITABLE TO REMAIN DOOR AND HARDWARE NOTE:CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND IN INSTALL 1!2"WATER RESISTANT GYP.BD AT FLOOR SADDLE NOTE. e EXHAUST FAN,75 CFM ALL BATHROOM WALLS AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT. NEW DOORS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. PROVIDE SADDLES BETWEEN ALL CHANGES IN F PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL HARDWARE AS FLOORING MATERIAL(TYPICAL) SO HARDWIRED SMOKE DETECTOR PAINTING NOTE: SELECTED BY OWNER.CONTRACTOR TO M.S.=MARBLE SADDLE!W.S.=WEATHER STRIP CD ALL NEW WALLS AND CEILINGS TO BE REVIEW THE SIZE,STYLE&TYPE WITH EXTERIOR WALL NOTE: CM CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR PAINTED(THREE COAT JOB),COLORS TO BE OWNER PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER. ALL GYP.BD ALONG AN EXTERIOR WALL TO EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS: O WOOD POSTS SELECTED BY OWNER BE MOISTURE RESISTANT EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS MUST HAVE A CLEAR POSTS FROM ABOVE OPENING OF 5.7 SQ.FT.,MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 24"AND MINIMUM WIDTH OF 20",5 0 SO.FT M.S. MARBLE SADDLE FOR FIRST FLOOR WINDOWS OPENING ONTO GRADE. W.S. WEATHER STRIP r 1 M-� w � LLa as z 3 A-301 a z °' �• t`J M 4,_4„ 42'-8" 4'-4" w 20'-3" 22,_5„ U uo E" 5'-11" 5'-11" 5'-8" 5'-7" 12,_8" 5'-2" J SLEEPER 2 1 JOISTS AT A-301 -3 1 lU w a Q n DECK Z AREA OF O o w DECK w \ o w w O O O O O `� U � Q O (2)2x12 HDR 1 P.A7.27' a e LINDN 4"VTR 4"VTR 1 iv 2x6 1 v � +/-1'-6�2' 1 PLUS T.A /1 „0 O IN 302 m REQ D I FLASH A I L REO D AS L ROOF Q p 10-8' ( IN 3'-6" 10_8" 0� z w - CM O w O eco1Lu g 3268 28x6a v a o MASTER TYP. INTERIOR WALL a BEDROOM POST DOWN HALL BEDROOM ATTIC a TO FDN 2'x s �s CONSTRUCTION: MASTER BATHROOM �( T ` X13" Q o FIREPLACE TO BE — 4 x 6 o s _ _ ONE LAYER OF 1!2"GYPSUM WALL co bo DIRECT VENT GAS EACH S i `r I, I I, , Q 3 1/2"x 14"PARALAM RIDGE STUDS @N 6' O.C. /D2"xO4�SOLE SELECTED BY OWNER PLATE AND(2)2"x4'TOP PLATES 1 POST DOWN SINK ( SIN I i wC M 14'-7y2' o� F2- 11'-8�2" TO FDN. 12'-6" O U iv WHIRLPOOL TUB SECOND 74, jI-'o z_ : TYP. NEW EXTERIOR WALL 1' 1," sFowE� z d N x W.I C. J FLOOR O MASTER N w CONSTR.: NEwsIDING,OVER z" 2" 3 HOUSEWRAP ON 1;2"CDX EXT. BAT _o Q GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ONn x 2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16"O.C. w/ EXIST BATH EXPANDED BATH U N J R-15 SPRAY FOAM INSUL.ON 112" O 10'-7� O 8'-8 O 12'-54' O 6- GYP.BD. KITCHEN' A 1 „ A 2 0 �4 A 1 A 7„ r" 1s" 114„ 1 2�_4„ 2 io tO SIN SIN I SIN C I SINK ' C. 4'-4" 42,8„ 4'-4.. WHIRLPOOL TUB I ' NEW 4" SHOWER WM 3„ FIRST w F.A I DRAIN I 13' 1 2* 1 FLOOR CO 3„ 2„ 2" 3" 2.. 3" CO 3"WASTE LINE 3"WASTE LINE 3"WASTE LINE BASEMENT 3 2 1 c.o C o U a TO EXIST Z w cj� z SANITARY SYSTEM HOUSETRAP W� C) O SECOND FLOOR >r F Lu^z fs. Z) CONSTRUCTION PLAN 4)=��I��ING RISER DIAGRAM x3= z o 1 o� o z SCALE: 114"=1'-0" . 0 Q uo Q 0 � J o O 3 0 l'IIESE PLANS ARF AN INS I RUMEN 1 OP SERVICE AND ARE.II IF PROPVIR'1'Y 01"1'I IF 17NOINEI'R AIA'I:RA'IION OR ADDITION TO 11 IESI:I'I.ANS IS A VIOLATION 01'SECTION 7209 OF 1 I ll:NE4V YORK SI A'TE LDL JCAIION LAW SEAL : ROOFING NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ICE AND WATER rp,� sI�NF SHIELD ON ROOF EAVE TO A POINT UPWARD MIN.DISTANCE _=�i� 2'-0"MIN. PAST THE INTERIOR SURFACE OF BEYOND OUTER THE EXTERIOR WALLS AND V-0"ON BOTH LIMIT OF WINDOW 1/2"THK.CDX.PLYWOOD FRAME SIDES OF ALL HIPS.VALLEYS AND RIDGES. 