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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-44.-1-9 OFFICE LOCATION: SO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ,`4 l0 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 G • Telephone: 631 765-1938 ,oIyCOU ��a NT`I, LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date June 24, 2020 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File Ref ANTHONY TARTAGLIA AND JAMES HOWELL#7396 SCTM No. 1000-44-1-9. ANTHONY TARTAGLIA AND JAMES HOWELL #7396 - Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Section 280-123; Article XXIII, Section 280-124; and the Building Inspector's January 29, 2020 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to reconstruct an "as built" sunroom attached to an existing single family dwelling, legalize an "as built" enclosed porch attached to an existing accessory cottage and to legalize an "as built" deck/patio attached to an existing accessory garage with apartment; at 1) "as built" addition and alteration to the nonconforming accessory cottage is not permitted; a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or structurally altered or moved, unless the use of the building is changed to a conforming use;' 2) "as built" addition and alteration to the nonconforming accessory garage with an apartment is not permitted;!a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or structurally altered or moved, unless the use of the building is chdnged to a conforming use; 3) proposed construction is located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet; 2) proposed construction is more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%; located at: 55255 Suffolk County Route 48, ( the Long Island Sound) Greenport,NY. SCTM No. 1000-44-1-9. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, the proposal is recommended as INCONSISTENT with the below iLWRP policies. Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character,preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a I coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. ---._.-__---------_-—The-proposed-action-is-located-with-the-Residential-40-low-density-zoning-district:-------------- -- - — The purpose of the Low-Density Residential R-40 District is to provide areas for residential development where existing neighborhood characteristics, water supply and environmental conditions permit full development densities of approximately one dwelling per acre and where open space and agricultural preservation are not predominate objectives. If approved, the action would set precedent and reinforce a traditional land use pattern of the Town of Southold that is not supported and in conflict with the purpose of zoning regulations and the bulk schedule. These concerns are elevated due to the structures being located adjacent to the Long Island Sound and partially within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area(CEHA). Although the occupancy of the 2 story apartment/garage, bungalow and 2 story single family dwelling is not stated, the intense build out of the habitable structures on the parcel poses risk of groundwater and surface water pollution through the disposal of sanitary waste. The condition and function of the sanitary system is not provided. The proposed action does not enhance community character, nor does it minimizes the adverse effect of development on ground and surface waters. Therefore, this policy is not met. . ,��_'�^.v�;T�RAti..�'"":L}YG"5 +�q. T,N!'Y•n�� 'w'� �J•r �( M�� i ` ;.;x':r 3' x;"i�'",ygt° - /'';�U=.:' ' mow.+ :54�'"'r�• ,j' _s � k } _ moi:'Via¢F} ��`, +. .'f& `,x''� $ 'k;ryy ..�•t ?i "�n�'�'�v,�11 "� ,.. .��3 •'=="�1$`�'�.:' n.E=so- ,.'tt. ag`�a"k"� ""�f'ri'�,s:°ti;,at#��; M',a 't.,'���� � �„ � `` ;-:•rye`i`� +r,,.�t��R� ,y �„��"��_,- 6G.." d. ,w}Lr .� •"1_•`.4 "'`&` , lix r, `s; .XT} •y '""a"?!.� y:'\ - ''S"„ry. �,}7` �ai'tirY, ,IS 5.a7.7 `, �`.L. �. ��s�`'+art �i"�_ m "`�"�'s�*�•�� ' p+ .*F` '}•`.. �r'r.��ji. •r rte-nA, J,�.,`�„L T♦ A 'i, l 'k e{ e ° `^�: cv�tea.4 T�w•ly°.AW�i��^A4 n'.''n'xvµs.i �' �a '"`18 t',*�.��_ l.Ae�a,� 1�' � y - y",i }y�r1�."ptr ...ti s "*4:.✓• ''�s' i, d:�' �++��yy A� '`�f' xzy� f Xm`+��.•.-fi,`2=L"y5€'`tom' •`�'tt`.L��`aEe`�%5.. �.o- 1'x�:.xr'�.;. �. ! ".o m. Figure 1. Subject parcel (center). Policy 4 Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. The following management measures to minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards are suggested: A Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away from flooding and erosion hazards. 1. Avoid development other than water-dependent uses in coastal hazard areas. Locate new development which is not water-dependent as far away from coastal hazard areas as practical. a. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505.8. The deck and closed porch(on bungalow)are located within the CERA and are not permitted. The deck is located on the bluff(by definition) and is not an "Unregulated Activity" pursuant to Chapter I I 1 of the Southold Town Code. b. Avoid hazards by siting structures to maximize the distance from Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas. It is recommended that the deck be removed or relocated to outside of the meet this policy. The geomorphology of the coastline in this section shows a recession of land caused by high-erosion over time and decreasing the buildable area of this parcel. Susceptible damage and loss to structures in these areas occur from erosion,flooding and high winds. Limiting structures and not breaching the maximum percent lot coverage in these vulnerable areas is supported. t S(3 a � ppp qa x r Figure s_ itlzjecparcel white arrow and receding shoreline between_the two_points dashed line�___��._ 3. Move existing development and structures as far away ftom flooding and erosion hazards as practical Maintaining existing development and structures in hazard areas may be warranted for. a structures which functionally require a location on the coast or in coastal waters. The deck and closed porch(on bungalow)are not water dependent. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: William Duffy, Town Attorney BOARD MEMBERS ��0f soy® Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ,`O l0 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 .� Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora T Office Location: Eric Dantes �Q Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. O! 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento ycou(�(`(,� Southold,NY 11971 ZONINGTOWN OF SODUTHOLD LSRECEIVED Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 HFEB 3 2020 February 3, 2020 Southold Town Planning Board Mark Terry, Principal PlannerV` LWRP Coordinator S Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. # 7396 Dear Mark: We have received an application to reconstruct an "as built" sunroom to existing single family dwelling, legalize an"as built" enclosed porch to existing accessory cottage and to legalize an "as built" deck/patio to existing accessory garage with apartment. