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218' t TO FIRE HYDRANT 4- (NOT TO SCALE) NOTES 4- ` Ivl R=25.00' S 400 21 ' 3 5 " W 1bom ' MON. I COURT B DEDICATED I L=34.23' WON. 1 . ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FAR DIONYSUS COU TO E DE ,c � PROPOSED DRAINAGE PROPOSED SCWA WATER �1_, SET � SET TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I EXISTING FEATURES WITHIN PROPOSED ROAD MAIN (320'f EXTENSION)(� AREA TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED AS r^ MON./ REQUIRED x SET WIRE I R=25.00' ' FENCE 2. ROADWAY DESIGN BASED ON FINAL ROAD + DRAINAGE PLAN I �� L=26.50' S 49.38'25"E (SHEET 1 OF 1 ) PREPARED BY EENECULA CONSULTING _ ` sue' 4- 25.00' ENGINEERS LAST DATED APRIL 3, 2023. � S°T S 40� 21 ' 15 )) W \ 131 . 84' MON. (�-i OSTK. I ` a SET O � 3. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE ALIGNMENT z MH#4 MH#5 MH#6 ; ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN HEREON SHALL SUPERCEDE THE I -' m I r-9) \�C�N) PROPOSED ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN SON THE FINAL ROAD + z VERIZON � ,2 M ?I BOX �. 10 MIN - n a z 2+ .50 �7, (OTHER UTILITIES . A p DRAINAGE PLAN (SHEET 1 OF 1 ) PREPARED BY EENECULA IN THIS ROADWAY 0+00 A 0+ 0 1+00 1+50 2+00 IA y 2+50 Cp NOT MARKED) CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LAST REVISED APRIL 3, 2023. E w n J J +� w s 4. TEN MONUMENTS SHALL_ BE PROVIDED AS SHOWN ON THE '" �' COA1, ATTACHED PLAN. I rt PROPOSED CONC. CURB (TYP.) DOG RUNy 12��ek'gyq� _ MH#1 MH#2 ' .MH#3 / ON) ELECTRICm I'J, !I � LINE X , 5. THE STREETLIGHT AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL ROAD + I ' Mom' TREE UNE MON. 01 TREE LINE N\_ i m m W 0 DRAINAGE PLAN (SHEET 1 OF 1 ) PREPARED BY EENECULA I �� � R=25.00�S 40� 21 ' 35 " W !v 124. 2-6- CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LAST REVISED APRIL 3, 2023, SHALL _ I L=23.70 COMPLY WITH THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE REQUIREMENTS. BOX R=25.00' BIRD FEEDER - -r_ L=39.27 I LIMIT OF BRUSH & WOODS MAINTAINED LAWN� MON. SET J MON. EXISTING FEATURES WITHIN c > » > 1 SOET J, SET PROPOSED ROAD AREA TO S 4 0 2 1 3 5 W 100 . 00 rn— BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED a, IEXISTING 12"0 AS REQUIRED SCWA WATER MAIN I N 49'38'25"W IN ROAD R.O.W.= 25.00' 47 47 46 46 ' O 45 � '/ + N+ 45 i i 0.0% i EXISTING — 0.5 ISLAND 44 i .5% 44 � / PRO SEA i i 43 43 CB#1 AND / CB#2 / GRATE=41.05 Z35 42 / IE=38.53 42 O cV O + 41 O0.0% IE=3 .43 IE=39.33 41 IE=39.23 MH 1 MH#2 MHj 4 AND MH#3 MH#5 AND 40 MH#61 40 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1 +00 1+20 1+40 1 +60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 CENTERLINE PROFILE: DIONYS US CO UR T HORIZONTAL SCALE: I " = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: I RECEIVED AUG 01 2024 Southold Town Planning Board 07/31/2024 EJW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMENTS VAG DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPRVD REVISIONS KALARGIROS 834 HUNT LANE MANHASSET,NY 11030 ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 118365 COUNTRY ROUTE 48,SOUTHOLD,N.Y.11971 SCTM NO.:1000-1000-95-4-16.1 OF NEB ALIGNMENT + ROAD PROFILE PLAN � NS GA(1 �- F� ® THE RAYNOR GROUP,P.E.&L.S.PLLC SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS SITE PLANNERS DEERFIELD GREEN P.O.BOX 720 `-✓1 0 WATER MILL,NY 11976 (631)726-7600 n w DESIGNED BY: VAG SCALE: 1"=20' DWG.NO. o 73 OA'90F'ESS 00 DRAWN BY: EJW DATE: 06/11/2024 C-1 VIN'i;e IELLO APPROVED BY: VAG FILE NO.: 3734 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NO.073544 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES �_ _ _ R' GREAT RIVER NY. HORSES N.Y. DATE MAY 11 20�� � _� DRIVE �QJ l R=25.00'�` yO�Fs'y� PRO PE LSUBJECT 39.2T F THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION KALARGIROS �Ix o� OR DEVELOPMENT FOR kl DISABLED INC N/F CHRISTOPHER EKSTER N/F JOHN HINTON N/F MELLINA HUNTLEY N/F JESSE JOHNEST N/2 WILLIAM C SHI STAN I � N/F MARLA KOSTER ar N/F AID TO DEVELOPMENT DIS LOT 28 OREGON VIEW ESTATES I LOT 27 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 26 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 25 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 24 4, 1971 AS MAP VIEW ESTATES N L-39. 7 6241 LOT 30 OREGON VIEW ESTATES w> I LOT 29 OREGON VIEW ESTATES71 AS MAP L=39.2T v APRIL 4 1971 AS MAP NO>.,'$241: FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 I FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS PUBLIC WATER I (RESIDENCEAP NO. 6241I LIMPRGVED W. PUBLIC (RESIDENCE IMPROVEDW. PUBLIC WATER) (RESIDENCE LIMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) (RES DENCEFILED LIMPROVED W. PUBLCOWATER) 3. 6241I N o�0 IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FILED RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) I (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC .;�FTr_2 ( I 0 WITH A TOTAL OF 2 LOTS WERE APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE. Vkx%, M I (� w E 242.89' WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO I>; I I u') CO �O CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION K%Lj AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDARDS. I i ::x I I I I (k� s THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT MAP IS DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN " I , DISTURBED CONCRETE x - _. -�,: . `Yuy%;\ . " MON. FOUND a: �/ 1 YEAR OF THIS DATE. ". a .^,� x,:y; �>.:- S 50 30 35 E CONCRETE MON. 008.19 CONCRETE MON. HEDGE STOCKADE FEN CHAIN LINK FENCE [� c� I MAP j� o ^V 1" = 600, y FOUND & HELD FOUND & HELD Lj CONSENT IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THE MAP ON WHICH x7'1 '_ ;k> . , =y 564.14' I j q ' I' ... J\ THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE THE COUNTY CLERK IN FENCE 4.05' 2.55'W. G B O U N D A R Y L 1 N E h ^ q il " ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE HEALTH LAW AND THE V E G E T A T I 0 N A L 0 N w i1 0 �Oa SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FILING DATE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY E. O Q r- LIMIT OF BRUSH 00 EX I3 3 John Sohngen, P.E. N & WOODS - - .- uj N '� t ' SIO OF ENVIRONMENTAL. QUALITY 0 I z ,, N W iv'i �N0c, R z q I N/F TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECHARGE BASIN o to I V L I 3 4AL8A w NOTESLPG N 49'38'25" W 220.00 2.10CREs 2.o9CREs N c� 1. THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES ARE IN GROUNDWATER ZONE N. in z (91,408 S.F.) o� (93,212 S.F.) 04 a N 0 I I 2. ALL IMPROVED LOTS WITHIN 150 FEET OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ARE �co v � CONNECTED TO PUBLIC WATER. LO I a' N/F PAUL GANCARZ INCOME ONLY TRUST 3. EXISTING SITE FEATURES SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON FIELD b 3 MEASUREMENTS TAKEN BY PETER V. BRAZABON, PLS ON APRIL 17, 2021. `- TEST (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) 4. UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN WERE DETERMINED BY A FIELD LOCATION OF A Z HOLE 0 SUBSURFACE MARK-OUT WHICH WAS COORDINATED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. M I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FIELD LOCATION PERFORMED ON DECEMBER 18, 2021. THE UTILITIES SHOWN MAY NOT COMPRISE ALL UTILITIES ON OR NEAR THE PROPERTY. LIMIT OF BRUSH I 5. ALL DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS FOR THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL BE THOSE & WOODS FENCE PRESCRIBED FOR THE AC ZONING DISTRICT AS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL OF 0.45'W. 4 .1 321.3 N 0.5'N. THIS PLAT. TREE LINE N 49*3825" W 50' 50' 770.49' FOUND&E HEOL D IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE FOUND&E HE°D' TO 1 �-- / LIMIT OF RIGHT OF WAY o M 'oo TON OFDISOUTHO D ASE PER I I \ o o LIBER 8638 PAGE 384 / \ oo o I I N/F GEORGE MCDOWELL N/F ALFRED W STEINER WATER MAIN LOT 33 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 36 OREGON VIEW ESTATES I z 3 N/F HENRY BOGARDUS N/F WAYNE MOTT FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 3 I g = LOT 37 OREGON VIEW ESTATES / N/F NICOLE BREWER _ STREET LINE (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) 0 LOT 38 4REGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 39 4, 1971 VIEW ESTATES a FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP N0. 6241 FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP N0. 6241 FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP N0. 6241 N i / \ to w I to RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER MIN. GRADE EL.: f45.9' / \ a z , a ( I ( ) i (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) I N �514N-ZE POOL BROWN SILTY SANDtI 1.5 (SM) / 3 N I LEACHING I EL. 44.4' N/F JOSE:PH ROSETO I POOL BROWN FINE TO LOT 35 OREGON VIEW ESTATES M I I � I 10 MIN. 25 COARSE SAND FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 s 49'38'25"W RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) S 49'38'25"E 0 . i T87 Cr11N. (SW) ( 25.00' I 2XISTING FEATURES WITHIN PROPOSED -�-- I A NT TM EL. 41.9' PROPOSED SCWA �O ROAD AREA TO BE REMOVED AND -�- TANK WATER MAIN V RELOCATED AS REQUIRED 10' MIN. PALE BROWN FINE SAND (320'f EXTENSION) IRO FEEDER I C.O. 12.0 (SP) PROPOSE 3 s MIT OF BRUSH I PARIaNc DRAINAGE ;n & woods CONTROL SINGLE rh I 3 PANEL FAMILY RESIDENCE EL. 29.9' EXISTING FEATURES WITH! PROPOSED ROAD AREA TO BE b s O _ DIIONESUS COURT TO BE DEDICATED TO REMOVED AND RELOCATED AS I BROWN FINE TO `� Z ~ 9.0 MEDIUM SAND REQUIRED (n I A a THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0 N R=25.00 _ - _ _ _ _ EL. 20.9' R=25.00' =39.27' R=25.00' L=34.23' TEST HOLE TEL L=39.27 TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT DUG BY MCDONALD GEOSERVICES ON JUNE 7, 2022 SI NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED PO �\XCURB SILVER COLT ROAD i ELECTRIC LINE VERIZOX B (IMPR 0 VED T 0 WN ROAD - 50' WIDE R.0.W.) N W W W M (OTHER UTILITIES IN THIS ROADWAY NOT MARKED) XISTING 12"0 SCWA WATER / MAIN IN ROAD R.O.W. RECEIVED JUN 2 0 2024 Sout 0 --Town Planning Board ENGINEER PLAT PREPARED: OCTOBER 19, 2023 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION DATED THE RAYNOR GROUP, P.E. & L.S. PLLC No. DATE REVISION 2024 DEERFIELD GREEN 1 03/26/2024 REVISED PER SCDHS COMMENTS DATED 02/15/2024 SCDHS RECORD ID: RS-23-017 860 MONTAUK HIGHWAY 2 06/06/2024 REVISED FINAL PLAT FOR SUBMISSION. DATE OF SIGNING: PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WATER MILL, NEW YORK 11976 SURVEYOR FI NAL PLAT 2024 CHAIRMAN AREK SURVEYING P.C. SUBDIVISION MAP OF 10 TAFT PLACE NOTE: A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THIS SUBDIVISION WILL APPEAR IN DISTRICT 1000 ON SECTION NOTE: THE LOTS ON SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED CANNOT BE ALTERED THE SUBDIVIDER MAKES NO OFFER OF DEDICATION TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WITH ALBERTSON, NEW YORK 11507 THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE WHICH AFFECTS ALL LOTS SHEET 095.00 IN BLOCK 04.00 OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP. WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD AND LOTS MUST BE KALARGROS RESPECT TO THE LANDS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT, EXCEPT AS NOTED HEREON. OWNER IN THIS SUBDIVISION. SUCH COVENANTS RUN WITH THE LAND. EXISTING SCTM NO.: 1000-095.00-04.00-016.001 SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH THE IOANNIS KALARGIROS & EVANGELINE SATRAS SEE THE RECORDED DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS. SITUATE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 280 (ZONING) OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 834 HUNT LANE I HEREBY CERTI - HAT�T#i!S AP WAS MADE BY ME FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS I p MANHASSET, NEW YORK 11030 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S) AND/OR SEWAGE REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY COMPLETED M Cl2 24` THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN C UTC H 0 G U E DISPOSAL�SYSTEM(S) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER€MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH EXIST AND AT• NEd 7P fFIONS��#IkE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL SUBDIVISION DATA STUDY/OF HE-SOIL;>SITEyAND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS ALL DIMENSIONA D,�tEa i``T`IC DEXAIIS RE CORRECT. LOTS•,ASROPOSED�GONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT `` L;} Gq "';A TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �. TOTAL AREA: 4.238 ACRES OFV/ �JA TH SERVICES. ONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS € 4s . t- SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK NUMBER OF LOTS: 2 OFDATE., ? 1 t `PLAT PREPARED BY l ' ' '` SUM OF LOT AREAS: 4.238 ACRES rTHE RAYNOR GROUP, P.E. & L.S. PLLC � -`" AVERAGE LOT SIZE: 92,310 S.F. f �' ° '�: .v" s B Co ' .10 2A2�- _ DATE: 2 SCALE: 1" - 50' FIRE DISTRICT: CUTCHOGUE DATE: POSTAL DISTRICT: CUTCHOGUE \'°� > �P,,� �D �t`� 5 50 0 50 100 150 VINCENT A. GAUDIELLO, P.E. NO. 73544 `�»:. �t_' SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE VINCENT��GAUDIELLO,/P.E. NO. 73544 ARKADIUSZ JUS GA..�LAND'§ RVEYOR NO. 50569 WATER MILL, NEW YORK ' ' -` ` WATER MILL;"NEW.YORK ALBERTSON. ZONING DISTRICT: AC NEW YORK 218' t TO FIRE HYDRANT (NOT TO SCALE) 4— NOTES R=25.00' MON S 4 0' 21 ' 3 5 " W 10 0 . 0 0 ' MON. 4— PROPOSED DRAINAGE PROPOSED SCWA WATER �v SET EXISTING FEATURES WITHIN PROPOSED ROAD SET MAIN (320'f EXTENSION) �. iL 1 . ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FOR DIONYSUS COURT TO BEAREA TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED ASDEDICATED TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHDLD. _ � SOT. REQUIRED C � I WIRE I _p S 49'38'25"E FENCE O 25.00' 2. ROADWAY DESIGN BASED ON FINAL ROAD + DRAINAGE S°Nr S 400,2 1 ' S " W 131 . 84 (� STK. PLAN (SHEET 1 OF 1 ) PREPARED BY EENECULA I r' :� SON. 0.1' S. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAST DATED APRIL 3, 2023. w Iz MH#4 MH#5 MH#6 I _ -0(A \ VERIZON 0 L� + 3.50 C y (.OTHER UTILITIES BOX � 10' MIN. � �� � a � z 2 IN THIS ROADWAY 0+00 +� 0+5 1+00 p 1+50 I 2+00 I NOT MARKED) _ y � Ir 2+50 C� M x \ u 4� I�+ 'j s DOG RUN4- a, MH#2 MH#3 / ELECTRICm LINE 4- / n TREE UNE ( O � �• � ' n TREE LINE 41 � v S 40° 21 ' 35 " W 124. 2-6' - - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ TEL. R=25.00 BIRD FEEDER BOX L=39.27' LIMIT OF BRUSH & WOODS MAINTAINED LAWN J EXISTING FEATURES WITHIN PROPOSED ROAD AREA TO S 40021 ' 35 " W 10 0 . 0 0 ' O BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED O, IEXISTING 12"0 ^' AS REQUIRED SCWA WATER MAIN N 49'38'25"W E IN ROAD R.O.W. 25.00' Y 47 47 46 46 ' o � h 45 �' + 45 i 0.0% i i /— — — f EXISTING — 0.5 ISLAND o 44 i� a 44 i ROp Ep i 43 43 o � / 42 0 / 42 /�2#1* IE 39.59 289 IE=3949 0 IE=39.39 CB#2 41 GRATE=41.98 IM #1 41 AND AND MH#3 M i#4 MH#5 AND MH#6 40 40 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1 +20 1 +40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 CENTERLINE PROFILE: DIONYS US COURT HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 " = 20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " = 19 RECEIVED JUN 2 0 2024 Southold Town Planning Board DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPRVD REVISIONS KALARGIROS 834 HUNT LANE MANHASSET,NY 11030 ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 18365 COUNTRY ROUTE 48,SOUTHOLD,N.Y.11971 SCTM NO.:1000-1000-95-4-16.1 ALIGNMENT + ROAD PROFILE PLAN .; . 44THE RAYNOR GROUP,P.E.&L.S.PLLC {� SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS SITE PLANNERS DEERFIELD GREEN P.O.BOX 720 WATER MILL,NY 11976 (631)726-7600 DESIGNED BY: VAG SCALE: 1"=20' DWG.NO. 0.A„ 735a psQtoe�pi/ DRAWN BY: EJW DATE: 06/11/2024 C_1 VINCEr7`I Pi:'GAUDIELLO APPROVED BY: VAG FILE NO.: 3734 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NO.073544 6"COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE CLIENT: RECEIVED FILTER FABRIC BELOW L EXISTING GROUND MATCH EXISTING JUN J ZG24 SLOPE FOR AINAGETNE P° �� Evangeline Satras & loannis Kaiargiros I � \ DRAINAGE � ,y 40'-0"MIN. Lv ,f �,I:, ,I <, >` `; "' 1. I- - , �T�f `� 834 Hunt Lane out o Town ^. .r1, <, ',;.. :r �>' n Manhasset, NY 11030 Planning Board SECTION I ! 11 %� COIF DRANECINAGE PIPE BENEATH ENTRANCE NTRANE c$ I GENERAL NOTES: r / DRAINAGe . �Q 1. CRUSHED STONE FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE I /' // ,` f ,1'r/i• / c� Y `30 +1 2%3"AT GREATEST DIMENSION AND SHALL BE INSTALLED ;` / // // F ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: TOACOMPACTEDDEPTHOFSIXINCHES. z r' // ! / �/ (/ . / CRUSHED ROCK STABILIZED/// /' �o�.�� �, SURVEYOR: OREC%ON VIEW ESTATES 2. FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE MIRAFI 100X OR EOUAL 2 ,/r / / / // / CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 4`�"�s �o['� � I. I MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 3. IF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CROSSES A DRAINAGE DITCH, c / SWALE.ETC.,A DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH N /f,� / %/;! /r�/ l s``p% �,��� �oe9 PETER V. BRABAZOIV, PLS A MIN.12'OF COVER OVER CRUSHED STONE. % / / / / EXISTING PAVEMENT EDGE ENTRANCE WHEN PROJECT 1S COMPLETE. REPAIR ALL / / / i f /// 4l �( ag 4. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF OFF-SITE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION : // ,! / l0 � P.O.BOX 483 j 1730 DAMAMGE INCLUDING RE-GRADING AND RE-GRASSING. ��/ '/ '�/ /r /r `` cf EAST!SLIP, M IL.CC j I /'' ,c�' PVBSURVEY@GMAIL.CGM LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 ' f 1 LOT 24 Em (631)277-1726 MARLA KOSTER I AID TO DEVELOPMENT DISABLED INC CHRISTOPHER EKSTER I 1 r WILLIAM C SHIPMAN v I JOHN HINTON M I STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PLAN ti ' � N i I . KEY MAP ~ 1s RADIUS(TYP.1 (NOT TO SCALE) W N t,`\ i V) I I I W �IjJ� 1 LOT 26 LOT 25 r -- SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP: ,, TEST HOLE: ELEV. 45.9 + - JESSEJOHNSON A j I-'� 1.___ -_ - -� -� MELLINA HUNTLEY � (R-'{j I � / DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION:95 BLOCK: 04 LOTS : 16.1 Co S 50'030'3511 E 1008.19' NO WATER ENCOUNTERED ( ) CoNQo 20'ORAINAGE ---.------- ---- -�- --------- ---.qg--� EXSTG.MON. HEDGE NEWMON. a N DATED:617/22 McDonald GeoServices U o NEW 4 x4 x30"DEEP - -'--- --- 1 EXSTG.MOON. L 5'Ff C.CI_L.F. EXSTG.MON. °p ; Q , ZONING INFORMATION •--� fX G.MON. 48.1 a5.8 .z N N W CONCRETE MONUMENT(TYP) NEW MOON. 42.7 _ x44.3 \,` 45.7 -`- --46• N - 47---`� _ .�/ 46.5 .1 N 46.5 46.Z _� L ' v I 0 "46.7 Q 45.8 a5.7 ° " 46.4 .4 a�.4 NEW 4 x4 x30"DEEP 46.7 46.5 97.79' 46.5 M CONCRETEMONUMENT(TYP) i BROWN SILTY SAND SM p W o •I0.5 ---- 41.0� (S 50°30'35" E `` 444.05') �,4s'1 - (S 50 30 35 E 564.14 ( ) W 1.5 FT ZONE: A-C AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION 2 ACRE to o Q 4 Q V ' 1 W � I BROWN FINE TO COARSE SAND SW ( S) IL>j LIMIT OF BRUSH� \ - ,. FOm &wooDs \� BUILDING ENVELOPE: `\ _ __„k } ----�.��-I- BUILDING ENVELOPE '- i "`a• I 4.0 FT USE: R-3 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS o 00 (�'' �"� "'• �' "�"� "''7 r �[ f�L t/ - I-1 ti b LOT AREA: TOTAL: 184,607.28 SF (4.238 AC) z 0) I r CLEARING ENVELOPE � '\ W(7 \W elf \ �� ' \ �a5 �� 75'-0" REAR YARD �. 0 # N PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP LOT AREA: LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF (2.098 AC) "I O I ` t .1I 45.6 as.D C \ X458 as.7 W x45s 4s.6 �p I� a LOT AREA: LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF (2.140 AC) -� 39.9 39.4 P.O0 40.9 x42.1 x43.6 44. 46.2 l x46.2 45.8 i \ x44.5 x44.5 Illl 44.5 \ x45.2 45.6 \ a r q(� ' PROPOSED SUBDMSION LINE \\ Q' f i 16.0 FT LOT 1: \ W � \ n• 111 th \\ > i rl I 10 'A I LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT 0 � J Iv3i W . WI \ ` CO oO Tn 1> \ RE LINE M ' ", °`/, BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP RECHARGE N Z'\\ ' o c \ IZ \ W m N I� N �` rr'�1 LOT DEPTH: MI. LOT WIDTH: NIMUM AL 201.32 FT BASIN \ z �a \ z CV o �'W lui -- �•-- ,a.,._ ---n 0 -- �' ' `.. I I LOT DEPTH- PRO\/If9FID- LOWED: 444.05 FT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 75'-0" REAR YARD I f ' 444.05 FT 25.0 FT J ` ` I" \ to � � 1 �"� L� FRONT YARD SETBACK:39.8 \ m1 60'-0" FRONT YARD 60'-0" FRONT YARD Z NEW MOON. Q Q l � SIDE YARD SETBACK: 60.00 FT 20.00 FT IQ I xa.9\ x45.2 �-45.4 45.4 E LI E NFWMON. � I � BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: 45.00 FT ,�9.3 Z ,�9.8 40.6 \ 41.8 J \ 43.1 44.5 , x !m x44.4 44. EW •ri III \ ` 45.6 m�, C x46.1 x46.3 46.0 Q5.6 44.8 "'�"111 W 01 \\ ' � rl r- I Z W C4 45.6 x '45.7 I 5 REAR YARD SETBACK: 75.00 FT -I (� LOT 1 \ "` a W � m J W ` UNDERGROUNDLPGO �{5�- o I v � BAR CONTINUOUS, `' Z 2.098 ACRES \ 1\ z - 0 r IU AL f o- 6`+ ! EXCEPT AT JOINT LOT 2 o I LOT 2: 1: I J N GAL TACK COAT LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT uu o o I o N 49 38 25 W 220.00 /� j 91388.8 SF I � N � \ \ m v 2.140 ACRES �Lf w I r�" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE BUILDING ENVELOPE: 49,798.20 SF I \ i \ I z ,M CD m m I w Its 0 \ 001 - o1 ° z I 93,2`1,8.40 SF 9 f I f TYPE 6 F2 (NYSDOT ITEM LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 208.87 FT N I m CLEARING ENVELOPI�:22,847.22 SF \ , \ I Im / a, <'I BUILDING ENVEL�QPE:45,605.96 SF OPP I z w NO. 403.178202) TOP COURSE LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250,00 F7 CO 1 SOIL M M CONCRETE 'u W � \ WASHOUT CLEARING ENVEL E� 3 304.60 SF I 75'-0" RE YARD 2Y1" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE TYPE 3 LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: 321.30 FT 0 8 / I STOCKPILE Ito Z _� V/ { (NYSDOT ITEM N0. 403.138902) O ?9.1 x?9.8 438 44.9 ..r v / �a.s ' 4z2 4zs I 'D AREA AREA /, 45.4 �� Z O C 6" BINDER COURSE FRONT YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 60.00 FT Iq m x45.9 �'-'� 45.2 45.1 . 45.1° 45.1„ S.C.T.M.1000-93-04.17.1 1/4' R 8" CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE SIDE YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 20.00 FT Z / I / �� / L.-J I _j So TAM PAUL GANCARZ INCOME ONLY TRUST TYPE 4, OPTION D BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: MINIMUM: 45.00 FT I I I / �� ` ♦ I 0 I o sr. (NYSDOT ITEM NO.304.12TYPE 4 REAR YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 75.00 FT /� I L__ C FARING ENVELOPE e_ �� ` TEST HOLE � /� CLEARING ENVELOPE I - V [n �._... " -,. 1 Ito - _ " BUILDING ENVELOP �! // uI ;� I TW C _._JCLEARING: /L_ - - - - - - -I - -- 1 --_ --- -•- --p-� I _ BUILDING ENVELOPE _ J i I m l',+,''.;,. PERMISSIBLE CLEARING PERCENTAGE LOTS 1 &2: 25% / (N 49038'25"W '•) / . X(N 49°38'25"W 321.30') I .i- LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF x.25= 22 847.2 8. 41.8 449.19 LIMIT OF BRUSH ,� �' / ,c N. ( �_ �,I MUUBL tlgLE1)�TIOSYK 3(K")K COLOR TV fP EXSTG.MOON. 39.1 40.0 - '401 44 B WOODS,\ O Q S MD 100, Yam^ ASRTHVAL .NEW LIf.HlfNfi .-y 4 NUKI'HVALE,vtN'1!K>EY'. • 2 SF +o' NEI� l I -+ =• LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF x.25= 23,304.60 SF 111111 .0 . 46.5-`.,--.1 - -v , .,^,, ,: 46.5 ' >" NEW MOON. ! �c---'-'%•. 46.3 . ; -y r■I NEW 4 X4 x30"DEEP 43.3 r C 46.5 T E LIN- CNOTE:D SIRPn V(a.TA[Ir m nr.wrrLlrn n V ! I•.. . a ,�- ELC(TRlCAL.(Y)NTRA[TOR) SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE I COMPACT EXISTING IRR.WI.FE. <45.8 I GRANULAR SURRASE CO CRFTE MONUMENT(TYP) 99 N MON. 5W�' 41 421 RgD�A MOON. „45.5 EXSTG,PION. 45.9 -+ p '/ O I re . i . `, 185�45 t`7 7V1 OX`;OIV\ 45. S 1 B N 49 38 25 W , /,� � 3 �`5�\ 770.49' I , POST OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE 11935 / R 7 / 3 p5 05 44.54 44.54 45.DSk\ \ \ S i FIRE DISTRICT: CUTCHOGUE f _ ,� / / 44 I ^tip \\\ I ��`? WATER DISTRICT: SC WATER AUTHORITY a�' rR . / .1 24.00 4 1 Q- 24. ; / \ _ 4s io= i 1 ('��I 1� I j SEE CIVIL NOTES, 11113 SHEET 1 E SLAND w P_S I MfHlf•I.+Pc,I)ISn2Potr ' CONCRETE CUE BIPAVEMENT SECTION r T 4. 44.38 "4x - X I p 4' ;4j.0 M I i N r 4 '0 4a. s a4.ss 44.55 w I C T_ / - N T.S. \ °0 t_ R G km 1 0 0 � -1 1 LOT 33 et f``q�o�q 4 IIo I`/ - °o , \ w o- 4. 8 le,^ / ('GEORGE MCDOWELL fLOT 35 LOT 36 N4 \\ a 3 4413 , --1 4.6[,,/ / U) LOT 37 1 JOSEPH ROSETO ! ALFRED W STEINER w i{ ( / / I LOT 38 ? \ #44.7 v I , HENRY BOGARDUS I LOT 39 I / \ f I�', w DOG R / 4 5 WAYNE MOTT > 44.601'^ \ 7O 8E � 44.70 NICOLE BREWER a I R L ?, y DR^nE �.,I i �II�II(II� II __1 CONSULTING ENGINEER 31 .38 4 .88 ! .88 %4 •`. 1- .•- '. `•�i `,�% r LttUYLQL ,- 15" t)La. \ NEW a4.5 k 4a. 0 F 4a,2r NEW 4 x4 x30"DEEP \ 4 - _._____.___ aa. 0 a s sl •4 in' {n' 44.4 44.6 _ ,e U Y .$. 4•' ,, ,i, MON. �, E1 CONCRETE MONUMENT(7YP) I ( C.P.P. ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: E I I f N49°38'25"W LEGEND PrRn+��(!n[n,RCR �{��D06� r� " '»' SPI:CIFR:AIIO[YS. �+ 11 ,,,,,. F ' ":;�, 4 � +, , OREGON VIEW ESTATES U cE44.s"25' OA ! I - I 11 ►1 % ° F I` 24,00 1 (�p(� nn ° I .t MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 < ° 1 25 ,\ 099 U d 0 u 11 " .r � J �",'",:'`_�':e I:. "'1 ;� s.00 F- oo i STREET LINE �/ .1 I n+' 'R+ ni' ( ,r- p1 �' I - ( , { I 1 - _ Nt)rf:ti' �:%�iY:'�.'/� U Y o U '�^ )'' ' a [ `} N•"4F 3 1•' o- h e^ r 11; , NEW I < _ - PROPERTY LINE ( ,.. • I :, _._ »1 43. 3. 1 .8 N I-L[GI77'S ALOnC•C'\TI"RIOR PROPI'R1'YL/Nt:70 RC c1 f11'[O[L)SO:1S 7t 1!1flNIA : I I S. ,,• " 44.60 >E 4 4.40 SPILLCIVLK OF CLAKt UN[O:u»OlN[!S'u PIUIrElt11LS.AS PER TOWN DARK SKIES STANDARDS nn _ W LOT LINES a009 ..,t ' S Q O U 3 44.p0 x I , m. \ r k 4 1 1 $ MO � I I ' j I w ----45---- CONTOUR LINE A'INSTALLI:DIN'(.ONIA)R ANC'E WMiALLAPPPLICABLhBUILVIN,(VOES�Nn r' * 46.5 46.5 I `I U) NEW VERIZON 1234 LOT NUMBER 4", , - - _ - _ _ _ X 4a.�, 1 W z 3 i uNE POLE MOUNTED LIGHT I7ET.�iL - ,.r •_ R r . m b FIRE HYDRANT - - •* •" I c0' UTILITY POLE _ t w - h'. :, ,€° ru,~a 3[ 'sa �',,,V. 4. S 44.4 PLAN In a 1 r,. #, / -,- •. 4 Ill NEW I- , 4 ©RANT NEW � 44.70 R 44.37 'S CAST IRON ERAI-M s GRATE CAMPBELL ; »�'. iq :a 8 43 1 (3 0 A CATCH BASIN GRADE FOUrInRY PATTERN '- x;:::,Ts 1, R'- -.. MOON. �� 4 21 �. MOON. . • �,, "* .1; �,4 88 .a a�"I z � r• STREET SIGN � ERN # 254E OR APPROVED 1"w�J` A�`��7"7�'�„�` �»�'.� �a "'I s `s b+ r- I N M - I r�._ EQUAL. i � r- Y I: Q 'i r- In FOUND MONUMENT Fh - �1�L7 � 4Jr. nI M E ' I LF 1 f N C A 7 FOUND STAKE ASPHALT PAVEMENT 1 V '�'"x4s r� BOA \x o ," 'T _ 414 MAIN SIRE" U�TE C}1 // 5 44.7.2. -4511\ v �y o,, to. d ! o 1 OHSK OVERHEAD SERVICE WIRE . W ) , MI ul / , �\ / 1 a : ehe 1 a N I S.FE. STOCKADE FENCE F ", PORT JEFFERSON1 NY 11777 44.7 1 I > E , tS 1)ia. C.P.P. / 3�45 05 44.54 45.Z \ 38 1 m C.L.F. CHAIN LINK FENCE ,r 0 O / / OO \ \\ ' 2. 8 .3 �3 w IRR.WI.FE. IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE 2"-16.. 44.65• rY1 14 #' ',I 4.30 "r , Te1.:631.331.0526 / Rl 44,54 \\ \\ I` W 3 W I 5o.z° SPOT GRADE ., email: eeneculapc @ gmail.com / j i (u TC: TOP OF CURB I >�; FF C l2 1 / 44. 1 �� t\ \ 111111- 1 �" ~ NEW ec: BOTTOM OF CURB ± zo 1'- - . C` rQ • I I x \ NE 1 Rt F ` / 24.00 24.(� I I 'Q\. MON. I a1 z-f-- 42I5 ON.yo I( .{,p�j -" ` L �� Q 43.90 ( 1 .38 f 4 .65 a �� �` THIS IS TO CERTI1I'THAT THIS OPAWM7C!MS BEEN - E ISLAND\ Q 145. 4s.10 g o. 42�0 41 88 JA\ Q- ,,� - - /� N; NEW t G PREPARED BY NE OR UNDER MY OIRCCT PFR`.,ONAL W 11i/ '? + _ : SUPERVISION AND RESPON';IBM CFW?GF AND THAT I 10 0 x 4''1 1 --- 4 - IC' °�4 �jl 0 `� / -� ��,;Zg a3.0 MOON. __�43.0 ,L �"" 3"000 P•S.L• PRECAST AM DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER `y/♦� _ 1 UNDEi2 THE TAWS OF THE SLATE OF NFW YORK. IT �® 44.38 t �" O r 74 4I 96 4Z- O T�11° NF NEW VERtZON G �I + CONCRETE SOX �S �F " I5 A VIOLATION OF THE EDUCATION LAW OF THE 44. 8 - - __-- -. - ..� (�/},�" ® BY SUFFOLK CEIMENT `"` '-'' - , ; 4 'O-' x 4 � x -'" 42.5 41.5 �� �4 x� CONC.CURB %.• STATE OF NEW YORK FOR ANY PERSON TO ALTER -;' ' _ SPECIFICATION IN ANY WAY. I - /',w, 1 44,SS 44,Ss w 8t �- Rr -- _ - - - O \ R G '(CX \ I11 q� 1 41.77 NF1 E 41.49 TC 41. = pO�EREA98U✓ED fUiIfCNWBt3M . .. ._. ,� \V I C, RP r 4�•Ap TC: 0 g6 BC 41. 3 TC:41.90 TC:42.06 'F 1 •r• `y " ANY fTEM ON THIS DRAWING APR)/OR 1N THIS ELECIRICL(N[ 8C:41.42 8C:41.S1 OR APPROVED EQUAL. .�.4'+;:, F C l x >! O COTC'41 ,:40.98 H. qq o ,� 44 cl L ® �-"D�° 3Q f2.04 SILVER ,CO-LT T ROAD L !� Q P B ar.ss z.oa < l 0 1.31 �1. ©COPYRIGHT 19°7-2022 BY EMANUEL E.NECUUI, �1,,:, 1 e LU I / �y �� 4L53 :, „,.,1, /(I Li: :. p 611 -ou 6" P.E,P.C.ALL RIGHT RESERVED. \ 44. p / RKED NGRENTS WILL BE PROSECUTED. r- '' J'�,', 1 / ROADWAY NOT MA ) !:..: ' _ , III \FO 1 / / S $1.76 (OTHER UTIt(TIES IN TH THIS DOCUMENT 5 AN INsrRLIMExr OF SERVICE AN t 1 L W0 0 IT rs THE PROPERTY OF D,IANUEL E.NFCLJLA,PE. t 1 i•� Q tP ROAD PC.INFRI [] ` ' '�.' ' ! \ \ j _ 44,1:.7 / STORED IN A REPRIEVAL SYSTEM.OR TRANSMITTED i, ( "' - '�� '•} •� I.._. NO PART OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE REPRODUCED, : - ,.- -�, ••-. \\ .1.7.-L3x 44.13 -l 4.6 // U) ,- 1 ' - _.. MECHANICAL.PHOTOCOPYING OR OTHERVASE. JK/::.s .4 Z" '/'",�IICA 1 'A APPROX.LVATER SERVICE S E C "C I O !'I �-; \$ \�° i2`" 40 0 20 40 80 160 MANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS,ELECTRONIC. �. I r= U.1 \ ' / ,6, w'. �.w........_:.: ..- _..__,,.�..•._:.w:...._-.:..,.:_ °' % WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF (`,;.-,-5•c;:,;,� �`. / ' -'f•- _ EMANUEL E. NECULA.PE.PC.ANY NOT'ffICATION 10 '• ^ul'• .;z \ . Ill DOG R -I / �4'15 1 / - WHEN ABUTTING AN EXISTING - ' LL �\W l� \ I ti A, j X iaE 10 Maximum' THIS EMANUEL E. WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PFRNDER E sL 44,60 \\ TO BE 44.7 �ry {-� BITUMINOUS SFAtE R WITH CONCRETE CURBING of ENANucL E. ► cuu PE 1'c.sFwu RF1rDtx W W f.C3 \ W / i [� 1 1 L.1-____ MISCELLANEOUS ASPHALT CEMENT t i" BITl1MIN0US THE/+ RrvAUD AND uNusnnLE. $EAL CATCH BASIN WI CAST IRON FRAME AND GRATE z ;� o\ R LOC �t "I3; -. �I� \ ,88 44 Level Contour (NYSDOT ITEM N0. 618.07) CONCRETE TYPE 6 F2 (NYSDOT ITEM 15"CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE �\ 4¢,38 4 ,$$ x I / No 51ope No. 403.178202) TOP NEW 4.5 �,m 44.k 44.'k50 44 I21 1 44r5' I/ .45I NEW .�°'.` - ' GENERAL. NOTES: COURSE I . MON. ' ` j., MOON, 1f =III fll� fll III_= I11�l.11, �It ---- - r I _--=--------r-r-----"_------ -•-- --- - "r r--------- - 1. THERE ARE NO POTABLE WATER WELLS WITHIN 150 FT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 2'/1" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE 44.4 - .Wu = I I I • 1 1 = III f l I = I I _- I I I TYPE 3 1 - a 8'DIA x 8"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE 2. INDIVIDUAL PLOT PLANS WILL BE PREPARED AT THE TIME OF BUILDING { cl 1 25 1I `j Ql' � 44• z 0 , x44.6 ! _ r I I l 1 Ill= # I =IllNG OF THE LOTS, " / / / (NYSDOT ITEM NO. 403,138902) TRAFFIC COVER. #4 BARS @ 4"O.C.EACH WAY "r ! )» j Q (�� ( 0 4�0 it I I 1= "i i i l= DWELLING FOOTPRINTS, RI DRIVEWAY CONFIGURATIONPERMIT APPROVALS TO DEPICT THE PROPOSED S AND ADDITIONAL 1SffNG / r BINDER COURSE � 1�i 49 383 2 W I I I H I I( _ - ` SITE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. PAVEMENT / r/ / 5��'' X �Ir N. I I LU ELEVATION III-II l= - - / / / W / / / / 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE AGE 44.5 2 1 ' { 1 4 3. A FINAL ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN WITH ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL f/ / I:,N / / //�/ / / // • TYPE 1 0 O NOUNJ FRAM:AND CRATE lR4F Ctll FOUNDRY MODEL 1184A OR E4UAL ti T 1 - :. t INFORMATION AND ROAD&DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS / � •x �' / NYSDOT ITEM NO. 403A 18902 a 0 24'00 ( 2 ° - }E-- Flat 51oYe in Front of barrier -- I s ( ° ) 1. FOR THE ADJACENT SURROUNDING SUBDIVISION IS ON FILE WITH THE `1 BASE COURSE I- - REINFDRCFIJ TR,IFFIC BFARIN�S(n0 TO i s(�c.r _ cat t •.)c �S S �� ? GWRY N-20 LM v H M OFFSET OPENING 18 00 .001 W _`� T SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING DEPARTMENT-OREGON VIEW ESTATES' " c . -- I 1 - �: , - - ' APPROVED MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 , rs• Z8 CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE _ 12"to24" OVLR //-Bf,TlLnus1 �- 1 +- - -- SAW CUT FULL -/ �y y ' Jy` TPE 4. OPTION D e 1 C 6. C.-C.� � 1 1 16"Minimum , ' 4. THE INSTALLATION OF INNOVATIVE/ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE WASTEWATER DEPTH OF PAVEMENT 143. = J3. 1 UJ FLOW :':'.-_ `�.--•-=--•�. (NYSDOT ITEM NO.304.12 TYPE 4 T , _ - 40= 44 ' ® ,$$I TREATMENT SYSTEMS(1/A OWTS)ARE REQUIRED ON LOTS 1 AND 2 TO (NYSDOT ITEM N0. FOUNDATION COURSE ) O N ,60 Q 4.40 PROTECT THE WATER QUALITY OF THE SOLE SOURCE AQUIFER '';r'-. , Q a O .38 W I _ - - - AND MITIGATE CUMULATIVE NITROGEN LOADING IMPACTS. 520.50t4) APPROVED SELECT GRANULAR FlLL { ts°CPP 13ET'NEEN 8AS4VS M 4410 Z III I•4I 11t III III_III =If1 = III _III I ) 1 I 1 ; 'e - -_ IF REQUIRED FOR i UNLESS otl+ERwIsE NOIFO LINE OF TEMPORARY SILT 1 t4; III-I I - I- =I 1 I 1111 _ =I I I - ( ' 1 I _ I I 1 , ," I' - �,l fix/ 17!/�/j\"\/�\/,:;fir/�!�/'�,�:/j�f/�... ..r`� UNSTABLE/UNSUITABLE SOIL 2•-0• , { Min I�� Ill =- = 11# CONSTRUCTION NOTES. %!j�ij%y/���\!!�\%�/%'/iy/��Y/rv;��fi%jr/� CONDITIONS) 1YFICAI FENCING. SEE DETAIL/NOTES 1 D at 16' Minimum o O N ■r l a G, �, o° I U) I \ I NEW VERIZON _ _ � I 1 l= " _ LINE - 1 i I-111- 1. INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY 14. PIPING MATERIALS SHALL BE,AT A MINIMUM,AS SPECIFIED .8 °•' �' '� `� © �' - - " � '- I I ~ Ill Specifications APPROVED COMPACTED FABRIC, �i 44,7 I W � S' ; 1 I • - \ PETER V.BRABAZON-LAND SURVEYOR•DATED 23 APRIL 2021 BELOW,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN: E" or r10N,L co. u n JoxtT FO1D(?ILE APO N. L4 i __ -1I!= \ #or STORM WATER PIPE: ORGANSUBGICS) (STRIP LOAM & o`n pq q q � � � = o a 4f ENTMlAr* CIRj40 AtVUE I X$ 0 t, I 44.4 / , SECTION \ ELEVATIONS SHOWN REFER TO NAVD 88. OF LE CIINC BASIN . i 1 \ Silt Fence 2. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS GF CONSTRUCTION SHALL 15"0 CPP-CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE B_ I OF LEACHING BASIN R/ily�^, $ 0 X V, " I 2 FEET MIN. COVER, 1% MIN. SLOPE $' WAy �_-K V= `� " C= =" "' `` C' =i pie/u 1, \ CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS&SPECIFICATIONS OF THE ( ) 44 70 1'S � I PZ� _ I \ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE: I � `= __ &= C' `� � " tr �� 44.37 r \ OF HEALTH SERVICES,SUFFOLK COUNT!WATER AUTHORITY n �' e� ,� o ti �� I. 4 8 43�21 $ , 1"0 TYPE K COPPER TUBING Yi�k- - - - � r= o ea ; G * �k *f S0 \ &OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIC'e,AS APPLICABLE. 4.5 FEET MIN. COVER o�co cel es, o r� e� o �a a 1, ( ) SC' R.o.w. C. . 00 4 88 .88 O 1 F (0 LO 1.- , \ 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONS BLE FOR OBTAINING FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE: SAG _ - , - `_ o o _ -_- �� I I'I `�'" \ COMMENCING WORK. --I _4'WN c �_ .--R CN (I J;',`' \ I I- III I I{ _j j{ NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO CO, 6"O AWWA C900 PVC I to'-e �■. j`I 1 �. I I 1 <G ■ t 3 Trench to be 4.5 FEET MIN. COVER P. L A N I $' X '-0" $ X$ " III `' -v ``" \ 4. ANY DAMAGE TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF IAAY OR NEIGHBORING ( ) y �" x"' ?'' Wrap Geoteeti!e \ - III Ill - 6ackfslled 15. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL Q i c�. '' Q PROPERTIES AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES N 1 H POOL I H1N I ar..;'Al. ',> ,; . NOTES: C 1 N A-A �z' MIN u1av�cnO Io wnrEii O L� III '' �{ ���` 1 1, I, ;,;;,I � � Around 5takes \ = III Ill = and SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OF ABANDONED UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND �• , y I-D O _r +"„;; ;Lx;1, l3efpre Ori`nng \ Com aGtCd EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN ENGINEER. ItTIT\ELATION OF NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS,&SHALL 2 O�} .7,, �rL. �1,` l,. 4 r t•-I�C ¢ `Y'�',`'✓. ® �'° I I l III _ p NG RINGS TO EE �` '1 3 1 �- ` ` - EACHING BASIN DETAIL (I ) )' �`n�'' -,�T.,,f^.?I 5. DURING CONSTRUCTION,THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE COO DINATE ALL WORK W/THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY s.(,y_, y„ AINACE 1 \�! Oj, O 4T :, �„�."a'}. " - 1 I l I 1 I - TO PROVIDE SITE SECURITY BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY 16. PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC,TELEPHONE&GAS LINES Property line Property line NTS. 2 06.15.22 ISSUED TO PLANNING-PRELIMINARY PLAT I xr, �' " � FENCING,LOCKS,ETC,TO AVOID TRESPASSING DURING SUBJECT TO SERVICE PROVIDER'S DESIGN&APPROVAL. Ri ht-of-VYa fit Ili �:•:P,.A`; s $ X 8 ' ��`� >_ `_. HOURS WHEN WORK IS NOT TAKING PLACE. R! �lt"0 -�i�a lQi y r r. I I t $' !X `-0' IX �I ( I V) .Joining w,I -I 17. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE AN APPROXIMATION FROM y t0 -0 p'I'VEWAY 1 05.18.22 ISSUED FOR REVIEW&APPROVAL PROVER LINE 1 1 I %P r Fence Posts-the length shall be a minimum of 32 inches. Wood 6. THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION THE FIELD MARItOUT,PHYSICAL FEATURES&AVAILABLE RECORDS. I�IQ, DATE REVISION 44.7 V_ 13 �I j 5ectiOM5 CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO VERIFY THE LOCATION r n x ,r 42 71 �" I • Posts shall be 2-by-2 inches hardwood of souhd quality.The NECESSARY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, 50 -Q 1' ' $?%' W of Silp Fence Y 4 1Y OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK,AND TO A 44.65 i�� Y 4. 1 4.30 maximum spacing between posts shall be 20 ft. I.E.SIGNS,BARRACADES,STEEL PLATE COVERS,ETC. TAKE MEASURES AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT ALL UTILITIES -*• . -,,, c �. 2• 8 .38 Q3. Q TO ENSURE SAFETY FOR VEHICLES&PEDESTRIANS INTENDED TO REMAIN IN PLACE.RELOCATION WILL BE PROJECT TITLE , r . 1=_ C I �_f W Silt Fence Fabric shall be MOT Type C Geote'xtile Fabric TRAVELING AROUND THE SITE. COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE ' '� `' *• t // I Z 7. PROJECT DEMOLITION INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING APPROPRIATE UTILITY OWNER. I FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ( !1-1 FACILITIES,DRAINAGE SYSTEMS,RETAINING WALLS& 18. A MIN MUM 10 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER P I; a ,.. .'�, � I \� W I I /� I W LINE OF TEMPORARY SILT NO-US • ■ ■ OTHER STRUCTURES,IS TO BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE SERVICE LINE/LATERALS/MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL I ," I KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVIS ION • I W WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STORM WATER DRAINAGE LEACHING STRUCTURES. LINE OF DEFL EC1 I:ON `�• i 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48, SOUTHOLD I � I , � ENCING. SEE DETAIL/NOTES �--- - 1 I I`\ �; &ALL OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES.THE CONTRACTOR 19. A MINIMUM 5 F00T SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER -•. IN Ci}itMREI E $T#8 W. ' I GH I G TGIF `44.D #� 1.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(S) SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONCRETE SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 4 ♦ PLACEMENT ON SITE, THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE ENTIRELY ■ ; �. ■ IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS FOR SERVICE LINE I LATERALS 1 MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL STORM 1 r' f- 25'- off NEW 51N B 51 1 NEW (� SELF CONTAINED. I DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES WATER DRAINAGE NON-LEACHING STRUCTURES&ASSOC.PIPING. 2� - I ___-� - I I (?N. ® • I : • AND MATERIALS. I 31100 Fs1 cc eRi:t1E ® MOON, 2.TA CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE DESIGN,LOCATION AND SIZING OF ______________� 20. ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 150 FEET HAVE ACCESS TO PUBLIC WATER. ® I '"" I �• ♦ THE �ONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(S)WITH THE PROJECT'S EROSION AND • I I I I ' 8. AT NO TIME SHALL DEBRIS BE BURIED ON THE SITE. I " I n I I SLAB. I 42 21 42 5 4 .65 SEDI4ENTATION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. I I I ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE 12 - 0 ! -' `�- 12' -0" I DRAWING TITLE ``� & x I 42, 8 X 4 $$ • ' : : f 1 ' DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN,COUNTY, t' I j TOPSOIL i SEEIk. to •® 43 90 I ,38�/ LOC; ON: WASHOUT AREACS)ARC TO BE LOCATED AT LEAST SO FEET FROM ' I VARIES I , STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS,CODES AND ORDINANCES. p ®* 2,50 41 88 !\ ' ANY STREAM,WETLAND,STORM DRAINS,OR OTHER SENSITIVE RESOURCE. 1 SEE I r rl R " II<PE CUl�I� �� t3' FINAL PLAT / L J \ THE BLOOD CONTINGENCY PLAN MUST ADDRESS THE CONCRETE WASHOUT IF • NOTE 2 I : , 9. ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE 5,-O" �'-,. 24' - 0" ROAD SECTION 8-Q s'0 E11TWI CE• KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION L I ION OF _ \ t - THE WASHOUT IS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN. I I I I SAWCUT TO FULL DEPTH OR AS INDICATED ON THESE "� / _ V NEW 1 �♦ / T _ ,IG I : I I ; PLANS.PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT, LANDSCAPING NOTE '/ - SFZEI THE WASHOUT MUST HAVE SUFFICIENT VOLUME TO CONTAIN ALL LIQUID I _ ___ __' -"--''s 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48, SOUTHOLD 1. NEW -__L___ � -0I2.7 .7 ? 2 43.0 MOON. :43.0 AND!CONCRETE WASTE GENERATED BY WASHOUT OPERATIONS INCLUDING,BUT . I /'--�-��- - - HAY BALES OR ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SWEPT CLEAN&TACK COATED. „ ( " I `"-"-' !! _ 4,2,7 42. x ---- NOT 1 IMITED TO,OPERATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH GROUT AND MORTAR. I COMPACTED EARTH BERM ALL PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE PROPERLY g $ { A SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 i r 4 4 96 ❑TELE NE • I / i • (SEE NOTE 3) DISPOSED OF OFF SITE.NO SCARIFIED PAVEMENT OR 1. USE ONLY NATIVE,DROUGHT-TOLERANT PLANTS. I 11 I 1�O11/ J,�� 41.5 '� 1 I NEW VERIZON 3.SdRFACE DISCHARGE IS UNACCEPTABLE. THEREFORE,HAY BALES OR OTHER I(SEE STDE SLOPES OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE USED AS OR INCLUDED IN BACKFILL. 2. USE ONLY ORGANIC FERTILIZERS WHERE THE WATER- I I 6" 12._0" 611,42.5 �y - --- ---_- -__ CONC. CURB CONlROL MEASURES,AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER,SHOULD BE USED / BELOW) ° N ----- _ -- ---------------- _ - r J \I SOLUBLE NITROGEN IS NO MORE THAN 20 Jo OF THE i i I I � I . 41.77 ===- _=, x AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA FOR CONTAINMENT. ___y 10. WHERE FILL MATERIAL IS REQUIRED,I1 SHALL CONSIST OF E E _�-__- 2 VERIZON 84X--- {�(},�ECATCHBASN • -------------------- TOTAL NITROGEN IN THE MIXTURE. 1/4-•1' 4'Cromt flyr&A ,Yy�> T'C, 41• CRUSHED STONE OR BANK RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FREE - I' L A N B TC: 41.4g BC 41. 3 TO BE REMOVED TC: 41:90 TC: 42.06 4•SIGNS SHOULD BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE,AT THE FROM ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. 3. USE A MAXIMUM OF 1 LB.OF NITROGEN PER 1,000 SQUARE _---� -- `� R CONCRETE AREA(S) AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE FEET IN ANY ONE APPLICATION,WITH A CUMULATIVE OON TC; 41.4Q gC: 4f?.g6 - ELECTRIC LINE BC: 41.42 BC: 41.51 THE LOCATION OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETEN NTHE ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY x 41,l9 41 gc: 40.96 I �- TRUCKS AND PUMP RIGS. WASHOUT AREACS)SHOULD BE FLAGGED WITH E,rf5TIWG GRDUWO UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BROUGHT ON SITE AS FILL. APPLICATION OF NO MORE THAN 2 LBS.PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET PER YEAR. S'"�'� r"6rI CLRB / �C; �rf �"I. SAFETY FENCING OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD. 11. PRIOR TO USE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR THE 4"Topsoil 6�4(3-i3� 41.88 42.04 42,17 DEPTH TNOTERIES 10 MIL POLYETHYLENE SHEETING ENGINEER'S APPROVAL,A SIEVE ANALYSIS OF THE FILL 4. THE APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER PRODUCTS CONTAINING I I 5.WASHOUT AREA(S)ARE TO BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK FOR NITROGEN,PHOSPHORUS,OR POTASSIUM BETWEEN DATE: 05-24-22 SHEET NO. 41,31 x STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY,ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY AND CHECKED FOR MATERIAL AND THE RESULTS OF A STANDARD PROCTOR I, ASPHALT x 41.53 4,1' LEAKS,TEARS,OR OVERFLOWS. (AS REQUIRED BY THE CONSTRUCTION SITE DENSITY TEST PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOVEMBER 1ST AND APRIL 1 ST IS PROHIBITED. I ArraIo Be I - °a X ENVI20NMENTAL INSPECnON REPORT) WASHOUT AREA(S)SHOULD BE ASTM D-1557-METHOD D,INDICATING MAXIMUM DRY 5. THE USE OF PHOSPHORUS CONTAINING LAWN FERTILIZER Cleared Raked •p , PAVEk4E\T DRAWN BY: RB IN TH S ROADWAY NOT MARKED) CHECKED AFTER HEAVY RAINS. SAND BAGS TO SECURE DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. IS PROHIBITED UNLESS ESTABLISHING A NEW LAWN " " &Seeded . ..�.^. 1 . . - 41.26 OTHER UTILITIES _ _ __ SHEETING (OR METHOD OR 501E TEST SHOWS THAT THE LAWN DOES NOT HAVE TYPE B antes olhec wise noted r. °`. .-�= �•r►�•rr�-�:a ;�? }:��;. 6.HP,RDENED CONCRETE WASTE SHOULD BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF - AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER) 12. ALL STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REPLACED ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS.FERTILIZER LABELS HAVE THREE Slope 1 :3 Ctirbllt>i;to match CxstN. I -r`. CHK BY: EEN WHEN THE WASTE HAS ACCUMULATED TO HALF OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT'S HEIGHT. THE WASTE CAN BE STORED AT AN UPLAND LOCATION,AS WITH SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL,BACK FILLED AND COMPACTED BOLD NUMBERS.THE MIDDLE NUMBER IS THE PERCENTAGE - 1f 2" WEARING COURSE 1 3"004 PSt C4NCR£'CE ► - e: OF APPROX. WATER SERVICE _ SIDE (NOMINAL) TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRODUCT,E.G.22-0-15.USE Max.Mto „ 3'Ca��D P.S.I.PSI �� PROJECT NO: 2022011 - APPROVED 8Y TI1E ENGINEER. ALL CONCRETE WASTE SHALL BE DISPOSED OF SLA;t I+'I bKb-lOI10 C0:4C1',E"' CUM 1211 IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS,REGULATIONS,AND CONTENT,AS DETERMINED BY MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. OF PRODUCTS WITH 0.67 OR LOWER IN THE MIDDLE Existing Concrete @ 28 2- 1/2" BINDER COURSE L I W,V,F. , 51;� sxA.\IDAPJ) __ --- -- GUIDELINES. 13. PLACE TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS IN LAYERS IS NOT RESTRICTED.PRODUCTS WITH A NUMBER HIGHER DETAILS, -,_-___-•• __ 7.PAYMENT FOR THIS ITEM IS TO BE INCLUDED UNDER THE GENERAL COST CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA .-, NOT EXCEEDING 12"IN THICKNESS WHEN USING HEAVY THAN 0.67 MAY ONLY BE USED IF A NEW LAWN IS BEING C��C Days-See �. FILE NUMBER: 2022011 OF THE WORK FOR THE PROJECT,INCLUDING SITE RESTORATION. a COMPACTION EQUIPMENT,OR 6"WHEN USING HAND ESTABLISHED OR A SOIL TEST INDICATES IT IS NECESSARY. Standard Mg. NO SCE�LE _____ NOT TO SCALE 9 T C T X O 4 "'A'•A" (SEE NOTE 2) OPERATED EQUIPMENT. SCALE: SEE PLAN - L SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREAT RIVER, N.Y. --- _ _ H.1SESffOE DRIVE DATE MAY SUBJECT y° PROPERTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT FOR KAL4RGIROS N F AID TO DEVELOPMENT DISABLED INC N/F CHRISTOPHER EKSTER LOT 27 gREOGON VIEW GESTATES LOT 26 OREGONA�Ew EN SLTEATES LOTN25 OREGON VIEW ESOTATEs LOT/24 oRecoN v� +4. 1971 AS ESTATES N/F I N/F MARLA VIEW TEREST / LOT 29 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 28 4. 1971 VIEW ESTATES 4. 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 LOT 30 OREGON VIEW ESTAT N FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. I {RES DE ELIMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) I (RESIDENCE LIMPROVED W. PUBLIC WA ER) (RESIDENCE 41 FILED ILIMPROVED W. PUBLIC 1971 AS MAP (R 6241 ITES DE ELED LIMPROVED W PUBLIC WATER) (RI S OE ELED LIMPROVED W PUBLIC WATER) O IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD G� RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBUC 1 ( I I OP WITH A TOTAL OF 2 LOTS WERE APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE. WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO 1 ! t 'Q CIO CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION 1 AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDARDS. ( I THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUBDIVISION j 1 I I 1 s DEVELOPMENT MAP IS DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN I I I DISTURBED CONCRETE S 50*30'35„ E CONCRETE MON. 1008"9 CONCRETE MON. HEDGE LSTOCKO��E FEN CHAIN LINK FENCE MON. Fou>�a � t� � KEY MAP 1 YEAR OF THIS DATE. �I 4a 1 FOUND & HEU) FOUNDa•�j HELD 4 .7 K44.3 45.747- 46.5 ds 40.5 w x CONSENT IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THE MAP ON WHICH 45.8 k9 7 564.14' 4ti.4 u�. �•' 4G•J 46.5 Q" 1" = 600' :., a THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN FENCE •� h 4*T� 4.05 ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISI OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND THE 2.55'w. V E G E T A T I O N A L O N G B 0 U N 0 A R Y L I N E POINT OF SUFFOLK COUNTY SAN ,.,.••.��'�CODE. BEGINNING ,� �� o � + � � � SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FILING DATE 7 J LIMIT OF BRUSH 4 I John Sohngon, P.E. N & WOODS x45.fi 4f,.2 6.2 45.8 45.0 44.5 .44.5 44,5 05.2 f5.6 x45.8 .5.7 x45.8 x45.6 439.4 x 0.0 40 x x4Z 1 x4J.6 * x OI C x aA x x %-bMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY '" ( ,\ Izsp o Y '� N 'y`T 04 04 ROPOSED !ti SUBJECT TO USER SUBDIVISION LINE o N/F TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECHARGE BASIN w 4T.g a PROPOSED PROPOSED sa.9 a , 45.4 N z o RECH L, 39.8 x79.3 �79.8 x40.8 x x4J.1 "5 S LE FAM1L1( 6 z6.1 x46.3 x4g,0 SI(CI FAMILY �n .44.8 x44.4 x4,4.6 x x52 4 x 45.6 I v RESIDENCE ,�. U b x LOT I RESIDENCE ROPOSED �I PROPOS � N 49'38'25" W 220.009�c cr�R`��' s , I q NOTES W J 2.098 ACRES WATER SERVICE in N WATER SERVICE 2.140 ACRES O I w ( , ) 'aNi v w (93,212 S.F.) ( t j 1. THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES ARE IN GROUNDWATER ZONE IV. N z 91 408 S.F. x M F 2. ALL IMPROVED LOTS WITHIN 150 FEET OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ARE ^`�� , M M / PROPOSED $ ! a CONNECTED TO PUBLIC WATER. LO \ PROPOSED rn z IAA owrs 3 N/F PAUL GANCARZ INCOME ONLY TRUST 3. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF a s.6 ,s68 �s.1s.6 x41.225 1/A Owns 6 x s i x45s 4 x4 .4 ,�s.z x45.1 45 45.x 4s. a (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) 1988 (NAVD88). TEST JZ 4. EXISTING SITE FEATURES AND CONTOURS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON Z r` L.P. pR `HOLE PROPOSED A L.P. Q FIELD MEASUREMENTS TAKEN BY PETER V. BRAZABON, PLS ON APRIL 17, 2021. " 1 i_i Of`IVEWAY �`' N 5. UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN WERE DETERMINED BY A FIELD LOCATION OF A E.P. E.P. � ! SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBSURFACE MARK-OUT WHICH WAS COORDINATED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. , ROPOSED &MIT OF BRUSH a ! woods FIELD LOCATION PERFORMED ON DECEMBER 18, 2021. THE UTILITIES SHOWN FENCE 41.6 = HYDRANT MAY NOT COMPRISE ALL UTILITIES ON OR NEAR THE PROPERTY. o.a5 7 4 a 6 0.5'N. 39.T 40.0 x40.1 4 .1 4 , 46.5 x46.S x46.3 x4321. 6. CONCEPTUAL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PROPOSED LOTS ARE FOR SCDHS --_--- - REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. NO IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED AT THIS TIME. TREE ME x N 49.38'25" W 50' 50' ,45.5 770.49' CONCRETE MON. x IRREGULAR WIRE FENCEx45.6 CONCRETE MOD. 7. ALL DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS FOR THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL BE THOSE ! WAY,,..., FOUND d< HELD FOUND ec HELD '�- LIMIT OF RIGHT OF WAY AREA DEDICATED TO THE ! PRESCRIBED FOR THE AC ZONING DISTRICT AS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL OF \ o TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS PER I ! g L16ER 8638 PAGE 384 I I / \ o 0 THIS PLAT. N/F GEORGE MCDOWELL N/F ALFRED W STEINER 4 o I WATER MAIN LOT 33 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 36 OREGON VIEW ESTATES 44.8 a8__x 3 N/F HENRY BOGARDUS N/F WAYNE MOTT N/F NICOLE BREWER FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 3 LOT 37 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 38 OREGON VIEW ESTATES LOT 39 OREGON VIEW ESTATES (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) 'S in FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 FILED APRIL 4, 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 M I STREET LINE \ M w I s " (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) I (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) ! S' MIN, GRADE EL: f45.9' 04 9 Z 19 19 Fvhm__�EXP.FM 13ROWN SILTY SAND 4x6cK " I� 1 15 1 (SM) I I LEACHING I EL 44.4' N/F JOSEPH ROSETO 44.5 44.4� � 44,6 1 � I BROWN FINE TO LOT 35 OREGON VIEW ESTATES t0 MIN. FILED APRIL 4. 1971 AS MAP NO. 6241 5x = 49'38'25"W ! 8' MIN 2 5 COARSE SAND (RESIDENCE IMPROVED W. PUBLIC WATER) S 49'38'25"E N 25Ab' (SW) 25.00' M (STING FEATURES WITHIN PROPOSED 1/A EL 41 9` ,p ROAD AREA TO BE REMOVED AND iLTMENT PROPOSED SCWA CJ RELOCAED AS REQUIRED -71- TANK WATER MAIN 10' MIN. PALE BROWN FINE SAND (320'f EXTENSION) .4 44.4-----BIRD FEEDER i 12.0 (SP) PROPOSE s MIT OF BRUSH ! CONTROLSINGLE p DRAINAG to, 3 woods PANEL FAMILY ' RESIDENCE EL. 29.9 !`i DI�GN SUS COURT TO BE DEDICATED TO I I BROWN FINE TO 4?x4�� N THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ! 1 I 90 MEDIUM SAND C14xAJ � g I I (SP) o= cn R=25.00' EL. 20.9' R=25.00' to =39.27' R=25.00' TEST HALE L=34.23' 44.1 TEL L=39.27' OX TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT DUG BY MCDONALD GEOSERVICES ON JUNE 7,ENCOUNTERED2022i7 asrX _ 43.a NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED x POSTx • 41.77 TCI CURB : ' IL• 4 ,Q:4;. .i% 4 SILVER COLT ROAD ` 9w ELECTRIC LINE VERIZON P X2.04 2.1 7 1.31 01.99x 1.71 88 E (IMPROVED TOWN ROAD - 50 WIDE R.O. W.) ,f 1.26 w y y Soto u RECEIVED {OTHER UTILITIES THIS ROADWAY NOT MARKED) ISTING 12"0 SCWA WATER MAIN IN ROAD R.O.W. JUN 0 5 2024 Southold Town Planning Board ENGINEER PLAT PREPARED: OCTOBER 19, 2023 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION DATED THE RAYNOR GROUP, P.E. & L.S. PLLC NO. DATE REVISION 2023 DEERFIELD GREEN 1 03/26/2024 REVISED PER SCDHS COMMENTS DATED 02/15/2024 SCDHS RECORD ID: RS-23-0117 860 MONTAUK HIGHWAY DATE OF SIGNING: PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WATER MILL, NEW YORK 11976 SURVEYOR FINAL PLAT 2023 _, CHAIRMAN AREK SURVEYING P.C. SUBDIVISION MAP OF 10 TAFT PLACE NOTE: A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THIS SUBDIVISION WILL APPEAR IN DISTRICT 1000 ON SECTION NOTE: THE LOTS ON SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED CANNOT BE ALTERED THE SUBDIVIDER HAS IRREVOCABLY OFFERED TO CEDE TITLE TO THE TOWN OF ALBERTSON, NEW YORK 11507 THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE WHICH AFFECTS ALL LOTS SHEET 095.00 IN BLOCK 04.00 OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP. WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE PLANNING BOARD AND LOTS MUST BE KALARG ' LOG SOUTHOLD OF THE LAND AREAS DESIGNATED FOR STREETS, ROADS OR OWNER IN THIS SUBDIVISION. SUCH COVENANTS RUN WITH THE LAND. EXISTING SCTM NO.: 1000-095.00-04.00-016.001 SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP, DRAINAGE. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE BY THE TOWN OF THE OFFER OF DEDICATION. IOANNIS KALARGIROS & EVANGELINE SATRAS SEE THE RECORDED DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS. SITUATE 834 HUNT LANE �.„,- •---- I HEREBY CERTIF`f :THAT.TFtIS MAP WAS MADE BY ME FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH THE,,.,-, 4 1 : MANHASSET, NEW YORK 11030 1 HEREBY CERTIFY-THAT.4THE WATER SUPPLY(S) AND/OR SEWAGE REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY COMPLETED MARCH;`20;-`.2024'SAND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN C UTCi ®�j u E REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 280 (ZONING) OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF-SOUTHOLD. ' ,` DISPOSAL SYSTEM(S)'FOR.-THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME EXIST AtVD`THAT THELR+POSITION$ ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL SUBDIVISION DATA OR UNDER:MY 'DIRECTION.' BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OFLL THE SOIL:,-' SITE,AfYt)',GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS, ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC flETAII.S ARE CORRECT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LOTS, PR POSED, CONFORM PTO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT F: _ . 4} TOTAL AREA: 4.238 ACRES OF HEA H'fERVICES,"CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS PLAT PREPARED BY ` .I NUMBER OF LOTS: 2 OF THI JD E. SUFFOLK, COUNTY, NEW YORK , +tft �t t SUM OF LOT AREAS: 4.238 ACRES t THE RAYNOR CROUP, P.E. L.S. PLLC '. AVERAGE LOT SIZE: 92,310 S.F. DATE 5''t•Zd2�- ; 3U 2� DATE: SCALE: 1~ = 5O' 50 0 50 10O ` '' _ ,� FIRE DISTRICT: GUTCHOGUE . �Zl t5 POSTAL DISTRICT: CUTCHOGUEVINCENT A. GAUDIELLO, P.E. NO. 73544 . �� SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE VINCENT A:. GAUC16F3LtS;P.E. NO. 73544 ARKADIUSZ' A, D SURVEYOR NO. 50569 �• ` WATER MILL, NEW YORK ZONING DISTRICT: AC WATER MILL;' NEW .PORK ALBERTSON,/NEW YORK 6"COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE CLIENT: EXISTING GROUND MATCH EXISTING FILTER FABRIC BELOW SLOPE FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE �j p Evangeline Satras & loannis Kalargiros C \ ` 40'-0'MIN. / ��j� 'L,�`��/ti Z� c � o�� oM�c.. 834 Hunt Lane n, L y LJZ. v ��� ��-���' F Manhasset, NY 11030 ,�'T' i. .;, n � SECTION I t DRAINAGE PIPE BENEATH ENTRANCE (IF NECESSARY). PROVIDE POSITIVE GENERAL NOTES: ' DRAINAGE d' P 1. CRUSHED STONE FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE / EryoB 1 2"-3"AT GREATEST DIMENSION AND SHALL BE INSTALLED 3 SURVEYOR: ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: / CRUSHED ROCK STABILIZED c4 TO A COMPACTED DEPTH OF SIX INCHES. ? / / •Q2, � �`�::sli. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE @i OREGON VIEW ESTATES 2. FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE MIRAFI 100X OR EQUAL M 'cb' `F�i:•., I MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 3. IF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CROSSES A DRAINAGE DITCH, bF sr/ �0°9 ! SWALE,ETC.,A DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH a /c�� �,g\ �P g PETER V. BRABAZON, PLS A MIN.12"OF COVER OVER CRUSHED STONE. EXISTING PAVEMENT EDGE 1p4o �c .10 P.O.BOX 483 I ENTRANCE WHEN PROJECT IS COMPLETE. REPAIR ALL (3 I 4. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF OFF-SITE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION / I . EAST ISLIP,NY 11730 DAMAMGE INCLUDING RE-GRADING AND RE-GRASSING. •� PVBSURVEYOGMAIL.COM LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 2T LOT 24 (631)277-1726 MARLA KOSTER AID TO DEVELOPMENT DISABLED INC CHRISTOPHER EKSTER \ JOHN HINTON I ' WILLIAM C SHIPMAN PLAN u STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE N W I 15'RADIUS(TYP.) KEY MAP I I (NOT TO SCALE) • I I � I oW� I LOT LOT SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP: U)I•-j JESSE JOHNSON >Q� I _ _ _ I MELLINA HUNTIEY TEST HOLE: ELEV. 45.9 +/- f� I DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION:95 BLOCK: 04 LOTS : 16.1 m 20'DRAINAGE __ __ p �� ' I NO WATER ENCOUNTERED ( ) N _-_--_--- --__49-_ S 50 30 35 E 1008■19 I DATED:6/7/22 McDonald GeoServices O NEW 4'X4"x30"DEEP ___ ------ 1 EXSTG.MOH. EXSTG.MON. HEDGE NEW MON. S.FE. CLF EXSTG.MON. I t � " `.J NWT N MOH, 443 ------_ EXTG.MOH.47_� � ,8.1 5� �N ZONING INFORMATION CONCRETE MONUMENT(TYP) x41.7 ` __�_ x45.7 -46 N _ x 46.5 .1 N 46.5 46.1 4 H 46.4 4.4 ,4 46.7 45.5 , 46.5 M tr x p o W 0 405 x -"'0"\ (S 50 30 35 E 444.05) 7 \ p- ��� 45'B 45.7(S 50-30-35" E 564.14'j CONCRETE MONUMENT(7YP) (97"79) k i BROWN SILTY SAND SM Z \ o . n . 49.1 , It-0 1.5 FT ZONE: A-C AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION (2 ACRES) Q 1 BROWN FINE TO COARSE SAND SW USE: R-3 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS d�� LIMTT Of BRUSH� \ \ \ Q } Q �. � .� 4.0 FT 41 �O� awooDs BUILDING ENVELOP 4. E`\ ----�\ ------------� •..1-___ BUILDING ENVELOPE T_ I? Q LOT AREA: TOTAL: 184,607.285E 4.238AC 00 w cn 1 \ r GLARING ENVELOPE �` � L -\ �I ,� ( ) W W \\ \ I \ I I ,�a5 I > 75'-0" REAR YARD I3 0 ! z PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP LOT AREA: LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF (2,098 AC) -,1Y 39.9 ,39.4 x40.0 40.9x .42.1 w 43.6 44. 45.6 I 4 6.z 46.1 45.8 45.0 - I \ Z I o, q C CQ � LOT AREA: LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF (2.140 AC) C I \ �I I x I I x< 44.5 44.5 44.5 45,1 45.6 3 1 n a 1 , x 45.8 x;5.7 W 45 8 5.6 0 �i Ii i 16.0 FT LOT 1: Q O 2 I I PROPOSED SUBDM510N LINE, I I W I 4 IC a d M \I >1 I '~ I I \\\ IO \\ J C � H LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT o . WI`\ ` �9�I R p I r \ I \ m N o W BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 201.32 FT RECHARGE CV W 00 CD I m I z w E NE e) to 0) LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM .. I C , OI \ \ Z I N CD I D \ a 1� 1 t LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED:LLOWED: 444.05 FT 250.00 FT BASIN z 4 \ N N I;U W �-�- �a5 c V I �H \. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 75 -0 REAR YARD .j \ I \ A 25.0 FT FRONT YARD SETBACK: 60.00 FT 39.B 93 w B 41.8 t➢C \ \ mI I fi0'-0" FRONT YARD 60'-0" FRONT YARD I z . Iz \ N w � y t I x7' > 't39' 40.6 �' \ 43.1 44.s 45.6 Z x46.1 x46.3 46.a Q x45.6 44.8 NEW MOH. - Q NEW MOH. H SIDE YARD SETBACK: 20.00 FT YLLJJ _ aa.4 44. x 45.4 z -A \ x , <I C I M I� 44.9 45.2 !- 45.4 E U E \ ^+ 1 ml I x Q 45.6 h BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: 45.00 FT `� W V \ r r Z ILLl x4s7 " a ^"I REAR YARD SETBACK: 75.00 FT Ib5 BAR CONTINUOUS N 45.6 x v O LOT 1 I \ .\ /�, - W 00 < J \ N e x Z Z It ` r I m I0 W 1 UNDERGROUND LPG O OHSN�' "F 1 � EXCEPT AT JOINT 2.098 ACRES I \ \ v r 1 I w o \ \ 10 to N OI o LOT 2 a i N 49p38'25" W 220.00' �� � � LOT 2: 91 388.8� 5F I I I O 1 TAeK coAT \ \ M N "I) 2.140 ACRES I wI W I TAC BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT in 5 BUILDING ENVELOPE: 49,798.20 SF \ ` I z in M m m N I m I \ . M C1 Z I 93,2`I\8.40 SF > I TYPE 6 F2 (NYSDOT ITEM LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 208.87 FT M CLEARING ENVELOPE: 22,847.22 SF I \ \ I I m / o� as <I I BUILDING ENVEL`QPE• 45 605.96 SF I Z 1 NO. 403.178202) TOP COURSE LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250.00 FT 1 M CONCRETE dd , " U) 98 \ \ r solL �� WASHOUT v CLEARING ENVEL PE: 3 304.60 SFI Lu 75'-0" REAR YARD 2Y BITUMINOUS CONCRETE TYPE 3 LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: 321.30 FT STOCKPILE (/) Z - / NYSDOT REM NO. 403.138902 p 8 ,179.1 �9.8 \ I 43.8 •f4.9 �(� �v `••' AREA I � �' 1 R ( ) CO l ` t 41'2 41.5 \\ IM AREA /q ,, ''-�- _Z fi" BINDER COURSE FRONT YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 60.00 FT � / 1 I J m 4s.9 r-1 � .45.2 45,1 i Z / / \ I 1 `1 p s.o�� 45.1x 45.1 x O"N S.C.T.M.1000.95-04-17.1 1/4" R 8" CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE SIDE YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 20.OI}FT I__.! oe I = - PAULGANCARZINCOMEONLYTRU3T TYPE 4, OPTION D BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: MINIMUM: 45.00 FT I / � I 5 V_M >_. (NYSDOT ITEM NO.304.12 TYPE 4 REAR YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 75.00 FT � TEST HOLE '`fl:=•- L-- C EA 1I 13 ENVELOPE / \ /� I 10 .co '»'.-R CLEARING: � I ----------�-------� � � / L-_"-- CLEARING ENVELOPE � � , � / w ----------------1 co - --- _ _ _I BUILDING ENVELOP w� � � .._ BUILDING ENVELOPE �, ?,".4 . PERMISSIBLE CLEARING PERCENTAGE LOTS 1 &2: 25% / ( • n I I o ` \ / / "" "_ C , �� MODEL#ALF,D4TI05YK(3000K COLOR TEMP 7 N 49 38 25 W 41,8 449.19) / LIMITOFBRUSH N N W(N 49 38 25 W 321.30') ASMAN'UFACIUREDBYRABLIGHTINO I •i--. v 4 LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF x.25= 22,847.22 SF NUR FII VALE.NEW JF RSL-Y. 'F:1.:. LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF x.25= 23,304.60 SF EXSTG.MON 39.1 40.0 x40.1 q; / @WOODS�\ 10p0 /0.00 / 11 t::y ";�.� a 0 's Q 46.5 4 B MO -,�-,-. ✓.-- -.� �--v -' 6.5 � 46.3 !: ,: NEW MOH. - NEW 4"W'X30"DEEP CO C ETE MONUMENT( 43.3x N NEW r�-� 4_,F �;T NEW C x 46.5 T E UN (Nc)Tr.ELECT�ncAOLCTAOGNTIZACTTORR SP jIPPLreD BY `,4 ,.'-!-+ - COMPACT EXISTING t�P) MON. 5 - EXSTG.MOH. 4s.9 ' 45`.21 MOH, x45.5 x IRR.WI FE. x 45.8 allSCHOOL � N 49038125" W 85�`'4s117 44,7.E \I. 5 4' S 770.49' 8 GRANULAR SUB©ASE POST OFFICE: RICT: MATTITCUTC OGUEO 935 to / \ R5 3 5.05 44.54 45.4 ` I FIRE DISTRICT: CUTCHOGUE '�� .yam / i 44 1 \tip54 '`\ \ \ 1 wl T WATER DISTRICT: SC WATER AUTHORITY / \ J l 24�00 24. \ \ C I M _ q l 4 '4 E SLAND Q '; 4V5.j 4s.1oM SEE CML NOTES, THIS SHEET e- � 44.38 __ o x ( MODFL*PS4-11-15D1POI,E t'.ONCREfE CURD/PAVEMENT SECTION N e-4 . 44. B 44.55 4 "44.55 w , e6qq�r Q�-• f`�' G T` , N I N T.S. It �� b�, 4 �E / / O • I • •LOT 33 \ °k 4.98 1 / / I GEORGE MCDOWELL LOT 35 LOT 36 y \ � 4413 44.i A4 / / I JOSEPH ROSETO ALFRED W STEINER \ aI 3x r- -' -1 /� / N LOT 37 LOT 38 N \ �4 7 '^ /`4, 5 HENRY BOGARDU3 I LOT 39 / \ � 44.60W�\ W I �O BE � / .70 WAYNE MOTT NIGGLE BREWER . . ,R LD //� p II(�n GRADE CONSULTING ENGINEER \ `�qyy : A001lilUl] _ 15" Dia. 44.5 . 4.50•�38 4.BB I .88 NEW 4 X4 X30'DEEP '/ \/} C.P.P. \ 44: ' ! Q000�� 1 MOH, x �� x a4�1SO 4�1 �4 � % 'E CONCRETE MONUMENT MP) � � � Y •, ., . S 44'4 , 4 t O 94.6 CONC.FOOTING c ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: 49°�8'25 E E x PFR MA"I,FA(TGRFR O 11 , / I 1 I F N49D38'25"I!V avcclrlcA'noNs. OREGON VIEW ESTATES 44.5x 25' O I � LE�E��® � . � I ! �`$ �. �'. - - t 24'DD 125 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 I v ,I .. -. g ,7""'. .' . ;� 0 �0000 e oo E- ' .00 i STREET LINE A-4, /i� 1 �" 5 � :', \. s ,0.,. MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000 95 4-18.1 I NEWI I 143. n 3. 1 / ;BBI - - PROPERTY LINE ' 0 4 4♦7 L LIGHTS ALONO EXTERIOR PROPERTY LINE TO BE SIBELDEI)SO AS TX)MINIMF7E rnj „u '" ' - 11 - S A 11 O O 44 60 4. o U .3 ;44.p0 i I LOT LINES SPILLOVER OF GLARE ONIY/ADJOINING PROPLRTILS-AS PER TOWN DARK SKIES STANDARDS Y 0 b ,,t � �' ' / � -__ --_ I 2.ALL FLF•CTRICAL CONIPONFNTS TO BE AS SPF.CIFIF.D BY MANUFACT:,RFR AND L 3i77 Y MM _, - `.,t;#, .+ .. 46.5 •1 6.8 MO 1 1 1 -45- CONTOUR LINE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE W1TIf ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING i CODES. � „' w+n , I NEV/VERIZON D a,-,�- ..r,, _ ��`'�' •"`� . _ - - - - - _ - - _ - X46.5 . D , } y 1 e uNE I �23a LOT NUMBER POLE MOUNTED LIGHT DETA_ IL _ � <-I 44.7 x I 0�{4• 1 I I 44.a FIRE HYDRANT PLAN ' _ § .,fie 4, a' � -'' _ _ J, +1 I NO.,u s,q,i 5 I '; . NEW �, , 4 7VEVY GRANT NEW I 44ao L'`"'"b a D I D 4x' 1 � Co-' UTILITY POLE CAST IRON FRAME 6 GRATE - "' y" :q f`, v t 41, 9,", , ..�» � fi;1 'IT --X " k �a 43' 1 ¢ ' 44.37 - CATCH BASIN GRADE CJ11'IPIIELL - --"", ,_. .,' `.:' MON. o In , FOUNDRY PATTERN i 2541 OR APPROVED 4 f 4 .21 MOH, M OR I , 4 Bs 8 �o y,, 2 N M I STREET SIGN 5TORM DRAINAGE GALGULATION5: 2.0 IV R/'INFALL EQUAL. �� ` 1fERIZ07�� 45. 5 N M I . a 1 •.6 I f of N IN FOUND MONUMENT I - 4 ,85,1 BO,x, \X o � t� Q T- 6 AL FOUND STAKE , TRIBUTARY AREA: 414 MAIN STREET SUITE 301 45iI7 � 44,7.E `\ 4s,3y 'a 1;y of tD. 4° . �► OHSW OVERHEAD SERVICE WIRE AREA (5F) x RUNOFF GOEFF. = EQUIV. DRAINAGE AREA co As>'I "-�r eAv T / W '\, k\ `\ In I a, , Z LE �ar ; ` ( sFE. STOCKADE FENCE „ PORT J EFFERSON NY 11777 '\ \ 44.7x 4171 3 `' I _ *+ iS bfa. C.P.P. >! / �3 4 OS 44.54 45• • W C.L.F, CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING ROOF AREA: O.O S.F. x I.O - O.O S.F. r ..... 44.65 IRO. W1.FE. IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE Te1.:631.331.0526 RSO / 0 \ 4'''�, 1 B w l' �Q3# W 4,30 PAVEMENT AREA: 802R.2 S.F. x I.0 : 8C:!q.2 S.F. 2'-6" '� 0 °_ / / 44,54 \ r T F / / ` \ I �;', Iq H i;' 1 So.2 x SPOT GRADE ■G r�• -/s,T / �O '', \ \ I W 3 I DRIVEWAY AREAS: 215.4 S.F. x I.O = 2I S.F. yt e_mail: eeneculapc @ gmail.com c I I r'' I � TOP OF CURB LAND5GAPINOMATURAL: 1,315.8 5.F. x 0.20 = 1,415.2 5.F, - C J r X44. 1 N \\ \\ NEw h e?;sl 14-4.1� ~ NEW q ec BOTTOM OF CURB z ;i cc 'P / It 24,00 24. ` I \ , R� MOH. I .:-1 6 ,1 I oN. On� TOTAL: q,11,q.8 S.F. a ,: I-__ / \ `2 44.1 1 --� 42 21 L- 142 5 4.65 �• V - '-- 4 1 ' 45.10- �``� `so 43.90 42 8 4.B8 38� �i`1'Ao�• EQUIV. DRAINAGE AREA x DE51ON RAINFALL : DESIGN VOL.(CU. FT) v I: / __ ' I�'S, Q Or 42 0 4188 ;� •, f •• __IL_� -- � f THIS 6 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN w L0 '��� , �� NEVI/ 01,17q.8 x .11 = 1,662.51 GU. FT. 2 RAINFALL t SUPERVISION AND RESPONSIDLF CHARGE AND THAT E ISLAND 1 1 X n ~: i -b j PREPARED W ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT PERSONAL X 4• 4 _ �' 44 0 2.7k2' 43,0 MOH. �q3,p ,' it 3■000 P•S•I. PRECAST AM DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ^' 44.3$ X �- - X - � r _NE x3"•'; 4'I 96 '42. x O N --- r UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW PORK. R ��..�`i' S` ,'�•'�j"s :' X ,,j, ,, ���1 MON 41 41,7 : - NEW VERIZON VOLUMN OF STORAGE REQUIRED: 1,662.57 CONCRE?E nOX AS `[FG. IS A VIOLATION OF THE EDUCATION LAW OF THE 1 J F,4 ,00;` 44. $ 44.55 4 44.SS `` W Ff�fi$I ® 42.5 41_5__.� _ =f3 -- - _• _ • CONC. 1R8 I i:• STATE OF NEW PORK FOR ANY PERSON TO ALTER F l �+1 Y 1 ® 4177 NE E� -'-TC.41,- PER1TbT7B0 MIACATdaru,i 5TORAGE GAPAGITY /V.F. OF 8 DIAMETER RING: 42.24 ,L.=k:i-p: ,�, ••: , - BY SUFFOLK CEMENT I ANY REM ON THIS DRAWING AND/OR M THIS ` "'' '.`%I"=I.', �f''. W 1 RB 41.40 TC:40.96BC 41, 3 TO BE REMOVED �TC;41.90 TC:42.06 I OR APPROVED E1�LIAL• SPECIFIEATgN IN ANY WAY. �•�5�;,,�«+ <' ® F\'G` R C' r ,\ �i"' N coN�'�y g17c' ys Bc: EIECTwcunE Bc:41,4z Bc:41.51 STORAGE GAPAGITY /V.F. OF 10 DIAMETER RING: 68.42 _ ,, �I YC��� X 4 m J O ,TC•4119 Bc:40 �i"V•r. .1 i f, ., P0.EPC'GHT TRICHT RESERVE ETMNUEL E.NECUU. *; /���n A. � I, .1,, -A /r.'_;S �• , 1p�j0\A , o / \� etJ' s �I.BB zoo �z.,, A�'��VJE� CO-ET I�� ' VERTICAL FEET REQUIRED: V DIAMETER RING: 3q.36 6 6 "0 S I :� '> r '' V. 't \\ -I�`e� 44. $ W I ' I / / ® � x1.31 I.53 1• I THIS THE PROPERTY 5 AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE . t_y G' .`-, '.`: 17 i' ,, B IS THE INFRINGEMENTS OF EMANUEL E. TED. PE, I i qq YERTIGAL FEET PROPOSED: 8 DIAMETER RING: �.00 I - L1, �`'' �.','r:� nT c; '_` co W \ \� \ / / 0�05GP 11.26 (OTHER f!?'ILIIIESMTHSROADWAY NOT MARKED] PC. INFRMCEMEN75 WILL BE PROSECUTED. - •1111'' �.;�-,';;.1 I;.J t: \ \ I _ - _ 44.1'3 � ,i / >�.� �< APPROX.WATER SERVICE YERTIGAL FEET PROP05ED: (6) 8' DIA. POOL ® T DEEP EACH NO PART OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE REPRODUCED, .'I' %��.'•- , "I p \ r�{rAA.� 44.13 I -I x gt4.6�3 / (� \� Lao 12" 40 0 20 40 80 160 S E C T I 0 '� I IN ANY FORM O IN A R BY ANY MEEANS.IEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSMITTED ELECTRONIC. ,i � ...`.,j P - �}t \ C•63 X I , / �• MECHANICAL, PHOTOCOPYING OR OTHERWISE, '• J '\ `/ LU \ I / / ay� �l-1 Y 1p � V WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ^'� ��t 1•� ,� z \\ c`uJ44.7 cn I X / / - - - - (� NEW LOTS TO PROVIDE SEPARATE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS/STRUGIURES F- .- JZ Q v\ ` W DOG R /� ' ,/ 4./�5 W� " - o WHEN ABUTTING AN EXISTING •RECy THMs DOCUMENT WIUEL E. NE THOUT THE ne WRITTEN NOTIFICATION `a�` r OF EMANUEL E. NECULA, PE, PC, SHALL RENDER , .�•'. • THEN INVALID AND UNUSABLE. � 44,60�W I W \` ( I TO B �' ��'� '/44,7 t0'Mlaxlmum- ROADWAY, CAP SEAM WITH CONCRETE CURBING APR G 7 2023 SEAL N� >, n BITUMINOUS SEALER -CATCH BASIN W/CAST IRON FRAME \ i /' / 1 1 MISCELLANEOUS ASPHALT CEMENT 1%" BITUMINOUSL---.----___ y Z W�p\ �`\ RHO E�F�E "I ��' (NYSDOT ITEM N0. 618.07) CONCRETE AND GRATE Southd 'Town g � 44.38 43.86 •88 `44f,, Level I No Sfote=r TYPE 6 F2 (NYSDOT ITEM 1 NEW �'I m 44 21 I p GENERAL NOTES . z3 COURSE'178202) TOP 15"CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE - P,a n n i ng Board 4.5 I W 44.54454 1 ; 44 5 45 NEW MOH. 1 p MON. It llll _�^ •111 � IIt 111 = III=111= =III_I11=tl1 ' I ` = 1 I -- --r r--- --••- "-T--- --- -•---'T ,- ----- - - 1. THERE ARE NO POTABLE WATER WELLS WITHIN 150 FT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 2�" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE 44.4 p x' . I I _-1 I t III- 1 s -III TYPE 3 I 0. � V DIA.x 8"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE K 41r 5 1 44. 44.6 2. INDIVIDUAL PLOT PLANS WILLBE PREPARED AT THE TIME OF BUILDING I 0 1 ® �� '�/ i �, I I Z O X I I III l I I I= ' I =Ill I / / (NYSDOT ITEM NO. 403.138902) H TRAFFIC COVER. #4 BARS @ 4"O.C.EACH WAY 2� r� Ill_ "I PERMIT APPROVALS TO DEPICT THE PROPOSED GRADING OF THE LOTS, \ BINDER COURSE �I' i I Q �{�1 0 B /1 _ %, Il I= DWELLING FOOTPRINTS,DRIVEWAY CONFIGURATIONS AND ADDITIONAL £X/STING , (Cj X \I ! 1 I V �� W })I=III - - SITE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. /PAVEMENT / L / ' / ,r / ��AGE 44.5 2 �' 1 rL ELE�RTION L t t`t I t / �, / 3" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE 1 / / Q O ROUND FRAIAE AND CRATE CAbPBELI FOUNDRY MODEL 1184A OR EQUAL I I C 3. A FINAL ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN WITH ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL / - N c- / / / / / / TYPE 1 i 0 24'00 1 % OO I 25 I•E- Flat 51ope in Front of Barrier ---)I INFORMATION AND ROAD&DFAINAGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS / I / / (NYSDOT ITEM NO. 403.118902) FOR THE ADJACENT SURROUVDING SUBDIVISION IS ON FILE WITH THE BASE COURSE �_ •8"REINFORCED TRAFFIC BURING SLAD TO 1�.00 t•- ' $.001 IL1 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING DEPARTMENT-OREGON VIEW ESTATES " t � CARRY H-20 LOM V9H AN OFFSLT OPENNG 1 1 I T I APPROVED MAJOR SU3DIVISION: 1000-95-4-1$.1 8 CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE r 12•04" I I- III Rus 1 j IJ a F 1'COVER T 6"C.-C. ' W 16'Minimum FI�tN 4. THE INSTALLATION OF INNOVATIVE/ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE WASTEWATER SAW CUT FULL `-1 (PE 4, OPTION 0 -� 1 DEPTH OF PAVEMENT - - ' NYSDOT ITEM NO.304.12 TYPE 4) T^ - .. ,88 TREATMENT SYSTEMS(I/A bVJTS)ARE REQUIRED ON LOTS 1 AND 2 TO O Q 44.60 43. 0 3' 1 I O 4,4 PROTECT THE WATER QUALITY OF THE SOLE SOURCE AQUIFER (NYSDOT ITEM NO. FOUNDATION COURSE N W 0 520.5014 LA VE G N LOADING IMPA CTS. !11--3; ND MITIGATE CUMU TI NITRO E - A APPROVED I OVEO SELECT GRANULAR F.�0 3 FILL V 44.00 311 ttI III I11 til_Itl =1t1_llt_ItJ 1 M I Z ,� _ 15"CPP [ryp 8EIWEFN BASINS} 1 (IF REQUIRED FOR I I UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED LINE OF TEMPORARY SILT l l t=I I• _ .,� I I I l t i= =.l l I `�`� ,����������� ��� ` � ,�������% �����. t. NSTABLE UNSUIT B E oIL ! I W 16"Minimum 6■ ITV Itl =1l I \�/\�\\/\\�/ �,�� /���\�/ ,\����\�`\�\/ 2`-0• FENCING. SEE DETAIL/NOTES ; 5 NEW VERIZON _ _ CONSTRUCTION NOTES: �\� / /'/, /�il/�./ ��//i�,.! �1�\/� CONDITIONS) O 7yP� I Min. s '/.ti/\/\N/i •,/i I LINE - _ ` III- _ O N D b � Cr � p o n = I {� }• I V1 I III T Specifications 111=111- 1. INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY 14. PIPING MATERIALS SHALL BE,AT A MINIMUM,AS SPECIFIED APPROVED COMPACTED D" " _, "' o � °' © a EOTFXr LE FABRIC 44,7 I J 'S i 44.4 .I I 1 \ for PETER V.BRABAZON-LAND SURVEYOR-DATED 23 APRIL 2021 BELOW, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN: SUBGRADE (STRIP LOAM & c ( norlAL cousreucT:oN�olNr MIRAFI 14O ARouNb rt x 8 ®�4• '1 i I X CJEGTION \ ELEVATIONS SHOWN REFER TO NAVD 88. STORM WATER PIPE: ■c C7 o Q Q C= = o ED OF L CIRCUMFERENCE Silt Fence ORGANICS) --+ DC, a o � c a cz = = . r zcn ( OF UACH''NG BASIN \ 2. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL 15"t0 CPP-CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE I -T D n cs cd c r� O Q 810 x$' 1 \ CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS&SPECIFICATIONS OF THE (2 FEET MIN. COVER, 1% MIN.SLOPE) 04D,T --- - Do ,: Cy � Z= C= Cs o cn 44.70 L�GHING OOL i LE HINl3, OL I \ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,BUTTOCK COUNTY DEPARTMENT V. ■a m m o ■� �. m CI � �� _ I DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE: �a D= = a � � a a ca M `>� 8 43'21 Q % " 44.37 \ _ OF HEALTH SERVICES,SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 1"0 TYPE K COPPER TUBING qn=6 D,� o o �, C, m C, c, �, q IAj . , I SQ j/t �1' � ., \\ �' &OTHERGOVERNMENTALAGENCIES,ASAPPLICABLE. {4.5 FEET MIN. COVER) e:ll R•O-W� &-0 D= e o == e= o rra c C3 V OO 4 $$ ,$$ Y\O t i / ? 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE: ��� '_ _' `a �' -' I J ,,v:;.;IJ ," \ I I^ III III _I I( NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 6"O AWWA C900 PVC I � , I I ! I I ti ,•:`,.:;. ,. Trench to be - <, ,.", . \ 4. ANY DAMAGE TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY OR NEIGHBORING (4.5 FEET MIN. COVER) PLAN r- Cq M I I 18' x '-0"M CD] 13' x 8 0" I l i Q '',, ::."x,',.' Wra Geotextile \ I l l I{I Backfilleel PROPERTIES AS A RESULT OF CJNSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES F Is' . P _ 15. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL 1 I IL HIN POOL LE HtNC� tl0LI I I N Est ' "' �:;�;: ; Around Stakes \ _ and SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OF ABANDONED UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND NOTES: SECTION A-A T-f INN ADOVE GROUND WATER ® �"" �( \l r%�T\\ LLI ® ,: ,,.. , ,:,, Before Driving \ III I I( - Compacted EXPENSE70 THE SATISFACTIONOF THE TOWN ENGINEER. INSTALLATION OF NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS,&SHALL I ' III III P NG RINGS TO BE a Ill I 41' P '" '' . ` i�?,��;,1'"r; 5. DURING CONSTRUCTION,THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE COORDINATE ALL WORK W/THE APPROPRIATE UTILfY COMPANY �' O O-.. I!t I I I AINACE LEACHING BASIN DETAIL 10�.23 Iv/YL �-/ fttUL. \s /, `�I 14 ` y, O V I,,,,-,1:'.r.;uL TO PROVIDE SITE SECURITY BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY 16. PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC,TELEPHONE&GAS LINES Pro err line Property line N TS. .,_-FI_, ,-1=1 , Property 2 06.15.22 ISSUED TO PLANNING-PRELIMINARY PLAT �p'� O 1 I I , ;, ,,;' T ' FENCING,LOCKS,ETC.TO AVOD TRESPASSING DURING SUBJECT TO SERVICE PROVIDER'S DESIGN&APPROVAL. v• .I "-0. 8 x 8 b° I I 1 W PCs .' HOURS WHEN WORK IS NOT TAKING PLACE. Right-of-%y Right-of-may11 O 1I .,"I. 17. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE AN APPROXIMATION FROM . l0'-O" OP.IVEVAx G t 18 x �I LE GHItiG III Z Joini 1 05.18.22 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 8L APPROVAL I ILEA HIND P00 Q• ti Fence Posts-the length shall be a minimum of 32 inches. Wood 6. THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION THE FIELD MARKOUT,PHYSICAL FEATURES&AVAILABLE RECORDS. PROPERTY GI2i8 44.7 13 v 5CCUOM5 CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO VERIFY THE LOCATION 50' -0" A NO. DATE REVISION x o f(-- 2�71 \\ Posts shall be 2-by-2 inches hardwood of sound quality.The NECESSARY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK,AND TO of Silt Fence 44.65 I x4. I 4.30 maximum spacing between posts shall be' 10 ft. I.E.SIGNS,BARRACADES,STEE PLATE COVERS,ETC. TAKE MEASURES AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT ALL UTILITIES -- --- - -: --1 06 .Wo - , 2, $ ,•38 \�Q3,1 TO ENSURE SAFETY FOR VEHICLES&PEDESTRIANS INTENDED TO REMAIN IN PLACE.RELOCATION WILL BE PROJECT TITLE �_-:C ( ,C-:-- W Silt Fence Fabric shall be ODOT Type C Geotextile Fabric TRAVELING AROUND THE SITE. COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE \�� � i V) i/�/ I Z . 7. PROJECT DEMOLITION INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING APPROPRIATE UTILITY OWNER. I FINAL ROAD & DRAINAGE PLAN APPROVAL . 3 FACILITIES, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS,RETAINING WALLS& 18. A MINIMUM 10 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER I O 1 W It W LINE OF TEMPORARY SILT NOTES OTHER STRUCTURES,IS TO BEDONE IN CONFORMANCE SERVICE LINE/LATERALS/MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL I KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION N 1 i i ENCING, SEE DETAIL/NOTES ----------------------------- , WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STORM WATER DRAINAGE LEACHING STRUCTURES. Lill£. OF DEFLECTION 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48 SOUTHOLD L, 1.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(S)SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONCRETE 1 I &ALL OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES.THE CONTRACTOR 19. A MINIMUM 5 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER t1N.CONCRETE SLAD ' I GH G TGF( 144.JS 4 PLACEMENT ON SITE. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE ENTIRELY • 1 I ■ IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS FOR SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 SERVICE LINE I LATERALS I MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL STORM � �� ' " I 1 i - � / I I NEW SELF-CONTAINED. I I DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES WATER DRAINAGE NON-LEACHING STRUCTURES&ASSOC.PIPING. 25 "0 ZS -0 NEW 1 51N 1rt B 51 I I ON, ® , I i • AND MATERIALS. 3�p00.,1? I CO:'CRATE I , _ / LOCATION AND SIZING �' ��N,. ' i - 42�21 I 4215 4 ,65 SEE M NOTAT oN WA OUTROL PLAN(ANDI SH THELL SE APP T'S ER SIOON AND GINEOER. I 1 i B ALL UNSUITABLE MATER ALAND DEBRIS SHALL BE 20. ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 150 FEET HAVE ACCESS TO PUBLIC WATER I 121- 4„ I2� -0�� ' w 40�O� - I 1 • I 5LI15_ ��'� t� X 1 42, 8 X 41.88 x �� �V . 1 1 I I ■ DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN, COUNTY, I >0I'SOiL G 5EFI1. - � a DRAWING TITLE 43.90 I ,38a Ati LOCATION: WASHOUT AREA(S)ARE TO BE LOCATED AT LEAST 50 FEET FROM . 1 I VARIES I I . STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS,CODES AND ORDINANCES. �� ®®* 2,150 41 88 \\ ;\\ ANY STREAM,WETLAND,STORM DRAINS,OR OTHER SENSITIVE RESOURCE. I SEE I I •O 4 1 ' THE FLOOD CONTINGENCY PLAN MUST ADDRESS THE CONCRETE WASHOUT IF 1 1 NOTE 2 I 1 . 9. ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE 5'_0" 8'-0f1 24` -�" ROAD SECT-I®N 8�-OAT 5'-(}� oEPR1E $ CURB A7 FINAL ROAD & DRAINAGE PLAN I L ION OF \ � NEW THE WASHOUT IS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN. I ' I SAWCUT TO FULL DEPTH OR AS INDICATED ON THESE ENTRANCE• ?1 / T T EN RANGE; _ ` ■ 1 i PLANS.PRIOR TO PLACEMENTOFASPHALT PAVEMENT, 'O KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION -_ I 42. SIZE: THE WASHOUT MUST HAVE SUFFICIENT VOLUME TO CONTAIN ALL LIQUID I 1 LANDS CAP I N G NOTES. __.� 42,7 - 43.0 -------- - 7 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48 SOUTHOLD NEW-- XQ�,7 t � _ MON. 4.3,0 AND CONCRETE WASTE GENERATED BY WASHOUT OPERATIONS INCLUDING BUT ■ I � 1 HAY BALES OR ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SWEPTCLEAN&TACK COATED. ��'/ 41 ,96 ' x \\ NOT LIMITED TO,OPERATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH GROUT AND MORTAR. I I COMPACTED EARTH BERM ALL PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE PROPERLY 42, , . , NE I 1 (SEE NOTE 3) DISPOSED OF OFF SITE.NO SCARIFIED PAVEMENT OR 1. USE ONLY NATIVE, DROUGHT-TOLERANT PLANTS. I g„ I gr, I A SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 MON 1s s� 41,5 � 1' NEW VERIZON 3.SURFACE DISCHARGE IS UNACCEPTABLE. THEREFORE,HAY BALES OR OTHER I �sIDE SLOPES 1 OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE USEDAS ORINCLUDED IN BACKFILL. 2. USE ONLY ORGANIC FERTILIZERS WHERE THE WATER- ' ( 60' 121-01, $" 42.5 _ _ - - _ _•------_- CONC. CURB CONTROL MEASURES,AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER,SHOULD BE USED ■ I (SEE BELOW) ■ % i �___L _ _ _ SOLUBLE NITROGEN IS NO MORE THAN 20%OF THE I - VERIZON 80X --___= AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA FOR CONTAINMENT. "I ___________________ • 10. WHERE FILL MATERIAL IS REQUI2ED IT SHALL CONSIST OF 41,77 /I; E _ _ - TC, 41, 2 = FUTURE GAiGH BA51N CRUSHED STONE OR BANK RUN SAVD AND GRAVEL FREE TOTAL NITROGEN IN THE MIXTURE. U4":1' 4"Crown(Typicaq P A djRg jC: 41.49 BC 41. 3 TO BE REMOVED TC. 41.90 TC. 42.06 4.SIGNS SHOULD BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE,IN THE FROM ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. 3. USE A MAXIMUM E 1 LB.OF NITROGEN PER 1,000 SQUARE � -_ _ -_ - _ _.] L�Q CONCRETE AREA(S) AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE FEET IN ANY ONE APPLICATION,WITH A CUMULATIVE �� �o x I TC: 41' g BC: 0.g6 ELECTRIC LIE BC: 41.42 BC; 41.51 THE LOCATION OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETE NTHE ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY 41'19 �1 BC: 40.9 I �_ SAFETY TRUCKS ANDCI PUMP RIGS.NG OR OTHER APPROVED DR METHOD.SHOULD BE FLAGGED WITH EXISTING+ GROUND UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BROUGHT ON SITE AS FILL. SQUARE EOET PER N OF O MORE THAN 2 CBS.PER 1,000 „ / TC: ry 9 �d 11. PRIOR TO USE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR THE 4 Topsoil 3'-6" •T" CURB B . 40 41,$$ 42,QL� 2�17 5.WASHOUT AREA(S)ARE TO BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK FOR SEE TNOTE RZES 10 MIL POLYETHYLENE SHEETING ENGINEER'S APPROVAL,A SIEVE ANALYSIS OF THE FILL 4• THE APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER PRODUCTS CONTAINING I I STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY,ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY AND CHECKED FOR MATERIAL AND THE RESULTS OF ASTANDARD PROCTOR NITROGEN,PHOSPHORUS,OR POTASSIUM BETWEEN I ASPHALT DATE: 05-24-22 SHEET NO. 41,31 41.53 41' LEAKS,TEARS,OR OVERFLOWS. (AS REQUIRED BY THE CONSTRUCTION SITE DENSITY TEST PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOVEMBER 1STAND APRIL 1ST IS PROHIBITED. I Are,To Be X X ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION REPORT) WASHOUT AREA(S)SHOULD BE .p i<AYF7(E.�T +o ASTM D-1557-METHOD D,INDICATING MAXIMUM DRY 5. THE USE OF PHOSPHORUS CONTAINING LAWN FERTILIZER * R,ked DRAWN BY: RB CHECKED AFTER HEAVY RAINS. - - SAND BAGS TO SECURE DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. IS PROHIBITED UNLESS ESTABLISHING A NEW LAWN " n &SeeM .,:�. .�, ;. " 41.26 OTHER UTILITIES IN TH S ROADWAY NOT MARKED) ----- - _ __ . SHEETING (OR METHOD TYPE B 00 - OR SOIL TEST SHOWS THAT THE LAWN DOES NOT HAVE unless otherwise note('. r. r.-r-"- ?r►•- i', 1,_, a X 6.HARDENED CONCRETE WASTE SHOULD BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER) 12. ALL STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REPLACED Q• '-.� :;: WHEN THE WASTE HAS ACCUMULATED TO HALF OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT'S - ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS.FERTILIZER LABELS HAVE THREE Slope 1:3 Curbing to match etstb ,� CHK BY: EEN APPROX. WATER SERVICE HEIGHT. THE WASTE CAN BE STORED AT AN UPLAND LOCATION,AS SIDE SLOPES TO BE WITH SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL,BRCKFILLED AND COMPACTED BOLD NUMBERS.THE MIDDLE NUMBER IS THE PERCENTAGE 1/2" WEARING COURSE I •3,000 PSI CONCRETE T, - I a" � OF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL CONCRETE WASTE SHALL BE DISPOSED OF TO 95/o MAXIMUM DENSITYAT OPTIMUM MOISTURE Max.1VIt0 3,000 P.S.I. - i~ PROJECT NO: 2022011 2:1 OR 3:1 (NOMINAL) OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRODUCT,E.G.22-0-15.USE SLAB I+J 6x6-10/10 CO;iCP.E:.. CURB Z\ -� - 12 IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS,REGULATIONS,AND CONTENT,AS DETERMINED BY MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. OF PRODUCTS WITH 0.67 OR LOWER IN THE MIDDLE Existing Concrete @ 28 2-1/2 BINDER COURSE W.V,f.. SEE STA.YD.1P.D - 1 . n " 1 GUIDELINES. 13. PLACE TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS IN LAYERS IS NOT RESTRICTED.PRODUCTS WITH A NUMBER HIGHER DETAILS. _`� 7.PAYMENT FOR THIS ITEM IS TO BE INCLUDED UNDER THE GENERAL COST CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA NOT EXCEEDING 12"IN THICKNESS WHEN USING HEAVY THAN 0.67 MAY ONLY BE USED IF A NEW LAWN IS BEING Grade Days-See NO SCALE FILE NUMBER: 2022011 �� . OF THE WORK FOR THE PROJECT,INCLUDING SITE RESTORATION. NOT TO SCALE COMPACTION EQUIPMENT,OR 6"WHEN USING HAND ESTABLISHED OR ASOIL TEST INDICATES IT IS NECESSARY. standard DWg. . . (SEE NOTE 2) OPERATED EQUIPMENT. .. , :I,j I. S E C T I 0 4 "A-A" �S/GALE: SEE PLAN 6'COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE CLIENT: EXISTING GROUND MATCH EXISTING FILTER FABRIC BELOW SLOPE FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE �� I Evangeline Satras & loannis Kalargiros /I 40'-O'MIN. p C� ;- ^1-,- ,r :,r'< ;.'�rY v ,..%�' / y'_UO T .y�2 `^i,T Cqh 'PCF�+ d` 834 Hunt Lane ' F Manhasset, NY 11030 SECTION I 1 /i I DRAINAGE PIPE BENEATH ENTRANCE (IF NECESSARY). PROVIDE POSITIVE 4< GENERAL NOTES: - ,-___'' - i' ' DRAINAG �� 1. CRUSHED STONE FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE / / / `��� ' 2%3'AT GREATEST DIMENSION AND SHALL BE INSTALLED //// CRUSHED ROCK STABILIZED SURVEYOR. ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION. /° / OREGON VIEW ESTATES TOACOMBRICIS OBEDEPTHOFSI10OXOS. � /' /� l / CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE '�� .?- gym'• 2. FILTER FABRIC IS TO BE MIRAFI 100XOR EQUAL � �/ ' !!!1 MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 3. IF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CROSSES A DRAINAGE DITCH, 8 �// / d 141, 4 oPo SWALE ETC.,A DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH CN tF�C ,��� PETER V. BRABAZON PLS A MIN.12.OF COVER OVER CRUSHED STONE. / EXISTING PAVEMENT EDGE 4r c?' �� ENTRANCE WHEN PROJECT IS COMPLETE. REPAIR ALL / t �- e� �w`` P.O.BOX 483 i 4. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF OFF-SITE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION / 41 EAST ISLIP,NY 11730 } 1 DAMAMGE INCLUDING RE-GRADING AND RE-GRASSING. � � 't PVBSURVEY�GMAIL.COM LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 24 & (631)277-1726 00 MARLA KOSTER { AID TO DEVELOPMENT DISABLED INC CHRISTOPHER EKSTER I JOHN HINTON I ' WILLUIM C SHIPMAN N i I PLAN u 'NI/ N 1 OF 1 = 1 ISTABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I = l I ` KEY MAP ( is RADIUS(TYP.) (NOT TO SCALE) l j 07 I LOT 25 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP: Z In I-..� I LOT 28 �Q In v -_ - _ -� ,_, � I MELLINA HUNTLEY JESSE JOHNSON TEST HOLE: ELEV. + - I 45.9 / m zo DRAINAGE _ o " NO WATER ENCOUNTERED DISTRICT: MOOD SECTION:95 BLOCK: 04 LOT(S): 16.1 =) 0 ---_____ _ -_-_ ------_-_ ---.49-- S 50 30 35 E 1008.19 N W NEW 4"x4ir30"DEEP ,___ EXSTG.MOH. HEDGE NEW MON S. a H DATED:6/7/22 McDonald GeoServices C --_ --4E X TG.MOH. 48.1 I EXSTG.MON C.t.f. 11 C� ► ZONING INFORMATION NEW MOH• qq•3 `� EXSTG.MOM `` ( ) 46.5 .1 N 46.5 46.2 R tl b CONCRETE MONUMENT TYP 42.7 x ,95.7 „ - 47''--� 45.8 z N Z 40•5 -- 41.0� o , „ "46.7 49.1 45.B +5.7 ° �� 46.4 46.4 4i.4 NEW 4 x4 x30"DEEP 46.7 46.5 (97.79') 46.5 f x I ! W O (S 50 30 35 E 444.05) " `� - (S 50 30 35 E 564.14) A a> 1Y3-�' - CONCRETE MONUMENT(TYP) 1 5 BROWN SILTY SAND SM a. - LIMIT OP BRUSH � O { ) BROWN FINE TO COARSE SAND SW ZONE: A-C AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION 2 ACRES Q Z Q &WOODS' \ \ , 4 � , w i° Q � �' 4.0 FT USE: R-3 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS 1-0 BUILDING EN OPE` _ � ___ - •- ~ W Zr w( U) � \\ r CLEARING ENVELOPE - "-- [ ��[ �""`-'---�""'�'l-_____ BUILDING ENVELOPE 7 O � � ( ) -'-� Ii1 z LOT AREA: TOTAL: 184,607.28 SF 4.238 AC Q WN 0 `\ \ I -tea`' ' �� �1 75'-0" REAR YARD �91 0 " i - PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP LOT AREA: LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF (2.098 AC) I LL-1 39.9 a39.4 I x40"0 40.9 42.1 ' 436 44. ,�5.6 x46.2 x46.1 xg5,8 I 45.0 i I Z 2 LOT AREA: LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF (2.140 AC) °a0gI .1 xC x44.5 y44.5 x44.5 x45.2 45.6 .45.8 45.7 LU x45.8 x45.6 3 p t �°� M I -1 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LINE J ' \ 'w a Il w rl .. \\ IO \ c to I" `�. r 16.0 FT LOT 1: � � z � T I r- P_ I I n \ I \ m C 1y 4 LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT RECHARGE 04 I w ; wI � � I ao aqo m \ �> \\ E L NE M !° c 4 BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 201.32 FT BASIN O Z' . \\ N N W E-- --- � _- _- 11 a 1- I i LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: - 444.05 FT z n ti .= LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250.00 FT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 75'-0" REAR YARD „•I \ � 1 G� �M I o � . 39.8 93 w 98 41.8 w \ mI 60'-0" FRONT YARD 60'-0" FRONT YARD z 10 \ y q £ + � 25.0 FT > ' > � 4°•6 \ aI � 43.1 44.s \ 45.6 Z to z (/) � f I FRONT YARD SETBACK: 60.00 FT z \ W \ \ x46.1 x46.3 x460 45.6 44"8 \ NEW MOH, C Q q SIDE YARD SETBACK: 20.00 FT \ JI l � C 'm x44.4 12 44. 44.9 x457 �q5.4 45.4 R E LI E NEW MOM � ,� t W w V \ < r I z Q as.6 h BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: 45.00 FT -I IU 0 LOT 1 \� ��� r I o w � � J 1 N 45.6x a 3 r I m Iw 4s.7 " x I �, �5 BAR CDMINUOUS, REAR YARD SETBACK: 75.00 FT Z Z . - I r V W 1 UNDERGROUND LPG 0 ON5/� VI h 2.098 ACRES \ p r \ f Q UCEPT AT .IQINT W I° 91,388.8� SF \ \ IO N OI I 0 LOT 2 I 0 1 N 49038125" W 220.00, i' I ' � LOT 2: � \ m br '0 2.140 ACRES J w I TACK COAT In :31BUILDING ENVELOP: 49,798.20 SF \ I z M V) m m I w I ' 11h" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT C4 �, m I \ �-•" M ° Z 93,2\t8.40 SF �� TYPE 6 F2 (NYSDOT ITEM LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 208.87 FT t0 \) CLEARING ENVELOPEr: 22,847.22 SF I \ \ I I r / SOIL` M <�I BUILDING ENVEL PE:45,605.96 SF I W � w ! I NO. 403.178202) TOP COURSE LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250.00 FT / M CONCRETE 'IT In 8 '78.8 p91 ,798 ` 41.1 I x xg3'B �'9 STAREAILE 1(� ? WASRHOUT �, CLEARING ENVEL • Z 304.60 SF` z1 75'-0" REAR YARD '' 2}2" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE TYPE 3 LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: 321.30 FT C N I" R (NYSDOT ITEM NO. 403.138902) � )4z.s �m as.9 r--� �� 45'4 x4s.2 1 x4s1 �� �� O O [i" BINDER COURSE FRONT YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 60.00 FT Z // I / ♦ / `-.I � I C3 5.0 Jai 45.1x 45.1, O N S.C.T.M.1000.95-04.17.1 1/4" R 8 CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE SIDE YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 20.00 FT __T // I I I / %-M PAULGANCARZINCOMEONLYTRUST TYPE 4, OPTION D BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: MINIMUM: 45.00 FT � / / I z V-° • $i" (NYSDOT ITEM NO.304.12 TYPE 4 REAR YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 75.00 FT ( L-- C FARING ENVELOPE \ � TEST HOLE I . �� CLEARING ENVELOPE '•' - CLEARING: ---------,�----- LW---- ._,• / ---J .: BUILDING ENVELOP / w / .� / _ \ / BUILDING ENVELOPE ' / (N 49°38'25"W I q1,B I449.19' ' ` / 75'"- •• �- �- co .':.4•;A• PERMISSIBLE CLEARING PERCENTAGE LOTS 1 &2: 25% / LIMIT OFBRUSH N N (N 49 38 25 W M(/DEL#ALED4T105YK(3(ww) COCUA 7ENSP EXSTG.MON. 39.1 8' - , NE , 321.30') AS MA\UFACTIIRF'DBY NABLlfiHTING '- .t �. : LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF x.25= 22,847.22 SF 40.0 "40"1 44 / &WEEDS�\ O S \p�� MD O0p '• NORIIIVALKNEW'JERSEY• - •. , .1 .8 ,�-'.•-'' . .' -.+•.• LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF x.25= 23,304.60 SF 0 . ae.5 -._ _. -�. -,y-~'- '•^� 46.5 �- x46.3 46.2 NEW MON, 'At; N NEW 4 x4"x30"DEEP 43.3 46.5 , f+'+ CO CRETE MONUMENT MP) x N NEW - q5 [i1 DRANT T E LIN (NOTr:nrRlRen vrn.TAGr m Be scerr IFn BY �'•i.� _ MON. 5)y - NEW EXSTG.MOH. x45I ELECTRWALCONTRACTORJ IF ,4 .-`: COMPACT EXISTING '/ 4 i21 - BOARmok, 45. 5 MOM x45.5 IRR.WI.fE. x958 i a" G•RMULM SUB ASE i SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE N 49°3$�25'• W ,�45/fi 44,z3 \'15 i\ 770.49• POST OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE 11935 / \ .s a D5 44.54 4S. , \/� I FIRE DISTRICT: CUTCHOGUE QO / � 44.54 \•t \ I SY fY1 I �q WATER DISTRICT: SC WATER AUTHORITY �,� '?: i cp \ ?? / \ �'F�TF ( 24-00 44. 1 Q^� 24. 1 . 4 1 1 45.10' E SLAND W PS• to SEE CML NOTES, THIS SHEET 0 44 4438 `4X - L. 4 4'�•0 O`-'_ Mnnrl.YPS411 I11'"POTr CONCRETE CURB f PAVEMENT SECTION / \ N e- F aa.ss 4a.ss )W e- ° F R G w �N le ? yt q Y a ° N T.S. LOT 33 LOT 35 LOT 38 ,` 1 4' 8 r=X / ► Ri I GEORGE MCDOWELL i I - JOSEPH ROSETO 5 \\ 3 44.13 -I 4.6�1/ / (A LOT 37 I ALFRED W STEINER m LOT 38 I / \ � \,� �7 �+ I DOG R / 4 5 HENRY BOGARDUS LOT 39 44.60�^ \\ IR TOO BE _�' 44.70 WAYNEMOTT NICOLE BREWER I CONSULTING ENGINEER //////IIIIII C,RAOF 31�� �'(.38 4.8,9 I .88 4 \ Qp(n)�n1 p(1�n1 / \ NEW �•5 P m a4" ° 44,11 R NEW 4 x4 x30"DEEP 1 F, r Q U U U 0 Q U 1 S" D i s. x h 44.I50 4 k .E CONCRETE MONUMENT(TYP) I I 00 C.P.P. MON. 10 x 4�5 x 0 Y«ne«x. 44.4 ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: 9°3825 E � I f N49°38'25"W LEGEND III' D Pr•RMAII-ICAII NS.NG -, o-' a,::,'s. OREGON VIEW ESTATES k44.5x 25' O I W srECIrRAnGNs, tl ',� ._, ,I, / 2 I I N r MAJOR SUBDIVISION: MOOD-95 4-18.1 f�• 24100 ° ) 25' I (� {� • 00 ,� ���Y��U I� tom" / ' ;`. B.00 �- • z STREET LINE /' J I ( x 7 � x g ^� :� ,_ (� 1 NEW/ I 143. 3. 1 I.881 4 - - PROPERTY LINE Norl�s: �//77�%!7 /% O �• *, { 'e `" " 1 / '�- S OV 44,60 2 4.40 1-LIGHTS ALONG EYTERG')RI'ROPFRTY LINE TO BE SHIELDED SO AS TO MININIT!.L I - - °`.,':; 1. ,}"` - '`O 4. 0 U .3 44.p0 r I LOT LINES SPILLOVER OI GLARE ONIO-ALUOINLNG PROPERTIES.AS PER TOWN DARK SKIES STANDARDS -�:, ,_ ; ; - +",.�,. r,;' �.-''.'_ ,',,' •1 C �.•••g /►1p / I � ' I -- ZAI.LRLFCTRI('Af.COMM)NFN'7STOBF.AS3Mi(`II•Irn BYA1ANtirAC'ITIRPR AND ��p0 "`� <,{ - _ > i y v -45-- CONTOUR LINE L _-I '°": .., 1 • --- k, % INSTALLED IN CONI`0"IA NC E WITH ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING('ODES. "� . 46.5 46,5 I n Ir NEW L NEIZON 1234 LOT NUMBER VV r , - v+' __ _ '` _ _ 44.7 x 1 3 ' I - POLE MOUNTED LIGHT DETAIL , -tiI r - - I W Z ,4 I 44.4 �3 FIRE HYDRANT �<,,,I,.r.,I �` a , NEW �� - ¢ DRANT NEW a I ' •I i co-, UTILITY POLE PLAN To T " 5 _ a.7D � 8 43 1 44.37 ® CATCH BASIN CAST IRON FRAME a GRATE CAHPBELL - a,u : " �'7 . , " �a � MOH. .�� ---' MOH. M ', 4 88 f .88 O 3 ° LO GRADE FOUNDRY PATTERN / 234L OR APPROVED �".=-- a �'`t""'7 ..: „^ �+ $c�"",7_ ` d" �� �� 4 21 I % �' a N M • STREET SIGN EQUAL. . .. G`ERI, M � s F N I Q 4 ,$$�' 45, 5 N 1 ° I ••° I Q ■ FOUND MONUMENT 41 MAIN THE e FOUND STAKE 4s�r7 (� 44.7:� Bo��,\45 3x of ,D. a- I o - 0 _ STREET SUITE 301 J/YC LU k �\ y 1I MI w IT ( OHSW OVERHEAD SERVICE WIRE m ASI HALT PAVEMENT 7 3 4'S.05 \\ / 4g7x1 1 8 RME a•<A 13 I S.fE. STOCKADE FENCE I z._I PORT JEFFERSON, NY 11777 / 9 44,54 5 �a W i5 Dia.A C.L.F. CHAIN LINK FENCE •L` , C.P.P.+ 1s \ 44.65 ({ 4. # .30 ®� :;.•: Te1.:631.331.0526 i / �� 44.54\, \ \\ 4 z 8 33 w IRR. Wt.FE. IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE / / Q1Z \\ \\ I �t W I i I w I so.2x SPOT GRADE 2+-b" ,o G / / \ - I I LU TC: TOP OF CURB I 't a-mail: eeneculapc @ gmail.com �1'Q / / 24.00 x44. 1���• t\; % ,C� NEW I INN 44) ~ NEW BC: BOTTOM OF CURB - '-•- .� I 24.Q I 1 "r% MON. I _---_r � I ON O I O 1 '. I \� 44.1 - 41 21 ,-- 42 5 4.65 .' I I ■ - 1-_ 4 1 1 L �� S x 1 42 8 a 88 't O11• q- - I ���Y/// 45,10�•'/� "'o Q 43.90 .38/ �. �r ', ' `__ E ISLAND'• Q ' S. X �8/ V ' O• 4z 0 41 88 ' \ ��� ■ .. �I�- - - THIS t5 TO CERTIFY THAT TF115 DRAWING HAS BEEN ® x ¢, W taut / �/ NEW N. L "•� PREPARED BY uE OR UNDER►TY DIRECT PERSONAL •"""`_'•'_..'""-�:^,- �- 44.38 - e(5, /)- 1;41 0 /`y'�+ 4�2 - f 4z•8 43,0 MON. 43.0 SUPERVLS ON AND RESPONSIBLE CWIRGE AND THAT I �? d ` 4 �OK X X x �'l 1 O ` •74 41196 f'41• 'DT�P_ N_F ---- tw y 3.040 P•S,L. PRECAST AM DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER .^� i. I 44. 8 4 r N. 41.5 ® ! _ _ `J N I 44.55 x 14.5 Gj 81 ® MON --- NEW VERIZON O �+ tx \ 41.77 NET E� �l- TC 41. 2 �ERIZdn/90"X � CONC.CURB ,�� UNDER THE TANS OF THE STATE OF NEW YOM IT "i \ CONCRETE gOX AS `tFG• IS A NOLATION OF THE EDUCATION LAW or THE S, IQ :• •"•+, -'• STATE OF NEW YORK FOR ANY PERSON TO ALTER �+ T E L \,/ 40 7C.41.49 BC 41. 3 TOBEREMOVED TC:41.90 TC:42.06 �L• +a'!'*' :I-t -_ ••. BY SUFFOLK CEMENT ANY ITEM ON THIS DRAwMG AND/OR IN THIS I/J•"� '"�F` \T ® 4�N11 'm I �® CM CONC 41.19 41 TC'gp.98 BG: 0.96 ELECTRJCLINE BC:41.42 8C:41.51 - OR APPROVED EQUAL. SPECIFlCATION IN ANY WAY. \ �.rt "'v' �.( , �, F �\,Q x 44 a I ® TC: BC• 1 Hp z1, ,��I ��.��' 6" 4 0 6 -,'� ill It , 1 Q il tT� B� ' 1.88 L04 �„ I• •• P.E.P.C.P.0 ALL RIGHT RESERVED. I'"' D't 3 -D 0 COPYRIGHT 1987-2022 BY EMANUEL E.NECULA, e_ ,1'::� �`A' ,% �o`c� 44. 8 J w l % ems^■ 0 0 �1.31 41.53 :• I (0 u1 \\ \ 44,1I � / / V •�',v ry ,41.26 (OTHER UTILITIES IN TH ROADWAY NOT MARKED) - �p I THIS DOCUMENT R AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AN ` - :L I(:,sue,._r' m f� i R IS THE PROPERLY WILL EE PRO E NEC. PE, i �. ,..-; Z p PC. INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE PROSECUTED. ,= 7 \ 44.13 ' - - - - 4,6 / $�'�p'1 APPROX.IVATER SERVICE [- NO PART OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE REPRODUCED, '; .'�.. I �,'� CoR.E E VE D *��::.�. _ \ 4 .163 x I / ti\ Iz' 40 0 20 40 80 160 S E C 'r I o !� STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM,OR TRANSMITTED (? �J \\ Wc44,7 (n I / / ��- - - ------ MECHANICAL,PHOTOCOPYING ORSOTHER'MNIC, .\ :`' v5sti�,7 ;''\ '(Lam . %X _ O EMANU�EL E.ENECPoULA, pOR �.PERMISSIONnCA°iLON TO -*� ^I 4 c W ,� z a\ W DOG R J 4•,'/5 / WHEN ABUTTING AN EXISTING APR 1 2023 I \W I W \ I I r Q / /X 10'Maximum THIS ANUEL - WITHOUT CULA,PE, WRITTEN,SH PERMISSION - = I. •., J ROADWAY, CAP SEAM WITH CONCRETE CURBING of LIAANUEL E NECULA PE, PC s11ALi RENDER z44,60 \\ TO BEv ' 44.7 (`} BITUMINOUS SEALER 1 CATCH BASIN W/CAST IRON FRAME Southold Town T"E"" I""AUD AND UNUSABLE. SEAL Qip\ �\\ I R LOC �1 s) 71 MISCELLANEOUS ITEM N0. 618.07)CEMENT CONCRETE Planning AND GRATE Plannin Board Level Contour (NYSDOT TYPE 6 F2 (NYSDOT ITEM 9 . CC �\ 4¢,38 ¢ ,g$ .88 X I / No Sloe 15"CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE NEW 4.5 .Im 44,50 k 44I21 I �' I NEW P GENERAL NOTES: NO. 403.178202) TOP x �- ;44.54 1 44 5 ,4S CouRSE MON, - it - 111 -111=111 III = III=1.11= =111=111=111 MOH. I 44.4 I- __'-"''-- ---` *' -`'-"-_- "'--=-'-"'-"'- r r--'" " '"=" '- 1. THERE ARE NO POTABLE WATER WELLS WITHIN 150 FT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 2%" BITUMINOUS CONCRETE � II '` `fir 5 i 44 ;�.. O , 44.6 - III I t -- III I i l- I , - III TYPE 3 1 1 V DIA.x 8"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE /� Qx I I I l I I11- , =I f i 2. INDIVIDUAL PLOT PLANS WILL BE PREPARED AT THE TIME OF BUILDING / / (NYSDOT ITEM N0, 403.138902 I 0. ! TRAFFIC COVER. #4 BARS 4"O.C.EACH WAY ' J a�V 25 E I�I L I 1!�!!, �I O nnI �i®I{I�� 11 I= �� ;� III- PERMIT APPROVALS TO DEPICT THE PROPOSED GRADING OF THE LOTS, i \ BINDER COURSE ) r. (�' x I i I � • - 4,9 38 2++ •■ I f I=111; = SITE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY DRIVEWAY OFOR CONSTRUCTION.NFIGURATIONS AND DDITIONAL /STING / . , / / " �5 E 44.5 25 I w I ELEVATION 111-III- ELLING P tJEM/ENT / /-1w, �/// / / 3 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ��NG 0 ( � I O III 3. A FINAL ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN WITH ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL / //, v)) / / / / / / TYPE 1 Q 0 HOLM FRA Ir-AND GRATE VAVPBELL FOUNDRY MODEL 1184A, OR EQUAL 24,00 � 25 ° �14---- Flat 51ope in Front of Barrier ---� INFORMATION AND ROAD&DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS f / / / (NYSDO7 IT N0. 403.118902) FOR THE ADJACENT SURROUNDING SUBDIVISION IS ON FILE WITH THE < < �` BASE COURSE ° 1 a'RE1uTpecTn TRAFTIC BlnmNc stul io ° I8.00 H % 001 W T . - SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING DEPARTMENT-OREGON VIEW ESTATES - _ . "_�_ CMRY H-20 LOAD WITH AN OFFSET OPENING I 4 1 Z APPROVED MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 < <�, 8" CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE 12"to24• 5 BARS 1 D 1 I � 16"Minimum 4. THE INSTALLATION OF INNOVATIVE/ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE WASTEWATER SAW CUT FULL TYPE 4, OPTION p i~ 1'COVER IT e"C.-c-__1 43, 3. 1 ' •g$I k FLOW TREATMENT SYSTEMS(I/A OWTS)ARE REQUIRED ON LOTS 1 AND 2 TO DEPTH OF PAVEMENT - - (NYSDOT ITEM NO.304.12 TYPE 4) O O t ... o z 44,60 0 O 4,4E PROTECT THE WATER QUALITYOF THE SOLE SOURCE AQUIFER (NYSDOT ITEM NO. ": :':;:r;�';`-'.`_ FOUNDATION COURSEiW • 0 M V .38, 4410 z I AND MITIGATE CUMULATIVE NITROGEN LOADING IMPACTS. 520.5014) `:.,•=\° : .,. ..-; ,: ,, ,,;•,:, LINE OF TEMPORARY SIL i 14 I 1i 1= I I I I f I=I I 1=III=_ =III= I I f= 111 APPROVED SELECT GRANULAR FILL IF REQUIRED FOR ( 15"CPP P• BEnYEEN BASINS) T Mi (n I #I(:I ' '` _ (!I 11 I- Ill - - ( i t uNLEss GERwsE NOTED FENCING. SEE DETAIL NOTES I � D I 1- t 11'= =_ Ill I ti 'i, i/ /.� �iY !; �/ / UNSTABLE/UNSUITABLE SOIL 2.-6- I ( ; NEW VERIZON t6"Minimum - Mn Ill= CONSTRUCTION NOTES: /,�y,;,,,I, /y��•,>,�y;\;/,,y/�;� //�r;�j�' CONDITIONS) nPOL 1 I- LINE _ = N,� - O 0 "v ■o � C= � +� � o o WE I (>) >- I (n I III Specifications fit Ill= 1. INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY 14. PIPING MATERIALS SHALL BE,AT A MINIMUM,AS SPECIFIED -H .d � em n Is 9=0 e o a 44.7 1 �s { 1 APPROVED COMPACTED _ I U 1 =III-- lOT PETER V.BRABAZON-LAND SURVEYOR-DATED 23 APRIL 2021 BELOW,UNLESS OTHERWISE,NOTED ON THE PLAN: ( b I pPDONr,L Co Ucll N DINT EOTMILE FABRIC I 1, / 1 44.4 =\ SUBGRADE STRIP LOAM & •o ca ca o ca ca a o MIw 140 AROUND `�4. I \ ELEVATIONS SHOWN REFER TO NAVD 88. STORM WATER PIPE: 9- ENTIRE CIRCUMFIItENCE 1 cYb O I SECTION Silt Fence ORGANICS) ok! ac1 �1 o c+ d ra ca o a I X i3 ' - 1 1 I z n ( OF LFACH'4G BASIN '��,u 8 m X S' , 1 \ 2. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL 15"Pl CPP-CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE � °n ,_', e a m o e� a 44.70 LE G010 �� I L I L ' ` CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS&SPECIFICATIONS OF THE (2 FEET MIN. COVER, 1% MIN.SLOPE) VAY - pp n e eo ca I� d o zM " ter::- $ ' - 1 44.37 \\ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE: I �_ - = .i - 4°I o n I_ 43 21 OF HEALTH SERVICES,SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY C' =' d �' �" I [' . 1"0 TYPE K COPPER TUBING `�'. S0 \ �1�1/7 •Q = 0 C7 C C= O 2 C7 * ¢c 1. CO , ' y . &OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES,AS APPLICABLE. (4.5 FEET MIN- COVER) Y 00 < O�/� 4288 i 4 •88 O I }'•J I, \ 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE: g�« °� _ � � � � �• �• �• P O I__ , I '_9 N z ,"'I. \ I I I I I I I I.�I 1 I NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 6" 0 AVVVVA C900 PVC 11 " , , , I ■ III ti • T- ;,. \ 'trench'to be 4. ANY DAMAGE TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY OR NEIGHBORING (4.5 FEET MIN. COVER) PLAN - I 1 8 x -0 8 0 X 8 I I I ;d,�.*L:K� 3/ 1I., Wrap Geotextile \ _ I I I Ill Backfilled Y Q " '" PROPERTIES AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 15. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL N M 0 I 1 1 HIl POOL I LE LIME III .','�'.i�;.Ki�-" Around 5takea \ O ,�\ ; J` O „ •I};h-Ii�''t, i r? �:,. - III l{I and SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OF ABANDONED UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND N0TE5: SECTI01� A-A If MIN ADOVE GROUND WATER C"� p , y \ LL! is N_ before Driving \ - Com acted EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN ENGINEER. r It �■ ' Ill III P INSTALLATION .,•NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS,&SHALL O L 1 ) 1)L ® '' ; ', NG RINGS TO BE b 0 IQ T �__ ".' 1; -: I I I Ill l - 5. DURING CONSTRUCTION,THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE COORDINATE ALL �SRK WI THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AINACE )CACHING OMN DETAIL 3' 3'2 �� �� S P��I`"�L � % y, R r.;" I t TO PROVIDE SITE SECURITY BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY //p�� y e-, I-- I,, - "'�,,;,.,, 16. PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC,TELEPHONE&GAS LINES Pro ert line Property line V! III . III _ 'R'` FENCING,LOCKS,ETC.TO AVOID TRESPASSING DURING SUBJECT TO SERVICE PROVIDER'S DESIGN&APPROVAL. P Y p Y ' "T$' 2 06.15.22 ISSUED TO PLANNING-PRELIMINARY PLAT 8 �X 8 ILL 'L" ' HOURS WHEN WORK IS NOT TAKING PLACE. RI ht-of-Wa Right-of-Way ca�I 17. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE AN APPROXIMATION FROM y ' y t 0'-0" DP.IVEWAY 1 05.18.22 ISSUED FOR REVIEW&APPROVAL 118' x '-0' I ng � `- Fence Posts-the length shall be a minimuM of 32 inches, Wood 6. THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION THE FIELD MARKOUT,PHYSICAL FEATURES&AVAILABLE RECORDS, PROPERTY LINE 44.7 O I I i DING P Ili IA4,41 Joini _ CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO VERIFY THE LOCATION sit .a" N0. DATE REV p� ISION x ,I - 42 71 I3 �I Sectiono Posts shall be 2-b 2 inches hardwood of sound quality.The NECESSARY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, 44.65 (� � 4, *��y W of Silt Fence maximu Y I.E.SIGNS BARRACADES,STEEL PL4TE COVERS,ETC. OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK,AND TO A I 2 $ x# 1 I 4.30 m spacing between posts shall be 10 f t. TO ENSURE SAFETY FOR VEHICLE;&PEDESTRIANS TAKE MEASURES AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT ALL UTILITIES ,�. �,0_ / 4 ,38 Q3, • Silt Fenc¢ Fabric shall be MOT Type C Geotextile Fabric TRAVELING AROUND THE SITE. INTENDED TO REMAIN IN PLACE.RELOCATION WILL BE PROJECT TITLE ��` I �`1 LU Yp COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE 1�\ (n ( �/ I � 7. PROJECT DEMOLITION INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING APPROPRIATE UTILITY OWNER. I I � I \` W I � / I W LINE OF TEMPORARY SILT NOTES � OTHER STRUCTURES,IS OBE DONE NAGE SYSTEMS, IN RETAINING WALL & 18 SERVICE A MINIMUM 10 FOO_�SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN/LATERALS I MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL I I � FINAL PLAT APPROVAL I . . . . . . . . . . . . I I �' ENCING. SEE DETAIL NOTES --------------------------- WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE TCWN OF SOUTHOLD STORM WATER DRAINAGE LEACHING STRUCTURES. LINE 0F DEFLECTION LAR IROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION N I I I : ' &ALL OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES,THE CONTRACTOR 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48, SOUTHOLD I GH G TGF� 44,.� ~ 1.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(S) SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONCRETE , , 19. A MINIMUM 5 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER 1N CL�h<Ct7 LTE SL_4it -• PLI,CEMENT ON SITE. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE ENTIRELY ■ ' f i ■ IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS FOR SERVICE LINE I LATERALS/MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL STORM 1 . 011 f, +t SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 NEW ; SIN I B 51 K NEW ® SELF-CONTAINED. I / DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES 25 - O 25 ' - ' • AND MATERIALS. WATER DRAINAGE NON-LEACHING STRUCTURES&ASSOC.PIPING. e MOH. 4 __ _ ! ON. ® 2. 'HE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE DESIGN,LOCATION AND SIZING of ______________j 20. ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 150 FEET HAVE ACCESS TO PUBLIC WATER. 3.000.PSL fiO.:GR1=Y1u t �� 44,1 1 42.1 -- 4215 4 ,65 < �4 THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS)WITH THE PROJECTS EROSION AND I I I 8. AT NO TIME SHALL DEBRIS BE BUP.IED ON THE SITE. I ' I2 -O I �st ' 12' -011 ' r O SLAB. .. `� " 142' 8 141 88 �� SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. I I ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE "•'� ♦® 1 • i i i I DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN,COUNTY, I I TOPSOIL 4 SEF.If. .-4 DRAWING TITLE i� ®�3.90 2'X50 38a_ LO ATION: WASHOUT AREAS)ARE TO BE LOCATED AT LEAST 50 FEET FROM I I VARIES 1 41 88 I\ ANY STREAM,WETLAND,STORM DRAINS,OR OTHER SENSITIVE RESOURCE. � i 1 SEE I STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS,CODES AND ORDINANCES. +� ' LO&A' ON of \\ �� NEW THE FLOOD CONTINGENCY PLAN MUST ADDRESS THE CONCRETE WASHOUT IF • I I NOTE z I 9. ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE 1 n gt_4" ++ I " DE1'RF S CURB hY a '° FINAL PLAT �, T - - - Th_ WASHOUT IS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN. I I 1 5-O 24 - 0 ROAD SECTION g-0 5'0 \ , 1 , SAWCUT TO FULL DEPTH OR AS INCCATED ON THESER•`�NGE• z . '. __/ - - - 43.0 MOH. SI;:E: THE WASHOUT MUST HAVE SUFFICIENT VOLUME TO CONTAIN ALL LIQUID - I I -- I i PLANS.PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT, LANDSCAPING NOTES. '° KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION NEIA� r4�'7 �2.7 42• �� �. -- ----- 43.0 AND CONCRETE WASTE GENERATED BY WASHOUT OPERATIONS INCLUDING,BUT . I )_ ____________I HAY BALES OR ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SWEPT CLEAN&TACK COATED. " I �+ 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48, SOUTHOLD 4 4196 ❑TErEPf-1 NE NOT LIMITED TO,OPERATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH GROUT AND MORTAR. / COMPACTED EARTH BERM ALL PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE PROPERLY 1. USE ONLY NATIVE,DROUGHT-TOLERANT PLANTS. I MON, 1,.5� ) I NEW VERIZON " ' / (SEE NOTE 3) DISPOSED OF OFF SITE.NO SCARIFIED PAVEMENT OR 8 8 I A SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 ¢1„j _ 3. SURFACE DISCHARGE IS UNACCEPTABLE. THEREFORE,HAY BALES OR OTHER I SIDE SLOPES 42•S 2ON _ _-_ ___ - _-_-___-_________-______ == -- L�� CONC. CURB CONTROL MEASURES,AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER,SHOULD BE USED . ' (SEE BELOW) OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE USED AS OR ITLUDED IN BACKFILL. 2. USE ONLY ORGANIC FERTILIZERS WHERE THE WATER- I -I�++ L2•-Q" v - - _ w.a I _______�' 10. WHERE FILL MATERIAL IS REQUIRED,I1 SHALL CONSIST OF SOLUBLE NITROGEN IS NO MORE THAN 20%OF THE I i . 4- 41.77 / E - __=-- VERIZON BOX AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA FOR CONTAINMENT. NE __ 41,49 TC. 41• TO BE REMOVED FUTURE CATCH BA51N 4.SIGNS SHOULD BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE,AT THE CRUSHED STONE OR BANK RUN SANC AND GRAVEL FREE TOTAL NITROGEN IN THE MIXTURE. 114":1' 4'Crown(rT'A'c l) p L A It co R6 T: 41 0 6C: 40 96 BC 41' 3 ---�TC" 41'90 TC' 42'06 CONCRETE AREA(S) AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE FROM ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. 3. USE A A4AXIMUM OF 1 LB.OF NITROGEN PER 1,000 SQUARE n�1 ELECTRIC LINE BC: 41.42 BC: 41.51 THE LOCATION OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETE THE ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY FEET IN ANY ONE APPLICATION,WITH A CUMULATIVE gC: 411• TRUCKS AND PUMP RIGS. WASHOUT AREA(S) SHOULD BE FLAGGED WITH EXISTING GROUND UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BROUGHT ON SITE AS FILL. APPLICATION OF NO MORE THAN 2 LBS. PER 1,000 8 _ t 9 1 "(C. 41.19 ( SAFETY FENCING OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD. SQUARE FEET PER YEAR. „ S'-G" +� 6" CURB M- DEPTH VARIES 11. PRIOR TO USE,THE CONTRACTOR SHELL SUBMIT FOR THE 4 Topsoil BC✓ 41.88 42.04 42.17 5.WASHOUT AREA(S)ARE TO BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK FOR SEE NOTE 2 10 MIL POLYETHYLENE SHEETING ENGINEER'S APPROVAL,A SIEVE ANALYSIS OF THE FILL 4• THE APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER PRODUCTS CONTAINING I I 41.31 STIUCTURAL INTEGRITY,ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY AND CHECKED FOR MATERIAL AND THE RESULTS OF A STANDARD PROCTOR NITROGEN,PHOSPHORUS,OR POTASSIUM BETWEEN x 41.53 41' ' LEAKS,TEARS,OR OVERFLOWS. (AS REQUIRED BY THE CONSTRUCTION SITE DENSITY TEST PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOVEMBER 1ST AND APRIL 1ST IS PROHIBITED. I Ana ToIk I A$PMLT. DATE: 05-24-22 SHEET NO. ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION REPORT) WASHOUT AREA(S) SHOULD BE _ ASTM D-1557-METHOD D.INDICATING MAXIMUM DRY 5. THE USE OF PHOSPHORUS CONTAINING LAWN FERTILIZER Cleared R2ked •� PAVEME-NT - CHECKED AFTER HEAVY RAINS. SAND BAGS TO SECURE 41.26 (OTHER UTILITIES IN THIS ROADWAY NOT MARKED _ - - DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. IS PROHIBITED UNLESS ESTABLISHING A NEW LAWN TYPIi "Bn &g �-h DRAWN BY: RB SHEETING (OR METHOD , ,•."-•.,4- ;.4 - T, , ---- - • •• 6.HARDENED CONCRETE WASTE SHOULD BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF - - - AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER) OR SOIL TEST SHOWS THAT THE LAWN DOES NOT HAVE antes othetl�i�e noted (.ter +1r' •^Yw A•-• n•-�� - 1 .;'+- .} WHEN THE WASTE HAS ACCUMULATED TO HALF OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUTS 12. ALL STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED S-IALL BE REPLACED ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS.FERTILIZER LABELS HAVE THREE Slope 1 :3 Curbing to match exstg. I . tia� -_1�y .. ..___ CHK BY: EEN APPROX. WATER SERVICE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL CONCRETE WASTE SHALL BE DISPOSED of SIDE SLOPES TO BE TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE BOLD NUMBERS.THE MIDDLE NUMBER IS THE PERCENTAGE Maa•to 3,000 P.S.I. 1. 1/2 WEARING COURSE 31000 PSI COaG17ETE .HEIGHT. THE WASTE CAN BE STORED AT AN UPLAND LOCATION,AS WITH SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL,BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED " � - 6. ' 12" - 2:1 OR 3:1 (NOMINAL) CONTENT,AS DETERMINED BY MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE PRODUCT,E.G.22 0-15.USE SLh$ V1 6x6-LOILO CO'ICPE::. CURB '� PROJECT NO: 2022011 IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS,REGULATIONS,AND OF PRODUCTS WITH 0.67 OR LOWER IN THE MIDDLE Existin Concrete @ 28 2-1/2" BINDER COURSE "" GUIDELINES. P 'W.V.F.' SET: STA.YDAFD J - 13. PLACE TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS IN LAYERS IS NOT RESTRICTED,PRODUCTS WITH A NUMBER HIGHER Grade Days-See ,DETAILS• FILE NUMBER: 2022011 7.PAYMENT FOR THIS ITEM IS TO BE INCLUDED UNDER THE GENERAL COST CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA NOT EXCEEDING 12"IN THICKNESS WHEN USING HEAVY THAN 0.67 MAY ONLY BE USED IF A NEW LAWN IS BEING -_ OF THE WORK FOR THE PROJECT,INCLUDING SITE RESTORATION. COMPACTION EQUIPMENT,OR 6"WHEN USING HAND ESTABLISHED OR A SOIL TEST INDICATES IT IS NECESSARY. Standard Dwg. NO SCALE NOT TO SCALE OPERATED EQUIPMENT. SCALE: SEE PLAN (SEE NOTE 2) 5 E C T I O !( "A•a« J CLIENT: Evangeline Satras & loannis Kalargiros 834 Hunt Lane E Manhasset, NY 11030 Gay tio�s ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: OREC3ON VIEW ESTATES SURVEYOR: I MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 PETER V. BRABAZON, PLS P.O.BOX 483 EAST ISLIP,NY 11730 PVBSURVEY@GMAIL.COM LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 (631)277-1726 MARLA KOSTER AID TO DEVELOPMENT DISABLED INC CHRISTOPHER EKSTER I JOHN HINTON MELLINA HUNTLEY JESSE JOHNSON WILLIAM C SHIPMAN nl f I N I � I i I KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE I z(ADo I �- _ �o5; L, . . . . - I I I SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP. o mr0 _ C , ,. DNO 2D'DRAINAGE _-_ --- ------ --- as - S 50 3035 E 1008.191DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 95 BLOCK:04 LOT(S): 16.1 G7 W -- ---_-- MON. 48.1 I MON. MON. HEDGE S.FE. C.L.F. 2.7 x4 5 7 -'--- N--•47 -1 ._-� 46.5_ .I N 6.5 _ 4.3 - - 46. ` - x - - I - __4 I r l - - 46.1 - - ,�5.8- .z N - MON. b O x �---- 41.0 ` �� -x467 Q x Q 458 45.7 46.4 46 4- - - 46x 4 46.7 46.5 r 46.5 M p x d' o W Zp 40 5 (S 50°30'35" E -444.05') 49'1 (S 50°30'35" E 564.14') (97.79) a x ZONING INFORMATION : � Lo I d > LIMIT OF BRUSH \ \ O < Q Z m I &WOODS \ - >- - >- ZONE: A-C AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION (2 ACRES) Z(9 I BUILDIN a(�ENVELO \ ---��----------- --�,� .,� BUILDING ENVELOPE O Ij Q USE: R-3 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS w(�� \ r CLEARING ENVELOPE �Iil�a�l� - --- �1--- --� e"• III a �, W 75'-0" REAR YARD 13 Q 0 I LOT AREA: TOTAL: 184,607.28 SF (4.238 AC) 39.9 ,r39.4 I ,40.° 40.9\ 2.1 I ,43.6 ,g4. ,456 I I 46.2 ,46.z 458 I 45.0 1 Z 1 W LOT AREA: LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF (2.098 AC) 1 I "< 1 W W 4s'8 '� q LOT AREA: LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF (2.140 AC) x x x44.5 x44.5 ,44.5 \ ,�5z x45.6 x45B x457 I x ,45.6 - a v v Ixv Q 0 N 1 J ' I PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LINE- I w ch I I `, > I -- I I � I0 o z1\ yl o t- 1 c, �\ I w \� m 11� LOT 1: RECHARGE N 75.00 FT CL ; �I �� \\ I c o I I y Iz w E NE M III LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED:LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM LLOWED: 201.32 FT O _Z \ Z� N N 1u -� t._ _G .�_ __ 10 I RM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 75'-0" REAR YARD J \ I GIB I I G -- -- 1* a ► I LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250.00 FT 39.8 93 w 98 18 \ mI(60'-0" FRONT YARD 60'-0" FRONT YARDI 1 Z Iz y I LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: 444.05 FT xT' I ,�' x40.6 x4 a1 \ 31 5 �z W x4 ' x44. x456 46.1 46.3 O 56 c Q FRONT YARD SETBACK: 60.00 FT LU -11 \ , nj C x x xa6.o I m �48 44 I 4� 49\ 52 -' } 54 SIDE YARD SETBACK: 20.00 FT ,i IJJ V \ < ,� Q xa• x4. x4• 45.4 - >� - - - E Ll ES 5.6 � M 1 t9 LOT 1 \ I D po( < N 456x - -R - - a I I I W a57 e h 1 � BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: 45.00 FT UJI Z 2.098 ACRES I \\ �\ Z .�' 1.w ry I M Iv W� UNDERGROUND LPG Dr+S% " a REAR YARD SETBACK: 75.00 FT s1,388.8 SF 1 \\ I*y I N N C) l 0 LOT 2 I o i N 49°38'25" W 220.001 1 1 BUILDING ENVELOPE: 49,798.20 SF 1 \ \ I z a, 0) m m 2.140 ACRES I w� W , LOT 2: N °' I to CLEARING ENVELOPEr: 22 847.22 SF \ < M o Z I 93,2'718.40 SF J LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT c0 �' \ \ I ` I I m 0 M <I 1 BUILDING ENVEL\QPE: 45,605.96 SF I Z I I t LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 208.87 FT cO 9.8 / 9.1 98 I Z CLEARING ENVELOPE 3,304.60 SF I UJ 75'-0" RE YARD I xT8.8 ><? x? \ 11 ,43.8 44.9 N 1 �- 0 LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250.00 FT O 12.5 x / � 00 LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: 321.30 FT x m �59 ,g5.4 ,�5.2 51�� Z Z // I / ` � �' I � p 5.0_�/ 45.1x 45.1 x ON S.C.T.M.1000-95-04-17.1 FRONT YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 60.00 FT M PAUL GANCARZ INCOME ONLY TRUST SIDE YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 20.00 FT / 1 G BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: MINIMUM: 45.00 FT L-- C FARING ENVELOPE �--- - ` TEST HOLE I O' 1 * REAR YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 75.00 FT Y --------% -- ' � � CLEARING ENVELOPE d' /�-- BUILDING / I] -------- -------I I CO) ENVELOP BUILDING ENVELOPE CLEARING: N49°38'25"W I _ '- - - - - e.7 ( 18 1449.19') //LIMTTOFBRUSH ` / N (N 49°38'25"W 321.30' PERMISSIBLE CLEARING PERCENTAGE LOTS 1 &2: 25% MON. 39.1 -� / ) LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF x.25= 22,847.22 SF 40.0 x40.1 4 / &WOODS^\ - - - - - 0 O a 46.5 .1 .8 N - 433X - - - - - N - _ ,g6.5 -N�• x46.3- - - �6-1 - - `46.5 - - T E uN LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF x.25= 23,304.60 SF N 49 38 25 W 4541>' / 44.1 y ` 4 45.85 ,,p55 5. MON.� ,ls•9 IRR.WI.FE. x458 / o 4585 / LEGEND \ /, W 3 \ 770.49 SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK CUTCHOGUE Rego o°S 4454 445445' \ I POST OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE 11935 ya° \ STREET LINE FIRE 26.00 4 41 1a° 28.00 \; - - - WATER DISTRICT:ISTRICT: SC WATER AUTHORITY PROPERTY LINE 4510' I P ISLAND 4� tO r, OO 4dx.8 x44.38 -4x �� 14 e� -_ LINE C 41014 88 44.55S G T .55 44.3 .8 I C I --45---- CONTOUR LINE 1 1234 LOT NUMBER N LOT 33 LOT 3s Nr \ \ 4. 8 / C U FIRE HYDRANT GEORGE MCDOWELL LOT 36 0) \ / IV I c0-1 UTILITY POLE JOSEPHROSETO x44.13 + 44.13x4 . CO) LOT37 LOT CATCH BASIN / \ ALFRED W STEINER \4 6 I y / LOT 39 • STREET SIGN HENRY BOGARDUS WAYNE MOTT 44.6 \ � / �.70\\\\ I / NICOLE BREWER 44.5 43. 8 I 43.88 44. �' I ■ FOUND MONUMENT CONSULTING ENGINEER / x 44 5 *44. 44,21 44/1' 44 4 I HS FOUND STAKE TEST HOLE: ELEV. 45.9 +/- OHsw OVERHEAD SERVICE WIRE x 44.4t NO WATER ENCOUNTERED S 49°38'25'E I I ,�a.6 S.FE. STOCKADE FENCE ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: DATED:6/7/22 McDonald GeoServices OREGON VIEW ESTATES g 44.5x 25' i I I N49°38'2$V+✓ cL.F CHAIN LINK FENCE MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 p 0 2600 .0 125' I IRR. WT.FE. IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE t 50.2x SPOT GRADE BROWN SILTY SAND SM " � s.o I o �: TOP OF CURB 1.5 FT BROWN FINE TO COARSE SAND SW N �j T S.i " 6'.O / ' W 44.60 4 0 x4 .383>�74.38z I 44.40 I BC: BOTTOM OF CURB 46.5 V O 46,5 I - - - - - _ � - - X - - I I 4� 4.0FT I AM PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP 44.7 L #- , O 44.7 x I W43 I 44.4 `O p �` Z LID km 1001. 8 xD �1 C z 45,85 //' 45.85 J �} x 4 883T 4 .88x j 4°3N M t: /"`T. C..l P1�`f �► l�]�' A"��'C`"t" 44.71 �� 45,85 ,� 00 I I n4� \� 45:` O c T I c xe' ox I N N I 16.0 FT .'0s W �'� '? Z �;lo� ;� - o 414 MAIN STREET, SUITE 301 Gf X44,54 x 45, \ P4 CO) o ,xe' w fA I BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SP RSO /1 0 44,54 \\ \ 44.7c' I PORT JEFFERSON, NY 11777 \\ � , 8 41 71 4 , O 44.65- x4z38, 34 .38x .30 I 25.0 FT 44, 1 \ \ Te1.:631.331.0526 28.00 X Q`N 28.00 `\ ;1 N 1 I ' email: eeneculapc @ gmail.com L CAI ' G TUI/ 4 1 \ ' , e SIN a INj 1 O� • I M t - ----_ D P LA 45.10■-' +1� 44.1 14 -8-- 4�x 41�s 4.65 . O _I <-� �S 43.90 * x41 88 , 4 38\ ffj�• I 4*8 X44.30 4 _ -- 4 M �� 00, 42.5° \ qz* - THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN O X - X x 11 _ PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT PERSONAL SUPERVISION AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND THAT N t 4 Oct 4 88 44,55 4 S T LI , T X 44.55 44.38 •8P 1 o la.. ?"� .5 x VE IZON 45�s NE43.0 --- x43.0 AM DULY REGISTERED O THE�KKOF NEW roN�c rr --� 0 I I �. C4 42.5 �, .5 45.5-==- _ X-- =__- X CONC.CURB IS A VIOLATION OF THE EDUCATION LAW OF THE � ��I�,I C 41.77 C CURB 4 0 TC:41.49 BC 41. 3 ELECTRICLINE TC:41.90� TC 42.06 ANY ITEM ON THIS DRAWING AND/OROIN THIS �/ O O TC: SC: 0.96 __d. \ x44 ; " ��fl��l� Is" Dim. �,c� ��P�IUELFF\\ p TC'41 41 BC'40'98 3 BC:41.42 BC:41.51 �+ 7� g 7� COPYRIGHT 1987-2022 BY EMANUEL E.NECULA, 1 ` ♦^ \ 44, O 9 /l �" ,(Q�� El ' 1.31 1.53 ,�1. ,11.88 12.04 12.17 S I E V' ER C®.L T ROAD CA ANY WAY. V♦ \ I / ������� IIIUO �I1 C.P.P.0 \ / �' S 1.z6 (OTHER UTILITIES IN TH ROADWAY NOT MARKED) I THIS P.C.ALL RIGHT RESERVED. �•,.� THIS DOCUMENT R AN EMANUEL OF SERVICE MEyJ 4 R IS THE PROPERTY OF tBE PR L E PROSECUTED. PE 1 (/ jj �♦) �( .( YY 4MMM {{{III Y I PC. MFRINGEMHIS WILL BE PROSECUTID. w �,-�i I' r p• m W x 44,13 I 44,13 X 4 I g�y�0'( O APPROX.WATER SERVICE I -1 NO PART OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE REPRODUCW Z k �\\ W i / 4 �75 /ti\ \ 11" 40 0 20 40 80 160 jt�I I ,7 STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM.DR TRANSMrrrED � `1k 7S y- _ ii1�'pO`i 0'RF�3jr Y ( MJ ANY FORM H OC ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC. 44 \� t I / / i11) Y WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF n s 06 I•Lg-, tiff ii 4 ffilll Y MECHANICAL, PHOTOCOPYING OR OTHERM75E, y- •6 �� // / 44.70 I THIS DOCUMENTS T E WR I IE ANY ENN PPERM�KK�d P l OF EMANUEL E NECULA, PE,PC,SHALL RENDER SJ L 0 D o �, THEM INVALID AND UNUSABLE SEAL �- O \ 43.68 43.88 44. j 44,X 44.5 �44. 44 121 44� 44.45I P L A N *D RECEIVED J5 BAR C011iINUOUS, CAST IRON FRAMES GRATE - CAXPBELL x 44.4 4 44,6 FOUNDRY PATTERN ! 2541 OR APPROVED C GENERAL NOTES: °`���` AT WK 5TORM DRAINAGE GAL61ATION5: 2_.0 V RAINFALL GRADE ��QQ I y S�Oa7�,25" E � I 1 A' p CX 1A/ WCK GOAT EQUAL. . 44.5 X 25� { I I N 0038�25" rr �-1/2- TYPE 6F RA NYS00T TRIBUTARY AREA: - { 1. THERE ARE NO POTABLE WATER WELLS WITHIN 150 FT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TOP COURSE % Planning Board 0 .0 281100 0 I ��' 2. INDIVIDUAL PLOT PLANS WILL BE PREPARED AT THE TIME OF BUILDING �_ AREA (5F) x RUNOFF GOEFF. = EOUIV. DRAINAGE AREA eo ASPHe�►L? PAVE?tENT PERMIT APPROVALS TO DEPICT THE PROPOSED GRADING OF THE LOTS, 6" 1" R 1/2 TYPE 3 RA WSDOT 6.0 .0 DWELLING FOOTPRINTS,DRIVEWAY CONFIGURATIONS AND ADDITIONAL 1/4" R BINDER COURSE BUILDING ROOF AREA: 0.0 S.F. x 1.0 = 0.0 S.F. ,��•, 18 Dia. C.P.P. SITE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. 6" DENSE GRADED AGGREGATE PAVEMENT AREA: �,614.2 5.F, x 1.0 = �,6a4.2 5.F._4 ' I I I 3. A FINAL ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN WITH ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL •'' s=. 91LSE COURSE DRIVEWAY AREAS: 215.4 S.F. x 1.0 = 215.4 S.F. 2'-b" . 38 INFORMATION AND ROAD&DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ::�-,:•_ LAN05CAPINOMATURAL: 5,110.8 S.F. x 0.20 = 1,142.2 5.F. "r 44.60 4 ,383f74 ,384 ' 44.40 FOR THE ADJACENT SURROUNDING SUBDIVISION IS ON FILE WITH THE •;.; �; , ,• - 4,q0 i 44, SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING DEPARTMENT-OREGON VIEW ESTATES TOTAL: I I,I 11.8 5.F. J 1 APPROVED MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 `� :,�.'�•�. EQUIV. DRAINASE AREA x DE51ON RAINFALL = DESIGN VOL. (CU. FT.) v �' t I 4. THE INSTALLATION OF INNOVATIVE/ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE WASTEWATER •1_:•:; ; : ': TREATMENT SYSTEMS(I/A OWTS)ARE REQUIRED ON LOTS 1 AND 2 TO •s:i�?, 11,111.50 x .1-1 = 1,851.g6 GU. FT. 2" RAINFALL 1, It ` I I PROTECT THE WATER QUALITY OF THE SOLE SOURCE AQUIFER {= VOLUMN OF STORAGE REQUIRED: 1851.a6 AND MITIGATE CUMULATIVE NITROGEN LOADING IMPACTS. K'e y .,� ' 3,000 P.S.I. PRECAST 44.7 x I W I I M COMPACT EXISTING 5TORAGE GAPAVTY /V.F. OF V DIAMETER RING: 42.24 0 41.4 I 44.4 g" GRANULAR SUBBASE 'r CONCRETE BOX AS `tFG. I x 1 STORAGE CAPACITY /V.F. OF 10 DIAMETER RING: 68.42 .:• ,.-•; .�•� •• I I =� l� ,:♦. fa .:;• ,•- BY SUFFOLK CEMENT I 8' �x8' 0" I '0x8 { VERTICAL FEET REQUIRED: 8 DIAMETER RING: 45.84 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 44.70 LE HIND o0L I L ACHING OL I CONSTRUCTION NOTES: VERTICAL FEET PROF05ED: V DIAMETER RING: 8,00 M 11 „ Ln 10 /�,� X8 43�21 4 S�'37 VERTICAL FEET PROPOSED: (6) V DIA. POOL @ 8' DEEP EACH b 4 -0 6 . C04 4 •88 i 4 ,88 1 T, Zn SEE CIV L NOTES, THIS SHEET M C M 1. INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY 12. ALL STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REPLACED CONCRETE CURB f PAVEMENT SECTION NEW LOT5 TO PROVIDE 5EPARATE DRAINAGE 5Y5TEM5/5TRUCTURE5 ■ O { I ! . PETER V.BRABAZON-LAND SURVEYOR-DATED 23 APRIL 2021 WITH SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL,BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED N T.S. S E C T I 0 N O �- I S' X S'O" Q X { 1 r� ELEVATIONS SHOWN REFER TO NAVD 88. TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE Z N M o I E INC OOL QI L ACHING L 1 1 N 2. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONTENT,AS DETERMINED BY MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. 0 o O' N 0 CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS&SPECIFICATIONS OF THE 13. PLACE TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS IN LAYERS O i' I ; oI v- O TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT NOT EXCEEDING 12"IN THICKNESS WHEN USING HEAVY 10 r-O" DRIVEUAY OF HEALTH SERVICES,SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY COMPACTION EQUIPMENT,OR 6"WHEN USING HAND CONCRETE CURBING �\\I�� z�I I\�II I J &OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES,AS APPLICABLE. OPERATED EQUIPMENT. PROPERTY LINE O 1 ' �I W 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING 14. PIPING MATERIALS SHALL BE,AT A MINIMUM,AS SPECIFIED Property line Property line CATCH BASIN W/CAST IRON FRAME O 8 X V.0" v' X 8' x W v' NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. BELOW,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN: _- A _ s AND GRATE 2 06.15.22 ISSUED TO PLANNING-PRELIMINARY R&D PLAN o 1 I L ACHING OL Right-of-Way Right-of--Way 44.7 + LNG OL4271 4 ~ 4. ANY DAMAGE TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY OR NEIGHBORING STORM WATER PIPE: N 18"CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE PROPERTIES AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 18"O CPP-CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE 1 05.18.22 ISSUED FOR REVIEW&APPROVAL 44.65 ;i ti x42 38 4 ,38x r * \ SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S (2 FEET MIN. COVER, 1% MIN. SLOPE) 50 -d° 1 I I 4 .30 EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN ENGINEER. CONCRETE SIDEWALK 34 NO. DATE REVISION 44,3 ROOF DRAIN PIPE&CONNECTIONS: Q O X 5. DURING CONSTRUCTION,THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE 6"0 CPP-CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE OR PVC IF REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SITE SECURITY BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY (1 FOOT MIN. COVER, 1% MIN. SLOPE) � �,1 I - a 8'DIA.x 8"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE PROJECT TITLE � f FENCING,LOCKS,ETC.TO AVOID TRESPASSING DURING SANITARY HOUSE CONNECTION: LIVE OF DEFLECTION s c I I TRAFFIC COVER. #4 BARS @ 4"O.C.EACH WAY `` W i HOURS WHEN WORK IS NOT TAKING PLACE. 4"0 SDR-STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO-35 PVC � IN CONCRETE SLAG 1 � PROPOSED PRELIMINARY ROAD C5 I 1 Y 6. THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION THE (2 FEET MIN. COVER, 2% MIN. SLOPE) C14CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL AND DRAINAGE PLAN APPROVAL ' � 1 ' DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE: 1 \ G GH G TGH/ NECESSARY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, 1"0 TYPE K COPPER TUBING 3,000 PSI CONCRETE (} Q ROUND FRAME AND GRATE CAMPBELL FOUNDRY MODEL 1184A, OR EQUAL KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION { I.E.SIGNS,BARRACADES,STEEL PLATE COVERS,ETC. I \B SIN 1 B SIN% O (4.5 FEET MIN. COVER) f f1 r rt SLAB. 1 I 1 I TO ENSURE SAFETY FOR VEHICLES&PEDESTRIANS 25 - 25 - O - 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48 SOUTHOLD O I� TRAVELING AROUND THE SITE. FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE: } 8" REINFORCED TRAFM BEARING SUB M Z3--- L--- 42 5 4 ,65 n- ` 6" 0 AWWA C900 PVC TOPSOIL 6 SEED. o CARRY N-20 LOAD wfTH AN OFFSET OPENING SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 -4 - 16.1 44.1 I _1 � 7. PROJECT DEMOLITION INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING (4.5 FEET MIN. COVER) ' W a, 12"to 24" 5 BARS t 4 38 X 4 •88X M ♦ FACILITIES,DRAINAGE SYSTEMS,RETAINING WALLS& r r1 ' + ++ 43,90 * x 41 88 I 4 38 4/ Ate✓ 15. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL 14 -0 14 -0 DEPRESS CURB A? a 10 � 1' COVER //-IT+ 6.C.-c.� ✓ OTHER STRUCTURES,IS TO BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE .Q 42,50 i \ WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OF ABANDONED UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND TCE• U 0 0 m N DRAWING TITLE \ INSTALLATION OF NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS,&SHALL \ ` - &ALL OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES.THE CONTRACTOR \ V IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS FOR COORDINATE ALL WORK APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY 5'-0" 6141 2S' - 0" ROAD SECTION G-0" 5+-4" ♦� /c -- - DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES 16. PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC,TELEPHONE&GAS LINES 1 ISFT_ ' CPP [[g�yypp BETWEEN BASINS) PROPOSED PRELIMINARY ROAD x' - ,,7 \\ 43.0 I l UNLESS CtHEft1MSE NOTED 4I27 45. 5, _ ________ 43.0 AND MATERIALS. SUBJECT TO SERVICE PROVIDER'S DESIGN&APPROVAL. ( A AND DRAINAGE PLAN APPROVAL x 4 ,5 I VE IZON x ❑TECEpH®NE 8. AT NO TIME SHALL DEBRIS BE BURIED ON THE SITE. 17. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE AN APPROXIMATION FROM r1 n 5" 12'-0" �" 2'-O" 42.5 x45.5 ® pX_ 45.5 BOX CONC. CURB ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE FIELD MARKOUT,PHYSICAL FEATURES&AVAILABLE RECORDS. S S O O TYPICAL KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION S.S DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN,COUNTY, THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO VERIFY THE LOCATION N oe '� '� r= � a �' �' 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48, SOUTHOLD 41.77 / CUR ► fir TC, 41, 2 SUTURE GATGH BA51N STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS,CODES AND ORDINANCES. OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK,AND TO P L A N °+= c+ r , a o r= A rn v CU _ 49 ELECTRIC LINE TAKE MEASURES AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT ALL UTILITIES I a PRaNAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT EOTD(TILE FABRIC, SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 CoNC• -_ 4 - TC: 41. 6 BC 41• 3 TC. 41.,90 TC; 42.06 9. ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE INTENDED TO REMAIN IN PLACE.RELOCATION WILL BE 1/4":1' 4"Ctown(TYPkaI) I ,� ■o c, a �, A a o MIRAFl lA0 AROUN ---� SAWCUT TO FULL DEPTH OR AS INDICATED ON THESE ` c� Ij ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE 1 TC� 41' $ BC: 40'g _ BC: 41.42 BC: 41.51 COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE --+ oc1 a o � � � o e= i 9 4 40.9 PLANS.PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT, APPROPRIATE UTILITY OWNER. 51-01t 51-6" r 6" CURB I Z� I OF LEACHING BASIN °n a r o a sa o c+ / TC; �rf BCC I ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SWEPT CLEAN&TACK COATED. � � o tSV ALL PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE PROPERLY 18. SEWER LINES SHALL BE LAID AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLYROADWAY °o ® p p 8C✓ 41,88 42,04 DISPOSED OF OFF SITE.NO SCARIFIED PAVEMENT OR FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED WATER LINE OR LATERAL. 4"Topsoil �►'-0" I iP, x x 42,17 l ASPHALT � � °" o `=' �` `� � '� '"" o x OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE USED AS OR INCLUDED IN BACKFILL. l S IDE�►ALK ® © �' c' © c= 1= 41,31 41.53 x41• 19. SEWER LINES SHALL BE LAID AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM x 10. WHERE FILL MATERIAL IS REQUIRED,IT SHALL CONSIST OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM WATER LEACHING STRUCTURES. l IF REQUIRED PAVfH�.'T '° 50' R.O.W. Qom& °p o c' t- - - a c' a DATE: 05-24-22 SHEET NO. (OTHER UTILITIES IN THIS ROADWAY NOT MARKED) CRUSHED STONE OR BANK RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FREE 20. SEWER LINES SHALL BE LAID AT LEAST 5 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM Are,To Be man_ °o a o © c= a o im 41.26 FROM ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. NON-LEACHING '';"' '' ' •' ,,d 10'-0" --I - 4' MIN DRAWN BY: RB x ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM WATER STRUCTURES. „ „ Cleared Raked L+ . _r.-+--•---�4 �*W+-r-�' r • THE ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY TYPE B ��+i- PLAN I-- APPROX, WATER SERVICE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BROUGHT ON SITE AS FILL. 21. A MINIMUM 10 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER &seeded ! SERVICE LINE/LATERALS/MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL Slope 1 :3 Curbing i 3,000 PSI CONCRETE - p; TY CHK BY: EEN Z�rf - 11. PRIOR TO USE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR THE STORM WATER DRAINAGE LEACHING STRUCTURES. Max.t0 3,000 P.S.I. 1-I/2" WEARING COURSE $LAB W/ 6x6-10/10 CONCP.Ei CURB �I' NOTES: SECTION A-A L 2' MIN ABOVE GROUND WATER 1 OF 1 -� ENGINEER'S APPROVAL, L SIEVE ANALYSIS D THE FILL 22 A MINIMUM 5 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER " W.W.F. SEE STA.�IDAPD "-" - MATERIAL AND THE RESULTS OF A STANDARD PROCTOR Existing Concrete @ 28 2-112 BINDER COURSE � N[IMBER OF LEACHING RINGS TO EB PROJECT NO: 2022011 -� DENSITY TEST PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SERVICE LINE/LATERALS/MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL STORM DETAILSN DETAI . LEACHING BASI L ASTM D-1557-METHOD D, INDICATING MAXIMUM DRY WATER DRAINAGE NON-LEACHING STRUCTURES&ASSOC.PIPING. Grade Days-See DETERMINED BY DRAINAGE FILE NUMBER: 2022011 DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. 23. ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 150 FEET HAVE ACCESS TO PUBLIC WATER. Standard DWg. INO SCALE CALCULATIONS. N T S. S E C T I O N "A-A" SCALE: SEE PLAN CLIENT: M Evangeline Satras & loannis Kalargiros ®�,�E��®� ��� �FR� 834 Hunt Lane E Manhasset, NY 11030 5� �9y Cad �s`F "FF f ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: SURVEYOR: O G y° y`' T. o REON VIEW ESTATES 9`L9ys�yF o yr°°sr` RAP°MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 I �0�> `�� � °� PETER V. BRABAZON, PLS°Qss o P.O.BOX 483 EAST ISLIP,NY 11730 PVBSURVEY@GMAIL.COM LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 DO (631)277-1726 MARLA KOSTER AID TO DEVELOPMENT DISABLED INC CHRISTOPHER EKSTER I JOHN HINTON MELLINA HUNTLEY JESSE JOHNSON WILLIAM C SHIPMAN nl f I N I � I i I KEY MAP LU I a I (NOT TO SCALE) I W Z U) I d] I I >� I SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP: r �Np 20'DRAINAGE ----- _--- - ------ --- 49 - S 50030 35 E 1008.19 -\ DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 95 BLOCK: 04 LOT(S): 16.1 U)W - ----- _ MON. \ 48.1 1 MON. MON. HEDGE S• C.L.F. I m Q 7 7 - - ,44.3 45.7- - _--- _ N- 47"__.� \ --� - - I 46.5 .1 N 46.5 - - - - S 8- .2 N - - - - L '" - - - MON. ' ® I 46. x 111 46.1 x4 x 4 _--- \ �- -x x46.7 \ x- - �'- -x- x- - x - x- LLI�Z 40.5 41.0 0 , „ , 458 45.7 0 �� 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.7 46.5 . 46.5 M x W \ (S 50 30 35 E 444.05) 491 - (5 50 30 35 E 564.14) (97.79) x ZONING INFORMATION : a>> LIMIT OF BRUSH \ Qua F dZONE: A-C 0 m V39. &wooDs �\ __ �\ _- - ^ x q USE: R-3 SINGLE-FAMILY LY DETACHED DWELLINGS Q� BUILDING ENVELOPE \ _�„� BUILDING ENVELOPE O 5 Z w(� r CLEARING ENVELOPE ` I a Q W 75'-0" REAR YARD 19 Q Q I LOT AREA: TOTAL: 184,607.28 SF (4.238 AC) n -•1 „39.4 ,40.0 40.9 42.1 43.6 ,44. .45.6 I .46.2 ,46.2 5.8 / 44.5 45 \ Z °` °+ n I � � LOT AREA: LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF (2.098 AC) I I 450xC� I W 1� a a LOT AREA: LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF (2.140 AC) x >P ,44.5 ,45.2 x45.6 45.8 .45.7 LU 5.8 1 x x \ x xq ,45.6 a v I� Q Q ( I PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LINE- I (,�I xa W M Iw - aWICDI p r \\ IW \\ cOV Il �' tn LOT 1: REBAHSN N IL ca \� �\ CD o 1 v z W RE L NEMNLOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 201.32 FT ZZ�� LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EAR YARD O ZI GN N N I w `"�� '� '� '� '�� '�� -- O ' ILOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250.00 FT x393 I LU x39.8 0.6 \ r41.8 QI \\ `\ mI 160'-0" FRONT YARD 60'-0" FRONT YARD I I Z I z N ' I LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: 444.05 FT \ LU ,43.1 ,44.5 x45.6 Z 46.1 46.3 n 45.6 o Q FRONT YARD SETBACK: 60.00 FT Z JI ` , <I C x x x46.0 I m x ,44.8 4.4 I 4.9 5.2 .' �.. 54 'n I LU vI \ r I Z >g a ,� >� 45.4 - x4 - - - R E Lr ES _ - 5.6 y I SIDE YARD SETBACK: 20.00 FT IW N 45.6x - � d' 4i C9 LOT 1 �� ��� r v w WI < \ 45.7 h e x I BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: 45.00 FT z r m W UNDERGROUND LPG s� REAR YARD SETBACK: 75.00 FT 2.098 ACRES I \ \ Z - I r Its ' 1 0 w I 911. ,388.8� SF I mI I c� N c))I o LOT 2 I o 1 N 49°38'25" W 220.001 �\ m N '0 2.140 ACRES W , LOT 2: in / \ BUILDING ENVELOPE: 49,798.20 SF I \ \ I z M °; m I m 93 Z 8 40 SF I W� LOT WIDTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 175.00 FT cV °' ( m CLEARING ENVELOP 22 847.22 SF I \\ I< 0 0 ZI I ' I � I �p ;' \ I n M M <� BUILDING ENVEL\QPE• 45,605.96 SF w I LOT WIDTH: PROVIDED: 208.87 FT to V.9.8 / I r Z CLEARING ENVELO•PEk- 3,304.60 SF I I 75'-0" RE YARD 0 BB ,79.1 x39.8 \ N � -- LOT DEPTH: MINIMUM ALLOWED: 250.00 FT O x8 x41.1 ,43.8 44.1. .0 • / (7 O N LOT DEPTH: PROVIDED: 321.30 FT I x42.5m x45'g / ,45.4 x45'1 ,4 \ p S.Oi i i 45.x 45.1 x O O S.C.T.M,1000-95-04-17.1 FRONT YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 60.00 FT / I O N PAUL GANCARZ INCOME ONLY TRUST SIDE YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 20.00FT � I V_0 BOTH SIDE YARDS SETBACK: MINIMUM: 45.00 FT I L__ C FARING ENVELOPE TEST HOLE .01 I m I REAR YARD SETBACK: MINIMUM: 75.00 FT / ---------+L------j �` LW_____.__ CLEARING ENVELOPE _J _i BUILDING ENVELOPF�+ LI.IJ � � � � CLEARING: / I 1 "- / -p ` / BUILDING ENVELOPE_ J ° r' 1.8 449.19' /LIMIT OF BRUSH a N 49°38'25"W (N 49 38 25 W MON. 39.1 87 40.o x4o.1 ) q // &wooDs'\ ST� - Q'( 321.30') PERMISSIBLE CLEARING PERCENTAGE LOTS 1 &2: 25% o 1 a 46.5 r B 6S � 63 LOT 1: 91,388.88 SF x.25= 22,847.22 SF N 433x - N _ / \ -'- x4 -N >g - - - x462 - - 46.5 - _ T E LIN LOT 2: 93,218.40 SF x.25= 23,304.60 SF 5. ' :455 11ON.� x45.9 IRR. Wl.FE. x 45.8 �/�� LEGEND SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE N 49°3825" YY 45.85 45� 44.71 45.85 i 5 W 3 5.', 770.49' \ RsgD Dos 44s4 445445 \ POST OFFICE: CUTCHOGUE 11935 �* ` I STREET LINE FIRE DISTRICT: CUTCHOGUE � 2s.00 a4. 1�° 2 � � I - - PROPERTY LINE__ a.00 _ _ WATER DISTRICT: SC WATER AUTHORITY M o ad.8 4 4 1 P ISLAND qk 1 45.10� LOT LINES e- C) x44.38 x -� 4 .. V I ----45-- CONTOUR LINE 0 r 4 0 4 88 44.55 44.55 44.3 8 I O r 1234 LOT NUMBER C S G T r. N LOT 33 LOT 35 \ 1 , 4. 8 L 0 � FIRE HYDRANT GEORGE MCDOWELL LOT 36 I� c41 UTILITY POLE JOSEPH ROSETO ALFRED W STEINER \\4 6 x44.13 i 44.13x 4 . N LOT 37 LOT 38 I CATCH BASIN \ \ 7 W , 3 / 4 5 HENRY BOGARDUS WAYNE MOTT LOT 39 • STREET SIGN 44.'6 \ / 44.70 NICOLE BREWER 43. 8 i 43.88 44. �, ■ FOUND MONUMENT CONSULTING ENGINEER 44. a4s 44,11 q Y 444 I e FOUND STAKE / \ 444 OHSW OVERHEAD SERVICE WIRE x 1 x44.6 S. STOCKADE FENCE ADJACENT APPROVED SUBDIVISION: -� S49°38'25 E I I r I t, f x I I N49°3875'W C.L.F. CHAIN LINK FENCE OREGON VIEW ESTATES 44.5 25 Ik,,;` MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 ® p o 2eoo .0 1 25' IRR. WI.FE. IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE so.z x SPOT GRADE ` I s.o o Tc TOP OF CURB Q 8 43I71 4 ' I ec: BOTTOM OF CURB •/1'y�`' LU 44.60 x4 38 4 .38x 44.40 S 0 4. 46.5 •1 .8 46.5 z I I - 44.7 x I w xq,�•q 3 I 44.4 ( �' ` �` � W I 5�� $. p it1 o xa 863 4.88x 44.37 irl /� o N M I 4585 45.85 z N M e x ; .. 44.71 /n4x7 , �01 -� 414 MAIN STREET, SUITE 301 os x 44.54 W x 45. \ \ \ �{ CO)N 44.7� RS do >b 8 4271 4 PORT JEFFERSON, NY 11777 0 0 /, 44.54 \ \\� 44.65o L x4238xq�34.38x .30 Te1.:631.331.0526 / / \ L4 ;`+ I e-mail: eeneculapc @ gmail.com ►,ti �\ N �i �� 28.00 x44. 1 Q`' 28.00 `� ��1 I � 5� a, 1 4 1 1 1 ��. 44.1 I q -8 4 r4 4215 4 .65 �h• �y1 I - ___ 45,1 D <. ?S 43.90 x41 Be? 4 3B Al __ 4 .�i � I M o 4 0 _ [� D P LA L� �Ir pO, az 0 Q'�� PREPARED BYBY ME O THAT R UNDERTHIS SMY DIRECT PAS PERSONAL (� OSUPERVISION AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND THAT I AM DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER i" ` i/IY♦ 43 0 UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK.IT ________ __ 5 A VIOLATION OF THE EDUCATION LAW OF THE O � x44.38 x � _ X _-��-�� x Q O . 1��, 7 x�.7 45.�`�. ---�3.0 STATE OF NEW YORK FOR AN'!PERSON TO ALTER F 4 0 4 88 4 x 44.38 s VE IZON ❑TE NE N 4- 44.55 S T LI T 44.55 .8p I r'- �4�.5 ____ ,� _ ro 0 41.5 45.5 ®� X�45.� X CONC.CURB II I �` 41.77 CURB TC 41. 2 UTc�a�N r GONG 4T40 7-:41.96 BC 41. 3 ELECTRIC LINE TC:41.90 TQ 42.06 C 1 i x 44 1 TC:41.19 41 8C' R`�u`:;_L 1 BC-41.42 BC.•41.06 ANY REM ON THIS DRAWING AND/OR IN THIS /� ti r w C:g0.98 8C: Q Q 18" Did. SPECIFlCATION IN ANY WAY. / �-,-• G ;^.(^ ��` ( I r' 8 � 3 v 1.88 1.04 • P.E,P.C.ALL RIGHT RESERVED. - r •p 17 ,SILVER COLT ROAD ©COPYRIGHT 1987-2022 BY EMANUEL E NECULA, v 44, 8 7' I ����� ,�1.31 11.53 ,�1' // '0 (OTHER 11.26 (OTHER UTILITIES IN TH ROADWAY NOT MARKED) R n _ \ 1� D'( APPROX.WATER SERVICE I Q THIS DOCUMENT IS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AN ! 2} �,A.,;` TTI \ U U R IS THE PROPERTY OF EMANUEL E NECULA, PE, _ w \t{i�_C, `�li�• � t \ x 44.13 I 44,13 x 4 ti I I r 4 .6 i �`' _ 12' 40 0 20 40 80 160 I v STORED MICAOAREIRIEVAI BEENTS VALL PROSECUTED. T""NS'"" I \\ jf�' 1 I I MECHANICAL,NO PART OF TMPHOTOCOPYINIS GROR OTHERW MAY BE REPRODUCED. � � � �\y ,�Q I O O Y ( MANY FORM H BY ANY NEARS, ELECTRONIC. �2 1 / 4/x75 .. ....., ..�.. . - ..,... .•.• �•.• -_ O EMANUEL E. NEC PC.ANY NOTIFICATION TO / / UT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF �.75 "```"` THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION O O OF EMANUEL E NECULA,PE. PC,SHALL RENDER ` Y 44,6 �\ �`� 01 4.70 •.AJJ-. -, THEM INVALID AND UNUSABLE. ,SEAL `"'°' 44,5 43.68 i 43.88 44. j I PLAN � 44.5 44 21 ' x �4AO 4 1 , 44.45 JS BAR CONTINUOUS, CAST IRON FRAME 5 GRATE - CAMPBELL __ 1 k EXCEPT AT JOINT GRADE FOUNDRY U DRY PATTERN 1 2541 OR APPROVED JUN 1 2022 x 44,4' GENERAL NOTES: SAn�o�ZC�� C ( 4 • 44,6 TACK CtAT �t�7 .70 :7 G I i i BOO 1 11�A� 1-1J2'Elf+'£ 6F RA NYSDOT - x w�� I N -'ry �25 ■W 1. THERE ARE NO POTABLE WATER WELLS WITHIN 150 FT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TOP COURSE Soutfiol Town 1 I ASPHALT PAVEMENT00 icinnin board 44.5 I 1 2. INDIVIDUAL PLOT PLANS WILL BE PREPARED AT THE TIME OF BUILDING I' R 2-1/2,TYPE 3 RA WSDQT 0 •0 28100 .O 25 PERMIT APPROVALS TO DEPICT THE PROPOSED GRADING OF THE LOTS, 6" BINDER COURSE -� 18" Dia. C.P.P. DWELLING FOOTPRINTS,DRIVEWAY CONFIGURATIONS AND ADDITIONAL 1/4 - R O ,0 SITE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. 6" DENSE GRADED AGGREGATE • ` 3. A FINAL ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN WITH ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL s• BASE COURSE �, 21..(" I INFORMATION AND ROAD&DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 10 `/;:•. 't Q 1 8 43I71 4 ' FOR THE ADJACENT SURROUNDING SUBDIVISION IS ON FILE WITH THE 44.60 x4 .38 4 .38x 44.40 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING DEPARTMENT-OREGON VIEW ESTATES c •'.�: - a '; 4•Q0 i APPROVED MAJOR SUBDIVISION: 1000-95-4-18.1 t 4 4. THE INSTALLATION OF INNOVATIVE/ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE WASTEWATER 03 :•;;ti:�•. , i ' TREATMENT SYSTEMS(I/A OWTS)ARE REQUIRED ON LOTS 1 AND 2 TO ,1 •i;I a `T " _ _ _ PROTECT THE WATER QUALITY OF THE SOLE SOURCE AQUIFER �:;y �.I 1'-b" �4-- _ I AND MITIGATE CUMULATIVE NITROGEN LOADING IMPACTS. 3 000 P.S.I. PRECAST I I ' COMPACT EXISTING ;" CONCRETE BOX AS S(FG. 44.7 B• GRANULAR SUBBASE ryO x I �' x44I.4 I 44.4 - =,� *: ''i ..: ,•• BY SUFFOLK CEMENT 1 OR APPROVED EQUAL. ill 44.7o i L8' HIND OL i L A HIN6' OL I CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 6" 4'-0" 6" O -i 38 43'21 4 T` 44,37 SEE CIVIL NOTES, THIS SHEET Ln o x x *�3 SO Q 00 4 .88 4 ,88 I Ln 1. INFORMATION PROVIDED FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY 12. ALL STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REPLACED CONCRETE CURB PAVEMENT SECTION M 004 ' M PETER V.BRABAZON-LAND SURVEYOR-DATED 23 APRIL 2021 WITH SUITABLE FILL MATERIAL,BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED N T.S. S E C T I 0 N O ■ O N . ELEVATIONS SHOWN REFER TO NAVD 88. TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE TM 8 X 8' 0" I X I d' r 2. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONTENT,AS DETERMINED BY MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY. M I E IN6 OOL QI L AGHIN6 L i N CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS&SPECIFICATIONS OF THE 13. PLACE TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS IN LAYERS �.- O p N O TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT NOT EXCEEDING 12"IN THICKNESS WHEN USING HEAVY 10'-0" DP IVEWAY 0 �' O ;,� 0 I l"' OF HEALTH SERVICES,SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY COMPACTION EQUIPMENT,OR 6"WHEN USING HAND CONCRETE CURBING O !I I I of j Q t I 1 0 &OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES,AS APPLICABLE. OPERATED EQUIPMENT. PROPEP.TY LINE ���t 0/ � I 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING 14. PIPING MATERIALS SHALL BE,AT A MINIMUM,AS SPECIFIED Property line Property line CATCH BASIN W/CAST IRON FRAME O �I n W NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. BELOW, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN: Right-of-Way Right-of-Way _ _ '� _ _ = AND GRATE 2 06.15.22 ISSUED TO PLANNING-PRELIMINARY PLAT I 8 X V.0° `� X b ' `�� 4. ANY DAMAGE TO THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY OR NEIGHBORING STORM WATER PIPE: g y �' 18"CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE L AGHIN6 OL 44.7 I LE HIN6 OL 4 PROPERTIES AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 18"0 CPP-CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE 1 05.18.22 ISSUED FOR REVIEW&APPROVAL 42,71 4 7� EXPENSE 0 THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN ESHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED AT THE NGINEER. (2 FEET MIN. COVER, 1% MIN. SLOPE) 50+ -On CONCRETE SIDEWALK x NO. DATE REVISION 44.65 0 x42 38 1 4 ,38x 7 * ROOF DRAIN PIPE&CONNECTIONS: IF REQUIRED O s 00 44.3 1 I 4 •30 5. DURING CONSTRUCTION,THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE 6"0 CPP-CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE OR PVC 8'DIA.x 8"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE x I '" TO PROVIDE SITE SECURITY BY MEANS OF TEMPORARY (1 FOOT MIN. COVER, 1% MIN. SLOPE) LINE OF DEFLECTION a { " i PROJECT TITLE } kt FENCING,LOCKS,ETC.TO AVOID TRESPASSING DURING SANITARY HOUSE CONNECTION: TRAFFIC COVER. #4 BARS @ 4"O.C.EACH WAY O 1111`\ W I � i I i HOURS WHEN WORK IS NOT TAKING PLACE. 4"0 SDR-STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO-35 PVC IN CONCRETE SLAB ' PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL 6. THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION THE (2 FEET MIN. COVER, 2/o MIN. SLOPE) N \ I ¢ CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE: KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION I J I NECESSARY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, 1"0 TYPE K COPPER TUBING 3,OOO PSI CONCRETE Q O ROUND FRAME AND GRATE cAMPBt7 L FOUNDRY MODEL 1184A OR EQUAL 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48 SOUTHOLD I.E.SIGNS,BARRACADES,STEEL PLATE COVERS,ETC. + H SLAB. ' G GH G TGH ,/ � (4.5 FEET MIN. COVER) , +, �, \ I I TO ENSURE SAFETY FOR VEHICLES&PEDESTRIANS Z5 - Q 25 ' O 8' REINFORCED TRAFFIC BEARING STAB TO SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 ;B SIN B SIN!f I O FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE: TRAVELING AROUND THE SITE. TOPSOIL & SEED. o CARRY t1-2D LOAD WITH AN aFFSET OPENING 6" 0 AWWA C900 PVC I _ I . 7. PROJECT DEMOLITION INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING (4.5 FEET MIN. COVER) 1 ; a'�c -' 12"to 24" 5 BARS 44,1 t2 23- L_--_ 42 $ 4 •65 n� FACILITIES,DRAINAGE SYSTEMS,RETAINING WALLS& +I + " DEPRESS CURB AT 1" COVER T 6" C. C `? 1 4 38 4 .884 ��V A♦ OTHER STRUCTURES,IS TO BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE 15. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL 14 -0 14 -UP. 1 ' 7".7 WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OF ABANDONED UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS ANDTRANCE• fl () m DRAWING TITLE 043.901 42.5.0 x 41 88 38`\ '� &ALL OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES.THE CONTRACTOR COO DI ATEINSTALLATIOAL WORK W/ HE AN OF NEW PPROPRIATE ROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY + " I„ " + - +r a +r +- "CE CONNECTIONS,&SHALL `0 0* I ` - IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS FOR 5.0 6 0 2$ 0 ROAD SECTION 6-0 5 0 PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR /�} \ v DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES 16. PROPOSED LOCATION OF ELECTRIC,TELEPHONE&GAS LINES 1 18" CPP (gyp BETWEEN BASINS) I _-- 1 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ; 4_5.$ 43.0 43,o AND MATERIALS. SUBJECT TO SERVICE PROVIDER'S DESIGN&APPROVAL. ( A KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION 4 .7 x, .7 `� S• 8. AT NO TIME SHALL DEBRIS BE BURIED ON THE SITE. 17. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE AN APPROXIMATION FROM rr 6 12 -0 6 18365 COUNTY ROUTE 48, SOUTHOLD '� 4 ,S VE IZON 45 x o TECE7�ff®NE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE FIELD MARKOUT,PHYSICAL FEATURES&AVAILABLE RECORDS. 8 $ TYPICAL DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN,COUNTY, THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO VERIFY THE LOCATION 41O 0 N a ea ea � cr � a ca C2 I SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 - 4 - 16.1 42.5 K-2 f Jr x 45.5 ® _ pX_�45.5 _ ___-_ BIDX CONC. CURB STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS,CODES AND ORDINANCES. OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK,AND TO I 1 PLAN °= `� �' c '= C' 41.77 1 - - TAKE MEASURES AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT ALL UTILITIES - FUTURE GATGH BA51N 9. ALL EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE y_ a I PTIONAL Car UC= )DINT 1W 140 FABRIC, � ClJRg t �� TC' 41� 2 SAWCUT TO FULL DEPTH OR AS INDICATED ON THESE INTENDED TO REMAIN IN PLACE.RELOCATION WILL BE 1/4":i' a"c� icaq ��, °o �, ,� �, ,� �, �, �, o MIRAFl 140 AROUND �ONC' TC, 41,49 BC 41. 3 ELECTRIC LINE TC: 41.90 TC: 42.06 COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE --.� GF act Q ca G3 C7 o t7 G �,q 1,40 0 gC7 _ PLANS.PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT, 3'-0" S'-6" ✓'6" CURB z�n I OF LEACHING BASIN 9 4� TC• 9g gC: BC: 41.42 BC: 41.51 ALL JOINTS SHALL BE SWEPT CLEAN&TACK COATED. APPROPRIATE UTILITY OWNER. I _1=_.T 1 • 40• 1 q�q aro c C a >� C3 T 41• gC• I ALL PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE PROPERLY 18. SEWER LINES SHALL BE LAID AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY ROADWAY n * ++ e o a ca cj o e� a ea d C' <1 DISPOSED OF OFF SITE.NO SCARIFIED PAVEMENT OR FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED WATER LINE OR LATERAL. 4 TOpS011 b -0 ( 4 BC% x1,88 42.04 ASPHALT - °a o �' " �' " OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE USED AS OR INCLUDED IN BACKFILL. 19. SEWER LINES SHALL BE LAID AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ( ��' °r} o c= r= � o o ca 1= 42,17 SIDEWALK ��� 41.31 41, x 10. WHERE FILL MATERIAL IS REQUIRED,IT SHALL CONSIST OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM WATER LEACHING STRUCTURES. 1 IF REQUIRED PAVEMENT .a 50' R.O.W, &� a=' +� '� a �' DATE: 05-24-22 SHEET NO. 4X1.53 x CRUSHED STONE OR BANK RUN SAND AND GRAVEL FREE 20. SEWER LINES SHALL BE LAID AT LEAST 5 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM Are■T°He , � °Q °© ` ` `- " = c FROM ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. `�-'':' a•, -,?j=• .,.i 10_p^ --� 4 MIN DRAWN BY: RB OTHER UTILITIES IN THIS ROADWAY NOT MARKED ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM WATER NON-LEACHING STRUCTURES. " " dear cd Raked - f '• • -•-'i^�+"•+_- r • 41.26 THE ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY TYPE B -.� _ = P L A N I- " UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BROUGHT ON SITE AS FILL. 21. A MINIMUM 10 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER &Seeded f SERVICE LINE/LATERALS/MAINS AND THE EDGE OF ALL Slope 1:3 Carbing , 3,000 PSI CONCRETE _ a; CHK BY: EEN APPROX, WATER SERVICE 11. PRIOR TO USE,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR THE STORM WATER DRAINAGE LEACHING STRUCTURES. Max.t0 3,000 P.S.I. 1- V2" WEARING COURSE SLAB W/ 6x6-10/10 CONCEE:Z CUR$ �' NOTES: SECTION A-A _ - ,-, - ENGINEER'S APPROVAL,A SIEVE ANALYSIS OF THE FILL -- � 2' MIN ABOVE GROUND WATiR 1 OF 1 12 22. A MINIMUM 5 FOOT SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATER W.W.F. SEE STA.NDAPD MATERIAL AND THE RESULTS OF A STANDARD PROCTOR Existing Concrete @ 28 2- M BINDER COURSE NUMBER OF LEACHING RINGS TO BE PROJECT NO: 2022011 DENSITY TEST PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SERVICE LINE/LATERALS/MAINS AND THE EDGE S ALL STORM DETAILS. �- WATER DRAINAGE NON-LEACHING STRUCTURES&ASSOC.PIPING. Grade Days-See DE?ERMINED BY DRAINAGE LEACHING BASIN DETAIL ASTM D-1557-METHOD D, INDICATING MAXIMUM DRY FILE NUMBER: 2022011 � DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. 23. ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 150 FEET HAVE ACCESS TO PUBLIC WATER. Standard Dwg. NO SCALE CALCULATIONS. N T S. S E C T I O N "A-A" SCALE: SEE PLAN KEY MAP LEGEND (NOT TO SCALE) STREET LINE PROPERTY LINE LOT LINES ----45---- CONTOUR LINE 1234 LOT NUMBER FIRE Qq c HYDRANT UTILITY POLE o �9rF o� CATCH BASIN • STREET SIGN ■ FOUND MONUMENT A FOUND STAKE JP� O SW OVERHEAD SERVICE WIRE sQ S FE, STOCKADE FENCE V� CL.F. CHAIN LINK FENCE IRR. WI.FE. IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE 50.1x SPOT GRADE �F Sr(�c°�r •..,.``��,�P �o� �y°� TOP OF CURB BC.' BOTTOM OF CURB y�oti IIOR SEs"OIE RI V.E I I I LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 MARLA KOSTER f � AID TO DEVELOPMENT DISABLED INC CHRISTOPHER EKSTER JOHN HINTON MELLINA HUNTLEY JESSE JOHNSON WILLIAM C SHIPMAN co � N � I I � yl . I I i l � 20'DRAINAGE - - -- _-_ __ --------- ----49•- �� S 50 30 35 E 1008.19 y� MON. 1 MON. MON. HEDGE S.FE. - 4�2.7 ~ - - x44.3 _ - -457 =--"-- x4 7- \�����--.�/ 4B.% - - 46.5 .1 N - �46.5 - - 46.2 - - 8- .7 N - - C.L.f. - - - - _ - - MON. 40.5 X 477 41- _-- :�3L • K46.7 \\ x- �- 45.8 45.7 46.4 4 44 .� ��'46.7 �6.5 97.79' 46.5 \\ (S 50°30'35" E 444.05) �, \ 491 (S 50030'35" E 564.14') ( ) a x r RUSH \ I OODS 00 ilk 40.0 \ 40.9 2.1 \ 4. x45.6 6.1 46.1 45.0 i x 1 x x4 x4 X43.6 x4 x4 x45.8 4.5 x44.5 x44.5 \ x451 x45.6 x458 457 5.8 N1 1 \\ x ,? X456 rr�,, M ( x" V � `RECHARGE CV \ 0 E L NEM'�O BASINTOWN OF SOUTHOLD ` \\ N N � I. x79.8 x40.6 x41.8 \ x43.1 x44.5 \ 56 '^ F ' \ \ xa x46.1 46.3 x4&0 .45.6 44.8 v+ K I A \ \ x x44.4 x44.5 x44.9\ x457 454 x454 R E LI E U \ \\ \ W456x 456 e x x W LOT 1 ` \ - f VNDERGROVNOLA550 DH51N� a i v \ \ - � N � N 49°38'25" W 220.00' cV \\ 2:098 ACRES \\ \\ M �\ 2.140 ACRESLij \ M I\ \ \ 0 I \ \ \ M ch \ � �79.8 88 x7 x7 \ 38 44.9 O� 9.1 9.8 x41.1 1.5 \\ x x45.6 N 58 454 "��..` 'ITx4 1 x459 x4 x x457 51 i 0 Z // 1 J0_--i 45.n 45.1 x O N S.C.T.M.1000-95-04-17.1 / / M PAUL GANCARZ INCOME ONLY TRUST / V-O PROPERTY OWNER i I ,' � PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LINE- 90 IOANNIS KALARGIROS �/ I /,/ 1 &EVANGELINE SATRAS i OF BRUSH 834 HUNT LANE MON. 39.1 8.�� (N 49°38'25"W 1.8 �449.19') j LIMIT&WOODS (N 49°38'25"W 321.30' MANHA$SET, NY 11030 - - ao.o x40.1 - - - - - - ' / - o- 465 s i s 46.8 4c.5 6.3 ) 43.3 - - '- - - - '? - •-�� - - �6.2 - - 4 T E IN x 50 50' ,a55 MON. - ,a59 IRR. WI.FE, x45.8 ZONING DISTRICT / N 49038125" W / \ 770.49' ZONE AC �� A^SEE SURVEY NOTE'D"-1 AGRICULTURAL / \ � � I 4�5. / CONSERVATION (2 ACRES) \ � 1 M.o 44.8 45-_--- N 11 x 44.9 \`/ OC I N LOT 33 LOT 35 LOT 36 I c AREA TABLE GEORGEMCDOWELL JOSEPH ROSETO W W � LOT 37 ALFRED W S7EINER LOT 38 LOT 1 AREA = 2.098 ACRES \ t2y i� HENRY BOGARDUS WA NE MOTT LOT39 LOT 2 AREA = 2.140 ACRES p J NICOLE BREWER AREA = 4.238 ACRES 1 \ � 4x 3 TOTAL 44.4x ,lffo l�rfe. x 44.5 S 4M75"E ,g4.6 44.sx 25' N4903MIW ^ 25 I S.C.T.M. DISTRICT: 1000 ` JAN 2022 e SECTION: 95 BLOCK: 04 LOT(S): 16.1 1 - SKETCH PLAN Z BIRD FEEDER-- �44 FOR THE STANDARD SUBDIVISION F N o M zo OR LIBR SF BRUSH- N -+o �j &WOODS OF KALARGIROS C} C �P BRA O c rC4 0 eit le PROPERTY LOCATED IN Qw� CUTCHOGUE aa.7x 4a.3 y I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK C a ICr: ,44.3 W r z STATE OF NEW YORK Xv I J SURVEY NUMBER: S-1000-095-04-16 \ o A N D�t,`Fop IQ� 44.1 LjOO� SCALE: c saw `�S` Q."ell �� I 1"=40' SURVEY DATE: MAP DATE: `�� •OO, 04/17/2021 12/28/2021 ?u'• - 43�42 a 43.0- - 3.0 x47.7 x VERIZON x 0 71515 1 E 42.5 C NC ® BOX CURB BOX SURVEY NOTES 41.77 / TC;43.62 TC:41.90 TC 42 06 PETER V. BRABAZON, PLS i TC 19 BG 41 49 ELECTRIC,LINE TC:41 40 gC:40.96 BC:41.13�BC:41.42 BC:41.51 g1.1941 40.98 SILVER COLT ROAD A) SURVEY INTENDED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. � BG/I g1.88 g7.04 17 P.O.BOX 483 Qp 1.71 8) SURROUNDING LOT NUMBERS REFER TO MAP OF"OREGON VIEW ESTATES";FILED 04/04N975;MAP N0.8241. �y0 �1.31 41.53 C EAST ISLIP,NY 11730 C) SURROUNDING OWNER NAMES AS PER COUNTY TAX WEBSITE. F1J1.26 OTHER UTILITIES IN THIS ROADWAY NOTMARKED) D) THIS AREA DEDICATED TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD;LIBER 8638 CP 384. oo PVBSURVEY@GMAIL.COM � � / E) SURVEY PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT OR ABSTRACT.USERS OF THIS MAP ARE (631)277-1726 CAUTIONED THAT A FULL SEARCH OF THE RECORD MAY REVEAL ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY. COPYRIGHT®2021 BY PETER V.BRABAZON,PLS ALL RIGHTS F) ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988(NAVD88) ELEVATIONS ESTABLISHED HOLDING THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEYS NETWORK OF CONTINUOUSLY RESERVED.UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO / THIS SURVEY MAP IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS(CORS)AND GEOIDIB. SUB-DIVISION 2,OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW G) UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN WERE DETERMINED BY A FIELD LOCATION OF ASUBSURFACE MARK-OUT WHICH COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND WAS COORDINATED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER.FIELD LOCATION PERFORMED ON 12118/2021.THE UTILITIES 40 0 20 40 80 160 SURVEYOR'S SIGNATURE,AND INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SHOWN MAY NOT COMPRISE ALL UTILITIES ON OR NEAR THE PROPERTY. SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A VALID TRUE COPY. •} - F ATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS D,AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND/OR LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON.CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUESEOUENT OWNERS. 2) SURVEY INTENDED FOR TITLE PURPOSES ONLY.NOT TO BE USED AS THE BASIS OF DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION,PERMITTING,OR ANY OTHER USE. 3) THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY,NOT SHOWN ARE NOT CERTIFIED. 4) THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOT ALWAYS KNOWN g' AND OFTEN MUST BE ESTIMATED.IF ANY UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS EXIST JL� ® S K�iS OE OR ARE SHOWN,THE IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE. 5) PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS WERE NOT PLACED AS A PART OF THIS SURVEY. ��dT�� 6) OFFSETS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO GUIDE CONSTRUCTION OF FENCES OR OTHER STRUCTURES. 7) BUILDING OFFSETS AND DIMENSIONS ARE TO FINISHED EXTERIOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8) STREET WIDENING IF ANY,NOT SHOWN ARE NOT CERTIFIED. j( 1 I SURVEY NOTES A) SURROUNDING LOT NUMBERS REFER TO MAP OF"OREGON VIEW ESTATES";FILED 04Po4/1975;MAP N0.8241 LOT 30 LOT 29 I LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 B) THIS AREA DEDICATED TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD;LIBER 8633 CP 384. I C) SURVEY PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT OR ABSTRACT.USERS OF THIS MAP ARE CAUTIONED THAT A FULL SEARCH OF THE RECORD MAY REVEAL ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN ON THIS H $ 50'30'35' E 1008.19, z SURVEY. � f J MON. MON. MO N HEDGE S.FE. MON. 20'DRAINAGE 1 N t N — — REVISIONS — — — — — — — — — — a 4L, -taw a N - 1) 04127/2021:BEARING SYSTEM CHANGED TO BE IN KEEPING WITH DEED C TREE LINE 0 O RECHARGE W Z ' 'Lf) T- r. 1..�1� BASIN - 00 40'E- TREE LINES S.C.T.M.1000-9"4-16_1 . ' v w �y VACANT fI. 49°38'25" 00:04.2383 ACRES In JAN 2G22 N Qo J —I OIL tu w S.C.T.M.1000-95-04-17.1 Z GARY JG ANNE SAUCE P n t � STK. S.C.T.M. DISTRICT: 1000 -0Gw TREE LINE — — — t — — — — TREE LINE F N SECTION: 95 BLOCK: 04 LOT(S): 16.1 NON:' ,� 4 399.19' 100' NON. Z IR .WI.FE. i 44 ° N 49038'25"W 770.49' ° t4 SURVEY OF PROPERTY IN \ ° o I CUTCHOGUE LOT 33 / LOT 35 LOT 36 ® y LOT 37 LOT 38 LOT 39 Q -SEE SURVEY NOTE B" W TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 25' i 26' I. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK LEGEND. / STATE OF NEW YORK \ i PROPERTY LINE a I LOT(S):DESCRIBED PROPERTY — — LOT LINES / BLOCK:-- STREET LINE 2 MAP OF"--" 1234 LOT NUMBER I FILED--;MAP NO.-- co' UTILITY POLE f ® CATCH BASIN TITLE NUMBER: 7404-0 1 1 055 • STREET SIGN SURVEY NUMBER: ■ FOUND MONUMENT S-1000-095-04-16 a FOUND STAKE SIE VER COI-T R®A n SURVEY DATE: 03/27/2021 SCALE: 1 _100, OHSW OVERHEAD SERVICE WIRE S.FE. STOCKADE FENCE C.L.F- CHAIN LINK FENCE PETER V. BRABAZON, PLS IRR. wI.FE. IRREGULAR WIRE FENCE P.O.BOX 483 EAST ISLIP,NY 11730 CERTIFIED TO: PVBSURVEY@GMAIL.COM (631)277-1726 -IOANNIS KALARGIROS -EVANGELINE SATRAS COPYRIGHT®2021 BY PETER V.BRABAZON,PLS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO -FIDELITY NATIONAL INSURANCE SERVICES LI.C. THIS SURVEY MAP IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, LSUB-DIVISION 2,OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. 100 0 50 100 200 400 COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S SIGNATURE,AND INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A VALID TRUE COPY. I O I ► L TEST HOLES LANE NO./ NO. NO.3 110.4 0.0 0.0 0..0 0.0 TOP$OIL-_ TOP SO/L fOP SOIL 0.0 SOIL to I.0- to w•`, LOAN G SANO d LOAM - J. GRAVEL GRAVEL LOAM 0 O J.0, ----- CLAY GRAVEL 09 O 2 Q -- CL CLAY AY 4.0 ---- C R �9 now or formerly John Mafwieczyk V -_-- LOAN S.D --- OLu£CLAY G.o _ I l !___ G 0 - �� 1754,70' >°S-"-- -- Ili v 151.05' isp- J 50,40' 149.16' �Q SAND SAND SANG SANG "y 20/62. /25.00' /40.58' \ 12/.00' e a I I e e I s S.51°43'as"£. + O GRAVEL GRAVEL GRAVEL I GRAVEL 50.00' /�Jp•i 262.00' O "S 10 +o b „"S� I N � C I - 365,00' I o• p 'n o� �. b I a/ 7" 46 ti ti 23 ac C o/� A 10. o o~'n o o ',t /6 a o 20 L :3� 2/ 42077SO.Fr. o /5 I o �4o1o1 so.Fr. ^ 22 4320/SO.F7. I m �,• /B �, /9 2s 4069/so.Fr. JJJJ -- o ' hWb o v `�� 0 /7 41446 SO.FT. 41374 SOFT 4l0/7 SOFT. r H iZ /4.0 ------J IO.Or------ l0.0 ------ 50/64 SOFT p 71..�E, Nj �. I Q � --•- � (.-� N�Y zDr 4+0� M 40173 SOFT. ,o W 7 '`0&47484OW h 365B4' Q',3 Oi' p b ,.bo oM� q o M � h b V i90.00, L=88.,d/ <,•q h M oU 4 J 7 7 O o 0 ( o $5/°4305'f R:27926C:/ ��? 6 o Q =tC y O9 h C ? tp THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL •O m •'�.ql• y' TESY NOLf N0.2 M <` /4 p o M Q goo <'ss?, h y P 966 L-5382 CONTROL HEREBY APPROVES THE ON•SITE PROPOSED O m e, /o• •S�' V4 L=90.20' O��• b 4y U 50181 SOFT N N5/°43'45'Y! R:2?9.6 <'So �O' y 7//6' S9.B0' /25.00' �r C u SEWERAGE COLLECTION 4 OtSDOSAL SYSTEM G WATER N b Q yp00' L=/06.?s- ?<DSej `° F R=B25!@'L=/44,02' o C 4 SUPPLY SYSTEM,AS REQUIRED SY TY.E SUFFOLK COUNTY _46•g4 55'E; /84.80' p y <,.'� c roe?S,. q.. C:/ L 125.00 S54°2755'E OR/fiE" DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH. / ";ONOO• !)3. B66• 9,gq V9, 6806, /1306' 238,o6'14 O •� ALVA� GATE JAPPROVED 8 / O N4.3°5250"W ^ �' ys9,y. R,-9B L=22/,97' S.54°2755c�OE a/0.01' R=775.1B'L=/35.Z9' N.aa°2T55 365.52' m/ 4t O 3/ 11 4/9' HORSE,5s"W. 104.50' L R69.79' 60.?/' LANE 41247 SO.FT. h OS' L:?47,54' 150.00, L:43.$0'b h U SUFfO1K COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF -•�. , _ taVIR NMENTAL CONTROL � Ni / „ N ty 4:/44,49' /50.00' LOCAT/ON MAP ��pq�s.-, l.,w'i�/1 o /3 ti N9 Rf3� Rt C1IN ! v ` 0, SCALE/ n 600' �<� � �. .� d2' 43825 S0.FT. � b 5.51'� � h IIY � b ♦ Itk IOHN ftYNR:K, C 30°j7, ; qOi?1t 2/ +y M n R.O ?S., p 9.S ' n b N COMMISSIONER b 0 opt 30 h a O ha 49297 SOFT. " 27 24 N 25 40418 SO.Fr. 29 28 40151SO,FT. 40128 SO.Fr. 386, 1 Q `� tb Q 46353 S0.FT 40337 SO.FT 41892 SO.FT. 3 R3 3 THE WAr£R SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL AAC14ITIES FOR LOTS/N EL-0PMI�Tr' P T OS AND REOU/REM£NTS Q. OF THESUffOLKCOUNTYOEPARTIAENT0"REALTH. t�Ot:NEwYOr+,F 14 `O �`J 32 1• A'coSo •W 3 yt OgN w.YO`ry /2 / Q h 43533 so.Fr. Ip rOieS• 11 b p In M h a � �v ' 47/61 SO.Fr. t o PROFESSIONAL EER O LAND SURVEYOR �• o n, o° 0�. C o c h TESTHOt£N0/ M a NYS.L/C£NSE NO.12845 x i J mT ,V3 p ,�b y> 2500• y� y Q h y 1,Si phJJ/ 2 Ooi7, 1 p Ai P; 92T y tt:y L.3 M p b o 12B.00' HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETfL lo'�?•�r AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN '0 ' ' ""•" `� l R / 50 9G +v �� P �0 150.36' /50.36'THUS NfR£ONACTUALLYEX/STANOTHE/RPOS/T/ONSARECORRECTLYSNOWNANDALL01/ 10NALAOOfT/COfTA/LSARECORR£C7 °, - �� +v Rv Q °E; ri3, e Recharge �Wlj F t <,• 2LYJ00'�I0 � yBasinYOUNG 8 YDUNHEAD, 0 S.50 33O5"£ ys .ALDENWYOUNGN. P.E.BL.S.NO./2845 Z1pRO W �.. Nt ,� Soo 9.2 s• 4/309S0.FT. ry HOWARP W.YOUNG N.Y.S.L.S.NO.45893 yf �O 02 td // / ( �" !,t �N O is s, <„ �• b M \\ ct h b^ H 46297 SO FT. Poulin `Mofwieczyk "TN/S/S TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUED/VISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED 8Y THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOU7HOLO BY RESOL U fION OF - p p V h�$I TEST Hot E NO.S `fl $$ APPROVAL DATE (� �.45893 Pork S Recreation Area l ''- _, '� �� h' Pou/ Bertha er au. (3�� ce---9,trf- y�` �� fyJf!EAND SUR�E�OP 9s7s7$o.Fr. y ° l 2S�a�ti /O a Goncorr C /RAAN,PLANNINGBOARD H N.4.9 5/55'W 210.53 NCO / 41592$0.Fr. �� 7 D o V°r /�o "o•v:� o �s \\ 990.49' NOTE: 3 o n o M _ S.49038"25"E. 53.07' /47.87' w IT 245.00' 50.00' 165.74' '69.85, 180.71' THE40rLINESOFSUBOI VISION MAP$ASFILED,CANNOT BE ALrfREOW/THOU rP£RM/SS/ON FROM THE PLANNING 80ARO,AND40TSAWSTBE$040 '� 639.42' O. 9T• E 179.19' AS SHOWN ON THE S41801VISIONMAP• 0 CO Iy 13 ' 840 36' m o, --� N49°51'55"W J°' / qi `t' m ocy $6� ' 7- N.49°51'S5"W obN 1'M1Af FINISHED GRADE 163.95' o?� N l° ONAUTHORIt(e ALTERATION OR ADDITION 0 O M 0 7 I h N 2'MAX. /'MIN TO THIS PLAN AA VIOION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURYIY IS A VIOLATION Or - S W Vti¢t LPerA»R-6 {RP f1iw�A 39 "I o'• I N SAND 8 GRAVEL COLLAR TO THIS PLAN IS A v10UT10N Or SICTION 7209 Or LNl NIW YORE(STATI O � o L cr N r l � � N �3't�S1 } 75� o e O ///^^^ APR tp �` 36 zs' 2s 37 40796 0.FT, 45091SO.FT. 2'MAX. / SltT1eN 720R Or TNt'NIW TOIL(STATE tDIA:ATION LAW. � O M ••h ^/L tDUCATIoN LAW. FfauDpaugo,Now YO b a O� pq 33 "� W 41178 SO.FT. W W b, 1 COPIES Or THIS RUN Nor►IAAMO CONS O/THIS SV¢VEY MAR NOT SIA[INO "t 7 O 41204 S0.FT, 04,' 47746$0.Fr N LHt 9AOI(SSIONAL tNOIH(tR'S 12 TN( S:0 SMVIYOR•S IMM SIAS OR t7tlla Is to cattily that th0 Proposed ansa oments for water ou °i� .1 '� "' .i• ",� � M fMtOSSLD St At SHAtt NOT tt CONSIDERED g pply S/At OR((ALOSStO SUM SHALL NOT TO U A VAUD IRUt COPY. and Etewa t CLAY,HARDPAN ETC. S(CONSID(R10 TO E(A VALID TRUt COY/, go disposal For�RLr�01.� �1EW I` 9 O.V 20 TH IN•DICA"1 2 Who- SNAtI RUN N 40962$0.FT ,41 a 7 ti 9 g j o v 9 900 GAL. ! I Our t0 TN[¢(LsoN lox wnoM LNt w¢V(Y Y T t�L „ b IS PRIPARID,AND ON HIS EMAIL TO TNt wore a sOJ 6�- --witR a total oL03�5 'O ,p' <„'c+ '�t� Vi 5�9 ppro+c on the above dafo.This approval sRati W wkd a'¢,y'in p p m m Q N.44°31'15•iy �' 3jr N .a`YSO SEPTIC TANK I I ant COMPANY.covuS110 NI Ac(LtT ua the ovc•t-s;t d subdivision _.1 t0 TNT INSTITUTION 115T(0 NtR(ON.AAD Within si' plan is duty filed with the Coualy CCrk p(� tv o r� c �o o• 9 3' 300 $0.FT. TO iNl ASS1GNtt5 Or iH[«.01NG INSTI• 1+)months Of this date. bS(� p p N� 150.00' Z 44122 SO.FT. `P �V'� /40.74 /00.00 c 57.20' L=44.99'• ' Consent is h0rob /00.00' tVTgN.GVARANT(tf ARl IAOT IRANSI1RA1l! Y given Of 1e filing O the map i n whfsA n;( v .�,' ci c a 8g,5A' S.49°3825'E 240.74' R://3/.4/ n��55,E S/DE WALL AREA _ To ADDITtOHA%th$MVaONi OR SVSSLOU1.7 enders I:on appears the bl-,H Ot th0 County CtoTk in aew(dan.•! /� T /T LEACH/NC POOL oWN(¢s. witR SectEOn ittg of tRe Pubtfc X03 Ww Section 2(Y.Ara�X $ L 13849 t.OL/ SA NO B GRAVEL (VI)of ,u.0.- C/ggUUnty Sanitary CodQ N 45°39 55"W K: A'1081.41, D O /8T.35' Q „a y '', 9 A 56 L- 9.07' N.49°3B25"W. 265.74' Ls9767' N44°27' b 3 155.00' 110,74' 2'M/N 0 p b m _ ag• 6 /00.00' 9 0 L=7.07' 4-54,67' Lr43.00' Q GROUND WATER _ L l� b 34 l' R' R'2 9 5T2 0 001. $ - - ICI®. ` C- t � � e '( 40253 SO.FT. �• 10 'E' TYPICAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - ' N r' o t30 . 6 •`4 ._ f/N/SHED GRADE AM Ne. Lr�" >✓l i \, G to B O bo y00 5e�9� rg05 N ti ,o h o Q _ .� ti 40149SO.Fr. O O �1 2 g2 tt• t°i• 2 N / ¢ C _ a; h v A, otf 4 3 WELL V �`- ` K V 8500' E,j3g• ZOS 40020 Sq.fT. of 40/48$0.FT. 40/43 S0.FT. 40568 SOFT,e O 5' 42 GAL. /�/J /J C 547°5325 E R=22/.22 Al 5 2 W MIN. STORAGE TANK /V/ /"i OF p S �- 1T0 N.47_05325"W. n47°53 5' R=271•22 L�Lsg�gS p o�o�;, 9 85.00' L=72.46 ,Q 198.40 <��,flaoo, ro E5ty0�6 � Z g = ? h VIEW ES TA TES � b '' �- S /27.04' 162./4' l I52.64' /58./6' � / /7' �/ /�'/ , o 0 N.47°53 25"w. $00.00' 1 ' 4,*/PE < CV / C/ /OGUE p a 7 z3'O n�� 6 v- 5 Y ^ ^ b h 44834$0.Fr 48139$0.FT. h YS' ni _ I 40228so.FT. rO t : iCUSE GROUND v/ATER APR r I I� TOWN OF SOU 1H0!D 1 o M Thomas MCGUnnig/e bD 1. -'-sot, SUFF, CO., A Y, /0'MIN SEPT/C TANK SU8MERS184E PUMP ,,��', - i 2/QOO' 50.00' 241.70' ' 5 GPM. O ••.....• .V^'. / N.47°53.25"W B'MIN. 7 SCALE / - /00 -- 666.00' - -- GEACH/NC POOL -" -- -• -• 5' MIN. OWNER: TOTAL AREA =46.983 ACRES NOTE NOTE. STREET OR/VEWAYSTOANDFROMLOTS/,39,24823 25X100'PARCELSAT "D£ADENDSTREETS"RESERvEDFOR CrO 6, PA(RE ARETOBELOCATED/NTHENORTHWESTERLY POSS/BCE FUTURE HIGHWAY DEDICATION. R.D84A,41 REALTY HALFOFSAIOLOTS. R.D./, 80X 55/ TYPICAL PLOT PLAN TYP/CAL WELL DETAIL R/VERHEAb,N.Y. 11901 REVISED LQN.6,1975 j Jp N 2 0 2022 I-ICli is lit lI `�'1C/`,I ------------- M..sc.is,sy s �La� t " ® w p �� NI �I M..5a9t � .00°0L4 o 0 _..---— I N t ou o rv) m t^! a�NN n4 � w Y � .00L fLI v �`✓ / „' �yt (OVOM SV 35(!Nl MO N3dOlON) Ln co � 29"y�43 � 212.11) a N O! 'R �! n N 9C Gi I, N ?p, .�_ LN3fy38y3 ' �I 94 I n i w 3..90.99o0b N ,R �`1 z H.zz. Li U4 i3l A LU i ° ° mow c O ►Oi C m n '�'� co LL ozzm � J to►Zi W OJ K a a q �+ u oyw� „ F � U O G O W O C C w o w ro N-7 I W Q $LL m W Y LL 6 l7 P �oon�6W to V Oa= LL 7aU0� c.' oO .. Oa�jh < boo ° G � } �W$J € ��� N W 6 h 3=W W f°S W p s r.aL yoazn?w «p o C �LLN�m F of 6 O(_,� O U Z �' m" 5P °-oz Ul .. o _ N�w w ° x W og�3 � O D S w W ® o��i 'a,5%u > °� 5 6 o "mow W W 'W W o��N�= 2 fil <m m6n° RECEIVED u TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD ' Ci-t6 ba Town p Performance Security (Bond) Estimate (Draft) Planning Board This schedule is an itemized account of the estimated cost for the roadway improvements that are depicted on the Road and Drainage Plans prepared by Emanuel E. Necula, Consulting Engineers P.C. last dated April 03, 2023 and required to be constructed pursuant to the regulations of the Subdivision Plat as approved by the Planning Board. This estimate is prepared for adoption by the Southold Planning Board.The completed endorsement and resolution shall become the basis for the applicant's action in obtaining a performance security. Kalar iros 3734 07/31/24 Name of Subdivision - Section No. Raynor Group Project No. Date ESTIMATED COST OF ROAD/DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES UNIT PRICE ESTIMATED COST 1. Clearing &Grubbing 0.3 Acres $10,000.00 /Acre $3,200.00 2. Road Excavation, Final Grading & 650 C.Y $15.00 /C.Y. $9,750.00 Subgrade Construction including Soil Material Handling and Mixing 3. Roadway Pavement 940 S.Y. $45.00 /S.Y. $42,300.00 4. Curbing: (All Types) 555 L.F. $30.00 /L.F. $16,650.00 Removal: Existing Curbing 55 L.F. $2.50 / L.F. $137.50 5. Drainage Pipe: (All Types) - Unit Price includes Materials, Excavation &Installation 12-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $20.00 /L.F. $0.00 15-inch Diameter 200 L.F $25.00 / L.F. $5,000.00 18-inch Diameter 0 L.F $30.00 /L.F. $0.00 24-inch Diameter 0 L.F, $35.00 /L.F. $0.00 30-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $45.00 /L.F. $0.00 36-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $50.00 /L.F. $0.00 6. Drainage Structures: Unit Prices Include Materials, Excavation, Frames, Castings &Installation a) Manholes (all types) 0 V.F. $500.00 /V.F. $0.00 b) Catch Basins (Single Inlet) 8 V.F. $625.00 /V.F. $5,000.00 c) Catch Basins(Double Inlet) 0 V.F. $1,250.00 /V.F. $0.00 d) Leaching Basins (10-feet Dia) 0 V.F. $600.00 /V.F. $0.00 e) Leaching Basins (8-feet Dia) 48 V.F. $500.00 /V.F. $24,000.00 f) Concrete Head Walls 0 C.Y. $1,000.00 /C.Y. $0.00 g) Special Structures- Stone 0 C.Y. $100.00 /C.Y. $0.00 Collection Trenches &French Drain Performance Security(Bond) Estimate 07/31/24 Kalargiros Page 2 of 2 ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES UNIT PRICE ESTIMATED COST 7. Recharge Basin/Overflow Area 0 C.Y $15.00 /C.Y. $0.00 includes Excavation. Filling, Berm Construction &Final Grading 8. Recharge Basin Chain Link Fencing 0 L.F. $75.00 /L.F. $0.00 including Gate and Curbing 9. Open Space Post&Rail Fencing 0 L.F. $14.50 /L.F. $0.00 (4-foot high,Top&Middle Rails) 10. Landscaping/Screen Plantings a) Island Area 0 Each $100.00 /Each $0.00 b) Recharge Basin 0 Each $100.00 /Each $0.00 11. Street Trees: (Spaced 60' apart) 0 Each $500.00 /Each $0.00 12. Topsoil &Seeding includes 6-inches of Topsoil&Seeding a) Roadway Shoulder+ Island Area 360 S.Y. $9.50 /S.Y. $3,420.00 b) Recharge Basin Area 0 S.Y. $9.50 /S.Y. $0.00 13. Traffic Signs includes 1 Each $250.00 /Each $250.00 Materials&Installation 14. Street Lights as specified in the 1 Each $2,500.00 / Each $2,500.00 Town Zoning Code Requirements 15. Concrete Monuments Per Final Plat (Property Corners&Roadways) 10 Each $500.00 /Each $5,000.00 16. Erosion and Sediment Controls 1.00 L.S. $4,000.00 /L.S. $4,000.00 (Silt Fence, Construction Entrance) 17. As-Built Survey and Test Cores 1 L.S. $2,000.00 /NEC $2,000.00 Total Estimated Cost of Public Improvements $123,207.50 USE: $124,000.00 000 fi p, &L.S. PLLC ALEDM4TYB RAM Project: Type: Prepared y: Date: Driver Info l...ED info Type Constant Current Watts 150W 120V 1.2SA Color 3000K(Warm) 208V 0.73A Te=r7Ip c alur:Black Wrelgh¢a 1 r1.'5 Ilos 240V 0.63A Color 82 CRI Accuracy 277Vc.1.5sA L70 100,000 Hour,,Input Watts 148 2/91.5/75.8W Life, l:yan p._4P rtt'6EL'V rr 19,267/12,666/10.628 Q rr'r Efficacy 130/138.4/140,21m/W Technical Specifications Field Adjusta ility Dt.0 Listed: Electrical Field Adjustable(Wattage): 1 his product is listed by Design Lights Consortium Driver: Field adjustable light output in 3 discrete steps: (DLQ as an ultra-efficient prerniurn product.that 78W:Constant Current,Glass 2,120 277V,50/60 Hz, Medium Housing:1 SOW/90WV/78W(factory default qualifies for the highest t:ie*r of rebates from DLC 120V:0.65A.208V:0.38A,240V:0.33A,277V.029A 1 SOW) Member Utilities.Designed to rneet DLC:5.1 r(quirem.ent' 90W:Constant:Current:,Class 2,120 277V,50/60 Hz, Compliance DL.0 Product Code:S-G9111 UZ 120V:0.75A,208V:0.44A,240V:0.38fA,277V 0,3:3A UL Listed: UJPEA: Suitable`or wEat locationsI SON1:C:::On>tarat Current,fVcrri Non-Class 2,120 277V, This product has received the Design Lights 50/60 I Iz,12OV:1.25A,208V:0.73A,240V:0.63A, Consortium's LUNA listing for 3000K Models, 277V:0,55A IP Rating: Designed to rnee't.UJNA 5.1 requirements. Ingress protection rating of IP66 for dust and water LUNA Product Code:S G911 11 UZ D'urnrrrirtg Driver: IIESNALM-7°g&LM-90Testing: Driver includes dirnming control wiring for 01OV i..arr7irraires area LED ccarraponerats have been F3At3 LEDl...ED Characterlstics dirnming systems.Requires separate 0 1 OV DC:: l tested by an independent laboratory in accordance Long difuming ciu.uf.. Dirrr�•,down to 10f71/b. with IESNA LM-79 and LM 80, Long life, high efficac7,discrete,starface mount LEDs I ND: Dark Sky Conformance: 4::olrsr Consistency: 3,83%at 120V,8.46%at 277V Dark.Sky Aiaprcrved In 3000K00K Conforms to(allows for corcforroance tea)the(CIA's fully shielding7 7-step MacAdarr7 Ellipse binning Co ac:(rleve Power Factor requirement,.ernitting no light above 90 degrees consistent fixt�.ire to s fiuture color 3�J,9°lo at 1'1oV,95 7r/n at'277 (with the exclusion of incidental light feflecting From! f rzlr:air StalLalili�t. t Surge Protection: fixture housing,mounts,and bole)- � l-ED rcoior terrcrpeiiaO.irer is wuarrantied II shrift no nnore Line to Line:1 OkV Llgl'rot Usage for Night Applications: than 200K n cry or tempeir+.atrure caves as'v year period Line to C::;round:6kV T"nis product has received the Design Lights onsortiurn's LUNA lusting fc:r 3000K Models. Cdor UniforrnGt'.ye Perf r'r'narice t:)fvsigned tr..>meet LUNA 5.1 requirements- HAFS's range:.*(if C'orrelatc ci i olor-Ternp-rature follows L1fesp<am LQ..1NA Product Code:S G9HI UZ the guidelines of the American National Standard for 100,000 Hour LED krespan based on IES I.M-80 (SSL)Products,ANSI C"78.377-2017. results and I M-21 calculations Need'iWp r l ech h'tealra hone:1,888)"722-'1000 zrr?il ~sralles@rarbllightfinq.com WebsIte�wttiarrww,raybiiieglh iiing.c on) Cop:ry6giit 2024 RA3 Lighting All i3iIghN Rc ery ed Noire:Specifications.are subject to ch ange r:rt any r:irrre7 withiocat notice Pace 1 of 3 ALEDM4TYB RAM Technical Specifications(continued) Wattage Equil Optical Equivalent to 40OW Metal Halide BUG Rating: 15OW:32 UO G4 Constil 9OW:t 1 (JO G3 lES Classfficatioin: 78W:131 W G3 the type IV distrI1.Nution is especially suited for mounting on thesides of buildings and walls,and Other for Muirninatling ffie i of parking an.,,as,It Warrall produces a sennicirculaii distrlbutk3n with essentially RAB vvarraints'that cur I ED products will be free l tl candlepowei at..lateral angles frorn 90'to defects In rnaterials and workmanship for Fj period of 27011, ten(I D)years frorn the date of delivery to die prci user,linciuding coverage,of light output,color Cold Weather start stability,driver performance and Fixture finish.RAB's I he minirnuin starting temperature is-40T 401F) wai Yanty is subjerfttu all tenns and conditJons found at rvitlkk, Ambient Temperature: Max Power Teimp Rating!40T(104'l Buy American Art Comr.ihanm Middle Power Ileruzpa Rating:52T(I 25T) RAB values IJSA rnanufarnuringl Upon reque.st,RAB Low Power"Ierne Rating:54'C(I 30'F) may be able to manufacture this,i to be couni it with the Buy Arnerican Act(BAA).Please Housing: contact custorner service to reclue5t a quote for ti oe Die r-Astalurnfinufn product to bey made.BAA corr1i Mounting- (.1niversal MCHArqing arirn compatiLfle for hole spacing patterins frorn I'to 5 1/2"center to center.Bound Pole Adaptor plate included as as standard,Easy slide and lock to mount fixture with ease. Lens: Polycarlinninpite,Ilen-, N-Aector. Aluminum reflectmr wIth vvhlte Doiycarbonate Vibration Rating. 3G vibration rating per ANSI C136 31 Effective Projected Area. I Fixture 0.37 2 F xtures at 90'�059 2 Flxtures at 1807 014 3 Fixtures at 90':O 96 4 Fixtures at 90 096 Giaske.m High tPruilpeiature silicone gaskets HnNh� Forn".jW.ed faf high dUralbiky and song aslinq(-DID( Green Tedihnokqy Mercury,and UV free,Rok 6 ciouril COMIDOI)eni Need help?Tech help hine�:(888)722-1000..:Trafl:sales@rablighting.corn Webs4e:www,rablilghting.com C(.)pyr ghtt',2024RABL➢ghCirag Ail fUgfitsReserved Note:Specifications are sut.aJiect Lo change at any ZIrne without notice. Page 7 of 3 ALEDM4TYB PUMB Dimenslans Features 0-4 OV dlrnrnabIL standard IP66 Rated 100,000 Hour LED lifespan I O-Year,No-Com liana gruse Wanacity Ordering Matrix Family Housing Size Distribution Mounting ColorTemp Finish Voltage Options ALED M 4T Y B M=MertiA.am(t50W/90W/78Wu 2T=Type Il Blank:=Universal Bllank=5000K Blank= Wank=120 277V, Mank=No Opflon L=Large(260,W/22OW/I 10Wi 3'T=Type III Pole Mount Cool Bronze 0--1 OV Dlrnrn"iq 17PR=7 Pin TwIstlack XIL=Extra Lvge 4T=Type IV SF=Slipfitter Y=3000K W=White /480=480V,0 1 OV Receptacle: (385W/345W/30OW) 5T=type V WM=Wall Mount Warm' B=Black Dnnaflng /WS2=WaRotoppel, S=SirncO(810W/60W/40W AT:=Auto Dealership N=4000K 20ft len5 Optic Neutral IWS4=Wattstopp&, 40ftlens' Oark.sky appmvedtn 300K,avadabh-,only on Small,inn Medium fitiwtun.�!s 4804VdVdilable onl,yorr Medium,Larqe&Extra Lriq)eflxhjrra5 Wattstop�)er optio"ovaildble only 0n&.rge&Extnj Large Rxtures Need help?lech h6p kne:(888)72 2-1 000 Ernaik sa0es@ralbUqhtingxom Wk)sute wv�rw.rab igliting,coiin Copyright T,2024 RAB Llghting AP Rlght! Reseiwed Noke�Spedficadons are subyect w change at any dime wa thout icAR-"e Page 3 of 3 FICE OFTown Hall Annex MAILING ADDRESS: P P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �' �"� �' ;� Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) � � Southold, NY r, Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 10, 2024 loannis Kalargiros 834 Hunt Lane Manhansset, NY 11030 Re: Conditional Final Plat Approval Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Route 48, Southold SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Dear Mr. Kalargiros, The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, September 9, 2024: WHEREAS, this standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23-acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.09 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district; and WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board approved the map entitled "Proposed Preliminary Plat Kalargiros Standard Subdivision", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated May 24, 2022 and last revised June 15, 2022; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 2024, the Southold Planning Board found the Final Application complete; and WHEREAS, the Southold Police Department approved the road name "Dionysus Court"; and Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Page 12 September 10, 2024 WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has found that this proposed action is Consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, granted a Negative Declaration for the action, and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2024, the applicant's agent submitted a draft Performance Security (Bond) Estimate dated June 10, 2024, and cut sheets for the proposed light fixture that meets dark sky regulations; and WHEREAS, on August 6, 2024 the Southold Town Engineer approved the Kalargiros Road Development Plan last revised July 31, 2024 and Final Road and Drainage Plan last revised May 18, 2022; and WHEREAS, on August 6, 2024 the Town Engineer provided a bond estimate in the amount of$141,925.00 and with a 6% administrative fee in the amount of$8,515.50; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 2024, at their work session, the Planning Board found, pursuant to §240-24, that the Final Plat is in substantial agreement with the Preliminary Plat, making this application eligible for a waiver of the Final Plat public hearing, and that the Final Plat application is in substantial compliance with the requirements of§240 Subdivision of land of the Town Code; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby waives the Final Plat Public Hearing as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board accepts the Performance Security (Bond) Estimate in the amount of$141,925.00 dated August 5, 2024 and 6% administrative fee of$8,515.50 calculated by the Southold Town Engineer and recommends the same to the Southold Town Board; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Conditional Final Plat Approval upon the maps entitled "Final Plat Subdivision Map of Kalargiros", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated October 19, 2023, and last revised June 6, 2024; "Final Road and Drainage Plan Kalargiros Standard Subdivision prepared by Necula Emanuel Elefterie, P. E. dated May 18, 2022, and last revised May 24, 2022 and "Kalargiros Road Development Plan, Alignment + Road Profile, (C-1)" prepared by Kalar iros Standard Subdivision P a q o 13 September 10, 2024 Vincent Gaudiello, Raynor Group P.E. & L.S., PLLC, dated June 11, 20211/2024 and last revised July 31, 2024, subject to the following conditions; 1. Please amend the Final Road and Drainage Plan as follows: a. Replace the street light with reflectors marking the median and road end transition to driveways. 2. Performance and Maintenance Bonds for Dionysus Court: a. Submit the required performance guarantee after the Planning Board and the Town Board have approved the Performance Security Bond Estimate dated June 10, 2024. i. Acceptable securities shall include, an unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit from a bank or deposit of funds in a savings passbook or a certificate of deposit (CD) issued by a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in the State of New York and maintaining an office for the transaction of its business in the Town of Southold. ii. After construction~ of the public improvements covered by the performance bond and prior to the release of the bond, the developer shall prepare a set of the approved drainage plans and street profiles amended to indicate as-constructed information. The developer then may apply to the Town Engineering Office and/or Superintendent of Highways for a final inspection of the work. When the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineering Office and/or Superintendent of Highways, they shall recommend to the Planning Board that the performance bond be released. 3. Submit the 6 percent performance bond fee in the amount of$8,515.50 pursuant to §240-37. Administration of the Southold Town Code. 4. Submit the required Park and Playground Fee pursuant to §240-53 G. of the Southold Town Code in the amount of$7,000.00. 5. Submit a Suffolk County Water Authority Letter of Water Availability. 6. Install property monuments pursuant to Town Code § 240-41 Mapping of completed improvements; monuments. Section C. Monuments. Kalar iros Standard Subdivision Page 14 September 10, 2024 7. Submit proof of filing for recording the covenants and restrictions with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk, after the final draft of the covenants has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. 8. Submit 12 paper copies and 4 mylars of the Final Plat with the approval stamp of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The next step to continue toward Final Plat Approval is to meet all conditions stated above. Conditional Final Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board, such extension not to exceed a total of 180 days. In the event that the applicant shall fail to fulfill the conditions of the Conditional Final Plat Approval prior to the expiration date, the documents required by this section shall be re-submitted and a second Final Plat Fee shall be paid before a Final Plat Approval shall be accepted or processed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, /L"O' ?-- James H. Rich III Chairman From: Terry, Mark Sent: Wednesday, December 4` 2O2412:23PK4 To: VVesternnann' Caitlin Subject: FVV: 1836S County Route 48' Southold ' S[TK4#1O0U-9S'4-16.1 Please file. / From:Collins, Michael<michaeicoUins@toxvn.southm|d.ny.us» �uucnm+o /oe Sent:Wednesday, December4, 2024 10:43 AML_ ' '~nnii'ig Board Tm: 'MarkVVi|kmw, ES[L'<mnxvi|kovv6Dxvi|koxv|axv.corn» Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.|anza@toxvn.southo|d.ny.us>;Tarry, K8ark<nmark.1erry@Dtovxn.sou1ho|d.ny.us>; Goodwin, Dan<danQ@southo|dtownny.Qov» Subject: RE: 1036S County Route 4O, Southold SCTW1#1000-95-4'16.1 Mark: That is a question for Planning which is cc'd on both your e-mail and this response. Michael Collins, P.E' Town Engineer Town mfSouthold (631) 765-1560 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. Fnmnn: MarkVVi|koxv, ES[i.� � Sent:Tuesday, December 3, 2O2412:31PM To: Collins, Michael « � Cc: Lanza, Heather< >;Tern& K4ark< >; Goodvvin, Dan� Subject: [5PAK4] ' RE: 1O36S County Route 48,Southold SCTM#1000-95-4'16.1 Mr. Collins, Thank you for your responses to my inquiries on behalf mfrnyclient. My client has some decisions to make and vvmu|d like to know hmvv he goes about getting an extension on the attached Conditional Final Plat Approval. |t appears that he has six (G) months from Septemnber9, 3024 (until March 8, 2025)to meet the Conditions therein to obtain m Final Plat Approval, but it then references a 1 From: Terry, Mark Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 8:13 AM To: Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW: 18365 County Route 48, Southold - SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 From: Collins, Michael<michael.collins@town.southold.ny.us> Sent:Tuesday, November 26, 2024 8:08 AM To: 'Mark Wilkow, ESQ.' <mwilkow@wilkowlaw.com> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>;Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us>; Goodwin, Dan <dang@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: RE: 18365 County Route 48, Southold -SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Mark: The Town owns the Right of Way(ROW) but there is no public interest in developing this into a road to access your client's property. If your client had sought to build a single home on the property,the driveway access would have to be over the public ROW. In this instance the Town may own the ROW but cannot spend public funds to provide driveway access to a private home. In the case of your client's subdivision the reasoning is even more stark. The only reason your client is proposing to build the road is to serve a new two lot subdivision where all of the benefit accrues to the developer. The Town is not permitted to spend public funds in support of this private land development activity. Michael Collins, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Southold (631) 765-1560 tt : fvvvv.sattic>ldowa . rfiac aac.::i95, CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. From: Mark Wilkow, ESQ. Sent: Monday, November 25,2024 1:57 PM To: Collins, Michael<s,iwu aeLc(a11 n, 6)tov south��I�.d.,n L�5> Cc: Lanza, Heather<€ttl i..e ar '!�rz > t . w Terry, Mar <k;.. _ri a st) r a >; Goodwin, . _� Dan Subject: [SPAM] - RE: 18365 County Route 48, Southold -SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Dear Mr. Collins, Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. i We understand your answer to the first portion of my inquiry, but are a little unclear with regard to the second. The road work in question is being done on 'public' land, not solely on my client's property. We understand that all road construction within the new subdivision will be the sole responsibility of the developer, but what about that portion which is on public land? My client insists to me that when he began this project he was assured that a portion of the public land road work would be paid for by the Town. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Mark H. Wilkow, Esq. The Law Offices of Mark H. Wilkow One Old Country Road,Suite 347 Carle Place, New York 11514 516-876-0720; Fax: 516-876-0768 This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Although this transmission and any attachments are believed to be free of any viruses or any other defects that may affect any computer system into which it is received and/or opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure same and no responsibility is accepted by The Law Offices of Mark H. Wilkow for any loss or damage arising in any way from it's use. If you have received this Email in error please contact me at MWilkow@WilkowLaw.com or 516-876-0720. The Law Offices of Mark H. Wilkow does NOT accept service of papers in litigation matters by electronic transmission, including but not limited to Facsimile and/or Email. From: Collins, Michael <ii Mace i. Ali s2to r +�� vw thor cl_o w. .L > Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 8:28 AM To: Mark Wilkow, ESQ. <mM w ^,v NPk-whtIaw orn> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heatherJa aza w r>;Terry, Mark Goodwin, Dan < alLg � w a w � nw a ., > ,. _...._..- ....__w...__.� - Subject: RE: 18365 County Route 48, Southold -SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Mark: ? The quotes received from private contractors to do the work directly for the developer are lower than the costs the Town would face if the developer defaulted and the Town had to complete the work. The Town is required by NYS to pay prevailing wages on projects which can significantly increase (double or more in cases) the cost of construction. 2 ? The Town does not pay for or perform work on private subdivisions (except in the case of a default as noted above). The road construction for this new subdivision is the sole responsibility of the developer. Please note that the Town, at a significant cost, recently rebuilt significant portions of the roads off which the proposed subdivision road will take access. Michael Collins, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Southold (631) 765-1560 http://"`www.southoldtownny.gov/index.as,px?nid=:195 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. From: Mark Wilkow, ESQ. <mw¢i a(r wHk� Waw c���rn> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2024 5:03 PM To: Collins, Michael <a°n° ha:e . (.'fll Subject: 18365 County Route 48, Southold - SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Dear Mr. Collins, I am writing to you with regard to the above referenced matter. My office is the attorney for loannis Kalargiros. My client received the attached Conditional Final Plan Approval on this matter. We have two (2) issues with regard to this approval: - Your office has determined that the Bond Estimate should be in the sum of$141,925.00. My client has received two (2) bids for the work to be performed and they are for$90,625.00 and $74,890.00; substantially less than $142,925.00. In fact,the vendor with the $90,625.00 bid has advised my client that he would reduce same to approximately$81,000.00. - When my client originally submitted the proposed subdivision of this property and the road work issue was raised he was advised that the Town would be contributing the cost of this roadwork. This document appears to indicate that he would be required to pay all costs related to same. Please review this matter and let me know when we can speak. My client is anxious to finally begin work on this project after many years. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Mark H. Wilkow, Esq. 3 The Law Offices of Mark H. Wilkow One Old Country Road,Suite 347 Carle Place, New York 11514 516-876-0720; Fax:516-876-0768 This transmission may contain information that is privileged,confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Although this transmission and any attachments are believed to be free of any viruses or any other defects that may affect any computer system into which it is received and/or opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure same and no responsibility is accepted by The Law Offices of Mark H. Wilkow for any loss or damage arising in any way from it's use. If you have received this Email in error please contact me at MWilkow@WilkowLaw.com or 516-876-0720. The Law Offices of Mark H. Wilkow does NOT accept service of papers in litigation matters by electronic transmission, including but not limited to Facsimile and/or Email. ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 4 ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR. MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD AY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 Fax (631) 765 9015 'l i i.@J r `elD ...�.��.�e(,�.�GP�N 1 " OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD d BOND ESTIMATE KALARGIROS STANDARD SUBDIVISION 0 t 6 "'i`Owi1 Cutchogue,New York,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Board W .. mm SCTM#1000-095.-04-16.1 DATE August 5, 2024 ITEM QUANTITY UNITS DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 570 L.F. Erosion &Sediment Controls $5.00 $2,850.00 2 L.S. Stabilized Construction Entrance L.S. $1,000.00 3 0.3 ACRES Clearing& Grubbing $10,000.00 $3,000.00 4 55 L.F. Saw Cut Existing Pavement $6.00 $330.00 5 55 L.F. Remove Existing Curbing $5.00 $275.00 6 650 C.Y. Road Excavation and Grading $15.00 $9,750.00 7 555 L.F. Concrete Curbing $30.00 $16,650.00 8 2 EACH 4' Long x 4' Wide x 4' Deep Catch Basin $6,000.00 $12,000.00 9 6 EACH 8' Diameter x 8' Deep Leaching Basin $5,000.00 $30,000.00 10 100 L.F. 15" Diameter HDPE Pipe $46.00 $4,600.00 11 210 C.Y. RCA Base (8"Thick) $30.00 $6,300.00 12 132 TONS Asphalt Binder Course (2 1/2"Thick) $135.00 $17,820.00 13 79 TONS Asphalt Wearing Course(1 1/2"Thick) $150.00 $11,850.00 14 11 EACH Concrete Survey Monuments $300.00 $3,300.00 15 L.S. As-Built Survey L.S. $3,000.00 16 900 S.Y. Topsoil &Seed $18.00 $16,200.00 17 2 EACH Street Signs $250.00 $500.00 18 1 EACH Street Light $2,500.00 $2,500.00 BOND ESTIMATE TOTAL= $141,925.00 6%ADMINISTRATIVE FEE= $8,515.50 SCOTT A. RUSSELL MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR - TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 + Fax (631) 765 9015 " OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mark Terry August 5, 2024 Assistant Town Planning Director S"bf Southold Town Planning Department F1d ����r 54375 Main Road � �� -������- REC Southold, New York 11971 _........._..... ..1 u � N Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision AUG 0 6 202 rr SCTM #: 1000 —095. — 04 — 16.1 9 u- 6hd"I'm n Planning Board Dear Mr. Terry: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Kalargiros Road Development Plan prepared by Vincent Gaudiello, P.E., dated June 11, 2024, last revised July 31, 2024 and the Final Road & Drainage Plan Kalargiros Standard Subdivision prepared by Necula Emanuel Elefterie, P.E., dated May 18, 2022, last revised on May 24, 2022. Based upon my review of these two drawings, the road and drainage plans for the Kalargiros Standard Subdivision meet the requirements of Chapter 161: Highway Specifications and Chapter 236: Stormwater Management of the Southold Town Code. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, lKouk� Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer cc: Daniel J. Goodwin, Superintendent of Highways RECEIVED I. � oufcabc�'`�ovvn.�_ 010 TRANSMITTAL �� Planning Board 9s - y - 16. I To: Mark Terry Date: July 31,2024 Assistant Town Planning Director Southold Town Hall Annex Sent via: Hand Deliver 54375 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Job: Kalargiros Subdivision Southold, NY 11971-0959 Job No.: 3734 Message Attached please find the following: • Revised Alignment + Road Profile dated July 32, 2024 (5 prints) • Revised Performance Bond Estimate (5 copies). The Alignment + Road Profile Plan has been revised to address the comments in the Town Engineer's memo dated July 30, 2024. The Performance Security Estimates been revised to reflect to cost of the five additional monuments that were requested along the edge of the right-of-way of Dionysus Court. If you have any questions or need anything else, let me know. le Signed: ....w._.:_ ::.................................................. Je.�sepl7 Lombardi The Raynor Groups, P.E. & L.S., PI LL Deerfield Green P.O. Box 720 860 Montauk Highway Water Mill, New York 11976 Phone: (631) 726-7600 Fax: (631) 726-4378 SCOTT A. RUSSELL MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD � fry TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 Fax (631)-765—9015 �pwYX OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mark Terry July 30, 2024 Assistant Town Planning Director S. b'P Southold Town Planning Department !l� " 54375 Main Road RECEIVED Southold, New York 11971 I ""_.I Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision JUL 13 SCTM #: 1000—095. — 04 — 16.1 Planning Board Dear Mr. Terry: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Kalargiros Road Development Plan prepared by Vincent Gaudiello, P.E., dated June 11, 2024. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address all of the following: 1. The proposed road grade of 4.5% where Dionysus Court meets Silver Colt Road must be reduced to a grade of no more than 2.5%. 2. Provide monuments on both sides of the Dionysus Court right-of-way. 3. Revise the previously reviewed Final Road & Drainage Plan Kalargiros Standard Subdivision prepared by Necula Emanuel Elefterie, P.E., dated May 18, 2022, last revised on May 24, 2022, as necessary to reflect the revisions noted above. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, oaq 44. Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer cc: Daniel J. Goodwin, Superintendent of Highways OFFICE LOCATION• MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ;;, Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �� Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtow-xmy.gov COUN-N "z;- Xa PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer r From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Date: July 25, 2024 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: X Road Profiles (Dated: 6/11/24 Final Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) BOND_Other (Dated: Site Plan (Dated: ) Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) X Other (CUT SHEET) (Dated: ) Pro`ect. Description,: This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District Thank you for your cooperation. Southold Town Planning Board Work Session - July 22 2024 - Page 2 . g Standard Subdivision SCTM# 1000 95 4 16 1 Pro ect Name Kala iros Stan _ ► Location 18365 CR 48 Cutchogue Description. This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District. _...... .. ...__... _- ._www.. - ...,... .. _. Status Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Action Review for Final Plat Completeness Attachments: _Staff Report ....,. .... .......,,,,, .,, ....................................... ........�.,...�............... ,.. „.... ..............., ,...,....... .. ,,, A Project Name � . _.._. Location .._�,..-.._.... w ... ...�..�..._..-................_.�.., �.-� Evans Standard Subdivision SCTM# 1000-107 3 2 _..m... 1050 Greton Court, Mattituck Description: This proposal is for the standard subdivision of a 5.68-acre parcel into 2 lots, where Lot 1 is 1.5 acres, and Lot 2 is 4.18 acres in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: PendMin _.n._ Action Review for Conditional Sketch Plat Determination _�. -S. -..w_.-or _-_ .. ------------------------ Attachments. .. _ �� Staff Report . _.... ... .ry ........... _. Location; _.... ( Universalist Church SCTM# 1000-63 6 6 1 Pro ect Name: First ...m . .„vwvw�.... ...w.._-._.._ ... .........-...._ .... .. _._ 51970 Route 25,Southold Description: This proposed Site Plan is for the construction of a one story 3,950 sq. ft. place of worship and 34 parking stalls. There is an existing parish house and single-family dwelling to remain, all on 1.2 acres in the Residential Office (RO) Zoning District. _ Status, _._ . Ao roved Action: Review for CO _.._ _ ........ , Attachments �w Staff Report ' Pro ectName: Cardinale Stora a Warehouses m SCT 122 3 1 9 � 1 9� M# 1000- Location: 11950 Main Road,This site Mattituck � Description: la ..._._... _.__.W._. . ...._.... . ._......�... ... _� _. __... p n is for the proposed construction of two 2-story commercial warehouse buildings (Building 1 totals 8,640 s q. ft., and Building 2 totals 11,040 sq. ft.) with related parking area on a t1.78-acre parcel in the B Zoning District. _.... . .._. _t. Status New Application Action: Review for Completeness _ Attachments Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date July 22, 2024 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Map Prepared By: Peter V. Brabazon Date of Map: March 3, 2021 Applicant: loannis Kalargiros Date of Submission: April 12, 2021 Tax Map Number: 1000-95-4-16.1 Project Location: 18365 County Route 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: Agricultural Conservation (AC) II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: Total acres = 4.16 acres Total Buildable Lands = 4.16 acres Yield 2 residential. # of Lots Proposed: 2 III. Status On January 10, 2023, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval IV. Action to review Final Plat Application Completeness Conditional Final Plat Approval V. Analysis -._ _..... ... ..............w ...... ------ A. FINAL PLAT COMPLETENESS ...�..�..�..._...� �...� REQUIRED ..,_.�.�.....�...._._� ............�.�.._._�..._.. ..�..... .... ._w._.�......SUBMITTED FinalWPlat..Application...Form Yes ...._.................................._................... _._.www_...................._M.. __.Www...._......mmmmmM.Mw_w.... _......_........_ww____._wwww. June 5, 2024 Southold Planning Department Staff Report _._....w_.._......_...m_m�... ww..wwww.www.ww_._._._._._._._ .......... w__wwwww__._._._._._.......... www.www.. .... __.........................................___�..m__m�,.�..�.......�._w____.�._... __ Final Plat Flat Fee Yes Standard and Conservation Subdivisions +► $500 _..w µ12 paper copies ofFinal Plat including all required Yes �� ._..__.._.._.._.......M.M.M.M...�.�...._.�.. information pursuant to §240-21 ._.w_.............-�....._..........._..ww___..ww._w _...ww_._.....ww.....-...�.............. W........m.w_w_._w. _www_... _ww_..........................__.................. 4 Mylar copies of Final Plat To be submitted at Conditional Final Plat ...5 copies of Final Road & Drainage.P..a..n_......_.._mm._. m _._.�...._. Yes w...._..___.._ _..__...._.......................................... +� Approval from Town Engineer required p Draft copies of all required legal documents: - WW Wmmmmmm �µµµ µTo be provided by Planning Staffm-~ 0 Covenants and Restrictions 2 copies of costWestiWm.aae...of..public improvements..._.wwww_......_........................_ _Yes .__ ...__...........w.__.wwwwww_wwwwww.____......................._...._.._... ..SWPPP _ ._........_........................—_.._.._............. .._.. _ww.w._wwwww .wRoad and-Drainage Plan _ .........�............ _.......................................................... w_..............................................__m..__m..............__ _...................---.......——....... ,,... ............ All conditions of Conditional Preliminary Plat met NO .......................m.--..............www._............. _._._._........................_m_— ......... ................................._m................... ... Set Final Hearing/Review for substantial agreement Preliminary Plat Conditions: On January 9, 2023 the Southold Town Planning Board approved the map entitled "Proposed Preliminary Plat Kalargiros Standard Subdivision", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated May 24, 2022 and last revised June 15, 2022 subject to the following conditions; 1. Submit a Complete Final Plat Application. Done 2. The Southold Town Code requires two separate maps. a. Final Plat showing the subdivision details. Provided b. Road and Drainage Plan. Please transpose the road and drainage information onto a separate map incorporating all the Town Engineer's comments. Provided 3. Amend the Preliminary Plat as follows: a. The subdivision and propeqy boundaN lines must be solid. They cannot be dashed. Done 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report b. Amend the General Note section referring to Oregon View Estates, Done 4. Provide and submit a separate Final Road and Drainage Plan. Provided June 5, 2024 Correspondence for the Town Engineer dated June 5, 2023 required one revision as noted below. a. Provide a center line profile for the road. Provided on June 20, 2024 5. Submit a bond estimate for all work within and on Town of Southold property. Submitted June 20, 2024 The applicant has approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, dated May 17, 2024. The Southold Police Department approved the road name on May 12, 2023. The Cutchogue Fire District on January 9, 2023, indicated that no further wells or hydrants would be required for this proposal. The applicant will construct the road. VI. Planning Board Considerations: 1. Consider waiving the public hearing on the Final Plat. 2. Consider issuing Conditional Final Plat Approval on August 5th with the following Conditions: 1. ENGINEER COMMENTS 2. Amend the map accordingly: a. The driveway width is required to be 12'. Show each driveway at 12' wide. 3. Submit a Suffolk County Water Authority Letter of Water Availability. 4. Submit the Administration Fee in the amount of$4,000.00. 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 5. Submit the required Park and Playground Fee pursuant to §240-53 G. of the Southold Town Code in the amount of$7,000.00 6. Install property monuments pursuant to Town Code § 240-41 Mapping of completed improvements; monuments. Section C. Monuments. 7. A draft Covenant and Restriction will be provided by the Planning Department to you and will include, but not be limited to the following clauses. Once the draft I approved by you and the Planning Board the document must be recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk; a. Further mitigation to reduce total nitrogen loading on lot 2 will involve the installation of I/A OWTS or similar technology. b. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping.. c. The irrigation area shall be limited to 15 percent of the lot area. Rain sensors are required to promote responsible irrigation methods. d. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. e. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. f. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1 st and April 1 st. g. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. 4 From: Patricia C. Moore <pcmoore@mooreattys.com> Sent: Wednesday,July 19, 2023 10:26 AM To: Terry, Mark Cc: Betsy (betsy@ moo reattys.co m); Michaelis, Jessica;Westermann, Caitlin; Kylee DeFrese Subject: Re: Kalargiros yes- I will check if the client returned the signed form. I had to get new surveyor/engineer for Health Department- waiting for client to confirm retaining the person I recommended Pat Patricia C. Moore, Esq. PLEASE BE SURE TO COPY MY ASSISTANTS oa y,6c a aga ac�w k ys, a up ,and ky gg@!sopg4tty� r ....................... Mailing & Physical Address: Moore Law Offices 51020 Main Road William D. Moore, Esq. Southold NY 11971 631.765.4663 Fax Number: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4643 631.765.4330 www.moor eat t s.corr On Wed,Jul 19, 2023 at 9:28 AM Terry, Mark<mark.terr town.southoid.n .us>wrote: Pat, Are you handling this application? If so, we need an authorization letter. Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director Local Waterfront Revitalization Coordinator Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 RECEIVED " m2 4) 2024 TRANSMITTAL L out f i1of '`oar n Planning Board To: Mark Terry Date: June 20,2024 Assistant Town Planning Director Southold Town Hall Annex sent via: Hand Deliver 54375 State Route 25 Job: Kalargiros Subdivision P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Job No.: 3734 Message Attached please find the following: • Final Plat dated 06/06/2024, approved by the SCDHS (12 prints and 4 mylars). • Road Profile dated 06/11/2024 (12 prints). • Performance Bond Estimate (12 copies). • Cut Sheets for the proposed light fixture (12 copies). This should complete that materials needed for the final subdivision application submission. If you have any questions or need anything else, let me know. Signed. . 4Z,.....�._ .c eph Lom The Raynor Group, P.E. & I .S., PLLC Deerfield Green P.O. Box 720 860 Montauk Highway Water Mill, New York 11976 Phone: (631) 726-7600 Fax: (631) 726-4378 svbf RECEIVED elk 24 '66ihoia Iown 9 n Boar� I SOUT SOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subdivisi n. Ap-&pfication Packet Einal Plat This application is for both Standard and Conservation Subdivisions. • Southold Planning Board Information • Checklist for Final Plat Approval • Fee Schedule • Map Requirements for Final Plat Approval • Subdivision Process Summary • Final Plat Application Form 6.27 S7 Final Plat Application Cover ��� 1fU y� Last revised 6114111 From: Patricia C. Moore <pcmoore@mooreattys.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 3:44 PM To: Terry, Mark; Lanza, Heather Cc: Betsy Perkins; Michaelis,Jessica; Kylee DeFrese; Ion Kalargiros Subject: Kalargiros 1000-95-4-16.1 Categories: Red Category Good Afternoon. I have been retained by Mr. Kalargiros and I am contacting surveyors to prepare the Final subdivision map and the Health Department subdivision map. The engineer who submitted the Road & Drainage plan and the "Final" map did not submit an application to the Health Department, as required. I have someone who can prepare the bond estimate, but this is premature since the Health Department application can take several months of review. We respectfully request an extension of the approvals. The longest extension possible is requested. Please confirm. Thank you Pat Patricia C. Moore, Esq. PLEASE BE SURE TO COPY MY ASSISTANTS w twy saxc�aeac goyi,and tayl-g a csr t� s mggj ........... Mailing & Physical Address: Moore Law Offices 51020 Main Road William D. Moore, Esq. Southold NY 11971 631.765.4663 Fax Number: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4643 631.765.4330 www.mooreattys.com ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 SCOTT A. RUSSELL �2 w MICHAEL M. COLLINS P.E. SUPERVISOR TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 Fax (631) 765 9015 i OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mark Terry June 5, 2023 Assistant Town Planning Director S b Southold Town Planning Department artment .__ 54375 Main Road RECEIVED Southold, New York 11971 -.-. -.-..-.�__.G � Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision SCTM #: 1000 —095. — 04 — 16.1 _ 6'ffi6i'FJ T6_VV'6_ Planning Board Dear Mr. Terry: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Final Road & Drainage Plan Kalargiros Standard Subdivision prepared by Necula Emanuel Elefterie, P.E., dated May 18, 2022, last revised on May 24, 2022. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address all of the following: 1. Provide a center line profile for the proposed road. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, Michael M. Collins, P.E.. Town Engineer cc: Daniel J. Goodwin, Superintendent of Highways `� ._...� a. ". �. ... ............. II I �REC'EIVED 023 From: Ter Marka�.A.uur�d�� Terry, Nanning Boai d Sent: Friday, May 12, 2023 10:48 AM . To: Michaelis,Jessica Subject: RE: Kalargiros Conditional Preliminary Approval Public Road Name Request File From: Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us> Sent:Thursday, May 11, 2023 4:19 PM To:Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us>; Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov>; Goodwin, Dan <dang@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Michaelis,Jessica<jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE: Kalargiros Conditional Preliminary Approval Public Road Name Request I don't see any duplication of that road name anywhere in our records. I believe they should be good to use same. Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Town of Southold Police Department 41405 State Route 25 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel: 631-765-3115 The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s)and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review,retransmission, conversion to hard copy, copying, reproduction,circulation,publication, dissemination or other use of,or taking of any action, or omission to take action,in reliance upon this communication by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please(i)notify us immediately by telephone at 631 765.2600, (ii)return the original message and all copies to us at the address above via the U-S.Postal Service, and(iii)delete the message and any material attached thereto from any computer, disk drive, diskette, or other storage device or media. From:Terry, Mark<rnar, t. ,: Sent:Thursday, May 11, 2023 9:33 AM ro. ........ .._ ._. _..,. g... y, rrfflafl��y oyyLi,,¢ Goodwin, Dan To: Noncarrow, Denis<ri : or: aitNu4:itrwuru ca, > Flatley, Martin< Cc: Lanza, Heather<heat. er iariZ, @1q o i : & .. ..y g >; Michaelis,Jessica Subject: Kalargiros Conditional Preliminary Approval Public Road Name Request Good Morning, The Planning Board is reviewing a Standard Subdivision called Kalargiros that proposes access off a Town public road (Silver Colt Road) in Cutchogue. A new Town public road is proposed with the name DIONYSUS COURT serving the new lots. Please determine if this road name is possible. 1 Best Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director Local Waterfront Revitalization Coordinator Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971-0959 (631) -765-1938 2 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ���"" m �" � P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ��j, PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM, To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Date: May 10, 2023 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: ) X Final Subdivision Map (Dated: 4/03/23 ) Road Profiles (Dated: ) X Final Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 4/03/23 ) Other (Dated: ) Site Plan (Dated: ) Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: Project Description: This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District Thank you for your cooperation. EMANUEL E. NECULA, P.C. ILIEVUIRR Consulting Engineers 414 Main Street PORT JEFFERSON, NEW YORK 11777 DATE 7 aoa No. wgy »aryp qAy , �t. ��'+�� 1" 1•+ � f +J A, 1A'0588 ATTENTION .:.._..��.•').. ....., ___.._� ..e_.„,....� L�........................_.__. RE: ., ^ , TO r � "5Oo i-0 DI_A) N �( Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings Prints Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order :: _w COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2-3 . _......................_... _................ .._. _ .....wwwww wwwww_... ;65's0� a 's awn Manning Boar, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: -CFor approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit. copies for approval 6'FQr your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit.—_._.. ..copies for distribution It As requested El Returned for corrections El Return corrected prints y . For review and comment ❑ .. ............ wwwww ........... ❑ FOR BIDS DUE.......... 19 ........ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS_— __ .........wwwww........._____.. ...._w.�.... �..�..._..._�...�.�.. ww�..�....._......_ ................. COPY TO RECYCLED PAPER: Contents:40%Pre-Consumer•10%Post-Consumer SIGNED: ..---- !f enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. RECEIVED FEB 3 02 C _ '60` i Wo 0 hi foannis kalargiros Planning Board 834 Hunt Lane Manhasset NY 11030 Date: June 27, 2022 Mr. Donald S. wilcenski. CHAIRMAN BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex Building Planning Board Office 54375 Route 25 Southold NY. 11971 Dear Mr. Wilcenski. Please find enclosed a copy of letter send to the office of the Building Department stating that all correspondence should be mail to me but as of today I'm kept in dark by everyone involved on the process of subdividing my property located at 18365 NR 48 in Cutchogue NY. Please see that all correspondence goes to my engineer on record and a copy to myself to keep me informed of anything including adjournments involving the subdivision process. R yam, loannls Kala ilros E.. k F EB 0 2 2023 L.____ o- fti c�i d m`ow n W� Planning Board loannis kalargiros 834 Hunt Lane Manhasset NY 11030 Date: June 27, 2022 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex Building Planning Board Office 54375 Route 25 Southold NY. 11971 To whom it may concern. Please be advise that Larry Buschemi is not representing me any longer as the expeditor in the process of subdividing my property located at 18365 North Road in Cutchogue NY. I'm also requesting this office to send me all correspondence concerning the application since I have received none to this day. ...._ -aSince lyLD loinnils' alargiros M CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT _ _....... ... .. 260 New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Telephone (631) 734-6907 • Fax (631) 734-7079 Over 90 E-mail: cutfd@optonline.net Years of www.cutchoguefiredept.org Service Mark Terry Assistant Director of Planning Planning Board Town of Southold RECEIVED Southold, NY 11971 JAN 9 20 3...� p. Yawn • PlannJn i Board DEAR MR. TERRY, The Cutchogue Fire District has reviewed the application Kalagrios Standard Subdivision submitted to the Board on November 5, 2022. Upon review the Board feels that there is sufficient water supply within the vicinity of the subdivision and no further well or hydrants would be required for this proposal. Furthermore the Board found no other issues with the subdivision and feel it may continue as submitted from the fire protection perspective. David Blados Chairman of the Board Cutchogue Fire District OFFICE LOCATION: �s MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 °a Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY a Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov a PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 10, 2023 Larry Buscemi P. O. Box 679 Mount Sanai, NY 11766 Re: LWRP, SEAR, P&P Finding, and Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval- Kalargiros 18365 County Route 48, Southold SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Dear Mr. Buscemi: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, January 9, 2023: WHEREAS, this standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.09 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 2021 the applicant submitted a Sketch Plan application and fee; and WHEREAS, at their work session on June 7, 2021, the Planning Board found the Sketch Plan Application incomplete; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2022 the applicant submitted a revised Sketch Plan application, the correct fee and missing required information; and Kalar iros Standard Subdivision Page 12 January 10, 2023 WHEREAS, on March 28, 2022, at their work session, the Planning Board reviewed the submission and found the Sketch Plat application was complete and ready for a determination pursuant to Town Code §240 Subdivision of land; and WHEREAS, on March _, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plat Approval upon the map entitled, "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated April 17, 2021 and last revised December 28, 2021 and all conditions have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted a Preliminary Plat Application on June 16, 2022; and WHEREAS, the size of the subject parcel is 4.23 acres and surrounded by existing residential development and primary road Suffolk County Route 48. Suitable land does not exist within the proposed subdivision to accommodate a public park or playground due to the limited acreage of the parcel and location; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Code establishes a fee to be paid in lieu of providing a park within the subdivision; the required fee is $7,000.00 per new lot created, and this subdivision will create one new lot; and WHEREAS, on April 21, 2022, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Coordinator reviewed this application, and has recommended the proposed project be found consistent with the policies of the Southold Town LWRP; and WHEREAS, on October 3, 2022 a public hearing was held and closed on the "Proposed Preliminary Plat Kalargiros Standard Subdivision" prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS dated May 24, 2022 and last revised June 15, 2022, and WHEREAS, on July 25, 2022, at their work session, the Planning Board reviewed the submission and found the Preliminary Plat application was complete and ready for a determination pursuant to Town Code §240 Subdivision of land, therefore, be it; RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, as described above, hereby finds that the proposed subdivision plat presents a proper case for requiring a park suitably located for recreational purposes, but that a suitable park cannot be properly located on such subdivision plat, and that the Planning Board will require $7,000.00 in lieu thereof, pursuant to 240-53 G of the Southold Town Code; and be it further Kalar iros Standard Subdivision Page 13 January 10, 2023 RESOLVED, the Southold Town Planning Board has found that this proposed action is Consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, grants a Negative Declaration for the action,and be it further; RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board approves the map entitled "Proposed Preliminary Plat Kalargiros Standard Subdivision", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated May 24, 2022 and last revised June 15, 2022 subject to the following conditions; 1. Submit a Complete Final Plat Application, 2. The Southold Town Code requires two separate maps. a. Final Plat showing the subdivision details. b. Road and Drainage Plan. Please transpose the road and drainage information onto a separate map incorporating all the Town Engineer's comments. 3. Amend the Preliminary Plat as follows: a. The subdivision and roperty bounds lines must be solid. They cannot be dashed. b. Amend the General Note section referring to Oregon View Estates. 4. Provide and submit a separate Final Road and Drainage Plan. a. Provide a center line profile for the road. b. Label the road with the designated name. The name will be approved by the Police Department and Highway Department. c. Revise the road design to reflect a total pavement width of 24'. d. Eliminate the sidewalks details, as no sidewalks will be constructed along this road. e. Provide details for the test hole. Kalar iros Standard Subdivision Page 14 January 10, 2023 f. Provide drainage calculations for a 2" rainfall event and size the drainage system to capture 100 % of this runoff. g. Revise the drainage detail to incorporate 15" diameter smooth wall interior and corrugated exterior HDPE pipe. h. Show concrete monuments four inches by four inches by 30" at all alignment changes at points of curvature and tangency and at 100 feet along curves. Monuments shall be shown on both sides of the highway. i. Show the locations of the detail of all erosion and sediment controls including but not limited to the construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile area. j, Provide details on how the Verizon box will be relocated to the outside of the road area. k. Provide verification that the distance referenced on the plan (218' to the Fire Hydrant) is adequate for fire protection for future development from the Cutchogue Fire District. I. Provide details of the street light and its compliance with Town dark skies standards. m. Provide details of all encroachments on the Town's property so that the construction of the road can be completed. n. Title should read "Final Road and Drainage Plan Kalagiros Standard Subdivision." o. Show the width of the two driveways clearly. p. Remove the thirteen street trees shown on the Preliminary Road and Drainage Plan. The trees cannot be located within the Town right of way according to Section 161-44B of the Southold Town Code, which states; "Trees shall be planted at intervals of 30 feet to 40 feet depending on the species, and the trees shall be located five feet outside the right-of-way on private property." And since the properties on either side of the right of way are held in separate ownership from the subject property, they cannot Kalar iros Standard Subdivision Page 15 January 10, 2023 be located outside the right of way. In cases such as this, where it is not feasible to plant the required street trees, the Planning Board requires a fee in lieu of planting. The funds are then used to plant street trees elsewhere. q. The road should be designed to keep the hedge to the south intact. r. What are the two bold type 50' notations at the end of the cul-de-sac referring to? Please provide clear labels. s. The sewer notes on the plan do not apply. Please remove them.. 5. Submit a performance guarantee for all work within and on Town of Southold property. 6. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions (a template will be provided by the Planning Department) with the following clauses (please note that not all clauses that will be required are outlined below): a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. c. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1 st and April 1 st. e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g.. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. The next step to continue toward Final Plat Approval is to meet all conditions stated above, and the submission of a Final Plat Application and Fee. Note I alar iros Standard Subdivision Page 16 January 10, 2023 additional changes to the Final Plat and/or documents may be required by the Planning Board. Property boundary monuments will be required to be shown on the Final Plat. Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully, Dona J. Wilcenski Chairman cc. Richard Boyd Southold Town Planning Beard Work Session December 1 g 2022 Page-2 SCTM#: 1000- Proj18365 ro 48 d Subdivision m w�_ _ 95 4-16.1 do Prod 4e Location: Cutc _ -.... ect Name. li�ala iros tan ar ho use ... ...-, Description: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation ZoningDistrict. Status: Conditional Sketch Pla_ arovl __ ... ._, .. ,. _... mm._..... Action: Review Referral Attachments: Staff Fqp2d _. _..,. -. _. __ _ Pro e�Name� The Enclaves Hotel SCTM# w� 1000-63 31mm�µ NYS DescLocaription:tion: This os to 2 any Southold r the conversion of an existing 3,026 s p proposed p q. ft. residence with a 584 sq.. ft. addition Into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning District. Status. Pending ti Acon: ..� ...... �._..�.� Revised Plans Review Rev Attachments._w._... _ u Project Name: First Universalist Church SCTM#: 1000-63-6-6�1 Location: p _, ..q Southold.. .� place ... De scn posed ption: This proposed Site Plan is for the construction of a one story 3,950 sq, ft. 51970 Route 25 of worship and 34 parking stalls. There is an existing parish house and single- family dwelling to remain, all on 1.2 acres in the Residential Office (RO) Zoning District. _. ....... _ __...... ._.. Status: Pending....__ ._. .... _..�..... Action: w Revised Site Plan _, _. e �.._ Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Arrow Horse Farm � ��,.., .. 3-2 9 3 Location: 13945 Oregon Roads Cutchogue SCTM# 1000 8� Description: This agricultural site plan is for the proposed construction of an 8,064 sq. ft. building for the keeping, breeding, raising and training of horses with eighteen stalls and no basement; a 1,800 sq. ft, agricultural storage building, two 240 sq. ft. run-in sheds with supporting parking and driveway access on t17,02 _ acres with Southold Town pevelopraent RigtLts in_the A-C/R-80 Zoning District. Status: Pending ...... -�.. ..m _._.. Action: „m Review for p9mpleteness_ p ...,, _ w.a...�... Attachments: Staff Report �w... ._... Peconic ._. . �„-5 � SCTM# . 1000 55-5-9.1 _.� e�orts Location: Name. County Road 48, Southold Location; 467�T0mmIT, _... .. Description: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 7,535 sq. ft. marine sales, service, and storage facility, including the demolition of an existing building, on a 37,123 sq.ft. parcel in the General Business"B" Zoning District. Status: _ New Application Action: Review for„ arm Ip eteness .. ...�_ .....n�. ._ �.� m a�..,.. Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision — Sketch Plat Application Completeness Review Date December 19, 2022 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Map Prepared By: Peter V. Brabazon Date of Map: March 3, 2021 Applicant: loannis Kalargiros Date of Submission; April 12, 2021 Tax Map Number: 1000-95-4-16.1 Project Location: 18365 County Route 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: Agricultural Conservation (AC) II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: Total acres = 4.16 acres Total Buildable Lands = 4.16 acres Yield 2 residential. # of Lots Proposed: 2 III. Referral Review ➢ Conditional Sketch Plan Approval was issued on April 12, 2022 ➢ Preliminary Plat Application submitted June 16, 2022 and found complete on July 25, 2022 PRELIMINARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS There were concerns from the adjacent property owner to the north about the street tree and the hedge on the south side of the proposed right of way. Southold Planning Department Staff Report A tree that looks to be a street tree originally planted during the development of the subdivision would be located in the future road. A Verizon box and street sign are other existing features that conflict with future road placement. V. Referrals TOWN ENGINEER The project engineer must determine whether or not a DEC SWPPP is required. 1. Provide a center line profile for the proposed road. 2. Revise the road design to reflect a total pavement width of 24'. 3. Eliminate the sidewalk details as no sidewalk will be constructed along this road. 4. Provide details for the test hole. 5. Provide drainage calculations for a 2" rainfall event and size the drainage system to capture 100% of this runoff. 6. Revise the drainage details to incorporate 15" diameter smooth wall interior, corrugated exterior HDPE pipe. 7. Concrete monuments, four inches by four inches by 30 inches, shall be shown at all changes of alignment, at points of curvature and tangency and at 100 feet along curves. These monuments, together with the beginning and ending of all roads, shall be shown on both sides of the highway. 8. The final plans must show the location of and details for all erosion and sediment controls including, but not limited to, the construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile area. SUFFOLK COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 0 No comments on the application. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT" OF HEALTH SERVICES • No comments on the application. 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report CUTCHOGUE FIRE DEPARTMENT No comments or concerns,. FIRE MARSHAL No comments or concerns. LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM • This proposal was found CONSISTENT with the policies of the LWRP provided that the following is required to further and/or meet the policies: 1. The NYS Cultural Resource Information System (CRIS) was consulted and no designations were found for the parcels. A cultural resource survey is not recommended. 2. Future structures should be set back from CR 48 and reduced building envelopes reduced in size to prevent the over-development of the lots. 3. Street and residential lighting will be dark skies compliant (Chapter 172) and utilities serving the lots are required to be buried. 4. Clearing limits will apply to each created lot. The areas are expected to naturalize with vegetation over time. The proposed building envelopes should not encroach on the limits if clearing. Existing trees along the property lines and near CR 48 are recommended to be preserved within the limits of the clearing. 5. The following water conservation practices are recommended to minimize water use impacts. a. Irrigation controls: i. The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. ii. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot should be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. iii. Soil moisture sensors should be used with irrigation systems, to water only when necessary during times of low soil moisture. iv. Lawn areas should be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Further, it is recommended that the following best management practices are required to further policies 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 and protect the ground and surface waters of Southold. a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. c. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1st and April 1st. e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. SEQRA • See the proposed Draft Negative Declaration attached. PARK & PLAYGROUND FINDING This parcel is located in the R-80 Zoning District. As a result of this subdivision, one new residential lot will be created. These factors present a proper case for requiring a park suitably located for recreational purposes. §240-53 of the Southold Town Code- Reservation of park land on subdivisions plats containing residential units: In determining whether or not to require the reservation of land for Public Park, playground or recreational purposes, the Planning Board shall consider the following factors: 1. Whether suitable land exists within the proposed subdivision in terms of its size, shape, and dimensions to reasonably accommodate a public park, playground or other recreation use; • The size of the parcel is 3.02 acres and it is surrounded by residential development. Suitable land does not exist within the proposed subdivision to accommodate a public park, playground or other recreation use due to the limited acreage of the parcel and the character of this area. 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 2. Whether the characteristics of the land in terms of topography, soils, vegetative cover, hydrology and/or other natural features readily lend themselves to the development of the site for active recreation use; • This parcel does not have any impediments to establishing a park. The parcel is old field in successional vegetation with no limiting topography. 3. Whether there are state or federal regulatory restrictions that would limit the usefulness of the site for active recreation development; • This code section is not applicable. 4. Whether the site in terms of its physical characteristics would provide an attractive and safe area for recreational use; • As stated above, this parcel is private and not in a location where access to a park would be suitable. 5. Whether the site is located such that reasonable and safe pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular access can be provided between the site and surrounding residential areas; • As stated above, this parcel is private and not in a location where access to a park would be suitable. 6. Whether the character of the proposed subdivision and that of the surrounding area are compatible with a public park and/or recreational use; • As stated above, this parcel is private and not in a location where access to a park would be suitable. 7. Whether the anticipated population of the proposed subdivision, together with the population density of surrounding neighborhoods, is sufficient to justify development and long-term maintenance of a public park, playground or other recreation facility at the location; • While the anticipated population of the proposed subdivision justifies the need for added recreational facilities, this location is not suitable for a park as described above. 8. Whether the site is located near or duplicates recreation facilities already provided in the area, particularly those providing the same type of recreation opportunities, including facilities located on public school grounds; • This code section is not applicable since it has already been demonstrated that a park at this location is not feasible. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 9. Whether development and long-term maintenance of the site would place an undue burden on Town departments; • This code section is not applicable since the site has been found unsuitable for a park or recreation area. 10.Whether the site contains any unique and significant physical, aesthetic or ecological features that would make it particularly suited for environmental education, trail development, a nature preserve, or other passive recreation use; • This code section is not applicable since the site has been found unsuitable for a park or recreation area. 11.Whether reservation of the land is consistent with recommendations contained in the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Southold and/or the Plan for Parks and Recreation in the Town of Southold, if any, in effect at the time the subdivision application is made; and • This code section is not applicable since the site has been found unsuitable for a park or recreation area. 12.Whether reservation of the land is consistent with the general goals and objectives of the Town with respect to the development of parks and recreation facility development. • This code section is not applicable since the site has been found unsuitable for a park or recreation area. 240-53 G. Park and recreation fee. 1. If the Planning Board makes a finding pursuant to this chapter that the proposed subdivision plat presents a proper case for requiring a park or parks suitably located for playgrounds or other recreational purposes, but that a suitable park or parks cannot be properly located on such subdivision plat, the Planning Board may require a sum of money in lieu thereof. The fees shall be as follows: (a) Standard subdivision: $7,000 per lot. In the case of this proposal, the re wired Park and Recreation fee is 7,000. VI: Items for Consideration 1. Does the Board accept the comments of the Town Engineer? 6 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 2. Does the Board accept the comments of the LWRP? 3. Does the Board agree with granting a Negative Declaration under SEQRA? 4. Does the Board find that the proposed subdivision plat presents a proper case for requiring a park? 5. Does the Board find this location suitable for a park based on the Park and Playground findings above? 6. Will the Planning Board require $7,000 in lieu of the creation of a park, pursuant to 240-53 G of the Southold Town Code? 7 N�s�}fFOC� MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SCOTT A. RUSSELLo SUPERVISOR .� TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765-1560 Q Fax. (631)-765-9015 -41 �� ,'� MICI-IAEL.COLLINSnT()11'y,SOI)TF[Ol OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mark Terry November 14, 2022 Assistant Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department � 54375 Main Road RECEIVED Southold, New York 11971 j I NOV 16 2022 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision L��. SCTM #: 1000 —095. — 04 — 16.1 Soot Planning Bo rd Planning Board Dear Mr. Terry: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Proposed Preliminary Plat for Kalargiros Standard Subdivision prepared by Necula Emanuel Elefterie, P.E., dated May 18, 2022, last revised on June 15, 2022. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address all of the following: 1. Provide a center line profile for the proposed road. 2. Revise the road design to reflect a total pavement width of 24'. 3. Eliminate the sidewalk details as no sidewalk will be constructed along this road. 4. Provide details for the test hole. 5. Provide drainage calculations for a 2" rainfall event and size the drainage system to capture 100% of this runoff. 6. Revise the drainage details to incorporate 15" diameter smooth wall interior, corrugated exterior HDPE pipe. 7. Concrete monuments, four inches by four inches by 30 inches, shall be shown at all changes of alignment, at points of curvature and tangency and at 100 feet along curves. These monuments, together with the beginning and ending of all roads, shall be shown on both sides of the highway. 8. The final plans must show the location of and details for all erosion and sediment controls including, but not limited to, the construction entrance, perimeter silt fencing, concrete washout area and soil stockpile area. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, RZ�- Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer cc: Daniel J. Goodwin, Superintgndent of Highways OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex $ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ® �����, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov f�Cdr�r�m;� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Lester Baylinson, Ordinance Inspector Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector, Acting Fire Marshal From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director \1`1 Date: November 3, 2022 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District Thank you for your cooperation.. (In LaserFiche: Planning, Applications, Standard Subdivisions, Pending, SCTM#1000- 95.-4-16.1) OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex Sol/ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Q � Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �. D Southold, NY � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Date: November 3, 2022 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) X Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated:_5/20/22 ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Road Profiles (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (Dated: ) Site Plan (Dated: ) Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: Pro-ect Description: This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex � (rU P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 4 r�()� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) '`� D Southold, NY � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 3, 2022 Mr. Matthew Martin Cutchogue Fire District 260 New Suffolk Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC Dear Ms. Miller: The enclosed Subdivision Application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, MaX14--Tle- ry6N Mark Terry Assistant Director of Planning Encls.: Subdivision Application Subdivision Plat OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex soy, L P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 . Tfr�Cr Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) 4 Southold, NY � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-nny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Department of Health Services From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Date- November 3, 2022 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination November 3, 2022 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Address: 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Tax Map #: SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Requested Action: This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 SO) P.O. Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) s7 Southold, NY � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov cou PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission —Andrew Freleng, Chief Planner From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director 0�" Date: November 3, 2022 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination November 3, 2022 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Address: 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Tax Map #: SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Requested Action: This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 Appendix A- County Referral For Appendix A—Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook Suffolk • • Commission Submission Cover Form For Planning and Zoning Referrals Municipality: Southold Town Hamlet: Southold Local Case Number: District: 1000 Section: 95 Block: 4 Lot:16.1 Local Meeting Date: Application/Action Name: Kalargmros Standard Subdivision Public Hearing: es No Referrinq Aaericy., TXpe of Referral: SEORA Action: Draft EIS Positive Declaration tanning Board or Commission New EAF Final EIS Negative Declaration Zoning Board v Appeals Expansion Lead Agency Findings Town Board/Village Board of Modification Draft Scope Trustees Brief description of application or proposed action: This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 3.65-acre parcel into 2 lots. Lot 1 equals 2.73 acres and lot 2 equals .92 acres in the Limited Business and Residential Office zoning districts. Type of Action Please check appropriate box below if action is located within the Suffolk County Pine Barrens Zone, within one mile of a nuclear power plant or airport or within 500 feet of., • A municipal boundary; • The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state,or federal park or other recreation area; X The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state road; • An existing or proposed county drainage channel line; • The Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound, any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water, • The boundary of county,state,or federally owned land held or to be held for governmental use; • The boundary of a farm located in an agricultural district. Comprehensive Plan (Adoption or Amendment) X Subdivision Zoning Ordinance or Map(Adoption or Amendment) Use Variance Code Amendment Area Variance Official Map Special Use Permit/Exception/Conditional Use Moratorium Site Plan Note:The above represents a summary of the required actions subject to referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission The provisions of GML and Laws of Suffolk County must be used to verify which actions are subject to referral and the related procedural requirements. Additional Application Information • Action Previously Referred to Suffolk County Planning Commission Yes X No (If yes, Date • Adjacent Municipality Notified (see NYS GML 239 nn) Yes No N/A • Located Within Long Island Pine Barrens Zone Yes No • Workforce/Affordable Housing Yes No N/A • Energy Efficiency Yes No N/A • Zoning Board of Appeals Approval Yes No N/A • Suffolk County Department of Health Approval/Comments X Yes No N/A • New York State Dept.of Environmental Conservation Approval/Comments Yes No N/A • New York State/Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works Approval/Comments X Yes No N/A • Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6,Groundwater Management Zone- 1 II III X IV V VI VII VIII Contact Information Municipality:Southold Town Hamlet:Cutchogue Contact Name:Mark Terry,Asst.Director Planning DepartmentfAgency:Planning Department Phone Number:(631)765-1938 Email Address:mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us Applicant: Darrin Skrezec Contact Name: OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex a so P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ��� �Q{ Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov � Y4 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Water Authority From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director kj\� Date: November 3, 2022 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Zoning District: AC The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination November 3, 2022 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Address: 18365 County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Tax Map #: SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Requested Action: This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 Robert&Joyce Stevens 590 Silver Colt Road RECEIVED Cutchogue, NY 11935 OCT 0 5 2022 Southo Tawrt Planning Board September 30, 2022 Mark Terry Southold Town, NY Dear Mark, Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I am enclosing copies of our submission regarding the meeting on 10/3/22,which unfortunately we are unable to attend. We will be returning on October 17th and wil check in with you at that time. We do appreiate whatever you may be able to do for us. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Robert Stevens&Joyce Stev I s (631)988-7418 Robert & Joyce Stevens 590 Silver Colt Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 631-988-7418 RECEIN! D September 29, 2022 OCT 0 5 2022 Southold Town Planning Board 5-0—Ut OTC�—TOwn- Planning Board Southold, New York Re: Meeting, Monday, October 3, 2022 - SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Ladies & Gentlemen: We are the owners of property, SCTM# 1000-95-4-18.36, 590 Siver Colt Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935. My late husband, Alfred Steiner & I purchased it in 1986 and built our home. Alfred Steiner passed away & I am currently married to Robert Stevens and still living in this home. We have a 90' frontage on Silver Colt Road. The tree located on the Right of Way to our South was planted by the Developers of this Subdivision many years ago. If I am understanding correctly this tree would have to be taken down in order to put in a 10' Right of Way along side of our land to the property behind our home that you are developing. We are asking that you please leave this majestic tree in place and use the right of way entrance located on Route 48. We welcome our new neighbors, but this tree has been here along with all the other beautiful oak trees in our Development for many, many years. I do have pictures to proove this. We are so sorry to say that we are unable to attend this meeting, as we will be out of the Country on a much postponed vacation cruise. Please keep us in the loop as to your decisions. Thank you for your consideration. S erely yo rs, Robert tevens & Joyce S yens 1 Imo• �,y K r�, " _ e- �� - � .�� f y�~ �. ?.r�v [ 1P•_g1 V', iR ,i* t�.y �.�;+y. ��1� G vr "`3itrr r. _ ;1 M1 �n�. r pysy.fi ;�� ^�'���` ��• , :ems i r s ;, 41 :.� ' r �. -tip;r'!*' .•'$5, - .. •g _ ..�'' S ','?�, +�►."�.° ye � �~ �► sr � y. .'"� �•� �. "�� Rif +�•# t - i f I " r 'II I Y _ i I � 1 I Joyce STavens 590 Silver Colt Rd 1 Cutchogue,NY 11935-1027 J Joyce Stevens 590 Silver Colt Rd 6 Cutchogue,NY 11935-1027 aoyce Stevens 590 Silver Colt Rd Cutchogue,NY 11935-1027 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �' Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) «« Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 4, 2022 Larry Buscemi P. O. Box 679 Mount Sanai, NY 11766 Re: Hearing -Kalargiros 18365 County Route 48, Southold SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Dear Mr. Buscemi: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 3, 2022 regarding the above-referenced application. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. pectf Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman 1. PB Resolution setting the hearing—This is your copy of the Planning Board resolution that set the public hearing. 2. List of adjacent property owners to notify—This is the list of the adjacent property owners that you must mail the notice of hearing to. These notices must be mailed by certified mail, with return receipt. 3. Notice to adjacent property owners and copes of the tax map pages— These are the documents that must be mailed to the adjacent property owners (certified w/ return receipt). Some applicants like to include a cover letter, but a cover letter is not a requirement. 4. Agricultural Data form and copies of the tax map pages—This form must be signed and mailed (certified w/ return receipt) along with the copy of the tax map page to the property owners listed at the bottom. 5. Affidavit of Postin —This affidavit must be signed, notarized and returned to the planning department by September 30th with the certified mail receipts and any green cards that you have received. 6. Southold Town Code related to Public Hearings—This is just a copy of the Southold Town Code related to public hearings for your record. 7. Zoom Instructions —This is a copy of the zoom instruction for the public meeting for your record. One of these is included in the "notice to adjacent property owners". Feel free to call me with any questions. Jessica Michaelis, Planning Board Secretary 631-765-1938, jessicam@southoldtownny.gov OFFICE LOCATION: „, MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � � "� Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov Cou PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 13, 2022 Larry Buscemi P. O. Box 679 Mount Sanai, NY 11766 Re: SEQR Classification and Set Preliminary Plat Hearing -Kalargiros 18365 County Route 48, Southold SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Dear Mr. Buscemi: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, September 12, 2022: WHEREAS, this standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 2021 the applicant submitted a Sketch Plan application and fee; and WHEREAS, at their work session on June 7, 2021, the Planning Board found the Sketch Plan Application incomplete; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2022 the applicant submitted a revised Sketch Plan application, the correct fee and missing required information; and WHEREAS, on March 28, 2022, at their work session, the Planning Board reviewed the submission and found the Sketch Plat application was complete and ready for a determination pursuant to Town Code §240 Subdivision of land; and Kalar iron Standard Subdivision Page 12 September 13 2022 WHEREAS, that the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plat Approval upon the map entitled, "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated April 17, 2021 and last revised December 28, 2021 and all conditions have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted a Preliminary Plat Application on June 16, 2022; and WHEREAS, on July 25, 2022, at their work session, the Planning Board reviewed the submission and found the Preliminary Plat application was complete pursuant to Town Code §240 Subdivision of land; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board establishes itself as lead agency and, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action as it does not meet any of the thresholds of a Type I Action, nor does it meet any of the criteria on the Type II list of actions; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is an Unlisted Action under SEQRA as described above, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, October 3, 2022 at 6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing upon the map titled Proposed Preliminary Plat Kalargiros Standard Subdivision", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated May 24, 2022 and last revised June 15, 2022. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 NOON ON FRIDAY, September 30, 2022. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board office after the public hearing is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. ctfull�r,� Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Adjacent Property Owners for Kalagiros Standard Subdivision SCTM# 1000-95-4-16.1 1. 1000-95-4-17.1 2. 1000-95-4-18.24 3. 1000-95-4-18.25 4. 1000-95-4-18.26 5. 1000-95-4-18.27 6. 1000-95-4-18.28 7. 1000-95-4-18.29 8. 1000-95-4-18.46 9. 1000-95-4-18.45 10. 1000-95-4-18.33 11. 1000-95-4-18.35 12. 1000-95-4-18.36 13. 1000-95-4-18.37 14. 1000-95-4-18.38 15. 1000-95-4-18.39 16. 1000-96-4-4.3 Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Ad'acent P'ro a Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Standard Subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1 000-95-4-16.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the AC Zoning District; 4. This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district.; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information, by appointment only, during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2"d FI., Former Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, or would like to request an appointment you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765- 1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website w southoldtownn ov; 2. Click on Town Records/Weblink icon located on the home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Standard Subdivisions", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: Jessica M southoldtownn .g ov; 6. That a Public Hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, October 3 2022 at 6:01 p.m. at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold and virtually via the Zoom online platform; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to be heard at such hearing. It is not necessary to attend this hearing to participate. Written comments received prior to the public hearing date are acceptable. Written comments may be submitted via letter or email to: Jessica M southoldtown ny,g ov Petitioner/Owner Name: loannis Kalagiros Date: 9/19/22 MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: �, ' P.O.Box 1179 r'r Southold,NY 11971-0959 Town Hall Annex r 54375 State Route 25 Telephone:631-765-1935 (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) Q www•southoldtownny.gov Southold,NY PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING Monday, October 3, 2022 6:00 p.m. Options for public attendance: • In person: Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. or • To join via computer: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85839077569?pwd=a3NkSnRITI dpUIIwSO5yclVtSI BSdzO9 Or Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID: 858 3907 7569 Password: 861009 • Join by telephone: Call 1(646) 558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above) -- ---------- ------------------------- ------ ll�l A Aq 11 fol 41' CO as 6P still ll ----------- ff ........................... i H I I !WWI wuwzn AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: loannis Kalagiros Address: 834 Hunt Lane, Manhasset, NY 11030 Land Owner(if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.098 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district. Property Location (road and tax map #): 18365 CR 48, Cutchogue NY 11935, SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-95-4-5.3: Mattituck Farms Holdings LLC, c/o Belvedere Property Management, 11 Times Square FI. 38, New York, NY 10036 SCTM#1000-96-4-4.3: Rose's Vineyard LLC, P.O. Box 914, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM#1000-101-2-18.6: Castello di Borghese LLC, P.O. Box 957, Cutchogue NY 11935 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. Applicant/Agent Signature Date __.._ ......... -- __ .,,,,,.... _____. gg 19. J St �' � .30Y41 Bp0"ON a3"33� r t; m � u 3NI'1 Ha1tlW v i '\ m 0 Y � a ',� "t>.,., f fW ,cox✓/y/ n S\�°� a 6 ` 2 a S III - , w / e mu ✓^ TO T7 Al Ng ,o � f; f �, f • �� `�`� , I I i" i °° ✓ a� �f,° ,�^ ,� ,x O � f� e � � � , a w w_ w p^ dNn aru� rraavrs rwrl'r,.-n r v Y00 ON 033339 a �wuwa� ch kJw p DI 1§ "16 n�l v ile elY ---------- 41 Aw 61 lo 00 ........................... woo --------------- 9,o ILI 20 0 Ilk oe., A-C na nx --------------- .............. 16 .................... 2 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon Fri. 9130/22 Re: Kala iros Standard Subdivision SCTM#s: 1000.95- -16.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, October 3 2022 6:01 .m. Tovgz of Southold PC/Codebook for ffrindo�vs § 55-1. Providing notice of public bearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-2003] Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant,petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property, nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant, petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. 1 ,7A . MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: ��+, ► ' ", P.O.Box 1179 " "+f Southold,NY 11971-0959 Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 Telephone:631-765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY � "t a PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING Monday, October 3, 2022 6:00 p.m. Options for public attendance: • In person: Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. or • To join via computer: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85839077569?pwd=a3NkSnRITI dpUIIwS05yC1VtS1 BSdz09 Or Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID: 858 3907 7569 Password: 861009 • Join by telephone: Call 1(646) 558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above) OFFICE LOCATION: �� MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annexe P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov A(IIG 2 3 201- " PLANNING BOARD OFFICE -. - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Planning Board To: Donald Wilcenski, Chair Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date: August 22, 2022 Re: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision SCTM#1000-95-4-16.1 This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 4.23 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2.09 acres and Lot 2 equals 2.14 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department,the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP below listed policies and therefore, CONSISTENT with the LWRP: Policy 2.2. Protect and preserve archaeological resources. A. Conduct a cultural resource investigation when an action is proposed on an archaeological site,fossil bed, or in an area identified for potential archaeological sensitivity on the archaeological resources inventory maps prepared by the New York State Department of Education. 1. Conduct a site survey to determine the presence or absence of cultural resources in the project's potential impact area. The NYS Cultural Resource Information System (CRIS)was consulted and no designations were found for the parcels. A cultural resource survey is not recommended. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. The preservation of scenic resources is a State and Town goal established in many plans. At the State level the elevation and preservation of the value of scenic resources in Southold is listed as a NYS Areas: LI North Shore Heritage Area goal. The designation is supported by a plan that includes strategies and specific policy recommendations on the unique historical, maritime and special environmental resources contained within the area. The New York State Scenic Byways designation of Suffolk County Route 48. The parcel is directly visible from CR 48. The Towns Comprehensive Plan contains many goals and objectives to identify and protect scenic qualities from land and waters. A. Minimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. Future structures should be set back from CR 48 and reduced building envelopes reduced in size to prevent the over-development of the lots. Street and residential lighting will be dark skies compliant (Chapter 172) and utilities serving the lots are required to be buried. E„ Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality: Clearing limits will apply to each created lot. The areas are expected to naturalize with vegetation over time. The proposed building envelopes should not encroach on the limits if clearing. Existing trees along the property lines and near CR 48 are recommended to be preserved within the limits of the clearing. 5.4. Limit the potential for adverse impacts of watershed development on water quality and quantity. Both the Long Island Sound and Peconic Estuary have experienced detrimental changes from increased nutrient loads to ground and surface waters. In the Long Island Sound, and more recently in the Peconic Estuary, low Dissolved Oxygen (DO) conditions (hypoxia) develop due to excessive levels of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P). Hypoxia is a result from planktonic algae blooms that feed on the nutrients. The algae die and settle to the bottom of the water body then decay, using up Dissolved Oxygen in the process. The Oxygen levels frequently fall below the levels necessary to sustain life and often result in fish and shellfish die offs. The development of residential structures results in incremental, and compounding affects to the quality of the Towns coastal waters. The installation of I/A OWTS or similar technology on all residential lots will be required. Further, best management practices to reduce the application of fertilizers are also recommended (see below). 5.5. Protect and conserve the quality and quantity of potable water. The area is served by public water. Water supply and the adequacy of sustaining use during drought conditions are becoming more of a serious challenge. The following water conservation practices are recommended to minimize water use impacts. 1. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures. 2. Irrigation controls: The following is required to reduce residential irrigation. a. The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. b. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot should be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. c. Soil moisture sensors should be used with irrigation systems, to water only when necessary during times of low soil moisture. d. Lawn areas should be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. Further, it is recommended that the following best management practices are required to further policies 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 and protect the ground and surface waters of Southold. a. Require the use of native,drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20%of the total nitrogen in the mixture. c. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 1st and April 11c e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem The NYSDEC Environmental Resource Mapper was consulted and the parcel is not included within a "Significant Natural Community Near This Layer" polygon. Policy 12.1. Protect agricultural lands from conversion to other land uses. The parcel was historically farmed but is now fallow. A loss of agricultural soils will occur as a result of this action. The parcel is not located within a Suffolk County Agricultural District. Please contact me at(631) 765-1938 if you have any questions regarding the above. Southold Town Planning Board Work Session -July 25 2022 - Page 2 Project Nam 000 95 4 16 1 e m v Kalagiros Standard Subdivision � SCTM# 1m a _ _.� Location: 18365 CR 48, Cutchog�ae . _. _..__. _.----------------- Description: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district. Status: Conditional Sketch Plat Approval Review for Preliminary Plat Apcation Completeness a Action: ........ [,Attachments: ....... Staff Report .. ..... ............. ........__ .... � _ e.... _ o e . SCT Pro ect Name 1750 Sterling Agricultural Barn M# 1000 96 3 2 1 ion 30S ..... ... ..._ -. _ Cutc �u � . . ..... ..__.- .. .. .. ... . .......... Description: This agricultural site plan is proposed to demolish an existing 1,378 sq. ft. barn and construct a 4,826 sq. ft. barn for agricultural storage located within a 2.0-acre reserve area (SCTM#1 000-96.-3-2.1) where there exists a 2-story single family dwelling with garage and four (4) accessory storage buildings totaling ±3,754 sq. ft., the parcel is attached to ±16.8 acres of farmland (SCTM#1000-96.-3-2.2) with Development Rights y � w Zoning District. Ri hts e Southold Town in the AC Zo ... .... .m.. ( . .m Status p Action":,,,", _ Review,,,forCO . Attachments: Staff Report ....Project Name Wate�namics Corp. Storage Building SCTM# 1000 55 5 11 1 .. ..n ..�. R 48, Southold f Location: -- 46950 C.., _.._ Description: This site plan is for the proposed conversion an existing 1,303 sq. ft. building to a water testing and filtration business; including the construction of a 988 sq. ft. storage building on 0.28 acres in the General Business "B" Zoning District. ... . . . Status A.pproved...... Action . Rev Review for CO Staff Report{ Attachments... m. . ............. . _...... . .................. Project Name. 1 Key Capture Energy Battery Storage SCTM#: 1000-83 3-6 g .1 Subdivision Location 10750 O. g hogue . .__ a ....... ... __... _re on Road, Cutc w ... _._.......... .. _.....__._ Description: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 27.04-acre parcel into 2 lots; where Lot 1 is proposed to be 24.49 acres and Lot 2 for the new LIPA Substation is proposed to be 2.54 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District. Status: New Application ActiI I'llon: Review for Completeness J.Attachments Staff Report......... ..........................m Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision — Sketch Plat Application Completeness Review Date July 25, 2022 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Map Prepared By: Peter V. Brabazon Date of Map: March 3, 2021 Applicant: loannis Kalargiros Date of Submission: April 12, 2021 Tax Map Number: 1000-95-4-16.1 Project Location: 18365 County Route 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: Agricultural Conservation (AC) II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: Total acres = 4.16 acres Total Buildable Lands = 4.16 acres Yield 2 residential. # of Lots Proposed: 2 III. Site Analysis SEQR Type of Action: Unlisted Present Land Use: Agriculture/Fallow fields Existing Structures: None Existing Permits, Approvals, CO's, etc: N/A Was Property Previously Subdivided (if Yes. Date unknown. Need to find out when SCTM#1000-95-4-17.1 was split from this Yes, Date of Approval): parcel. Existing Easements or Restrictions: None Soil Type: Prime agricultural soils on most of the land Southold Planning Department Staff Report Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone: No Located within Flood Hazard Zone: No Predominant Vegetation: Grass/some trees Significant Trees on Site: Unknown Are there steep slopes? 15%? 20%? No Name of Abutting Water Body: None Critical Environmental Area: Yes SGPA Type of Wetlands on or Adjacent: None Are There Trails on Site? No Depth to Water Table: N/A Public water will be available from Silver Distance to Public Water: Colt Road Source of Water Supply: Public Historical or Archaeological Signif: Needs verification during the review Does property meet Lot Recognition Lot is shown on filed 1975 map Oregon Code? If so, how was this established? View Estates as outparcel. I. Action to review • Preliminary Plat Completeness • SEQRA Classification • Recommend setting a Public Hearing on Preliminary Plat ll. Status Conditional Sketch Plan Approval on April 11, 2022 III. Completeness Review 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report PRELIMINARY PLAT COMPLETENESS REQUIRED SUBMITTED NOTES _ ._........... ....... .......... _ ... . Cover Letter Yes __ ................. _..__... Preliminary Plat Application Form Yes Preliminary Plat _...__._. ......... ..... _._ t Fee: $1,000 Yes .......... Completed LWRP Form Yes .___ .... Six(6)copies of the Preliminary Plat Yes �......................... __............... _._.� Technical Map Requirements Pursuant to §240-17 Yes All existing and proposed improvements Yes Location of all utilities existing and proposed Yes _ ..... ........, Complete Environmental Assessment Forms Yes ....._......_. ....... Letter of Water Availability from SCWA No All Conditions of Conditional Sketch Plan met Yes The applicant submitted Preliminary Plat Application on June 16, 2022 IV. Discussion Application Fee The applicant submitted $1000.00 which is the correct fee. The Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plat Approval upon the map entitled, "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated April 17, 2021 and last revised December 28, 2021, with the following conditions: a. Submit a road and drainage plan for the "Future Road" access meeting all requirements for public road construction and dedication to the Town as specified by Southold Town Code section 161 Highway Specifications. Staff: Complete. The applicant has submitted a combined Road and Drainage Plan and Preliminary Plat that will need to be reviewed by the Town Engineer. b. Show building envelopes on each lot, Staff: Completed 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report c. Establish, show and label perimeter buffers on each lot compliant with the required limits of clearing. A total lot area of 25 percent is permitted to be cleared on each lot. The building envelopes cannot encroach into the limits of clearing. Staff: Completed. The parcel is mostly cleared and fallow. The applicant has added conforming limits of clearing pursuant to Southold Town Code Chapter 240. Subdivision of Land Article XIII. Preservation of Natural Features § 240-49. Clearing. Lot 1 Total area is 2.098 acres with limit of clearing at 22,847.22 square feet or 25 percent. Lot 2 Total lot area is 2.154 acres with limit of clearing at 23,304.60 square feet or 25 percent. V. Planning Board Considerations 1. Recommend Preliminary Plat application as complete. 2. Classify the action as unlisted pursuant to SEQR. (August 8th) 3. Send out referrals. 4. Set Public Hearing on Preliminary Plat on August 8th for September 12, 2022. Future Preliminary Plat Application Amendments Required 1. Amend the Preliminary Plat as follows: a. The subdivision and property boundary lines must be solid. They cannot be dashed. 2. Provide and submit a separate Road and Drainage Plan. a. Title should read "Road and Drainage Plan Kalagiros Standard Subdivision." b. Show the width of the two driveways clearly. c. Identify the species of street trees. Provide a street planting diagram on the plan. d. What are the two bold type 50' notations referring too? e. The sewer notes on the plan do not apply. 4 RECEIVE-) JUN 16 zozz'^ — Southold Town EMANUEL E. NECULA9 P.C. Planning Board CONSULTING ENGINEERS 414 MAIN STREET,PORT JEFFERSON,NY 11777 Phone: (631)331-0526 0 Fax: (631)3312288 Email: eeneculapc@gmail.com 06.15.2022 Southold Town Hall Annex Building Planning Board 54375 State Route 25 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Attn: Mark Terry Re:. Kalargiros Standard Subdivision - 18365 County Route 48, Cutchogue SCTM # 1000 - 1000 - 95 -4 - 16.1 Dear Mr. Terry, We are pleased to submit the following for Preliminary Standard Subdivion approval: Preliminary Plat Application Form Application Fee Twelve (12) copies of the Preliminary Plat Six (6) copies of the Preliminary Road and Drainage Plan If there are any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours ®F N Ew y �oPN U E L �. Q rp c1 A 06 2 PR1fiES Confidential Page 1 E. E.Necula,P.C. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �� � Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov COUNe� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 12, 2022 Larry Buscemi P. O. Box 679 Mount Sanai, NY 11766 Re: Conditional Sketch Plat Approval Kalargiros Standard Subdivision 18365 County Route 48, Southold SCTM#1000-1000-95-4-16.1 Dear Mr. Buscemi: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, April 11, 2022: WHEREAS, this standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28 acre parcel into two lots where; Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 2021 the applicant submitted a Sketch Plan application and fee; and WHEREAS, at their work session on June 7, 2021, the Planning Board found the Sketch Plan Application incomplete; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2022 the applicant submitted a revised Sketch Plan application, the correct fee and missing required information; and Kalar iron Standard Subdivision Page Arrril 12, 2022. . WHEREAS, on March 28, 2022, at their work session, the Planning Board reviewed the submission and found the Sketch Plat application was complete and ready for a determination pursuant to Town Code §240 Subdivision of land; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Conditional Sketch Plat Approval upon the map entitled, "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros", prepared by Peter V. Brabazon, PLS, dated April 17, 2021 and last revised December 28, 2021, with the following conditions: a. Submit a road and drainage plan for the "Future Road" access meeting all requirements for public road construction and dedication to the Town as specified by Southold Town Code section 161 Highway Specifications. b. Show building envelopes on each lot. c. Establish, show and label perimeter buffers on each lot compliant with the required limits of clearing. A total lot area of 25 percent is permitted to be cleared on each lot. The building envelopes cannot encroach into the limits of clearing. The next step to continue towards approval is to meet all conditions stated above, and to submit a complete Preliminary Plat Application and Fee. Sketch Plan Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office at (631) 765-1938. respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Southold Town Planning Board-Work Session— March 28, 2022 - Page-2 3:00 p.m. Executive Session -Discuss the hiring of particular consultant for SEQRA 4:00 p.m.Applications Project Na K_Proj m allagiros Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-95-4-16.1 Location: 18365 CR 48, Cutchogue Description: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28 acre parcel into two lots where Lot I equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning,oistrict., Status: Pending Action: Review for Completeness Attachments: Staff Report -- —__--..................... .......... 15105 Oregon Road LILC SCTM#: 1000-73-1-1 Project Name: Standard Subdivision Location, 15105 Oreqon Road, Cutchoaue Description: This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 5.1 8-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 2.60 acres and Lot 2 equals 3.24 acres and is improved with a single-family residence in the AC and R-80 Zoning Districts. Status: New Application Action: Review for Completeness ........ ... ... Attachments: Staff,Report Project Name, Astley Rpsubdivis!'on SCTM#- 1000-13-1-51.214 6 Location: 460 North View Drive, Orient Description: This resubdivision proposes to merge two parcels into a single 1.35 acre parcel in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: New App.1-i-cati.99 Action: = Review for'Completeness Attachments: Staff Report,-"", Project Name- Travelers Street Affordable I SCTM#:' 1000-61-1-9.1 Housing . ..... Location: 53315 NYS Route,25,Southold Description: This site plan application is for the proposed interior conversion of an existing 2— Story 1,979 sq. ft. dwelling on NYS Route 25 to include two (2) apartments at 850 sq. ft. each; the construction of three (3), 3,640 sq. ft. 2—Story buildings, each with four(4) 813 sq. ft. apartments and unfinished basement, and twenty-eight (28) parking stalls on 1.12acres in the Affordable Housing_pistrict,(AHD), Status: Pending'"' ...... Action: Update. Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision — Sketch Plat Application Completeness Review Date March 28, 2022 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Map Prepared By: Peter V. Brabazon Date of Map: March 3, 2021 Applicant: loannis Kalargiros Date of Submission: April 12, 2021 Tax Map Number: 1000-95-4-16.1 Project Location: 18365 County Route 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: Agricultural Conservation (AC) II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: Total acres = 4.16 acres Total Buildable Lands = 4.16 acres Yield 2 residential. # of Lots Proposed: 2 III. Site Analysis SEQR Type of Action: Unlisted Present Land Use: Agriculture/Fallow fields Existing Structures: None Existing Permits, Approvals, CO's, etc: N/A Yes. Date unknown. Need to find out when Was Property Previously Subdivided (if Yes, Date of Approval): SCTM#1000-95-4-17.1 was split from this parcel. Existing Easements or Restrictions: None Soil Type: Prime agricultural soils on most of the land Southold Planning Department Staff Report Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone: No Located within Flood Hazard Zone: No Predominant Vegetation: Grass/some trees Significant Trees on Site: Unknown Are there steep slopes? 15%? 20%? No Name of Abutting Water Body: None Critical Environmental Area: Yes SGPA Type of Wetlands on or Adjacent: None Are There Trails on Site? No Depth to Water Table: N/A Public water will be available from Silver Distance to Public Water: Colt Road Source of Water Supply: Public Historical or Archaeological Signif: Needs verification during review Does property meet Lot Recognition Needs to be verified — Code? If so, how was this established? 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report IV: Completeness Review SKETCH PLAN COMPLETENESS REQUIRED SUBMITTED NOTES Cover Letter& Subdivision Sketch Application Yes Form Authorization Letter&Transaction Disclosure Yes Form Standard Subdivision Fees Conservation • $1,000 —flat Subdivision Fees Yes fee $500—flat fee • $750— per lot $350 — per lot Deed matches Property Deed(s) & Certificates of Occupancy Yes survey dated (COS) 3/27/21. Deed was filed on 9/1/21 Copies of Easements, C&Rs, and decisions from other agencies with conditions restricting this No property FEAF or SEAF for SEQRA (Part 1) Yes FEAF Required Cluster if 7 acres or greater No 4.16 Acres Lot Recognition Yes Required ERSAP 5 copies) No Not necessary Yield Plan (5 copies) — STANDARD No Not necessary SUBDIVISION ONLY Yield Plan checked for compliance w/Town Code No Not necessary 5 copies of the Primary and Secondary No Not necessary Conservation Area 5 copies of the Sketch Plan Yes Field survey existing conditions No LWRP Consistent Assessment Form Yes Table of land areas existing and proposed Yes Lots conform with depth and width requirements Yes, partial Yes Existing buildings conform w/setbacks to new lines N/A ROW, flags, cul-de-sac radii in conformance Not yet reviewed Need Access Application meets cluster design requirements N/A 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Technical re uirernents to be shown on the Sketch Plan: ..��. , ..M� .. SUBMITTED �., .... , _......__ _.. _ .. www._ .. ... �.... .—_ Grap.hic scale of 1" = 100' Yes Key ma Yes .......— ......... _._. North Arrow, Tax Map Number, Zoning Yes District Name of Subdivision, hamlet, Town & Yes count Distance to the nearest existing, or Yes platted streets, street intersections, or other public ways within or immediately _ad acent to the tract. —._. All utilities available and/or proposed, Yes including easements therefore, and all streets which are either existing, proposed, or shown on the Official Map, if any. Zoning district, including exact boundary Yes lines of district, if more than one district, and any proposed changes in the zoning district lines and/or the Chapter 280 requirements applicable to the subdivision. Location of any existing drainage Yes systems, sewer lines, septic systems, water mains and lines, wells, culverts and drains on the property, with pipe sizes, _c rades and direction of flow. Width and location of any streets or Yes public ways or places shown on the Official Map or Master Plan, and any updates to it, if such exist, within the proposed subdivision, and the width, location, grades and street profiles of all pro osed streets or public wags. Name & address of property owner— Yes ad'acent property owners Name, address, seal & license number of Yes Engineer/Surveyor Boundaries, dimensions, angles & lot Partial — Need "Future Road" distance lines of property in feet and decimals of a foot. Designation of public open spaces with N/A included deeds and easements. — Reference to Legal Documents No — le al documents will be required. 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report ......... ...._-- ........ ........ W Permanent reference monuments and Monuments required at each boundary Street Trees shown on plat point. Street Trees to be determined Titled as "Sketch Plan for the Standard or Correction required Conservation Subdivision of V: Discussion Recommend the application as COMPLETE. Application Fee The applicant submitted $2000.00 the correct fee is $2500.00. Applicant needs to submit an additional $500.00 STAFF: Submitted on January 15, 2022 Sketch Plan Application The Sketch Plan Application a. Submit a revised application form i. Provide the correct address of the parcel. ii. The applicant's phone # (Applicants are either the owner or someone with a future ownership interest such as a contract vendee). iii. The property owner information (missing the phone number—we require at least one number). iv. Provide Agent phone number. v. Add proof of lot recognition. vi. Revise the answer to Item 17: This needs to read "No". b. Submit an Owner's Affidavit signed by the owner of the property granting permission to the applicant to apply for this subdivision. c. Submit five existing conditions surveys. d. Submit a SEQR Full Environmental Assessment Form. STAFF: All revisions have been made or submitted. Sketch Plan items identified as missing: e. Make the following corrections to the Sketch Plan: i. Title the map "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros" in the title block. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report ii. Add a key map. iii. Add name and address of property owner. iv. Relabel lots 1 and 2. Delete the word "proposed" v. Straighten the subdivision line between lots 1 and 2. vi. Change the subdivision line to a solid line. vii. Delete the subdivision line near C.R. 48 delineating the "Proposed Garden". viii. Add a table showing the total acreage of the parcel and the proposed acreage of Lots 1 and 2. ix. The "Proposed Garden" area cannot be subdivided into a separate lot. The yield for this property is two lots. x. Add the zoning district. A. Add names of the owners on record of all adjacent property owners. xii. Delete the word "Yield" from the title. A Yield Plan is not necessary due to the small size of the property. The yield will be determined from the Sketch Plan. See item i. above for the correct title format. xiii. Add location and route of public water lines and other utility service. xiv. Add or note locations and distance of fire hydrants. xv. Provide the length of the "Future Road". STAFF: All revisions have been made. Parcel Access Access to each lot is proposed as a private driveway from an unimproved Town Road (paper road). Any improvements to the road must meet Chapter 161. Highway Specifications in order to access the lots. The improvements will need to be accomplished by the applicant. Limits of Clearing The parcel is mostly cleared and limits of clearing are not shown, however, limits of clearing should be established as perimeter buffers pursuant to Southold Town Code Chapter 240. Subdivision of Land Article XIII. Preservation of Natural Features § 240- 49. Clearing. The permissible area of each lot that can be cleared is 25 percent. VII: Planning Board Considerations 1. Recommend Sketch Plan application as complete. 6 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 2. Consider issuing Conditional Sketch Plan at April 11, 2022 public meeting with the following condition. a. Submit a road and drainage plan for the "Future Road" access meeting all requirements for public road construction and dedication to the Town as specified by Southold Town Code section 161 Highway Specifications. b. Show building envelopes on each lot. c. Establish, show and label perimeter buffers on each lot compliant with the required limits of clearing. A total lot area of 25 percent is permitted to be cleared on each lot. The building envelopes cannot encroach into the limits of clearing. 7 Michaelis, Jessica From: Terry, Mark Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 8:54 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: FW: Kalargiros Paper Road Please file. From: Collins, Michael <michael.collins@town.southold.ny.us> Sent:Thursday, March 17, 2022 3:25 PM To:Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Burke,John <johnbu@southoldtownny.gov>; Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Goodwin, Dan <dang@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: RE: Kalargiros Paper Road Mark: In my opinion the applicant is responsible for building the road to Town standards. Ultimately,the decision is Dan's as the Highway Superintendent. I have copied him on my response. Michael Collins, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Southold (631) 765-1560 http://www.southoldt() raii ,ov/index.aspx?nid 195 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. From:Terry, Mark<Rrrarls.,terry(J)tQwr1.sar.rthO1 J r1y. a > Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 1:28 PM To: Collins, Michael sorIfhaid,ni _L�> Cc: Burke,John < c° P7nk. ?sou iokftrr vnnV t,7,o +>; Lanza, Heather<1a���w��� �CAI J�a��t���vrr���pm�3a. leJ r��u_a�> Subject: Kalargiros Paper Road Michael, The Planning Board is reviewing a standard subdivision that proposes to use a Town-owned paper road. What would be the requirements to improve the road? Would the cost be on the applicant or the Town? Would you agree to an access easement for 25' wide common driveway over the Town-owned section? 1 a d , w o x RC�w "......... , laua mm�n� wmaW as �N y p«yA u..r mmawrvtt�wmmrvwwWm�mn I..... L w * "S� Y01 W W W mm W U I yN a m u swan whim, W�A IIIdiJaa4Npxnd l&UU G# 4 ��mmw��— m atmw�masl a s umwma. a Wlan m „,q. ry W sv,uw e��a mG'�C�aCY '" aaa@rl110"Ya-W v76 aar wmr»w g Iw� ,. a suwxw,ma w W.64 sawankrek ➢RJ AMX aAp Maa Aw KNIV un 11.1110 M.11 JALJ m , �...»"`,w.e ,«w•�«:� �*'� ? u raw r. .I Q Ill mB 1 i a Il It 4 I� w nM1a i 19 S I Hat.&"ill aA WAtaNamp T%A .IIIUN'Jh6 SN M IT •Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 (631) -765-1938 Southold Town Plannin Board Work Session -.. February 28, 2022 Ira e 2 Project Name: Kala,giros Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-95-4-16 1 Location 18365 CR 48„ Cutchogue Description: j This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28 acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district. j Status: Pending Action: Review for Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Pro'Ject Name: Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Amended #3 SCTM#i 1000 19 1-1.4 Location: 28410 Route 25, Orient Description; This amended agricultural site plan is for the relocation of a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment; which was granted conditional approval from the Planning Board in 2019 and not constructed. The plan includes a 60' x 24' (1,440 sq. ft.) greenhouse and other existing accessory agricultural buildings on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact (the greenhouse is located in the 5-acre area and the barn is located in the 29.5-acre area) in the R 200, Zoning District. ...... e Status: Approved Action: Review Request for CO for the greenhouse Attachments: Staff Report_ Project Name: NOFO Center Amended ; SCTM#. 1000-143-3-1 Location: 75 Marlene Lane, Mattituck Description: This site plan is for proposed interior alterations to an existing 4,866 sq. ft. multi-use building, no footprint expansion, with thirty-six parking stalls on 0.7 acres in the General Business Zoning District. Status: Pending Action: Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: WJF Farms Agricultural Storage SCTM#: 1000-83-2-12.7 Building Location: 12595 Oregon Road, Cutchogue Description, This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 60' x 100' (6,000 sq ft.) agricultural pole barn, including employee bathrooms, an office and storage with a 19-space parking lot, and a 60' x 40' (2400 sq. ft.) agricultural storage shed. Status: Pending Action: Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report w. J s _ � . Corrixn(rnts: (2 - (-R�A Ws Th wmer� CON C4 � G Mrs Q of . _ .. a - OFFICE LOCATION- ALAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. o 117 54375 State Route 25 4XV, Southold 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ` Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 ` � ; www.southoldtownny.gov �4 - + � Y. ��1.4�YArdKr PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 9, 1 Larry i P.O. Box 679 Sinai, NY 11766 Proposed-Kalargiros-Standard iii Locatedt 000-95-4-16.4 ZoningDistrict:Dear Mr. is The Planning r following it June 7, 2021 Work Session. a. The Sketch f fi i is incomplete. Please submitrevised fi ti form withfollowing rr i . i. Provide the correctr r I. ii. The applicant'sono # (Applicants are either the owner or someone with a future ownershipinterest such as, a contract ). iii. The propertyr information (missing the phone number—we require least one number). iv. Provider. proofv. Add lot recognition. o i. Revise the answer to Item 17: This needs to r "No". ii. Submit an additional application ., /b. Scubmit an Owner's Affidaviti r of the propertygranting permission licant to apply for this subdivision. Southold-Town Planning or Page 2 June 9, 2021 c. Submit deeds for SCTM#1 000-94-4-16.1 and 94-4-17.1. d. Submit five existing conditions surveys. -e. Submit a SEQR-Full Environmental Assessment Form. The Sketch Plan is also incomplete. Please make the following corrections to the Sketch Plan: Ja. Title the map "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros" in the V/ title block. b. Add a key map. c. Add name and address of property owner. d. Relabel lots I and 2. Delete the word "proposed" e. Straighten the subdivision line between lots, I and 2. C/f. Change the subdivision line to a solid line. Delete the subdivision line near C.R. 48 delineating the "Proposed Garden". h. Add-a table.showing the total.acreage of.the parcel and the proposed acreage of Lots 1 and 2. The "Proposed Garden" area cannot be subdivided into a separate lot. The yield for this property is two lots. V j. Add the zoning district. k. Add names of the owners on record of all adjacent property owners. I. Delete the word "Yield" from the title. A Yield Plan is not necessary due to the small size of the property, The yield will be determined from the Sketch Plan. Add location and route of public water lines and other utility service. n. Add or note locations and distance of fire hydrants. o. Provide the length of the "Future Road". Once corrected, submit fourteen (14) copies of the corrected Sketch Plan. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department office at 631-765- 1938. Sincerely, Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director OFFICE LOCATION: NIAILING DRESS: Town Hall Annex rj"-�, P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �"�" Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) « 'k Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov Cn CO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 9, 2021 Larry Buscemi P.O. Box 679 Mt. Sinai, NY 11766 Re: Proposed Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Located at 18365 County Route 48, Cutchogue SCTM#1000-95-4-16.4 Zoning District: A-C Dear Mr. Buscemi: The Planning Board agreed to the following at their June 7, 2021 Work Session. a. The Sketch Plan Application is incomplete. Please submit a revised application form with the following corrections. i. Provide the correct address of the parcel. ii. The applicant's phone # (Applicants are either the owner or someone with a future ownership interest such as a contract vendee). iii. The property owner information (missing the phone number—we require at least one number). iv. Provide Agent phone number. v. Add proof of lot recognition. vi. Revise the answer to Item 17: This needs to read "No". vii. Submit an additional $500.00 for the $2,500.00 application fee., b. Submit an Owner's Affidavit signed by the owner of the property granting permission to the applicant to apply for this subdivision. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 June 9, 2021 c. Submit deeds for SCTM#1000-94-4-16.1 and 94-4-17.1 . d. Submit five existing conditions surveys. e. Submit a SEQR Full Environmental Assessment Form. The Sketch Plan is also incomplete. Please make the following corrections to the Sketch Plan: a. Title the map "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros" in the title block. b. Add a key map. c. Add name and address of property owner. d. Relabel lots 1 and 2. Delete the word "proposed" e. Straighten the subdivision line between lots 1 and 2. f. Change the subdivision line to a solid line. g. Delete the subdivision line near C.R. 48 delineating the "Proposed Garden". h. Add a table showing the total acreage of the parcel and the proposed acreage of Lots 1 and 2. i, The "Proposed Garden" area cannot be subdivided into a separate lot. The yield for this property is two lots. j. Add the zoning district. k. Add names of the owners on record of all adjacent property owners. I. Delete the word "Yield" from the title. A Yield Plan is not necessary due to the small size of the property. The yield will be determined from the Sketch Plan. m. Add location and route of public water lines and other utility service. n. Add or note locations and distance of fire hydrants. o. Provide the length of the "Future Road". Once corrected, submit fourteen (14) copies of the corrected Sketch Plan. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department office at 631-765- 1938. Sincerely, Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director SOLIthold Town Plannima Board Work Session — June 7 Page 3 Project Name, Soundview Restaurant Sign SCTM#- 1000-44-2-20 Location: 58775 County Road 48, Green,port Description: This existing motel is proposing to replace and add new signage. Status: Existing Action: Review Sign Request Attachnient& Staff Report Project Name: Kal.agiros Standard Subdivision SCTM#, 1000-95-4-16.1 Location: 18365 Main Road, Cutchogue Description, This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 4.28 acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 2 acres and Lot 2 equals 2 acres in the Agricultural Conservation zoning district. Status: New Application Action: Review for Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Discussion: Site Plan Use Determinations (SPUD): o Pauls Lane Convenience Store, 420 Pauls Lane, Peconic, SCTM#1000-74-4 o Love Lane Nail Spa, 100 Love Lane, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-140-3-42.3 o NOFO Center Conversion, 75 Marlene Lane, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-143-3-1 o Peconic Landing Dining Additions, 1205 Route 25, Greenport, SCTM#1 000-35-1-25 ❖ Draft Monthly Planning Board Report- May, 2021 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision — Sketch Plat Application Completeness Review Date June 7, 2021 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: Kalargiros Standard Subdivision Map Prepared By: Peter V. Brabazon Date of Map: March 3, 2021 Applicant: loannis Kalargiros Date of Submission: April 12, 2021 Tax Map Number: 1000-95-4-16.1 Project Location: 18365 County Route 48 Hamlet: Cutchogue Zoning District: Agricultural Conservation (AC) II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: Total acres = 4.16 acres Total Buildable Lands = 4.16 acres Yield 2 residential. # of Lots Proposed: 2 III. Site Analysis SEQR Type of Action: Unlisted Present Land Use: Agriculture/Fallow fields Existing Structures: None Existing Permits, Approvals, CO's, etc: N/A Yes. Date unknown. Need to find out when Was Property Previously Subdivided (if SCTM#1000-95-4-17.1 was split from this Yes, Date of Approval): parcel. Existing Easements or Restrictions: None Soil Type: Prime agricultural soils on most of the land Southold Planning Department Staff Report Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone: No Located within Flood Hazard Zone: No Predominant Vegetation: Grass/some trees Significant Trees on Site: Unknown Are there steep slopes? 15%? 20%? No Name of Abutting Water Body: None Critical Environmental Area: Yes SGPA Type of Wetlands on or Adjacent: None Are There Trails on Site? No Depth to Water Table: N/A Public water will be available from Silver Distance to Public Water: Colt Road Source of Water Supply: Public Historical or Archaeological Signif: Needs verification during review Does property meet Lot Recognition Needs to be verified — Code? If so, how was this established? Southold Planning Department Staff Report IV: Completeness Review SKETCH PLAN COMPLETENESS REQUIRED SUBMITTED NOTES Cover Letter & Subdivision Sketch Application Yes Form Missing Owner's Authorization Letter&Transaction Disclosure Authorization. Form Yes, partial Applicant is only Contract Vendee. Standard Subdivision Fees Conservation Applicant submitted $1,000 —flat Subdivision Fees 2000.00 the correct (They applied for fee • $500—flat fee fee is 2500.00 for 2 lots) • $750— per lot • $350— per lot two lots. Property Deed(s) & Certificates of Occupancy No to deeds (COS) Copies of Easements, C&Rs, and decisions from other agencies with conditions restricting this No property FEAF or SEAF for SEQRA (Part 1) No Required Cluster if 7 acres or greater No 4.16 Acres Lot Recognition No Required ERSAP (5 copies) No Not necessary Yield Plan (5 copies) — STANDARD SUBDIVISION ONLY No Not necessary Yield Plan checked for compliance w/Town Code No Not necessary 5 copies of the Primary and Secondary Conservation Area No Not necessary 5 copies of the Sketch Plan Yes Field survey (existing conditions) No LWRP Consistency Assessment Form Yes Table of land areas existing and proposed No Lots conform with depth and width requirements Yes, partial Yes Existing buildings conform w/setbacks to new lines N/A ROW, flags, cul-de-sac radii in conformance Not yet reviewed Need Access Application meets cluster design requirements N/A Southold Planning Department Staff Report Technical requirements to be shown on the Sketch Plan: -.._....—....�........... REQUIRED.... _...w... ........_............._...S.U.B.M..LTT E D...�...a. .........................................W...................W...�. .. �. .,. � .....rr.. ...._.� .... ................— .. .... . A.. Graphic scale of 1" 100' Yes Key map No North Arrow, Tax Map Number, Zoning No to Zoning District District Name of Subdivision, hamlet, Town & Incorrect subdivision name; hamlet yes; county Town es; county yes. Distance to the nearest existing , or No — need distance from property line on platted streets, street intersections, or CR 48 to nearest intersection. other public ways within or immediately Need distance from property line to Silver adjacent to the tract. Colt Rd. .. �.. ..... ....... All utilities available and/or proposed, Utilities are not shown, including easements therefor, and all streets which are either existing, proposed, or shown on the Official Map, if any Zoning district, including exact boundary No lines of district, if more than one district, and any proposed changes in the zoning district lines and/or the Chapter 280 requirements applicable to the subdivision. Location of any existing drainage No —Water mains are not shown systems, sewer lines, septic systems, water mains and lines, wells, culverts and drains on the property, with pipe sizes, grades an direction.....o....f.....f...l..o. w. ... ._ ....n. ......................., ..,..,.., .� � ..,�...��..,..,..,� Width and location of any streets or No public ways or places shown on the Official Map or Master Plan, and any updates to it, if such exist, within the proposed subdivision, and the width, location, grades and street profiles of all proposed streets or public ways. ........w . . ........ — __ Name & address of property owner— No adjacent property owners Name, address, seal & license number of Yes Engineer/Surveyor Boundaries, dimensions, angles & lot Partial — Need ' Future Road d' distance lines of property in feet and decimals of a foot... ... ...... ................ ..... ... ... Designation of public open spaces with N/A included deeds and easements. --------_------------- Reference to Le __. — pal Documents. No legal documents will be required Southold Planning Department Staff Report Permanent reference monuments and Monuments required at each boundary Y Street Trees shown on plat point. Street Trees to be determined Titled as "Sketch Plan for the Standard or Correction mrequ ired Conservation Subdivision of " V: Discussion Recommend the application as Incomplete, Application Fee The applicant submitted $2000.00 the correct fee is $2500.00. Applicant needs to submit an additional $500.00 Sketch Plan Application The Sketch Plan Application is incomplete. a. Submit a revised application form i. Provide the correct address of the parcel. ii. The applicant's phone # (Applicants are either the owner or someone with a future ownership interest such as a contract vendee). iii. The property owner information (missing the phone number—we require at least one number). iv. Provide Agent phone number. v. Add proof of lot recognition. vi. Revise the answer to Item 17: This needs to read "No". b. Submit an Owner's Affidavit signed by the owner of the property granting permission to the applicant to apply for this subdivision. c. Submit five existing conditions surveys. d. Submit a SEQR Full Environmental Assessment Form. The Sketch Plan is incomplete. Items identified as missing: e. Make the following corrections to the Sketch Plan: i. Title the map "Sketch Plan for the Standard Subdivision of Kalargiros" in the title block. ii. Add a key map. iii. Add name and address of property owner. iv. Relabel lots 1 and 2. Delete the word "proposed" v. Straighten the subdivision line between lots 1 and 2. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report vi. Change the subdivision line to a solid line. vii. Delete the subdivision line near C.R. 48 delineating the "Proposed Garden". viii. Add a table showing the total acreage of the parcel and the proposed acreage of Lots 1 and 2. ix. The "Proposed Garden" area cannot be subdivided into a separate lot. The yield for this property is two lots. x. Add the zoning district. A. Add names of the owners on record of all adjacent property owners. xii. Delete the word "Yield" from the title. A Yield Plan is not necessary due to the small size of the property. The yield will be determined from the Sketch Plan. See item i. above for the correct title format. xiii. Add location and route of public water lines and other utility service. xiv. Add or note locations and distance of fire hydrants. xv. Provide the length of the "Future Road". VII: Planning Board Considerations 1. Recommend Sketch Plan application as incomplete. a. Submit corrected Sketch Plan Application b. Submit fourteen (14) copies corrected Sketch Plan Map c. Submit five Existing Conditions Surveys, SEQR Full Environmental Assessment (FEAF). Submit five existing conditions surveys. d. Submit deeds for SCTM# 1000- 94-4-16.1 and 94-4-17.1. 2. Submit an additional $500.00 to satisfy the $2500.00 required Sketch Plan Application fee. 3. Coordinate with Town Attorney, Assessors, Highway Superintendent and Town Engineer on required specifications to gain access to parcel over Town paper road "Future Road". 6 RE D Select Expediting ' Box t® Sinai, NY 17766 n a Board (6 1) 5® .... .._ _.e._. —se-1 .e ice , L A Y, np,q i Leo,I April S, 2021 Town of Southold Planning Department 53095 Route 25 P®Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Via: Hand delivery Re: 18365 Main Dr., Cutcho ue,NY Sketch flan Submission Bear Sir/Madam: Please find enclosed the materials for a sketch plan review including the subdivision application, 12 copies of the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, 12 copies of a proposed Sketch/Yield plan, authorization letter,two authorization letters, ans a copy of a contract.Please let the undersigned know your thoughts. Very truly yours, LarryBuscemi RECEIV D SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOA 6-6t old Town Planning Board Subdivision Application Form - Final Pat Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for FINAL PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. I ...................__gi. Name of Subdivision Kalarros Subdivision I_ _ _µ 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 1000 95 4-16 1 3. Hamlet ,....,Southold.................................................,_.o..o.............,_.,.,..... 4. Street Location Southold 5_ Zoning District ..18365.. .....County .....Ro.ute_.4.8.... 6. Date of Submission 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date .March 2022....................................._...........,...,.... . 8. Preliminary Approval Date Januar.o.....,.Y.M...'�........23 . .........._........,._.w__ 9. Number of Lots Proposed Two (2) 10. Acreage of Open Space/Reserved Area None 11. Affordable Housing Units Proposed WA 12. Percentage of Affordable Housing NSA 13. If providing less than 20%Moderate Income Family DN%elling Units (MIFDU), please indicate how the property owner intends on satisfynng the Affordable Housing requirement pursuant to §240-10 13(2)(c) of the Town Code The rovislons of Section 240-1 013 2 c do not apply because fewer than �,�tive,�5� I,ots.,are proposed...... .............. ...... .. ......... 14 Does the Final Plat conform substantially to the approved Preliminary Plat? If not, please explain the differences. The Final Plat conforms substantially to the approved Preliminary lat 15. Application prepared by miner [ ] agent [] other a Signature of Preparer _� loan nis KalarSi os, Owner Final Plat.4pplicalion Form SOUTHO D PLANNING BOARD Subdivision Application Forte - FinalPlat Approval ._ 5 22 1 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for FINAL PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision �tl- .�11t�5 i��I �wi sJislDa� 2. Suffolk County Tax Map 4 �� — 10� 3. Hamlet �'ib�-e�yL✓ 4. Street Location $3.16 s7w FL 5. Zoning District ��� __ 6. Date of Submission 7 'P��- 3 7-0 2-3 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date _ 8. Preliminary Approval Date A yyy 9. Number of Lots Proposed _2� 10. Acreage of Open Space/Reserved Area 11. Affordable Housing Units Proposed 12. Percentage of Affordable Housing 13. If providing less than 20%Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units (MIFDU),please indicate how the property owner intends on satisl ping the Affordable Housing requirement pursuant to §240-10 13(2)(c) of the Town Code. 14. Does the Final Plat conform substantially to the approved Preliminary Plat? If not,please explain the differences, 15. Application prepared b4°". [] owner [] agent [] other Signature of PreparerADate- Final PlatApphcation Form !PlanningECEIVED JUN 1 6 2022 ®�oSUFFaL�-�® out o Town Board 0 ria z SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subdivision Application Form - Preliminary Plat APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision � ►Ro5 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# I dco -, erg - 4: - •A 3. Hamlet 07-C,64-o eQJE 4. Street Address/ Project Location 5. Zoning District A-C, 6. Date of Submission 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date$F4 L. S. Acreage of Site & 9. Parcel Yield F-er. 1 la 10. Number of Lots Proposed 0z a. Number of Affordable Lots Required: t4, - b. Number of Affordable Lots Proposed: t-t.A. c. Alternative Method/Payment Proposed to Satisfy Affordable Housing Requirement: Preliminary Plat Application Forin 11. Acreage of Open Space 12. Percentage of Open Space ty 13. Range of Lot Sizes (not including any required open space area) 1, A,e'• 14. Average Lot Size �- • �� 15. Private or Public Streets 'y-L�t �-- 16. Name of Road (s) C d NY 0-S 69 17. Length of Road(s) �� 18. Acreage of Road(s) -5;VMfACV .2 (q ,tom LpcvW o 0-7 19. Water Availability (public or private) If private well, has water been tested and approved by Suffolk County Department of Health Services? 20. Does the Preliminary Plat differ from the Sketch Plan previously approved by the Planning Boirp? Explain. 21. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board, what other approvals are you seeking for this subdivision from state or other agencies? Please list other applications which are currently pending involving this project. If possible, please provide application reference numbers. 22. Application completed by [ ] owner [ ] agent [other Signature of Preparer '� Date 2 EC �)k SOUTHOLD PLANNING T NT _ Subdivision Application Form - Sketch Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for SKETCH APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision O IT 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# loop - 0r15 .0 - 01- o o - o J .0 o 3. Type of Subdivision Standard [y] Conservation [ ] 4. Hamlet '%-k . 5. Street Address/ r' Project Location 6. Acreage of Site 7. Proposed Yield 8. Number of Lots Proposed 2 9. Zoning District C - e S e R�� ck 10. Date of Submission ww www W W w IL Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for the following people: Applicant: ac>a n R S �Fk`�c 3Lk 4ku_t. C. Agent; c .�. , C�M w 6?c r� 5� lna', .N \k-76 6 525 3qS� Sketch Plan Application Form 2� .: .. ...................__. Property ner(S): Surveyor: 4c9�� � �...........� 3 �.......i Engineer,- f% C,_-_ Attorney. . 12® Has an application for subdivision ever been filed for this property? If so,please indicate when and whether or not approval was granted by the Planning Board. 13. Has a pre-submission conference been held with the PlanningBoard? If so, provide date. tl 14. Does theparcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recog itioti? Yes No If"yes", explain how. 15. Has the owner/applicant met with Land Preservation? If so, provide date. 1 . Is any part of the property in agricultural use? If so, how many acres? 17. Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? 0 18. Does the owner own any adjacent properties? If so,please indicate the properties by T ° tQ 19. Are there any building permits currently pending on this property? If yes,please provide permit nu er(s). 2 RECEIVED SOUTHOLDi.u% `r; awl: R, .1112 20 21 6 I uPLANNING �i �BoardI)EP T N � ... m Subdivision Application APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for SKETCH APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision c `% _ .S 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# Q 3. Type of Subdivision Standard [y,] Conservation [ ] 4. Hamlet C'A -.y k 5. Street Address/ 1� 6� c.` , �•'2 Project Location 6. Acreage of Site 2� 7. Proposed Yield ' u S 8. Number of Lots Proposed 2. 9. Zoning District ' 24j' 10. Date of Submission 11. Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for the following people: T Applicant: �a n U^ c ' nis ��� G' 0 Agent. ._._ �_ �- t e rn.....z�_ W 46"7_C, .._ Sketch Plan Application Form �- Property ner(s),` m Surveyor.- r zo r .. ........1 Engineer: Attorney: 12° Has an application for subdivision ever been filed for this property? If so, please indicate when and whether or not approval was granted by the Planning Bo 13. Has a pre-submission conference been held with the Planning Board? If so,1-6 � provide date° .. � t ..........h ....W __. .. . � 14. Does the parcel(s)meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §2 0-9 Lot R,eco ition? Yes Y, NoM . If `yes", explain hove. 15. Has the owner/applicant met with Land Preservation?If so, provide date. 16° Is any part of the property in agricultural use? If so, hove many acres?__ 17° Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? 18. Does the owner own any adjacent properties? If so,please indicate the properties by 1.9° Are there any building permits its currently pending on this property? If yes, please provide permit nu ber(s)m ti 2 20° The site will be serviced by the following special districts or utility companies: Fire District Post Office School District ILI, Water �15 r_ 21. Has the relevant Electric Utility Company been notified of the proposed subdivision? If so, please provide proof that service will be provided. 22. Please indicate the type of open space proposed and how it will bemanaged? ,�® � ' .4' .'( .._ .... �° ..._........ .m_ ._ ... ® t t 23 a Are there any existing structures on the property? If so, please indicate the type of structure and its uses}. Will these structures remain, be removed or altered? �`? �...._..... _............... 24° Eased on the parcel yield and the affordable housing requirement of the Town Code, how any Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units are proposed? If the number that ill be built is less than 20% of the yield, please indicate how you intend on satisfying the requirement (see Town Code §24 -10 E (2)(c) for options). 0C\4- 25. Application completed by [ ] owner [ agent [ ] other Signature of prepare��� � � �. �� _ ate 3 Southold P1.angjMg_RgRArjqj2ftt Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the to of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: r Last,First,middle initial unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company, Ifso, indicate the otherperson's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan Other(Please name other activity) _ Do you personally(or through your company, spouse, sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the to officer or employee owns more than 5®%of the shares. Yes.... -No- If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the to officer or employee, Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her souse, sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C. an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship: .......... - .. .................... ......................................... __.............. ...... ...... ....... ................... Submitted this 4lay of 20 S ip g ia�kve hunt Narne-' C nj,5 Disclosure Form Southold PIanpjRg_PgpArjMt!Lt Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of to officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the to of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: Last,First,r�I—wclfe unless you are applying in the name ofsomeone else or other entity, such as a company. ffso, indicate the otherperson's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan Other(Please name other activity) _ Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the to officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes—N04-1-1-- If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this f® and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person,__,,,,__, _ Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her souse, sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C.an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship: Submitted this 81k day o*—201 r la Print Name Ln ............ Disclosure Form AGENT AUTHORIZATION I, loannis Kalargiros, owner of the property at 1365 County Route 48, Cutchogue,NY, hereby authorize Larry Buscemi to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved in the subdivision/site plan process with the Southold Planning Board. Swornto before me this r day of r' ryrnl9� a ttti ail York 4288 u lifted ljj stiff' 1;�county CMr1't"Is i on Expircls Sept,.2 ', tl 4 AUTHORIZATION LETTER I, loannis Kalar iros, contract vendee of the property identified as SCT m 1000-0 5®00- 0 m00-016,010, 1 365 Main Rd., Cutchogue,NY, hereby authorizes Larry Buscemi to act as my went and handle all necessary work involved in the subdivision/site plan process with the Scut old Planning Board. Signature- loannis Kalw&os' Sworn to before me ay of April, 2021. 9C)ROBEG�1 TiAN Notary Pub,Nic° Staw od New York ISO.01T16'2891 S'15 Qualified In Nassau County My Commission Expires Sep�3�2021 II IIII III IIIII IIIII I I I II Il IIII'I II II IIII IIIIII I II III IILII it II �IIIIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 9/1/2021 Number of Pages: 5 At: 9:37:55 PM Receipt Number: 21-0156686 *ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED* Transfer Tax Number: 21-03226 LIBER: DO-0013118 PAGE: 258 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 095.00 04.00 016.001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount $500,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $25.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $200.00 NO Mansion Tax $0.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $250.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Comm.Pres $8,500.00 NO Transfer Tax $0.00 NO Transfer Tax Number: 21-03226 Fees Paid $9,025.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County RECORDED giber of pages 5 9/1/2021 9:37:55 PM JUDITH A. PASCALE CLERK OF This document will be public SUFFOLK COUNTY record. Please remove all L D00013118 Social Security Numbers P 258 prior to recording. 21-03226 Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 25.00 Mortgage Amt. Page 1 Filing Fee _--- ----.. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax _.... _ ....—.. TP-584 5 Sub Total -0� SpecJAssit. Notation _a........�.. — ,._ or 00 EA-52 17(County) 5.00 Sub Total 55. Spec.1Add_ . ..._. TOT.MTG.TAX .. — EA-5217(State) 00 2 00 Dual Town Dual County RPT.S.A. m_N200_ Held for Appointment �, Comm.of Ed. Transfer Tax 0 ,. M 0 0 Mansion Tax 0.0 Affidavit The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy _..... ..... ,00.••— or will be improved by a one or two 00 470.00 family dwelling only. NY5 Surcharge 15' Sub Total.,.,— -._._ YES or NO Other _-. - 525.00 If NO,see appropriate tax clause on Grand Total . ..