HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island Recreational Path Foundation ��suFF � RESOLUTION 2021-77 ADOPTED DOC ID: 16730 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO.2021-77 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 5,2021: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Agreement between the Town of Southold and the Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation, a New York Not for Profit Corporation, for installation of a bicycle path on Fishers Island, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney, at no cost to the Town. Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E.Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Nappa, Dinizio Jr,Doherty, Ghosio,Evans, Russell AGREEMENT TRIS AGREEMENT, made on the day of December, 2020, by and between the Town of Southold, a municipal corporation of the State of New York having its principal place of business at 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, hereinafter called the "Town" and Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation, a New York Not for Profit Corporation, having its principal mailing address as at P.O. Box 619, Fishers Island,NY 06390, hereinafter called the"Foundation". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The Town has entered into a Grant of Easement with the United States Navy for the utilization of a certain piece of land for a public purpose more particularly described in the easement agreement attached herewith as Exhibit A ("Easement Area"); and WHEREAS, the Town and United States Navy have reviewed and approved proposed plans for a public bicycle path to be located upon the agreed upon the Easement Area, attached herewith as Exhibit B; WHEREAS,the Foundation, wishes to facilitate the construction and future maintenance of the said bicycle path for the public's benefit in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and in the Grant of Easement to the Town of Southold by the United States Navy; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES Throughout the term of this agreement, the Foundation shall construct, maintain, and repair a recreational bicycle path on Fishers Island as per the specifications attached hereto as Exhibit B and in accordance with all terms and conditions agreed to by the Town of Southold and United States Navy as set forth in the Grant of Easement attached herewith as Exhibit A. It is specifically understood and agreed upon by all parties that this recreation path is for the general public's use. The Foundation shall not close or restrict the use of said path by the public except as needed to complete routine repair and maintenance during the term of this Agreement. II. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be from the date of execution until October 31, 2070 or termination of the easement between the Town of Southold and the United States Navy, whichever occurs first. -1- III. GRANT OF ACCESS/CONSIDERATION In consideration of the mutual covenants, benefits and restrictions contained herein, the Town grants access to the Easement Area to the Foundation, its Subcontractors, agents and assigns, for the purpose of construction and maintenance of a recreational bicycle path and the Foundation hereby agrees to assume all costs associated with the construction of the subject bicycle path for use by the general public, the perpetual maintenance of the same throughout the contract term and the procurement of the required insurance as set forth below. IV. FOUNDATION'S WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS The Foundation makes the following warranties and representations: A. The Foundation, its subcontractors, agents and assigns represent that the Town has made no commitment under this Agreement with respect to the volume of support to be supplied during the term of this Agreement. B. The Foundation its subcontractors, agents and assigns warrant that they shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to the construction of the recreational bicycle path. C. The Foundation represents that it shall utilize its best efforts to insure that Minority and Women Owned Businesses (MBE's and WBE's) have the opportunity