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Cornell, Thomas
Glenn Goldsmith -sident QF SU(/jyo Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski, President ,`O �� 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 John M. Bredemeyer III Southold, New York 11971 Michael J. Domino N G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 �� NT'1,�� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: INSPEC ED BY: _tel (e Je tn C. l e Ch. 275 Ch. 111 INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, haybale-line/silt, boom/silt curtain 1 St day of construction % constructed Project complete, compliance inspection COMMENTS: 71J c r C C k law 7�?v�r� 7��hie SZ01" d - -- - - --- - - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Al-A Glenn Goldsmith,President SO(/ry Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ,`O� �r� 5 Route 25 P..O.O. Box 1179 John M. Bredemeyer III [ [ Southold,New York 11971 Michael J.Domino G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams �® �� Fax(631) 765-6641 ��COUNTY,�� BOARD-O-F—T-O--WN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Chapter 275-8,A. "Presubmission conference. Applicants are encouraged to schedule a voluntary presubmission site visit to discuss the proposed operations with th'e Board. Discussions in the.field are purely advisory and nonbinding, but this meeting is-intended to. facilitate communication between the applicant and the Board. There will be a $50. for this' conference, which may be applied to an application fee for a wetlands permit made within six months of the site visit and which application involves structures,that were the subject of the site visit." I'HAVE READ THE FOREGOING AND AM AWARE OF ITS CONTENT: SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �y SUFFOLK COUNTY,N.Y. 6J�V LOT AREA:1908S.42 S.F.(0.438 ACRES) TAX MAP NO.:1000- 10•7 S7 DATE SURVEYED:JULY 2S,2017 !A "aNPNq, wP`PryO 9037gn0p501� L+a78p 7'50,. SCALE:7 INCH=30 FEET �' 90.00 •00 30 O 15 30 60 4 21 g O v t W 1 r 0 G v 0) CERTIFIED TO: �` N a p THOMAS M.CORNELL&ROGER C.CORNELL FSO ® I, noELRYNATIONALTITI.CIN5VRANCECOMPANY f1d O 1, a STM&Y 240 s''., •.r':,Y,��':dt,. �, O 1 1 I 3 .t�I�s`i1�r t '4 •fi�� -1 a ! f U p 10 ,.^I'• ^l?!. ir''�'ti,'t h 10.0`, l XTA e .w•1�,• - 2 1 ptA F•1 0 �1 �Fjr10�10 z 33.41 ' O ANGGLO JOSEPH CEC6RG a lhy a bq"noyty v PROP4.EfONaL LANG SURV6'Ypfl Iwa«tg0l CLC8gLPRpr�gy,,t4nb M'/.fiG.ti RW�Ifa R6?QRKq F5 a.yN.vr,aAacputtr.nroNganpcn°..ron.ronmvc.rw•ariwiHc.ucunaaunga�nvnivroncuc.lt } Al'IOLAT,gN OKc AngYTaOY cUawN^JbNd°rNCN YaRYnNT¢F'%JCAbdN1AW, 9 6� 0.q«,,wpEW«p}Ar W.lRY6yNN9N/1MMG5V,NGw<tRbNMStdf3XCl4U C Gp'141«GTfYC�W aMN� COPIP°P y¢SUWaygRGbRltl*InLNbwlµpgypN pK � � 4 taMIPIGTpI4'IX11fila atl!«pARTXVRKY N.p CLNeY•N.TTNGMab W.1aaRNMKaln N:COWl{Y,ggTfN 0 a 1M£PINRWTCUYSfnCggDCOPrT Cl+ttfba{,arY�;tav/,ya MOr•iRriaTM6nFW TgNf Cr�TC A}WO.TgN p oeveeeetgv«ni.A4ow.yxwu.INerreeeml+wAravls uMrtmTq.mso«v ron+.slv.,Tnsen�Np.«r eaayT.yN,.a7a+�M,mmrneTl•teeown.vrm^+¢eevsw.crt.a..oP�rc..rq•o+Nc�manb O g CO m vn uv.v o«TNro goway.Y.cv„y..N,,. ar«acaRrurcanaNSN+.nonu.cNgrmi..nxcaA°t� r� � b•ytytOGAT10NCa Wvatrgapu+bynPrybvc/mnc Cw iNt,rD.tnr+QNYtl AgGNpT�I..WaY9 y,N°YM.Nn,Sylp+ 0 MtISTOGCLnmAttq ItANr U^CWtpOWprMMOVCs'SMe°Rro�ca°aeir«PAc abTbh Mkb«aw«.i�2 N 4 «PNnywt+..gvrp,tgbaes.,Wrt,urcNprcvv¢Rmer..ae,ouwer. Y,rl6gselgra,OR 6,.�,•OM-1 WQyt�r,V¢OYfatel T,C�tRncTWb N•✓1 eROYfXnU«YS N,61oRA W FPG'ofCPu«Y°Saµyin'µyi«t2>DaC.RSNOTnRPt6ep MgNOirN¢Or¢CTIgNOP r@.G>S.RCrAYMNtl •laq,}rogt6 PITMPtI•Mdp awav^,sp°I+'ba:'bG.hw«GX,A,•CNMOT�tRTrP¢oPCOM'ra,Ct.°N. CAN NIGH WA V a.tgaCvbPT•aNaY6y,MP«pTaGnNq'n+C'sNp9Y9V¢YORNlwfha bq¢rtlOL`¢D°GiIM.L:«q�OE G°M1G pCR69TOO¢•VAW Carr w.navyonrttoa«cRMCHUiN,nrm,y.c*xNasex.*�go.wtornasm.wwwuY,r�orrr ws¢No++.q, 586°48'3LL'f'W nv�""Paa 5, I If {( 33.05 1V>�S 0 021 }�`"" '.- r . E1 .3.:_��crt ?; ., .J KEY CREEK E sr- ;It�[D S�L7R t-; Gs&°pL4I�1dI�LG;-- t =.4 Etk1AN; OAs��''--;ENTEE?EAdf#r'=N�1(1:f1 O _mrt LI , FEB 2 5 2021 Southold Town L��—rBoard of Trustees �j (+ ryi a C() rtqt-,-' yo -4o d6 a-- Pr�-Olf fn baC-L [AJ ik and 0 4ro(s ID FES 25 2021 D )70 Jamey Southold own sow`�, aaaroof,rustees SEESEC.NO.00 UNE - WTCN---�'---- .+ w WEST Iw1. 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