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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-9720 Glenn Goldsmith, President *QF SUU� Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25P.O. Box 1179 John M. Bredemeyer III l Southold,New York 11971 Michael J. Domino v' G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 15, 2021 Keith B. Neilson, PE Docko Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: U.S. DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER 40550 ROUTE 25, ORIENT SCTM#: 1000-15-9-9 Dear Mr. Neilson: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, July 14, 2021. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit#9720 and Coastal Erosion Permit#9720C to Install new dot drain system landward,of apparent high water to west side of rubble-wave attenuator; Construct new concrete headwalls for drainage discharge piping. Plug-existing drainpipe (dot); Reinstall all underground utilities with above ground panels as shown; and Repave the parking lot in the disturbed area; and as depicted'on the site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., last dated August 21, 2020 and stamped approved on July 14, 2021. Any other activity within 100' of the wetland boundary requires a permit from this office. This is not an approval from any other agency. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, -tz� 4"_ Glenn Goldsmith President, Board of Trustees GG/dd APPROXIMATE PAVEMENT -7.0 "- \ cur Ljmrr NEW . RA7�NG \ _�NEW z� _rANCHORAREA NEWBUUGHEAD p SUPPORT/FENDER PILE 57FZL BULKHEAD WALE-'� 0 OrNpQ 00 RAIL ALONG TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD 80N#�V STEEL SHEEMLE BULKHEAD TOP Me.106 6.5 NEW 57F L.SHEEMLE pas'nNG LOADING RAMP lb REMAIN 7 ULKHEAD BELOW 0 LKHEAD I -_ 11 , - - TO REMAIN WORK PHASE SEP ARA77ON WALL. RAMP OUR FOR ELEVATED EDasnN&BULKHEAD NEWCONT u RAMP TRANSMON GRADING -NEW L SHEETS and WALES -ATE TO BE REMOVED Ml:i) RELOCATE UTZLJTY VAULT - 6 EY49,nNry BULKHEAD SUPPORT PILE TO BE UTZLJTZES RELOCATED NEW SPIRT • • GRADE ----_MLW AND MHW ALONG FAG RAMP HOIST OF NEW BULKHEAD TOWERS PLAN MEW DETAIL SHEET 4 RELOCATE/REPLACE (RELOCATE FENDER PILES TEMPORARYANCHORED RAMP N 70 TURBIDITY CURTAIN LOCATION and ANTS CONFIGURATION TO BE BASED ATTEND BOOTH RELOCATE RAMP amu- ON CONSTRUCTION LOCATION and PONNEW STEEL 776-OFF PILE COMPONENTS StFT M*ST LOCATIONAPPROMMATE NEW w NEW 164N\STEEL PILE 0 25.1FT FROM SUPPORT PILE(rM0 NEW RAMP HO T RACE OF NAW 13ULKHEAD NEW STEEL SHEETRILE COUNTERWEIG NEW 16-4 STEEL PILE iv w.+T FROM BULKHEAD TOP EL 10.01* )=ACE OF 4W BULKHEAD NEW UTILITIES REPLACE FENDER DOLPHINS AS REQUIRED EXISTING REk To BE RECONSTRUCTED 16 rImp INV=43 AS NECE5SA14YAND EXTEND TO NEW � auu<HEADArSHoRE REBUILD DOLPHINS WITH 24'RCP INV-15 NEW STEEL KING PILE 12-16-IN of Lip-/ BULKHEAD T11 BE REMOVED OR7 I 'BOARD OF ) RUS EES EDQ9,nNS STONE CUT OFFTO WAY NEWTIE TOWN-OF SO, UTROLD NOTE.UTILITIES ARE BASED r 7)"A' COMPILATION OF SURVEYS AN MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR To dORAW-ac."a Wo WORK SHOWN HEREIN. 5r :03,11D � a r ELEvATIONS,ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) PROJECT SULKH LL REVISED 7-10-20 DEC LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of E N BULKHEAD AUGNMENT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW Y RK JUL - 7 2021 KEI SED 7-20-20 MAD.C. WATERWAY- ORIENT POINT HARBOR C-D NEW STEEL PILE DATE APRIL 8.2020 0 C K 0 APPLICANT: P.IAD.C. BOLLARDS s unums REVISED 8-20-20 DEEPAGENT: SHEET 3 OF 7 Lu CALLOUTS SEPARATION WALL DOCI<0,06869 INC- SOA REVISED 8-2ft, my5-20 AC.O.E. B.NSILwn.PE 0 p MLW it MHW`f Cr 003W FESS KING PILE GALLOUT SW 572 8939 FAX SW 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 Keith B.Neilson P E.Docko,Inc. 6/30/2021 256 PM Orinet Pont Hrbr Bulkhead 3-I_.dwg N NEW CATCH BASINS o NEW MANHOLE 5 ' opo 0. \\ DRAN PIPE MODIFICATION % NEW REINFORCED EWPTICAL CONCRETE PIPE / NEW 154NCH RCP \\ EXISTING RCP/GIP DRAIN PIPE TO \\ BE ABANDONED IN PLACE \\ CONCRETE PLUGGED END APPROXIMATE EDGE OF - PAVEMENT PlY GUT /\\i Npkk I I NEW MANHOLE tso �' •^ �E LL RETE,nLEI II / / NEW5HEET NEW 12-INCH CAST f ': ® BULKHEAD COVERS % I 11RON DRANAGE PIPE M(15TING EAST 'Z \ ' ® RAMP REUSED- SEPTIC / / W I! I� / L " REINSTALLED AREA?,- � I 1 'U f — \/ '•` Q A'tA.SE 1 EXISTING IU I / v BUILDING � J EXISTING WEST 4 l RAMPREUSE- REINSTALL. ~ W-HDPE / NEW DISCHARGE HEADWALLS + NEW MANHCL E 0 � "EDGE OF N �o V7-PILE TIMB / PAVEMENT� ��-pHIN INSTALL NEW HEADWALLS$DRAINS / 714R,LE PIPES,EXCAVATING and REPLACING I I., EXISTING SLOTTED TIMBER 40xGY OFARMOR STONE REVETMENT I I DRAIN DISCHARGE ENDDOLPHIN DlRAINAC-'E I Q PLAN \/IEW I \1 ;�//1 I GRAPHIC 9CAI.E 1'=so' ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(PLWL) so ao so so 10 o so PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 6-30-21 DEEP LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT Of NE ADDED ADDITIONAL SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK SHEET WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR �0�KEI DATE APRIL 8,2020 O C Ito . co �� C1 a CANT P.IAD.C. NT: SHEET 3a OF 7LU I NCICKO, INC. �O �s81i92' k. CT 00-9m J U L — 7 2021 - B.N lsoon,PE O O Po R t►� A9UFESSIO �� 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12 3073 E L•oRice® Keith B. Neilson P.E. Docko, Inc. Bat I 21 3:08 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 3—L_Additional Sheet a 2021.dwg INSTALL NEW HEADWALLS NEW DISCHARGE 204N X 454N NEW DISCHARGE t DRAIN PIPES,EXGAVATiNG DRAIN PIPE FROM MAIN RD 12-INCH CIP DRAIN PIPE and REPLACING 40bGY OF NEW REINFORCED FROM PARKING AREA ARMOR STONE REVETMENT DISCHARGE HEAD WALL "x i s •a t AHWL3.4i - - MHW 2.3 a t a ALWL 0.0— — s i GEOGRID WRAPPED 'CRUSHED STONE EXISTING WAVE ATTENUATION a BASED ON REVETMENT STONE< STONE REVETMENT DRAINAGE DISCHARGE END MEW GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=G' 6 5 4 3 2 1 O 6 - APPARENT HIGH WATER NEW MANHOLE NEW DISCHARGE DRAINLINE AND HIGH TIDE UNE PIPE FROM MAIN RD DOT EXISTING GUARDRAIL DRAINAGE MODIRGATION I NEW REINFORCED DISCHARGE TO BE RESTORED I HEADWALL w/tib BARS AT 12-IN CC=EW TS BOTH FACES, ALL WALLS AND SLABS 5ET r.'r ...v-', �:• .. :.:_ •` ,,:;stic;,<:a.;•_-,' 184NCHES—� y;.�. ;, ,yam:`,. ;r,;:•.,_ N' ' �°t,.: ^, .� INTORE\eTMENT ;.;�::�I;�,i pi ;';�'�':r c:•`liar n,ek:u, c>n,-:. .t.gar,4' _ '�.1=!r:4"il+,:s.;z,r4�;,";:`}h�`���`:.L,Aii;t-�r aJt:��`^ s:=`-'�~ ;i `�'` v.+•�»,•mac 1 _ dTt","-,'�,,.ti i"``,Std' *•�r ,e,`�.;y.c� - - MFW 2 3 trY �` .§w�.,,^..,w7r<'T N.•,',v.`'�'` �y:J..e�,•.'ti`a°:�.`'`d'i',s.•,' t •.. __ _ -A "�::s -,;,,,,x„a, :r-0._„• L7ASTING WAVE; .s' ,”'V• _ ' ' ALWL 0.0 4x'i/e•:1.`�,�,C\"3`�:',:Jf i,v ..�TLPi..iATTENUATION",, i �i.. wn.y a SIIIG7 ATTENLlATlON = i�,T>^,,t:_<#;,i•'.,��”,t7f,i+S��r�:•,f.u;.'!.Ii:.'<:::,.Y,�+, vd.. . NCHESSTONE RENETM18-I l`.:11,iJ>f<^ v5,l,e r...,..ti�..r�� hat..,,�.•r, +...,5,� .,�. :INSTALL NEW HEADIA/AL151F 0"k,' <<� W Tr,~J ti~>ir 7`':;F,;.{`a:::•L: i..r.,,r;'aSh•},j.h.vTr: +f��tv''"•.e`.'r-:::j�<-i��y. ��� PIPE5�EXCAVATE and REPLACE.'' , {:r`=' '�hen-,;;- �7. ..c,e�c'_' c•, '�b::�t.�..� w•�'�kf•:�_:"-:a�•;':;GECGRID WRAPPED 40ACYOFSTONE REVETMENT: h,:,•:a:•.. <:.., : ,:>,,: :,,•:t,i;<,; .�.,;.;.-„•:'^,'- ?,f'CRUSHED STONE NAG DISCHARG ,,a}�,. �, , .<,.�•,,,,,,N•,.:,: •..:. s,;:., : ; .ts r^�O y' zf ,/,.^ ='4-, ,.1`Y"+:�:,;t, •:•�Jl.-,�C:..,:.,,s:5:�2y��!;�'..�:�1:"�".'.:.y'" :,Sy �_,:a.�1” PROFILE M GRAPHIC SCAM V=10' ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LAW WATER(ALWL) 10 s o 10 PROJECT BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 6-30-21 DEEP LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT rA_y ADDED ADDITIONAL SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK ��KEIT SHEET WATERWAY: APRIL 8,2020MEW POINT F �R ,DOC $% CANT: P.IAD.C. • SHEET 3b OF 7 OCKO, INC. J U L - 7 2021 B.WIss n,PE o �► OA �S8ss2• c` CT Oewg RPO R �UFESSI 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 Southold Town E L'offk--@dwJw-wm Keith B. Neilson P E. Docko, Inc. oe�h Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 3–L_Additionol Sheet b 2027wg BRESTING BOLLARD RELOCATED NEW STEEL BULKHEAD WALE (LOCATION MAY VARY)TYPICAL OF FOU NEW BULKHEAD RAIL NEW 57FEL SHEEMLE NEW STEEL i BULKHEAD RAMP RECEss SHEETPILE REPLACE TRAFRC BULKHEAD EL 10.0r i .NEW BULKHEAD BO i i SUPPOR71FENDER X8' O PLE(TYP�� EXISTING STEEL NEW RAI'1P'H0157ALfGNMENT. i i BULKHEAD and WALES NEW BULKHEAD - EXISTING LOADING y, i i TO BE REMOVED 0-yl:) NEW RAIL n „ RAMP TO REMAIN_" i i EXISTING BULKHEAD COUNTERWEIGHT �i71UPPORT PILE TO BE LOCATION i i REMOVED Ml:P NEWS ALWL AND AHWL ALONG SUPPORT P1LE(TYP)r_ FACE OF NEW BULKHEAD Mi:P NEW 12-FT WID EXISTING FENDER PILE GROUP X 5tLFPIER '%� " '" "�-" REPAIR OR REPLACE AS , SHORE NEW STEEL PILE NECESSARY(TY) PAORTED RAMP HOIST TEMPORARYANCHORED STEEL COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS TURSID17Y CURTAIN LOCATION and CONFIGURATION TO BE BASED SHEETPILE EXISTING LOADING RAMP ON CONSTRUCTION LCr:ATIOL'N BULKHEAD LIFT BEAM TO REMAIN and W EXISTING BULKHEAD TO BE LEFT IN PLACE i AS SCOUR WALL TYPICAL AT BOTH RAMPS TING PER EXISTING FENDER PILE i TO REMAIN GROUP MM TO REMAIN REPAIR A5 REPAIR OR REPLACE AS NECESSARY NECESSARY PLAN VIEW 5 GRAPHIC SCALE V=10' ORIENT POINT HARBOR 10 5 O 10 \ watt =, , CROWN NEW COUNTERWEIGHT CONCRETE RLL EXISTING mµ =:-__ �� D05111VG ��' .,J :, w 6.0 LOADING RAMP, 3-IN DIAMETER BOLLARD ®GALVANIZED EAR REL OGATE TO BE RESET 124N 5CH 80 ' COUNTERWEIGHT GALVANIZED RPE FILLED NEWS DE-i"�IL ' ` WITH CONCRETE SUPPORTPILE(TYP) FINISHED GRADE NEW BULKHEAD GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=5' NEW STEEL 5 4 3 1 0 5 5-FT SQUARE BULKHEAD EL 1.0 / BOLLARD 5A5E NEW CABLE AD ALS NEW BOLLARD SHEAVE n� NEW STEEL ,Isuuw�M W LLAT DETAIL � _�IN PLACE AM NEW ✓i i / DROP DOWN BERM GAP GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=10' f+8MOVE HE ALES 10 5 O 10 / artd FILES PROJECT- BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 8-20-20 DEEP LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ®f NEXISTING BULKHEAD t SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK KEIT CALLOUTS WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR •`Q' 0l� h' DATE APRIL S.2020 0 C 90 v`O CANT. RIAD.C.(Li h ° • ♦ IJ ., , �-I NT: SHEET 4 OF 7k x , CK0. INC. o0 ��' J U L - 7 2021 B. c®� � 68692-� P 0 ROFEwco) E 5 3 X860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 dna fhnl Tn Keith B Neilson RE Docko,Inc Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead•I-F dwg N APPROWMAT7=TRANSITION� X8• GRADE NEW BULKHEAD RAIL(1YP) NEW RAMP H015TALJGNM BOLLARD TOB ` REPLACED NEW COUNTERWEIGHT EXISTING NEW GLEAN GRAVEL I-0' :ATION RAID IP TO LIM APPROXIMATE NEW 5OiCY OVER 60&5F SERVICE CT RI ANCHOR SYSTEM T S RAMP STING FERRY p EXISTING LIGHT TO 5U BE REINSTALLED RESTORATION TO BE RELOGA ras \ NEW 12-FT EW CONTOUR _�'` . \ X 5fLF P1ER EXTENSION TO x, NEW FERRY RAMP LOCATIO " .P •; ,, \ SHORE EXCAVATE 356CY ~ly \\ _-,EXISTING STEEL OVERS SF h". i NEW 57FEL BULKHEAD TO BE SHEETPILE ,REMOVED TRAFFIC BOLLAI� $� , BULKHEAD TO BE REPLACED E REPINED and WALE NEW RAMP HOIST COUNTERWEIGHT TOWER '� EXISTING FENDER PILE BRESTIN\G BOLLARD ', i CROUP TO REMAIN TO BE REPLAG V �� LOCATION MAY VARY EXISTING LOADING RAMP �Q \� LIFT BEAM TO REMAIN NEW BULKHEAD EX]STING PIER SUPPORT PILE(7YI� y REMOVE EXISTING BULKHEAD AS RELOCATE RAMP WELL and NEEDED FOR N ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS S:Ff WEST ORK EXISTING FENDER FENDERS TO REMAIN PILE(TYP) RELOCATE A5� TEMPORARYANCHORED/WEIGHTED NECESSARY(TYP) TURBIOITYCURTAIN.L.Ocwmand GONRGURATION TO BE BASED ON CONSTRUCTION LOCATION EXISTING BULKHEAD ALWL AND AHWL ALONG TO REMAIN FACE OF NEW BULKHEAD(TYP) ORf�'NT POINT F-lAIZBOR PLAN \/lEW GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=10 10 5 O 10 PROJECT EUL KHEAf7 RESTORATION REVISED 7-10-20=NY DEC LOCATION. ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ADDITIONAL SHEET SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK �. KEIT REVISED 8-20-20 DEEP WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR 000 . ro `-'O 6 TING BULKHEAD$ DATE APRIL S.2020 0 C K 0 DANT P.IAD.G. " f; ! AGENT. SHEET 4A OF 7 LU DOCKO, INC. �, �wA 068 P �� J U L - 7 2021 .c leo oOmm - o R �' DFESS ON 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL:of Iceftodw cam Kelth B Neilson P E.Docko,Inc _ B g� v �' 2 258 PM Onret Point H-br Bulkhead 4-A Aadrtlonal_G.dwg BULKHEAD HARBOR — OIL ABSORBS AT M Boomm's WATER ELEVA11ON TU2BIDITY CURT�.I N VARIES and OIL 0(:' DEVIL. WEIGHT AND/OR ANCHOR TO BE GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=5, REMOVED wfth TURBIDtIY BARRIER TURBIDITY CURTAIN UPON CURTAIN MIN LENGTH COMPLEWN OF WORK DEPTH dP MLW+5' ANCHOR(7YP) / LADDER WIDTH TO SUM MELD C.DS CURTAIN TOE NEW BULKHEAD 1' ti�Wtit 1'4 ) 1 ri•,�i ;>��}• d -.!s^,n;ti'°:,i`�•,sr. r• Y ryy `. .3rSyr�.%,il`S� tier->'ti'.ay?rli'�': u' `v�l.iti;;`h+`Y�`',af�"tT�:. - FENDER PILE -a.�'�i'1ti''_w�^rV,f�'w,cti� r:9:??Gy'�r�7�kyv`v`=t'Yi;:,r" ;s7,"..,....�`�„'.y4.r,•�»-.o",,<e.:t r..;,a+,q*;."�;,`af.>' �"•,w'[•.i?,�, .{}>rL•ffti,F,f�1>,'•'J.+;'2:,�>•',titi�l tl�i�,yhYS. '.,y�" .Yw�4.,die S%.1�1�`'�ilYt S'2',-''.�?ty�,y'4 rtn�i,r.,.at.. "'2�'.m '-`'•��:e'` .':r�r' =;,.'ki^+�• `: n�., :; 'rlh,:'d`'r,F:am.�s"s^,'i. i'`h.ti'.'••,�,,,r`},•+wha (Type y%>>,•y�'ry C=' .�;��r'. rc"+y-s•n�'�k�'+�:yFi�zn,+.r.a;caa;,'a+•ti.`,•'S`;�r'•ii••�',>..,t1>^�'� ``�•Y��sr<ar l x 1 r/ ; IT .1s c'4�,"r>• IT" RF tir:•;•w�`.�,��£�%a4`'.r.r.,y\n�.�,r.�-;;*N,�a^•c....�a�:!i3S�'�"�*.''''=;ti*;_�a� BOLTL�IDDER NEW SAFETY RAIL ALONG TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD TO BULKHEAD TOP EL 10�T(TYP) r 1 NEW BULKHEAD GAP EXCAVATE FOR NEW SUPPORT/FENDER PILE(`I YP) NEW STEEL BULKHEAD-BACKFILL I SEE DETAIL,SHEET 7 } SHEET PILE(TYP) AND COMPACT4tFT AFTER INSTALLATION I I EXISTING BULKHEAD '3 4 SEE G_\ j I Imo—SUPPORr/FE D N ER PILE TO BE — ;a.`, r c„', a': ;, .'4a>nr•4;`.xs.,y,e,iti I I REMOVED(TYP) MHW 23 "}i '-rl^y',,;,"'.,'.•*e':r^,.J,:y.'r+•�•",ey;re•�4 20�N I " =t. t' .nr;Q•`}'�i•�r•1:','r`+yo:=`""+a //' I I BOLT LADDER''{w •,,w" ,1 'r/ ' TO WAX EW STEEL BULKHEAD WALE a,.^.":, a .,. ,,.. ^ w - ,,�C•,;>•F,_�`:''' . ''NEW r 9AGK :4'`'s";c APPROXIMATE AI-NVL 3A— MLW O.O APPROXIMATE MHW 23 _-`I NEW LADDER r CHOR POINT EXISTING BULKHEAD WALE with A5 NECE5ARRY ANCHOR ROD TO BE REMOVED(TYP) —APPROXIMATE YZ^vi` "t �•>` 1' IIT — �. (1�,i f l:(,t�:i l;• ,�i'�(`:•'u.`.'", t ;ti'ti•' IBOTTOM 9MMENT5; EXISTING STEEL SHEET y '°,: ;_ SAND t GRAVEL: = )'I TO BE REMOVED(TY� Yi•1' Y:.'"i k.l::' t>a •� ' — ^'•v,'. I I `. (>`1y`71yi1 +i.�,`: i•I^vl^ii•:,' >'J� XI ;' NEW STEEL SHEET PIL E LANDWARD OF THE EXISTING BULKHEAD TOP EL 95sFT(7YP) DETAIL_ 'o<` - •'sr ;. ,};, I I I BOTTOM DEPTHSAI�NG IC SCALE 1 =4' ` al BULKHEAD VARY,DEEPER 4 3 2 1 ° 4 AT FERRY LANDINGS ,,,1hr• �}��',ysr,,'•tY l�'A'� jt` 4i. •.�.,'1 ,�I C-qA TYPIC.a.L_ SECTION, ;,Jt;•>yfa �,;�•l• iT•t rGL GRAPHIC SC.�u E 1'.5' : ,.. . , :,; ?, " ,r'`::: "; ` ELEVATIONS AREBASEDON APPARENT LOW WATER(AL WL) 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 PROJECT: SULKHEAZ)RESTORATION LOCATION. ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT �F NSUFFOLK I E V E TERWAY: ORIENT POINTUHARBNEW YORK OR g� KEI TE APRIL B.2020 0 C I( 0 CANT P^IAD.G. 7 2021 ENT: SHEET 5 OF 7 • OCKO, INC. �� w SOA X6869 '� B.Neilson,PE C Southold Town Cr 06355 O R P O R �' OFESSI Board of Trustee,5 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 L.offlce®dwi com Keith B Neilson P E Docko,Inc (5/30/20212-518 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 5-C.dwg I I TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD EL 1OtFf IVEW� � COMPACTED BITUMINOUS COMPACTED SUPPORT PILE�'n'p) E)0511NG PAVEMENT CONCRETE SURFACE MDC TO REMAIN BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SAW GUT E°' BASE 2-1,*21N MAXIMUM EXSTING 6uuGHEAD -n I -L—SUPPORT PILE ,`colla c ivFi`eASE LrFT I I I I REMOVE C �, PROrrTOR DENSrIY 6�IV LFT NEW STEEL �' Y'?2�1 c•Ri as l rh t r 6IN LFT ,SHEET PILE Ml� EXCAVATE BEHIND �y i �,' Y t�'»: `t vs N•4', �1 (I easnNG BULKHEAD .Y• 'NATIVE EACKFlLL SUPPLIED BY 121N LIFT NOMINAL — — ������� a ;* ;, ry, tt`, OV�/NER COMPAOTED TO I ! xfr PROCTOR DEN5nY ( — .•�/.�,�' T z�f ti'Z?r9'�yyl'>'� \�A'�fi%4�',��'�'�?�]'LtY41��+�:S ra�C�'eiYl��{'�,'iry�h^�'r' •' ,lwT S :' wTe ExcAVAnoN uMrrr r ., I I I EXISTING STEEL SHEET rF'ff.f �� b1' rF Cr�,," �j�,��1 �.0 a �`�' a}•�,., ��,, h;..r+�n f •+�t4 'k1`fFr.�r.4•; I�PILE-REMOVE , 1' � A'A`A �}, t "' $ 4� +��',•��, Y���i'k��?s�,a,�� �s.�..F'r:;•��klkar CJS.N�44I�rr•, ,�Crx.� ,. � Yi:�""� ��k�tc. u � >r.: �_:�t'�:riso'`S�r;R;;:�i%sey�:i•.u`4r�;AL'WL(MLw? WAST BACKFILL_ DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE 1•=4' 4 3 2 1 O 4 NEW TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD EL 1007-11 COMPACTED BITUMINOUS CC ?ACTw CONCRETE PAVEMENT BITUMINOUS&N4RETE EXISTING PAVEMENT BASE 2—V=hWAVI I 4tj To RE-AN SAWCUT EW BULKHEAD �fttt I �P1�arP,LE� 6 iJ LFT 18-IN 6�V LF7 I ENSTING BULKHEAD Ll 6aN LIFT —�PILE TO W I, t Y;77GaLi'BASE. ''6 96%PROCTOR I IN 5 IFS 5! .. r NATIVE EIAGKALL 5UPRJED BY 12-IN LJFf NOMINAL _BEHIND EXISTING OWNER COMPACTED TO' I aij M BULKHEAD(1YP) – �� ''kYRf r 95%PROCTOR DENSnY w SSI e�W4 0x ghtrA ryp}a e x I MHW— — — — ', �r,tk h�S •11katt4t� 7'Etiwt�xriak��i1:'N 'M1 :ti I I I I EXISTING STEEL `' 4 AP✓�RO?OMATE SHEET PILE TO BE REMOVED" �++�,,(I. �4J J k +�5!.r ���,;�'� , .;k��'�.133{`�}.Y�`.�^ `�ry b{ly�,F�+�J 7,�y �l^�f?-3},,��,'^ ��!�"�y L,�.i'�•. Ey! �I��/�.rl ��/� ® 1"s�R��i '�y��t� Y?W;��irXr��• �^ 'k�`Sigr:n���eS;•!�'f�}����'�6�7�`.lW'��`�r A,'�, r�,��4Lk�}����1% ..,[a'.,4i A{'!!!"�'.`'�;rt!/ m+7*.•rx' 4.vrf 'sS• a 1. 7r L �:a'��,v,•Yti.•, zTs,''`�r's4!rY;•ti�.?tIFY.'tz4~ 3 FAST B�.GKf=1LL ®ET.�.IL J U L - 7 2021 GRAPHIC SCALE 1•=4' 4 3 2 1 O 4 Sonthald 7asvn 9N NT LOW WATER K" PROJECT: BULKHEAD RENOVATION REM5ED 8-2-20 A C.O.E LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT DEC)MLW MHW LINES WATERWAY: ORIENT K COUNTYINT H ,NE YORK ���KEIT ® DATE: APRIL 8,2020 0 C K o O �+ '9 APPLICANT P.IAD.C. F, r w AGENT SHEET 6 OF 7 r e DOCK®, INC.Koh B.NLqLwn,PE SOA X68692.1 t` ,Cr 06355 R P o R RUFESSION,� 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG LO-12-3073 Keith B.Neilson P.E.Docko,Inc 6/30/20212-59 P.—; Ornet Point P.rb-Bulkhead 6-G dwg NEW 16-IN DIAMETER DRIVEN STEEL 71E-OFF PILE ALONG 1-IN CHAMFERED CENTERLINE OF EXI57ING PIER LOCATE TO AVOID PER SUPPORT EDGE� A ALTERATIONS(TYPICAL OF TWO) 8th CONTAINMENT BA EXISTING 12-FT WIDE �6-IN DECK TO PREVENT PER TO BE CLF�fRANCE 6tF7 SPLITTING RECONSTRUCTEDAS AROUNDNECESSARY PSLJPAND PILE 0-M BULKHEEXISTING SUPPORTBUMPER PILEP1 A� RAMPESSARY 0x 10B�P EXISTING GROSS ji BRACE REPLACE 1-1/4-IN GAAS LVANIZED N � � TIMBER BOLTS with 1-IN COUNTER BORED(7YP) APPROXIMATE ALWL OD III � VIII -BOTTOM SEDIMENTSr SAND, APPROXMATEALWL ,.t .f R', .. „ f. '•{^; :{•,:'7',, ,K rj`;;`✓}',!"45�"'i�.,�;°s .i^''#�^;'`!L'�'`s."�!�( t,x,t;•AC�•hd` NEW STEEL PILE DETAIL GR SCALE -� 1 2-PILE FENDER DETAIL 6 3 O 6 GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=5' TOP EL 1AFF P71.W NEW MULTI-PILE DOLPHIN KING PILE MAY BOLTED CONNECTIONS 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 BE REPLACED THEN WRAPPED WITH WITH STEEL PILE III I-INCH WIRE ROPE 12-16 INCH(`IYP) j WOOD I IMPACT BUMPER GI-►AF?-ANG STRIP NG PILE M12) FENDER RLE PADS OR FENDER ON WOOD OR STEEL ASSEMBLY (OR TIRES) BERTHING SIDE TWO PILES BRAGS PILE(7l'P) NEW STEEL WEARING PILES AHWI- BULKHEAD CAN AF:St OPED MHW TOA VERTICAL ALWIL 1 i �t JY\'' r. .,,. •'.lMr �,�t,a Y'. t`��1�.,4 y1 y`lF��'R,/ ;,tf^.`, , E -DEPTH 15tFT-VARI >'r k;•w.t`,o-:,;;r',S~'.;; 7`:+ • BULKHE,�.[� SENDER DETAIL ,•.;.+,S.,rtt�;;.�,,,;.,:,,r rr.�;�, . tory`}. SEDIMENTS: �'}<.:;5;4 GRAPH =5 FBOTTOM GRAPHIC SCALE 1' 'a~h U:`r'�:•fi,J y;�Y,lrl�5fs' ``YY'eb SANDond GRAVEL t '•t,{;� ttf,Yf'�ti t t,i;n'y''*,., 4t1}ti:";`, d,YY?i R. '` �Yv„,,Jy;°•' I:xN"^v `: ra�, ''at't:s"ff.";'!,i '!t•�t 5 4 3 2 1 O 7-PILE DOLPHIN DETAIL �--- GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=10' ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(A-wi-) 10 5 O 10 �jE� BULKHEADRENO�/ATION REVISED 7-30-20 P.IAD.C. LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT NS NEW STEEL PILE I J' BOLLARD D5 ETAL WATERWAY: ORIENT POINTCOUNTY,LK BOYORK HARR o _ KEIT 6DATE. APRIL B,2020 0 C g co y SED 8-3120 AC.O.E. P.IAD.G. • 0 KING PILE CALLOUT I � a '— a +"��,• c AGENT: SHEET 7 OF 7LU • _ _ • DOCKO, INC. A 68692E � �B.CT 06NLftcon355 PIEc 0 R P ® g Q►'S �D . �` R ESSIO860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 9-12-3073 EMAIL:ofte® I:eith'B Nelfs`ofiP E ©oc ,Inc 6/30/2027 239 PT—I O,;net Point Hrbr Bulkhead 7B dwg 33ae 67 1371 1` ,.\, 129 99 46 Ohs✓,O i 1421 ♦ \ �,ry0,�t' x NOTES: 66 45 it �V�4 LONG ISLAPID SOUND 1.ELEVATION DATUM 15 APPARENT LOW WATER(ALM n..F„y ,np..c + i „z .� 4� R zr143 i s 103 1 r ' F1134S 63 2ze�ta1U,M2'FF 94 1 ,27.\,'� 2r BELL*- pt�- r.«n m r- 2.TIDE DATA IS TAKEN FROM 2020 NOAA?IDE TABLES REFERENCE:NEW ,,;.; �� LONDON CT. u„u„ ,.,i 1 „3 + id, 96`� i µ9(38061EMPT � .- 31 J y7 3.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:INSTALL 262:LF OF STEEL SHEET PILE BULKHEAD 1D5 105 HORN ft17M� z 1 1 9P[ 59 d Poadi•4-�- 22 98 INSIDE AN EXISTING BULKHEAD INCLUDING A NEW PERIMETER SAFETY RAIL 188 ,33 AND ASSOCIATED INSTALL FERRYgoes LOADING RAMPS INCLUDING UTILITIES,AND COUNNNTERWEIGHT DER PILES.TOWERS SCOUR ' � ���� `K"�`'`rieiit r,� �t� 2/'z�6 _�2+-38 ,e9 PROTECTION AND ACCESSORIES,BACKFILL WITH 300:GY OF STONE FILL•FOR ; . SITE �oa a ' 61,x':.« .rs 49 THE RESTORATION OF THE FERRY RAMPS AND INFA5TRUCTURE,AT AND ��°��6., 46 41 LANDWARD OF APPARENT(SPRING)HIGH WATER LINE. h :� �o ;4 66 � �q ) GARDINERS BAY 4.PROJECT PURPOSE THIS IS A U.S. F GOVERNMENT,RESTRICTED USE,FAGLIIY 47 PROVIDING ESSENTIAL TRANSPORTATION TO A RESEARCH LABORATORY. THE ! '°"1 ;i 24 i 42 ORIENT POINT HARBOR TERMINAL.15 OPERATED BY THE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF r 20 HOME LAND SECURITY. '''�o' �: "sa ?� 87 40 34 3 5.THESE APPLICATION DRAWINGS REPRESENT A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS „-vi%»+5h 21 1 31 36 37 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT PURPOSES.THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION LOCATION f`�I.B.PREFERENCE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.A TOWN/CITY BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED. GFIiIliRT:W54 C-RAPHC 5CkE 1113000 0 3000 IN YARDS SOUND ,� :;''''•::�:�1a�PLUM ISLAND •5 tiA Jq�� o �...��,'x•'��;�.,q'r'US GO�/ERNI"IE=NT (//�*� G•�,<" .•�;j REST.Ry I CTED ,ACCESS w.ti. f li n �.. ''dry•`'y(f�'"�Cix ,;•'/ 9 ay JU< 7 2021 \\~\•�:�,r,,=,. Southold Town 801rd of lru tees / �1 3 •;, �:;:�-,��••,w-. GARDINE �� BAY ``�"•"` SITE ORIENT POINT TERMINAL BASIN �te.s'r,.4: .�Y'`l.r.- 'yJ,.•t�i••''rbz��•'i t 9 aye.* e�e'.•C�`U}4.(;y: `.'.: ,e,"r':.:w?'e`"AAAA.+. `�y^,,"t GRAPHIC SCALE 1 4000 PROJECT BULKHEAD 4000 2000 0 4000 RESTORATION PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 8-21-20 DEEP LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ADDED SHEET SUFFOLK UH.NRYORK WATERWAY: O ENT POINT HARBO DATE- APRIL 8,2020 ) CRO . APPLICANT: U.S.DEPT.OF HOMELAND SECURITY P.IA D.C. 'r LU AGENT SHEET 1 OF 7 DOCK0, INC. ^ w �O 068 692' ��� Kefth B.Neilson,PE O O R P A9CFESSIO��� 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL Kelth B Nellson P E Docko Inc 45/30/200 254 PM 0,-net Point Hrbr Bulkheod 113 dwg PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK 1. EXCAVATE AND TEMPORARILY STOCKPILE FOR REUSE,1000:CY OF SANDY GRAVEL EACKFILL TO PARTLY UNLOAD THE EXISTING BULKHEAD. 