to participate as subcontractors with respect to the construction to be performed under this Agreement. In the event the Foundation subcontracts twenty-five percent(25%) or more of the construction to be performed hereunder, the Foundation shall submit to the Town a WBE Utilization Plan,prior to execution of this Agreement. V. INDEMNIFCATION and INSURANCE A. The Foundation, its subcontractors, agent and assigns agree to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town of Southold, and the United States Navy against any and all liability, loss, damage, detriment, suit, claim, demand, cost, charge, attorneys' fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature which they may directly or indirectly incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason of or in consequence of the Foundation carrying out or performing under the terms of this Agreement, or failure to carry out any of the provisions, duties, services or requirements of this Agreement, or the negligence, willful misconduct or unlawful conduct of the Foundation, its subcontractors, agents or assigns, including but not limited to any and all injury or liability associated with the utilization of said bicycle path, whether such losses and damages are suffered or sustained by the Town or Navy directly or by its -2- employees, licensees, agents, engineers, citizens or by other persons or corporations, including any of the Foundation's employees or agents who may seek to hold the Town or Navy liable therefore. This obligation shall be ongoing, shall survive the term of this Agreement and include, but not be limited to, claims concerning non-sudden environmental impairments. The Foundation shall join in the commencement of any action or proceeding or in the defense of any action or proceeding which in the opinion of the Town constitutes actual or threatened interference or interruption with the Town's rights hereunder, including all appeals which, in the opinion of the Town, may be necessary. B. The Foundation, its subcontractors, agents and assigns shall maintain appropriate insurance for its respective interests in, and all activities on the proposed bicycle path, throughout the term of this agreement. The Foundation's liability insurance required herein shall include provisions or endorsements naming or including by way of blanket endorsement the Town of Southold and the United States Navy as an additional insured with respect to the indemnification obligations outlined above and to the extent not provided for in this agreement waving all rights of subrogation against the Town of Southold and the United States Navy and including a similar waiver of subrogation on all policies required to be maintained herein. C. The Foundation covenants and agrees that from and after the Effective Date throughout the term of this agreement the Foundation will maintain, at its sole cost and expense, or during the construction of the recreational path will require the principal sub-contractor utilized in connection with this project to maintain at its sole cost and expense, the following insurance, in the amounts and form specified: (i) Commercial General Liability insurance (including broad form property damage and contractual liabilities or reasonable equivalent thereto) covering in the use of the Easement Area,the improvements thereon and any of its activities on or around the Area against claims for bodily injury or death,property damage and products liability (including completed operations coverage). Such insurance is to be written on an occurrence basis (not a claims made basis) and to be in amounts of not less than$1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 in the aggregate for each policy year. (ii) Umbrella Liability insurance coverage on a"following form"basis with limits of not less than$2,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate; -3- (iii) The Foundation shall furnish the above insurances to the Town and shall also name the Town of Southold and United States Navy as an additional named insured in said policies; (iv) Any incident from which a claim of liability may arise shall be reported to the Town Clerk as soon as possible and not later than