HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-01/05/1988SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD
JANUARY 5, 19'88
7:00 P.M. Present: Deputy Supervis~>r Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., Justice Raymond
W. Edwards, Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran, Councilman George L. Penny IV,
,Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen, Town Clerk Judith T.
Terry, Town. Attorney James A. Schondebare. (Supervisor Murphy absent due to
a back injury.)
For Discussion Items: (1) Request from Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman of the
Board of Appeals, for the designation of board secretary Linda Kowalski as Clerk
of the Board. Councilwoman Cochran advised that she is waiting for word from
the Town Board's negotiator Charles Graves relative to the CSEA contract before
taking action on the request. (2) Letter from David Emilita, Principal Planner for
Szepatowski Associates, Inc., advising he is proceeding to have the GElS for the
proposed master plan printed. He questioned the excision of the phrase "..in the
R-40 Distric[" with the respect to nonconforming lots in the Local Law text. Town
Attorney SchOndebare will' review the wording. (3 &- 3a) Memorandums from the
Town's Insurance Consultant William F. Mullen, Jr. with respect to insurance policies
and refunds. The Town Board agreed to the excess liability coverage as recommended
by Mr. Mullen as. offered by the Town's broker Griffing & Southwick, and placed a
resolution (no. 5) on the agenda authorizing a letter to be sent to the Val Stype
Insurance Agency requesting issuance of insurance corrections within two weeks:-~
Justice Edwards submitted for discussion a proposed resolution requesting Governor
Cuomo to schedule a special election for the vacant Town Trustee position (the
positon held by Ellen Larsen before being elected Council, woman). Councilman
Penny and Councilwoman Cochran agreed a special election should be held. Council-
women Larsen and Oliva recommended the appointment of Frank A. Kujawski, Jr.,
Deputy Supervisor and a former Town Trustee, to fill the vacancy until the November
election. Mr. Kujawski advised he would not be .Willing~'to-~,fill the. vacani:¥, 'but would
not be a candidate in November. Councilwomen Larsen and Oliva said~the excessive
cost to the taxpayers for a special election is unwarranted. Councilman Penny and
Councilwoman Cochran Said the people should decide through a special election.
7:30 P.M. - Board audited outstanding vouchers.
7:40 P.M.
A .R~gu]ar.tvl~etin'.c) of the Southold Town B~ard was held On Tuesday, January° 5,
1988, at the Southold Town Hall,. Maj.~ ~Road, Southold, New York. Deputy Supervisor
~<ujawski opened the meeting at 7:40 JS~M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Deputy Supervisor Frank A. Kujawski,_Jr.
Justice Raymond. W. Edwards
Councilwoman Jean
Councilman George
Councilwoman Ruth
Councilwoman Ellen
W. Cochran
L. Penny IV
D. Oliya
M. Larsen
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
~Fown Attorney James A. Schondebare
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy {ill' with:~ back injury)
02 ' JANUARY 5, 1988
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: You notice that the Supervisor is not here this
evening. He had a back injury which has kept him layed-up since before Christmas,
and things we progressing along pretty well until today, and today things arenrt
better. So we're hoping and waiting for a solution. I'm sure he is even more than
I. May I have a resolution to approve the audit of the bills?
Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the followin~l audited bills be and hereby are ordered paid: General
Fund Whole Town bii|s in ti~e amount of $22,769.96; Generai Fund Part ToWn bii|s
in the amount of $2,2.41.57; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount of $5,331.00;
Agricultural Land Development Rights Capital Account bills in the amount of $594.68;
Adult Day Care Program bills in the amount of $1,030.23; Brief Respite P~ogram
bills in the amount of $264.00; Home Aide Program bills in the amount of $696.60; ~
Nutrition Program bills in the amount of 313,223.87; Supplemental Nutrition Assistan~
Program bills in the amount of $6,382.62.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, (~ouncilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
meeting ?
Is there a motion to set the date of the next
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the next Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board will. be held
at 7:30 P.M.., Tuesday, January 19, 1988, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold, New York.
Vote Of~the Town Board.: Aye: Cooncilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSK!: Under Reports there will be no Building Department
monthly report. There are several other reports.
1. Recreation Department's monthly report - December, 1987.
2.(a)Town Clerk's monthly report- December, 1987.
