HomeMy WebLinkAboutHutson, J. Milton is ' John Bredemeyer, President �oSUFF014.e, Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino, Vice-President °° °mss 54375 Route 25 James F. King Co i P.O. Box 1179 Charles J. Sanders . Southold, NY 11971 Dave Bergen y''�i ,� ya°! Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Work Session Report Date/Time: <* JJL/ Inter-Science on behalf of J. MILTON HUTSON requests a Pre-Submission Inspection for a proposed catwalk. Located: 1395 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Southold. SCTM# 78-1- 10.20 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound /Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes V/"-No /No Not Applicable Info needed: Modifications: Conditions: �.. Present Were: J. Bredemeyer V16. Domino J. King C. Sanders V"D. Bergen Bay Constable Other Form filled out in the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: lbw � d ,�- James F Ringg�1FFQ( ,President �� 019 P O Box 1179 Bob Ghosio,Jr,Vice-President G�� Southold,NY 11971 Dave Bergen Telephone(631 765-1892 John Bredemeyer ,y Fax(631)765-6641 Michael J Domino `F Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Work Session Report Date/Time: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of J. MILTON HUTSON requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'x70' low-profile fixed dock using Thru-Flow decking; a 2.5'x14' seasonal ramp; and a 6'x20' seasonal float with two (2) stops to keep float off bottom. Located: 1395 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Southold. SCTM# 78-1- 10.20 Type of area to be impacted: _Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: _Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland _Coastal Erosion _Amendment —Administrative—Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Info needed: ®n Cho � b Modifications: insT�ej Conditions: I - Present Were: J. King B. Ghosio D. Bergen, J. Bredemeyer Michael Domino D. Dzenkowski other Form filled out in the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: Surveyed: 09-12-06 Plan View N Amended: 11-11-06 1" = 60' we 02-06-07, 06-06-07, Proposed: Catwalk &Steps s SCT# 1000-78-1-10.20 made of Flo-thru decking Town: Southold Applicant: Maria Trupia n------� ` Suffolk County, NY Purpose: Private Mooring Exist. Dock Datum: Low Water Ramp e f=loat Tide Range: 2.5' +l- SGr# loop-78-t_ \ I A11er� M IC.15 others m U 0 #1385 ;,�"- - N extend ~? ° f M - 1 2014 _ -...p,YtG�; �� rvoodchip �n` path 4' x l0' Steps P,,,, .: �, - io grade; Prop. Dock- Boar of Trus eesti r>{t1"D�q (4'X 551) r rain. 2' abv. ?`j o' ! SG-r# .