4" SEE TABLE 1609.1.4 FOR O FASTENING SCHEDULE o NOTES ° ° CONTRACTOR TO FIELD MEASURE EACH WINDOW AND CUT ALL PLYWOOD WIND SHUTTERS TO HAVE A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 4"BEYOND THE OUTER r LIMITS OF THE WINDOW. U WINDOW GLAZING EACH PLYWOOD SHUTTER TO BE LABELED WITH ° PERMANENT LETTERING CORRESPONDING TO THE A-+ SPECIFIC WINDOW WITHIN THE RESIDENCE. OUTER LIMIT OF rT1 W WINDOW FRAME ALL PLYWOOD SHUTTERS SHALL BE STORED IN A READILY Ij-1 w ACCESSIBLE LOCATION WITHIN THE RESIDENCE ALL PLYWOOD SHUTTERS SHALL HAVE FASTENERS WHICH ° ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 1609.1.4"WINDBORNE C7 o DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL Z v WOOD PANELS". rnW w ^ M W > . O n LINE OF ICE&WATER SHIELD �IMRARY PLYWOOD SHUTTERxzp ° (TYP.),SEE ROOFING NOTE "� 0< = ON THIS SHEET 00 <V dl Z Q LQL o O W LQ w TYP.ROOF CONSTRUCTION j 20 YR.DIM.ARCH ASPHALT < SHINGLE ON 30#FELT LLOVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE z cn O N PLYWOOD SHEATHING Lu Of ¢ OVER RAFTERS ¢U x (n co LL N W r LLTJ O 3 1/2"x 14"PARALAM RIDGE Q p Q O 0 o w= O 0 N W w F W O U x O N LL O Z co < O O N iL d X CG L U) N O V) <0 Of o tr o � `- w N LL W a U r� LL O LL - nO co ° 1,4.. Q12 12 M 7 p Q 7 IL_ x C? CV C N z w � U °- z �; z W ;Z _p Cn N} I^ U OOFw=z �, a�3zzT�R NSTRUCTION PLAN o SCALE: 114"=1'-0" >< 3 U- ��< p p CL U w 0 O11 Lo Ca z � j r C Tl1ESI?PLANS ARE AN INS'TRUMENTOF SERVICE AND ARE TI IF.PROPER IY OF THC 6NGINF.ER . ALITRAIION OR ADDII ION 10"1111 SE PLANS IS A VIOLATION OI'SEC LION 7209 01."11 Ui NI W YORK S"IA'IT PDUCAI ION LAW EXISTING ROOF TO BE EXIST.CHIMNEY TO BE EXISTING ROOF TO BE NG CHIMNEY TO BE REMOVED REMOVED IN ITS REMOVED VED IN ITS ENTIRETY. ETY EXISTING WINDOW TO BE REMOVED(TYP.) EXISTING SECOND FLOOR EXISTING SECOND FLOOR WALLS TO BE REMOVED WALLS TO BE REMOVED (TYP) EXISTING WINDOW TO BE (TYP) REMOVED(TYP.) EXISTING ROOF TO BE EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED REMOVED PROVIDE OPENING FOR -" NEW WINDOW,TYP. SEE EXISTING WINDOW TO BE REMOVED(TYP.) FLOOR PLAN FOR - EXISTING WINDOW TO BE ADDITIONAL INFO REMOVED(TYP.) y I i i EXISTING ENTRY STAIRS TO BE REMOVED REMOVAL SIDE ELEVATION REMOVAL FRONT ELEVATION �, 2 SCALE: 114"=,•-0" 1 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" EXIST.CHIMNEY TO BE EXIST.CHIMNEY TO BE TO BE �- REMOVED IN ITS EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED IN ITS REMOVEDENTIRETY. ENTIRETY. " DW TO BE NO FLOOR EXISTING SECOND FLOOR EMOVED WALLS TO BE REMOVED (TYP) EXISTING WINDOW TO BE TO BE -_ REMOVED(TYP.) PROVIDE OPENING FOR NEW WINDOW,TYP. SEE EXISTING ROOF TO BE FLOOR PLAN FOR REMOVED ADDITIONAL INFO OW TO BE EXISTING WINDOW TO BE ING FOR DOOR, j REMOVED(TYP.) =• )R PLAN -- ---------_I - --- ---- - 1 INFO. REMOVAL REAR ELEVATION ��1 REMOVAL SIDE ELEVATION 3 (\4 SCALE: 114 V-0" SCALE: 114"=1'-0" SEAL :_ TYP.SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION 1/2"VINYL BEAD BOARD RIDGE VENT,TYP. (VENTED)ON A 1/2"CDX )1 F AT ALL RIDGES PLYWOOD SOFFIT(2"CONT. n SLOT) TYP.ROOF CONSTRUCTION: \rj= 20 YR. DIM.ARCH.ASPHALT SHINGLE ON 30#FELT OVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING OVER RAFTERS GAS FIREPLACE ENCLOSURE a TYP.EXTERIOR WALL CONSTR.: -_ — SIDING OVER 15#FELT ON 1/2"CDX OA O r1 EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON lJ 2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16"O.C.w/R-15 _ROOF CONSTRUCTION(LOW SLOPE) j BATT INSUL.ON 1/2"GYP.BD. �_ 20 YR. DIM.ARCH.ASPHALT SHINGLE ll -- �-1 N 12 ---- 12 --- - --- --- -- _ ON TWO T.GRADE PRYWOOD SHES 30#FELT ATHING a 7 Q7 BLIND FLASHING OVER RAFTERS EXIST.SECOND FLOOR ^ W � � --- ANDERSON WINDOWS WITH W -- --- r STORMWATCH PROTECTION, a 2 SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .._. 