HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/2021 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Work Session and Regular Meeting (Via ZOOM ) Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Work Session: 3:00 pm Pre submission Conferences: (30 minutes allotted to each presentation) 1. Treiber, represented by Robert Brown Architect PC – Proposed demolition of an existing dwelling and construct a new single-family dwelling @ 405 Racketts Court, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-17.-6-8  Postponed -to be rescheduled. 2. Orient Realty LLC, represented by Elizabeth Rexrode- Proposed alteration to approved HPC certificate of appropriateness. @675 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-24.-2-1  Architect present changes to the amended plans to include returning to the original three windows on the west elevation and added a top rail, trim boards, drips, and corner boards to the second story deck.  Commissioners requested the applicant to submit proposed generator information.  Commissioners and applicant agreed to schedule a public hearing on February 18, 2021. 1 Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:01 pm Attendees: Chairperson Ostroski, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Commissioner Webb, Commissioner Harper, Commissioner McCarthy, and Commissioner Santana. Also present: Town Attorney John Burke and Administrative Assistant Tracey Dwyer Quorum present. Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes: nd Motion to approve January 4, 2021 meeting minutes, by, Commissioner Webb, 2 by, Commissioner McCarthy, AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Webb, Harper, McCarthy, and Santana. Motion approved. Budget/YTD Expense Report:  Routine expenses  A printout of the approved 2021 budget was distributed to all commissioners prior to meeting. Old Business: 1. Commissioners will be presenting a power point presentation and responding to comments in the CHAT feature of the Zoom software. Commissioner’s participation assigned 2. Letters to invite all residents in both the Orient and Southold historic districts to attend a HPC Community Zoom Program scheduled for February 16, 2021 @ 7:00 pm, have all been distributed. 2 3. Property appraisal study prepared by Commissioner McCarthy will be presented at the February 16, 2021 Community Zoom Program. 4. Hanlon Landmarking was presented on January 6,2021 and recognized in the Suffolk Times. Administrative assistant will follow up by providing the Commission with the presentation copy of the award certificate an one of the brass plaques. (This plaque will be courtesy of the Commission). 5. Presentation of an award to the Asch property will be postponed until May 2021. Commissioner Surchin will draft the wording for award certificate for administrative assistant to create into presentation format. 6. The HPC Standard Q&A list was approved to be included with the HPC applications. 7. Glenwood recognition award is still pending approval. 8. The cost for brass plaques and how landmarked homeowners may purchase them from the HPC will be researched by the administrative assistant. New Business: 1. Revisit the town’s ethics code and how it specifically relates to the Historic Preservation Commissioners. /Attorney Burke. Commissioners requested Attorney Burke to write the document to present to the Town Board for approval. nd Motion to enter executive session at 4:55 pm, by Anne Surchin, 2 by, Commissioner McCarthy AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Webb, Harper, McCarthy and Santana. Motion approved nd Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:31 pm, by, Commissioner Harper, 2 by, Commissioner Webb, AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Webb, Harper, McCarthy and Santana. Motion approved Meeting Adjourned: 6:31 pm Next HPC Zoom work session and regular meeting scheduled for February 18, 2021 @ 3:00 pm. 3 4 ! Upxo!pg!Tpvuipme! Ijtupsjd!Qsftfswbujpo!Dpnnjttjpo! Tuboebse!R'B!gps!Qsf.Tvcnjttjpo!Ifbsjoht! ! 2/!Xifo!xbt!zpvs!ipvtf!gjstu!cvjmu@! 3/!Ep!zpv!lopx!zpvs!cvjmejoh!jt!xjuijo!uif!Ijtupsjd!Ejtusjdu@!! 4/!Bsf!zpv!gbnjmjbs!xjui!Dibqufs!281!pg!uif!Tpvuipme!Upxo!Dpef!)Mboenbsl!Qsftfswbujpo*! xijdi!bqqmjft!up!uijt!bqqmjdbujpo@! 5/!Ipx!jt!uif!eftjho!gps!zpvs!qspkfdu!tznqbuifujd!up!uif!tvsspvoejoh!ofjhicpsippe@! 6/!Ipx!ep!zpvs!qmbot!boe!fmfwbujpot!tipx!beifsfodf!up!uif!ijtupsjd!ejtusjdu!nboebuft!jo! Dibqufs!281@! 7/!Ibwf!zpv!tvqqmjfe!jnbhft!pg!ofjhicpsjoh!sftjefodft@! 8/!Ipx!epft!uijt!sfopwbujpo!jmmvtusbuf!dpnqbujcjmjuz!jo!ufsnt!pg!tdbmf!boe!nbttjoh!xjui! ofjhicpsjoh!tusvduvsft@!! 9/!Xibu!jt!uif!trvbsf!gppubhf!pg!uif!psjhjobm!cvjmejoh@! :/!Xibu!jt!uif!trvbsf!gppubhf!pg!uif!sfopwbufe!cvjmejoh@! 21/!Xibu!jt!uif!ifjhiu!pg!uif!psjhjobm!cvjmejoh@! 22/!Xibu!jt!uif!ifjhiu!pg!uif!qspqptfe!bmufsbujpo-!beejujpo!ps!ofx!cvjmejoh@! 23/!Xibu!bsf!uif!nbufsjbmt!zpv!bsf!vtjoh!gps!xjoepxt0eppst-!gpvoebujpo!xbmmt-!usjn!boe!tjejoh@! ! 24/!Ep!uiftf!nbufsjbmt!!uiptf!pg!uif!psjhjobm!tusvduvsf@!! 2021-01-27 Approved Version