HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-51.-6-40 OFFICE LOCATION: ��0� SUUTiyo MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ,`O l0 P O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JV Southold, NY 11971 G ® Telephone: 631 765-1938 00U N LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To- Leslie Weisman, Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date July 22, 2020 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File Ref ANDREW AND LINDA TOGA #7403 SCTM#1000-51-6-40. ANDREW AND LINDA TOGA #7403 —Request for a Variance from Article XXIII, Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's January 30, 2020 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to demolish an existing dwelling and construct a new single family dwelling; at 1) less than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet; located at: 2425 Mill Creek Drive, (Adj. to Arshamomaque Pond—Long Creek) Southold , NY. SCTM No. 1000-51-6-40. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me,the proposal is recommended as CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following is considered to meet the below listed policies: Policy 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. D. Provide adequate buffers between wetlands and adjacent or nearby uses and activities in order to ensure protection of the wetland's character, quality, values, and functions. E Maintain buffers to ensure that adverse effects of adjacent or nearby development are avoided.• Require that a natural,vegetated buffer be established on the sloped areas in the south and west of the lot, preserving the existing vegetation. Based on the size, location, proposed construction and wetlands that surround the lot on two sides,the structure is located in the best location. Pursuant to Chapter 268,the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: William Duffy, Town Attorney BOARD MEMBERS ��OF S®(/ry® Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ,`O l0 53095 Main Road •P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes aQ Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento COU NT`I, Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING Ls OWN O SOUTHOLD TRECEIVED Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 [_FEBSou28 '202February 24, 2020 thold Town Planning Board Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. 47403 Toga, Andrew& Linda Dear Mark: We have received an application to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new single family dwelling. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-51) is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairpe / By: Encl. Survey/site plan: Lisa McQuilkin, Land Surveying, dated February 21, 2020 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: January 30, 2020 TO: Brett Kehl (Toga) 265 Jasmine Lane Southold, NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated January 3, 2020: For permit to: demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new single-family dwelling at: Location of property: 2425 Mill Creek Drive, Southold, NY County Tax Map No. 1000- Section 51 Block 6 Lot 40 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction, on this nonconforming 20.899 sq ftlot 08,945.81 u land area) in the Residential R-40 District is not pennitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-124 which states; lots measuring 20,000-39,999 square feet in total size require a minimum rear vard setback of 50 feet. The survey notes a rear yard setback of 41.3 feet {1 1 sea Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Depai-tineot. CC: file,Z.B.A. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS For Office Use Only Fee: $ Filed By: Date Assigned/Assignment-No. Office Notes: House No.2425 Street West Mill Creek Drive Hamlet Southold SCTM 1000 Section 51 Block 6 Lot(s) 40 Lot Size 20,899 s.f. Zone R- 40 I(WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: May 16,2018 BASED ON MAP DATED January 26,2018. Applicant/Owner(s): Andrew and Linda Toga MailingAddress: 16 St.George Glenn Drive, Setauket,NY 11733 Telephone:516-983-6853 Fax#: Email: and rew88000Q)gmail.com NOTE: In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant'attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents. Name of Representative: Bruce A. Anderson—Suffolk Environmental Consulting,Inc. for Owners Agent's Address: P. O. Box 2003, Bridgehampton, New York, 11932 Telephone: 631-537-5160 Fax#: 631-537-5291 Email: bruce(asuffolkenvironmental.com Please check box to sped who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: ❑ Applicant/Owner(s),or [X] Authorized Representative,or ❑ Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED MAP DATED 5-26-18 and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 1-30-20 FOR: [X] Building Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Change of Use ❑Permit for As-Built Construction ❑Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section, Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code.) Article XXIII Section 280-124 Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: [X] A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ❑ A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑ Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ❑ Reversal or Other A prior appeal [X I has , [ ] has not been made at any time with respect to this property,UNDER Appeal No. 7219 Year 2018 . (Please be sure to research before conipleting this question or call our office for assistance.) Name of Owner: ZBA File# REASONS FOR APPEAL (additional sheets may be used with preparer's si'anature)• AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because: The rebuilding of the dwelling due to the deteriorated foundation requiring replacement and including the 2"d story construction does not further encroach into the technical rear yard(the deeded line at Arshamomoque Pond) than the existing dwelling. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue,other than an area variance, because: The existing dwelling extends into the technical rear yard. (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: There is no further encroachment into the technical rear yard (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: The project is outside the jurisdiction of the NYSDEC and no impact on the physical and natural site conditions will occur as a result of the reconstruction of the dwelling including the 2"d story construction. (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( )Yes,or(X)No. Are there Covenants and Restrictions concerning this land: [X] No. ❑ Yes (please furnish copy). This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety,and welfare of the community. Check this box( )IFA USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTED,AND PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTACHED USE VARIANCE SHEET.• (Please be sure con It your attorney.) Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent (A.-ent must submit written Authorization from Owner) Sworn to4b fore me this -�=)� day of 1 - .20 Notary is MATTHEW D. IVANS NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No OlIV6053859 Qualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 01-22-24+9•-- 2-d23 APPL'ICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION (For ZBA Reference) Applicant: Andrew and Linda Toga Date Prepared: February 20,2020 I. For Demolition of Existing Building Areas Please describe areas being removed:N/A. II. New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): N/A Dimensions of first floor extension: 39.7' x 65' Dimensions of new second floor: 39.5' x65.1' Dimensions of floor above second level:N/A Height(from finished ground to top of ridge): 34' (to top of ridge) Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes, please provide height(above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor: N/A III. Proposed Construction Description (Alterations or Structural Changes) (attach extra sheet if necessary)—Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: 1 Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations 2 IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: 2692.12 s. f. (house+deck+covered porch+step+ steps+ landings+wood steps+2nd story balcony+cellar entrance+shower) Proposed increase of building coverage: 485 s. f. Square footage of your lot: 20,899 s.f. Percentage of coverage of your lot by building areas 14.54% V. Purpose of New Construction: Residential . VI.Please describe the land contours (flat,slope %, heavily wooded, marsh area,etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): Flat to sloping(15%)to wetland boundary Please submit seven (7) photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction),and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 7/2002; 2/2005; 1/2007 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? ❑ Yes [x]No. B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? [x]No [ ] Yes, please explain_ C. 1)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses?Yes (tidal wetlands)_ 2)Are these areas shown on the map submitted with this application?yes 3) Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? No 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction?Yes Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: Original permit application granted. Awaiting another variance relief prior to further Trustees Action. D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level?No E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting?No (Please show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state"none"on the above line, if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises?No If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? No If yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your map with this application. H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel: Residential—Single Family with garage enclosed patio patio paver, cellar entry, outdoor shower (examples: existing: single-family;proposed: same with garage or pool,or other description.) 2® '� Authorized Signature and Date2 2/05; 1/07 FORM NO.4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. . . . . . . . Date . AuIy. .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 . .81 THIS CERTIFIES that the building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Location of Property 2425 till Creek Drive . . . . SPA t4Qld , NAW , ypx1S House No. * . Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section . . .51 r. . . . . .Block . .6. . . . . . . . . . . . .Lot . Ao . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subdivision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .Filed Map No. . . . . . ..e.lLot No. b. ..i.�.t. . . . .i. . . conforms substantially t rt e U e t?0n-Fps or-titrtlaing riro- April 23 57 CV �c,f,r�Fupancy �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . , pursuant tow c ttth Z 10 6, . . . dated July 1 . . , . . 19 81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Private, One .Family, Dwells.nP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to . . . . . . FP.tgr. 1A14. . & 4J#,., (owner,.lvsse,�or tenant__ of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . . . . .N/R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. . . . . .Q/R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Inspector Rev.1181 BUILDII?G DEPARTVIENIT TO1'.V OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. HOUSING CODE INSPECTION REPORT Location 2425 Mill Creek Drive Southold, New York number & street Municipality Subdivision Map No. Lot(s) Name of O'rrner(s) Peter Neu and Betty Occupancy R-1 type owner-tenant Admitted .by: . Mr. Schwartz Accompanied by: Mr. Schwartz Key available Suffolk Co. Tax No. 51-6-40 Source of request Muriel Schwartz Date June 26, 1981 DWELLING: Type of construction wood }stories One Foundation Cement Block Cellar Full Crawl space Total rooms, 1st. Fl 4 2nd. F1 3rd. Fl Bathroum(s) 1 Toilet rooms) Porch, type Deck, type Patio, type P, k Breezeway Garage One Car Utility room Type Heat oil Fired Warm Air x Hotwater Fireplace(s) 1 No. Exits 3 Airconditioning Domestic hotwater yes Type heater Electric Other ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: NONE Garage, type const. Storage, type const. Swimming pool Guest, type const. Other VIOLATIONS: Housing Code, Chapter 52 Loca-tion DescriDtion Art. 1 Sec. Bedroom Hole in sheetrock wall III 2-32- i a-27—� Garage Small Garage door bad ITT Remarks: Inspected by: IT,,,I,--' LL� Date of Insp. July 1 , 1981 Curtis W. F'crtor: Time start 9:00 end 30 FORM NO. 4 TOoM OF SOUTHOLD 13UILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No Z-20901 Date JULY 28, 1992 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION & RENOVATION Location of Property 2425 MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST . SOUTHOLD, N.Y. House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 51 Block 6 Lot 40 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated OCTOBER 30, 1991 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 20258-Z dated NOVEMBER 5, 1991 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ADDITION & RENOVATION TO EXISTING ONE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to AL & MURIEL SCHWARTZ (owner) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. PENDING - JULY 16, 1992 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A 7 _ Building Inspector Rev. 1/81 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance, area variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n of the General Municipal Law. 1. Name of Applicant: LK.,,- 2. Address of Applicant:_poP, 2co3 3YftJl 1�1 _ N4 l l`t 3 T- 3. Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant): ez,&t4 G/y do.- T s-0-- 4. w4. Address of Land Owner:/6 A Cmc G pii ve• 5e4L..-ke-+ N 3 5. Description of Proposed Project: petZatiS14 d�xlli•-. •. Gn��s l �a.�►•+ 40,A 'nn 2 s\-••• d e 6. Location of Property: (roa and Tax map number) Zgog' pJe4} Mi L 1. Or, ds- 7. Is the parcel within 500 feet of a farm operation? {v} Yes { } No 8. Is this parcel actively farmed? { } Yes {<No 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s) of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff, it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office (765-1937) or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDRESS 1. `000 --51 -� -- 3��3 : �t,v��n�•r LuLrtl LLC /21 �se-d�mca�J Lar%l 2• t�lcy►i�.y i tv� , rJy y 11 Sd 3 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please use the back of this page if there are additional property owners) �. JL==-:7, 0 / 20 / 2� Signature of Applicant Date Note: 1. The local Board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2. Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3. Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I -Project Information Instructions for Completing Part 1—Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1.You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency; attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1—Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: Andrew and Linda Toga Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): 2425 W.Mill Creek Drive,Southold Brief Description of Proposed Action: Applicant proposes to demolish existing dwelling,construct a new foundation and new 2-story dwelling within the existing footprint(2030.12 s f.) construct a 336 s.f.wood deck,a 171.33 s.f.covered porch and step,additional steps and landing(83 s.f.),additional wood steps(59.45 s.f.),cellar entrance(55 s.f.),and outdoor shower(21 s f.). Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: 516-983-6853 Andrew and Linda Toga E-Mail: andrew88000@gmail.com Address: 16 St.George Glenn Drive City/PO: State: Zip Code: Setauket NY 11733 1. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that Elmay be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other government Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: ❑ 3. a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 0.5 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0.25 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 0.5 acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,are adjoining or near the proposed action: 5. ❑Urban ❑ Rural(non-agriculture) ❑ Industrial ❑ Commercial 0 Residential(suburban) ❑Forest ❑ Agriculture 0 Aquatic ❑ Other(Specify): ❑Parkland Page 1 of 3 SEAF 2019 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? ❑ ❑ b. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? ❑ ❑ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? ❑ Z 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify:Mill Creek is a tributary to Peconic Bay(CEA) ❑ ❑ 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? FG—/] ❑ c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? Z ❑ 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: El FV1 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water. - ❑ 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: F6/1 ❑ 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? � Elb.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? ❑ 1:113. a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? ❑ b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? L❑J If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: 0 Shoreline ❑Forest ❑Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional ® Wetland ❑Urban V1 Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? Z ❑ 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge, either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? 