HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/2020 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Work Session and Regular Meeting (Via ZOOM Webinar) Thursday October 22, 2020 Work Session: 3:00 pm Pre submission Conferences: (30 minutes allotted to each presentation) 1. Amnon Bar-Tur, represented by David Kriegel - Proposed relocation and elevation of existing dwelling, demolition of the existing garage with an addition to the existing single family dwelling and construction of an outdoor shower @170 Bay Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-24.-2-26.4  The architect presented changes to the last proposal in compliance to the commissioners recommendations.  The applicant and the commissioners agreed to proceed to a public hearing. 2. Scofield Frederic C Jr Tr, represented by Meryl Kramer – Proposed addition and alterations to a single family dwelling @ 2355 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-26.-1-13  The architect presented the history of the property and a general overview of the proposal.  The applicant and commissioners agreed to set up a site visit over the next week and then proceed with an additional pre-submission conference at the October 29, 2020 work session. 1 Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:01 pm Attendees: Vice Chairperson Surchin, Robert Harper, Joe McCarthy and Mariella Ostroski. Also present: Town Attorney John Burke and Administrative Assistant Tracey Dwyer. Absent: Chairman Webb Quorum present. Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes: Approval of September 29, 2020 Zoom webinar minutes. Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Harper, 2nd by Commissioner McCarthy, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion approved Budget/ YTD Expense Report  Regular public hearing notice expenses. Public Hearings: 4:16 pm: Claudia Ramone, represented by Martin Finnegan – Proposed addition and alterations to a single family dwelling @ 130 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-18.-5-6  Scope of work includes an addition of 61 sq/ft to the rear porch and converting the existing 107 sq/ft rear porch and new addition to living space as applied for.  Other materials to be used are asphalt roof shingles, white cedar sidewall shingles and six over six (6/6) Andersen A series windows as applied for. Motion to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the addition and alteration proposal nd at 130 Village Lane, Orient, NY, as applied for, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by Commissioner Ostroski, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved 2 4:51 pm: Vincent Bertault, represented by Architect Gary O’Connor – Proposed alterations and additions to an existing single family dwelling, construct an inground swimming pool with fencing and alterations to an accessory shed @ 95 Navy Street, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-26.-1-12.2  No changes were made to the proposal. nd Motion to close the public hearing, by Commissioner Harper, 2 by Commissioner McCarthy, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved A written decision as to whether a Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued will be rendered with in the allotted 60 day time period. Old Business: 1. Purchase order for brass landmark plaques has been amended. 2. Drafted letter explaining code change has been approved for distribution by Supervisor Russell. New Business: 1. Commissioners would like to have a study done comparing appraisal values of homes located within historical districts to similar houses outside of the historic districts. nd Motion to enter into Executive Session at 5:05 pm, by Commissioner Surchin, 2 by Commissioner Harper. AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion approved Exit Executive Session and Retuned to regular meeting at 6:17 pm. nd Motion to exit Executive Session at 6:17 pm, by Commissioner Ostroski, 2 by, Commissioner Harper AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy, and Ostroski. Motion approved Motion to adjourn regular meeting at 6:17, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2nd by, Commissioner Harper, AYES: Surchin, Harper, McCarthy, and Ostroski. Motion Approved Meeting Adjourned: 6:17 pm Next HPC Zoom Webinar Work Session and Regular Meeting scheduled for October 29, 2020 3 4 Dear National Register Historic District Property Owner, The Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is proposing a change to Chapter 170 of the Town Code. Titled the “Historic Landmarks Preservation Law of Southold Town,” its purpose is to protect the unique character of our historic landmarks and districts. The complete text of Chapter 170 is available online at the Southold Town website at www.southoldtownny.gov . In 2004, the Historic Preservation Commission was enacted to ensure that any proposed demolition, removal or alteration of a property designated as historic will maintain the visual compatibility of the character of the neighboring properties. This is accomplished through a review process by the HPC and the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the work. The HPC has determined that there are two omissions in Chapter 170 that, if not immediately addressed, could seriously affect the integrity of the National Register Historic Districts in the Hamlets of Southold and Orient. These two Districts were created in 1996 and 1976 respectively, and are recognized by the federal government as contributing significantly to the history of our country. Numerous studies have shown that properties within regulated Historic Districts tend to be worth more than equivalent properties outside the district boundaries. This is due to the fact that homeowners in the designated district are assured that the charm and character that attracted them to an historic area will be protected from inappropriate construction. Currently, our Landmarks Preservation Law does not give the HPC the ability to review new construction on empty lots or on alterations to non-historic structures within the Southold and Orient Districts. This could, and most likely will, result in construction and alterations that are incompatible with the surrounding historic homes and the unique character that makes these two districts so special. To ensure that the value of our historic districts is preserved, the HPC is proposing to make the following changes to Chapter 170 of the Town Code: PROPOSAL #1: 170-6 - Under the heading “Certificate of appropriateness for alteration, demolition or new construction”, alterations and demolition are addressed but there is currently nothing relating to new construction. The addition of #3 below addresses that situation. A) No person shall carry out any of the following activities without first obtaining a certificate of appropriateness specifically permitting such activity from the Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission: ADD: New Construction: 3) All new construction on properties designated as historic on the Southold Town Designated Landmarks roster, and all new construction within the boundaries of the National Register Historic Districts in the Hamlets of Southold and Orient shall fall under the purview of the Southold Historic Preservation Commission pursuant to Local Law 170 (Historic Landmarks Preservation Law of Southold Town). PROPOSAL #2: 170-5 -3B - Delete the current language, which refers to a list of properties but does not include non-historic properties and replace it with #3 below. 3) All properties designated as historic on the Southold Town Designated Landmarks roster, and all properties within the boundaries of the National Register Historic Districts in the Hamlets of Southold and Orient shall fall under the purview of the Southold Historic Preservation Commission pursuant to Local Law 170 (Historic Landmarks Preservation Law of Southold Town). Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, an open meeting to discuss this proposal is not feasible. Instead, the HPC will host a ZOOM meeting to clarify these changes and to allow for property owner input. A Question and Answer session will follow. For those who would like to participate, please sign up ahead of time by sending an email to the Historic Preservation Commission at southoldhpc@southoldtownny.gov. Upon receiving your email, you will be placed on a list of those who will be emailed with future meeting details as they are solidified by the Commission. Sincerely, The Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission