HomeMy WebLinkAboutHRC Food Delivery Assistance Program ggFF°(f RESOLUTION 2021-172 ADOPTED DOC ID: 16856 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO.2021-172 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 23,2021: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Agreement between the Town of Southold and Ace Endico Corp. and H Schrier& Co.,Inc., for the supply of food for the Human Resource Center's Programs for the Aging pursuant to the terms and conditions of the accepted and contracted bid dated January 20, 2021 with the Town of Riverhead, and extended to the Town of Southold pursuant to §103(16) of the General Municipal Law, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and funded from budget line A.6772.4.100.700. 0�a�aq=� Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Nappa,Dinizio Jr,Doherty, Ghosio,Evans, Russell RECEIVED MAR 2 5 2021 N :e pry ��,, apt Southold Town clerk Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Lynda Rudder From: Missy Mirabelli Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: March 23, 2021 Subject: Agreement between Town of Southold and Ace Endico Corp Piggy back with Riverhead Town Food Delivery Assistance Program With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /mm Enclosures i RECEIVED AGREEMENT MAR 2 5 2021 Marc" THIS AGREEMENT,made on the 15 day of may, 2021, by and tjAvftheCfeE Town of Southold, a municipal corporation of the State of New York having its principal place of business at 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York,hereinafter called the "Town" and H Schrier& Co., Inc.,having its principal place of business at 4901 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn,NY 11234, hereinafter called the "Contractor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Contractor has submitted to the Town of Riverhead a bid opened in the office of the Riverhead Town Clerk on January 7, 2021, ("Bid") in response to the Town of Riverhead's food and meat purchase needs; WHEREAS, specifically referenced and incorporated in said bid proposal was an undertaking pursuant to the General Municipal Law where in the Contractor agreed that any bid proposal offered could be accepted by other municipalities; WHEREAS, after a public bidding period,the Contractor's bid was awarded and a contract was then entered into on January 20, 2021 between the Contractor and the Town of Riverhead, a governmental agency; WHEREAS, in accordance with §103(16) of the General Municipal Law, the January 20, 2021 contract between the Town of Riverhead and the Contractor, and the Extension of Contract to Political Subdivisions provisions of the bid proposal,the Town of Southold wishes to `piggyback' on to such contract award, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit"A"; and WHEREAS,the Town Board of the Town of Southold by Resolution No. 2021- ��adopted on February 23, 2021 authorized the Town Supervisor to enter into an agreement with the Contractor to supply food and meat products for the Human Resource Center's Senior Nutrition Program as set forth in the specifications detailed in Exhibit «A». NOW,THEREFORE,it is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: I. DEFINITIONS Terms defined in the Bid Solicitation shall have the same meaning as if defined herein. For the purposes of this agreement where Exhibit"A" specifies "Riverhead"the word"Southold" shall be substituted with the same force and effect as contained therein. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES T The Contractor shall perform the services in accordance with the description of those food and meat supply services as set forth in the Solicitation, and more particularly described in the Bid Specifications for Town of Riverhead Bid: Food& Meat Products attached thereto as Exhibit"A", opened January 7, 2021. III. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be from the date of execution until January 20,2022. IV. PRICE SCHEDULE/COMPENSATION The contractor will charge the Town the same prices for the supply of food and meat ordered as per the specifications of the Food& Meat Products Price Sheet for Town of Riverhead Bid#2021-84 dated January 20, 2021 as found in Exhibit"A". V. PAYMENTS A. The Town shall pay the Contractor upon the submission of a voucher at the completion of each month of the project. Such voucher shall be due and payable within 45 days after receipt of such voucher, and the Town Board of the Town has audited and approved for payment the voucher to be submitted by Contractor in connection therewith. The Town Board shall process any voucher received from Contractor as expeditiously as possible. In the event that the Town disputes or objects to any portion of any voucher submitted by Contractor pursuant to this paragraph,the Town shall, within 30 days of the receipt of such voucher, notify Contractor in writing of such dispute or objection. Contractor acknowledges that Contractor is familiar