0 NO YES ❑ b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systemsrunoff and storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: NO Q✓YES Dry wells to be installed to accommodate a 2"rainfall event Page 2 of 3 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: ✓ 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE nn,,,, Applicant/sponsor nam : EnC _ O�,l1° O ��1.fi Date: 2-'" �0" Z"'-'Signature: Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) { Page 4 of 4 Board of Zoning Appeals Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the Applicant is not the Owner We,Andrew Toga and Linda Toga residing at 16 St. George Glenn Drive, Setauket, NY 1f-0Z-5 do hereby authorize Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. to apply for variance(s) on our behalf from the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. Andrew Toga Linda Toga APPLICANVOWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The nuraose of this form is tolprovide information which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same YOUR NAME:Andrew Toga (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so,indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance j( Change of Zone Approval fo Plat Other(activity) Do you personally,(or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town' of'Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. `'Business interest" means a business, including a' partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X Complete the balance of this form and date and sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: ' Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5°/a of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Siitimiged;this �� #1y,o_f V'-� .2020 Print Name:_Az 01--V7_&641 - Andrew Toga APPLICANT/OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics rohibits conflicts of interest on the art of Town officers and employees. The-Ruipose of this form is to l2rovide information which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessanLLo avoid same. YOUR NAME: Linda Toga (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so;indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance X ` Change of Zone — .. Approval fo Plat Other(activity) Do you personally,(or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X Complete the balance of this form and date and sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below)and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted'this �1 da o 2020 Signature; Print Name: ,n Grp- TV,+ ' Linda Toga APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: Bruce A.Anderson (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company If so,indicate the other person's or company's name) NAME OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance_ X Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other",name the activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES _ NO X If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation), B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation), C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant, or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this 20th dav of Februar 2020 r Signator —�'� . /�-✓�-• Print Name Bruce A. Anderson Form TS 1 Form TS 1 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Bzilding Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C,the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form,is answered"yes" or"no",then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus,each answer must be explained in detail,listing both supporting and non- supporting facts.. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places- online at the Town of Southold's website (southo ldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 051 - 06 - 040 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Dept. ❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees ❑ ZBA 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction,planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) ❑ (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Applicants propose to demolish the existing dwelling, construct a new foundation and new 2-story dwelling within the existing footprint (2030.12 s. f.) construct a 336 s. f. covered porch and step additional steps and landing (83 s.f.), additional wood steps (59.45 s.f.) cellar entrance (55 s. f.), and outdoor shower (21 s.f.). Applicant to abandon existing cesspool and install a OWTS septic system with 89 I. f. retaining wall 22' from the wetland boundary and install 4 drywells for stormwater control. Location of action: 2425 W. Mill Creek Drive • Southold •New York Site acreage: 0.5±acres Present land use: Single Family Residential Present zoning classification: R-40 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency,the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Andrew and Linda Toga (b) Mailing address: 16 St. George Glenn Drive • Setauket • New York • 11733 (c) Telephone number: Area Code (516) 983-6853 (d) Application number, if any: N/A Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No ® If yes, which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable As indicated within Policy 1, "Development that does not reinforce the traditional land use pattern of the Town of Southold would result in a loss of the community and landscape character of Southold.", this proposal is to construct a new 2 story dwelling within the existing footprint with attached decks and porch will not result in adverse effects to the surrounding environment because the project would feature comprehensive storm water control and a significant upgrade of the septic system. Accordingly, this project is consistent with this policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 5 through 7 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Subject proposal will not adversely impact the visual quality of the surrounding area in that the proposed activity will be common to existing development in the area. No current visual resources will be impacted by this project. Therefore, this proposal is consistent with this policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Subject proposal will fully comply with Policy 4 in that the location of the improvement within subiect property is to be situated at a substantially higher elevation than an elevation that typically experiences flooding and/or erosion. The chances of any loss of life or structures from implementation of this project are negligible. Therefore, we feel that the proposal is consistent with this policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Subiect proposal will comply with Policy 5 in that the redeveloped home will be served by a low nitrogen OWTS septic system and all runoff from impervious surfaces will be directed to drywells in compliance with the Town's stormwater regulations. Construction related erosion impacts will be controlled by placement of a silt fence or hay bales encircling the construction activities. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Subject proposal will comply with Policy 6 in that proposed activity is designed to meet the environmental guidelines and requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, the Town of Southold Board of Trustees and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and consequently,will maintain the integrity of the surrounding ecosystem. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with this policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Agblicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy S. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of,coastal waters,public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependence uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine'resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town Waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies;'Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy-12 Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Not Applicable. Attach additional sheets if necessary TOGA Property Situate: 2425 Mill.Creek Drive■ Southold ■New York SCTM#: 1000—051—06—040 (Plioto taken on February 8, 2018) ilk T t �§: ♦ �. rr J } 444 p ► ,. s',3 a 1 ti. a 36 41 Photo 4^w• r` t property the current conditions within subject • takenacross Arshamomaquefacing TOGA Property Situate: 2425 Mill Creek Drive■Southold■New York SCTM#: 1000—051—06—040 (Photo taken on February 8, 2018) r( Piz- �a'd. r,._. , >- + .kms .� � ! a r f} }` •� a( 1 `" -;wi ) Photo indicating the current conditions within subject property (seaward side), including the flagged wetlands boundary (circle). Photograph taken from across Arshamomaque Pond (Long Creek), facing north. f r r Ok Ok i _ �'< ► ' 'y 'r It t lR ' Jc r . , M Photo indicating the current conditions within subject property (landward side). Photograph taken from tht!--existing driveway;facing south. TOGA Property Situate: 2425 Mill Creek Drive■ Southold■New York SUM#: 1000—051—06—040 (Photo taken on February 8, 2018) t 1 I I I 1 2 Photo indicating the current conditions within subject property (western side). Photograph taken from the westerly side of the property, facing southeast, towards Arshamomaque Pond (Long Creek). TOGA Propert YO Situate: 2425 Mill Creek Drive■ Southold ■New York ' ^' SCTM #: 1000—051—06—040 , (Photo taken on February 8 2018)rA IL •r *r u s X11►! , y�-..` /�� 4�'!�� �N��7+�:L,. : 'lr;, Photo indicating the flagged wetlands boundary (circle). Photo taken from along the shoreline of Arshamomaque Pond (Long Creek). Property i� Situate: 2425 Mill Creek Drive■ Southold■New York SCTM#: 1000—051—06—040 (Photo taken on February 8,2018) 47 Ak , Jr y w �r. '. f �_r•, � �y � � f r°,"y ,yL}.- �far � v� y .: �" 5..: • �j'. 'IIx: .'�1 �. .�•.• �,,� ��, 'i,.- �' ... .A,n;: moi. • -^rr''' E`' ti yh. t # ;,� f.'-; iM,'.:: •r r�` `" ., �;��,�. i�. ;,r''+y � '�' � ,t'a'w. f' � ��• v � ,� ,( ,ice K t 4 1 v ,i' w �• cr:E;�*�- e u � +,►. � ♦ Maio. Li t ,, •y, � 1'?� r� �biAC+.' J. �.•.�A'� iy '�y� F7). Jn :A ,. ,s� i y Zr },. �x':� �� i .•'��y��WK1.Y?`it �_ ti � '`..... ° :.4Jv: �t y,��,, .7w,,• r :.t�ii aai�r,�{i,/ ;�,, �'-�9e�� '�� {'t:Y '� , *51 Ole Photo indicating the flagged wetlands boundary along the shoreline of subject property. Photo taken from the shoreline of Arshamomaque Pond (Long Creek). TOGA Property Situate: 2425 Mill Creek Drive■Southold■New York i SCTM#: 1000—051—06—040 (Photo taken on February 8, 2018) F .ij � � fl�# rkr°1 .;�-y�'� _ r `••' a"' i 1 J%'6s* ter.'-r47 *,� ��.yyyyyy �,ALV`. Y •w' `L��� � ,. �,' -< -t- •� ter. ` A'- �,! '�` !.s► V s' � �* Photo indicating the flagged wetlands boundary along the shoreline of subject property. Photo taken from the shoreline of Arshamomaque Pond (Long Creek). r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CAR® 1_1046 M 7CoSTREET L/ VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT �^ 1JRI,ER OW/NERM&O"Cl _• ScG�rcYY1r L N E , / ACR. I,�r�/""� � I"r/{✓/F%'-� ��r nL!��/'A7 !IA i i!' �� !'::�". rr� l J �I ��t /eN- i / '�a SW �. TYPE OF BUILDING i � �Y �f G ` l, !�/L.L' t / r C_..C-7�✓ � l�L�/"_I' `��. \..C.L4r/ 'V(`� �` • �..4..,,--^ S. ���W I SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS . ,9 l 3S�G1 "o� 7 3 , 29/— c�. e c G ((<;F" 162 d•1.i E-- ' / 71,qS . r- -�-- '7`,, �� ln9Crr--k,7- Gr 00 —G/2 D C�'03:�C h cll/ f L �/i�'I��Pa�o✓Sri c ----- - /3 �l--L 1�7 35"�cl�rc»r/ , 7rf oaG cc i AGE BUILDING CONDITION - EW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE \RM ! Acre Volue Per Value --�; Acre !able I FRONTAGE ON WATER / v ' i J )odland i FRONTAGE ON ROAD adowland DEPTH 2- BULKHEAD BULKHEAD yt,o "01 i `' `� DOCK .•� ply.• �r�'.:.. �A7:,,N�` ■■� Tom ■■■■ ■ ■� ■■ ■� ■ COLOR TRIM Extension ■ �■■ M. BIdg- Extension IFoundationjBoth Porch Basement Floors PorchInterior BreezewayPlace HeatD• TotalGarage Type Roof 5 Rooms 1st Floor 113P, Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B 0. B. Dormer Driveway i RECEIVED G TEST HOLE BY: McDONALD GEOSCIENCE 04 APPROXIMATE LOCATION fit• Ops p00 DATE: APRIL 1`0, 2017 F 2020 of WELL HEAD 1(�Do�pg.OpQYL'I H �OOp-pSNatl 0�l,Rl,Lt. w EL 10.0 �3GEL1 tiO SM BROWN SILTY SAND. w Z ni Board Of Appeals �;SANITARY SYSTEM �/� m��' - EL 3.0 - _�� �00��0_4. OOPNOT LOCATABLE• vg � SW BROWN FINE TO I COARSE: SAND. �� p51 0 Y04�OKG , y. - EL. 0.6 tppu°Kv N & ARS I tio/ WATER IN PALE BROWN 1f o r� OV Zo SW FINE TO COARSE SAND. EL1 Nx� �1 S 1 ep B'�B�T ��o ',� EL-7.0 q,� 0WATR II I f ��IN ry ,° r 9.4 tE BELOW ENCOUNTERED R ACE ���,L I I I �yofti• �� °' I�EE�I ° ��ti i � yy 00 0 I pe• IIII I I GUY-� PROPOSED No;1 WIRE Y BW > 'W DT TRENCH DRAIN LOT COVERAGE L'RAGE CALCULATIONS: LOT AREA: ±18,945.81 'Sq.Ft. = 0.43 ACRES FRAME DWELLING =2,030.12 Sq.Ft. o• PROPOSED w __ _ WOOD_-DECK _ _ = 336.00- Sq.Ft. 1000 GALLON ° III \ \ PROPANE TANK i rt COVERED PORCH+STEP= 171.33 Sq.Ft. II P.LINE I STEPS+LANDINGS = 83.00 Sq.Ft. 4 PROPOSED• yiETAINING WALL f D�PELLING FOOD STEPS = 59.45 Sq.Ft. w `AS'REQU[RRD rA 1 (T, CELLAR ENTRANCE = 55.00 Sq.Ft. W. 11.5) 1 I! o / WM WATER A IMry 1 \ I I N j 1000-DONOR OR06,00 -03FORMRLYO *SHOWER = 21.00 Sq.Ft. ,corPROPOSED- I TH DAVID & MARHYN FUHRMANN TOTAL AREAS =2.755.90 Sq Ft GAS LINE 10.0 ti� PROPOSED •LOT COVERAGE = 14.54% \ IALDNG WAIL MIN. G 41LI E I ti° RETAINING WALL FLAG 1 \ b ` I / �J C AS REQUIRED 10.0 2tt Lm (T.W. 11.5) I No'2 PROPOSED IN G G "' -EXISTING------ HYDRO-ACTION SANITARY SYSTEM JAN I/A. 150 t. ±1191±. TO BE ABAN1ONED ."j 110 i123tt. r f o -0 PROPOSED 4It. 11'�APPROXIMATE LOCATION ; D1STR UTION BOX. R OF WELL HEAD , o PROPOSED HYDRO-ACTION CONTROL PANEL AND 9'6q,`y L� AIR PUMP ON 3V'x38'x6" WITH 0x8 10/10 WIRE; y : PRO .22.5fl ±27.4 5.6 , / POSED AIR VENT EAT pROPOSED N FRAAiE II BUILDING 18" ABOVE GRADE K SHED I WITH CHARCOAL FILTER. ° ENLARGED PROPOSED 4.9 '� IF6A� #2B -`� �;GARAGEi$ DRIVEWAY SUNROOM No:3 �, DW N'(ExGF 13.7)"/ 5.7 � f3 �°i /PROPOSEb' /i�iiyiiiiyi 40 APPROXIMATE LOCATION ' o 4 'g-1, % SHOWER / I;I I Id i 14 I f3? ,.,,% r 23.4 OF SANITARY SYSTEM I PROPOSED _ /.;PROPOSED!'i'''" �� t92rk '� fo rTTt PROPOSED I CELLAR ENTRY L_ ��;2ndSTORN ili�lii STONE WALKWAY flOptt' fl 0x5.5 ;//,/ADDITIONOr CO i//" ''4 x I OWER _x_14 B /%/�,'PROPOSED'/,,i , /. SEE NOTES, PROPOSED ///COYER�D PORC1Li B,DD 150ft. / / WOOD DECK F S" N -t YiSTINF vn OT!iR1:-SANITARY SYSTEUR �/ -- I:XIalII�G 1 STORY-, y /FRAME DWELLING/-- 'X WELL HEAD _ WITHIN 1501k OF WELL READ. /(E.FF 16.4-Ex.RG 20.9)/A DW w = =/ /, !//10.0 ii I4.0- 1/1.25 o/15.45 .: 17. Ag C+'j -I---f41--I-� DW ` OT � A I \ INC n jI �SEENOT - 1 eco_12 10 I * ref �. -8 III EXISTING EXISTING - - - - r l 8-- E ,I, STEPS--COMPOSITE 0 i - _ -_-4 No:4 _STEPS AND_' °' i ' No; - =2----- o13,�t�y� _ LANDINGS FLASL � , q_-j, � - NlNG:S S �0°20 16 ' CALCULATED- 117.44 ARSHAMOMAQUE POND (1201-DEED) (LONG CREEK) - (UNDERWATER LAND) ^6 FLOATING WOOD DOCK METAL RAMP �� I 20.0x0 0 2.7x12.3 �' DOCK 501s ' t48.9S NOTES: ± •PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM DESIGN, DRAINAGE DESIGN & RETAINING WALL DESIGN AS PER SITE PLAN BY JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E., DATED: DECEMBER 20, 2017. •EXISTING SANITARY SYSTEM IS TO BE PROPERLY- ABANDONED. •EXISTING WELL LOCATION PROVIDED BY HOMEOWNER. •SANITARY LOCATIONS & WELL LOCATIONS FOR ALL THE SURROUNDING = - DWELLINGS ARE AS PER OLD SURVEYS, FIELD LOCATIONS AND AS PER OTHERS. •MARK-OUT NOT DONE AT THIS TIME. SURVEYOR IS' NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SANITARY DESIGN: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES. • EXISTING CHIMNEY * SHOWER TO BE REMOVED IN THEIR ENTIRETY. (THREE BEDROOM SYSTEM), N: (DESIGN RO AS' PER JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E) APPLICANT-OWNERS: DRAWING INFORMATIO •(1) HYDRO-ACTION AN400. ANDREW E. TOGA & LINDA M. TOGA SCALE: 1"=30' DRAWN BY: R.K.H. •(1) 4'0"DIAMETER DISTRIBUTION BOX. FILE No.: Q199-11 •(3) LEACHING GALLEYS - 4'0"DEEP. PROPERTY INFORMATION: DATE: JUNE 16, 2011 • (1) EXPANSION GALLEY. UPDATED: APRIL 12, 2017 AREA TO DEED LINES: 20',899.08± Sq.FL=0.48± AC. ADDITIONAL MAPPING:SEPTEMBER 12,2017 ® NEW- ELEVATIONS � IN NAVD88 ADDITIONAL MAPPING:NOVEMBER 1, 2017 �g��t4 G'He 0'P LISA McQUILIIN E ADDITIONAL MAPPING:DECEMBER 5 2017 b ADDITIONAL MAPPING:JANUARY 26, 2018 w m LAND SURVEYING SURVEY OF ADDITIONAL MAPPING: MAY 25, 2018 _-�---"---- - ------ -DESCRIBED. PROPERTY ADDITIONAL MAPPING: MAY 31, 2018 274 EAST MAIN STREET AT SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, ADDITIONAL MAPPING: JULY 17, 2018EAST ISLIP, N.Y. 11730 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK �' ```'_ TEL: 63'1-277-3605 SCTM: 1000-051.00-06.00-040.000 ��� ��D25���"�� FAX: 631-277-3906 x UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7200 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAT.COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED OR EMBOSSED SEAL ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO BE A TRUE VALID COPY,DISTANCES SHOWN FJIM, PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE.FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE,AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE IN THE ERECTION OF FENCES OR OTHER STRUCTURES CERTIFICATION INDICTED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM TIB.SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF THR COMPANY OR AGENCIES LISTED HERRON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION,CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS 2425 MILL CREEK- DRIVE, SOUTHOLD /• T01R1�; � ��, TOY( e ��rcw 1"4p?d-aL G' 4 dry \ 25A D (J EASTMSHORES CONDOM (C ' (COMMONAREi) FOR UNITS SEE Wi SEC.NO.05101 � � I r - SEE SEC.NO.135 - 19A(Ol g • � 129 `b �1p _._� , s csr yp FOR PCL NO.� o SEE SEC-NO. I o S Tt 121p 13A 9+ D52-D6-001I w U1�G g = y IRE 1211 w YNllb a � . - $vV►LDgERR 1z.13 •1z.12'� a�aP y s - 1s 4.14 12- �� s' 1G •'>��' +' 8 +s 107A ENf RIG �. DEw-� ,5' �y� � a�8• 12.16 $, 13 GA (AGRICULTURALRESERVE) X11 ,1 �' R 'ia� 9 •✓ ,�'G'•y n8 �+R1 1.13 �,o b� '•a s \ 3 s DUN, •a G�• MEL TBGHT51 4 p. - P`l © 1 7!/� It=J y \ e- g FOR PCL NO- 1— ,a e SEE SEC 4A ,b 052-0!;0011 3 5.1 J �, s+ ^� 7 FOR PCL NO �V\ a C-- •Yr+E� s� SEE SEC NO. zrT 'r 'b 055-03.0002 rb •1' g` J 02 4.15 8 MATCH LINE +e n +es 8 R yQ J N 316382 NOTICE Amy COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K 130 TOWN OF SODT}1OLD SECTION NO 1ER Nevi MAI TENANCE,ALTERATION,SALE OR E r o Real Property Tax Service Agency Y 135 052 IEli DISTRIBUTION ALTERATION, PORTION Of THE TVILLAGE OF 115E SUFFOLK COUNTY TM MAP IS PROHIBITED Caunty Center Riverhead,N Y 11901 050 051 6r R WTHOUT MITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ,,(�. 4waewFFtT A M 051 S�QS 2m 20o am REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICEAGENCV _6Y/ P 054 055 056 DISTRICT NO 1000 PROPERTY MAP LTX ERSK)N DATE W1151018 t BOARD MEMBERS ���f so(/ryo Southold Town Hall �� 53095 Main Road •P.O.Box 1179 Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson .Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. 