HomeMy WebLinkAboutMacDonald, Neil r February 3,2021 Board of Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 U1,10saa�sa;�}o pJeaB P.O.Box 1179 al"+ }aaS Southold, NY 11971 IZOZ 831 Re: MacDonald Residence �� Existing Wetlands Permitted Dock ,•,-r� vi Lj 855 Lupton's Point Road, Mattituck,NY 11952 SCTM#1000-115-11-5 Dear Members of the Board, We respectfully requestthe opportunityto review our existing Wetlands Permitted dock,ramp and floats atthe Trustees upcoming February 2021 work session. Attached, please find a site plan depicting the subject dock as it relates to neighboring structures.I have also included documents describing the prior approvals and Town of Southold permits on the site. Please note that the original dock was permitted under Town of Southold Wetland Permit Number 1728 dated 10/26/83 with ownership transferred by the Trustees on 07/17/19. It would appear that subsequent approvals issued by the Trustees for the adjoining properties to the west have inadvertently created some conflicts with the proper use and function of our dock.The resulting pinch point at the end of the floats makes navigating and securing vessels difficult,if not impossible.We respectfully seek the guidance of the Trustees on how best to remedy this matter.At this time we are preparing to undertake required maintenance on the fixed pier. Thus, it seems an appropriate point in time to address these concerns, and would like to coordinate our planned activities with any suitable adjustments that the Trustees in their experience may recommend. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you advance for your assistance in this matter. Kind Regards, Neil MacDonald 855 Lupton's Point Road Mattituck, NY 11952 (516)658-0453 neil.macdonald@wfcaia.com ALL J100.11NGS AND STAKES 'MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE :lOORING :+U,':iBERS ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST ',SP4,F.X VISIBLE PERMIT NUMBERS sk ,� .5,�,."f.�•4 �`' ^',� ;(r•'t, v�a"• r '�, » i. • `v 1 7�S&3" r ¢`" J�7�1�.x3d �=r`'.v�k^►8 �,"�,:.e a<'tt ,��°�,., '��1 ���� i�� ' ♦...s+ +�y..,,,..r�. ..t+.,rr.irai' ':' ><�-r1T�+'.. .1' . 7n"r-J`W.y ``CC''R�IYv :n+i�si+�n�. _'-',��ri`..rt•:.am.,.�ns tzl"�: "—". ,�i '• �0 Board of, Southold Town Trustees 40 5,oat. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring # 7, PERMIT NO. .........1,.7,.28 DATE:Oct!t. 26.r.....3 983 z • « ����;• � - Krell ISSUEDTO ................George W.-....,.. ...........,.ng............................,............................ ur uan f?° f he proAsiotis of C,hapf er,64'15,,of`,`f �- La*i, cif` .. 4he S4af ;of Ne,w York; 1893ari&Chapler 40 cf the,Laws 1=o Safe of New 'Yoh X952; acrd `;the=Southold=Torr► •�?r�iri�rtC, Pn; 3iflexl `'I�EGUL TING"AND;THE �P.LACIN 'OF"+�gslftuCTIONs, yw IN AND' Ola' TOW1 SNA-ERS ANIS PU'�Ll� '1_At��S, 041" the <+ REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL >R OTHER MATERIALS FR03; : LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS," olid itiY tt4rda�np u t i.the, r Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on •r••�•• ���`��' g 83 of the sum of aid-lay 19-•---•...3 and in consideration ,$...........5.. P ..Gearge...W....Kreling.............:...................._....................... ;: �e ; .....................................w. ' of N. Y. and subject to floe AYr I ';?