2.(b)Town Clerk's Annual Report - 1987. ~
3. Councilmen's Reports. Do any of the Councilmen have anythin§ they wis
to state? Judge Edwards?
JUSTICE EDWARDS: Nothing at this time. ':'.Thank you, Frank.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: No, nothing, Frank.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Nothing at this time. Thank you.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Nothing at this time.
Thank you.
George ?
Thank you.
There is no Supervisor's report either.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: Under Public Notices there are a couple this
month.' '
1. New Y-ork State Depart~i~nt -of Transportation. Notice of Order establishing
a 35 mph speed limit on Route 25 at-the East Cutchogue School ..
2. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of Complete
Application of Schick Realty 'International, whereby the Department has made a tentative
determination to approve the application for a new permit for a discharge of a daily
maximum of 3070 gpd of reverse osmosis concentrate to L.I. Sound from thte Orient
Point Estates Water Treatment Plant located at Main Road, Orient Point. Issuance
of this permit is contingent upon applicant's ability to obtain New York State permits
for p_.otable Water supply and tidal wetlands. Public comments Until February 5, 1988."
IV. PUBLIC HEARING. (8:00 P.M. - Community Development 1988 Budget)"
'JANUARY 5, 1988
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: We have a few minutes before the public hearing.
We have several resolutions. Would anyone like to speak regarding the resolutions
prior to the Board acting on them? (No response.) The first resolution is to -auth-
orize an advance fee payment for a bus trip to Nassau Coliseum.
1.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
advanced fee payment in the amount of $587.50 for the March 20, 1988 bus trip
to the Nassau Coliseum to see the Ringling Bothers and Barnum & Bailey C~rcus
(47 tickets @ $12.50 each = $587.50, check made payable.to Nassau Coliseum};, said
charge to be made to A7320, 4, Joint Youth.
1.-Vote~of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman I~a'r~sen, Couni:ilwoman Oliva, ~3ouncil-
man Penny, . CounCilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: Second is to authorize several budget modifications
and transfers to the General Fund, Whole Town budget.
2.-Moved by C0unci]man Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby, authorizes the
following 1987 Budget modifications to the General Fund.- Whole Town:
To: A13304. Tax Collection, Contractual Expenses $ 1,000.00
A1355.4 Assessors, Contractual Expenses 6,500.00
A1410.1 Town Clerk, Personal ~Services 2,500.00
A1410.2 Town Clerk, Equipment 165.00
A1490.1 Public 'Works, Personal Services' 1,300.00
A1620.4 Buildings, Contractual Expenses 13,~)00.00
A3120.1 Police, Personal S.ervices 1,200.00
A3310.4 Traffic Control, Contractual Expenses 1,100.00
A4010.4 Public Health, Contractual Expenses 15.00
A5~10. I Highway Superintendent, Personal Services ti, 050.00
A5650.4 Off Street Parking, Contractual Expenses 560.00
A9060.8 Hospitalization, Benefits 11,510.00
A8510.4 STOP Program, Contractual Expenses 10,185.00
From; A1355.1 Assessors, Personal Services $ 3,000.00
A8.160.~, Refuse & Garbage, Contractual Expenses 10,~85.00
A9010.8 NYS Retirement, Benefits 27,000.00
A9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes, Principal 2,900.00
A9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes, Interest 10,000.00
2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: CouncilWoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: Perhaps one of the Councilmen would like to
explain the third resolution. I'm not familiar with why we are rescinding.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Evidentially w~ had encumbered funds for--i'm sure
many of you are aware of our STOP Program. We are gettin~ a container that will
be at the Landfill seven days a week where hazardous type refuse can be placed.
The last couple of years in our STOP Program it was a one day_event where, you
could bring your different leaded paints and different poisons and-ChemiC~is, but
now with this container you'll be able to do this seven days a week. And we passed
a resolution several weeks ago encumbering the funds because it's due to come in
pretty soon; .and those funds appear in the 1987 budget. So we encumbered and
then they can be paid out in 1988, and evidentially this is a resolution to rescind,
because it is not necessary to encumber.
3.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED _t~t the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rescinds the follow-
!.n~ por. tion of their Resolution No. 3, adopted on December 29,1 987:
A~351~0.4 STOP Program, Contractual E~p~enses $8,000.00
{Hazardous waste building a~Landfill, to be delivered in early 1988)
This encumberance is not required,-~h~ .bill has been received~"~from Safety Storage
Inc., and there is a transfer in Resolution No. 2, 1/5/88~ to cover payment of same
with 1987 funds.
