HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 NEWYORK 0epartmentof DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 1, 11 TA VC or 6 NYCRR PART 361-11, 361-3.,2,AND 362-3 PERMITTED COMBINATION FACILITY OPPORT1.01111y Environmental INSPECTION REPORT 461 Conservation f T Y NA M E 'T 6,64fRiN t ................... INSPI TOR'S NAME _66-H. �ER�6A INTERVIEwE AND INTLE§ REE16N ERi5GON�ITII PERMiT NUMOER ........... :n &2 iiEET C �TWOAAONSI,4C-ETA'tTACI,IF'.ti APPL-16ABLE 6-UBPARTS 0 YrS 0 NO 03614 [3361-3-2 [.1362­3 Eio rHER ' Moiations of Paris and-3 a'F"a"r'e, c t to, Xi p,licable 001,AdrninistratNo and Crifninal S)ecdons Set Forth in EGi Art�fle'7'1,and as appropriate,the Ctlean Waterand Cklan Air Acts Additional andlor Multiple Wolatiom may bo describad on the attached Continuation foron Is a rocord of coridittons which are obs,erved In the field at the tarne of inspection.Items marked Ni indicate no inspection and do not mean no vilolation has occurred. ,,, "PART 360 PERMIT Q ORDER ON CONSENT 0 COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT 1 $oIid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved area. 360 9(a), (b)(1), 36019(c)(9) 2. Posted signs indicating operating hotirs and types of wasto accepted tinct not accepted. 360.19(c)(1)(v)�(a)(3)� 360.19(c)(1)(v)(b) 3. Operator maintains and operates facility components and:equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use, a. Maintenance and operating activities are performed in accordance with the Facility Manual I..........I U b. Sufficient equipment,storage containers and storage areas. 360.19(d)(4) 0 0 c, Adequate drainage to endosed tanks, 3630 362-35(c) 0" C7 0 d. Proper site grading, 36019(d)(6) 11:1 prIJ e, Maintenance, operatlon and calibration of facility components 360 1 9(d)(7);362-3 5(e)(1)� 362­3 5(e)(2) f� Waste storage tanks meet Uie required standards, 360.19(n) 4. Operational Records are available where require& n IJ a, Written information on proper inethods,for the management of e-waste is maintained. 360.19(c)(1)(v)(a)(2) 0 )z, 0 b, Unauthorized solid waste records, 360,19(c)(4)(i) 1:1 'E"T El c. IDermit application records and construction certificatiori docuirients, 360,19(k)(1) (J 0 d, Daily log of solid wastes. 360.19(k)(2)(i); El )1" F1 e, Self-Inspection records, 360,19(k)(2)(ii); 360,19(n)(3) El El f, Monitoring records, 360,19(k)(2)(lii) 1) r:j 9. Personnel training recor(J8. 360.19(k)(2)(rv); 362-3.5(e)(7) El 0 11,Annual'report, ;300,19(k)(3). 362-3,6(b) i Radioactive waste deter.,,tion records, 362-15(e)(3)-(4 362-3,6(a) Financial assurance for closure. 362-3.5(1) OPERATION CONTROL. 5Storage volt,ums, including any BUD materials, and throughout limits are riot exceeded 300,10(0)(11); 361-1 5(b) F.1 E-1 6, Aftendarit is on d:uty as required, 36019((.,)(12) 7 1'rocking,of soil, waste,, lenchate,and other matenals from the fatality cantos offsite roadways is prevented, 360,19(d)(3) E I El 6, Solid waste, including blowing Ittler, is sufficiently confined and controlled. 360.1g(f) El El 9, Dust is effectively controlled and does not constitute a ni,flsaince, 360,19(g) I,',] f—j 10 011-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented, 360.1g(h) 0 F.1 11� Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance 360.19(i) 12. Noise is controlled, 360,19(j) 13. Sufficient staff'are avakible. 360 19(l) WATER El Li 14Soltd waste is prevented from enteiing surface waters and/or groundwaters.360.19(b)(1) o 0 '15. Leachate is rninirriized through drainage control or other means and is prevented frorn entering surfarx?,waters. 