0Ice, 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento Q(f(uT( Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 29, 2020 Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 Bruce Anderson Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 2003 Bridgehampton,NY 11932 Re: G�nimus Requ t Denie , ile#7219 425 Mill Cr e, Southold M No. 1000-51-6-40 Dear Mr.Anderson; We are in receipt of your correspondence dated January 9,2020 requesting a de minimus approval for a full demolition of the above referenced single family dwelling,together th the existing foundation. In your letter wi you,explain that after receiving a variance in December of 2018,for alterations and additions to the dwelling, water damage had occurred during the fall of 2019,after the house was drained of water and heat was shut off. You further explain that water had seeped through the concrete block foundation causing mold problems and structural deterioration, all of which would require the replacement of the foundation and demolition of the dwelling. We reviewed your letter and the Zoning Board of Appeals determinations No. 7219, dated December 20,2018. The applicant was granted relief for less than the code required rear yard setback for additions and alteration to an existing single family dwelling and expansion of the attached frame garage. Accordingly,no demolition of the entire structure was proposed or anticipated. Moreover, a demolition and rebuild of an entire structure is not considered an alteration. It is the Building Department's assessment that once a structure is demolished,the corresponding certificate of occupancy will be extinguished and a notice of disapproval may issue if area variances are required to rebuild. This decision is consistent with other determinations we have issued to applicants having identical circumstances, and,therefore,we concur with the Building Department's decision. As a result,the proposed change is not de minimus in nature. Should you wish to pursue the rebuilding of a single family'dwelling and attached garage,you will need variance relief with a new application and a public hearing. Please contact our office for any additional'questions or concerns. Si s ie Kane Weisma Chairperson cc: Michael Verity,Building Department r Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village Suite E 2310 Main Street PO Box 2003 • Bridgehampton NY 11932-2003 t 631.537.5160 f 631.537.5291 RECEIVED Bruce Anderson,M.S.,President [JAN o � 7-020HAND DELIVEREDZZ d. `1 'r�ri5�d""�_, 2020 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals P. O. Box 2003 Southold, NY 11932 Re. Toga (ZBA Decision#7219) Situate: 2425 Mill Creek Drive,Southold SCTM# 1000-51-6-40 Dear Members of the Board, On December 24, 2018,Andrew and Linda Toga obtained a zoning variance from your Board authorizing the construction of various additions and alterations to their residence including the removal or demolition of the sunroom and outdoor shower, expanding the size of the garage and adding a second floor.The variance provided for a 38.9-foot rear yard setback where 50-feet is required. The project has been the subject to other permit approvals including the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Last fall, in anticipation of the construction start,the water was drained from all lines, and the heat shut off in the house. In the course of 3 to 4 months,water seeped through the concrete block foundation causing a mold problem and structural deterioration of the block foundation. Accordingly,the foundation must be replaced,and in order to do so,the dwelling must be demolished. Attached herewith please find correspondence from Robert Barrett, P.E. dated December 24, 2019 recommending the demolition of the residence and construction of a new foundation. Request is hereby made for a de minimis approval of the project recognizing the demolition of the entire structure now required as a result of the deteriorated foundation.The footprint as approved by your board would remain unchanged. Thank you for your understanding and consideration of this de minimis request. ours truly, Bruce A.Anderson Cc. A.Toga Robert Barratt PE. 4295 Vanston, Road Cutchogue, NY 11935, 12-24-19 To: Southold Town Building Department, Zoning Board and Trustee's Ref Foundation Inspection Location: Toga Residence 2425 Mill Creek Drive West Southold, NY 11971 Building Permit# 43318 SCTM# 1000-51-06-40 lo, Whom It May Concern: 4n December 23rd, 2019 Andrew Toga requested me to do an inspection of the basement in his residence located at the address above. During the inspection, moisture and the development of mold on the interior of the basement walls was noted. This is due to the failure of the exterior waterproofing over the years and was not noticed while the house was occupied and heated. The moisture in the block foundation has caused irreversible damage to the structural integrity of the foundation as the mortar joints are developing cracks from the moisture and the cold. It is my belief that building on this foundation would not be a good engineering practice. Therefore, I am recommending that the foundation at the Toga residence be demolished and a new foundation installed prior to commencing construction. �POF NEW), Sincerely �� O. aq * 4 � Robert Barratt PE. 08 8 ����zlF. A I J BOARD MEMBERS 0f SOUj Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson y,�` �S'p 53095 Main Road-P.O.Box 1179 �O l0 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acamporat Office Location: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. �� 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento COU Southold,Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVED _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Q (� Tel.(631)765.1809-Fax(631)765-9064 Ul T`�'� 9' ( � DEC 2 4 20168 FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION - �. Y" MEETING OF DECEMBER 20,2018 So hold Town Clerk ZBA FILE: 7219 NAME OF APPLICANT: Andrew and Linda Toga, PROPERTY LOCATION: 2425 Mill Creek Drive, Southold SCTM No. 1000-51-6-40 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions,without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23,-and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated August 23, 2018 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: This application was refeired for review under Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated November 26, 2018. Based upon the information provided,on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted,as well as the records available, it is the Coordinator's recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. The Coordinator further recommended that this Board verify that the relocated outdoor shower be connected to a drywell. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The subject property is a nonconforming 25,307 sq. ft. parcel having 100 feet frontage along the southeast side of Mill Creek Drive West,Arshamomaque, Southold, and is improved with a one and one half story frame house with garage. The property measures 212 feet south of Mill Creek Drive West to Arshamomaque Pond,then runs westerly 117.44 feet,then runs 185.55 feet north to Mill Creek Drive West, and back 100 feet along Mill Creek Drive West all as shown on survey prepared by Lisa McQuilkin, L.S., last revised July 17,2018. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for a Variance from Article XXIII, Section 280-124 and the Building Inspector's May 16, 2018, Amended August 1, 2018,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a building permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling, at; 1) located less than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet; at: 2425 Mill Creek Drive, (Adj. to Arshamomaque Pond) Southold,NY. SCTM#1000-51-6-40. RELIEF REOUESTED: The applicants request a variance to complete additions and alterations to their residence by removing the existing sunroom and outdoor shower, expanding the size of the garage, and adding a second floor. The existing residence currently measures 38.9 feet from the rear yard property line at its closest point, and Page 2, December_20, 2018 #7219,Toga SCTM No. 1000-51-6-40 the applicants wish to construct a second story addition that will measure 41 feet from the rear property line where no less 50 feet is required;therefore,variance relief is sought for the rear yard setback. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The owner's representative gave testimony as to the nature of the variance request and stated that the proposed renovations would be built with the addition of an advanced septic system that is currently in the SCDHS Board of Review for approval. The representative also acknowledged that if the existing residence was demolished for any reason at all, they would have to return to this board for further review. As a comparable, the applicants' representative submitted a prior variance granted for a neighboring property to legalize an as built deck addition measuring less than 50 feet from the rear property line. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on December 6,2018 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(1). Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The proposed additions and alterations will be either landward of the existing residence, or within the current building footprint. Furthermore, the second floor addition does not further encroach into the rear yard than the existing dwelling. 2. Town Law &267-b(3)W(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The existing footprint of the residence is being used for the proposed construction, which would need an rear yard setback variance to proceed. 3. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(3). The variance granted herein is mathematically substantial, representing 20.5% relief from the code. However, due to the existence of the current residence, the proposed additions and alterations are not going to change the current setback. 4. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(4). No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code and the recommendations of the LWRP,as noted on their November 26, 2018 Memorandum. 5. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(5). The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. 6. Town Law 5267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of the proposed additions and alterations for a second floor and an expanded garage while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Lehnert, seconded by Member,and duly carried,to GRANT the variance as applied for, and shown on the survey prepared by Lisa McQuilkin, Land Surveyor, last revised July 17, 2018, and plans prepared by Robert 0. Barratt, L.P.E. of Kehl Design Associates dated May 18, 2018. f� Page 3, December 20, 2018 #7219, Toga SCTM No. 1000-51-6-40 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Building Department to verify that the outdoor shower is connected to a drywell as per recommendations of the LWRP Coordinator. 2. The applicant shall install an alternative waste water treatment system as approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variances)granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. In the event that this is an approval subject to conditions, the approval shall not be deemed effective until such time that the foregoing conditions are met; and failure to comply therewith will render this approval null and void. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three (3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3) consecutive one (1)year terms. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Dantes(Vice Chair), Acampora, Planamento and Lehnert. This Resolution was duly adopted (4-0). (Chairperson Weisman absent) Eric L. Dantes, Vice Chair Approved for filing �-/ 2-� /2018 TEST HOLE BY: G McDONALD GEOSCIENCE APPROXIMATE LOCATION Dom' ' Op5-00 DATE: APRIL 10, 2017 OF WELL HEAD .s TIEo�pg,0 o_.,�TLL`I �OOL�D NG�CI+CtT� � • * EL. 10.0 Etl �p SM BROWN SILTY SAND. C,wtC EL 3.0 NOT LOCATABLE.SANITARY SYSTEM � '�\ BROWN FINE TO � V Q► F+►��" Opo p00 y,/,'� COARSE SAND. 0.6 051L.00 (01u""' G ' pOR _„ci1L0� y' HATER IN PALE BROWN 10 g tom° DGE OY �o �,�+ FINE TO COARSE SAND. SW �+5� EL.-7.0 o / c WATER ENCOUNTERED I O 5V 9.4fL BELOW SURFACE I CgSE& ,,�t� ti ���,L I � � 150ft• °, ° l�E��� ° ��ti III �°y GUY!��� °PROPOSED WIRE - p0 TRENCH DRAIN 15. 0 -- N I ��3�5�'S0 L DW W1 DT o LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS: A LOT AREA: ±18,945.81 Sq.FL = 0.43 ACRES °f g19\ \\ °• PROPOSED FRAME DWELLING =2,030.12 Sq.Ft. I 1000 GALLON w6�.�A WOOD DECK = 336.00 Sq.Ft. I I I y PROPANE TANK i o COVERED PORCH+STEP= 171.33 Sq.Ft. P.LINE I STEPS+LANDINGS = 83.00 Sq.Ft. I 41 PROPOSED °c / WOOD STEPS = 59.45 Sq.Ft. ry �tETAINING WALL .l DWELLING CELLAR ENTRANCE = 55.00 Sq.Ft. (I AS REQUIRED 1 ti I 1 (T.W. 11.5) I �1 f o °o / 1000-0511..000-06.LL 00-°39.000 SHOWER = 21.00 Sq.Ft. PRC rosED I I N DAVID a�NOWMeRH°nFORMERLY MexN •TOTAL AREAS =2,755.90 Sq.Ft. GAS LINE •LOT COVERAGE = 14.54% (ALONG WALL MITI G 4RI E I ti°�� RETAINING WALL CAS REQUIRED BAG \ io.o 2 (T.W. 11.5) I No:2 PROPOSED IN G / G "" EYISfING' HYDRO-ACTION SANITARY SYSTEM IAN 0 I/A. �150ft. t118fk TO BE ABANDONED ti J 1 f t1231[L 90ft //�/. PROPOSED 41L tiAr APPSOX WELL LOCATION OF WELL HEAD o �4�v/ / ��3g �� •` e 21 • _ D� UTION BOX. UTE PROPOSED HYDRO-ACTION CONTROL PANEL AND RECEIVED m / 0 ry x/`22.58 / ±27.4 J 5.AIR PUMP ON 36"x36"x6" MM 8x8 10/10 WDIE. /J / /r / PROPOSED AIR VENT AT /' '" ' ?FRAME BUILDING 18" ABOVE GRADE PROPOSED/ SHED FEB caZO a WITH CHARCOAL FILTER. ° e GARAGE d PROPOSED 4.9 r' ii tiI �/(GF 13.7)/= DRIVEWAY E� NROOM Nolf39 j Og?' PROPOSED/' APPROXIMATE LOCATION zoningl-3oard Of AppL'61s SHOWER'] 23.4 OF SANITARY SYSTEM - ni PROPOSE 4.00 �g?+ t92fL `�I liftI I PROPOSED COVERED PORCH= i PROPOSED Ogtt I CELLAR ENTEY� o STONE WALKWAY tl R Z / SHOWER . 14.0- / SEE NOTES PROPOSED PROPOSED s.nD 150ft. % / WOOD DECK j,;2-STORY/;/,/ ,� EXISTING NO OTHER SANITARY SYSTEMS _ +dT rG/,i,, ^a• WELL HEAD WI':'BLF; lo0nt.OF W'$ST IIs�Ah. No: 2425/ IyR /(FF 16.4) i DW W _.14.0= i 14.25 /oi 15.45 10.051 17• w o I I 1 1 � I '� ,�•� 1°' � �0 moi., o W pmt41 DW , G LIM A 1 1 \ o CHIMNEY �•y N H -SEE NOTES- C; +'iw _ �12 10 Z 1 h1 1 \ \ �� - /•� _ - - - - - -e 1 li � EXISTING 'EYISTING WOOD`EPS-COMPOSITE No:4 _� _STEPS AND_ °' - - - =L---_ °13..t4y�\ �_ _LANDINGS NOS - _=-�s�t - _ _ No:5 S 0020'16"- ULATED- 117.44 NNol ARSHAMOMAQUE POND (120±-DEED) (LONG CREEK) - (UNDERWATER LAND) S6 FLOATING METAL RAMP tiff WOOD DOCK i 20.Ox6.O 2.7xL2.31; NOTES: t°soiiltiI '�;,tnlb t4s 9S •PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM DESIGN, DRAINAGE DESIGN & RETAINING WALL DESIGN AS PER SITE PLAN BY JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E., DATED: DECEMBER 20, 2017. •EXISTING SANITARY SYSTEM IS TO BE PROPERLY ABANDONED. •EXISTING WELL LOCATION PROVIDED BY HOMEOWNER. •SANITARY LOCATIONS & WELL LOCATIONS FOR ALL THE SURROUNDING DWELLINGS ARE AS PER OLD SURVEYS, FIELD LOCATIONS AND AS PER OTHERS. •MARK-OUT NOT DONE AT THIS TIME. SURVEYOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SANITARY DESIGN: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES. •EXISTING CHIMNEY & SHOWER TO BE REMOVED IN THEIR ENTIRETY. (THREE BEDROOM SYSTEM) APPLICANT-OWNERS: DRAWING INFORMATION: ::� (DESIGN AS PER JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E) •(1) HYDRO-ACTION AN400. ANDREW E. TOGA & LINDA M. TOGA SCALE: 1"=30' DRAWN BY: R.K.H. *(I) 4'0"DIAMETER DISTRIBUTION BOX. FILE No.: Q199-11 •(3) LEACHING GALLEYS N 4'0"DEEP. PROPERTY INFORMATION: DATE: JUNE 16, 2011 •(1) TANBION GALLEY. UPDATED: APRIL 12, 2017 AREA TO DEED LINES: 20,899.08# Sq.FL=0.48± AC. ADDITIONAL MAPPING:SEPTEMBER 12,2017 G• � �� ELEVATIONS IN NAVD88 ADDITIONAL MAPPING:NOVEMBER 1, 2017 ����`�� , � LISA McQUIIMN ADDITIONAL MAPPING:DECEMBER 5, 2017 LAND SURVEYING SURVEY OF ADDITIONAL MAPPING:JANUARY 26, 2018 ADDITIONAL MAPPING: MAY 25, 20181 274 EAST MAIN STREET DESCRIBED PROPERTY ADDITIONAL MAPPING: MAY 31, 2018 AT SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, ADDITIONAL MAPPING: JULY 17, 2018 vk e o� EAST ISLIP, N.Y. 11730 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ADDITIONAL MAPPING: FEBRUARY 21, 2020 w� TEL: 631-277-3605 SCTM: 1000-051.00-06.00-040.000 \ ska L4dD FAX: 631-277-3906 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEN YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW.COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS INKED OR EMBOSSED SEAL ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO BE A TRUE VALID COPY,DISTANCES SHOWN FROM PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE,AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE IN THE ERECTION OF FENCES OR OTHER STRUCTURES,CERTIFICATION INDICTED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF,TO THE COMPANY OR AGENCIES LISPED HEREON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS 2425 MILL CREEK DRIVE, SOT OLD GENERAL NOTES: SAFETY NOTES:RESIDENTIAL RENOVATION&CONSTRUCTION a ." ' 'fY% �g CONTRACTOR N0TES � �` ��°�I� �`� � f General Notes 1 GENERAL ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, 2015 INTERNATIONAL `�'+ �_�-_ � r,>l v RESIDENTIAL CODE WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT, AND REGULATIONS OF ALL OTHER AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION GENERAL NOTES Wool All studs to be SPF #2 or better, and all other structural wood to be Douglas Fir#2 or better 2 FIRE SAFETY T ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM O THE REQUIREMENTS F THE TOWN U 50UTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, 2015 2 All structural wood shall be ,n accordance with the notional design specifications for wood construction - latest edition A ALL BUILDING MATERIALS WHICH ARE STORED AT THE SITE OR ANT AREA OF THE BUILDING ARE TO BE STORED IN KEHL DEIGN ASSOCIATES LLC INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE WITH THE UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT, FIRE DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS, 9 P / UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS, AND THE BEESTST TRADE PRACTICES B LOCKED AREA Y resbem�a a aommere,a eevea•aoravleaa 2 3 Nailing schedule shall be in accordance with the specified code C ALL MATERIALS TO BE STORED IN AN ORDERLY FASHION BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE ALL REQUIRED INSURANCE CERTIFICATES WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF 4 Pre-manufactured trusses BUILDINGS, OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED INSURANCE CERTIFICATES WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERMITS, a All trusses shall be "she etl" D ALL FLAMMABLE MATERIALS TO BE KEPT TIGHTLY SEALED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE MANUFACTURER'S CONTAINERS SUCH PO Box 1675 phone 16311433 9094 3 AND PAY ALL as shown on architectural crass sections FEES REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, AGENCIES b Trusses shall bear a soca number and shall be manufactured e a registered manufacturer MATERIALS ARE TO BE KEPT AWAY FROM HEAT Southold,New Yoh 11971 E-Mal sbn654W`oplon,enel MINOR DETAILS NOT USUALLY SHOWN OR SPECIFIED, BUT REQUIRED FOR PROPER CONSTRUCITON OF ANY PART OF THE WORK 5 Erect and brace trusses in accordance to truss late institute recommendations E ALL FLAMMABLE MATERIALS TO BE USED AND STORED IN ADEQUATELY VENTILATED SPACE SHALL BE INCLUDED AS IF THEY WERE INDICATED IN THE DRAWINGS P F ALL ELECTRICAL POWER TO BE SHUT OFF WHERE THERE ARE EXPOSED CONDUITS XeN cee,9nmsormes ue.lnameMOA XA::ocare:ue 4 6 Plywood sheathing '9n THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK PROCEDURES WITH THE STIPULATIONS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES, AND OWNER Yw 9 G ALL ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA TO BE SHUT OFF AFTER WORKING HOURS WN HI rk US 0 UMENI g a All plywood shall be al accordance with the American Plywood Association (APA) e Plyscacrostions CONTRACTOR AT ALL TIMES, TO ENSURE THERE IS NO NATURAL GAS LEAKAGE IN THE BUILDINGS, OR ANY FLAMMABLE These drawings and specifications includingthe THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL CONDITIONS AND MATERIALS WITHIN THE PROPOSED b Plywood sheathing shall be continuous over two or more spans with grain of {ace plys across supports gs p CONSTRUCTION AREA THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN AND INSTALL ADEQUATE SHORING AND BRACING FOR ALL STRUCTURAL OR corporation or equal GAS TO BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION Ideas design and arrangements represeted REMOVAL TASKS THE CONTRACTOR THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURIES CAUSED BY therein are the property or KEHL DESIGN OR DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK 7 All sills shall be pressure preservative treated (4 PSF retention) SYP #2 or better 3 DUST CONTROL ASSOCIATES,LLC No part thereof shall be 6 copied disclosed to others.1 used in connection THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT HIS OWN WORK, AND SHALL AND SHALL PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS REQUIRED FOR OTHER TRADES 8 Design values A DEBRIS, DIRT AND DUST TO BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM AND CONFINED TO THE IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION AREA thethhave been work or protect other than for which Y prepared without written consent PLUMBING, ELECTRICALS, ETC o Framing Lumber DF (north) No 2 or better B CONTRACTOR TO ISOLATE CONTRUCTION AREA FROM OCCUPIED BUILDING AREA BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY PARTITIONS OR 7 E = 1,600,000 PSI PLUMBING WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY PERSONS LICENSED IN THEIR TRADES, WHO SHALL ARRANGE FOR AND OBTAIN THROUGH Fv = 95 PSI- C HEAVY DROP CLOTHS 8 THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS ALL REQUIRED PERMITS INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SIGN OFFS Fb - 825 PSI DEBRIS, DIRT, AN DUST TO BE CLEANED UP AND CLEARED FROM THE BUILDING SITE PERIODICALLY TO AVOID EXCESSIVE ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BE PERSONS LICENSED IN THEIR TRADES, WHO SHALL ARRANGE FOR AND OBTAIN 9 Design values ACCUMULATION THROUGH THE BUREAU OF ELECTRICAL CONTROL ALL REOUIRED PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SIGN OFFS a Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) 9 E = 1,900,000 PSI 4 NOISE AFTER HOURS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO ALL CUTTING, PATCHING, REPAIRING AS REQUIRED TO PERFORM ALL OF THE WORK INDICATED ON THE Fv = 285 PSI 10 pRAWINGS, AND ALL OTHER WORK THAT MAY BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE JOB Fb = 2600 PSI A CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WILL BE CONFINED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS 8AM TO 6PM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY, B EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS ALL PIPING AND WIRING SHALL BE REMOVED TO POINT OF CONCEALMENT AND SHALL BE PROPERLY CAPPED OR PLUGGED KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC.NOTE 11 CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM ALL AFFECTED PARTIES TO WORK OTHER THAN REGULAR HOURS ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ESTABLISHED FROM THE FINISH LEVEL OF THE FIRST FLOOR VARIATIONS TO THE HEIGHT OF THE FINISH LEVEL KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES L.L.C. AND THERE ASSOCIATED ENGINEER ARE NOT OVERSEEING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS BUILDING OF THE FIRST FLOOR ARE TO BE REVIEWED FOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER AND KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC NO CONSTRUCTION THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS BY ANY CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, BUILDER, TRADESMAN OR WORKER SHALL INSTIGATE A HOLD 5 CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WILL NOT INVOLVE INTERRUPTION OF HEATING, WATER, OR ELECTRICAL SERVICES TO THE OWNER WILL BE ALLOWED TO COMMENCE UNTIL THIS HEIGHT IS APPROVED HARMLESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DRAWING USER AND KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC - CONSTRUCTION WORK WILL BE CONFINED TO THE WORK ISSUED, AND WILL NOT CREATE DUST, DIRT, OR OTHER SUCH 12 INCONVENIENCES TO THE OTHER NEIGHHBORS ' THE CONTRACTOR IN COORDINATING THE WORK WILL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER'S ATTENTION FOR IMMEDIATE THE USER SHALL IN FACT AGREE TO HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC HARMLESS FOR ANY RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES AND FOR ANY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS 13 IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK AND FURTHER SHALL HOLD THE ARCHITECT HARMLESS FOR COSTS AND PROBLEMS ARISING FROM 6 SPECIAL SAFETY NOTES THE CONTRACTOR WILL COORDINATE THE ROUTING AND PLACEMENT OF ALL UTILITY LINES WITH THIS AND RELATED SITE WORK, AND THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, TRADESMAN, OR WORKMAN THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS ALSO IMPLIES ALL CONTRACTORS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES WORKING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL AT ALL TIMES PRIOR AND DURING THE COURSE HE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DISCONNECTIONS, RECONNECTIONS, AND STARTUPS THAT KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC SHALL TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PLAN USER'S FAILURE TO CARRY OUT THE WORK IN OF THEIR ACTIVITY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES AS WELL AS OTHERS AND IN THE CARE OF THE 14 ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWING OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PROPERTY EACH AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THEIR EMPLOYEES SHALL ASCERTAIN THAT THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THEY WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR WILL COORDINATE THE ROUTING AND PLACEMENT OF ELECTRICAL---PLUMBING-'A'ND HVAC EQUIPMENT WITH REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR WORK ARE SAFE WITHIN GOOD SAFETY PRACTICES AND MEET ALL CONCERNED REGULATIONS OF ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES AND STRUCTURE ANY CONFBI TrVILL BE BROUGHT TO THEI ENGINEER'S A ENTION FOR IMMEDIATE THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HAZARD ACT OR OTHER GOVERNING REGULATIONS THE BEGINNING OF WORK BY A CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION �:r.'• 1- - - DOCUMENT NOTES SHALL INDICATE SATISFACTION CONCERNING SAFETY AND FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCIDENTS OR DAMAGE IF UNSATISFIED, THE WORK NOTES THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS ALSO, THE CLIENT AGREES, CONTRACTOR SHALL INDICATE WHATEVER ACTION NECESSARY, OR RENDER SAFETY CONDITIONS FOR LIFE AND PROPERTY AS ARE RELATED TO HIS ACTIVITY IF THE WORK OF OTHER PARTIES OUTSIDE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS UPON INSPECTION FOUND AT ANY TIA THE FULLEST EXTENT IN THE LAW, L INDEMNIFY AND HOLD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLC HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIM, TIME TO BE UNSAFE, HE SHOULD STOP WORK IMMEDIATELY AND NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC, _ LIABILITY OR COST INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS OF DEFENSE, FOR THE INJURY OR ECONOMIC LOSS OR OWNER THE BEGINNING OF WORK SHALL INDICATE SATISFACTION WITH CONDITIONS AND ACCEPTANCE OF THESE REQUIREMENTS ['EJ *� vL y ARISING OR ALLEGEDLY ARISING OUT OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT - -NOT FOR i s 7 PROVIDE SINGLE OR MULTIPLE-STATION SMOKE ALARMS AS WELL AS CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS CONSTRUCTION SINGLE AMC) MULTIPLE-STATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT USE UNLESS _ .Ya- C)j P': i5i1L5G AND GEOGRAPHIC DE51GN CRITERIA NOTE FIRE BLOCKING IS TO BE INSTALLED TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED S �. cftoutMD i 1i :SEISMI _ SUBJECT-T4DAMAGE FROM WINTER ICE SHIELDERLA_ RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT LOASNOW D S EEF CATEGO Y WEATHERING FRDEPTHOST NE TERMITE DECAY OTEMPN MENTDREOURED HFLOODS wICA EGORVURE PROFESSIONAL 25 lbs/sgft 130(mph) C SEVERE 1 3'-0" IMODERATE TO HEAVY SLIGHT TO MODERATE ll degrees YES 1984/1998 C DESIGN CRITERIA NOTE ALL ROOMS MEET OR EXCEED CHAPTER 12 OF THE 2105 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 ENGINEER TABLE 16071 -continued MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED UVE LOADS Lo UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT STANDARDS FOR THE NATURAL LIGHT AND VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN AND MINIMUM CONCENTRATED LIVE LOADS9 ALL STRUCTURES TO CONFORM WITH THE INTERNATICNAL RESIDENTIAL CODE OCCUPANCY OR USE UNIFORM CONCENTRATED SECTION 1609 WIND LOADS NOTE ALL ROOMS MEET OR EXCEED CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2105 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 USESUS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION(a) z5 RESIDENTIAL ONE T AND-TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (p.r) (pounds) UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT STANDARDS FOR EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE REQUIREMENTS UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE' 16091 2 PROTECTION OF OPENINGS USE OCCUPANCY 10 O WIND-BORNE DEBRIS REGIONS,GLAZING IN BUILDINGS SHALL BE IMPACT RESISTANT OR PROECTECED WITH AN IMPACT RESISTANT COVERING MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS RESIDENTIAL R-3(SINGLE FAMILY UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH LIMITED STORAGE' I K 20 OF AN APPROVED IMPACT RESISTANT STANDARD OR ASTM E 1996 AND ASTM 1886 REFERENCED HEREIN AS FOLLOWS, ALL SIMPSON HANGERS HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY AN ENGINEER TO HAVE A CAPACITY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION(CHAPTER 6) HABITABLE ATTICS AND SLEEPING AREASI, 301 GLAZED OPENINGS LOCATED WITHIN 30 FEET(9144ri OF GRADE SHALL MEET THE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE REQUIRED AMOUNT CALCULATED FOR EACH CASE TYPE - REQUIREMENTS OF THE LARGE MISSILE TEST OF ASTM E 1996 GROUP BALCONIES(EXTERIOR)AND DECKS (e) 40 2 GLAZED OPENINGS LOCATED MORE THAN 30 FEET(9144mm)ABOVE GRADE SHALL MEET THE PROVISIONS OF THE SMALL MISSILE TEST OF ASTM E 1996 NAILING NOTES v l B ALL OTHER AREAS 40 ALL MATERIAL TO BE NAILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NAILING SCHEDULE OF CHAPTER 23 OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL EXCEPTION RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT HEIGHT AND FIRE AREA STAIRS AND EXITS 40SOOT 1 WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 3Is INCH(111mm)AND ONE-AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS MAXIMUM PANAL SPAN OF 8 FEET(2438mm)SHALL BE PERMITTED FOR OPENING PROJECT PROTECTION IN BUILDINGS WITH A MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 33 FEET(10.058mm)OR N❑ SUBSTITUTIONS HEIGHT FIRE AREA FOR SI 1 INCH=25 4.. 1 SQUARE INCH=64516 mm' 1 SQUARE FOOT=00929 m? LESS THAT ARE CLASSIFIED AS A GROUP R-3 OR R-4 OCCUPANCY PANELS SHALL 1 POUND PER SQUARE FOOT=00479 AN/ms 1 POUND=0004448 INN BE PRECUT$0 THAT THEY SHALL BE ATTACHED TO FRAMING SURROUNDING THE ALI framing hardware shown on these plans, ®� HEIGHT.BUILDING. 1 POUND PER CUBIC FOOT=16 kg/M3 OPENING CONTAINING THE PRODUCT WITH THE GLAZED OPENING PANELS SHALL BE Unless otherwise Indicated, IS Simpson Strong-Tie THE VERTICAL DISTANCE FROM GRADE PREDRILLED AS REQUIRED FOR THE ANCHORAGE METHOD AND SHALL BE SECURED PLANE TO THE AVERAGE HEIGHT OF a THE CONCENTRATED WHEEL LOAD SHALL BE APPLIED ON AN AREA 45 INCHES BY WITH THE ATTACHMENT HARDWARE PROVIDED ATTACHMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED TO NO substitutions are UNLIMITED AREA approved or authorized THE HIGHEST ROOF SURFACE 45 INCHES RESIST THE COMPONENTS AND CLADDING LOADS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 3 STORY �E�I® p a =24-8"AS PER CHAPTER 5 OF THE THE PROVISIONS OF ASCE-7.WITH CORRISION-RESISTANT ATTACHMENT HARDWARE C ate® AS PER TABLE 506 2 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE i UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE MAXIMUM CLEAR HEIGHT PROVIDED AND ANCHORS PERMANENTLY INSTALLED ON THE BUILDING IS PERMITTED Due t0 the relationships of framing hardware to UPDATED WITH THE 2016 BETWEEN JOISTS AND RAFTERS IS LESS THAN 42 INCHES,OR WHERE THERE FOR BUILDINGS WITH A MEAD ROOF HEIGHT OF 45 FEET(13,716mm)OR LESS WHERE the other components of the structure, an fromin INTERNATIONAL CODE SUPPLEMENT, ARE NOT TWO OR MORE ADJACENT TRUSSES WITH WEB CONFIGURATION CAPABLE OF Voed DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1609 31 DOES NOT EXCEED 140 MPH y g ACCOMMODATING AN ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES IN WIDTH, (63 m/s) hardware substitutions wRI render these plans 2425 OR GREATER,WITHIN THE PLANE OF THE TRUSSES THIS LIVE LOAD NEED NOT BE ASSUMED null and Void, and WIC( result in the Installer/contractor TO ACT CONCURRENTLY WITH ANY OTHER LIVE LOAD REQUIREMENTS 2 GLAZING IN RISK CATEGORY I BUILDINGS INCLUDING GREENHOUSES THAT ARE assuming responsibility for the design and TOTAL HEIGHT FROM RIDGE TO GRADE 34'-1 ' J UNINHABITABLE ATTICS WITH STORAGE ARE THOSE WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT BETWEEN PUBLIC ACCESSOCCUPIED FOR GROWING SHALL BELANTS ON PERMITTEDATORBEUCTION OR UNPROTECTEDSEARCH BASIS,WTHOUT performance of the entire system MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST THE JOISTS AND RAFTERS IS 42 INCHES OR GREATER,OR WHERE THERE ARE TWO OR SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 MORE ADJACENT TRUSSES WITH WEB CONFIGURATIONS CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING AN 3 GLAZING IN RISK CATEGORY It IN OR IV BUILDINGS LOCATED OVER 60 FEET ASSUMED RECTANGLE 42 INCHES IN HEIGHT BY 24 INCHES IN W1DTH,OR GREATER,WITHIN (18.288mm)ABOVE THE GROUND AND OVER 30 FEET(9144mm)ABOVE AGGREGATE LUMBER SPECIES AND GRADE THE PLANE OF THE TRUSS SURFACE ROOFS LOCATED WITHIN 1,500 FEET(458m)OF SCTM:#051-06-040 THE BUILDING SHALL BE - THE LIVE LOAD NEED ONLY BE APPLIED TO THOSE PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS PERMITTED TO BE UNPROTECTED DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL r ALL HOUSE FRAMING MATERIAL DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH#2 AND BETTER BOTTOM CHORDS WHERE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE DRAWING TITLE i THE ATTIC AREA IS ACCESSIBLE FROM AN OPENING NOT LESS THAN 20 INCHES IN WIDTH LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL EXT DECK FRAMING MATERIAL CCA NO PINE q2 AND BETTER BY 30 INCHES IN LENGTH THAT IS LOCATED WHERE THE CLEAR HEIGHT IN THE ATTIC IS R THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE NOT LESS THAN 30 INCHES GENERAL NOTES n)THE SLOPES OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORDS ARE NOT GREATER THAN TABLE 15091 2 WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR WOOD 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) 2 INCHES VERTICAL TO 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL STRUCTUAL PANELS a,b.c,d THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THE JOISTS OR TRUSS BOTTOM CHORDS SHALL BE 2 AIS; STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - AREAS OF STRUCTURE DESIGNED FOR A UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED CONCURRENT LIVE LOAD OF NOT LESS FASTENER SPACING(INCHES) PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS AISIS-230 THAN 10 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT ( ) NOTES NEW CRAWL SPACE 6 sq IT K ATTIC SPACES SERVERED BY STAIRWAYS OTHER THAN PULL-DOWN SHALL BE DESIGNED FASTENER TYPE PANEL SPAN 4 FEET<PANEL 6 FEET<PANEL 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES ICC400 (HESE PLANS ARE ON WSIAUNFNT OF THE SERNCE AND ARE THE PROPERTY Of[HE <4 FEET SPAN<6•TEST SPAN<8 FEET ( ) DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFBXED HERETO W IINGEMENTS lflft BE NEW BASEMENT 336 sq ft TO SUPPORT THE MINIMUM LIVE LOAD SPECIFIED FOR HABITABLE ATTICS AND SLEEPING PROSECUTED 10 THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW CONTRACTORS SHALL`VERIFY ALL EX FIRST FLOOR NA NO 8 WOOD SCREW- COLD CONDITIONS AND WIDIMENSIONS AND BE SOLEY RESpON9BIE FOR FELD FIT THE EX BASEMENT NAROOMS BASED ANCHOR NTH 2 16 10 8 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR Obi WE TO UNKNOAN 01 NEW FIRST FLOOR 342 sq it INCH EMBEDMENT LENGTH UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND OR AUDITORS BASSO UPON COMNENTS NOF EX SECOND FLOOR NA NOE ALL CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 19 CONCRETE NO 10 WOOD SCREW- FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REASON TO THESE BANS NEW SECOND FLOOR 974 sq it OF THE IN ERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL CODE SUPPLEMENT BASED ANCHOR WITH 2 16 12 9 " NEW BALCONY NA INCH EMBEDMENT LENGTH SEAL DATE LOFT NA Y,INCH DIAMETER LAGSCREW- MAY 18 2018 BASED ANCHOR WITH 2 16 12 9 ATTIC(HOUSE)(c) NA PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN CRITERIA REQUIREMENTS AS PER 2015 INTERNATIONAL INCH EMBEDMENT LENGTH OF NEW, PROJECT NO ©COPYRIGHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ATTIC HOUSE b INA .q it RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL CODE SUPPLEMENT. ALL FLOOR PIANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE PROTECTED ya t 0 Bi 1032-2018 GARAGE NA (', aq % ATTIC(GARAGE)(a) NA NOTE THE BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE FOR THIS BUILDING MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW OQ,� N DRAWN BY BONUS ROOM NA OF TABLE N1102 1 BASED ON THE COMAE ZONE SPECIFIED IN SECTION N1101 7 OF THE 2015 FOR SI 1 inch=254 mm,1 FOOT=3048 mm,1 pound=4448 N,1 mile per hour=0447 m/s PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT a- ,y!W"+,f .-1 BDK SCREENED PORCHES NA INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL CODE SUPPLEMENT r WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION * •sr-P,'i Y * CHECKED BY (SEE PAGE At 02 FOR DETAILS) a This table is based on 140 mph wind speed and a 45-toot mean oaf height r- p SUNROOM NA ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF �5 1, , b Fasten NEW DECK 336 ft Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends or the wood structural panel m ts�a.e•`- SHEET NUMBER .q F d a m n mum or 1 inch KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC asteners shall be locale from the edge of the panel S COVERED PORCHES NA THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE �0 081868 COVERED ENTRANCE NA PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN CRITERIA REQUIREMENTS AS PER 2015 INTERNATIONAL c Anchors shelf penetrate through the exterior wall covering with an embedment PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,WITH WRITTEN pROFEss1o� (� length of 2 inches minimum mithe bug frame Fasteners shall be located PROOF OF PURCHASE v Pool HOUSE/CABANA NA RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016INTERNATIONAL CODE SUPPLEMENT. a minimum of zK t building manes from the edge of concrete block or concrete ACCESSORY STRUCTURE NA d Where panel are attached to masonry or,masonry stucco,they shall be attached Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without NOTE THE SIZE OF ALL NAILING MATERIALS AND THE NAILING using�arct,on...intent anchors hav,nq a m,n,mum ultimate wdhdrowol capacity the authorization of local governing agencies,such as Suffolk Count Det 2�/4/Zvi D B NUMB R of PATTERNS OF ALL MATERIALS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH of 1,500 pound. of Health Sernces,Town Budding Deporlments,DEC, FEMA,etc Y P _ CHAPTER 23 OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Verify oil conditions,codes,and requirements with such agencies prior to (a)WITHOUT STORAGE construction m BEHLDESIGN ASSOCTA (D)WITH STORAGE SIMPSON STRONG—TIE CONNECTORS — SPECIFIED FOR CONSTRUCTION — % %- usE A xINDAH� ;, T- •'orf{(�'a?Az'`�a'�t'�� aWALOAD SID Bd NNIS MIB MTS 2 0 L T S 2 0 FASTENERS c� SIR TRUSS. PROWOF 1 +� NODEL GA UPLIFT UPLIFT A'ATERAL W'TH CODE TOTAL FDR O ()CEILING dDI T ON .' SIDE OF CEILING JOIST ,., NO TO AW (3!