HomeMy WebLinkAboutPappas Convervation Sub 1 ORIENT POINT CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION PETER VASILAS m s SITUATE SUBJECT Q g4 b PREMISES ORIENT b"�rRTOWN OF SOUTHOLD (CFR"' N SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK KEY MAP �yg S.C. TAX No. 1000-14-02-29.2 SCALE 1"-1000' S.C. TAX No. 1000-14-02-29.3 - S.C. TAX No. 1000-14-02-29.4 S.C. TAX No. 1000-19-02-02 LONGISLAND SOUND S.C. TAX No. 1000-19-02-03 S.C. TAX No. 1000-19-02-12.2 S 79'19'55'• E SCALE 1"=100' 260,85' S as DECEMBER 14, 2008 RECEIVED zoiss:-- 54'51" E 249 91' N 89'24'45" E 249 91' N 85.50'28" E r 64 78' NOVEMBER 9, 2009 SKETCH PLAN ------7 z so sD ___- _EN FO�a106"NC AvvARaa NCH wAiat uARR JUL 2 0 2020 o s-_-- __ z ---__ z=zoos _ APRIL 28, 2010 REVISED 5496' ___ �Is--- --_-•-,---�,-- �= ,--_ c 97 10],68 -- -----14303 s4 2 UN 29, 2010 REVIS D MAY 12, 2018 REVISED plannn ho B rd ap'-1 Co _ _ - _- o o sl°vE mu+y>: y a AUGUST 3, 2019 UPDATE MAP o _ - MARCH 5, 2020 REVISED LOTS a w o -� = -E';`-• _ ---------- --- ---u or eLufF-- --a �- P -is ol',[ .tcoASDI mosDN AREA DATA eDrro ooh y f Mr>j - - _4.�.=may£r:;::_.,--_. �f- T ccs 0 210' -� �- --- rav a;euR-�- -- w on Proio x°455 61 "s-4a 1000-14-02-292 1000-14-02-29.3 4]o^a A LOT 1 --- Os 1,479,071 sq, ft. Zyy�a 69,699 sq fl LOT 2 s p [^ 1000-14-02-29 4 33 955 oc. [nm I 6,032 sq.ft - a LOT 3 LOT 4 1000-19-02-12.2 ` 0 p 66,522 sq ft. 82,916.q mwc 1 11 , 1000-19-02-02 95,293 sq. ff. 000-1 19-02-03 2.188 ac. E TL \ , e ° •,\ OWNER &APPLICANT R� m lENCc DO.zI• - ORIENT POINT, LLC k �- L=zoe 3z• R=.6 33-20 BROADWAY z DD z1• S LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11106 ----a_ _ �L=204 zs'�R=2.,so zf' i=zol 63'41 Nx `4W),5� FL L=38t 31' x e o rA26'WIDE FUT 31 URE ROADWAY a L=Sf 95' U 55 2.6.10 _ S.0 TAX No. 1000-14-02-29 - .L=fit 60' y o 1=2333 NOTES. � 1 MDT NUMBERS SHOWN THUS-LOTAREFER TO MAP OF �� � L=11884'2 �\ � LOT 6 -_-p0 MINOR sUBDIVI510N MADE FOR FRANK NNK STILLO 80,033 sq. ff / 2.LOT NUMBERS SHOWN THUS LOT 2�I REFER TO MAP OF 3.CONTOURS ANDMINOR SPOT AELEVATIONS ADE FOR RE SCALED(FROM bMz "+ No TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF FIVE EASTERN TOWNS Ib�O EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS 4.P mx+f •p £ D EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS ---5--- N N 423 71' yC "IZ [, n q S 6620'38 W ef^ 2 rDPA 'aK x THE E R EASEMENTS OF RIGHT C WAYS AN OR FJSHOWNTS OF RECORD,IF yx0 y A O pO ANY.NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED Y� o o oyC I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE I 1 w4 BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED O DECEMBER 14,2010AND THAT ALL CONCRETE DUNE A ? j MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS■ HEREON k` a ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE N N N CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL Aa 1 I N AND GEODETIC DETAILS ARE CORRECT abY ,- tO .15 Com\ w N o � �S3 Y Z Z BY y Z / THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED yC BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL DATED co 0 iA FpPxEa A A CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD b £ Do Co y ZY a Y LOT 5. 