HomeMy WebLinkAbout2437-zNO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No...~,..~).~ ........... Date ........................... ~ ....... ~ ......... , 196.~.. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at ...8/S.....l~at~ic...A~e ............................ Street Map No....31~ .............Block No .......... ~ ..... Lot No....][~G[ ....... ~ea~e~.B...~.l.~ ................. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated ................................. ~1~ ....... ~'3 ........... , 19.~1+.. pursuant to which Building Permit No..~b~.~.~..,~ dated ............................... ~1'[1n~. ...... ,~6..., 196.b~..., was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ........ ..Res~denae..&..]~tB~nes ~.~....(.eto~e..ad4n) ........................................................................... The certificate is issued to J~?.l;b.~lZ~..~T..&..~;-~..].~&.....1~/&.].~l~ ............................. O%lZ~'~ ............ (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Building Ins~l~ctor FORM NO. 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N? 2437 Z Permission is hereby granted to: Ar .thuz...&..~aatl~t&. ~al ah ............................ ........ ~ataak..Ave ............................................. ............... l~J,~he~.~ ..1~1~1 ............................... to ...b~.~.~..e..bus.~:nest..add~.~.~n..~..az~..e:rJ. wt:~..dwe.~.t.~.r~ .................................... ct premises located ct ..S/.S...~tlk..A~l'~ ....................................................................................... ............................................... Flsher. s...Z~l.e~ud ~ ........ N,.Z, ............................................................... pursuant to application dated ................................. ~..111~l ....... ~.~ ...... 19~1~..., and approved by the Building Inspector Fee $5, D~O .............. 17' ~t0 I .~TATE DF NEW YI3RK DEPARTMENT DF I_ABnR ,DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY SERVICE 80 CENTRE STREET NEW YORK, N.Y, 10013 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL (BUILDING PLANS) 1- q L Address Re,Jr To: In correspondence, refer to plan serial number__ The plans and specifications beaeing the stamp and serial number of the New York State Department of Labor cited above are in compliance with requirements of ;he Labor Law and the Industrial Code and are ~--~ APPROVED as submitted ~ APPROVED with conditions, Valid only after the conditions set forth on attached Reference Sheets are complied with, This determination is valid only on the basis of the statements set forth in the application for ex- amination of plans bearing the sarae stamp and number and to ;he extent that such plans are subject to the provisions of said law and code and within ;he jurisdiction of the Industrial Commissioner. Notify the Building plans Engineering Unit of any proposed deviations from these plans; filing of revised plans may be requ~zed in these instances° A set of plans should be retained on the premises at all times so that inspectors of this department may consult ;hem in the course of their inspections. A certificate of compliance must be obtained, PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY~ for: 1, Any building to be used as a FACTORY with more than five employee&o Apply at least ten days prior to occupancy~ to the Supervising Factory Inspector, Division of Industrial Safety Service at 2. Any building to be used as a place of PUBLIC ASSEMBLY. Apply to local building official or, if none~ to Supervising Factory Inspector, Division of Industrial Safety Service at This is not a building permit. To obtain required permit take this certiflcate~ with the approved plans, to the local official. The Department of Labor assumes no responsibility for the adequacy of the structural elemeots Carl Jo Mattel, Director FOR THE COMMIS~ONER REFERENCE SHEET NOo 3 NOTE: This sheer is an essential part of the action taken on rhls project. It shall be attached to the approved plans along with the Certificate of Approval° 6t, oo~t, Plan Serial No,,, - ~'---'"' ~une la, 196/~ Date Sanitary facilities shall comply with Industrial Code Rule No. 9. ao Walls and ceiling shall be of non-absorbent material or painted two coats of a light colored paint. bo The floor and base shall be of nonabsorbent material° c~ The base shall be 6" high and coved where it meets the floor° do Doors shall be self-closing. e. Each toilet room shall be ventilated by windows or skylights~ the openable area of which shall be at least 1 sqo fL for each water closet or urinal° fo When windows or skylights are not available a mechanical system capable of exhausting 35~ cud ft. of air per minute for each water closet or urinal shall be installed, An air intake shall be provided