- ' ' snd` `Conditions lised� on the reverse side hereof, >;` TerKris: v 'y stees''autiorizes and per the following: '` of Southold"Town Tru - _ to s pplica�ion approved d r Fr r mp and float in Deep Ho 'g`� 1?it12 " grandfather clause. all in accordance with the detailed sp ifications as presented in `f," "the originating application. FEO -IS 202 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here . ; b ed, and 6 ed�i7e�sents to r; r y causes its Corporate'-Seal to be a fix be subscribed by a majority of the soarcl- g3rdfltisEd ' � e� � ".Ir••` :rr)"Wa. ,..i,'fe,.+".a. a....: E � .g i� S3>Pf rx5te .._ 1' ,'I -�� 1 k s..... •..,.="'v'd.�,. .,': +e^..r *i .'' 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That the S.,65th c� Tr4#,tds, ; , tti%t itust = 16 r Rent :q displaved on tha px s :S, effec#"od -th&ie y--auriAq, tI e pe iod of, That the said' liaard'%4''Ttast 'and the Tw of`'� Udairi pure', z gna,`''GTo k all damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising "ole= ids t $y$'ss` ;ressxtt til-any opea'. �xtde l don ietformed pursaaot to this'�t and the scic( �'et� �Il� art'his-,or`Ttet c�wa ems; ��'�: ;+ fettd-4tty°and all stuck-suits niter* third parties, and the said Pertnittee assumes full liability permit,. with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion' of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold 3.. That this Permit is valid for a period of 12 A mos. which is considered to be the ' sufficient time required to complete the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may be trade to the Board' at a later date, 4. That this#Permit should be retained iudefiaitely,,or as long as the said Permittee wishes = to maintain the structure or project 'involved,' to provide.evidence to anyone concerned that auth- orization uthorization was originally obtained, 4 5; That the work involved will be subject to the•inspection and approval of the Board or its '880 s; and ntiti-c6mpllance with the provisions of the originating application, may be cause for revr cidott•of this;l?extttifi by ttsolutlon of the said Board. 6. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. ' f 7. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 8. Thar if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations f in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstrucuoo to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. ' 9. Thar the said Board will be notified by the Permittee or the completion of the work auth- orized. (See tear off sheet.) 10. Thatp the Permittee will obtain all other permits and n elemental to this permit which may be subject to revoke upo ai o �l, L F EB .3 202 Board of Trustees GEORGE W. KREIL.ING P.O. BOX 757, LUPTON POINT MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11988 Il ; r C E C D E FEB32021 Southold 1a�yrn ; Board of Trustees int' . �, "_; ��,; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ M ■■ ■fir —.; s .�!� ! ®■ ■■■■■ ■EME ■ ■ ■ � � � ■Im■■■m � ■ ■ O■► M■E �n ■■�■■�■�■■■■Mr�. ®E■■� ■■ ■ ► " ■ ■ ,■� ■■N■■■■■■■moi-■� ■■■ ■ ■ , �. ■■■M■■■■■■� E■■�■e��.�■r�EE■■■EM■M■E■E■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■MEMO■■■■®■® `iso 0 f ■ ■MEMO !! "■■■■■■ I � , REICH MNNSO ■■ � �■■ '°- ESM■®�; �■■►��, � .: . - - - .SENSE M■M ■ MM®■ ■■ ■■■ �i■■i �_ �ESNEERS■ M m ■ �■ ■■ No ' mom■MME■ i■M ■ _ .. . ■M ■■ ME■ _ 3 ' ■r®■'0 _.O ... �® ■ ■ M■OO■O■®■■■■■■��■ ■ M - - ■ ■■IVEMEM■E■■■M�. M ■ . - ■■ ■■■E 000011111 ■EM■� M► -�"-■ 0 ■lM■ M■■■ MMMS ■ ■■ ERR �� M M - I ME®■®■ ■ ■■si■f■'� ■■ MPM Of■■N M ■■■M■MEM■ aw HOLE i • IW RM { i •t • • •� '1 Mme' C� .c° :�+�+ -------- - i WAGE i J ar . s � _ I -- - WMN POINT ROAD (wr M race mac,.W woe POW* _ -- SITE PLAN saalsmi oiplo pnen8 unAol p;cu1ros SCALE V--20'-O° - tzoz