1 herebycertf that the water sewn y suy d,re)and/or qe d,sp°sal syslld lh for this protect \ were designed by me or under or dlrecbot Based upon a careful and thorough study of --- ------------ DEVELOPMENT RIG TS TO BE SOLD the soil,sle d groundwoier cond,tions all BS s proposed,conlorm to the Suffolk County TO THE TOWN F SOUTHOLD / \ Deportment of Health Se-ces Construct-standards 1n effect as of INS dale w 40, 'wat 343 DY s, g D0' s e341'1D^W LOT 56 rs \ sq•ft eRwx N HAUPPAE.NY SUFFOLK COUNTY UGNT OF HEALTH SERVICES 40,057 •L' ad ow Def. £ J \\'•0j 319 4 I u G B *k"a 193 S q L?9 S \ 00" eS• SO" r Thl,I.to cemly 11m In.proposed R.mly subr­ or 0-1.pmcnl j'• S 18, J pe ,h 3i 1- 00 C `s 6 N 65. 02 r E�liA _t�e%ele 6166:lW i�o�medelra��d.s.�l m OFe 6me pplie. ge polo \ v\ 0\ 4'3? 1 073 8 m z..tnKU a N,d Oe ]e.t ip ml.permlls pum rl to these 90, y .mmems TnI.epp awl 11 x-d eny n m. Br.eba,.le,ee/ .�-�' E, 1{• >^ de4.Iepmenl mep is ypled vM the C.-ly Clerk'Ifni'one year OF Ihia tlpte Concentu 1.Hereby gNen ror Na nRng o "'.map en .I<n M.endomement epp=.n m 1ne Dr6ee of lne Clem"clerk In O p d.nc..ilh I1.pm-1-of the Public HaeIN Lav and lbs � b S-1 CpunFI,6eNbry CPae y LOT 5. Co 4 Y�, DEVELOP ENT RIGHTS TO BE SOLD \a \ TO T TOWN of SOUTHOLD NO ! W w ' \ 0A 4 x]t4! Yt.A.Mlnei,P E Z N m P3 D.-len D.11-OF aucey TYPICAr_,PLOT PLAN X o ( ) NOT TO SCALE ?p > PROPERY LIN; �O.\•\\ m O 473.29' �k S 86'4]40" W TF WELL I �r�\ N/OIZ 09A. \\1c I MAYNARD K TTUUATHILL, so MARY MEEEINS, �O 1`-0 ` }WALTER W TUTN7LL,JR �y Do hIT'_- + \� TYPICAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM i V O W H 70 H ♦nae mm x.xm pvx (NUT To 9CALE) BUILD14C z o � B^ eun[ Bp[1W SEFTC \S!S N TANK A�6`9iS. m I_d� 1 50%ExPARSIC, t R Q� tFACHING \` Avx tw SEPTIC TANK(11 b �•^'� POOL � p POOL q i � Coo NN'Apeun rl-1 Ora a 4• 1,mn m,e IA` pw¢nwas prml A n/A7 ROAD 'Y eA,rc..n omucc.n.m,m,c nnr u,o,wus[.wu e[pw,rl,m. �A� e��� S wat ewe t _ �"��f" LEACHING POOL . L.aCal a�Lpn W w a=le. INNI SSJ .Ave p [pn.ax H p tea.wm rN K CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION TABLE I SUBDIVISION TYPE I TOTAL AREA NON-BUILDABLE BUILDABLE CALCULATED DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED OPEN DEVELOPMENT APPROXIMATE AREA I AREA LOT YIELD YIELD SPACE AREA LOT SIZE II 1 15 ac. (R-40) 15 X 43,560 / 40,000 = 16 32 Dc X 0 25 7575 34 a, - 8 OC _ 8 DC 8%43,560 X 0 BO/5 CONSERVATION I 34 ac. I 2 ac. I 17 ac. (R-BO) 17 X 43,560 / 80,000 = 9 25 X 0 25 = 6 = 26 ac = 55,000 sq ft I i 132 ac, TOTAL TOTAL= 25 LOT AREAS LOT TOTAL AREA BUILDABLE NON-BUILDABLE AREA AREA 1 69,699 sq ft. 48,044 sq. ft. 21,655 sq ft. 2 68,032 sq, ft 47,011 sq ft 21,021 sq ft 3 66,522 sq ft 46,346 sq ff 20.176 sq ft 4 82,916 sq ft 62,766 sq ft 20,151 sq. ft. PREPARED INACCORDAUCEWIIHIHENINNU. Nathan Taft Corwin iii sTYANOARDs FOR mtE Su-As Ae ED 5a 1,000,213 sq. ft 1,000,213 sq ft 0 sq ff. xuae NSC 6 AND N wD�gKtd9a°�`ND•W Land Surveyor "uEs ss°cunou. ZAFT O 56- 40,057 sq ft 40,057 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. � 5c 95,293 sq ft 95,293 sq ft. 0 sq. ft. s =•,�••'�Fa=ii. rare s,.rveys-Subd,,.�,s- Sde Pmn:- Cpnso-uet,en Layou+ 6 80,033 sq ft 80,034 sq ft. 0 sq, ft. lvA?a / PHONE(631)727-2090 Fax(631)727-1727 ROAD 71,599 sq ft 71,599 sq ft. 0 sq. ft p O16E6 Mm ICES RED AT MRDNGBee.D1655 ead No 50467 Jamespod,Nev Yark 11447 JameeporL Nev York 11947 28-345B �fFD( v Glenn Goldsmith, President o�QS �C - Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III P.O.Box 1179 GO Zz A.Nicholas Krupski Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams � ! Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES G� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1 .3d Completed in field by: Date/Time: f� - g ��c0 &j AM Planning Dept. on behalf of ORIENT POINT CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION (PAPPAS) requests comments, review, and certification, if applicable including whether Trustee Permits if any, that are required for the Subdivision application. Properties located in the R-80 and R-40 Zoning Districts. Located: 32357 Old Main Street, 32305 Old Main Street, 33805 Old Main Street, 33650 Old Main Street, 34570 Old Main Street, & 34505 Old Main Street, Orient. SCTM#'s: 1000-14.-2-29.2, 29.3, 29.4 and SCTM#'s: 1000-19.-2-2, 3, & 12.2 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=4 Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: 1 II Unlisted Action �jvjsorn Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey _5 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: ow ��. I � R e 3 e' N 0 tj `17?f—V)2 yA"Zj, fro-v-, bl,r� l 4 A d jNatl w i*J h 4'mov e PAA Rrv�. ,L0-,'j enF►te- bWin Ier OPQYr S411Je / TPk,4 ta�L ffe1.,AIa�Wa4 1 JV b�, �// Qn✓C 10 114*� I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: Present were: J. Bredemeyer M. Domino G. Goldsmith N. Krupski G. Williams Other oi6 01 390i mu— t2 IWO — ,x,cn m-u, a4At4 P.O 65 311 58Mq 'r 5eRlcl ^� .^ 11t ,yl a.t QID ISLAND a.A 4 La a]1 /p3. 1 a \ ,,,.. of,,N• 1 n 'aa4 e 1 xwn - EOR IN:L Ia SEE 1 << mI N+,,e.nHccwe[mw2r ].A fi4 ].Zt mi iwq "OI A.x ® o Oo22 g 4.Wcl - ].0 nn I.JA t Ncl as o aA 21 e.w<1 !. r�.; '. 414.)O Fqi PGL.NO Fqi PCl NO. fOR PCI.NO I 3 I3 ,�D, A2 SEEO NO SEE SEC Iwo SEE SEC.NO ].2] 3.4 Rp A 0,4020122 Ot6030 Ot 0360,001.° xu 58°101 < Iwcl MAIN 10]N<) i° pLD MAIN + n� z - N 2 DNE se.—No o,s SEE SEE C.NO 019 to 3 to v t SIR 25 4 (a7 ,rzz E � '��µ^ — -- e..�u_ __"__ � __ _ m NOTICE +'a�l,� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © N ,a0 °` SOUTHOLD SECTION NO c, —� I21r Q ____ __y,__ '�' /`0 Real Property Tax Service Agency Y �--- � ,: ,_ --- <:',^ --Y-- �-'---•-- � sy P1000 PROPERTY MRP R6 - - ,a�,t BB OLD ,yrA�N �� E ,,. _ INE malaz AIN s RO sE sec No B1 + r T f t3Alq � oe-osas no.a x II - _ IF, Q R(2 $N'"q FOR—No 01x109 7 I! ST $.R z kill A O '3 o 5 16.<A SEESEC NO W u,x _ P / / - Arp\ ,ice 5 \1.9AIc) tx t �0 1 O c6vuaPeEur Ar�.R tlxaM-mts STATE OF NEWYOR OFME{y 's p. ,sA a,A.z MAIN \ OEVF,oPN[xr Rx�ry 2M TISSA ! E r6A a PO F sTArEOFNE4✓-FORM —- 16 n ,aW m IE 11 1— _ v b 413 14. 71 1]A 3M Bt {{� •1B.a 1S3 � TM BAAI�I x3.tA �Ss� a � //I PevEeoweurweury 9 A.6Ale1 \I �. ' O II II ce.EtoeREu aicK. I bA / STATEOF LL ;\ 31A \ Y \STATEOF \ 1 // p \a • # ,e` E. YORK - e •II m 91A rsaiyAhvlcwMr- r STATE 0 'a STATE OF FOR PCL NOtB7 EW vqi EW YORK / SEE SE CNO eriR POt e0�/ I ✓\ — X -1AcT� \ `_. _ 1 \\ i _ \ I pD 65�� /— STATE oP M D 80—T ' m LINE 1— �---- � -- UNE F� ♦ �MATCN � LME ME SEC NO WS \1 SEESEC.NO 039 SEESEC NO OM E �"o^v� "" 1�") ""' —O—' w "'__ NOTICE worn COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K B c' SOUTHOLU SECTION NO c.. �..,. s w M Real Property Tax Service Agency Y IAREOF 79 E •�..ui.� ______ h dw u. -- -- ro r.�-- -- cuunlrCmr.wmlwB.N Y 11.1 m+ ... —_— o.x.... __.__ o...e--.a-- ^'"` AKA A# A..Ricr xo 7000 -- P PROPERTY MAP i Glenn Goldsmith,President, �QF SOUjy Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino ��� Ol0 54375 Route 25 III P.O.Box 1179 John M.Bredemeer Y � � Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski G Q _Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 olyIrou BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Mark Terry; Assistant Town Planning Director Planning Board FROM: Glenn Goldsmith, President (,�G Board of Trustees DATE: October 19, 2020 RE: Site Plan for HOUND LANE RESTAURANT 301 