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FEBRUARY 7, 1989
Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy, Justice Raymond W. Edwards, Councilwoman
Jean W. Cochran, Councilman George L. Penny IV, Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva,
Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen, Town Attorney James A. Schonebare, Town Clerk
Judith T. Terry. ~
9:00 A.M. - Board reviewed old business. For Discussion Items: (1} Determine
whether the Final Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Southold Municipal
Solid Waste/Sludge Composting Facility is complete and acceptable. Councilman Penny
asked that the Board wait until the FEIS if reviewed further. He finds is not vendor
specific and this should be addressed.
9:40 A.M. - Venetia McKeighan, Director of Human Services, met with the Board to
discuss proposed construction of a Southold Human Service Center. The conditions
at St. Agnes Hall are deplorable and constantly getting worse. There is a proposal
for the possible donation of a parcel of property on Route 48, Peconic, in conjunction
with a proposed change of zone to business (this petition has not been filed as yet).
Mrs. McKeighan has done extensive research on the use of a Human Ser.¥ice Center
and there are commitments from several County agencies to relocate in the building,
as well as the current Town facilities now located at St. Agnes Hall and the Catholic
War Veterans building at Sixth Street, Greenport. Dr. Jay Slotkin met with the Board
following Mrs. McKeighanls presentation and thanked the Board for their support with
the numerous programs over the years. He encouraged the Board to move forward on
the construction of a Center. Mrs. McKeighan was asked to draw up specificatio~n~s
the square footage needs for her programs and return to the Board to discuss ~this-
10:30 A.M. - For Discussion Items: (2) Letter from Robert Kull, Chairman of the-/'
Cutchogue Fire District, stating that the fire commissioners of that district do not
wish to be included in a proposed Ambulance District for Southold-Cutchogue Fire
Districts. Councilman Penny asked that further action on the creation of such a
district be held in abeyance until the Southold Rescue Squad votes on the matter
on February 14th. He asked that Commissioners from both Southold and Cutchogue
be invited to the February 28th Board work session. (3) Councilwoman Larsen
brought to the Board's attention the need for the NYS-DEC to reissue a dredging
amendment for Wickham Creek, and amend dredged disposal site at the project (see
resolution no. 35). (4) Request for Building Inspectors to attend a Building Officials
Educational Conference where they gain needed credits for their position. Board
agreed (see resolution no. 32). (5) Councilman Penny asked that the Suffolk County
Water Authority be invited to meet with the Town Board and Village Board to discuss
Harborview and Angel Shores. Supervisor Murphy adlvised they will be at the Town
Hall on March 7th. (6) There are no candidates on the civil service list for Planner
Trainee so the Board authorized the Town Clerk to advertise .,for resumes (~ee reso-
lution no. 33). (7) Resumes have been received for one member of the Conservation
Advisory Council and a part-time Custodian. Supervisor Murphy and Councilwoman
Cochran will schedule interviews and notify the Board. (8) Recreation Director
Reeves requested the Board to place instructor Laura Carlisle On the payroll. Af*,er
investigation it was determined this is costly for the Town and Ms. Carlisle has been
hired as an independent contractor, as have others, and this should not be changed.
(9) Receipt of a resume from Patrick Cleary who specializes in Environmental Planning.
Mr. Cleary will be requested to contact the Supervisor's office to arrange a mutual
date to meet and talk with the Town Board members. (10) Request from the League
of Women Voters to have the Town Clerk's Office sell a booklet they have prepared
entitled, "The Three R's of Waste Management". It was determined this would not
be legal, and further, the Town currently has STOP Program brochures (which is
the subject of the League's brochure) available free-of-charge at the Town Hall and
other locations throughout the Town. (11) The appointments of three members of
the Farmland Committee expire on March 13th. Town Clerk Terry was asked to write
the individuals, Villa, Hargrave and Orlowski, and ask if they are interested in serv-
ing another two year term. (12) Supervisor Murphy asked if the Board would be
interested in a tire shredding machine demonstration. Board would like to discuss
this further with Commissioner of Public Works Raymond Jacobs. (13) Disposition of
an old copy machine, previously owned by the late Town Attorney Tasker, was dis-
cussed. Town Clerk Terry will have the machine manufacturer look at the machine
and determine whether it is worthwhile repairing. (14) Tree pruning on Mt. Beulah
Avenue and Soundview Avenue, $outhold. Councilman Penny will discuss this with
Superintendent of Highways Jacobs. (15) The drainage problem on the south side
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
of 'Route 48, west of Town Beach, which water drains into Arshamomaque Pond, was
discussed. Trustee Bredemeyer will be asked to give a report on his previous find-
-ings with respect to this area. (16) Councilwoman Larsen briefed the Board on a
self medical insurance meeting held at the Town Hall with GCG Risk Management, Inc.
(17) Justice Edwards advised the Board they may expect a letter from Howard Hancock
of the Fishers Island Garbage District advi~sing Fishers Island wishes to break away
from paying for the Town Landfill.
12:10 P.M. - Board discussed contract negotiations, personnel, and a pending lawsuit.
12:55 P.M. - Recess for lunch.
2:25 P.M. - Trustee President Frank Kujawski, Jr. and Trustee Henry Smith met
with the Board to discuss the need to dredge the Jockey Creek spur at the entrance
to the Town boat launching ramp at the end of Pine Neck Road, Southold. Supervisor
Murphy advised this could possibly go on the County dredging contract and advised
the Trustees to make an application to the County for the project. (Later word was
received that the County Department of Public Works will add this spur to the list for
County dredging.)
2:35 P.M. - Constance Terry, Joyce Terry, and Martha Terry, Orient, met with the
Board to discuss the proposed condemnation of certain wetland properties in Orient
by the DEC. Some property owners have made arrangements with the Peconic Land
Trust for conservation easements, thus allowing the land to remain in the hands of
their current owners. Constance Terry urged the Board to bring this to the attention
of the DEC as they have unable to obtain a response. Ms. Terry handed the Board
a letter from John Halsey, President of the Peconic Land Trust, to DEC Commissioner
Jorling outlining plight of the property owners and the lack of response from the DEC
even to his organization. Councilman Penny will offer resolution no. 24 at the Regular
Meeting urging the DEC to discontinue condemnation proceedings to allow the Town
and Hallock Bay property owners to develop a plan to preserve the property by local
3:00 P.M. - Planner Valerie Scopaz met with the Board to discuss a proposal by the --
Planning Board to hire the consulting firm of Cramer, Voorhis and Associates ~)r'~h~
preparation of a Generic Environmental Impact Statement of five propose(] subdi~visior~~
in the Laurel Lake area. The Board will hold this proposal for further review.
3:15 P.M. - Audit of outstanding bills.
3:45 P.M. - Review of resolutions for the 7:30 P.M. Regular Meetin9.
4:45 P.M. - Work Session adjourned.
7:30 P.M.
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday,
February 7, 1989, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York,
Supervisor Murphy opened the meeting at 7:30 P. Mo, with the Pledge of Allegiance
to the flag.
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy
Justice Raymond W. Edwards
Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran
Councilman George L. Penny IV
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The first order of business is a resolution approving
the bills of February 7, 1989.
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the following audited bills be and here ordered paid: 1988 bills:
General Fund, Whole Town bills in the amount of $28,764.67; General Fund, Part
Town bills in the amount of $975.00; Higl~way Fund, Whole Town in the amount
$1,385.02; Highway Fund, Part Town bills in the amount of $1,380.00; Southold
Wastewater District bills in' the amount of $5, 839.59; Fishers Island Sewer District
bills in the amount of $96.00; Community Development Fund bills in the amount
of $18,930.19; 1989 bills: General Fund, Whole Town bills for the amount of
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
$105,026.88; General Fund, Part Town Fund bills in the amount of $49,726.79;
Highway Department, Whole Town bills 'in the amount of $14,840.67; Highway
Department, Part Town bills in the amount of $8,909.98; Agency & Trust bills
in the amount of $3,686.33; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of
$12,554.08; Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills in the amount
of $39.99; Computer Capital Account bills in the amount of $2,000.00; East-West
Fire Protection District bills in the amount of $111,600.00; Community Development
Fund bills in the amount of $30,000.00; Nutrition Fund bills in the amount of
$2,966.79; SNAP Program bills in the amount of $881.29.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution approving the minutes of the Town
Board meetings of January 10th and January 23rd.
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the January I0, 1989,Southold Town Board meeting
and the minutes of the January 23, 1989, Southold Town Board meeting be and
hereby approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Next is a resolution setting the next meeting date for
Tuesday, February 28, 1989, 3:00 P.M., Southold Town Hall. I offer that
Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meetinq of the Southold Town Board will be held
at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, February 28, I~89, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Tonight,we have a special presentation to two police
officers in Southold Town, who've done an exceptional job, and I'd like to ask
Chief Dan Winters to come up, and Patrolmen Bill Sawicki and Jack Clark. I would
like to read Special Order #89-1, dated February 7, 1989, headquarters recognition.
Police Officer Howard W. Sawicki is hereby commended and awarded the Life .
Bar and Medal for spontaneousaction taken on January 1, 1989. Officer Sawicki,
while .e-nroute to the Police Department to report for duty, observed a motor vehicle
on fire. The person was observed asleep in the vehicle, subsequent to many
attempts at arousing the individual, Officer Sawicki broke a window in the vehicle
and extracted the person. Officer Sawicki's prompt action ultimately saved the
life of a human being. The Lifesaving Bar shall be worn as part of the prescribed
uniform. A copy of this recognition shall be placed in the member's personnel
file. Signed by H. Dan Winters, Chief of Police. I'd like to ask Billy's family
and his brother, who I also welcome here, our Assembly man, Joe Sawicki to
come up, while Dan pins the bar on him. Bill, just a few minutes ago, your
father called me from Florida, and asked me to convey his best wishes. Billy's
father was a former Police Chief in Southold Town, who's right now enjoying the
lovely weather in Florida. Bill, do you want to have your family come up, and
Joe? A very proud day in Southold Town to have one officer recognized like this,
and it's even twice as good to have two. Special Order #89-2, Police Officer John
E. Clark, is hereby commended and awarded the Lifesaving Bar and Medal
for his prompt action relative to a fire on January 4, 1989. Officer Clark responded
to the scene of a fire at the LaGazelle Resturant. Realizing that there were
apartments on the second and third floor, Office Clark rushed to the second
floor, where he located two individuals, told them to leave immediately. Searching
other rooms, he found an elderly handicapped lady in a confused state. Officer
Clark carried the lady downstairs, and to safety. Officer Clark returned to the
second and third floor to further search for people, but found no one. The life
of one person, and possibly three, was saved by the prompt action displayed by
Officer Clark. The Lifesaving Bar shall be worn as part of the prescribed uniform.