by transoms~ door louvres or supply ducts o g~ Water closets shall be located in compartments with doors within a toilet roomD ho If both sexes are employed, separate toilet rooms shall be provided (and the lavatories shall be located in a toilet room or in a wash room.) (Matter in parenthesis, factories only.) i. Water closets and urinals shall be separated from spaces in which unwrapped food products are handled by vestibules constructed of full-height partitions and full-size self=closing doors. j~ A dressing room for women employees shall be provided~ having a net floor area of at least 60 sqD fro for the first ten employees, plus 2 sq~ ft. for each additional such employeeo k. Wonlen's dressing rooms shall be ventilated by a window or skylight having an area equal to at least 1/20 the floor area, or by a mechanical system of ventilation capable of exhausting 1 cu~ fro of air per minute for each square foot of floor area. 1~ Where more than one and less than six women are employed, a substantially screened space of at least 35 sq0 ft. sball be provided for use as a dressing room° m. Toilet facilities shall be located not more than one floor above or below the regular place of work of the persons using them. m Toilet facilities shall be located in and be accessible from within the building~ o. Toilet facilities shall be separated from dressing rooms by solid~ full-height partitions and self-closing, full-size doorso p~ Toilet room partitions shall be solid~ Interior sash will not be permitted unless of the fixed type and with translucent but not transparent glass lights at least 6' above the fl**rD q~ Trough urinals are not permissible° Urinals shall be of the individual type with sides to give privacy. r~ Wash rooms shall be enclosed by solid partitions to a height of at least 7~ (to ceiling when separating an adjoining men's wash room)D Openings in such enclosures shall be closed by solid doors equipped with selbclosing devices. The space above the partitions may be used for ventilation purposes as per~nitted by Rale 9'IL3 (9~10D5)~ s. The number of fixtures shall be in proportion to the number of each sex as required by Rules 9-4.1~ 9-10.2, 9-11.4 and 36-11o2 where applicable~ t. Toilet rooms shall be enclosed by solid partitions from floor to ceiling with ceiling at least 7~6' high0 2o If the boiler generates steam at a pressure of more than t5 lbs~ per square inch, it will be necessary to provide the fol- lowing as part of the requirements of Code Rule No. 14~ aD TWO means of escape from the room located remote from each other consisting of outswinging doors at least 36" wideD bo A space of at least 24" around and between boilers for inspection and maintenance, except boilers other than horizon- tal, tubular or watertube type or not exceeding 30" in diameter may have 16" clear spaceo c. A clear space of 6" above any valve or other fitting at point of nmximum extensiono do Where it is necessary to go on top of a boiler for maintenance or operation~ a clearance of at least 7~ of headroom shall be maintained except for an installation in an existing building where clearance may be 36'D eo The boiler shall be enclosed in a room used for no other purpose having walls~ floor and ceiling of 1 hr~ construction and self-closing 1 hrD fire doors. (26-15~1) 3~ If it is desired to obtain the credits allowable for a completely sprinklered building, it will be necessary to submit plans of the sprinkler system in triplicate for examination as to compliance with the regulations set forth in Industrial Code Rule No° 20D ISS-640.3 (1-64) REFERENCE SItEET NOo 3 (CONTo) 4~ It will be necessary to install a fire alarm signal system covering all areas of the building and otherwise complying with the requirements of Industrial Code Bulletin Noo 5o N~B~ Specifications in triplicate fur submission are enclosed herewith. See instructions on reverse of form 1SS-60& Flamn~xble liquids storage (l*aint& etc.) sball comply with Rule 12-25~7. Quantities exceeding 220 gallons shall be stored in a storage roomo 6~ Copies of Industrial Code Rules referred to may be obtained by written request to the office of the Administrative Director~ Department of Labor~ State Campus, Albany~ New York 12226~ 7. Chapter 1008 of the Laws of 1960~ amending the Education La% now requires that plans submitted for approval bear the seal and signature of the architect or engineer responsible for the preparation of tbe plans. The action taken in this letter shall not be considered effective until the proper seal and signature are affixed to the plans returned. These plans do not have to be resubmitted to show seal and signature° 8, The sewage disposal system shall be installed in comformity with local ordinances or the rules of the New York State Depamnent of Health, The