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-51) is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairperson 3�14 By: Eg Encls : Survey/Site Plan : John Gerd Heidecker Dated : 7/23/2019 FORM N0..3 396 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -BUILDING DEPARTMENT SbuTAOLD,N.Y. NOTICE-OF DISAPPROVAL DATE:hhudry 29,2020 TO,:-AMP ArcWtectufe(H6wel1/Tqrt#j4a) 1075-Franklinville Road Laurel,NY 11-9.48 Please take notice that yo&4plication dated January 2,2020: For pdjhit to:-tegbiastrudi"as built"sunroona to existing single-family-dwelling, legalize"as built"enclosed porch to existing accessory cottage dndt6 legalize"as,built"deck/patio to existing accessory garage-with apartment at: Location-of propert . y,55255_QR 4:8-, Greenport,NY Comity Tax Map No. 1000--'Section 44- Block.1 Lot 9 Is returned herewith And disapproved on the following grounds: The`-`as built'-'additions and alterations to the existing cottage and acce-ssM,garage with, apartment,'on this nonconforming 24,625 sq. ft.lot in the R-40 District, are not permitted pursuant to Article j(=, Section 280-123,which states;"'a nonconformingbuilding containing a nonconforming use shall not be enlafged, of strupqgally-d1tered or moved,-except as set,forth below,.unless the-use of such buildingis changed to 'a conforming use." In addition,the proposed constriction to thbjsijiald-family dwelling-is ftotpermitted pursuant"to Article XX.III Section 280;414 which states,-lots-measuring 20,000-39�,999 spare feet in total- size require a minimum sideyALd setback of 15'feet and maximum lot coverage of 206/o; The plan indicates a raWmum side and setback-of 12.9 feet an&lot coverage at 24%. Authoriz d Signatum Note to Applicant:Any change ordeviation-td the ab9ye-referenced applica#6:' Q __ ' m4y req-jigd,fiirther review by the-Southold TowhB40ding Dppaktinent. C: file.Z.B;A-. Revisions 01-20-98 041498 03-18.00 07-27-00 11-1401 N U3.982 01-15 02 47396 Pbu-w,-u, I -- qq 1-9 041 IV fa 3— a !;r Ja — 3 —9-(e qy - /_9 ,5 oil / 4a N 18A' a 43 Hca ps\ \r "�Q 7w• m __.� 4'� O 53.BA(e) MATCH WNE e SEE SEC NO 052 N 3701@ G a , I L r.eB.mwRww. swarn.a�R. �m Bm um ------ u.. --s=s+--�n. --"-- uR�ssawwom7rm+se•uvRor7Rnes E B�o��o.,,� -�-�� Swa�vaB �.v�naw (21) BW Ne O fe�WtiLM -gyp-- R�ir um'd is --R � JJL- VAIHINTMEF9lIDMlA OISRUCIS SRER- G s.e6,:enlnlm ------- Bma onwen u \we O.Nel.n --W-- ... .O�Clme--16T-- RRE TR 31 IlvauR o: E Fee:'$•._" _ FiledBy: - _ - - As§ignment"Nb; APPLICATION TO,THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS AREAVA_RE :1IANC - _ HonseNo: z SStreet 0,pf--u—,y_ SC TM 1000:Section .144_11lock, L .Lof(s)�_Lot Size.� (QZS s�Zorie_�O I(WE)APP AL- THE WRITTEN:DETERM NATION.OF THE_,BUILD ING IN ECTOR DATED 1 !2 .20- BASED.ON SUR Ey-/SITE-PLAN.DATED 1 zI 2_6. • Oyvmer(s) ,�ri�o�n�•a �.�--�-ted�.a- --`�` - �` c�arY►.�e/� `tt.J P-71:1 Miffing-Address: - Telephone:;(D3I,M,6- Fax: __ Email: t✓t�t ��'JS�flc;1 a%�,� "' NOTE:Iii addition-bi-the above;please coriiplete below i-applieatlon is"signed by:applicaat's'aiterney,agent,architeet; bdililer,contract vendee,etc:and name of person wlio agent r``epresents;• Name of ltepreseldfkive:, CAQ-99_476.. P-- _for( vviner,(;)Other: Address:. 0 =` Yc3�%i� :�i } " Teleplione:�,110 21 ='Ol(p t�.Faz: .Email: �}_� pt�St�'� j Please check lo'specifyOhd yqu wish;corr-.&o deuce to<be mailed to,from'the Abve names: t (}Applicant/Owner(s), Authorized`Representative; (_)•Other Name/Addiess-Wlow: - - - - - WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED,$URVEY/SITE -• ,_ . ;DATED`. 1'`_Z' and DENIED-ANAPPLICATION DATED Z 2i� FOR: - . -- -- - - _ Cer4 Of of Occupancy'.,,O Pre=Cert 6eate of Occupancy ! O Change dfUse (;)Permit for As-Built Cons_tructionl teZai ;Ordice, epealed. ntoArtcectionubsectonoZProvision;of ning Ordinane,by., ,numbers.Do°not quote the;code:) Articles... TV .Section:' �: O- L 2�'i�3Snbsection: Type"ofAppeal.';An,Appealismade-fore _ . 0,A Variance to the Zoning,Code or_Zoning Map. (:)A Variance due to lack of access required by=N,ew York`Town Law-Se O Interpretation of'the Town:Code,Article :Section. (_)Reversal-or"Other ,A prior;appeal(=)'has; has.n®t been-ma e a$any'tlme with:respecfto this_,pronertv,UNDER :AppealNo(s). _ Year(s): :,,(Please7iesuretore_s_e_arclib_`efore completing Siis question or_calTour office for'assistance) Name"of Ovine% _ZBA File# REASONS FOR APPEAL(Please be-specific,additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized): 1.An undesirable change will not be-produced-in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because: i� PAI ?rCVV��D� WbF\�,. ev'CeN C w o LLDO&r 5 too t o Se .-50,YVvL �en-kOn 4: LLaWt-dr) AA� rk9-&%j 0L 414-1rn) A-0 0-OK"p-, - - � 'Of�5 CXK'D- 2.The beftefit sofi&by'tbe applicant CANNOT be achieved by some".method f6wible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance,because: 4 Q v" s��e)q, Sun roo(v--� 4AICV�0 \'0 coo-IQ WOJ i'-'- 3.The amount of relief requested is not substantial because ZA 'QA"S-"O� L G V -X, hc+ 4A,-Q- +04-cLL OV cAr-, 4.'The-variance will NOT have,an adverse effect orimpacton the,physical or environmental conditions-in the ee SS neighborhood.or-district because: -VVI-Ax'g- Z-o no -?Cppq2> c work- `i c" viol ryk-- -1 b6'\A%r)ga 'vu, - 01p, Cu c(-,P-n4 qix'p- OAC:Qxlnc�' L??,•� pre) 5.Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? j, I yes,or,4 No Why:: ;L , PAA oon- 100% 14- Are there any Covenants or R6strictions concerning this landW,-Nq Yes(please famish a copy) This is the MINIMOM that is,necessary,andladdqqate,and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the -neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the community. Si a e of�App��p�mt or��thqriz�edAgent � (Agent must submit written Authorization from Owner) Sworn to before me this -50111clay Of 20 9:0 Lori T McBride Notary Public NOTARy puBLIC,STATE OFNMV,YORK Registration No.61INIC6368447 coiuryission Expires December 11,2021 APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT: DAMP[BEPAIRED: 1 1.For Demf ion of Existing Bnifldang,Areas Please�describe areas being"removed-,65e' 01 tai .,-n_- _ ,o"1Q. II.New,ConstreactiontAreas(New Dwelling or:New Additi6hWExtensiojf0:' Dimensions of first-floor extension: Dimensions of new second floor: Dimensions of floor above second-level: _ I3eight(from finished-ground tolof ridge): Is basement or,lowest Hoof a_fea"being constructed?If yes,_please provide.height(above:ground) measured from natural existing-grade-to firstJ16or-, IIIc Proposed Constructionl)escriptioh(Altefi tiojns or'Stitictural Changes) (Attach extra'slieet if necessary).Please descnibe building areas: Numbef ofFloom6d General Characteristics EEFORE.Alterations:- i . SQal �.