2"CULTURED STONE(STYLE AND FINISH T.O.WATERTABLE TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER)WIT �--1 +2'-11„ - - - - - - --- - METAL R SETTING BED :1, i ? I';i. ;•t f --- -- ON A LATH ( H SETT ,I It�-111,1 1 ii ri�: FIRST FLOOR Ir rr I 1� I I li 1a I i _ ' I o„ ? FFI 10"DIA.STRUCTURAL COLUMN � NEW 36"HIGH TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER a < �= TYP.EXTERIOR WALL WITH STONE: GAURDRAIL TO BE F--1 C- o¢. 2"CULTURED STONE(STYLE TO BE SELECTED NEW STOOP: w Q SELECTED BY 1 1 ' - ONE ON V MORTER BED M � Q BY OWNER)WITH MORTAR SETTING BED ON A 8"bIA.STRUCTURAL COLUMN OWNER OVER 4"P.C.SLAB ON 6c6-10/10 WWF, w METAL LATH OVER A VAPOR BARRIER WITH 2 TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER OVER 6 MIL.POLY.VAPOR BARRIER LAYERS 1/2"EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD ON OVER 6"CRUSHED STONE BASE O o Lu w WOOD STUDS ON COMPACTED FILL h--i F- _ BASEMENT _ -9'-6 3/4" - - - - - - - - - - - - - V) FRONT ELEVATION z 1 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" w I-- TYP.ROOF CONSTRUCTION: 12Qg Z 20 YR.DIM.ARCH.ASPHALT SHINGLE ON 30#FELT OVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE I O PLYWOOD SHEATHING OVER RAFTERS a Lij U ROOF CONSTRUCTION(LOW SLOPE): TYP.SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION: 20 YR.DIM ARCH.ASPHALT SHINGLE 1/2"VINYL BEAD BOARD ON TWO LAYERS 30#FELT OVER 5/8" (VENTED)ON A 1/2"--DX EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING PLYWOOD SOFFIT(T'CONT. OVER RAFTERS 12 12 SLOT) 3 5 w Q6 NEW 36"HIGH GAUFDRAIL TO BE SELECTED BY O'VNER EXIST.SECOND FLOOR TYP.EXTERIOR WALL CONSTR.: _ SIDING OVER 15#FELT ON 1/2"CDX _ EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON 2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16"O.C.w/R-15 ( C BATT INSUL.ON 1/2"GYP.BD. OB�� ��\ T.O.WATERTABLE W +2'-11" FIRST FLOOR ---- - Wiz v w - - ---- 3 o z DO p> 3 O NEW EGRESS WINDOW,SEE Q m ¢ Q NEW BILCO DOOR WITH DETAIL 2/A-103 FOR ADDITIONALMANUFACTURER PROVIDED .< p a INFORMATION NEW BILCO STAIRS m O BASEMENT ca z -9'-6 /4° - - - - - - - - - - - - w u O 3 14 — — — x F_ S Q 2 SIDE ELEVATION IIIIiS1 PLANSARFAN INS'I'RIIME[N'rOF SERVICE AND ARI"ri Ill PROPER I'Y OF'I III:EMINEER. MATRA'17GN M ADDITION TO"I I TSI{PLANS IS A VIOLA HUN OI'SECTION 7209 OI TIU`.NI:W YORK -- - S'rATF FDIA ["]ON LAW. RIDGE VENT,TYP. - -- �AT ALL RIDGES SEAL TYP.ROOF CONSTRUCTION 20 YR.DIM.ARCH ASPHALT SHINGLE ON TYP.SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION / 30#FELT OVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE 1/2"VINYL BEAD BOARD (VENTED)ON A 112"CDX 1 r ^a PLYWOOD SHEATHING OVER RAFTERS PLYWOOD SOFFIT(2"CONT. - - - - - - - - - SLOT) TYP-EXTERIOR WALL CONSTR.: SIDING OVER 15#FELT ON 112"CDX - - EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON �O FLnp-�2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16"O.C.w7 R-15BATT INSUL.ON 112"GYP.BD. N� GAS FIREPLACE ENCLOSURE + --" EXIST.SECOND FLOOR - ��__---- _- _- - NEW 36"HIGH GAURDRAIL TO r -- — - BE SELECTED BY OWNER `J Fwcaysa"s Fwc.9�.s �- I ANDERSON WINDOWS WITH ►-�^ vwcnees wc,sas � z960-s STORMWATCH PROTECTION, O SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FOR W OG w D Op O ADDITIONAL INFORMATION a z FIRST FLOOR FF I mo U �-- OD a �D OL BASEMENT jw 4-6-374— r 1 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" TYP.ROOF CONSTRUCTION 12 20 YR.DIM.ARCH.ASPHALT SHINGLE ON a6 GAS FIREPLACE ENCLOSURE 30#FELT OVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING OVER RAFTERS r I TYP.SOFFIT CONSTRUCTION. L 1/2"VINYL BEAD BOARD 12 �6 I PLYWOOD SOFFIT(2"CONT 12 SLOT) NEW 36"HIGH GAURDRAIL TO 3 5 E-- BE BE SELECTED BY OWNER - EXIST.SECOND FLOOR TYP.EXTERIOR WALL CONSTR.: - ------ - - - - _ _ .IDING OVER 15#FELT ON 112"CDX ! 