HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/2020 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Work Session and Regular Meeting (Via ZOOM Webinar) Tuesday, September 29, 2020 Work Session: 3:00 pm Pre submission Conferences: (30 minutes allotted to each presentation) 1. Orient Realty LLC (previously Bellve) - Proposed additions and alterations to existing single-family dwelling and to construct alterations to existing accessory garage @ 675 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-24.-2-1  Proposal presented by the applicants architect Elizabeth Rexrode.  Commissioners suggested wood windows in place of the proposed aluminum clad windows.  Applicant and Commissioners agreed to proceed to a public hearing. 2. Jeff Shayne: Proposed alterations to an existing structure @ 845 Orchard Street, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-25.-2-17.3  Applicant explained how he did not think that the changes he made to the house required HPC review because the improvements were based on changes made in the 1990s.  Historic Preservation review is required when any act, process or work, which significantly changes the exterior appearance or exterior architectural features of a landmark, including the renovation, restoration, reconstruction, obstruction, addition to or removal of any part of such a landmark that can be seen from a public view.  Commissioners found that the design of the pilasters and column trim installed by the applicant to be inappropriate since these details did not relate to the historic character of the home.  Commissioners agreed that the cedar shingles are appropriate to the street scape.  Commissioner suggested that Mr. Shayne remove the changes he had made and reapply to the HPC in the appropriate order as described by code 170.  Applicant requested to be scheduled for a public hearing. 1 3. Amnon Bar-Tur, represented by David Kriegel - Proposed relocation and elevation of existing dwelling, demolition of the existing garage with an addition to the existing single family dwelling and construction of an outdoor shower @170 Bay Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-24.-2-26.4  The architect presented changes to the original proposal to including, but not limited to the removal of a wrap around porch, trellis and outdoor fireplace.  The commissioners recommended that the architect scales down the new addition in relationship to the existing dwelling and differentiate the dormer from the main dwelling.  The commissioners commented that the large window on the south elevation of the addition was too large.  The commissioners commented that the overall proposal to add and rotate an enlarged rectilinear wing, referred to as a garage wing, along with the construction of three descending tiers of terracing compromised both authenticity of the original cottage design as well as that of the streetscape.  The applicant and the commissioners agreed to schedule another pre-submission conference. 2 Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:55 pm Attendees: Chairman Webb, Vice Chairman Surchin, Robert Harper, Joe McCarthy and Mariella Ostroski. Also present: Town Attorney John Burke and Administrative Assistant Tracey Dwyer Quorum present. Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes: Approval of September 1, 2020 and September 8, 2020 Zoom webinar meeting minutes. Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner McCarthy, 2nd by Commissioner Harper, AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion approved Comments from Chairman Webb • Chairman reminded all attendees the purpose and importance of the Historic Preservation Commission by reading the vision statement and mission statement which are available on the town website. Budget/ YTD Expense Report  Purchase order for brass landmark plaques has been approved. Public Hearings: 4:55 pm: Augusta Duffey & Claire Weinraub represented by Architect Peter Marren Proposed addition and alterations @ 1125 Navy Street, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-25.-3-5  Scope of work included the construction of a 7’x 24.5’ rear addition to the existing dwelling, a new wrap around deck, a second story deck, window and door replacements and new cedar shingle siding. 3 Motion to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the addition and alteration proposal nd at 1125 Navy Street, Orient, NY, as applied for, by Commissioner Harper, 2 by Commissioner Ostroski, AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved 5:25 pm: AW Frame LLC, represented by Architect Daniel Dado Proposed pool, pool house, tennis court and fencing @ 640 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-24.-1-10  Scope of work to be approved was the installation of a solid western cedar 4 ft. privacy gate with a natural wood arbor and continuous 4 ft. green wire fencing that will increase to 6 ft. where permitted. Motion to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposal of front and side yard nd fencing at 640 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY, as applied for, by Commissioner Ostroski, 2 by Commissioner McCarthy, AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved 5:55 pm: Vincent Bertault, represented by Architect Gary O’Connor Proposed alterations and additions to dwelling and accessory shed and construct an in-ground swimming pool @ 95 Navy Street, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-26.-1-12.2  Barn alteration was completely removed from applicant’s proposal.  Scope of work includes a wrap around porch, kitchen alteration, rear addition of a “summer room” with copula, increase foot print of accessory shed and convert it to a cabana, and construct an in-ground swimming pool.  Architect lowered cupola on “sun room”.  Commissioners agreed that the rear addition including the “summer room” with copula remains too large in scale and does not preserve the historic characteristics of this sea side cottage home. Public Comments: Barbara Cohen and Ellen McNeilly submitted a formal document on September 26, 2020, which will be attached as an addendum to these minutes for public viewing. In summary, they commented that the Bertault proposal is in conflict with the vision and approval of the previous HPC decision of 2014. They urge that the commission take past decision about the property into account. Evan Lewis informed the commission that he will be sending a letter of concern about the 95 Navy Street proposal. 4 Motion to keep the public hearing open to allow Commissioners time to review newly submitted materials involving 95 Navy Street, Orient, NY, by Commissioner McCarthy, nd 2 by Commissioner Harper, AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved Old Business: 1. Commissioner Surchin is revising the certificate to be awarded to recognized landmark properties for HPC Awards. 2. Commissioner Harper has drafted a code change proposal. Motion to approve code change proposal letter drafted by Commissioner Harper as written and nd send to Supervisor Russell for distribution approval, by Commissioner Harper, 2 by Commissioner Surchin, AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion unanimously approved New Business: 1. Determined that chimney proposal @ 355 Skippers Lane, Orient will require a public hearing. 2. Commissioner Ostroski shared an educational video to be modeled after as a possible public education tool for the HPC. nd Motion to enter into Executive Session at 7:15 pm, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by Commissioner Harper. AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion approved Exit Executive Session and Retuned to regular meeting at 7:57 pm. nd Motion to exit Executive Session at 7:57 pm, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by, Commissioner Harper AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy, and Ostroski. Motion approved Motion to adjourn regular meeting at 7:58, by Commissioner Harper, 2nd by, Commissioner Surchin, AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy, and Ostroski. 5 Motion Approved Meeting Adjourned: 7:58 pm Next HPC Zoom Webinar Work Session and Regular Meeting scheduled for October 22, 2020 6