�;r - ,flnd N ber of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: LA 4k 4n 0 A o ly.Calculations of building areas and'lot-coverage.(from survey®r):: ,Existing--square footage`of buildings•on your property: p j&Z Proposed-increase of building coverage:,. Square footage o£your lot: �2 ' - �IAA-- V its ,Percentage-of coverage;of your lot by building,area:, - . Z. = ` V.Purpose of New Construction: :. -t 7O, 0�� _-Q�X�S�_;"nf�► v�ari�'DOm E� t�ncx�� ��s� =� CA__ i�'io>� VI.Please describe-the land contours(flot,slope ➢�eavily wooded,marsh area,etc.)on,-y- -land, -and how it relates to-the diffleulty in meetifia the code requirement(s): " v C' - i,:� err,_ 1' o� ; nC ; Please,submit 8 sets of;pbotos,labeled;to;sho�:different angles of yard areas after,staldng corners -for new'construction.and photos of building,area to,be-altered with yard view. 4/2012 QUES'T'IONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for,sale? Yes- �No B. Are there any proposals to change or,alter land contours? No Yes please explain on attached sheet. C. 1.)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? 2.)Are those areas"showri on the survey submitted with this applicatio& _1 -,Z 3:)Is,th property bulk,headed between the wetlands area and the upland bur ding area?lyyuerlp)r�operiv - oi�n - -�: '� al contains wetlands or pond_ areas,have you contacted the Office of the,Town trustees for its determination of'urisdiction?_Please confirm status of your inquiry"or application with the�Trustees:���xi��na t?�A- ��c i,,; and if issued,pleasezttach copies-of permit with conditions and appy vo ed survey. I?. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed-,construction at or below,five.feet abovo mean sea level? O® E. Are there_any patios;concrete barriers,bulkheads,or fences that exist that are not,,shown On the survey that you are submitting?_k,, c Please show area of the:structures,on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place-,at:tbis,time concerning your premises? �If yes;please"submit a copy of your building permit-and survey as approved by the Buil ding Department and please describe: :rc4 .r- or ,wr�C\L (� i� maA„r, l�ovse, huro�oA.O�4 C�a«. � G. Please"-attach.911 pie-certificates of occupancy-and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises." If-any ate lacking,please apply'to;the Building Department to either obtain them'or,to obtain anAmendedNotice of Disapproval.- H. Do you or any co=owner also own other land-adjoining or close"to this parcel? 00 If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. " I. Please list present use or opeiations conducted_at=this parcelr LJ 61aka a,_Q� cmc ,4and the Proposed use — (ex einsting single family,proposed:,same with garage,pool or other) A.Y orized signature Date TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 44495 Date: 12/9/2019 Permission is hereby granted to: Terjanian, Misak 6 Louis St ` East Hanover, NJ 07936 To: make alterations to an existing nonconforming accessory building (garage/apartment) as applied for. At premises located at: 55255 CR 48, Greenport SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 44.-1-9 Pursuant to application dated 11/25/2019 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 6/9/2021. Fees: ACCESSORY $157.60 - - - - - - - - - ------ ---CO -AC SORY BUILD --- - -$50-00 - Tptal- $207.60 Buildi g I, spector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE "a SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 44496 Date: 12/9/2019 Permission is hereby granted to: Terjanian, Misak 6 Louis St East Hanover, NJ 07936 To: make alterations to an exsiting accessory building (bungalow) as applied for. At premises located at: 55255 CR 48, Greenport SCTM #473889 Sec/Block/Lot#44.-1-9 Pursuant to application dated 11/25/2019 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 6/9/2021. Fees: ACCESSORY $100.00 CO -ACCESSORY BUILDING $50.00 Total: $150.00 uildin4 Inspector t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE � . SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 44498 Date: 12/9/2019 Permission is hereby granted to: Terjanian, Misak 6 Louis St East Hanover, NJ 07936 To: make alterations to an existing single family dwelling as applied for. At premises located at: 55255 CR 48, Greenport SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 44.-1-9 Pursuant to application dated 11/25/2019 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 6/9/2021. Fees: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING-ADDITION OR ALTERATION $257.60 CO -ALTERATION TO DWELLING $50.00 L 07.60 i Building Inspector FORM xq. 4 TO" 01? SOttTROLD summer; DEPARTmzvT Town-Oeirk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate 0 Occupancy No. Date .. .. . .. . :Diva 7MS CERU IE►S-that-the bdildfng located'at . .$/B:A .-Road.(0M) street Map N®. . XZ. .,..:.. . Bloch No. _ .. 49.- .-:Lot-No.?i�4_. ..�! ?�..�.Y�.. . . . . ... conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore.filed in this office dated . .. _ r g,�-. ,1$ i9..�4�pursuant to which Building,Fecr�iit ,dated . .. .. ,. :.: A-f. ,, 16:14., was issued, and-coObtms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions-of the law.The.occupancy for.which this certificate is issued is ..Fara •ane•-tasil3r:d a.. ftg-*Uh-an 46dit3oa: ..... ............. The,certiffcate:is Issued-te r1DaRit�:,R. E1lPi:�®Q31., . .. .owlitr. . . . .:. . ,: . .. .. . �owuer, lessee or tenant}' , of the-aforesaid' huaiding -Suffolk_"Couiity Depki tment of Health Approval .:.���• . _. . . - . .. .. .. . . UNDERWRITERS CERZ'l�'ICAfiE No. X17 ..Ate.9..197.+. .......:,....... .:.. MOUSE-NUMBER . ....5 :_. . street . .. ►th road•(CR$2 ._ ..... . . .. .. ...... ..... . - ... ....... .............. . ............... ......... ... .... . . . ... "ding . , .. _. . "ding�fhspeetor. TtilN.OF SOUl'IiQLD OFFICE OF'BUILDING li�'SPECTblt TOWN BALL- SOUTHOLD ;STEW YQRK` CERTIFICATE,OF OCCUPk-NCY n on CONroRAlaivG f'R'EA'tISEs_ THIS=IS TO`CEFiTIF'i'that the lx'/ L`a_nd Pre aC:O � .214793_ Auilding(s) Dat O= July' 24, =1986 - - lacated at, _ ,: 5255 Route,_ S :S`outhold',_t+teW York 11973 ._^Street_ sFiowa on County tax msp as District'1000, 'Section- 0,+19 ;,Block 01: , Lpt 9 ;does(not)conform tq the,,preseut-Bui1`ding'Zoae Code,of the- Town of Southold for the,fo2lowing reasons: atce i3dey',garage,ia aFzont i3rd;'-insufficient',side set=back,,ori, deveiling,and_accessisry,.building: Iitsdff:Ucaent'-set=back frroun.Bluff'. !Ori the',basis;:e£inforaiatioa p` Byildiitg 3i:spector�s 4tfice® ityhas been aletermined that the above,-noacoriforaifng r/,Land ,/,>�$jtiiding(s)' _ _ /x-/Use(e) e:ifstdd on the-effective°date the present,Building=Zone,Code of the -, ; Towwof•_SoutholiI;;sad aiag be contintieii;pursuant to andsubfecvto the,.applii.