HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Materials for Highway Q��g�FFO[,�c0 DENIS NONCARROW �� G.y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK p P.O.Box 1179 CA Z Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS p Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER yj�Ol �aQ� Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 1, 2022 Greg Tyrer Coastal Pipeline Products Corp PO Box 575 Calverton,NY 11933 Dear Mr. Tyrer: At the regular Town Board meeting held on February 15, 2022, the Town Board accepted the bid of S. Lohr, Inc., Suffolk Precast for drainage materials. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. o�oSUFFot/-�o DENIS NONCARROW �� r/y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK p P.O.Box 1179 y Z Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS p Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER 'f'�®1 �a0� Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 1, 2022 Sherri Demchuk S. Lohr Inc Dba Suffolk Precast PO Box 261 Calverton,NY 11933 Dear Ms. Sherri: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on February 15, 2022, the Town Board accepted the bid of S. Lohr, Inc., Suffolk Precast for drainage materials. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. 9UFi02r RESOLUTION 2022-188 ADOPTED DOC ID: 17798 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2022-188 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD.ON FEBRUARY 15,2022: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Suffolk Precast to supply the Town with drainage materials in the amount of$151,175.00, all in accordance with the Town Attorney. Funds are available in H.8540.2.100.250 (Stormwater Mitigation) Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E.Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Brian O. Mealy, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Doroski, Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC �� ��, Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ® P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ® Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER �� ®�` Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 17, 2021 Shay Lohr S. Lohr d/b/a Suffolk Precast PO Box 261 Calverton,NY 11933 Dear Mr. Lohr: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on March 9, 2021, the Town Board accepted the bid of S. Lohr d/b/a Suffolk Precast for supplying drainage materials for Highway Department, A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 9, 2021 RESOLUTION 2021-202 Item#4.22 ADOPTED DOC ID: 16887 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2021-202 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 9,2021: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Suffolk Precast to supply the Town with drainage materials in the amount of$74,455.00, all in accordance with the Town Attorney. Funds are available in H.8540.2.100.250 (Stormwater Mitigation) , Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E. Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Nappa, Dinizio Jr, Doherty, Evans, Russell ABSENT: Robert Ghosio Generated March 11, 2021 Page 31 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC �� l/y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ® P.O.Box 1179 CA = Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS p Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER �'� • �`� Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER �.( `t►a www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING Drainage Materials for Highway Bid Opening March 4, 20212:00 PM One (1) bid received S. Lohr d/b/a Suffolk Precast $74,455.00 PO Box 261 Calverton,NY 11933 Shay Lohr 631/727-4432 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Suffolk Times State of New York, County of,Suffolk, The undersigned is the authorized designee of,the publisher of The Suffolk Times, a Daily Newspaper published in Suffolk County, New York. I certify that the public notice, a printed copy of which is attached hereto,was printed and published in this newspaper on the following dates: February 11,2021 This newspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,as a newspaper of record in this county,and as such, is eligible to publish such notices. Signature Eliot T. Putnam Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me, This day of 20,Q Notary Signatu e�r�S9°IIIII°°°►►►e► 0psi STATE `� OF NEW YORK '. NOTARY PUBLIC M N ALBANY ^O nO• OIRE6398443 O i A �. , * �S°��e' Notary Public Stamp q SZON EX?�� ``,°<, ���►°►°°u I ba A IINei` 3d09dddf-bf10-4b2f-b421-46196dca20eb lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ..ice t i l AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Suffolk Times LEGAL NOTICENOTICE TO BIDDERSINVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: "FURNISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT" Definite specifications may be obtained by e-mail from the Southold Town Clerk's Office beginning February 11, 2021 by calling(631)765-1800 during regular business hours. PLACE OF OPENINGS: DATE OF OPENINGS: TIME OF OPENINGS:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4, 2021 2:00 PMTOWN CLERKS OFFICE 53095 MAIN ROADSOUTHOLD, NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Michael Collins, P.E. Town of Southold,631-765-1560 VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BIDS IN SEALED ENVELOPES. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1) NAME&ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2) BID NAME It is the bidder's responsibility to read the attached Bid Specifications, Instructions to Bidders,and General Conditions,which outline bidding rules of the Town of Southold. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read,fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements.The Town of Southold requires that this document be returned intact and that it be filled out completely. Please do not remove any pages from this bid package,and make a copy of the bid document for your records.The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process. 