A copy of this recognition shall be placed in the member's personnel file. Jack,
thank you, and would have your family come up? You boys are going to be on
TV tonight.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to the'~next item on the agenda, are reports.
These reports are all on fi,!e in the Town Clerk's Office for anyone who wants
to read them.
1. Substance Abuse Coordinator Monthly Report for December, 1988.
2. East End Task Force Committee Meeting Minutes for December, 1988.
3. Substance Abuse Coordinator statistica~ analysis and request for funds.
4. Time Mirror Cable Television Monthly Report for December, 1988.
5. Southold Town Recreation Department Montt-rt~-Report [o~ January, 1989.
6. Town Clerk's Monthly Report for January, 1989.
7. Southold Town Building Department Monthly Report for January, 1989.
8. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Monthly Report for January, 1989
9. Southold Town Historian Annual Report for 1988.
10. Southold Town Board of Appeals Monthly Report for January, 1989.
11. Councilman's Reports. At this time, I would like to ask the Councilmen
if they have anything special to report, starting my right with Ruth Oliva.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you, Frank. After our last Town Board meeting, __
on January 23rd, on January 24th we left for Italy and Germany to see three differa
compostin~g plants,. We were up for 42 hours, but we did see two composting plants
in Italy, and one in Germany. I was very impressed by all of them. They all
do exactly what they were supposed to do. So I found that the trip was very
worthwhile. We learned a lot, and had a lot of good information when we sit down
to do some negotiation. We returned on Saturday. On January 30th, I attended
the Greenl~ort Utility meeting. Frank and I had some discussions with the PBA on
January 31st. The Code Committee met on February 1st. We reviewed the' pre-
liminary draft of our new site plan ordinance, and we are almost through that.
I think one more meeting should do it, and because we have a lot of other things
on the agenda to accomplish. On February 6th, I attended the Housing Committee
meeting, which Councilwoman Cochran will report on. Thank you, Frank.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ruth. George?
COUNCILMAN PENNY: On the 26th, I attended a meeting of the Southold Town
Fire Commissioners at Southold. I went to speak and ask some assistance in setting
up a proposed Cutchogue-Southold Fire District, which the Town has been talking
about, and I was told at that time, that we were a little bit ahead of them,
lot of these decisions haven't been made yet. I was invited by the Cutchogue
Fire Commissioners to atteJ~d a meeting on the following Tuesday, at the Cutfhogue
Fire Department, at which time a discussion was entered into with the Chiefs and
with the Commissioners from the Cutchogue Fire Department, 'that the Cutchogue
Fire Department wishes to maintain their emergency transport, and does not request
the Town at this time to form an ambulance district for them. They will handle
all emergency cases on call, and non- emergency transportation will be available
through Peconic as usual. They cannot,with their permit,transport non-emergency
cases. The meeting with Southold will be followed up on the 14th, when the Southold
Commissioners hold a vote in their department. On the 27th, I attend, ed a meeting
of self-insurance, the G.C~.O., Risk manager. As you may know is going into
a self-insurance program, and we discussed some of the concerns, and the things
we have to do between now and then to make sure the program is in placed On
the 1st, I attended a meeting of the Code Committee, where we're still working
on site plan review, and hope to follow that up with one more meeting, we should
have that finalized. On the 3rd, I was happy to represent Southold Town in
Southampton. There was a forum held for the formation of Peconic Count~,. Once
again Peconic County discussions are coming up. It's been going on for probably
about twenty years. It was held at the Southampton Town Hall. It was chaired
by John Beh~'n and Fred Thiele.'. Representatives from most of the east end Towns
where there, and most everybody spoke .favorably, and we hope to look t~orward
to a census in 1990, which would give us the 116,000 people that will be necessary
to form a new legislative district. There are also, many, many areas that have
to be discussed. The main one would be apportionment of joint assets should
a county be formed. A lot of people came to that meeting with the idea that they
were going to do something about their County taxes, which had just gone up..
Southold Town's being probably the highest, at 175%, but after sitting the~e for
three hours, they realized that that was not the ~gist of the meeting. The thought
of Peconic County, or the dream of Peconic County is for smaller, closer govern-
ment, which is more reacted to the wishes of the people. We hope that in all
our discussion, lowering the taxes will be one of these side issues, but most
important is to control our own destiny. We would have a closer relationship
with the Department of Health Services, rather than have to wait months and
months, as we do now, for them to rubber stamp applications. The same with
the Suffolk County Department of Planning, who basically does the same thling
that our Planning Board does, and very little changes are ever made from the
decisions from our Planning Board. We would also have a chance to deal With
a legislature that doesn't pass laws that effect people in groups of twenty or over,
if there's a problem. The case being the VDT Law, which the Suffolk County
Legislatures have already passed, which says that if the VDT's are going 1~o effect
people, they're not concerned about groups of twenty or less. Well, hopefully,
with the Peconic County aRd a closeness with the community, if there was [ound
that there was a medical effect on one person, that is the type of issues that
we would adc~ress. Hopefully, we would increase our share of County preservation
funds. So that's what it was all about, so if people are looking for immediate
response to high taxes, that they've just gotten, I'm sorry but that's something
that will have to be dealt with in the future. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, George. Councilwoman Jean Cochran.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Thank you, Mr. Supervisor. The newspapers gave
us a great deal of coverage before our trip to Europe, and, indeed, they also gave
us coverage afterwards, so for those attending this meeting, and for the benefit
of the television audience, I would like to report that it was a most successful trip.
In relation to its purpose, and the purpose of the trip was to inspect composting
facilities in both Italy and Germany. I will not go into the many aspects, facts,
visual benefits, information and so forth of compost quality that we were able to
observe, because we will be having,within the next week to ten days, an evaluation
meeting, where we will share what we saw an¢ learned with the remaining Board
members, and begin to evaluate what is best for Southold. On January 23rd, I
attended the Town Green meeting, which is still under the auspices of Peconic Land
Trust, and the Committee feels that we will everything finalized, so that the village
park; I should say the Town Green, that's what we refer to it as, should be con-
veyed to the Town by March 14th. Hopefully, by our March 14th meeting. The
Committee will be making some recommendations to the Town in relation to main-
tainance of the park. I've also directed Ken Reeves, our Recreation Director, to
formulate guidelines for use of the Green, which the Recreation Committee will
review and present to the Board for acceptance. We would like to encourage non-
profit groups to use the Green for many of their events. We feel that it's a living,
breathing park, and should be used by the members of the community. On
February 3rd, the Park Committee met with Jim McMahon from our Community
Development Office to discuss and formulate municipal park projects for funding
from the Environmental Quality Bond Act. The Bond Act Municipal Parks Matching
Grants Program is what we were concerned with. We can apply for up to 50% of
funding with this bond act. Some of the suggestions that the committee made to
Jim McMahon for projects, where the acquisition of land, bulkheading repair
projects, and perhaps the Laurel Lake Park project, which we are trying to update
that park. It sure would be nice to get some of these funds, because in our Park
and Playground account, which comes from subdivision development, we have a
balance as of 12/31 of $204,000.00, and if we can find some matching bond funds,
that will certainly go a longer distance in trying to update and do some of the
work that we feel is necessary in Town owned parks. On February 6th, the Wage
a~d Policy Committee met to try to solve some of the several personnel problems
that we have. The Committee will be meeting, again, on Friday the 17th, and I
would just like to, for the Board's benefit, our Town Attorney and myself had a
conversation during the supper hour, and we would like to hold what we discussed
this morning in executive session, until the Wage and Policy meeting on the 17th.
There still seems to be some clarification that has to be done~ s~ if that's agreeable
with the Board. On the 6th, we had a Housing Committee meeting. The Housing
Committee met with Valerie Scopaz, our Town Planner, and Bill Mullen from the
Planning Board. It would be premature of me to report what work have done,
because actually the meeting consisted of job assignment more than actual formulation
of decisions. That's it, Frank.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jean. Ellen?
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Thank you, Frank. As George has already reported
and mentioned, on the 27th, we held a meeting with future company that will be
administering the Town insured benefit policy for the employees of the Town. We
had an option during our Budget hearing of, either remaining in the Empire Program
and increasing our taxes, or going into a self-insurance program and insuring
ourselves with the monies that we've paid into Empire. We realize that this would
be a major decision based on the incurred tax increase to the Town of Southold.
As you remember the Supervisor had projected a, perhaps, 16% tax increase for
the Town, and one of the major contributors to this tax increase would have been
the Empire Plan. We are looking for cooperation with the Town employees, and will
give them the same benefits that they receive from the Empire Plan at a great
savings to the taxpayer. On the 3rd, I attended a Parks and Recreation Committee
meeting, which Councilwoman Cochran and I sit jointly on. L~ounc.lwoman t~ocl~ran
chairs the committee, and as she has reported we are looking for matching funds
for parkland within the Town. On the 1st, I attended the Code Committee meetinc~.
The Code Committee recommends all the amendments to the Town Code, which is
our laws within the Town. We have sat with site plan for approximately a year.
Since I have been a member of the Town Board, we have been revising and looking
into the site plan ordinance. The site plan ordinance needed as much attention
as it has gotten. The point we're at now is, that it's ready for appoval, we have
to adjust the fees on it. There is one maior area that I feel very strongly on, and
this has come up before. Currently in th~ Town of Southold, if you. own a piece
of commercial property, orca piece of property that is coming into subdivision,
there is no provision in the Town law that prohibits you from strip clearing the
land prior to any type of approval from the Town. I take a middle road on this.