radiological portions of tbe structure shall comply with Rule 58~ a~ It will be necessary' to register the installations with the Division of Industrial Hygiene~ 80 Centre Street~ New York, New York 10013~ b~ This letter does uot constitute an approval under Code Rule 38~ There are many factors affecting the installations which are not determinable from the plans~ You shontd seek advice and counsel on this matter at the above address~ c, A swinging door at least 30'~ (36" if subject as a factory or mercantile exit) wide shall be provided as an emergency exit from the radiation area~ A maze or baffle wall to shield this door is recommended, No required path of exit from the floor area of this building shall be required to pass through a radiation area nor through a radlological portion of the structure if avoldable~ 10. It appears that the processes to be conducted in the building will produce air contaminants which may be injurious to the health of the employees~ Plans fur exhaust systems to remove dust, gases, fumes, vapors~ fibers, or other impurities i shall be submitted in triplicate for approval to the Division of Industrial tlygiene~ 80 Centre Street~ New York~ N~Y. 10013i 11. Incinerator and heating installations or other equipment discharging pollutants into the atmosphere must be approvedo Plans for such installations in factories or connected therewith~ shall be submitted to the Division of Industrial Hygiene, g0 Centre Street~ New York, NoY. 10013~ If in other types of structures, submit plans to the Bureau of Air Pollution Control Services, Department of ltealth, 84 Holland Avenue, Albany~ N~Yo 12208~ 12. This action shall not be considered an approval of the fallout shelter facititieso Plans for the fallout shelter shall be submitted for approval to the local authorities having jurisdiction for the locality involved~ This local authority shall inchlde the department, bureau~ division, agency, or person~ including any joint agency or a county~ city, town~ or village, charged with the enforcement of the applicable building code~ multiple dwelling law, multiple residence law or other law, as defined in Section 3 of the State Defense Emergency Act, relating to the construction, maintenance and use of buildings, structures or other real propertyo STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY SERVICE BUILDING PLANS ENGINEERING UNIT APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION OF PLANS Factories, Mercantile Establishments and Places of Public Assembly '~c~ SUBMIT FOUR COPIES EACH OF ENTER PLAN NUMBER OF ANY { APPLICATION'AND PLANS PLANS PEEV~OUELT EXAM[NED SEE FEE SCHEDULE ON REVERSE nY THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR FOR TH,$ pROJECT $. Lessee ................................................................................................................... Address ................................................................................................... 5. Engineer or architect ~ ~ ~ ~5 Address~l ; r~;~[b 5 t, U ~CUPANCY G. Approval of plans is requested for use of bt*tiding in aecordanc~ with the following statement: 7. Total number employed at office ......... 7a. Total nulnber employed at manu aehtring*%.. ]~..~...~-- .... 8. Will any radiologieaI devices or radloaetive materials be operated, used, repaired or stored in this structure? ................ ,~ .......................... 9. Materials or articles manufactured .................. /~e.:5)~ .................................... Merchandise retailed...~.~..~.~.t....~[O.~.~-~ ............ ..... ~. ~ .~....~.~'.~?~/..~. ~ .~ ..../?~ ....................wholesaled...._.gg~.Q...~...?~ ............................................. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ~tZ o o 10. New building [~ Addition ~ Alteration [] Estimated cost ....................................... .~/-~-~-~..:...~.- ......................................................... 11. Nmnber o~ ~[oors above grotmd ............ ~ ................ Below.....~.~..~. ........ 1~, Automatic sprinklers ~ ~ All areas ~ ~ yes No yes No 13. Materials of walls Co~c~ r~ ~toc/q , r]oo~ C°~c&~r~ ~-~{~ ..... ~oof..~.S.~b..~.....~(:~..~.~.~ 15. Access to adjoining building.......~.3. .............. What floors.~rO.~.~..~.-.~.~$~.~.~y what means.......~..~.~..g.[..~.~..& ...................... 16. Heating system: Type ~ ~ ~ Distribution ~ ~ ~ ~ steam hot water warm air radiator duct unit heater space heater Prior to EXISTING PART OF BUILDING Oct. I, 1913~ ] July 1, 1935} .................. After 1924 Between July 1, i924J .................. ] Between June 1, June 1, 1935 ...... Oct. 1, 1913 ................ 18. Was thc structure occupied as a factory on July 1, 1948 [] ~ by whom ...................................................................................................... ~, es No ..................................................................... 