HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpencer, Joni ,�. James F.King,President ���gUFFQ( va P O Box 1179 Bob Ghosio,Jr,Vice-President j Southold,NY 11971 Dave Bergeny Telephone(631765-1892 John Bredemeyer Fax(631)765-6641 Michael J Domino Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Ins pection/Worksession Report Date/Time: (2 l S Z- Board of Trustees to inspect the property of JONI & JONATHAN SPENCER for existing drain pipes and to determine if existing storm damaged unpermitted deck between bulkhead & retaining-wall requires an application or can they rebuild under emergency permit. Located: 4025 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 111-9-6.1 Type of area to be impacted: _Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: _Chapt.275 Chapt. 111. other Type of Application: Wetland _Coastal Erosion _Amendment —Administrative—Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Info needed: � ! w) �� c, --y e l Modifications Conditions: Present Were: -- J. King "B. Ghosio D. Bergen, -J,-Bredemeyer Michael Domino D. Dzenkowski other Form filled out in the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: i � ^1 1, L J I i�Ij 1 ♦ + `, < - ' vz, t �l ^.,• _:: -N.-..�p �� .'` "-�� '.' '.c-�.sWti .c:•,. , +"' - � -:sem- %- :; � �'"'• � {� Board Of SouthoW Town Trustees ._:. D SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK El NO. 9/4/97 DATE: . `j ISSUED TO ALAN CARDINALEPC k Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of � 1893•the State of New York and Chapter 404 f the Lf th -' � a per oe aws oe State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- I r' titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS a r-' IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM f� D LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the ' ' ~ • Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on 8/27/97 19 97 , and in consideration of the sum of $ 300.00 paid by ALAN- CARDINALE 4=, •MV - Yeo e Mattituck of N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, " of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: '< bi s E[€t Grandfather Permit for repair (inkind/inplace) timber bulkhead- G; over three parcels of land (111-9-6.1, 6.2 & 6.3) all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. R E' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- - +' ' by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. ,5• ;�.� XV LO V 11211 Zr z - Y ,4 ham:: �.�' O� ���1� •��='%J'\cCl / b-':, } ---,T----_-----Trash— ------- - _ --- i / •.�. �-Zt•`O �"'� �•w+r-n.�acr .�iy:__ � _._ f r- .J 6 'a^li`.F.Y I- _ .� T .K a.I.:+_".4�p••a� 15 IN pti<<(�mAQ]f�i,.,.." ^:• 'c •;A .q. .h wee . ::.e ji f��,°� ;F: '%rte, ',A " gn ® ®� Albert J.Krupski,President Town Hall53095 Main Road James King,Vice-President P.O.Bax 1179 Henry Smith Southold,New York 11971 Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda ®_ ®�° Telephone(516)765-182 Fax(516)765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 22, 1999 Alan A. Cardinale F.O. Box 77 Mattituck NY 11952 RE: SCTM #111-9-6 . 1 Dear Mr. Cardinale, The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees meeting on January 22, 1999: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grant the request for an Amendment to Permit 4787 to include a set of stairs down the bluff with condition that any and all landings be no more than 4 ' X 81 . However, this does not constitute approval from any other ' agencies. If you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. Sincerely, j Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/djh cc. Bldg. Dept. �..D ,.�.'<°...,,. - �A � f '�°� -+$<'±•�x ..A y,0.'�ai. �:=x't'y"` ',g.;�-y�' �d°e�', a° �°Ta".�.�:,�w,~�N;:..- >.'{°."'�• �� « ,�[[.pr; x 't"° ,��s. 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NEW YORK r SC TAX Ne 10002111=09-61 41394'+ ~ SGIF 1'e20• +`J .XILY 31 188] LOT g3 c r] uAY 1s,+es6 FvuL sumEY 1 t ' O rrxrrrrrn ra LAM GRDl.0 Jr Al.• 1-� P op E +1% A wM A Gn 1—s ° m E 1 N j1536'Sff' 111 j ZS Ae _�g,.cL'A-IIV IT Z4� wk' !�B $ p m,. 1 o• �v _)UK 1_6v '- O 'J7 +me S Tg36'S- b b � LOT 9 2 Earas P 8000 ZOMC INFOPYATIOx TAKEN iPOM FL000 MSIIIfiINLE PALE YAP C08YUNIiY-PANEL NO 3600+3 W92 0 ZGE M(LL 6) ABE15 OF 100-YFM f100D 944 8000 EIEVAlI0X5 Ata?ROW MWRO FACipB'OEIflO6xEp � OXE C •SO T M uaaWa.FLOOWXG Z EOMIM6 115E OOlPILh P-b 5 5 C O X S.REFEP a WL WELL M'0 CESSPOOL LOGMMS AS P[A SOOXS TER, ROAD CA RPE Joseph LAnd � gm or 4�m­ �:wm ^JUN a-10 iwn BP btnjn�m� Nathan Corwin atcorwln3Qao1 conUB November 2,2012 4 08 PM To aaclr@optonllne net NASSAU POINT LOTS MB Hi Alan, Attached an:pdf files of the surveys for the 3 lots on the east side of Nassau Point Also attached is Jamesport Plaza Thanks, Nathan Q�oa y�Ioa M oc.cvyl N dool 01 �I s 1a .1� 1 p O E@ C� o r 0 0012 oo y — � 4 F} :� rd u, vas � 1 New-York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building•40 -SUNY, Stony Brook,• New•York'11790-2356 Telephone (516) 444-0365 Facsimile"(516)'444-0373 'John P. Cahill Acting' -Commissioner LETTER OF NON-JURISDICTION Date: August 21,. 