2.REMOVE TWO CONCRETE VEHICLE RAMP WELLS 40:GY OF CONCRETE OVER 500:SF EACH 3.REMOVE AND STORE FOR REUSE TWO 18FT X 24FT HINGED VEHICLE RAMP RAMPS. 4.REMOVE 4 EXISTING STEEL FRAME COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRIC/MECHANICAL LIFT EQUIPMENTAND CONTROLS. 5.REMOVE EXISTING WATER AND ELECTRIC UTILITY PIPING,CONDUITS,VALVE BOXES AND PANELS. 6.INSTALL 222tLF OF NEW MARINE OPERATIONS BASIN PERIMETER BULKHEAD AND TIED BACK ANCHORS,(PLUS 120-LF OF INTERNAL BULKHEAD LINING THE HINGED VEHICLE RAMP WELLS)40AP OF THE EXISTING BULKHEAD WILL REMAIN IN PLACE BENEATH EACH RAMP AS SCOUR WALL AT EACH NEW RAMP FACILITY FOR A TOTAL OF 2624-F OF EXPOSED STEEL SHEETING. 7.RELOCATE THE EXISTING WEST RAMP 5 FEET FURTHER WEST. 8.INSTALL 200.tC.Y OF WAVE ATTENUATING STONE IN THE WELL OF EACH HINGED VEHICLE RAMP WELL AND REPLACE STOCKPILED BACKFILL,COMPACT AND PREPARE FOR PAVING. 9.INSTALL FOUR NEW STEEL RPE RLE 1216 INCH(TYPI)COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS, WITH COUNTERWEIGHTS AND MANUAL AND ELECTRIC RAMP HOISTS. 10. RELOCATE AND REBUILD AS NECESSARY BRES11NO FENDER RLE STRUCTURES AND DOLPHINS A INSTALL TWO NEW STEEL BRESTING PILES IN OR ALONG SIDE OR AT THE END OF THE WOOD ACCESS PIER 12. REPAIR AND REBUILD,INCLUDING UTILITIES,AS NECESSARY,12tLF WIDE OF FD(ED WOOD RLE AND TIMBER MAINTENANCE AND FERRY ACCESS PIER AND EXTEND THE PIER 5-LF TO THE NEW SHORELINE CREATED BY THE NEW BULKHEAD. 13. REINSTALL ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITH ABOVE GROUND PANELS AS SHOWN. 14. REPAVE THE PARKING LOT IN THE DISTURBED AREA NOTES I. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE RESTORED AND MODIFIED PER AND WOOD FENDER TIE-OFF FACILITIES,ALL OF THE PROPOSED WORK WILL BE LANDWARD OF THE EXISTING BULKHEAD AND APPARENT HIGH-WATER LINE. 2.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS,SILT FENCE,HAYBALES OR SCREENED SANDBAGS WILL LINE DISTURBED AREAS.TRAFFIC BARRICADES WILL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY. iD I AVE J U L - 7 2021 �--5orlt�,c,ld Torn PROJECT BULKHEAD RESTORATION -- Board of- REVISED 8-21-20 DEEP LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET oFORIENT (J SHEET SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK ADDED WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR CO v5� DATE: APRIL 8,2020 1 000 0 C K p APPLICANT: US.DEPT.OF HOMELAND SECURITY PJAD.C. I m 1 AGENT SHEET 1-A OF 7 + ®CICKC), INC. a68692"' ti�� Koh B.Nellwn,PE p R P O� SW 572� 9DFESSIFAX 860 572 7568 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL:oRke9dodw com Keith B Neilson P E Docko,Inc 6/30/2021 254 PM Onnet Pant Hrbr Bulkhead 7B-Fddd onal Notes dwg GRAIN DRAIN \\ FENGELINK TER RI POLE PE \ wm-I � LIGHT I PARKING �j��`` / ELECTRIC CABLE and / EXTENSIVE UTILITIES LE AND M \2 I / �cGAL GSH r O NG FACE OF ELECTRICAL ' BULKHEAD PHONE b 5, O ® TELEPHONE CABLE \ 5T'ODRAIN RM DR JN LINE TOP OF LIFT T HYDRANT \ \ o UTILITIES POLE EL:;20.6 `�Nvoa --7 (jSWITCH BOX ELECTRICAL HYDRANTS\ TRENCH DRAIN T OF LIFT T PANEL dh I PHONE PORTABLE CABLE P OF T WITH OU11.ET E A11 5) / _ 18'CMP INV=43 FENDER PILES(TYP) TF�B ARE STAND PI CP Ln n h f # w ?A'RGP�INV_15 G I I OIST POLE I EXI 1I STEEL PARKING O LE "? Z 5 EA \ BULKHEAD(7YP) O `DOLPHIN N ORIENT GOINT HAr2BOFz DEPAIQTMENT of � 1 I H b HOMEL�►ND SECURITY TRENCH DRAIN EXISTING STEEL I O BULKHEAD(TYPE LEO VOG / HYDRANTP / \may yo � �0l � / N �CBdR X55 Pte' gam' APPROXIMATE o • CESS POOL LOCATION OF / SUBMERGED- GABLE(5) UBMERGEDGABLE(5) I 5 EXISTING SHOP BUILDING ELEcrRIc GABLE NOTE.UTILITIES ARE EXTENSIVE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND BIASED ON A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS AND MUST BE FIELD ;;;, _ VERIFIED PRIOR TO WORK SHOWN HEREIN. GO 30 0 GO ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION �F NE REVISED 8-21-20 AG.O.E. LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT .`� KEI MLW MHW CALLOUT it SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK PIER DIM. WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR CO DATE APRIL S.2020 0 C K p to APPLICANT: P.IAD.G. ENT: SHEET 2 OF 7PC)CI<CD, INC ;O' 068692'I ;�{�, B.Neilson.PE 0 R P 0 R !► Ess\o I J U L e 7 2021 89W AXSISO W2 7-909 E L• DWG 12 34��678 Keith B.Neilson P.E.Docko,Inc j 473072021"255 Pm Oriner Point Hrbr Bulkhead 2-13 dwg ®C SCO! Inc. Serving the waterfront community since 1987 dQ P.O.Box 421,Mystic,CT 05355(860)572-8939 Fax:(860)572-7569, 9 , 1 July 1,2021 E D V Ez Mr. Glen Goldsmith,President Southold Board of Trustees JUL — 7 2021 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Souih„'d Trl°;n 90eLL'tTrustn�s Re; Permit Modification# F9.13 ?ao 9 7ogGc- U.S. Department of Homeland Security Plum Island Dear Mr. Goldsmith: We are transmitting herewith one original and two copies of the signed and sealed revised drawings for modifications to the bulkhead over sheeting project for the property of the U.S.Department of Homeland Security, at their site on Plum Island. We have made the additions to the project to cover modifications to the current drainage system which will make the existing drainage system discharge points independent of the bulkhead currently being rebuilt. The details of this change are on Sheets 3a & 3b. Work covered by that authorization was not undertaken for budgetary reasons, but as a means of making drainage and bulkhead systems independent and making the drainage system less attractive to invasive non- native shellfish species. Our preliminary indications are that the NYS DEC will process this as a minor amendment. I have enclosed a check for$50.00 for the Tidal Wetlands permit modifications. I trust that you will find these modifications acceptable and that we look forward to completing the process for this project. Yours truly, DOCK ,INC. Keith B.Neilson, P.E. KNB: kb Enclosures CC: PIADC, Mr. Charles Lacour File: 10-10-2247 PIADC Project description and scope of work 1. Excavate and temporarily stockpile for reuse, 1000±cy of sandy gravel backfill to partly unload the existing bulkhead. 2. Remove two concrete vehicle ramp wells 40±cy of concrete over 500±sf each 3. Remove and store for reuse two 18ft x 24ft hinged vehicle ramp ramps. 4. Remove 4 existing steel frame counterweight towers and associated electric/mechanical lift equipment and controls. 5. Remove existing water and electric utility piping, conduits,valve boxes and panels. Install new dot drain system landward of apparent high water to west side of rubble wave attenuator. 6. Install 222±If of new marine operations basin perimeter bulkhead and tied back anchors, (plus 120-If of internal bulkhead lining the hinged vehicle ramp wells)40±If of the existing bulkhead will remain in place beneath each ramp as scour wall at each new ramp facility for a total of 262-If of exposed steel sheeting. 7. Relocate the existing west ramp 5 feet further west. 8. Install 200±cy of wave attenuating stone in the well of each hinged vehicle ramp well and replace stockpiled backfill, compact and prepare for paving. 9. Install four new steel pipe pile 12-16 inch (typ) counterweight towers, with counterweights and manual and electric ramp hoists. 10. Relocate and rebuild as necessary bresting fender pile structures and dolphins 11. Install two new steel bresting piles in or along side or at the end of the wood access pier. 12. Repair and rebuild, including utilities, as necessary, 12±If wide of fixed wood pile and timber maintenance and ferry access pier and extend the pier 5-If to the new shoreline created by the new bulkhead. 13. Construct new concrete head walls for drainage discharge piping. Plug existing drainpipe (dot). * * 14. Reinstall all underground utilities with above ground panels as shown. 15. Repave the parking lot in the disturbed area. Notes: 1. With the exception of the restored and modified pier and wood fender tie-off facilities, all of the proposed work will be landward of the existing bulkhead and apparent high-water line. 2. Erosion and sediment controls, silt fence, haybales or screened sandbags will line disturbed areas.Traffic barricades will be installed as necessary. Glenn Goldsmith,President *0 so(/�y Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino,Vice-President ,`O� ��� 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 John M.Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski G Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams 'o �� Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 AO`URS'PRIOR T®COMMENCEMENT OF"THE ACTIVITIES CA§16K�Eb'_ 'FF "Bt LOW INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-constructf6k' % bat'e'liri'e/sift Goc l/sib#-c�irtain 1St day of construction % constructed When project complete, call for compliance inspection; •:."�'►e',,l i 6ii ti-y r e iii e•'•' _ _ _ '°e rr• - .i ,'L i / 0+0v ,, . et� 6/ r.._ ..i 1/ 1/p.. `_.r i10/'1°I'°• _ iiiailF��°". :. :iil'i 10°j°v_"< 11 / - V o 1 /' 1 / 1 1 GP••' 1 0 pp1 I°I• pq1 / 1 //�i• '�p1 �Ij^' q\1 70j6iS\1 I$yr• •C��� Ol�r• „nr. vn,+,r nn„ wrv,„• ,,,w,,.,,r•,e,y, „.„:r .\.... .:.4._ '<;� "•�....A.4':'''eflyr :'C",. .4:,,2.;3 X64,�n4p,,7y,,r„°eY'44".,, 4.,,,,re"'41„Syqu„n„„?n;+3y9salW,''7i4.'.':4•°::J2R:us rr4,u,.vuv,.,. _ 4'_ - _�'.. BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES a SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 9720&9720C DATE: OCTOBER 14,2020 = ” ISSUED TO: U.S.DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY,PLUM ISLAND r-01 ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER PROPERTY ADDRESS: 40550 ROUTE 25,ORIENT ►w. =f SCTM#1000-15-9-9 AUTHORIZATION '} Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code of the Town of & Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on _ October 14,2020 and in consideration of application fee in the sum of$500.00 paid by U.S.Dept of Homeland 1°•° Security,Plum Island Animal Disease Center and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the =vele Resolution,the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: _o°ooi;• Wetland Permit to install±262 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead '°torr=' including a new perimeter safety rail and associated wales and support/fender piles; restore the east face > of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so,with a new tie-back system; existing fill(approximately 2,000 cubic yards)will be removed to make way for the 1M`, p91Q ? new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors; this work will be landward of the high I r 911/l"F< tide and mean high water lines; the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by"Plum Island"; reinstall ferry loading ramps including utilities counterweight towers scour protection,and accessories; backfill with±300 cubic yards stone fill ' for the restoration of the ferry ramps and infrastructure,at and landward of apparent(spring)high water line; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Docko,Inc.,last dated July 20,2020 and v ; stamped approved on October 14,2020. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, _ZI and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the 10 day of October,2020.Ira `%gUFFDI t ✓--6��p0°13,� ' � V coo 41- r� r o 'irpnv emir, urnn„•, iv�'••n•w..Arh:r•�irb<in::•rrJ<7F r ni)vrnn ® . -�' ',ta;r sr �� e<~h<',+:.'_ �.�'' e�«i,,�;..� `,`=°- e.""sum" o ^^i'" .ter+ _• �"$`\,sr .4 L ;�� i\: e ! - .ala Qle /I 0s.''' - - _i:I F°o °ePldd 10°pe.•� /P!8 01�ec:. - - Sao s�s:�•- - - �:e A:O,e.i .f 01 01°..• _ .,or 0 00° _ •: e:.:•'"• � \..4::.$/::•_ TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Permittee U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security,Plum Island Animal Disease Center, 40550 Route 25, Orient,New York as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the following: 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any operation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will, at his or her own expense, defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes full liability with respect thereto,to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. 2. That this Permit is valid for a period of 24 months,which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved,but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved,to provide evidence to anyone concerned that authorization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application may be cause for revocation`of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation,the said Permittee will be required,upon due notice,to remove or alter this work project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee of the completion of the work authorized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required supplemental to this permit,which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. 10. No right to trespass or interfere with riparian rights. This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Glenn Goldsmith,President ®f S®(®�� Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino 54375 Route 25 ® P.O.Box 1179 John M.Bredemeyer III Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams �® Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 30-YEAR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EROSION PROTECTION STRUCTURES CHAPTER 111-15 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE I (We) U.S. DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER The owners of record of property at: 40550 Route 25, Orient SCTM#: 1000-15-9-9 in applying for a Coastal Erosion Permit for an erosion protection structure do hereby agree to a 30-Year Maintenance program for a structure as described. Install±262 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead including a new perimeter safety rail and associated wales and support/fender piles; restore the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so, with a new tie-back system; existing fill (approximately 2.000 cubic yards)will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors; this work will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines; the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by"Plum Island": reinstall ferry loading ramps including utilities, counterweight towers, scour protection, and accessories; backfill with ±300 cubic yards stone fill for the restoration of the ferry ramps and infrastructure, at and landward of apparent (spring) high water line; as shown on the attached licensed survey and/or site plan for the approved structure. It is my/our understanding that we are to maintain this structure with materials designed to endure 30 years and/or equivalent to the original approved structure. Any maintenance which involves more than 50% of the length of this structure requires approval of the Board of Trustees. We further understand that failure to maintain the structure could result in a requirement to post a bond and/or have the repairs ordered as a lien against the property upon a finding by the Board of Trustees that said lack of maintenance would risk life, property or importan"resource atures. Notarized si at re of ow 'r of record Sworn to before me this day of DctGW 2020. /Vo VemhP,r No Public V1 A. This maintenance agreement shall only be valid upon the attachment of a licensed land survey/and or site plan made within one year of the original construction and validated to show the final approval of the administrator. Glenn Goldsmith,President ,Qf so�jTown Hall Annex r Michael J.Domino ;`O ��� 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 John M.Bredemeyer III 1 [ Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski G Q Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams �� Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT COASTAL EROSION PERMIT#9720C Applicant/Agent: Docko, Inc. Permittee: U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center SCTM#: 1000-15-9-9 Project Location: 40550 Route 25, Orient Date of Resolution/Issuance: October 14, 2020 Date of Expiration: October 14, 2022 Reviewed by: Board of Trustees DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: "Install±262 linear feet'of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead including,a new perimeter safety rail and associated wales and supporYfender piles; restore the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so, with a new tie-back system; existing'fill(approximately 2,000 cubic yards)will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the,anchors; this work " will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines;-the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by" Plum Island"; reinstall ferry loading ramps including utilities, counterweight towers, scour protection, and accessories; backfill with±300 cubic yards stone fill for the restoration of the ferry ramps and infrastructure, at and landward of apparent (spring) high water line; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., last dated July 20, 2020 and stamped approved on October 14, 2020. INSPECTIONS: Final Inspection SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None In accordance with Chapter 111-15 Erosion Protection Structures: xx A maintenance agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. By: 44C Glenn o smit , resident Board of Trustees Glenn Goldsmith,President �Qf so�Ty Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino ,`O� Ol0 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 John M.Bredemeyer III #t Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholasrupski G Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 16, 2020 J Keith B. Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: U.S. DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER 40550 ROUTE 25, ORIENT SCTM# 1000-15-9-9 Dear Mr. Neilson: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Docko, Inc., on behalf of U.S. DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE.CENTER applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, and Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas, application dated July 27, 2020, and WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation that the application be found Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program policy standards, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on October 14, 2020, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and.documentation submitted concerning this application, and, 2 WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 and Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees have found the application to be Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, and, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of U.S. DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER to install ±262 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead including a new perimeter safety rail and associated wales and support/fender piles; restore the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so, with a new tie-back system; existing fill (approximately 2,000 cubic yards) will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors; this work will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines; the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by "Plum Island"; reinstall ferry loading ramps including utilities, counterweight,towers,_scour protection, and accessories; backfill with ±300 cubic yards stone fill for the restoration of the ferry ramps, and infrastructure, at and landward of apparent (spring) high water line; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., last'dated July 20, 2020 and stamped approved on October 14, 2020. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and ipermit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 Ven/-truly yours, idv a'w Aenn Gold ith President, Board of Trustees GG/dd Fn-) 1-4 r= -- -- - -•I N ! APPROJQMATE PAVEMENT iJ JUL � �i CUT LIMIT -7.0 — 2 7 202 P NG NEW77E _65 ANCHOR AREA NEW BULKHFt1D p ��. f T,,s,r, UPPORT/FENDER PILE(TYP STEEL BULKHEAD WALE ALONG TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD N�V STEEL SHEETPILE BULKHEAD TOP EL la ra,5 NEW STEEL SHEETPILE i a sTEE . EXISTING LOADING RAMP TO REMAI T UL r)BELOW 0 BULKHEAD RAMP(TYP)) TO BE REMAIN NEW CONTOUR FOR ELEVATED � DOSTING BULKHEAD ��RAMP TRANSITION GRADING 80TEEL SHEETS and WALES RELOCATE UTILITY VAULT = ` EW UTILITIES _ TO BE REMOVED(1'YP) - _ EXISTING BULKHEAD .... �r.� •i.. , -_ --__ `,-= % SUPPORT PILE TO BE •• j NEW UTAa11E5�J� :°�``' ( M) NEW SPOT A' "__ A GRAPE(7YP) r _ R - \ RAMP HOIST ./ •�'� `"���;:� O RWElGHT TOWERS RELOCATE \� ---SEE PLAN VIEW DETAIL SHEET 4 RELOCATE a -"" i" FENpER P] TEMPORARYANCHORED 7o- RAMP �� TURBIDITY CURTAIN LOCATION and ATTEND 5 i� \ CON90URATION TO BE BASED .RELOC.E�P�U- \ ON CONSTRUCTION LOCATION andASS"IATI;D \ NEW STEEL TIE-OFF PILE NEW BULKHEAD COMPONENTS 5tFa'VST \ LOCATION APPROXIMATE NEW 16-IN\6TEEL PILE BOLLARD 9 5UPPO E mli NEW RAMP HO T �\ FT FROH PACE OP NEW BULKHEAD A 1,11 NEW STEEL SHEEIRLECOUNTERWEIG \ NEIAI W 16- STEEL PILE BOLLAR@ D BULKHEAD TOP EL 10.06T01A/ER5 06 .• 60fFT FRdWI FADE OF NEW BULKHEAD NEW UTILI'RE5-APP \ \ g� V �\\ ^EXISTING PIED'TO BE 18•CM INV.43 e� U RECONSTRUCD AS NECESSARY C RD OF •1 RU TEES \� INVOWN-®F . ® LD O ►ENT I'�l.�l NT F-fAF�B�JR 4EI�ART�P-LENT of DATE � 1-lo EL.ANL� r.�-ECURI�Y I EXI NG ST - 5 WITH � STEEL PILE �v NOTE.UTILITIES ARE BARED O PL_AIV �/1 EW t�artord er-sties. MUST BE FIELD VEMSED PRIOR TO .GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=30' WORK SHOWN HEREIN. 30 20 10 0 30 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISLp 7-10-20 DEC LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-h1AMLET of ORIENT ULKHEAD AYORK EI 7 20-20 P.IAD.C.ALIGNMENT WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT F ARSOR � I NEW STEEL PILE DATIx APRIL 8,2020 U 0 C K 0 . cc, co L.LARDS UTILITIES APPLICANT P.IAD.C. ; 9 r , //cc:.,, AGENT SHIN 3 OF 7 2 DOCICO, INC. 268692' t2� Kettfi S.Neilson,PE O 0 R P 0'R "'R A9oFES910N�� 003-95 860 572 80 FAX 860 572 7569 PWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL•oRiceOdocko-com Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc 7/22/2020 938 AM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 3-L.dwg III , I BRESTING BOLLARD RELOCATED 0 AIALE--1 (LOCATION MAY VARY)TYPICAL OF FOU NEW BULKHSAD ) NEW STEEL SHEETPILE NEW-S BULKHEAD RAMP RECESS Souihcld TSIpEETPILE REPLACE TRAFFIC _=_-_=== LGEI�e9L7 EL10. NEW BULKHEAD BOLLARD _ _ / i SUPPORT/FENDER / / O PILE(7YP)E.�. EXISTING STEEL NSU/R'Ah1F_W101_ST ALIGNMIV_T _ __ / i i /O BULKHEAD ana d WALE NEW BULKH - EXISTING LOADING - _ / ///O TO BE REMOVED(TYP) NEW RAIL ) = RAMP TO_REMA_ IN 1== EXISTING BULKHEAD EAD GOUNTERWEIGHT--� UPPORT PILE TO BE LOCATION REMOVED(TYP) wa NEW STEEL : SUPPORT PILE =- __- EXISTING FENDER PILE GROUP NEW 12-FT PAIR OR REPLACE AS X 5tLF PER =_`=-= T "=' r;=a '=_ - NECESSARY(IYP) EXTENSION = `_ NEW STEEL PILI: TEMPORARYANCHORED SHORE / __---_-' _ TURBIDITY CURTAIN LOCATION and UPPORTED COUNTERWEIGHMT TOWERS CONFIGURATION TO BE&ASED STEEL - ON CONSTRUCTION LOGA770N SHEE'TRLE EXISTING LOADING RAMP N BULKHEAD LIFT BEAM TO REMAIN and W - � i EXISTING FENDER PILE — MAI GROUP(TYn TO REN TING PIE{Z REPAIR OR REPLACE AS TO REMAIN NECESSARY REPAIR AS NECESSARY PLAN V/EW 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=70' ORIENT POINT H.