3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, COuncil-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI; Number 4 is to allocate funds; ~
'.JANUARY 5, 1988
4.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby allocates 1987 Special
State Revenue Sharin~l Funds as follows:
General Fund - Whole Town $9, 835.91
General Fund - Part Town $4,13t.09
4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
5.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded
by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby allocates and direct
Insurance Consultant William F. Mullen, Jr., with the assistance of Town,Attorney
Schondebare, to transmit a Jetter to Val Stype Insurance Agency providingl them
with two (2) weeks to finalize the insurance refund situation or the Town will file
a complaint with the Consumer Service Bureau of the New York State Insurance
5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: Yes. To give the audience a little background history on
this. As you know with Councilwoman Larsen leaving the Board of Trustees and
going on to the Town Board it leaves a vacant spot on the Trustees, and the Board
cannot agree on who to put in to,the Board of Trustees, and rather than have this
drag out, we,re going to request--~-l'll read the resolution.
6.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sends a request
to Governor Marlo Cuomo to schedule a special election for the vacant Town Trustee
Vote on Resolution No. 6:
6.-COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: No, based upon the grounds that I would rather--since
we could not reach a concensus on an appointment, although we really didn't discuss~
many candidates for the office, I feel that it would be a savings to the taxpayer
to have position s.t~y vacant until the next general election in November, and have
that position voted for along with the other offices that are up for election at that
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: No, because I believe that also that it'should wait until
November, instead of having a special election earlier. ~
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: i'm voting ye.s,, because I think it's a matter of philosophy,
and I have always believed that people have the right to vote on those that represent
them in government, so I am supporting a special election. Also, I feel that the
Trustees have a very important role, and it became more and more ir~portant when
they were given the responsibility of the wetlands, and I think that it would behoove
us to have a full Working board in the area of the Trustees. Yes.
DEPU~ SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: Okay, we have time for th~ final resolution,
which is to adve~tise~for resumes for several vacancies that now ex~st on the Water
Advisory Boa~rd._ ..~
7.-Moved by Cou~.cilwoman Cochran, seconded ~=~ Councilwoman Oliva, it ~was '
RESOLV'ED' tha~t"the Town Bosrd of the Towr~ ~f Southold hereby authorizes and'
directs the Town Clerk to advert?s~..-~for resumes for two (2) vacant Water Advisory
Committee. memb~ positions. ~--
7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman OliYa, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman C0chran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared~duly ADOPTED.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: Is there a motion to recess for a public hearing?
JANUARY 5, 1988
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be called at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of hoJding a public
hearin~l on the 1988 Community development Program - Proposed Budget.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This 'resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
_Regular Meeting reconvened at 8:05 'P.M.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: I think the business of the meeting is probably
concluded. Would anyone in the audience like to comment on anything? Mr. Siegmann?
ED SIEGMANN: You didn't have a Resolution 5 and 6 on here when you asked if
anybody wanted to talk prior to the meeting starting.
ED SIEGMANN: How much would the cost be for running this election that you're
talking about for Trustee?
COUNCILWO~MAN LARSEN: We don't have the exact figure .....
ED SI EGMANN: You don't have it exact, but what's a ballpark figure, do you have
any of those?
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I think total approximately $40,000, but I car~"t be quoted
on that, because I don't know. We have no idea.
ED SIEGMANN: Well, I'm assuming something now, that the reason that you didn't
come to an agreement on someone to appoint them, there must be a difference of
opinion between the Democrats and the Republicans. This is my assumption, and
i would guess that's right. If you can't come to a conclusion on how to pick someone,
why don't the Democrats put somebody up as the one person that they wou..rd like
to have and the Republicans put one person up that they would tike to have and
have a lottery of some sort 'between the two. Even put it in a hat and pu~! it out
rather then cost the people money again for another election. I'm sure that the
Trustee's job for one year, whether it would be a Republican-or whether it would
be a Democrat, that it wouldn't make that much difference. They don't have a vote
on the Town Board things that you people vote on, is that correct? They're an
advisory group.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: No, they vote on wetlands applications.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: They're independent of the Town Board, and they're
responsible under the Andros Patent for the creek bottoms in Southold Town. In
addition they have taken on the responsibility of dealing with the wetlands~' and
their role is important to Town Government. They're more important then a. lottery.
