HomeMy WebLinkAboutCanon - Highway Dept. Copier RESOLUTION 2020-127 } sf��s ADOPTED DOC ID: 15985 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2020-127 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 28,2020: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute a lease with Canon Solutions America, Inc. for the Highway Department's copier and associated support services at a rate of Thirty Four Dollars and Fifty Six Cents ($34.56)per month for a term of four(4) years, subject to the approval by the Town Attorney, funded from budget line DB.5140.4.400.600. �.y k Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Doherty, Ghosio,'Evans, Russell ABSENT: James Dinizio Jr i ACQUISITION AGREEMENT LEASE OR PURCHASE r'National IPW CANON SCLUtiONS AMEW-A ; Canon.So.utions America.Inc.('CSA") �` 052284.01 One Canon Parx,Melville.NY 11747 (800)613-222a Salesperson Linda C Lehman Order Date 1 l 15 1 2020 Customer("you"}: Customer Account Ship To:' Customer Account 1047792 Company Southold.Town of Company: SOUTHOLD,TOWN OF Address.53095 Main Road Address: 275 Peconic Lane,Highway Dept City Southold County Suffolk City: Peconic I County SUFFOLK State. NY !-Zip 11791 Phone#: 631 765.1891 State: NY Zip: 11958 phone#. 631 765:891 Contact' Lloyd Reisenberg Fax# Contact Lloyd Reisenberg Fax# Email. Iloydr@southoldtownny,gov Email Iloydr@sot,tholdtownny.gov Lease or.Furchase: ® You agree to lease the items listed below or in any addendum(s)to this Agreement from the Leasing Company identified below,at the fixed periodic lease payments indicated below or in any addendum(s)to this Agreement and for the fixed term specified in the ease agreement between you and the Leasing Company, Delivery to you of the items specifed is contingent on you signing a lease agreementAh th the Leasing Company ® Canon Financial Services,Inc ❑ Other (Name of Leasing Company) ❑ You agree to purchase the items listed below or in any addendum(s)to this Agreement,for-the purchase price specified. The"bill:o'for the items listed is the Leasing Company or you depending on which box is checked above PLEASE PRINT Periodic Lease. Caedme Product Description Qty, Unit Pric$ Payment or ' Purchase Price 36300001 iMAGERUNNER 1643iF 1 3466 1972VO64 ESP NEXT GEN PCS POWER FILTER(120V/15A)XG-PGS-15€3 1 i Included 3674V030 WAGERUNNER 1643111FIP+INSTALL PAK 1 Included 2368V120 MID VOLUME CONNECTIVITY 30+PPh1 IJP TO 79PPM 1 Included IntSupplies Pre-install suppl as irstatle3 in machre 1 Included 3 i This transaction shall be governed in all respects by the Terms and conditions of contract#Pl-R-0251-18 dated 10-1-2018 between Canon Solutions America,Inc.and DuPage County and any terns and conditions which conflict with or vary from the contract terms shall be deemed null and void. _ Payment Terms "' Othsr Requirements = Subtotal from f 0,00 SupxAemental Addand,arn ❑ Check with Order Check# ❑ P O Required Subtotal 3456 ❑ Net 30 P O # Deiiverylinstali 0.00 ® Lease ®Tax Exempt Sales Tax i ❑ Other (Attach Certificate) Total ❑ Credit Card, ❑ Customer Declines Deposit 0,00 Requires submission of secure credit card authorization form. Equipment Maintenance Balance D.. Shipping.Instructions Customer Detivery Information Customer IT Contact Information . Ship Via Name Lloyd Reisenberg Email iloydr@southoldtownn� i This Individ at may contacted for naf xcrli conriactivity. Hours of Operation 9-5 Phone 631,765 1891 Earliest Date for Delivery 2 114 _12020 1 Name Llgsgriti a _ Number cf Sups 0Phone 631 7$5.1891 —i Special Delivery Inst3llar psi Instructfon _ _..; Elevator Yes E3 No® I i Email IIoydr o_southoldtowngy_gov .oadine,Docu Yes Q No® BY YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW YOU AGREE TO LE SE PURCHASE,AS SPECIFIED ABOVE THE iTEMS LISTED ABOVE OR IN ANY ADDENDUM(S)TO THIS AGREEMENT Yt}tJ ACKNOWLEDGE RECEtP7 t F A G( __ OF'rrltS AGREEMENT,CONSISTING OF TWO PAGES INCLUDING THIS FACE PAGE. THE ADDITIONAL "ERMS ANIS CONDITIONS ON PP AND NIY ADD ENDU )HERET CORPDiRATEO AND MADE PART Oc'THIS AGREEMENT Customer s ed Si natur �" Printed Na _ �- L) Title Sl UP_Q -!'_4-,..�' o .� _ Date�11�,. SLS-4004N Octotx 18 CSA i ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5105,2284.01 T hese are the additional terms and conditions referred to on the race,page lowhich CSA if any,is purely incidental to the sear cas perforntad by CSA Neither CSA nor they are,atlacl,ed Such face page and addendumrs),collectively with these terms and any of thew affiliates has an obligation to erase or dvarwnite Data upon your return of conditions,the'Agreement` the Equipment to CSA or any leasing;a mpa^y Yr,<€are solely responsrdle for (a)yo€,r t, LEASE OR PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT.Yoe,agree to lease of �omptiance with appltcab*,lave and legal r Gu+reincants pertatn;,g to data privacy purchase the units of equipment and supplies(the'Equipment*)and€.canes of storage,security retention and protection,and NI all dacis€ors related to erasing or apNtcafton software w ith separate support contracts(the'L.sted Software'and, overwnt€mg Data W,thaut limiting the,foregoing,you shoo d,(a)eria',te the Hard Disk !ogelher with the Equipment,the'Listed Items'},in each rase as tndicated on the face Drive(HDD)data erase fi ncbonalny that is a standard feature on ce-tain Equipment page hereof or in any addendum(s)hereto (a)tf purchasing the Lisle Items the total andror(b)prior to return or other disposition of the Equipment,of€,ize the HDD(or purchase price specified in the Agreemen=t,,n_Iuding sales taxes and c reparable)formaring furchon(which may oa referred to as'in'iai:sed All det,veryanstallai on charges,is due and payable m accordance with t"pay vont DaMiSettings'function),f found an the EgLipnenl to perform a one pass overwrite of te-rs of trits Agreement (b)If leasing the Listed Items.CSA shall Sail the Lister items Data or it you have Ngner security require^rents you may pur&ase from CSA at to ilia Leasing Compant sub ect in all respea:a to the warranty limitations and s.,s€.enf rates an appmpnale option for the Equipment,which may include(x)an;-IDD discra'•e€s and tinitavans of liability n Otis Agreement.You shaill matter into a ease Data Encryption K;option which disguises€rforreation before I,as written to the hard agreement with the Leasing Company providing in addition to such terms and onve using encryption algorithms (y)a HDD Dale Erase Kit that car perform up to a corditions as the teasing Company shM requ•a,ur axed periotic lease payrrenls 3-pass overwrite of Data(mor Equipment re,:ao,:ala ng data erase funct€ona€€:y as a €ndicaled herein ever a fixed lease term as specified in the lease agreement standard feature), a•(z)a replacement hard drive(in wh,ch case you should properly DeliveryAnstaliation charges if separately itemized in Ibis Agreement are due and destroy the replaced hare drive)The ten-as of this Section 3 shall solely govem as to payable in accordance with the payment terms of tits Agreement,You are responsible Data notwai}istanding that any provisions of Ih€s Agreement or any separate for payment of sales df ase taxes on monthly rentals if applicable,even if no:specified co^fidentiality or data secunty or othsf agreement now or riereaiter ame•ed into u•,this Agreement (c)in addition to the amounts shown m this Agreement,you shall W+feen you and GSA could be const ted to apply to Data, pay GSA's rates for any special egging for de every and installation whe=i CSA notifies SECURITY.LATE PAYMENT As secut€F fci the payment of ail remounts dace td yet,of in advance,subject to your approval (d)CSA will,at no adddiona`&Irge, CSA,you hpreby grant to CSA a secunly interest in the Listed Items To the extent install alt Equipment in accordance with its nor*iai practices arid recwremer.,m permitted by applicab a law,you hereby auttio',xe CSR to file wiln the appropriate tiraimenance and any other pust-€ristalration support of Eq:sipment is not covered by gowommanta authorities any and all financing statements necessary to evidence or thEs Agreement,and wit on'y be prov,ded by CSA if a se:araw maintenance parrect GSA's secunty,ntefa5l in the Listed items lil ' 41 9' Psop agreemerfl is ente•ed into and to the extant po,€ded therein (e)or Lister;Software nay baat an additiora,charge except r^^^^^^*'^^^^r^^ ^^. ^°^ „�aC ti fJ 5^ ^-T ^^ `lto til,extent,ncluded as a>,siad item,and may be Londilioned on your agreement to � }'6,R"iw-„ `1- �i:f7 ^'}-4”^'is^u:csf�;g:.: ip;..t. A a caparate statement of wH rk or other documont covering the scope,rid Schede€e of Na r<:allauonr`nptr anat'on,ounfiguratsan options res;rxmbilitiea cl each party and re, ----- 11^ -_` -a< -.i pier _'01-- ' other matters,which sha'I sdieiy govem as to the matters covered thereir Additional 5, WARRANTY OF BUSINESS PURPOSE You epresent and lvaneril that that the charges may apply for work t ayond the initial scope described tr such separate Lislad items will not to used for personal family or house old purposes document (f)Support for Listed Software is piov ded directly by the€espective 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY CSA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE POR INJURY OR developers thereof and as set forth to each developer's appl€cab e separate supper, DAMAGE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY CSAS NEGL GENCE OR contract,and is not provided by CSA undor:his Agreement except as express y WILLFU.,MISCONDUCT.CSA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR EXPENDITURES FOR provided herein Suppor,for Lasted Software may require separate pumnase by you of SUBSTITUTE EOLIIPMENT,LOSS OF REVEN.3E OR PROFIT,LOSS, a support contract,un:e5s included under this Agreement as a Listed Ite-i -he terms CORRUPTION OR RELEASE OF DATA,FAILURE TO REALIZE SA`ANGS OR of support contracts for isted Software are available from the developers.o•will be OTHER BENEFITS,STORAGE CHARGES OR INOMENTAL,SPEC AL PUNITIVE prov,ded to you by CSA upon request,Notwithstanding any p-ovision in the support OR CONSEQUENT AL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR ih CONNECT'ON WITH coritravt to tfie contrary it shall automatically renew an an annua'basis,subvert to a TH,S AGREEMENT,REGARDLESS Or THE LEGAL THEORv ON WHICH THE pace increase after the inifia;term (g)CSA shall make avaLable to you from time to CLAIM IS BASED AND EVEN(F CSA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF Ti-E POSSIBILITY time upgrades and bug fixes for the Listed Software,but (€)only if such upgrades and OF SUCH DAMAGES bug fixes are provided to GSA by the developers of such Listed Software (it) 7, CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUM.THIS AGREEMENT AND ALL CLAIMS, avariaboly of upgrades anc bug fixes may be at additional charge and(it)installa,on D SPUTES AND CAUSES OF ACTION RELATING THERETO WHETHER of such upgrades and b:-,fixes by CSA if reauestlad by you steal be at additional SOUNDING IN CONTRACT,TORT OR STATUTE.SHALL BE GOV'FRNED BY AND i Char;e, You