�.RBOR 10 5 O 10 NEWCROWN ('iYP) CONCRETE FILL EXISTING _ - 6.0 Da5'tING^2i BOLLARD _ALOADING RAMP;_ 34N DIAMETER RELOCATE >_ -=-ATO BE RESET_ =; -GALVANIZED BAR (yp) NEW 12-IN SCH 80 f --r' i----UNTERWEI 0A�VAANIiZW • -_°:CO GHT PIPE FI1 LEf3 NEW 5TEEL "_ DETAIL WITH CONCRETE SUPPORT PILE(7YP) =-- = .1 NISHED GRADE NEW BULKHEAD - `==- IG SCALE 1'=5' RAIL 5 4 3_2 1 O 5 NEW STEEL = - 5 T SQUA2E BULKHEAD EL 1.0 __= BOLLARD BASE N mmr NEW BOLLARD EW STEEL fNEW CABLE DETAIL WALE SHEAVE('1YP) ORAPHIC SCALE 1'=10' geMON,EDD =__ 1-4 HEET ALES 10 5 O 10 PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK �(G®� WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR �Q. KEIT DATE% APRIL..8,2020 � D 0 CRO . �5 APPLICANT RI AD.C. \ cc AGENT SHEET 4 OF 7 mUJIDOCKO, INC. �� ey Kefffl B.Neilson.PE O p.`S �O 06869 "� c!,� Mysft,CT 06355 R P 0 $ 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-30`73 Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc. 7/21/2020 202 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 4-F dwg N APPROXIMATET E AmNG� J U L 2 7 BOLLAM TO BE E-EAS.^,aihnl,+?p+r, , PH AL IGNM TORGEh �� � 1STNES Su(:I�HEAD EXISTING RAIL��) RAMP TO NEW CLE4N GRAVEL / \ NEW FILL WtCY OAF COUNTERWEIGHTS APPROXMATE l�-�1J / O LOCATION LIMIT OF 11E-BACK 5 511NG FERRY } ANCHOR SYSTEM 1 RAMP LOCATION O ( SUPPO TO BE RELOCA x \ NEW 12-FT -NEW CONTOUR "�.` v .• \ X5rLFPER k= EXTENSION TO NEW FERRY RAMPSHORE \ LOCA71 / EXEAVA7- 35sCY V 4 \ ,EXISTING STEEL OVER 85tSF F NEW STEEL BULKHEAD TO BE SHEETPILE _-REMOVED TRgFFIGBOLLARD \ BULKHEAD TO BE REPO ACED UFT\ and WALE T E REPLACED - _ - r�,'�' .jr � � i.-- r LIFT T TO BE NEW RAMP HDIST REPLACED(1YP OF 4) COUNTERWEIGHT TOWER -r' EXISTING FENDER PILE BRESTING BOLLARD ` _ i _ CROUP TO REMAIN TO BE REPLAG LOCATION MAY VARY \� EXI5711NG LOADING RAMP UFT BEAM TO REMAIN NEW 19ULKHEADP SUPPORT PILE a)-P) EXISTING PIER REMOVE EXISl1NG - BULKHEAD AB = RELOCATE RAMP WELL and NEEDED FOR N ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS 5947- WEST ORK EXISTING FENDER PILE �) FENDERS TO REMAIN RtLOCATEAS NECESSARY TEMPORARYANCHOREWWEIGHT):D VIT TURBIDITY CURTAIN LOCATION and CONFIGURATION TO BE BASED ON CONSTRUCTION LOCATION EY STING BULKHEADALWL AND AHWL ALONG TO REMAIN FACE OF NEW BULKHEAD(TYP) �A 02IENT POINT HAF�B012 PLAN V/EW GRAPHIC SCALE 1•=10' 10 5 O 10 PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION 7-172020 NY DEC LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ®� DDITI NAL SHEET SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK KEIT WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR 0011, �O� DATE APRIL 8,2020 U 0 C K 0 , � �� APPLICANT. RIAD.G. r 1 w Cr AGENT SHEET 4-A OF 7 r _ 4 ©OCKO, INC. SFO 66869?.'N �,�� Keith B.Nellson,PE C 0 P O' S9+ Mystic A'90 ,CT 06355 PEOl�P� 860 572 8939 FAX SOO 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.7/21/2020 203 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 4-A_,Additional_C dwg BULKHEAD HARBOR OIL ABSORBW OAT MHW OM(7YP) WATER ELEVATION TURBIDITY CUI2T.�.1 N VARIES and OIL BOOI"1 DET.g1L WEIGHTAND/OR ANCHOR TO BE GRAPHIC SCALE 1•=5' REMOVED with TURBIDITY aARRIER TURBIDITY CURTAIN UPON URTAIN MIN LENGTH= ��} r"a >I =1 COMPLETION OF WOPK DEPTH Cay MLW+5' P LI! it ANCHOR PYO J U L 2 7 2020 / WE rH TO Burr CURTAIN TOE ' R COSI MONS u WEIGWT � SCt:iiiCld lc'J NEW aarafTr r-, d BULKHEAD ��;��'y) (�}]�' {• ' �3`i\'y�'ty,y,�•i`.i iV S rr �J,h,vi" 'Qty.6�•'•SF. .y Spl `Rjfr `H i Y __ SUFENDER f"f V TILE Alb 4'e4.'."''. S+7'`.v-�'V,(• n1CyNa.�'h •tr M1� ,., ;°�`''.r. 'i.`y'rtc.�': ' sl'�h~=.)''�C"n+s..',xr: .,tyf3rbtrr.i.'ttar"•,'%�i'rrf..'y;�t':�"C.,.. "ti',•+�, "S+ i4 s vr.y' rTl�Y-� Q i �1r'h,°r ria A r ycMV4' �, >i';b� h,w : � `'on�.?4F;,wO.,�+•,y�`.•. :+a-y. ri•' • /��.•;•`t�,��,�,y�','���i'4 c-/r{� ��•,�!.a�s""��'-L�r,�-��,`.r,�`'�,�'V''� M yes r�.,ly' .2�hrr�'r' l y t p) :� arti ea,• �k''a^,-:aG=�w'v-r .�a•a:•:es+;.'�ti^J'�r,_'`;• 3�.:• �i`,'S•�:+��b��'-�N' 'i•��:'t;"a NEW SAFETY RAIL ALONG BOLT LADDER TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD TO BULKHEAD TOP EL 70&FT(TYP) ,- NEW BULKHEAD L GAP(n'P) F•XCAVATE FOR NEW --�—�—SUPPORT/FENDER PILE(TYP) NEW STEEL BULKHEAD-BACKFILL I SEE DETAIL,SHEET 7 SHEf=1'PILE(1YP) AND COMPACT 4sFT I I ;; AFTER INSTALLATION SEE SHEET 6 EXISTING BULKHEAD '`^=•,as�r` F'^' 1';:x•r.'4a,�ny::,:^:sn-'�c;..•;;' I SUPPORT/FENDER PILE TO BE j,u. '-i .4 i^:'i�yi; .Ja?• .�•'•• t••v,,:.✓s:�,•t� I I I I REMO v�. •r ED✓� ;i BOLT LADDER MStJ•'• v h;..c .•,"'..rxve:i'S,`ty..�`i.:''t^':1 /4� I I TO WALE CrYP) ^•a''^�'..n'��'t.:}.a•��Y,ry s�P�7;}f\'ti.'1.•.rd: y �I `.`•*;,': ;'..",:..�,}'::<f:r}'"•,.``.:'^M:•.,°y�,.1�'.%�,a;+,�tis,"£�ti'i,''�',`r��t..3,�.z�^�'`'.;=�" I EWSTEEL BU LKHEAD WALE MLW O.O NEW LADDER ,`?',"�i";,° r..;,r ��; ''Y;• /,I EXISTING BULKHEAD WALE with -ANCHOR POINT "T' ,F ? ^,'�; '' •: '_;�,' ;: - I I ANCHOR ROD TO BE REMOVED(TYP) r AS NECESARRY "t`:Ip',•Y.t`:-'Ta,'n' .tW Y,� q_,i..,f>��>` /)j I I '� ��"^'�n .y jS y'i• ='r✓?i"4^_ ,y ir; ^"'"' ,`y(,,• w"Y'.:1�"C r,..-a'w' ''rc`" ',.�..";."tz.'.=<:.yp �� O.O—APPROXMATEALWL �y' t��i✓�w1�1:^�.'� S;r:�.;rF�4i�''r}t'l:fl °'V.11 :,r ' r1,•.:;.,y 4 `; ,_�.a:'.::r /)I ;e '+ij" .BOTTOM SEDIMENTS; _EXISTING STEEL SHEET SAND GRAVEL:< ` ,' ,,e' l•� "y:' 'f'`• >y`e'y,e,•`i`.." ^''+':.",`:�- � `11' y,f.,7,",,��i q.k q :i'>;: '^:``•'' `:x;-.;-5sr , K ,`aY;;, -.'.;. TO BE REMOVED p}yPt a �t,;' `' �w. .t:� :. Fye^ ,,;s I f.y.r_ti'!n � �4�}_rir:uy.n'I fit,ri•'•;t';'r`•r :, .�y:i"•>�i••C,y;:``"`".,:, ., yatl^S }i ;tj",°lS1 p•y a`>"S fs,j'j`it ti: 'w'�'��.iti-•'.'ry:`}T�'�.ti» �>'y :'�••'y"�^' 'e�^�. /II I I =y A.:Y'•t '..y'jy'..i�''ty {Cyr�t..i I�i<: `},• a,,'?L M,}A•, '',':' .:. ::`r.. ._<; NEW STEEL SHE PILE ET ,,_:; F..:. •^ •r�,z=:-,�:';k',,,..-•�A.:�,,,wyq' i � LADDEFz OF THE EX1577NG BULKHEAD TOP EL 95tFT(7YP) DTiAI L ' 'y`ror.• iri,":y ty': "c'? '•�r:`'' I GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4' BOTTOM DEPTHS ALONG _A ` �, . :''w;rr^'}":t` S, t.„��;•r•�'t: :•; I I BULKHEAD VARY,DEEPER 4 3 2 1 O AT FERRY LANDINGS 4 r^� ', s,•y^titib��eNt•-,t �'`'`'�tys.� ,; � r'..,�.',^"T I I "' SEGTIONV','`''``' ` �_:;.•.,k:t.<s ;,sAND'gNDGRAVEL 'a fir, yp'``f r y'e• :'r`•�•C�^11. •:••.t',.i^+.t.y...a,•[''".' �. '. ._ t i.:..:^v h••; GRAPHIC SCALE V==5' :. �<; ;T;,; ; ,; ' r '; °^ ELEVATIONS ARE^BA5FU7 ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) v`� h�l�: . t 5 4 3 2 1 O 5 PROJECT BULKHEAD RESTORATION �,��-• LLOCATION. SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK ORIENT ORIENT'POINT-HAMLET of OF N��G9/ WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR ;'`•'��' I F16 DATE APRILS.2020 0 C K 0 APPLICANT RIAD.G. c AGENT SHEET 5 OF 7 DOGKO, ING. c �w 088692'}� aCz Keith B.Neilson,PE 0 R P 0 l O A9CFES310�A�� SOO 572 8933955FAx SOO 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL•of' Keith B Neilson,Docko Inc 7/21/2020 202 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 5-G dw9 J U L 2 7 2020 I I NEW 70P OF{{N DCKHF�D;E4 lar,I �_ BULKHEAD COMPACTED BITLIMINOUS Qoard of F;u !reg � RiKHE aOSTING PAVEMENT CONCRETE SUpFACEFIDC GOMPAGTED m'P) TO REMAIN 'A-1N r 2� BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SAW CUT BASE 21121N MAXIMUM EXISTING BULKHEAD k - o n t ti.dirr Mr r �� � _SUPP�ORT PILE ® y COMPACTGRAVEL BASE / I I I I CTYP) `95%PROCTOg DENSITY ro LST . �,,•,•. Y ,,•, i L�=1 NEW STEEL SHEET PILE(TYP) EXCAVATE BEHIND *NATIVE WKF1LL SUPPLIEP BY 12 IN LIFT NOMINAL EXISTING BULKHEAD�IYP) s. r OWNER COMPACTED TO 9556 PROCTOR DENSITY :a ; APPROXIMATE EXCAV TION LIMIT EXISTING STEEL SHEET PILE-REMOVE �;� i e�' 6F,ry 3.P�a,S��,.pw� L .• ,`,.i�a'``o 4•.�6.�• g[ +�.,_Yl�l:§� �•�t r I ::i >'P :4)S'S df.ia %A e. 41 GRAPHIC WEST BAGKFIL_L_ DETAIL_ GRAPHIC SCALE V=4' 4 3 2 1 O 4 NEW TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD EL 01T II COMPACTED BITUMINOUS COMPED CONCRETE PAVEMENT BITUMINOUS INRETE EXISTING PAVEMENT BASE 2- UM d REMAIN SAW GUT 2-1/2N — J/, �B•fUpLTKHEA/D•�yp raaN LJFi 18 N • ,6�1 uFf I I EXISTING BULKHEAD 5UPPORT PILE TO BE •�. . .•. . c ce,r SIN LIFT �i I REMOVED(TYP) COMPACTED GRAVEL BASEro-N UFT LIL 9,5%PROCTOR DENSITY 6 N UPr N5 &"N LIFT ( SH FET LE(]YP) I I EXCAVATE r,j, '9 '"� t� ;°�,• ,;NATIVE BiAC'KFILL SUPPLIED BY 124N LIFE"NOMINAL BEHIND EXISTING ^ '" •�CNJNER COMPACTED TO I TY BULKHEAD(TYP) .• ,6+� xiq, a,{ 95%PROCTOR DENSII I L7(ISTING STEEL k• rr , APPROXIMATE EXCAVATIONUMIT SHEETPILE TO BE REMOVED oyn P' + 4��.. . '�•�v� -.�:.:a 9������ •e..�.'•r.;3�`1 3, �'+. r�r •a•�. � _ �{�..d'rfw�s.';:r� .,'.7�rj;:�,'} k�.�s*'.�'s;>• F',4�T B�.GKF1L_L_ DBT,�IL_ GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4' 4 3 2 1 O 4 ELEVATIQNS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER K%0 PROJECT: BULKHEAD RENOVATION LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT N SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR �EBTN DATE APRIL 8,2020 0 C K 0 APPLICANT PJAD.C. q ' 06ENT. SHEET 6 OF 7 DOCK0, INC. �� C? Kelth B.Neilson,PE 0 p, 06869'b'� <t� Mys"C'CT 06355 R P 0 R ®A9®FE891®��� 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 Kelth B.Neilson,Docko Inc.7/21/2020 201 PM Drinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 6-C dwg t ' ECE � '{� NnEEL'nF,0P:F f64N DIAMETER DRVEN J U L 2 2020 SBOLLARD PILEALONENMRLINE OF EX►STIg____� f-IN CHAMFE PIER-LOCA71F ToA�/OID PIER EVGE SUPPORTALTERATiONS(TYPICAL sm'!thold Town EXISTING 12-FT WIDE OFTWO) gfF :ONTAINMENTQAN 5 Bo; 'Tres;e.s PIER TO BE 64N DECKTO PREVENT PI REGON57RUGTEDA5 CLEARANCE GIFT SAJTTIN55(7YP) NECES� Y FOUND PAMPSLIPAND PILE YI BULKHEAD EXISTING SUPPORT _ BUMPER PILE(TI PILEAv N ) RAMPSLIP BUMPER PILE lIVVEEGG lox 10 CLAMP(1YP EXISTING GR055 B RffpLI AS 1-1144N GA�vANaw TIMBER SOLIS wHh NN COUNTER 43ORED(rI APPROXIMATE ALI Q.O 11111 BOTTOM SEDIMENTS:SAND APPR0AMA1EALWL .,.^1.;,!•,xJ;•S`r.x:..v::'t:rtJtFJ';J'�:PJ\:Yy✓kvY.�F•F'1'1:X',1PSt34'.J nrc.W �' y..+`'il"�_}'G 'tftj .z P •{` NEW '�.t.,..�<-:•; `—'-1-E'EL SOLL,AF�D DET�.IL • (SRAPHC-=CALE I��6ro 2—PIL.E F'ENI�ER L�ETA1 L FOP&LIAFTMLW 8 ° 6 GRAPHICSCALE 11e5' KING P1LE MAY NEW MULTI PILE DOLPHIN BES BOLTED CONNECTIONS 5 4 5 2 1 0 5 MTH.97T=EL PILE III THEN D WITH 1-INCH WIRE ROPE WOOD CHAFFING STRIP OR FENDER ON NG PILE( IMPACT BUMPER BERTHING SIDE WOOD OR STEEL FENDER PLE PADS(DIT TIRES) TWO PILES ASSEMBLY (Typ) BRACE PILE(EYP) WEARING PILES NEW STEEL AABULKHEAD TOA VERTICAL MHW ALWL 1 � #°1.',KDEP7HWT-V.R �i�?iP �'K� f� v� SULK I 'ARI ' "� 1 .J 1L 4��"e'' 7+•IrS�n.^.�•�Y� BOTTOM SEDIMENTS-11V GRAPHIC WALE 1'.5' rSAND and GRAVEL fy3�ti'y'`f i.+1 r x .3-i S;. 1, IC:2•Y,++� ":^:"v'�''1v°� x ti."�:',���c;'1gx%�?'�.�•.`$S�Si.I: 5 4 5 2 1 O 5 PILE DOLPHIN DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE I'=•K?' ELEVATIONS ARE EASED ON APPARENT LOU/WATER(PL.WL) 10 5 0 10 PROJECT SULKHEA0 RENOVATION SED 7-20-20 RIAD.C. LOCAMON: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ,`�® N GB/� EW STEEL RLE SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK �Q. D�KEIT BOLLARDS DETAIL WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HBO ARR vg DATE APRIL S.2020 • ,� 0 C K 0 � APPLICANT P.IAD.C. w AGENT: SHEET 7 OF 7 _ N DOCK0, INC. �O C68692-� h Ko B,Ndwn,PE 0 � Myth.,GT 06355 R P 0 R AAOFESSION�' 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12 3073 EMAIL•oHlce0docko com Kelth B.Neilson,Docko Inc.7/21/20201:30 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 7B.dwg III 11 77 6' i JUL72 1 11 129 99 46 ObsM C I FNOTES. 66 45 V 1. NOTES: UN L 1 112 Rk20.'4 (;� 79 -%V W Ill.'A TAW* 1.ELEVATION DATUM 15 APPARENT LD ATER(AL." I.... jq� 324 R.2rjj3 g -'-V 10 F,R 4S g 1' 4bb 03 j�V &PLUM I T %.d of BELL1.14,63 2!s21M 6r 2.TIDE DATA 19 TAKEN FROM 2020 NOAH TIDE 127. 211 � I LONDON,CT. 79v' SO /63 134 96 WR680REtJfPr 701"'y' 716 DESCRIPTION:INSTALL 2G52:hLF OF SHEET PILE BULKHEAD 1051 '1120J \_/��Flhe Pt 3.PROJECT DESC 105 1? -4,� 1,05 59 ai. %��, EXISTING BULKHEAD INCLUDING A NEW PERIMETER SAFETY PAL ...... ISO INSIDE AN Ey I M% 8: 7 55ft S My 133 pt 7 109 Ev, N rldnt Pt- :is P2 AND ASSOCIATED WALES AND SUPPORT/FENDER PILES.REINSTALL FERRYb6 Vi" LOADING RAMPS INCLUDING UTILITIES,COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS SCOUR lkwl—di V-S, 38- PROTECTION AND ACCESSORIES,BACKFILL WITH--40*CY OF STONE FILL FOR e.10ft '35 S Ofl,enl.` AV dRV % 49 48 0 THE RESTORATION OF THE FERRY RAMPS AND INFASTRUCTURE,AT AND h� 41 14n Be LANDWARD OF APPARENT(SPRING)HIGH WATER LINE. 291 -GARDINERS BAY, 4.PROJECT PURPOSE:THIS 19 A U.S.GOVERNMENT,RESTRICTED USE,FACILITY "-- — 'It. :,`, i 2- 47 9j. 42 �NW ak PROVIDING ESSENTIAL TRANSPORTATION TO A RESEARCH LABORATORY. THE 24 ORIENT POINT HARBOR TERMINAL 19 OPERATED BY THE U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. -30 34 —29/ 37 40 34 3 26 5.THESE APPLICATION DRAWINGS REPRESENT A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS 21 31 36 37 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT PURPOSES.THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.A TOWN/CITY BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED. REFERECHART:REFERENCE 2354 GRAPHIC SCALE 13c= 0 -aicw IN YARDS Lj ;2A. U-15 WO SITE POINT'' ORIENT POINT TERMINAL BASIN GRAPHIC SCALE V=4000 PROJECT. 81JI KHEAC) I 4000 RE-57'ORA770N moo 0 4000 PROJEC17- BULKHEAD P85 CRA77ON LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET OF ORIENT fN SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR KEIT DATF-- APRIL 8,2020 !D 0CIC0 . CO APPLICANT: U.S.DEPT.OF HOMELAND kr SECURITY RIAD.G. Cr AGENT: SHEET 1 OF 7 Lu 0 DCDGKO, ING. 088 N Keith B.Neilson,PE 0 P0 FQ 0699,* mys"C'CT 00335 A908W W 572 8939 FAX S572 756-0 DWO 19-12-3073 FES EMAIL-offlCeftockoxom - Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc,7/21/20:20 2 04 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead l.dwg F 1J � / 2020 J y h \ CHAIN UNK J U L P \NS i RAIN \ FENCE POLE WITH uGwT PARKING and \ \ EXTENSIVE U71LMES / EL�GTRICAI-SWTTCH BOX O O TELEPHONE CABLE \PHONE / YDRANr 0 11 W 5� % RAIN \\ \ STORM DRAIN LINE L1T1LtilES POLE TOP OF LIFT T HYDRANT EL--20.6 (jSWITCH BOX ELECTRICAL HFYDRANiS\ 1 TRENCH DRAIN T OF LIFT T PANEL p ® { / PORr�MTH PHONE CAB � P OF T � 'a J to FENDER PILES(TYP) / h� G 18+'CMP INV.. \ 7 I r— FARE STAN PE �9' W 24'RCPP IIW_15 a \ 1 o I "01ST POLE ) I O/ LE PARKING 9 � I W � � EXISTING STEEL \ o zBULKHEAD gyp) I O �--DOLPHIN(TYP) I' N C)RIENT I�OINT HAF�BOR C)EMAR 1 T"1ENT of 1 o I HOMELAND SEGUf21TY I TRENCH DRAIN EXISTING STEEL. BULKHEAD(1YP) O VOG / HYDRANT' \may yon / N � E�G�tgO� APPROXIMATE CESS FOOL LOCATION OF_�/ SUBMERGED GABLES) I S E STING S OIC BUILDING ELECTRIC CABLE NOTE.UTILITIES ARE EXTENSIVE FSI STl NG GONC7ITIONS AND BASED ON A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS AND MUST BE FIELD GRAPHIC SCALE;•_,o,;, VERIFIED PRIOR TO WORK SHOWN HEREIN. 00 30 0 60 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(AL-WL) PROJECT: SULKHE D RESTORATION LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ®� N G{/� SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK El WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR ON DATE: APRIL 8,2020CO OC K p � APPLICANT RIAD.C. W AGENT SHEET 2 OF 7 DOGKO, INC. - �F 068692' �� Kefth B.Neilson,PE C;O R P OA90FES510��� 572 9 9 FAX 860 572 7569 DWe 12-34-5678 EMAIL:of ice@docko com Keith B Neilson,Docko Inc 7/21/2020 2-03 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 2-B.dwg 11941 30 Glenn Goldsmith, President o��SOfFO(�c0o Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino, 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III y P.O. Box 1179 A. Nicholas Krupski oy • �� Southold, NY 11971 Greg Williams o Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 TO: U.S. DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND, c/o DOCKO, INC. Please be advised that your application dated July 27, 2020 has been reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of October 14, 2020 and your application has been approved pending the completion of the following items checked off below. Revised Plans for proposed project Pre-Construction Hay Bale Line Inspection Fee ($50.00) 1St Day of Construction ($50.00) % Constructed ($50.00) xx Final Inspection Fee ($50.00) Dock Fees ($3.00 per sq. ft.) xx 30-Year Maintenance Agreemg7ht (complete original form enclosed and submit to Board of Trustees Office) ,/ Permit fees are now due. Please make check or money order payable to Town of Southold. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. You will receive your permit upon completion of the above. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: TOTAL FEES DUE: 50.00 BY: Glenn Goldsmith, President 7 Board of Trustees Glenn Goldsmith,Pr( nt Michael J. Domino ; Town Hall Annex John M. Bredemeyer III 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas Krupski P.O.Box 1179 ' J Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams ` Telephone(631)765-1892 _ Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Completed in field by: f• ,(J 04 G►' Docko, Inc, on behalf of U.S. DEPT, OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to install ±262 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead including a new perimeter safety rail and associated wales and supportlfender piles; restore the east face of the central wharf=by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so, with a new tie-back system; existing fill (approximately 2,000 cubic yards) will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors; this work will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines; the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by "Plum Island"; reinstall ferry loading ramps including utilities, counterweight towers, scour protection, and accessories: backfill with ±300 cubic yards stone fill for the restoration of the ferry ramps and infrastructure, at and landward of apparent (spring) high water line. Located: 40550 Route 25, Orient SCTM# 1000-15®9-0 CH. 275-3 -SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=� Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: I II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Surveys 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: �� oZ I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: Present were: J. Bredemeyer M. Domino G. Goldsmith N. Krupski G. Williams Other F. 77 33a`67b', JUL 2 7 202 129 119 46 G 142 • NOTES. ap N ItIAIO SOOND 66 45 1.ZT10t, 12 Rk20_ 1.ELEVATION DATUM 15 APPARENT LOW WATER Qd�L" SOUdiOld R'2PG"' UTOANKN*9 \AO i'"Ab"1: 1�� "' '324 M '45, 103 F1 R 4S 4";� PLU I -Board fA IrinkuA BELL F1 2 1 6 m TIDE DATA 15 TAKEN FROM 50,NOAA TIDE 4 21 211 DE TAAB:�REFERZNCZ:NEW .'j, A A 79 LONDON,CT. ... ..... 1113 98 96 105 F 64ft 17M b'(28 wk88 ORIENT 70,%"� h 3.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:INSTALL 262*LF OF STEEL SHEET PILE BULKHEAD 1051 HORN In.Ft a 96 69 4-VmA'Cwp.55 ",21 INSIDE AN EXISTING BULKHEAD INCLUDING A NEW PERIMETER SAFETY PAL A�3 39 _- —.1; ao _. " 188 M, r 133 AND ASSOCIATED WALES ANDSUPPORT/FENOER PILES.REINSTALL FERRY 2i % ent pi, ar 109 LOADING RAMPS INCLUDING UTILITIES,COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS SCOUR PROTECTION AND•ACCESSORIES,BACKFILL WITH 300*CY OF STONE FILL FOR S S 38, -0e.........Ind 49 48 THE RESTORATION OF THE FERRY RAMPS AND INFASTIRUCTURE,AT AND '.N4ZR'N'2: 111L -z-6 41 68 LANDWARD OF APPARENT(SPRING)HIGH WATER LINE. % k'A I GARDINERS BAY 4-PROJECT PURPOSE THIS IS A U.S.GOVERNMENT,RESTRIC I USE,FACILITY '2 47 PROVIDING ESSENTIAL TP.ANSPo;zrAnQN TO A RESEARCH LABORATORY. THE da. j. 24 42 ORIENT POINT HARBOR TERMINAL is OPERATED By THE us.DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. 34 37 3 40 4 26 3.THESE APPLICATION DRAWINGS REPRESENT A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS 21 31 36 37 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT PURPOSES.THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION LOCATION f`�I�P REFERENCE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.A to"/criy BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE Rzamm CRART:12334 GRAPHIC SCALE 3(= OT3000 IN YARDS N X. V 4" ,j � t. SITE ORIENT POINT TERMINAL BASIN GRAPHIC SCALE V=4000' BULKHEAD I 4000 2000 0 4000 RE-STORA77ON PROJECT BULKHEAD 985TORA77ON LOCATION. ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT N SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY' ORIENT POINT HARBOR Y,.E I 0 DATE: APRIL a 2020 D 0 C X 0 . r APPI.ICANT. U.S.DEPT .0 -j OF:HOMELAND SECURITY P.IAD.G. pr AGENT. SHEET 1 OF 7 0 DOCK0, ING. 86 MY40 Keith B.Nellwn,PE 0,R P 0 it c,a 003 FESS 800 572 893955 FAX 860 5727569 owe 19-12,3073 EMAIL-offlce@doclomcom - Keith B Neilson,Docko Inc 7/21/2020:2 04 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 1 dwg - / �L� 2(]2� P y�NG c� \\ FENCE LINK RAIN FENCE Z — \ I S -{� AWA\PE \ POLE WITH / LIGHT PARKING EXTENSIVE UTILITIES P�12 s LE EL5I / / 07RICAL GH � � TELEPHONE CABLE \PHONE S � /' RAIN ®\\\ \ \ STORM DRAIN LINE r�I, , TOP OF LIFT T HYDRANT UTILITIES POLL EL,20 6 \V110 0 C,SWITCH BOX ELECTRICALfYDRANTS\ I TRENCH DRAM T OF LIFT T PANEL ® I� CAB P OF T PHONE POR`fABLE 'a WITH OUTLETA ` 5 / E 1 FENDER PILES 0'yP h G _ 16 CMP INV�3 PARE STAN PE o D o� ' —HOIST POLE o) L PARKING U? I I W EXISTING STEEL BULKHEAD \ PO o z MM) I --DOLPHIN(fYP) �' N �RI�NT F�OINT h-iAl2BOR DL�I�Af�I"h�11�NT of � 1 o ' 8 HOMELAND SEGUlzITY I TRENCH DRAIN EXISTING STEEL BULKHEAD Ml:-) O VOG / HYDRANTQ / Gold. APPROXIMATE CF-55 POOL LOCAMON OF SUBMERGED' CABLE(S) I 5 EXISTING SHOW BUILDING ELECTRIC CABLE NOTE'UTILITIES ARE EXTENSIVE EJGlSTIIVG GG7/VLDITlONS AND BASED ON A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS AND MUST BE FIELD ;;�,,��;�SCALE ; VERIFIED PRIOR TO WORK SHOWN HEREIN. GO 30 0 150O ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) PROJECT: SULKHEAD RESTORATION LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ®F N SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK El T WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR ON DATE' APRIL 8,2020 0 C If 0 APPLICANT P.IAD.C. ; 9 C , w AGENT SHEET 2OF7 DOCK0, INC. 2 Keith B.Neilson.PE 0 �. �sss92• R P o R AROFES510� Mystic,CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 12-34-5678 EMAIL• Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc 7/21/2020 203 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 2-13.dwg NAPPROMATE PAVEMENT -7.0 — J `! J U L CUT'LIM(T 2 7 202 P NG NEW 776-eiAGK`• ANCHOR AREA NEW BULKHEAD p �n .%;, i5. UPPORT/FENDER PILE(TYP) I i � EVV STEEL BULKHEAD WALE /5 N-10 ALONG TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD 60- NOS N�ySTEEL SHEEIIalLE BULKHEAD TOP EL is ray NEW STEEL 5HEET7alLE ,EXI NG LOADING RAMP TO REMAI 7 ULKHEAD BELOW 0 _ BULKHEAD RAMP M P) �� �b TO BE REMAIN NEW CONTC UR FOR ELEVATED o EXIS nNG BULKHEAD i ,�RAMP TRANSI110N GRADING TEEL SHEETS and WALES RELOCATE UTILITY VAULT ;�; _ ' EW UTILITIES _ TO BE REMOVED My P) :.. _µ_ _ _ EXISTING BULKHEAD .... NEW��U71':LITI:•ESS�. •r Y ' `T* 6�3 SUPPORT PILE TO BE NEW SPOT RELOCATED(TYP) GRAPE CrIOI • _e p N RAMP HOIST - RWEIGHT TOWERS �-RELOCATE `SEE PLAN VIEW DETAIL SHEET 4 =y e` FENDER PI TEMPORARYANCHORED 7.0- RAMP � = °� TUR8101TY CURTAIN LOCATION and A7TEN� I� CONFIGURATION TO BE BASED RELOCTE RAMP WVLL ON CONSTRUC77ON LOCATION and ASLI XA7'ED NEW STEEL 71E-OFF PILE NEW BULKHEAD COMPONENTS 5rFTWFST LOCATIONAPPROXIMA7E SLIPPOE(lYP) NEW RAMP HO T " 4\ NEW 16-IN�SIEEL PILE BOLLARD C� ` COUN7ERWEIG 29fFT FROH PACE OF NEW BULKHEAD NEW STEEL SHEE7`P1LE TOWERS NEW ow- STEEL PILE BOLLARD BULKHEAD TOP EL 10.0.ta� 6OtFT FRdM FACE OF NEW BULKHEAD NEW UTILITIES cp 00STIN5 PIED'TO SE 'CMP INVo43 \ RECONS AS NECESSARY E93 -�--�-� 24'RCP INV 15 O LENT P6?1 NT HAIEB�JJ2 EP�F�T�1`�IENT c7f I HO EL.ANI� ICY m rr � \-Scup � m EXISTING STONE REBUILD PHINS WITH NEW STEEL KING PILE `� a NOTE:UTILITIES IES ARE BASED O ISL,AN "av%l COMPILATION OF SURVEYS AN MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO -GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=30' WORK SHOWN HEREIN. 