HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/29/2020 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Work Session and Regular Meeting (Via ZOOM Webinar) Thursday October 29, 2020 Work Session: 3:00 pm Pre submission Conferences: (30 minutes allotted to each presentation) 1. Wilson/Ryckman, represented by Hideaki Ariizumi (Forstmann) - Proposed alterations to an existing accessory garage @ 1405 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-25.-2-17.3  The architect proposed replacing siding, replacing roofing and adding a new outdoor shower cedar lattice enclosure.  The applicant and the commissioners agreed to proceed to a public hearing. 2. Scofield Frederic C Jr Tr. represented by Meryl Kramer – Proposed addition and alterations to a single family dwelling @ 2355 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-26.-1-13  The architect presented the proposal to include siding, roofing, windows and doors all to replicate what now exists. The Village Lane facade of the home will remain the same.  The proposal includes a 13’6” x 14’ addition to the south-east portion of the home.  The applicant and commissioners agreed to proceed to a public hearing. 1 Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:15 pm Attendees: Vice Chairperson Surchin, Robert Harper, Joe McCarthy and Mariella Ostroski. Also present: Town Attorney Damon Hagan and Administrative Assistant Tracey Dwyer. Absent: Chairman Webb Quorum present. Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes: Approval of October 22, 2020 Zoom webinar minutes. Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Harper, 2nd by Commissioner McCarthy, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion approved Budget/ YTD Expense Report  2021 Town of Southold Tentative Historic Preservation Commission Budget amount set at $10,655.00. Public Hearings: 4:18 pm: Kinga Crary, represented by Peter Marren – Proposed alterations to existing chimney @ 355 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-24.-2-4  Scope of work includes an alteration to the existing chimney.  Commissioners agree to meet with applicant and owner to clarify the specific details of the proposal. Motion to close public hearing and Commission reserves decision. A determination will nd be issued in 60 days, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by Commissioner Harper, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved 2 4:51 pm: Orient Realty LLC, represented by Architect Elizabeth Rexrode – Proposed alterations and additions to an existing single family dwelling and to construct alterations to an existing accessory garage @ 675 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-24.-2-1  The applicants architect Elizabeth Rexrode submitted a proposal outlining the scope of work, which included the construction of a 443 sq. ft. screened porch addition and to construct a 250 sq. ft. rear deck addition and the replacement of windows, doors, roof shingles, cedar siding shingles, porch columns and additional details to the existing single family dwelling as applied for.  The proposal also included, replacing windows, a door, cedar siding shingles, roof shingles, gutters and downspout to the existing accessory garage as applied for.  The architect presented commissioners with an outline of the project during a pre- submission conference on September 29, 2020. Motion to close the public hearing and issue a Certificate of Appropriateness, by nd Commissioner Harper, 2 by Commissioner Ostroski, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved Old Business: 1. Administrative assistant moving forward with distribution process of Town Code, Chapter 170 changes for letter mailing. 2. Working to set up a date to award the “George Young Farmhouse” property @ 28775 Route 25, Main Road, Orient, NY, as a designated Southold Town registered Historic Landmark. New Business: 1. Fabiola Santana has been appointed as a member of the Historic Preservation Commission. 2. Award a Certificate of Appreciation to a home not on the landmarks registry. nd Motion to enter into Executive Session at 5:40 pm, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by Commissioner Harper. AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion approved Exited Executive Session and retuned to regular meeting at 5:56 pm. Motion to adjourn regular meeting at 5:56, by Commissioner Harper, 2nd by, Commissioner 3 McCarthy, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy, and Ostroski. Motion Approved Meeting Adjourned: 5:56 pm Next HPC Zoom Webinar Work Session and Regular Meeting scheduled for November, 19 2020. 4