/160) BdAij' REF Btl NAILS PT'.:• e gARFTERS/PUTEB STUDS ULT (I]J) (160) (IS]h W10 iRuS$ AND ON SIDE OF RAPIER T U55 F, F+ 7NM.EC REFERTO SIMPSON WOOD CONSTRUCTION SIMIPSON HT t6 4-8d 2-Bd e-etl 2991 930 985 400 5 a+ TORS MANUAL FOR ALL FOOT NOTES AND B:5 TAKE-UP WASHER ER INSTALLATION PROCEDURES KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES rasiden,gl 6 wmmaroPldedOn. N6 16 8-Btl B-Ba 3983 915 950 fi50 5 4 - o—Ilro DIMENSIONS FASTENERS ALLOWABLE UPUFT LOADS(13J) ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS(133) - MOOEL c0. (TOTAL) AW LENGTH OF Bar IN ADOO MEMDER LENGTH OF BOLT IN WOOD UNBEN CODE INTO /ARi�1,z 1 PO Box 1675 p701ie.16711<]]-9�i ULT LFTA' LFTA NET PLATES / Southold,New Yoh 11971 NO o L Grr DIA 13' z' zj' }" 3j• ,j' z' zj• 3" lj' EMN ssbn65«optoNnenei EIGHT AN ea N LFTA ,8 2j" ti' 366.18-,Od— 4200— 1205 1+00 5 44 B5 SND SP4 �^2'....,.�.eN Oc ggrA, sLCelomieUlyDA[Assaclo s C J"tL7J'l'=' x'7!§;Z T UG-FIR LARCH/50 NCjE A HI U LUM N FASTENERS' ALLOWABLE U BT LOADS ODEL AVG lOd 100.11" CODE MND ULT RET LFTA ,od +oa.y (13J/Iso) (u]) (,6D, _ L S T A 21 These drawings and specrfications Including the Ideas, design and arrangements represented therein, are the property of KEHLthereof DESIGN Sin son Strong-Tie Tie ASSOCIATES-LLC No port thereof shall be M,s+s 1s -+oe +-+od.11• s16 loco Bao loco ],al,1zB HGAlO 9 copied, disclosed to others or used m connection with any work or project other lhon for which MU20 20 14-lod 14-10d.+1' 3116 1000 Boo +000 3,41,1z8 A11411z DETAIL HK" they hove been prepared without Written consent LsrzO 20 I2-- 12-10d.1j• 2383 775 720 720 S N OWG-FIRCC"OUPLER NUT DETAIL "Ell /STU "- TYPE OF DIRECTION p LSo-E ELOA05 Nor iii EQual eclfl umber O n SIMPSON MODEL CONNEC-OF LOAD P TAKE—UP WASHER OOR OOF NO TON ,00) (125 160/ c s+s s.s 610 i' each end Simpson Strong-Tie L7F4 5 J 515 645 6T0 6 39 97 CS16 ART5"x12 515 6aS b10 DETAIL "H" MATERIAL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS"'(DF/SP)(133) HOLDOWN OLDOWN ART 112 IUD DEFLEC11oN DEFLECPON CODE NDoEL ACHIN AVG LENGTH OF BOLT is AT NICHES T HICXEST REF THE NULL PLATE BASE BODY HSI BB H B 50 CL D AHOR BOLLS ULT IN VERRCAL W000 MENDER ALLOWABLE LOADALLOWABUE GA GA TY MA DESION DESIGN OMEN RAISED OFF Oe +j" 2' 2}" 3• Sj" 51' LOAD HDtA B 12 41}' 23' 21' 81 SIS' 1' +Pe' T 2 } 12150 1855 2055 2WS 2115 2])5 2>60 0058 .077 2,43,82 MODEL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS AL OwABL UP 1FT 00.05 AC NO L STUD PLATE ULT (+JS)DF (160) RODE SP4 3h" i1' -IOd[1j'—12E11 135 885 7 a0 121 MODEL gFASTENERS(TOTAL)ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS CODE NO GA NAILS TDO (133) (160)OOR REF LSTAN - 90s I. 1295 J a WORK NOTES MODEL 20FASTENERS(TOTAL)ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS RODEO NO GA NAILS 1001FLOO (133) (160) EF ,oG Simpson Strong-Tie STU 5­ ­A24 18 - iWS 1]10 1640 >40 Be 8- MOOCL TOTAL rpSTENERS ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS NAIL CODE LUS46 SIMPSON NO (LIENOTH END GA CVT LENGTH (TOTAL) SPACING OF HD2A TAKE-UP WASHER NOT FOR (too) D!]/160)' A F0 NOTE ALL HANGERS TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT Hinpson Strp^B-Tle CONSTRUCTION OF ROLL 6 CS16 150 14• tfi CLEAR SPAN 931' 20-Nd 1235 ,6So N 24' >4D 90 ARE TO BE TOP MOUNTED UNLESS OTHERWISE DIMNSIONS FASTENERS NOTED FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL NOTES MODEL GA HEADERS qvG UPUFi FLOOR too SNOW 115 ROOF 125 CODE ON THIS PLAN WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION W N 8 10d t6a JOISTS ULT (,31)(160) +Da lod lee 16d lOd 16tl REF ALL LICENSE TIESPR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, PLACES DETAIL, "Fit USE UNLESS 4 LUS46 10 3' 41- 2 _ 4-I6d 4-16E 6016 11+0 H6D—,000—1+50 —,250 >4D,121 DETAM "I" CN W— CERTIFIED BY A Husvo-2 w 30.' SIU}" 2 _8-I6d B-I6d 6W6+i 55121051-11660—,900 —2065+ 36 ea,22 COUPLER NUT ARTt.I2 sTu "— PROFESSIONAL FASTENERS UPLIFT U,ERAL CODE ENGINEER MODEL GN UAID LT UPLIFT (13]/180) REF SIMPSON ro RAFTERS To PLATES To STUDS 433) (160) F, 80 TAKE-UP WASHER HGA10KT a-SDS1'alj- 4-5051'.]• 1522 435 435 H65 940 USC A NMINR Lir Tvu Ba w,IS Rus 4 SIDE 6 TREES CNW- to,x FOUR SE A MIN11aM 0" COUPLER NUT 4 Ba NILS 1Vp Bd NAILS 1X15 INTO TRUSS si0[W TRUSS MTS16 sru^N- LSTA21 PROJECT MTS16 SINFS�ON SIMPSUN" I ANCHOR BOLTS iOIAL FDR HD2A TAKE-UP WASHER L S T A 21 ®� IN,NAas Strong Tie IN'D NUSs HUS210-2 I FIT ® RESIDENCE 6 IL r0 Worcs GNt 9a NAIL 9 IN.All 2425 IN,D INTO St�P,g-Tie RAICS DETAIL "A!1 tl _ MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST STU6 Siryeon ® - H) CIGNI ae xna Sim sa,[,^S,rP „e ® DETAIL IID" DETAII, "GPI DETAIL 11J" SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 LFTA Simpson Strong-Tie SCTM:#051-06-040 LFTA ROD SYSTEM DETAIL, "L" LFTA DRAWING WILE Ridge Strapping NOTE DRAINAGE& ROOF RUNOFF NOTE AND CALCULATIONS DPALL VENTS ARE TO BE LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE HOUSE LSTA30 ALL VENT PIPES ARE TO HAVE LEAD COATED COPPER SLEEVES/COVERS RUN OFF FACTORS ASPHALT= 1 0 , ROOF - 1 O SIMPSON WINDLOAD 1'-0"DEEP POOL x 4' DIA==1258 curl per vertical « CHARTS&CALCULATIONS 1'-0"DEEP POOL z 6 DIA = 22 3 cu fl per vertical ft 1'-0"DEEP POOL x 6' DIA = 4225 cu ft per vertical fl /STRONG-TIE DETAILS aoor V-0"DEEP POOL x 10' DIA = 68 4 cu it per vertical It ROOF AREA=2160 ED/it /ROOF DRAINAGE I, LTP4 aa� wNRMwma V=A z R z c PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM I A=2160 sq/ft CALCULATIONS AND LTP4 "aaN R=2"RAINFALL= 17 it LTP4 _ C=COEFF =10 INDIES DETAIL I'C'I ' V=2160%1% 166667=360 C F )HESE PIANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF ME Simpson Strong-Tie oFa Mn211 AmB & DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFXED HERETO INFRINGEMENTS WALL BE PROSECUTED 10 ME FULLEST EXTENT OF ME UW CONTRACTORS SHALL 4ERTF ALL Floor-to-Floor Connections 360/4225 VERTICAL FT /FT=852 VF ROD arrynuuSAND wENSONSAND BESatrRESPONsaEFOR FIELD fit ME USE(2)B'DIA POOL 5'-0°DEEP=10 V F DESIGN PROFFLSSIDNAL AME5 NO LABILITY FOR CIAGONS DUE 10 UNKNPAN OR Ridge Strapping _ Floow UNFORESEEN FELD CnlgRpb AND OR ADDITIONS BASED UPON CON 6 D5 NOT : OR FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED A5 REMSION TO THESE PLANS Detail 360/223 VERTICAL FT /FT=1614 SEAL DATE LTP4 DETAIL, "B" USE(3)6'DIA POOL 6'DEEP=18 VF MAY 18, zoTa LTP4 0 0 0 o a o a a o eo`ve`canoe a OF NEW y PROJECT NO P g- a a „Dur �` ^GeA�`��Ma POOLS TO BE PLACED ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF 4Pt o B °R o3z-zo,a Simpson Strong-Tie Tle PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM NTS Floor-to-Floor Connections \ 'NAP R DRAWN BY ALL SIMPSON HANGERS HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY AN ENGINEER TO HAVE A CAPACITY J HOUSE AND/OR LEADERS TO BE PIPED TO o°' "{Ij T.� BDK EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE REQUIRED AMOUNT CALCULATED FOR EACH CASE POOLS(112 OF THE ROOF TO DRAIN TO EACH * "` A (/ yy �_j;'1' CHECKED BY DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIALp- POOL,MAINTAIN MIN OF 20 FEET FROM SEPTIC CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT NO SUBSTITUTIONS om 6-L)^MN,,. sH T NUM AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE SYSTEM AND MIN OF 10 FEET FROM FOUNDATION)raming hardware shown on these plans, o81a68 �- All f LIBER MITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH LO�� THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE unless otherwise Indicated, Is Simpson Strong-Te A�PESSIONPL' �� No substitutions are approved or authorized. ALL COVERS TO RE TRAFFIC BEARING IF LOCATED IN AREA 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL(WFCM) Due to the relationships of framing hardware to WHERE TRAFFIC IS TO BE PRESENT /J the other components of the structure, any framing /q 2 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - hardware substitutions will render these planLrJ s IF A MULTIPLE POOL SYSTEM IS USED AROUND THE y E PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) null and void, and will result in the Installer/contractor HOUSE THEN EQUAL PROPORTIONS OF THE ROOF SHALL assuming responsibility for the design and BEDIVERTED TO EACH POOL 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) performance of the entire system mF7llrD1SIGN A:SOGAlES,1u 7-10 -� „ 75'-fi z' 71'-7+£ to-a' Sam'�'�j � `—q 2x4 ACO Subrad 2= -- - /-�-++-- firrmug Aim Door Frame -6 7-� °• ° �3 � '�� kwAJ 4 ACO Hanimtol � -- ---- Wix INTERIOR OF 4x4 ACO Post 1-0• � KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES T.LC DeU fres Dakmq a Equal remdemnol S eommeraaldesian.eonsWNng (S I=8 ACO Cap E%1SLID OF ' ee lad) BILCO C STAH W/6610/0 WM PO Box 16752x6 ACO Plal _Generator/HVAC Pad ____ _ imtholdNeveYork 11971 EMCI pssbn654^aopiohone n�aa net Daknq a Equal -xIY Mchar Bal (2)2x6 ACO Flush Order Ieem o „Ar,aame,uc.I.-D A K Arroewr':u< Bdca Foondolav Gex w Egal:,I,:rI ----'�--- ----- -----meson angor I WNL HI & US 0 OCUM NIS Wsl 4'PC Slab Under flowe��xt� or C uIn I (Pitched la Drainr,�12 I I These drawings and specifications including the ideas, desoge and orrongemaents represented Pqe m Orynel System I therein, the properly f KEHL DESIGN I Generator/HVAC Pad I ( ASSOCIATES,LLC No part thereof shall be 8 Oak Fill=d Sao lubes o ( I I m copied, disclosed to others or used rn connection o Ball I with any work or protect other than fornwhrch m}-0 Bell pmol Gode) I I I they hove been prepared without written consent ee Di I I I BILCO FOUNDATION I WALL CAP DETAIL A101 SHOWER DETAIL E101 REV I F'.,do Dropped z-v-Ig Fa 2-B" Foandolia 1 I I I Masonry For 16x8 I New Dar Opening Masonry C«age I Shower I GARAGE DoorOpenng 2x6 Studs t6"oc e I e I e See 4'PC Slab I COX Ed SteaUmg 2x6 Sill See Detail E101 I W/6,, TO/ WAN I I Ha•P r"sdappmg ,Co% we 6 Mill Pi ly Peine a Beam IJ1110 x 9 Boor Joists 76'ac 6°Conc Filled Sona lubes I I Steppetl ` 2x6 ACO Sill rx 18•Ancha Bolls 32'7 (Min 3-0 Below Final Grade) I I FooAlsng Vs Buco C'Dow 'See Detail _ W/24'Excwlu n (2)t5 Horamtal Reba J I I I Necessay I,e AGO crw _ L I .. (See GO Co 8'PC Fandolmn I I F.11 g -'80 _ _ __ _ 2x8 ACO RIal t5 Ver cd Rebar 48 oc b �z �7rw_ Foolmd r r - Donp Roofing I J g IN story I I -}-{me of Grose F_ Nece:dry ---L Dropped I Covered 4 PC Slab e WORK NOTES } ® ® ` For alb^ �I I I w/6x61°/I°wAu- T m Night of P.Tounaolmn (2)t6 H 2'-0al Rebar }.y-tlf'-)�-f3 --i or oprn J I I I I Entry a j IS Rebar 2'-0 a 7D" Door OP g $-—�j A6oxe the Basement Flar =-+ i in -----1--r-- I ,e Shari 41oy 7-�' Q, 9'-7YZ (vmay in Feiml 1— -- -mak-- -f—tne of step (4)tsRebarmnq (----- ---------- ----- rWr o Y428 Co,, 5 7� - ---�4 3Y-- - ---- -�_9•---p-4--- --- 7'-B --3-7r, I, 4 l I �- Is,puts 32 ac NOT FOR W'a Vol,6be 1" Line of S p (Mn 3'-0'Belax Final Gade) I r I x IB°��Slepped Pc slab Fooling CONSTRUCTION BILCO FOUNDATION EXTERIOR '11,"'Daawahz4°Extenb 2 7 5 5 IOW/6x610/1 I Nere dry USE UNLESS r — ---'--J iI �Low aiBiap CERTIFIED BY A WALL DETAIL B101 FOUNDATION i _____� �'1"� BASEMENT f—'°— —�-- PROFESSIONAL WALL DETAIL G101 _ I. 5 i i ,pDS,ab r_1 ENGINEER �8 BILCO L �C -J ON till Foy 2-0x2-0x8 IA I � I i I }`x18 Anchor Bolts 32 oc FOOTING SPECS. 6 L� ---�-- O gw/ LQITJ 1 13 3Ca0ne Ft 0 x 7 / �' S (4)Spo eba9 wiW dly v I i i Covered FOOTING DIMENSIONS AND INFO. 6 suras l6 ac -----"m-- (6)ts Reb.Egmlry Fi - 51 A Entry t^ 'T rl W z- x -0'x 8'Concrel Fano CDX Cx1 Sheatmn sparm(Ew) I I 2'C.,z'-o'x 8' T i° wnn 4 s Rebar Ew E dl aces } g h6 sell I I W sx6 - �� 11 Cmc FIB W/ 10 I Foiled Nun¢one Se I s I°k` (4)g5 Rebar Cqually I 10/10 WwM L- Fooling Penmel r Baro C°% '� I Spaced 210 I I , Flecessar NEW 2-6,2-6'x 1-0 Conaele Foalin IJI270 x 9 Flar Jwsts 16 se 4x4 ACO Post Andwred to 8 I 'E- " I I y PROJECT 2x0 ACO$dl Sano lube with x 12'Anchor with(41#5 Reb«[14 F unit S aced o I I �'.IS Ancha eons 32 o, I tine of slmrwell z)ts Hl 1 R bar - Ry/// bolt s«a robe Mmntee an {a i � ry � I �p g I L- I TOGA 5 Vertical Rehm 48 oc Ba'x xin IG Fig Mn}'-D' 3-D x 6-0=8 D a - A \ �• q NEw}_o x}-°x r-o caaaele palm t LA L 8 PC Faundatwn Below pins Grade(See DelaiQ Cenc Ft L 5 J 'dh 6 5 Rebar E'N C udl Spaced 9 / r2-O' $ � �'x IB"Ancha Bdls}2 a (})t5 Aebar Bt ed I t5 Rebar(6'pc)Equally NEW S-0 x 6-D x I-0'Concrete Palm Equally Spaces ( I Spaced(E W) � wAh 5 Rebar 6'a E A Eao9 Socced 24 Cac Bulress - I ., Ln,of Slonwdr b - aME i?amp Pralmg I ,� p cO �` I RESIDEN )'x 18'Anchor Bolts 32 oe 2425 is venins Aeba I — —i r "s i MILL CREEK DRIVE TEST (z)ts Harrtalo Rebar Pi ® Top of er to be f• 2`01 I L_J�( SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 • 14•x8 Cac ITS � Min of 12 Belo' p Final Gode --I I I I I 2-0x2-0x6 I I (2)2x12 ACO Slnrg« \24 x B'Cane Fooling ,. C I Conc FIg wN Min 3-D BelowI `� J 's Reba`Egadly I I SCTM:#051-06-040 ( 3'-0'=7'-0'x 8" s S aced E W (2)2x12 ACO$Iringer );�' �' heal crane �L- cane FI ° rg �' t° ig i ) Deck g w/ p ( ) a 2x11'Ace G.a I (6)t5 Reb«[qually 5 I DRAWING TITLE Spaced(EW) r- -, Z'-0x2-7x8 - T See Detail F101 I I I Go^e F'N w/ FOUNDATION I I I (4)t;Rebar Egaely n I I BUTTRESS i 1 Spaeedl[W) _iFSee Detail H101 1 1 r I I FOUNDATION DETAIL H101 I 1 �----J BASEMENT I FOOTING PLAN To L+J 4*PC Sub STAIR DETAIL C101 I cane Flg w/ o 6 I (e)ts Reb«[gaauy - � 2-o x 2-axe I I I SIP d(EW) IS-10Y I NOL BASEMENT DGDR e, (4)SB cod(Ewva6y I THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERVO AND ARE THE PROPERLY OF THE CLASSIC SERIES - STEEL SIDED - I pa ( ) "' I DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFl%ED HERETO INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE DIM a :a` <w,o.m Heti..+++R`c.,�maw+ T rcw, (3)2x10 Push Or r I 4-9 1-1N 10-D� PROSECUTED 10 INE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW CONTRACTORS SHALE VERIFY ALL ACO Fl s de FnEZCNrI f°" �'x6'Trex Decking a Equal L FELD CON ONS AND 01kfEN510N$AND SOIEY RESPON51BIf FOR FIELD FIT THE Lcz .. m .+ -------- ----- __ a -I o r ----'~-- - DESIGN PRCFFCSSICNAL ASSUMES NO DAB9UTY FOR OMMISICNS WE TO UNKNOWN OR __ -; UNFORESEEN FIELD CONOOI ONS AND DR ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMNENIS NOT cedar sent dam e L---- -----Y-----^ r sc m •r r.. sz .. m a � ED A$REASON 10 7NEY BANS , L------ --+---- _T-- J o FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGE SEAL A DATE LENciN "•® Duds 2x10 ACA Fin Kels-16"a L-- --- ------_--J D[n E I MAY 18 2018 FRHNE OPENING °•" $impsm Joist Hang« Y I LENGrn �1`... )'il2 Aahor Ball urricros Strapping I4-9 I/-7� 1 i0-0Y� 'CE OF NE6y FO PROJECT NO J I "�� Conc led ino lube 2x10 ACO House B ourTL=_AUl9-5 -- P�RZ O©A p �i OS2-2018 14 BbnuP Doshng G0 n'cD✓! �9s DRAWN BY -v7-10 p 2x''��!!F/{3 * BOK L__'a noPENwr,J ��I"'w U a,( CHECKED BY vlDrn "" }0°x 3p x 12"FI 44 4 (4)14 Hsi IW Mn 3-a' g DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL 1� ��� •"'1 `f RB Egadl s aced CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT - ©COPYRIGHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE / W p Bela'pmol Grade rit �Ci SHEET NUMBER NEW FOUNDATION AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUTLM O TR0�9SaONP E THESES STANDARDS, THESDESIGN HTNR TGIIS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH IGN SHALLCOMPLY NTH HEINTERNATIONAL ALBUILDING CODE KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, P I LLCTHE RIGHT TO BUILD EO BUILD ONONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE A 101 h DECK DETAIL F101 FOOTING P LAN1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,W1TH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE ,'Mr. CLEARnpPENING 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to bold without the authorization •DOB NUMBER OF S(xle' "=�r-0" PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISI:-230) of local governing agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept of Health Sermces,Town Building BILCO DOOR SPECS. D101 Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Verify all conditions,codes,and requirements WIN such KIMDffiGT AZOCTAM us 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) agencies prior to construction fy%q 7-to a1A. ff 11,_3'0' 0-0 PROWDE MhUaCA4E S1RAcPING IN �N�, IPI ��� - I5•_fili PCCgNANCE W1H ME -. --.-- , T -0•��----5°' 2015 WIERNA00NAL RE90CNTIPL LOGE �-5 UPOAIID WIH THE 2016 UN�FgUI 000E SUPPLEMENT KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES uc*< Y-0' � resWennd a eammercwi tlesgn.crosdrine Nx6'Tcn Di or Card DTE VETCF7 ALL DIVCN9IXIS 70 MSURE BOORS S NEW PDgTIcx NINE YATH FLOCKS w ENSIMC 6'PC slm (3)2110 ACO Hush a<aa HCuSE PO Box 1675 Phone 16311131-9084 Cr Braid Southold,NewYoh 11971 E-MDl mbnWffoptomm�e net Generator/HVAC Pad 2x1°ALD F'mr bats-16 oc vaso aaocu Bade S.F.JIII Hanger All HEADERS ORE l0 n m LLC•rameMowcusocares uC r.12•Ancha Bd1 unrme SU'" (2)1 i X eiE LK UNIESS Lmc Filled 8'Sono Tube 2x10 ACD House Beam OTHERWISE NOTED WN SH & U UM NT 14 Slurup FlosMn9 These drawings and specifications Including the gg ONSIdeas design and arrangements represented therein ore the property of KEHL DESIGN 30x 36x 12'Fig gTION ASSOCIATES,LLC No part thereof shall be (4)14 Rcbar CWM.T0' WSE copied,disclosed to others or used on connection 1 I m Eqi 9y Spaced Bdow Final Geode the thhave beeany rn or project without than ntlenfor consen[ y preparedw w � II DECK DETAIL F102 M PER I I IHC 2015 wTFRNARONAL REV t6'i RESmENTIA1 CWE UPOAlEO 12-27-19 I w1TH THE 2016 UNIFCRLI Dropped I I SUPPLCUCNT �mndatwn Orapped---� Fa 2'-B Toon161 I _ ra 16 xB' I I New I I Ooal Opang MDoa aCro'e GARAGE Shower a PC Slob I I See Detail E101 W�x616 0 WAN 10/Thu I I B'Cmc Fled Sino Tubes I Iis (Mm 3'-O'eelB Rnol Grade) etail' 1 m Be[(..of Older See Belief* I 4-1 --Ime of D `x Grace _ Covered Garage WORK NOTES Dropped d PC Slab T 10 l Fwadeban I I New,/6.6 10/10 Well Entry ® ® For 2-8' Mosm"Y--------- I Covered Entry Doa Openmq —Lee of step _ 1 6'x8' Fiaa461me2Ih"" NOT FOR . —Lne of step Cmc 51�4 Thwk.th I6'McHa Bells 32 a 6x6 IO/10 MeV Garage CONSTRUCTION 3z-1 PC Club Door USE UNLESS 11-39; f-1 3-INT W/6x610/10 WWW N 1 I s CERTIFIED BY A BacaC D.with 21'Exleol Existing \IS Rebar 24'm ,3 Behar 21 m� —Lne alBlep I \,6ReBa2am PROFESSIONAL Crawl Space ,6 Reba 2i m 4 s Amar I +3 R,bn 2/a (o ENGINEER _ � 9 J IO1f'—{8 S-1 a-----}8 B - Long Nay T_q• s Covered - ----- ---- L --- 1... -- 1-- --- - m Equally R seared pwx Ill And.Belts 32'. -� )6 Rebar BILCO - QI 3 Entry 20'.8'Cmc FigSial 1.11.1p BASEMENT �I unRdow -B� 2-D Yacy I 4 PC gab rod Gade L 5 W/6x6 10/10 WVAA �I 11 3_,DF Covered Entry Section A PROJECT AW Past Aarhaed la 6' 1 02 q� Sam lube nU j x I1 Mcha J=z9)I.M.Flush Beam 3)'x91 LVL flush Beam Jb� TOGA 4 bell Sono lube Named m '� ^� 3°x30.12'FI9 Ma 3-0 Ig �`\' �*IB Melia Belts 32 a Belo.Final Gad,(See Died) I 6Hi /I �`, 5 13 RES9 E CE r 31'91 LNL Flush Bo I n 2425 z-a MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST 3J%9"LVL Flush Bm SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 4 I SCTM:#051-06-040 I, 131-2 DRAWING TITLE New Deck PRO ACCO DANCE WWHEINC IN a I UPDATED PoDI i1M 206 UNROfaaE"CWS 9JPRD1ENi See Detail F102 '1 OTE VERFY ALL DIMEN9aNS i0 FOUNDATION PLAN BASEMENT NSURE FLOOR6"NEIN ADgTIDN ® 1 NINE Yi11H NG°0RI s w EMISUNG a ALL HEADERS AAE TO BE NOTES 5 (2)I�'%B,'tot UNLESS THESE PIANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SERWCE AND ARE THE PROPERTY TY HIE y OIHERNtSE NOYD 3 10'f' DCOSE PROSECUTED TO THE WHOSE SEAL T Of THE AWHERETOCO TR A CONTRACTORS SSHALLWUL BE VI II PROSECUTED IO 1R fULLE51 E%1CN10F 7tE LAW LCNIRAC1fA1S YERFY ALL ©COPYRIGHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,U.C.ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE I3-s, Y_°)' ND1E VEPoFY Au OIMENSlONB PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED W1THOUT Fff_lD CONDIDOVS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE SOIfY AESPONSIBIE FOR f180 FlI 7H[ a 9, DESICN PROFFESN04N.ASSUMES ND UAB0.ITY FOR OMUISICNS DUE 70 UNI(NOM4 OR wsIME wuLs of NEIN ADDmaN WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS AND OR AODnIONS BASSO UPON COMUCNiS NOT ® - - q uNE-w wnt WAus w HWSE KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE FORMALLY ACKNO%UOBED AS REVISION TO THESE PLANS PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,WHH VI PROOF OF PURCHASE SEAL DATE MAY 18, 2018 1 ECODE RE BREAKS �— 10-dY R Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to paid without the authorization �'OF NEW YO PROJECT NO 1A 9 4-2� NATIONAL of local governing agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept-of Health Sermces,Town Budding y4P �j O eqR R�- 1032-2018 E UPDATED Departments,DEC,ffUA,etc Yenfy 011 OOndill0ns,codes,and requirements with such �� �sV/ 'Q9 DRAWN BY 39'-5'f' UNJIXOI "sBDK agencies prior to consWchon ;t; a:T-10 [Ni r I »-� HECKED BY ti j RB DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL F i.,;,u.,• r_>,SHEET NUMBER CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT RO0886�P AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE sa,a FE S%% �i A102 LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH _ NEW FOUNDATION PLAN THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE a 1 AFx4cPA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) /7�/Z�� DOB NUMBER O °=1'-0• 2 AIS I STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING Scale: - PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) m KEIRLDI ASSOCIATES,11c 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) PAOWC NJtRCANE STRAPPING 7_ty 21'-,yli IO'-0• 0 PROVIDE HURRICANE$TRAPPING IN ACCGAOANCE%MIH THE ® ci Ctifi ACCORDIYlCE NIM THE _ _ ' • 7015 RIIEklAlIONAL RESIDENTIAL COOL p• 0• 2015 WTHE_ANAL REBOENIIAL COPE -- - e DPDARD I41TH THE 1016 UNIFERY COME CODE HENT UPDATED WIN ME 2016 UMFIXM CODE SUPREMENi fi'TC Slob KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLc W/6x6 10/10 WMA —� reweonnm a eommere,ai aaslan•coswWime OTC 1¢A,FY ALL quENBOxS i0 Generator/HVAC Pad NOSURE BOORS OFONEM WOlTlgl N:9..fd FLOORS Of kEW A00111G1 ALINE WM FLOORS W EA$TWG PD Boz 1675 Plane 16311473 9647 ALINE WITH ROgS Bl CASTING HOJSE acus[ Sculhold,New Yoh 11971 E-Mail zbn654@opion5Te net ALL kCADERS ARETO� went aes,aPwaouoies ue.mn„e anr.::«aies ue All FEADEgS ARE 70 BE � - ..,.� USE UF UUCUMLNI�i (2)7X%91f LVL UNLCS$ i i OMERNISE NDIEO WThese Idrowings and speed cations including the OMCRMSE NOTED Rim NSA NOTEYFPoF7 PTL pVR1NBgIS ideas, design and arrangements represented DONtherein, are the property of KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC No port thereof Noll ebe cUSE con copied, disclosed to others or used I connection I the thhave been or proMecl other than for which NOTE PRO`n0C PIPE BAFA1(5 popped �I I �PER Y prepared without written consent NOTE PROWDE FINE BRFANS Fmmdabon AS PER 6 5i For 2.4 GARAGE I INE 20151N1ERNAIIONAL REV THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL g RCSIDENOAL CODE UPOAiED RESOENPAL CODE UPDATED New Ig Dom Op®ng I I NIM ME 2016 UNffORU 12-27-19 NIM THE 2016 UNIFORM SUPPLCY[NI SJpPUV NT q Shower AT W'as,mid Uling al the Gorage to be I I Tooroded mth 1 e% See Detail E101 fue_iabd Sheet o k be Found to-� I 8 per the 2015 IAC Code Fm 16,8' [me Fled Sone tubes Update nth the 2016 Masmvy Garage = (Mi }-0'Below FM Cade) Lair-Cade SupplNneal DoorOpmng I I e, Sao Demo' I I K 4'PC Slob m r W/6r6 10/10 WAY �Y-S'�'�'-3'-j --tine of Grade Trex Decking ar Eaol Dropped 4'PC F. d Im 1 I New W/6.6 10 10/10 AN (3)2x10 ACO Flush Use Fa Y-e' Masonry Jr I Covered Entry Cedai Skel 5. Dao Opening 2x10 ACO Floor Josls-16'oc WORK NOTES Oade —Lne°(Slep Smpsm Joel Hmgm - e —Led R 1x12 Mrhm Bill acme SUoppmg Lone Faed 8'Sora lube 2x10 ACO Nouse Beam S: r,IB'Mahm Bills 2'ac T4 SLrruP Flash^ m 'aF 9 5 W64'PCCSoMWY NOT FOR ;I / (/)T4 Rehm EW 30x 30,R Flg CONSTRUCTION BRw'C"Dar rnh 21'E,tenli k 3'-0 9 EgudlySpaced 9,)T.3'0rade USE UNLESS —Line of Step a,Find ' m TJ230.91 16 be 10230,9'-16 ac _ CERTIFIED BY New DECK DETAIL F103 PROFESSIONAL BILC015 _ Covered �'x1B A^UaB°I1° 2'°° ENGINEER BASEMENT 5 �1 Entry 13 4'PC Slob W/6x6 10/10 WWM P Ir3 I11Yj 7J130,9'-16'.J 4�to 8' 4 ACT)P.1 Anchored Sme Tube w 12 An Ih 1 x chor 3f x9f LVL Flush Beam of bd1 Sona Tube Mounted on 30',30',IP'Ft,;.Mn.Y-0' `� 1 PROJECT IB'Anda.Boll 32 di,Below DIDQA3dl 6e Jgeled 16'm I TJ230 x 9'-I6'ac 5 a 6Xi r r TOGA 8 1 7)',9f LLL nosh&n A III r. y a iJ130,91-16'oc �2�. _ RESIDENCE � 7,9 LW Flush Bm 2s10 AN now.bats-16'aa 4 I 2425 111 m I TJ230x9 -16ba 1d23019 -16*. TJ230 9f 16'oc MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST a m SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 s Deck o �� 1 SCTM:#051-06-040 ,� - e PROTE HURRICANE SIRATHEIS W DRAWING TITLE III�See Detail F103 ACCORDANCE Mul THE 2d0 ACO Floor JONIs-16"oc BASEMENT ^l 1015 INTERNATIONAL 2016 U RESIDENTIAL E CODE UPDATED NIM MC 2016 UMFgIu CODE SIWPlFAIFNT 1 1 FIRST FLOOR M[VERIFY AIL gI1EN51g1$10 TA23O,Sr-16'. IJ25D,91 16'°c. TJ230 x 91 16'oc WBAd BOORS OF NEW ADOIRON FRAMING PLAN ALINE MM ROgtS W EASTINC PR0111 HURRICANE STRAPPING IN o :§ HWSL ACCORDANCE NIM MC 0 1-IQIE' 2015 WTNAL RE90UlnAL CINE UPDATED NIM2015 I �I THCHE 201 1016IN6LIU1 All HEWERS AR[10 K NOTES Floor oists-16a OMCAMSE NOIIO MESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF ME SERNCE AND ARE THE PROPERTY Of ME DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFAXED HERETO INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS 10 PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF 111.1 UW CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AIL WA1RE FLOORS OF NEW WOITICN NOTE MERFY All gYEN4g1$ FRO CONDITIONS ANO DIMENSIONS AND BE SPEY RESPONSIBLE FOR.Flt THE ALINE YAM FLOOfeS W FASTING = HgISE. INSURE WAILS OF NEW ADgR0.V DESIGN PRGTESSIONAL ASSUME$NO LABILITY FOR QAOSIONS qME TO UIKIJOA14 OR UNE-LP YM WAILS IN HOUSE UNFORESEEN FlEW fnMRININS AND OR ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT 14'-I}: I ,0-0N FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS RENSON 70 MESE BANS ?Y }'-9 If-9' ! SEAL DATE AL1 HEADERS ARE TO BE _ }9'-5 (2)i %SY LK UARES$ NOTE PROWWOEPFIRE DREW OMERMSE NOTED 1_10ER MAY NO 2018 FIRST FLOOR FLOOR FRAMING PLAN ME 20152016 UNTIOR1 EOF NEW yo PROJECT NO RESDENDAL CODE UPDATED 6�O�R1 O BORq�'f- DRAWN (31032-2018 NIM THE 2016 UWFgiY mow/ Y NOTE NEJSFY ALL gNEAS10.V5 SUP PLCYFNi f�F * BDK INSURE WA115 Cf NEW ADO110N d, Ti`{i� CHECKED BY l'NE-LP YA1H WALLS W xO15E Scale:3='Is-0' - DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL �+,�"J 2' 1 RB ©COPYRIGHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE `"y Cre'.+�% SHEET NUMBER CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT s Ci NOTE PRO AS FIRE BREAKS AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT �p 087860 �2 AS PER LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF ROAESSTONP� Al 03 MC 2075 INTERNATIONAL THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE RESIDENTIAL COOE UPDATED PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,WITH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE MIH THE 2016 UMFORY 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) SUPPLEMENT DO NUMBER OF 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without the outhorizahon PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) of local governing agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept of Health Sernces,Town Bu6dmg Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Verify of conditions,codes,and rel irements with such m%@II,DESIGN ASSDC=Me .. 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) agencies prior to construction 44 ACD Post 24 ACO Poc4ng ; z' '-"�7a z •' �¢. '1; =✓. 1.Ae&mop --- f,• �" y-a• 1.8 Azek Bose Trim PROWDE HURRICANE STRAPPING IN 0' 0' ACCON LANCE MR,n1E 2015 WTERNADONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE -- UPDATED mIH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPP11VENT COX Pipd-- r4 s psan Past Antla' KIHI,DESIGN ASSOCIATES LI.0 GENERATOR A/C A/C xl8 M¢ha Boll 1`11 ,mw.and a eommerwlaeasn•condi 6"CONCRETE SLAB Hurrame 51rappng INSURE ROOAS OF N N1mADg00N Pernneler Beam ALINE m1H fL0�5 M EX15RNG xg1SE PO Box 1675 phone 16311433-9084 9S' rasfioxBj 16'« SoulIod,New York 11971 ENUTssbn6S4aoptoninenel ALL HEADERS ARE t0 E'E FeN 1.Azek Gvdw iron (2)13 If 41F LTL UNIE$$ oes�gn nssocares uC ttrameMDwe�ocarc,m uC OeBRA'SE NOTED N~ HIP US .O UMLN S r COX PlY-M - e These drawings and pecifiproperty including DESIGN the h Azek Fmo NOtE VERIFY AIL D�MB190NS it ideas design and arrangements represented INSUAE vAUB OF NEW RDOIPON therein, are the properly of KEHL DESIGN 1x6 Azek Cap Trvn UM-UP mIH WALLS IN HOUSE ASSOCIATES,LLC others part thereof shon ebe c copied,disclosed to others o used in connection S: with any work or project other than for which s they have been prepared without written consent NOrE PROWDC FM[edAl(S p i AS PER g 5 INE 20151NTCRNAPONAL REV R[SDENIIAL CODE UPOAIED WIM THE 2016 UA'ffCRM 12-27-19 Garage m I� A k $UPPLEAENI At Wdls and U3.9of the Gaage to ha Sheetrocked Oh type X' I{ Itl-O' )' F, led20 5 IRC od as I}----i-0" ib _ —.—{ pw 0e 2015 he Code I � Updole nth the 2016 Uniform Code Supplement --��--T} { 21'-419' dGSs (2)I)'x 91'LK Neuder Covered AppryWeter Ploofirlg CoMitlng to AEntrance Shower Wells WORK NOTES Twr� TubNOTFOR imH et Bath Bedroom 5 CONSTRUCTION - USE UNLESS Room App WaterPloofillg - CERTIFIED BY A - coaling t0 AD m Covered - sfgwarwalla Bedroom 266e _ PROFESSIONAL -D' 2668 POC Entrance ENGINEER 1— �"q• FJBG4fC H991Bd Floor e /x4 AM Denier Post 2-IYz / (LV Ite 9F ® ❑ T Y �iir 5 III :.e I L47.Zfeoder Ba N4068 0 e _ r' 2x6 Framng I;OLJ—lI 'Y+ 'IYi b I )�• d 9' 2)" P• I.Azek map ' m Kitchen 5s IrS v6 II PROJECT • 4x8 Ask Base sun TOGA S; E!-MP1r —E __ - � 4x4 Smpsm Pasl anoharCARE WINE ——— 0'-31F 15 IN COROANL WINRESD THE NVAL M ��� ®�'J—'—'———- — REF 0 2 D 2015 WMERNARONAL RF50EN71AL CODE Fooh Slane 2 T6rtk UPDATED wI1N 7HC 2016 UzdrgiM COIDE SWf1EllElzl NCE _ y-61f' � - caK goo 4'Thck nm 6,6 10/10 WWM 1 r NOrE VEAIFY ALL gMEN5lON5 r0 2425 2'-5—% II 10'-II' 6?{y 3-1Xs M911d FLOOR$OF NfW AOOIOgi 3_2 {_ys• 1 1'-IDf' 1 Or _ x 12 Md.Bolt ALWE NBH fL00.45 W f%ISIWG MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST • HOUR SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 New Deck 2'-� Living 2r-9Room INTERIOR GABLE END OF HOUSE TO BE SHEATHED WTH)'COX PLYWOODALL HEADERS AAE 10 SCTM:#051-06-040 3 13^x 9LLVL Rush Beam --- , IN LINNG ROOM. (2)I %41j'LW UNLCSS OTNEAmSE HDIED nth(2Jr Sled Fhlch Ploles ALL`hR11CAt SEAMS 10 BE STAGGERED UW OF 32'PANEL EDGES TO BE e DRAWING TITLE I MAXED 6'OC WHIN 8P CALM NABS AND Dining o MAX OF CDC IN HE FIELD WIN 8P CAN NAILS 4x4 ACD Post NOF BIF ALL DIMENSIONS ZtSPROVIDE HORIZONTAL&Oq(ING ON ALL EXRAIOA HORIZONTAL SEAMS 2.6 ACO Packing INSUAE WAILS 6 NEW ADgRON _ w RHE LMNG ROOM WALL RoomI I EX ER)OR AND INTERIOR HORIZONTAL SCAMS f0 BE STAGGERED 14' h Ask WI U d-W mIN WA L$U!NWSE 1.8 Azek Base jinn FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4'-9 3•-� 0-0 NOTE PRONOE FRE BREAKS s II 7i LN Necdw --Ir,Sj LW Needle AST PER i1�7TX� 4.4 Smpsa Past Anda THE 2015 INERNAIIONAL 5 (2)ly'x 9r'I.A.Header I,Altl (2)Ir.9)•I.M.Neoder RESIDENRAL CODE UPOAIED '...I —11'x 11"LVL Heodu I�J —I�'x 51'OL Heoda - rx18°M¢ha Edit N76i THE 2016 UNIFORM window Dotal WindowHdr.Dete1 NEW ENTRANCE SUPPLEMENT "orfs Ne.(1 I�'A)'I.M.Header _ THESE PLANS ARE W4 NOSE SEL IS THE ED HER AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF BE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED HERETO WFAWGEMEN75 DULL BC iW3052 3°SM TW3D52 3 SM TW3052 4 V e TW7052 3"SM TW3052 COLUMN DETAIL Al 04 ©COPYRIGHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVADONS ARE PROSECUTED TO Bff FULLEST EXTENT OF TED:LAW CONTRACTORS SI 01'ALL PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT FEED CONDITIONS AND gSSUMEN5 AND BE TYFO RES'SONS FOR VN FIM THE 2422� 1W3052 3°SM 7W7052 3•SM 1W3052 WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF DESIGN PRN FIELD NAI ASSUMES NO LIABNY FOR q.SED UPON CTO NTS O T OR FORMALLY FIELD EDGED AS AND OR 10 THEE LAMS.UPON COVNCNI$NOT IX¢RIaR caeL[END of HOUSE r0 BE s6rA1HE0 WITH�'cox PLYWOOD KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RICHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE FORMALLY AC%NOWlEOCfD A6 REM15Q4 LO THESE BANS ALL VERTICAL SEAMS TO BE STAGGERED ION OF 32 PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,WITH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE SEAL DnrE PMOL EDGES 10 BE MNLIED 6 OC WIN BP CALM NPR$ AND MAY 18, 2018 MAX OF 12'oC M THE FIELD miH eP cA-u NAILS. Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without the authorization OF NEW PROJECT NO o1 local govemmg agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept of Health Semces,Town Building ,APSE 08 Y0 1032-2018 Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Venfy dl conditions,codes,and requirements With such Pt q"p "H DRAWN By a'-DY, agencies pnor to construction o �• BOK /'-7}; * ILA i`e Cr' CHECKED BY FIRST FLOOR PLAN DESIGN CRITERIA AND HE 201 UNIFORM TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL m om• u RB CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT '/SHEET NUMBER AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE As@1 081860 LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH p�FEssLON�� /� o4 /i THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Scale:}'=1' A-0e Existing Structure 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) NUM R OF 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - New Structure PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) m%PIII,Dffil27•AS50(7ATBS,uc 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) c. PROMBE HURMCANE STRAPPING 10 a' --- f ACCOAOPNCE NIIH T015 WIERUBONAL RE4DENBAL UPDAIEO VA1H INC 2016 UMFORN TY13052 3"SM TW3052 NTKEHLDESIGN ASSOCIATES LLc J9-5 O,E YEAhT ALL elkN9e6 10 � resmamlel a comme,ciol tles.on.conv„mcB W9JRE NODRS OF NEW ADDIDON _ _ P114E NNH FLOORS W Ef7SIMB T_ 2t-SIC d ° NgJSE PO BoxIS75 ile phone 1631)433-908A Soulholdokf,NewYoh 11971 E-Mal ssBnGWEoplcnfienel All—11111111 BE (2)1%X 93F LYL UNLESS Jy KeN cev usoc suC elameMonKusocuiev LLC OIHCRMISE NOTED yr S-37L• N'- 5-31C• n e rJ560 r Ilr-I6.0c A WN H HI & USFn CUM N I NO1E VERIFY ALL DIUENSICNS These ddeasdrungs and design and pan1represented the WSURE WALLS CF NEW AWIBON I� ea arrangements II I1NE-UP PAM WALLS W HOUEE therein,are the property of KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC No part thereat shall be Ali copied, disclosed to others or used in connechon iJ560 r 11r-16'a I I m theywith have been preparedo without than wriittenfor consenl e NOTE PRONOE FlRE BAEANS Storage - AS PER DIC 2015 WIERNABONPL AE9NDdDAL CWC UPDATED Above REV '.� W1M ME 2016 UNI(CRu 8 ,2-27-,9 1JS60 K III-tfi•¢ I I 91PRfuFN1 Garage I I arae a �'• -93A---------------------- 21j 10 IJ560,lir-16 a IJ560 r I1 -16'oc _ I Covered - WORK NOTES Entrance ' '- 3'-0yr I -' 3-9 IJS60 r I1r-16.0[ e Appy Water Proofing � slower C 1 j Bath — TA210 x 9 -16'N I J 2 q (Q `� E R Coahrg to AO Walls 0 I e 3 CIE I � I O NOT FOR 3 Master 26E( Po �` 1J210 r 9,'-I6•oc -91s' 3-11F `' V 1J12,DK9 -16°ac II I CONSTRUCTION II Bathroom 3 I oom —q EIec6+7HWe�Led Fbar '4 h �, I �' Loft USE UNLESS 2a•-JK CERTIFIED BY A TA210x 9)-16 NS� O 668 I PROFESSIONAL iJ210r91'-I601 - I4 a room IN Covered I b ENGINEER - ILd Entrance BedroomIJ210x 9'-16a - Sa °" Bathroom o W/l Closets 1,1210 * m r-4)f• J-2 7 1• A iJ210 K 9)•-I6bc S a PROJECT T I ti I I A LVL Flus Bio ll,-Kt - TOGA Of L II Kitchen t irs '' S' U }' 1RESIDENCE -2 3 2425 A ?3-9• MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST - o SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 � TJ210 K 9"-16 aIII � r`�' PRPADE FMWICANE SIRAPP4YC RI SCTM:#051-06-040 ACCOAOANCE W,TH,BE Living 20151N1fD�iABONAL RESIOENRAL CWE Master ` DRAWING TITLE l `�' UPOAIED WtIH iNf 2016 LRJFOAN CODE SUPP�DINi Room III Bedroom LL e OlE VERffT ALL pMEN51fNS r0 � � TJ210.9•-16'. W9AiE FLOORS W NEW ADOIMN �= Living AL'NEW+,xFLaDRsINEzls°ND ,4•-,>f' l7-Bd; 10`°� FOUNDATION PLAN HWS Room rr.7r ElkHmder q m Dinin llm m (2)I)r 9j LK Heoder Room (Cathedral) ALL HE DERS ARE 10 BE Z —Il K 1r LVL Heo a (2)IK%NFLKuaas s 5 OBICRW,Y ND1ED "e"(2)TY.9,'LW"ease` --r Window Hdr Detail o>� TJ210 K 9i"-16'°c ,: 4— _ —1rr 5('LVL Header NOTES —Il K 7j LW.Heoder llv}052 3'SM TW3052 3"SM TW3052 MESE PLANS ARE AN WHOSE E A OF THE EDSERVICEHER AID ARE 1HC NTS WILL E IN II III NOTE VERIFY ALL gNFNSIq"S DESIGN UTEDPRDT SIONAL FULLEST EXTENT IS Or X AW CO TRACTWRINORS SHA WLL IT Irr 9r LK Heoder TW3052 3'SM TW3052 3"SM 11N3052 PROSENIED TO'THE NLLESI E%1LNr W INE LAW NNIAACi0R5 SHAH VERITY ALL 111, T)IrK 91 I.M.He°da —I(K 5ds LVL H.6, INSURC WALL$N NEW AODIRONFIT ,TrE-IW VdrH WAlli W HOUSE FEED COROFFES ANDD ASSUMES AND fk SDLFO RESPONSIBLE FOR UN NO 1NC L-1rx 1r LVL Heads Window Hdr.Detall _�._6. DESIGN SE EN FEEL) CO ITIONS A NO R ADITI FOR ASAISIUPO C 70 NTS O T OR y_�• 7_Ur ' 1-3�e' 6� UNFORESEEN FIEID CMDIIIDJS AND qi ADDITIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT Ne.(2)Irr9.I.M.Header Window Hdr Detail NOTE FROWDE FlAC BISAKS /_y ,4,-1� 0-OT; TONALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REM40N!0 THESE BANS TIV3052 YSIA TY13052 3 SM TW3052 TW3052 3"SM TV13052 —4 p5 PER 39-5' SEAL DATE TW3052}"SM TW3052 3 SM.3052 1HC 2015 WICANABONAI MAY 2018 IESOENML NDC IWDAIEO IL "''I.V PROJECT NO NO W1RI ME T016 IA°fORH OF NEWIli 9JPPUMCN, SECOND FLOOR PLA O�P�Rt O Bq r0?d- DRAWN Bv032-2018 Y-lk'�7-AlFT-316 Scale,17-776 -6�� "�• �-y BOK a"=V-0' - QO' 2- a * CHECKED BY K_y t4-7Y, _ ••tnRB DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL ©COPYRIGHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVARONS ARE F� ,��s-'� h' SHtEi NUMBER CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT �s,, SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN AS TA ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, ALL PIANS AND DEO GNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY Of Op 081868 p a 0^ LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH KEHL DESIGN ASSOgAlES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCNRE FROM THESE �FES510NP /i-!01' 6/. THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,PATH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE 1 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) Scale a"=1'-0' Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to bold Without the wthonzalmn 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - of local go,rerning agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept of Health Services,Town Buldmg PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Verify of conditions,codes,and requirements With such m H11ErDESIGN A%"TE,uc agencies prior to construction 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) �I IPJ nlnrrJJr� ■.Jrw� I e -- 7-Uri 22'3 1D-a 1e - - �y-Uf' 77-3Wj' °-°-------- � II'-I� II'-1�• IBM I_,� PRONDE M1fgICANE INC IN },�k� EFS^•' 1-I ACCOAOANCE WM INE 2015 WTERRATIONAL RESOFNPAL LOGE TY13052 1'SM TW3052 M3052 3'SM TW3052 UPDATED WM ME 2016 UN°OPoA CODE SUPPLEMENT KEHLDESIGN ASSOCIATES, llC 1 2.5 Cebe Joists-15 1' 9/ a manna 6 ommemal tle re p wh re NOR VTRIFY ALL D;MENSONS 10 MSURC ROORS OF NEW AOp110N 1 ALINE WIH n00R5 Ix FXRIWG II PO Boz 1675 phone 1631)133 9C& HWSE Soulhold,lim Yolk 11971 Ental s lcn69isoaptonFmenel A I aE Cdgio Jmsls-I6•oc A Kehi Dau C"IarmeayD.KAssoeNlas LLC A Pll HEADERS ARE i0 BE �� r7 B� p (2)I�'X B�'LK UNIESS � � JWN HI & US U k6R3<UM N S OMERNiSL NOTED 1 I 1 These drawings and specifications including the II�� NOTE VfPoFY ALL DwFN90NS B ideas,therein, ore and arrangements pr perry of KEHLp DESIGNtl IN91R[WADS Of NEW AODmON 7.6 Ceim Jmsfs-16 oc SSOCI the Por !K UNE-UP WM WAILS IN HOUSE I ASSOCIATES,LLC No t thereof shall be Storage I copook- ied,disclosed to others or used in fonn hick the thhave been prepare tlpt other w thout Lwnttenrrconsent y prepared Above NOLO PROWOE FlRE AAEPRS /"�U AS PER i¢ I 2s5 Cedm, _doisls-1�6 oc I REV ME 2M51NRANAPONAL —� Garage R[SDFNPPL CODE UPDATED 12-27-19 WM ME 2016 UNffC181 !