are not required to use CSA for installation of wither Lis'ad Software or CONSTRUED lh ACCORDANCE WITH T-IE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK for any upgrades and bug fixes,but if installation iz done by anyore other than CSA YOO CONSENT TO THE EXCLUSIVE JUR,a"OICTiON AND VENJE OF ANY STATE CSA seal,have no responsibility for any performance or other r%sues that may resift OR FEDERAL COURT LOCATED W'T;IN"HE CITY OF t EW YORV UPON from s,ich nstaltation CSA shall 9l5a use masonab:e e:#orls to provide Level t SERVICE OF PROCESS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE support for:Fe L sted Sohivare for so long as a CSA maintenance agreamert for the STATUTES AND RULES OF THE STATE CF NEW YORK OR THE JNITED related Equipment remains in effect,except that for certain Listed Software,Leve 3 STATES,ANY AND ALL SUIT S YOJ COMMENCE AGAINST CSA Yo-HET HER OR support shall be provided only if and so long as a separate software seaport cuntiact NOT ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT,SHALL BE BROUGHT ONLY IN THE for surh Listed Software from the developer thereof is in erfect Level t support S-1 ATE OR FEDERAL COURTS LOGATED'-NITHIN THE CITY OF NEW YORK,YOU Consists of(€)providing hwp-€ane telephone assistance in operat ng lie Usted HEREBY NAIVE OBJECTIONS AS TO VENUE AND CONVENIENr'E OF FORUM, Software and identifying service,problems and attempting to troubleshoot any such ANY SUIT,OTHER THAN ONE SEEKING PAYMENT OF AMOUN-S DUE prob ams in the listed Softwar€i tlr)escalating op-hating problems to he ava::abie HEREUNDER,SHALL BE COMMENCED,IF AT ALL,WITHIN OflE(t)YEAR OF developer of the Listed Software as needed to€eclify such problems,.nctuding THE DATE THAT THE CLAIM ACCRUES THE PARTIES IRREVOCABLY WAIVE facifitaling rontacl between you and the developer 0 the Listed Software as ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL IN ANY SUIT BETWEEN THEM necessary,and(oil)maintaining a lug of such problems to ass.st in tracking the same 8. GENERAL This Agreement shall be binding on you upan yet r signature and on th)If yon€acqu'red Unrf€ow an authart?Pd CSR rejimsentwive may receive a print CSA upon the delivery of any of the Listed Items All provisions of this Agreement usage report far business reviews (t)CSA reseivv6 the right to wi:fi'io'd sh prent of including Section 3 whish by their nawre can be ccnstnred to survive file expiration or the Listed Items(t)unhi you make lute payment of;ho total pace specified in this termist on of file Agreement shall so su viva Th s Agreement,together with any Arrewnanf or it CSA revokes any credit extent:10 to you because of your failure to related CSA credit appbzabon c+nsif tulas this ant to agree r-tent between the parties pay any amounts when due or for any Wrier reason affecting your Cred€tw0r1htne5s,Of will,.respect to the furnishing of the Listed Items supersedilg at!previous proposois (it)until you enter into a lease agreement with the Leasing Company and the Leasing and agreements,oral or written.No,ease agreement entered into:.etwelen you and Company co m1s to fu I payment of the purchase pace agreed to between.CSA and the Leasing Company with respect to any Listed Items shall be binding on CSA in any the Leasing Company.If at any time prior to sh pmant,CSA discovers any frustaRe€r respect or affect your rights or CSA s obligations neraunder Any purchase order pricing or Equipment configuration for any Listed Item(s) CSA reserves the light to utilized by you shall be for your administrative convenience only,and any terms not€#r y oi,of the mistake in writing,and such notification will constitute the^ion- therein which conflict with vary from or Supp errant Ina provisions of this Agreement ace r i>tancd of this Agreement by it with respect to such Listed items wm°nout I,abwty shelf be deemed nuii and void No represent0to or statement not cor;ained on the 2. LIMITED WARRANTY,A'!Canon and 00 brand Equipment is pmvided win a ongmal of this Agreement shall be binding upon CSA as a.warranty^r otherwmsa,nor manufacittrar s end user limited watrarty from Canon USA,Inc CSA,s an authorized shall this Agreement be mollified or amandc,except by a venting signed by you and a Canon service dealer and provides warranty sere re,under the Canon:LISA limited designated representaLve of CSA td a ccurl finds any provision of this Agreement(or era?antes All other Listen Items are provided subject to such end user warranties part thereof)to be unenforceable the remaining prow istons of fits Agreement shall and license terms as are pievideo by the manufacturer or deve:cper as packaged or re rain m lull force and effect This Agreement shall not be assrg�able by you without otherwise,provided with the Listed items CSA shall upon your request provide to prod CSA's prior written consent,and any attempted assignment without such consent, capias of all such end user warranties and license, SUCH WARRAN?'IES ARE IN which shalt not be unreasonably withhe,d,sha.l be void:except that;cu may as 12EU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES.EXPRESSED OR WPLIED,<NCLuDING ANY described above,assiri:i to your leasing oo rpany your tight to acquire the Listed ,MPLiF_0 WARRANTIES REGARD,NG MERCK ANTAB€.,ITY OR FITNESS FOR A horns;and your warranty€;ghts hereundo%bit ,^ur other nghts fir=re,Wiader,are not PARI ICUI AR PURPOSE,RELATING TO THF USE OR PERFORMANCE O„THE asstgnable to the leasi€Yg csumpany and such assigrirtierit Shall•lot m%eve you of any of L S?cD!TEEAS,RND ALL SUCH OTHER WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY your obligations hereurder You express,y i:,,rdaim having re ted upon any DISCLAIMED YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SUCH WARRANTIES DO represertaYion of statement ssncern€ng the capability eurdilior,opeiaticin, NOT ASSURE UNINTERRUPTED OPERATION AND USE OF THE LISTED ITEMS perfaimance at specificalrons of the Listed Items,except to the extent set forth o•m the 3 DATA.Yoij acknowledge that,the hard dnve(s;on time Equipment.inclading original of this Agreement You agree that CSA ray accept an ela,^,°,enic image of this a'Isched devices,may rata n images,content o'other data 1%ol you may stdfa for Agreemert as an oeg:s;al,and that electronic copies of your srgnalu'e wJI be treated purposes o'normal operation of the Fouipment(`Data') Ycu acknc,vladga that CSA is as an anginal for all purposes not stonng hats on your behalf and that exposure c acmess to the Data b That be gcvanei h a,ta5wi&by lie Ta9Ca of cariit,sad 911-R•0251 is SLS OG4N Octotyer 2018 CSA deto6 10-1•2918'-:inner.CSA xrc CWPage Cnu ty arw an;T,grC-, c#C*,.O wth or Pago 2 wart,Po i =0 ae doiir_j r,.r`ams VW U CAM 0 11 COST PER COPY CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA,INC. NON-CANCELABLE RENTAL AGREEMENT CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES,INC.('CFS-) CRgo'1.71,os sm'k, F%om,(8W)22"2W S1 0522a4,01 COVPA&T.EGAL'IAME DFA SOUTHOLD NEW YORK,TOWN OF 8I_LA*AO01iE6S 3#Y COUNTY STATE Zh- 53095 MAIN ROAD SUFFOLK EOUINVE111 ADDRESS CITY COWTY STATE ZP 275 PECONIC LANE=HIGHWAY DEPT PECONIC SUFFOLK NY 11958 CLSTOIAR CONTAC'.IOR METER READNGS EVP,L P1401E FAX Covered Images Included Per Image Charge In Monthly Make I Model I Accessory Serial Number Start MeterIn Bass Charge Excess of Covered images Base Charge Motor Method (S'ACA o &wt ) (Cworl �Sfack A wh�ol (CV0r; IR16431F 400 0013800 Included iWRemote TOT. 10 0.01380 Term in months, Guaranteed Copy Plan: [3 Indiviitm 13 Fleet("ma i only re'med Number of Monthly Base Charges In Advance. Meter Reading Frequency, 0 Morthly 0 Quarterly Total Amount Due as Signing Service and Supplies included (2 st,pplies 'Malwenance Pius Appkoble TaxeS -service Provider: Canon Solutions America THIS AGREEMENT IS NON-CANCELABLE BY CUSTOMER CUSTOMEREPRESENTS THAT ALL ACTION REQUIRED TO A(,THORIZE rXFCUTfON OF THIS AGREEMENT ON SUiA,v OF CUSTOMER BY TH,90,VLOWING SIGNATORIES HAS BEEN TAKEN THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ,UNDERSTANDS AND HEREBY AGREES TO ALL OF TERMS AND CONDITION ET FORTii IN THIS AGREEMENT. ACCEPTED T IST0*e"IGNWURE r FU CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES,INC. i Ry _13Q ` 114 '-�L) 1;bo YC— T=-fTo,00 r ro, D5I 0amft Fnarzal Semous,;-z-, ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE ce,,Mes stat(e Oe Ety�[,melt TAP w 0'1 it's 4'eemn!fags bew fttwMed'(tAhas wen (C)U*eq'mtem ias teen eralu'ed bj Cw"'Iw an" 'n 00W op�iaw'0-06'aril0��_w a0d ot III msI�,w�,siIztyry to Cusww a�,.d(dj the EqwiwAt>,!tmsombiy wAD109 Dy Cul.';t"f Ao"wi�'f­^Ustomr twoltv autwaei,r­i9wrtdor hit,ASrftment TERMS AND CONDITIONS , z ft 1a"ef are, -wt:4t>m C;5 w,a ow*0 v-smis at 158 Gg'1M,Om,Suer M,Mwqt­wc 3iew.WMV w-V4 abt.'Izgelx(r,'.h 0 Pans rd Ssswwwm it,4'4 x trsq".P'rVI 2*TERM DFAGREEMENT-Tia Ap"-m it&.be t*IMtW.1 ar Valq ft Z C_www f-.<­U"rx� Wpm ' "[ - ew C'.3twt US km of Cvle=� ni' "p-A mft xi& ECVT.z-1 as taduTda`aa:asx Trse vain of ase Aq•aasr�aa±bx4ais r.,ox eats aasDlac by CrS a am I3itr da t€F.6E„fS Cess acts.�^:4:ha':cw'srs!st cse vi*¢,rt ya;�'s:,rzG.�G ah:Ya a'�:an,x�cwa`:par�ab aRar;*crx:�u-ea�a�Fe>+Stt"art:. CY3'�X'.6'£:":"lt.+s�a°'q rxTtY%s r6vci$,acre„cv;;ancn at r.a^ra'€^a Fr,'aernnt don�g L°sa�'m i�na#"hc M'^n a4 R.s AS2-t;-tzr!s,-aY.arv3.t::ti2ss»arr,tr;,^rr.-;:ed Cp CFS,:rh2*2I trst'i.a'.:ts.�,s:va3 to Ca'Da>,^'�}Catie^r CvQ9r 3 b tyrecs:+tsP it'e S"mK I-IA--mccto at"we j-"--tt%>.fbpq to g'-=St'w-(:t•*'*m-ur.�(r-t mor"wj 8a4£ wvw 0 wmo&a-sd b.woz dm(d)N Pf,LT"p CMR-V_M I,��7 owx�'Uq 0 9,.C^�'.m-mor4�1 Wit P al -t to 0xzft4 ftm' Nfwz I°5'A1 C twi 01.1r'Its t%x'%vz a Mw­II4a�j P'cl ttX eau InIt4d-,on e Mmtl,"i)ue r4 Pat tmm Cr4'Des we SV*Q*rwLaw otnw.!it Zt­s P*y4N s t'.MS A-A seed*-"s CLM;M. ,S-M,lwnz at P4 ytfttl-eMtw CIOCIII to CPS a.145104 COOXUMS Cvw 0-,,Ct-,6S0!;oMWO w-'W"'.Av w'j ks" .04s4r 4 APPLICA1,104OF PAYMENTS METERREADNG ANP.y"'C' S ADVANCED PAYMENTS,Cwtm.r agm-s nal CFS nef r cnT 'Aft sh.,r_')y, sz;gaft It A;xpiy oy aahw't 00 1 advar"t,10,1n) tLa e'T It.,om Jr u4'.no wal W&CA, Patti n Ajwm 6 110CFS WARRANTIES CFS td NOT A MANUt`AC%RER,DUIER OR SVPP;IER OF TIE EQU PMENT TilIEEOW7�gNTisrIERTEDIA$'S'A%DQCF A WE,DEWN,ANS IAOAr,'TY SELECTED SY I IWMAER CUSTOMER ACK110INkEOCIES TRAT CPS RAS Nei REPREMNTATtON QRWARRAh"Y Will-RE$PE' PERSONAL GUARANTY 413 O'Cralt"V CFS CM n klx*SW3 W,sssrza�'g 9 YMI,11'etl 6.s of at at*'1%MIA UMV ft "I iw'amaf 41 nx%f.�r'X j tom-om'm'-w 01 an ov'rld C'Q7tww A'A M T44aq wnm by Cu;*,,A,,,I,, c("A4,tiewl am a'g C�"' wt"Vn 0';Cf'$W-00-.t4 '11 CLV:xntl vhsi W i'M oz POO=ozny L >'n t'ar&�"'w'M axs 0ai ;;mw,on Ot LIWX--s tsttwm?tr sat m4t fm"A;.alftcl CFS qtts uu*?e�';GVzn"r,r"0;-at e^v 40UM41 0­zc ogmetra'tl to pfe'Mntlwra w4 r4tno&oI owy ks4 ald r4tw of W avAr"tX'alw mm r.6614,1sa ci Par.-- _'4 padXMqm n'.