360�19(b)(2) ACCESS I I LJ '16, Acce5s to the fa6lity is orictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates, signs, natural barriers, or other SLIftable, rrmmns 360,19(c)(1 0) 17, On-site roads are passable, 360,19(d)N2) El I:::1 18 Facility traffic is managed in a safe and efficient nianner, 360,19(d)(2) C wCompliance, NI No inspection, N/ Violation I her(.,,,bV acknowledge receipt of Inn. Facility Copy of 001 Ilnspaction Report Fcmm I `e Irt3'TINWFR fiesponsible("'harge(Please,Pow) ................. le-1 NF /�O CfDIVISION! F MrERIALS MANAGEMENT ana r Or INSPECTION PART 361-1, 361-3,2, ANDPERMITTED COMBINATION FACILITY 0:PPFRIUNIry EnvironmentalF PORT Conservation ...... - I Y Npkfi�.� L�RV#Tlt7hl� � �ppry�a Ins��.. _.�NIrIA� faa�a° r aaE "r l,o"aWalr%laOha SHEET 1 Al TACHED ra , N1 W ' PASTE HANDLING IN ,V4 F1 f1 '19, Incoming loads of wo,te area ira.nµcctcrl for uoautfao6ze d waste and waste accepted is approved for management at tlled Imility, 360,19(c)(1)(gN) f N IST 1 20,, 1,Jmaautfaaari,a,sd waste 4;sccgre gaaled, secured, contained, and rmnovaad within 7 daysafter resc(aipt. 360,19(c)(4) (*fg' I.'I U 21 Vehicles transporting was tea to()r frorn the foorlity are adequat0y covered or waste is containerized, 3601 9(c)(5)a 360,19(d)(8) 22. Wz'isatew'dealiveMre d to and leaving the facility n"iust be weighed.d. 361-1.5(g),3t5'2-3,5(h) SUBPART 361-1: RlE;t3YCL.A BL ES HANDLING AND RECOVERY FACH CTIE w N C::'11 23, Residues.and processed rocyclaablosa aaraa stored separately, 361-1,5(b) 'f El 1-] 24. IRccyc ables aro ra4intaaine d in a manner that ernsraros rrraarfotaatatlity is not aadvrarssady offected. 361-1,5(b) El G) El 25, rcaeaycl,ablus to be recovered are stored for a maxima rn of'I80 days, I Inlc s;ss authorized, s 361-1,5(c) E1 1::;:9 26. Uraproceyssed and uncontarnkiated recycIlaabllees not Intended for recovery are stored fear less Ilan 14 days. 361- I'6(d) I"I pj f-1 27. Incidental I)UtreSCibIle waste reacorvecd or reastliduosa are removed w4hin Fevon rl,,ays of r'eoeif t or geraearaation. :3 "l- 1,5(e) I] E 28. lea„IINgearaants are tarrapeMrly removed and managed prior to corrrpact'lon, Crcast°arntt or shredding. 361-1,50) SUBPART 362-3: TRANSFER FACILITIES y,( I-.N El 29, 130UFG0-3rapaI-aat0d ita;IT1 ut;)Jec t to NYS product stewardship programs are not acc.ptiaed, 362-15(,'..$) 30, Processing,tipping, sorting„ storage,ceaanpaacticn„'Anrd re"laced activities'. f;1°" L-I El a. Are in an enclosed building with adequate odor controls 362-15(b) t1(da) t7, Arra locrzatc d on a e ur Race cornstructed of asphalt pavkiq material or concretes, 36 3 ta(c) c, "I"ippingi floor is cie.zined doily 302-3.5(d) 1 31„ Prrtrerrsciblea waste is removed from the fa"acilNfy earlier of: td°aaa r„nrl of the next business day oaace contaarne it is full or witfadn l days of receipt ,3652-3 ta(f) .l 32, Friable,ale m;b amr7s waste is lolaeled, pHaace:d in enclosed structuress, and managed in accordance with Ifac facrilfty's waste control plan, 362-3,5(g) SUBPART 361-3Z COMPOST FACILITIES Nl '3,3, MaatedGat detention tfrne does not oxceed 24 rnorattas. 361-3.2(e)(15) F::1 34, Storrnwate"rr is rtavnrke:rd away fron°a the composting,aarnwr, 361-"3.2(ea)(4) f l'° El L:"l :35. Drainage Is controlled to prevent run.of1f to sm uface water orgroundwater and orgnnlc,matter frorra entering soil. 361 3..2(e)(5) 0"' I.l 0 36. Aa 2700 Foot buffer in rruaaintaained from slurfaac e water, potarble wells, wetl;ararls, reside jr ce= or laLmine:ss. A 500 foot: buffer as applied to permitted facilities (other than tdrnning and SS())for tm'Jdence, of pubfc contact 1:1 El 37. Acceptable compost methods arca used and re,,uilt in the (I ecor raPsi f or,yani,c rn ater'u 1. 361-3.2(e)(12) Sts. Miriiaraaarn process detenllon tame.: for(.t rnposting and curarafg as 0 days 361-3 2(a~r)(24) ,1 39, WaaMe and product strar,,acgr; is located on surfaces that rnintr°nrzas learachalta, release. 361-12(e)(7) C:1' l-d J-1 Oft, Unloading and storage area-4;are eru,:Ios ed for Mlf'W faciHifies (with a rninirrrurn capacity of 100 we::at trms-a perday) or any SSS facilities. 