HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiffley, Gerard Glenn Gold,, $�F-Y p`0 CSG Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas KruP r,; Vice President �� y� 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III uo Z P.O. Box 1179 Michael J. Domino 0 Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams ydap! Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD c . r Date/Time: 0/�!) :o6 Completed in field by: GERARD DIFFLEY requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss proposed design and plans for a new dock and proposed remodeling of the property/house. Located: 1050 Luptons Point Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-115-11-1 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=q Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: - 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 1111 SEQRA Type: I 11 Unlisted Action Type of Application: V0 Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey _< 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: Dl'scv5se opT+nn� �✓�t� aP�l:Caf,t No t 100,1 . I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: Present were: '� J. Bredemeyer M. Domino /G. Goldsmith ^� N. Krupski G. Williams Other w U E Hydrographic Map + Surveyed:21 Nov 2020 SCT#1000.115-11-14 Town: Southold Suffolk County, NY Datum: IVILLW 4(Y Di MAR 3 2021 9#1059 Southold Town poln U?k()In S Board of Trustees so # A F-W'TV-AWCC- AT TOP OF BLUFF PLATFORMS ALONGr- TVAF- STAIP-S --------- A ........�Oflw........ kk 2 ....MLW......0.12........... .. .....ML---------- 0 -0 --03 -0�7 -0,6 -0'7 0.8 -1.2 12 -1.6 - t,5 -L7 1.7 FIXED PI '•1 -2.1 -2.2 --2-2 - -2.2 co .1 ,2 _I 2�2 -2, 2 -24 2.4 -2 2. --2.2 -8.6 DAMP , 2 -2.2 -2 3 -2,3 OD 1 -2.3 -2,4 FLOA-T 1,13 -2.4 -24 2.4 - -2.5 -2.4 _,;>- -24 --2.4 5 24 --2.4 -2.4 -2.5 -2.5 -2 -2.5 -2,4 .4 , Deep Hole Creek ROBERT H. FOX NYS PLS,#50197 P. O. BOX-366 AOUEBOGUE, NY 11931 1 N Hydrographic Map wE r Surveyed:21 Nov 2020 SCT#1000-115=11-14 ���5� Town: Southold Suffolk County, W Datum: MLLW 40 l MAR - 3 2021 SouthaVa Tam � �„ard of lsusiees , � ,S poen ; o �uPton 1° ENIV-ANCE AT ` Top OF 5LU F F r ` - SMP SLOPE a �.....',._��-__. ..��.,.�.{ •� - t �;� .fiJLht ` ------- _ . �k ---'-'----.------- ------ _ a - 3 L -'-0.7 -0.7 =0.6 'I -0. a 9� 1 - -1.2 1.2 -1.2 14 1.G "' ,_ -1.3 1.5 --15 -1.5 r1 4 ¢ -1.II -1.8 -I.Q -1'a_ .L (� N -1.7 1 -- FIXED L s -1�_ -_2-:a- - -- 1:21, 2; �s -2:1 -2.1 f L 1 .1 2 -2.2 -2.2 _N ,2 2A m2 P _ .2 �iA --t2.2 m-2-1 -�'? p 2 -2,4 -� 2 t _� -2.2 -0.0 3 -2.4 .a -'2 0 2 ` 2 - 2:2 --2.3 --2.6 �23 92 -2.2 -2.3 N t 93 -2.3 �22 -2.2 -2_ -2:3 `D - 4 _2.3 A�p .4 T- -22 f�1-24 2 -2.4 -2.4 -2-"3 o f S -2.4_ -2-.3 .. -, FLOAT N_ G T DCCV --2.4 -2..1 -2.5 `° --`' -2,5 ,4 .e) _ ` ^k -2.4 V-2.4 -2.5 . ` -2. 2.4 - 4 "` �>�� °�g�a:�S° : 5 -2-24 -25 4N5 -25- 2.5 2.J -24 - . r > q t $ 1 a creek Deep ®Be _.. :;. : ROBERT H.FOX _` } WS-PLS#50197 P,. 0.BOX 366 ACIUEBOGUE,W 11931 SURVEY OF PROPERTY N SITUATE: MATTITUCKEMAR �� �� E TOWN: 50UTHOLD E C) w E SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SURVEYED 08-28-2020 — 3 2021S TOPO 01-20-2021WETLAND 02-02-2021 PROPOSED 02-05-2021 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX# ihald Tov+n 1000- 115- 11 - 14CERTUFMTO: d of Tiustoas GERARD E.DD?FLEY KAREN 1�DIFFLEY PECONIC ABSTRACT,Inc. CrrIZEIQS BANK y PR1VA�,T„2� A po�Kf o '� d'u'et°`� ROAD ,ice � swDa GpvZLow Ar q O �1 rn °Dsr'o°NRr � - yo to7. vem 2? ;1 u or •uor "��y�� � z� k g I o tr i t t~' --�—�^ #4 81 G -- --Z-- - - 101.61__ 3y -02---__-03 -07 -07 7A -0D -IS -Ib lD -17 -ID -IA _I.] -1.] -1 b -19 -19 .19 11 -2.1 22 z2 zz -21 -22 A z2 -z2 -22 -A -22 -22 _ 22 -23 -29 22 29 N 23 -23 .23 1A O -25 .T3 -2A -23 -24 -2A 24 -23 24 -24 44 -2S 5 "2A 2A -23 -2.4 -2A -2 4 -2S -5 -2.5 -25 -23 .2S 2S -25 -2A -25 -24 -26 -2A -� ---DEEP HOLE CREEK— g WERAND FI AG5 SHOWN THU5 SET BY COLE ENVIRONMENTAL 5EPV10E5 10-25-2020 CONTOURS REFERENCE NAVD'88 DATUM p1p1g. vne,u�m et>as,ca Q aaa;hm m o�®..e. n.q .1 neea rte,7 Ima v.