$;Uub, 'I.0"num %V1 of Of MY, wj"ty Z�l Cw-A of ar';ttfs Fay a;10."nsoS­'.,�;ro aiCxre feta ar9 tea.Lx:xs$s2 p2a1 arirra}na7^s,CFS= avaresg R:c :^a tx>L=.s:>.p s'.. rtI Pan re:'::#•aro n @t:#LtGtt tY<e Gvarv�€,'T::€ Gt#aRkIiTY S>nALt rOR A;x PU€2POSEu 5E THE A GHTS OF 71110 $HAL 0 N THE ^.Ak1Oz?;OR nURU1iI7CN NEW�0111�'�­1R Al Cf$Wle ,PjRY TRX N AhY SUCH PROCEE31IN35 I alfft ma,CPS MAY a_ICW4i v $Ittw.c nrvm"tf rA Gwmil'as M;sn"l P-W, Da.e P45t G1 I SEE&,&;a pllsE FOR AVVIVUJIA4 TERMS AND CONDMONS Pvj,PtAE'ilRCLUY"�,",;rl:ovk"smut THEMAK0 tOo, jp.r IA;. *4- ,the Z-,,m lappAJAM no W t'K' yc:' Z-4 x,-'I tp.L;z,,,,Omr mp-t",',,�o,a Vsr EtA-1,1al r",Z- �,pt ey- MA,nnmw a cgs(, Ae"C;Eq 5`A-'�'. 4,,clot dwo W d W Z,,a4u- bp W n st'A",t ava OR STEP An TERM or us Aaawco on MW snoua,�a W- ,,NY Aepp"Eh TATIO,�OR a,IA,4A,v:Af W-tlt d x, l t(k o'v'Je4a5 ViAARAJIM,V! ;'��SAECT rOT41S (1,R TOE E�U,P&JENI C�I mRal f,0'.crsr. o',welazil"- Q n 7,ACCEPTANCE; Atmpm z,%, nanweva. now vwm?"{ al W a,a MI no&re nx MRP 5.0 u 'AN llkT 0,4yj M::!'U, gf XA e� , =77111. - vp Ev=vy CTS,,l"ne,;f£".e locvt�e-, V�f Xa men As omm M x .,>l a^wej ""A 09�,m. "N E�,1,pal &a am.-AC'.:kow";on"n Wamma 'a . . ....... 8.L0,^Ar-ON;LMK$:NAMES I IL AWIGNMENT,llu:-1 fIll"ER ShAu. AMG:i^z o>MDr-L T,,IS A(,REWZ,,'T>, 03-,?4 PART k JR WAV 0 MUD 0.EMOVE01 ATWUT MAR mmum UOSSIN,nQF5 c"nay s°rWl M.f 0 c"'o,CFS d"�",Zw Am"r!","u, p(w%a 'i.e�A4 as,o�z,p qu t 9 WARRANTY OF BOSMESS PUAPOSF;USE,PERSONAL PROPERTY:FINANC;NC SMEMWS'C,-SE-et j9 RENEWAL.RETURN It,,.4d11,Wlllli sk-N 3,1,f ",Iu— "v SX.�@ltp;:: "01 Lou; -1 i E,,,,y j?u t z m, Uwj We, 1�, -was -lem at j n.go *OR somm"nsw"W-- mom,now, 0"A., kr"x. F FR Ari o'v 'na'n fa�0 to 6:�,qea-br do-0z"rAO-1 CK$6�I M. PT�-t�,iil �A -ml QM vwvw"i--� Mo=.Mow W PVRCHASE OPTION C itcmv m-,i --I€xk,,rl 4, o'"'I a,! vyumw My ommuipmm"mom ="v -Paywu=pml&.on am: %,=Mr MZMW- mew 21 DATA sm 5; 0 A Mo���,v�,�O,�,I."-awl m E -,m�CNP}Cvt:, P,a worus v 1 Mo--vi&,Io L--5 Mt Pce w IV:S N�f 5"t,x F*, rl pt-,w 11 5 KAN=Moo=sows,C S", S"'A'a,6w� 3v-,t kn" W cn C"Wt "r-!F<7,way K 4 mm"WvMw, 6 �uf -x� 110�m -E I-,,xa, 1„<,;t e 4 :err.", r,ry:r:^," a t "M al fbr E z q Mt.I lnmotl M I&,-�t. Agt-n Aly %W "s-z'-�W-o-lt-. al h ia;A HOD O3n Eu i"w grow----<O Mao-, UJAMES,OWER FEES MO CHARGES rz,I0V--M PAY AND EN OUSAU'XEUSE AND NOV ROMN ME&MUMM3 F=UM MUMY AND CTHEP,TA:,_ XIM 0THV V'pVJSVMD I;, CWWAS l"A'."Nax sel wor A-.IM,4"�et 22 MAVM%JM OVEREST:RECHARACTERVED AGREEMENT 'j, 1-1 4, 26 FMV SNERX3 SWAN!FAD nd MUF.'i Of mw C 13 lu%RANCE C V trC-ART ME ZA,WAVER OF OFFSET jz TH S AGREEPENT IS WE'40ED S A'�l WT wornmrW, 0 mow""newymm-w Mo MR-,r,zOTIU 'w a yug"s PANAMSETWO vkoyscTlona c"-ESSOK W4DER A rNj-cu EASE r5,4 r'A M 00 M W M v WOOS UA,EQSEEJAERMC 34 4W TA GOVERNING LAW,VENVE;WATVEA Of JURY TRIAL,Tp i3 Ar EEFa,£ Se'ALL=OA AL,puw-e,S BE DEEMED A C14TRACT EKI`E-ZBC RITC Ef +'1•,I',"s,£tfnod z4",al we,emnz3 naT,�,j,; FT I," AWZEEM4RI St$,ALL OC O�IVIPNEO 8v T,5E LArvS L`THE 511"E MW JERSEY RUEREW ET�', 0114 � cmwl�TIMMMMESAt:xA�^Tt:"N�3�rv,�ENct��T:,m4�kA?4nusEli�,-�OEBRC!t,;,-,!!ZklI �7ATE rMMOMWw �Kywe wow"Q=Ala;10�rOZ'l% OAMUR�-1 ix�,RT L-,KA7EO[Wl,e (�.-tAWEN Ilk ?#USpssy CR�*r-S'V.E wmmnw�%e - fJO-N I,,HM SUM VW%EU*47N CIR 79E �is t,Ao�IF$acl',fi� ta F�, �Mm awl 46!m��-M eavo, )In,W.A"�' a CltSTOWR Et �1� M It�, �5 o I, C4 to jay 0 n M"S V4 Mo a PA A;Q p 0 4MMM KKM 9�W A3GFI TO A J,R4 TREAT 1.4AUY sI:-A;PiorEED;GS 2$ 14 LO$$.OAMA13E C hUM"Wowd- MAO WM^KrW"&l-"W"- imp z"zlL C sw IS wow T Z* zal I 36'=>,^.'?l P,Agm-11'A fel" a'°4r,•E_vat,t&Af 'a, t"r,Set,� 1"-ptl M -`:.1 ro t,ti. t-s.3z 4A V,Q Service Provider Terms and Conditions Canon Financial Services("CFS")Cost per Copy Agreement CANON SOWTIONSAMEP•°.A Caron Solutions America.Inc (CSA') One Canon Park,Melville,NY 11747 (800)513-2228 I. TERM Canon Solutions America, Inc. ;"CSA') shalt p•ovide troubleshoot any such problems in Iiia Embedded Software•(ir)escalating maintenance on the Equipment included in the CFS Cost Per Copy operating problems to the available developer of the Embedded Software Agreement ("CFS Agreement') for the term of the CFS Agreement, as needed to rectify such problems.including facilitating contact between Including any applicable renewal term,beginning can the date of installat€cri you and the develaper of the Embedded Software as necessary:and(iii) Capitalized teams not defined herein Sha!€have the meaning wet forth In tf e maintaining a log of such problems to assist €n tracking the same CFS Agreement. Embedded Software as used herein does not include separately-priced 2. CHARGES Base Charges and Per Image Charges. €nclud€ g application software supplied by CSA to you under any separate images in Excess of Covered Images,shall be invoiced in accordance with acquisition agreement,and support shat=be solely governed by the CFS Agreement, the provisions thereof. (a)Toner€rc hisive Service includes replenishment of Supplies specified in 4. NON-COVERED SERVICE The following services, and any other the CFS Agreement and are for exclusive use with the Equipment if work beyond the scope of this Agreement,shall be invo':ed in accordance Customer's usage of toner exceeds manufacturer specifications for, with CSR's then current Isbor,parts and supply charges.(a)replacement of conventional coverage by more than 10f.CSA may adv.se CFS to invoice any consumable supply item not provided as part of toner inclusive service Customer directly 'or such excess toner. Customer may purchase identified on the face page. including,without limitatton.paper,toner,ink, aod€tional toner from CSA if required during the term Customer sha'I bear waste containers, fuser oil,stapes, other modia,print heads and puncher all risk of loss, theft or damage to unused Supplies,which shall remain dies: (b)repairs necessitated by factors other than normal use including. CSA's property and sha't be returned promptly upon termination of this without 'imitation, any willful art. negligence, abuse or misuse of the Agreement Equipment,the use of parts,Supp€€es or software which are rint suppt€ed by CSA and which cause abnormally frequent service casts or service problems, (b)if Customer has specified the Fleet Guaranteed Copy plan in the CFS service performed by Isersonne'other than CSA pe sortnel,accident,use of Agreenient,the Base Charge and the Covered Images shall apply to the the Equipment with tion-compatible hardware or software components, fleet of Equipment, electrical power malfunction or heating, cooling or humidity ambient (c)Unless otherwise indicated on the CFS Agreement,Customer authorizes condttiors.(:.)de-installation,re-=nstallatsan or refoc:alion of Equipment,(d) CSA to use networked features of the Equipment incliding€mageWARE repairs to or realignment of Equipment,and related traimirg,necessitated by Remote to receive software updates,activate featuresfnew licenses andlor changes you made to your system configurabon or nerwork environment: transmit use and service data accumulated by the Eq:eipment over (e) work which you request to be performed outside of CSA's regular Customer's network by means of an HT PS protocol and to store,analyze business hours,or(t)any nettvorklsystem connection device,except when and use such data for purposed related to servicing tate Equipment and listed in the CFS Agreement product improvement 5. DATA Customer acknowledges that the hard drive(s) on the (d)Customer agrees to provide meter readings to CSA,if applicable,in Equipment. inciuding attached devices, may raisin Images, content or accordance with the Meter Methcd anti?or Meter Reading Frequency other data that you may store for purposes of norma, operation of the specified in the CFS Agreement and CSA's normal procedures If you Equipment ('Grata') You acknowledge that CSA is net storing Data on se,ected'-1*rnyCSA wabsi:e,you,year employees or agents shalt complete behalf or you and that exposure or access to the Data by CSA.if any is CSR's registration;process governing access to and use of sucat website, purely incidental to the services performed by CSA,Neither CSA nor any and you agree to be bound by,and comply with its Terms of Use. CSA of their affiliates has an obligation to erase or overwrite Data upon may change Customer's Meter Methad anchor Meter Read-ng Frequency Customer's return of the Equipment to CSA or any leasing company. from time to time upon 60 uays notice, If CSA does not receive timely Customer is solely responsible fo-(i)Customer compliance with applicable meter readings from Customer, Custorvicr agrees to pay in•,olces that law and legal requirements pertaining to data privacy, storage,security, reflect CSA°s estimates of meter readings CSA reserves the right to verify retention and protection, and (ii) ail decisions related to erasing or t°ie accuracy of any meter readings from time to time,and to advise CFS overavnting Data Without limili g the foregoing, Customer should, ia) to make appropriate adjustments to Customer's account on Customers enable the Hard Disk Drive (HOD) data erase °unc9onatity that is a next invoice standard feature on certain Equipment andfor(b) prior to return or Cather disposition of the Equipment,utilize the HOD(or comparable)formatting 3. COVERED SERVICE CSA shall provide all routwe preventive function (which may be referred to as "initialized All Data Settings maintenance and emergency service necessary to keep ore Equipment in function)if found on the Equipment to perfom€a one pass overwrite of Data good working order in accordance with this Agreement and CSA`s normal or,if Customer has higher security requirements Customer may purchase practice. Such service shall be performed during CSA°s local regular from CSA at current rates an available option for the Equipment,wnich business hours t8 30 A M, to 5 00 P.M Monday through Friday,except may mrude (x) an HDD Data Encryption Kit option which disguises healidays), information before it is written to the hard drive using encryption algorithms, (a) Customer shall afford CSA reasonable and safe access to the (y)a HOD Data Erase Kit that can perform tip to a 3-pass overwrite of Data Equipment to perform on-site service,Customer acknowledges that CSA (for Equipment not containing data erase func'tional'ity as a standard may not be able to provide maintenance for Equipment outside o°GSA's feature).or(z)a replacement hard drive(€n which case Customer should servicing territory. Parts or Equipment replaced or removed by CSA in properly destroy the replaced hard drive) The terms of chis section shall connection with maintenance services hereunder shall become the solely govern as to Data, notwithstanding that any provisions of this property of CSA and Customer disclaims any interest therein Agreement or any separate confidentiality or data security or other agreement now or hereafter entered into between you and CSA could be (b)CSA shall crake available to Customer,from time to time upgrades and construed to app'.y to Data. bug fixes for the software licensed as part of the Equipment("Embedded Software") but p;only if such upgrades and bug fixes are provided to CSA 6. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION POLICY. If you are not satisfied with by the developers of such Embedded Software,(t€)avat€ability of upgrades the performance of your Canon or Oct brand product,upon your written and brag fixes may be at additional charge, and(N)installation of such request,CSA in its sole discretion will repair or replace?he product math a upgrades and bug fines by CSA if requested by you shall be at additional like unit with equivalent capabilities_ Pnor to replacement,CSA shail have charge. You are not required to use CSA for installation of any upgrades had the opportunity to return the product to good working order in and bug fixes,but if installation is diene by anyone other than CSA,CSA accordance with the terms of this agreement, This policy shall apply for shall have no responsibility for any performance or other issues that may 3 year`from the date of installation or for the initial terrn of any CFS lease° result from such installation CSA shall also use reasonable efforts to If longAr,provided Customer is not in default of this Agreement and such provide Level t support for the Embedded Software, Level 1 support maintenance services have not been canceled or ternimated. consists of(i)providing help-line telephone assistance in operating the CUSTOMER AGREES THA:7 NOTHING IN THIS SECTION WILL Embedded Software and Edentifying service problems and attempting to ENTITLE CUSTOMER TO TERMINATE THE CFS AGREEMENT. UR-cr-c 0,11 :i'Cii nlil CSF, 1 Canon Canon Financial Services, Inc. Addendum to Agreement for Application # 1631420 WHEREAS.Canon Finanr,,,=il Services, Inc ("CFS')afro Sou-,hold New York,Town of('Customer")have determ€'aed that 't is for'heir mu--tial benefit:o c i=ter into ties Aodendurn ("Addendum E)to the I i:a*s� Agreement(whether des,griated :i I case, Dental Agreement, Master t ease or other.v°i el("Agreement") for the lease or rental of certain egr.€pment('Equiprrrent") NOW,THEREFORE,for goad and vats Fable ccnsideration intending to oe legally bound, the parties hereto hereby agree as foilows Capitalized teras used herein but not otherwise defined herein shali have the respe0ve meanings given to such terms in the Agreement It is expressly agreed by the partes that this Addendum is supplemental to the Agreement and that the provisions thereof, unless specifically mocified herein, shall remain in full farce and effect and shat,apply to this Addendum as thougn they were expras,Iy set forth;-err:=n. in the even,of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions o`this Addendum and any provisions of the Agreement,the provis ons of tnis Addendum shall In all respec.govern and control. The terms and conditions paragraph(s)in the Agreement(CFS-1073 03118';are changed s,fo6iows 3. PAYMENTS: Paragraph 3 s'u'nend d by deleting the fourth and fifth sentences n their entirety and replacing tl-ern will) the roilouri q "[wring the initial term the Monthly Base Charge and Per Image Charge will be fixed, however during any renewal period the Monthly Fuse Charge and per Image Charges are subject to increase pursuant to Service Provider's terms and conditions," 10. INDEMNITY- Paragraph 10 is arnence:d by delet€ng the second sentence, n its eanti.ety ana replacing it with the rol:owinq 'CFS i5 tut responsible for any losses or injuries caused t)y;he installation, rrrizioval or use of the Equipment except tiose dLe to CFS'dross neg0rjence C:ustor Eer agrer;s to reirr'iburse CFS for and defend CFS against arry claims for losses or in;unes (including attorneys'fess and costs)caused by the Equip nent' 17. LATE CHARGES: EXPENSES OF ENFORCEMENT: Paragraph'7 is amended by deleting the first two sentences m.heir entirety Customer will be late charge exempt Gusto.-Per agrees ;hat GFS may accept a facsim€te copy cf th s Addendum as an original, and that such, facsimile copy gill be treated as an ong;nai for all purposes. THIS ADDENDUM SHALL €3E EFFECTIVE WHEN 17 HAS SEEN SIGNED BY CUSTOMER AND ACCEPTED BY CSS CANON FINANCW SERVICES, INC. SOUTH OLD YORK,TOWN OF ' Tit'e Date - -- - TiJe V ' k By Pri°`s'.ed N=e €€°lv gins . qgj i CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES,INC. rCf:S') Municipal Fiscal Funding Addendum RemrIltance Address: 14904 Collections Center Or US'Application Number: 1631020 Chicago,11hols 60693 800-220-0200 Agreement Date. GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY Complete Legal Name Southold New York, Town of ("Customer") THIS MUNICIPAL FISCAL FUNDING ADDENDUM (-ADDENDUM-)WILL BE OF NO FORCE OR EFFECT IF THE CUSTOMER IS NOT A STATE OR A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF A STATE WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 103(C)OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED. Customer warrants that it has funds available to pay Payments payable pursuant to the agreement (whether designated a lease, rental, master lease, or otherwise, together with any schedules, the"Agreement") until the end of its current appropriation period and warrants that it presently intends to make Payments in each appropriation penod from now until the end of this Agreement.The officer of Customer responsible for preparation of Customer's annual budget shall request from its legislative body or funding authority funds to be paid to CFS under this Agreement. If notwithstanding the making in good faith of such request in accordance with appropriate procedures and with the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, such legislative body or funding authority does not appropriate funds to be paid to CFS for the Equipment, Customer may, upon prior written notice to CFS, effective upon the exhaustion of the funding authorized for the then current appropriation period, return the Equipment to CFS, at Customer's expense and in accordance with this Agreement, and thereupon, Customer shall be released of its obligation to make Payments to CFS due thereafter, provided: (1)the Equipment is returned to CFS as provided for in the Agreement; (2)the above described notice states the failure of the legislative body or funding authority to appropriate the necessary funds as the reason for cancellation', and (3)such notice is accompanied by payment of all amounts then due to CFS under the Agreement. In the event Customer returns the Equipment pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, CFS shall retain all sums paid by Customer. Customers Payment obligations under this Agreement in any fiscal year shall constitute a current expense of Customer for such fiscal year, and shall not constitute indebtedness or a multiple fiscal year obligation of Customer under Customer's state constitution, state law or home rule charter. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a pledge by Customer of any taxes or other monies, other than as appropnated for a specific fiscal year for this Agreement and the Equipment. The undersigned represents and warrants to CFS that all action required to authorize the execution and delivery of this Addendum on behalf of the above referenced Customer by the following signatory has been duly taken and remains in full force and effect. Customer agrees that CFS may accept a facsimile or other electronic transmission of this Addendum as an original, and that facsimile or electronically transmitted copies of Customer's signature will be treated as an original for all purposes. ACCEPTED Canon Financial Services, Inc. CumorTer By By Tito Date Tice L)IQ 1f L 04— CFS-2020(04/16) f §� r ACQUISITION AGREEMENT ADDENDUM CANaN Wtl;;Ns MWCA Canon Sol t'-flns Ame€ica.arc,{'CSA'} One Canons Park,h1lelvilie,NY 11747 (800,i 614 -2228 Related Acquisit€an Agreement Number, 51052284 Customer Southold,Town of Street address CRy. Stale I zip, 5 095 MAIN RD JUSTICE DEPARTMENT S)uthold Y 11971 Equi icisrit Descnpl€on: 'Ts�r€r. 1 -1 AGERUNNER 16431F 48 months WHEREAS, Canon Solutions America, Inc ('CSA'),and the above-describet.Customer("You')have determined that it is in their mutual benefit to enter into tugs Acquisition Agreement Addendum("Addendum",to the at one-described Acquisition Agreement { Agreement') Ail capitalized ter;is used below that are root defE.3e d in this Addendum shall have tail neanfngs set forth in the Agreement NOW, I'HEREFORE,for good and valuable cons;demtson,Intending to be legally bound,the pasties he;eoy agree as follows. 9 j Anything in the Agreement to the contrary norw4hstand€ng,and subtext to al',of the terms and coed€t°ons set forth in this Addendum, the terms at la conditions of the:Agreement s;aall be mod:!zed as follows a Rider Regarding Payment Under tvtunic€pal Contracts is attached hereto as E.:hibit A and shall be incorporated to the, extent applicable 2) It is expressly agreed by the parties that this Addendum is supplemental to Vie Agreement,and that the provisions thereof,unless soeci"•cally m addie c herein,shall remain in full fore and effect and Shall ar only to this Addendum as though trey were ex^ressly set forth nerem 3) In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of th=s Addendum and any prov,s€ons of the Agreement,t." provisions of thm Addendum shall it all respects goveE:and control IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this Addendum to be executed on the date set forth below Carton Solutions America,Inc. ssr" : S90bold,Town of Name: pg � a[rae, arTI Title' _.__. _._._ _. Title: 1� Date, bate � '3 I az 6xo,as:i:;n Ary-oon*n€Azleor:i;,-n Marc',20,16 CSA DocuSig,i Envelope ID:6BCEE707-OC82-4235-BA86-47087F2392EB E504 A TUDER REGARDING PAYMENT MU"NKAP U, CONA'R kC-1'S r -1 lie "s n: of Sot-Wh !d M oortnna:�z� ?he own") Atha,? pay Canon Solutions America,Inc. (herentia6er the `E,ono arom th :t:}J'li<,."ii§.$ £il a 191hng Such vowchcr shall Ity-due and payai-Ac within 4-5 days atter mceinpi of.axch vwxher,but smh am, 001 wq ho On zmd ioavabl� by it -, T-"Va, onmi,' "C'uw" llozr,i of thki o-wrt is w FQ-G€,0 >A:Ch e VCMIXT amd hn audited :,ird appr,)ved W paynant be voud= to be subnowd (.-)nira(.-.t)r in zxanectiori therev,,itl':, The To%wa AM shali rrocess any vour-h,;r rcce;�,;A liorn Corttrocmr as expcditioiisl� as po&&% I ' i',min rhal & Awn japutes x to p,-irjje)n , 7'env ', - u r by clasaw PUMUM to this Payagraph. the 1,o'> n Shall, within 10 dqs of Ac nxwo (A SQa v('nclier. nljkif�' Contractor in wridat" of ,ucll d;-, cx ob§ieci'o.,), C-niziz.cler that t.inlws 1 or *, lninili,v Wh the fe4wtuments of so An 1.8 of th% JV ,t Lay.; wlhich, in -ftecz - prohirit payaltrit ff any of Contractor's clairni again-,t the Ii wn unft,�s at, hemi- d voATr the!Agu MIJ Me been preseritY le be Tcv,a,. 3oau. ,,r Tco-Pi Cnwi ind ,,b iii ;.,od-ted gad allowod by;he'l ov;a Board or i-.;,,,n(x:npiroib,;r, fhc ai: w;liar by th- Ann=of me Pq nit.nt ,'i�,H I ,, -rid - Al op-r,iteu'a5 ic:cas%itj the Vov,,n from a<] ciamis Lnd all liabiliun !a QkContractor 16Y all, aie ihings Jone oi -1misihed in v.ornection with 'u e, and tE=x evey act and negkcr of 6, 1 ow g M Mwe K vmg U, 31`106 (Mi (t Tis (amn exvqa CluancMA Kira.., of iniefeyt upoit IfJ p'4�.ymom, if thus pqrnerit he trnproperl� dwaWd No nquiew, however finJ> or shall operat(, to Man Te Uvravor ti its suretia, f3orr;?