with the requirements of section 118 of the Town Law which, in effect,prohibit payment of any of Contractor's claims against the Town unless an itemized voucher therefore shall have been presented to the Town Board or Town Comptroller and shall have been audited and allowed by the Town Board or Town Comptroller. The acceptance by the Contractor of payment shall be, and shall operate as a release to the Town from all claims and all liabilities to the Contractor for all the things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Town and others relating to or arising out of, this Contract, up to the date of the voucher, except Contractor's claims for interest upon the final payment, if this payment be improperly delayed. No payment, however final or otherwise, shall operate to release the Contractor or its sureties from any obligations under this Contract. The Town shall be entitled to deduct from any payment owning to Contractor any sums expended by the Town to cure any default or other Agreement non-compliance by -2- i A Contractor or to protect the Town from loss on account of claims filed or reasonably anticipated to be filed. VI. CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS Contractor makes the following warranties and representations: A. Contractor represents that the Town has made no commitment under this Agreement with respect to the volume of projects to be supplied during the term of this Agreement. B. Contractor warrants that Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to all of the services to be performed by Contractor. C. The Contractor represents that Contractor shall utilize its best efforts to insure that Minority and Women Owned Businesses (MBE's and WBE's)have the opportunity to participate as subcontractors under this Agreement. In the event the Contractor subcontracts twenty-five percent(25%) or more of its work hereunder, Contractor shall submit to the Town a WBE Utilization Plan,prior to execution of this Agreement. VII. INDEMNIFCATION INSURANCE/BONDS A. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town of Southold against any and all liability,loss, damage, detriment, suit, claim, demand, cost, charge, attorneys' fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature which the Town may directly or indirectly incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason of or in consequence of the Contractor carrying out or performing under the terms of this Agreement, or failure to carry out any of the provisions, duties, services or requirements of this Agreement, whether such losses and damages are suffered or sustained by the Town directly or by its employees, licensees, agents, engineers, citizens or by other persons or corporations, including any of Contractor's employees or agents who may seek to hold the Town liable therefore. This obligation shall be ongoing, shall survive the term of this Agreement and include,but not be limited to, claims concerning non-sudden environmental impairments. The Contractor shall join in the commencement of any action or proceeding or in the defense of any action or proceeding which in the opinion of the Town constitutes actual or threatened interference or interruption with the Town's rights hereunder, including all appeals which, in the opinion of the Town, may be necessary. B. Contractor shall procure and maintain the insurance described in Exhibit"A"for a period commencing on the date of this Agreement and terminating no earlier than one year following termination of services under this Agreement. All such -3- insurance coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured and shall provide that the coverage shall not be changed or canceled until thirty (30) days written notice has been given to the Town. All such insurance shall be issued by a company duly authorized to transact business in the State of New York and acceptable to the Town and shall include all riders and additional coverage necessary to insure that Contractor will be financially able to meet its obligations under the foregoing indemnification. VIII. FORCE MAJEURE If either party is delayed or prevented from fulfilling any of its obligations under this Agreement due to any act, event or condition, whether affecting the Town,the Contractor, or the Destination Site,to the extent that it materially and adversely affects the ability of either party to perform any obligation hereunder(except for payment obligations), and if such act, event or condition is beyond the reasonable control and is not also the result of the willful or negligent action, inaction, or fault of the parry relying thereon as justification for not performing an obligation or complying with any condition required of such party under the Agreement,the time for fulfilling that obligation shall be extended day-by-day for the period of the uncontrollable circumstance; provided, however,that the contesting in good faith or the failure in good faith to contest