10"GIASTRUCTURAL COLUMN_ __ -_-- EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON - _ - OBE SELECTED BY OWNER O - O � I NEW STOOP: @ j A !�'-" � 'i BATT INSUL.ON 1/2"GYP.BD. ILL:, AA 11/2"BLU STONE ON V MORTER BED 2"x4"WOOD STUDS 16"O C.w/R-15OVER 4"P,C.SLAB ON 6x6-10110 WWF, OVER 6 MIL.POLY.VAPOR BARRIER � I OVER 6"CRUSHED STONE BASE ON COMPACTED FILL NEW 36"HIGH GAURDRAIL TO _ FIRST FLOOR ''�I;##J�j;j / BE SELECTED BY OWNER - ---- - - -- z w -_ � _ -- - w TF � Q> _ w � 2"CULTURED STONE(STYLE AND FINISH cooN} �• M TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER) w Z5z Q � I WITH MORTAR SETTING BED CY 3 z z � q ON A METAL LATH w= O °' x - Q}` 3 a BASEMENT -97 rn 2 SIDE ELEVATION C, z Q - x � < il1IFSF PLANS ARI[A INSTRIJU-'N'l-OP SI:R ANI)A R H'1'1 Ri PROPI=A OE'I'VE ENGINEER ALTERAIJON OR ADDI'1 "f'O"1 I ILSE PIANS IS, VIOLA I ION OP SP:C'I I( --" 72(1,)OF TI11:NEW YOI STAT"If PUIJCA'f10N LA TYP ROOF CONSTRUCTION: 20 YR.DIM ARCH.ASPHALT 8"R-25 SPRAY FOAM SHINGLE ON 30#FELT INSULATION AT CATHEDRAL OVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE TYP.ROOF CONSTRUCTION PLYWOOD SHEATHING CEILING. PROVIDE MIN 1" 20 YR.DIM.ARCH.ASPHALT OVER RAFTERS W/6"SPRAY AIR SPACE SHINGLE ON 30#FELT INSULATION(R-42) CONT.RIDGE VENT OVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING 12 3'/Z'X 11 7/8"PARALLAM OVER RAFTERS W/6"SPRAY 6 INSULATION(R-42) ROOF CONSTRUCTION(LOW SLO2"x12"ROOF RAFTERS AT 16"O.C. 12 PE): 20 YR.DIM.ARCH.ASPHALT SHINGLE "c 6 ON TWO LAYERS 30#FELT OVER 5/8" y �> ROOF CONSTRUCTION(LOW SLOPE) EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING 20 YR DIM.ARCH A OVER RAFTERS W/6"SPRAY SPHALT SHINGLE INSULATION(R-42) ON TWO LAYERS 30#FELT OVER 5/8" 1'-0" e TYP.EXTERIOR WALL CONSTR.: EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING " SIDING OVER15#FELT ON 112"CDX OVER RAFTERS W/6"SPRAY a EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON INSULATION(R-42) WIC BEDROOM#3 2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16"O.C.w/R-15 N SUL.ON 1/2"GYP.BD.3 1/2� SPRAY FOAM IN MASTER�.., .3 a SECOND FLOOR CONSTRUCTION BATHROOM + o EXIST.SECOND FLOOR R' it 3/4"CDX T&G APA RATED PLYWOOD N co SUBFLOOR GLUED AND NAILED TO N 12 fir" FLOOR JOISTS(SIZE AND SPACING 3 1/2 ,''-,•r SHOWN ON PLANS)@16"O.C. CONSTRU tee:u- Jnr---- -- CEILING CTION w--- (TYP AT STEEL BEAM): W12x58 STL BEAM Y CEILING CONSTRUCTION(TYP AT i r CEILING JOISTS(SEE PLAN FOR SIZE AND —— STEEL BEAM) SPACING) W/1"WD.FURRING STRIPS AT 16" CEILING JOISTS(SEE PLAN FOR SI O C.W/112"GYP.BD. EXISTING ZEAND SPACING) W/1"WD.FURRING BEDROOM#2 CL. CL. EXISTING a'' T.O WATERTABLE ; 7 BEDROOM#1 STRIPS AT 16"O.C.W/1/2"GYP.BD. STEEL BEAM +2'-11' ; zo €, FIRST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION " 3/4"CDX T&G APA RATED PLYWOOD T.O.WATERTABLE - FIRST FLOOR SUBFLOOR GLUED AND NAILED TO +2 11 �i m 0'-0" FLOOR JOISTS(SIZE AND SPACING € tii•I;;' ^':! X;\ „r.r,, z x r z , r) SHOWN ON PLANS z. ;c+.t XkJ',l;'x), X rkrx ,Ax xYX dz41,F,tnr)f{(yj{,ty.x1,r }Ax rt,{r 1,AAn;r ) TIO O.C.W/R-30 GRADE x SPRAY FOAM INSULATION AND 1/2" FIRST FLOOR VARI EXIST.FLOOR JOISTS GYP.BD. 0'-0" S _LEXT OR WALL WITH STONE: TO REMAIN GRADE GRADE ----- ,,z.,.