ED SIEGMANN: Well, I would think there would be some way to try to save the
money if thereJs a possible way of doing it.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: We certainly will investigate that, Ed.
FRANK. CARLIN: Frank Carlin from .Laurel. This is not the main reason why I'm
up here tonight, but about this here voting. It's so strange that LoGrai~de:.went
in office without having any vote. He was appointed by the Republicans.
COUNClLWO~I'~N COCHRAN: I'm not responsible for that appointment. I'm responsible
for thi.s.'o, ne. Thank you.
FRANK CARLIN: Okay. My mai~"61~jective why I'm here for this evening is I find
it very difficult to realize that Southold needs two Town Attorneys, for the simple
is we had a part-time attorn_ey before, God rest his soul, and ended up making
$36,000 a year. We must begin to try to save money in this Town, and we cannot
save money by spending exces's amount of money for things that we really don't
need. We'll never get our budget down by doing this, and I'm sure the taxpayers
here in Sou~hold Town are paying enough in taxes now. I would suggest to the
Board that you review this very closely before you make a decisioo.
cou~ILWOMAN LARSEN: We already have decided, Mr. Carlin.
FRANK CARLIN: Was it a resolution?
JANUARY 5, 1988
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Yes. Yesterday they were hired. We have two attorneys,
Jay Schondebare is the Town Attorney and we have a new in-house attorney who
will be available to the other boards. Jay's salary is $25,000 and the in-house attorneyrs
salary is $35,000, so it's a total of $60,000 for two attorneys. Now, Jay is staying
on for two years. The previous Board had reached an.impas$, and was unable to
arrive at a decision to hire an attorney. When Ruth and I came on we wanted to
see it resolved in the matter of the Town Attorney being hired so we made a compromise
basically. We compromised to resolve it. We gavel-Frank Murphy was in favor
of Berntsson--we wanted the Republicans to go along with someone, so everyone
was acceptable for Mr. Schondebare because he had code experience, he worked
on the previous Code Committee. He'll, be available to break in the new attorney.
So I agree with you, it is a little excessive. I would have been happy with one ~
attorney'hat $45,000, but I didn't feel t, hat we. could wait another fi~e ~r six months,~
because we didn't have an attorney for'eight or nine, or how ever many months. ~
This was my reasoning behind it.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: ~noth~r thing to take into COnsideration, Frank, is the amount
of money that the Town has been paying for a Special A'ttOrney to do the work since
BOb Tasker has not been here, and we've been paying Mr. Yakaboski $125.00 an
hour. This is going to pick up some of that slack.
FRANK CARLIN: That's not really my problem why you couldn't find somebody ......
COUNCILWOMAN CO_CHRAN: Frank, I'd like to say something also. I wouldn't
necessarily call it the Board was in an impass. There were two different solutions
to the problem. Some supported an in-house attorney and a part-time Town Attorney,.
because every day you can come' pick up. your mail in your mailbox and there's one
law suit after another. In today's world everybody's suin§, all right.? Number
one, your Town Attorney must live in the Town of Southold. You would find very
few attorneys inour community, I.'m sure, that wou~d give up a thriving practice
to take on a full-time in-house Town Attorney, which i originally supported. I
think I have to agree that we did try to come Up with a compromise, and I'm being
perfectly honest, I think Jay is being underpaid because he's going to find that
there's a great deal of work that he's going to have to be responsible .for over and
above "a part-time job", because this young fellow coming on board has to~ be trained
and has to learn also. I think the Board worked diligently in trying to solve this
problem, and at this point we have solved it, Jay has been.appointed by this Board~
~or a two year period, it's at the d~s~retion of the Town Board two years from
now who they then appoint, but meanwh ie we will have this young fellow on board.
He will be learning--I would hope that his does not' become a political football, and
that once he's put in place there will be the continuity of his learning and after
two years in his continuing to be a benefit to the Town. It was not an easy solution
to reach, but I feel that at this point this is the solution that we~ve decided upc~!