-� 6UPPlEMEN1 � 1 —a- 2 � 1 I 2r6 Ce6ma�oisls-16 oc__I � 1 2 10 h6 studs-16". I Studs to beticm of Rafters I 2 im Joists-16'oc 2.6 Shae Irriur LVL B }COX Shealhmg COX Shealhmg I treur LW a roc II }•COX Sheathing o�sd¢a I WORK NOTES x " II 2sID Wing Joists Smpsan Hmgu _ 'I= Bath 3 I e a a IIg2 NOT FOR e --- }Sh.t,.k II Loft ` ' _ (2)I)K11}' — CONSTRUCTION _ I USE UNLESS o II LVL Ream ?COX Acolhmg I,,nr tW Beam Loft s�See Beam Detail A106 C L6 Soffit Fmmmg r COXSheethmg I CERTIFIED BY A (2)1):s g}'LW Flush Bean Ir.Hr LTL Beam Nate RaNa to II Suryson Hanger rCOX Shnthing - PROFESSIONAL be La Oft m Marred Upside dam (2)h6 TLP Plates ENGINEER Eah 5O,of 0� 2s6 duds-76 eL Gnda and II I Thu Billed II_ .,Ih(2)} 1r.ur Ln Be - I Bels DI \ of _ W/l Closet ai Stairs Stairs p 0� UI) A 1011 Al-11"TO be Oued and Noted A �� 6'.sed"aly and spaced 12bc hinnvially PROJECT 11L -i .dh 6p pd.ring shank nods,end Then waved together using Strip-22'L 5• ,� r r,C Co-C Jrc's-76 oc I Slrmg-Le SOWS Taber Suns d Screed TOG gq �°S/u1 I Ve1rcWy as Per Mml Spea and spaced �"m 2'-0'oc Horaanldly RESIDENCE II O I (2)P/."s 9)'LW Ent,Bean o See Beam Detail Al 06 Second Floor Attic 2K10 Ce2mg b¢Is-,6•oc o\ Flush Beam 2425 u g Detail A106 q MISOUTHOLD,NY,LL CREEK 11971 WEST � � Q m PRONCC HURRICANE SIRPPPWC IN Living SCTM:#051-06-040 Master 5 o Living A[COAOPNCE WM 7HC 5 - I Room 2015 WTFRNARCNPL RESOENPAL LOGE 7.10 feLnn In,sls-16'"c Bedroom UPOA ED WIN P[2°16 UNFORU LODE S PP LNENT Room DRAWING TITLE a_ I NOE vERI Auoiuern°NstO SECOND FLOOR CEILING INSURC FLOME9 OF NEW ADOI110N I ANNE 2AM rLooRs W EusrmG FRAMING PLAN & I = I(x 71 I.M.Header HWSE h10 Wei.bids-16 of SECOND FLOOR CEILING (2)1'/,,9)UL Nib Beam I (2)Ir.9)LVL Header m• FRAMING PLAN 240 Cmg,b e, rsls-16 a e —Tr*7r LVL Heeds ALL HEADERS PRE TD BE Window Hdr.Detail (2pB z 9$LW uNEss OIFQRWSE NOTED b,---- TW3052 3"SM TW3052 3-SM n13052 NOTES TW3052}"SM 7W3052 3 SM PW3052 THESE PLANS Ali AN 21SR NENI OF THE SERMCE AND ARE IPE PROPERTY Or ME IN WS Lj DFSIW PRCfE54ON Yd105E SEPI IS OTFlXED H(RE10 N'ERMGEMENTS"LL BE PCNED TO 1HE FULLEST EXTENT OF ME LAW CONTRACTORS SHA L KRPY ALL Y o DY— DESIGN FIELCPRCIFFES AND ASSUIVENSMIONS AND BE SOLEY A MSON81E FOR UNEUD Fit PIF Yljj /-9• 1->Y UNFORESEEN SEENFEELD CO AAUMES NO R AD ITI f➢2 CASED UPON DUE TO NTS NOT OR /._g. IA_7Y i0-DY 39_5• UNFmIESLFN nCLO CONDITIONS AND OR ADDITIONS BASEL UPON COMNENiS NOT FORMALLY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REVISION TO THEK PUNS ]9-5 NOR'ROT RO AS FRE BREAXS AS PER SEAL DATE SECOND FLOOR CEILING FRAMING PLAN 1HE2D1ALCOO °DNA` SECOND FLOOR RAISED CEILING FRAMING PLAN RESIDENTIAL 2C'AL CODE UPDATED MAY 18 2018 WiH 111E 2016 UNIFORM PROJECT NO SUPPLEMENT N �E OF NEW T,0 1032-2018 d" Scaler' =1'-0^ �P PS O a,,R p DRAWN BY Scale'a =1'-0" O 'Py BDK CHECKED BY DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL RB CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT ©COPYRIGHT 2016 KOHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC.ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE n -`=F- SHEEr NUMBER AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT oeWebe LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION ALL PIANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF s`aA X20' DEAlw 06 THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE SIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE FESS '� LONP �I PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,WITH WRITTEN PROOF O PURCHASE 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) U 8 NUMBER OF 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - Acceptance of these drawings does not Suffolk Coe the Dept to Held Servicithoutes, the on Buiiation ding PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) - Deof partments, governing agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept of Health Semmes Town such Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Verify all condlHons,codes,and requirements with such a,�8,1)�IGNASSODA78$� 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) agencies prior to construction PROVIDE HIIRPoCANE SIRAPPINC IN " - - -- - '��/�5 ACCORDANCE MIH THE I 7015 WIBaIAPONAL RE90ENDA1 CODE ---- UPDAIEO Mm THE 7016 UNIFIXM CWE 511PPIfkNI KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES, LLe resaeexm a co,rw,orc,a aoslan.con-no I NDIC VEWtt ALL DIMENSIONS f0 INSURE FLOORS OF NEW ADDI110N • AIWE MiH RWRS N ENSIWC 1 xauEE PO Box 1675 phone (631)433-9084 Soufhald,New Yah 11971 E-Mal;&654a^oplon4nenel ALL NCADERS AAE TOS IDe>,saxsoewses uee onroM D Ac 11i ue OUEAMSE NOTEDjWNIE!,eSHIP & USL OF UOLUMLNIS These drawings and specifications including the NOTE VERUY ALL DIMEF190NS ideas,dthere nesign and arrangements repOresented i INSURE WALIS U NEw ADgT10x ASSOCIATES, LLC theproperty part thereoff KEHL hosl Gb it I UNE-VP MiH WAILS IN HOUSE eopied disclosed to others or used in sconnection with any work or project other than for which they have been prepared without written consent Ceding Height NOTE PROVDE FWE BREAKS �Top of wmdo n AS PER THE 7015 MTERNANONAL RESNENiW.CODE UPDATED REV I I I MTN 1HE NII6 UY.ECRN 12-27-19 I I SUPPLCMENi I i I I lop of Subfloor e Ceiling Height ioP of wmtlow F�FF WORK NOTES Top of 725"Baseboard �B lop Foundation oud of nr Top of Founahan a- i NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST ELEVATION USE UNLESS USE BY A SCALE 114•=1'-0• PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 25/84-1, I PROJECT TOGA UPDATED MPATDHWME H7JHURRICANHURRICANEMEFOSRIIRI APPCG& ACCORDANCEMSH H 2015 INTERNATIONAL FE40ECODE RESIDENCE CODE SRFL[MEN T 2425 OTE VERIFY ALL O NENSIOYS 10 W6URE FLOORS OF NEW AADIPON MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST ADNE MIH FLOORS IN EASING SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 Tray Ceihng Height HousE CeiHn Height—.— — Coding Neig"` SCTM.#051-06-040 9 9 W To of dAIL HCADERS NAE 10 BE ®, p wmow 91f'LVL UNICSS DRAWING TITLE Top of window - OIHERMSE NDIED I - I moi. NOiC lEAltt ALL DNENSIONS 11 INSURE WAILS if NEw AIgIDON - _ "NE-NMHWALLSI""°OSE ELEVATIONS AS NOTED _ NOTE PRONOE FIRE BREAKS Top of Subfloor AS PER THE 2015 NTEEFeIAII°NAL Top of Subfloor Ceding Height Sa RCSHCODE UPDATED Coding Height�— � MIHIN THE 7016 UNFORN NOTES Top° wm1 dow SUPPLENENI THESE PLANS ARE AN WSTRWLYT OF THE SENATE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIGN PRQESSIONAL Mi05E SEAL IS PFFlKED HCRC10 WFR4YCENCNTS MLL BC Tap of w ndow PROSFIELD CONDI 10 THE MLLE N ONS A OF THE LAW CONRESPONSIBLE F SNAIL VERJFY ALL FEST CONDITIONS ANO DIMENSIONS AND B TY FOR AESPONSI&E FOR FIELD N THE ©COPYRIGHT 20111 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ED WI ONS ARE °E4oN PROFESSIONAL FIELD CO ITIONS AND R ADtY FCR aSED UPON DUE to NTSN NOT OR TIEFe PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED INTNOUi FORMALLY [N KNOW EDGED CONDITIONS Axa av TO THESE LAMS upON couu[xls Nm WRITTEN IGN ASSOCRON ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF NRuatY AacNawtEDG[D as REN9aN to(HESE aAxs KEHL DESIfN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCNRE FR061 THESE SEAL DATE PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,WITH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE MAY 18, 201 B I Top of 725"Baseboard SOF NEW PROJECT NO Top of 7 25"Baseboard Top of Subfloor Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to build without the authorization apt O B O2 1032-2D18 Top of Subfloor a of local governing agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept of Health Services,Town Building e roEit qRR DRAWN BY Top of Foundation Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Verify all conditions,codes,and requirements with such oma- v� BOK Top of Founaahon fir— 'AAt, agencies prior to construction * a: '§ * CHECKED BY ` Generator °l RB DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL " S EE7 NUMB R CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT a 0818 ESO` WEST ELEVATION AS ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE pROFESStO LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ® THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE SCALE 174'1'-0' 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL(WFCM) ?.���j�20 , 11JOH NUM 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING- PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS(AISIS-230) m KMDESIGNASSOCIATTi4i ru 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES(ICC400) RiONDE HURRICANE STRAPPING IN ACCORDANCE WTH ME K'#� 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESDENIIAL CODE UPoATED WiH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE 91PPLEMENT KEM DESIGN ASSOCIATES ❑.c roswenna a e—ooldenon"coroot g OIE KflIFY ALL DINENSCNS 10 IN9JAE FLOORS a NEw AOIIIIION PLRE NIH FLOORS M EnSUNG HWSC PO Boz 1675 phone 16311633 9096 Southold,New Yak 11971 EAAall ssbn656DoplonGle net ALL HEADERS ARE 10 BE Konlnon :ocmas 111"171 1AKA:socmef ue l2)li;'%4Nt LK UNIfSs ^.-ter = ,. M OiHERNSE NDIED WNL HI & U UM Nly f These drawings and specifications including the NOTE VERIFY ALL DINEN90N$ Ideas,design and arrangements represented INSURE WALLS a NEW PDIIIRON therein are the property of KEHL DESIGN T.o Cemn He,n:—�— UNE-UP WTH WALLS IN HWSE ASSOCIATES,LLC No port thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others or used,n connection Y 9 9 with ony work or project other than fornwh,cIn Ceding Height they have been prepared without wntlen consent NOTE PRONOE FIRE&PEAKS Tap or wineowT INTERIOR TRIM AS PER 2" X I' Casing THE 1THE 2016 UR ORM REV EP ]E EF "X 2�" Base RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDALED w1IH THE 1016 NJFORN 12-27-19 9 PRLufNT ROOF GAP Architectual Shingles color is Oyster Grey h��hm SIDING op ar sumoor Hardie Plank color is Booth Bay Blue Ceiling Heigh, v Top of window ® ® ffl HH HH H] ® SCOPE OF PROJECT NOTES E] —1 1)WIII be installing a Culligan water filtration system(Whole House),and based on well water LM testing,apparently need a special"Iron reducing"component WORK NOTES J[djL F-1 Top of Subflaar 2)WIII need telling fans In each bedroom,two in the great room and one in the loft Top of Foundation _ 3)WIII want under-cabinet tights In the kitchen eraae 4)WIII want outdoor lights,outlets on each side of the house NOT FOR 5)WIII want spigots on each side of the house. CONSTRUCTION SOUTH ELEVATION 6)1 hope to install a(propane-powered)generator,so need to have panel USE UNLESS and transfer switch Included for the electrical layout 7)Provide outlets to support a workshop and planned wine cellar CERTIFIED BY A SCALE,/4"-''-0• PROFESSIONAL 8)Provide existing slop sink and pump in basement 9)Possible wired or vnreless outlets for Sonos wireless speakers to patio, ENGINEER Kitchen,Living Room,Loft and Master Bedroom,Including up high on the East Wall of the Great Room 10)Basement windows to be replaced 11)That same east wall In the great room Is to have floor to ceiling book shelves (sliding-door base cabinets,with space in the middle for a Large N and a rolling Library ladder. 12)Loft area work to Inluded a built-In desk along the North wall with shelves above PROJECT TOGA RESIDENCE 2425 MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 SCTM:#051-06-040 Ceiling Height PPoK1E HURRICANE SIRAPPEYO 21 DRAWING TITLE ACCORDANCE WITH THE Top al rnndow - UPDATED OWITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLE Diff OR KPoFY ALL aVENSONS i0 FE RgREnaoRsaNEWAn6mal ELEVATIONS AS NOTED Al Br'E NI1N FLORAS W EMSINO HO E All HEADERS AAE 70 SE (1)Iz B>i LK UNICSS ODRRNSE NOTED fop of Sublloor `-' NOTES THESE PIANS ASD.'AN NSIRNIENT a DIE SERNCE ACID ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE DESIW PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEAL I5 AFFIXED HERETO NFRNCEMENTS FULL BE Ceiling He,gnt PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW CONTRACTORS SHAM VERIFY ALL Tap of window NOTE KRffT ALL DIMENSIONS FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND BE SOEY RESP04SBLE FOR FELD FIT THE INSURE WALLS a NEW ADRRaI DESttF PROFFESSONAL ASSUMES NO UABETY Fat OD45KY6 OLE TO UNKNOWN OR Ulff-IW Yd LH wajLS IN HCdRE UNFORESEEN FELD CONDITIONS AND OR ADDNIONS BASED UPON COMMENTS NOT FORMALLY ACKNOAlEDGED AS REYSON TO THESE RAMS SEAL DATE NOTE PROVE FRE BREAKS MAY 18, 2018 AS PER PROJECT NO B�a ESI 1015 RDDEUUICNAI OF NEIy RESIDENTIAL 201St NDE UPOATLD ZE Ya 1032-2018 WIN THE 2016 MNFERN y'AP Rj O a., 'P.� DRAWN BY SUPPLEMENTa�F' R9� BDK Top of Subfloor `" I'E` -t * CHECKED BY Top or Foundationr DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL ` - RB CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT ©COP.YRICHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE /; SHEET NUMBER AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PIANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT Compressor Compressor Generator LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF �q C81 86g A2�� P P THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE �FESBIO JP 2 " NORTH ELEVATION 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL(WFCM) PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY i0 THE BUYER,WITH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE u�1 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - Acceptance of these drawings does not authorize the right to buld without the authorizohon `7` /`��Z[7 D08 NUM OF SCALE 1/4"=1'-0" PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) of local governing agencies,such as Suffolk County Dept of Health Services,Town Building Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Verify all conditions,codes,and req wremenls with such m KEFIDBSIGN AMOCIAT%to 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) agencies prior to construction Ridge Val f�'� �r'.aTf.�.tL�S.t� .e!r!':s_.e"1%• _"��E i IrAir LVL Ridge PROVIDE HURRICANE STRAPPING W Hancone Sirappng �' ----- I • ACCORDANCE WTH INE 20151NTERRAPH TIE CUNBORN NAL RESIDENPAl Q0E 2x10 Aallas Ridge Vat NI2016 CODE$UPPIEMENI i CAM Ral Shalhmy If hr Llk Ridge KEI-II,DESIGN ASSOCIATE, tic 1«as water$n,aa mharnna 6 eornmercla Msgn..-an, O1E VERYY ALL DIMENSIONS i0 }'Col,Carnage for CAF Ar,at.lud Rml Shngia TEL Ir s 91 Rapers f'o•Y o a�e IN91P,E FLOORS OF NCW ANDIPON P.[h.Roloo-I6'oc }'Cp%Roof ad heiWinter ng wIJE WTH fl00RS w E%IsmdG �F r CDX Ral Gheafhng lu as w°tm suede PO Box 1675 phone 14711433 9094 HOUSE Batt Inwloha Batt ti clan —� Southo'd,NewYoh 11971 ETna ssbn654B^oplonWenel r on,Caroge Halls r Ca'v Camge Bills ke ad Wale'Sew—� GAF Arcuated ftal Shrges GAF ArchdecWo Roof Shnjes__\ 'i"I'l Nrov A 11 LL •fornoi o A xusocamr tie Aft NEPIICRS ARE 10 81 dr y KIN rGdvC."ing.Bats WN HI US CUMLNIS X,Llh U1,4Ess OTHERWISE NOTED .A To- (1)1x6 lop Plate L6 Studs 16 ac •C Adls These drawings and specifications Including the m _p,hwlalm R-111vwiotwm-� 2,60wgad Brote l2'ac � 1 m�e ideas, design and arrangements represented 2x6 Bbckn therein ore the t F KEHL DESIGN (212x6 Tap Poe, 4 1 2x6(o P 1 —1x8 Atek Farm's Dosed CID Foom g }Cox ASSOCIATES,LLC prop er t thereof shall be NOTE v[RIFY ALL DIMENSIONS () p 1x6 Ridge Piles 2x5 Ridge Poles Attie Sheathing par INSURE 1VALL5 Of NEw AODITIGJ g 12'Beaded A,A Voted Saints copied,disclosed to others or used in connection Y rO)%Pool with an work o ct other than for which UNC-UP WITH WALLS IN HGISE r I.xll}°LVL Bax Bm Boli Inaction S'heeihmg R-3G Insulalut posed C,0 Foan the hove been afe pored without written consent I,tilt LVL Box Bra Oren Geroge Dao }'Car,Canoga Bdls }-CDX Rcol A 1x10 False Rollers p NOTE PROVO[FRC BREAKS TJ560 x r-16. iJ560,it -I6 aI y1V LOT= r Extew Sheeting Re AS PER 26 1 Pate Grace Ilase Wap or EWd Hancone Sirappng 'j COX Si MID Nang la 4-T R-30 houlo. W n Iran the Goble Wall Ball nwloiwn REV THE 201 INTERNATIONAL, 2x6 lap Plole (3)1}"x16'LVL Header flardh-Plank Shdhng12-27-19 RESDURIAL CODE UPDATED x6 ledger Bomd New Garage Saran Hager YdTH THE 2010 UNIFORM 2x10 C"ar;Josis-16'ce SUPPLEMENT j Cox W Smlhng Al W'ofs ad Cel rg See Second Floor R-21 lnsoata of tie Goiage to be R-21 InSdaba 1x8 Atek Fowls s R-30 MAIL. Attic Flush Rldae Daea Cee Foon 2,6 Frans Sheelrocked.,In Type x 2x6 F.mmg 12'Beaded Atek Vented Sells is • g )'Rre-iniad Seurak ere Beam Detail A106 2x6 Kn,e.on 2,6 Shce per the 2015 No Code 1,6 Shce Walk-in Bedroom r COX House SubDow lunch Exstng) Update mlh the 2016 r COX Si(umm Ensing) Office/Sitting Area Beyond Wp"9 Unda.Code Supplement }'Fxlaha Sealhhng �' Closet 1 roar ra SU _ ———__—_—— Goa Ham Wap a EWd Entrance (7)Ir.9}'LK Flu9h Scan Boll Inwlalmn rx J LVL Plush Brom }',Il,Minor —2x10__16 a TJ210 s 9r-16'a. I TJ1IO x 9;-16 oa. Bills 32 ce Hcrd-Plink Sting R-Zl lnwlobun I (2)15 H.,i ReIN 4 PC 9eb 4'PC Slab Mori Poarea ST 1J210,9}-16 ac r COX Si R-301nsuleiha— W/fi,6 10/10 WMA W/fix6 10/11 WW7J nth W/6x6 1D/10 WWMIj Harnane Slopping 2x4 Plot, I 1 9,'Pamela Bean B PC fandalm Hurthcae"'I", —1x8 To— FS Velvol Reba 48bc 15 Reba 6 M4 Pay Vapor Borne, 9}'Perr i Bear Shat Nay715 R�or Pms (2)15 HIT can 2'-0'ac 2'-0°oc R-19 Insulation R-191nsdolwn R-19 Insulalmn 12 Beoaad Atek Valed SoIris Vn,B Cone Flg- Wood Post Nurncene Strapping is A:ek Rete Road 4 5 Rebm R-JO Inakim Vhn 3-0'Belo. I @ eeang Point 1x4 Cada Buld-Out Fnd GaOe N-8� Long War }'Fxlena Shealhng R-IS hwialmn WORK NOTES EWaOy Spaced Goa Ham Wop or Equal CROSS SECTION A R-15 Quare Hard-Peek Shtlng Kitchen Closet � Bathroom Entrance ACO PacI CDX SuaOoa }'COX Subllaa 2x6 ACO Packing )W%S9r- ExrsUn 2x10-16 a Ix Az Wap SCALE 1l4'=1'-0" {0 1 Existing h10-16'aa g Rmsh Slae 1x8 Atek Base tree J IJ110 x 9}'-i6 0,. Srslaed•dh Srslaed nth 1,Yx 9'LVL 1'PC 9a8.hlh 6,fi Humane Slopping Urs 9r LW } w/AWV 10/1D 4x4'A,ch Pool MTM NOT FOR )'x18'Anther Boll Nurncae Spopphn9 Ridge Venl 9}Pameler Beam CONSTRUCTION �1rxN LVL Rd a id`s 18 Mchor Bots 32'ce rx 18'Anchor 0 9 R-JO Insdaba R-!0 Nsulolmn -30 lnwloUa Bills 3Yae 15 Rcba 2/'oc (2)55 Har¢onid Rotor 2 p5 xar5,7l N.ar_ r Sheeirak 3}',9}LVL Grda .3;x9;LVL Coda H Sirappng 8'PC F.do[,. USE UNLESS (2)15 No-of Rebar T PC Fando6a PSL 1}'s gr R°ltas Compacied Flt 2)15 Hui Reba CERTIFIED BYA h10 Rollers-16°ac )CDX Roof Shearing B'PC F.Antron 8'PC Fourdnion }'COX, Ruching 15 and Walo Shedd 15 Vah,d Reber 48bc Basements 3}'x 7-4,A36 Standard Sled Pipe 4'Sled Zip Column 15 Verbal Rebar Wa 15 Rebar 2'-0'11 PROFESSIONAL Ice ad+.