HomeMy WebLinkAbout3rd Qtr 02/02/20213 rel Q+r Page 2 Town Clerk Quarterly Report July 01, 2020-September 30, 2020 Doc U To the Supervisor: oc Pursuant to Section 27,sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Description Q Local Share Sub-Total: $48,236.25 WHOLE A.1255.10 Marriage License 40 690.00 Marriage Trans. 37 370.00 Marriage Trans.-Genealogical 1 11.00 A.1255.30 Check Charge 1 25.00 A.1289.20 Application Fee- Non-Refund 4 400.00 Beach Permits 20 200.00 Daily Filming Permit 3 300.00 A.2116.10 Alarm- Renewal 1 10.00 Alarm-Renewals 3 30.00 Renewal 50 500.00 Renewals 2014 1 10.00 A.2116.10 Alarm Initial 17 425.00 Renewal 677 6,770.00 A.2116.20 False Alarms 6 600.00 A.2116.20 Alarm False Alarm 1 100.00 A.2544.10 Dog License Female, Spayed 65 650.00 Dog License Female, Unspayed 3 45.00 Dog License Male, Neutered 54 540.00 Dog License Male, Unneutered 4 60.00 Replacement Tags 1 3.00 A.2544.20 Dog Redemption- 1 st 4 40.00 A.2590.10 Shellfish Commercial 2020 1 50.00 Replacement 2 0.00 Resident-Free 2020 142 0.00 Resident 2020 139 695.00 Void 2020 1 0.00 A.2590.20 Park Hotel/Motel Park 2020 16 1,600.00 Personnel-Summer 5 0.00 Replacement 2020 148 0.00 Resident Park 2020-1 2954 59,132.00 Void 2020 11 0.00 A.2590.20 Trailer Comm Hauler 2020 1 300.00 Replacement Trailer 2020 5 0.00 Res.Temp Trailer 2020 1 10.00 Resident Trail 2020-1 194 3,880.00 A.2590.50 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 15 3,150.00 Domestic Partnership Domestic Partnership 2 20.00 Sub-Total: $80,616.00 WWDD SS1.2130.00 Septic Permit-Construct- Resid. 20 200.00 Septic Permit-Operation- Resid_ 6 60.00 Sub-Total: $260.00 02/02/2021 Town Clerk Quarterly �� _ ~� Page 3 July 01. 2V3V'September 3h, 202D k��7[�- Tuthe Supervisor: Pursuant toSection 2T. sub 1. Town Law, I hereby ��th � Nu0and boou��men mfuU�emand mun�o eooivedbymo. Bbabo�A. NaviUe.` � Clerk,Town of Southold duhngthepariodotatedobovm. inoonnectionwhhmyoffioo. exuep|ng only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Descrietion,, Qty Local Total Local Shares Remitted: $166.319.32 Amount paid hu� NYS Ag. &Markets for spay/neuter pm14O grum __- __-____ - _-_�-_______-____�__� ��___ .00 Amount paid ho� NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License - _-__���-�� -�- -_--'''._ ______ --_ __-� _� 00.00 Total State, County &Local Reva $16725932 Total Non-Local Revenues: $1.040.00 Elizabeth A.Ne�nvbemgdu�n�omsays that hoio� � the | ioo�||and tmeo��mmmtofan� � fees and byher during the month stated above,excepting only such fees and applications and payments ofwhich are otherwise provided for bylaw. - qoutholdTmwn Clerk Date