� Ninth LeoiC)OO-78-1-21i- e'oa', Kwasneski m qj oo Qj Section 1" = 30' Begin Dock of High Marsh - Proposed Dock N exlstln exteno Low Marsh 4' X 55' `� - wood chip bovndar woOdthhip path 4' x -70' per N-r5DL (min. 2abv. gr) m i i v, HW — - — - LSEA W Wetland use fiberglass I Steps to exist L E I E L Netlanr "flo-thru" decking I grade bttm. MAPPING , y 631-722-3390 Sept. 4" posts 6" dia. piles �,' PO Box#538 ! In marsh �''� `w Riverhead,NY All hardware galvanized 10' o c in water `- 4" ROBERT H,FOX i NYS PLS#50197 I 10 penet. /141209 10 penet. \5LM\Tr plo—frc ' IVE Surveyed: 09-12-06 ' Flan View NAT Amended: 11-11-06 r W e 02-06-07 06-06-07 1 = 60 SCT# 1000-78-1-10.2011 Proposed: Catwalk &Steps so Pit1L7.8 made of Flo-thru decking-SC��N� �► ® �®�� Town: Southold Applicant: Maria Trupia Suffolk County, NY - Purpose: Private Mooring Exist Dock Datum: Low Water Ramp � Float Tide Range: 2.5' +/- i SG Alle 00-78-1-10.15 Mothers O House a•` f k=_ - '.r. . #1395 v 'T ry extend p SY - 1 2014 �^lOtJ�K- /path 4' x bio' steps A i Pati, } :, - -- _ �10 grade. ��4Dock ' Boa f Trustee min. 2'ab s O , 5GT# 1000 - vGc�rn Leo kwasnesk121 - r _m r; 9—CIO Section' ` 1 = 30' Begln Dock at ;y High Marsh - Proposed Dock _� N exteno Low Marsh 4' x 55' exlstlnc� wood chip bovndar wood chlp path 4' x "10' per NY50 (min. 2' ak)v. gr) m path - p ,. p HW -- , . ,`, • - - —; LWSEA use fiberglass I gtgpg to exist. LEVE L MA Wetland I'flo-thru" decking PPING 13oundory grade nttm. r , 631-722-3390 if rt' PO Box#538 R.I Sept.X 06 4" posts 6" dia. piles r y,F`,. Riverhead,NY F RII hardware galvanized in marsh ROBERT H,FOX ! n water i 10 O.C. NYS PLS-?F50197 I 101 penet. I i1/I412013 i1 13 OJAM 10' penet. Plan View N Surveyed: 09-12-06 Amended: 11-11-06 l „ 1 W E 02-06-07, 06-06-07 N- Proposed: Catwalk &Steps s SCT# 1000-78-1-10.20 i made of Flo-thru decking Town: Southold Applicant: Maria Trupia - '^'� Suffolk County, NY Purpose: Private Mooring Exist. Dock Datum: Low Water Ramp Float Tide Range: 2.5' +l- Sr--r#Allen Mothers 5 i m 'n i r5 r '� m CV n ry I t douse �•� '' -"'�—� lfi MAl - 1 2014 ---- _::-. extend IM, /path 4' x 7staps 'U iC'01z PQM - -- - _ 't0 grade; ' oar T ds Prop. Dock t min. 2'abv. 1 gr.f cv fit < *17 - 1 (V o-�' SGT# _ fOOO-78-I-21 SOCA+ Leo Kwasneskf t Section 1" = 30' Bepin Dock of "� h High Marsh - Proposed Dock exteno Low Marsh 4' X 55' o exlatlnc� wood chipp bovndor wood chip path 4' x "10' per NYSDG (min. 2' abv. gr) m path ry• HW LW SEA use fiberglass I steps to exist. MAPPING LEVE L Wetland "flo-thru" decking I bttm M A P P I N G y grade � ,� 631-722-3390 � GSBox#538 R. Fox 4" posts `+.. R�erhe d NY If Sept. '06 6 dia. piles All hardware galvanized in marsh in water �" ROBERT H.FOX 1010' NYS PLS#50197 po.c. 1 p' penet. i ����n„nie 11 1'cx)”•� I 1 enet. G.\5LM\Trpio;rrV Plan View I Surveyed: 09-12-06 j :Y I Amended: 11-11-06 , 1" = 60' 1 "' e 11-16-11, 111,06-07i0 -7 -110.20 Proposed: Catwalk & Steps s �LWM- SCIFEWCE mAPPULTS® Z014 SCT# 10 wn: S -10.20made of Flo-thru decking , Town: Southold , Applicant: Maria Trupia Suffolk County, NY . Purpose: Private Mooring Exist. Dock Datum: Low Water ` Ramp � Float Tide Range: 2.5' +/ Allen mothers f0'15 O Q• _ rn ,�, R H use extend PLAY 1 2014 � tstin woodchip h^lar��yrh path 4' x steps ' '1x0 grade, Dock-; I So3tho (41 Board f Tru tees �" # `Y min. 2'ab '' �, a in .o _ 1000_78 -21 w e'oo. Leo Kwasneskl - j m >.:rr qj Nome } o 0 J //u Section 1" = 30' Begin Dock at _ n� r V High Marsh - Proposed Dock r exteno Low Marsh 4' X 55' existing wood chipp boundor wood 61110 path 4' x -70', per NYSD G (min. 2' abv. gr) m path p - p '�'• HW SEA 1 use fiberglass I LW LEVEL I steps to exist. MAPPING I Lounidad "flo-thru" decking g �gde bttm. , 631-722-3390 y 1 1 n PO Box#538 I Sept.