� -- page# of this instrument. Dist. Section Block 5 1 Community do 21040542 1o00-095.00-04.00-016.001 Consideration Amount 90,000.00 Real Property Tax Service 500 00 CPF Tax Due $ —_.. -� Agencyr2s+ az Verification Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharge eleases List Property Owners Mailing Address Vacant Land x RECORD&RETURN TO: Fidelity National Title — Ri-verhead, NY TD _10....� �...... 24 Commerce Drive TD FL verhead NY 11901 TD �.. Mail to:Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 '11 :tlr11 ::rz irriar rratClt 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Ors Xam- vAvx-v.suVolkcountyny.gov/derk vAv .suffolkcountyny.gov/derk ail„ Suffolk County DEED nr i;: by. wS1l.i L-. ..�. :'I i j1yF"1 0I hwxpa: Irl issainafed in SI.�G.=F'0LK,COI.u_ .: ,,NEW WM:.l :, In the TOWN of 1MOlD In the VILLAGE orHAAMETof �. BOXES XES 61'H1t.I1 8 lw^ILST BB � UN�ED IN BLACI INI ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR i'I�JNG, i� � I'�l:I�:D fill I "' (over) record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. ' Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage' Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps y 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee Mortgage Arne. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Su b Tota l Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total, Spec./Add. FA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. Held forAppointment Comm. of Ed. 5•. 00 Trare e,Tax Affidavit __ Mansion Tax Certified Copy The property covered by this mortgage is oi� will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total Other YES orNO Grand Total If No, see appropriate tax clause on page# of this instrument. 4 Dist. Section Block p �v Loth �.�/ 5 Community Preservation Fund 0 4�o y, Real Property Consideration Amount$ Tax Service Agency CPF Tax Due $ Verification 6 Satisfactions/Discharges Releases List Pro�p Improved a rty Owners Mailing Address. R CORD&RE`$URN r0: Vacant Land TD 3 3v TD 30v TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County clerk Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY :11901 www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Co.Name Y Y•gov/clerk .✓ Title# 0 = a�� 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached made by. / ( �SPECIF�'Ti"`oPEOFMSTRU'� ENT), y e premises herein is situated in UFFOLK COUNTY,NEW Y In the TOWN of 1/ / l4In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of TRUSTEE'S DEED THIS INDENTURE made the + day of VIA"2021. , BETWEEN: DEBRA J. NOWAK, of 716 Far Point Court, Bolivia,NC 28422 AND PATRICIA A. VANBOURGONDIEN, of 580 Grigonis Path, Southold,NY 11971, AS TRUSTEES OF THE GANCARZ FAMILY BENEFIT INCOME ONLY TRUST dated February 26, 2009, Grantor, AND: IOANNIS KALARGIROS AND EVANGELINE SATRAS AQ�,Tplv of 834 Hunt Lane, Manhasset,NY 11030-2841, W . k :grantee, WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, by virtue of the power and authority given in and by the said Trust Instrument and in consideration of Five Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($500,000.00), and other good and valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, grants, conveys and releases unto the Grantee, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee forever, ALL 'THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND simate at Cwchoaue. Town �ow of Southold, County Of Suffolk, State of e", '",'ork, bounded and d scribed � follows: SEE �� NNIN:G at a point on the northerly side of Middle Road (C.R. 48) at the southeast I*F corner of the prey Ka herein described adjoining Lot No. 24, "Map of Oregon View Estates", Suffolk County Map No. the East; running thence along the northerly line of Middle Road (C.R. 48) South 45°32' 05" e 49 feet to land of Paul A. Gancarz and Bertha K. Gancarz; running thence along said land two co and distances as follows: (1)North 49r 38' 9, 25" West 220.00 feet; (2) South 45°32' 05" West 110.01b I of No. 38, "Map of Oregon View Estates"; running thence along said "Map of Oregon View ss orth 49P38' 25" West 770.49 feet to a Recharge Basin, and along said Recharge Basin North 4(�5 .._ ' s 01.32 feet to said "Map of Oregon View Estates"; running thence along said Map South 5930' ast l eet to ��SUBJECT to easements, covenants and restrictions of record, if any. BEING and intended to be the same premises described in a deed made by Bertha K. Gancarz and recorded April 10, 2009 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 12585 of Deeds at Page 339. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Property Address: 18365 CR 48 Tax Map No.: 95.4-16.1 TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights which the Grantor Trustee have in and to the above-described property, by virtue of the Trust or otherwise. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the Grantee, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee forever. AND the Grantor covenants that Grantor has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatsoever. AND the Grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. THIS Deed is subject to the trust provisions of Section 13 of the Lien Law. The words "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall be construed to read in the plural whenever the sense of this Deed so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this Deed the day and year first above written. THE GANCARZ FAMILY BENEFIT L\CONIE ONLY TRI ST By:_ t�J ;NJAK, .c ' D .II Trustee By: qL PATRICIA . VANBOURC�" NDIE1' , Trustee STATE OF NOT11 CAROLINA) COUNTY OF ss.: On this day of 2021, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared DEBRA J. NOWA ,personal y known to,pie or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the e instant nt:„ and that such individual m u made such appearance before undersigned u al(s) acted, executed nder gned in (City/Town), ¢� Ci (State). EUGENE COX a tart' Public NOTARY PUBLIC � Brunswick County A h' North Carolina U My Commission Expires October25th,2021m... ��I aG)1 aoa1 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF Sc,-(l LC ) ss.: On this � _ day o ... .._—, 2021, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally ap red PATRICIA A. VANB+C3URGOI DIEN, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public 3S 6g$a L L. LaY— q.01 LV 6 RecordReturn r„o: Notary tP is- tl_o l°b ^� ratf New York `� � a x .P Y, NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. 7404-01105; SCHEDULE A (continued) dIENDED 4/29/2021 ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of Middle load (C R 48) at the Southeast corner of the premises herein described adjoining Lot No. 24, "Map of Oregon View Estates", Suffolk County Map No.6421 on the East; RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly line of Middle Load (C.R. 48) South 45 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds West 107.49 feet to land now or formerly of Gary and Anne Salice; RUNNING THENCE along said land two courses and distances as follows: 1. North 49 degrees 38 minutes 25 seconds West 220.00 feet; 2. South 45 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds West 110.00 feet to Lot No. 38, "Map of Oregon View Estates'; THENCE along said "Map of Oregon View Estates" North 49 degrees 38 minutes 25 seconds West 770.49 feet to a Recharge Basin; THENCE along said Recharge Basin, North 40 degrees 56 minutes 25 seconds East 201.32 feet to said "Map of Oregon View Estates"; THENCE along said Map South 50 degrees 30 minutes 35 seconds East 1008.19 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. END OF SCHEDULE A Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. MMEM ®.,0I11M VN HAR The use of this Form(or any derivative thereof)is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as u of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA Owners Policy(06/17/2006) 1�ifh": " NY-FT-FRVH-01030.431004-S S 27306-d 8 7404 11055 7.99520.3 RESIDENTIAL CONTRACT OF SALE This RESIDENTIAL CONTRACT OF SALE("Contract") is entered into this—2—?-n d day of March,2021, by and between DEB RA J.NOW AK,of 716 Far Point Court,Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 and PATRICIA A.VANBOURGONDIEN,of 580 Grigonis Path, Southold,New York 1197 1, as Trustees of THE GANCARZ FAMILY BENEFIT INCOME ONLY TRUST,dated February 26,2009(hereinafter"Seller"), and IOANNIS KALARGIROS and EVANGELINE SATRAS,of 834 Hunt Lane,Manhasset,New York 11030-2841 (hereinafter"Purchaser"). The parties hereby agree as follows. Premises. Seller shall sell and convey and Purchaser shall purchase the property,together with all buildings and improvements thereon, if any(collectively the"Premises"),more fully described on,a separate page marked"Schedule A",annexed hereto and made a part hereof and also known as: Street Address, 18365 Middle Road, Cutchogue,New York 11935 4.24 acre lot Tax Map Designation. 95.4-16.1 Together with Seller's ownership and rights, if any,to land lying in the bed of any street or highway,opened or proposed,adjoining the Premises tothe center line thereof,including any right of Seller to any unpaid award by reason of any taking by condemnation and/or for any damage to the Premises by reason of change of grade of any street or highway, Seller shall deliver at no additional cost to Purchaser, at Closing(as hereinafter defined), or thereafter, on demand,any documents that Purchaser may reasonably require fort e conveyance of such title and the assignment and collection of such award or damages. 1, Personal Property. No Personal Property shall be included in the sale as there are no buildings or improvements currently located on the Premises. 2. Purchase Price. The purchase price is.Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00),and shall be payable as follows: a. On the signing sift is contract,by Purchaser's good check payable to the Escrowee (as hereinafter defined),subject to collection, the receipt of is is hereby acknowledged,to be held in escrow pursuant to paragraph 3 oft is contract(the "Down Payment?'): $50,000.00; b. Balance at Closing in accordance with paragraph 10: $450,000.00. 3. Down Payment in Escrow. a. Seller's attorney, SCOLARO,FETTER,CRIZANTI & MCGOUG,P.C. ("Escrowee") shall hold the Down Payment in escrow in a segregated bank account at.NBT 1 799520.3 National Association, NatlNorwich,52 S.Broad Street,Norwich,NY 13815,until Closing or sooner termination of this contract shall pay over or apply the Down Payment in accordance with the terms of this a ra sc owee shall hold the Down Payment in a non-Interest-bearin accent for the benefit oft e parties. The Down Payment shall be placed in an IOLA account or as otherwise permitted or required yaw® The Social Security or Federal Identification numbers of the parties shall be furnished sc owes upone est.At Closing, the Down Payment shall e paid by Escrowee to Seller. If for any reason Closing does not occur and either pa iv s Notice(as defined in paragraph 5)to Escrowee demanding payment of the Down Payment, co ees all give prompt Notice tot e other party of such e an ® If Escrowee does not receive Notice of objection from such other pa tote proposed payment within siness days after e giving of such oice,Escrowee is hereby authorized and directed to make such payment. rowee does receive such Notice of objection i such 10 dayerica or if for any other reason scrc ee in good faith shall elect not to make such payment, sc wee shall continue to hold suchamount until otherwise directed by Noticefrom e parties tot is contract or a final,nonappealable judgment order or decree of court.However,Escrowees all have the right at any time to deposit the Down Paymentand the interest thereon withthe clerk of a court in the county inwhich the Premises are located and shall give Notice of such e osi to Seller and Purchaser.Upon such sit or other disbursement in accordance with the terms oft is paragraph,Escrowees all be relieved and dischargedof all u er obligations and responsibilities hereunder. b. The parties acknowledge that Escrowee is acting solely as a stakeholder at their request and for their convenience and that Escrowee shall not-be liable to either party foray act or omission on its part unless taken or suffered in badfaith or in willful disregard of this contract or involving gross negligence on the part of Escrowee. Seller and Purchaser jointly and severally (with right of contribution) agree to defers ( y attorneys selected by Escrowee), indemnify and hold Escrowee harmless from against all costs, claims and expenses(including reasonable attorneys' fees)incurred in connection with e performance of scrowee's duties hereunder, except with respect to actions or omissions sions e or suffered scrc ee in badfaith or i willful disregard oft is contract or involving gross negligence can the part of Escrowee. c. Escrowee may act or refrain from acting in respect of any matter referred o herein in full reliance upon and withthe advice of counsel which may be selected by i (including any member of its firm) and shall be fully protectedso acting or refraining from action upon the advise,of such counsel. d. scrc ee acknowledges receipt of the Down Paymentcheck subject to N collection and Escrowee's agreement tote provisions oft is paragraph by signingin the place indicated on the signature page of this contract, V e. Escro ee or any member of its firmshall e permitted to act as counsel for Seller in any dispute as tote disbursement of the Down Payment or any other dispute betweene parties whether or not Escrowee is in possession of the Down Paymentand continues to act as acre ee. 799520.3 f, The party whose attorney is Escrowee shall be liable for loss of the Down Payment. 4. Acceptable s® All money payable under this contract unless otherwise specified, all be paid by: a. Cash,but not over$1,000.00; ® Good certified check of Purchaser drawn on or official check issued by any bank, savings bank,trust company or savings and loan association having a banking office in the at of New York unendorsed and payable to the order of Seller,or as Seller may otherwise direct upon reasonable prior notice (by telephone or otherwise)to Purchaser; c. As to money other than the purchase price payable to Seller at Closing, uncertified check of Purchaser up tothe amount of$500,00; and/or ® As otherwise agreed to in writing by Seller or Seller's attorney. 5. Permitted Exceptions.Pending marketable and transferable title,the Premises are sold and shall be conveyed subject to: a® Zoning and subdivision laws and regulations, and landmark,historic or wetlands designation,provided that they are not violated by the existing buildings and improvements erected on the property or their use; b. Consents for the erection of any structures on, under or above any streets on which the Premises abut; c® Encroachments of stoops,areas, cellar steps,trim and comioes,if any, on any street or highway; and d. Real estate taxes that are a lien, but are not yet due and payable, 6. Governmental Violations and Orders. a. Seller shall comply with all notes or notices of violations of law or municipal ordinances, orders or requirements no or issued as of the date of closing by any governmental department having authority as to lands,housing,buildings,fire,health,environmental and labor conditions affecting the Premises. The Premises shall be conveyed free of the at Closing. Seller shall furnish Purchaser with any authorizations necessary to make the searches that could disclose these matters. 3 799520.3 7° Seller's Representations. a® Setter represents and warrants to Purchaser that® i° The Premises abut or have a right of access to a public road; H. Seller is the sale owner of the Premises and has the full i t,power and authority to sell, convey and transfer the same in accordance with the terms aft is contract; HL Seller is not a"foreign person",as that term is defined for purposes of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, Internal Revenue Code ("I RC") Section 15, as amended,:'_d the regulations promulgated thereunder(collectively"F ")a iv® The Premises are not affected by any exemptions orabatements of taxes, and V. Seller has been known by no other name for the past ten years, except., -. b. Seller covenants and warrants that all of the representations and warranties set forth in this contract all be true and correctat Closing. c® Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this contract, none ofSeller's covenants, representations,warranties or other obligations contained in this contract shall survive Closing. 8. Condition Property. c er acknowledges and represents that Purchaser is fully aware of the physical condition and state of repair of the Premises, based on Purchaser's own inspection and investigation thereof, and that Purchaser is entering into this contract based solely on such section and investigation and of upon any information, a ,statements is or representations,written or oral,as to the physical conditions, state of repair,use,cast o operation or any other matter related to the Premises or the other property included in the sale, given or made by Seller or its representatives,and shall accept the same"as is" in theirpresent condition and state of repair,subject to reasonable use,wear,tear and natural eterioaio between the date hereof and the date of Closing(except as otherwise set forth in par (e), without any reduction in the purchase price or claim of any kind fors y change in such condition by reason thereof subsequent to the date of this contract° Purchaser and its authorized representatives shalt have the right, at reasonable times and on reasonable notice telephone or otherwise)to Seller,to inspect e Premises before Closing, Wurable Title. Sellers all give and Purchasershall accept such title as any reputable title company y shall be willing to approve and insure in accordance with its standard form of title policy approvede New York State Insurance Department,subject only to the matters provided for this contract. 799520.3 10. Closing,Deed and Title. a. "Closing"means the settlement of the obligations of Seller and Purchaser to each other tinder this contract, including the payment of the purchase price to Seller,and the delivery to Purchaser of a warranty deed in proper statutory short form for record, duly executed and acknowledged, so as to convey to Purchaser fee simple title to the Premises, free of all encumbrances,except as otherwise herein stated, The deed shall contain a covenant by Seller as required by subd. 5 of Section 13 of the Lien Law. 11. Closing Date. Closing shall take place on or about April 3 ,2021 12. Conditions to Closing. This contract and Purchaser's obligation to purchase the Premises are also subject to and conditioned upon the fulfillment of the following conditions precedent, a. The accuracy, as of the date of Closing,of the representations and warranties of Seller made in this contract. b. The delivery by Seller to Purchaser of a valid and subsisting Certificate of Occupancy or other required certificate of compliance, or evidence that none was required, covering the building(s) and all of the other improvements,if any, located on the property authorizing their use as a family dwelling at the to of Closing. c, The delivery by Seller to Purchaser of a certificate stating that Seller is not a foreign person,which certificate shall be in the or then required by FIRPTA or a withholding certificate from I.R.S.If Seller fails to deliver the aforesaid certificate or if Purchaser is not entitled under FIRPTA to rely on such certificate,Purchaser shall deduct and withhold from the purchase price a sum equal to to percent(10%)thereof or any lesser amount permitted by law) and shall at Closing remit the withheld amount with the required forms to the Internal Revenue Service. d. If the Premises contain a one or two family house, delivery by the parties at Closing of affidavits in compliance with state and local law requirements tothe effect that there is installed in the Premises a smoke detecting alarm device or devices. e. The delivery by the parties of any other affidavits required as a condition of recording the deed. f. The Seller shall not be required to provide Buyer with an up to date survey prior to closing. 13. Deed Transfer and Recording Taxes.At Closing, certified or official bank checks payable to the order of the appropriate State, City or County officer in the amount of any applicable transfer and/or recording tax payable by reason of the delivery or recording of the deed or mortgage, if any, all be delivered by Seller,together with any required tax returns duly executed and sworn to,and such party shall cause any such checks and returns to be delivered to 799520.3 the appropriate officer promptly after Closing. The obligation to pay any additional tax or deficiency and any interest or penalties thereon shall survive Closing® Notwithstanding the foregoing however,Purchaser shall be responsible for payment of recording the deed, any recording tax(es)and any other government fees incurred as a result of recording; Seller shall be responsible for transfer taxes. 14. Apportionments and Other Adjustments; Water Meter and Installment Assessments. a® To the extent applicable,the following shall be apportioned as of midnight of the day before the day of Closing: i. taxes,water charges and sewer rents, on the basis eft e fiscal period for which assessed; ii. fuel; iii. interest on the existing mortgage; iv, premiums on existing transferable insurance policies and renewals of those expiring prior to Closing; V. vault charges; vi. rents as and when collected. b. If Closings all occur before a new tax rate is fixed,the apportionment of taxes shall be upon the basis of the tax rate for the immediately preceding fiscal period applied to the latest assessed valuation. c. If there is a water meter on the Premises, Sellers all furnish a reading to a date not more than 30 as before Closing and the unfixed meter charge and sewer rent, if any, shall be apportioned on the basis of such last reading. & Ifat the date of Closing the Premises are affected by an assessment which is or may become payable in annual installments, and the first installment is then a lien,or has been paid,then for the purposes of this contract all the unpaid installments shall be considered due and shall be paid by Seller at or prior to Closing, e. Any errors or omissions in computing apportionments or other adjustments at Closing shall be corrected within a reasonable time following Closing, This subparagraph shall survive Closing. 15. Allowance for Unpaid Taxes, etc. Seller has the option to credit Purchaser as an adjustment to the purchase price with the amount of any unpaid taxes, assessments,water charges and sewer rents,together with any interest and penalties thereon to a date not less that 6 79952 . C five bossiness dates after Closing,provided the official bills therefor computed to said date are produced at Closing. 6. Use of Purchase Price to Remove Encumbrances. If at Closing there are other lies or encumbrances that Seller is obligated to pay or discharge, Seller may use any portion o the cash balance of the purchase price to pay or discharge them, rovi aSeller s all simultaneously deliver to Purchaser at Closing instruments in recordable form and sufficient to satisfy such liens orencumbrances of record,together with the cost of recording or filing said instruments.As an alternative e let may deposit sufficient monies with the title insurance company employed by Purc.aser acceptable to and required by it to assure their discharge, but only if the title insurance company will insure Purchaser's title clear of the matters or insure against their enforcement out of the Premises and will insure Purchaser's Institutional Lender clear of such a ers. Upon reasonable riot notice y telephone or otherwise),Purchaser shall provide separate certified or official bank checks as requested to assist in clearing up these matters. Title17 x i Seller's Inability to Convey; Limitations of Liability. ® Purchasers all order n examination of title in respect of the Premises from a title company licensed or authorized o issue title insurance the New York to Insurance Department or any agent for such title company promptly after the execution oft is contract. Purchaser shall cause a copy oft e title report and of any additions thereto to be delivered tot e attorney(s) for Seller promptly after receipt thereof, b. Inability Convey. i. If at the date of Closing, Seller is unable to transfer title to Purchaser in accordance with this contract,or Purchaser has other valid grounds for refusing to close,whether by reason of liens, encumbrances or other objections o title or otherwise(herein collectively calla "Defects"),other than t ose subject to which rc e is obligated to accept title hereunder or which uchase may have waived and other than ose which Seller has herein expressly agreed to remove,remedy or discharge and if Purchaser shall be unwilling to waive the same and to close title without abatement of the purchase price,then, except as hereinafter set forth, Seller shall have the right, atSeller's stale election,either to take such action as Seller may deem advisable e cave, remedy,discharge or comply with such efect or to cancel this contract; ii. if Seller elects to take action to remove,remedy or comply with such Defects, Seller shall be entitled from time to time, upon otice to Purchaser,to adjourn the date for Closing hereunder for a period or periods not exceeding sixty( )days in the aggregate(but not extending beyond the date upon which c ase 's mortgage commitment, if any, shall expire), and the date for Closing shall be adjourned to a date specified y Seller not beyond such eio .If fora y reason whatsoever, 7 7995203 u elle s all not have succeeded in removing, remedying or complying with such efects at the expiration of such joun et(s),and if Purchaser shall still be unwilling to waive the same and to close title without abatement of the purchase price,then either party may cancel this contract by Notice tot e other given within ten(I as after er such adjourned date, iii. notwithstanding the foregoing,the existing o e(unless this sale is subject to the e)and any matter created by Seller after the date hereof shall be released,discharged or otherwise cured by Seller at or prior to Closing. c° If this contract is cancelled rs a t to its terms,other n a result of Purchaser's default, i contract s all terminate an come o an end,a neither arty shall have any further rights,obligations or liabilities against or tot e other hereunder or otherwise,except that® (i) Seller shall promptly refund or cause e Escrowee to refund the Down Payment to Purchaser a ,unless cancelled as a result of Purchaser's default,to reimburse Purchaser fort e net cost of examination of title, including y appropriate additional charges related thereto,and the net cost, if actually paid or incurred urc aser for updating the existing survey of the Premises or of a new survey,an (ii)the obligations under paragraph 24 shall survive the termination aft is contract. 18. Afridavit as to Judgments,Bankruptcies,etc.If a title examination discoses judgments, bankruptcies or other returns against erso s having names the same as or similar to at of Seller, Seller shall deliver an affidavit at Closing showing at they are not against e le , 19, Defaultsand Remedies. . If Purchaser defaults hereunder, Seller's sole remedy shall be to receive and retain e Down Payment as liquidated dama es, it being agreed at Seller's damages in case o Purchaser's default might be impossible to ascertain and the Down Payment constitutes a fair and reasonable amount of damages under the circumstances and is not a penalty, ® If Seller defaults.hereunder, Purchaser shall have such remedies as Purchaser shall e entitled to at law or in equity, including u of limited o,specific performance. i ° Purchaser's Lien.All money paidon account oft is contract,and the reasonable expenses of examination of title tote Premises and of any survey and survey inspection charges are hereby made liens on the Premises, butsuch lie s shall not continue after default by Purchaser under this contract. 21. Notice&Any notice or other communication(" otice")shall be in writing and either® a. sent by either of the parties hereto or by their respective attorneys who are hereby authorized to do so on their behalf or by the Escrowee, by registered or certified ail, postage 7 9520.3 prepaid; b. delivered in person or by overnight courier,with receipt acknowledged,to the respective addresses given in this contract for the party and the Escrowee,to whom the Notice is to be given, or to such ether address as such arty or Escrowee shall hereafter designate by Notice given tot e other party or parties and the Escrowee pursuant in thisparagraph. ac Mice mailed shall be deemed given on the third business day following the date of mailing the same, except that any Notice to Escrowee shall be deemed given only upon receipt by Escrowee and each Notice delivered in person or by overnight courier shall be deemed ive when delivered; o c, with respect to paragraph 7(b)or paragraph 20, seat by fax tote 's attorney, Each Notice by fax shall be deemed ive when transmission is confirmedt e sender's fax machine.A copy of each Notice sent to a party shall also be sent tote ar 's attorney. The attorneys forte parties are hereby authorized to give and receive on behalfo ei clients all Notices and deliveries. This contract may be delivered as provided above or by ordinary mail. 22. No Assignmentis contract may not be assigned y Purchaser without the prior written consent of Seller in each instance and any purported assignment(s)made without such consent shall be void. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Purchaser shall be entitled to assign is contract to a corporation, limited liability corporation, or similar business entity owned wholly y Purchaser. In the event such assignment is made,the Purchaser agrees t®provide any and all corporate documents necessary toeffectuate the sale including, o a io document, proof the entity is owned olly by Purchaser,and proof of the signatory ut on of Purchaser, 23. Broker. Seller and Purchaser each represents and warrants tot e other that it has of dealt with any broker in connection with this sale other than Donald 0. Stirnweis of Re/Max Integrity Leaders,who is acting on behalf of Purchaser in this transaction.Purchaser shall be solely responsible for any and all fees and costs owed to Mr. Stirnweis as a result oft is transaction. Purchaser has agreed eller and Purchaser shall indemnify and defend each other against any costs, claims and expenses, including reasonable a orney's fees arising out oft e breach on their respective parts of any representation or agreement contained in this paragraph. e provisions Oft is paragraph shall survive Closing or, if Closing does not occur the termination oft is contract. 24. Miscellaneous. a. All prior understanding, agreements,representations and warranties,Oral or written,between Seller and Purchaser, including, t not limited tote Sales Agreement entered into by the parties in advance of this Contract are merged in this contract; it completely expresses their full agreement and has been entered into after full investigation, neither party relying upon any statement made by anyone else that is not set forth in this contract. 799520.3 b. Neither this contract nor any provision thereof may be waived, changed or cancelled except in writing. This contract shall also apply 'and bind the heirs, distributees, legal representatives,successors and permittedassigns oft e respective parties.The parties.hereby authorize their respective attorneys to agree in writing to any changes in dates and time periods provided for in this contract. c. Any singular word or term herein shall also be read as in the plural and the neuter f shall include the Masculine and feminine gender,whenever the sense oft is contract may require it° d. e captions in this contract are for convenience of referenceonly and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of this contract and shall not be consideredin the interpretation of this or any provisions hereof. e. This contracts all not be binding oreffective until duly executed and delivered y Seller and Purchaser, f. Seller and Purchasershall comply with IRC reporting e ire a ts, if applicable, This subparagraph shall survive Closing. g. Each a shall,at any time and fromtime to time, execute,acknowledge where appropriate and deliver such further instruments and documents and take such other action as may be reasonably requested by the other in order to carry out the intent and purposeoft is contract.This subparagraph shall survive Closing. h. This contract is intended fart e exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and except as otherwise expressly provi e erein, shall not be for the benefit of,and shall not create any rights in, or be enforceable by any other person or entity. i® If applicable,the complete and lly executed disclosure of information onlead- based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards is attached hereto and made a part hereof° j. This contract may be executed in several counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute o e and the same instrument. In e event that any signature is deliveredfacsimile or electronic transmission, such signature shall create a valid binding obligation of the party executing or on whose behalf such signature is executed)with the same force and effect as if such facsimile or electronic signature were the original thereof, [Signatures lla l u s C 10 I r l 79950a l 1 In Witness Whereof,this contract has been duly executed by the parties hereto. � Seller: Purchaser.- THE GANCARZ FAMILY BENEFIT � INCOME lomfis +r r it s w m Debra Ja Nowak,Trustee tt EEt r Patricia A.Vanbourgondien, Trustee Attorney carSeller: SCOLARO, Attorney for Purchaser: ST&PERRUr� y P.C. PiNzINTMATFONIns- Address: 507 Plum Street, Suite 300 Address: w cj' 3 r ' ,j v Syracuse,Now York 13204 1e rm ,tftWTM1T Tel,: 31 71- 111 "TeL: Fax: 1 5- 667 Pax: Cal Receipt of e Down Payment is acknowledged and the undersigned agrees to act in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 above. Escrowee PIS., ISS Tax Map .:95.4-16.1 County or Towne Hamlet of Cutchorigue,County of Suffolk Street Number, 1 365 11 1 1 799520,2 i In Witness Whereof, is contract has been duly executed by the parties e hereto. Seller, asers BENEFIT INCOMZ ONLY TRUST Ionnis Kalargiros Debra J.Nowak,Trustee w m b � Patricia aiMourgondien, Trustee Attorney for Seller:SCOLARO, Attorney for ebaser:CHRISTOPHER J. Address: 507 Plum Street, Suite 300 Address! 330 Motor Parkway,Snits 300 Syracuse,New York 13204 aup u w York 11788 Tel.: 15-471- 111 el.® 1-62 -77 0 1 - 7 Fax: Receipt of the Down Payment is acknowledged and the undersigned agrees to act in accordance with the previsions of paragraph 6 above. Escrowee P EMS � Tax Map a®m 95.4-16®I County or Town:Hamlet of Cutchague,County of Suffolk Street Number. 165 11 I 7995201 In Witness Whereof,this contract has been duly executed the parties hereto, 4 SeHer: Purchaser, BENEFIT INCOM ONLY TRUST fox-ni JC ar iros . m zebra Jm w �,. By: Patricia A,Vanbourgandien, Trustee Attu ey for Sellera SCOLARO, Attorney for Purchaser: CHRISTOPHER Address:507PItim Street,Suite,300 Address. 330 Motor Parkway, Suite 30 Syracuse,New York 13204 Hauppauge,New York 11788 Tel.: 315-471-811.1 T'eL: 631-622-770 15-4 5-36 7 F Receipt of the Down Payment is acknowledged and the undersignedagrees to act in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 above, scrc� e Wa mS1. Tax Map No.: 5,4-1 m1 County or Town: Hamlet of Cutchogue,County of Suffolk Street Number: 15365 79520.3 Schedule BEGINNINGt a point on the not`t ely of Middle Road(C. . )at the southeast comer oft e premises herein described adjoining of No. 24, "Map of Oregon View Estates", Suffolk County Mapo. 6421 on the ;running ence along the northerly line of Middle Road(C.R.4 ) South 45' ' 5" West 107.49 feet to land of Paul A. Gancarzand BerthaK. a cart; running thence along said land two courses and distances asfollows: (1)North 491 381 5" West 220.00 feet, ( ) South 45'3 ' 5" West I 10.00 feet to Lot No. 38, "Map of Oregon View states";running thence along said "Map re on View Estates"North 49'3 '25" West 770.49 feet to a Recharge Basin, and along said Recharge Basin North 401 6' 5" East 20132 feet to said "Map of Oregon View Estates";running thence along said Map South 50' '35" East 1008.19 t to the point or place of beginning. i r I To of Southold ,I,WR,P CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1 All applicants for permits* including To of Southold agencies, shall complete this CC AF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intcndcd to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a, determination of consistency, *Except minor® exempt actions includitpg Building Permits and other minister ialpermits not located within the Coastal Erosion Ha:,,ardArea, 1 Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the To of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed actio.,n...wi-J1-..be evaluated ZITS,, L g I L s sispificaig - — — -- beneficial and adverse effects upontbe coastal area('w I lJc1i iacludes allof Southold To 1 If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. ThINS! each allswel* IMist be loll- ................ - H1aVg!:1jLjg facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertalcem A copy oft e LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (scut holdtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# V C>JG . 0(& PROJECT NAME S. The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board El Planning Board X Building Dept. El Board of Trustees El I Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: k-,. A,, Location of action .. �.::.. e w Site acreage; Ll Present land uses .� ® . Present zoning classification: �..... , If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the 'Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided; (a) Name _of applicant:- (b) Mailing address:........-,---- _ . .. ...._ (c) 'Telephone number: Area Code(���� •�t �....._w�. ( ) Application number, if any, m Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federalagency? Yes 0 No 0 If yes, which state or federal agency? Cm Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzingthe project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers ill require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COASTPOUCY Policy 1® Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open s ace, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes benericial use of a coastal location, an minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP SectionPolicies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria® Yes , o of Applicable rm T _... � t z m w vv . ........... x m �..... ��.. ... ........_..... .... Attacta additional steeds if necessary .......m Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the 'Town of Southold® See LW.RP Section III._Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes 0 No Not Applicable _. _ .....� .... ... .° .... � + ..: CA, r :..... �a . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3® Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III.......Palmcmes gages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes 1 l No Not Applicable e- V` �. .. —..._ --------- __. ..._ .._.. _ �.._ difional sheets if necessary .NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize mini m loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding anderosion. See LW.RP Section I........Policies gages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria MYes El NoD Not Applicable ........... 1 two Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve ater quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRIII Section Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ....� _ . essary Policy 6. Protect and restore time 'quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant camnt Coastal Fish and Wildlife habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section HI....- Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria., Yes L o of Applicable e fix _. Timm Rom` F Attach addnticr ecessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the "own of Southold. See LWRP Section l:lC ....... Policies Pages 32 through 34 -for evaluation criteria. . Yes No Not Applicable �... r ....... . ....... ..._ ....... Attach additional sheets if necessary .,,_ w ..._._. . .._�_. ....._. ... Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazar°douq substances and wastes. See LWRP Section IH.—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes E:1 No �7S Not Applicable _ P .lA AST P I III{vdS Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational ration l use of, coastal waters, public leads, and public resources s of the Town of Southold. SeeLWRP Section 1.11.......Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. El YesEl No2 dot Applicable rz, � tucp Attach additional sheets if.. � _. __ �HeceSS WORKING AST P LI S ➢Policy 1. . Protect Soot of 's water dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses i -suit ble locations® See L l P Section . —Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria® Yes No VI............. Not Applicable ._... _.. _ .... X a ddn�o sheets—ifnecessary Policy l L Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long.J.'sland Sound, the econic Estuary and Town waters. See:ffl..Ml .. Section ffl l -Policies; Pages 57 through for evaluation criteria® Yes F—I No U Not Applicable r0l V 0.. 0C n . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 1.2. Protect agricultural lends in. the Town of Southold. See LW.RP Section M Policies; Pages 62 rough 65 for evaluation criteria.. Yes 1:1 NIF] Not Applicable Attach additiorW sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See IMRP Section HI _Policies; Pees 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria® Yes I........... N [2 Not Applicable �� .... PREPAREDBY TITLE "l 2 .,4me ded on 811105 Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I -Project and Setting Instructions for Completing Part I Part 1 is to be completed by the applicant or project sponsor. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part I based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information;indicate whether missing information does not exist, or is not reasonably available to the sponsor;and,when possible,generally describe work or studies which would be necessary to update or fully develop that information. Applicants/sponsors must complete all items in Sections A&B. In Sections C,D&E,most items contain an initial question that must be answered either"Yes"or"No". If the answer to the initial question is"Yes",complete the sub-questions that follow. If the answer to the initial question is"No",proceed to the next question. Section F allows the project sponsor to identify and attach any additional information. Section G requires the name and signature of the applicant or project sponsor to verify that the information contained in Part I is accurate and complete. A.Project and Applicant/Sponsor Information. Name of Action or Project: Kot C,- r�)'k ru -5 Project Location(describe,and attach a general location map): _10 L e no 6e (I Ic 5 Brief Description of Proposed Action(include purpose or need).-_ ?C Q eo se 4 1 C) 4 1, S " 0 -N Name of Applicant/Sponsor: Telephone: &16) 7-131-75 O nr\t Vz� C,c 5 r 0 J E-Mail: I -L CL -5 Address- '63� . - L, , City/PO., State: [,!Zip Code:t 1 0�. 55 e 0 Project Contact if not same as sponsor;give name and title/role): Telephone: Lc- t,r \, 1i%t5Cer%-', E-Mail: r,C-'Accz^, Address-, r-\ U p r, C Po.. State:City/Po.. Code: de: -706 Property Owner (if not same as sponsor): Telephone: E-Mail: Address: City/PO: State: Zip Code: Page I of 13 FEAF 2019 B.Government Approvals B.Government Approvals,Funding,or Sponsorship. ("Funding"includes grants,loans,tax relief,and any other forms of financial assistance.) Government Entity If Yes: Identify Agency and Approvals) Application Date Required (Actual or projected) a. City Counsel,Town Board, ElYesE@No or Village Board of Trustees Planning Board or Commission c C,n b.City, or Village es No v n 6 Z-> K, r tY g I c( c.City,Town or es No Village Zoning Board of Appeals d.Other local agencies es No "j o o 1�? .11 CA dfCk e.County agencies ©Yes[]No C. M C 1 `lam 2Z 0 � C £Regional agencies es No . State agencies es No h.Federal agencies es No i. Coastal Resources. i. is the project site within a Coastal Area,or the waterfront area of a Designated Inland Waterway? Yes o ii. Is the project site located in a community with an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program? El Yes No iii. Is the project site within a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area? 0 Yes No C.Planning and Zoning C.I.Planning and zoning actions. Will administrative or legislative adoption, or amendment of a plan,local law,ordinance,rule or regulation be the Yes No only approval(s)which must be granted to enable the proposed action to proceed? • If Yes,complete sections C,F and G. • If No,proceed to question C.2 and complete all remaining sections and questions in Part 1 . .Adopted land use plans. a.Do any municipally-adopted (city,town,village or county)comprehensive land use plan(s)include the site Yes No where the proposed action would be located? If Yes,does the comprehensive plan include specific recommendations for the site where the proposed action oyesEINO would be located? b.Is the site of the proposed action within any local or regional special planning district(for example: Greenway; Yes No Brownfield Opportunity Area(BOA);designated State or Federal heritage area;watershed management plan; or other?) If Yes,identify the plan(s): c. Is the proposed action located wholly or partially within an area listed in an adopted municipal open space plan, Yes No or an adopted municipal farmland protection plan? If Yes,identify the plan(s): Page 2 of 13 C.3. Zoning a. Is the site of the proposed action located in a municipality with an adopted zoning law or ordinance. Yes No If Yes,what is the zoning classillcation )including any applicable overlay district? � �A F -2 b. Is the use permitted or allowed by a special or conditional use permit? Yes No c. Is a zoning change requested as part of the proposed action? Yes No If Yes, i. What is the proposed new zoning for the site? CA.Existing community services. a.In what school district is the project site located? b. What pol ice or other public 1,,)rote(,6on forces serve (1w projed site? S!ni—k---z cc, V ......... c. is Fire protectioill and emergency medical services serve the project site? y. ................................. d. What parks serve the project site? D.Project Details .1.Proposed and Potential Development a.What is the general nature of the proposed action(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial,recreational;if mixed,include all components)? r-RC -, A A "I I b. a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? A acres c. Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? Lt.2-?3 b acres c.Is the proposed action an expansion of an existing project or use? El Yes®No L If Yes,what is the approximate percentage of the proposed expansion and identify the units(e.g.,acres,miles,housing units, square feet)? % Units: d.Is the proposed action a subdivision,or does it include a subdivision? [SlYes®No If Yes i. Purpose or type of subdivision?(e'g.,residential,industrial,commercial;if mixed,specify types) CA iL Is a cluster/conservation layout proposed? E]Yes[111Vo HL Number of lots proposed? 111 iv. Minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes? Minimum Maximum 2 e. Will the proposed action be constructed in multiple phases? 0 Yes[@No i. If No,anticipated period of construction: 2 months iL If Yes: ® Total number of phases anticipated 0 Anticipated commencement date of phase 1 (including demolition) month year 0 Anticipated completion date of final phase month ____year a Generally describe connections or relationships among phases,including any contingencies where progress of one phase may determine timing or duration of future phases: .. ..... ............. .... ..... ... ..... .... ...... . .......................... ...... ..... ........... Page 3 of 13 f.Does the project include new residential uses? Yes No If Yes,show numbers of units proposed. One Family Two Family Three Family l h i Family(foirpr more Initial Phase 2 At completion of all phases ................. .......... g.Does the proposed action include new non-residential construction(including expansions)? Yes No If Yes, i.Total number of structures ii. Dimensions(in feet)of largest proposed'structure:-height;, width; and _length iii. Approximate extent of building space to be heated or cooled: square feet h.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that will result in the impoundment of any E]Yes�No liquids,such as creation of a water supply,reservoir,pond,lake,waste lagoon or other storage? If Yes, i. Purpose of the impoundment: ii. Ifa water impoundment,the principal source of the water: Ground water®Surface water streams E]Other specify: W. If other than water,identify the type of impounded/contained liquids and their source. iv. Approximate size of the proposed impoundment. Volume: million gallons;surface area: acres v. Dimensions of the proposed dam or impounding structure: height;_length vi. Construction method/materials for the proposed dam or impounding structure(e.g.,earth fill,rock,wood,concrete)° ............I...... D.2. Project Operations a.Does the proposed action include any excavation,mining,or dredging,during construction,operations,or both? oyes No (Not including general site preparation,grading or installation of utilities or foundations where all excavated materials will remain onsite) i If Yes: i.What is the purpose of the excavation or dredging? ....... ................... ii. How much material(including rock,earth,sediments,etc.)is proposed to be removed from the site? • Volume(specify tons or cubic yards): • Over what duration of time? iii. Describe nature and characteristics of materials to be excavated or dredged,and plans to use,manage or dispose of them. .................... iv. Will there be onsite dewatering or processing of excavated materials? nYes soNo If yes,describe._, ...... v. What is the total area to be dredged or excavated? .............. acres vi. What is the maximum area to be worked at any one time? acres vii. What would be the maximum depth of excavation or dredging? feet viff. Will the excavation require blasting? ElyesF]No ix. Summarize site reclamation goals and plan: .......... ......................... ........... b.Would the proposed action cause or result in alteration of,increase or decrease in size of,or encroachment nYes[SNo into any existing wetland,waterbody,shoreline,beach or adjacent area? If Yes: i. Identify the wetland or waterbody which would be affected(by name,water index number,wetland map number or geographic description): ............ ............. . ------ ............. Page 4 of 13 ii. Describe how the proposed action would affect that waterbody or wetland,e.g. excavation,fill,placement of structures,or alteration of channels,banks and shorelines. Indicate extent of activities,alterations and additions in square feet or acres: id.Will the proposed action cause or result in disturbance to bottom sediments? Yes o If Yes,describe: _ iv. Will the proposed action cause or result in the destruct ion or removal of aquatic vegetation? Yes No If Yes: • acres of aquatic vegetation proposed to be removed: _ • expected acreage of aquatic vegetation remaining after project completion: _................................................... • purpose of proposed removal(e.g.beach clearing,invasive species control,boat access): • propose... p .� .... ... .�� ......a, .� d method of plant removal: • if chemical/herbicide treatment will be used specify_p..cify products): .... ... ,..,. v. Describe any proposed reclamation/mitigation following disturbance: m c.Will the proposed action use,or create a new demand for water? ®Yes❑No If Yes: i. Total anticipated water usage/demand per day: 0 gallons/day ii. Will the proposed action obtain water from an existing public water supply? ®Yes❑No s:If Y Name of district or service area: a ` CO v C1 00 'r 1 • Does the existing public water supply have capacity to serve the proposal? El YesEl No • Is the project site in the existing district? E Yes No • Is expansion of the district needed? Yes No • o existing lines serve the project site? S YesEl No iii. Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to supply the project? OYes EDNo If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: • Source(s)of supply for the district:. mm. iv. Is a new water supply district or service area proposed to be formed to serve the project site? EJ Yes No If,Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted oranticipated:. • Proposed source(s)of supply for new district: v. if a public water supply will not be used,describe plans to provide water supply for the project: vi.If water supply will be from wells(public or private),what is the m pumping m capacity: g allons/minute. P p d.Will the proposed action generate liquid wastes? Yes o If Yes: i. Total anticipated liquid waste generation per day: 900 gallons/day approximate quid nst s ro generated of(e h,.sanitary L 5 �te\�dustrial;if conibirriation,describe all components and ii. Nature of liquid wastes to be enerated e. srt wastewater, p p ) r 5k iii. Will the proposed action use any existing public wastewater treatment facilities? ❑Yes Flo If Yes: • Name of wastewater treatment plant to be used: .................. .. .,. . ................. • Name of district: Does the existing wastewater treatment plant have capacity to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No Is the project site in the existing district? Yes o • Is expansion of the district needed? E]YesE3No Page 5 of 13 • Do existing sewer lines serve the project site? Yes No • Will a line extension within an existing district be necessary to serve the project? Yes No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project:............_............ .......... iv. Will a new wastewater(sewage)treatment district be formed to serve the project site? Yes No If Yes: * Applicant/sponsor for new district: * Date application submitted or anticipated: * at is the receiving water for the wastewater discharge? .............................. v. If public facilities will not be used,describe plans to provide wastewater treatment for the project,including specifying proposed receiving water(nape and claslfication if surface discharge ores lR ubsurface isposalplans): CC) V ....... ..........