HOUND LANE, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# 1000-12-1-7.1 The Board of Town Trustees appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on the above referenced pending subdivision,application, the matter having been reviewed at` our October 9, 2020 Public Work Session, based on an October 8, 2020 field inspection. Whereas the location of the proposed individual onsite potable water wells lies within the presently mapped 100' (ft.) "Non-Disturbance Area" and that,area exists largely as a non-fertilized mix of grasses of about seven inches in height, we offer the following suggestions as an alternative to the as presently planned, 100' (ft.) "Non-Disturbance Area": 1) Creation of a 30' (ft.) "Non-Disturbance Area" is to be established extending from the point of inflection of the Long Island Sound bluff landward 30 feet, perpetually maintained; ideally rolling landward as the bluff recedes due to natural erosion. 2) Creation of a 70' (ft.) "Non-turf Area/Non-Managed Grassland" similar to the existing mixed grassland.that is-neither fertilized or irrigated, that shall run landward of the "Non-Disturbance Area.to the "Building Envelopes". 3) Install.and perpetually maintain on each lot at the landward edge of the "Non- Disturbance Area" a low profile open-constructed barrier delimiter such as a 1'4 (ft.) high split rail fence, subject to permitting under Wetlands-(Chapter 275), to preclude inadvertent mowing of the non-disturbance area. 4) Allow a 4' (ft.) wide mowed path through the non-disturbance and non-turf areas to provide access to Long Island Sound. r 5) Individual lot owners as applicants, shall apply for all regulatory permits (Wetlands, Chapter 275, etc.) necessary for the construction of the delimiter fence and for the removal of any existing vegetation within 100' of the bluff, the construction and maintenance of the wells excluded provided they do not violate the provisions for the non-turf area. The Town Trustees believe that incorporating these or similar requirements will foster good land-use stewardship, protect important Long Island Sound views for future homeowners while protecting property and natural resources. OFFICE LOCATIOL - MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ®F S®(/ P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ®�� �iy� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ® P Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov COU PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Glenn Goldsmith, President Southold Town Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Date: September 17, 2020 Re: Subdivision Application Review— Proposed Orient Point Conservation Subdivision (Pappas) 325357 Old Main Street, Orient, New York SCTM#1 000- 14.-2-29.2, 29.3 & 29.4 and SCTM#1000-19-2-2, 3, & 12.2 Zoning District: R-80 and R-40 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. Further, the Planning Board requests the following to be included in your response: 1. Trustee Permits, if any, that are required for this Subdivision application. The file can be viewed via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on Town Records icon located on the right side of home page; 3. Click on Planning Dept. folder; 4. Click on Applications; 5. Click on Conservation Subdivision; 6. Click on Pending; 7. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application, 1000-14.-2-29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 1000-19.-2-2, 3, 12.2 Thank you for your cooperation.