-;y Under ibis(Ann, R-H,QUIRED PRO�ISIONS OF LAW Exch F7nd evtiry provnon ol iwx arw da-use require.d by lakv to he ins,rrt,,-d in this Contmt;t AM be Mated t-, auyt-, �,en ---nn. "-- any ;-,(tctn pro-Jsion -,', not 'nsorted, throl�Yh imstate o"Aannt then upon On o eithc, � party, Aus Coz",mc,., be pllysica.ly fo 'Ith-with lo rna.e ;ucli instrtion. in part-icular, the; Contf-,ctor ariiong 11', ri11`y Milt 4) laka L=wetien 225c an-3 Executive L�w secainas 201-2€1)and the Civil Right's Law, retayi-_,to pr)hibiti4 n ageh a AsuriMim-zon. and prov)&ig LC ua;opportunity. ,b) AMMM,ar-tion as rcquifed by the Ubor Law f 6 Pteven-.,or.o,dust hazard reqwred by U.abi,,r Lay.' ;ectlon 222-a (d) Prcic-cncc in vmploynwrit o".p,;rsuns i6qwmd by Labor.-,avk section 222 (e) QKhour woAday as ieqtmed by Lallor Law.%e€.tior-220(2). PRF,VAII.ING WAGC RA. Ml�REQUIRLD BY i,.,AW I ia, Thz panies h,reto,in acordarice v�A t 6 provi:iuni 'he i,abor 1-a , hereby agree that there shall be paid enon emp'lloyce engaq,,ed in work oridec hie Contra,-, no K's thail ibe,V,�a£�c rate avid sup'Aenle,,,A;set trm&')T oc':"u'oatioi 11 W'nir ,& lic/she is-ngaged. wiAch ar-, thewag:,,racsand skippIc.=nzs the prevaili tit; rat:of vales An t0work covered ',-y thi, Contract, DocuSign Envelope 10.6BCEE7D7-DC824235-BA8647087F2392EG 1 Libor notrinv,', mc on the ,chedule ofwate!, can bV we on[-, wlln "Ou consent of the Owner and'uh(x the rate to be paid wi,`f be iv et;by the 0,Amur after'Xinc advisee by Depanment ux" (c) The Contractot sha:' post in a prominent and accessible place on the site of the work legible stattnient of all wage rotes and supplements,as 4pcxified -fin 1 hvC-'0nIr?,ct, F()r the various classes of mechani�.s,work instneniwomen,or laborers employed on the work, 01/16/2020 1 9:01 AM PST C ')N TOWN OF S01U111010 'T T Cu 5rgna9 by. Y- ( Senior Di rector S@ +1, 'WkPd" - -,.- —"",f' Officer or Author.,zed Agew, Title: Canon . Canon Financial Services, Inc.,- . J��,���0|�u00 to Am����0�2y�� — for Application ff 1631020 WHEREAS,Canon Financial Services, Inc. ("CF`")and Southold New Yorkr, Town Of(����)�� determined �r�ermutu� bmna�banb�into U�sAddendum �Addond to` the Lease Agreement(whether designated eLease, Rental Agreement, Master Lease, urotherwise)(("Agreement") for the lease orrental ofcertain equipment(^Equipranf'). ` NOVV.THEREFORE for good and valuable uonuidenehori. irdanding,tohelegally bound, the patties hereto,hereby agree oafd}nwn: ` Copita|izadhunnsuoedharainbutnotbUhnrwioedoOnedhorainuhal|heveMhoroapouUvomeaningagiVen tosuch terms inthe Agreeo!aoi kinexpressly agreed bythe podiaathat this Addendum issupplemental to the Agreement and that theprovisions thereof, unless specifically modified herein, shall remain in full fonueondefectandahoUapp|ytothioAddendumaathoughtheywmreexpreau|ysetforihharmih. In the event of any conflict'or inconsistency between the provisions of this Adde-ndum and I any provisions ofthwAgrooment. \hepnoviomnnofthinAddendumahaUinaUnaapectgovernundoontnn). Thehamnomndoonddionoparagnoph(u)in-the Agreement(CF8'1O70O8/1O)are changed anfollows: 3. PAYMENTS: Paragraph 3ihamended bydeleting the fourth and fifthsentences i, their entirety and, replacing them with the following: "During the initial term the Monthly Base Charge and Per Image Charge will bofixed, however during any-renewal period the Monthly Base Charge and per Image ' Charged are subject bzincrease pursuant toService Provider's terms and uondihons." 10. |NDEyNN|TY: Paragraph 10ieamended bydeleting the second ae ienoeinitoenhretyandrep|aoing it with the following-"CFS is not responsible for any losses or injuries caused by the installation, removal oruse ofthe Equipment except those due huCFS' gronnnegligence. Customer agrees boreimburse CFS � for and defend CFS against onydaimoforlosses urin�uheo(including attorneyu'feamand costs)caused bythoEqu/pmont.^ . 17. LATE CHARGES; MPENSESQFENFORCEMENT: Paragraph'17isamended by deleting two oantamuan in their entirety. U ro|y. Cuntom�rv� be late charge-exempt. ~ Customer agrees that CF8'maya6cmpto facsimile copy ofthis Addendum ao'ah ` in� �. and that faos/mUecopy wxUbetreated original/o U T ~ / THE LIKE.OR ANY OTHER REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY,EXPRESS OR IMPLIEO.WITH RESPECT TO THE immediate;;Pay as unpaid Payments AEreunder(nrr!ner or not due then duel and other amounts due under ms Agreement EQUIPMENT,INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,THE WPUED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FM.,IESS Wim CFS reaming aye to me Ec.r,?rnert,(b)to tomato any aid as agreements wall Castanet,(c)vxrth or W;.haul rotas, FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Any warranty with respect to the Equipinent made by Vie manufacturer,dealer or s✓rrpl.er denary or fegal process,to enter upon me premises whemver me Echivinent may be tound to retake possession d any of is separate from,and s not a part of,this Agreemem,and shall be to(this benefil of CFS.Customer,and CFS successors ana ag of the Equ'ymert,arid(i)react such Equipment and an Payments and other sums pars hereunder,at(a)SEg Lhe Equipment assgsaas,dany.So long as Customer's solml breach or defa,%a!this Agreement,CFS assigns to Customer any waflanaes and recover from Customer the amain£by whtc-h'a Remaining Renal Bi ance exceeds the net amount received ay CFS (tociudeg those agreed to batvoea Castomaf and this manu'.acWler,dealer,or sup p!.et)which CFS may baso With respect is from such salta:or(d)to pursue any other remedy perm:ad at law of m equity.CFS(1)may dispose of the Eefitpment in as any item of Equipment,piavlead that the scope and limitations Od arty such warranty shag be sorely as set out in any !hen present cond,wn or ro=ow"ng such Veparatm and p bcessof$a CF5 d:$'ILS Camai,=!y re$'t nary$,(u)shad lyaYe agreement between Cus',OmEr and such manu'aUaref dasher,or supper Or as oapemW"sE specified b warany matsrras from no duty!o prepare of process Ne Equipment pnor to sae,(R)may d*03m warranties of rte,possess'on,qu?et enjoyment such manufaccrrer dealer,or sappWr and still not Include any Implied warrantes arsog sash from CFS'acqusruon of tie and the RE;and(N)may comply with any apprrable sate or federal law requlremens in connection wan a dsposrJan ofthe Equipment CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NEITHER THE SUPPLIER NOR ANY DEALER IS AUTHORIZED TO Equipment and none of the foregoing actions show be deemed to advers yafford the commurcral reasonableness of the WAIVE OR ALTER ANY TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY SCHEOULE,OR ftAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR dsposacn of the Equipment If the Equipment is not available for sate.Customer shat be halide for The Rema zing Renal Balance and any other arnoints due under this Agfeament No waiver of any of Customers obbgaaons,conditions of WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE EQUIPMENT ON BEF.ALF OF CFS, cgvenans Shalt be effective unless contamed m a ufdmg signed by CFS Faiuro to exerc se any remedy that CFS may ha.e T,ACCEPTANCE;DELIVERY:Customers execution of no Aide;*,cb Certf oalo or other confirmation of Customers shag nes MIS:itt,te a t,arjer at any obi 9fdon With tHooci r'0 which CUSfCmat 15 In da/aUtt acceptance of the Equ.,went shag corerus,.vety establish that the EgJrpmem has been delivered to and acceated by iT LATE CHARGES,EXPENSES OF ENFORCEMENT If Cistomer'ai!S to pay any sum to be paid by Customer:o CFS Customer far an purposes of this Agreement,and Customer may not.rte any reason,revoke that accepanaa.however,a under the Agreement on ar before me due date Custaaer shag Day Cr`S upon demand,an a il^Oinl equal to the greater Of Customer has not vernm tan(10)days aper delivery a such E•qupmenL delivered to CFS written rl of non-accep rice ten percent(10`%,)o!each such delayed Payment or t+ve live do=ors(525)for each ad ng ceti d or personal a biting SPeafying the reasons therefor and specd&aty referencing this Agreement,Customer shag be deemed to have irrevocably period sue i Payment s dais ad,m each case to tie extent armored b a ,cable tau,The amounts s } } R y Rpt pra`red above&bait be acrxp!Ed sock Equtpntent CFS is the Owner of two Equipment and was ranted dna Equipment to Customer under Ns pad as yachted damages and as campunS•itan tat CGS mtomEi or mtveg expenses rrcurEd in connection in such isle Agreement As between CFS and Custamcc,tins Agreement Shall supetseoe any Customer purchase order U,.,r entirety. payment In addnwn Cuslainer shall reimburse CF5 for aI of its outof•pmket costs and expenses incurred in exEtc:smg any na:'w.t carding anything to the contrary conlaead many such pe•chase order Customer ngreas toW as p any hghn of speafid of its rig?is Of rnmedres hereunder ern enforcutg any or the teras or Nis Agreement Indudmg,without Loi tatwn,reastwzN* performance of this Agreement and shag hdd CFS harmless tam damages it lot any reason the Equomernt Is not de:neted lees and experws of attorney=aid coneown age,•tcies wtiemor ofrdt surf is brought It CFS should bring own sncn as Ordered it the Eql foment is unsatisfactory,or d CFS does nail exmle pus Ag.eement Customer agrees that any delay in Customer and CFS agtee teat attorney's fees equal z twenty five percent(25%)of the teal amwpm sought by CFS Shen be delnery of Ne Equipment shall not affect the vatddy of this Agieement deemed reasonable for pirp]ses a this Agreement 6.LOCATION,LIENS;NAMES;OFFICES Customer shag not room the Equrpmenl,from No(otatxxi spae4d herein except i6,ASSIGNMENT:CUSTOMER SHALL NOT ASSIGN OR PLEDGE THIS AGREEMENT IN WHOLE OR IN PART,NOR with the poor vneten consent of CFS Customer soon keep the Egrpmenl free and dear of an Claims aad liens other man SHALL CUSTOMER SUBLET OR LEND ANY EOUPMENT,WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF CFS,CFS may loo<e In favor of CFS-Customer's legal name las Sol tart;m Its coashlucnt documents Ned w an Ne appropjlste governmental pledge w transfer this Agreement.Customer agrees that d CFS t ans'ets this Agreement 1're assignee wA havo Ne same office w agency)is as set forth harem The jumdi� • n of organza5ond n achief executive office address of customer ate as rights and benei s that CFS las now and&-a not have b perform any of CFS co,gatons.which CFS or is designees Shan sen forth harem Customer shag pfovrde CFS tisvth wm ien notice a!least thi y(30)days prior to an)change of a legal name, continue to perform Customer agrees dal the rights of Lie assignee cosi not be sub;w to any claims defenses or set-oft ch of executive of5ce address or its form of organtzaton(mctudinr,wZoul fem;auom ns prrmsdKtmr,or Organization).and shah that Customer may have aganst CFS It Custom r is given notice of any such tranger,Customer agrees,if so affected execute and deliver to CFS Such documents as required or