361-3.2(e)(7) 0 1 1-] 41, Fixed radiation detection is installed, operated and rnaintsairmd to rrionitor iricomin MSW. 36'1 3.2(e)('17) 4Z Leaves are debagged d or incorporated into the process within 60 days of recnrpt. iiia 11 ,3„2,(ea)(12) f.::f Fid NM.wN 43, 13aP3s containing p6naarrly grass clippings are dealaaagge d and mixed with a taulL:in g agent wftlarn 24 h0L1rs of recieipt, 361-3 (e)(12) 44. Noncornpostatale waste or unacceptable product disposal biweekly if lens than '15 cubic yards', c;rtherwosse,wearkly disposal 361 r 3,2'(e)(1fY3) C W. P;aanrp5lualrcrT, NI No la"r stam.a,tlr`aaa,V=Violr'Akm P.rreueby ras9mrawlaadge reuemraC�A the fl"rad IYltw exq)y of mIs Irl rryaaa Ooir'r Report f'(vin , Incfwirrai<iN ipr'a N, d4, d. tall a r 9k"Itl Responsible Uumge tr`Itn'a�"a r+rmi) Ito"canrr r �u n�tigaurr ��y m;N. .... ..... ._ ..._,_, .______.._._ d J gnlaabo"e NEW STALEOP YORK DIVISION PART MATERIALS 1 361-12, AND 36 3 �"N�:RMITTE IVIBIN�NATION�I FA IL 17'Y ara rr��,rratr Environnie �t ul INSPECTION REPORT T ?. Conservation Kkacf f hAi ..� # Fu ra n# �, rr �Y h# ... AfE ... Trim y E � 1 � 7CBYES l 1 tt`N � .. f.::I C 0 C,,,I 45, t5aattiogen ranrt va;0or ratty,a#ftirara reduction criteria are rnet for fprcallties acr,r fatrnal tai#as#alyds, rmNataalra, sludges, MSVV,, and SSO 3(31-3,2(e)(18), 361-33 46. T[ie r'ri axir'r"rrarr'1 concentration limit is not taa#r.,carrded in the; @ 0 1 :'1 aFlip find l)rrarfa,rct without#fiirrtion of additional rn ateri4,*t. 361 3.2(e)(21), 3131-3 h The waste source for biosolids, eptaage, sludges, 361-3.2((;,)( tfa), 361 ;3. h U] 1.-:1 c. Materials,added to the IpriJt",t.',Mms. 361-3.2(e)(27), 361 19 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT C;NV ENT AT COMPOST FACILITIES f� tul 47, I lye N)ra>#taac.t i$ rnattarx and used in x leglrtirnnte rnanner as a soil ananndrne nt or xrnsbn control :361- 3 (ta)(24) t 1 C,a 48, N io pr#a#tLrct Contains less th°raara 2 percent gross contxrninaants by weight 361 w3, (o)( 2) f 1 C l I.1 49; Tho product is male to jp�v,,s through+a cane-Inc h screen,with the exception of vv#aradchihar, 361 3 2(c)(23) t � 0 0( Prr,c°la,rctneat... olxly derived from yard waste.,are f abewle,ct with the following informatiraw a. Name rand tiarf#trxsm Of thx Pr#'retract:glnrmr ,ator, 361-3,2(e)(25) b.Type of waste which the product is derived. 361-3,2(e)(25) c, Recurarrrrerded safe uses, application rates, rand storage practices, 361 .3,2(e)(25) 01 HER (a'at3,d'ha�jraarr%,PletarrM trraaT menu,addiflonal operating„vraa'kince or consent carder contitaoaraa that can boa bserved or nuad suarod) f;; wm (;�ntLalinrac;xNt No inspection,V Vitatatlxat aYalanowirad90 roex'3rpt c4 Pv,,a F adktl y Copy ol:Oijs Nnspection R ar,aa�t Form � � ir'wttw�Glaaral srti(#r„y,a�taru,fkal� a la�rtaro-„tl�ia,�, rar'a>r�ntl) Irr,u�a.c2wr # BuarYr �Vrrisar#luiraa NEWYORK Department of DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT STATE OF 6 NYCRR PART 361-1, 361-3.2,AND 362-3 PERMITTED COMBINATION FACILITY OPPORTUNITY Environmental INSPECTION REPORT Conservation FACILITY NAME LOCATION FACI TY NUMBER DATE TIME INSPEQ�CT R'S NAME k CODE PERSQWS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES §� f fit REGION WEATHERONDI IONS -rd PERMIT NUMBER I C.to cog w 6 a /-. SHEET CONTINUA T N SHEET ATTACHED [APPLICABLE SUBPARTS PERMIT EXP DATE OF ( YES ❑ NO ❑ 361-1 ❑ 361-3.2 ❑ 362-3 ❑ OTHER Violations of Pads 360,361 and 362 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in EGL Article 71,and as appropriate,the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts.Additional andlor multiple violations may be described on the attached Continuation Sheet.This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection.Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved area. 360.9(a), (b)(1), 360.19(c)(9) ❑ ❑ 2. Posted signs indicating operating hours and types of waste accepted and not accepted.360.19(c)(1)(i); 360.19(c)(1)(v)(a)(3);360.19(c)(1)(v)(b) 3. Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. ❑ ❑ a. Maintenance and operating activities are performed in accordance with the Facility Manual.360.19(d)(1) fid'' ❑ ❑ b. Sufficient equipment, storage containers and storage areas. 360.19(d)(4) ❑ f2l ❑ c.Adequate drainage to enclosed tanks.360.19(d)(5); 362-3.5(c) ❑ ❑ d. Proper site grading. 360.19(d)(6) ❑ ' ❑ e. Maintenance, operation and calibration of facility components 360.19(d)(7); 362-3.5(e)(1); 362-3.5(e)(2) ❑ }' ❑ f.Waste storage tanks meet the required standards. 360.19(n) 4. Operational Records are available where required: ❑ ❑, '�EIa.Written information on proper methods for the management of a-waste is maintained. 360.19(c)(1)(v)(a)(2) El /❑%' ❑ b. Unauthorized solid waste records. 360.19(c)(4)(i) ❑ 'pl. ❑ C. Permit application retards and construction certification documents. 360.19(k)(1) ❑ ,El, ❑ d. Daily log of solid wastes. 360.19(k)(2)(i); ❑ ❑', ❑ e. Self-inspection records. 360.19(k)(2)(ii);360.19(n)(3) ❑ ' ❑"' ❑ f. Monitoring records. 360.19(k)(2)(iii) ❑ ❑ g. Personnel training records. 360.19(k)(2)(iv); 362-3.5(e)(7) ❑ d,Cl� ❑ h.Annual report.360.19(k)(3). 362-3.6(b) ❑ p' ❑ i. Radioactive waste detection records. 362-3.5(e)(3)-(6);362-3.6(a) El gip' ❑ j. Financial assurance for closure. 362-3.5(i) OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5. Storage volumes, including any BUD materials, and throughput limits are not exceeded. 360.19(c)(11);361-1.5(b) ❑ ❑ 6. Attendant is on duty as required. 360.19(c)(12) ❑ ❑ 7. Tracking of soil,waste, leachate and other materials from the facility onto offsite roadways is prevented. 360.19(d)(3) ❑ ❑ 8. Solid waste, including blowing litter, is sufficiently confined and controlled. 360.19(f) ❑ ❑ 9. Dust is effectively controlled and does not constitute a nuisance. 360.19(g) ❑ ❑ 10. On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented. 360.19(h) ❑ ❑ 11. Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance. 360.19(i) ❑ ❑ 12. Noise is controlled. 360.19(j) ❑ X13"'' ❑ 13. Sufficient staff are available. 360.19(l) WATER 164,001, ❑ ❑ 14. Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360.19(b)(1) ❑ p 15. Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters. 360.19(b)(2) A ACCESS ❑ ❑ 16. Accesscessto the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing, gates, signs, natural barriers, or other suitable means. 360.19(c)(10) p ❑ ❑ 17. On-site roads are passable. 360A9(d)(2) ❑ ❑ 18. Facility traffic is managed in a safe and efficient manner. 360.19(d)(2) C=Compliance, NI=No inspection,V=Violation I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. ' Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector's Signature Signature IdEWYORK Departmentof DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT oPPOROTiII�€ITY Environmental 6 NYCRR PART 361-1, 361-3.2,AND 362-3 PERMITTED COMBINATION FACILITY Conservation INSPECTION REPORT FACILITY NAME LOCATION ACTIV TY NUM�ER DATE TIME SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED 2 O 11 YES ONO C NI V WASTE HANDLING ❑ ❑ 19. Incoming loads of waste are inspected for unauthorized waste and waste accepted is approved for management at the facility. 360.19(c)(1)(ii) ❑ X ❑ 20. Unauthorized waste is segregated, secured, contained, and removed within 7 days after receipt. 360.19(c)(4) ❑ ❑ 21. Vehicles transporting waste to or from the facility are adequately covered or waste is containerized. 360.19(c)(5); 360.19(d)(8) ❑ ❑ 22. Waste delivered to and leaving the facility must be weighed. 