HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevised Policy In Response to COVID19 Pandemic SCOTT A.RUSSELL Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 SUPERVISOR " P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 � u Fax(631) 765-1823 x Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REVISED POLICY IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC In order to address the recent uptick in the number of positive tests for COVID-19 in Suffolk County, ensure compliance with the most recent guidelines from the CDC,New York State and the County Department of Health, revisions have been made to the Town's COVID-19 policies. Therefore, effective November 30, 2420the following rotoeols will be observed by all Town of Southold ern to pees: EMPLOYEE WORKSPACES • Face coverings: All employees will be required to wear a mask or other appropriate face coverings while inside Town buildings and vehicles and anywhere on Town property. Employees are encouraged and expected to bring their own masks, however, masks will be available in all buildings. • Social Distancing: To the greatest extent possible, employees work stations will arranged to maintain social distancing. Employees shall practice social distancing to greatest extent possible throughout the workday. • Hand 'mashing: Employees are encouraged to wash their hands throughout the day. In addition to bathroom facilities, hand sanitizer stations have been set up throughout Town Buildings and each department hash hand sanitizing supplies. • Bathrooms: All bathrooms shall be single occupancy. Bathroom doors shall be propped open when not in use. Upon entering the bathroom employees should close the door to signal it is occupied and prop it open upon exiting. Instructions shall be posted on each bathroom door. Bottles of disinfectant shall be located in each bathroom for employees use. • Common Areas: Common areas will be routinely cleaned by DPW. Disinfectant will located by each copier. Employees should disinfect a copier after using it. • Employee Screenings: All employees will be screened and have their temperature scanned prior to entering their designated workspace pursuant to the following protocols: i SCREENING OF EMPLOYEES o All Screening Personnel will be provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) o If there is a line outside an employee's designated building, employees should form a line practicing appropriate social distancing. o Screeners shall make best efforts to ensure that all communications and interactions between the employee and the screener are private and cannot be seen or heard by any other individual. o Employees who do not pass the screening protocols should have a safe and private area to discuss the next steps. o If the employee's temperature is 100.4 F or greater, he/she is considered to have failed the screening. The employee should be tested one or two more times to verify the temperature. o If the person scans results in two failing temperature readings,the employee will be directed to report to their home to quarantine and be given written instructions. o In addition to having their temperatures scanned, Employees will be asked a series of screening questions. If the responses to the questions indicate the employee may have been exposed to COVID-19, the employee will be directed to report to their home to quarantine and be given written instructions. o Anyone refusing required testing will be denied entry into the workplace; employees who refuse testing may be subject to disciplinary actions. o Waste Management personnel will be screened outside of the break room at the Solid Waste Facility commencing at 6:40 am o Highway and DPW personnel will be screened outside the first bay of the Highway Garage commencing at 6:45 am. o Employees that usually report to work at 8:00am in the Annex shall line up outside of the regular entrance to the Annex for screening. Employees arriving after 8:15 am shall contact the Town Attorney's Office at 631.765.1983. o Employees that usually report to work at 8:00am at Town Hall shall line up at the handicap accessible set of doors in the center of the building at the rear of the building for screening. Employees reporting to work after 8:15am shall call Lloyd or the Supervisor's office as set forth above. Eum to =ee sel -re ortin Any employee who 1) learns that they have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, 2) has a household member who has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, 3) who experiences COVID-19 symptoms, or 4)tests positive for COVID-19 must report it immediately to their immediate supervisor DIRECTING EMPLOYEES TO QUARANTINE/ISOLATE If a determination is made that an employee has had a potential exposure to COVID-19, the employee will be directed to report to their home to self-quarantine or isolate for a period of 3 time as set forth below. If during the screening process, or by an employee self-reporting,there are indications that an employee was exposed to COVID-19, or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19,the screener or Department Head should immediately contact the Town Attorney's Office. The decision as to whether an employee shall be directed to report to their home and the duration thereof, shall be made by the Town Attorney or his designee. If a determination is made to direct an employee to report to their home, the Department Head shall immediately notify the Accounting Department and DPW. 4 Employees with a votential exposure to COVID-19 Any employee with a potential exposure to COVID-19 will be directed to report to their home to quarantine if: • the employee was in"direct contact" or"proximate contact"with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, and: o if the person was symptomatic: the employee had contact with them while they had symptoms or within the 48 hours before their symptoms started, or; o if the person was asymptomatic,the employee had contact with them within 48 hours of when their COVID-19 test was collected; or • the employee has recently traveled to New York from a state with significant community spread of COVID-19 (defined as either a seven-day rolling average of over 10% of all COVID-19 tests producing a positive result, or the number of positive cases exceeding 10 per 100,000 residents), and spent at least 24 hours in one or more affected states; or • the employee is returning to the U.S. after traveling internationally. "Direct contact" for COVID-19 is defined as being within six feet of someone who is either displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time (ten minutes or more). You would also be considered in direct contact if someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 coughed or sneezed on you. "Proximate contact" for COVID-19 is defined as being in the same enclosed environment such as a classroom, office, or gatherings but greater than 6 ft. from a person displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Employees Exhibiting Symptoms of COVID-I9 Any employee exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or reports experiencing symptoms will be directed to report to their home to quarantine. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 include: • fever • cough, and/or • shortness of breath. 5 Other possible symptoms include: • fatigue • muscle or body aches • headache • new loss of taste or smell • sore throat • congestion or runny nose • nausea • vomiting, or • diarrhea. If you develop any of these symptoms, you should put on a face mask immediately to prevent other people in your household from becoming sick. Duration of Quarantine/Isolation uarantine dare to exhibiting s m aton s - Any employee who is directed to report to their home for quarantine because they are exhibiting or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 shall be required to quarantine at home and not report until: At least ten (10) days have passed since the latter of the onset of symptoms or a positive COVID- 19 test AND The employee certifies in writing that the employee is fever-free and has been completely symptom free for at least three (3) days; OR The employee provides documentation from a medical provider confirming that the employee can return to work, that the employee had a negative test for COVID-19, and that any lingering symptoms are not the result of a contagious illness. uarantine due to ex sasure-Any employee who is directed to report to their home for quarantine for a potential exposure to COVID-19 due to being in "direct contact" or"proximate contact"with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 shall be required to quarantine at home and not report to work for 14 days from the date of the potential exposure,provided the employee remains asymptomatic. If an employee that is directed to report to their home for a potential exposure to COVID- 19 due to being in "direct contact" or "proximate contact"with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 also exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, the employee shall be required to isolate at shall not be permitted to report to work until: At least ten(10) days have passed since the latter of the onset of symptoms or a positive COVID- 19 test 6 AND The employee certifies in writing that the employee is fever-free and has been completely symptom free for at least three (3) days; OR The employee provides documentation from a medical provider confirming that the employee can return to work,that the employee had a negative test for COVID-19, and that any lingering symptoms are not the result of a contagious illness. Quarantine clue to travel outside New York; -Any employee who is directed to report to their home for quarantine for a potential exposure to COVID-19 due to travel outside of New York shall be required to quarantine at home and not report to work for 14 days upon returning to New York or comply with the New York State's "test out"procedure. New York's "Test Out"procedure provides an opportunity for those travelling outside of New York to "test out" of quarantine. The procedure currently requires that those travelling to certain states and countries outside of New York for more than 24 hours take a test 3 days prior to departing for New York and then upon returning to New York quarantine for 3 days and take another test on the fourth day. If both tests are negative,the employee can leave quarantine. If the employee is travelling outside New York for less than 24 hours, no test prior to returning to New York will be necessary. The "Test Out" procedures and protocols are set by New York State and not the Town of Southold and are subject to change. Employees should consult the New York State COVID-19 website prior to travel. E ce tion for Essential Employees - Essential Employees may be allowed to return to work after a potential exposure if the employee remains asymptomatic and receives a negative test result. The employee shall be required to wear mask and practice social distancing at all times at work and shall quarantine when not at work for 14 days following the exposure. The decision as whether an essential employee shall return to work prior to the expiration of the 14 day quarantine requirement for a potential exposure shall be the be made by the department head in consultation with the Town Attorney solely and shall not be at the discretion of the employee. Emloyees who test ts� itw - Any Employee directed to report to their home to isolate as the result of a positive test for COVID-19 and shall not be permitted to report to work until: At least ten(10) days have passed since the latter of the onset of symptoms or a positive COVID- 19 test AND The employee certifies in writing that the employee is fever-free and has been completely symptom free for at least three (3) days; 7 OR The employee provides documentation from a medical provider confirming that the employee can return to work, that you had a negative test for COVID-19, and that any lingering symptoms are not the result of a contagious illness. Quarantine means you must stay separate from others in your household and community for a total period of 14 days from your last day of potential exposure—either your last day of contact with an infected person, or your last day of travel in an impacted region. During the quarantine period, you should stay in separate quarters with a separate bathroom facility for each individual or family group under quarantine. You must not be in public or otherwise leave your quarantine quarters. Any employee experiencing symptoms should contact their medical provider. Employees experiencing a medical emergency should call 911 and let the person that answers know that you are under quarantine for COVID-19. Some signs of an emergency include: trouble breathing,persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face. Any questions regarding the foregoing should be directed to an employee's immediate supervisor or the Town Attorney's Office.