Very often, things are held up and you hear people are complaining. It takes them
a very long period of time to get things approved in the Town, and that, I will
agree with. 1 feel strongly that there should be no bulldozing and clear cutting
of land, where it is wooded, where there are areas that the whole process of the
Environmental Review Act comes into play. This is one of the major hangups now
within the Code Committee, that I feel that until the Planning Board, or-until some
agency of the Town gives you the authorization to clear areas that prior to site
plan approval, there should be no bulldozing totally of properties. After that's
resolved, and I'm sure we will come to resolve that in the near future, that will
be coming up for public hearing. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen. Judge Edwards?
JUSTICE EDWARDS: Thank you, Frank. I, also, went on the trip to Europe, and
luckily I had a week of my own after. I left the party. I waved goodbye to them
at the airport at Dusseldorf, and I stayed over. I stayed an evening in Holland
with some friends, and went up to Copenhagen for two days, London for two days,
then went up to Manchester, England, and I was given a tour of a new plant, up
in Manchester, that's been on line for iust about a year and a half now. Same size
as what Southold would propose. A very excellent plant. Been working ~ery well.
Came back to Manchester, and flew over to Dublin. Spent two evenings in Dublin,
and came back to the States on Saturday. I can sa~,th~ extra week was all out of my
back pocket. There was no Town money involved in that. I really enjoyed the
extra week over there. I can say the twelve days that I spent in Europe and the
four or five, that the rest of the members, we did not have one drop of rain on
us over there. It was just beautiful weather. I opened up my eyes to composting,
but I'm still looking towards incineration, also. I think we need both of them,
because source reduction in composting is not as great as incineration, and so I'm
sort of leaning down that line. As I say, I have opened up my eyes to composting
a lot more than..it's a lot broader, my thoughts of it, than when I first went over
there. Getting away from the trip, I spoke with Councilwoman Larsen today about
the possibility of having our boat launching ramp on Fishers Island dredged, so
Ellen and I will be talking about that in the next week or so. Also, yesterday,
before I left Fishers Island, I flew back to the island on Sunday, and came back
over here Monday, and yesterday morning I was talking with the garbage commis-
sioners over there, the garbage district on Fishers Island, and we're going to
renew our efforts to break away from Southold in regards to"our garbage disposal.
We have our own garbage district on Fishers Island, that we pay into, and Southold
does not contribute to, but we still contribute to Southold's Cutchogue Landfill.
Last year to the tune of $66,000.00. So we're going to renew our efforts to
break away from Southold regarding that. Also, Fishers Island is going with an
incinerator. They've had the engineerin_c plans done. They're going with a
Consamatt firm up in New England. They're in the permit stages right now.
Getting back to Dusseldorf, I think we should get a full report from Frank on
the incident in the sauna in Dusseldorf. With that, over to you, Frank.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: No comment. Just one further comment on the trip. !
think it was the best investment Southold Town ever made, in sending the six
people over there. Just adding to what everyone is saying tonight, everyone
is concerned about taxes. The Ten Town Supervisors are traveling to Albany
on Tuesday en masse, to try to talk to our good friend, Joe Sawicki, who was here
tonight, and many other leaders in Albany about assistance to take..get some
relief from the property tax, so that people are not going to be taxed out of their
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on the agenda, going to Item II, there are six
public notices. These are all on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for anyor~e to
read, an¢ to comment on.
1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N. Y. District, Application of the
Town of Southold to place off-bottom seed clam rafts in Goose Creek, Shelter Island
Sound, Southoid. Written comments by February 22, 1989.
2. N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete A.~plication of Steven Dubner to install a well 80' deep for drip irrigation
of nursery stock, said well located on the north side of County Road 48 between
Cox and Bridge Lanes. Comments no later than February 17, 1989
3. N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Nell Re~o d/b/a Chardonna¥ Woods to construct sin§le family
homes with decks and pools, said structures to be greater than 75' from the fresh-
water wetland located at Mr. Beulah Avenue/Soundview Avenue. Comment no later
than February 24, 1989. ,'
4. N.Y. State Department of Envionmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Th~omas E. boyle to line a section of deteriorated seawall,
install filter fabric and place sanc~ in eroded area, and construct a rock revetment;
said project located on the north side of Leeton Drive, Southold. Comments by
February 24, 1989.
5, N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Village Marina to construct a storage building requiring a
37' variance from the 75' setback; located on James Creek, Bay Avenue, Mattituck.
Comments by February 24, 1989.
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
6. U. S. Army Corps. of Engineers, N. Y. District; Application of LI
Green Seal Committe to extablish artificial scallop habitats on Northwest Harbor,
Gardiners E3ay, East Hampton. Written comments by February 16, 1989.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The~re ~vere three communications.
1. Joseph Sawicki, New York State Assemblyman's letter to Harold D.
Berge, Regional Director of the DEC, regarding the preservation of the land
surrounding Hallocks Bay through conservation easements with the Peconic Land
2. Al Jahir, of Mattituck, commending the Town Board on their trip
to Europe to study the disposal systems.
3. Walter L. Smith, President of the Incorporated Long Island Chapter,
New York State Archaeolocjical Association, informing the Town Board of their
resolution to proceed any building or excavation in the area of Browns Hills, by
an in depth archaeological survey.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: There is under Item IV, a public hearing scheduled for
eight o'clock.
I. Proposed "Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse."
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'll move on to Item V, resolutions. I would just like
to state the policy of the Town Board. At this time, if anyone would like to address
the Town Board on any of the proposed resolutions, resolutions that are on your
ae~enda, may do so at this time. We ask to hold any other comments to the end
of the meeting, where we'll open up a peric~ of time where you can address the
Town Board on any item, any subject that is of interest to you, and you would
like to make a statement to th~ Town Board. At this time, I would like to ask
anyone, if they would like to address the Town Board on any of the proposed
resolutions that are on your agenda. Over here on rry left?
WILLIAM MOORE, ESQ: Good evening. My name is Bill Moore. I'm I~ere, tonight,
on behalf of the DBM Company. Talk about #12 and 13 resolution, and 42 and 43.
Before I comment on those, I'd like to thank several people, who work for the Town
and with the Town. Dave Emilita, being number one. Dave came out on Monday,
and met with the applicant. I'm speaking in reference to the affordable housing
project proposed for Bossieu. David provided certain comments that he wanted to
see in our DEIS, Preparer of the documents, Peconic Associates, very quickly
responded, and David was very kind to meet with us on Monday, I think a week
ago. David liked what we had provided to him, and he has changed his recommenda-
tion to the Board, which is 'to accept the DEIS. I'd like to tEank Judy Terry for
the hard work she did to change the resolution, and to the Town Attorney Jay
Schondebare, who allowing me to persuade him, that we can have two public
hearings the same night, that being on the DEIS itself, and on the application of
the change of zone. When you take actions like that, and you consolidate and move
forward, that's truly fast tracking, and that's what helps get affordable housing
done. We can get those resolutions going forward, and we can move on. This might
be a project that we can see in our lifetime.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Anyone else in the middle, who would like to address the
Town Board? (No response.) Anyone over here on the right? (No response.)
Hearing none, we'll move on to resolutions. The first is a request to the County
with regard to County tax, to be read by Councilman Penny.
1.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Executive's Office projected a 17% tax increase for
the East End Towns for 1989; and
WHEREAS, the projection was not even close, and the Southold Town residents are
faced with a Suffolk County tax increase o,f 175%1 and
WHEREAS, Southold Town has a population that represents only 1.6% of the popula-
tion of Suffolk County and-is forced to provide the County with 2.7% .of the
County's revenue; and
WHEREAS, many Southold Town residents are on fixed incomes and cannot afford
catastrophic tax increases such as this; and
WHEREAS, the medical waste scare and the Lyme Disease scare have affected the
overal Town economy, as can be seen by the reduction of the sales tax revenue
for 1988, and
WHEREAS, Black Monday at the Stock Exchange has already affected the resale value
of many homes in Southold Town, and additional tax burdens will add to this delimma;
now, therefore, be it
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold requests the County
Executive of Suffolk County, and the Suffolk County Legislature to reduce Southold
Town's tax rates to a responsible level.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 2 is to authorize 1988 Budget modification for the
Fishers Island Sewer District.
2.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following 1988 Budget modification to the Fishers Island Sewer District to adjust
the over expended budget ine:
To: SS2 8160.4 Refuse & Garbage, Contractual Expenses $1,700.00
From: SS2 1990.4 Contingent $ 700.00
SS2 8160.1 Refuse & Garbage, Equipment $1,000.00
2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 3 is a resolution to approve the amount of a bond
for road improvements in the minor subdivision of Edward and Eileen Deutsch. I
offer that.
3.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the amount
of $100,080.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the minor subdivision of
Edward & Eileen Deutsch, all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold
Town Planning Board and Sidney B. Bowne & Son, Consulting Engineers.
3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 4 is to authorize and direct the Supervisor to
execute an agreement between the Town and the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund. I
offer that resolution.
4.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ~3uthorizes and
directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy ~o ex~ecute the agreement between the Town
of Southold and the 'CSEA Employee Benefit Fund for the period January I, 1988
through December 31, 1989, all in accordance with approval of the agreement by
Town Attorney Schondebare.
4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 5 is a resolution authorizing payment from General
Fund, Whole Town, Programs for the Aging.
5.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes-the
payment of $6,371.79 from the General Fund Whole Town, Programsfor the Aging
(A6772.4) 1988 Budget, to the Community Development Fund; said amount represents
monies paid to the Floyd Memorial Library for the Elderly Day Care program which
have subsequently been disallowed by the County of Suffolk Community Development
Office because expenses were incurred prior to the release of funds.
5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 6 is a tra'iler permit renewa .
6.-Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the application of Frank J. McBride for renewal of a trailer permit
for trailer used for living quarters for farm workers, located on the north side of
Oregon Road, Cutchogue, New York, be and hereby is granted for a six (6) month
6.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: It's now eight o'clock. I'd like a resolution to recess for
the time it takes to hold a public hearing.
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time, 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of
holding a public hearinc~ on a proposed "Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish
and Refuse."
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Meeting reconvened at 8:03 P.M.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Resolution 7 is to create a position of Work/Study student
at a salary of $5.00 per hour.
7.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby creates the
position of Work/Study Student and sets a salary of $5.00 per hour for said
7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 8 is a resolution authorizing Commissioner of Public
Works, Ray Jacobs, to install a street light on Pole No. 51L in Mattituck. I offer
that resolution.