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Frank, the reason too that we made the compromise, we
are just desperately in need of an attorney. There's a back-log of things because
of Mr. Tasker's unfortunate illness and untimely de~th, that is a mile thick, and
we just can't wait, and I think we came up with an equitable solution to the problem,
and we really need an in-house attorney--:-a day-by-day fellow to help also to
come to the Planning Board, the Zoning Board, the Trustees, to attend these meetings,
and this will be an in-house attorney, 9 to.5, although I'm sure he's going to find
it more than just a 9 to 5 job. Plus having Jay to help advise him and teach him
the ropes, and that's why we did it.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: And Jay is counsel to the Board.
FRANK CARl:IN: My next question, please--! might be wrong--when special cases
come up in court, wasn't it your practice to-
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Special Counsel on a special matter, yes. On some
things, yes:~
FRANK CARLIN: Well, it's still hard to see that our past attorney was part-time
and se'ein~d to have no problem up to now.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: ~ctually we did have other attorneys. The Trustees,
for instance, needed counsel and did not have one available, even a special.
FRANK~CARLIN: That was because he wasn't in the Town Hall. He was in Greenport,
his office.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: He was part-time. All of the Boards in todays
era should not be operating without an attorney. I would be the first to say that.
Whe~-~'~f~ was on the Trustees there were at one time three law suits against~ us. I
think there are several against them right now. You can't operate in today's world,
and if anything we probably need more advice than less.
',.JANUARY 5, 1988
COUNCILMAN PENNY: Bob Tasker's total services cost the Town not the $36,000
which you're mentioning~ but it~ ,w~s ~$36,~QI)~ and ~24,000 for office staff, ~ total
of $60,00.0, which is e>~a:~i~ th~'~'~'~:~ ~'~:'i~l~ ~ line on in splitting the
position this year.
FRANK CARLIN: Yes, but every year you~ take raises anyway like you no~-mally
do anyway~ so that will be up to $50,000 in another two years. So, be honest with
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Frank, i hate to tell you, but the Town of Brookl~aven
has 12 attorneys.
FRANK CARLIN: Well, it's a bigger town too.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I know, but we're getting bigger too.
FRANK CARLIN: But, have you tried a full-ti~e. We haven't even tried a full-
time. You haven't even tried to see how it would work. I could see you trying
one and if it doesn't work then compromise and go into a part-time. You never
even tried one. Here's another thing. This is only brought up recently. As far
as I'm concern there should have been a public hearing held on it. People could
come up like i'm doing tonight. Not after the fact. It was only mentioned, that
I know, about a week ago or' two weeks ago, and I didn't even know it ~as even
voted on. That's why I'm here tonight for. Should have been a public hearing
held on it and get the opinion of the people~ the taxpayers. They're the ones who's
paying the bills.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: No, it's the Board's responsibility to appoint their
Town Attorney and do the hiring. I forgot part of what you said, Frank, because
of the ......
FRANK CARLIN: Then why can't we appoint a Trustee then, if we can appoint
a Town Attorney.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: That's an elected position.
FRANK CARLIN: I'm sorry.
LWOMAN COCHRAN: There is a difference, Frank.
LWOMAN LARSEN: Although the Town Board does have the authority to
the Trustee to fill the vacancy. --
FRANK CARLIN: But again, I'll finish what I'm sayingT-we must start to reduce''
our spending. We're spending too much money in this Town. We've got to get
the budget down. People are paying too much taxes. I'm gong to give you an
example. I wasn't going to say this tonight, but I'll save this for another meeting.
I got my taxes this year. Now I don't mind paying taxes, but for that little red
school house in Laurel I'm paying $2,000 just to support that school house. That's
not including County or Town taxes. And I don't even use the school. Not that
I'm saying I] shouldn't pay taxes. I'm willing to pay my share, but $2,000---$400
it went up this year, and.all $400 went towards that school.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: The Town Board doesn't have control over ~he school
JUSTICE EDWARDS: You have to go to ~he school board on that.
FRANk'CARLIN: ! intend to. I intend to.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: You mean your taxes remained the same, except for
an increase '(~f~-$~00 which was the school tax?
FRANI~ CARLi : Yes, ma'am.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Then your Town taxes didn't go up.
COUNCILWOMAN OI]IVA: - Go to your school board.
FRANK CARLIN: That is a step I intend to take. Veteran's exemption, whatever,
didn't mean anything.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Town taxes held the line then on your tax bill.
FRANK CARLIN: Yeah, but why should I have to pay $400 for the Laurel School?
But it's not your control, but I intend to look into-~very closely. And ! still
say two years aqo that Laurel School should have went into Mattituck. I'm going
to do all I can ['o see that it maybe will get there. Thank you very much.