twenty- four(24) hours from the time of such incident. A detailed written report must be submitted to the Town as soon thereafter as possible, and not later than three (3) days after the date of such accident. VI. FORCE MAJEURE If either party is delayed or prevented from fulfilling any of its obligations under this Agreement due to any act, event or condition, whether affecting the Town,the Foundation,to the extent that it materially and adversely affects the ability of either party to perform any obligation hereunder(except for payment obligations), and if such act, event or condition is beyond the reasonable control and is not also the result of the willful or negligent action, inaction, or fault of the party relying thereon as justification for not performing an obligation or complying with any condition required of such party under the Agreement, the time for fulfilling that obligation shall be extended day-by-day for the period of the uncontrollable circumstance; provided, however,that the contesting in good faith or the failure in good faith to contest such action or inaction shall not be construed as willful or negligent action or a lack of reasonable diligence of either party. Subject to the foregoing, such acts or events shall include the following: (1) an act of God (but not including reasonable anticipated weather conditions for the geographic area of the Town or Destination Site) hurricane, landslide, lightning, earthquake, fire, explosion, flood, sabotage or similar occurrence, acts of a public enemy, extortion, war,blockade or insurrection, riot or civil disturbance; (2) the failure of any appropriate federal, state, county, town or local public agency or private utility having jurisdiction in the areas in which the Foundation is located to provide and maintain utilities, services, water and sewer lines and power transmission lines which are required for the operation; (3) governmental pre-emption of materials or services in connection with a public emergency or any condemnation or other taking by eminent domain of any portion of the Foundation's facilities; and (4) the presence of hazardous waste upon, beneath or migrating from the Foundation Facilities. It is specifically understood that none of the following acts or conditions shall constitute uncontrollable circumstances: (a) general economic conditions, interest or inflation rates, or currency fluctuations; (b)the financial condition of the Town,the -4- Foundation, any of its affiliates or any subFoundation; (c)union work rules,requirements or demands which have the effect of increasing the number of employees employed otherwise increasing the cost to the Foundation of operating its haul operation or the Destination Site; (d) equipment failure; (e) any impact of prevailing wage law, customs practices on the Foundation's costs; (f) any act, event or circumstances occurring outside of the United States; or(g) any change in law or in the permit conditions or status. VII. SUBCONTRACTS The Foundation shall not enter into any subcontracts in connection with the construction services to be performed hereunder without the prior written approval by the Town of such subcontracts. All such subcontracts shall make express reference to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall obligate the subcontractor to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances or regulations relating to the services to be performed under the subcontract. In the event the subcontractor is required to furnish any insurance for the benefit of Foundation,the Town and Navy shall also be named as an additional insured or obligee. X. PREVAILING WAGE RATES With respect to the construction of the recreational path,the Foundation, its subcontractors, agents and assigns, agree to comply with the provisions of the New York State Labor Laws and the Federal Davis-Bacon wage determination relating to the payment of prevailing wage rates to the extent applicable. In the event that at any time during performance under this Agreement the Foundation is required to increase the wages paid to any of its employees as a result of such requirement, all costs shall be borne exclusively by Foundation. XI. DEFAULT In the event the Foundation fails to perform its obligations under the Agreement,the Town may terminate the Agreement upon thirty (30) days notice to the Foundation. XII. DISPUTES/ARBITRATION Any disputes between the parties to this Agreement shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. In no event shall any demand for arbitration be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim or dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. An award rendered by arbitrators following any such arbitration shall be final and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. XIV. MISCELLANEOUS -5- A. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. B. The Foundation shall not assign, convey or otherwise transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Town. C. This Agreement, including all Exhibits and documents referred to herein, along with the Specifications, Solicitation and the Bid, and all Appendices and Exhibits thereto, represent the entire agreement between the Town and The Foundation relating to the services to be performed hereunder. This Agreement may be modified only by written agreement of The Foundation and the Town. D. To the extent of any inconsistency among the documents constituting the agreement of the parties, the priority among those documents shall be: 1. This Agreement; 2. Grant of Easement N40085-20-RP-00114 3. CME Associates Schematics and Plans Project#2012838; [Doesn't the Easement have to be#1? Town's rights are subject to scope of grant from the Navy.] E. Without limiting any other right and/or remedy which the Town may have at law or under this Agreement, if the Foundation is adjudged bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or a receiver is appointed for the Foundation or any insolvency arrangement proceedings are instituted by or against the Foundation, the Town may terminate this Agreement. F. The Foundation agrees that it will conduct itself consistent with its status, said status being that of an independent contractor and,the Foundation, its employees or agents will neither hold themselves out nor claim to be an officer or employee of the Town of Southold nor make claim to any right accruing thereto including, but not limited to, Worker's Compensation,Unemployment Benefits, Social Security or retirement membership or credit. G. If any provision of this Agreement shall for any reason he held to be invalid or unenforceable,the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Agreement and this Agreement shall be enforced as if such invalid and unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. H. The Foundation agrees that it shall not discriminate and that it shall cause there to be no discrimination against any employee who is employed in the work, or against any applicant for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex, age, marital status, handicap or national origin in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the State of New York. These requirements shall include,but not be limited to, the following: employment; upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or -6- recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training. XV. NOTICES All notices required to be given hereunder shall be made in writing by first class mail addressed as follows: If to the Town: Supervisor of the Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971-0959 With a copy to: Southold Town Attorney Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 If to the Foundation: Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation P.O. Box 619 Fishers Island,NY 06390 XVI. REQUIRED PROVISIONS OF LAW Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to have been inserted herein. If any such provision is not inserted, through mistake or otherwise,then upon the application of either party, this Contract shall be physically amended forthwith to make such insertion. In particular, and to the extent applicable to the construction of the bicycle path, the Foundation, its Subcontractors, agents and assigns, shall, among other things, fully comply with: (a) Labor Law section 220-e and Executive Law sections 291-299 and the Civil Rights Law relating to prohibition against