- cable"provisions of'said',Cod�., _ - IT3S RUATBEIiR tJB*T_ FIED that, -based--upon ninxmation pre,'sented to the_Btiilding,inspector!s;Office, the.occupancy anii_iase far.tiviiioli"this Cert3fi= cafe-i`s;-issttedri�as';foltows:praperty�aontaas-'two,story.,,'one.;'famil'y-wood iramad,dwell`iag;. agartnt ever`,,gage=and an;accessory cottage all sitna"tedt'f7n=,ttie A=Res3rletitial=Mricu7Wf6l -zonei„ w i t h 86C6$'S` t0 Rte_'QBx a�Co�iAtyina3ntained'ligiaway'. - T_he_-.GerEificate'}�1s issued-tq• Blszabetih Driscoi.l. _ 'k`-4- ... - ._ . __ " (a�Vt'►eiCOCiD0t�p0D�i-~• ""' o.�the;;efoseaQid.iiuilding, . - - - _ Su£Fo1k Coulity.Departinent of Realih-ApproVal 'UICDER�IFiITERB-CERT3p'ICATE NO: . iv`lA .. NOTICE IS'IiERBBY,_GIVEN that"'the owner of tSie,above premises'ILAS• 1`OT=COI SEATEDL TO AT,n%SPECTIOl�of the_preau`ses'2:y the Builc3irig Asper for ta,deter-n file if the,premiseg;comply-witli`alisapplicable,codes°and 6riiin= A� ;antes,,other'-,„than t}ie Biaildiag Zone.Cciie,.and:ther`efore; no,suci;inspactiori - -has been conducted:..This':Certificate;.'tiiazefore.,does��rigt- and`:is`-not=intended to certify,that-the pr`.eaiis0s.comply with all..other,applit:abW codec-anid regtila-t "P Buiidin._insaector r ' 0�'gu �p, TovP�of Southold` ,6/17lZ4I5; .2 P.4:�oi-1179 '53095 Main Rd SuutbaI4 Newyork 11971 CERTIFICATE.VF -0CCUPANCY Nor 37669 Date: ;6/16120T5 TffiS CERTIRII S_tZiat,W,,: MlOing ELECTRICAL - - Lecation of Pi openly:r 5 S5 CR 48;tiGre�goit - - >SCTM#: 473889 SkMldddL-ot 44.-1-9 - $u6divsiune. fMet!lisp leTo Lot Na --- couforms-substautially,to tiie pplication for Building PeMA heretofore .Med'ln tbis:®fHce'dsted 4l30%wOp�Q�na rp—,,wLlch pupg•Permkmb. 39718 dated 4/30/2015 'was_issued;and conforms toall of the rei:puwz=ts-of the applii ibkpiovisions af'the law. The oeciipanay for which this;oertifiic to is issued is-; 200 AMP ELECTRIC SERVICE t, Tbe'certigeate is�iBsnetl to -. Terjaoian;Mis®k&Salciogln,,iVianusak.._ _, -vf the aforesaidbu�ding. UF�O,Y.K-COUhITY.DEPAl[tTNiENT QF HEALTH APPIOYAi,` ,& CTRICAI:-CERTMCt TE NO., ...,39718.-- - -~-- Ob=114615`' PLUMBERS CER I -ATI01D. Authoriz®d;Sign" AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM:This formmustbe completed by the applicant for any special use permit,site plan approval;use variance,area variance,or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a•farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be-referred to the'Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n-of the General.Municipal L-aw. 1. Name of Applicant: PdttQ QA-Qr-�, 2. Address of Applicant: 3: Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant):4,Kk a.� ;Sam- .4�- 4. Address-of Land Owner: 5. Description of Proposed Project: on 6. tocation of Property: (road and Tax map rin O1� �l�vS2 �X►s "n) Surfer ' ' 7. Is the parcel within 500-feet of a farm•operation? { } Yes No 8. Is this parcel actively farmed? { }Yes ,Q-No 9. Name and addresses of any ownet(s)of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Talc Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff,itis your responsibility to obtain the current•names-and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office(765-1,937•).or from the Real Property Tax Office located-in Riverhead. 1VAME�and ADDRESS 1 2. 3. 4. 6. 5. (Please use the back of this page ifthere-are-additionalproperty owners) Signature,of Applicant Date Note: 1.'The local Board will solicit comments from the owners,of land-identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. .2. Comments returned to the local Board will be taken,into consideration as part as-the overall review of this application. 3. Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall,be paid by the Applicant at the"trine the application is submitted for review. t. . 617.20 Appendix B Shgi l Environmental Assessment Form 1htruct ons for'Completing' Part 1-Project Information: The applicant or project,sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part`ofthe application for approval'or funding,are subject to public review,and may be"subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available: If additionarresearch or investigation would be needed,to fully respond-to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all,items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional,information which you believe_-will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1=Project and Sponsor Information, Name of Action or Project: - - Project Location(describe;and attach,a location map): Brief Description of ProposedAction:- �'• ^� �e4xa �o_f- -" dorm, by �ro�►ops_ �w n��'S Dry ,gin `ho0s�- - Go, ;-A-`ons Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: 516-214-0160 AMP Architecture- E-Mail: Address: 1075'Franklinville Road- City/p'O: State: -Zi Code: Laurel N.Y. p ' _ . 1-1948 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoptio_n of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the.proposed action and-the environmental resources that may be affected,in the municipality and proceed to Part�2. If no,continue to-question 2. 2. Does the.proposed action require a permit,approval.or funding from_any other governmental Agency? -NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: `-- 4� 3.a.Total acreage-ofthesite of the proposed'action? i 5to 5 acres b.Total acreage to be-physically disturbed? _CD acres c.Total'acreage•(project sitd`and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? a cS�� acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near•the proposed'action: 11-Urban Xkural(non-agriculture) ❑Industrial -❑Commercial -i'Residential(suburban) ❑.Forest ❑Agriculture .0- Aquatic ❑Other(specify): Q Parkland Page 1-of 4 5: Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A -a.A permitted use under the zoning-regulations? b:Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? 6. Is the proposed action consistent With the predominant character of-the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? 7. Is,the site of the proposed aciion'located in,or does it adjoin,a state"listed Critical'Environmental Area?, NO' YES If Yes,,idenfify: X S. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase-in traffic above present levels? NO YES b:,Are public transportation-service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycleroutes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the-'state energy code-fequirements? NO YES If the p"roposed action will exceed re irements,describe design featuies and technologies: OW u9 oc -� c moi• ren Wl l Ot�x,l 4 S cQ ehri e 'n,:.a�_ 10. Will the.proposed action connect to an=existing public/private water supply_? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable-water:- x 1I.Will the proposed,action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment:Q_Xi toinc� `-�'roJA`�brNa-a "��i.IS�P.,tr►-► �'D 1(JQ ,ol ac1�c� c.