%,,;} zx` ;; /` Irrx +t n Y VARIES VARIES ; {. ... r,x, D STONE(STYLE TO BE SELECTED o� BASEMENT 8WITH MORTAR SETTING BED ON A PROVIDE FLASHING °' OVER A VAPOR BARRIER WITH 2 FOUNDATION WALL: BETWEEN CONC. EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD ON1-0"WIDE 3500 PSI POURED PORCH&RIM JOIST BASEMENT S � CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL W/#5 REBAR @16"O C VERT #4 REBAR TYP. EXTERIOR WALL WITH STONE: @16"O.C.HORIZ ON 2'-0"W.X 1'-0"D 2"CULTURED STONE(STYLE TO BE SELECTED bov TOP OF BASEMENT SLAB P.C.FOOTING W/THREE#5 BARS BY OWNER)WITH MORTAR SETTING BED ON A -9'-6 3/4" METAL LATH OVER A VAPOR BARRIER WITH 2 LAYERS 112"EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD ON 1 SECTION SLAB CONSTRUCTION: WOOD STUDS 4-4000 PSI.POURED CONC SLAB ON SECTION 6X6-10110 WWF.OVER 6 MIL.POLY. VAPOR BARRIER ON 6"CRUSHED SCALE: STONE COMPACTED FILL 8"R-25 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION AT CATHEDRAL TYP.ROOF CONSTRUCTION: CEILING. PROVIDE MIN 1" 20 YR.DIM ARCH,ASPHALT SHINGLE ON 30# AIR SPACE FELT OVER 5/8"EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD CONT.RIDGE VENT SHEATHING OVER RAFTERS 3'/�'X 11 7/8"PARALLAM 12 62"X4"COLLAR TIES @ 32"O.0 art 4 2"x12"ROOF RAFTERS AT 16"O.C. TYP.EXTERIOR WALL CONSTR. SIDING OVER 15#FELT ON 112"CDX EXT.GRADE BLIND FLASHING MASTER PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON 2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16" BEDROOM O.C.w/R-15 SPRAY FOAM INSUL.ON 112"GYP.BD. a' TYP.FLAT ROOF: EPDM ROOFING OVER TAPERED J INSULATION OVER EXT.GRADE € PLYWOOD SHEATHING OVER ROOF RAFTERS W/6"SPRAY INSULATION SECOND FLOOR LINE OF ROOF BEYOND (R-42) CEILING CONSTRUCTION(TYP AT - _ r r STEELBEAMy CEILING JOISTS(SEE PLAN FOR SIZE pa AND SPACING) W/1"WD.FURRING STEEL BEAM STRIPS AT 16"O C.W/1/2"GYP.BD. I LIVING ROOM T.O.WATERTABLE r �F Fj -�—FIRST FLOOR � EXIST.DECK TO REMAIN GRADE _ VARIES BASEMENT FCUNDATION WALL- PROVIDE ROVIDE FLASHING 1'-(I"WIDE 3500 PS---I POURED TYP.EXTERIOR WALL WITH STONE: BETWEEN CONC. CCNCRETE FOUNDATION WALL 2"CULTURED STONE(STYLE TO BE SELECTED PORCH&RIM JOIST W/*5 REBAR @16"O.0 VERT. BY OWNER)WITH MORTAR SETTING BED ON A #4 REBAR @16"O C.HORIZ.ON METAL LATH OVER A VAPOR BARRIER WITH 2 2'-C'W.X V-0"D P.C.FOOTING LAYERS 1/2"EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD ON W/THREE#5 BARS WOOD STUDS SLAB CONSTRUCTION 4"4000 PSI.POURED CONC. SLAB ON 6X6-10110 WWF.OVER 3 SECTION 6 ML POLY.VAPOR BARRIER ON 3'CRUSHED STONE SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" COMPACTED FILL ------- - ---- -------- — SEAL.; -- --- ROOF CONSTRUCTION(LOW SLOPE): 20 YR.DIM.ARCH ASPHALT SHINGLE ON TWO LAYERS 30#FELT OVER 5/8" EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING OVER RAFTERS 77-T— C:) ' O t TYP. EXTERIOR WALL CONSTR.: SIDING OVER 15#FELT ON 112"COX EXT.GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON BEDROOM LIN. MASTER 2"x4"WOOD STUDS @ 16"O.C.w/R-15 CL BEDROOM SPRAY FOAM INSUL.ON 1/2"GYP.BD. N 3'/z"X 11 1/4"PARALLAM `+ t OIL EXIST.SECOND FLOOR CEILING CONSTRUCTION(TYP AT STEEL BEAM): V3 Y2'X 11 114"PARALLAM 3%"X 11 1/4"PARALLAM 3'/z"X 11 1/4"PARALLAM w W CEILING JOISTS(SEE PLAN FOR SIZE AND _! SPACING) W/1"WD.FURRING STRIPS AT 16" ; EXISTING ENLARGED a a 91 z O.C.W/1/2"GYP.BD. BEDROOM#1 LIVING ROOM IiosM FIRST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 3/4"COX T&G APA RATED PLYWOOD z N M SUBFLOOR GLUED AND NAILED TO `i FLOOR JOISTS(SIZE AND SPACING cn FIRST FLOOR SHOWN ON PLANS)@16"O.C.W/R-30 f t ) ' , . - SPRAY FOAM INSULATION AND 112" JZ ' r-i( v 1 X77 1,-7,7 X.t"X •/ k �Xx Y 17,177,17 X 77i l 1,7177177:71 Y' vXC.r GYP.BD OL GRADE E-. ¢ z BASEMENT VARIES cn GRADE FOUNDATION WALL: OILVARIES v V-0"WIDE 3500 PSI POURED 0o CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL W/#5 '-j W c REBAR @16"O C VERT.