+mle h o ® ^^° � JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR aaWn ntifNe 'w Sto�EO 2..1 yy copes Tran M�nn.of tw�rwsay stm.Wea sevl 5-h 0 Oc mnsMeN le De wlW W�� eepies� 6 FAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S.UC.NO.50202 R NaroNms tMk 1m h a Ngafy N of Us yney.ns prepered M accmamce.M Um Area = 18.000 5q.Ft. WERHEAD,N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 �� Na Yon State A.mcwtm el Pmfancna lana sn'ewn rata wur atime enai n,n aur Area 10.4A Aars _ J @ e5u- of t6nhne net as n„M rc"to'�e t�ae'� yy;aM,maw 10-wawa ma Imamy whwwn ft nerve.ma he ms•ry�en of rho Imautg avhWtm 2020.145 w " E Hydrographic Map d $ at� R(Da �� d Surveyed:21 Nov 2020 "a ��a�po�� �► SCT#To :115-11-14 Southofd 1 ► Suffolk County, W t ; Datum: MLLW 4, t , i 1 t , { ► t , 1 t R__a�,� ��i.� +# point R°a ' ► Lupton i�� L MAR - 3 2021 ►' 00 6115# ivIn 1114 __�.�J 1 ► { Board Of 1rus[e6S { t 1 { ► t 1 t t { 1 1 o VIC � _ r" rncush ------------_-----_ ---_ ------------------- vo -0.2-�. -0.3 -0.7 -0-7 -0,6 o -0.8 -0.9-------_0.8---1---_ 2----- Q = •8 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 _a.9 o -1.3 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.6 ,Z.1 o -1-6 -1.5 -1 6 -1.7 -1.7 -1`�- N -1.7 -1,8 6 -1.8 -1.8 -1.$ 1_--1.9_------ 2-1 1• -1• 2 0--_` ` Gerard E. Diffley 435 Luptons Point Mattituck, New York 11952 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL March 01, 2021 Town Of Southold J D, MAR - 3 2M Board of Town Trustees Town Hall Annex Soy'bi�d Town 53075 Route 25 Board cf lrusteos Southold, New York 11971 Dear Town Trustees: I am writing to request in an person pre-conference for submission of design and plans for construction of a dock and remodeling of our new property located at 1050 Luptons Point, Mattituck, New York. I hereby give permission to the Town Trustees to enter my property to personally view the property and wetlands during the onsite inspection. I would like to request the next available appointment. I am enclosing a copy of our most recent survey with a very rough draft design, but would appreciate any insight from the Trustees. I am also enclosing a check in the amount of$50, as required. I am currently away until next Monday, so please feel free to call me at 631-987-5130 or email me at iedifflev@gmail.com should you have any questions or concerns. With thanks, 6e: "41 Jerry Diffley WE SEC.11Q 100 - y E S� a` _t;_; 14. IUTCH -: .... _-- <.:�.'r +• _ _... - - -� —' '- "� o., 32 _ -A etsKe) 19 N g 1 .2 a.C 7754(.) L.1.1°) ♦♦ LM N �,r.� , 3. 24 * >O 1 s 4 s 10 P 1a2 `,g a xTcsoumao z P � '" > " 9 CA. -��c) I oe�va�.•xTaw. L f1Q. '♦ ,a B _� is zPrl") .ezfen __ P � �• • 7zt�(c) S B B a yI AA _ 8.7 ED d • 1 ° e•,."''°w[ � s ♦ rt9 "r P / zf2Ke)_ I ®. a M N r1 z+ ,' I Z D ♦ [2 t � gg ) • u ° tz • 1orro) 9 1 p� t \; F . It •tl 3areffM•aRf�° ♦ m � 24 3 M h � <.. 24 14 6 ea "_�- 4 I•• s R 1 ���� t W - I >Z�A. 2 lea) g•� _ .' < ,z 24 1. 21 --'-5 y .. 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COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 0 �� .5:.,� �_.•._ _ 2 s..e..�er -�— rM NfOruv, f4.fnHav E.KTe+w sri[w+ 1K` - Real property Taa S—i-Agency wE_ ro w e Ra ff n onwr soil MOLD _ 115 ..� •'�•r .. '.. ioo u.r..[a+.c pwaoi mufti! SIiTUfx.CnWty TN{uePRIROffY1Ef)