such action or inaction shall not be construed as willful or negligent action or a lack of reasonable diligence of either party. Subject to the foregoing, such acts or events shall include the following: (1) an act of God (but not including reasonable anticipated weather conditions for the geographic area of the Town or Destination Site)hurricane, landslide, lightning, earthquake, fire, explosion, flood, sabotage or similar occurrence, acts of a public enemy, extortion, war, blockade or insurrection, riot or civil disturbance; (2) the failure of any appropriate federal, state, county,town or local public agency or private utility having jurisdiction in the areas in which the Contractor is located to provide and maintain utilities, services, water and sewer lines and power transmission lines which are required for the operation or maintenance of the operation; (3) governmental pre-emption of materials or services in connection with a public emergency or any condemnation or other taking by eminent domain of any portion of the Contractor's facilities; and (4) the presence of hazardous waste upon, beneath or migrating from the Contractor Facilities. It is specifically understood that none of the following acts or conditions shall constitute uncontrollable circumstances: (a) general economic conditions, interest or inflation rates, or currency fluctuations; (b)the financial condition of the Town,the Contractor, any of its affiliates or any subcontractor; (c)union work rules, requirements or demands which have the effect of increasing the number of employees employed -4- otherwise increasing the cost to the Contractor of operating; (d) equipment failure; (e) any impact of prevailing wage law, customs practices on the Contractor's costs; (f) any act, event or circumstances occurring outside of the United States; or(g) any change in law or in the permit conditions. 1 IX. SUBCONTRACTS Contractor shall not enter into any subcontracts in connection with the services to be performed by Contractor hereunder without the prior written approval by the Town of such subcontracts. All such subcontracts shall make express reference to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall obligate the subcontractor to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances or regulations relating to the services to be performed under the subcontract. In the event the subcontractor is required to furnish any insurance or bonds for the benefit of Contractor, the Town shall also be named as an additional insured or obligee. X. PREVAILING WAGE RATES Contractor agrees to comply with the provisions of the New York State Labor Laws relating to the payment of prevailing wage rates to the extent applicable. In the event that at any time during performance under this Agreement the Contractor is required to increase the wages paid to any of its employees as a result of such requirement, all costs shall be borne exclusively by Contractor. XI. DEFAULT In the event the Contractor fails to perform its obligations under the Agreement,the Town may terminate the Agreement,procure the services from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any costs incurred. The Town may also deduct such costs from payments owing to the Contractor. The Town reserves the right to terminate the Agreement for just cause. XII. LIMITATION OF FUNDS The Contractor agrees that this Agreement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of the funds currently available for the purposes of this Agreement and that the Town incurs no liability beyond those available by authorization of the Town Board as of the date of this Agreement. XIII. DISPUTES/ARBITRATION Any disputes between the parties to this Agreement may be referred to arbitration by mutual agreement of the parties. Absent such an agreement, any actions or claims by either parry hereto shall be commenced in Supreme Court, Suffolk County, New York. -5- In the event the parties agree to arbitrate a dispute, such arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. In no event shall any demand for arbitration be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim or dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. An award rendered by arbitrators following any such arbitration shall be final and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. XIV. MISCELLANEOUS A. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. B. Contractor shall not assign, convey or otherwise transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Town. C. This Agreement, including all Exhibits and documents referred to herein, along with the Specifications, Solicitation and the Bid, and all Appendices and Exhibits thereto, represent the entire agreement between the Town and Contractor relating to the services to be performed hereunder. This Agreement may be modified only by written agreement of Contractor and the Town. D. To the extent of any inconsistency among the documents constituting the agreement of the parties, the priority among those documents shall be: 1. This Agreement; 2. Exhibits hereto; 3. The Solicitation including Appendices; 4. Contractor's Bid. E. Without limiting any other right and/or remedy which the Town may have at law or under this Agreement, if the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or a receiver is appointed for the Contractor or any insolvency arrangement proceedings are instituted by or against the Contractor,the Town may terminate this Agreement. F. Contractor agrees that it will conduct itself consistent with its status, said status being that of an independent contractor and, Contractor, its employees or agents will neither hold themselves out nor claim to be an officer or employee of the Town of Southold nor make claim to any right accruing thereto including, but not limited to, Worker's Compensation, Unemployment Benefits, Social Security or retirement membership or credit. -6- G. If any provision of this Agreement shall for any reason he held to be invalid or unenforceable,the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Agreement and this Agreement shall be enforced as if such invalid and unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. H. Contractor agrees that it shall not discriminate and that it shall cause there to be no discrimination against any employee who is employed in the work, or against any applicant for such employment,because of race, religion, color, sex, age, marital status,handicap or national origin in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the State of New York. These requirements shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment; upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training. XV. NOTICES All notices required to be given hereunder shall be made in writing by first class mail addressed as follows: If to the Town: Supervisor of the Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971-0959 With a copy to: Town of Southold HRC 750 Pacific St. P.O. Box 85 Mattituck,NY 11952 If to the Contractor: H Schrier& Co., Inc. 4901 Glenwood Road Brooklyn,NY 11234 XVI. REQUIRED PROVISIONS OF LAW Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to have been inserted herein. If any such provision is not inserted,through mistake or otherwise,then upon the application of either parry,this Contract shall be physically amended forthwith to make such insertion. In particular,the Contractor shall, among other things, fully comply with: (a) Labor Law section 220-e and Executive Law sections 291-299 and the Civil Rights Law relating to prohibition against discrimination and providing equal opportunity. (b) Affirmative action as required by the Labor Law. (c) Prevention of dust hazard required by Labor Law section 222-a. (d) Preference in employment of persons required by Labor Law section 222. -7- (e) Eight-hour workday as required by Labor Law section 220(2). (f) The parties hereto, in accordance with the provisions of section 220(3) of the Labor Law,hereby agree that there shall be paid each employee engaged in work under this Contract not less than the wage rate and supplements set opposite the trade or occupation in which he/she is engaged, which are the wage rates and supplements established as the prevailing rate of wages for the work covered by this Contract. i. Labor classifications not appearing on the schedule of wages can be used only with the consent of the Owner and then the rate to be paid will be given by the Owner after being advised by the Department of Labor. ii. The Contractor shall post in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the work a legible statement of all wage rates and supplements, as specified in the Contract, for the various classes of mechanics, workingmen/women, or laborers employed on the work. XVI. AUTHORITY FOR EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN The Supervisor has executed this Agreement pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, at a meeting thereof held on February 23, 2021. Scott A. Russell, Supervisor,whose signature appears hereafter, is duly authorized and empowered to execute this instrument and enter into such an Agreement on behalf of the Town. This instrument shall be executed in duplicate. At least one copy shall be permanently filed, after execution thereof, in the office of the Town Clerk, Elizabeth Neville IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. TOWN OFS THOLD By: u�' Scott A. Russell, S ervisor A60- 6?40 Z_(0 o By. -8- STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this \-5 day of Feb. in the year 2021 before me,the undersigned, personally "VCAWA C-61i. , w,Authorized Agent of H Schrier& Co., Inc. personally known tome or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual or the person upon whose behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. State of County of PlAA- `iA1AA The foregoing instrumen VABJ"before me