361-1.5(g),362-3.5(h) SUBPART 361-1: RECYCLABLES HANDLING AND RECOVERY FACILITIES �® © ❑ 23. Residues and processed recyclabies are stored separately. 361-1.5(b) ❑ ❑ 24. Recyclables are maintained in a manner that ensures marketability is not adversely affected. 361-1.5(b) ❑ Ell ❑ 25. Unprocessed/processed recyclabies to be recovered are stored for a maximum of 180 days, unless authorized. 361-1.5(c) ❑ gyp" ❑ 26. Unprocessed and uncontaminated recyclabies not intended for recovery are stored for less than 14 days. 361- 1.5(d) ❑ d ❑ 27. Incidental putrescible waste received or residues are removed within seven days of receipt or generation. 361- 1.5(e) ip ❑ 0 28. Refrigerants are properly removed and managed prior to compaction, crushing or shredding. 361-1.5(f) SUBPART 362-3: TRANSFER FACILITIES ❑ 0"' ❑ 29. Source-separated items subject to NYS product stewardship programs are not accepted. 362-3.5(a) 30. Processing, tipping, sorting, storage, compaction,and related activities: ❑ ❑ a.Are in an enclosed building with adequate odor controls. 362-3.5(b) ❑ ❑ b.Are located on a surface constructed of asphalt paving material or concrete. 362-3.5(c) 0, ❑ ❑ c.Tipping floor is cleaned daily. 362-3.5(d) ❑ ❑ 31. Putrescible waste is removed from the facility earlier of:the end of the next business day once container is full or within 7 days of receipt.362-3.5(f) ❑ X © 32. Friable asbestos waste is labeled, placed in enclosed structures, and managed in accordance with the facility's waste control plan. 362-3.5(g) SUBPART 361-3.2: COMPOST FACILITIES ❑ ❑ 33. Material detention time does not exceed 24 months. 361-3.2(e)(15) ❑p' ❑ ❑ 34. Stormwater is diverted away from the composting area. 361-3.2(e)(4) ❑ ❑ 35. Drainage is controlled to prevent run-off to surface water or groundwater and organic matter from entering soil. 361-3.2(e)(5) ❑ ❑ 36. A 200 foot buffer in maintained from surface water, potable wells, wetlands, residence or business.A 500 foot buffer is applied to permitted facilities (other than yard trimming and SSO)for residence, business, or public contact area.361-3.2(e)(11) ❑ . ❑ 37. Acceptable compost methods are used and result in the decomposition of organic material. 361-3.2(e)(12) [I ❑ 38. Minimum process detention time for composting and curing is 50 days.361-3.2(e)(24) ❑ ❑ 39. Waste and product storage is located on surfaces that minimize leachate release. 361-3.2(e)(7) ❑ ❑ 40. Unloading and storage areas are enclosed for MSW facilities (with a minimum capacity of 100 wet tons per day)or any SSO facilities. 361-3.2(e)(7) ❑ ❑ 41. Fixed radiation detection is installed, operated and maintained to monitor incoming MSW. 361- � 3.2(e)(1 7) Q ❑ ❑ 42, Leaves are debagged or incorporated into the process within 60 days of receipt.361-3.2(e)(12) ❑ fl'' ❑ 43. Bags containing primarily grass clippings are debagged and mixed with a bulking agent within 24 hours of receipt. 361-3.2(e)(12) ❑ �� ❑ 44. Noncompostable waste or unacceptable product disposal: biweekly if less than 15 cubic yards; otherwise, weekly disposal. 361-3.2(e)(16) C=Compliance,NIM No inspection,V=Viotation I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. a p Z,41 r .' A5 c Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector's Signature y "' Signature ,l NEWYORK Department of DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT sTATF OF 6 NYCRR PART 361-1, 361-3.2,AND 362-3 PERMITTED COMBINATION FACILITY OPPORTUNITY Environmental INSPECTION REPORT Conservation FACILITY NAME LOCATION ACTT ! Y NUMBER DATE TIME q �,". i �nn f ��y��� �E`�k.4I `r4���'� ��. �iPs-.�`� L°sf"s� ,,��` �`�'�S`'t'': ��-� P"�"M.�.�� �� f' '� �� 4�� SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED OF J. ❑YES 11 NO ❑ ❑ 45. Pathogen and vector attraction reduction criteria are met for facilities accepting biosolids, septage, sludges, MSW, and SSO. 361-3.2(e)(18), 361-3.7 46. The maximum concentration limit is not exceeded in the: ❑ ❑ a.The final product without dilution of additional materials. 