3d09dddf-bf10-4b2f-b421-46196dca20eb lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FURNISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK Fa Prepared Bv: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Engineering Department 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Februaty 11,2021 (631)765-1560 / TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 PHONE: 631-765-1560 / FAX: 631-765-9015 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: "FURNISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT" Definite specifications may be obtained by e-mail from the Southold Town Clerk's Office beginning February 11,2021 PLACE OF OPENINGS: DATE OF OPENINGS: TIME OF OPENINGS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4, 2021 2:00 PM TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Michael Collins,P.E. Town of Southold, 631-765-1560 VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BIDS IN SEALED ENVELOPES. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1)NAME &ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2)BID NAME It is the bidder's responsibility to read the attached Bid Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, and General Conditions, which outline bidding rules of the Town of Southold. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read, fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements. The Town of Southold requires that this document be returned intact and that it be filled out completely. Please do not remove any pages from this bid package, and make a copy of the bid document for your records. The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process. TABLE OF CONTENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FURNSISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Title Page ------ Invitation to Bid ------ Table of Contents ------ Instructions to Bidders I13-1 thru I13-4 Proposal Form Package Pages 1 - 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INDEX 1. Receipt and Opening of Bids 2. Form,Preparation and Presentation of Proposal 3. Rejection of Bids 4. Bidders Responsibility 5. Bid Reservations 6. Non-Collusive Statement 7. Addenda and Interpretations 8. Method of Award 9. Single Price Bid Analysis 10. Municipal Exempt Status 11. Labor Law 12. Quantities 113- 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS The Town of Southold invites bids on the forms herein provided to Furnish Drainage Materials to the Southold Town Highway Department located at 275 Peconic Lane in Peconic,New York. Sealed bids shall be received by the office of the Southold Town Clerk, 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971, no later than 2:00 P.M. prevailing time on Thursday, March 4th, 2021,at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. All bids received after the time stated for the opening in the Notice to Bidders may not be considered and will be returned unopened to the bidder. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by employees of the Town. Whether sent by mail or by means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes responsibility for having his bid deposited on time at the place specified.Faxed bids will not be accepted. 2.FORM,PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PROPOSAL The Proposal Form as issued by the Town shall be completely filled in, in black ink or typed on the original bid form. No photocopies will be accepted. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in both words and figures, with a total or gross sum for which the bid is made. All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it be "0", "N/A", "No Charge", or a dollar figure. All lines must be filled in to indicate bidder's acknowledgement of the request. Bids that do not have all applicable lines filled in on the bid proposal form may be disqualified as a non-responsive bid. We cannot assume there is "no charge" when lines are left empty. Bids that contain any omission, erasure, alteration, addition or items not called for in the itemized bid form or that contain irregularities of any kind will not be accepted. In case of discrepancy between the unit price and total amount bid for any item, the unit price, as expressed in words, shall govern. The following two items will automatically render a bid unacceptable to the Town of Southold: a. Failure to sign bid proposal page. b. Failure to include necessary bid security deposit(as required). It shall be fully understood that any deviations from the inclusion of the above items will be grounds to see the bid as non-compliant and will not be considered for award. 3. REJECTION OF BIDS (a) The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted in the qualifications statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the TOWN BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to cavy out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will be considered informal and will be rejected. (b)The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids,in whole or in part,to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accept the bid or part thereof which it deems most favorable to the Town after all bids have been examined and/or checked. IB -2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 4. BIDDERS RESPONSIBILITY (a) Bidders are cautioned not to submit bids until after having inspected the site of the proposed improvement and having made themselves familiar with local conditions. The attention of persons intending to submit bids is specifically called to the paragraph of the Contract which 4 debars a Contractor from pleading misunderstanding or deception because of estimates or quantities, character, location or other conditions surrounding the same. Special attention is called to the notes on the Plans or in the itemized form of bid, which are made a part of this Contract,which may alter or revise the Specifications for the particular contract. (b)No representation is made as to the existence or nonexistence of groundwater, which may in any way impede the work,proposed to be accomplished. Each bidder shall fully inform himself as to groundwater and sub-surface conditions prior to submitting his bid. (c) The submission of a bid will be