---------..... ......................... Vi. Describe any plans or designs to capture,recycle or reuse liquid waste- C \-C r 'A e.Will the proposed action disturb more than one acre and create stormwater runoff,either from new point [E]Yes ]No sources(i.e. ditches,pipes,swales,curbs,gutters or other concentrated flows of stormwater)or non-point source(i.e. sheet flow)during construction or post construction? If Yes: i. How much impervious surface will the project create in relation to total size of project parcel? Square feet or ,S acres(impervious surface) Square feet or y. 3 size) ii. Describe types of new point sourcesacres(parcel. iii. Where will the stormwater runoff be directed(i.e.on-site stormwater management facility/structures,adjacent properties, groundwater,on-site surface water or off-site surface waters)? .................. -,...................If to surface waters,identi .... ............................................ • fy receiving water bodies or wetlands: .............. ................ --___,-, • Will stormwater runoff flow to adjacent properties? E]YesE2No iv. Does the proposed plan minimize impervious surfaces,use pervious materials or collect and re-use stormwater? E]YesoNo f. Does the proposed action include,or will it use on-site,one or more sources of air emissions,including fuel E]Yes 0No combustion,waste incineration,or other processes or operations? If Yes,identify: i.Mobile sources during project operations(e.g.,heavy equipment,fleet or delivery vehicles) ................ ii. Stationary sources during construction(e.g.,power generation,structural heating,batch plant,crushers) .............. iii. Stationary sources during operations(e.g.,process emissions,large boilers,electric generation) ................. g.Will any air emission sources named in D.2.f(above),require a NY State Air Registration,Air Facility Permit, []Yes No or Federal Clean Air Act Title IV or Title V Permit? If Yes: i. Is the project site located in an Air quality non-attainment area? (Area routinely or periodically fails to meet E]Yes No ambient air quality standards for all or some parts of the year) ii. In addition to emissions as calculated in the application,the project will generate: 0 - -Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 0 Tons/year(short tons)of Nitrous Oxide(N20) a _1_... --Tons/year(short tons)of Perfluorocarbons(PFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Sulfur Hexafluoride(SF6) • Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide equivalent of Hydroflourocarbons(HFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Page 6 of 13 h. Will the proposed action generate or emit methane(including,but not limited to,sewage treatment plants, Elyes No landfills,composting facilities)? If Yes: i. Estimate methane generation in tons/year(metric): U.Describe any methane capture,control or elimination measures included in project design(e.g.,combustion to generate he at or electricity,flaring): i.Will the proposed action result in the release of air° o' pollutants from open-air operations or processes,such as Yes No quarry or landfill operations? If Yes:Describe operations and nature of emissions(e.g.,diesel exhaust,rock particulates/dust): j.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels or generate substantial Yes No new demand for transportation facilities or services? If Yes: i. When is the peak traffic expected(Check all that apply): Morning Evening OWeekend U. For commercial activities only, o ected pr n Randomlyto between hours of umber of truck trips/dayand e(e.g.,semi trailers and dumptrucks iv. Dos thes proposed action in W. g p g Proposed Net increase/decrease p p dude any s.W.�.. ... .._ hared use parking? Dyes E]No v. If the proposed action includes any modification of existing roads,creation of new roads or change in existing access,describe: vi. Are p e p p p( )or facilities accommodations ts � No vii ll thpopsed ac on include acasto publc ransportation or for ue of hybrid,electric Yes No or other alternative fueled vehicles? viii.Will the proposed action include plans for pedestrian or bicycle accommodations for connections to existing Yes No pedestrian or bicycle routes? k. Will the proposed action (for commercial or industrial projects only)generate new or additional demand ❑YesNo for energy? If Yes: i. Estimate annual electricity demand during operation of the proposed actin: p project(e.g.,on-site combustion,on-site renewable,via grid/local utility, ii. Antici ated sources/suppliers of electricity for the ro tY, e tili or other): iii. Will the proposed action require a new,or an upgrade,to an existing sub - _,... ... q re pgr g station? Yes No 1.Hours of operation. Answer all items which apply. i. During Construction: ii. During Operations:F2 4 Monday-Friday: g ` - . Saturday: �'�¢ .�.. 0 Saturday:.. .. .._..... �_. . Sunday:_ a Sunday:� Holidays: Holidays: �' _ ..��.� _ Page 7 of 13 m.Will the proposed action produce noise that will exceed existing ambient noise levels during construction, 0 Yes No operation,or both? If yes: L Provide details including sources,time of day and duration: ii. Will the proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a noise barrier or screen? 13 Yes No Describe: n.Will the proposed action have outdoor lighting? E2 Yes No If yes: i. Describe source(s), location(s),height of fixture(s),direction/aim,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: I (�tl #1 (10 1�c ..... ..... ..... .................. SV-e s 0-No ii. Will proposed action remove existing natUrJbarriers that could act as a light barrier or screen? I Describe: o. Does the proposed action have the potential to produce odors for more than one hour per day? El Yes No If Yes,describe possible sources,potential frequency and duration of odor emissions,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: ............. ------- .............. p.Will the proposed action include any bulk storage of petroleum(combined capacity of over 1,100 gallons) Yes No or chemical products 185 gallons in above ground storage or any amount in underground storage? If Yes: L Product(s)to be stored ii. Volume(s) per unit time (e.g.,month,year) iii. Generally,describe the proposed storage facilities: . .......................................... q.Will the proposed action(commercial,industrial and recreational projects only)use pesticides(i.e.,herbicides, 0 Yes No insecticides)during construction or operation? If Yes: L Describe proposed treatment(s): ii. Will the 0 Yes '[)',No r. Will the proposed action(commercial or industrial projects only)involve or require the management or disposal E] Yes ' No of solid waste(excluding hazardous materials)? If Yes: L Describe any solid waste(s)to be generated during construction or operation of the facility: 0 Construction: tons per (unit of time) 0 Operation: tons per .................... (unit of time) ii. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of materials to avoid disposal as solid waste: • Construction: .................. • Operation: iii. Proposed disposal methods/facilities for solid waste generated on-site: • Construction: • Operation: ... ................ ............................. ....... ................ ................. ............ Page 8 of 13 s.Does the proposed action include construction or modification of a solid waste management facility? F] Yes IN No If Yes: L Type of management or handling of waste proposed for the site(e.g.,recycling or transfer station,composting,landfill,or other disposal activities): ii. Anticipated rate of disposal/processing: • Tons/month,if transfer or other non-combustion/thermal treatment,or • Tons/hour,if combustion or thermal treatment iii. if landfill,anticipated site life: years t.Will the proposed action at the site involve the commercial generation,treatment,storage,or disposal of hazardous ElYes No waste? If Yes: L Name(s)of all hazardous wastes or constituents to be generated,handled or managed at facility: .......... ........... iL Generally describe processes or activities involving hazardous wastes or constituents: iii. Specify amount to be handled or generated tons/month iv. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of hazardous constituents: v. Will any hazardous wastes be disposed at an existing offsite hazardous waste facility? s[2No If Yes:provide name and location of facility: ... ......... If No:describe proposed management of any hazardous wastes which will not be sent to a hazardous waste facility: E.Site and Setting of Proposed Action .......... E.I.Land uses on and surrounding the project site a.Existing land uses. i. Check all uses that occur on,a4joining and near the project site. El I Jrban El Industrial 0 Commercial [2 Residential(suburban) El Rural(non-farm) [] Forest �Agriculture [] Aquatic ❑ Other(specify): iL If mix of uses,generally descr'b n rNQ U Q ............. .......... ......... b.Land uses and covertypes on the project site. Land use or Current Acreage After Change Covertype Acreage Project Com letion (Acres 0 Roads,buildings,and other paved or impervious surfaces 0 Forested 0 0 * Meadows,grasslands or brushlands(non- agricultural,including abandoned agricultural) • Agricultural (includes active orchards,field,greenhouse etc.) • Surface water features 0 (lakes,ponds,streams,rivers,etc.) • Wetlands(freshwater or tidal) 07 0 • Non-vegetated(bare rock,earth or fill) • Other Describe: Page 9 of 13 ........... c.Is the project site presently used by members of the community for public recreation? Yes No i. If Yes:explain: d.Are there any facilities serving children,the elderly,people with disabilities(e.g.,schools,hospitals,licensed E]YesE]No day care centers,or group homes)within 1500 feet of the project site? If Yes, i. Identify Facilities: .. ......... e.Does the project site contain an existing dam? Yes No If Yes: L Dimensions of the dam and impoundment: • Dam height: feet • Dam length: feet a Surface area: acres • Volume impounded: ......... gallons OR acre-feet ii. Dams existing hazard classification: W. Provide date and summarize results of last inspection: ................. f.Has the project site ever been used as a municipal,commercial or industrial solid waste management facility, E1Yes No or does the project site adjoin property which is now,or was at one time,used as a solid waste management facility? If Yes: i.Has the facility been formally closed? El Yes[] No • If yes,cite sources/documentation: ...... ..... ii. Describe the location of the project site relative to the boundaries of the solid waste management facility: W. Describe any development constraints due to the prior solid waste activities: ..................... g.Have hazardous wastes been generated,treated and/or disposed of at the site,or does the project site adjoin E]Yes property which is now or was at one time used to commercially treat,store and/or dispose of hazardous waste? If Yes: i. Describe waste(s)handled and waste management activities,including approximate time when activities occurred: h. Potential contamination history. Has there been a reported spill at the proposed project site,or have any E]Yes[2 No remedial actions been conducted at or adjacent to the proposed site? If Yes: L Is any portion of the site listed on the NYSDEC Spills Incidents database or Environmental Site Yes No Reinediation database? Check all that apply: El Yes—Spills Incidents database Provide DEC ID number(s): 0 Yes—Environmental Site Remediation database Provide DEC ID number(s):WLL E] Neither database ii. If site has been subject of RCRA corrective activities,describe control measures:__ .......................... ........... .... .... .... .............. UL Is the project within 2000 feet of any site in the NYSDEC Environmental Site Remediation database? [:]YesE]No If yes,provide DEC ID number(s): iv. If yes to(i),(ii)or(iii)above,describe current status of site(s): Page 10 of 13 - , ........... ........ .......... -------- .....I.. — v. Is the project site subject to an institutional control limiting property uses? El Yes [59No • If yes,DEC site ID number: • Describe the type of institutional control(e.g.,deed restriction or easement): . ..... • Describe any use limitations: • Describe any engineering controls: ...........• Will the project affect the institutional or engineering controls in place? El Yes E]No • Explain: ........... ..................... E.2. Natural Resources On or Near Project Site a.What is the average depth to bedrock on the project site? LX K n o.,N feet b.Are there bedrock outcroppings on the project site? E]Yes[3NO If Yes,what proportion of the site is comprised of bedrock outcroppings? % .............. ..........- c.Predominant soil type(s)present on project site: % d. What is the average depth to the water table on the project site? Average: A feet .......................... e.Drainage status of project site soils:[B Well Drained: o '/o of site E] Moderately Well Drained: %of site [3 Poorly Drained 11%of site f.Approximate proportion of proposed action site with slopes: [9 0-10%: %of site [3 10-15%: %of site IS%or greater: of site g.Are there any unique geologic features on the project site? El ............. E]Yes[QNo If Yes,describe: h. Surface water features. i. Does any portion of the project site contain wetlands or other waterbodies(including streams,rivers, Yes No ponds or lakes)? ii. Do any wetlands or other waterbodies adjoin the project site? Yes No If Yes to either i or ii,continue. If No,skip to E.21 iff. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies within or adjoining the project site regulated by any federal, El Yes EBNo state or local agency? iv. For each identified regulated wetland and waterbody on the project site,provide the following information: 0, Streams: Name Classification—— * Lakes or Ponds: Name Classification * Wetlands: Name Approximate Size_ ........... * Wetland No.(if v. Are any of the abovewaterbodies listed in the most recent compilation of NYS water quality-impaired E]Yes ERoo waterbodies? odies and basis for listing as impaired: If yes,name of impaired water body/b mm i.Is the project site in a designated Floodway? E]Yes j.Is the project site in the 100-year Floodplain? E]Yes o k.Is the project site in the 500-year Floodplain? [-]Yes EINo 1.Is the project..site located over,or immediately adjoining,a primary,principal or sole source aquifer? Yes No I F Yes: i.Name of aqui&r: .............. ........... ........ Page 11 of 13 in. Identify the pied iiiatit wildlife species that occupy or use the project site: ..................... A6, C 0 O\t V n.Does the project site contain a designated significant natural community? E]Yes If Yes: i. Describe the habitat/community(composition,function,and basis for designation): .............................................. ................I'll,I'll-1-1------- ................. ..................................................................... .................... ii. Source(s)of description or evaluation:..... W. Extent of community/habitat: • Currently: acres • Following completion of project as proposed: acres • Gain or loss(indicate+or acres o.Does project site contain any species of plant or animal that is listed by the federal government or NYS as E]Yes No endangered or threatened,or does it contain any areas identified as habitat for an endangered or threatened species? If Yes: i. Species and listing(endangered or threateiied):— p. Does the project site.c.on-t"I ain any species of plant..or animal that is listed by NYS as rare,or as a species of Yes No special concern? If Yes: i. Species and listing:_,,. ........... ....... .......... q.Is the project site or adjoining area currently used for hunting,trapping,fishing or shell fishing? [:]Yes[DNo If yes,give a brief description of how the proposed action may affect that use: ........ .................... .................... ............... E.3. Designated Public Resources On or Near Project Site . ........ — a. ..... Is the project site,or any portion of it,located in a designated agricultural district certified pursuant to E]Yes[ENo Agriculture and Markets Law,Article 25-AA,Section 303 and 304? If Yes, provide county plus district name/number: b.Are agricultural lands consisting of highly productive soils present? E]Yes[E]No i. If Yes:acreage(s)on project site? ............. ii. Source(s)of soil rating(s): .... ..................... c. Does the project site contain all or part of,or is it substantially contiguous to,a registered National E]Yes o i Natural Landmark? If Yes: i. Nature of the natural landmark: E]Biological Community E] Geological Feature ii. Provide brief description of landmark,including values behind designation and approximate size/extent: .......... d.Is the project site located in or does it adjoin a state listed Critical Environmental Area? Yes No If Yes: i. CEA name: ii. Basis for designation:, W. Designating agency and date: Page 12 of 13 . ...........- e.Does the project site contain,or is it substantially contiguous to,a building,archaeological site,or district 0 YesEl No which is listed on the National or State Register of Historic Places,or that has been determined by the Commissioner of the NYS Office of Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation to be eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places? If Yes: i. Nature of historic/archaeological resource: ElArchaeological Site E]Historic Building or District ii.Name: iff. Brief description of attributes on which listing is based: ............................ —---—-------................................................................................ ..................................... ................ f,Is the project site,or any portion of it,located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive for Yes No archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)archaeological site inventory? g.Have additional archaeological or historic site(s)or resources been identified on the project site? Yes No If Yes: i.Describe possible resource(s): .......... ii. Basis for identification: h.Is the project site within fives miles of any officially designated and publicly accessible federal,state,or local Yes No scenic or aesthetic resource? If Yes: i. Identify resource: . ... .......... ii. Nature of,or basis for,designation(e.g.,established highway overlook,state or local park,state historic trail or scenic byway, etc.): iff. Distance between project and resource m miles. i. Is the project site located within a designated river corridor under the Wild,Scenic and Recreational Rivers Yes No Program 6 NYCRR 666? If Yes: i. Identify the name of the river and its designation: ii. Is the activity consistent with development restrictions contained in 6NYCRR Part 666? F]Yes .......... F.Additional Information Attach any additional information which may be needed to clarify your project. If you have identified any adverse impacts which could be associated with your proposal,please describe those impacts plus any measures which you propose to avoid or minimize them. G. Verification 1 certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name U Date r(-4- Signature Title ............. PRINT FOR Page 13 of 13 Agency'Use Only[If appficablej Full Environmental Assessment For Project. . — Part 2-Identification of Potential Project Impacts Date� F Part 2 is to be completed by the lead agency. Part 2 is designed to help the lead agency inventory all potential resources that could be affected by a proposed project or action. We recognize that the lead agency's reviewer(s)will not necessarily be environmental professionals. So,the questions are designed to walk a reviewer through the assessment process by providing a series of questions that can be answered using the information found in Part 1. To further assist the lead agency in completing Part 2,the form identifies the most relevant questions in Part I that will provide the information needed to answer the Part 2 question. When Part 2 is completed,the lead agency will have identified the relevant environmental areas that may be impacted by the proposed activity. If the lead agency is a state agency and the action is in any Coastal Area,complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. Tips for completing Part 2: * Review all of the information provided in Part 1. * Review any application,maps,supporting materials and the Full EAF Workbook. * Answer each of the 18 questions in Part 2. * If you answer"Yes"to a numbered question,please complete all the questions that follow in that section. * If you answer"No"to a numbered question,move on to the next numbered question. * Check appropriate column to indicate the anticipated size of the impact. * Proposed projects that would exceed a numeric threshold contained in a question should result in the reviewing agency checking the box"Moderate to large impact may occur." * The reviewer is not expected to be an expert in environmental analysis. * If you are not sure or undecided about the size of an impact,it may help to review the sub-questions for the general question and consult the workbook. * When answering a question consider all components of the proposed activity,that is,the"whole action". * Consider the possibility for long-term and cumulative impacts as well as direct impacts. * Answer the qUCS(i011 in a reasonable manner considering the scale and context of the project. 1. Impact on Land Proposed action may involve construction on, or physical alteration of, NO -EYES the land surface of the proposed site. (See Part 1. D.1) ff"Yes", answer questions a-J. If"No", move on to Section 2. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ..... ajoccur occur a.The proposed action may involve construction on land where depth to water table is E2d less than 3 feet. b.The proposed action may involve construction on slopes of 15%or greater. E2f c. The proposed action may involve construction on land where bedrock is exposed,or E2a generally within 5 feet of existing ground surface. d.The proposed action may involve the excavation and removal of more than 1,000 tons D2a of natural material. e.The proposed action may involve construction that continues for more than one year Die El or in multiple phases. f.The proposed action may result in increased erosion,whether from physical D2e,D2q disturbance or vegetation removal(including from treatment by herbicides).... g.The proposed action is,or may be,located within a Coastal Erosion hazard area. BE h.Other impacts: ... ... Page 1 of 10 FEAF 2019 ................ . Impact on Geological Features e proposed action may result in the modification or destruction of, or inhibit access to,any unique or unusual land forms on the site(e. ., cliffs, dunes, NNO YES minerals,fossils, caves). (See Part 1. .2. ) I "Yes", answer questions a-c. I "No", move on to Section 3. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.Identify the specific land form(s)attached: Egg ❑ 0 b.The proposed action may affect or is adjacent to a geological feature listed as a E3c r7l El registered National Natural Landmark. Specific feature: _.......a_........................ c. Other impacts: m. ❑ 0 3. Impacts on Surface Water e proposed action may affect one or more wetlands or other surface water 54NO S bodies(e. ., streams,rivers,ponds or lakes). (See Part 1. D.2,E.21) y"Yes", answer uestions a®1. If"No", move on to Section 4. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may y occur occur a.The proposed action may create a new water body. 132b,Dlh b.The proposed action may result in an increase or decrease of over r 10%or more than a D2b 0 ❑ 10 acre increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water. c.The proposed action may involve dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material D2a ❑ E from a wetland or water body. d.The proposed action may involve construction within or adjoining a freshwater or E2h tidal wetland,or in the bed or banks of any other water body. e.The proposed action may create turbidity in a waterbody,either from upland erosion, 132a,132h runoff or by disturbing bottom sediments. f.The proposed action may include construction of one or more intake(s)for withdrawal D2c of water from surface water. g.The proposed action may include construction of one or more outfall(s)for discharge D2d ❑ of wastewater to surface water(s). h.The proposed action may cause soil erosion,or otherwise create a source of D2e stormwater discharge that may lead to siltation or other degradation of receiving water bodies. i. The proposed action may affect the water quality of any water bodies within or E2h downstream of the site of the proposed action. j.The proposed action may involve the application of pesticides or herbicides in or D2q,E2h El 0 around any water body. k.The proposed action may require the construction of new,or expansion of existing, D 1 a,D2d C wastewater treatment facilities. Page 2 of 10 ac �....1 ts:.Other imp � m-- ........ ..... .�. .. � 4. Impact on groundwater The proposed action may result in new or additional use of ground water, or O RqYES may have the potential to introduce contaminants to ground water or an aquifer, (See Part 1. .2.a, .2.c, .2.d, .2. , .2.q, .2.t) If"Yes", answer questions a- h. If"No", move on to Section 5. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I Small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action may require new water supply wells,or create additional demand D2c on supplies from existing water supply wells. b.Water supply demand from the proposed action may exceed safe and sustainable D2c El withdrawal capacity rate of the local supply or aquifer. Cite Source: c.The proposed action may allow or result in residential uses in areas without water and Dla,D2c ❑ sewer services. d.The proposed action may include or require wastewater discharged to groundwater. D2d,E21 e.The proposed action may result in the construction of water supply wells in locations D2c,Elf, Eliwhere groundwater is,or is suspected to be,contaminated. Elg,Elh f The proposed action may require the bulk storage of petroleum or chemical products D2p,E21 �I over ground water or an aquifer. g.The proposed action may involve the commercial application of pesticides within 100 E2h,D2q, feet of potable drinking water or irrigation sources. E21,132c h. Other impacts:-......... .__ El 5. Impact on Flooding The proposed action may result in development on lands subject to flooding. E NO []YES (See Part 1. E.2) If"Yes answer questions a-g. If"Na", move on to Section 6. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action may result in development in a designated floodway. E2i 0 El b. The proposed action may result in development within a 100 year floodplain. E2j c.The proposed action may result in development within a 500 year floodplain. E2k 0 El d.The proposed action may result in,or require,modification of existing drainage D2b,D2e ❑ patterns. e.The proposed action may change flood water flows that contribute to flooding. D2b,E2i, ❑ E2°,E2k f If there is a dam located on the site of the proposed action,is the dam in need of repair, E l e or upgrade? ..... Page 3 of 10 111.11-.1111--------- - ............... ................ g.Other impacts: 0 11 6. Impacts on Air The proposed action may include a state regulated air emission source. ONO []YES (See Part 1.D.21.,D.21,D.2.g) If"Yes", answer questions a "No", move on to Section 7 Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may __!!Lay occur occur a.If the proposed action requires federal or state air emission permits,the action may also emit one or more greenhouse gases at or above the following levels: i. More than 1000 tons/year of carbon dioxide(CO2) D2g ii. More than 3.5 tons/year of nitrous oxide(N20) D2g iii.More than 1000 tons/year of carbon equivalent of perfluorocarbons(PFCs) D2g El El iv.More than.045 tons/year of sulfur hexafluoride(SF6) D2g 11 11 v. More than 1000 tons/year of carbon dioxide equivalent of D2g El hydrochloroflourocarbons(HFCs)emissions vi.43 tons/year or more of methane D2h El b.The proposed action may generate 10 tons/year or more of any one designated D2g El 0 hazardous air pollutant,or 25 tons/year or more of any combination of such hazardous air pollutants. c. The proposed action may require a state air registration,or may produce an emissions D2f,D2g rate of total contaminants that may exceed 5 lbs.per hour,or may include a heat source capable of producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. ----------------- d 16 " D2g above. The proposed action may reach 50%of any of the thresholds in"a"through c e, e proposed action may result in the combustion or thermal treatment of more than I D2s ton of refuse per hour. f.Other impacts: .......... ....... ri ------------ 7. Impact on Plants and Animals The proposed action may result in a loss of flora or fauna. (See Part 1. E.2. m.-q.) If Yes", ansE,fe,,L questions a j. If"No'.', move on to Section 8. ................ Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur._ a.The proposed action may cause reduction in population or loss of individuals of any E2o threatened or endangered species,as listed by New York State or the Federal government,that use the site,or are found on,over,or near the site. b.The proposed action may result in a reduction or degradation of any habitat used by E2o any rare,threatened or endangered species,as listed by New York State or the federal government. c.The proposed action may cause reduction in population,or loss of individuals,of any E2p 0 11 species of special concern or conservation need,as listed by New York State or the Federal government,that use the site,or are found on,over,or near the site. d. The proposed action may result in a reduction or degradation of any habitat used by E2p 11 n any species of special concern and conservation need,as listed by New York State or the Federal government. Page 4 of 10 ................. ............. e.The proposed actiori niay dit7iiriish the capacity of a registered Natiollal Natural E3c 0 0 Landmark to SUPPOrt the biological coinmurtity it was established to protect. f.The proposed action may result in the removal of,or ground disturbance in,any E2n 0 0 portion of a designated significant natural community. Source: g.The proposed action may substantially interfere with nesting/breeding,foraging,or E2m 0 El over-wintering habitat for the predominant species that occupy or use the project site. h.The proposed action requires the conversion of more than 10 acres of forest, Elb 0 �El grassland or any other regionally or locally important habitat. Habitat type&information source: ................... L Proposed action(commercial,industrial or recreational projects,only)involves use of D2q 11 El herbicides or pesticides. j.Other impacts: 13 . ................. ...................... 8. Impact on Agricultural Resources The proposed action may impact agricultural resources. (See Part 1. E.3.a. and b.) NO [:]YES If"Yes", answer questions a-h. If"No", move on to Section 9. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I sma(s) all to large n Questio impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action may impact soil classified within soil group I through 4 of the E2c,E3b 0 NYS Land Classification System. b.The proposed action may sever,cross or otherwise limit access to agricultural land Ela,Elb 0 (includes cropland,hayfields,pasture,vineyard,orchard,etc). c.The proposed action may result in the excavation or compaction of the soil profile of E3b 13 active agricultural land. ................................................................................................... ....... d.The proposed action may irreversibly convert agricultural land to non-agricultural Elb,E3a uses,either more than 2.5 acres if located in an Agricultural District,or more than 10 acres if not within an Agricultural District. e.The proposed action may disrupt or prevent installation of an agricultural land El a,Elb management system. f The proposed action may result,directly or indirectly,in increased development C2c,C3, potential or pressure on farmland. D2c,D2d g.The proposed project is not consistent with the adopted municipal Farmland C2c El Protection Plan. h.Other impacts: Page 5 of 10 , Impact on Aesthetic Resources The land use of the proposed action are obviously different from, or are in NNO DYES sharp contrast to,current land use patterns between the proposed project and a scenic or aesthetic resource. 1.E.La,E.Lb, .31.) I "Yes", answer questions a-g, If"No", go to Section 10. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.Proposed action may be visible from any officially designated federal,state,or local E3h 11 scenic or aesthetic resource. b.The proposed action may result in the obstruction,elimination or significant E3h,C2b screening of one or more officially designated scenic views. c.The proposed action may be visible from publicly accessible vantage points: E3h i. Seasonally(e.g.,screened by summer foliage,but visible during other seasons) 0 El ii. Year round 0 d.The situation or activity in which viewers are engaged while viewing the proposed E3h action is: E2q, i. Routine travel by residents,including travel to and from work ii.Recreational or tourism based activities E 1 c 13 1 d e.The proposed action may cause a diminishment of the public enjoyment and E3h 11 El appreciation of the designated aesthetic resource. £ There are similar projects visible within the following distance of the proposed Dla,Ela, El , project: Dlf,Dlg 0-1/2 mile '/Z-3 mile 3-5 mile 5+ mile g.Other impacts: 1 . Impact on Historic and Archeological Resources The proposed action may occur in or adjacent to a historic or archaeological ONO YES resource. (Part 1. E.3.e, f. and g.) If"Yes", answer questions a-e. If"No", go to Section 11. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may a. The proposed action may occur wholly or partially wild or substanti -MkV-o a r occur _ ally conu-tiguous to,any buildings, archaeological site or district which is listed on the National or E3e State Register of Historical Places, or that has been determined by the Commissioner of the NYS Office of Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation to be eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places. b,The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous E3f 0 l to,an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(S O)archaeological site inventory. c. The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous E3g 0 � to,an archaeological site not included on the NY SHPO inventory. Source: Page 6 of 10 .......... d. Other impacts:. ........_ -- I El D . ................ If any of the above(a-d)are answered"Moderate to large impact may e. occur",continue with the following questions to help support conclusions in Part 3: i. The proposed action may result in the destruction or alteration of all or part E3e,E3g, of the site or property. E3f ii. The proposed action may result in the alteration of the property's setting or E3e,ISH, El F-1 integrity. E3g,Eta, Elb iii. The proposed action may result in the introduction of visual elements which Be,E3f, El D are out of character with the site or property,or may alter its setting. E3g,E3h, C2.C3 It. Impact on Open Space and Recreation The proposed action may result in a loss of recreational opportunities or a 2NO DYES reduction of an open space resource as designated in any adopted municipal open space plan. I (See Part 1. C.2.c, E.I.c.,E.2.q.) If"Yes", answer �� "No �.. 0 to Section 12. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur _occur a.The proposed action may result in an impairment of natural functions,or"ecosystem D2e,Elb 0 0 services",provided by an undeveloped area,including but not limited to stormwater E2h, storage,nutrient cycling,wildlife habitat. E2m,E2o, E2n,E2p b.The proposed action may result in the loss of a current or future recreational resource. C2a,Elc, El El C2c,E2q c.The proposed action may eliminate open space or recreational resource in an area C2a,C2c El with few such resources. Elc,E2q d. The proposed action may result in loss of an area now used informally by the C2c,Elc El community as an open space resource. ................................................................................ ........ e. Other impacts: ......... E] 12. Impact on Critical Environmental Areas The proposed action may be located within or adjacent to a critical [R NO E]YES enviromnental area(CEA). (See Part 1. E.3.d) "Yes", answer_Iuestions_a I "No", go to Section 13. R 1 Melevant No,or oderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may occur ay a, occur ...... .. .....m a. The proposed action may result in a reduction in the quantity of the resource or E3d El 0 characteristic which was the basis for designation of the CEA. b. The proposed action may result in a reduction in the quality of the resource or EM El El characteristic which was the basis for designation of the CEA. ............ c.Other impacts: ... ....... ... ......... Page 7 of 10 13., Impact on Transportation The proposed action may result in a change to existing transportation systems. E]NO YES (See Part 1.D.2j) "Yes answer questions a "No", go to Section 14. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.Projected traffic increase may exceed capacity of existing road network. D2j b.The proposed action may result in the construction of paved parking area for 500 or D2j ri 0 more vehicles. c. The proposed action will degrade existing transit access. D2j 11 1:1 d.The proposed action will degrade existing pedestrian or bicycle accommodations. D2j 0 01 e.The proposed action may alter the present pattern of movement of people or goods. D2j f. Other impacts:.. 0 .. ..... 0 ............................. ............ 14. Impact on Energy The proposed action may cause an increase in the use of any form of energy. []NO EYES (See Part 1, D.21) If"Yes answer questions a-e. If"No go to Section 15. Relevant No,or [—Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may i —n!ay��S!!r occur ........................... _j. The iiroL)osed action will substation. D2k El b.The proposed action will require the creation or extension of an energy transmission Dlf, or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two-family residences or to serve a Dlq,D2k commercial or industrial use. c.The proposed action may utilize more than 2,500 NfWhrs per year of electricity. D2k d.The proposed action may involve heating and/or cooling of more than 100,000 square Dlg 13 feet of btj i Iding area when completed. e.Other Impacts: ....... ..... ............ 15. Impact on Noise, or,and Light The proposed action may result in an increase in noise, odors, or outdoor lighting. L NO [E]YES (See Part 1. D.2.m.,n., and o.) ff"Yes", answer jyfstions a-f. If"No to Section 16. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may —T-�y—0CCu!------9-C—CUr a. The proposed action may produce sound above noise levels established by local mmmmm D2m El regulation. b.The proposed action may result in blasting within 1,500 feet of any residence, D2m,E I d hospital,school,licensed day care center,or nursing home. c.The proposed action may result in routine odors for more than one hour per day. D20 Page 8 of 10 1111111.. ........ ............... ................ d.The.proposed action may result in light shining onto adjoining properties. D2n e.The proposed action may result in lighting creating sky-glow brighter than existing D2n,Ela area conditions. f Other impacts:....... ........-—_- ........... ............................. ................... ............. 16. Impact on Human Health The proposed action may have an impact on human health from exposure '1VI NO DYES to new or existing sources of contaminants. (See Part I.D.2.q.,E.1. d. f g. and h.) If"Yes", answer questions a-m. If"No", _g2 to Section 17. Relevant o,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ................ — may cccur occur................ a.The proposed action is located within 1500 feet of a school,hospital,licensed day Eld care center,group home,nursing home or retirement commun4_Y_1 ____.._ b.The site of the proposed action is currently undergoing remediation. Elg,Elh El 01 .....................................- ............. c. There is a completed emergency spill remediation,or a completed environmental site Elg,Elh remediation on,or adjacent to,the site of the proposed action. d.The site of the action is subject to an institutional control limiting the use of the Elg,Elh El property(e.g.,easement or deed restriction). e.The proposed action may affect institutional control measures that were put in place Elg,Elh 11 0 to ensure that the site remains protective of the environment and human health. f. The proposed action has adequate control measures in place to ensure that future D2t generation,treatment and/or disposal of hazardous wastes will be protective of the environment and human health. g.The proposed action involves construction or modification of a solid waste D2q,Elf management facility. h.The proposed action may result in the unearthing of solid or hazardous waste. D2q,Elf C] i.The proposed action may result in an increase in the rate of disposal,or processing,of D2r,D2s El El solid waste. j.The proposed action may result in excavation or other disturbance within 2000 feet of Elf,Elg a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste. Elh k.The proposed action may result in the migration of explosive gases from a landfill Elf,Elg 13 site to adjacent off site structures. 1. The proposed action may result in the release of contaminated leachate from the 132s,E If, El 13 project site. D2r m. Other impacts: ................ 0 13 Page 9 of 10 17. Consistency with Community Plans The proposed action is not consistent with adopted land use plans. NO DYES (See Part 1. C.1, C.2. and C.3.) If"Yes", answer questions a-h. If"No", go to Section 18. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ......................... 1__n!a_yoccur _— occur a. The proposed action's land use components may be different from,or in sharp C2,C3,DIa El contrast to,current surrounding land use pattern(s). Ela,Elb b.The proposed action will cause the permanent population of the city,town or village C2 El El in which the project is located to grow by more than 5%. c. The proposed action is inconsistent with local land use plans or zoning regulations. C2,C2,C3 E] d.The proposed action is inconsistent with any County plans,or other regional land use C2,C2 E) 11 plans. e.The proposed action may cause a change in the density of development that is not C3,D1c, El supported by existing infrastructure or is distant from existing infrastructure. DId,DIf, D I d,Elb f.The proposed action is located in an area characterized by low density development C4,D2c,D2d ❑ that will require new or expanded public infrastructure. D2j g.The proposed action may induce secondary development impacts(e.g.,residential or C2a El El commercial development not included in the proposed action) h.Other: 0 11 18. Consistency with Community Character The proposed project is inconsistent with the existing community character. NO DYES (See Part 1. C.2, C.3,D.2,E.3) Lf""Yes", answer qu stions a-g. If "No", proceed to Part 3. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small I to large Question(s) impact impact may _ ay occur occur a.Themmm proposed action may replace or eliminate existing facilities,structures,or areas De,E3f,E3g 0 0 of historic importance to the community. — b. The proposed action may create a demand for additional community services(e.g. C4 ❑ schools,police and fire) c.The proposed action may displace affordable or low-income housing in an area where C2,C3,DIf El there is a shortage of such housing. D1g,Ela d.The proposed action may interfere with the use or enjoyment of officially recognized C2,E3 El 0 or designated public resources. e.The proposed action is inconsistent with the predominant architectural scale and C2,C3 El El character. f.Proposed action is inconsistent with the character of the existing natural landscape. C2,C3 Ela,Elb ___E22.E2h ........... g.Other impacts: 0 .............. ...... ............ PRINT FULL FORM Page 10 of 10 Project: Date Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 3-Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts and Determination of Significance Part 3 provides the reasons in support of the determination of significance. The lead agency must complete Part 3 for every question in Part 2 where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action will not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. Based on the analysis in Part 3,the lead agency must decide whether to require an environmental impact statement to further assess the proposed action or whether available information is sufficient for the lead agency to conclude that the proposed action will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. By completing the certification on the next page,the lead agency can complete its determination of significance. Reasons Supporting This Determination: To complete this section: • Identify the impact based on the Part 2 responses and describe its magnitude. Magnitude considers factors such as severity, size or extent of an impact. • Assess the importance of the impact. Importance relates to the geographic scope,duration,probability of the impact occurring,number of people affected by the impact and any additional environmental consequences if the impact were to occur. • The assessment should take into consideration any design element or project changes. • Repeat this process for each Part 2 question where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action will not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. • Provide the reason(s)why the impact may,or will not,result in a significant adverse environmental impact • For Conditional Negative Declarations identify the specific condition(s)imposed that will modify the proposed action so that no significant adverse environmental impacts will result. • Attach additional sheets,as needed. Determination of Significance- Type t and UnlistedActions SEQR Status: El Type 1 0 Unlisted Identify portions of EAF completed for this Project: ElPart I Part 2 Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF,as noted,plus this additional support information and considering both the magnitude and importance of each identified potential impact,it is the conclusion of the as lead agency that: EJ A. This project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment,and,therefore,an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this negative declaration is issued. E3 B. Although this project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment,that impact will be avoided or substantially mitigated because of the following conditions which will be required by the lead agency: There will,therefore,be no significant adverse impacts from the project as conditioned,and,therefore,this conditioned negative declaration is issued. A conditioned negative declaration may be used only for UNLISTED actions(see 6 NYC RR 617.7(d)). El C. This Project may result in one or more significant adverse impacts on the environment,and an environmental impact statement must be prepared to further assess the impact(s)and possible mitigation and to explore alternatives to avoid or reduce those impacts. Accordingly,this positive declaration is issued. Name of Action: ........... Name of Lead Agency: w. Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency: Title of Responsible Officer: Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency: Date: Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Date: For Further Information: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: E-mail: For Type 1 Actions and Conditioned Negative Declarations,a copy of this Notice is sent to: Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be principally located(e.g.,Town City Village of) Other involved agencies(if any) Applicant(if any) Environmental Notice Bulletin: c A,,jfl,)1/eYsb.html ILLFORM Page 2 of 2 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1 179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd.& Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631-765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: June 6, 2024 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Payment is for the Subdivision referenced below whose Final Plat application has not yet been accepted by the Planning Board. A plicant/Project Name & Type Tax # A. .... ... _... ........ .. ......_ p....... ..... . _ ........... ...... _.. Amount Check Date/No. . .......... Kalargiros Standard Subdivision �. .......__... ...._. .. .. ..........._ ........ .......... ......... ........ 95.4-16.1 6/5/24 Final Plat $500.00 #5896 CEW Att. / IOANNIS KALARGIROS & EVANGELINE SATRAS 5896 1-2/210 10 rY ur Nad � � i „,.....•,„•-;ter�, P Y N 00 CHASE p JPMargan Chase Bank,N.A. '} i anWw Chase grin a iur � 9857307 2 .. .. ro. I:D 2 IDDUD ': 0 5896 �, �� yr ,�. . ,. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS Town Hall Annex C; P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) '� Telephone: 631-765-1938 Southold,NY4. www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting 1 From: Planning DepartmentC�" Date: June 16, 2022 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Preliminary Plat Subdivision application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date& Number Kalagiros Standard 95-4-16.1 $1,000.00 6/2/22 -#576 Subdivision Evangeline Satras JAM Aft. 1-2/210 576 EVANGELINE SATRAS PAY TO THE ORDER OF 00�`�•� DOLLARS uuA o.wa�orx JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A. www.Chase.com pp MEMO 40 2 L0000 2 Leo 198 S 7 30 7 21,90 S 7E x OFFICE LOCATION: y cx LING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex r � P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � "" ` Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov COP enu PLANNINGOFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: January 20, 2022 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Resubdivision Sketch Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Protect N...�. _..._ . ..._._..W__. . ame & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date & Number Kalargiros Sketch Plan Application 1000-95.4-16.1 $500.00 1/15/2022 #632 ALP Att. -2/210 632 EVANGELINE SATRAS J�% d/r/ r✓��J� JJI�� PAYTOTHEr � "" ' J Wi�f/Y �✓/JJffJ �i+�� , G7.&�"Ol mod^, DOLLARS CHASEO JPMolChase Bank NA �, /%�.JJJJJir� J/ www.Chasa.00m �J� f 1 d I % ✓ J/J ryn'�JI p NP MEMO +�:0 2 L 0 0 0 0 2...�-� � Lis L98 5 7 30 7 21,00632 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ZF soy P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ' ` Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov E C,E V PLANNING BOARD OFFICE i TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �",% " 20 1 i a " vvnG MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: April 29, 2021 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Resubdivision Sketch Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date & Number Kalargiros Sketch Plan Application 100 95.-4-16.1 $1,000 4/16/2021 #1260 ALP Att. 10A , NNIS KALARGIROS 1260 ,a, "�nl (fi v��� em y�° / 1-2/210 d rrp� VAA'kq x �Y e CHASE /'�36 cQA ? ,FP Oru2an Chase Bank,fop, a�w uaaGdta�e.c '�' ' WP EMO 1:0 2 L0000 2 ii: 198 S 7 30 7 2v 12 60 OFFICE LOCATION: , MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ' OF S P.O. Box 1179 oo 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) x Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov o UNN,T`lµ�, PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: April 12, 2021 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Resubdivision Sketch Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check &Number Kalargiros Sketch Plan Application 1000-95.4-16.1 $1,000 4/4/2021 #1258 ALP Att. IOANNIS KALARGIROS 1258 r 1-2/210 PAY TO THE CR.'C'o, 70,0 .. DOLLARS 8 o.�ua��mww � CHASEC01 fir... JpMorgan Chase Bank,N.A. www.Chase com NP MEMO � i.0 2 ID000 2 P: 198 S 7 30 7 2 1 2 S8 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD Performance Security (Bond) Estimate (Draft) This schedule is an itemized account of the estimated cost for the roadway improvements that are depicted on the Road and Drainage Plans prepared by Emanuel E. Necula, Consulting Engineers P.C. last dated May 24, 2022 and required to be constructed pursuant to the regulations of the Subdivision Plat as approved by the Planning Board. This estimate is prepared for adoption by the Southold Planning Board.The completed endorsement and resolution shall become the basis for the applicant's action in obtaining a performance security. Kalar iros 3734 06/10/24 Name of Subdivision - Section No. Raynor Group Project No. Date ESTIMATED COST OF ROAD/DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES UNIT PRICE ESTIMATED COST 1, Clearing &Grubbing 0.3 Acres $10,000.00 /Acre $3,200.00 2. Road Excavation, Final Grading & 650 C.Y $15.00 /C.Y. $9,750.00 Subgrade Construction including Soil Material Handling and Mixing 3. Roadway Pavement 940 S.Y. $45.00 /S.Y. $42,300.00 4. Curbing: (All Types) 555 L.F. $30.00 /L.F. $16,650.00 Removal: Existing Curbing 55 L.F. $2.50 /L.F $137.50 5. Drainage Pipe: (All Types) - Unit Price includes Materials, Excavation &Installation 12-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $20.00 /L.F $0.00 15-inch Diameter 200 L.F. $25.00 /L.F $5,000.00 18-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $30.00 /L.F. $0.00 24-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $35.00 /L.F. $0.00 30-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $45.00 /L.F. $0.00 36-inch Diameter 0 L.F. $50.00 /L.F $0.00 6. Drainage Structures: Unit Prices Include Materials, Excavation, Frames, Castings&Installation a) Manholes (all types) 0 V.F. $500.00 /V.F. $0.00 b) Catch Basins (Single Inlet) 8 V.F. $625.00 /V.F. $5,000.00 c) Catch Basins(Double Inlet) 0 V.F. $1,250.00 /V.F. $0.00 d) Leaching Basins (10-feet Dia) 0 V.F. $600.00 /V.F. $0.00 e) Leaching Basins (8-feet Dia) 48 V.F. $500.00 /V.F. $24,000.00 f) Concrete Head Walls 0 C.Y. $1,000.00 /C.Y. $0.00 g) Special Structures - Stone 0 C.Y. $100.00 /C.Y. $0.00 Collection Trenches&French Drain Performance Security(Bond) Estimate 06/10/24 Kalargiros Page 2 of 2 ITEMIZED ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES UNIT PRICE ESTIMATED COST 7. Recharge Basin/Overflow Area 0 C.Y. $15.00 /C.Y. $0.00 includes Excavation. Filling, Berm Construction & Final Grading 8. Recharge Basin Chain Link Fencing 0 L.F. $75.00 /L.F $0.00 including Gate and Curbing 9. Open Space Post&Rail Fencing 0 L.F. $14.50 /L.F. $0.00 (4-foot high,Top&Middle Rails) 10. Landscaping/Screen Plantings a) Island Area 0 Each $100.00 /Each $0.00 b) Recharge Basin 0 Each $100.00 /Each $0.00 11. Street Trees: (Spaced 60' apart) 0 Each $500.00 /Each $0.00 12. Topsoil &Seeding includes 6-inches of Topsoil&Seeding a) Roadway Shoulder+ Island Area 360 S.Y. $9.50 /S.Y. $3,420.00 b) Recharge Basin Area 0 S.Y, $9.50 /S.Y., $0.00 13. Traffic Signs includes 1 Each $250.00 /Each $250.00 Materials&Installation 14. Street Lights as specified in the 1 Each $2,500.00 /Each $2,500.00 Town Zoning Code Requirements 15. Concrete Monuments Per Final Plat (Property Corners &Roadways) 5 Each $500.00 /Each $2,500.00 16. Erosion and Sediment Controls 1.00 L.S. $4,000.00 /L.S. $4,000.00 (Silt Fence, Construction Entrance) 17, As-Built Survey and Test Cores 1 L.S. $2,000.00 /NEC $2,000.00 Total Estimated Cost of Public Improvements $120,707.50 USE: $121,000.00 IZZ 2w Res Ob ely 0 Xl ° e Vincent" dI) , The Rayrei � � e� S. PLLC