361-3.2(e)(21),361-3.9 20. ❑ ❑ b.The waste source for biosolids, septage,sludges. 361-3.2(e)(26), 361-3.9 ❑ ❑ c. Materials added to the process. 361-3.2(e)(27), 361-3.9 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT AT COMPOST FACILITIES ❑ ❑ 47. The product is mature and used in a legitimate manner as a soil amendment or erosion control. 361- 3.2(e)(24) ., ❑ ❑ 48. The product contains less than 2 percent gross contaminants by weight. 361-3.2(e)(22) E ❑ ❑ 49. The product is able to pass through a one-inch screen,with the exception of woodchips. 361-3.2(e)(23) ,e ❑ 50. Product not solely derived from yard waste are labeled with the following information: a. Name and address of the product generator. 361-3.2(e)(25) b.Type of waste which the product is derived. 361-3.2(e)(25) c. Recommended safe uses, application rates, and storage practices. 361-3.2(e)(25) OTHER (e.g.diagrams;pictures;comments;additional operating,variance or consent order conditions that can be observed or measured) C=Compliance, NI=No inspection,V Violation I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. ✓ f Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector's Signature Signature NEW YORK Department of DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT wart of Environmental 6 NYCRR PART 361-1, 361-3,2, AND 3623 PERMITTED COMBINATION FACII-ITY SAE'F INSPECTION REPORT Conservation FACILITY NUM/ !R 4ATE TIME L4CATIDN Town of Southold Cox Lan Cutchogue I 52PP0265 617121 11;10AM FACILITY NAME _ �2TTD285 INSPECTOR'S NAME CODE pFi_SgNS INTERVIE=WED AND TITLES Bradley Kelsey _ _]._..... -- RF T;I1)N WFATF1ER CONDITIONS I PERMIT NLINIE3ER , 1 82F, Sllnr7y, 8 MPH from South winds SHEET CONTINUATION SHEETATTACHED APPLICA13LF 61113PARTS PER EXP DATE 1 OF ■YES ❑ NO ❑ 361.1 ❑ 351-3.2 ❑ 362-3 ❑ OTHER Violations of Parti 360,361 and 362 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Adminlstrallve and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and us opnnte the t,limn Water and Clean Alr Acts Addllional and/Pr multiple violations maybe described on tho attached Continuation Sheet This form Is s record of conditions which are observep In the field at the time of Inspection,ltems marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ■ ❑ ❑ 1 Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved area. 360.9(a), (b)(1), 360.19(c)(9) ■ ❑ ❑ 2. Posted signs indicating operating hours and types of waste accepted and not accepted 360.19(c)(1)(i); 3. Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. ■ 0 ❑ a. Maintenance and operating activities are performed in accordance with the Facility Manual, 360,19(d)(1) ■ ❑ ❑ b, Sufficient equipment,storage containers and storage areas. 360,18(d)(4) ❑ ■ ❑ c. Adequate drainage to enclosed tanks. 360.19(d)(5); 362-3,5(c) ■ ❑ ❑ d. Proper site grading. 360.19(d)(6) ■ Cl ❑ e. Maintenance,operation and calibration of facility components 360,19(d)(7); 352-3.5(e)(1); 362-3.5(e)(2) ❑ ■ ❑ f.Waste storage tanks meet the required standards. 360.19(n) 4. Operational Records are available where required; ❑ ■ ❑ a Written information on proper methods for the management of a-waste is maintained. 360.19(c)(1)(v)(8)(2) q ■ ❑ b Unauthorized solid waste records. 360.19(c)(4)(i) ❑ ■ ❑ c. Permit application records and construction certification documents. 360.19(k)(1) ❑ N ❑ d Daily log of solid wastes. 360.19(k)(2)(i); ❑ ■ ❑ e. Self-inspection records, 360,19(k)(2)(ii); 360.19(n)(3) ■ © f. Monitoring records. 360,19(k)(2)(iii) ❑ M ❑ g. Personnel training records. 360.19(k)(2)(iv); 362-3,5(e)(7) ❑ ■ ❑ h Annual report. 360,19(k)(3). 382-3.6(b) ❑ ■ ❑ i. Radioactive waste detection records. 362-3.5(e)(3)-(6); 362-3.6(a) ❑ ■ ❑ ). Financial assurance for closure. 