30 20 10 0 30 ELEVATION5 ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER KWL) PROJECT BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 7-10-20 DEC LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ®� ULKHEAD ALIGNMENT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK 7-20-20 RIAD.C. WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR 000 EI NEW STEEL PILE DATE: APRIL 8,2020 0 C K 0 UTILITIES APPLICANT RIAD.C. � l W AGENT SHEET 3 OF 7 _ -- 4 IDOCII INC. �^ NCO 0 69 A � Kelih B.Neilson.PE 0 R PO A90FES940��� 8x60 572 890 39 FAX 860 372 7569 DWG' 19-12-3C73 EMAIL•ofAce( Keith B Neilson,Docko Inc 7/22/2020 958 AM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 3-1-dwg I I BRESTING BOLLARD RELOCAI rED WEW49tE5FdUWLVALE-1 (LOCATION MAY VARY)TYPICAL OF FOU NEW BULKHEAD L FN7EWTEEL SHEETPILE _NFVLL c► �i GESS Soullteltl'SWEETPILE BULKHEAD RAMP RE REPLACE TRAFFIC _EL70.0e- i ,NEW BULKHEAD BOL - cz~ SUPPORT X 8. _..x s -y= /FENDER PILE(ly luEXISTING STEEL NEU/RAMP HOISrALIGNI`'I�NT BULKHEAD and WALES NEW BULKHEAD -s= ` _ T 9 -`=`' BU K REMOVED LES -4.:�'x�ti:�'�^^c'=e.-T_—=Tom'=���'�`�. RAIL s.:_r;=<_DCISTING L OADIN ' i i -0 NEW --' RAMP TQ REMAIN,.=ti i i EXISTING,BULKHEAD COUNTERWEIGHT K=-nY _: _ ;.,__ • i �O«1 UPPORT PILE TO BE U" Com) LOCrATIb g;___ j,a.; AM' rte=:�`= RE N ��5fz_ =�'� =� -_=,;, ;>��;�:�,Y_ � MOVED ' e5UFfiORT PILE(7YP) Nr Hr EXISTING FENDER PILE GROUP NEW 12-FT WID _ _- ___ ,° __ "..-" ___ d p ��Y_ ;�:,_::;mss_:_;`- - - AIR OR AS X 56LF PER �, -__=_ v='TMya ?--Y�y REPLACE F` = NECESSARY EXTENSION ro _ _=- r_,,--;,wlm==- Com) - :`_`N J NEW STEEL PIIS RARYANCHORED te;= '�°;-__--`., �'iLMPO SHORE u�;}:'-- '_E_"" TURBIDITY CURTAIN LOCATON and UPPORTED RAMP H015T =_ COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS CONRGURATION TO BE LVED 5TEEL - ON CONSTRUCTION LOCATION BULKHEAD EA EXISTING LOADING RAMP N BULKLIFT BEAM TO REMAIN and W i EXISTING FENDER PILE b GROUP(lYP)TO REMAIN 5TING PI E12 -REPAIR OR REPLACE AS TO REMAIN NECESSARY ° REPAIR AS NECE55ARY PLAN V/EW 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=10' ORIENT POINT• M. 10 5 O 10 NEW COUNTERVUEIGHT��==��_�_-� CROWN -� :T:" CONCRETE FILL EXISTING F 6.0 = DUSfIIVG BOLLARD = LOADING RAMPE 34N DIAMETER RELOCATE TO BE RFSET Fk --GALVANIZED BAR (TYp) -='Y --5=___� °�_ NEW 12-IN 5CH 80 A - ' - COUNTEFZWEIGHT rvAVAN�APE F9� NEW 57BEL , -SUPPORT PALE . DETA1 L wrrH CONCRETE -= _ FINISHED GRADE NEWBULKHEAD }'G ICE 1'.5' t, RAIL 5 432 2 1 O 5 NEW G- 5-FT SQUARE BULKH 1.0 = BOLLARD BASE - NEW STEEL NEW CABLE NEW SOLL.ARD - _-'``_.:y WALE SHEAVE(7YP) , -__ OETAI L GRAPHIC SCALE 1•=10' REMOVE.®05 -____ HHALES 10 5 O 10 RT PILES f PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ®� SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR KEI DATE: APRIL 8,2020 • 1D 0 CIC 0 , CO \,5 � APPLICANT RLAD.C. f M: AGENT SHEET 4 OF 7 DOCKO, INC. ycp> Keith B.Neeson,PE C'0 Q.`S <"O ®sss��.� �•�� 860 572&9 P 0 39 FAX 860 572 75601 R R EMPJL• DWG 19-12 3073 Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.7/21/2020 202 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 4-F.dwg a� `\ Mk /rte, Omml • PwjEcT BULKHEADR55TORA770N LOCATION: ORENT POINT-HAMLET of OF21ENT / - SUFFOLK COUNTY, r- WATERWAY: ORENT POINT HARBOR • •<� • �� r - • r • DOCKO, INC. s Keh%5.Neilson,PE Mwflr,CT 06-355 ra. •, , � _-w 572 ag-29 FAX --r 572 756.9 , BULKHEAD HARBOR ► OILASSORSW OAT -MI-w- �OM(" WATER ELEVATION TU2BIC71TY CUI�T.�I N VARIES anal OIL BOOM I�aT,�IL WEIGHTAND/OR ANCHOR TO BE GRAPHIC SCALE 1'-5' REMOVED with TURBIDITY QARRIER TURBIDITY CURTAIN UPON CURTAN MIN LENGTH= 1I�1� p COMPLETION OF WOPIC DEPTH Q MLW+5' I!,lt, �`=, '"J 11_ fl J� ANCHOR(7YP) J U L 2 7 2020 11 1111. Wr7rH TO Surr CURTAIN TOE ' 19 CONDITIONS WEIGHT Southold Tei NEW oard of Tri',eos BULKHEAD SUPPO+�x5' grrmA}, r 'ter R, SNS ` rc- #Yw';� � v4 n,•1�,�� 'h�3_�a' .. .F � '� r°`'\rsy" "'r.�',�'�?+'F.�^^'Cine'a�j�i'Y"�.�4f•Y';,`•�,�•'i•`�7't i ., '�r'a���° " RTI FEN PILE (Typ s'�',`' A41 .•°• '.io-n,''L'°''K♦ a ''�':• iL� Fy, ✓I. 4d�i. Pito- (' 'r) 'k.'�2a�'q't., •�'�.._��_a•F'4saiCi,�c �t.>11�.5��� v-;'k"4���'•:�^�i'',':'•f'r� ;��" NEW SAFETY RAIL ALONG ~ rni ; BOLT LADDER TOP OF NEW BULKHSOD TO BULKHEAD TOP EL 100-7(7YP) r -1 NEW BULKHEAD ° GAP CT w) EXCAVATE FOR NEW —SUPPORT/FENDER PILE M-P) NEW STEEL BULKHEAD-BACKFILL I SEE DETAIL,SHEET 7 `� SHEET PILE('TPP) AND COMPACT 4d AFTER INSTALLATION SEE SHEET 6 r a i PSPPONR IV } rr ;=1 x, I SU /FENDER PI A y?+, oh:-1.^"„�;�e>;�':r., LE TO BE ' ws ti�r r , I REMOVED(7YP) BOLT R _ R• r iei• atiti'^'+'' 031 ^iti,-'•'v:'• r"-.�i{ �i'i��-i4,ssl� fT� �I TO WILE ) Tir"•"`, �:,'. ,r,. '�r�\�44t�. �f t I I EW STEEL BULKHEAD WALE ° ��„„A , ih�+,�fyw`1.rh >s'1-i�•y4�,.�^:cY^Z,�LAyiLY.'p'`-� / T1�BACKa 4 r I ;; MLW O.O yY`;";�T�.H�R�OD(f` f°�•a�„�s:� �///��� ° NEW LADDER '''r`” /'', ' u' ;:� n,.``'•^� '/I EXISTING BULKHEAD WALE with �. CH OR POINT� r�.tARRY u": •,^,'' ;.,', :` I I ANCHOR ROD TO BE REMOVED(1YP) r AS NEi "".r ,V\,•; "^,^'p�.k a,.. ,. ,,,,•,'fro.., '„+.,��, ,Ct.yrgi,�', _::'.`''4' iv i 'Y.G1,A a`i`t:•.1' �I I I � .. ly,.° i ^i.�Y .r, i� iiv'r`' r,NW I,.r>•<� .iy"<" ..,i'.:<”n ';. #� 'Sr'`II va �, t P(:O i.:��isX f"i•;; i"^,yS. 'y''�”, "''1.'-•'• Zf t 4r �. } '4�•i I O,O�' %3r1'^:� l 1_ F: �rrv.•; I —APPROXIMATE ALWI- ,��PY,s l >' _„`-? ",. .''"J•.: �. Y ray= ow r.: '+.d.ra'•.i: ? 1 i4`,a:%k•"„t• "rr�4. :.^t`V?;:: �.',�"'`,_t•x i )I =•ss :BOTTOM SEDIMENTS, ?tiy;.;! ,:; ..s :s:; /' I _EXISTING STEEL SHEET { r i' SAND It GRAVEL R14. t'.`. ),-• ;'•C.'1 '. 1T'4,.tt:.M- { i ii' i .y3 th.„• / ^. F'y� S.t7 h.•.r,,�,;i .4.' :. r <�. . ...,.•; I TO BE REMOVED MM Via' =g' ;�;,•y< �, xr .7 N•'VJ:'� :=:xr wi' `>„ .e4v'4Kt'�� ��' ;.:'•�r I I � f�f tl.n yL��p tf��iy {yr�rfl•ygjt•?1^J'_� '”��i :i tip`''°r'�.y T1;"•^r.y'r^"pY,Sr .•.i`,i,.•e3...��ti.� /II I I 11 A ,C�' r :.>w�� i.µ:"{V:��ii.t.�'�'�.s'`.Y'i NEW STEEL SHEET PILE L-Apl�El� DWARDOFTHE E)CLSTING BUI-KHEAD TOP EL 9.5tF`I'(7YP) Dl�Tia.IL f•* r:'x` - �,. ar> ;• �I I I GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4' ::a '^r:'•'`'':a =.ts^a.`',, BOTTOM DEPTHS ALONG ;<„ BULKHEAD VARY,DEEPER 4 3 2 1 O 4 AT.FERRY LANDINGS ^i~ae•' _ :.,;4z••;�"vw^V„�;'A:: .`�`••;,yy.� .0.a :. a �S , GRAVEL ,•�. lr^r�v,:.rr ,.•.Y4.;'(ra,,,it/.' ": �::+,.°r'"': Y S t,...F3�.S{i a :1�,a.'4n^.�'..`.n,l,.,i^i"1 '.'A,r'}•:�"}'"-••,: ,r,.+,�,. •R,d•�Y .^'ti','. Fc-"4 GRAPHIC SCALE'I'm 5' '^ � '`',` �,, ELEVATIONS ARE"BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) :,4 ti_., 5 4 3 2 1 O 5 PROJECT: BULKHEAD RESTORATION LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT qF NSP/ r SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR DATE APRIL 8,2020 0 C K 0 APPLICANT: RIAD.C. ¢ AGENT SHEET 5 OF 7qo• • 2 i 1�OCK0, INC. J' Cs Keith B.Nellson,PE 0 �. �O 068692' 1? P 0 '��90FBS910NQ�' 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc. 7/21/2020 202 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 5-0.dwg FFrj3) 'Et ru E t'll �f E J U L 2 7 2020 LIJ NEW TOP 0FNEJBV0KJ-�,,..ELT!1p oar , s - NEW BULKHEADCOMPACTED 8"INOUS Bdkf�tLInEISTSrPAVEMENT CONCRETE Spk#ACE - COMPACTED -,UPPORT PILE(7-yp) TO REMAIN AF 24,2N -BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SAW CUT -3-N aA4SE aASE2-V2lNMAXIMUM EXISTING BULKHEAD suppogr PILE REMOVE OYP) Com GRAVEL 9596PROCTOODENsny LIFT ro-IN LFT NEW STEEL f ftSHEET PALE(rrP) EXCAVATE BEHIND .NATIVE LL SUPPLIED BY 124N LIFT NOMINAL -iwsme BULKHEAD o-yp) OWNER COMPACTED TO 95%PROCTOR DENSITY XIMA-f E fWCAVAVON Lil E)osnNry STEEL SHEET PILE-REMOVE-7-MP) VVEF-IS7 BACKFILL DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=4' 3 2 1 0 NEW TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD EL COMPACTED BITUMINOUS COMPACTED Z CONCRETE "ENT BITUMINOUS G�ON RETE EXISTING PAVEMENT aASF 2_ 140 REI'AINI [SA BULKHEAD ;RT PILE(TYP) 6 OV LST y"uFr 1844 EXISTING BULKHEAD 64N LIFTM) PILE TO BE REMOVED MM compAcreb SN upr "UFr DENSITY NEW LIFT 15HFET L.E rryp) " EXCAVATE BACKFILL SUPPLIED BY 124N LIFT NOMINAL BEHIND EXISTING OWNER COMPACTED TO BULKHEAD(TYP) 95%PROCTOR DENSITY ee-nNC,STEEL APPROMMATEEXCAVA770NUMIT SHEET PILE TO BE REMOVED(TYP) A GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4' 1 t=4 4 3 2 1 0 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(AL" PRO.15a: BULKHEAD RENOVATION LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT f N SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY- ORIENT POINT HARBOR 0- C JC 0 jK(E I DATE: APRIL 8,2020 APPLICANT PJAD.C. a: AGENT SHEET 6 OF 7 ul DOCKO, ING. Keft B.Nellson,PE 0 mysmc,Cr 06355 --%.-p 0 660 372 8939 FAX 860 SM 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 Keith B Nellson,Docko Inc.7/21/2020 201 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 04---dwg • Y E0E� , 'k-/ a 16-IN DIAMETER DRIVEN I' Ll I JUL-2 2020 771 FAL07NOETEEL NMP?L NE OF EMT N�� I IN CHAMFE PIER-LAGATE TOAVOID PIER EDGE SUPPORTALTERATIONS(TYPICAL Sruihol l�r,:vn EX1571NG 12-FT WJDE OF TWO) g*Fl :ONTAINMENTBAN 5 0, Tn�strr� P1ER TO BE �CL164 �CE &FT T 5�NG PILE RECONSTRUCTED A5 Cn'P) NECESar-ARY FUND PAMPSLIPAND PILE BULKHEAD EKIST7NG SUPPORT _ BUMPER PALE OYP) PlLE�(TYR5C E RAMP5LIPBUMPER PLE 10X 10 CLAMP EXISTING CROSS 8 E 1-114-IN GAt,.VAN0V 77MBER BOLTS vft 1-IN COUNTER BORED('►YP) APPROXIMATE ALWL 0.0 VIII -BOTTOM SEDIMENTS.SAND gpPPCAMArEA-\M- :i:a.'F::.z,•:'••,x rY.s.':J',�:'.r'1:ti.:,ry'••!F`• S i ,t t,'•.:+ +}dl"i'• t s., L ' ' ,.�'�:r�.Cli�,x.��;,"cst4. a+t.�;�r��'�ie,1'; •� ;•:.�r�{'v�:;�;:�t�$, NEW STEEL_ SOL_L,Al2p DETAIL_ ' 6RAWIG,SCALE 1,�62—PILE FENDER DETAIL_ FOP EL 17&FT MLW 3 O 6 GRAPHIC SCALE V=a' KING FYLE MAY NEW MULTI-PILE DOLPHIN BE REPLACED BOLTED CONNECTIONS 5 4 5 2 1 0 s MTH 57T_EL PILE IIII THEN WRAPPED WITH WOOD 1-INCH WIRE ROPE ' CHAFF7NG STRIP OR FENDER ON NG PILE(T 1'P) IMPACT BUMPER BERTHING SIDE WOOD OR STEEL FENDER PILE PADS(OR TIRES) TWO PILE9 ASSEMBLY (ryp) BRACE PALE(TYP) WEARING NEW STEEL L TOA VERTICAL MhIW BULKHEAD ALWI- 1 1 u.,f,Gy,DEPTH'15�t=T—V[ARIES. ted`>f: s5.',.,' 4 SULKI—�1AC7 ;BOTTOM 5EDIMENT5 �1 GRAPHICSCAI.E 1' 5' SAND and rvPAVEL 1t .�'+ ,etw�N •��11 ��"w v Y, •a.d: a,.:�'L':"s,?1;:}<'�n i.�ti' " �'..,w�ac �t^'rx ,;� ry'1f:a•.C�%'��ci�: 5 4 3 2 1 O 5 7 PILE DOLPHIN DETiglL GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=10 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) 10 5 0 10 PROJEG'G BULKHEAD R5NOVAVON SED 7-20-20 P.IAD.C. LOCATION: ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT N EW STEEL PILE SUFF=OLK COUNTY,NEW YORK KEIT I.LARD5 DETAIL WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR Gj v� IOATE APRIL 8,2020 -n 0 C g 0 ss< APPLICANT: P.IAD.C. rw AGENT: SHEET 7 OF 7 DOCK0, INC. �O 06869?. cL� Kelth 8,Nebon,PE �'O ' AgoFESS10�P� Mystic, 572 89339E FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-123073 EMAIL•officeC�docko cam Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.7/21/20201:30 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 7B.dwg • , is . }} / r X• t r� *a c 1A 4z E F . 1 i - ar ;l�- u, rie astt x, 37 Jj,Lyb� `L.F�I,ff��..;A•�44A,�4GLL L4 �x f� ;A.a r' r a � d I P 'x v�i�,:�tt U iFF t �1 3 „4 i i4 h J � h F / 3 I 3 b� X d 6TM1i .,I1, *�k't.� 4 r Aaa�aaaaa4��; it Sk aa�VONA' aAaaAAV .-� , ►'�. ������Aa Aar li 4 i wx _ 6 t T 14 A `ry � s A 3 !°ta' IARMJ.i,.�e.r�,..f1 ,. - k i s I La r t 01, X f4 �i f ysd i,k ' . �f u d,ll 1 • y R z: i' s tt��t�IIII � .. _ oil , At 44 Mp. +r 1 t+t _ - yft 5� ;, '���'6 +��e�' _ 3 � � 1 �i.. 4 . ;, ;\. �.$ .. R.f��..+ �=.5 . i _�.._.� _..rte � I� ;'�+;..� ._. ._. "�,,?• �. as .t�.i�Wa'kl�.''. a 1 �. r sn �� � L��.� >, �"n+ 't � �yy q8 '� Y gds *R;. "�, { R r 1 h .t� ■p� : . 2; � � . . 9 ■' t � � ^: ,» � \ - � USGSU.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR •.K�.ws PLUM ISLAND QUADRANGLE JUJ U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M> wYORK-CO►.r US Topo KE T.S NINUTE E FS naw �LMI9' Mi'! 32 17 31 35 16 h H » 40 90" A N N N be Q 6J K 66 N 65 N w66p N u i 63 i Y 63 N 60 f/ 59 se 56 v i y 31 32 33 3K 33 --- 36 A 30 39 40 *43—[ -^ n.ifpa' n199D'��tiw' neawa 6w u.�ma 5btw—We s— SCALE 1:24 000 �I .a6a.EwR6unax .. ,,N �M ..__....__.._.__. ............. r�iw •.�..r�M n" xw �«rt• .,,.w�..uo.m�w+�ii�wwriK�.R�.+,.a..n F-M PLUM ISLAND,NY,CT uw.aenn 30t9 !l BnNc) UNITED STATES('.OVERM ' m COUmOFeuMX / `olG N' a _ >mam cowrywa ffaic _� OAa of Sam om 513)eaN.) 788m" awNsr of surtax soaeararvoac Al a ,� O .7A4.) yyy STATE OF NEW YORK 01. _____-___L___ __ amt ,y� .• pQ�< ------ V o i ----------------- --- --I 17 Tp ,wNcl OF �. *AV,_ _ TOS N ' SHELTER i � NOTe:Au w+,cE<s IN THIS ls D SECTION ARE u„oEPv+♦T ,ANO ExeAPr Pur�s,ANo ANU THE LOWD BEACH BAP LIGHT SECTION NO F SUFFOLK C K pertyOTaxSernceA Y ar Proc=F os �..a.a...�...�.. NOTICE CO •i.ifG� — w — wrr u.--,R Plvwr,wtl NY,tro, NI Realgena 132 --- e , w�.wc,te.c .NA OA lk Iloop OMAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex �' � P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 y Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Glenn Goldsmith, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, AICP LWRP Coordinator Date: October 7, 2020 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review of U.S. DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER SCTM# 1000-15-9-9 Docko, Inc. on behalf of U.S. DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to install ±262 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead including a new perimeter safety rail and associated wales and support/fender piles; restore the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so, with a new tie-back system; existing fill (approximately 2,000 cubic yards) will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors; this work will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines; the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by "Plum Island"; reinstall ferry loading ramps including utilities, counterweight towers, scour protection, and accessories; backfill with ±300 cubic yards stone fill for the restoration of the ferry ramps and infrastructure, at and landward of apparent (spring) high water line. Located: 40550 Route 25, Orient SCTM# 1000-15-9-9 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP policies and therefore CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following is required to meet Policy 6. 1. The deployment of turbidity controls during construction. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney Serving the waterfront community since 1987 P.O.Box 421,Mystic,CT 06355(860)572-8939 Fax:(860)572-7569, w p w� October 1, 2020 Mr. Glenn Goldsmith,President Southold Board of Trustees P.O.Box 1179 Southold;NY 11971 Re: U.S.Dept. of Homeland Security Bulkhead Restoration, Orient Point,NY Dear Mr. Goldsmith: In our application documents we inadvertently and erroneously identified the project site from ferry terminal restoration work at the Plum Island Facility,on Plum Island. The street address of the P1ADC terminal at Orient Point is right next to the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal; 40550 Rte. 25 in Orient, 11957. The tax identification for this property is 1000-15-9-9. I am sorry for this error and trust that this will rectify,the parcel identification for the terminal restoration project application. Very truly yours, OCO INC. Keith B. Neilson,P.E. cl Enclosures File: 19-12-3073 PIADC BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application X Wetland Permit Application Administrative Permit Received Applicati7.27zo on G Received Fee: $ Completed Application Q.Z•ZO Incomplete SEQRA Classification Type I X Type II_ Unlisted Coordination Date: (Date Sent) LWRP Consistency Assessment Form 90/o dD JUL 2 7 2020 CAC Referral Sent M- 0L aP Date of Inspection zol-7O Receipt of CAC Report Snnir,!J Tu,vn _ Lead Agency Determination: Board of Trustees / Technical Review: Public Hearing Held. / Resolution: Name of Applicant: U.S.Dept. of Homeland Security,Plum Island Animal Disease Center Address: 40550 Route 25 Orient Point,NY 11944 Phone Number: (860)572-8939 (Agent) Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000-132-1-30 Property Location: Ferry terminal at Plum Island (provide LILCO Pole#, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Docko,Inc.,Keith B.Neilson,P.E. (If applicable) Address: P. O.Box 421,Mystic, CT 06355 Mystic, CT 06355 Phone: (860) 572-8939 1 Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area(in acres): 10 (+/-) acres,harbor infrastructure Area Zoning: U.S. Government Facility, No Zoning Previous use of property: Ferry Terminal Intended use of property: Ferry Terminal Covenants and Restrictions: Yes X No If"Yes", please provide copy. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals Yes X No If"Yes",please provide copy of decision. Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date Our research has not found any previously issued Town of Southold permits for this site on Plum Island. No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? X No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF THE FERRY LANDING BULKHEAD FACILITIES. This project will focus on restoring the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/ tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 LF or so, with a new tie-back system. Existing fill (approximately 2,000 CY) will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors. This work will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines. The scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by the "Plum Island" A detailed description of the project can be found in the attached Narrative Statement. 2 Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York Mr. Patrick Moylan Director of Operations for the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES) TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CON CTION H REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. Signator SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 2020 Notary Public Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) I, Patrick Moylan Director of Operations, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center at 40550, Route 25, PLUM ISLAND, NY do hereby authorize DOCKO,INC,_(Agent)MYSTIC,CT to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on behalf of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center. P 4,rl, (Owner's or Applicant's si Board of Trustees Application THIS IS NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PROJECT COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? X No Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No X Yes If Yes,now much material will be excavated? less than 2000 (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? 2000 (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Existing bulkhead backfill will be removed by excavators stored on site and replaced upon completion of the new bulkhead and ferry terminal ramp. Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts to the subject property or neighboring properties reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed, including erosion increase or adverse effects on natural protective features. (Use attachments if necessary): There should be no environmental impact from the prosecution of this project scope of work. The existing bulkhead will be left in place while the new bulkhead work is be done so as to act as a project containment area until after the new bulkhead is complete. This is a heavily utilized transportation facility and resource are negligible issues. Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Preservation of the existing steel sheet piling waterfront infrastructure. Area of wetlands on lot: 0 square feet Percent coverage of lot: 0 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 300 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 300 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling: No X Yes If yes,how much material will be excavated?2,000 cubic yards How much material will be filled? 2,000 cubic yards or less Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: 6 feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Flat Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: At the first sign of overstressing in the bulkhead, backfill from behind the bulkhead was removed to a depth of 2 feet above MLW. The total amount of fill removed will be approximately 2,000 CY and that amount of fill will be replaced once the bulkhead repairs are completed. There will also be 500 (+/-) CY excavated from the work area and stockpiled on the site in order to facilitate the anchor wall installation. This material will also be re-installed. The material will be replaced using an excavator or crane with a clamshell bucket. The material will be dropped into position, re-graded by hand and small machines and then compacted using construction vehicles including bulldozers and loaders as well as vibratory tampers for confined areas. All of this fill will be contained within the existing bulkhead perimeter.There will be no soil erosion as a result of this backfill confinement. No special sedimentation and erosion controls will be required. Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): There will be no adverse effect of this repair and restoration project on tidal wetlands; there are no wetlands on the property at the Plum Island ferry landing facilities and only minimal sporadic tidal wetlands vegetation on the shoreline across the harbor to the southeast. This project will not disrupt bottom sediments, create turbidity or otherwise degrade water quality. PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: NOT APPICABLE,ENTIRE ISLAND IS OWNED BY THE US GOVERNMENT STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY OF NEW LONDON DOCKO, INC., residing at 14 HOLMES STREETSMYSTIC, CT, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the day of , 20_, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at MYSTIC, CT, that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. Sworn to before me this Day of , 20 Notary Public NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: US Dept. of Homeland Security, PIADC SCMT#: 1000-132-1-30 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: Repair and restoration of the ferry landing facilities including the installation of scour wall protection waterward of the apparent high water(spring high tide) line. 