���/Ir, a► f�szu � +�#�- C?V��"r'S �" 12. a.Does the site contain a_structure that is listed on,eitherthe State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? b.Is the propossed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 13.a.Does any-portion of the site,of the proposed action,or lands-adjoining-the proposed action,contain NO, YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency,?. b.Would the proposed action pbysicallyalter,or encroach into;any existing wetland or waterbody?` If,Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations,in square feet or acres: 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to-be found,on the project site. Check alli that apply: ,i��Sll ine ❑Forest D AgriculWral/grasslands ❑Early-mid-successional Wetland. ❑Urban )"Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,-or associated,habitats,listed ' NO- YES, bythe State-6r Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16.Is the project site located-in the 100 year flood plain?' NO YES 17.Will the proposed action-create-storm water discharge,eitherfrom point-or non-point-sources? .NO YES If Yes, A.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacentproperdes? . ❑NO DYES b.Will storm-water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems,,(runoffand storm drains)? If Yes,'briefly describe:- ❑NO d YES Page 2 of 4 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the-impoundment of NO YES water or other,liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,slam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active_or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,,describe: 20.Has the site,ofthe proposed;aotion or-an adjoining property been,the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)"for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM THAT THE.INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE,TO THE BEST OF DIY KNOWhEDGE �Sip�a pIicanUsp/o or-name: Date:A ? ure: ` ' - Part 2-Impact Assessment.'The Lead Agency is responsible-for the completion-of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part-1 and other materials-submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the revierwer-shbul_d•be�guided by the concept"Have my, responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" 'No,or Moderate small to]a be - - - impact impact may may. .. occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? '2. 'Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensify,of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character-or quality of the existing_community? / 4. Will theproposedaction'tiave an impact on the environmental characteristics that cau"sed the ,establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse.change in the existing level.of traffic or -affeatexisting infrastructure formass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will-the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy,and-it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the,proposed action impact.existing: a.public%private water supplies?- b.public/private,wastewater treatment utilitiesT 8. Will the proposed action impair the character orquality of importartt historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action,result in-an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,"flora and,fauna)? Page_3 Of 4 No,or Moderate small to large- impact impact = may may occur' occur 10. Will the pioposed actio_n r"esulfin_ an increase in the-potential for erosio_n,;flooding or drainage problems? I1. Will the.'proposed;action create ahazard to environmental resources or human health?- Part.3­Determination of significance., The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part-3: For,every question in Part Z that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",.or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in asignificant-adverse environmental,iimpact,please complete Part 3. ` 'Part 3'should,insufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by 'the project sponso`rto avoid or reduce impacts.,'Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency d'etermiped that the impact may or will not be significant._Each potential impact-should-be assessed corisidering its setting,probability of occurring, "duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude.Also consider the potential for.short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. ❑ Checkthis'box if you have determined,,based on the information and-analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that-the proposed- action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box ifyou have determined,based on the-information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the.proposed action;will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title ofResponsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead,Agency ' Signature of Preparer'(if different from Responsible`Officer) Page 4 of 4- Board-of ZoninzA]]iieals'At)nlieaticiu AUTHORIZATION (Wliere the Applicant is not the Owner) r �Wk \ - residing at 2- V'' 0A a?K A& (Print prop rty owner's nau )," (Mailing•Qtldress) do.hereby authorize AMP Architecture ' _ to apply for variance(s)on my behalf from the t South 1d;Zoning Board of Appeals:, t (Owrier'•s Signature) j (Priv-Owner's- ne)- . j f i• ,APPLICANT/OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees.The nurpose"of this, fora is to orovide,in%fmation which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest•and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: �Y i�1OYlytf 1 C3�. (I ast nniue,first name,'miild initi-1,unless-you"applying in`the name of someone else another entity;such as•a company:If so,indicatethe•other person's or company's name.) TYPE OFAi*Ut_ATION:(Check all that apply)' Tax.grievance Building Permit- _ Variance Trustee Permit, Change of Zone Coastal Erosion• Approval'of Plat 'Mooring Other(activity), PIanning Do you-personally(or through-your-company;spouse,sibling;parent,or child)have a relationship with any offiieer or employee of the"Town df Southold?"Relationship"-includes by blood,marriage,or business interest.,OBusiness,interest" meaus'a business,including a partnership;in why' the town-officer or-employee"has.even a partial ownership,of(or employment by),a corporation n•which the.tow •officer or employee owns more than 50/'o of the shares. YES' NO If you ans►vered"YES ;complete'•the�bala-nce of this form-•and date-and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or,position of that perrson• Describe the-relationship between yourself(toe rapplicant/agent/representative)•and-the town.officer or emlilovee.Either 'check the apptopriate Iine,A)through D)-and/or•describ"fi the-§pace provided. The town officer or employee or his or'her spouse,sibling,parent,or child-is•(check all-thatApply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the si ares of the corporate stock of the awplicarit(tivhen tie applicant"is-'a -corporation) -.