8.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold her~'by authorizes
Commissioner of Public Works Raymond L. Jacobs to install a street light on
Pole No. 51L at the intersection of West Mill Road and Bayview Road, Mattituck,
New York; which installation will require a secondary line installation by LILCO
of approximately 252 feet, at a cost of $2.00 per foot.
8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Superviso. r Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 9 is a resolution accepting, with regret, the
resignation of Jack Thilberg, as a Police Dispatcher. I offer that. A very fine
young man. He's going to be a police officer in Shelter Island.
9.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by the entire Town Board, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts, with
.regret, the resignation of Jack H. Thilber~, Jr., provisional Public Safety
-.Dispatcher I, effective February 12, 1989.
9--Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 10 is to appoint Brian Weingart as a provisional
full-time Public Safety Dispatcher. I offer that resolution.
10.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Brian
Wein~art as a provisional full-time Public Safety Dispatcher I, effective February
13, 1989, ~at a salary of $20,358.61 per year
10.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman .Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 11 is authorize 1988 Budget Modification to the
Community Development Fund and the General Fund Whole Town. I offer that
11 .-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by'"Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following 1988 Budget modification to the Community Development Fund and the
General Fund Whole Town to correct items billed to Suffolk County Community
Develpment Office in 1986, but not expended by Community Development Fund.
Expenses processed in 1988 by Community Development Fund reimbursing General
Fund Whole Town for 1988 expenditures.
CD 599
CD 2743
CD 2801
CD 8676.4
CD 8660.2
CD 8660.1
Appropria.ted Fund Balance
Suffolk County. Year 12
In.terfund Revenues
Crime/Alcohol/Drug Prevention, Year 12
Housing Land Acquisition, Year 12
Administration, Year 12
CD 2743 Suffolk County Year 11 $ 201.07
CD 2743 Suffolk County Year 13 281.80
General Fund-Whole Town
A 9901.9 Interfund Transfers $ 482.87
From: A 8660.1 Community Development, Personal Services 482.87
11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duJy ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 12 is a resolution to determine 30 days is
necessary to determine the adequacy of the DEIS with respect to the petition of
DBM Co. for change of zone. I offer that resolution.
12.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby determines that
an additional 30 days is necessary to determine the adequacy of the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement with respect to the petition of DBM Co. for a change
of zone.
12.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 13 is a resolution to determine that the DEIS with
respect to the petition of DBM Co. for a change of zone is satisfactory. I offer
that resolution.
13.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby determines that
the Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared December 1988 and revised
February 6, 1989 with respect to the petition of DBM Co. for a change of zone
is satisfactory with respect to scope, content, and adequancy for the purpose of
commencing public review.
13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 14 is a resolution authorizing the Board of
Commissioners of Fishers Island Ferry District to advertise for separate bids.
14.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to advertise for
separate bids for drydocking for periodic inspection, refurbishing of underwater
bodies, and repairs as found necessary of the MV Race Point and MV Munnatawket.
14.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 15 is a resolution authorizing advance fee payment
in the amount of ~55.00 for the rec. director.
15.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes an
advance fee payment in the amount of $55.00 to enable Recreation Director Kenneth
Reeves to take a CPR instructor course; said charge to be made to A7020.4,
Recreation Administration; check made payable to the American Heart Association.
15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared dul~/ ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 16 is a r~solution authorizing the Town Clerk to
advertise for bids for the ,resurfacing of Town roads on Fishers Island.
16.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
Town Clerk to advertise for bids for resurfacing Town Roads on Fishers Island
with slurry seal.
16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 17 is a resolution authorizing individuals to attend
the annual meeting of the Association of Towns in New York
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
17.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, se~:0d~l~d by'Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the TownBoard of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following individuals to attend the Annual meeting of the Association of Town,*. to
be held at the New York Hilton, New York City, on February 19, 20, 21, 22, 1989;
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy
Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilwoman Ellen M. Larsen
Justice Raymond W. Edwards
Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi
Justice William H. Price, Jr.
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney James A. Schondebare
Assessor Scott L. Harris
Town Historian Antonia Booth
Deputy Supervisor Frank A. Kujawski, Jr.
Coummunity Development Administrator James C. McMahon
Accountant John Cushman
Planning Board member William F. Mullen, Jr.
_ Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor Ruthanne Woodhull
Justice Court Clerk Christine A. Stulsky
Justice Court Clerk Barbara M. Andrade
Board of Appeals Dept.--(3)--day-time attendance
Planning Board member Kenneth Edwards
17.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 18 is a resolution appointing Mary Louise Santa-
croce as a provisional legal stenographer in the Town.
18.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Mary
Louise Santacroce a ,provisional Legal Stenographer in the Office of the Town
Attorney, effective February 21, 1'~89, at a salary of $19,618.45 per annum.
18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes': Councilwoman ~-a~sen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Coch'ran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 19, we're holding. Number 20 is to appoint
Georgia Rudder as a secretary for the Waterfront Revitalization Citizen Advisory
20.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Georgia
Rudder as Secretary for the Waterfront Rvitalization Citizen's Advisory Committee,
effective immediately through December 31, 1989, $7.50 per hour, not to exceed
$3,500.00 for 1989.
20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 21 to be read by Councilman Penny.
21.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen,
WHEREAS, the concept of the creation of Peconic County has been revived by
County Legislator Fred Thiele and New York State Assemblyman John Behan; and
WHEREAS, a population census is necessary to prove that the required population
is in place; and
WHEREAS, many studies are necessary to investigate the complex issues involved
in the forming of a new County; and
WHEREAS, much of this research could be completed by the 1990 census if started
now; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold encourages Suffolk County
Legislator Fred Thiele and'New York State Assemblyman John Behan to continue
their efforts in the necessary investigations and research for forming Peconic
County, and hereby requests a local public information meeting for all of the
interested residents in the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall.
21.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: ~lumber 22 is a resolution authorizing 1988 Budget Modifi-
cation to the Home Aide Program and the General Fund-Whole Town. I offer that.
22.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
followincj 1988 Budget modification to the Home Aide Program and the General
Fund - Whole Townr to provide for transfer of fund balance from Home Aide to
Whole Town~ Home Aide fund balance arising due to bookkeeping errors dating
back to 1986 and prior years:
Home Aide Program
Rev enues:
To: A3.599 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 4,238.35
Appropriations: '
To: A3.9901.9 Transfers to other funds $ 4,238.35
General Fund-Whole Town
To: A.2801 Interfund Transfers $ 4,238.35
To: A.6772.4 Programs for the Aging $ 4,238.35
22.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen~ Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochranr Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 23 is a resolution authorizing the 1988 Budget
modifications to the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund.
23.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
followinq 1988 Budget modification to the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund to bring
budgets into line with actual revenues and expenditures:
To: CF.2401 Interest and Earnings
To: CF.9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes, Principal
From: CF.599
23.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
$ 16.46
$ .78
Appropriated Fund Balance $ 15.68
Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 24, Councilman Penny would like to read.
24.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran,
WHEREAS, the Orient Meadowland Property Owners Association has asked the Town
of Southo~,d to work out a preservation program with them to preserve their wetlands
and Hallock's Bay; and
WHEREAS, the voters of the Town of Southold have passed an Open Space Preserva-
tion Bill which provides funds for the preservation of open space, and the Town
established an Open Space Committee; and
WHEREAS, the Peconic Land Trust wants to work with the Orient Meadowland
Property Owners Association to preser~ethe same; and
WHEREAS, the main goal of the Orient Association who offered a petition of 900
signatures is for preservation of the same; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold agrees that preservation of
these areas is in the best interest of the Town and its inhabitants; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold requests that the Town
be given the opportunity to develop a preservation program at a local level that
will accomplish the goaJ of preservation of the wetlands and Hallocks Bay with the
cooperation of all groups concerned, and the Department of Environmental Conserva-
tion; and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board further requests the New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation hold off condemnation for a period of six months to
allow this to happen.
24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran,', Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I would like to comment really briefly. The Peconic
Land Trust is trying to work with some of the owners of the property to preserve
the area in perpetuity, and we all agree that Hallock's Bay should be preserved.
It's not an issue of how it's preserved. It's that it is preserved, and if these
land owners have come up with an alternative (tape changed)
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 25 is the resolution determining that zoning
amendments to supplement Local Law No. 1 - 1989 will have no significant effect
on the environment.
25.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Counselwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State
Envi~"onmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617,10, and
Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the
Southold Town Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unlisted
action, has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment.
Description of Action: Zonincj Amendments to Supplement Local Law No. 1 -1989.
The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environ-
ment because an Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed
and the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect on the
environment is likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. The
zoning amendments herein are to replace certain sections deleted by adoption of
comprehensive zoning amendment, Local Law No. 1 - 1989.
25.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Penny Councilwoman
Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. Abstain: Councilwoman Larsen.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 26 is a resolution transmitting "Local Law in
Relation to Zoning" to Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department
of Planning.
26.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Counselwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold
a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning"; now, there-
fore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit this proposed Local Law to the Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk
County Department of Planning in accordance with the Code of the Town of
Southold and Suffolk County Charter.
26.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 27 is a resolution setting a public hearing for 8:00
P.M., Tuesday, March 14, 1989, Southold Town Hall. The time and i~lace for a
public hearing on Carr/Wanet change of zone. I offer that.
27.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, Richard T. Carr and Joseph A. Wanat, by petition dated October 22,
1987, petitionedthe Town Board of the Town of Southold for a change of zone on
certain property located on the northerly side of Bergen Avenue, ~attituck, New
York, from "A" Residential and Aqricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence
District; said property bounded and described as follows: ALL that Certain plot,
piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate,
lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of
New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point which connects
the northerly side of Bergen Avenue with the westerly side of land now or formerly
of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone and from said point of beginning: Running
thence along the northerly side of Bergen Avenue, South 67° 10' 40" West. 685.93
feet to an angle point in Bergen Avenue. Continuing thence along the westerly side
of Bergen Avenue, on a course bearing South 20° 49' 50" East. 61.62 feet. Continuing
thence along land now or formerly of William and Tompkins D. Entenmann: (1.) South
59° 49' 30" West. 200 feet; (2.) North 20° 42' 30" West. 49.99 feet; (3.) South 56°
13' 50" West. 258.98 feet; (4.) North 21° 50' 20" West. 429.45 feet; (5.) North 22°
29' 50" West. 819.71 feet; (6.) North 21° 14' 40" West. 643.02 feet; (7.) North 22°
11' 50" West. 392.02 feet to a point and land now or formerly of John and Rose
Koroleski. Continuing thence along said land of John and- Rose Koroleski: (1.) North
71° 23' 10" East. 95.00 feet; (2.) North 21° 17' 50" West. 773.70 feet; (3.) North
22° 03' 50" West. 305.71 feet to a point and land formerly of William Charles Hees.