appropriate. mer$m,to pay deeal,to the assgnou all of any part of Ne amounts payaoio hereunder 9.WARRANTY OF BUSINESS PURPOSE;USE;PERSONAL PROPERTY;FINANCING STATEMENTS:Customer 19.RENEWAL;RETURN.This Agreement shati automatically renew on a month .month oasts at me,samr Payment fedrestnla and warrants teal the Equnmeal it"mat be used far personal,family,dr'*oSehokJ purposes CUstamer span amount and ftrequency un:ess Customer,at least Sony(60)days betere the end of the sch4du.Ed form or any tenc'."al term, compiy w'ith a9laas end rqula,eans retating to me use and rnacntenance a the EN'-mm Customer shag put me Equipm m sends to CFS welen noLte that Customer does nal wan'to renew this Agreement and a'the end of sash tem retain&the only to the use con;emowed by the mar"u`ac1.rrm,The Equipment Sieg rema'n pe>Cnal property regard:ess o!wmeLiEr n Equpmert as provided-eters Unless this Agreement automatr.Lgy famews or Customer purchases me Equp"meht as becomes affued to feat p-apardy or permanently tests upon any real property or any improvement to real grope try Customer provided In lilts Agreement C.7tomer snag,at ma temunatson of Ns aumc;zes CFS(and any nlid party Nor;service designated by CFS)to execute and fta(a)financing statements evder.a•, 9 Ag",prop r vw Ne Eq d,to a l cats adz cost and The mt«,est of CFS in me E u expanse,m good operating omen art,ordinary wear pad tear resulting of hom paper us$r S?50for to a katal spot recd by returned q poem pnc.d+ng forms con,;errg a bmadem descnpba;p of tnE Equipment Llan Na descrpicn CFS CFS may charge Customer a realm fee equal to itis greater ofon Payment w 5250lor tnc press�of resumed se;kini hema),(b)wtnudien stater;ants n respect Nereid,and(c)amendments*'"rate,and CuVemet irrevocably Equ•pmect If for any reason Customer shall fid to ranum No Equipment to CFS as provided harem Customer tnal pay in w•ar'e;any right to none tholeol CFS i pori demand one being period s Payment far each b0mg period or patron thereof Otat such ream is deajed Cus!omer 10.INDEMNITY:Servc•ru Dealer is responsible for i sa:aton,of be equipment Caslomer,shag reanoatse CFS for and shag fecnbuise CFS for any costs incurred try CaS to place the EquoTient in good operating 001110b0i, defend CFS against any E'aan for losses or aviary caused by tate Equpment This Section shag survive tefmutatan d Nis 20 PURCHASE OPTION:Customer may,at arty Lrae,upon sbih(60)days'urevocacte carmen notice P,mcaase o9(but not Agreement less than ar)the Equipment a:a plea equal to the sum of(I)as temarWa Payatens,prus(a)the Fail Market Vaea.igLua(m) ft,MAINTENANCE:The charges esabtshed by Na Agreement include payments far serv,tes and suoptas,and Service any appl catte taxes expenses chargesandleas For purposes of tris Agreement'Fa::'dsiftal value'sha?be CFS'read Pmide:is ftSPonSldO tot PMidmg the son:bas and supplies do=ibod in Service and Supplies Included above in pfuo at tis umE Customer notras CPS of as mart to purchase the Equlpmenl.Upon proper nogOo and paymehl by Customer aceo:danca wan Sen=Provder's terms avid Nnd..wns,of wrich Customer acknod..edges rau:,pt Un'ess afnervnse of Ne a'-roams spteied above,CFS shag treas'et the Equipmuft to Cus:omer'AS•IS tNHERE4S'without any teprasentaton nd cated on page 1 or Schedule A.Customer oudiomes Sanxe•Provider to use Ne uaageWARE Remote feature of the or wammy whatsoever,except for alit.and tris Ag eaten!shag terminate Equipment to receive sef:wam updates and boastful use amt sew,ce data accumrudated by the Egvgnol a+et Customer's 21 DATA-Customer sc knewtedges that the hard dmva(s)on the Equvpmeat Including attached devices,may rean mages nel,vors by means of an HTTPS protocol aid to awe,analyze and use such data far purposes related to ser ming the content or Omer data that Customer may store far wrposes of normal o;erabon or the Equipment('Dina'}Customer Egapment and ptoduct unprovement Customer acknomedges that the charges sit faith on page 1 and Schedule A are a;Jttpwvledges Na!CFS is not&canon Data an bEhat?of Customer and that exDaSum o access to tis$Data by SOnxa cer,es accrn en N9 cis leaiurtinued use of rmaooyot Remote ddnrtg rte tem tl sechater s any cane du m(51cts,,anydisables rn Provider O•CFS,If any is pviety mcdomal to the serv,ces performed b)Service Provide:and CF5 NeiU,ef Service Pmvdat Carse access to Mari d in r-Sch such Pmrtdar may monose the slrnall fw&alis teems by f o percrm cco fa,any not CFS nor tiny of thea afN.ales has an ourtgatom to erase or mermta Data upon Custor-.a_r s return of the Equ',menl to su-sequem bs'Lng period m pvhsnl such(aavhE rema!ns nen-o'e2tr_rtal If Sonr,ca Aro+der Coes net m..crve ttme'ry mural read.ngs from customer.Customer Shan pay rvOkes Nan rebect Service Provider s estimates of met-;readings Serves CFS Cuslomar is solely respons:tte for(A)is cofnPlurrce with apt:able Is-w and legal rewusen•ers penarelg to data Ptovnaet o CFS may verity Ne accuracy a any meter readings trom tme to time and invoice Customer far any shard n in the privacy,sfo-age,security,retortion and pml$ctory and(6)an deusbas related b erasing of evernnpmg Data WSnoul Lm.Lng r•2xl mvvice.Customer snag use reasoraxe care in heading and operation of If,,Equipment Sawa Provider shalt hart.Lie the foM9O:ng it 3pp7cab!-,Customer Should(i)eraWE Ira Hard Dtsk Drno(HDD)data erase func ona it that as a standard rrgh:to aubsmu!e equwe!eat Equipment at any time during me iemp of this Agreorh.int Customer acknouiedgas net CFS w,,`h feature on certain Equipment aroJnw(.)prat to rabsm a.other dsposdron of the Equipment utate the HDD(cr compambte) not as respons»e far any service•repairs,or npanbnanu of the Egtcpmenl,wholier provided for in Nis Agreement or in any forman%function(which may be referred to as't OolIzed An Daa•S-m ngs'furiduan)it round on the Egwpment:a perform a other agreement batwoem Service Provider aid Customer,and that dCustomerhas a dispute tegardmg the Equipment or the one pass ovtrvmw of Data or•J Customer nas higher security requirements.Customer may purchase tram its Cason dealer at ma.nten=e thereof.Customar shag comnue to pay ag charges due under Lhu Aa eement wiMan deducing Or w Nhcldrg current rates an appropnale opton for the Equipment,wrath may include(a)an HDD Data Encryption Kit DPW,win:tp any amounts drsguses mfomawn before not wrrden to the hard drive using encryption a!gon'JLms,(b)an HDD Data Erse 14t tine:can 12.TAXES;OTHER FEES AND CHARGES.CUSTOMER SHAill PAY AND DISCHARGE WHEN DUE ALL LICENSE AND perfom up to a 3-pass overam'e of Data fret Equipa l not conammg data erase fimcfiona Tl as a standard feature).or(c)a REGISTRATION FEES.ASSESSIdENTS.SALES USE,PROPERTY AND OTHER TAXES,AND OTHER EXPENSESAND reWacemani hard doe(m Whach case Cuslom-.smaud pdpEdy tlestrOy Na repraa hard dine)Custw r shag uldemniy CHARGES,together win any applicable penatas,interest and adm;nFbatnE fees my or at an)time-imposed upon any San;ce Pmder,CFS,Inc it subsidiaries,difeca rs,c1f vers,employees and agents(ror and agamst any and w casts Ege:rmcnf the Payments,Of Cuslomei s De'Ornange Of nbndmilomanCO Of its Obligo!ans hereunder,whether payab!o by of Expenses,lototes,claims,darragea,losses,ludgments or fees(mdidng reasonable au;.mays'fees)amsmg or related to assessed to CFS or Customer If Customer fees to pay any sl=h fees,assessments,axes,expenses or charges as required the samge.transmission or destruction of the Ca'a This section so ries termination or ex itinion of this AgreemenL The hererrder,CFS shag have the right trot not the obtyabon to pay those fees,assessments,taxes Expenses and charges,and terms of the section shall so'aky Mem as to Data,ntArthstardmg mat any provisions a Ns Agreement or any Separate CLs on,er shad promptly reinbuso CFS,u;or.demand,for al such payrhens made pies administrative lost and costs d any caf dentzify or data Security of other agfeemeat r,oxw nereafner entered into between Cutomer,Service Prowderand CFS Cuslomer aeknowlodges LhaL where required by raw,CFS wit De any notices and pas personal property taxes lemad on the applies,or couttl be cois'uued to apply b Dam Equmment Customer shag murlburse CFS far the expense Of such personal pm;ery taxes as invoiced by CFS and pay CPS 22 MAXIMUM INTEREST:RECHARACTERIZED AGREEMENT,No Paymsnt is mlended to exceed the maxanam amount at a processing fee not to exceed$50 per year per dem of Eeu'pment Nat is subject to such W.Custom agrees Nat OF$has interest Dctmrtc-d a be fJharge%r or colOcled try app;cabta laws,and any such ercEss Payment will be npy+ed to paymems TH and ST not,SCtenHEDULED D advice b Customer,and Nat F THE:tot such axes s an PAYMENT u A act ON THE DATE OF due under ur•s Agreement,n`.nvefso order of malar and thereafter shaft be refunded.If ms roermnt Is re:haratlerized THE-FIRST SCHEDULED MER SHAAYMENT LL THE DATE OF THE FIRST SCHEDULED I EANI AFTER THE ADORION Cr as a coed tnnal safe of roan,Customer hereby giants to CFS,ria success=and assigns.a seventy interest in the Equipment REIBURSEEQUIPCFS OR ITS AD SHALL PAY TO CFS A OOCU*.'G COS 70th FEE.IN THE A!.10UNT 0€SSS,TO to secure^ N and dwmance of Customers oto! atons under„s reomenl REIMBURSE CFS FOR ITS ADfIIN1511?{1T1VE AND RECORDING COSTS raH`a 'e g � 13,INSURANCE:Customer,at is sae test and expense,shag,du:mg the am hsredf 1'idudmg an regawas and extensions 23.UCC-ANT ARTICLE 2A,WAIVER OF OFFSET:(a)THIS AGREEMENT IS INTENDED AS A'FINANCE LEASE"AS THAT oti?:fm,maintain and pay for(a)insurance against the ass,Ihak of damage to the Equipment!for no file reptacemoat va'.ue TERM IS DEFINED IN ARTICLE 2A OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE('UCC 2A-).AND CFS IS EN.tTLED TO ALL Noreof and(b)comprehons it public fatsily and propary damago nsurance.Ag such insurance shall prov+de for a dedu t'Pe BENEFITS.PRIVILEGES AND PROTECTIONS OF A LESSOR UNDER A FINANCE LEASE,CUSTOMER WANTS ITS not oxwedrig 55,000 sad be in form and amount.and with companies satisfactory to CFS Each insurer pmMing such RIGHTS AS A LESSEE UNDER UCC 2A SECTIONS 508 522(b)If the Egmpmesl s mat property insa!10 dcos not operate msumme shag name CFS as add host insured and less payee and pmvde CFS Miry(d0)days'wnban notice before Che as lepreseri*d or Warai ted,of is unsabsfactorf tot any ieasbn.Customer shal make surf:claim solely against tie supplier, policy in questm shad be matenaly altered or canceled Customer shag pay Ne p awnis Nor such ns•mitre,shag be dealer.or mam!acturer,Customer wwves any and all ei swig and future darns and offsets aganst any Payments or other respcnsapie tot all ded=ble portions thereof and Shea delver cim5ates or other evvonce of Insurance to CFS The charges die under Nis Agreement,ala unconiddw.any ag,ees to pa)sun Payments a.•x'other charges,reg3rd:ess of any ^mceeds o!such msura:de.at the option Of CFS,shag be cppted to(a)reptax a:topaz tie Equipment.or(b)pay CFS the offset or dame whish maybe assened by Custci of bills nehat -Remammg Rental Ba:ance;which shag be the sum o!,f)at amounts then awed by Customer to CFS under this Agreemeg' 24 GOVER14ING LAW,VENUE:WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL:THIS AGREEMENT SHALL FOR ALL PURPOSES BE p.',:g.