HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/2020 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Work Session Meeting Minutes (Via ZOOM Webinar) Tuesday, September 8, 2020 3:00 PM Work Session began @ 3:10 pm: 1. Purchase order for 4 Brass plaques was submitted for approval. 2. Update on Historic Award for Landmark Home. -A draft proclamation will be written by Anne Surchin to be approved by all commissioners and presented to the Town Board. 3. Commissioners interviewed possible new commission member. 4. Discussion amongst Commissioners and Town Attorney about proposed code change to 170. § 170-6 Certificate of appropriateness for alteration, demolition or new construction. A. No person shall carry out any of the following activities without first obtaining a certificate of appropriateness specifically permitting such activity from the Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission: (1) The demolition or removal of landmarks designated as "historic" pursuant to § 170-5 of this chapter; or (2) The alteration of the facade of landmarks designated as "historic" pursuant to § 170-5 of this chapter. (3) The new construction of any structure on a site previously occupied by a landmark designated as “historic” pursuant to § 170-5 of this chapter. -The amendment is up for approval on September 22, 2020. 5. Continued discussion on how to further amend code 170. -All agreed that the wording needs to be more inclusive. Specifically, to be clear in creating statements that includes all new construction on landmarked properties. -All Commissioners agreed to present the Town Attorney with wording they would like to incorporate in amending the current code. -A new list will be created to replace the current landmark registry used by the Building department. -Attorney addressed to the commission that there is a need to create a set of standards that establishes guidelines as to what is acceptable on vacant lots and non-historic homes in the historic districts. (Factors to be considered such as scale). -All agreed the Historic Preservation Commission Handbook should be part of the code, not a separate entity. -Commission may be required, by the Town Board and Supervisor Russell, to hold a Community meeting discussing any future code change proposals. 6. Commissioners agree to do more research to determine the age of the house located on 130 Village Lane. Administrative assistant will set up an appointment. nd Motion to enter into Executive Session at 5:40 pm, by Commissioner McCarthy, 2 by Commissioner Harper. AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy and Ostroski. Motion approved Exit Executive Session and Retuned to regular meeting at 5:56 pm. Motion to adjourn regular meeting by Commissioner Ostroski, 2nd by, Commissioner Surchin AYES: Webb, Surchin, Harper, McCarthy, and Ostroski. Motion Approved Meeting Adjourned: 6:10 pm. Recorder: Tracey Dwyer, Administrative Assistant Next Work Session: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 followed by a 4:30pm Regular Meeting: via Zoom Video Webinar