HomeMy WebLinkAboutLaDuca, Robert John M. Bredemeyer III, President Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino, Vice-Presidents ?<'`, 54375 Route 25 Glenn Goldsmith y z P.O. Box 1179 A. Nicholas Krupski �y • o� Southold, NY 11971 Charles J. Sanders '�ol , �a sv Telephone (631) 765-1892 � Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD T, DATE OF INSPECTION: / ,z INSPECTED BY: Ch. 275 Ch. 111 COMMENTS: I D 4411 J / T 1411 jn4ef Gy¢ al-e //I/ 1/6 45Y' l'-�,S� 2 4 POW ho-r'-,40 m SURVEY Of LOT 12 AS SHOWN ON A CERTAIN SUBDIVISION MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF GREEN ACRES AT ORIENT"FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON APRIL 13, 1962 AS MAP NO 3540 SITUATE: ORIENT TOWN: SOUTHOLD0 2 3 2017 E 9 V, E SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SURVEYED 02-25-2016 JAN SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX# S 1000 - 15 - I - 29 Southold Town CERTIFIED T0: ROBERT LADUCA ALL STATE ABSTRACT 13 t N800361oottt 13q.•0O WELL 2G 4' --- 0 CONC. ➢ ° STOOP C� �'- V 'ern� w =o N O 12 0' ao� o f-fl 80 70 rn vrn °O� D 4 z rn f-- �c S N fi --1 l N O 0 c� o I o y 710 z - - l COAIC Oc rn O Oz o j _ 6> IO `�, DILAPIDATED °� METAL Q COqb7 SHED 1 � - 11585 03610 W 580 ARE A poND ANp L�AGNING , SHOWN ON FI�'r17 MAP A5 NOTES- "Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey mop bearing a licensed land surveyors seal is a ® MONUMENT FOUND JOHN C. E H LE R5 LAND SURVEYOR violation of section York subte Education n 2, of the New York State Education Law" ® PIPE POUND Only copies from the original of this survey ® STAKE SET morked with on original of the land surveyor's stomped seal shall be considered to be valid true -x--x—x- BAMBOO PENCE copies" G EAST MAIN 5TREEf N.Y.5. LIC. NO. 50202 "Certifications indicated hereon signify that this Area = 22,757 Sq Ft. survey was prepared in accordance with the ex- RIVERIIEAD N.Y. I 1 901 3G9-8288 Fax 3G9-8287 State,sling Code of for Land Surveys adopted Area = 0.5224 Acres � by the New York Slate Association of Professional Land Surveyors Said cerlificolions shall run only GRAPHIC SCALE I"= 30' longslandlandsurveyorzom to the person for whom the survey is prepared and on his behalf to the title company, governmen- lol agency and lending institution listed hereon, and to the assignees of the lending mst fution Certifico- I G-1231 lions are not transferable to additional institutions .S efN 1 ,, ,, '" yi�l�{��sa��'��•• Y Y'�i µ;pa;. '�' 04* iv -.1 4�� j�I i♦ y. IT.r �,S« 1If -V.YT,.� 1 } �c �� dye L rf fr e 4 V ` 7!T 26.'��"• "� �r4�+ It ltk Sya z MM&Vmlr. s 1 i1. 0�(c, 17 AN 1 , n +I L F JAN 2 3 2017 sasth•.r;Town Board at irus cs Mcg� � y } � �� /� �n `,e�. g' �I I rs,a ���r. >'1 �` 1e .ra .;fid '.,�. i 7r���'�}4'i-�yc-_ .rye m ._.p7 ��a�. .. .k7 �t�}' �`� C E lV E 2017 � s 7 i � 2017 MYI 1 ��•.n iii ' �' NVE JAN 2017 1 il, 1 1 i 'h '�� 'f trT Edi'Y T -� .• J ��E�e6��Y'. S j' / :_-� �' 1� T ..� i r Robert LaDuca E C E I V E 685 Greenway West Orient, NY 11957 JAN 2 3 2017 201622 8204 7 8ob55750@_aol.c®m 5csvta'old Town January 23, 2017 Southold Town Trustees Town of Southold, NY RE: tree removal on Property, l Permission for southold trustees to enter said property. To whom it may concern: My name is Robert LaDuca,I purchased the home in Orient on March 2016. ,I wanted to do some tree removal on the property for 2 reasons, take down several trees with fungus on them, and to clear some trees so I can replant different types of trees and bushes. To clean up the mess on the back corner of the property. Planta garden. So I went ahead and hired a local tree company, Not knowing that I needed to get approval for this particular work. Never thought it was an issue. The work was started and many of the trees came down with the stumps still not removed yet. Next to the property is a leaching area and in the rear of the property is a man made pond. I am very sorry for this and will do what ever it takes to make it right, could you please help me to resolve this issue ASAP. As I will start medical treatment in March and I will be out of commission for several months. Sincerely, Robert LaDuca