(n)the present valo of all remaining Payments for tie(0 tam of m's Agreement lista(H)the Fog M.d,at Value of the DEEMED A CONTRACT ENTERED INTO IN THE STATE OF NELV JERSEY THE RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES UNDER THIS Equipment(as defined herEm),RL,,j(N)any if"tcab!e axes expenses charges,and fees For pitposes of detomuwg AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY WITHOUT REFERENCE TO present value under this Agreement.Payments shall be discounted at three percent(31.)per)ear Cus!arer hereby aapbnu CONFLICT OF LAW PRI14CIPLES ANY ACTION BETWEEN CUSTOMER AND CFS SHALL BE BROUGHT iNANY STATE CFS as Customers atomey;ri fact satety to make cram for,tecatve payment Of,antl execute and endwat all documents OR FEDERAL COURT LOCATED 1N THE COUNTY OF CA.-ADEN OR 3URLINGTON,NEW JERSEY,OR AT CFS SOLE checks,or drafts for any toss or damage under any sucr+mssurance pNc)II xdhup raz(10)days aper CFS'request Customer OPTION,IN THE STATE WHERE CUSTO!4ER OR THE EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED.CUSTOMER.BY ITS EXECUTION Saes to Cerner satsactory Evidence of such msuranco to CFS,than CFS shag have ne sight but not tna obtgatter,to obtain AND DELIVERY HEREOF,IRREVOCABLY WAIVES 03JECTIONS TO THE JURISDICTION OF SUCH COURTS AND ensu macs Covering CFS'interests In No Eq-j-mei and add fie*s!s of acqu:nng and mamtaning Such insurance,and an OSJECTIO`iS i 0 VENUE AND CONVENIENCE OF r'ORUfd CUSTOMER,BY ITS EXECUTION AND DELIVERY HEREOF. adm:rstratno lee,to the am our ns due from Customer under tiro Agroemam CFS and any of is eeiates may mate a profit AND CFS,BY ITS ACCEPTA'4CE HEREOF-HEREBY IRREVOC.ASLY YiAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRW,M ANY on the forego'mg SUCH PROCEEDINGS 14 LOSS;DAMAGE:Customer assumes and sh it tear the erne risk of toss L`teh of.ar damage b Lhe Egv.pmsant Iron any 25 MISCELLANEOUS Ag foxes mc'QuLO or pei ndfed under the 4gre:meni shag Lie cuff cent d dep.ered personalty,sect cause whalscever,effective upon deanery to Customer No such toss,theft,or damage shag relieve Customer of any vis 7acscrrga or other eiearbntc trnsmsscn Or mated to such parry at the address SOri forth in mos Agreement oral Such obiga.on under th;s Agreement.In the event of damage to amy Egdr„menl,Custame•shag Immediately repair such damage ahoy address as such party may designate in widurg tram tune to hme.Any moxa tram CFS to Customer shad be elfealre at Customers expeasa,If any Equ pmEbt s lost,srtlen,of damagod boyond repair,Customer,at the opton of CFS,will(a) three(3)d?ys ear it has been deposdorl Ln Na mai,duly addressed Al such notices to CFS from Cusidurer shat oa replace the samo with tike equipment in a coed own acceptsbu to CFS and convey clear lite to such Equipment to CFS(and offechve atter it has been received via V S.f zit.express detvery,facs,m.e or other electranu!ansmtasion 8 there should such equipment Wit becomme'Equipmem'and be wo,;ed to the tomes of this Agreement),or(b)pay CFS Ute Remammg be more then one party exevtmg this Agreement as Customer,at oYgacru a bo performed by Customer shall be the;omi Rental Balance.Upon CFS'receipt of no Rematnag Rental Bdaxe CFS sha8 tanVot the applicable Eq;rpment to and several habuy of an such parties Customers representations,waranbes,and covenants under ms Agreement shag Cuslo met'AS IS,VIHERE IS'Witioat any represenawn or watrany whatsoever except for DTE,and 9 s Agreement Shan survive Na deLvefy and return ti the Equromen:.Any prrn6bn of this Agreement Nat may,be detamoed by dompatenr terminate with respect to such Equipment authority b be PmhWad Or urenfbrdeabie In any)JW Ztwn Shan,as to SJca)Unsoctart,be cief[et'✓re to the extent of such 15.DEFAULT.Any of Ne folbwmg everts o:conditions shay cons;!ule an'Event of De!auft'under this Agrcoment(a) prohefon w unentOnOeaod;}wtthoul mvandatvxg iha remamhag prorisrns of Nis AprEEm^_ni No Stich pmht.t on or Customer defaults in NE payment when duo of any indebtedness of Customer to CFS,whether or not arts ng under this unerdorceaadry in any junrd e'on shag bva'da!e of re der unenforceable such Droviswn rl any otberjosdctw.n Customer Agr Oment WTIOn nit"of demand by CFS:(b)Customer of any guarantee of Custome(S ohrgaucm hEreunder agrees that CFS may etsen m rksrq mbrmahmh Or cones'other mfasnalon on the Agreement 4ufuding the Equipments I Guarantor)ceases business as a going concern(c)Customer or any Goarmor becomes nsctvert of makes an description serial numoer,and kcabbh,and corrections to Customer's legal name,otherwise,thu Agreement contains the assignment for the waft of credonrs,(d)a potW or proceeding stied by or agaxst Customer or any Guarantor under an, entre arrangement beh een Customer and CFS arca no moJif caueas of Ns Agreement shag bE effective unless in wing barkhcmtcy or mwlvencg Issas(e)a recevef,trustee,conemetor,o rquxator is appointed for Customer,any Guarantor,or one s.gned by the partes Cuslo,"agrees Nat GFS may accept a fats nie or other e'tMnI.transmission-'tills any of ttio propory(1)any stalemenf representation or warany made by Custcret or any Guarantor to CFS s Incorrect in Agreement or any Accepance Cen fuaiE as an b•gmun,and that'E%;rt­a or elecnfoncaey tmasm4ted copies of Customers any material respect,or(g)Customer or aaj Guarantor who is a naluml person des. s gnsk;ra wZ!be treated as an anginal for wp it`c s^s 16 REMEDIES:Upon the happening of any one or rare Evens of DeraulL CFS shag have me ryht to exercise anyone or all of t+e tagaanng remedies(which shag be wmulabre),simulameouxy or setaty an:in any Order.(a)to require Customer to CFS-1079(03118) Page 2 of 2 ipE:aaF J°rfi ANY OTHER RE?FES1+1`aTrvv,Cat tTAR.Au-CxPRESSCa•;vpL,!D lvtri R£S%£C'•OTnE ^«'ax t a • .-z ,�,•,s.rri, .• . .. x 1O+JIPUEh1 W,4U.RtG aliN'.i,.`i tu-.ItON w NPIED W.RRav¢5 G+4ERLhAaARk?4 ahafs'ess -st1\;re,rl•c•, +r,�.., - , e;•vr�°a.,,.,=_Ae-• r• rORA PAJ-.In}.ARFURPyf..j, j,-vq+ "OK'UAe E4:q',a^7 R.Af lr Td•°ar,�„y,M':Late J!.>K+n ":-'C(.-'-•",•si.rr-Y..yk".+r�.rc-q..t-r•t.Y'Er"EcrC•'.'r,`r'sl:)m:.t{s.ttlitASS:Hee,+`d•21 V . »vFank AT.+(r6a V-taiaTb"[t>Agt:'Mr•;a',a_va]:.tyt•,e rhr^49!FS:LSY„rt•s,CFas,Wls;rF rns +6�t••El.t v> rc ,¢u•'�,.-,ECrs .`r.T)l oai r.nA iry;,-x a.-.,i+]C^-rnu•v;tt,a r vt.tr Eri., nipexs vA`r SC t,np ii C.0*e•s,e„+arew a9a'se'e1 T+o Af;ideni+,CfS xl.sm r,C.c!caN a•r•a,a t:et ry.n,.,,,^r-',we•-•.•e•>nr.^r aFt:r-,4r,s W.r-ra,.-P:et vw+n nr..r;a,a,..,,,:t•,^� --JA¢y'TMtt++S'ri9d 3]rE'+'riaTG•:#.%M'RT:l./rJn.hC,•crG+b„a4.Au•;«RtJ,CtS+L,7 raas rT,ftl G i.y.Sn'i`t .l't,7r•f2 ^T+J'q•'/.vr',;d.^rrra;r=i.;rrv>'tt i`TG ,51e,:+SS•'fr L1^r ^.}'w•+t;: Pnt+Onai Eq:rrar Crr.neL',r:'c arxsn,nl4 Ulti x:daa,wa.r,rsn,ral sv.•e v.•nrF dear Cal.^tn! ..;re:.•+ 'xv+.s:c'h3sm,n.,,=;tP,x,�.s.i".t"''i•^`✓'.::+r5a,"Tr..Sr.•-.:^.n+^m'G+a:.srt,••^'>9?^•r,Vt:iax iirtE cif+taa'C�SxT'iVl,>%+i.Snr)!'KT.11 artrta ri M;>(++f at,e^.rw'vL•rR^:a"^.),:rrVe'i�l ttrt• •:'•• , .n>Y}Y P°L'-V-"+^'a�•YLR r.'tey'a-u,..1"^•r...:':.Pr`C,i.}n t.•+f n-'•,(•n•'+I ' }r_•tv.+±a•t;rer him>nt„Pr]l•,^,ritnY rxtrtgi^r•-tsara w,J^Yir a'r..r+;t:Jrlr'rr•CiS 3.:..SIc tFna ••,'�•°sr :t',r,.=`•3-.d.',.f).a t:rr:.,+:R•a.a,.,a„u,r^,•.r.r n+ ' T 5'JPPL.R A.'1F.AVx DEALER IS A;:kXf2t,-TD CS'y-�' ,„- 'x.,.eH;i.r"c'^a-,..,Ar•SC,-xv yr-rm ura'ul..tae'•ts3!-r ELt yE O _LTERAN- EP4C;_FDEF5.EEME s'kA%rE it .�... v-a,•^.,,, r _,tl nr•;:r:,a.:m`:?m s,,vrr;it^A A'ArfE OR A`.ic'iL A4+TEPuOF iisS ALREfMEtT tf ANrSCnEClr.E,:S=uusE AHY RE RlF3F4ia7:G4C4 .Nrt:r>•c,^.::r;.v. ef✓Et,i.,u•�� a...�:w Ft NJY+E \: OF CAl Gae.n•lc•..rre^+.•-,r Nf.•:ra, r'- rar.•rr ARA+tTY Nil*RESPECT t+;T•+•SAv'N£EREM CR`+rC EDUiPstFRl^.N n ! F9 cs,rn.a.t.',er's?+•K:,r:et3::�,s'.r.a•;i.,xr,-,-:4.,s5;nJ.•hP4•�:,,c r„v,o;,:�,^ls.vtn•r 7.ACCCPLANCC,QEUVEHt_CoeKro✓.orrp.'+A tic»Aarl,r:,•G0Nulf v Sraj - sC:t^.'3n;m41ltY.nXV nl i'it':;hT..1r,Y't3ta $d'.R£ nl114 F.trot4lufrd"L'Y A,r: •34'^t ,ti•r6<l,r a_..,, nc:ILti rYu�A'z. ry,^•"�bx+,'^ ..6Rsd•G."`i!aM1l i 3aI•� C-V*'/ t+•X'P;,4Mq I - ,. _ ' r"•re' r -ri-r } )4 Mr o, ,. + 1. '� N +,Y)v tnLt .,r ..n, S•.ry.ry,-aii� .,.0 . ;Dt;V^'C1 fr:NTl'r,+`d{?.k'emC S.,C•Js. w,y rr:. 5, ..•tt - s:d .. ay.a> •i + .t r ,..• n 1 ,. - •'rr�:J�..,,-..• - r.x e' w e•-.' 4.'- � .�'.r kn.rrr �r Et.T.•.}.�,Y y'JI,'r4nh'r jeti bn:^ .l4 .wr . . r , x . .'� r . - , rtr.7F�a4vr t'ee•F.4'eP^asrm.,,,+rsG:w1'e1eCtSxas Six 0srdw ra'a,i;•9+:'r!•.;:.xa'ar,rtra ra'•r;4t; ,'T�,+,r ,• • , - , it•,e�Yae Fv.?'wm✓=.•.sf>s..;x]n..ra3cot•J rt•.s AP'a,+r-a i`' , •t' _ > r ' a IOCAT1Dr411ENS.NAaE5,0FFs 6,Cnavrr Wtr'ci rtra,e ne Et.'1.-r^a:t.�erl tn:>i>r aatrYee:ernit•r,7 It ASSr.NNEN7'CU5T1.%MEP Slut[IOT ASSICi1J OR P,E'W!,MS AIIREE•JEHT a,Wt. .E OR IV PART NIiq .rr,;N.;eyreE^t:^Lct crCFSC:IP.e,atuy tees At EtrtG+-e,•1"•re)'+;+x.r eCil Luna sl'7t'cn•'re b^ SIMLCUMUER SUBLET OR LEND ANY tot,ptliHI t5 ih^y7=R/,+ft Y.Rt•TEA GOti5Eh110=CFS CfS nif 2Wsan5•V:"oPS v.}f)rV•J�Arf•,i•tl irl br^,r,4t'MSl�C+rVt.Tmrks hana•.n 7+¢s,_:ra:J'S SennrrwnUl .��t�N:irtb':�aM,rtRm4^tCc>'bT+•wM1tf C^U?CC.'var'srl r')!7'M+Xr.'.:.e.1W"•N wG r,9rlM Sa•u ' ,NkY Cra(ylhl Laly'rr`rata.,?Ar„+,.•tm+N(A(�3rtpzbM an mwl arl.;tn JYtir]C'J,TSsu G.e-^sv i•e a! • i'+i;tCr` s',a •+•4nAa iE'1,C:'•x•(Tr:,p,irrM'>t•M:•:'r.•A+C15 r L1.rse++bit's s n W t`att:4;fb r1 kt 6`.am di Sf.�t:'ata rJ+ti T4�3• '�� f � ”!Mu Ar•• ••._ •,w - , t(.t a.+ax:t+t aYa.e avnrl3 r c k+T 4':r•nuaar t'va, einem' rn m• 'a agroes tea „ . tt'+lA NI +• �✓• _ ^•tot.••,°~ ctla ,r7 aM.rfet,�^atsLr,s ,adearn ClLsJaJa;c3;4M t',e: 'nr•G::w-•x ruyvre r�ivatCFS rLut•`raer raFwr,oc..arW)n;karz'•l41u3<c4i.0w,1S0e__et frhl.b M11J d/:!f,V Ci S I.L"eG?^,¢nlb/i tag,^•tE V i9)t,�•rJ4 Cnrtn N a'1T.re:Sr:D M a93srta t1 y Mr ia,l H�•.tCry LS:JftGt ra'ri•.+kr 9 PNUIPAN7t Of 8USHlE55 PUpF05£,VSE pERS.^NAL PpGPERTt-FI,SA3sCINC STATFlJEH75_wt, i9 RENEWAL RETURN t�saq•!c'rerl>`�f..¢aoaYe)jrcne.cn.mtr,+r b=mvnl,',iwrnrr,�r,e p>�r�rr Ktrt'.anCirS eirdT3 er'r+fe)c✓%#-R4 rot�r vsoc k+•'a•�rlt•i-rr 7"^.',I'+.A:reLC3tt�_9'?'•tt+.e! >„p,r:0 •4 'RgxaC}_r]e3a G.rY+w itwllaNf3t'1,%]i3:.Rb::4e i•dnmr u+lt.fM•t�nnar.,ane.r GT_ u-yi•rfl,•...K,a..t i•-s-eva'y E,st rr¢rte!�.•r+anx c'"s Fa.H•"cr C.Su+v trs::'n':+£c.rrnri writ se C. vwlM"MI C•:r•Tdr asOs rct.>•,Is tr*e.*aA4,ee,eIi:d at I rd dl,rAre - ECSp"P^Sas.'ra:4N�kN11••v)1^',Ajr++t'TM:•]+fSriY..d;lsleva J':c9YrnF'P,CLS.tAn @r!E<:�`i"fit a: •., r riA',YEta•'t ,, ._ uv. -., .(.. •-•, - ,.V ,.... d,CtirC91'iFS i'r:)•i•.,,'iWi4'+rlh•`r-IftCSi}'.aa1r=?i,.F".•,Ct rrRL'Fr'GM'd f;i.'L,Yrv�f'85M1=•:t lrC?n.`.� � d • •. � •� r� e, , ' • T't aores:o CPS r,rrt E'::•rre'?,nit.R,Nnl:ur,nr,3Yr3en dtl.•Y.)ttn tJL`u E:.,:•'•+l'7a,:.I,>CrPS+A*. i. M, -`.. >+ ..°�;-t,t,._,:•.� r.. .,•,Y•::,..y�,,..•�.•..� � a. _ - N aA'Y,gr� t,C•nr„i.r1,\�ttrT•V ri'etCt(:t\'*Wt 1i:l,, +'a•T'+ ".i:'„” ilr.a' •c i+C C,ia+nr+z.:aa'n <P «a'tx)n Ga:Rmvk;^.t=•' CFS.io-"Jt:,3fA1'u,d TY Mdsft t Ia:• ,7 Pr, P�nNad cat S,tA nrx-460!,14 C.