1997 , Mr. Alan Cardinale P.O. Box 77 Mattituck, New York 11952 Re':• 174738-01691/00001 (lot 24) Nassau Point Road - , Mattituck•; -New York = Dear Mr. Cardinale: Based- on the information you have_ submitted, the New 'York State . Department of -Environmental'- Conservation-has determined 'that: The portion -of property- which is located ,.landward of the functional, bulkhead in excess- of 100' which -was constructed.'prior' to, August .1977,and shown ,on the survey by Otto Van-Tuyl dated August 2,• 1965, is beyond the jurisdiction -of Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands) _ ' Therefore, in accordance with the current- Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6NYCRR` Part 661) no permit is•required under' 'the' Tidal Wetlands Act. Please,'be advised, however,, that no construction,- sedimentation, or disturbance of •any-knd may' take place seaward of the tidal , wetlands jurisdictional-lo,undary' as indicated -above- without 'a permit. ' It is .your responsibility 'to ensure that'.all - nec'essary precautions` -are -taken, toprevent ,any sedimentation or other'alteration or- disturbance to- the ground .surface or vegetation within tidal Wetlands jurisdiction which may result from -your '- project. ., Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your ' project '(i.e. a 15' to -20' wide construction area) or ,erecting--a temporary:fence, barrier, or hay bale• berm. - , Please be further advised-that this .letter does not relieve you .of, the responsibility of obtaining any •necessary permits- or approvals., from other agencies. Very- truly-yours, 'oz Petro it -Administrator cc:, BMHP/mep _ . SURVEY OF LOT 24 AMMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT /llE Ma ISB IRL�YI4U53 I!.1333 SITUATED AT NASSAU POINT 11 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C.TAX No. 1090-111-09-61 41396' SCALE 1^=30' a JULY SI 199FINAL 7 =' ,OT 23 I o r3 wn Is,Ilse sumrtv r� Aucusr za zose ua9AT6 SVRVEY OR i 5 ll III.i..0'995a•3R If 5i It N 70'36'00"E tn.t CxxalF)L LF U EL WOLF Z I�j y0T 24 0" prset' I Vtl r ,W. 'N IIOEUiY NAll-TITLE INSURANCE CONY OF NEW YORK 9 LJI w .., _ 99 ❑❑0000aaooaa ❑p E orb �. � l N'� �W4[ ❑ A� .4 �� '`S SI,; —1� �,_,..... ✓^� �o��B 1 ,awl• � "'� '� � `+ 6 1 O I „g Noon '� I 5 7g36'BO 'OT 5 - q TgR gOAg —o CARVss EV-Am. Joseph A. Ingegno Land Surveyor .ssk culnt,.:ot1 � 1=1 { t 77:, _7 M TWET0 120 MA- 9? �i 97 71 1 2— 11 A 21 V 12 cap, - --------- W gw W> oQ9 gI 12 aN) SCHO 9 90 Ph R9 NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK K m' swmrnn BECTON NO L EProperty Tax Service Agency Y (21) --•--: — _!�_ — ___ 1. 111 1 'j , Real E 2v .N mu. wohmvwwmuamcr P James F.King,President �D� DUjyO �'`_•__ Town Hall.Annex Bob Ghosio,Jr.,Vice-President ,`O 54375 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Dave Bergen [ Southold,New York 11971-0959 John Bredemeyer y as Michael J.Domino M ® yon Telephone(631)765-18192 If '1 f BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ,� _ NOV j 3 2012 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD So I., Board of irustcesg HURRICANE SANDY EMERGENCY APPLICATION Valid thru June 1, 2013 Property Owner Name: �3-0tl- J0 vNcAa-n Permanent Mailing Address: 7(a I- - v - - Phone Number(s): 4-�o - 3 L Property Address: 4D a 5 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - Agent(if applicable) Address: Phone Number(s): Board of Trustee Permit Number(s): � � Will any part of this project require a Building Permit?, How much fill will be required? 44,45 Project Description: l Boa*- of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRUS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S)AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S),TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW- PPLICATION. ,✓bMgnatur of Property Owner SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS �3 s DAY OF VO4t fa6,r ,2019, w Notary Public BARBARA McKWNON Notary Public-State of Nowf{t No.01 MC6101870 Qualified in Suffolk County i My Commission Expires Nov.17,2P Board of Trustees appiicauxon AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) I, ��,O4,44au e� residing at 117&4S 4 �Jy l 15*7 C (print owner of p operty) (mailing address) do hereby authorize (Agent) to apply for permit(s)from the Southold Board wn Trustees on my behalf. er's sa e)