#4 REBAR @16"O C.HORIZ.ON 2'-0"W X V-0"D. W .� P.C.FOOTING W/THREE#5 BARS U o p SLAB CONSTRUCTION V} 4"4000 PSI POURED CONC.SLAB ON 6X6-10/10 WWF.OVER 6 MIL.POLY. 1 SECTION VAPOR BARRIER ON 6"CRUSHED SCALE: 1l4"=1'-0" STONE COMPACTED FILL w t- z 0 /I a BALUSTER SPACING TO NOT I'�s i tUlk EXCEED 4"BETWEEN ~ w Q NEW GUARD RAIL 36"H.HANDRAIL AT OPPOSITE WALL ° NEW BASEMENT ACCESS DOOR TO BE w SELECTED BY OWNER ° 0 NEW STEEL DOOR AND FRAME 1.. TOP OF NEW WALL ( I PRIMED AND PAINTED VIF HEIGHT PRIOR TO ORDERING. 11 n ° ( I COORDINATE WITH OWNER i • 2"- 11 (2)#5 TOP CONT. #5 AT 24"O.C.VERT.E.F. - • o #5 AT 18"O C.HORIZ.E.F. 2X4 KEYWAY CONT.(TYP.) • #3 NOSIt,G BAR(TYP.) (2#5 TOP CONT. W Z • #4 AT 8' C.d. I I U 0 #5 AT 12"O C.VERT. #5AT 12"O.C.VERT. w E- W #4 AT 2 ' O.C. #5AT 12"O C. HORIZ. _ #5 AT 12"O C. HORIZ. F- W EXISTING BASEMENT SLAB I I EXISTING BASEMENT SLAB W^z • AT DATUM ELEV.0'-0" AT DATUM ELEV.0'-0" Z Z OSE a j (3)#5 BOT.CONT. (3)#5 BOT.CONT. 00 • • • • • • 0 O 3` r, Li 2 SECTION � SECTION ll IFSE PLANS Attu-AN INSI RUMFN'IOF SERVICE AND ARE'Fill:PROI)VRIY OF 11 IF I?NGINFER Al.IERATION OR ADOfFION FO'l I II:SI:PLANS IS A VIOLATION OF SFC"IION 7209 OF I 1 IE NF:W'YORK STA F,I'.DUCAIION LAW SEAL: REScheck Software Version 4.6.1 Compliance Statement.,The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other REScheck Software Version 4.6.1 Ener Foundation Inspection Complies? CO-me"ts/Assumptions nergy Compliance Certificate calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2010 New York Energy Inspection Checklist Conservation Construction Code requirements in REScheck Version 4.6.1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in 303.2.1 Exposed foundation insulation OComplies Exception:Requirement is not applicable. the REScheck Inspection Checklist. [FO1111 protection. ODoes Not 121 Energy Code:2010 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code ONot Observable Name-Title Signature Date Requirements:40.0%were addressed directly in the REScheck software ONot Applicable Text it the"Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen.For each 403.8 Snow melt controls. ElComples Project Todd Residence requirtment,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception [FO12]t EIDoes Not Energy Code, 2010 New York Energy Conservation is beinj claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided. 11 C]Not Observable Location: Suffolk County,New York L-- 0NOt Applicable c Plans Verified Field Verified Co Additional Comments/Assumptions: Construction Type * � Pre-Inspection/Plan Review e r A Single-family RecjJD� Value Value ml Comments/Assumption Project Type, Addition I I --. ­ -- :103.2 Construction drawings and OCompites Requirement will be met. Climate Zone: 4 (5750 HDD) FPR11' documentation sufficiently ElDoes Not Permit Date: j demonstrates energy code ElNot Observable compliance for the building Permit Number: envelope ONot Applicable Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: x103.2, Construction drawings and [Complies 670 Bayview Drive Lou Pascarella 1403.7 documentation sufficiently ElDoes Not 1[PR31T demonstrates energy code U South Hold,NY Luigi Pascarella,PE,PLLC compliance for lighting and E]Not Observable P Dee0 r BPark.ox 79NY 11729 7 i mechanical systems.Systems