• 0 I 4" posts 61, dia. Iles r �+;j.�• Riverhead,NY p All hardware galvanized in marsh in water u" ROBERT H,FOX ' NYS PLS#50197 10 o.c. y p' penet. E 10' penet. �,n,: ,13 3 �\SLN1�Trpia=��e' PLAN VIEW Surveyed: 02-13-12 SCT# 1000-78-1-10.20 E-Axe OQ� W N E Situate: Goose Creek Town: Southold Suffolk County, IVY ° Datum: M L L W r \ o q 1" = 40' \ o cN � ` Gx O Q F[E CEIE QN N OCT 1 5 , ° Seasonal Ramp (2 5'x 14) I wood chip ° ' authala low _ r,;0 � path � � &Float(6')(20') with Stops Burd ' 0& ---------------- ' to keep float 2'off bottom -a---------------- - mm Q i Proposed- } &cd i Fixed Dock I Om _ ° °Low Profile I 0 Q O 2 above grade I ; "Flo"fhru Decking' I , 0) c4 O p 0 i (V N a�QN// j i l i Dock // 4 4 0 0 0 m Secti®n Proposed Fixed Dock 4' x 70' ^ plow Profile (2' abv or) ) Season/ Seasonal �f�° � 's B' �e�, °.-" $ E A "Flo Thru Decking (2.$%mp Float x20') �� l `` � t, 1V, LEVEL 4) _ _ _ q' . . �t MAPPING Wood s - __ --- ---- --- - ------ -- LW ; ' `' ''�-�• Box#366 Chip 6" dia. - bttm.- (4)Pile5 Aquebogue Path I pilo c (2) stops }��� - ;�. N Y 11931 d� to keep s r oat „- ;,r F'' �f �,..a y:' , `��;t ROBERT H.FOX off l bottom NYS PLS#50197 PLAN VI EW Surveyed: 02-13-12 pork SCT# 1000-78-1-10.20 Exp �r'°oQt W E Situate: Goose Creek , S Town: Southold \\ Suffolk County, NY \ Datum: M L L W \ q 4 r 1"— 40; 01 \ \ O. o 4 2.5'x14') D ( J 2 ry0 1 p I Seasonal F3am ) t� � wood chip ��, \� ��4 � � � � with stops path &Float (6 x 20) 0'a ---------------- to keep float 2 off bottom Proposed OCTOCT 7 5 2013 Fixed Dock iI 5 Z. 6 'T q qf (4 x 70)Low Profile I ® aj i �a�'k r 2' above grade I "Flo'Thru Decking" 1 , oZr W o° Q / i O p _— — O ry "a ry u) �J Q),C 1 y p i T MY) 1 - Dock 'm u) Section 1 1 N ry I" = 10' ` Proposed Fixed Dock(4' x '709 Seasonal Seasonal Low Profile (2 abv. bra Ram Float DER-- ;P� S E A "Flo Thru Decking (2.5'x 14) (6'x20') �®�� T;,-;, z„ LEVEL ---- -- -- -- - --HNt �- '%N M A P P I N G �, ¢ " Box# 366 Gh 8"idei5. bttm. - (4)Plles- -- LW Aquebogue Path b'I (2) stops : ! N Y 11931 I ' o.c. to keep = 2 k r Float `ROBERT H. FOX off bottom NYS PLS#50197 \' James F.King,President if SO jyO Town Hall Jill M.Doherty,Vice-President- ,`O lG 53095 Route 25 Peggy A.DickersonP.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971-0959 Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio,Jr. '� �O Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 COU , BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 20, 2008 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 RE: MARIA-TRUPIA 1395 SLEEPY HOLLOW LANE, SOUTHOLD SCTM#78-1-10.20 Dear Ms. Moore: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wed., August 20, 2008 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of MARIA TRUPIA applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance, application