Continuing thence along said land of William Charles Hees. North 22° 27' 50" West.
925 feet to a tie-line along the approximate high-water mark of the Long Island Sound.
Continuing thence along said tie-line of the Long Island Sound. North 69° 43' 18"
East. 651.62 feet to a point and other land now or formerly of Joseph A. Wanat.
Continuing thence along said other land of Joseph A. Wanat, South 22° 31' 10" East,
770.38 feet. Running thence partially along said other land of Joseph A. Wanat,
and land now or formerly of Doris K. Brown and land now or formerly of Patrick
Carrig and Mark S. McDonald. North 84° 10" 30" East. 574.20 feet to a point and
land now or formerly of Joseph T. Macari .~nd Louis F. Simeone, thence South 22°
31' 10" East. 2,228.31 feet. Continuing thence along said land of Joseph T. Macari
and Louis F. Simeone, Sough 65° 45' 50" West. 139.42 feet. Thence South 18° 03'
10" East. 522.42 feet. Continuing thence along said land of Joseph T. Macari and
Louis F. Simeone. South 20° 10' 10" East. 475.61 feet to the north side of Bergen
Avenue and the point or place of beginning; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department
of Planning have prepared official reports and recommendations on the aforesaid
petition; now, therefore, be it
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 14, 1989,
Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a publin
hearing on the petition of Richard T. Cart and Joseph A. Wanat for a change of
zone, at which time any person desiring to be heard should appear at the time and
place above so specified; and be it fur;~her
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to
cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official newspapers pursuant
to the requirements of law.
27.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman OIiva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 28 is a resolution authorizing budget modification
in the 1988 Budget to the General Fund-Part Town.
28.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
follow'n9 1988 Budget modification to the General Fund - Part Town to cover
overdrawn line items:
To: Revenues
interest and Earnings
Police, Contractual Expenses $ 3,000.00
Planning, Contractual Expenses $ 100.0)
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I might add, that all of these modifications are being made
to close the books on 1988,on bills that are coming in late, and just to balance the
28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 29 is an '89 agreement for services by certified
Court Reporter Myrtle Kiefer.
29.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an agreement between Myrtle
Kiefer, Certified Court Reporter, and the Town for Ms. Kiefer to perform court
reporter services for the Town for the period February 7, 1989 through December
31, 1989, all in accordance with the agreement to be approved by Town Attorney
Schon deba i~e.
29.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED'.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 30 is a resolution authorizing an '89 agreement
for services by a certified Court Reporter, Gaii Roschen.
30.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute an agreement between Gall
Roschen, Certified Court Reporter, and the Town for Ms. Roschen to perform
court reporter services for the Town for the period February 7, 1989 through
December 31, 1989, all in accordance with the agreement to be approved by Town
Attorney Schondebare.
30.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 31 is a resolution authorizing the changing of title
to Venetia McKeighan to Director of Human Services.
31.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby chancjes the
title of Venetia McKeighan from Director of Senior Services to Director of Human
Services for the Town of Southold, effective .mmediately.
31.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 32 is to authorize three Building Inspectors to
attend an Educational Conference. By wa~, this has to be done by law. They
have to get these credits.,
FEBRUARY 7, 1989 2 1 1
32.-Moved by .... ~ ~'-~ ¥'- ~ -'
Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED thatthe Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby 9rants permission
to Buildin9 Inspector's Curtis Horton, Gary Fish, and Thomas Fishers to attend
the Fourteenth Annual Buildin9 Officials Educational Conference to held at
Rochester, New York on April 17,18,19, 1989, and the necessary expenses for
travel, rooms, meals and registration fees shall be a legal charge against the
Building Department's 1989 Budget.
32.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Pent'y, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Superv sot Murphy.
This resolution ~as declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 33 is to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for
resumes for a provisional Planner Trainee.
33.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for the position of Provisional
Planner Traihee'at an entry' level salar_y of. ~21,544.00 per annum.
33.-Vote of the Tow0 Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 34 is a resolution releasing the bond of two firms
that submitted proposals, Omni Composting Corp., and Reuter, Inc.
34.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold is seeking to develop and
implement a comprehensive long-term program of waste management; and
WHEREAS, the program is expected to include composting of non-recyclable
municipal solid waste; and
WHEREAS, a Final Request for Proposals was issued August 31, 1988 requiring
submissions to be received by September 20, 1988; and
WHEREAS, said Request for Proposals required a proposal security in the amount
of Fifty Thousan.~l Dollars ($50,000.00) to be submitted with any proposal submitted
in response to the RFD; and
WHEREAS, proposals, along with the required proposal security, were submitted
b '
y Bedmlnster B~oconversion Corporation, Daneco, Inc., Reidel Waste Disposal
System, Inc., Reuter, Inc. and Omni Composting Corporation~' and
WHEREAS, the RFP provided "No proposer's Bond shall be released until the pro-
poser's proposal is completely rejected by the Town in writing"; and
WHEREAS, the p~'oposals of Reuter, Inc., and Omni Composting Corporation were
completely rejected by the Town in writing,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southol
releases the proposal security provided by Reuter, Inc. and Omni Com~oosting Corp-
oration, each in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00);
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to return
the proposal security to both proposers.
34.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman OliVa,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution w"as declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 35 is a request to the New York State DEC to a
dredging amendment.
.dredged material
Creek for a total
window precludes
amendment needs
tional safety.
35.-Moved by Councilwoman Larsen, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Regulatory
Affairs, Region I Office, to reissue the Wickham Creek dredging permit ~,/22/88
amendment to Permit No. 10-86-0442 SCDPW without delay as a permanent condition
of the above referenced permit valid through March 31, 1992; and be it further
he Town Board recluests the allowance of 3,000 cubic yards of
be placed at the dredge disposal site on the west side of Wickham
cubic yardage of 10,600 through 3/31/92. The environmental
dredging from 5/15/89 - 8/30/89, therefore this permanent
expeditious issuance to complete the project and ensure naviga-
35.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Town Planner to
! offer that.
36.-Moved by Super~
for Town Board
Institute Winter
~,PHY: Number 36 is to authorize Town Board members and our
attend a New York Land Institute Winter 1989 Program at Huntington.
isor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
.he Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission
~embers and Planner Valerie Scopaz to attend the New York Land
989 Programs to be held at the Royce Carlin Hotel, Rout 110,
2 1 2 FEBRUARY 7, 1989
Huntington, on February 24 and 25, 1989, and the necessary expenses for meals,
travel and registration fee'shall be a legal charge against the Town of Southold
36.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 37 is to amend a prior resolution validating the
amount to be deposited in lieu of land for park and playground.
37.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends their
Resolution No. 19, adopted on September 6, 1988, to correct the amount to be
deposited in lieu of land for park and playground by Wolf Pit Associates, owners
of the major subdivision Wolf Pit Pond Estates, Mattituck, from $81,750.00 to
37.Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 38 is to authorize a Budget modification General
Fund - Whole Town.
38.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the
following 1988 Budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town as adjustments
for overexpended budgets, a grant to the Eastern Long Island Hospital, and for
billings from Hawkins, Delafield & Wood, Bond Counsel:
To: A1355;4 Assessors, Contractual Expenses $ 1,500.00
A1420.4 Town Attorney, Contractual Expenses 52,500.00
A1620.4 Buildings, Contractual Expenses 1,000.00
A3410.4 Fire Fighting, Contractual Expenses 50.00
A4010.4 Public Health, Contractual Expenses 10,100.00
A4210.4 Drug Counsel, Contractual Expenses 500.00
A6772.1 Program for Aging, Personal Services 200.00
From: A8160.4 Refuse & Garbage, Contractual Expenses$ 65,850.00
38.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsenr Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 39 is a resolution to accept the bond estimate
amount of Henry Arbeeny subidivision. I offer that.
39.-Moved by Supervisor Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the
amount of $48,262.00 for a bond for roads and improvements in the sudivision
of Henry Arbeeny, Kenny's Road, Southold, New York, all in accordance with
the recommendation of the Southold Town Plannin9 Board and Sidney Bowne &
Son, Consultin9 Engineers.
39.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 40 is a recommedation to hire a consulting firm
to prepare a Generic Impact Statement in the vicinity of Laurel Lake, which we
are going to hold. Number 41 is a resolution to extend a letter of credit for Harbor-
view Realty, Bayview Ventures, Subdivision.
41.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Penny, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the
extended Letter of Credit No. 119, in the amount of $1,150,000.00, to June 20,
1989, from Bayview Ventures for their major subdivision Harbor View, all in
accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board.
41.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 42 is to set a public hearing for 8:15 P.M. on
March 14, 1989, $outhold Town Hall, on the DBM Company Draft Environmental
Impact Statement.
42.-Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Larsen, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 8:15 P.M..
Tuesday, March 14, 1989, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York,
as time and place for a public hearinc~ on the revised Draft Environmental Impact
Statement wi_t.h_re~pect .to the .petition of DBM Co. for a change of zone from R-80
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
2 1'3
(formerly "A" Residential-Agricu tufa.~E)ist~ict), to "AHD" Affordable Housing
District on certain property located southeast of the intersection of County I~oute
48, Boi~seau Avenue and Yennecott Drive, Southold, New York.
42,-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 43 is to set another public hearing 8:20 P.M., on
March 14, 1989, on the DBM Company change of zone application.