construed to mean that the bidder is fully informed as to the extent, cost, and character of the materials, labor, and equipment required to complete the proposed job in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, including all other expenses incidental thereto. (d)Bidders must examine the Plans and Specifications and exercise their own judgment as to the nature and amount of the whole of the work to be done, and for the bid prices, must assume all risks of variance by whomsoever made in computation or statement of amounts or quantities necessary to fully complete the work in strict compliance with the Contract Documents. (e) The Bidder shall assume all risks and responsibility and shall complete the work in whatever material and under whatever conditions he may encounter or create, without extra cost to the Town. (f)No pleas of ignorance or misunderstanding of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of conditions or difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Contract, as a result of failure to make the necessary examinations and investigations, will be to fulfill in every detail all of the requirements of the Contract Documents, or will be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation, or for an extension of time. 5.BID RESERVATIONS Bids submitted shall remain in effect for forty-five (45) days past the date of bid opening. This period may be extended, for the benefit of the Town, by mutual agreement between the Bidder and the Purchasing Agent. 6.NON-COLLUSIVE STATEMENT The form of non-collusion bidding certification contained in the proposal package must be executed by the Bidder and submitted with the proposal. The submission of this statement certifies that the prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, IB -3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. 7. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS Every request for information or interpretation of the Contract Documents or Drawings must be addressed in writing to the Town Engineering Department of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (fax) 631-765-9015, and to be given any consideration, must be received at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Any such interpretations or supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda, and will be mailed or faxed to all prospective bidders. The failure of any bidder to receive any such addenda will not relieve the bidder of any obligation under his bid as submitted. Any addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. 8. METHOD OF AWARD The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as will best promote the public interest, taking into consideration the reliability of the bidder, the quality of the materials, equipment,or supplies to be furnished, and conformity with the specifications. 9. SINGLE PRICE BID ANALYSIS In the event a single bid is received,the Town will conduct a price analysis of the bid price prior to the award of the contract. 10.MUNICIPAL EXEMPT STATUS The Town is exempt from the payment of Federal, State and local taxes. Taxes must not be included in proposal prices. 11. LABOR LAW The Contractor and each and every subcontractor performing work at the site of the project to which this Contract relates shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Labor Law, as amended, of the State of New York. Attention is called to certain provisions of the Labor Law, as set forth in the Conditions of Contract,Paragraph 11,which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. 12. QUANTITIES Any quantities set forth in the bid specifications are approximations only. No guarantee is made for any quantities stated. Payment'shall be on the basis of actual quantities supplied or the actual work done at the unit prices quoted. IB -4 Town of Southold "Furnish Drainage Materials to the Southold Town Highway Department" PROPOSAL PACKAGE BID OPENS: March 4, 2021 REMINDER NOTE!!!: VENDORS MUST RETURN THIS DOCUMENT INTACT AND FILLED OUT COMPLETELY! ! All line items on the Proposal Form must be filled in! All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it is a dollar figure or No Bid. Please DO NOT remove any pages from this bid package! ! ! Thank you! Proposal Package 1 of 10 BIDDER'S CHECK LIST Your response to our above referenced bid will be considered unresponsive and will be rejected if the following forms are not included at the time of the bid opening. 2' Notarized Affidavit of Non-Collusion as required by NYS Law. Vendor Information Sheet,and Address Record Form. Assumed Name Certification. Proposal Package 2 of 10 VENDOR NAME: S. Lohr Inc. dba Suffolk Precast VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET TYPE OF ENTITY:CORP. V PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL FEDERAL EMPLOYEE ID#:83-2821536 OR SOCIAL SECURITY#: DATE OF ORGANIZATION:11/30/2018 IF APPLICABLE: DATE FILED: 12/21/18 STATE FILED: 12/17/2018 If a non-publicly owned Corporation: CORPORATION NAME: S. Lohr Inc. dba Suffolk Precast LIST PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS: (5%of outstanding shares) Shay W. Lohr President 100% LIST OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: NAME TITLE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a partnership: PARTNERSHIP NAME: LIST PARTNERS NAMES: Proposal Package 3 of 10 ADDRESS RECORD FORM MAIL BID TO: VENDOR NAME: S. Lohr Inc. dba Suffolk Precast ADDRESS: PO Box 261, Calverton, NY 11933 CONTACT: Shay Lohr TELEPHONE: 631-727-4432 FAX: 631-727-4439 E-MAIL: scprecast@optonline.net ONLY if different- MAIL PURCHASE ORDER TO: ADDRESS: Type text here TELEPHONE: FAX: CONTACT: E-MAIL: ONLY if different- MAIL PAYMENT TO: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FAX: CONTACT: E-MAIL: Proposal Package 4 of 10 VENDOR NAME: S. Lohr Inc. dba Suffolk Precast ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATION *If the business is conducted under an assumed name, a copy of the certificate required to be filed under the New York general business law must be attached. ASSUMED NAME:Suffolk Precast If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid or previously filed with the Purchasing Agent. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the Town of Southold or other municipality bid on contracts only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) Proposal Package 5 of 10 N. Y. S . DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS ALBANY, NY 12231-0001 FILING RECEIPT ' ENTITY NAME : S. LOHR INC. DOCUMENT TYPE : ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILER: FILED: 12/17/2018 ------ CASH# : 438293 FILM#: 20181217011 CARMELA M. DI TALIA, ESQ. ESSEKS, HEFTER, ANGEL ET AL 108 EAST MAIN ST. , PO BOX 279 RIVERHEAD NY 11901 PRINCIPAL LOCATION ------------------ 1813 MIDDLE ROAD CALVERTON NY 11933 -- " a _ 65 41 or COMMENT: x ., Q, " ASSUMED NAME ------------ SUFFOLK PRECAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SERVICE COMPANY : -UNITED CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. CODE: 37 BOX 44 FEES 85. 00 PAYMENTS: 85 . 00 FILING 25 . 00 CASH COUNTY : 25 . 00 CHECK 85 . 00 COPIES : 10 . 00 C CARD MISC . 00 HANDLE 25. 00 REFUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOHR06477 DO3HD108 DOS-281 (04/2007) r NYS Department Of State Division of Corporations,State Records and Unified Commercial Code One Commerce Plata,99 Washirigton Ave. Albany,New York 12231-0001 www.dos.statemy.us CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Pursuant to Section 130 of the General Business Law 1. NAME OF ENTITY: S.Lohr Inc. - la. FOREIGN ENTITIES•ONLY.If applicable,the fictitious name the entity agrees to use in New York State is: TIM 2. NEW YORK LAW FORMED OR AUTHORIZED UNDER(CHECK ONE): .X Business Corporation Law _Limited Liability Company Law Education Law _Not-For-Profit Corporation Law insurance Law -_Revised Limited Partnership Act Other(specify law): 3. ASSUMED NAME: Suffolk Precast 4. PRINCIPAL-PLACE OF BUSINESS iN NEW YORK STATE(MUST BE NUMBER AND STREET,IF NONE, INSERT OUT-OF-STATE ADDRESS) 1813 Middle Road Calverton,NY 11933 5. COUNTIES IN WHICH BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED.UNDER ASSUMED NAME _ALL COUNTIES(if not,circle county(les)below) Albany Cbtan Genesee Monroe Orleans, Saratoga Tompkins Allegany Columbia Greene Montgomery Oswego Schenecl�y Utter Bronx Cortland Hamilton Nassau Otsego Schchade Warren Broome Delaware Herkimer New York Putnam Schuyler Washington Cattaraugus Dutchess Jefferson Niagara Queens Seneca Wayne Cayuga Erie Tangs Oneida Rensselaer Sten Westchester Chautauqua Essex LaWis Onondaga Richmond Wyoming - Chemung Franklin Livingston Ontario Rockland Su van Yates Chanango Fulton Madison Orange SL Lawrence flogs a. INSERT THE ADDRESS OF EACH LOCATION WHERE BUSINESS WILL BE CARRIED ON OR TRANSACTED UNDER THE ASSUMED NAME.Use a continuous sheet,If needed.(The address must be set forth to terms of a number and street,city,state and zip code,Please note that the address(es)reflected In paragraph 6 must be within the county(les)circled In.paragraph 5. If the entity does not have a specific location where it will conduct business under the assumed name please check the box.) No.New York State Business Location 1813 Middle Road , Caiverton,NY-11933 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SiGNATURE: If corporation.by an officer,if limited partnership,bya general partner,if limited liability company,by a member or manager or by an adomey-in-fact or authorized person for such corporation,limited partnership,or limited liability company. . Signature: ✓1--_ Shay Lohr,-Ribsidwit AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION I hereby attest that I am the person responsible within my firm for the final decision as to the prices(s) and amount of this bid or, if not, that I have written authorization, enclosed herewith, from that person to make the statements set out below on his or her behalf and on behalf of my firm. I further attest that: 1. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor,bidder or potential bidder. 2. Neither the price(s), nor the amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to bid opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause or induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 4. The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from any firm or person to submit a complementary bid. 5. My firm has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any other firm or person, or offered, promised or paid cash or anything of value to any firm or person,whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by any firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. 6. My firm has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any firm or person and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any project, in consideration for my firm's submitting a complementary bid, or agreeing to do so, on this project. 7. I have made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of my firm with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or submission of my firm's bid on this project and have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this affidavit. The person signing this bid, under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof. �4�.�-- mss. +-•�1 SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature&-1C5mpp1fy Position Shay W. Lohr President DAY OF 2eC_e�,Zoyl Type Name&Company Position S. Lohr Inc. dba Suffolk Precast Company Name RY PUBLIC Date Signed 83-2821536 Federal I.D.Number (',pflIrt115g1011 "r Proposal Package 6 of 10 THE PROPOSAL FORM Furnish Drainage Materials to the Southold Town Highway Department VENDOR NAME. S. Lohr Inc. dba Suffolk Precast VENDOR ADDRESS: 1813 Middle Road,Calverton, NY 11933 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 631-7274432 FAX: 631-727-4439 The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals as necessary and called for in the said Contract Documents in the manner prescribed therein and in said Contract, and in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer, at the prices listed on the attached Bid Proposal Form. If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, the bid must be signed by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid documents. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the Town of Southold or other municipalities bid on contracts, but only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda(if none were issued please write N/A below): Addendum No. Dated Proposal Package 7 of 10 Drainage Materials to be Delivered to the Southold Town Highway Department Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold ITEM NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT BID PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT BID (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) DOLLARS CENTS DOLLARS CENTS 1 60 8'Diameter x 4'Deep Pre-cast Concrete Leaching Ring oo 1 fj 0 0 0 for re §)(4o /EA "� Dollarsbents 8'Diameter x 3'Deep Pre-cast Concrete Leaching Ring for �� 00 �0SO 00 2 10 �� ���1 ���C) /EA Dollars Cents 8'Diameter x 2'Deep Pre-cast Concrete Leaching Ring /EA 3 10 , J for - /EA Dollars C nts 8'Diameter Pre-cast Concrete Traffic Bea�rin-g`Slab with Single 24"Diameter Hole 2-55 00 10;260 ®0 4 40 for 4UZ 1 LJf)d K.I f 'l P f �U�/ 7� /EA Dollars cents 4'L x 2'6"W x 4'D Pre-cast Concrete Catch Basin ywith Knock-out Walls&Bottom S0 )W50 f� 5 30 for �jje_bunAc!tt):&' )f o / zero /EA 4`1J w Dollars Cents 4'L x 2'6"W x 2'6"D Pre-cast Concrete Catch Basin with Knock-out Walls&Bottom 225 6 5d_4_=A� 1 for , A Dollars Cents 24"Diameter Cast Iron Solid Clean-out Cover 7 50 S /Y� for Wo ���rr , cro /EA I l� Dollars Cents Proposal Package 8 of 10 Drainage Materials to be Delivered to the Southold Town Highway Department Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold ITEM NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT BID PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT BID (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) DOLLARS CENTS DOLLARS CENTS Rectangular Cast Iron Curb Inlet Grate �� 8 28 for /EA Dollars Cents 9 20 24"Diameter x 2"High Cast Iron Riser 6 Q�l for o /EA �l of rs Cents 24"Diameter 3"High Cast Iron Riser /�� C/�IO� 10 20 �^ S� 00 � �'L for iD i P /EA Dollars Cents TOTAL BASE BID Items(Add All Items) -744,145S.C'u Dollars Cents (Numerically) WRITTEN IN WORDS NOTE: Bidder must provide a bid for all items which includes the cost of delivery to the Southold Town Highway Department in the price of the item. No separate charges will be paid for delivery. Proposal Package 9 of 10 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PRINTNAME Shay W. Lohr TITLE President DATE 2/12/2021 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF �� ' ) ss.: On the_j:j _day of T�b in the year 2021 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared, S tics u,) Lo tiz- , personally known tome or proved tome on the basis of satisfactory evid6ce to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies),and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)acted, executed the instrument. VOTAft#UBLIC "YEW;W20.2y ork Proposal Package 10 of 10 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 PHONE: 631-765-1560 /FAX: 631-765-9015 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: "FURNISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT" Definite specifications may be obtained by e-mail from the Southold Town Clerk's Office beginning February 11, 2021 by calling(631) 765-1800 during regular business hours. PLACE OF OPENINGS: DATE OF OPENINGS: TIME OF OPENINGS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4, 2021 2:00 PM TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Michael Collins, P.E. Town of Southold, 631-765-1560 VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BIDS IN SEALED ENVELOPES. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1)NAME &ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2) BID NAME It is the bidder's responsibility to read the attached Bid Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, and General Conditions, which outline bidding rules of the Town of Southold. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read, fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements. The Town of Southold requires that this document be returned intact and that it be filled out completely. Please do not remove any pages from this bid package, and make a copy of the bid document for your records. The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 PHONE: 631-765-1560 / FAX: 631-765-9015 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: "FURNISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT" Definite specifications may be obtained by e-mail from the Southold Town Clerk's Office beginning February 11, 2021 by calling(631) 765-1800 during regular business hours. PLACE OF OPENINGS: DATE OF OPENINGS: TIME OF OPENINGS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4,2021 2:00 PM TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Michael Collins, P.E. Town of Southold, 631-765-1560 VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BIDS IN SEALED ENVELOPES. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1)NAME &ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2) BID NAME It is the bidder's responsibility to read the attached Bid Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, and General Conditions, which outline bidding rules of the Town of Southold. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read, fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements. The Town of Southold requires that this document be returned intact and that it be filled out completely..Please do not remove any pages from this bid package, and make a copy of the 'bid document for your records. The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority_and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) LYNDA M RUDDER, Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 8t"'day of February , 2021, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,to wit: Town Clerk's-Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. Drainage Material Bid ynda M Rudder Southold Deputy Town Clerk Sworn before me this Stn day of February , 2021. Not Public BONNIEJ.DOROSKI Notary Public,State Of New York No 01DO6095328, Suffolk County Term Expires July 7,20 Z23 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FURNISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK ca tilt Prepared By.