10. Most recent oceupant...~./~-.]~..-~?.~ ............. ]'~,....~-.~.--..Q~..]~ ............................... Type of business 20. No. of stories above ground .......... ~ ............. , Below ............ ~. .............. , Sprinkler system over all areas [] 2I. Materials of walls .................................................................................. [*,J 00 ~ , Floors t.&.,} O o ~ , Roof ........... ..~...~..~..~-.~)- .............. Yes Roofing~q° ........... ~...o...¢...~. ................ 22. Have any variations been granted relative to features of this structure? ...................... ~...0..., ................................................................................. *Office emldoyees inchlde stenographers, accountants, typists, engineers, surveyors, designers, draftsmen, bookkeepers, clerks, etc. ~*lktanufacturing includes makillg~ altering, repairing, flnish[llg~ bottling, canning, cleaning, laundering, packing, sorting, crating, etc. ISS-G00 (11-63) 23. ALTERATIONS, Describe in detail all proposed alterations. 2,4. Plot plan -¢ IN SPACE ABOVE DRAW PLOT PLAN OF PROPOSED WORK AND ALL CONNECTED STRUCTURES Designate each section by proper number and, name; indicate height in stories of each section; give date of erection of each portion; plan must show entire outline of connected structures and approximate overa]] dimensions; show north point; give name of and show location of adj_acen~ streets, railroads, canal~.~r~V'~rs, buildings, lot lines, ~etc.~istance to nearest intersecting road or street must be shown. _~.~ ~ 25 Applicant ~~'/~L~'~f~- '~Title ~ ..... Address .~...~-~ ...... " ....................................... ..................................................... LABOR LAW -- DEFINITIONS ~/ Sec. g.-9. "Factory" includes a mill, workshop or other manufacturing establishment where one or more persons are employed at manufac- turing . . . and includes all buildings, sheds, structures or other places used for or in connection therewith, excep~ (a) dry dock plants engaged in making repairs to ships, and (b) power houses, generating plants and other structures owned or operated by a public service corporation other than construction or repair shops, subject to the jurisdictiun of fl~e public service commission, . . .' Sec. 2.-11. "Mercantile establishment' means a place where one or more persons are employed in which goods, wares, or merchandise are offered for sale and includes a building, shed or structure, or any part thereof occupied in connection with such establishment .... " Se¢, 2.-12. "Place of public assembly" shall include (1) a theatre, (2) moving picture house, (3) assembly halls maintained or leased for pecuniary gain where one hundred or more persons may assemble for amusement or recreation, except (a) halls owned by churches, religious organizations, grange and public association and free libraries as defined by section two hundred fifty-three of the education law, (b) hotels having fifty or more rooms, (c) state and county fair grounds and buildings connected therewith, (d) grounds or buildings of agricultural societies or associations receiving state aid." INSTRUCTIONS 1. FILING REQUIREMENTS. Filing of plans and specifications is required for new or altered buildln~s to be used as (1) factories or mercantile establishments except for buildings located in the City of New York and in communities where the owner of the building elects to comply with the State Building Construction Code~ if such community elected to adopt such code, sod (2) places of public assembly except for such places located in the City of New York or in o~her cities havin8 a bureau of buildi~s which is charged with the duty of enforcing a building code enacted by the legislative body of such city, or in a city, town, or village which Ires assumed responsibility under section 472 of the labor law. 2. ARCHITECT'S SEAL AND SIGNATURE. The seal and signature of a New yo~k State Registered Architect o~ Professional Engineer are required on plans and specifications when such plans and specifications are subiect to examination by the Department. !l. EXAMINATION FEES. Plans will not be examined until the appropriate fee is received by the Building Plans Engineering Unit. a. Buildings to be used or occupied as factories or mercantile establishments. The iollowln~ fee, based upon the estimated cost of construction or a~lteratlon, must be submitted together with the plans ami applications. Esrinmted Cost of Construction or Alteration Estimated Cost of Fee Construction or Alteration Fee Less th~n $10,000 $ 10,00 $10,000 ~r more hut less than $20,000 20.00 $20,000 or more but less than $30,000 30.00 b~ Places of public assembly. $30,000 or more but tess than $40,000 $ 40.00 $40,000 a~ mote but tess than $50,000 $50,000 or more but tess than $75,000 75.00 $75,000 or m~. 