}brit t _ _ nt pc t^^ IAV Li� tl;a _ %tor saint:,t:CFS f,r ial msn„bxrfg Si SFS;.,aw.t`r Ev",wnl.pxd tfx+9lrS mn:-;A _5, ,,] •.-r' 'M PURCHASE OP'tiON,CitaWSL FJt)I3rTtna,faca l.d.l'DCN.,ae•csda{ar•Ja9 rnis'a y,.,sSxfY,.ti J,sna1 �� /I..IAWTESIA}{CE Mtv - - •- • -- •' , '• ' klt T'ra]Lir Ce ES_s3Cl1l.Ii yCJ kCWe U'.f SlnN(,,ltr'a^.Ja•+�➢11'30-'rS�{I':la f>eALtht.'-'atxat ,•I` 'a aJ•F.irsir'srac 8t^nO.Srsr•,cwrrC.a3r p+f'e>1ls Ur anxs J3.l a.tS+cn-.W rrr.f:^ - fnr�. i•_. .,tn,c Lan .:airro,r,.» � u., '.t ,su! v t'rnW!9 aS.W tiH Vr�7.C•3;M ytl Ytk•irtl NCrrr•:1t{L`;4G tr�hyA 3X Sv((„/C l,yJ:_+.:SA's n J!N -:Tt.n - :b!tli,;aM,., `.;..It- fat, Ir E: 'y,YPan :usl1TM iuxa_lrtA-r:5.•i•:e Ftr•aLI'f>Yn-1 m!mNaAa:N,.'w C+lvr a.a»anPcl t,aP.r:>^a:ss atH,�.te de.i'rn•rtts�:E.bn`CiS r,airms4rte EQ•Rrr^tC Cs,+c-rH'A535 WHEAF•U^+t43ly reTrtcrl2uM �, v as ,. ,_r•,tir Lire'.' •_ !sad rina,r•^J'tst+!•aare0lML:'an!bAq,t a'eeri"ter't.vw r l .-. •.} •� t _ .-: y - sG°U ''� - -"t r cyr - 2t,OA7A'Cufxa+e•9a 9l.UlP I.,cc•r.3a,TtE r•,vI.ivv aha.:wL4rrxs+v st.N •a••-. rf,)n3a,i+n•r. -,araw ;>G , Jr0 h vneoie 5, 'eS I',' rein ! J'a C SC.'.• 131'nt •t---+•, .s Ca••.. •. ,,Jn-fir,: •A Ha ^"r•4^!a:N'hA>C-i,Cv3sfr,r,TJl,atr•s IY q,'ryneM1 d?f^•a•titntbs,Cl Vrt EQ..J+Mnt.`Oml C,f s : •:xr'-, "'ra•• sa rt .,a-Eke WrCt C' A`t?»L,pAi^AIG:S»rtxr)!t✓eri)Dakxl'nr.iM1.)'Cu.w^ds:,:ca'a'A,•r's WlC.fil WrAP'i:lta�f:,?+nb' M•. r.'., „,.ir•,' SA,•_.;v ry..Vi.n•>v .r•A,'To•x,rtn -.,}i- • ' Ca Snr nCIS r'itr ort••i``lcce"Llk K,N,t• vi,nr,r"IN bt Sthsb FIT",Rh:EFS trt.-Se'."Po:.Xk..• 3•,:rtGwre,a:r;pt+r.�>•.t�rrir•1,4,i�ct•etmrrrl rw.. eralvw C"at.3ry Pr>e•kr ctitl bs R_o-x a�a,•+t's, ''CFS r.+;i'x;r'uvra'Natrs nai 0•.a+glrp.yr nau aat".rt'l Dia tcxCe.U:-•�rp rcs.r;,�l at Etwarrtrl'r raa:tgtT:+,C-t^+e'Gatla�m•C`at 1Ufl„'yllS Llrsd�:5>ennr P;a.Cert A:tr^a'61 t"Yk•,NC:T;t Sk„ra CfS C,lrr,r ris�s.Trcl,-.xTam Ax Nya x,r•R�rt.a-ax'r:ta.im:r„�:ste+e una prar:,-,Y;y.w;a " PT:,.•a,a CiS-us,daa;rn>r..'>c7e'a,,r."-td••tid.•y wrtrcm^,r••rt:e r.gne C.sar,e•C-.nrenrta^r Te .vdry rrraga sa.mb.,0tarm,>•�nracrv,wxuxC3r.�:a:•Se•-a,.4iM e••-av,•Jo srr.rr.at 00ta:tw.r ax'.u5 5fa]n,a>1l:ail!r'Iv'4ul.trft:r Yea O'tr,rYd.ga,•U tptviMr•C!'su EC+•yrr+^•3+M1'cr P^rw 3',i„ra•r]:ir "'e avr)V/Y wJ9'JI.iW C_39fM's'rv.S n,m3:e:,l tu.a Da+Ont,H�D?a:d enu r)<::rxtd!y PrJr.i'J"Gn4 qkl to •a t na'+ xtern c+ere A,,a.a •e-n .,._.� rUf'Ct'3 ;-a1 .•,.' 4sest tr inti-Eg..q•t*!a:nTa;r la ssn,r�mtrn xo-++tn Caa'itct if r't'ffiTOrart;YJeNh06 i..;�rrrra3;Ali,i ,JCt447at EczTa>{Jl lw;rq,Fv rn .++.rsdmy„)n. JSn3Rt1)A],]q'rrY✓.,h 1•) et lk^.6 R31"".t/a3lC At.^„YAaltYi} • ,._ ,r • ^ +- Y .rcrnsm:rx':•cmEe'Ea','c-+nntxaini bTr”,ig•aa're.t:wt*x+5anu+v�i•r�•arx'Cvercrwr m�silwln'^,•,rtn3z!+s:..w:meeMn:s,s t:swRl.n h• :',e C.as3rrq.«"ln�t 0aan rCfiswrw gi9lgm'Sa+._rx,e,•„rmer'i Ct.yrne.;yT?�r:tusa t�n.r9Gw Writ,)4 rir rtN,•rt Yd•P.'_rv:LTgf s',er:,Ctr,•r;t it>V l.1 C i Ny 'A GtVp�Aa A troCnrr4.4r'fl14c31(•.s,y h rJAYC*G Y trtrJ•JYtit$+p•\yys epyp,A'Ct EGiC+I'er.,CKn[••.ar M.ga rSj af.i•DQ OF',Efl`A—Kr op:w.l,.t i'r>c`•',,y dsy.elTt it nra4tr wive n a.Tet.t,'14 We c^w.ir5 cvr„!cn dqun?-+i;-1.n r,DD Can E>7i!rLd AOA,ar ' fi TAXES:OTa1ER FEES AND CHApQES r.4$t04£RSt+A.t PAY Aho GsS;,1*,E•yeEF+DUE A.L_1CENS E ARO M+b'rt.?M i:,F3f tren.+m.N Dau lY✓Emco-.tt rci I—I. J'ttA RE45iSTRAT01"ECSAS511SUEN!S SALES USE,i$FMP:I ANOGTHER i0ES,ANDOTHER E-PENSES A+v QC ,iP'iw-int!u.4;i2 it+fri,;im Cutwmal tn•,.d p,•Twh uiYal Cb ra:lAp:c Vr.Un+Ai t;staTrot;naT..Lya•.ef rltAFS I , JAC'^:i]`tS it,•Jr,Cl merTsl s•'C aarn•fvarrl kti hT 101+r Mr.rrst•;ta7%P]?anr Se•:x P�.q,.CCS ssHm.Aisuanac.•i•.t-.t ePren.erXnls.nC aP¢>•1 fX,inT igiL•st n^t 3'iJ ae nr.4 EC.G•nty! :r••:ccT.__N•a arpf3➢r:T h- Tev titrnse] dmeq?s S:SSt: �rzrrt3 Cr a){i,rsU are(,naura!ie itrrai)t!A'.,er rS t,t fxltm 31 tiY ftr;,7 CSf t.^C'rtriT•+]G St;%�B':aet bCaF ani}„Y`kC1]ilCldmt^y,$a:a erae^,ttYaS:f+}3},il,uiasp5 •Mit/Xre y3?+d tM[RKtb^M:q O)G TS s'9.�t'n t_..-rei i'rra3>rfib MUM A•jlr:,tn;t1r%- lefti•Ct,tn$1`&,R1ry e+;n;i`Lr'rlet ta^•JPltir ar,'NB ea,tivCt a15t11'AnR airs baMnta+nJ^`IyA rn: 'N^•IN^t,M:7Y r+Y b rf QCrw^ii e,D.U,- +nus-Caytral trinmCN[',T•„iD•ek•`M artrTxNla•r C_4V,•r a'tryr:It,•t't•'v'.;IS J` 6—,,c Cr sro9 A-,:,Ot•3.4.,r <tikft;!^;>aMr ra C3d 71G.vfa Ch'r�at!ltntn_+e.SrM.3!r rTY-M.rtrWhtat.`...C^�r$e-iw Pra'•.pIN,CTs l.::N•i1V`.SC•iirs na,.tt-¢sK_W,.LT.C S.r'Ce d•;•,)wej 4. ,Yr.A er,r.:p R;{ite3,t V'r'lm:,! :s ba,:,nre b]yri;GEa:V ^ '-,5'' t, r .r-.- ». ,ir. ,. ,`. .. .. •.r' : 77.I1ASNIIJU 147ERES7,RECHARACUREED AGPEEtAEA1-RS Par•:+trM.erlt Mf lc f.;efCM•;aat.t.•n iNrc+•p+ '�' ”' ..-u,+a rx -•c'.'•, ,;.•'t,A•„'o-' tan'n'See,r+ztLWat C:etP:dP CA:r1lzl Dr e:;l'u!:s:J,s snJA�I t:CAe,fti7 PaJ'Ta!•lrri•Sta�:pe sr ptynarri, THE fIR51 SCwED:1,E0 P4TUENT kiO THE DATE OF THE FLgSS SCHEOLAC PAIRCN,AFTER 1,.E A00010h Oi V3.v,ar lAn!lprtm.•+de.n rnirM.6,Uar n+•ubtts vid pi;tarv.lra/y•b+x,L+tt9 Y trs AQrienaMil+Cr.a-e5 AA;EOtl'r•NEnT ClSTOUERSH)t•PAS TO CFSAGC'GVO:triAYlOR FEE 14 I)A 4IJMNFC,I`.W TC )S RcaW'dT•a.eT'r abaO Ctite+nafMntq Qra•tsb CFS nsaitnx+sii}.nug.s seeec'rF,ne:eslai V>e EGarc+t REM6URSf tiSFrPITS 404 NSTurTVE AND RFCCRG,*.G COSTS eo aai:a.Sp•,w):a nr,syr+rne rJC.SeYndt wgaasm„ Vac A,",,W r)INSURANCE CasYrnw x'a vs.:r,2st a,q ocIMrY v”"a.:trrnaa,o=t raT 7„(ilrtwan a•ee eikrwm ti UCC•AR710EE=A:WMJER OFOfFSET:it tFl�S AGpEENENT IS 1NEi4,7fD AS A'fl.4Ah !EASE'its-n T abzr,ni:dr M4 PA,tY p!f.`>Y.a.)a:'fi'Ia k-net W_V�t1 CY Ec,LIvli kA Pt l^Ym>wz"N ra',a TEEM IS DEF140 IN AAT)C E:ACF lh,E UtISCPRi1 C004ER..Ut COUI V:C:A;ASL CFS IS EN'1TtEO 1G]�. -t'anN iti C•'7can;.Clstnl;:wrn'Yta'r 0+f traa0riaa:+sa�t ns:r.r'�t 1.lt.+rvnrcelW Pn lct k••acw¢•:.• 8Ef+EFITS Poffa,EGES AND PROTEUV4,C3'aLESSGST'v'HDfpA FWAIA..F.EASE aUSTOVIA WAvES!'S rM�aeea:n7 S4 aMHIr mr,1'miMi"'r•.+t.'rar+r urp,tr,ms as!nM.arr r,CFS•E ao r.a.*t,`.^.rtnT.,f.' R,GNTS45A:EStEEUt."DERUCCIT+SECT1 sst)as7r*..t,Na Ec,.ae"•t,irsnN;+;tirnr rest3Ce,+,dp0yrgi yrq,ix riciUec'r}Ui J'M CF6 u,/b:•pr'J:ia.rlt aY G31 FFf4t lfJprordc CrS MN,hrCi7t•+rr:4f nt'tx tin tYt r•+f ia•t:vt3[nsat,P'Mrtin'dd rA S.•Sa)Settv+t'•t,J1T i/i .Gl.atmgl ilr;aJte tutu 0.t,,,ty.Ar .$.nt K:PaY. fY.1ne_c3rin 3:4t Pt n14Vtl AV`F:at3^tt'a:Caf].`.t•t'.e!tar ee tW+'a^t+v t.tP !hota d/xtrs N•Wtri:taa C1>tTry•rr,d<]•)An!JIUOIAN;;JM tr,t~%MIA a450H a,/rG 1,TpAMNiddM• rtlr>~nf;tr•d•z7PM,e'tta,Ci/dy+SfttryJ 3^,IYYO/i.9r.!"Sfl3'ds9Ctkrhdt°:,a Efi'tV,1'rC/N.FS I14 tfV'Qts+M 17sr9+4AQ'!s'rMi 3:,C:.,etY,1 h'rJt3 ditttS6^,Tali.<'1 P�m!y'Sih7PMrttarj�S,tty`9Y•Nla 4!in( y-..raAal Jr3�+,,..ra,tea:4:7b:MCrS vai St s.•r.,'.cre,ii,r:aa,e-al rt,.w�^Fn,erxrl c.:::ai:t5,°u acv:erC.+e.tL•rnfi'x asN+4C tf GLwrs,n,rYaSe+.sY C CIS 141,Ll , p•nnrl N GOPERHVIC tAPr'YERVE;TYJtNEp OF JURT iRAI,THiS AOREEUE4T SH-it FQR Ait PURPOSFS fiC 'ptta+: s , ,+ •-t Av -Iafn,U•• +,-~-^.' •- a!fy Uysa• , m'Pf DEEUED A CCN7RA0T EnTEREO PRO Ih ME STATE CF rtESv fEHSEY THE RiriRS Ga THE PARTRS U'+DER TICS Ee.erH,tes.ar,'ai Mnr,�y.s,sa7raNJ•c3t•eQrts 0tWWS ttj"an+Wm frr n-tt»t)a+otar•-Ling ACREE4CKT4Utt 8EGO1•ff4CCD8e tHEiA3TE OF YrsE STATL OF NEw JEfi;,E•+Nt!1•C4.f7i1EF£RENCF 70 FfA3A+'l,y.M✓cP-a.,,rcrrnt P.4-Vt;.rst St:W1.1 to F.:1.1" rnris2'e-,at•ryi,r•,,slx+••ner:et ia#.rr.a 'CONFL'rT.Or LAvrPROrIPLES ANr AGTY,'aa 8Et1YEENCt^SIC"ER ANO^.ES SKA:L Of OROLGNI la A-,'STATE CF"2S CJLY R4•i)lr e`r rNC W, bnJad(.A,=Ir ftI, Y N,'WI•'«F1".ieN.^M)•'G C"A'i'°J Ii OR FECER•1.:0„R7 tOCATEO s4Tt4E COUnT Ct CAMDEN CA BCI%JIGI"v NEW.JERSEY OR AT CFS SOLE :Seo,,'+s•J%i K a^F csa k 6f•'t;x.>aar a+I%.0 rt.,acrt wn`.nn PITC sin i"ar e.,S re.>•tr C,J_t, OPTION"I THE STATE WHERE CUSTOMER OR THE fPJ7QCx7 tS,CCATEO C,JiTQMER 8T f:5 MCV7Y,•tt It"-_r•ta 1fA`at:.^•errYMa,P`lxr,rlraw b CFS ft-CIS Wal nare.-+17'.a,lnat N rb,.av<u OU, W)DRI,ERYi+ERECF IRFetOtASLY AANES WJEC"S 107HE yJR+$D1:T.DH Of SUCHCCURJS ANO rri_w'.0V.ln:f s+sa•eu3 r sw fe,oaari are•if De IIH.N izvvy i•e*mm'e j s.r nsvrente i+a r OWU 1IONS-O"IME AND CON.rR.ENCE CF FCHUU CUSTOS-ER 8t T5 EXECtlTtJN AF,'O OE,tieRY lektdr >'.s al>.,tA^1.Vam.,nthtt/,:tJInCl anb]+rP.'.AyrCE'rCT:CFSI+f,Mel7.PMttnVynt]aiCRm:t ARDCIS 61'IS ACCEPTANCEREREDI.HEREBY:RRE3',"`r-,LB:Iu4(vt00A031TOA IUAITFIALt14prf m the Y„eq)•y, SUCH FROCEEVACS It 04M DAUACE,C.t.'.R'aaiv*',)ndl•n'mf3Y nt can roa0 ,l,YaSdr..0C1'"b pm E;,e,d:i fv /•,] 33,WU(LLA8EOUS'At rc'eatrl;.,Ilgi(4•trcC_Ce+3n AQ,mmerJ-4 W,tce:t t dd,,MWli at I r,-. G.aE•taiiia>T'-f1HC1tt,,.)ryrt!•;re^yt:tKt]!"fNf•,'Trw.-d Clt T.E"a"wTJp^3]att'ntl+eCwen'cm rls^r sr7 nC.U'rY.MGfflm'47nY•{bnnv^aw+artcrkdbi,:.f,P,sy atMihr•TSS:dt'paMr Art AilNrosl,Y It W:f ,a,-. - '!q•>vil'r Ce i,a . •qr L. . ,- ,,. a„7, ,» v.•,^ .-rs• ;'•t•• .._•r< .. ,v- r - .,ia Evx'yrr0ro m-a:. r. f...:s.•.~,..¢. Cts r'� .,« ~,sc, n-r,rs•,«„roz.-,n,- w. „. r 4-r , , 'r, •...v:,a-i'_ ,})ta4f l,t SaV wrE.Wc tC.Cry fl1:rxGCC�v APta;Art»l;fw itC 4n•tf tra.ftKil,aG:G P:I S1rF$W iP^4•�rf t't'r•m3iCt^s�•,dt'dfl:i+.r fr�e`J�ss.vh'+a,_.r.c"C• rt:11:!:tT•itw•N•n 1.,.' S,rJ'a9.4"'sM.'f:7,irs,•rpE:eyrta+.e awtw t:zeosne,a,�iPlT»M,rra.,en',Mil'td7 UFI�Cx F:tn'enr; :A rs1'•!.ti.t.:a'S¢tt�Y',,;�•GL"y^Wrm•vr.,`..G++h at y�(,y;[•�,r',,,.`:�+uwgrt;y_.L�'v+a-tiYv!e r.1 Rp•:A'BJJr,7t U>ra CF$rYeTrt Sl nP Rf^aAttT R/r.71BaL+r{R{f$f30F=F41a•e»eC;.ca:Y E�:Tt'+It '7••-wvsF-^hicrrY:.:S.AJ,;,tn,+S.:t�A"+,1,at•14'N"•a',>lx yr ri*ir'x•atn,.ww":a.•'w.T^.n,;a<.•^a_>.,u' Is 46 WhEpt R-nT'er;:a•ry rRr'.il9rnaYt fP a):a"tr.hawA.tfl,S:YSM i?C.4 All r.s AT:]aTa_ar v j' ..,.,r,t:M'4•,^'r Jaz'anl+.:4+e EC..+`v,b 4.r.yr„/c°v.t M•!L .1I,il'V•pt'<s”,°v N'•r a•A,r.Ninf tK*A 1 K'FQ.r,+9n:t i r't,t`:C;I.'^'G:w{V/'{'+'11•;rpy8 r IS DEFAULT'A-,,v^it]rwol a.e•'•O v'.a4cmi]`JI•.0l,t,.ke it'E+':rr/•Ofla)'i ,}e•3•olt r t•e`.'a^«^a>'.Y<!,.E,t,:' r'>::a:t+:w••ca;"r.t v,cr`:i•.'+•':.,y s' C.Sr:vTtrlt'at:r:,t r„an 7r ti . y,[er•;n t. .r :rV+rr -ttw.aa`r.faC..:,•,a•:a'nirMiP'"J,n;;r...:•. - W, l.naa r,.tn.r do:wlres:Ytu:a++r•n FS.Acne,-r na; Ile,wean�S •t=J•aaw. rr ••i:.•r.v.l.r.Sr.)L:/4,:: tev;ei•c _.s-.••lig,••,a• rnv-s.. ,ate., •• a-t.•Wn- J - .-.) ,. .-t•E/:. •-•• .. r -r.+rpr -^{m tCa'lf.`n .nvn+qs•-1'r Yr'J x.tn to m:L1t tr rr^a`SrG :.,ka-c+w•nJ.r.+`�:ce t•rv.:1`x t-• )tltel'.. , -t• Cn3r,- •^!'aW- � +. .. KxyrNttl i. .,:4,- tr^•aa•Urr>Ml:attn 9l`t^'•.•r'R Ys...,",r+'.ry♦` ' ,he^'•rsr •` .1 - .Ca:lx1',:1a.•r •.', ar ,,A,. L.F. .a >„y?'t.}.-«^'t.•,.xln lr O C+/ .,J.+ .«h'J,v n•Se.•'ysvw:n.s,MnY,L.tin.+'A•r }rt, +i li,x^;•.S•.•,A:i,-.wni.l,d:n C+r,tt'•.1+-Ya}•erri ' n ttv tee D4'•nrtib :4;J•Mt'nk'•'h!''N�lt9h`.:e:IY:IiB.':t�rl,-.N2 amr]Janf:"4Y'T]\•3f,3W.q^ilot rle•dJ{p'Cr+3'l3nN m.pGp]t°Hb'H;tv.nr G.)')AYT CEt„^la<•/'A't 4�W.3 r. n^.KS.'t:Vry •al'a.14.,•••rr••. a,(dTNsd.m3tce eu tQr.;o4r-,a'Cx irf liAOpu a leTn),itar.'tX,3y, s6 RF]IEOtE6".trn Pr•vpx•�SFi,;;rvt'ro-:rvE.en;:Mi-iTtu:CFS t.:3a W,t C.m:•at+t•:ru in..r.My n•r+3e.'^., ,•'..�,ti:3:.,c..•r tr,'b; 7 Jv bt•.''r.•eaat[n5 rtrz,v r_,.a5.• •tm,._r•+0n..4 n,e•.�r n.prJ•rvoe• ,,,r,ti::a G,.il:"i-r ' -. t•3 .