43.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran,
WHEREAS, D.B.M. Co., by petition dated May 17, 1988, petitioned the Town Board
of the Town of Southold for a change of zone on certain property located southeast
of the intersection of County Route 48, Boisseau Avenue and Yennecott Drive,
Southold, New York, from R-80 (formerly "A" Residential and Agricultural District)
to "AHD" Affordable Housing District; said property bounded and described as
follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being
at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,
being bound and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side
of Boisseau Avenue distant the following two courses and distance as measured
southerly along same from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly
side of Boisseau Avenue. with the southerly side of Yennecott Drive; 1. South 22
degrees 31 minutes 56 seconds west 336.68 feet to a point; 2. South 2 degrees 38
minutes 20 seconds west 439.00 feet to the true point of beginning; Running thence
south 87 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds east along the southerly line of land now
or formerly of Robert Taplin 200.00 feet to a point; Running thence north 2 degrees
38 minutes 20 seconds east along the easterly line of lands now or formerly of Taplin,
Finne, Goldsmith and Wheeler and through three monuments 452.11 feet to a monu-
ment; Running thence north 88 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds east along the
southerly line of lands now or formerly of Tuthill and lands shown on map of
Yennecott Park, File Number 5187, 924.13 feet to a point; Running thence along
lands now or formerly of Richard and Laureen Wheeler the following two courses
and distances; 1. South 14 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds east 226.37 feet; and
2. North 88 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds east 200.02 feet to a point; Running
thence south 2 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds east along lands no~v or formerly of
Francis and Patrick O'Malley 272.59 feet to a monument; Running thence north 88
degrees 56 minutes 31 seconds east 572.59 feet to a point; Running thence south
23 degrees 29 minutes 07 seconds east 347.18 feet to a monument; Running thence
south 55 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds west along lands now or formerly of Edwin
Mooney 902.45 feet to a monument; Running thence south 55 degrees 54 minutes
50 seconds west along lands now or formerly of Peter Meyer, Jr., 382.92 feet to
a monument; Running thence north 6 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds east 488.47
feet to a monument; Running thence north 89 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds west
672.10 feet to a monument; Running thence north 2 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds
east 162.43 feet to a monument; Running thence north 87 degrees 21 minutes 40
seconds west 265.00 feet to a monument; Running thence north 2 degrees 38 minutes
20 seconds east 336.18 feet to a point; Running thence north 87 degrees 21 minutes
40 seconds west 200.00 feet to a monument set on the easterly side of Boisseau
Avenue; Running thence along the easterly side of Boisseau Avenue north 2 degrees
38 minutes 20 seconds east 50.03 feet to the point or place of beginning, and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department
of Planning have prepared official reports and recommendations on the aforesaid
petition; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:20 P.M., Tuesday, March 14, 1989,
Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Sout~old, New York, as time and place for a
public hearing on the petition of D.B.M. Co. for a change of zone, at which time
any person desiring to be heard should appear at the time and place above so
specified, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to
cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official newspapers pursuant
__ to the requirements of law.
43.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman-Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: If you'd like to act on 44, which is Local Law No. 2, which
we had the public hearing tonite, that nobody commented on, Garbage, Rubbish
and Refuse.
44.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law No. 2 - 1989 was introduced at a meeting of this
Board held on the 10th day of January~ 1_989~ and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held thereon by this Board on the 7th day of
February, 1989, at which time all interested is~s~--~s..,~.'-e~e given an. opportunity to
be heard thereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that Local Law No. 2 - 1989 be enacted as follows:
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
LOCAL LAW NO. 2 - 1989
A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish & Refuse
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of th~ Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 48 (Garbage,. Rubbish & Refuse) of the Code of the Town of Southold
is hereby amended as'follows:
1. Section 48-6.A is hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Any person committing an offense against any provision of this
chapter,shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a violation
punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.)
or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifteen (15) days,
or by both such fine and imprisonment. The continuation of an
offense against the provisions of this chapter shall constitute,
for each day the offense is continued, a separate and distinct
offense hereunder.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of State.
44.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: That's the end of our prepared and added on agenda. At
this time I'd like to ask the Town Board members, if they have anything further
to say at this time. Ray Edwards?
JUSTICE EDWARDS: Nothing. Thank you, Frank.
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I'd like to make two brief comments. On Venetia
McKeighan, tonight, you know that that changed her title from Director of Senior
Services to Director of Human Services. This is a woman, who has worked with
this Town Board, and Town Boards before, to institute the nutrition program for
the Town of Southold. Through her efforts and her hard work, and the cooperation
of the Town Board, she's expanded to many areas, and to show how the Town is
growing, and the needs of the communtity are expanding, the change in her title
is reflected in that. We're lucky to have someone like Ve McKeighan with the Town.
Also, I'd like to make one other comment on the DBM affordable housing project.
I have been an advocate of affordable housing. I'd do everything I can to get
affordable housing. Many of the people that are my age, are looking for housing
within the Town, so even though we are moving in a very expeditious manner, I
hope it continues to move in an expeditious manner, and that these houses become
a reality, and I applaud Mr. Israel for sticking in there, and the Town for working
with him, and hopefully this will come to past. I'll be very happy.
SUPERVISOR-MURPHY: Thank you, Ellen. Jean?
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Nothing, thank you.
COLNCILMAN PENNY: Yes. I probably should said when we sent hh that resolution
to the County to lower our taxes, we should have included Peconic County Now
p~n. Probably a bunch of them for the entire Suffolk County legislature, and the
County Executive. Maybe it will bring their attention to the fact that we're not
goEnq to tolerate this forever. I see John Tuthill is here tonight from Orient. John,
it was about a year ago, you asked for some help from the Town. You were very
patient, and some of your committee was in today, as they have at several other
meetings, and I'm glad to see that, and I hope it's in time that we had some con-
sessions on the Town Board here, and were able to unanEmously support a Town
pro§ram, which I believe you asked for nine months to a year ago.
JOHN TUTHILL: I'd say that this's a breath of fresh air, and keep going.
COUNCILMAN PENNY: Hopefully, the State will take us seriously at this, being
as this is the first effort from the Town, from the Town Board, and when I was
at a meeting back in April or May, Commissioner Joerling said that they like imput
from Town Boards, and it has a great effect on the DEC, when they make up a
list for acquisitions, so I just hope that it will go through the way we want it to.,
I'd just like to take a moment's time, and recognize a birthday, an 82nd birthday
for a friend of mine in Mattituck, who's eiqhty-two years young today, Ed
Brochard, so this is going tobeontelevision, and I warned him that I was going
to do this, so if any of you run into him, please wish him a Happy Birthday.
Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, George. Ruth?
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I, also, am glad that we are going to, hopefully, work
with the DEC. I was very disturbed at the letter, that was presented to us from
John Halsey, because it was my understanding that the Peconic Land Trust was
FEBRUARY 7, 1989 2 1 5
working wi:th the DEC, and I had hoP~' that-things worked out there, because I
.understand that some of the property owners truly want this property to be kept
.n the family name, and I,sympathize with their problems with this. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, at this time now, we'd like to open up to the public
for any comments, and I'm sure that's why a lot of people are here tonight. Frank?
FRANK CARLIN: Laurel Lake, does this include opening up the lake for the public
to swim in.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: No, Frank, what it is, is an overall plan to make
improvements on that facility. Down by the lake area, we feel that it's a natural
site for a picnic area for the handicapped, because the old road that goes up, it
certainly would make wheelchair accessability part of the site. So, on the site at
the lake front would be a picnic area, a nature trail, we have to do some work there
as far as the bluff is concerned, because that's falling down and so forth, so we'll
be doing some preventive work there, and the Tree Committee is going to recommend
some of the trees, that should be planted around the front area of that. Then in
relation to the ball diamond, that we've had many conplaints from Little League,
that that ball diamond needs an overhaul, upgrading. It needs leveling. It needs
reseeding. -They would also, like a fence. We hope to put in electricity to the
pitcher's mound, because they would like to go into the automatic batting, automatic
pitching, so the kids can bat, in relation to their Little League, some bleachers,
a playground in one area for the young people. So it's a matter of improving it.
This Town owns very little parkland, unfortunately. I think it's one percent of
our total land, and we're hoping to atleast upgrade some of these properties that
we do have. Make them more functional.
FRANK CARLIN: My main concern was, opening up the lake to the public.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: For swimming. No. There is fishing access there.
We have an agreement with the DEC, New York State, for fishing access. So there
is already fishing access there, but this will be a visual place, where people can
go just to picnic, with handicap access.
FRANK CARLIN: What will prevent them from going on their own into the lake?
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: We, certainly, will post it in relation to that, Frank.
FRANK CARLIN: You're looking for trouble, because I was there twelve years ago,
and that little girl drowned. It's a very treacherous lake.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: We're aware of that, Frank. Thank you, Frank.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Anyone else on the left, who would like to address the Town
Board? Anyone in the middle?
DAVE HORTON: Dave Horton, from Mattituck, and I happen to Five on Laurel Lake.
Are you 9oin9 to provide restroom facilities there for the public?
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Sir, they are there for the public. Durin9 the time
that the season, and the kids have the ball diamond, and the activitiy is there,
there are restrooms in the tourist center, and there's an outside door, when we
built the tourist center, that would make that available to the public,restroom
facilities. So they are in place already, and they should be available at the time
that it's bein9 used, and if it's not, I'd like to know.
construction of a
lake, and one of
I would like to put you on notice, that during the time of the
house there, there were fisherman defecating on the sides of the
my neighbors caught them defecating in the front yard of the
tion center, and
That information
COCHRAN: And, what area was this?
This was on Laurel Lake.
COCHRAN: Right on the lake itself? On Town property,that area?
No, not Town property. Private property.
COCHRAN: Thank you.
: I'd like to make a statement about the restrooms in the informa-
most of the ball games take place about six o'clock in the evening.
center closes at five o'clock.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: They're supposed to have availability to it. That's
why I say, they are supposed to have availability. We have an outside door and
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
an 'inside door, Frank, so that anyone using the recreational area, has the oppor-
tunity, also, to use the johns, when they have to, and if it's not being done, I'll
certainly check on it, but I understand it is available. They have a key, Frank,
so it is available. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: At~yone else in the middle, who would like to address the
Town Board? Sir? Martin?