362-3,5(i) OPERATION CONTROL ■ ❑ ❑ 5. Storage volumes, including any BUD materials, and throughput limits are not exceeded 360,19(c)(11); 361-1.5(b) ■ ❑ ❑ 6. Attendant is on duty as required. 360.19(c)(12) tr ❑ ❑ 7. Tracking of soil, waste, leachate and other materials from the facility onto offsite roadways 1s prevented. 360 19(4)(3) ■ ❑ ❑ 8. Solid waste, including blowing litter, is sufficiently confined and controlled, 360.18(f) ■ ❑ ❑ 9. dust is effectively controlled and does not constitute a nuisance. 360.19(g) ■ ❑ ❑ 1l) On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented. 360.1%h) ■ ❑ ❑ 11. Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance. 360 19(i) ■ ❑ ❑ 12. Noise is controlled, 360,190) ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Sufficient staff are available. 360.19(1) WATER ❑ ❑ ❑ 14 Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters. 360.19(4)(1) ■ rj- q 15. Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters. 360.19(b)(2) ACCESS ■ ❑ ❑ 16. Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gales. signs, natural barriers, or other suitable means. 360 19(c)(10) A ❑ ❑ 17 On-site roads are passable. 360.19(d)(2) ■ ❑ ❑ 19. Facility traffic is managed in a safe and efficient manner. 360.19(d)(2) C _Compliance, NI W No inspection,V�Violation I hereby acknowledge receipt of tho Facility Copy of this Ingperlion Report Form Individual in Responsibio C t (Please Print) Signature NEW YORK Department of DIVISION OF MATERIAL$ MANAGEMENT srar�tir 6 NYC RR PART 361,1, 361-3.2, AND 362-3 PERMITTED COMBINATION FACILITY OPPORTUNI Conservation TY Environmental INSPECTION REPORT FACILITY NAME LOCATION ACTIVITY NUMBER DATE TIME Town of Southold Cutchogue 52PP0265 617121 11:10AM 52TT0265 SHEET INUATION SHEET ATTACHE CgNT -� 2 OF 3 YES ❑ NO C NI V WASTE HANDLING !! ❑ ❑ 19. Incoming loads of waste are inspected for unauthorized waste and waste accepted is approved for management at the facility, 360.19(c)(1)(ii) ❑ ■ ❑ 20. Unauthorized waste is segregated, secured, contained,and removed within 7 days after receipt. 360.19(c)(4) ■ ❑ ❑ 21. Vehicles transporting waste to or from the facility are adequately covered or waste is containerized, 360,19(c)(5); 360,19(d)(8) R ❑ D 22. Waste delivered to and leaving the facility must be weighed. 361-1.5(8),362-3.5(h) SUBPART 361-1- RECYCLABLES HANDLING AND RECOVERY FACILITIES ■ ❑ ❑ 23, Residues and processed recyclables are stored separately, 381-1.5(b) ■ ❑ ❑ 24. Recyclables are maintained in a manner that ensures marketability is not adversely affected. 361-1.5(b) ❑ ■ Q 25. Unprocessed/processed recyclables to be recovered are stored for a maximum of 180 days, unless authorized, 381-1.5(c) Li ■ ❑ 26. Unprocessed and uncontaminated recyclables not intended for recovery are stored for less than 14 days. 361- 1.5(d) ❑ ■ ❑ 27. Incidental pulrescible waste received or residues are removed within seven days of receipt or generation, 361- 1.5(e) ■ p ❑ 28. Refrigerants are properly removed and managed prior to compaction,crushing or shredding. 381-1.5(1) SUBPART 3823, TRANSFER FACILITIES ❑ ■ ❑ 29. Source-separated items subject to NYS product stewardship programs are not accepted, 382-3.5(a) 30. Processing, tipping, sorting, storage,compaction, and related activities: ■ ❑ ❑ a.Are in an enclosed building with adequate odor controls. 362-3.5(b) ■ ❑ ❑ b.Are located on a surface constructed of asphalt paving material or concrete, 362-3,5(c) ■ Q ❑ c. Tipping floor is cleaned daily. 382-3.5(d) ❑ ■ ❑ 31. Putrescible waste is removed from the facility earlier of;the end of the next business day once container is full or within 7 days of receipt, 3132-3,5(1) ❑ ■ C) 32. Friable asbestos waste is labeled, placed in enclosed structures, and managed in accordance with the facility's waste control plan. 362.3.5(8) SUBPART 3131-3.2: COMPOST FACILITIES ■ ❑ ❑ 33. Material detention time does not exceed 24 months. 