- W TON OF SOUTHOLD Engineering Department 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 February 11,2021 (631)765-1560 i TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 PHONE: 631=765-1560 / FAX: 631-765-9015 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: "FURNISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT" Definite specifications may be obtained by e-mail from the Southold Town Clerk's' Office beginning February 11,2021 PLACE OF OPENINGS: DATE OF OPENINGS: TIME OF OPENINGS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4,2021 2:00 PM TOWN CLERKS OFFICE 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: Michael Collins,P.E. Town of Southold, 631-765-1560 VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BIDS IN SEALED ENVELOPES. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1)NAME&ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2) BID NAME It is the_ bidder's responsibility to read the attached Bid Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, and General Conditions, which outline bidding rules of the Town of Southold. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read, fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements. The Town, of Southold requires that this document be returned intact and that it be filled out completely. Please do not remove any pages from this bid package, and make a copy of the bid document for your records. The Town of Southold welcomes and encourages minority and women-owned businesses to participate in the bidding process., TABLE OF CONTENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FURNSISH DRAINAGE MATERIALS TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Title Page ------ Invitation to Bid ------ Table of Contents ------ Instructions to Bidders I13-1 thru I13-4 Proposal Form Package Pages I — 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INDEX 1. Receipt and Opening of Bids 2. Form,Preparation and Presentation of Proposal 3. Rejection of Bids 4. Bidders Responsibility 5. Bid Reservations 6. Non-Collusive Statement 7. Addenda and Interpretations 8. Method of Award 9. Single Price Bid Analysis 10. Municipal Exempt Status 11. Labor Law 12. Quantities 113 - 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS The Town of Southold invites bids on the forms herein provided to Furnish Drainage Materials to the Southold Town Highway Department located at 275 Peconic Lane in Peconic,New York. Sealed bids shall be received by the office of the Southold Town Clerk, 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971, no later than 2:00 P.M. prevailing time on Thursday, March 4t', 2021,at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. All bids received after the time stated for the opening in the Notice to Bidders may not be considered and will be returned unopened to the bidder. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by employees of the Town. Whether sent by mail or by means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes responsibility for having his bid deposited on time at the place specified.Faxed bids will not be accepted. 2.FORM,PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PROPOSAL The proposal Form as issued by the Town shall be completely filled in, in black ink or typed on the original bid form. No photocopies will be accepted. All blank spaces for bid prices must be 'filled in, in both words and figures,with a total or gross sum for which the bid is made. All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it be "099, "N/A", "No Charge", or a dollar figure. All lines must be filled in to indicate bidder's acknowledgement of the request. Bids that do not have all applicable lines filled in on the bid proposal form may be disqualified as a non-responsive bid. We cannot assume there is "no charge" when lines are left empty. Bids that contain any omission, erasure, alteration, addition or items not called for in the itemized bid form or that contain irregularities of any kind will not be accepted. In case of discrepancy between the unit price and total amount bid for any item, the unit price, as expressed in words, shall govern. The following two items will automatically render a bid unacceptable to the Town of Southold: a. Failure to sign bid proposal page. b. Failure to include necessary bid security deposit(as required). It shall be fully understood that any deviations from the inclusion of the above items will be grounds to see the bid as non-compliant and will not be considered for award. 3. REJECTION OF BIDS (a) The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted in the qualifications statement or an investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the TOWN BOARD that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will be considered informal and will be rejected. (b)The TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part,to waive any informality in any or all bids, and to accept the bid or part thereof which it deems most favorable to the Town after all bids have been examined and/or checked. IB -2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 4. BIDDERS RESPONSIBILITY (a) Bidders are cautioned not to submit bids until after having inspected the site of the proposed improvement and having made themselves familiar with local conditions. The attention of persons intending to submit bids is specifically called to the paragraph of the Contract which debars a Contractor from pleading misunderstanding or deception because of estimates or quantities, character,- location or other conditions surrounding the same. Special attention is called to the notes on the Plans or in the itemized form of bid, which are made a part of this Contract,which may alter or revise the Specifications for the particular contract. (b)No representation is made as to the existence or nonexistence of groundwater, which may in any way impede the work, proposed to be accomplished. Each bidder shall fully inform himself as to groundwater and sub-surface conditions