-• _ , _ _ _ __ _ B)the legtll or beneficial owper-_of,any interest in anon-corporate entity(tivhen"the applicant is-aot u corpor_ntiori) Q an"officer,-director,pjartger,or'employee ofthe applicant;-or D)the iictffal iipplica)it DESCRIPTION;OF:RELATIONSHIP, Suli'mitted-t lis a�`�` _ day of")ai gth '2021) - �_p - PrintNam% _ ._ _ 1 AGENTlREPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAI DISCLOSURE,FORM• The Town-of Soutliold's:Code of-Ethics nroliibits conflicts of iniereston the narfof town officers and emplovees.�The ouraoseof'this form is to provide iriforination which can town of the towof possible conflicts of interest and-allow it_to'tike whatever'action is" '-. mecessary to avoid same: YOUR PTr1I_VIE (Last,name,Srst name,middle initial,unless you are applyio'in the nam_a o_f someone, Ise or other entity;such as a company;Uso;indicate the other person's or company's name): TIT OF APPLICATION:(Check-A that apply) Tax grieaance - Buildidg,ftrtnit_ Variance Trustee Permit _ Change`of Zone: ,Coastal Erosion, Approyal of Plat' Mooring 'O'tiier(activity) - - -- _ Planning Do you personally-(or through,your company,-spouse,sibling;parent,,or;child)have a`relat onship with_any=officec or, .employee of the Town of Southold?"Ilkiiiiionship""miludes,by blood,,marriage,"or business interest:"Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in.vrluch the town officer,or employee has:'even apart al.ownershig of(Or ' :employment-byi-a cor cer,or employee owns more than 5%of the-shares. ,YES NO If yon ansivered'`�YES';.complete the`balauce of this form and,date andsw ign liere indicated. ., .. Name,ofpersonemployed by-the Town of,Southold-- -;Title or position ofaliat"person - - - _ _ - ' bescfibe"the;relation_'siiip hetween yourself'(tl�:applicanllagent/represeritative)and=the.towri officet or employee; -lWher'check-fhe appropriate>line'A)through D)'and/oc describe in the space provided: Thd town,officer'oTemployee or his or'lier•sponsesz"bling,patent or cltild is:(check,all ttiat'appty) A)°tlieowner of greater tliat;5%_of tlie'shares of the,corpoi ate stock of tfieapplicant(when theapplicant is a. , ., corporation) 'B)the-lepl or�beneficiatowner of any,interest'in a non-corporate,eut'itr(when the-applicant isnot a,corporetion)� .;�aa,"ai$cer;director;partner;or,employee,of the appGcan�:or- ," .D)"tlie`actual;applicant ,' - DESCRIPTIONNOF RELA'TION5H]W , Subinitted-this= °" , da of 20' _Signature; Print-Name - b - - :f T6Wn of S6-dthold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM' A. INSTRUCTIONS I All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions-that are subject to the Town of'Southold Waterfront Cojisigtenpy'Review.Laiv. This assessment-- is ,intended:to supplement other ffif6rnation used by -a, Town-6f Southold agency in - in6ldng a 'd'etermination of consistency. *Except'minor exempt actions including,Ayi14WgPqfm1ts and other ministerial-permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard-4rea. 2. Before answering,the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review.lhe-exempt, minor action list,p6licies and explanations of e Doliev,contained in- the Town of Southold Local p �04tiohs ­ each — contained- Town I - Waterfront Revitalization 'Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its sighificant beneficial and adverse effectsupon'the coastal area(which Includes all of Southold Town). 31,. If any-question in Section C on-this form is answered""yes", then the Proposed action may,affect-the, -achievement,of the LWRP policy standards And;conditions-contained in the consistency review law. Thus,,the action-should be-analyzed in more 'detail and' if necessary; modified prior to making - - -, . - 1 2 - - 2 - - ­ I - ___ 9 4 determination that it is consistent to the-maximum extent practicable with. the LWRP -,policy -standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards-and conditions;it shall not be undertaken. A,copy of the LWRP-is available id the fgHpwing places: online•at-the Towli of Southold's website (,,the Board of Trus_tees the"Plapping Department, 01 local libraries and the Town Clerk's office.,- 11 DESCRIPTION OF 8MANRY'ROPOSED ACTION SCT-M#-1,00 44, 1, The.Application,has been submitte(I.,io-(check-,appropiiate response): Town,Board Planning Dept._ 0 Building Dept. 2- Boa:rd of Trustees 1. Category of ToWnof,Southold agency action(check-appropriate response): (a): Action undertaken directly by Town agency( ,constr=uction,planning Activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g:,grmt;,loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license;certification: Nature-and extent of Action: L 0-Q dlAR- IQ A I Location of action: ) Site acreage: off ^ Present land-use: Present:zoning classification: 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following "information shall be_provided: (a) Name of applicant: AMP Architecture (b), Mailing address: 1075 Franklinville Road, Laurel, NY. 1.1948 (c) Telephone number:Area Cade( )(516) 214-0160' (d) Application number;if any: Will-the,action be directly uhdertaken,.require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ NA If yes;which state or-federal agency? DEVELOPED`COAST POLICY Policy f. Foster a pattern of'deveiopment=in tfie Town of Southold that enhances community character; 'preserves open-space,makes efficient use�of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and ,niiniii zes adverse effects of development. See LVVRP Section'-HI-Policies;,Page 2 for evaluation- criteria. �❑Yes ,® No ❑ Not.Applicable - 611 Ll,)' 'U116U J. Li pro Aj•aUS . o- ,Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy- 2. Protect and .preserve Historic. and archaeological resources of. the, Town of Smlthold: See LWle-Section III•—Policies Pages-5-thr6ngli 6 for evaluation criteria ❑- 'Yes ❑ Nw R NofApplicable a'A" [�.rcan f{ Slav r e ,0rt aJ1�.:a �rcea�Q rpt Attach additional sh6ds-ifnecessary Policy '3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic.resources throughout the Town-of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6,through 7 for,evaluation,criteria Yes Q' No 0 Not Applicable 2. y An AA,,-o \ U 6, X CZV�Vt A Attach additional sheetsif necessary NATURAL COAST F®LICIES Policy 4. .MinnhIiize loss,of"I fe,-strudures;A-nd natural resoueces from floodiing-and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages$through 16,for.evaluation criteria , Yes-0 No;0 Not Applicable c t -ppC E; - - - Attach,additional sheets if necessary Policy 5: Protect ancl_improve woter quality and-supply in the Town-of