MARTIN SIDOR: Martin Sidor, and I come tonight to give my feelings on my
experience for the past eleven months on the Water Advisory Committee. On
looking back on my eleven months as a member of the Water Advisory Committee,
I feel this committee has been biased to the points of one or two particular members,
with little regard to outside views. Don't let any Town Board member, or Southold
Town citizen deceive themselves into thinking that there was representation for
farmers/landowners on this committee. There was none. It was in name only. From
the onset of this particular plan, this one only particular plan was addressed, and
more and more agressively as time went on. I spoke to the points of joint coopera-
tion between a Water Advisory Committee, Planning Board, Farmland Committees,
and Open Space Committees with influences and ideas from all. I spoke about the
water quality problem as a concern for everyone, with everyone giving and adding
to the solution, not to be solved by a select few. I was told that this plan was
a compromise. A compromise of one committee views addressed to one group of
people. I believe that the definition of a compromise is consessions made from two
different parties. I was told about the urgency of this issue, and yet l've come
upon a study completed in 1966, by Southold Town that outlined exactly where the
greatest quanity of wate'r is, where the probable problems will come about on our
Town, and nothing has been done in the meantime. We talking about 23 years.
I have reviewed, and reviewed this plan many times. It simply does not work.
The problems with it are many, and real, and will not go away. During this past
year, plus I would hope that the Board has listened to and understood theseproblems,
an, d will take responsible action. I ask the Town at this time, and this
junction, to review this committee, either to put on hold, or to change, or to add
members to, and put to rest this particular plan. I ask for a fresh start, and a
new beginning, and for no more time wasted on looking back at this particular plan.
Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Martin. Anyone else in the middle? Anyone
over here on the right, who would like to address the Town Board? Steve?
STEVE PERRICONE: My name is Steve Perricone. I'm here tonight, also, to ask
the Town Board to consider withdrawing their support, that they have given to
the Water Advisory Committee on pursuing this core watershed protection area.
What it has done to the property, that's in this area, what it has done to the
property owners is, I think, is irreversible. The effects on the plan, on the
property owners, especially the older people, who own property in this area, and
the business people, who own property in this area, the farmers who own property
in this area, the mental fatique they've gone through, the mental language. I've
talked to a lot of people. They're already scared about what's going to happen
to their property, and their future plans, and their retirements that they have
planned by selling this property possibly. What it has done to the property values.
What it has done to some people, who can't sell their property, because of it. Buyers
are not looking at the property. Buyers won't consider the property. Banks are
talking about not lending any money on the property, meaning if you had a house
in this particular area, and you wanted to sell it, the purchaser could not obtain
a mortgage from any of the banks out here, rendering your property worthless.
We've checked on these things. We've talked to the banks. We're not talking in
theory here. I could name names, Mr. Villa and Mr. McDonald. This is actual
information that we've obtained. We've gone around. We've spent a lot of time.
So, in essence I guess, what we want to ask the Town Board, again, like I have
in the past, is to ask the Water Advisory Committee to stop pursuing this one
particular plan, and start looking at other options, specially for conservation,
which we know it works, we kno~, it will save numberous amount of water ir~ t~is
Town. It would solve the problem, that you people say we nave, even though the
good news is, we don't have a water problem. Nobody wants to listen to that. And
I think before we go any further, with any other plans as far as property goes,
and acquisition to property~ I think we should have another water study done in
Southold Town, because according to the Suffolk County Health Department,the
1984 North Fork Water Study is completely obsolete at this time. Water conditions
have improved. Water quantities have improved. Temik is leaving the area. We
know that. We talked about it, three weeks ago. I think we need a little bit more
information on this matter before any consideration is given to removing these
people's property rights from them. I don't think the Board has thought this out.
I think they went along blindly. I gave the information, and supported these people,
not thinking what the radifications would be, obviously not thinking down the road,
not having any foresight as to what they're doing to these people, the problems
they're causing them. The reason I got involved, is because our property has been
for sale now for two years, and we haven't had anybody look at it. Nobody wants
to consider it. Real estates have told us, that people are not looking at property
FEBRUARY 7, 1989 2 i 7
in this area, because of the propOsal; ~'We,Ve, also,- found from the Town Planning
Board, that they're considerin9 this proposal already in effect, and they're askin9
planners and developers to cluster their properties, or their developments, or their
plots north of t'he high tension wires, meanin9 that they have already considered
this proposal in effect. I think you should ask Mrs. Valarie Scopaz to stop pursuing
it, and 9et back to normal business. Either that, or I think we should ask for
her resignation, and resignation of other people up here. We've contacted Mr. Ralph
Nater, in Washington. Mr. Nader is 9oin9 to get back to us, and he's 9oing to
help us on this. We have formed a committee, and our committee is looking into
workable proposals, not in theory, but workable proposals. We're not theorizing
PBR's. We're not theorizing what we can do with other people's property. We're
not theorizing bringin9 Suffolk County Water Authority in here. I don't know if
you people realize it, if you bring Suffolk County Water Authority in here, I think
think you're just anti-productive. All these years I've lived in this town, one reason
to stop development; to slow development down here is that we don't have any water.
We bring Suffolk County Water Authority in here, what's goin9 to happen? They're
9oin9 to supply all the water we need? How are you going to stop development?
How are you 9oing to hold it back? Development is 9oin9 to 9° rampant, but you
people don't think of these things. No foresight. How are you 9oin9 to stop the
development, if you have all the water to supply these people, and these houses?
You don't have to put a well in 100 feet away from a septic system, or a cesspool
anymore. Suffolk County Water Authority is going to supply this house. You
people aren't just thinkin9 right, I don't think. You're not thinkin9 straight. You've
got to consider these things, start thinking ahead, develop some foresi§ht into what
you're doing, before you go ahead and do it. Think how you're hurtin9 people,
before you go ahead and do it. I don't think you people have done that. We've
been to every meetin9. You can see there's a lot of concerned people here. They
are all property owners, and in essence what the Water Advisory Committee is doing
here, is asking a few property owners, to pay for the water that might be needed
in this town, twenty years ahead, rather than ask for the whole town to pay for
it. I don't think that's fair. I don't think you people are looking ahead. I don't
think you're considering these people, at all. Your Water Advisory Committee has
been in effect for eight years. They've done absolutely nothing, but come up with
a plan to hurt only property owners, a plan that's not even buyable, its only in
theory. Eight years, those people have been working on it. I think you should
look for a new chairman of the Water Advisory Committee. I thin9 you should get
new people on the Water Advisory Committee with new ideas, and without tunnel
vision. I think its your job to do this. You have to consider all the people in
town, not just special interest groups. I don't think you people are doing your
job as far as this goes. I think you should start considerin9 what you should be
doin9 now, especially with this proposal. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Steve. Would you like to .... ?
BILL HEINS: I guess you know me. I'm Bill Heins. I am one of the owners of
a piece of property along there, that you're considerin9 takin'~. I bought that
property years ago with hard earned money, and I wanted to keep it open land,
just for my own sake. Now, I could have sold it many years ago, as development
and I didn't want to, because I wanted to keep myself open land, and what are you
doing now? How are you goin9 to pay for that land? I am not going to give that
away. You people have ripped me off, once. You ripped me off, once, that gave
me a heart attack, and out over $27,000.00. Now you're going to do it all over
me, again. I'm warning you. I'm goin9 to stick out my guns this time, and any-
body that goes on my property without my supervision, I'm 9oin9 to blow them
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Mr. Heins. I don't think anyone is going on
the property.
COUNCI'LMAN PEI~NY: Nobody will, after that, Frank.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Anyone else, over here on the right like to address? Bill?
BILL GREMLER: Good evening. My name is Bill Gremler. I'm from Mattituck, and
I'd like the Town Board to withdraw their support, further studies of the Core Water-
shed, TDR subsidy proposal. I ask this because I feel that the plan is unproven,
and pretty much unworkable, and the tremendous amount of damage it's been doing
to the people that are effected in the area, the property owners. I further urge
you to consider some conservation measures as an attempt to help the Town problems
as they're received, as a first step, and conservation to applying var:ious water
savin9 devices, various types of landscaping, to discourage the use of a lot of
water. These are things that are readily available to co-operative extension service
in one hand, and I have articles relating to different devices that have been tried
and proven by other communities. The second measure that I would say to consider
is the possible acquisition of four or five well sites for future development. If the
need ever does arise, that contamination develops in a certain area of the town,
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
which seems to even been part of the theis of the water protection plan, that the
entire community could not be supplied with the available water, one thing; and
then the liklihood of the entire community needing supply was very remote. That
they still would be depended upon individual private wells. Just the distance we
have to travel from one little developed section to another was a factor, and I think
that four or five well sites have been pretty Well detailed in studies that I've been
given from the Water Advisory Committee, and I urge you to, please, look at my
suggestions. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Bill. Anyone else over here on the right?
Artie? ,.
ARTHUR FOSTER: Arthur Foster from Mattituck. In conjunction with what Mr.
Gremler said, we've gotten a little committee together. Part of us have been work;n(
on a feasible solution to this in the event that water is needed, and these well sites"
are obtained, I've been doing some research on cost, as far as piping and getting
the water from the site to the critical areas, It's far less expensive to do that in
our, so to speak, virgin areas. We don't have a tremendous amount of underground
utilities or drainage structures, meaning electric iines, gas lines, and things of this
nature to inhibit on the side road water mains. I've done several thousand feet
in Southold Town between Greenport and Southold, myself, and it's relatively easy,
and inexpensive compared to going through the middle of Greenport or Riverhead
for example. I think that burden should be beared by all the taxpayers in
Southold. It would far less expensive than a burden that these people are going
to face by devaluation of their property, and I think the Town should consider some
of these alternatives. We are working on a plan, and probably in a couple of months
we'll have something together, but there is a lot of research involved, and I'm busy,
and everybody else is busy. But as soon as we get something together, we'll get
back to you on it, and let you know. I really urge the Town Board to take a
second look at this, and maybe, withdraw their support for this particular plan.
Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MUPHY: Thank you. We appreciate your effort. Anyone else? Sir?
JOE MERKEL: Joe Merkel, from Peconic. I'd just like to address the Town Board
on the core watershed proposal, that I've been involved in for the past year. I
own some property there, and friends with a lot of the farmers, and nursery grower:
and landscapers out there, and it seems like for the whole year, they've only been
looking at one particular plan without going into other alternatives, like the conserv~
tion with the rest of the area, and they've been going __ they haven't been
listening to the desires, or needs of all the Town's people tl~'at live in that area.
