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May 24, 1989
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy
Justice Raymond W. Edwards
Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran
Councilman George L. Penny IV
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: According to the Town, we could call a special meeting
if two Councilpeople agreed. I called George Penny this morning, and he agreed
along with me to request this meeting. To put this in a nutshell, I spoke with Mike
Tuthill this morning from Greg Blass, from Mike Tuthill's office, and he was very
surprised that the Town didn't go along with the purchase of the Baxter property,
since we had gone to the County and asked them to help us in purchasing, ,and
we told them it was a priority for us, and that we wanted the land preserved because
of its archaelogical significance, except everybody knows that whole background
on it. Had we had the information before we did, many of our questions and concerns
would have been answered, particularly yours, Jean, in relation to what you could
do with the open space.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Mike had said we didn't have their bill or law, and
without it, it was difficult. I didn't mean to interupt. Continue.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Right. Make the.~decision. Since then, they've been
in touch with Sgroi, the Real Estate Commissioner at Suffolk County said, in view
of what--had occurred yesterday, that it would require a Town Board resolut'ion
for them to know that we were still behind this project or it will be forever !dead
in the eyes of the County. That it's over with. So this is our only opportunity
right now, to preserve that property.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I spoke _wit_h Mike Tuthill, also, and he said exactly
what you're relaying to us now.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: But I still don't have anything, in relation,to would
we would be able to build;' ~ome of those unanswered questions.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I mentioned your concern to him, he said there was
a property in Smithtown, and Pete evidently tried to get in touch with you earlier.
I tried to call you, too, to tell you to call him. Let's see. The Deep Wells estate
in Smithtown, where 'they have a colonial mansion. It was bought with the combina-
tion of open space and farmland preservation funds, and they were able to turn
it into a museum, and that's what their plans are, and that the County's farmland
funds are more liberal that the Town's funds.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA:Yes,but.,once you bring Town funds into it, with our bond
act, you can't, Ellen. You won't be able to.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Yes, but if they purchase that portion of it with County
COUNCILMAN PENNY: We can buy the fee title. We can always, sometime in the
future, go for a voter referendum. The voters are going to come in, and they're
going to talk at a public hearing about this project in the first place, because I
know open space acquisition, it has to be subject to public hearing. We can explain
to them what we would like to do in the future, and then we would like to have
an archaelogical dig or make other arangements there, and I'm sure that we make
it clear right up front, if in fact they do support it we'll have an easy time, some
time in future making an amendment, an amendment to our law to include archaelo-
gical dig, I'm sure they'll take nothing more than logic. It would take the same
voter approval that it would take to purchase the property in the first place, so
it doesn't scare me. What scares me is the chance of losing this, and winding
up in a heated battle with the developer. Normally when people try to acquire
things, there's some things by the County, and there's been some things in the
Town, it's when they come up for development. Right now there's a piece just
laying there. It's laying dormant. There are no developers that have any plans
M^v 24, ,989 3 8 9
or any great aspirations. There may be people out there that want to purchase
it, the same as we do. But there are no plans, and there's no applications before
the Town of Southold. The project i~ b~siCally pure. We have a good a shot at
it as anybody else, and I feel, if the town atleast pursues this it's going to send
a message to any other developers that the Town is interested and when it comes
to dealing with this project if we don't get it, it's not going to rest easy. I feel
that it's a great message that we sending here. It's a great preservation message.
I think we're going to win with this in the long run even if we're not successful,
because the developers are going to stand back when they see that they're fighting
the Town for acquisition for a piece of property.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I went back to my notes from the Open Space Committee,
and the Open Space Committee had recommended to the Town, that the County
do the appraisal, which they have done. They, also, recommended that the State,
County and the Town get together on this, and as far as I know the State has
not been asked to do anything. Now, I think, too, it is important piece. I know
we've gone full tilt to ask the County to go to get this money, and I hate to say
no, because we want to go ask them for other money, and I was just hoping that
perhaps, we don't even know if we're going to get the bid, perhaps if there are
enough wetlands in there we could go back to the State; and ask if, maybe, they'd
like to chip in with some sort of a grant for wetlands.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: The trouble is,. we don't have the time.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I was only able to get one member, because I felt badly
that the information came so late, that we couldn't refer to the Open Space Committee
for their imput, and I was only able to get a hold of one member of the Open Space
Committee, and he is, six of one, and half dozen...as I am. He understood the
problem that this was a shot, and we have to act. so quickly, and it's just unfortunate
that we do.
~OUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I wish we had more time. As a result of my conversa
tion with Mike Tut~hill from Blass's office, I'.~ agreeable to voting to support this.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: There is no quarantee that we're going to get the
bid, but I think we have to go for it at this point.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: And if we don't, I think we ought to explore or let the
Open Space Committee explore seeing i~ the State is interested in coming in, too,
because it does take an awful lot of the money out of the Open Space fund. A
million dollars.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: But we're getting two dollars for every dollar we put
spend, and we're able to preserve it, a huge chunk, a huge lot.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: You're, also, taking $14,365.00 off the tax roll.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: One hundred acres in this day and age, you've probably
got a mile and a half of waterfront, thirty-five acres of farmland, over sixty some-
thing acres,almost seventy acres of untouched wooded areas there, which as far
as I'm concerned that's a small price. It probably has a very poor aquafer, I would
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I would think so, too.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: Is this bay area?
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: It's on Down's Creek, which is basically an undeveloped
creek. That's another reason for my decision, because, again, it's another creek
that we have that is basically undeveloped, and it's certainly worth protecting a
good portion of it.
JUSTICE EDWARDS: Navigabie creek?
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: No. So you have a great opportunity for a lot of types
of recreation.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Can we have a resolution?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll open the Special Meeting_to adopt this resolution.
3:35 P,M.
A Special Meeting of the Southold Town Board was call to order by Supervisor
Murphy at 3:35 P.M., May 24, 1989, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold,
New York. The meeting was called at the request of Councilwoman Larsen, and
Councilman Penny. The Board members executeda Waiver of Notice of Town Board
Present Supervisor Francis J. Murphy
Justice Raymond W. Edwards
Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran
Councilman George L. Penny IV
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Amended July 5, 1989, Resolution #14
Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen,
WHEREAS, approximately one hundred and four (104) acres of undeveloped vacant
land currently located in the Town of Southold is currently owned by William J.
Baxter; and
WHEREAS, preservation of this parcel would contribute to stabilizing the water
chem stry of, and otherwise protect the ecological integrity of the great Peconic
Bay because this parcel of land borders Downs Creek along almost its entire western
side and lies immediately north of where this important drainage joins with the Great
Peconic Bay; and
WHEREAS, such parcel of land constitutes one of the last vestiges of open space
within the entire Town of Southold available for public acquisition for open space
purposes, the only known site of an Indian fort on Long Island not significantly
disturbed by development and which was a defensive installation for the Corchaug
Indians, one of thirteen (13) subtribes of the Algonquin culture located on Long
Island at the time of the first contact with new settlers; and-
WHEREAS, Charles F. Goddard, founder of the Southold 'Indian Museum, had made
extensive exploration~ .°f the fort in the early part of the Twentieth Century, con-
ducting an excavation which has yielded many Indian artifacts as well as colonial
trade pipes and brown-glazed colonial utilitarian objects; and
WHEREAS, William J. Baxter may be willing to sell such property; and
WHEREAS, the following parcel was approved for preliminary planning steps and
ultimate inclusion in Suffolk County Open Space Program: Suffolk County Tax Map
Number: District 1000, Section 116.00, Block 01.00, Lot 003.000, Acres: 104, Reputed
Owner: William J. Baxter, c/o Baxter Bros., Inc., Elijahs Lane, Mattituck, N. Y.
11952; and
WHEREAS, THE Commissioner of the County Department of Public Works was author-
ized, .empowered, and directed to have surveys and maps prepared for the subject
parcel; and .....
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the County Department of Real Estate was authorized,
empowered, and directed to have the subject parcel appraised; and
WHEREAS, the cost of such surveys,, maps and/or appraisals, if any, shall be paid
from the funds to be appropriated pursuant to Article XII of the Suffolk County
Charter as a reimbursement, if necessary, for costs incurred and paid for from
other funds or as a direct payment from such proceeds, as the case may be; and
WHEREAS, any acquisition of such land shall be subject to the appropriation of
sufficient funds pursuant to Article XII of the Suffolk County Charter, and subject
to explicit legislative authorization and approval of such acquisition via subsequent
duly enacted resolution; and
WHEREAS, any acquisition of such land shall be subject to participation of the Town
of Southold with Town of Southold Open Space appropriation funds as authorized
by voter referendum in November of 1987; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Southold will participate in a joint venture with the
County of Suffolk for the purchase of the William J. Baxter property, which purchase
will lead to the preservation of the site known as Fort Corchaug; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Suffolk County portion of the funding for the aforesaid purchase
shall be Two Million Dollars, and the Sou[hold Town portion will be limited to One
Million Dollars.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
T~his resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
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Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that this Special Meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby
~djourneda.:~ 3:40 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.