Southold. See-LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation-criteria YesEa- No 0 Not Applicable onct.x,i °� -v c. r-�� �'?rb 2 a�2zr-r. t n,���(1O► -�onr o l l2 _rayQll5 Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. •Protect and restore the quality and function,of the Town 6f Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal.F ish•anil'Wildlife.Habitats and wetlands: See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through-32 for evaluation-criteria. riz Yes No Not Applicable Nil �Q 1 6a, I ch-r\w Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect'and improve air quality in the Towin-of Southold. See'LVWRP Section III = Policies Page§'32 through'34 for evaluation criteria. Yes Xoz Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary" Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances-and wastes.' See LWRP Section III—Policies;Pages 34 through 38.forevaluation criteria. Not Applicable 0 Yes ❑ No PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to;-and recreationaluse of, coastal waters,.public'lands;,and public .resoefrces of the'Town of Southold. _See LWRP Section III--Policies; Pages-38 through 46•for evaluation © YeD No Not Applicable 0 CSC" -,r--L4' .,/n '<-ec f a. A L'A Attach additional-sheets if necessary WOREING'COAST-POLICIES P®licy 10.1r6tect.9outhold' wafer-dependent uses-and,promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable,locations: See LWRP Section III—.Policies;Pages 47 through 56 ffor.evaluation c"riteria. ©'Yes D. No 15-2 Not Appiicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. k'irozraote sustainable' use, .marine resources In Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary diad Town waters. See LV Section III—Policies; Pages 57through-62_f6r evaluation criterih. ❑Yes ❑ No Not Applicable Attach additional;sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in.the Town of-,Southold° See LWRP-Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ NoNot.Applicable Attach additional-"sheets ifnecessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate ,use and. developanen't. of energy and �inea�al resources. See I,�ZP Section III—Policies;'Pages 65 through.68°for evaluation.criteria: ' VA Yes ❑ No 0. Not-Applicable .Gr-eated_on 5/2510511:20,-AM O f I FRONT ELEVATION-FACING NORTH RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION-FACING WEST 14� 77 iL i _ s RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION INCLUDING EXISTING SUN- REAR ELEVATION INCLUDING EXISTING SUNROOM ROOM n s n, m r J EXISTING SUNROOM IN RELATION TO SIDE YARD OF RELIEF REQUESTED Main House w/ Proposed Upgraded Sunroom pp l w .. pili►�I �` �ti l�+'�°'° �r � r., AS-BUILTSIDE ELEVATION—FACING WEST REAR ELEVATION—FACING SOUTH—SHOWING PORCH Maw •T R i r.FRONT • • • FACING NORTH EXISTING BUNGALOW �r i y\ K% 4 FRONT ELEVATION-FACING NORTH LEFT SIDE ELEVATION-FACING EAST f REAR ELEVATION-FACING SOUTH- SHOWING AS-BUILT 2ND STORY COVERED PORCH EXISTING GARGE/APARTMENT „�s:' �:'Sti�:x^sl!,`;��'�'��1.._ =i•>,Z1�-".i�r•=:4.=-..a - •.,, _ .s r ;r .__ _ 5�.,ur""f'�jT� 'Wi�r,'•�k�. - t{i'xralt s t RD TOWN -OF SQUTHOLD Pg"403, OWNER STREET VI,LU� E DISl'RICT `SUB. LOf I' r 75 'A IL ORME OWi ER N E ACREAGE YQ ry' (e ' t�� J • r: r �S�u �y TYPE 6F BUILDING f ��� y�}►+� I + `•�d -V f �, l-...rl! � r! .• 'L� /� AUh+ti.r 4'Y�L!+ ` , ,RES,�: SEAS. VL. FARM COMA. ' I I'ND. I CB. I MISC, - ',LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE. REMARKS / �Lf `°;` ' t?y 1�=er�,�2s jL c QW,x t t? !i' _ " 7�' '.2 '� v J ` = civ rf "G7” 1 pa ro4`3", �fi �` '', jP� ;' � -�a 6 L� ,' .rs�,�. ? 7 d 's t` c r.'r , k t;L sr.eza g O v l 60 BUIL•DING C YJDITIO. �' ���D - f,g''-- �� C' �► RI\AL, BELS•- ��' ¢3 ABOVE Amari arm gcrer3 V"I Per A r �Calu i r�xP l O l cru ?c'� Uw t ' Till,64le 1 Tillable 2 -•y+�p Tillable• 3 I Woodland Y Swampland Y 11 •f • - 1 . .v p if. 1 �. •. Brushland House Plot a, s I i • Total } ,orf a• r � NMI ® ill■■!!�®■ ■■■1■■fly■■■■■■■■■■■■ ® ®■■■■■ ON a III mom ME on ONE mom11ti No as Elm I 4 1,.. t � ` 1�1 X15 ■■®���������■ � ■ ' ■®■.■®::Ila I . IAC■ ■■■■■®® ■2®®1C■�q■ allo ■ ■ r lriterl& Finish 'Drivewdy � i .Wo, , .. p - - -•�........ Wim.,»�: °""" , OWNER STREET — VILLAGE DISTRICT' :SUB.. LOT' ��'��..r. ..�- � `.moi �� ��e�f�-�-�'��-•til/ _ .,�•�' z r ;FORMER•OWNER - I ACREAGE ' �Iw— � i Vi/ fiYRE 06 BUILDING- I' RES. SEAS: VL. ! FARM, 'COlv1M%, PND, �� CB. MISC. -LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE. REMARKS ` 'WAGE 'BUILDING'CONDITION: ,NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE � eeQ - Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value, ° TillQble 1 ' Tillable '2 T111able; '3. Wpodlarnd; Swampland, ' Brushlanrl � ' House;Plot ! P r Total' i r MENNEN ON■MEMO ON MENMEMUNIZU KRONE mommmumm a sommonop ;, ' f� (� b ev �■�®�LiII®®�®��Sisson ■��m1/11��_ r a =r a SON MEN , No MM immommillmmum ml oil :Fodn&�lbtj wm .. ,� a ��■■�i�A �l�r.�9®�■■■■■■®■■■■■■■■®■■ son : •` *_ yt F'�x' r`-'aa., SII■®��4����®®�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© aft.. y , 4..:y ; , ■■■I�!®■®®®■■■■®�;�®■I�■®®®��i■®�i■® _„ t �■®■(®■®®:�®®®���1,��■®;®�®®�i1■Ilii®■■ MEN rfi'- ;-. r a �■■■f®®®®iii®■I�iiil■■i�®■■iiia®�®��i■�■■■ '' _ ,, , � �;� ti .` `"x'�ar, , ■■®®®®■®■■i��s®ail®® ©®■��®�®■®�® . . ■®®®®■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■!■■Irea■ n ■■®®■®■■®®®®■®®®■■�■�t.�■■■■�i�ME W l • i �� # 0 i CL 0 THIS 15 AN ARCHI TS 91TE PLAN 4 is 0 E 'LOT' d SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION DESCRIPTION AREA 96 LOT REPRESENTED ON TH15 SITE PLAN 19 TO THE Z. 's COVERAGE. ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. I:: g TOTAL LOT AREA - upland of acho 12,-TOO.0 S.F. 2 SURVEY INFORMATIONKAS OBTAINED FROM A SURVEY DATED 20101 AND -.g PREPARED BY: J W 0= < m .1 0, EXISTING HOUSE K/ 5UNROOM S.F. 15.b% RECEIVED JOHN 6EIRD HEIVECKER F 0. N.Y STATE LAND SURVEYOR LIC,.#050114 42 CROWNSTREErl� 1. z EXISTING GARAGE/APARTMENT 1,000.0 S.F. -7.q% KINSSTOK NY.12401 Z=�ccye, C7 EXISTINBUNGALOW 505.0 S.F. 2.4% JAN (845)901-162-1- TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 3055.0 S.F. 24.0961 q: aa mz X0 MAXIMUM COVERAGE ALLOWED = 20% Zoning Board Of APPeals =z. 0 5,—'TM# 1000-44-1-q T 0 1c,o 5- .,d Z�:< to �IIZHHQ 9 14*11'40"F- 0000--——————— ——————— -- ——————---————————--- Ot e ruEXIST.2 STRY W0.FR. 6ARA6E/APARTMENT Ild, C4 A 0;llp / � I 0 0 lep 4� cj 54.41' 105, v :c EXIST.HOOD PROPOSED I/A ONSITE vr:rlK To BE WASTEWATER TREATMENT REMOVED SYSTEM TO REPLACE (4 EXIST.2 STRY 1-0. EXISTING TRADITIONAL z 111ple FR.OWELLIN6 SEPTIC,SYSTEM �0 FIF - 16.6' A, 105' 13 Q Lu EXIST. 