prior to submitting his bid. (c) The submission of a bid will be construed to mean that the bidder is fully informed as to the extent, cost, and character of the materials, labor, and equipment required to complete the proposed job in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, including all other expenses incidental thereto. (d)Bidders must examine the Plans and Specifications and exercise their own judgment as to the nature and amount of the whole of the work to be done, and for the bid prices, must assume all risks of variance by whomsoever made in computation or statement of amounts or quantities necessary to fully complete the work in strict compliance with the Contract Documents. (e) The Bidder shall assume all risks and responsibility and shall complete the work in whatever material and under whatever conditions he may encounter or create, without extra cost to the Town. (f)No pleas of ignorance or misunderstanding of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of conditions or difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Contract, as a result of failure to make the necessary examinations and investigations, will be to fulfill in every detail all of the requirements of the Contract Documents, or will be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation, or for an extension of time. 5.BID RESERVATIONS Bids submitted shall remain in effect for forty-five (45) days past the date of bid opening. This period may be extended, for the benefit of the Town, by mutual agreement between the Bidder and the Purchasing Agent. 6.NON-COLLUSIVE STATEMENT The form of non-collusion bidding certification contained in the proposal package must be executed by the Bidder and submitted with the proposal. The submission of this statement certifies that the prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, IB -3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor. 7. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS Every request for information or interpretation of the Contract Documents or Drawings must be addressed in writing to the Town Engineering Department of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (fax) 631-765-9015, and to be given any consideration, must be received at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Any such interpretations or supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda, and will be mailed or faxed to all prospective bidders. The failure of any bidder to receive any such addenda will not relieve the bidder of any obligation under his bid as submitted. Any addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. 8. METHOD OF AWARD The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as will best promote the public interest, taking into consideration the reliability of the bidder, the quality of the materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished, and conformity with the specifications. 9.SINGLE PRICE BID ANALYSIS In the event a single bid is received,the Town will conduct a price analysis of the bid price prior to the award of the.contract. 10.MUNICIPAL EXEMPT STATUS The Town is exempt from the payment of Federal, State and local taxes. Taxes must not be included in proposal prices. 11. LABOR LAW The Contractor and each and every subcontractor performing work at the site of the project to which this Contract relates shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Labor Law, as amended, of the State of New York. Attention is called to certain provisions of the Labor Law, as set forth in the Conditions of Contract,Paragraph 11,which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. 12. QUANTITIES Any quantities set forth in the bid specifications are approximations only. No guarantee is made for any quantities stated. Payment shall be on the basis of actual quantities supplied or the actual work done at the unit prices quoted. IB -4 Town of Southold "Furnish Drainage Materials to the Southold Town Highway Department" PROPOSAL PACKAGE BID OPENS: March 4, 2021 REMINDER NOTE!!!: VENDORS MUST RETURN THIS DOCUMENT INTACT AND FILLED OUT COMPLETELY! ! All line items on the Proposal Form must be filled in! All lines must have an indication of the bidder's response whether it is a dollar figure or No Bid. Please DO NOT remove any pages from this bid package! ! ! Thank you! Proposal Package 1 of 10 BIDDER'S CHECK LIST Your response to our above referenced bid will be considered unresponsive and will be rejected if the following forms are not included at the time of the bid opening. ❑ Notarized Affidavit of Non-Collusion as required by NYS Law. ❑ Vendor Information Sheet and Address Record Form. ❑ Assumed Name Certification. Proposal Package 2 of 10 VENDOR NAME: VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET TYPE OF ENTITY:CORP. PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL FEDERAL EMPLOYEE ID #: OR SOCIAL SECURITY#: DATE OF ORGANIZATION: IF APPLICABLE: DATE FILED: STATE FILED: If a non-publicly owned Corporation: CORPORATION NAME: LIST PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS: (5% of outstanding shares) LIST OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: NAME TITLE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a partnership: PARTNERSHIP NAME: LIST PARTNERS NAMES: Proposal Package 3 of 10 ADDRESS RECORD FORM MAIL BID TO: VENDOR NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: ONLY if different- MAIL PURCHASE ORDER TO: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FAX: CONTACT:, E-MAIL: ONLY if different - MAIL PAYMENT TO: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: FAX: CONTACT: E-MAIL: Proposal Package 4 of 10 VENDOR NAME: ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATION *If.the business is conducted under an assumed name, a copy of the certificate required to be filed under the New York general business law must be attached. ASSUMED NAME: If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid or previously filed with the Purchasing Agent. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the Town of Southold or other municipality bid on contracts only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) Proposal Package 5 of 10 AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION I hereby attest that I am the person responsible within my firm for the final decision as to the prices(s) and amount of this bid or, if not, that I have written authorization, enclosed herewith, from that person to make the statements set out below on his or her behalf and on behalf of my firm. I further attest that: 1. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder. 2. Neither the price(s), nor the amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to bid opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause or induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 4. The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from any firm or person to submit a complementary bid. 5. My firm has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any other firm or person, or offered, promised or paid cash or anything of value to any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by any firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. 6. My firm has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any firm or person and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any project, in consideration for my firm's submitting a complementary bid, or agreeing to do so, on this project. 7. I have made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of my firm with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or submission of my firm's bid on this project and have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this affidavit. The person signing this bid, under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature&Company Position DAY OF 20_ Type Name&Company Position Company Name NOTARY PUBLIC Date Signed Federal I.D.Number Proposal Package 6 of 10 THE PROPOSAL FORM Furnish Drainage Materials to the Southold Town Highway Department VENDOR NAME: VENDOR ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX: The undersigned bidder has carefully examined the Contract Documents and will provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment and incidentals as necessary and called for in the said Contract Documents in the manner prescribed therein and in said Contract, and in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer, at the prices listed on the attached Bid Proposal Form. If the bidder is an individual, the bid must be signed by that individual; if the bidder is a corporation, the bid must be signed by an officer of the corporation, or other person authorized by resolution of the board of directors, and in such case a copy of the resolution must be attached; if a partnership, by one of the partners or other person authorized by a writing signed by at least one general partner and submitted with the bid documents. The submission of this constitutes a certification that no Town Officer has any interest therein. (Note: In the event that any Town Officer has any such interest, the full nature thereof should be disclosed below. It is not forbidden that individuals working for the Town of Southold or other municipalities bid on contracts, but only that such interest be revealed when they do bid.) The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda (if none were issued please write N/A below): Addendum No. Dated Proposal Package 7 of 10 Drainage Materials to be Delivered to the Southold Town Highway Department Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold ITEM NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT BID PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT BID (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) DOLLARS CENTS DOLLARS CENTS 8'Diameter x 4'Deep Pre-cast Concrete Leaching Ring 1 60 for /EA Dollars Cents 8'Diameter x 3'Deep Pre-cast Concrete Leaching Ring 2 10 for /EA Dollars Cents 8'Diameter x 2'Deep Pre-cast Concrete Leaching Ring 3 10 for /EA Dollars Cents 8'Diameter Pre-cast Concrete Traffic Bearing Slab with Single 24"Diameter Hole 4 40 for /EA Dollars Cents 4'L x 2'6"W x 4'D Pre-cast Concrete Catch Basin with Knock-out Walls&Bottom 5 30 for /EA Dollars Cents 4'L x 2'6"W x 2'6"D Pre-cast Concrete Catch Basin with Knock-out Walls&Bottom 6 5 for /EA Dollars Cents 24"Diameter Cast Iron Solid Clean-out Cover 7 50 for /EA Dollars Cents Proposal Package 8 of 10 Drainage Materials to be Delivered to the Southold Town Highway Department Itemized Proposal for: Town of Southold ITEM NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT BID PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT BID (Fill in Unit Price Written in Words) DOLLARS CENTS DOLLARS CENTS Rectangular Cast Iron Curb Inlet Grate 8 28 for /EA Dollars Cents 24"Diameter x 2"High Cast Iron Riser 9 20 for /EA Dollars Cents 24"Diameter x 3"High Cast Iron Riser 10 20 for /EA Dollars Cents TOTAL BASE BID Items(Add All Items) Dollars Cents (Numerically) WRITTEN IN WORDS NOTE: Bidder must provide a bid for all items which includes the cost of delivery to the Southold Town Highway Department in the price of the item. No separate charges will be paid for delivery. Proposal Package 9 of 10 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PRINT NAME TITLE DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ) ss.: On the day of in the year 2021 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared, , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument,the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC Proposal Package 10 of 10 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting-of February 2, 2021 RESOLUTION 2021-118 Item# 5.3 3 ADOPTED DOC ID: 16768 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2021-118 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 2,2021: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase and delivery of drainage materials to the Southold Town Highway Department. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold'Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E.Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Nappa, Dinizio Jr,Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell l Generated February 3, 2021 Page 10