discrimination and providing equal opportunity. (b) Affirmative action as required by the Labor Law. (c) Prevention of dust hazard required by Labor Law section 222-a. (d) Preference in employment of persons required by Labor Law section 222. (e) Eight-hour workday as required by Labor Law section 220(2). (f) The parties hereto, in accordance with the provisions of section 220(3) of the Labor Law, hereby agree that there shall be paid each employee engaged in work under this Contract not less than the wage rate and supplements set opposite the trade or occupation in which he/she is engaged, which are the wage rates and supplements established as the prevailing rate of wages for the work covered by this Contract. i. Labor classifications not appearing on the schedule of wages can be used only with the consent of the Owner and then the rate to be -7- paid will be given by the Owner after being advised by the Department of Labor. ii. The Foundation shall post in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the work a legible statement of all wage rates and supplements, as specified in the Contract, for the various classes of mechanics, workingmen/women, or laborers employed on the work. XVI. AUTHORITY FOR EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN The Supervisor has executed this Agreement pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, at a meeting thereof held on October_, 2020. Scott A. Russell, Supervisor,whose signature appears hereafter, is duly authorized and empowered to execute this instrument and enter into such an Agreement on behalf of the Town. This instrument shall be executed in duplicate. At least one copy shall be permanently filed, after execution thereof, in the office of the Town Clerk, Elizabeth Neville. -8- IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOU HOLD By: Scott A. Russe 1, Supervisor FISHERS ISLAND RECREATIONAL PATH FOUNDATION By: Jo McGilli A , President STATE OF NEW-roR-K-) ss.: COUNTY OF S�4@I On this day of Goober in the year 2020 before me, the undersigned, personally John McGillian,President of the Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation' D personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the LL individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me o;o that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his nature on the instrument,the °o individual or the person upon whose behalf of which the ' ividual acted, executed the a F ro instrument. om Notary Public A STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ,.�r,n�A ' A Jw�"1 o1 I On this 'L day of Oeteber in the year 2020 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared SCOTT A. RUSSELL,personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual or the person upon whose behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. rz&u 1 -M, Notary Public LAUREN M.STANDISH Notary Public-State of New York No.01 ST6164008 Qualified in Suffolk County _9_ Commission Expires April 9,2023 Exhibits -- BENCHMARK. DRILL HOLE HARBOR \ GOve__ / C ELEVATION = 45.59 ei.j C 1 1 4) L e N F PROVIDE 320'WOOD WM IDE R . �\ s \/ v sE `g JANE CHEMERYNSKI DIANE BLOMQUIST STATION 55+06 TO STATION 55+26 \��`� ye96 �„ N/F .d. „ o & JIMMY PRZYBOROWSKI (SEE DETAIL) `oy` 6y6+ ��� ESTELLA D PARSONS .\ '\ N f a `�\�`''\\ '6-�• (VACANT LAND) , W V _E 6'd PROTECT DUSTING PAVEMENT !A L a >E u THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTIONZ� / / F Q `m CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR / \ c �'> REPAIRS IF DAMAGED(TMP)MAI i5 9 177 LANE FORAIN YONEIW Y FDR EDUROSIQN NTROL TLOAM YP V _ CIS U) \�- / 56+00 tr� X57 p'-�� J2P BTI• - a G ALL TIMES TIP SEE SEEDING MOI TABLE ALTERNATIVE TRAFFIC AT 52 +00 W (n PROVIDE dM E,CONES, sa i5 22 '�'rrn-1 -��� V C 1 7 2 &BARRIERS AS REQUIRED \ �.