HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSEA Vacation Leave Use/Carry Over RESOLUTION 2020-548 ADOPTED DOC ID: 16398 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2020-548 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2020: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the Stipulation of Agreement dated August 21, 2020, between the Town of Southold and the Civil Service Employee Association. ,r Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E. Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:James Dinizio Jr, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Dinizio Jr, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell Serrifkg SaurGa&1 Pnrn Since 1969 Thomas A Skabry,President CSEA Unit 8785-Town of Southold . „ Kim Fuentes,Vice-President .', LL P.O.Box 1947,Southold,NY 11971 =c ,'i Elizabeth Cantrell Treasurer Web:www.cseaunit8785.org info cseaunit8785.M Carrol Hydell,Secretary c a , _6 Unit 875 -Town of SoutholdFacebook:www.facebook.com/csea.unit.8785 14 .F,f`,���}:" ;f'�".",i', i':S�$d .::h-^ [.'�-=L:g .:x,J� tr 7f {6.. "" ry "'J i'.,j'.'4.1-x's;i.`:' "a'x .'�r,, _ff4x,L;✓',P T"z$." .ee µi'av°'�.`r:'s°S r�J..z,'Gn'ffi�'• "<�e;-a.'3=^,'"Y.';n..�'`.�c�?;'-`d�#"tf< .t- `,-;,3e �.��:aa.c..��%��5�` /9 z1 E ! ° U� 9 �;{'-'�....• ,�a, .,r�a.a:y§xy..t:` :t"'^`'�"-is.�`\".. s'c: :�^':=i�r.'�s gym®® To: CSEA Bargaining Unit Members From: Thomas Skabry, President ®ate: August 26, 2020 Re: Vacation Leave Use / Carry-over The Town Board at its August 25th meeting ratified the an Agreement with the CSEA regarding the use of vacation days and the Town's "minimum staffing requirements, which has been in the works since we began reopening work _ locations back in May of this year due to the public health crisis surrounding the Covid-19. The crux of the Agreement allows employees with Anniversary dates between March 17, 2020 and September 30, 2020 the option to carry over an additional twelve (12) accrued days through to the anniversary date in 2022, ("carried vacation days" must be used by the anniversary date in 2022 (2 years). All other contract provisions of the CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement pertaining to the earning and/or use of vacation time remain in full force and effect. Q CD CD I - . _. 03 _ CD r ala ' Memormhun of Agreement made this 21st day of August 2020 by and between the Town of Southold and the Civil Service Employees Association Inc.,Lecat 1000,AFSCME, 3 AFL-CIO,Southold Unit 8785("the CSEA-) WHEREAS,the Town and the CSEA am parties to a collective bmsaining agreement covering the period January 1,2017-December 31;2019("the CBA');and CD -' WHEREAS,CBA Section 14.4("Vacations")provides that"[plot mope than 12 days of unused vacation,time may be carried over into the succeeding year[,["and WHEREAS,the"succeeding yeah'in CBA Section 14.4 is determincd by the date of employee's employment anniversary("anniversary=date");and WHEREAS,due to the COVID-19 pandemic,it has become impracticable for employees with an anniversary date occurring during the period of Manch 17,2020 through September 30, 2020 to use their vacation time before their anniversary date;and WHEREAS,as a result of the difficulties in scheduling and taking vaiatior s due to the' COVID-19 pandemic,the Town has agreed,on a one-time,non-precedent setting bases,to permit employees whose anniversary date occtustoecumod during the period of Manch 17,2020 through September 30,2020 to.eanyover.up to 12 additional days of unused vacation time as.of their anniversary date in 2020 dmgh,and until their anniversary date in 2022. NOW,THEREFORE,'in twnside mlion of the recitals set forth above,which are fully incorporated herein,and in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth below,the parties hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. Effective retroactive to Manch 17,2020,on a one-time:,non-precedent-setting basis, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in CBA Section 14A employees whose anniversary date occwslhad occuffed during tete period of March 17,2020,through September 30,2020 wilt;in aeon to the one-year carry over option of up to 12 unused vacation days as set-forth'in CBA Section 14.4,bepermitted to carry over up to 12 additional days ofacerued and unused vacation time as ofth*anniversary date in 2020(only)through and until their anniversary,date in 2022-All other CBA provisions including,but not limited to,those with respect to requesting,using'end cxirrying over vacation leave for employees with anniversary dates-in 06"ff,throu9h'DCc=ber 2020 and for vacation time earned in the 2021 calendar year and beyond,will continue to remain in full force and elle a For example,notwithstanding this Paragraph,employees with an anniversary date in October through December 2020 will only be able to tarry over up to 12 days of vacation leave into the following year,and not more than 12 ,days of vacation leave earned in 2021 may be carried over into 2022;etc. 2. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Town and the CSEA regarding carrying over vacation days earned in 2020 for employees whose anniversary date falls within March 17,2020 duo*September 30,2020.No other promises have beta made.There are no other agreements,oral or otherwise. CD r CD CD :Q Baum I Nothing contained herein will be deemed as precedent setting.This doauma#,its (PI existence,and contents,may not be cited in any other matter,such as,but'nof limited to,any 0 grievance,arbitration,PERB,confe�ce or hearing or any other proceeding except for an action � to enforce its t6Tbs. CD 4. This,Agweinect,including-this paragraph,may not be inodified except by a written agreement between the parties. S. The language Of ail parts of this Agreement will beconsttued as a whole,awording to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any of the parties,even though one of the parties may have drafted it. - 6. This Agreement maybe executbd with original si&Uir+e;s'in counterparts,or by facsimile or PDF-scanned signatures in cauntegwrtk which will be deemed legally binding as fully as an origins!signature. 7. This Agreement is subject to ratification by the Town Board.If the Town Board does not ratify this Agreement,then it will become null and void and no adverse inference wild be drawn against either party by virtue of it having entered into it~ FOR TOWN FOR THE CSFA u" U a!z Dated: z Dasa' -�--�— Dated: 42 ._