361-3.2(e)(15) ■ ❑ ❑ 34, Stormwater is diverted away from the composting area. 381-3,2(e)(4) ■ ❑ ❑ 35. Drainage is controlled to prevent run-off to surface water or groundwater and organic matter from entering soil. 361-3,2(e)(5) ■ ❑ ❑ 38. A 200 foot buffer in maintained from surface water, potable wells,wetlands, residence or business. A 500 foot buffer is applied to permitted facilities (Other than yard trimming and SSO)for residence, business, or public contact area, 381-3,2(e)(11) ■ ❑ ❑ 37. Acceptable compost methods are used and result in the decomposition of organic material. 361-32(e)(12) ❑ ■ ❑ 38. Minimum process detention time for composting and curing is 50 days. 361-3.2(e)(24) ■ ❑ ❑ 39, Waste and product storage is located on surfaces that minimize leachate release. 361-3.2(e)(7) ❑ ■ Q 40. Unloading and storage areas are enclosed for MSW facilities (with a minimum capacity of 100 wet tons per day) or any SSO facilities. 361-3.2(e)(7) ❑ 2 ❑ 41, Fixed radiation detection is installed, operated and maintained to monitor incoming MSW. 361- 3,2(e)(17) ■ ❑ ❑ 42. Leaves are debagged or incorporated into the process within 60 days of receipt. 361.3.2(e)(12) ❑ Q 43. Bags containing primarily grass clippings are debagged and mixed with a bulking agent within 24 hours of receipt. 381-3,2(e)(12) L ■ Li 44. Noncompostable waste or unacceptable product disposal, biweekly if less than 15 cubic yards; otherwise,weekly disposal. 361-3.2(e)(16) C=Compliance, NI=No inspection,V=Violation I here4y aeknawiedge receipt or the Ficllily Copy of this inspection Report Form Individual in Responsible Chef (please Print) InspecioKSiggWure signature NEW YORK Department of DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT STATE4F f=nvironrnental 6 NYCRR PART 361-1, 361-3.2, AND 362-3 PERMITTED COMBINATION FACILITY pp"."n N{Tv Conservation INSPECTION REPORT FACILITY NAME �' 1_6bAfl6ii--­ ACTIVITY NUMBER DATE TIME Town of Southold Cutchogue 52PP0265 617121 11 10AM —... I 152TT0265 SHEET I:t: CONTINUATION SHT ATTACHEO _ OF 3_TI� - -- ---- ID YES. NO .— - --- ------- -- _. ❑ 0 ❑ 45. Pathogen and vector attraction reduction criteria are met for facilities accepting biosolids, septage, sludges. MSW, and 880. 361-3.2(e)(18), 361-3.7 46. The maximum concentration limit is not exceeded in the; ❑ ■ ❑ a. The final product without dilution of additional materials, 361-3.2(e)(21), 361-3.9 ❑ ■ ❑ b. The waste source for biosolids, septage, sludges, 361-3,2(e)(26), 361-3.9 ❑ ■ ❑ c. Materials added to the process. 361-3.2(e)(27). 361-3.9 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT AT COMPOST FACILITIES ❑ ❑ 47. The product is mature and used in a legitimate manner as a soil amendment or erosion control. 361- 3,2(4)(24) ■ ❑ ❑ 48. The product contains less than 2 percent gross contaminants by weight, 361-3.2(e)(22) ■ C1 El49. The product is able to pass through a one-inch screen, with the exception of woodchips. 361-3.2(e)(23) C] • ❑ 50. Product not solely derived from yard waste are labeled with the following information: a. Name and address of the product generator. 361-3.2(e)(25) b. Type of waste which the product is derived. 361-3,2(e)(25) c. Recommended safe uses, application rates, and storage practices. 361-3.2(e)(25) OTHER (e.g.ulagrams;Pictures;comments;additional operating,variance or con9ent order conditions that can be observed or moasurec+l Observed mowing and upkeep of close 1.11" * C&D bunker in back full • Uncovered tires • Observed no oclors C =Compliance, NI= No inspection, V=Violation t hareby acknowledge receipt of the Facitily Copy of this lnspecwn Report Form In0Wdual irl 4V A R Sp6nSible chase Print) Inspectorignat a Signature