°ler SeA� Di Proof q dh 12YI2 x;Bose end nth Cap to Bose Dome Proonng ebort Way GAF Mchhleelud Raol Sim Urs Lag Boiled to Grader (4)15 Aebor Lag CAF aNdatud Rod Shmg'es A-<9 lnsdalwn 9 3}x 12n!ch coma r hide .hN rx2;fid,lap Way 6'a ENGINEER t1,-pi Bi 2118°Cac fig No 0 'In, i 111,a -1 4"PC Slab 4 PC slob 2)15 Haaonial Rebar 3-0'Bda.Rnol God, r Pconde Alk¢Access -4 (2)15 or 2'-lal AeDm w Pd Vo or Barrha w Pot Va o Borne, posed Cd Gam Zi6 Studs 16 a P,rwgh Rollers Gored Cd[Foam 15 Rebar 2-O'oc 3-01 6-O x 8' 1-0 x 2-0 x 8' IS SartaD oc Shat way "" CDX (1)15 Reba Lag \ 24's 8 (6)(�5 R 1m E/1 Cmc FIg v/ 24's 8 MIS,ft 5or Lag Boll n24 wla�onkn9 �Sheathmg Way 6'x Lone Fools Spaced LW ad (4155nea LW ay Canc Facing way 6'a \\x/y A-30 hsutaha 9 1 p ( 1 Mm 3-0'Be.. 4,4 ACO Pat _ (Mm Fact Gr Below (11Xd5 Rebar[Really ( 2x6 AW cracking PROJECT AtticAttic Bail Ni R°n posed Cell Foom sol Grade) po ed SW) Find Grade) NIi,A,ckAD Wrop }COX Roof •A - 1,10 False Rollers TOGA Slhhrg eo USrNek Base Iran B°rraooe51i�png }CDX$a69aor 'COX Bar dCROSS SECTION C This Balt III 240 Wing Jests-16'oe 4x4 Smpsan PBa Anchor pq ESI®E g� Goscd Ceb Foon SCALE 174"=1'-0" 3 01 }•+IB'M,ha Bolt ,�•k` mpa�, 1x6 ArA Fascgs R-301nsAolsn Smpsa Hager Covered Porch Post Sae Sand Floor 2425 12'Beaded Atek Valed So1D15 I I Attic Flush R1dge R-151nwkiwn I I Beam Detail A106 Office/ Construction MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST r W..Sheeting Shower wlalho Vf Wash I 2 Bath FOOTING SPECS. SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 Goa I—WrW a EWd _K J'-O• � �-I Sitting Area A-JO hwhta Had,-Pak sang Goma Cell Foo. Dryer r CDX Bob Baa Huonane Strapping FOOTING DIMENSIONS AND INFO. COX Sabda, rJ1lD,9}•-16•at SCTM:#051-06-040 R-IS hsulalm R-21 Insulothon PI W -0 x - I-' a Eco m nth 3 5 Rebar E w Larry Deed PROVDE HURRICANE STRAPPING IN DRAWING TITLE Hancae SlropC^9 ACCORDANCE WITH THE 9}Penmeler Beam J110,9 -16 a NCV 2-6 r 2-611-0 Caaele Foolm 2015 BtiERJAPONAI RE9DENIUL CODE wHh (41#5 Reba FW E of ed UPDATED WiM THE 1016 1A¢FgtM CODE SUPPLEVEIH 11 Beaded Ank Valli So16is flush BI AJO Insulalhan Closed CiA 1x Atek Free Brad A-IS Insdolhon R-151nsdoha pared Ced Foom NEW 3'-O°x 3'-0'x I'-0 Concrete Fooling r Exlaor ShealAng 2x4 Grder Budd-Out nth(5)A5 Reba EW Equally Spaced OTC ERIFY ALL DMEN90NS 10 R-151nwlalhon Covered INURE RDDAswNEw ADpInGI SECTIONS AS NOTED Gore House wrap a FRI R-15 atm NEW/'-0'r 1'-0'z I'-0'Lauele Faoln Horth-Punk Sting P1WE YdTN FLOG6 W EMS dC Bedroom CL. Bathroom Bedroom Entrance nth 6 SAeDa EW EmI erred HG SE R-151nwlalhal 4x4 ACO Past n 4 Thick Oh R-151rojoi I COX Su6floa 2,fi ACO Pa,khnq W posed Cell Foam f COX Subbea Ensbng LIO-I6'oc h Atek Wrip J5 Rda E W rs er Plan E udl 5 aced .HEADERS ARE 10. 2,10-I6'. inrsh Stae he Atek Base irm 21�X 4Ir LTL UNLESS NOTES Sslaed vdh () 4 PC gobnth 6x6 OTNCAwiSE NOIFD Urs 9}'-LVL11 PIESE PIANS ARE AN NSIRU SEAL IS THE ED HEC AND ARE 111E PROPERTY OF EPIC Hurntae$Ira v/Y7AM 10/10 DESNN PRCEE59Gt0.WVOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED HERETO NTRWC£MENIS WiL BE PP^9 9r Penmeler Berm 4x4 Smpson Post Anchor PROSFIELD 1 TED101 1,1 THE FULLEST EXTENT11AOF PE LAW CONTR11111 111 F R I VCROY All I"x 18 Anchor Dais 32'm A-JIT Inwlala �(2)11;x 9r LVL R-30 Insuloha (2)1�'x 9;'IVL rs IB Anchor rub°Anchor Bill NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS FEST COROIFESS All aSSUMES$AND B IY FOR RE5PTSIONS FOR UN Fli THE Bills 32'cc INSURE WALLS OF NEW AG1IPON DESIGN UNFORESE N FIELD COL ASSUMES NO L ADDITIONS FGI OMMISIONS NUE TO UNKNOWN OR 115 H—of Reb Push B. FRsh Bm 2)Rehm 11'a 1)15 C,Four t b. _ FORMALSCEN KNO COGEO AS AND OR To THESE BASED UPON COWCN75 N01 }SneekrorA }Shee6ak FORNAIIY AIXNOWIEOGED AS AEN90N r0 THESE PANS. (1)]5 Naualo Reba g FC,Fandalm D Canpacled To 8'PC Fandalha SEAL DATE 8'PC Foundalia 2)15 Hontatol Rebar NOTE PROVIDE FIRE BREAKS 15 Verlrcd Reba 48'a Basement 4 Steel ZP Cokmn 5 Verticil Rebar 48'a' MAY 18. Dam Pr48 �' ih Cray and Bose pomp Prannq 15 Rebar 2'-0°a AS PER PROJECT NO 2018 P 9 log Billed to Greer Short Way THE 10151NTERNAPONAl 4E OF NEMV YO 3}17-1',A36 Standad Sled PT, nth r.2r Gov Log (4)15 Bob.Lag RESIDENRAL CGDE UPDATE) y P� BA,4 � gyp' O R 1032-2018 ti 12112,}Bose ad Bats Any 6'a KITH THE 2016 U11FGN 0r`' R9 DRAWN BY 3},12'^r Co,nth r to, 4 PC Bob Z4 s8'Cac Fig SUPPLEMENT * 0 * BDK 4'PC Sib h each corner 1)15 Haruatal Rebar F`v CHECKED BY (2)15 Homm�lol Aeba w Pol Woor Bar; . Pal V a Bon,, 3'-O°Bd..Final Gode w,v 15 Reba ciald 15 Rebo 2-0 a RB Shod way Y-ox 3-ox a 2-D',2'-D'x a Aorl Way DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL (D COPYRIGHT 2018 KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ARE �'n '� Cac Fig./ Conc.Fig./ �� 4 R L CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT 2 SHEET NUMBER 4 5 Rebw La ()� °"g PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAY7 PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHWT s� uBtFsse X20 (11 g 241 8 (5)15 Rdcr EWtay (4)15 Rebar lWdrr 24 x B y�y 5•m AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE AUTHORIZATION ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF AROFESSIONP� w ^O J Way 6 oc tort Facing Spaced(EW) Spaea(E W) o S Facing LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH !L�!V{ II (wn 3-D'Be., (Mm 3'-p'edaw THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE d Rnai Grade) THESE STANDARDS, PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,{NIH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE TOOT Gr°de) CROSS SECTION B 1 AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL(WFCM) DOB NUM ER Of SCALE;1/4"=T-0" 301 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - Acof c'.1.1 once of ngesgencoe,s does not authSuffolk County ly Dept to bead without the i Building PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) De local as,DEC,G enA,a such as Sallf co Count Oe t of ndHealth req irerriments with such Departments,DEFE61A,etc Verify all conditions,codes,and requirements with such m KOfITAD6IGN•ASSO17A7hS,tic 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) agencies prior to construction PROTIDE HURAICPFVE SIRAPPMG IN R70NDE HURRICANE SIAAPPWG W ACCORDANCE W1Di 1HC ACCORDANCE WEAR THC 20151NIERNATIGAAL ftES10ENAlAL CODE 10151Ni 2016IU RESIDENTIAL CODE - - IADAIED Yd1H THE 2016 IWFOAM CODE SUPPLEMENT UPDATED VAIN THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPIEMENI � KEHLDESIGN ASSOCIATES, uc mTE NERIFT aLL DwD+mNS ro +DIE NERFY Aa aMExslas m —aennm ca fi,,o 10 Box 1675 INSIJAE FLOOf6 a NEW ADIXTION 44SI1RE ROatS OF NEW AOaMI'R RUNE WITH ROCWS W EYISIWG ALINE 1wIH ROORS W EIOSBNC xWA SaAho;d,New Yak 11971 E-Mail phone 65QoplonFreniel ALL HEADERS PRE t0 BE f)HEAD aR[10 BE moea a­11—el no—co, .x o .moew ue 2 1�% LK UNlf55 xe .- s. >^,rc .4_Y=G •"._m'! Qq'.X W* LVL UNLESS OTHERWISE TIDIED OIHERN75E NO1FD WN I & US * UMLNIS These drawings and specifications including the NOAE 4ERDY All aMEN5lON5 ideas design and arrangements represented WSURE MALLS DF hN.Y7 WMIIllDN therein ore the property of KEHL DESIGN NOTE NERFY ALL aMFNSla6 LWE-IW NI1H WALLS IN HOUSE ASSOCIATES,LLC No port thereof shall be WSLgA[wulH OF NEw PBDINa4 cap ied, disclosed to others or used in connection UNE-LT WTN WALLS In Ha15E with any work or project other than for which they have been prepared without wnttan consent NOAE PROTIDE FIRE BAEPxs NOTE PROTIDE FIRE BREAKS AS PER THE 1015 INTCRNATIIXIAL REV THE 20I51N1ERNAlIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED W11H TNf 2016 UMFOflN 12-27-19 MTH 1NE 2016 UNIFORM 9JPREMENT $UPPLEVENr Huneme Sbapinq Hurncone Strapping 2,6 pyraflers 12'OIL Ridge Vent Rdge Vml 11'x110 H Ridge I z11'LVE Riche L —PSL 11'x91 Ravers 2x10 Ra[ 1x10 Rollers-1fi ar— I I II 03%Aool Sheothm 1•CDN Roof Sheathing )'CDN Ral$heathn9 g Ice and Water Shold Ice and Water Shedd Ice and Water Shedd 11 2x4 outing CAF A chdedud Roal Shingles GAF Archdedual Not Shmgles GAT Nchdectud Roof Shingles 2.6 Call"ries Ifi'a f`IXY t"-0Y s r WORK NOTES F2x6 Studs I6'a ]'Carnage BillsI I I I I I I I I tt I I 2x6 Blacking I id 2xlO Fdee Reau, I I I I I I I I I Attic Shedhmg I I I I I I I I I I I r CD%Ral I I I I I I I I I I I I I I shmD,g R-30Inedaha" I I I I I I I I I I c0%Rmi� d 2.10 Pa.Rait sated Cell Foa F —I — —I — — �a I I I I I I I I I I I I NOT FOR xarntae sbappmg 2xb finding to 4-O I I I I I I d0 J - 686 2x10 Ceding Josls-16'ce INom the CdJe will R-301nsfebm CONSTRUCTION See Second Floor =e SvnPtorl II Hmga 2x U ai outs 16'a 1J Ce1ng oils 6'a. - - - R-30 Insolah n __ Attic Flush Ridne - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - USE UNLESS (2)2,6 To Rate -- - -- See Second Floor Beam Detail Pane A108 11 11-t-t-tj Id Aiek III (2]lr' NI LVL - - R-301nsNki- - R-30 lnwlahon _ - _ _ _ R-30 lnwlahm - R-0 nwlahan CERTIFIED BY A 12'8caaee afek vmlee salols R-30 lnsdahm cam �2idge 1 I Beam Detail A108 R-30 mtwmm° r xaKK g f Offi /Sitting Area Beyond R-151ntddm Master Walk-in - PROFESSIONAL Et Shminn I i 9 Y I Bathroom Closet Master Bedroom ENGINEER Grace Hose Moo or Equal Master B dry m I I I - R-n Irisulafm Ham-plunk SKIng I I I I I R-21 Insulafm I I I I I Humane Slrappng Runcme Sk pur9 I I p21301ncolalm _ 1x6 Shce 1x8 Fasna TJ210 x 91-_16-C TJ210 z 9'-16 a. iJ10 r 9)-16 Pc 91'P-oler Be- R-191nsulolion A-191nsda6on (2)26 Top Plate O a \ 12 Beaded Azek Vented Saffie R-191ns Iron 1x Ate'x Raue Bard PROJECT 1'Side.Sheathing R-2 nwlalon 1•Efteor Shooting R-15 1nsulalm TOGA crl Grow House*up or Equd Y-1 Grace[Wuse Wrap a Equal mal OO��ii Hadi-RadiS�g Kitchen I-N1ngRoomCl Ha�_RankS�g Bedroom Kitchen Dining � R-21 inalobm 12C btacur iJ21 9)X Sa10ac Room R-21 Inwlalm R E S I®E C E Hte"cone Strwpmg ❑❑❑ 2425 2,6 Shce iJ180 z 9 -I6 ac MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST 9�Pe-er Brom TJ210 r 9 -I6 rc TWOO z 9 -16 cc r 18 And, Boll r,IB Anchar Bills 32'a I'x IB'Anchor Bills 3t cc R-301nsda6m ft-)O Insulation R-301nsulobon )x IB'Author Bills 32 ac SOUTH OLD,NY,11971 I' R-.Hl lnsulal�m ( 1x 9)'LW A-301nrvlolion R-b kisulalm R-JO Inwlaban (2)15 Haaanlal Reba-- 115 Ha¢a"Id Rp )'Sheetrak Flush Bm I$Aeelrotk 3)'d7 DL Grder =ShreUak )$heelroh !'Sheefrak (2)15 Honaan'el Rda 51 r9'LW Grder 31 r91'LW Graer 3)r91 LK G der 3)'x91 LK Cader 3)'x9 LW GBda (1)15 Haumld Aeba Basement Coaps,Led Fd Compacta Fill SCTM:#051-06-040 8 PC.Fandola� 8 PC Fandatm 8'PC Founded. Basement 8'PC Fandobm 15 Vnlrcd Rebm IB'a Basement ' 4 Sued 1p Column 5 Na4d Rebar 48'ac IS Verlc Rehort7 Basement Y Damp Had eba 19'a. Dane Proarng 3)x 7-4',A36 Standard Sled Pius wih Cap and Base Dane Proornq pProofing DRAWING TITLE Ih 12'x12 x I'Base and Lag Willed to Cider 31 x 12%r Cap wdh r he, .Ah rx21'cd,Log In each caner Bolts 4 PC Slab 4 PC Slob 4'PC Slob 4 PC gab C PC gob 4 PC gab (2}p5 NaNmid Reba w Pal Va a Barra r Pol Va a Barrer x Pd V°or Burner 2)15 Harzonlal Rebar (2)15 Haaanld Aeba w/Poly VODor Bane w/Poly Vapor Bowrer w/Pah, Vapa Banitr 1)15 Nanmlol Rebar y5Reber-tal ISlolhrrWo0'a. 15 ear2'oya JS Rebar 2'-0'ac SECTIONS AS NOTED Y 3-01 3-0 z 8 2'-0'z Y-0'z 8' Y Shat W'oy (4)15 Rebar Lang Cane Ft n/ Conc FIg./ 24'z 8 4 Ryba ton (4)15 Reba Lm J'-Ox 6' Snot Way 24.8 (6)15 Rebar E d1 ()15 9 g \ 24'z 8' E Gain Flg x/ 4=0'z/'-0 z 8 2/x 8 (4)IwaReba Lmg Wo 6 x qu Y (4)15 Reba Equally Woy 6'a N0Y V. Cons Facing (6)110 Reba E4aIIy 5-0 z J-0 z 8' Cac FI9�/ Cone Fmtmg y 6 oc Y Cmc Fain $paced(E W Can.Falrq Y-0'x S-Ox 8' Cmc FI (8]IS Rebar E a7 Toeing ) Spuc,(EA) (Mm 5-a'B)a. $paced L W)and g•/ qu y (Mn 3'-0 Bdo. (Nm 3'-0'Bdow Cmc Fl d (IAn 3-0'e) Food Guide) Fal Grade) 4 w/ Find Grade) (6)15 Rebar Equdly (12N15 Retia CgaaOy (6)15 Rebar Fgdly Space EW Fmd Crude) Spa<cd(E W) E9ored SW) Spaced(CW) NOTES CROSS SECTION DES0 PLAINS All AN VISTRUWHOSE SEAL OF THE SERVICEDHER AND ARE THE NTS WILL 1 MC PROVIDE HURRICANE SIR NG W li PROFESSIONAL WHOSE SEPT I$THESVICACTO INFRINGEMENTS PROPERTY ERT BE ACCORDANCE WITH AHE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMCNSIONS AND BE SOIEY RESPONSIBLE FOR FETD FIT THE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM COBE SUPPLEMENT f'�0/-� SCALE 1/4'=1'-0' UNFORE3 L DESIGN PROFFESSIONAL ASSUMES NO UABUIY FOR CMMISIONS WE r0 UNKNOWN OR CROSS SECTION FORMALLY FIELD EDGEDAS AND OR TO THESE LA D UPON COMMENTS 1101 NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMEN4ad5 70 FORMPllY ACKNOWLEDGED AS REVISION TO iNfY RAMS WSUPE FLOORS OF FLYY ALpHa+ RUNE nIM ROf`RS W EMNIG ^ SEAL DATE MAY 18 2018 HCuSE SCALE-114" 1'-0' .{O FOOTING SPECS. S OF NEW PROJECT NO v FOOTING DIMENSIONS AND INFO. y�0��t 0 9411P �- DRAWN BY032- 2018 294fl W'_' x Foo a LL� a BDK .Jn3x0 Aeba w add aced L({r � CHECKED 6Y NEW 2'-6'z 2-6'z I'-0'Concrete Fmtm n � RB wdh 4 4A 5 Rebar EWE Sound DESIGN CRITERIA AND CONSTRUCTION TO MEET OR EXCEED ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL a, �''' CODE UPDATED WITH THE 2016 UNIFORM CODE SUPPLEMENT ©COPYRIGHT 2018 FKEHLEDERAL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC ALL BOOR PLANS AND ED WITH UT ARE vs 'a" �� sHEEr NUMBER NorE NER6Y aLL aME7ASIOY5 PROTECTED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW PLANS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT De1Bse ? NSBR[WALLS a N[w ArolnavLI AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION ALL PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF gROFESSI0NP�4 A302 UNC-UP YAIH WAaS W HWSE "3-0.3-0',1'-0'Lmaete FaU LIMITATIONS OF THE THIS CODE AND THE LIMITATIONS HEREIN WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH .dh 5 5 Reba EW E dl Bed THESE STANDARDS, THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE KEHL DESIGN ASSOCIATES,LLC THE RIGHT TO BUILD ONLY ONE STRUCTURE FROM THESE // NEw 1'-01 4'4.1'-0 Cmaete FRKDI PLANS IS LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE BUYER,WITH WRITTEN PROOF OF PURCHASE /'� NOTE PROVIDE FIRE BREAKS oUn 6 Reba EW E aR aced 1 AF&Pq WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) AS PERDOB NUMBER 0 orization THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL w bn '-'tink.,h 2 AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING - Acceptance of theseagencies, drawings does not authorize Coe the Dept ID Held withoutes,the on Building RESIDENTIAL CODE UPDATED 5 Rebar EW os a nm E eau s acee PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS (AISIS-230) D1 Iaoa1 governing agencies,such as Suffolk County Oept o1 Health irements Town Building Departments,DEC,FEMA,etc Verily all conditions,codes,and requirements with such m M1)Ed7 Aumm Mic IMIH THE 2016 UNIFORM SUPPLEMENT 3 ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES (ICC400) agencies prior to construction, -Ir Bim Dow Fines 2d ACQ ---- 34 AM Hamad wig Irs, t Vf v d �ff 414 rB Dalmy�a Fpd � v�o Put o nu ,�AW Co F aM OF KEIII DESIGN ASSOCIATES u c (Sm W1,10 d Generator Will Pad maeawa a aaa.ada emb..aIAT r--- I 26 ACQ fl Trmc DedoSq aFpd 4x4 Poll Aldla I r_--�_-----_----- -----, i PO.Boz1675 16311133-1 rd,�eat (s Am Fed ace I I I ( Sau loh NexYat 11971 &M dWQipblYne (WO ACQ Fed Ode I Dim aa` 4•PCPQr Egd SM Imd3�e.e ri'T,�v ar 4d I j iw �aocme•ucr o�cw aia.uc (Fti dw1 To Doh _ } k�Skil I i Generator HVAC Pad i i i I } Hpe m I I ( III These drawings and opedRcagons Including the D�Dar Jobb-,Cm I I I I I therein.am the propeandrty of Ida DMGN reeminted Ir Cas.Fgd Saw Tda dY Bd ' Shµsal ASSOCIATES,Ur.No part thereof andl be P�J-0 ede D d Ocle) rdf Andra Bdt SI�phg copie4 disclosed to others or used In connection BILCO FOUNDATION 'Sm Dater Cmc I N e•Sma Tube 2dD ACQ Hausa _ ( I uwvd I I I I they a':been pprrepperodd wlUject�:rites ao^;anL WALL CAP DETAIL A101 SHOWER DETAIL E101 "�"p i I I `ra r-r Fw*ft . ! 11 31Fi SFi If Rp I I I I Y�r Fa 1W I ( REV- Wit EW (4)/4 Rrbe EL IDn.r-4' New I I Dmr Opmhq i I I i 12-27 1 -``_ O. O•� 2D Sub,rm �s� Adar�O°h Shower I I GARAGE I I I I t? '� q�Q I 'Q r rax DECK DETAIL F101 See Detail E101 i • i i 9A P2d AM so a Jd7a Irae (lee seDrmYmdr ) As * o �,Q,ora r■Ir Aadm Bab 3f r/2r Famsen (2 HalarAd r J ( III Her y �u 1.0 ADD (Sm D" lr PQ Fa rift I FaADip I >r ae em a vaunt Rebw 4em } I L—�9r-4'��• s, a Nom, —" ' `——.r—r--- -uw or Daae oa„Pft" r J\ Fo�BNamany L---L I /r C�OA X81$6$ �I/\ D Wed •T Covered ' � j I + �'OFES IONP (2�Hummtd Rdw 1 g Or® J F I ' Entry r/sm mho"aY Herd al Bim Faedatlm J5 Reber f-D' I Doo Qpmhq •-L R'gr� I y • - 1 m Above the limmed Fba, got 1����r 1'-r7r //{ (Nrarh Fda) (4)P--,I �— _' _ __J • ____T_—_______—__ _____ '-I—�d } } 1 ! g ef Step \ ff ,°,e°oc 241 r Cmc FaAig I ri IB'Ander Bd,e arm •`\ �J•, (�r-a•Bdos I — ——————-- _- __ ___ __�Y___ ___ __ L_ I s i ��•�?lil�} Fad cab) 3F M.a Beer 45 2r 63m I ---; I I r 'Y1I I HF�y ` >4'PC 9di ,;NQT FOR ION BILCO FOWNDATION EXTERIOR r ------TT--� i � � i '�`�— �of� "CUSS UNLESS r— � I USE UNLESS WALL DETAIL B101 FOUNDATION i —�r------� }r BASEMENT —+ i —I-- i CERTIFIED BY WALL DETAIL G101 r� I� } ' } 10 I I Nriecs 6imP, rT1 I I I I PROFESSIONAL L� } BILCO _J aeuDedy 4, L I- .. I• overed I I ri,rAndmBdb3fac ENGINEER FOOTING SPECS. I .• rQ�rD�centrlf.� r —, (4�cE`) I j Entry ' �r FOOTING DIMENSIONS AND INFO. 7ssmmlra -------- � 4� Y r sD I I (4)F R`me Ear x I°pDnlL Mx f�4 modeAs 14 sea . Jdeb Is o: 414 ACQ Ped Waal to B• � I is 'P �( ��`) t-a � I I I "� w1th 14M ri 1(*Pwlmanu� } j saw rSe.ane mn Awa 1 I i Ione or stdia r r f I I L . YF9///'/'J me Sona Lbs Yaaled m }� w,uod R� 3fi 3di 1f Ftp Rh$4 I I S-ex r-ex r I D � I L J L ��' R►7 fir r ,tEM Gonads F Ir PC Fmdalhi �0■Red aoai(� °n I I Cone 4 r/ L ''' _J e-4d �� ri IB•Mda Bite 3foe (���e I , J5�(r=)Ewd, I I TOGA RB 7-aS C-0•a 1'd Onade Bpd,� i I (EH) Ule d Statrm r N } oBi Rees a:E! 24•px ■P D■1P9 4 Y I '� ' A �` I RESIDENCE ra,8•NMe Bdb�� ( � � I 15 r—r —r H td Rda _ I 2425 (2)�Haa:md Rde n r�pdFarmee I I } I I L_J I I MILL CREEK DRIVE WEST 24•ir No- �d If B*s _J I Q I f-vi r-0•.lf I I F"'�' ■� I 'L 10 I cm�FIB./ I I SOUTHOLD,NY,11971 (2)h12 ACQ Shhpe 24'1 B•Cmc Fodiq I I - L1- See J (4)b Rdwr Fpidy I (eh$4 Bemr kL_ I r o i r o i a `�(EK) I (2TL72 AW sld,pe Pod Daae) ca«:RD■/ 4. 2dr Am °r�IDKI I° 1 1'�1 ` Y Deck I te>� �Bp dr _ __1 r f�1 a I �F SCTM:#051-06-040 FOUNDATION Detail F101 i I r 1 I I (4j���, ZI I 1 BUTTRESS See Detail H101 I i } i i SO-00 DETAIL H101 i L—�—J BASEMENT }r i i ; i FOUNDATION FOOTING PLAN 4-fx 4'-0•r B a s la ver I STAIR DETAIL C101 Y i i (nCost 4.1 , ;ii`__� I BASEMENT DMIR I � ()p CLASSIC SERIES-STEEL SIDED I "� Speed(E`) _ 1 r MD MGM ND ue�ls p06E SM MM PB HID RLN e s >r aur a o w11191011 PMMM ASM NO UQff FM MM VE TO MW 011 o w s v a a er L-_______�_____5r-J . 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WHERE ENGINEERED DESIGN IS USED IN CONJUNCTION HATH WM IV111 MT9L ALL PIA AND OMS ARE TK SME PROW OF A 101 FOOTING PLAN THESE STANDARDS,THE DESIGN SHALL COMPLY HATH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE OL OM AASOOATES=THE RIGHBOER T TO ONLY OPE SIRt W nu HESE PIANS IS 1.100 EIIOD9IEI.Y TD TIE B0%W EM PROOF OF PLAiM 1.AF&PA WOOD FRAMED CONSTRUCTION MANUAL(WFCM) 1�e to•A•—J D1M•F• �dm not rlBl(1�0 Nle II A kid tkut theOIBKI�I� HmrH clrnht SCJ31B: =1'-0° 2AISI STANDARD FOR COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING- �Pto ce of bee PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD FOR ONE-AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS(ASIS-230) of bd goaalog agmrks such o Saft Caddy Dept of Ibc81 Sarkm Tan DAft DIA MA eh V"d BILCO DOOR SPECS. D101 3.ICC STANDARDS ON THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOG STRUCTURES(ICC400) opeparoM�wnD� LL �D6SIGN�ISS)C9ATlxm