on this'da r of M(I)r(,h ,20�— .. STATE OF NEW YORK) by ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Notary Public Signature l�CUI On this day of Pis.b in the year 2021 before me,the undersigned,personally appeared SCOTT A. RUSSELL,personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual or the person upon whose behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. r-4 -m Notary Public LAUREN M. STANDISH Notary Public-State of New York No.01 ST6164008 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires April 9,2023 -9- TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME: I REBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY: LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H.SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON PHONE#: 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNITE BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION 4��:.�':NF}.� ���'��"r�.:GROGERYrr:t:`���.g,;.�;:,a�„ ���F z"'i=„�°• 1 ALMONDS,SLICED 3# $22.00 No Bid $26.89 Yes-3.5# $25.50 2 APPLE CIDER 8/64 oz. No Bid $16.49 $16.29 $16.90 3 APPLES,SLICED,CANNED 6/10 $32.00 $28.68 $28.39 $28.40 4 APPLESAUCE,NO SUGAR ADDED 6/10 No Bid $21.65 $25.79 $21.65 5 BAY LEAF 16 OZ. No Bid $3.95 $4.59 $4.95 6 BBQ SAUCE,KEN'S OR SWEET BABY RAY'S 4/1 GAL $48.00 $47.25 $47.89 $46.25 7 BEANS,GARBANZO(CHICK PEAS) 6/10 $25.00 $2075 $23.89 $2090 8 BEANS,THREE BEAN SALAD 6/10 $32.00 $32.04 $33.19 $29.90 9 BEEF BASE,GOLD LABEL 6/1# No Bid $40.83 $34.59 $32.88 10 BEETS,SWEET PICKLED,SLICED 6/10 No Bid $37.89 $31.50 $29.85 11 BLACK BEANS,CANNED 6/10 No Bid $21.75 $23.69 $22.85 12 BLACK-EYED PEAS,CANNED 6/10 No Bid No Bid $29.89 $25.85 BREADCRUMBS,PLAIN-description left off bid in error 13 resulted In no bids 6/5# No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 14 CABBAGE,SHREDDED(cole slaw mix) 4/5# No Bid $20.25 No Bid $22.70 15 CEREAL,CREAM OF WHEAT 12/28 OZ No Bid $24.30 $13.68 $21.00 Yes-Farina 16 CHICKEN BASE,GOLD LABEL 6/1# No Bid $37.84 $39.89 $59.85 Yes-12/1# 17 CHICKEN BROTH 12/46 OZ No Bid $32.20 $29.89 $28.85 16 CHIPS,COOL RANCH,IND. 64/1.75 OZ No Bid No Bid $3803 $32.95 19 CHIPS,NACHO CHEESE,IND. 64/1.75 OZ No Bid $34.60 No Bid $32.95 20 CHOPPED GARLIC IN OIL 12/2# No Bid $21.68 $33.95 $36.00 21 CINNAMON 16 OZ. No Bid $3.70 $3.48 $3.95 22 CLAM BASE,GOLD LABEL 6/1# No Bid No Bid $60.99 $57.75 23 COFFEE,GROUND,DECAF,MAXWELL HOUSE 29 3 OZ No Bid $67.39 Yes $32.39 Yes $124.53 Yes-24/14oz 24 COFFEE,GROUND,REGULAR, MAXWELL HOUSE 30.5 OZ No Bid $72.60 Yes $82.85 $124.11 Yes-24/14oz 25 COOKIE,OREO,4-PACK 120/1.6 OZ No Bid $40.90 $40.89 $40.90 26 COOKIES,CHOCOLATE CHIP 10# No Bid $24.80 $28.79 $24.85 27 COOKIES,LORNA DOONES,4-PACK 120/1 OZ No Bid $37.00 $36.79 $36.95 28 COOKIES,OATMEAL 104 No Bid $21.98 $23.89 $2200 29 CORN STARCH 24/1# No Bid $20.75 $19.93 $18.95 30 CORN,WHOLE KERNEL 6/10 $29.00 $25.44 $25.97 $21.95 31 CRACKERS,OYSTERETTE TYPE 150 CT No Bid No Bid $13.98 $15.25 32 CRANBERRIES,DRIED(OCEAN SPRAY) 10# No Bid $27.89 $19.50 $16.50 Yes-Packer lb 33 CRANBERRY SAUCE,OCEAN SPRAY(JELLIED) 6/10 No Bid $43.95 $41.87 $38.90 34 CROUTONS 5/2.25# No Bid No Bid $21.59 $24.50 35 DRESSING,BALSAMIC VINEGARETTE,KEN'S 4/1 GAL $48.00 $47.50 $46.39 $4750 36 DRESSING,CHAMPAGNE VINEGARETTE,KEN'S 4/1 GAL No Bid No Bid $59.98 $47.50 37 DRESSING,ITALIAN,KEN'S ZESTY 4/1 GAL No Bid No Bid $47.89 $47.50 38 DRESSING,ITALIAN,KRAFTZESTY 4/1 GAL No Bid $47.50 $47.89 $43.90 39 DRESSING,RANCH,KEN'S 4/1 GAL $45.00 $47.80 $47.89 $47.75 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME: IREBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY• LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON PHONE#: 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION 40 FISH,TUNA,WHITE 6/66 OZ No Bid $98.95 $95.79 $94.00 41 FLOUR,ALL PURPOSE 2/25# $2600 $13.95 $16.98 $16.85 42 FLOUR WRAP,12" 72 CT $16.00 $16.00 $16.89 $16.85 43 FRUIT COCKTAIL IN JUICE 6/10# $35.00 $32.48 $34.94 $33.95 44 FRUIT SALAD,MEDLEY IN JUICE 6/10# No Bid $31.75 $29.93 No Bid 45 FRUIT SALAD,TROPICAL IN JUICE 6/10# No Bid $29.95 $29.97 $30.95 46 GARLIC,GRANULATED 7# No Bid $25.00 $29.79 $19.90 47 GLAZE,BALSAMIC 4/12 9 OZ No Bid $37.00 $3789 $38.90 Yes-6/12.9oz 48 GRAHAM CRACKER CRUMBS 2/5# No Bid No Bid $24.69 $26.90 49 GRAVY MASTER 320Z No Bid $11.45 $9.99 $9.50 50 JELL-O,RED 12/24 OZ No Bid $27.60 Yes $32.89 $27.75 51 JUICE,APPLE,MOTTS 8/64 OZ No Bid $20.98 $21.95 $23.95 52 JUICE,CRANBERRY,OCEAN SPRAY 8/64 OZ No Bid $22.80 $22.49 $22.90 Yes-Tropicana 53 JUICE,ORANGE,HOMEMAKER 8/590Z No Bid $22.75 $18.89 $27.85 6/52oz 54 JUICE,PINEAPPLE 12/46 OZ No Bid $27.25 $29.98 $28.95 S5 KETCHUP,HEINZ 6/10 $36.00 $33.84 $34.72 $33.65 56 KETCHUP,IND.HEINZ 1000 CT No Bid $19.00 $14.98 $34.60 57 KIDNEY BEANS 6/10# $25.00 $22.25 $27.39 $24.35 58 ITEM#57 DUPLICATED IN ERROR 59 LEMON JUICE,PC 200 CT No Bid $8.75 $6.99 $8.95 60 MAYONNAISE,HELLMANN'S 4/1 GAL $57.00 $62.88 $58.95 $59.75 61 MAYONNAISE,HELLMANS,PC 210 CT No Bid $26.70 $24.49 $24.55 62 MAYONNAISE,IMPERIAL 4/1 GAL No Bid $23.95 Yes $26.49 $25.95 Yes-Embassy 63 MUSHROOMS,CANNED 6/10 No Bid $32.95 $3689 $39.90 64 MUSTARD,GULDEN'S 1 GAL No Bid $11.70 $7.99 $9.45 65 MUSTARD,GULDEN'S,PC 500 CT No Bid $17.95 $18.79 $19.95 66 OATMEAL,QUAKER OATS,OLD FASHIONED 12/48 OZ No Bid No Bid $31.45 $39.75 Yes-12/42oz 67 ONION,GRANULATED 7# No Bid $18.74 $18.69 $19.92 Yes-5# 68 ORANGES,MANDARIN,WHOLE SEGMENT 6/10# No Bid $33.25 $37.59 $36.90 69 OREGANO 16 OZ No Bid $3.50 $7.19 $5.85 70 PAM SPRAY 6/17 OZ No Bid $19.98 $18.97 $24.90 71 PAPRIKA 16 OZ No Bid $3.37 $4.99 $3.65 72 PARSLEY,FLAKES 8 OZ No Bid $4.24 $7.19 $6.90 73 PASTA,EGG NOODLES,WIDE 10# $14.00 $13.50 $9.98 $12.85 74 PASTA,ELBOW MACARONI 20# No Bid $19.25 $12.29 $12.85 75 PASTA,PENNE 20# $18.00 $19.95 $12.69 $12.85 76 PASTA,SPAGHETTI 20# No Bid $19.95 $1269 $12.85 77 PASTA,TRI-COLOR,SPIRAL 30# No Bid $13.95 $25.09 Yes-20# $12.85 78 PASTA,ZITI 20# No Bid $19.25 $12.69 $12.85 79 IPEACHES,SLICED,NATURAL,IN JUICE 6/10 No Bid $32.90 $28.98 $28.25 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME. I REBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY. LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H.SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON PHONE#: 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION '80 PEAR HALVES,NATURAL,IN JUICE 6/10 No Bid $28.20 $31.97 $31.95 81 PEARS,DICED,NATURAL,IN JUICE 6/10 No Bid $23.00 $27.59 $27.95 82 PEPPER STRIPS,MIXED RED&GREEN 6/10 No Bid $30.75 $39.98 $29.60 83 PEPPER,BLACK 16 OZ No Bid $5.40 $5.59 $4.89 84 PEPPERS,RED,FIREROASTED 6/10 No Bid $30.75 $31.89 $31.85 85 PINEAPPLE CHUNKS,IN JUICE 6/10 No Bid $31.90 $30.89 $29.95 86 PINEAPPLE SLICED,IN JUICE 6/10 No Bid $3300 $33.79 $34.40 87 PORK&BEANS,(BAKED)BUSH'S 6/10 $44.00 No Bid $26.98 Yes $24.75 Yes 88 POTATO CHIPS 104/1 OZ No Bid $36.95 $36.79 $36.70 89 POTATOES,SWEET,CANNED 6/10 $35.00 $29.80 $24.89 $2785 90 PRETZEL,VENDING 88 CT No Bid $33.49 $32.50 Yes-120 ct $33.90 91 PUDDING,CHOCOLATE 6/10 $32.00 $25.95 $29.79 $26.95 92 PUDDING,LEMON 6/10 No Bid $27.50 $34.95 $26.95 93 RED CABBAGE,SWEET&SOUR,LOHMANN 6/10 No Bid $36.95 $36.79 Yes $33.95 94 RELISH 4/1 GAL No Bid $2290 $27.99 $24.90 95 RICE PILAF,UNCLE BEN'S 6/36 OZ No Bid $24.00 $29.98 $31.95 96 RICE,WHITE,PARBOILED,UNCLE BEN'S 25# No Bid $33.28 Yes $13.89 Yes $13.90 Yes 97 RICE,WILD,LONG GRAIN,UNCLE BEN'S 6/36oz $60.00 $33.48 $54.98 $39.85 98 SALAD OIL 90/10 6/1 GAL No Bid $31.49 $33.89 $36.90 99 SALT 24/26 OZ No Bid $15.65 $15.89 $14.95 100 SAUCE,DUCK 4/1 GAL $25.00 $1975 $39.95 $3430 101 SAUCE,SPAGHETTI,ANGELA MIA 6/10 No Bid $44.30 Yes $40.49 $44.75 102 SAUCE,SWEET&SOUR,KRAFT 2/64 OZ No Bid $37.96 $37.95 $39.50 103 SAUCE,SWEET&SOUR,MINOR'S 6/64 OZ No Bid No Bid $45.99 $4650 104 SAUCE,WORCESTERSHIRE 4/1 GAL No Bid $15.00 $13.99 $16.90 105 SAUERKRAUT,OLD FASHOINED BARREL,B&G 1 GAL $11.00 No Bid $7.98 $19.50 106 SOY SAUCE LOW SODIUM 6/64 OZ No Bid $43.90 $45.50 $44.00 107 SPLENDA 2000 CT No Bid $31.27 $29.79 $34.50 108 STRINGBEANS REG.CUT,CANNED 6/#10 No Bid $23.40 $25.89 $23.90 109 STUFFING,CHICKEN FLAVOR,UNCLE BEN'S 6/28 OZ No Bid $27.95 $69.20 Yes 6-55oz $4585 Yes-cornbread 110 SUGAR,BROWN,LIGHT OR DARK 24/1# No Bid $29.95 $29.75 $29.85 111 SUGAR,WHITE,GRANULATED 50# $28.00 $29.40 $27.89 $33.90 112 TEA BAGS,BLACK,LIPTON 10/100 CT $40.00 $44.00 $41.98 $43.00 113 TEA BAGS,GREEN,LIPTON 5/100 CT No Bid $21.82 $30.89 Yes $27.85 Yes 114 THYME 16 OZ No Bid $3.60 $4.39 $4.35 115 TOMAOTES,WHOLE,CANNED 6/10 $22.00 $19.74 $19.95 $19.90 116 VEGETABLE OIL 4/1 GAL No Bid $31.00 $36.98 Yes-6/lga1 $39.00 117 VINEGAR,CIDER 4/1 GAL $12.00 $975 $9.79 $10.85 118 VINEGAR,WHITE 4/1 GAL $12.00 $6.75 $6.89 $7.75 119 IWATER,POLAND SPRING,BOTTLES 24/16.9OZ No Bid $8.95 $10.39 Yes-40 ct $11.85 Yes-40ct 120 IZUCCHINI&TOMATOES,CANNED 6/10 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME: I REBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H.SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON PHONE#: 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRfCE EXCEPTION 1, Ta tM^,% ,:z°PROD,UCE,, 9150# 123 APPLES(MACINTOSH) 120-140 No Bid $19.85 $34.79 $29.85 124 BANANAS 10# No Bid $10.45 $5.85 $8.50 125 CANTELOUPE 3 CT No Bid $12.73 $8.94 $9.35 126 CARROTS No Bid $25.20 $23.49 $24.90 127 CAULIFLOWER 12 CT No Bid $29.00 $47.00 $38.75 128 CELERY 24 CT No Bid $3920 $38.50 $39.00 129 CHERRY TOMATOES 10# No Bid $21.00 $18.50 $28.00 130 CUCUMBERS 10# No Bid $12.00 $5.95 Yes-6 count $6.99 Yes-3 count 131 FRESH CAULIFLOWER EACH No Bid $13.75 $8.95 $9.00 Yes-3 132 LETTUCE,ROMAINE HEARTS 24 CT No Bid $7500 $40.50 $42.00 Yes-12/3#pk 133 ONIONS,SPANISH 50# No Bid $24.00 $19.89 $22.00 134 ORANGES 1/113 CT No Bid $45.00 $34.00 $29.95 135 PEARS 120 CT No Bid $58.00 $40.59 $39.99 136 PEPPERS,GREEN 25# No Bid $30.80 $27.49 $28.25 137 PEPPERS,RED 25# No Bid $39.00 $39.79 $49.00 138 PLUMS,BLACK 28# No Bid No Bid $49.89 $45.00 139 POTATOES,IDAHO 90 CT/50# No Bid $25.00 $26.50 $26.50 140 POTATOES,RED,SIZE A 50# No Bid $26.00 $23.79 $26.50 141 POTATOES,RED,SIZE B 50# No Bid $36.40 $27.49 $28.00 142 POTATOES,SWEET,#1 1/40# No Bid $3900 $24.89 $26.35 143 POTATOES,CHEF 1/40# No Bid $22.00 $21.50 No Bid 144 POTATOES,YUKON GOLD 50# No Bid $29.00 $24.98 $28.00 145 WATERMELON EACH No Bid $16.00 $14.59 $12,00 "i 010-1-1 148 CROISSANTS 144/2.2 OZ No Bid $42.99 $68.50 Yes-225 ct $42.50 Yes-48 2oz/cs Yes-Each 12" 149 HERO ROLLS,3X7 12/6 CT 72 No Bid $38.50 $25.98 $1.15 Hero 150 MUFFINS,BLUEBERRY 12/6 OZ No Bid $12.75 $12.67 $14.95 151 MUFFINS,CORN 12/6 OZ No Bid $12.75 $12.67 $14.95 Yes-1.5oz each/1 doz per 152 ROLLS,DINNER 175/1.2 OZ No Bid $30.50 $27.98 $4.95 cs 153 ROLLS,HAMBURGER 120 CT $23.00 $36.38 $24.89 $19.95 154 ROLLS,HOTDOG 144 CT $24.00 $28.20 $24.89 $21.95 157 ASPARAGUS SPEARS,FROZEN 6/2.5# No Bid $52.62 $26.95 $41.25 158 BROCOLLI FLORETS,FROZEN 12/2# No Bid $18.30 $19.97 $19.20 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME. I REBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY: LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H.SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON PHONE#: 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION 159 BRUSSELS SPROUTS,FROZEN 12/2.5# No Bid $18.10 $18.29 $23.70 12/2.5# 160 CARROTS,BELGIAN CUT,FROZEN 40# No Bid $18.25 $17.29 $23.70 4/2.5# 161 CARROTS,DICED,FROZEN 10# No Bid $24.56 $13.98 $12.85 Yes-20#bulk 12/2# 162 CAULIFLOWER,FROZEN,(2 LB.PKGS.) 24# No Bid $18.60 $16.74 $18.72 163 COLLARD GREENS,FROZEN 12/3# No Bid $2420 $24.98 $27.36 164 GREEN BEANS,WHOLE,FROZEN 12/2.5# No Bid $19.45 $19.29 $23.70 165 KALE,FROZEN 12/3# No Bid $25.98 $27.69 $27.72 166 OKRA,CUT,FROZEN 12/2# No Bid $19.20 $19.89 $20.88 167 ONIONS,PEARL,FROZEN 12/2# No Bid $27.90 $33.79 $3000 168 PEAS&CARROTS,FROZEN 12/2.5# $26.00 $21.86 $20.47 $23.70 169 PEAS,FROZEN 12/2.5# $23.00 $22.69 $23.98 $23.70 170 POTATO MEDLEY,LAMB WESTON,#508,FROZEN 5/3# No Bid $33.40 $33.75 No Bid 171 SNAP PEAS,FROZEN 12/2# No Bid No Bid $28.79 $30.00 172 SPINACH,CHOPPED,FROZEN 12/3# $24.00 $22.60 $23.59 $24.12 173 SQUASH,YELLOW,SLICED,FROZEN 12/3# No Bid $27.25 $28.98 $28.80 174 SQUASH,ZUCCHINI,SLICED,FROZEN 12/3# No Bid $2695 $28.79 $29.85 175 STRING BEANS,CUT 12/2# No Bid $18.75 $18.39 $20.40 176 TURNIP GREENS,CHOPPED, FROZEN 12/3# No Bid $36.30 No Bid $3960 177 TURNIPS,DICED,FROZEN 12/3# No Bid No Bid $22.79 $16.56 Yes-12/2# 178 VEGETABLE,CALIFORNIA BLEND,FROZEN 12/2.5# No Bid $20.75 $19.97 $20.64 Yes-12/2# 179 VEGETABLE,ITALIAN BLEND,FROZEN 12/2.5# No Bid $22.80 $20.65 $24.60 180 VEGETABLE,NORMANDY BLEND,FROZEN 12/2.5# No Bid $22.80 $20.49 $24.60 181 VEGETABLE,SCANDINAVIAN BLEND,FROZEN 12/2.5# No Bid $22.80 $20.95 $24.60 182 VEGETABLE,WINTER BLEND,FROZEN 12/2.5# No Bid $22.80 $22.19 $25.50 CHICKEN CUTLET,PLAIN,FULLY COOKED,INDIVIDUALLY QUICK 40/4 OZ 185 FROZEN 10# $35.00 $35.90 $33.79 $45.90 Yes-24/5oz 186 CHICKEN,BREAST FILETS,INDIVIDUALLY QUICK FROZEN 48 ct/5 OZ No Bid $57.60 No Bid $51.00 per cs Yes-Koch 187 CHICKEN,CORDON BLEU,BARBER FOODS,FROZEN No Bid $53.00 $52.29 $53.00 36/4oz per cs 188 CHICKEN,LEG&THIGH,INDIVIDUALLY QUICK FROZEN 48/7.33OZ No Bid $37.75 $39.98 $45.90 189 HAMBURGERS,4 OZ PATTY,FROZEN 10# $33.00 $32.40 $32.50 $29.50 190 RAW TIGER SHRIMP,21-25 COUNT,CLEANED AND DEVEINED 5/2# $70.00 $57.60 $58.95 j $59.90 191 SALMON PIECES,INDIVIDUALLY QUICK FROZEN 10#/4 OZ $78.00 $81.30 1 $61.98 $84.90 Yes-10#/8oz ea TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME: I REBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY: LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H.SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON P HO N E M 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXCEPTION If BID PRICE7 EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION 192 SEA LEGS SUPREME 12/2.5# No Bid $48.00 $53.29 $94.80 193 SALISBURY STEAK,INDIVIDUALLY QUICK FROZEN 60/4 OZ No Bid $51.26 $42.59 $44.50 194 SALISBURY STEAK IN GRAVY,FROZEN,12 CT TRAY 4/690Z No Bid $62.98 $63.79 $73.95 1� 2 197 CAKE,BROWNIE,SHEET,FROZEN TRAYS No Bid $39.10 $39.79 $39.80 198 CAKE,CARROT,SHEET,FROZEN 4/96 OZ No Bid $84.35 $83.98 $82.00 199 CAKE,CHEESE,DAVID'S COOKIES NEW YORK STYLE,FROZEN 2/10" No Bid $20.50 $39.97 $36.40 200 CAKE,CRUMB,SHEET,FROZEN EACH No Bid $21.69 $18.98 $43.85 96 ct 12/16 OZ 201 CAKE,POUND,LOAF,FROZEN 192 OZ No Bid $57.60 No Bid $56.50 202 DANISH,ASSTD.FROZEN,WRAPPED 24 CT No Bid $22.75 $24.49 $24.00 203 ICE CREAM CUP,CHOCOLATE 96/4 OZ No Bid $24.34 $28.79 $12.85 YES-24/4oz 204 ICE CREAM CUP,VANILLA 96/4 OZ No Bid $24.35 $28.50 $12.85 YES-24/40z 205 LIMONCELLO,PRESLICED,14 SLICES, FROZEN 4/BOX $88.00 $98.00 $49.10 Yes-2-10" No Bid 206 PIE,COCONUT CUSTARD,SARA LEE 6/10" No Bid $37.00 $29.98 Yes-Ace $39.50 207 PIE,PEACH,MRS SMITH'S 6/10" No Bid $59.00 $62.59 Yes-ChefPierre $56.50 208 PIE,PUMPKIN,MRS SMITH'S 6/10" No Bid $39.95 $35.95 Yes-Ace $40.90 209 PIES,APPLE,MRS.SMITH'S 6/10" No Bid $36.95 $28.79 Yes-Ace $38.00 210 SORBET,RASBERRY 3 GAL No Bid No Bid $28.56 Yes-1.25 gal No Bid 211 TIRAMISU,PRESLICED,14 SLICES,FROZEN 4/BOX $99.00 $99.80 $30.98 1/cs No Bid 40/4 OZ 214 COD,BATTERED WITH CORONA,FROZEN 10# No Bid $72.00 $63.79 $59.75 29/5.5 OZ Yes-Pollack, 215 COD,POTATO CRUSTED,FROZEN 159 OZ No Bid $69.95 $71.89 1 $68.90 10#/40 4oz Yes-12#cs/ 216 EGGPLANT ROLETTE,FROZEN 48/3.5 OZ No Bid $52.95 $47.97 $52.75 4.5oz 217 FISH,SOLE,SCALLOP&CRAB STUFFED,FROZEN 32 CT/5 OZ No Bid $75.00 $76.69 $78.50 218 KRABBY CAKES,MRS FRIDAY'S,FROZEN 10#/3 OZ No Bid $64.75 $44.39 $45.90 219 LASAGNA ROLL UPS,FROZEN 6/3.5 OZ No Bid $30.46 $33.79 $31.45 Yes-60/3.Soz 220 MEATBALLS,PLAIN,FROZEN 10#/2 OZ $32.00 $35.30 $25.89 $23.20 Yes-10#/1 oz 221 MEATBALLS,SWEDISH,FROZEN 10#/2 OZ No Bid No Bid $65.98 Yes-4-62oz $61.90 Yes-4-62oz 222 PIERCE SUPER-CHIK'N,8 PC CUT,BULK PACK,FROZEN 1/10# No Bid $62.00 $5889 Yes-1/15lb $61.90 Yes-1/15lb 223 POT ROAST W/GRAVY COOKED 3/6# No Bid $81.96 $179.50 Yes-2/15lb No Bid 224 POTATO PANCAKE,FROZEN 432/.67 OZ No Bid $4150 $41.49 $64.90 Yes-288ct 225 SAUSAGE LINKS,COOKED 160/1 OZ No Bid $24.75 $29.39 $34.90 226 SHELLS,STUFFED,MEDIUM 120/2 OZ I No Bid $42.95 $32.15 $33.50 Yes-96/1.75oz 227 ISTUFFED CABBAGE,FROZEN 148 CT I No Bid $76.95 $79.89 $84.90 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME: I REBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY. LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H.SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON PHONE#: 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION 228 STUFFED PEPPERS,FROZEN,CAMPBELLS 48 CT No Bid $65.60 $65.79 $66.80 229 TATER TOTS,FROZEN 10# No Bid $49.75 $43.98 $27.80 Yes-30# ""'�� %fit, FROZEN„OTFIER 232 EGG PRODUCT,FROZEN 6/5# No Bid $41.00 $44.79 $44.10 233 JUICE,ORANGE,SUNCUP,FROZEN 72/4 OZ No Bid $10.62 $10.39 $10.40 234 JUICE,APPLE,SUNCUP,FROZEN 72/4 OZ No Bid $9.75 $9.42 $9.45 235 JUICE,PINEAPPLE-ORANGE,SUNCUP,FROZEN 72/40Z No Bid $10.62 $10.24 $10.95 238 BUTTER BLOCK 36/1# $94.50 $86.00 $80.00 $108.00 4/4.25# 239 BUTTER PATTIES(individual) 17# No Bid $6495 $51.00 $64.94 Yes-17# 4/1.5# 240 CAN NOLI CREAM BAGS W/CHOCOLATE CHIPS 6# No Bid $24.50 $23.97 $24.00 Yes-6# 241 CHEESE,AMERICAN,LOAF,DELUXE WHITE 4/5# No Bid No Bid $78.00 Yes-6/5# $63.80 242 CHEESE,AMERICAN,SLICED,DELUXE WHITE 4/5# $52.00 No Bid $72.00 Yes-6/5# $52.90 243 CHEESE,COTTAGE 4/5# $45.00 $51.90 $37.89 $30.00 244 CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,BLOCK 5# $13.00 $19.70 $14.34 Yes-6# $3.05/lb 245 CHEESE,PARMESAN,PC 200/.5 EA No Bid $16.59 $45.79 Yes-500ct $18.95 246 CHEESE,SWISS(4"x 4"LOAF),FINLANDIA 7# $28.00 $29.20 $31.85 $2.95/Jb 247 CHEESE,CHEDDAR,SHREDDED 5# No Bid $18.00 $10.95 $13.75 248 CREAM CHEESE,PC 100/1 OZ No Bid No Bid $18.69 $18.65 249 EGGS,FRESH 15 DZ No Bid No Bid $17.62 $24.75 Yes-Tropicana 250 JUICE,ORANGE,HOMEMAKER 8/590Z No Bid $18.95 $18.89 $27.85 6/52 oz 251 SOUR CREAM 10# No Bid $28.95 $16.92 $7.90 252 WHIPPED CREAM,REAL,EVER-FRESH,AEROSOLE CAN 12/15 OZ No Bid $25.00 $26.49 $27.75 253 WHIPPED TOPPING,EVERY READY,PIPING BAGS 12/32 OZ No Bid $48.30 $46.79 $46.80 254 YOGURT,ALL LOW FAT,FLAVORS 48/4 OZ No Bid $14.85 $14.89 $18.95 '"'?�' �°+i,�«�rt-�c'axs''�;2;ri»�r5°"MEI�T�''FRESI'1.:':�''�,�;,^<i�'�n�».�✓��` %k_`.,r�.'Fi, 257 BEEF,BOTTOM ROUND,RAW 4/6-8# No Bid No Bid $3.49/lb $3.70/lb 258 BEEF,CHOPPED 80/20,FRESH,RAW 2.90# $35.00 No Bid $3.02/lb $2.79/lb 259 BEEF,TOP ROUND,TRIMMED&TIED,RAW 15# $60.00 No Bid $4.71/Ib $4.60/lb 260 BONELESS PRIME RIB,OVEN READY,CHOICE 88#AVG No Bid No Bid $9.50/lb $14.95/Ib 261 CHICKEN BREAST,RAW 40# $60.00 No Bid $60.58 $1.69/lb 262 ICORNED BEEF,LEAN,MOSEY'S 2/7# No Bid $4.37/lb $4.89 $3.85/lb Yes 263 IHAM,DELI,DELUXE,LOW SODIUM 26#AVG No Bid $3.91/Ib $4.99 $2.95/lb r . 264 HOT DOGS,ALL BEEF,SABRETT 5# No Bid $35.95 $23.95 1 $23.85 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PURCHASING OFFICE BID TAB SHEET BID NAME: I REBID FOOD AND MEAT PRODUCTS 2021 BID OPENING DATE: 1/7/2021 COMPANY: LOWNEY WHOLESALE MEATS H.SCHRIER&CO.INC. ACE ENDICO CORP. MIVILA OF NEW YORK INC. CONTACT: ADAM H.LOWNEY STEVE MAIORANO DEAN BLAIKIE JESSICA STEVENSON PHONE#: 631-727-3635 631-307-9570 914-347-3244 631-953-6970 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION 11 BID PRICE EXCEPTION BID PRICE EXCEPTION 265 PORK BABYBACK RIBS,RAW 18/2.5# $168.75 No Bid $3.67 $3.85/Ib 266 PORK LOIN,RAW,CENTER CUT 2/6-9# No Bid No Bid $1.99 $1.84/Ib 267 ROAST BEEF,DELI,COOKED,TOP ROUND,DELUXE 2/6-8# No Bid $4.56/Ib $4.99 $4.95/Ib 268 SAUSAGE,ITALIAN,SWEET,FRESH 10# $25.00 $25.80 $28.50 $26.00 269 SAUSAGE,POLISH,KIELBASA 10# $35.00 No Bid $39.00 $38.50 270 SAUSAGE,SWEET,TURKEY 160/1 OZ No Bid 1 $29.95 $29.99 $18.75 Yes-S# 271 STEW BEEF,FRESH,RAW 10# No Bid No Bid $45.00 $4150 Yes-frozen 272 TURKEY BREAST,COOKED,LOW SODIUM,DELUXE KOHLER 2/9# $76.50 $4.45/Ib $4.98 $4.95/Ib Yes 273 TURKEY BREAST,RAW,OVEN READY,PERDUE 2/10# $48.00 No Bid $2.99/Ib Yes-Butte hb " $2.98/Ib Yes a