100.00 A fee of ten dollars ($10.00) must be submitted together with the plans and applications. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date('2~ 2- ~ 19 ~¢'/ INSTRUCTIONS <a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on p remisest relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drown on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this opplicatlon may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shah be occupied or used in whole or in po rt for any purpose whatever until o Certificate of Occupancy shall hove been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. (Sign.oture of applicon,~ or name, if a corporation) "~,¢,.. I ,' .... ~Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plurnber or builder. (Name and title of corporate officer) 2 Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: ............................................ Lot No: .................... Street and Number ~....~ ......... '~~...~..... '.~....* .~.... .......................... Municipality State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: Z' -/z //¢9 a. Existing use and occupancy ......................................... z ................ ~ ................ 7 ...................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy ~5~/~2 ~ ~ C7~ ¢ ~ ~ ~Zt'~2 10. 11~ 12. 13. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building .................. Addition ~ A~"teration .............. j .... Repair .................... Remoyal .................... Demolition .................... Other Work (Describe) ........................ Estimated Cost ................... ~/...?...~.......~ .................. Fee ........ ~...~:Z..'....~ ......................................................... I .... (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling units O"'¢/'~ Number of dwelling units on each floor ..... ! .... If garage, number of cars ......................................................................................... · . ' .................... ~'~O:~'Z'Z'; ;~'"'"~-2~ .... If business, commercial or m,xed occupancy, spec.fy nature and extent of each type of use ...'~....~.C.'ff..~.~..~.C?..<.~ Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ....... .~.-?...~ ........ Rear ...... .?..,~....~. ........ Depth ........ ~....~.....~. ....... ! .... Height ...... .,~.,.~,...I. ........... Number of Stories ...... .~..,~...o. ..................................................................................... I' .... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ............................ ; .... Depth ............................ Height ................................ Number of Stories ........................................ Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ...........~ ................ Rear ......... ,~,,..~. ............ Depth .......... ..~...? Height ........... ./...~...~.~ ...... Number of Stories ........ ..~....~..,.,./~.. ............ Size of lot: Front ........ 17...-~../. ............ Rear ....... .~...,~'..~...'~.,..~ Depth ......... L....~...~ ................. Date of Purchase .~.N..~.~.-$..~.../// ....... .~,.~.. ............ Name of Former Owner ............. ~.,~..~ ........ ~./_~. ........ i .... Zone or use district in which premises are situated ......... ./~..~' 6~"'"°/~-' ~' '~ Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ............... ./.ff...'..: ....................... I .... Name of Owner of premis,es ~..~..' .~,....~..,~.'..~..~,'..z~.. ............ Address~'('~..~..5.~..5."~..~,~..'~..~ .A~..~.. Phone No. ~..~..~.T.~.,.~.~...A''' Name of Architect/~.:.Z.'Z~Z[.~.....~...°..<,.~.../~.~...~ ................ Address Phone No .................... Name of Contractor .~..~,.,~..~..,,~..,~....~....z~..~..~......~..';~.~Address .5~.~..ri.~...'~...~..~.._~.~,:.~....~.: ....... Phone No. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimension fr m property lines. Give street and block numbers or descriptlnn r, ccer-qng to deei whether interior or corner lot. //, STATE OF COUNTY OF an s and indicate (Name of .~..~ ...................................being uly swot , deposes and s~ys that he is the apphc~nt ividual signing application) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith, i Swam to before me this / . .,~...Z) ~ .......... xday of... rk'~%/t ~. \ ,Q %__ /l~ol~00~,e o ....... ¢ac,..7:..2.TL..: ................... ~.....:. ............................................. Notery Public, .~.....x~.'~..~,.~.~...~ZZounty (Signat~tfe of applicant) / F r4 ~ k!.T ~-L g Vt-,,'[ 'A' L~Wi. LD.)I.J,N(. -- I-ItY~M dot..Ib5 * AN_CFtITE-CT - O ]lLf-OP..[; 6OHKI.