� BIRCH // �`` h/l 2BB 78 N .15,45•E STREET N PER 1927 MAP 'r�/ JS TELEPHONE _>}a 40 oWpO. J 56�� 5Np0 BOK 55 - `\ 30421' %/ — `,1 REMOVE TREE — •\ \ 69 AVENUE 'S - 1 s 7rz4'+6 E _ + ORIENTAL 5}+00'• / PROTECT DUSTING "TSIs N �g m uj 6531'{5•E CHNNLPIK FENCE 52+00 20fi O7' THE UNITED STATES THROUGH UTSCONNCSTRAtTFENcE- MAINTAINGRADESREMOVE AND �s 51+00 EDGE OF PAVEMENT - OF AMERICA HEIGHT OF FENCE MUST NOT BE REDUCED Q DlsvosE OF EnsnxG vECErAnoH(Tw) i `.' STREET UNE PER 1927 MAP E 27 15 RELOCATE OUSTING FENCE 7 —\ / GRADE AT 21 LOCATION MAP SCALE 1"=400' N 456 60 5' TO DOR GRADE PROVIDE 324 LF OF 6'HIGH W 343 67 REMOVE TREE TREE CHWN LINK FENCE,NEW CORNER N 851546•E RELOCATE HYDRANT POSTS,&BRACING AS REQUIRED 37209' AS DIRECTED BY (COORDINATE WITH US.NAW AS REDO) ' FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS SILT FENCE WOVEN WIRE FENCE(MIN 14 GAUGE W/MAX 6-MESH SPACING) 36'MIN LENGTH _ WOOD GUIDE RAIL 1p NAX CENTER FENCE POSTS TG CFJViFR DRIVEN MIN 16• INTO GROUND CAP UNIT ADHERES TO SEEDING SPECIFICATION TOP UNIT ADHESIVE VERSA-LOX 8'WIDE 2' ROAD Irt� HOGHT ROAD SURFACE- VERSA-LOK NATIVE GRASS&PERENNIAL SEED MIX LOAM&HYDROSEEO ALL RECREATIONAL PATH SHUDDER OF FILTER MAP REFERENCES 18'MIN MODULAR CONCRETE UNITS 1 DISTURBED AREAS (CUT CONDITIONS) (MINIMUM) \ 1)FOR FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES INC FISHERS ISLAND,N Y SHOWING PROPOSED �p� v! ROADWAY TO PENINSULA POINT SCALE 1'=50 FT BY CHANDLER,PALMER.ENGR'S SPECIES PERCENT OF MIX APPLICATION RATE p \ NORWICH,CONN NOVEMBER 1944 REVISED OCT 1945 O 2 0S MAX 6'MIN Q LITTLE BLUESTEM,'CAMPER' 35 15R TIP PERSPECTIVE VIEW BINE PATH SURFACE 2)MAP C LANDS ADJACENT TO FORT H G WRIGHT MILITARY RESERVATION FISHERS EXISTING - ISLAND,N Y SURVEYED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MAJ HARRY TAYLOR,CORPS OF Q SIDEOATS DRAMA.'BUTTE' 20 WOVEN VIRE FENCE(MIN 14 ,, I I GRADE ENGINEERS,USA'MAY 1907 BY R W CHAFFEE FILE NO 626 PARTRIDGE PEA.PA ECOTYPE 10 1/2 GAUGE W MAX 6•MESH _- 0 0_m 2'BITUMINOUS CONCRETE T z _ - O S' SURFACE COURSE SPACING)WITH FILTER CLOTH Q BLACK EYED SUSAN,NO i6 —III— GRANULAR LEVELING BnrFS Z = N Or ECOTYPE 36'MIN FENCE POST PAD MIN 6'THICK m TALL WHITE BEAROTONGUE 10 20 LBS/ACRE B'GRAVEL SUBBASE UNDISTURBED 1)THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTES AND PURPOSE INDICATED HEREON S REMOVE ORGANIC SOIL FLOW GROUND ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO BETWEEN THE Of O Z J OHIO SPIDERWART.IA ECOTYPE 5 PRIOR TO PLACEMENT PflOI.E COMPACED CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE ENGAGEMENT Z 1 O W Z Q OF SUBBASE GRAVEL BORROW TO '�\//� VERSA-LOK m N o Z GOLDEN ALEXANDERS 5 SUBGRADE WHERE REQUIRED COMPACTED SOIL \ Z 2.)ITIS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON,UNLESS H W Z EMBED FILLER CLOTH \ / . e UNREINFORCED RETAINING WALL ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR.TO ALTER AN ITEM IN U m 3 5 O WILD BERGAMOT 5 TYPICAL REC. PATH CROSS SECTION a• �'`\\\i _ WITH WOOD RAIL FENCE ANY WAY a L- A MIN OF 6'IN GROUND HW N NT8 NOT TO SCALE I_m Q ANNUAL OATS COVER CROP SECT.ON VIEW 3)ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYOR'S SIGNATURE Z a W y AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF THE LAND O Z W DAYS AVENA SATIVA 100 10 LBS/ACRE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SURVEYOR V Z j N U 1 WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WTH 4)COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U S COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY ¢I W WRE TIES OR STAPLES,POSTS SHALL BE STEEL OTHER'T'OR'U'TYPE OR TRIANCULA71ON STATION'PROS* O Q HARDWOOD I F 2 FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE NTH 5)BASE FOR LEVELS NGVD 1929 W TIES SPACED EVERY 24'AT TOP AND MID SECTION,FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN m WIRE,6'MAXIMUM MESH OPENING O 3 WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER-LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED.FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X MIRAFI 100X•STABILNKA T140N.OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT ` 'D 1 \ 4 PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB,ENVIROFENCE,OR APPROVED Z 1 EQUIVALENT Z 5 MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN'BULGES'DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE 11 Ull \ \ N/F \ `Y \ FRANCES ESENLOHR 1111Fvl \ FISHERS IS 1 \ \ DEVELOPMENT CORP ( ) o \ N 4 1 s 7i• \ E•626 22 � m J— s � 2 &5 e \ BENCHMARK: IRON ROD C \\ 'E I _ NSF ELEVATION = 1711 N / W a J2260 ,II (MPD >joxe LAWRENCE R HORN \ 1 VIVO- TE < Z \IT�cr�, \ ` — AS���p R?F• 9 -UMI75 OF m FRESHWATER PROVIDE METlAN05 PERL}, 1 60 AND MAINTAIN 19x4 �v _ N/F 6 F( 70+26 p o Q 00E �.