15 In Z ND FR. ALT DRIVEWAY w = rEWN&ALON Lu z W SCREENED-IN Ll C) PORCH Z X Lu 0 0 N 14011'40"K Lb z 1.1 0 uj< LLI LL. LO w EXIST. I STORY -1 (5 5UNROOM J-DA 1p? (n UNCONDITIONED; 0 PROPSED NEP4 OSURES CL KALL ENCOLa M. p 0 WNVITIONED FROPOSED 5117E FLAN SPACE SCALE: P-0" = 20'-0" 03 7 O'ca GENERAL SYMBOL KEY: s a w w oLL �x3 EXISTINS TO REMAIN NEW FOUNDATION WALL w m 6 � U NEW WOOD FRAME(LAS m a s a W 3 -t ^ Sri MEN APPLICABLE) o am 3:g s o zt�Warn J W O QW ti =F=-H 41O Z z OW O a Q a W Q 2 Z Z=7 KyWjU w0�CIW" W GW J a O W C R ~O O IF sz°�� a :2 II 12'-O" 26'-q" s um-ay qx p'ap O W O ij fl-------------- V j _ 5__ ______ -LLz3a BAX6 SLOR C Z u7 Z -'4 W 11 I O 'F rO C I EXISTING METAL FRAME I j - •1 a s W x Ic~yj U WALLS AND WINDOWS 0 I-S N TOROOFTURETo i PROPOSED E�� a a I REMAINO i SUNROOM I I I I O UPDATE SUNROOM TO CONDITIONED SPACEI EXIST. I I I SIZE AND LOCATION TO II l I REMAIN upj II II MEN IG'ADER EXIST, " EXISTINS DOORS AND EXIST. lb'-O" NEW BATHROOM PORTION OF WALL TO BATHROOM OPENING Be REMOVED EXIST, LIVING ROOM EXIST.LIVING ROOM OPEN TO E OPEN T ABOVE ABOVE EXITS XIS BEDROOM EXIST. BEDROOM UP EXIST. UP Llolll z I EXIST. 0 j BEDROOM a EXIST. EXIST, EXIST, EXIST, BEDROOM EXIST. EXIST KITCHEN BATHROOM KITCHEN BATHROOM MUDROOM MUDROOM ® ® z - _J, 0. .. EXIST BEDROOM` BEDROOM � O � B W rl (-1'� Z x >: W h Z Q Q � Z PROPOBED DEMOLITION PLAN PROP05ED F I RST FLOOR PLAN uj Lo z EXISTING FIRSTFLOOR - 1,468 S.F. SCALE: I/8" = 1'-O" SCALE: I/8" = 1'-O" LL L w a EXISTING 4 PROPOSED SUNROOM - 280 S.F. ARCL y a � o cli cli037446 o '4 c a �a v 4'1 pa ¢r3 t NEW SIDING TO a?w 0`1 MATCH EXISTING HOUSE SIDINGwogo=a m N W O W C KN8.0. Lu KO Z Q`tW LL) LLWa0t;.5 mzJfzg¢ Z ¢Zgo c7 W W(� El N qgz WE1 1mz.0�Sn X 2 U Q HIM W PROP. NEW EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION PROPOSED RIGHT ELEVATION SLIDERS SCALE: 1/5" = P-O" SCALE: VV' = I'-O" w EXIST. ROOF FINISH 4 STRUCTURE TO REMAIN EXIST. ROOF FINISH 4 STRUCTURE TO REMAIN NEW SIDING TO MATCH EX15TINS HOUSE SIDING NEW SIDING TO MATCH EXIST. HOUSE SIDING W Q � 0 ,1 Z = Y LLP Z PROP. NEW PROP. NEW ~ 0 ~- PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION SLIDERS WINDOWS PROPOSED LEFT ELEVATION � Lu Lo a 50ALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 5 E: I/8" = I'-O" c N LW Lo Ix < `O �' * i ♦ V 03740 cy0� e a a v t oo aF3 EXISTING GONG.f �-®� AS-BUILT 2ND w 33 STORY COVERED 00amaga -o e SLAB i PORCH zWo= mac- xa��awLL a��aLL� z EXISTING WOOD a z zZ STEP E3 ZWc_'MM.WF El El El, ¢ 123 d OW or o.mEIF, a o�mzxx!x F- Nu-I Zz�Oz�a N X u ¢oz<a � sm Lu oaam<bmc z3a Liz c�lz noxoaa Q z a g��ae Ww EXIST, W�=o�WF=N GARAGE moz �z� d' �����®��•����-��vv���o E v a a a a x N EXIST. OARArOE/A<PARTMENT FRONT ELEVATION LEFT 51DE ELEVATION SCALE I/8" = 1'-0" 30'-6" EX I ST I NO OARA&E F I RST FLOOR AS- BUILT SCALE: I/8" = I'-O" 2ND STORY COVERED PORCH U Q a T AS-BUILT COVERED PORCH EXIST m=__i F-� DN. EXIST. OARA6E/A FARTMENT REAR ELEVATION SCALE: I/b" = 1'-0" EX15T, LIVING EXIST. ROOM KITCHEN Q W rI J U = Z = it FEll Q G = z AS-BUILT to Z cr N 2ND STORY Q LIJ � a COVERED ~ N w PORCH `� 0 Lo w U. _ l7n : EXIST. EXIST, BEDROOM O BEDROOM GJ O� (�. R 0 r, Ll Q I N NN EXISTING OARA ISE SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT EXISTING OARAOE/APARTMENT RIGHT ELEVATION 9�� �374O5 'y� EXIST. SECOND FL. - 140 SOFT. SCALE: I/8" - I'-o" O� NQS AS-BUILT COVERED PORCH - 220 SOFT.; EXIST. ENTRY DECK ® 2ND FL. - 40 SOFT. SCALE: I/8" = I'-o" ¢o a LL Q W W 3 ' FoBaga a�w y4 Z W W C >-W.-:( 7 0 Z==C y U A5-BUILT tx w o o W s /-COVERED H-;=N PORCH g zlczm _ wzF�LLz3Q s z � Q Z W Z W J C Z O?F Q W 4 'W W z W N=O 1W-xm(/� O C R 2 Q V Q Q a Q 5 EXIST. BUNOALOPq FRONT ELEVATION 5.-01.� SCALE: Va° = I'-o° A5-BUILT COVERED EXIST, O CH A5-BUILT (V BUNGALOW OVERED i PORCH O N W EXIST. BUNOALOW RleHT ELEVATION SCALE: U R s � a EXISTING BUNeALOW EXISTING BUNGALOW - 205.8 SO.FT. SCALE- I/b" = P-o" AS-BUILT COVERED AS-BUILT COVERED FORGH - qq.2 SOFT. PORCH 0) Z o EXIST. BUN67ALOW REAR ELEVATION � N Z SCALE: 1/8" - V-O" Lo 0 04 Lo lei LO W �.� D A� a C a E'O,A SAF` a Q N �j. 3740 FOF N�� w w o a 0 L110 a Orn w Z w o Z ::E Z _ Z N Qti {1'i ^moi 00 a ::>:Z w UJ O 033p O Z Ld H O LdLd 0 a x �D -DISTRICT 1000-SECTION 044.00-BLOCK 01.00-TAX LOT 010.000 m o oU w ¢� `' o z z Q / j N N/F KATHLEEN T. PHELAN p U C3 l z L0 0 0 W LIBER 12547—PAGE 786 z Z QLo x c" x Lo La PLO w 00 w Z a ~ ►� C 5 ,O o � �� a a O C) Oay pp / S /�4°11��0,� / / m _ 187.00' ° QZ� Z 4 ,��y Eo- 2 �oY / ) J�l� / / STO�ADE FENC t� 14 �`' ///co W N _t � c N cr W O }W? w N m oll z �!U �O '- w \ I O N 3 m J / � r 5 w o �� > �� .� � < O— w mr, D ¢ D x cat / �//O / �OQ / ��/�/ / a I " F � z w p 3 U ao 'n of o -� O U rn _ C�/00 Lr) 00� /�j/ r 1Y aN U I W ?i U3 Lo ��� / O Q K j Up N / w N C:5 Lo /w ( a LLI Ln 777 0I:f (30-IC)J / / / /�PQ�/ L�7 X w�j/Y' 3` I N g❑ 3 W Y / 1/1) 4P O o /"� O p N Q N �� �_ ta.s' m Rp \ \ a a w / / L /H Lt_ Ld v a m LL, w ��b1 / \i m uWi U w () a �t m J O Z J m C7�P 3 cj m o w U \ \ CV o f J //�// zo "� a rn vo-i UM) `9! o �_ m � r� GO 4GN I% p � cn (n ~ I O �� SSP / 1 Qty /1�.0 u~i m PORCH tos' U w o �� / / / ��/ / ( m ��� 20 U CO CRETE CURB ASPHALT DRIVEWAY a n hDc / �� i z zit BUN A W o o z m J O / o V o FIRST F100R= U ° v ONCR U < F o mp oz' X18.0 31 CONCRETE�lAEL 3 l STOCKADE N Q y N 14'11'40" W/ �L 7 / ////' "� STOCKADE FENCE 7 305.50' = Z C11 E o / a 'S% u _ / (D � rn V) rn Z v 3 it m to ? N O � O w w zo ' o ti o} w Ow Z z W i� io U 0 O w z ON UN w lY oo U) C5 0 o ASPHALT DRIV�WAY z Ij t O O o O00 z U z a 3 3 3 z O U Y & @m J z C7 = o w Z LLI O z O N z pip m O O d Y t LLJ O z Z m o w '¢J� @- o = ao z 3'o W N f Lt_ Z LLI~ O O O LL z a 7 a �Z p� =wfgo� 0Q0 o= z�o)zo yZ z� n Ld IU. NOC�A �Wn �a7 3 20 8 NiEa =Q �"y8��r;SN 6 DISTRICT 1000-SECTION 044.00-BLOCK 01.00-TAX LOT 008.000 U wzd �Fa o o =� W8 WZ� '�_m o a �Z 4 _ 3 Z w x z L3 O�x Oo �o �m P,o�wo�zo s `� Z v� N/F ROBERT VROCKEFELLER AND CAROLYN ROCKEFELLER, AS TRUSTEES OF O m o� qy � <�O�o<W w �o Z }~ a�¢< 0 6 OU � O �z m wo o�i�� z p, �� THE ROBERT VROCKEFELLER AND CAROLYN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, U �ao -3 0 m= a- Wo W W Q sg~flzo io o ° }��omo DATED THE 24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2001 ="Y z�= � Z W �� � Z=� � � wpWyo m D° LIBER 12039-PAGE 815 O= �- RW,::,. m boa obi " Q � of `�- w O (�[� y 6v O 1a- 0Y 7jX((J�� Y VI qpH K� WU UUO z U � LL •S� raw'q y� CTN=V�Y m9 I O�W m w �,y,WQ � O� j Q Q NNW Z � J LtJ Q R �(S/ Wo" �i�SaS�o FW Gjp� N � V oy � �� o U •.r��.a�'G .�_� --�c�dj = yy 7 SOF zNQ��O O}2 U'� J 0,F G1W�U0!-K(� w F F Q Z 1;1 61'Yf- 0, w�•- p m 'V/ Y d= 7 YWOC O Z4. ¢Z F r = xQlia W a I•Y x ' °o W o ��',o0 eo ��UU'o 90 UUUin� a o> r �zozWv�io~� 30 W Z� O e•._ � Qv'{T�'- :i.�• ,� z mL r 3 W aWy Q� mZ U� N a (W�2'0 FY d� _ C F O J U tSr • e'a .. ��\I oc�gm�p v oxo g'S ooc�zm c y >zd Q C o' p cc�V CvE O WW= KWO O==I-�O WVl Wm0 W0 W Zlil°�����=fW11 ' < W o W°c �o(Q(� a z3 awU x x x .yr- x naa F- �y3 mm OOV WW WAN oq�qilOZ �7 I-w ~ L`tli ~ WW Oj1p W2'(1 0 Ov6y �xg (VNN M) Iil OJ7�a'�S .r Fz If1 N� tG 1� U V fV M •d' N LtCti� 7 0•S N fA.r1 IV