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Plum Island Harbor 3. That the property which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 96, 111, and/or 275 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, PIADC MAILING ADDRESS: 40550 Route 25, Orient Point, NY 11944 PHONE: (860) 572-8939 (Agent) AGENT: Docko, Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 PHONE: (860) 572-8939 Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 10:45 AM To: 'Docko Office' Subject: Plum Island Application Attachments: 20200924093724.pdf Good Morning, Regarding your application for Plum Island, attached is the information for attending the Zoom meeting which is scheduled for our Wednesday, October 14, 2020 public hearing date, meeting to begin at 5:30PM. Also attached is a copy of the proof of mailing. If someone could complete that form and email it back to me for the file at your convenience, it would be appreciated. As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to call. Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email: 1 1} Glenn Goldsmith,President ��g�FfrO(�CD Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino ��� Gy�4 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III y P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski h, Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams �,�Ol p! Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 24, 2020 t Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic,-CT 06355 Re: Board of Trustees Application of U.S. Gov't. Plum Island Animal Disease Center Plum Island, NY SCTM# 1000-132-1-30 To Whom It May Concern: You are receiving this letter as notice that, in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 202.1, this application is now scheduled to be heard by the Southold Town Board of Trustees, via videoconferencing on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 beginning at 5:30 P.M. Please continue to check the Town's website as the meeting date approaches for the latest meeting agenda and videoconferencing information. Also enclosed is an informational notice regarding the videoconferencing meeting and how to access the online meeting. Please mail a copy of the informational notice along with all other required paperwork to each of the,adjacent property owners. Please keep a copy of said informational notice for your records so that you can access the meeting in order to have a conversation with the Board during your application review. Truly Y r m Glenn Goldsmith, President, Board of Trustees Glenn Goldsmith,President O�QSUFFU(�COG ' Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino ,�� y� 54375 Route 25 John M.Bredemeyer IIIc g P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams '�,�, � 4N- Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WORK SESSION & PUBLIC HEARINGS WEDNESEDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 5:OOPM & 5:30PM A Regular Work Session and Public Board Hearings of the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES will be held on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 with the Work Session beginning at 5:OOPM and Public Hearings beginning at 5:30PM. Pursuant to Executive Order 202.1 of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in-person access by the public will not be permitted. Town residents are invited to attend the public meetings virtually via the Zoom online platform on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 with the Regular Work Session beginning at 5:OOPM, and the Public Board Hearings beginning at 5:30PM. The public will have access to view and listen to the meeting as it is happening via Zoom. If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone, there is an option to listen in via telephone. Further details about how to tune in to the meeting are on the Town's website at or call the Board of Trustees office at (631) 765-1892 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:OOAM —4:OOPM. Options for public attendance: • Online at the website, click on "join a meeting" and enter the information below. Zoom Meeting ID: 940 9551 1776 Password: 773148 • Telephone: Call 1(646) 558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and Password when prompted (same as-above). In order to "request to speak" when the application you are interested in has begun, please press *9 on your phone and wait for someone to acknowledge your request. When prompted press *6 to unmute your phone. To view the application files please visit: At the bottom of the picture on the main screen click on the second button from the right "Town Records, Weblink/Laserfiche"; go to bottom of page and click on "pg. 2", click on "Trustees" folder; click on "Applications"; click on "Pending"; all files are listed by name in alphabetical order. Click on the name of the application to view the file Glenn Goldsmith,President S�FFO(�-�' Town Hall Annex Michael J. Domino 54375 Route 25 John M.Bredemeyer III y P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams ��o �pr {Y Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of - - U.S.DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURITY,PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING THIS FORM IS TO BE COMPLETED AFTER POSTING REMAINS IN PLACE FOR AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE _ residing at/dba—D, , being dul sworn, depose and say: That on theday of , 20 Z0, I personally posted the property known as 9�w— `s/ate� �, ,n.a l ��s���7�✓ ��r i� � f, ��-�,.� by placing the Board of Trustees official noticing poster where it can easily b-e seen from the street, and that I have checked to be sure the noticing poster has remained in place for seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Dated: 10/ '-'N (signature) Sworn to before me this 13f�day of 0M 20,;Q0 L� t, y Public PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: 40200 Main LLC Att: Mary Harada 712 Fifth Ave, Floor 30,New York, NY 10019 Cross Sound Ferry PO Box 33, New London, CT 06320 Tara Donovan 107 S. 4ch St, Brooklyn NY 11249 Anna Pafitis PO Box 433, Orient NY 11957 Dan Nickola 4149 Ludwig Lane, Bethpage, NY 11714 Suffolk County Clerks Office 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY OF NEW LONDON DOCKO,INC. ,residing at 14 HOLMES STREET,MYSTIC,CT 06355,being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 6 day of October 2020, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold;that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at MYSTIC,CT,that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) registered mail. r- Q Sworn to before me this 7)1h Day of , 20 QO Notary Public v - r ----------- ---------- - - - -- I I o ■ ru KID 2P A L Certified Mall Fee -off -+5e° m Certified Mad Fee $3.55 S,eOC � C- $ `' $2 85 �,� ` ` Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee a� �p "(ate) �� G 43 Extra Services&Fees(check boy add fee Q tate) _ $ +�. i ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) - $ �'• []Return Return Receipt(hard 1�1{_fti�l Postmark V% t� ❑Return Receipt(electronic) ,$ 11T Postmark - Q �Retum Receipt(electronic) $ /�piT,r; - tP i Q E]Certified Marl ResMcted Delivery $ ! 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Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes ' ° • (1J • • cam If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No �m m ° I r . �► ew r .. t 't 2lettts N( 1(1,4 i3 l I. _ - M r l is i .. ....,. �) 6 0355 � Certified Mail Fee 5 55r C3 Cerhfled M- Fee ¢?�•55 i rn $3..t5 � $ 111) 05 - G3 i 0 $ // 6� Extra Services&FBeS(check box,add feepate) '�Tj C C rt.l Extra Services&Fees(check boey add fee ate) `v �. ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ �� - ��� 1 C7 I ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ : l It.—ull Postmark 00 1 ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ y•GG �� Postma a ❑Return Receipt(electronic) -$ $'( tif_I Here 11111111110 111111111111111 Ill IIIIII I 1111111 3.„Service Type ❑Priority Mail Expresso ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delive $ f ,,;.try Q ❑Certified Mari Restricted Delivery $ /�,� C�(� E:3 rysI°Et0 So{, Q []Adult Signature Required $ �t � pT ""' l� dultSi nature []Adult Signature Required $ Q �S.tiw•6° g ❑Registered Mall Restricted'❑Adult e Delivery ❑Registered Mail Restricted' Q ❑ irt�•tm� ❑Adult Signature Restricted Deilvery$ �Zo, I ❑Certified Mall®Restricted Delive Delivery Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage _ - 9590 9402 5642 9308 5990 66 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery 13 Return Receipt for o� Postage $1.4G a $ 1.4G iib/,202G ❑;Collect on Delivery Merchandise f1J (/ 8.1" Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Conrirmat(onTM $ G �D iotalPostageand ersgo SPK - - 7019 228p: 0g01 23, ]1 i t - Total Postage and Fees ! . i , Insured Mail' • ❑Signature Confirmation f7J $ '7•sG $ ��/- es c Restrict Delivery Sent To I _ Form eliyery I •f nsured Mal11R 'tri ted D ed ery (over$500) ; ___ PS m 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 II i` J Q Street an o.,/or(PC)Bo j�., )/ Q h ) �p - Domestic Return Receipt I r Pia® J cry,scare.zrP Il p , / - I k IAi v" I C' :me e e m mme•m• m m a m m oma e• , I ® , Q ®� ® ' ° ■ ■ ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A ignature r-q MEMO • I M •° • ■ Print your name and address on the reverse 0jDNtAAgent 1:0Q�{' r � so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee - • I'V Sidle mt!..., 1 r - ( �•'� '"mt - m Y m m- - B • • - • m q I ,... I.- 1 A Ill ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name C. Date of Delivery rl �t rr r,- ,. •_r r -Bro �:,�'JIt" 1 49 m ( ra ;£ p ) � Certified Mad Fee $3.55 5C (ti ti. tt Al > or on the front if space permits. M $ 0 6 Q Certified Mad Fee $3.55 S•� 1. Article Addressed to: II �'�' D. Is delive , dt�ess di nt from item ❑Yes rU Extra Services&Fees(check ba-add fee ,W:ipodate) �(, �• $ - 7 �f��e ❑Retum Receipt(hardcopy) - '$ L° Lilt - ; ca Extra Services&Fees pheckbo),add fee p ate) O �p•n _ ,.., If YES,ep`te�r'de Ivryaddre below: ❑No ❑Return Receipt(electronic) - $ P 5 ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ ' • _ ,� ��(', Q W r3 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ ��011lra��� O ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ 1 I � •^1 ^/•� � � �'`9 , r3 ❑Adult Signature Required $ AA0 El Call Mall Restricted Delivery $ ElAdult Signature Restricted Delivery$1-• �°• - 0 []Adult Signature Required $ • ���JJJ C7 i Q []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ - ( c�'�, Q Postage '�1•4G Q fQ Postage $1.40 Q Q 1 20 � Total Postage and�e!•$G IJb/2 - � i .� Total Postage and pep.8ll . Service Ty ' �Prior,y�ail Express 3!! $ _ E II I IIIIII IIII III I II VIII II�I II�II�IIIII III I III dult Signature ❑ i t�aced ailrm Sent T ��1 (� $ ❑ dull Signature Res clad Delivery ❑ eglstered Mad Restricted ` DWI ------------ �Q D- SentToT Fy �/l 1 ---UFP - - l.�L_J' / St tan Pt.N .or P� z o. - ed Delivery or ise /� - - V Cp �LA'( 1 17 - Q Street and- Box - � - 6 g 3 O fiedd Mail®estrict ery ❑Kellum Recetptf 9590 9402 5 42 308 5991 0 caw le Mall R Ci ate,zIP+ i `— - - --- t!1' 4 r 0 Q 7 ;Jr 2 :Ion Delivery R Restricted Delivery ❑'S Signature uredConfirmationT^+ l ® o scare r + 701 9 6 0 1 8 m m •. ° e m e m •e• 1 (l ( ► V r ! i : s i 8 e `IMail l1 ) e iv I ❑ 15 ature Confanon / Q1`T ❑Insured Mail Restricted D li ery Restricted Delivery I ° ° m :ee •. m - me erne•m -- •• - . PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-905 (over$5003 - Domestic Return Receipt NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: US Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center SCTM# 1000-15-9-9 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: 2. REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF THE FERRY LANDING BULKHEAD FACILITIES. This project will focus on restoring the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 LF or so,with a new tie-back system. Existing fill(approximately 2,000 CY)will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors. This work will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines. The scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by the "Plum Island"A detailed description of the project can be found in the attached Narrative Statement. 3. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 40550 Route 25, Orient (Ferry Terminal) 4. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, and/or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: DATE: October 14,2020 at 5:30 pm via video conferencing. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above-referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: US Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center MAILING ADDRESS: 40550 Route 25, Orient Point PHONE #: Contact Agent AGENT: Docko, Incorporated, Keith B. Neilson, P.E. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 PHONE #: 860-572-8939 Enc: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. 67 13711i 46 33"' Ob51n 142 \ 129 rky nk1'6-gs , C c\ w.S NOTES L01NG, ISLAND SOUND 66 454°�" 1 ELEVATION DATUM IS APPARENT LOW WATER(ALW) d" yob i 1,,,tta`; 112 1 a' R R G'J3 R�,6'%p 10 ' 8 BELL`�P R2.5921R5M ="1 6 2 TIDE DATA IS TAKEN FROM 2020 NOAH TIDE TABLES REFERENCE NEW 94 1"z,;;`y 211 AIky LONDON,GT „, % 2 v 7 1mol ni,1 ,1 113 98 ,7 31 1 96•?- 105 Wk66 .-6fi tiM h 7Q;:% •� �' 1�28. 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION INSTALL 262±LF OF STEEL SHEET PILE BULKHEAD los NORN 52 �� 1 0 Ile 59+4j'1?'1t WsferPonCJH:" 22 J6 INSIDE AN EXISTING BULKHEAD INCLUDING A NEW PERIMETER SAFETY RAIL — ""—s3s_MQar;- �tkyf� 1rGG� 18, 133 a AND ASSOCIATED WALES AND SUPPORT/FENDER PILES,REINSTALL FERRY +\21 iota' Want at j is iy�6 os LOADING RAMPS INCLUDING UTILITIES,COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS SCOUR t'9 1"t :�' / PROTECTION AND ACCESSORIES,BACKFILL WITH 300±CY OF STONE FILL FOR SITE pry 35 `� Orient `�"3 ®1 FR P6 49 38 49,.,,., THE RESTORATION OF THE FERRY RAMPS AND INFASTRUGTURE,AT AND n ),. p. Pm9e,I 41 LANDWARD OF APPARENT(SPRING)HIGH WATER LINE N "_ 7io7y�r15GU 114� 58 f2 20, GARDINERS BAY 4.PROJECT PURPOSE THIS IS A U S GOVERNMENT,RESTRICTED USE,FACILITY 2 .3 70/ 11 47 PROVIDING ESSENTIAL TRANSPORTATION TO A RESEARCH LABORATORY THE Haalllr ckRn51 5/10`16;` 24 42 ORIENT POINT HARBOR TERMINAL IS OPERATED BY THE U 5 DEPARTMENT OFgZgfft 4 - `s �' Al HOMELAND SECURITY 1 zo' 30. ';4'---'—._29 37 40 3a �- 1 3 5.THESE APPLICATION DRAWINGS REPRESENT A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS ^2t 31 36 37 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT PURPOSES THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION LOCATION I`'IAG REFERENCE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A TOWN/CITY BUILDING PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED CHART 12354 GRAPHIG SCALE 3000 0 3n00IN YARDS N - w eGO�/EIzNI`�IENT -'° ;.... .�JFZESTC2ICTED �.CCESS 1z OFZIE}N. =r SITE POINT ORIENT POINT _ \ TERMINAL BASIN GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4000' PROJECT. BULKHEAD 4000 2000 0 4000 RESTORATION PROJECT BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 8-21-20 DEEP LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ADDED SHEET SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY: ORIENT POINT HARBOR DATE APRIL 8,2020 1) 0 C $ 0 APPLICANT US DEPT.OF HOMELAND _ -- SECURITY P 1 AD G ® ® AGENT SHEET 1 OF 7 D CDOCKO, INC. w Keith B Neilson,PE C 0 R P 0 Mystic,CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL offlce@docko com Keith Neilson,Docko Inc 8/21/2020 231 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 1B dwg PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK 1 EXCAVATE AND TEMPORARILY STOCKPILE FOR REUSE,1000±CY OF SANDY GRAVEL BACKFILL TO PARTLY UNLOAD THE EXISTING BULKHEAD. 2 REMOVE TWO CONCRETE VEHICLE RAMP WELLS 40±CY OF CONCRETE OVER 500±SF EACH 3 REMOVE AND STORE FOR REUSE TWO 18FT X 24FT HINGED VEHICLE RAMP RAMPS 4 REMOVE 4 EXISTING STEEL FRAME COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRIC/MECHANICAL LIFT EQUIPMENT AND CONTROLS 5.REMOVE EXISTING WATER AND ELECTRIC UTILITY PIPING, CONDUITS, VALVE BOXES AND PANELS 6INSTALL 222±LF OF NEW MARINE OPERATIONS BASIN PERIMETER BULKHEAD AND TIED BACK ANCHORS, (PLUS 120-LF OF INTERNAL BULKHEAD LINING THE HINGED VEHICLE RAMP WELLS) 40±LF OF THE EXISTING BULKHEAD WILL REMAIN IN PLACE BENEATH EACH RAMP AS SCOUR WALL AT EACH NEW RAMP FACILITY FOR A TOTAL OF 262-1-F OF EXPOSED STEEL SHEETING 7.RELOCATE THE EXISTING WEST RAMP 5 FEET FURTHER WEST 8 INSTALL 200±CY OF WAVE ATTENUATING STONE IN THE WELL OF EACH HINGED VEHICLE RAMP WELL AND REPLACE STOCKPILED BACKFILL, COMPACT AND PREPARE FOR PAVING *INSTALL FOUR NEW STEEL PIPE PILE 12-16 INCH (TYP) COUNTERWEIGHT TOWERS, WITH COUNTERWEIGHTS AND MANUAL AND ELECTRIC RAMP HOISTS 10 RELOCATE AND REBUILD AS NECESSARY BRESTING FENDER PILE STRUCTURES AND DOLPHINS 11.INSTALL TWO NEW STEEL BRESTING PILES IN OR ALONG SIDE OR AT THE END OF THE WOOD ACCESS PIER. 12 REPAIR AND REBUILD, INCLUDING UTILITIES, AS NECESSARY, 12±LF WIDE OF FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER MAINTENANCE AND FERRY ACCESS PIER AND EXTEND THE PIER 5-LF TO THE NEW SHORELINE CREATED BY THE NEW BULKHEAD 13 REINSTALL ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITH ABOVE GROUND PANELS AS SHOWN. 14 REPAVE THE PARKING LOT IN THE DISTURBED AREA. NOTES 1 WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE RESTORED AND MODIFIED PIER AND WOOD FENDER TIE-OFF FACILITIES, ALL OF THE PROPOSED WORK WILL BE LANDWARD OF THE EXISTING BULKHEAD AND APPARENT HIGH-WATER LINE 2.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS, SILT FENCE, HAYBALES OR SCREENED SANDBAGS WILL LINE DISTURBED AREAS TRAFFIC BARRICADES WILL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY PROJECT BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 8-21-20 DEEP LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ADDED SHEET SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR DATE APRIL 8,2020 s D O C K O , APPLICANT U.S.DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY P IAD C AGENT SHEET 1-A OF 7 1 00IGO, ING. Keith B Neilson,PE 0 R P O R Mystic,CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL_office@docko com Keith Neilson.Docko Inc 9/1/2020107 PM Orinet Polnt Hrbr Bulkhead 1B-AddkionaI Notes dwg GRAIN PARKING'' co DRAIN \\ F NCELINK f-WATER PIPE \ POLE WITH LIGHT PAR Kill NG �C / EXTENSIVEUTTILI IES a�-\ �OLE s \\ OLE LW AND MH ELECTRICAL 5WITGH BOX 0 Q ALONG FACE OF I I If", BULKHEAD BULKHEAD PHONE b5— TELEPHONE GABLE STORM DRAIN LINE ® DRAIN TOP OF LIFT-f" HYDRANT 0 \ \ \ UTILITIES POLE EL--20 6 LE ICSSWITGH BOX ELECTRICAL HYDRANTS\ I TRENCH DRAINT OF LIFT PANEL ® I 1 m E 0 5 PRO L- E PORTABLE GABLE P OF L 7 �a WITH OUTLET E 204 TF TF 66 18°GMP INV--43 FENDER PILES(TYP) \ I TF1 800 \TF=67 I��FIRE STAND PIPE o Cil F24°RGPP INV=15 \ I o\ I I HOIST POLE ) I ' w EXISTING STEEL PARKING "? I Z BULKHEAD(NP) \ I � � � —DOLPHIN(NP) I ` 021ENT POINT H�.FZB02 DEP�.FZTMEIVT of I , H F=68 HOMELAND SECUFZITY I ' TRENCH DRAIN EXISTING STEEL BULKHEAD(TYP) f O VOG OLE p / HYDRANT y o o / N tcA 0c'IEti�CA- SS P0pl. E� G� cE APPROXIMATE GESS POOL LOCATION OF G CR N SUBMERGED GABLE(S) I 5 EXISTING SHOP BUILDING ELECTRIC GABLE NOTE UTILITIES ARE NE EXISTING COIVDITIOIV AND BASED ON A COMPILATION OF SURVEYS AND MUST BE FIELD GR'�rilc SCALE i°_00, VERIFIED PRIOR TO WORK SHOWN HEREIN 60 30 O 60 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) PROJEGT. BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 8-21-20 A.G.O.E LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT MLW it MHW CALLOUT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK PIER DIM WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR DATE APRIL 8,2020 O C K O APPLICANT P IAD G ; ® AGENT SHEET 2 OF 7 f DOGIGO, ING. �; �w Keith B.Neilson,PE O R P O R �` Mystic,CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX BOO 572 7569 DWG 12-34-56678 EMAIL of} Keith Neilson,Docko Inc 9/1/2020107 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 2-13 dwg �'I 1 Vy' y � rs, p, r _ - 14—NO j—tl Q 7 77 fi , �r g N, E OF HEAR"' ING NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN Mat a Public Hearing concerning this property will be held by the Southold Town Boar via the online Zoom platform. WN E -ISIPT RECORD_: U.S. DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURO-Y SUBJECT OF pw 114 HEARING: For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erasion Permit for R.w._ . Year Maintenance Permit to dredge Plum Island Animal Disease Center's Orifaart Point Harbor for the continued use of the harbor for passage and freight ferries essential to the operation of facility, hydraulically dredge Plumb island Animal Disease Center's Orient Point Harbor to an Qw dredge depth of-17.63ft. NAV0088 or 16 feet MLW(14` MtW talus a 2'aver dredge depth);4poi proposed for the use as beach nourishment at Orient Paint Suffolk County Parks Land, is determ applicable by the grain size analysis; up to 9,200 cubic yards of spoils is anticipated during the firs maintenance dredge event with a total not to exceed 29,000 cubic yards over te'n(10.) years,actitrt `ate anticipated under this permit were previously approved tender NYSOEC Permit#1-4738_001581000 9901-00005/00011. Located,40550 Routes 25, 4142 Route 25, Orient and 37..50 93.3-90 Poirr +3tr cy,oriem SC'tM# I1003-;1.5-9.9, 1000-IC -F.1, 1000-16.2-1 & lot)Lt.-Ea-2-2 -t3'AE & CRATE OF PUBLIC HEARING., 'W'ednesday, October 1=4, 2020-- at or about 5:3t)P �«Zr—re—the 7catattr .10 M*'e 009 pi0asO!,eye the mooting aigentia locaterf in ttea "rrustpes secti;rrr c>#ihr'Tcweli�ve�bsitc ;€yr>.,t h,-)VC.Ors+intera•st in this project,Vou,)rc..inviter)to view the #'r-wn file(s)thrvu, h the Scwthold*WO vik—the'lp ration fitea.,+ialeases visit: httiasz/�wway.suuthi�idtuwnrsy,#ttv At the bottQb'"Ofth.? S"Oew eiie.k arI the sereirsd buttrrn frar_n the.right `70wn Records, to ebiia*Aos> rhe gra to .snit mirk on-pe, z,';click on"TrttsiwFts''fratdrrr:click tars "Applicatiuros";f- Ck ern-'" 't►tifn,Y>;oil est pp t)v"'t-in al#ahaheticat order; Cfit[t on ee, " = E- appti�tin,t ft!vie"too ., n�€a care t°r�usTr. 5»rcawN%:,r 4�0t,3 aee,ef: ' Ic x?76Xtnr w� 3, w n r : � A . A' S , s' � Y a -� F: _ as tum Island Anima ^ _ Disease Center isitor,Contracto &Delivery n z �:+ ` Entrance�� � - `�. .,e&Exit t T i' ^� �•- 'Yy C - a y:{D• r. .��'' 7.:F .("1t` A t-t/ y -� ;a, '"�Y i. r • �'d`.�„e�xi -�'� d' k ,di �� C+„ �!f k_. y *Y' .. z.•xt 44 �s�' t / ,.e �f�f y ,yam .' t 4"„ s /-•' ;e`�}'. �. i' 'tF.: 4, `; _ ,, <1 ! a��"'rs ..""'�r"rg►wg wssrna.,.w.eww.h'.. ".o.:...:n..,.+C�.:'..we.....`�,w:v..wi++.e.�,.,w.+ � "'i �y ,. - ` �. f _..,_ ,• - _ .. \ Tq'• :.b ^� x^^-�r ems'— , y y 1 e VIM SKI turn Island AnimaDise ` ase Centerwp Contractor !t �or�+�► ; $ ,� . . Sc Delivery I 1 ,:+� ,� � ►, • � s' ` *i'�• ,•+ ntrance & Ex • + . . ,.or v �•t*4�;�+��� �+. .+ � ems•t.aL TUI � }pt' y�a� .. �;,n.���i � ,ka�, 't:. 1 �-,q,. ` sc i.. '! ♦y - ' !`kc.:��'�'� f - � a����a F:s� ��1^��"t�fire,:* <. t�i�°=C�����1'� �. +_v� �` - �., "�r 1t4� Y: r _♦ F xq' .. � - f � �h"r.Y ,�; .[., ♦'♦ !, �♦ R`"}t � F S -� is y t \ `_ ` T - f t (�r�'� �x� vr -� `^f��r�'*��y`'w� , . * '/' , r � F'' •� � k. .p{ t 1�`, :` � 4 •'t _ , +� •r 4'x �'?eµ "� a !hr"Ai h �' �i .. 'F� t •;` ji y'+r� � � �t\ ..s. _ 4 r 5a r, � � !�`x�'4°� � 10t� �• \� ° � t•�j +W3` ,w `\ y • a,,�. >'Ti T, et.g3 � , � � }� -:t � Tw �f• 1. t�' ti+'a `� ^ � `d� "�'}''� �pr± i�i'ir� (. t � � �'1�'_} �,3,. � �� R .,� r {ia L tRy�'tii�, +�}!_ � y .] .� i .{♦ r=,.,.. re. ,:�� F�� ♦} �r "'v� ���`t ,-ya^��`x. �� �r°..`._a, y � ,x;lF.:" } f if rv. . '7s7 . g}t x" .. -r# fi ` ;'♦ .., x; -.