� NAP JfOp• j0+00'� p>ae \ SILT FENCE i ANN GULLIVER HANES Nell o{ MI6 6•1j9 \s MovE; aJfi. 60+00 ` \ / 8 7987•00. S �19� N \ DISPOSE, a —37 `x ` \ 2�aa• e ' ' rI N/F f zz a \20pN/F 61 FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP w FISHERS ISLAND ¢ S 7724'46•E �i y�'1'0j0 zJ 69" >as tiF \\ GARBAGE& q m "796' L"'`1Y 1C zap `SS`s• REFUSE DISTRICT N 65"'10'E A I" N 47505 Po s _ 62+0° `S \ 2 X fO2ME AT 21 77,81' O/ Pot£ m rc E 651 92 -" \ 3S PROVIDE LOAM&HYDROSE DING // j 70 EIOSnNG QtADE 'V (DEED) sAWCUT.REMOVE. r'4. OR/ s IV FOR EROSION CONTROL.EYP. / // z2 WIDENING OF WILDERNESS \ O U pw _ REF MARK A2 DISPOSE,&REPLACE 35 E�T 12 J4' `V SEE SEEDING YOI TABLE i' 28 th — F PONT ROAD WPROPERLY—& \\ ai y o COPPER DIS MOP 2 EXISTING PAVEMENT Bt��AL AV —187J E 2 — P VNY- FISHERS ISLRN 1D CARESE S�CT 5555'35'E N 58320 y STREET UNE PER 19"MAP I Taa +� `\�NU�. \ 8 w N 79'42.00•/ CV,N 12037 Es C W 3°14 70 \ \ S 86'01'00•E 107 JO- P PpIE N \ \ Q \ �jE DE ,a6 °- DATE 07/10/2018 p 5 74'59'37 E 69+ J3��0 94' / —_' Jam / L=8B 97' V: 47712' °p--34~ �"�, ` — 2 +p0 N 6537'00'E R=159.86' Pia �� _ _ 67 22730'0. SCALE• 1" = 40' QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION 3Y N/F NOW OR FORMERLY GROUP REVIEWED DATE 41THE UNITED STATES Pa --'�'--- 66+OD Pµ _ THE UNITED STATES -z5 - EXISTING CONTOURS SHEET OF AMERICA _ PROTECT DUSTING OF AMERICA FENCE 40 20 0 40 SAWCUT,REYOVE• Pott N 79'42'00'E THROUGHCHANUOUT CONSTRUCTION(TYP)FENCE TREELINE GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 OF 5 crvn AL d DISPOSE EXISTING 7i3 11945' MAINTAIN EXISTING GRADES AT FENCE-PAVEMENT S 86.01'00'E HEIGHT OF FENCE MUST NOT BE REDUCED AacMRcwAu 102 05' U . J �J ro d a o 8 C TLROAD I x W ! f!ROAD 60 { 60 rLR�OAD � 1 G'1 WI1 �II 60 ( tOW0 II 52 PROP 2 RECPROP — 1 ECATH EC VARIES 5 56 I WIDTH 4�°°v rjmQwom wRPATH EXST N 7PRPOSED GRADE )OST GR 0 GRADE RADE HUi AGE GRADE aE t Q 7 m 52 — I sz 52 sz as } I I { —44 w y m 1I I k m V c lu IE1 48 48 48 48 40 40 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 -0 4 8 12 16 20 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 6 12 16 20 ._ _ 51+50.00 53+50.00 55+00.00 �l ``Nw,� V I ! 60 � !� � i I 60 ! 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I Y W s E c h2" @ ROAD -t- II I a� 36 W i a To U"S G.ROAD I I U x I WI 1 B•PROP Waa z ROAD I j I1.8.P REC PATH 8'PROP I U 4 O I REC0 PATH z z ( !�_ROP 1. ( ( I_I { U a ml 36 I REC PATH 36 36 I+' �' 36 32' - /- -{ -- --{t 32 RADE17 1uj 32 I I I 32 32 ( Dar," I I 32 28 1 -}—, 28 'O GRADE -I Iii I I ( I J 28 28 28 28 24 i 24 - -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 non 4 8 12 16 20 LU_ _ 62+50.00 64+50.00 66+50.00 �l� � rt ROAD a! ! ? W W I ROAD ! 0 E PROP z U z. cwi I I B'PROP U W I REC PATH I I z REC PATH 36 --i i 36 36 _I �' 36 36 ao i i iI 36 _` EXIST 'I ( r-1I I I I W ( REGP PATH I I I I lU RADE I I EXIST !— �� 32 --I 1 32 32 GRADE 32 32— EXIST{—I—{! 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I I I 1 36 36 1 ( i I `REG PATH 36 36 36 REc 0 GRADE 1 RADE ' _- SI I- -r— i ! PROPOSED CO I 1 u4 32 Il ' 32 32 32---l- 32 32-_�I �- E7asT RAD 1 32 GRADE '0 28 28 28 DA�wTj E m 0B7/0/x2 01C826 29 N -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 On 4 8 12 16 20 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 SCALE 1" = 5' 61+00.00 63+00 00 65+00.00 QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION PROJECT #2012838 GROUP REVIEWED GATE maEer VAwwFA NOR SCALE IN FEET s 0 s 10 SHEET 4 OF 5 orn� s D' s 10 VER SCALE IN FEET IACxIRCNx�I U J J C_ d CD ` E a) = m o 8 M m Jho v y8 U a c' E 32 24 I 24 W Q Too I31 jI �E7II0�STE I I{ awp�III_yI_�I�BmNPRI�OrP_�I--�1I I —LI_iI Ir U i _ k ICAD ( i -�( 28-rRI 2160 V 0 REG PATH ROP N RECPATH PR POSED_EIST GRADE 24 PROPOSED T GO GA 4 1 GRADE 20 20 12 ' ' 12 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 O 4 8 12 16 20 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 mm ' 4 8 12 16 20 ._ . 68+50.00 70+00.00 I Y Z w 32B'PROP 32 24 I I ( `� 24 rE ROAD ' I IREC PATH i I U I I I _fE ROAD_ dl �- w w REC PATH (__ ... .__ { ROP I' ! 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