dated June 16, 2008, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed application be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and specifically Inconsistent with the following coastal policies: Policy 6- Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem, Policy 6.3— Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands, Policy 6.1 —Protect and restore ecological quality throughout the Town of Southold, Policy 9-- Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold, Policy 9.4—Assure public access to public trust lands and navigable waters, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on August 20, 2008, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, 2 t � i WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure, as applied for, does not comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the structure, as applied for, will have a detrimental effect upon the health, safety and general welfare,of the people of the town, and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, for the foregoing reasons, and based upon the application's failure to meet the standards contained in Chapter 275 of the Town Code, that the Board of Trustees deems the proposed project to be Inconsistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, based on the size and location of the proposed structure, and, BE IT FUTHER, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees DISAPPROVES the application of MARIA TRUPIA to construct a 4'X 55' catwalk using "Flo-thru" decking, 4" posts in the marsh and 6" piles in the water, and with steps to grade, and as depicted on the plan prepared by Sea Level Mapping last dated June 6, 2007. This is not a determination from any other agency. Very truly yours, 2apmes F. King, P're sid nt Board of Trustees JFK/Ims Man view NSurveyed:09-12-Oral, 60' W E Amended:11-11-06 Proposed:Catwalk&Stepss 02-06-07,06-06-07 made of Flo-thru decking SCT# 1000-78-1-10.20 I Applicant. Maria Trupia Town:Southold Purpose: Private Mooring Suffolk County, NY Datum: Low Water \N Exist. Dock ride Range:2.5'+/- ., Ramp $ Float Allen motersJL lO.lS i Houma Q 1385 , � JL w _._..._:_ ........ extnd w xlst�nq�' woo�chi P thhpY pair 4' .i fid' steps _� ito grade? ��o+ b �� prop. Dock, ti r SJ�( D (4 x559 3- VS,- min.2'abv.br,' N o I r � SGT# '� r4 % Waterway Co �L 10 -78 A � ,4 :% 'A% Width Lep Kt✓vesr►esk!2l IT _ boo,. APPRCyVp �.1sr, c ' 10 r t'U,`��rIIQ1s % ' O QU O recti®n `� � ry � % � i �� a , OA rE l°-30' Bec�to Dock at % ,y High Marsh - Proposed Dock m ;ti c� extend Low Marsh p �oodtchl wood chi boundar 4'x 55' path path 4' x 1'i0'\ per WSDEC (min. 2'abv. gr) ,' {l HW ry Wetland use fiberglass LW SEA LEVEL Boundary "ffo-thru"decking steps to exist. R. Foxy grade bttm. MAPPING 831-722-M Sept. '06 4"posts 6"dia. piles Po BOX#538 All hardware galvanized in marsh In water Riverhead,NY ' 10 enO. 10' penet. ROBERT rs PL�S�50197 10' penet. 6/H2O07 8.36 22AM G\SLMTrvp1a4pro �3' � r1F.�.} !�+{ 4w. µ�t�l r41'T''-v-•�, i � 1F,1 U-,�,� a �.