They're expecting it to come down to about 65 people to give up their land, that
they've owned for maybe generations. They've worked hard for, just supply the
water for 20,000 residents now, up to when it goes up to 40,000 people. Why can't
they be looking into posting and voting on a bond issue where everyone contributes
the money, because everyone wants clean water. Don't get us wrong. We all want
clean water, but this isn't the way to do it. Let's post a bond, so we can buy
some well sites, buy some land out there, and not have these people, farmers that
love their land, they're working it, and that's their whole lif.e,, their families, their
sons and daughters, that might want to live on there, and are unable to afford,
what this type of plan with the ten acre zoning and possible development rights.
Right now, Suffolk County with the taxes, we're hit so hard, a lot of people, busi-
nesses, Grummans, they're ...... the taxes. Long Island is not immune to a depression.
We've been passing it so far, but with the defense budget going down, cutbacks,
we're heavily related to that. Things could change. These TDR's could be worthless
pieces of paper, and you're asking these people to give up all they've worked for
all of their lives, just for that. I thing I should remind you, this is America, not
Russia, where people come in and condemnation the land, and tell you, you have
to sell it now. You know, that's why we're living here. We're the greatest country
around, and I don't think we have to go to these meetings.Why don't you listen to
us .. We have good ideas. Conservation. Living continuously on the land, and
they sell convenants, iust say, you don't need to put two acres of lawn in, just
clear so much. You know, don't put so much fertilizer and pesticides. We got
chem-one, all the lawn companies, putting most of the chemicals we don't really need..
We can do without these. We can still have a green lawn. The organic composting,
that we're talking about. We could use that instead of the fertilizers. Let's get
all the people, not just one little area. We have to clean the water in the areas.
Everyone with lawns out here, putting on a lot of chemicals. I'm in the business.
I know what goes on. This stuff is all highly toxic. But, everybody's doing it.
We don't need it. You can grow a lawn with one treatment a year. You don't need
all this, but everyone's trying to get the greenest lawn and everything. It effects
all the people in the whole community. I'm willing to work On it, but so far the
Water Advisory Committee is just pushing on one particular point, and you won't
listen to us. We've been beating our heads against the wall for a year now. I
think it's about time, that listened to everyone here, and consider some of the
ideas we have. They're not farfetched, and we want water, too, for our children,
and for the future generations. Don't get us wrong, and we want the farmers to
keep farming, and come up with new ideas, which Cornell is coming out with ail
FEBRUARY 7, 1989 2 1 9
the time for the sod growers and the other farmers. They're using smaller amounts
of chemicals, smaller amounts of water. Just like putting on rain stats on your
lawn sprinkler, you can save millions of gallons of water. It's an item that, maybe,
costs fifty or seventy-five dollars. Let's put a little law in, and say, here, put
this on, too. You going to help out the people, and you're going to save a lot
of water with one little item, which the people will gladly do. There's hundreds
of things that we can do, without just being tunnel vision into one particular plan.
So, I think, in view of everyone's opinion out here, I think we should have, tonight,
some defin~ite word, and not just a runaround, of what the Town Board is going
to tell us about our land, because we're not going to wait around for another year,
and wait until things go real bad, when we're totally unable to do anything with
it, so I think we're going to demand now, tonight, or within a week, that we have
an answer that going to acceptable to all of us. This is our land. You people
don't own any land. The people on the Water Committee don't own the land there.
Fine, they can come and say anything they want, but let's take a survey of the
landowners, who it's affecting. I think that's the important part, right there, and
I hope I made my point clear, and I hope the Board does consider it, because I'm
talking not iust for myself, but all my friends out here, my fellow landscapers,
farmers, and people that work the land, and know. We work 12 to 14 hours a day,
eighty hours a week in our season, and we're getting older every year, and it gets
harder, and eventually we'd all like to retire without working until, you know, we're
just too old and we can't. So I'd like to ask the Board to really consider that,
and give us a definite answer tonight. Thank you very much.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Joe. Dave?
DAVID SALAND: David Saland. Realtor, appraiser and developer. America should
be, and is the land of growth, and there are those who use various methods to
stop this growth, and I think that when you take our land in Southold Town, and
tell us about ten acre zoning, and development rights, and worry about the water
for next 150 years, you're destroying our work, and people who have worked in
this land today. I don't think it's necessary, and I urge you under what banner,
to protect our land. If you have to come out and stop this now. There are farmers
that come to me, daily, and say, sell my land, help me out, and I can't do it, and
I tell them there's nothing I can do. They go to the Planning Board, and they
try to develop their pieces, and the Planning Board tells them, well, we want a
big green belt. It's not really., but the water's fine, we want a big green belt.
It's not true, and unless the Town Board takes action and tells them, we want to
stop this now, you're destroying us, and
Southold Town with western Suffolk, and
western Suffolk, and we don't want to be
I think it's far as when they compare
you say, oh, we never want to be like
like the south side, and this is how we're
preserving us. It's not true. Two acre zoning and the zoning we have in effect
in Southold is enough to protect us, and we are a capitalist society, and we do
grow, and that creates jobs,and wealth, and industry, and pays our taxes, and
it's not the environmentalists to say, no growth, and we know nothing (tape change)
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Anyone in the middle like to address the Town Board?
Anyone over on my left?
KATHY SIMIClCH: My name is Kathy Simicich. I live on Be'~'gen Avenue in Matti-
tuck. I find it very ironic that you talk about one side of the amount to be pre-
served in two acre zoning, when you're considering the idea of three quarter acre
zoning in the Carr/Wanat plot on Bergen Avenue in Mattituck.' I can't believe you
have two size ·
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. Is there anyone else on the left; who would
like to address the Town Board? Anyone in the middle? (No response.) Anyone
on the right? (No response.) Any Town Board members have anything further to
COUNCILMAN PENNY: Yes, Frank. I'd like to respond to this. I've been at three
meetings now, and probably have logged a total of six or seven hours of comments,
and the comments have all been the same, and I agree that this thing has gone far
enough. That other considerations have to be made, and that other options have
to be discussed, and I would like to offer a resolution to direct the Water Advisory
Committe at this time, and there may be some disagreement as to the exact wording
of this, but when you throw something together, you try to cover all your options,
and not throw out all your options, but just put things to the side until the concerns
of the community, and other options can be discussed. I think that this resolution
says that, and I would offer this resolution.
45.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby directs the Town
Water Advisory Committee to present to the Town Board options in the development
of the Core Watershed Protection Zone, these options will take in consideration the
comments and concerns brought to the Town's attention on several occasions by
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
1;he farm community, by the land owners in the affected area, and the Farm Bureau.
No further action should be taken on the ten (10) acre concept until all other options
are presented to the Town Board. A copy of this resolution shall be sent to the
Southold Town Planning Board.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Does anyone have anything on the question?
COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: I think that other areas need to be addressed in this.
Certainly, we can look at conservation methods, since this has definitely become
a polarized issue that will ~not be settled. I think we do have to look at the site
of influence for well sites. How many acres are need to guarantee wells, for this
area? I think we have to look at conservation methods as far as the land clearing,
which was mentioned by Mr. Merkel. The stat-control for sprinklers, that was
mentioned by Mr. Gremler. The above ground oil and fuel tank holders, that have
been mentioned. I think there are other avenues that we can look at, and I'm
perfectly willing to examine all of those. So, yes, I will support the resolution.
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: I would like to add, Frank, something. It's unfortu-
nate that a committee in this Town, when they are giving much the same direction
as George's resolutions reads, that they have not followed this director from the
Town Board, and it has to be put in writing. I think that's a little sad. In my
conversation with the Suffolk County Water Authority, they feel that five acres is
adequate for a well for the zone influence. I would just like to clarify that growth
is controlled by zoning, not water. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jean. Anyone else? Ruth, any comments?
COUNCILWOMAN OLiVA: I would just like to say that I certainly would welcome,
I think the Water Advisory should take into consideration any other proposals such as
if you.'h~ve a committee that's coming up with a proposal for the protection of the
water, I think that any proposal is valid, and should be addressed by the committee,
and I wouldn't have any problem supporting George's resolution.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I, also, would have no problem with that resolution. 1
think a lot of it is misinformation. I don't think the intent .... I don't think the
Town Board had any intention of hurting any property owner at all, and I've asked
the Water Advisory Committee to do just what we're talking about. To do a survey
of the farmers, of the land owners in that affected area, and the members, who
have spoken up quite vocal to come up with suggestions. I think it's an excellent
one. I don't think these people had cast anything in stone. ] think they've done
an awful lot of work, and I think part of it is perfectly correct. Part of it might
be too much. We really don't know, but there are other areas. There's some very
good comments, that have come out of all the meeting that we've had, and I do
think they should all be listened to. I don't think the Town Board, any member
of this Town Board, at any time, was so set in their ways, that we weren't going
to listen to anyone, and we were far from adopting a policy like that. We were
nowhere near doing it, and as I said many times, this Town Board had no intention
of hurting anybody's property rights. Judy, do you want a vote?
45.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
DICK MATHEWS: Thank you, George. One person ......
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I think there were six people that voted.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Six people that voted.
DICK MATHEWS: I know there were six people that voted. Where were you for
the last nine years?
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Is there anyone who would like to comment to the Town
Board at this time? Anything further?
BILL HEINS: You certainly have my property, if they need it for water. You pay
me the price that it's worth and then you can have it.
ANDREAS MARAKAIS: I'm Andreas Marakais, from Southold. I've got some unfav-
orable comments. I had something like ...... for the Board, but, I also, heard the
reading of the resolution to be presented to the County Executive regarding the
taxation. The most ........ to hear the taxpayer in the area, as in this, and I I:eel
it very deeply, and at this time I would like in my behalf, and an organiza-~ion of
more than one families that I represent, as president of American Helenic Taxpayers'
Association, to offer our congratulations to the Board, and if possible to have a
copy of your resolution, because we want to pass a similar resolution to present
to the County. Thank you.
FEBRUARY 7, 1989
22 !
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We'd be happy to get it for you. Thank you. Anyone
else like to address the Town Board? (No response.) If not, a motion to adjourn.
Moved Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran,' Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declare, d duly ADOPTED.
Judith T. Terry~-'~
Southold Town Clerk