}. x !,jx. �.o.,, +a�, ,• NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing concerning this property will be held by the Southold Town Board of Trustees y � - Y f via the online Zoom platform. OWNERS}___ QF RECCtRD:U.S.DEPT.OF HOMELAND SECURITY,PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER 5 ,� SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to install±262 �•>< i t c 3 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead including a new perimeter safety 4 l i l rail anassociated wales and sud pport/fender piles;restore the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet v y piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so ' .i with a new tie-back system; IV..• ' existing fill(approximately 2,000 cubic yards)will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of the anchors;this work will be landward of the high tide and ✓ + r' mean high water lines;the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used b y"Plum t utilities,counterweight towers,scour protection,and acicesdsories;backfill with t30";reinstall ferry loading ramps arils stone ry� fill for the restoration of the ferry ramps and infrastructure,at and landward of app cubic yards stone water line. Located:40550 Route 25,Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-9 apparent(spring)high TIME&DAT- E pF PUBLIC HEARING:Wednesday r r � access the Zoom ,October 14,2020— ' meeting please see the meetinga sectiond in the Trustees about 5 wn webs t To You have an interest in this Project,you are invited t o view the eTown f le(s)through the of the Southold Town web le, +$ � '` To view thea application fileslease visit:https://www.southoldtownn .;�N y � ". ,� r main screen click on the second button from the right"Town Records,W bli k/Laserfiche ;go Y.90v At the bottom of the picture on the a _, �♦ 2 � +• ,j- - � - I ,: page and click on"Pg.2";click on"Trustees"folder;click on"Applications";click on"Pending" to bottom of tN� by name in alphabetical order. Click on the name of the 3 --- 1 ;all files are listed r BOARD OF TRUSTEES•7 aPphcation to view th •r �� OWN OF SOUTHOLD" e f8e. w� T" lo". 1631)76S-ig92 ik oft t�fa' IM Maim 44, 4 N APPROXIMATE PAVEMENT / i GUT LIMIT —70 PAR INC NEW TIE-BACK _65 ANCHOR AREA NEW BULKHEAD PA ® 2 SUPPORT/FENDER PILE W STEEL BULKHEAD WALE-J ?5- RAIL ALONG TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD 6 0 ' G�Q�� NFU/STEEL SHEETPILE BULKHEAD TOP EL 101-+ 65 / NEW STEEL SHEETPILE i s G STEE EXISTING LOADING RAMP TO REMAIN 7 BULKHEAD BELOW �0 TO BLI KHAI ADN WORK PHASE SEPARATION WALL RAMP(TYP) 0 NEW CONTOUR FOR ELEVATED EXISTING BULKHEAD RAMP TRANSITION GRADING \ 8 0 / STEEL SHEETS and WALES RELOCATE UTILITY VAULT (j\ EW UTILITIES TO BE REMOVED(TYP) v� - ✓ / EXISTING BULKHEAD ..... °' p 6 SUPPORT PILE TO BE NEW UTILITIES RELOCATED(TYP) NEW SPOTP p p _ GRADE(np) MLW AND MHW ALONG FAG NE\/RAMP HOIST OF NEW BULKHEAD TERWEIGIIHT TOWERS qsQ h� SEE PLAN VIEW DETAIL SHEET 4 RELOCATE/REPLACE �-RELOCATE p r FENDER PILES TEMPORARYANGHORED _ TURBIDITY CURTAIN LOCATION and 7O RAMP ATTENDANTS CONFIGURATION TO BE BASED BOOTH \ ON CONSTRUCTION LOCATION RELOCATE RAMS 7VvVLL \ NEW STEEL TIE-OFF PILE and ASSO( 'IATED \ �LOGATION APPROXIMATE NEW BULKHEAD COMPONENTS 5±FT WgST NEW 10-IN�STEEL PILE @ 25±FT FROM SUPPORT PILE(TYP) NEW RAMP HOI T �\ FACE OF NI�W BULKHEAD NEW STEEL SHEETPILE COUNTERWEIG \ NEW 10-1> STEEL PILE C@ 00±FT FROM BULKHEAD TOP EL 10.0± TOWERS FADE OF 4W BULKHEAD NEW UTILITIES \ REPLACE FENDER DOLPHINS AS REQUIRED \ EXISTING PIEf TO BE RECONSTRUCTED 18•GMP INV--4.3 \ AS NECESSA4YANO EXTEND TO NEW \ BULKHEAD AT.SHORE REBUILD DOLPHINS WITH 24'RCP INV 15 NEW STEEL KING PILE �1z1ENT PG�INT H�.2B02 12-16-IN(TYP) \ SEP'AFZTI"IENT of � HpMEL�N,[.� SECUr21TY BULKHEAD T BE REMOVED OR \ I m OUT OFF TO E WAY FOR EXISTING STONE NEW TIE BAG rO O NOTE UTILITIES ARE BASED 0 �L_AN \�/I EVA/ COMPILATION OF SURVEYS AN MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=30' WORK SHOWN HEREIN 30 20 10 O 30 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) PROJECT' BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 7-10-20 DEC LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT BULKHEAD ALIGNMENT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK REVISED 7-20-20 P IA D.G. WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR NEW STEEL PILE DATE APRIL 8,2020 0 C I{ 0 BOLLARDS�UTILITIES APPLICANT P.I AD G ; D \ \ v REVISED 8-20-20 DEEP AGENT SHEET 3 OF 7 f SEPARAATIONTIONWALL Q VV SL EDOCKC), INC. , w REVISED 8-21-20 AG O.E. Keith B Neilson,PE Mystic,CT 06355 0 R P 0 g p` MLW�MHW✓. 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 KING PILE GALLOUT EMAIL office@docko com DWG 19-12-3073 Keith Neilson,Docko Inc 9/1/2020100 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 3-L dwg N APPROXIMATE TRANSITION GRADE GHANG NEW BULKHEAD RAIL(-YP) NEW RAMP HOIST ALIGNM ® BOLLARDREPLACED NEW COUNTERWEIGHT 3,EXISTING L ` LOCATION ;':�S RAMP TO NEW GLEAN GRAVEL APPROXIMATE FILL 50±GY OVER 60±SF NEW ELECTRIC LIMIT OF TIE-BACK SERVICE PANEL ° 0 ANCHOR SYSTEM S (STING FERRY EXISTING LIGHT TO SUPPO PAVEMENT RAMP LOCATION BE REINSTALLED RESTORATION TO BE RELOCATE , x;: \ NEW 12-FT EW CONTOUR `. k \ X 5±LF PIER '✓. \ EXTENSION TO i NEW FERRY RAMP < '-f%t—' \ SHORE EXISTING STEEL EXCAVATE 35±GY a•` \�w,-r' `;r \\ 1F 7T� OVER 85±3F NEW STEEL BULKHEAD TO BE SHEETPILE ,REMOVED BULKHEAD TRAFFIC BOLLARD _ "£ TO BE REPLACED LIFT `c" � r '' f / '• F,�.N:' 'P{`aF � and WALE \ T BE REPLACED NEW RAMP HOIST "'•' COUNTE\EIGHT TOWER - �f j EXISTING FENDER PILE GROUP TO REMAIN BRESTING BOLLARD TO BE REPLACE V LOCATION MAY VARY EXISTING LOADING RAMP 'w� LIFT BEAM TO REMAIN NEW BULKHEAD �P EXISTING PER SUPPORT PILE(TYP) 5 REMOVE EXISTING RELOCATE RAMP WELL and BULKHEAD AS ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS 5±Fr WEST NEEDED FOR NEW ORK EXISTING FENDER FENDERS TO REMAIN PILE(TYP) RELOCATE AS NECESSARY(TYP)��I TEMPORARYANGHORED/WEIGHTED TURBIDITY CURTAIN LOCATION and CONFIGURATION TO BE BASED ON CONSTRUCTION LOCATION EXISTING BULKHEAD ALWL AND AHWL ALONG ] TO REMAIN FACE OF NEW BULKHEAD(TYP) m@ T OFZIElVT POINT H�.fzBOlz 6 o PL-.N \/I EW GRAPHIC SCALE V=10' 10 5 O 10 PROJEGT BULKHEAD RESTORATION REVISED 7-10-2020 NY DEC LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT ADDITIONAL SHEET SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK REVISED 8-20-20 DEEP WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR EXISTING BULKHEAD it DATE APRIL 8,2020 #ID O C K 0 . CALLOUTS APPLICANT P IAD.0 AGENT SHEET 4A OF 7 f DOGK0, INC. 'Yc Keith B Neilson,PE p R P O R Q. \� Mystic,CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL ofAce@docko com Kelth Neilson,Docko Inc 9/1/2020103 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 4-A_Additional_C dwg BULKHEAD HARBOR — OIL ABSORBENTLWATOAT T BOOM(TYP) ER ELEVATION U�BIp171' OU1zT .IfV MHw VARIES and OIL pETA1L WEIGHT AND/OR ANCHOR TO BE GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=5' REMOVED with TURBIDITY BARRIER TURBIDITY CURTAIN UPON CURTAIN MIN LENGTH COMPLETION OF WORK DEPTH @ MLW+5' ANCHOR(TYP) / LADDER WIDTH TO SUIT FIELD CONIXTIONS CURTAIN TOE 3±FT(TYP) NEW WEIGHTBULKHEAD SUPPORT/ �S�'y 4is.--.vPcy^`4 "s •" Yc,,..7.i.c•'`},�-�,^;..�^N __ :Tr�4,J,.:,_ " ;i;���°'r•.•.':��:,;i_: f:r4i%?;y_fi-`Y-"-���- -''^is<�:i::`• +C':=.wra�'w..-:�°t:. �`u,•N«I.;;:;-r' FENDER PILE +,<':;p„;�• • ,.,r1 �'.;" .a. >,, .:-.;, `t p• ,a_ r:: '';+`,:irr,..i,. : (TYP) -'s`y ,V43+�.•.`.•F�F,-.....-,`,h��4,a „--..'4�.�n``y""ro� S,,.. _,.::Com•-`-H'`-wi.=ter;.,^,"e=i`"' 's'nr.'•i9',.=.-y:s:e�>,_�:G--'.1',`�r=-'-'z;s`.::t- .....,�,`,1:�.�= - ..'..::.�at... -`..•.y t 1•:�., - '"” - `�•'�• BOLT LADDER NEW SAFETY RAIL ALONG TO BULKHEAD TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD GAP(TYP) TOP EL 1O±FT(TYP) NEW BULKHEAD EXCAVATE FOR NEW ��SUPPORT/FENDER PILE(TYP) NEW STEEL BULKHEAD-BACKFILL I I SEE DETAIL,SHEET 7 SHEET PILE(TYP) AND COMPACT 4±FI- AFTER INSTALLATION I I AHWL34 (TYP)SEE SHEET 6 I EXISTING BULKHEAD �SUPPORT/FENDER PILE TO BE MHW 2.3 REMOVED(TYP) 20fIN BOLT LADDER (TYP) i1 i I I TO WALE(TYP) EW STEEL BULKHEAD WALE a1 ' a„ y : 4 ` APPROXIMATE AHWL 3 4—14' MLW O O NEW TIE-BACK .. =ANGHORR�OD TYP �'I ^ NEW LADDER T / APPROXIMATE MHW 23 — ; ANCHOR POINT EXISTING BULKHEAD WALE with AS NEGESARRY �I ANCHOR ROD TO BE REMOVED(TYP) APPROXIMATE ALWLOO—� + . r;;;-':•,,4C,;�_ i,; �«<<n^:<+:;,: BOTTOM SEDIMENTS, EXISTING STEEL SHEETf SAND GRAVEL i :h TO BE REMOVED(TYP) NEW STEEL SHEET PILE LAp pBPR � LANDWARD OF THE EXISTING pET�I L t;4 /j l I I BULKHEAD TOP EL 9 5±FT(TYP) % GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4' BOTTOM DEPTHS ALONG BULKHEAD VARY,DEEPER 4 3 2 1 O 4 AT FERRY LANDINGS l EXISTING SEDIMENTS ,SAND AND GRAVEL . ;• - GRAPHIC SCALE 1,-5' ELEVATIONS ARE~BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 PROJECT BULKHEAD RESTORATION LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR DATE APRIL 8,2020 0 C K 0 APPLICANT. P.IA.D C D v AGENT SHEET 5 OF 7 C I�OGKO, INC. C, �w Keith B Neilson,PE 0 R P 0 R �` Mystic,Cf 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL offlce@docko com Keith Neilson,Docko Inc 9/1/20201258 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 5-C dwg F TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD EL 10±FT I COMPACTED BITUMINOUS —f—NEW BULKHEAD EXISTING PAVEMENT CONCRETE SURFACE MIX COMPACTED SUPPORT PILE(TYP) TO REMAIN -3�N BASE 2-V21N BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SAW GUT BASE 2-1121N MAXIMUM EXISTING BULKHEAD &N UFT SUPPORT PILE N't;COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE I I I REMOVE(TYP) 9540 PROCTOR DENSITY 61N UFT NEW STEEL 04N UPf SHEET PILE(TYP) MOM S�}��f•},'.',� vh'•- to o� ,`1�:r %.�i1aT t, r' i,tiy., I EXCAVATE BEHIND Y,--'`•ki'k,^it`1l Sit"�•"v:Xr,C}°�;a, r' r P 1 a=4 e!f+'�'v.f5,.`Y {cir-�,�;:�i✓iifi'ti .,'�. ���%�;,Y;,i•�"„�"�x,�:,,�?�hF,�� "� ;I EXISTING BULKHEAD(TYP) s t w <31',glt -Y,NATIVE BACKFILL SUPPLIED BY 12-IN LIFT NOMINAL �—�f T —/V uIVV``, I L— F.;.f,;�.:�ft1�,}fn,�%;';��ry�V,wafis)`yy�,�,- ,+�1 OWNER COMPACTED TO x�,f,Sf,f >:;}4^..��i}-rsyr 95%PROCTOR DENSITY I zw��.tir,Fflr�4;j:s�t��q�,i r✓'(.a. .,�-.g, �s�`•'-;��F'r�wMa•'t, —+- MHW— f "=, "' APPROXIMATE EXCAVATION LIMIT ;ASF EXISTING STEEL SHEET !1,jer,?:"Y?r,k:"X'15 ''�•• >=7C:�}Lt X ii'':`•irr,,s,`^n`ry,.7 R;''S,' �'E"� fi1�';y�Y�;a.��k�'i:i•°.s'�Sk•rSk��;i%sSi�ll '.:T,.•�; �•t��� ,;� ,"r'-� ;2`=.'��5�s} ,,~;tr I PILE-REMOVE(TYP) 1t'�, cs�r>tr. r'.i%{,i tta. u,3}`} � s:��.• ,l } mss. =vi?n;•' +.�}r/r`,'�v'�¢{�1id xryu}.7Y'4�r!t17a4',`,{�ll�.p�•;�'W}"i(''�t 2�7}��„ �f';{'•�:,t{.§'r"y,.i,;,�i�^}� ,k�"h�t'•t' `����{ifllL,_:�k�i ;4�'lY.}'{fkxi4'7lS'tai'y:hw.$ ,ikl+p.•'d„fr'tisr,Sii`iY +,.Y�Jf' yjtti�iYsk>,L(X;�+� yyj'�� -_1J)'(`jUL•±arS+i•,Y:n v'S, ' '.d ,ALWL(MLW)r 1•.,54r:,i3t::44',i'�;t,:,'LIs�wY`i{5'i�'si'ri.;5f,'{i 'L'v9:5':.'.'o'{'!..cvS:l,'v'.ra?45,.•�'a'u�P�',N>±:t:1•d"vt4'di:•LC2',v�1�'�r,,4 f,of, t :.{ro 4i.'.x3' !i'b<as�S.iLe�:�l,^r,rnv..,�,�.r. WEST BACKFILL DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4' 4 3 2 1 O 4 NEW TOP OF NEW BULKHEAD EL 10±FT COMPACTED BITUMINOUS COMPACTED O CONCRETE PAVEMENT BITUMINOUS CON�jRETE EXISTING PAVEMENT BASE 2-1—1 I thAxir�ii im TO REMAIN SAW GUT :24 21N � EW BULKHEAD �UPPORT PILE(TYP) &IN UFT 18-IN I I EXISTING BULKHEAD 6-IN UFT SUPPORT PILE TO BE &N UFT I REMOVED(TYP) xz,r J,.� .,. ,�1,�,,.,,:•. f�. 6-IN UFT n�•a',GOMPAGTED GRAVEL BASE rY 6'IN UFT NE 5 EEL [>11:#;9596 PROCTOR DENSITY z1;�g.-",r yGi2 :•:.<;s„ 6•IN UFT SH ET TLE(TYP) p XSSa tii'fy i}ff•'.p, "i , ir 'i• isk.`� ,t'-, I EXCAVATE r' `-t.=1Z t' k> i; r: ;,..},'r'+'`;rT<.•n,�+4. BEHIND EXISTING NATIVE BACKFILL SUPPLIED BY 12-IN LIFT NOMINAL #� r„ `tr<•t k AHWL-BULKHE,6D(TYP) ,j�%/iRl, OWNER COMPACTED TO }'ts�i A Y?ti3J O MHW as1' PRrOCTOR DENSITY t'a���'4'.Pi�`•;1,;'' '�S#��k ''i�,:"fit�':'`'t'' 1'';1�'.. -'�5�'' ri ..}ti ilf°YY .•,.aY `"s+ i yTY`i`k s.t 4`:`a 3' '•^,.r,C ty =j"ice ;±°tify S i s,� ,rf7tki til 4n�t+ d I I I EXISTING STEEL '�,' `{.,,�,1, !` ?S:I \:�•G-4° 1'�' x. rr..v:.{.^;, ,�•,,,r APPROXIMATE EXCAVATIOP LIMIT a C�Ca y}'r'7 SHEET PILE TO BE REMOVED(TYP) ru':.' i `-i/nif,Y';i't"° `` vrr r'„ kit�r Si,' '✓r}F iralwci <<ai1,•Pi?'.�;1:5'i<5+^,'k=�:r, WI GRAPHIC ,_r'j;ti;?,r,4���:.t}rs l`,r,'.; <S'�''. •'i•.a:.y .. ...........,,.,,`rrr-,C,i•�• �,v BAST B�.CKFILL DET�I L_ GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=4' 4 3 2 1 O 4 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALW) PROJECT BULKHEAD RENOVATION REVISED 8-21-20 A C.0 E LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK ADDED MLW MHW LINES WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR DATE APRIL 8,2020 D O C $ 0 , APPLICANT P IA.D C. .t AGENT' SHEET 6 OF 7 4 ® DOGK0, ING. C; �w Keith B Neilson,PE p �► P 0 Mystic,CT 06355 R R 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL Keith Neilson,Docko Inc 9/1/20201232 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead G-G dwg NEW 16-IN DIAMETER DRIVEN STEEL TIE-OFF PILE ALONG 1-IN CHAMFERED GENTERLINE OF EXISTING PIER— EDGE�AND LOCATE TO AVOID PIER SUPPORT ALTERATIONS(TYPICAL OF TWO) B+FT CONTAINMENTBS EXISTING 12-FT WIDE-IN DECK TO PREVENT PILE REGONST PIER GTEDAS CLEARANCE 6±FT SPLITTING(TYP) I A UNID AMP L DNECESSARY PILE(TYP) BULKHEAD BUMPER PILE(TYP) EXISTING SUPPORT MP SLIP BUMPER PILE AS PILE REPLACE RA10 X 10 CLAMP(TYP) S NECESSARY EXISTING GROSS BRACE(TYP)REPLACE 1-1/4-IN GALVANIZED AS NECESSARY TIMBER BOLTS with 1-1N COUNTER BORED(TYP) —APPROXIMATE ALWL O O III II -BOTTOM SEDIMENTS SAND APPROXIMATEAI_Wl !V EW .STEEL PILE DETAI L GRAPHIC SCALE 1'-6 2-PILE FEfVDEFz DETAIL 6 3 O 6 GRAPHIC SCALE 1'.5' TOP EL 17±FT ML NEW MULTI-PILE DOLPHIN KING PILE MAY 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 BE REPLACED iii BOLTED CONNECTIONS II THEN WRAPPED WITH WITH STEEL PILE 1-INCH WIRE ROPE 12-10 INCH(TYP) WOOD IMPACT BUMPER CHAFFING STRIP INC PILE(TYP) FENDER PILE i i I V/ PADS(OR TIRES) OR FENDER ON WOOD OR STEEL —i ASSEMBLY BERTHING SIDE TWO PILES BRACE PILE(TYP) (TYP) i; NEW STEEL WEARING PILES AHWL i IULKHEAD CAN BE SL A MHW TO A VERTICAL ALWL BULKHE�D FEfVDE1z DETAIL I+'BOTTOM SEDIMENTS 's;::,. GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=5' SAND and 'i=,.;i •;'a�.+-' •�{9•L�'- " -1t.:;, \ tt"e;f l"','s 5 4 3 2 1 O 5 rl+� 's';'�,_ r.,Il i' ,,. .Y4 ',\\\�n,`��1,+,•4�1j•i;;�,�-i=f:,i 7-PILE DOLPHIN DETAIL_ ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON APPARENT LOW WATER(ALWL) GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=10' PROJECT BULKHEAD RENOVATION 10 5 O 10 REVISED 7-20-20 P.IA,D G. LOCATION ORIENT POINT-HAMLET of ORIENT NEW STEEL PILE SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK BOLLARDS DETAIL WATERWAY ORIENT POINT HARBOR REVISED 8-21-20 AG O E DATE APRIL 8,2020 0 C K 0 „ APPLICANT- P IA.D G -KING PILE GALLOUT ` ® AGENT SHEET 7 OF 7 VIAw r �) + CDOGIGO, INC. Keith B Neilson,P 01>' P Mystic,CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 19-12-3073 EMAIL office@docko com Keith Neilson,Docko Inc 9/1/20201251 PM Orinet Point Hrbr Bulkhead 713 dwg PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: /ouo -� i��9 -8 �� 1600 15-- 106)o 15- /0� — IS � 1a13 STATE MNEW YORK COUNTY OF SFFO K, residing at being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the day of 20 ,deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set f6rth in the. Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set. opposite the names of said persons are the address of said personi NOTICE OF HE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing concerning this property will be held by the Southold Town Board of Trustees via the online Zoom platform. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: U.S. DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURITY, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to install ±262 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead inside an existing bulkhead including a new perimeter safety rail and associated wales and support/fender piles; restore the east face of the central wharf by replacing the existing anchor/tie-back system for the southerly 100 feet or so and installing steel sheet piling behind the existing bulkhead for the northerly 120 linear feet or so, with a new tie-back system; existing fill (approximately 2,000 cubic yards) will be removed to make way for the new anchor system and replaced upon completion of-the anchors; this work will be landward of the high tide and mean high water lines; the scour walls will be approximately 20 feet long each and installed immediately in front of the two ramps used by "Plum Island"; reinstall ferry loading ramps including utilities, counterweight towers, scour protection, and accessories; backfill with ±300 cubic yards stone fill for the restoration of the ferry ramps and infrastructure, at and landward of apparent (spring) high water line. Located: 40550 Route 25, Orient. SCTM# 1000-15-9-9 TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 — at or about 5:30P.M. — To access the Zoom meeting please see the meeting agenda located in the Trustees section of the Town website. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) through the Southold Town website. To view the application files please visit: At the bottom of the picture on the main screen click on the second button from the right "Town Records, Weblink/Laserfiche"; go to bottom of page and click on "pg. 2"; click on "Trustees" folder; click on "Applications"; click on "Pending"; all files are listed by name in alphabetical order. Click on the name of the application to view the file. Rr)AQn rW TRI ICTFLC*Trl1A/N rlG Crll ITWn1 n * Ir.211 7rS_1 QQ7 BULKHEAD AND RAMP RESTORATION U.S.DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER ORIENT POINT TERMINAL NARRATIVE STATEMENT AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION June 1,2020,Revised July 20,2020 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) ferry terminal facilities are located on the east end of Long Island's "North Fork" at Orient Point, Assessor Map 1000-132-1-30. The waterfront is approximately 1,250 feet of wharf and terminal ferry landing facilities, built originally by the US Army in the early 1900's and later transferred to the Department of Agriculture. Plum Island, and the PIADC, is now owned and operated by the United States Government's Department of Homeland Security. Plum Island is a secured Federal facility, on land owned entirely and solely by the Federal Government. There are no public trust issues associated with this site. Public access is prohibited and actively enforced by armed guards. The PIADC Orient Point Harbor facilities are situated upon terrain which is generally flat in the area of the harbor infrastructure with gently sloped surrounding terrain. The terrain mostly paved over sandy, gravel earthen material. Operational surfaces are built up landward of the bulkhead wharf facilities to support ferry operations of a semi-industrial transportation hub nature. The top elevation of the ground surface behind the bulkhead in the project area is approximately 10 feet and is at or above the Coastal Erosion line as typically applied to Town of Southold coastal sites. The Coastal Erosion limit line cuts across the entrance channel 300 feet east of the work area and all aspects of this project are landward of it. The developed shoreline is industrial in nature, paved and substantially protected. This basin is "manmade"; there are no public trust issues at this site. There is no tidal wetland vegetation on the bulkheaded work site and no submerged aquatic vegetation in the adjacent near shore waters. This project is the restoration of existing facilities, the complete north section of the steel pile sheet bulkhead at both of the ramp landing facilities, the wood pile fenders, fixed wood pier repairs and service utilities. The scope of work for this project will be undertaken in one construction contract. One element of the work is to install a new steel sheet pile bulkhead immediately landward of the existing bulkhead, along the basin wall immediately adjacent to the Plum Island ferry landing ramp in the north side of the harbor. This bulkhead suffers from extensive corrosion and impending material failure. The tie-back system is also corroded and deteriorated, and the sheets have been damaged by the wear and tear of ferry operations loss of section and the relentless exposure to marine waters. The new bulkhead will be set landward of the existing steel sheet pile system which will remain during construction to act as toe stabilization of the new bulkhead. The sheet piling will be backfilled with crushed stone so as to provide lateral stability to protect the existing sheets from further surface erosion and oxidation. The worn-out section of the existing bulkhead, will be extracted. All of this bulkhead and ramp infrastructure work will be landward of the Spring High Tide Line/Apparent High Water line only the pier an tie-off/fender system work will be in the water. 1 rr�� t � � ~ { t The other related element of this project is to re-install the heavy duty vehicle ramps to the east and west of the wood pier, relocating the west ramp 5 feet to the west at its current elevation and raising the east ramp, in place, by 18 inches. This ramp facility will be pile mounted to eliminate settlement due to heavy, dynamic loads and will protrude to the same encroachment limits as now exist. This supplemental narrative has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of State and Federal permit agencies and the Town of Southold's Ordinance No. 6, 2004, and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program related to docks and shorefront improvements. This project site is landward of the Coastal Erosion limit line. This project is a federal installation and exempted from provisions of the NYS Coastal Management Act and is so listed in Appendix D. Pertinent factors for consideration under Section 661 of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation regulations for Tidal Wetlands and adjacent areas are addressed herein but the emphasis is that neither tidal wetlands nor SAV exist in or immediately adjacent to the work site and no impact to those resources, if they exist nearby, will result from the project. The proposed work falls within the scope of the US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit No. 3. PROJECT PURPOSE This existing bulkhead system was installed approximately 40 years ago. The system has corroded and deteriorated under climatic conditions and routine wear and tear and must be replaced in order to provide the PIADC facility with viable, structurally sound vehicle and freight transfer and supply to/from Plum Island for essential transportation of materials, equipment and personnel on a daily, all-weather basis. ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS The Federal Government owns Plum Island and this site in its entirety. The nearest adjacent property is the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal at Orient to the east and the restaurant and marina. To the east, the tip of Orient Point almost a mile away, is also owned by the Federal Government and utilized for the point of access for primary electrical and water service to Plum Island. PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs of the project site, as released by the Department of Homeland Security, are attached herewith. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES There are only three real options to pursue at this time to maintain the operational efficiency and capacity of the transportation system. • Do nothing • Repair and restore the existing facilities, as is, or • Replace and modify the facilities in some way During the underwater diving visual inspection ten years ago, small isolated holes were observed in the steel sheeting near the point of embedment indication substantial loss of section and 2 structural stability. 1 he exposed sheet at these holes were r- _ sharp, indicative of the loss of steel. The existing facilities have been burdened with vehicle loads beyond original expectations when highway loading went from 60,000 pound to 80,000 pound loads in the 1990. The "do nothing" option is not considered viable or appropriate because the existing bulkhead is in such condition that failure to repair and protect the structure will necessitate the discontinuance of its use in the near future. Collapse or failure of the bulkhead would close the ferry slips. The second option is very limited. The scour damage to the bulkhead runs almost the full length of the steel sheeting. There is no good, cost effective method of repairing 40-year-old corroded steel in an underwater marine exposure without driving new steel sheeting or casting new concrete structures. With that in mind, over sheeting becomes the most economically feasible option. The major draw back of this approach is the constriction of the basin which is already critically small. The third option is complete-replacement of the facilities. This would be the most costly and would require the ferry operations to be out of only one slip for the longest period of time and for both reasons, represents a hardship. Pursuing this course of action would, however, yield a more or less maintenance free operation for decades and not constrict future operations. The ramp structure will be mounted so as to avoid potentially damaging pavement surcharge loads to the bulkhead backfill. The new bulkhead would have a tieback anchor system and can be and will be located behind the existing bulkhead to avoid the progressive constriction of the basin. Minor repairs to the wood pier are proposed including new tie-off piles into the pier structures as well as the critical bresting dolphins. SEQUENCE OF WORK As mentioned in the introductory paragraph, this project is to restore the bulkhead and ferry ramp landings at the Orient terminal of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center in accordance with guidelines set forth by the State of New York DEC and the Town of Southold ordinance No. 6, 2004. With regard to the scope of work for this project, the sequence of work will be as follows: ➢ The work area will be prepared, including pavement removal and excavation of existing gravely, sandy backfill to unload the existing bulkhead and clear the way for new repair and restoration construction with minimal erosion or sloughing potential. ➢ Obstructions and utilities will be removed as necessary to make way for the layout of the new work. New utility services will be re-installed. It is envisioned that the ferry landing ramp sheet pile bulkhead walls will be installed utilizing the following general sequence and methodology. ➢ The marine contractor will arrive by land and by barge with deck-mounted crane, push or tugboats and at least one work boat. All equipment will be on the barge or be trucked onto the site. ➢ The existing ramps supports and fenders / dolphins counterweight towers as necessary, will be removed to make way for the installation of the new bulkhead. ➢ The gravely backfill will be excavated down to approximately the mean low-water line to minimize backfill loads on the existing bulkhead. ➢ The concrete ramp wells will be demolished and removed but leaving the scour wall in place. ➢ The new sheeting will be installed while the ramp is out of position. These sheet piles will be driven at the general locations shown in the application drawings immediately behind the 3 existing waif and around the ramp wells. Crush4 `tone and/or gravel backfill will be placed between the new and existing bulkhead sheet at the scour wall. ➢ The hinged ramp will be reinstalled to match pre-existing conditions but set on steel piles. ➢ Bulkhead tie-back anchor rods showing any wear or distress will be cut and re-installed to the new anchor system driven behind the new bulkhead. ➢ Wood fender piles and the wale/cap system on the top of the existing bulkhead will be removed to complete this phase of the installation. ➢ New or relocated fender piles will be driven in front of the new bulkhead. ➢ Pier and slip/guide fender repairs will be accomplished, driving new steel "king"piles in the pier and designated dolphins. REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 97-25 OF THE WETLANDS LAW The permittee acknowledges that the validity of this permit is subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The permittee does, by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. The permittee gives consent to the State or Town and its officers, employees and agents to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections to determine whether said operations are being conducted in conformity with the permit; such access and inspections are governed by the operating rules and regulations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, PIADC. The permittee will notify the Trustees in writing one week prior to initiation of any and all operations, and likewise the NYS DEC on forms provided in the permit. The permittee will notify the Trustees and State DEC in writing upon completion of operations such that the site can be inspected for issuance for a certificate of compliance. In response to Town of Southold Local Law Number 6, the following additional information is offered. 1. Permits for the work are being applied for through the Town, USACE, The NYS DOS and NYS DEC. This project is exempted from a coastal zone consistency determination by the NYS DOS and this has been confirmed with the DOS. This project is covered by the US ACOE Nationwide Permit No. 3. 2. Any facilities constructed of wood, will be of sturdy, durable and stable materials; in all likelihood, CCA pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine or Greenheart piles, with one or multiple 1" minimum diameter galvanized bolts per connection and wrapped with galvanized cables, if required for clustered piles. 3. It is respectfully requested that the use of CCA pressure-treated piles (as an option to Greenheart piles) and timbers be approved for this project if Greenheart is unavailable or they are determined to be the most advantageous option to PIADC. 4. The 15-foot property line clearances specified in this paragraph are complied with. 5. Upon receipt of the permit (if required) for this project, appropriate permit numbers and/or certificates will be affixed to the most seaward face of the center dolphin for identification from the water. 6. The ramps, decking and railing will be reinstalled. Area lights on the ramp facility will be moved to be clear of the tie-back anchors as will the electrical service panel and all utilities. 4 � 1 7. Ther6s no need to provide adequate room f_ five-foot passageway on the upland. Terminal facilities are Federally owned and operated, subject to the security provisions of Homeland Security installations. Public access is prohibited. US Army Corps of Enidneers— This project is covered under Nationwide Permit #3 of the US Army Corps of Engineers for repair and restoration of the bulkhead. It is anticipated that PZ 35 steel sheets will be used. The bulkhead face to face separation would be 18 inches. If US PZ 35 steel sheets are not available, Arbed AZ 26 steel sheets will be used as a last resort; even set hard against the existing steel wale, these sheets would create a 24 inch face to face separation. The new bulkhead cannot be driven outside the existing bulkhead because of the already constricted vessel maneuvering space, which cannot be reduced further. Because of the 22-foot grade to bottom elevation difference, the existing wall cannot be removed to allow "in place" replacement. NYS DEC Tidal Wetlands Regulations—Sections 661.5 and 661.9 This project represents the replacement of existing, long-standing bulkhead and new ferry landing facilities for Plum Island with no adverse environmental impacts and no further encroachment into tidal waters. This facility was most recently re-built in the early-1990's and has been routinely maintained since that time. There are no tidal wetlands or dune vegetation within several hundred feet of the site and no SAV in the waters adjacent to the wall. A ferry landing on the waterfront is considered to be generally compatible use in an adjacent area (AA) with a permit being required under Section 661.5 (b) (1), 15 and 24. This project, however, is repair and restoration of existing facilities with no new encroachment. Under Section 661.9, the standards for issuance of permits of NYS DEC regulations, the following are considered to be pertinent considerations. The policies are created to preserve and protect tidal wetlands and prevent their despoliiation and destruction and that regulated activities will not have an undo adverse impact on the present or potential value of the nearby tidal wetlands. This new ramp and bulkhead restoration project for the ferry terminal is compatible with public health and welfare policies of the State specifically referenced under Section 661.6. ➢ The project complies with development restrictions contained in Section 661.6 as this is repair and restoration of an existing, long-standing facility that has previously undergone review by the Department in rendering previous permits. Furthermore, the project supports the continued operation of a long-standing, high-priority, secured Federal installation and the waterfront ferry facility structure is compatible with the use of the site, zoning and the long- standing use of the site. ➢ This project will not have an undo or adverse impact on the present or potential habitat value of nearby tidal wetlands vegetation. There are no tidal wetlands in the Plum Island terminal harbor; all of the terminal shoreline is developed shorefront. Construction materials will be in accordance with the NYS DEC standards and Town of Southold regulations and laws as previously addressed. Town of Southold—LWRP.NYS DOS Coastal Consistency These application documents include) a copy of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) work sheet addressing what would customarily be pertinent sections of the plan. The NYS DOS has suggested that since the Coastal Management Act does not apply to 5 i this project, neitl cf,does the LWRP. Nonetheless, the f.r wing policies from the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program would normally be appropriate and have been identified as pertinent to this application and the reason for consistency associated with this project is outlined in each respective case. Policy 2 —Water Dependent Uses — This project is to retain a fully functional water dependent use of a ferry terminal facility for an essential transportation to and from Plum Island. Policy 5 — Use of Existing Developed Shorefront This project will be primarily to repair and restore existing shore / ferry interface structures, clear of sensitive habitat or tidal wetlands and make them safe and reliably usable in all weather conditions, excluding coastal storms. Policy 7 — Sianificant Fish & Wildlife Habitat Protection of significant fish and wildlife habitat has been considered in the development of this project layout. The waters around Orient Point are classified as essential fish habitat, however, the actual terminal is an industrial facility in a man- made harbor, not representative of desirable natural habitat. In any case, these facilities will be restored in kind and substantially "in place". Policy 8 — Protection & Preservation of Habitat Protection and preservation of habitat has also been considered in this project and the terminal facility is being kept to its minimal configuration consistent with standards of the industry and restrictions set forth in the Wetlands Law, No. 6, 2004 set forth by the Town of Southold. The ferries will operate at the same location and within the same footprint as the current operation. There are no significant changes to the dimension or configuration of the bulkhead and ramp facilities but the bulkhead face will be recessed 18 inches. Policy 11 —Minimize Damage to Natural Resources The bulkhead repair and restoration project has been laid out in the same footprint so as to be consistent with and so as to minimize impact to natural resources as identified in Policy 7 above. There is no sensitive fringe wetlands growth and there is no submerged aquatic vegetation in the sub-tidal zone where the work is to take place. Policy 14—No Measurable Increase in Flooding_ This project consists of repairs of ferry terminal facilities that will in no way adversely affect water flow and circulation in the harbors flooding potential of the area. Flood levels all around Orient Point and Plum Island are dictated by water levels in Gardiners Bay, Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound and these structures will have no adverse influence on those flood levels. Policy 15 — No Dredging= Dredging is not required in this project, however, backfill material trapped between the two bulkhead, which falls into the basin, during the extraction of the existing bulkhead, will be dug out and incorporated in to the project scope of work. The waters in this small man-made harbor is appreciably deeper offshore and the ferry arrival and departure maneuvering tends to keep the finer-grained sediments from accreting at the ramp landing sites of the proposed work. Policy 19 —Impact on Public Access — There is no public access to,or usage of lands at this site; there is no intertidal zone. Thus, public access to the State's waters is not possible at Plum Island because of the design of the ferry terminal facilities and site security requirements. Plum Island is a secured Federal research facility where recreation or unsecured public access is not allowed; access is, in fact,prohibited in the interest of national security and the health and welfare of the public. Policy 20--Public Trust Compatibility with Existingjoining Properties and Land Uses Public Trust compatibility to existing adjoining properties and land uses has also been considered but is not relevant in this project. 6 �l Policy 21 — Water Dependent Recreation — This project is--consistent with water-dependent uses opportunities policies set forth in this section. The facilities will continue to be used for essential transportation for Federal installation at the ferry terminal. Policy 24—Scenic Resources Impairment or Loss - This policy is intended to prevent impairment or loss of scenic resources. The construction of the ramp facilities will not represent any new encroachment or structure which would create a loss of scenic resources. The terminals are industrial, working waterfront sites. The elevated northerly bulkhead section on will be only 18 inches to a couple of feet higher than the existing facility and will not even be noticeable from the waters off-shore which are a minimum of a quarter-mile distant. Policy 25 —Enhance Overall Scenic Quality The new ramp facilities will be consistent with the historic scenic quality of the area and prevent loss of scenic resources as described in Policy 24 above. The refurbished facilities will hardly be noticeable in context with the other existing facilities which dominate the shore of the harbors and again, these are industrial nature working waterfront sites and the repair work is confined to the developed shorefront. Policy 44 — Preserve and Protect Tidal Wetlands — There is no tidal wetlands on this project site. While the terminal facilities abut dune and tidal wetlands vegetation areas, this project will have no adverse impact on wetlands vegetation which exists elsewhere in and beyond the harbor facilities. SUMMARY This project is to restore a longstanding ferry terminal bulkhead and to the ferry ramps and associated intermodal transportation facilities for the US Department of Homeland Security serving Plum Island. A copy of all US Army Corps of Engineers, NYS DEC and Town of Southold applications are attached as substantiation for this project. The Corps has indicated that ramp repair and restoration work may proceed under Nationwide Permit No. 3. This project complies with applicable standards of the New York State Coastal Management Act (although not required to do so), Town of Southold Local Ordinance No. 6, 2004 and Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and is a presumptive compatible use under NYS DEC Regulations Part 661; its approval by all agencies is respectfully requested. Respectfully submitted, DOCKO, INC. Keith B. Neilson, P.E. 7 ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTI:_ .AVAIRE This is intended to supplement ENG Form 4345, Application for Department of the Army Permit, or the Joint Application for Permit used in the State of New York. Please provide complete answers to all questions below which are relevant to your Project. Any answers may be continued on separate-sheet(sj of paper to be-attached to this form. PR/VACYACT STATEMENT The purpose of this form is to provide the Corps of Engineers with basic information regarding your project. This information will be used to facilitate evaluation of your Permit application and for public dissemination as required by regulation. Failure to Provide complete information may result in your application being declared incomplete for processing, thereby delaying processing of your application. GENERAL APPLICABLE TO ALL PROJECTS 1. Explain the need for, and purpose of, the proposed work. The proposed project is to repair and restore a portion of the existing bulkhead facilities by installing new sheeting behind the existing deteriorated bulkhead and installing new ramp facilities at the ferry landing at the PIADC terminal on Orient Point. This is the ferry landing / transportation center of the Plum Island Terminal facilities at this site and its continued function is vital to this essential transportation facility. 2. Provide the names and addresses of property owners adjacent to your work site (if not shown on the application form or project drawings). The PIADC terminal at Plum Island is wholly owned by the U.S. Government as are all lands along the Orient Point waterfront shown on the application drawings. Property owners adjacent to the work site are the Cross Sound Ferry to the east and Orient by The Sea Marina to the West. (Please note that depending upon the nature and extent of your project, you may be requested to provide the names and addresses of additional property owners Proximate to your project site to ensure proper coordination.) 3. Photographs of the project site should be submitted For projects in tidal areas, Photographs of the waterway vicinity should be taken at low tide. Using a separate COPY of your plan view, indicate the location and direction of each photograph as well as the date and time at which the photograph- was taken. Provide a sufficient number of photographs so as to provide a clear understanding of conditions on and Proximate to your project site. See attached. 4. Provide a copy of any environmental impact statement, or any other environmental report which was prepared for your project. 5. Provide a thorough discussion of alternatives to proposal. This discussion should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the no action alternative and alternative(s) resulting in less disturbance to waters of the United States. For filling Projects in waters of the United States, including wetlands, your alternatives discussion should demonstrate that there are no'practicable alternatives to your proposed filling and that your project meets with current mitigation policy (1.e-. avoidance, minimization and compensation). The environmental impact assessments, consistency of this project with the Town of Southold's LWRP and the NYS DEC Tidal Wetlands Regulations Section 661.5 through 661.9 are all attached for this project including a thorough discussion of the alternatives considered. This bulkhead oversheeting is basically a maintenance project of existing facilities and most of the ramp work is landward of the bulkhead. DREDGING PROJECTS Answer the following if your project involves dredging. 1. Indicate the estimated volume of material to be dredged and the depth (below mean low water) to which dredging would occur. Would there be overdepth dredging? There is no dredging associated with this project. 2. You can apply for a ten-year permit for maintenance dredging. If you wish to apply for a ten-year permit, please provide the number of additional dredging events during the ten-year life of the permit and the amount of material to be removed during future events.There is no dredging associated with this project 3. Indicate of your drawings the dewatering area (if applicable) and disposal site for the dredged material (except landfill sites). Submit a sufficient number of photographs of the dewatering and disposal sites as applicable so as to provide a clear indication of existing conditions. For ten-year maintenance dredging permits, indicate the dewatering/disposal sites for future dredging events, if known. There is no dredging associated with this project 4. Describe the method of dredging (Le. clamshell, dragline, etc.) and the expected duration of dredging.There is no dredging associated with this project 5. Indicate the physical nature of the material to be dredged(i.e. sand, silt; clay, etc.) and provide estimated percentages of the various constituents if available. For beach nourishment projects, grain size analysis data is required. 6 Describe the method of dredged materia/ con tainn<_.`t(i.e. hay bales, embankment, bulkhead, etc.)and whether return flow from the dewatering/disposal site would reenter any waterway. Also indicate if there would be any barge overflow. There is no dredging associated with this project MOORING FACILITIES Answer the following if your project includes the construction or rehabilitation of recreational mooring facilities. 1. It is generally recommended that any fixed piers and walk ramps be limited to four feet in width, and that floats be-limited to eight feet in width and rest at least two feet above the waterway bottom at mean low water. Terminal floats at private, non- commercial facilities should belimited to 29 feet in length. If you do not believe your Proposal can meet with these recommendations, please provide the reason(s). The existing ferry terminal bulkhead has existed at this site since the 1940's. When this Was a military installation the ramps were gradually added as logistical needs of the PIADC facility developed. The new ramp facility will duplicate the existing ramp system in its current shape, configuration and width, associated counterweight support towers and Protective dolphins at the face of the ramp as well as lining the slip. The least costly method of restoring the bulkhead is to simply install new sheet behind the existing facilities and install the tie-backs. This bulkhead structure will not impinge on navigable waters or the unencumbered use of the. public trust waters of the state and town beyond the confines of the harbor. 