� Jt�i. ' .v � ``` 7;� F2�i� lo 1: ^' t•, ` 'I , �� � � • •` ;� D.Ali' _^ ` Ar Aw s� �� - � t ti,�,, y �°� �,•' r ` �tyti yny� �.Y �► �.�{r��j,,,,•� �•a!! t� �. '.� «:.� , 1 F t ,y r °� i to ;; `�a31y•. ,,,M1._ga ... _ -�-,am Of.i �` -. ,, '. .. •S-�•.. SCTM: 1000-78-01-10.20 Aft 7 Vii.. �i. - .-_- C,.T►"' i Yy � - g..t,%S� _ ;. �.^r i 1 ��� ' - '1 Pf"¢*y�'A 1' ��� i R� _f �� 1. ♦ �7 �� � f — _ • A �' . ty - r- Ok S 7� tea• _ - -I �^J r .� 3 _ _ t .,� - • i. !l HUTS •N.-.1395 SLEEPY HOLLOW-"- SCTM: 1000-78-01-10.20 tons= r t HUTSON;1395 SLEEPY HOLLOW LA. y '` SCTM: 1000-78-01-10.20 fZ j � �• ,� nl",� r AZA' 4 tr � I I, 6 !� r � I r 4 I / I , .•Ir �� ,r� yr rIs• � r / ALw I � Rill-" [mi Alp- Jdblb6. - FIUTSON;1395 SLEEPY HOLLOW LA. I 1000-78-01-10.20 , a , • ♦ ♦' of• ♦ M• tot SCTM: 1000-78-01-10.20 r �1 . i • r �� got✓'.+. s. _►"ate AI tary HUTSON;1395 SLEEPY HOLLOW LA. 1000-78-01-10.20 �„. • • • 1 1000-78-01-10.20 T, aw l ea lee.NO mo _ No.w+ toe, Oif3-01 - .S b 3B 0Nc1 ale `� P l q.ex r. SLEEP LL W %12 s I fx_• , e\Ii�.fJ���.� / j/' 16'0. 6 osxas s x N' 1 0 ) axxas �. o too w .n iwc=I t aeas °'-13116 pW'� IS \ G /• ' � i 3a6 Obt,aa �� I Q10.4 t.ppp � t u � " 3+ � ° m 1� 2d� 1020 1° O■/ 16er11y0 � � � SF 12d 13 u u v r.ts seem No on 1 1Nc1 lX It. a e •p '�'E=>wfe see sec No 6)e y , ° � a fi A tallol �; to 13 ! 10 I —W 1.amw 7P s .yet w len ., n y �� e 3e fe z,� I 1 xsxOO > ,NptHP,t T � rt i w saucaoac" p9 1s�°° it ,� > ,fir b a" ^'ir '8 B j�3> ..aP_� ,mss°, yatsn)v wo-i 73 y{1 x N p? M ,.. •' " ,6 9 m ° / I 33 ra w a3t� ,aycl N.Nrr,p� m � ° . - a} _ ,?N+ p1 r1 N'1� � 9.y y) ex^ 3e � E o• 8 ® ,t,�% '1tM�I .� If} rt}`�m a • ,b w 39� „°' I dxS � >t.3 � 4 P x '0Ne 4 a . 4Yel c.3O +z, e6xx — 14 RD 31 11J "u. a 16a3 I i4 +• ed wTCN--�--uwe 1 o f t "l)6N uea3,t- 4 �l NO eEESEL. .ae, •� a a �x - (Mry c L r.-.-xx,.. .. ^^ �.. —O_ ....W --o'— �.. --x-- NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK o,x _�_ �+1 C E SOUTHOLD SECTION NO G x..="' _� _ -� — °"� --~— .W --�-- Real Property Tax Service Agency r E y ______ u -- — -- -- OxxN34�Nr rerx.MYt,p, M )� u)= 1^0=or 7p i�'F u P �cru0 1000 PROPE 4RTVMM PLAN VIE Surveyed: 02-13-12 hook SCT# 1000-73-1-10.20 ells Oct N E Situate: Goose Creek E CE - - E Town: Southold Suffolk County, NY OCT 1 5 2013 Datu-m: M L L- W1 11 401 \ O `` �` 9 N Boa of Trustees O I wood chip \ ��`Q Q Q Seasonal Ramp (2.6x 14') path ry I P ` &Float (6'x 20')with stops �4.Qa-Q) =�________________ � � � to keep float2'offbottom o Proposed- I _ �i.`0 - Fixed Dock (4.'x 70') I -� -�n o o "� - o 30 m 0 / , 3 Low Profile I Q Q Q � r /cayk z 2' above grade I /,","�/G cry "Flo'fhru Decking I , ® o I i W �\O i i T i i N ry Dock // ;'P Q o Section I.. = 10' - - - I � _ � Nom,.:-•=��=�,w„•�„ - - (orepILI Proposed Fixed Dock (4' x 70') Seaso Low Profile (2 obv. or) Q nQ/ Float � � , � S E A "Flo Thru Decking (2��x (6'x20') ��`�. '` LEVEL WAPPING Ghp �. 8" dia. — — bt'm.--= ----= --'HN LW �� t Box# 366 Path ppiles (4)Pile5 ;=�' _` Aquebogue, 10' O.G. (2) 5top5 N Y 11931 to keep ROBERT H. FOX Float 2' off bottom ir,!,3i.,, % NYS PLS#50197