ONot Applicable i 631-421-3734 serving multiple dwelling units must demonstrate compliance with the commercial code 1403.6 Heating and cooling equipment is Heating: Heating: ElComplies [1`1121� sized per ACOA Manual S based Btu/hr- BtuJhr_ IDDoes Not on loads per ACOA Manual I or Compliance:5.9%Bettaur Than Code Maximum UA 424 Yojr UA 399 other approved methods, Cooling Cooling: DNot Observable The%seNN,,or wore man C-Inde. 1-h..close to compliance the#,­­bases on rine rade-offoiles Btu/hr- Btu/hr ClNot Applicable It DOES NOT provide ar,rst,mat,or,n,,qy...or-t relative to a-i--neme Envelope Assemblies Additional Comments/Assumptions: Flat Roof:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 299 42.0 0.0 0.028 8 Second floor Cathedral:Cathedral Ceiling 782 42.0 0.0 0.025 20 LU First floor roof:Steel joist/Rafter,16"o.c.:2x10 535 420 00 0.035 19 LU Front Elevation:Wood Frame.16"o c. 814 15.0 0.0 0.077 55 rt U > Window 1:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 94 0.330 31 ~ Z Rear Elevation:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 814 15.0 0.0 0.077 37 Window 4:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 171 0.330 56a a Door 1:Glass 159 0,330 52 < Right Elevation:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 504 150 0.0 0.077 32 ~ C4 C. X Window 2:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 87 0.330 29WALL Left Elevation:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 504 15.0 0.0 0.077 32 Window 3:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 86 0.330 28 rC:> LLJ U FA 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2!Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) 1'High Impact(Tier 1) 2;Medium Impact(Tier 21 3 Low impact(Ter 3) Project Title:Todd Residence Report date: 10/29/19 Project Title:Todd Residence Report date: 10/29/19 Project ritle:Todd Residence Report date: 10/29/19 Project Title:Todd ResidenceReport date: 10/29/19 Data filename:C:\Users\Eric\Documents\EJR Design\Drawings\Pascarella\2019\1906 Todd Page I of 7 Data filename:C:\Users\Eric\Documents\EJR Design\Drawings\Pascarella\2019\1906 Todd Page 2 of 7 Data filename:C:\Users\Eric\Documents\EJR Design\Drawings\Pascarella\2019\1906 Todd Page 3 of 7 Data filename:C:\Users\Eric\Documents\EJR Design\Drawings\Pascarella\201911906 Todd Page 4 of 7 ResidenCe\Todd-RESCHECK.rck Residence\Todd-RESCHECK.rck Residerce\Todd-RESCHECK.rck Residence\Todd-RESCHECK,rck 7­ Section 1 020 N --��Ield Ver Comments/Assumptions ot -In Pliurs;Vierffledl Field Verified I Complies? Comments/Assumptions York Insulation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions # : Final Inspection Provisions Plans Verified Ifld Ccirriplies? Reci.10 Framing I Rough Value value Energy &Req.ID V Val.a Fenestration ACH 50 ACH 50 v" �402 4 4 F on that is not site built ElComples Requirement will be met. 303.1 All installed insulation labeled or ocomplies Requirement will be met. 402.4.2, Building envelope tightness DComplies Requirement will be met. A, I[FR201T s listed and labeled as meeting ODoes Not [IN13]2 installed R-values provided, 1402 4�21 verified by blower door test result IJDoes Not DDoes Not AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1.S.2/A440 ONot Observable U11711 of&lt.7 ACH at 50 Pa.This or has infiltration rates per NERC 0NOt Observable []Not Applicable E]Not Applicable requirement may Instead be met ONot Observable Conservatiori 400 that do not exceed code via visual inspection,in which ONOt Applicable limits. case venfication may need to 402.4.