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: Does anyone else have a comment for the Board?
(No respone.) Would any of the Councilmen like to say anything at this time?
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I'd just like to wish everyone a healthy and happy
new year. It hasn't been too busy the last two weeks. It's been busy with holidays.
We did meet yesterday with our Organizational Meeting and at that time is when
we voted on Jay's appointment, because these are the things that are taken care
of in an Organizational Meeting. It's nice to see so many people out this evening.
Thank you.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I'd like to wish also--wish everybody a happy new year, ~
and I think the Organizational Meeting went very well, and I hope that's an auspicio~
beginning, and I'm looking forward to a very cooperative venture on the Town Board
this year and hopefully a most I~roductive Town Board. Thank you.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: I wish we had people like Frank Carlin over on Fishers Island.
FRANK CARLIN: Someday I'll come over.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: When you take that little red school house, Frank, and you
take the budget that they have and. divide it by the amount of students, -and compare
it with Fishers Island, Fishers Island--our budget is over $22,000 a year per student.
FRANK CARLIN: Well, there's something wrong with that too then.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: And you go a little further and I'm glad that we ha¥~ a new
Town Attorney because maybe we can get some action on our garbage problem on
Fishers Island. Fishers Island pays' $65,000 a year for Cutchogue, and if you lived
on the Island I'd like to see you get your garbage out to Cutchogue.
FRANK C~,RLIN:. ! shouldn't be saying this, i~m not up therer but that isn't fair
to you on the Island.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: I've been saying that for three years.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: He tells us every time° Frank.
FRANK CARLIN: l't isn't fair to the taxpayers.
FRANK CARLIN: Incidentially, the Laurel school budget is $907,000. It went up
$119,000 last year.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: How~ many kids are there?
FRANK CARl-IN: I think there's about 75 or 80.
JUSTICE EDW~ARDS: Oh, you have nothing to complain about.
COUNCILMAN' PENNY: Happy new year everybody.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I'd just like to take this opportunity tO introduce my
oldest daughter who came with me to the Town Board meeting tonight~ She wanted
to see exactly, what her mother has been so involved with for the last nine months
or so, and I'Pm~-very happy she's here.. I'm not s,ure she'll want to come again.
Erin, m.'¥ .daught..er Erin Larsen. .%~, -.
DOROTHY ROBOHM: This has nothing to do with the agenda, but I have questions
that I think should be pointing more to Ruth Oliva ;t~han anybody else. What has
happened to our signs~ We had somethin about si:~[~i~ in o~r Town, our si' n ordinance
· g g g ·
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Eri~',~it's nice to have you with us.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: And I'd also like to say that I'm very happy to be here
and I am looking forward to Working with all-the other Councilpeople on the Board.
I'm sure we will have our differences, but I'm sure we will get a lot accomplished.
And I was once accused--not accused, but I think it was Frank Kujawski who even
told me that I was a Don Quiote, chasing windmills, but also in Don Quibte, if you
remember, was El Dansa, and Don Quiote also saw Deltenaya. So if. .we all can remember
to see a little Deltenaya in each other I think we'll accomplish a lot. Thank yOLL..
JANUARY 5, 1988
Certain size signs, and we were not tb have sighs, and I think that some of the
signs that have gone up in the past few years, they are very large, and I'm sure
they are way out of proportion to the sign ordinance. That's one. The second
is, what has happened to the idea of having automobile junk yards have a barrier
so that you can't see them? They are very bad at this point. And the t[~[rd thing
is, we have wetlands that are not supposed to be filled in, but if you look in front
of what is Port of Egypt, across the street from there they had all of those parts
to the old bridge across from Mill Creek were thrown there for a long per[od of
time. And that area was definitely--when we moved here that was all Wetlands.
It has all been filled in. But the rest of .us who want to fill in things can get
absolutely no where. One of our confers, one of the doctors from around here
tried to fill in a little bit so he could have a better lawn, he had to take his bulk-
head down. I just thought I'd bring those things up.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. I've marked them down and I'll look into
them for you.. If you leave your name and telephone number I'll get back to you.
(Dorothy Robohm, 765-1211.)
DEPUTY SUPERVISOR KUJAWSKI: Anything else? (No response.) Is there a motion
to adjourn?
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva, Council-
man Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.