-5 IC-rated recessed lighting fixture.s ElComplies Requirement will be met. Additional Comments/Assumptions: occur during Insulation Code Z, [FR1612 seated at housing/interior finish E]Does Not 03___ Inspection. and labeled to indicate&It;=2.0 E]Not Observable '4 2 2 Duct tightness via post- cfm cfm plies leakage at 75 Pa. IF1411 construction with dm h maximum ElDoomes Not Enc-�­,qy i"'.-1ficiency ONot Applicable leakage of 8 cfm to outdoors,or 403.2.2 All joints and seams of air ducts, OComplies 12 cfm across systems.For E]NOt Observable 11`11131' air handlers,filter boxes,andElDoes Not Cough-in tests.verification may ONot Applicable building cavities used as return []Not Observable need to occur during Framing .,e ducts are sealed. Inspection,with maximum I 0NOt Applicable leakage of 6 cfmacross systems 6 4113*2*1 Building cavities are not used as Ocompiles and 4 cfm-w without air handier --- - --­-­ - I Above-Grade Wall [FR15]T ducts or plenums. E]Does Not �403.1.1 Programmable thermostat Dcom plies 15.00 a', - []Not Observable i [Flglr installed on forced furnaces. DDOes Not a to -Grade Wall 0.00 ONot Applicable V ON Ot Observable Floow 0.00 1463.3 HVAC tailed piping conveying fluids R-- R-_ ❑Elcomplies [] - - --.-----C]Not Applicable I IFRI711 above 105 QF or chilled fluids Does Not 403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat Installed Ceiling/Roof 42.00 below 55 IIF are insulated to R-3. DComplies DNOt Observable 111`110P on heat pumps EIDoes Not W Ductwork(unconditioned spaces): E]Not Applicable T, EINot Observable 4al.4 Circulating service hot water R-_ R- OCo plies rm r 00 71� EJNot Applicable 7, in _77 [FR I I, 8 pipes are insulated to R-2. []Does Not 463.4 Circulating service hot water OComplies Window []Not Observable IF111]z systems have automatic or E]Does Not 0.33 ONot Applicable accessible manual controls. Door 0.33 DNot Observable 403.5 Automatic or gravity dampers are Elcomplies Requirement will be met. 111Not Applicable [FR1912 installed on all outdoor air DDoes Not 401.3 Compliance Certificate posted ElComplies Requirement will be met. =M=71", -:'y; , =�M j;w < Intakes and exhausts. [3Not Observable [1`1712 CDoes Not Heating System: E]Not Applicable E]Not Observable Cooling System: Additional Comments/Assumptions: Elflot Applicable 303.3 Manufacturer manuals for [)Complies Water Heater: C) mechanical and water heating 0Does Not equipment have been provided. to 511r,R M C]Not Observable Name; Date: DNot Applicable Comments Additional Comments/Assumptions: U Z L.�i Z F- LL)5 Z Z LLJ U V) 'I g Impact 1) -1 2- 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) T High I (Medium (Tier 2) 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3'Low Impact(Tier 3) 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3'Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title:Todd Residence Report date: 10/29/19 Project Title:Todd Residence Report date: 10/29/19 Project litle:Todd Residence Report date: 10/29/19 Data filename:C:\UserS`,Eric\Documents\EjR Design\Drawings\Pascarella\2019\1906 Todd Page 5 of 7 Data filename:C:\Users\Eric\Documents\EJR Design\Drawings\Pascarella\2019\1906 Todd Page 6 of 7 Data fil(name,C:\L)sers\Eric\Documents\EJR Design\Drawings\Pascarella\2019\1906 Todd Page 7 of 7 Residence\Todd-RESCHECK.rck Restdence\Todd-RESCHECK.rck Residenie\Todd-RESCHECK.rck Il IESE PLANS ARE AN INS rRUMENTOF SERVICE AND ARP.-Fill:'PROPEMY OFTIIE EN(;iNl-.I;R ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO MESE PLANS IS A VIOLATION OF Sl CI ION 72 NEW YORK STAIIIC l�*,A A