2. Using your plan view, show to scale the location s (including length, beam and draft) of vessel(s) to be moored at the proposed facility,, including those of transient vessel(s)/f known. 3. For commercial mooring sites such as marinas, indicate the capacity of the facilit and indicate on the plan view the locations of ansewy / pumpout facilities. If-pumpout facilities are-not planned, please f discu ss the rationale below and indicate the distance to the nearest available pumpout station. There are fueling and sewage pump-out facilities at the Plum Island Terminal for the support of the vessels. Indicate on your plan view the distance to adjacent marine structures, if any are Proximate and show the locations and dimensions of such structures. The offsets to adjacent marine structures are shown on Sheet 1 of the application drawings. PIADC ferries are the only vessels operating from the harbor facility. There are no operational conflicts with the Cross Sound Ferry or the "Orient By the Sea" marina to the south west. Discuss the need for wave protection at the proposed facility. Please be advised that if a permit is issued, you would be required to recognize that the mooring facility may be subject to wave action from wakes of passing vessels, whose operations would not be required to be modified. Issuance of a permit would not relieve you of ensuring the integrity of the authorized structures)and the United States would not be held responsible for damages to the structure(s)and vessel(s)moored thereto from wakes from passing vessels. There is no overwhelming need for new wave protection at this proposed facility. The harbor faces south / southeasterly into adverse conditions. It is rare that storm driven waves from Block Island Sound or Gardiner's Bay have direct access into the harbor. BULKHEADINGMANK STABILIZAT/ONF/LLING ACTIVITIES Answer the following if your project includes construction of bulkheading (also - retaining walls and seawalls) with backfill, filling of waters/wetlands, or any other bank stabilization fills such as riprap, revetments, gabions, etc. 1- Indicate the total volume of fill (including backfill behind a structure such as a bulkhead) as well as the volume of fill to be placed into waters of the United States. The amount of fill in waters of the United States can be determined by calculating the amount of fill to be placed below the plane of spring high tide in tidal areas and below ordinary high water in non-tidal areas. In the location that the scour wall sheet piling was installed for-the protection of the existing terminal bulkhead facilities, it will be removed. The length of the new bulkhead structure and the total volume of the back fill has been.set forth on the drawings. The bulkheading will be approximately 150 feet long and the backfill would be approximately 500 CY over 500 (+/-) SF. The backfill will be clean crushed stone or concrete or a combination of those materials. 2- Indicate the source(s)and type(s)of fill material. Concrete bituminous concrete (pavement repair) will come from a commercial producer such as Tilcon,in Connecticut or Long Island. Crushed stone or coarse bank run gravel would also probably come from a Long Island earthworks contractor such as Tilcon. 3. Indicate the method of fill placement(ie. by hand, bulldozer, crane, etc.). Would any temporary fills be required in waterways or wetlands to provide access for construction equipment? If so, please indicate the area of such waters and/or wetlands to be filled, and show on the plan and sectional views. Fill for behind the new bulkhead will be placed by using special funnel bucket or similar devices and shielding to make sure that the concrete or crushed stone is all placed within the confines of the steel sheet pile scour wall bulkhead. The foregoing requests basic information on the most common types of projects requiring Department of the Army permits. It is intended to obviate or reduce the need for requesting additional information; however, additional information may be requested above and beyond what is requested in this form. Please feel free to add any additional information regarding your project which you believe may facilitate our review. Please refer to the project narrative attached to this application for further information about the project. NOAA FISHERIES NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE EFH ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET FOR FEDERAL AGENCIES (modified 08/04) Introduction: The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act mandates that federal agencies conduct an EFH consultation with NOAA Fisheries regarding any of their actions'authorized, funded, or undertaken that may adversely effect essential fish habitat(EFH). An adverse effect means any impact that reduces the quality and/or quantity of EFH. Adverse effects may include direct or indirect physical,chemical, or biological alterations of the waters or substrate and loss of, or injury to,benthic organisms,prey species and their habitat, and other ecosystem components. Adverse effects to EFH may result from actions occurring within EFH or outside of EFH and may include site-specific or habitat-wide impacts,including individual, cumulative, or synergistic consequences of actions. This worksheet has been designed to assist Federal agencies in determining whether an EFH consultation is necessary, and developing the needed information should a consultation be required. This worksheet will lead you through a series of questions that will provide an initial screening to determine if an EFH consultation is necessary, and help,you assemble the needed information for determining the extent of the consultation required. The information provided in this worksheet may also be used to develop the required EFH Assessment. Consultation through NOAA Fisheries regarding other NOAA-trust resources may also be necessary if a proposed action results in adverse impacts. Part 6 of the worksheet is designed to help assess the effects of the action on other NOAA-trust resources. This helps maintain efficiency in our interagency coordination process. In addition,consultation with NOAA Fisheries may be required if a proposed action impacts marine mammals or threatened and endangered species for which we are responsible. Staff from our Northeast Regional Office, Protected Resources Division should be contacted regarding potential impacts to marine mammals or threatened and endangered species. Instructions for Use: An EFH Assessment must be submitted by a Federal agency to NOAA Fisheries as part of the EFH consultation. An EFH Assessment must include the following information: 1)A description of the proposed action. 2)An analysis of the potential adverse effects of the action on EFH, and the managed species. 3)The Federal agency=s conclusions regarding the effects of the action on EFH. 4) Proposed mitigation if applicable. In some cases,this worksheet can be used as an EFH Assessment. If the Federal agency determines that the action will not cause substantial "IMP acts to EFH, then this worksheet may suffice. If the action may cause substantial adverse effects on EFH, then a more thorough discussion of the action and its impacts in a separate EFH Assessment will be necessary. The completed worksheet should be r forwarded to NOAA Fisheries Northeast Regional Office,Habitat Conservation Division (HCD)for review. The information contained on the HCD website( will assist you in completing this worksheet. The HCD web site contains information regarding: the EFH consultation process; Guide to EFH Designations which provides a geographic species list; Guide to EFH Species Descriptions which provides the legal description of EFH as well as important ecological information for each species and life stage; and other EFH reference documents including examples of EFH Assessments and EFH Consultations. PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Vonsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist iraetermining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form,Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It-Is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specify each instance. Name of Action Bulkhead and Ramp Restoration Location of Action(include Street Address,Municipality and County) Plum Island Animal Disease Center Name of Applicant/Sponsor JASRC Federal Field Services Inc AFFS Address 40550 Route 25 Main Street City/PO I Orient Point Statel New York Zip Code 11957 Business Telephone (631)323-3073 Name of Owner(if different)I U.S. Department of Homeland Security Address 40550 Route 25 Main Street City/PO FOrient Point State I New York Zip Code 11957 Business Telephone 631 323-3073 Description of Action: The purpose of this project is to install a new sheet pile bulkhead and Ferry Terminal ramps,re-install all new hinged ramps, counter weight towers and ramp facilities and utilities. Repair and replace existing wood fender bresting and tie-off dolphins and repair and modify, as necessary,the wood pile and timber ferry access pier. Please Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use:❑Urban R1 Industrial 11 Commercial Residential (suburban) Rural (non-farm) ❑Forest Agriculture Other 2. Total acreage of project area: acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) acres acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24,25 of ECL) acres acres Water Surface Area C---acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) C�acres acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces r--nacres r��acres Other(Indicate type) r_-nacres acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s)on project site? Lldorthant altered a. Soil drainage: loWell drained aix, of site Moderately well drained /o of site. ❑Poorly drained =./, of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System?acres(see 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? E] Yes F-/J No a. What is depth to bedrock[_](in feet) 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: F✓0-10% 99/, F10- 15%0% [Z 15% or greater=kl 6. Is project substantiontiguous to or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of Historic Places? tj Yes M No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ❑Yes M✓ No 8. What is the depth of the water table? (in(in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ❑Yes ❑✓ No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? EJYes W1No 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? []Yes P✓No According to: Identify each species: 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site?(i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations? ❑Yes ®No Describe: 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? 11 Yes ©No If yes, explain: 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? [—]Yes R]No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: None-site fronts on Peconic Bay. a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: None. b. Size(in acres): 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? ❑✓ Yes ` ❑No a. If YES, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? ❑Yes 1:1 No b. If YES, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? ❑Yes ❑No 18. Is the site located inffpes ricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? ®No 19. Is the site located in or substantiall contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617?[:]Yes ivi No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes [;]No B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate). a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: ®acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: acres initially; acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: None acres. d. Length of project, in miles: . 0,?(if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed. ❑% f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing 80; proposed non g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour: 50(upon completion of project)?(No change) h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially N/A N/A N/A N/A Ultimately N/A N/A N/A N/A i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure: I N I—A height; width; Olength. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 300+/ ft. 2. How much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.)will be removed from the site? ®tons/cubic yards. 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed ❑Yes ❑No ❑N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? Pavement sub base and bulkhead backfill. b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? []Yes FVJ No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers)will be removed from site? acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ❑Yes F No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction:❑months, (including demolition) 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated�_J(number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: Oc month 2020 year, (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date of final phase: De month 202 year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ❑ Yes FVNo 8- Will blasting occur during construction? ❑Yes ❑✓ No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 10; after project is complete Non 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project None 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Yes [:]No If yes, explain: One of the-ferry,terminal ramps will be-moved approximatley 5 feet west to provide increased seperation of the ferries.'The easterly.ramp will be'ralsed,,18 Inches to atcomidate rising sea level'concerrts and issues. 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ®Yes ®No a. If yes, indicate type of waste(sewage, industrial, etc) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ®Yes ❑No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? /❑Yes❑No If yes, explain: The new steel sheetpile bulkhead will be movig back into the land. 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ©Yes ❑No 16. Will,the project generate solid waste? ❑Yes ❑✓ No a. If yes, what is the amount per month? N/ tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used?❑Yes ©No C. If yes, give name ; location buried on site d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes 23 No J e. If yes, explain: 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ❑Yes ✓ZNo a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal?= tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Oyes F✓ No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Oyes❑✓ No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? nYes ONo 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? E]Yes ❑✓ No If yes, indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity® gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day® gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? Yes n No If yes, explain: The Plum Island Animal Disease Center is owned and operated by the U.S.Department of Homeland Security;the project cost will be borne by the DHS. 25. Approvals Required: Type Submittal Date ❑ Trustees Wetlands City, Town, Village Board ❑✓ Yes No Trustees Coastal Erosion City, Town,,Village Planning Board Oyes ❑ No City, Town Zoning Board Dyes ❑ No City, County Health Department Oyes ❑ No Other Local Agencies Oyes ❑ No Other Regional Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No State Agencies ❑✓ Yes ❑ No NYS DEC Wetlands NYS DOS CAM Federal AgenciesYes ❑No USACE River/Harbors 17 C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ❑Yes F,/�No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑Zoning amendment ❑ Zoning variance ❑New/revision of master plan ❑Subdivision ❑Site plan ❑Special use permit ❑Resource management plan ❑Other 2. What is the zoning classifications)of the site? Marine, Commercial, Industrial 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? Existing development-PIADC logistical and intermodel transportation support. 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? No change. 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed,as permitted by the proposed zoning? Not applicacble. 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ©Yes DNo 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a'/a mile radius of proposed action? Residential to North,northwest, northeast. Ferry terminal to east. Marina to west. Open water to south . B. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses with a 1/a mile? [ZYes No g. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? Not Applicable a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? Not Applicable 1 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s)for the formation of sewer or water districts? ❑Yes ❑ No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection? E]Yes ©No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ❑Yes ❑ No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes❑✓ No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. Yes ❑ ❑No E7- D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name I Mr. Patrick Moylan Date Signature Title I Director of Operations If the action Is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. PART 2 -PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE Responsibility of Lead Agency General Information(Read Carefully) ! In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. ! The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But,for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response,thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. The impacts of each project,on each site,in each locality,will vary. Therefore,the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. In identifying impacts,consider long term,short term and cumulative effects. Instructions(Read carefully) a. Answer each of the 20 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will be any impact. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. C. If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box(column 1 or 2)to indicate the potential size of the impact.If impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided,check column 2. If impact will occur but threshold is lower than example,check column 1, d. Identifying that an Impact will be potentially large(column 2)does not mean that it is also necessarily significant. Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an impact in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. e. If reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. f. If a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s)in the project to a small to moderate impact,also check the Yes box in column 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained in Part 3. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change Impact on Land 1. Will the Proposed Action result in a physical change to the project site? NO YESFVJ Examples that would apply to column 2 C Any construction on slopes of 15%or greater,(15 foot Yes No rise per 100 foot of length),or where the general slopes In the project area exceed 10%. C Construction on land where the depth to the water table El 1:1 Yes 0No is less than 3 feet. C Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more El 1:1 Yes E]No vehicles. C Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or E Yes [--]No generally within 3 feet of existing ground surface. C Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or © Yes []No involve more than one phase or stage. C Excavation for mining purposes that would remove Yes DNo more than 1,000 tons of natural material(i.e.,rock or soil)per year. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change C Construction or expansion of a santary landfill. Q ❑ ❑Yes [:]No C Construction in a designated floodway. El ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ [—]Yes ❑No 2. Will there bean effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the site?(i.e.,cliffs,dunes,geological formations,etc.) PNO OYES C Specific land forms: ❑ ❑ [:]Yes ❑No Impact on Water 3. Will Proposed Action affect any water body designated as protected? (Under Articles 15,24,25 of the Environmental Conservation Law, ECL) NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C Developable area of site contains a protected water body. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No a protected stream. C Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water ❑ body. ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Construction in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No 4. Will Proposed Action affect any non-protected existing or new body of water? RNO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C A 10%increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No water or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. C Construction of a body of water that exceeds 10 acres of surface ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No area. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change 5. Will Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater quality or quant' ? NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ®No C Proposed Action requires use of a source of water that does not ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No have approval to serve proposed(project)action. C Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No than 45 gallons per minute pumping capacity. C Construction or operation causing any contamination of a water ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No' supply system. C Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C _ Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the site to facilities which ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No presently do not exist or have inadequate capacity. C Proposed Action would use water in excess of 20,000 gallons ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No per day. C Proposed Action will likely cause siltation or other discharge into ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No an existing body of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. C Proposed Action will require the storage of petroleum or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No chemical products greater than 1,100 gallons. C Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No water and/or sewer services. C Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No which may require new or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ Des ❑No i 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change 6. Will Proposed Action alter drainage flow or patterns,or surface water runoff? Fv�NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C Proposed Action would change flood water flows ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No C Proposed Action will allow development in a designated ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No floodway. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON AIR 7. Will Proposed Action affect air quality? �NO YES Examples Examples that would apply to column 2 C Proposed Action will induce 1,000 or more vehicle trips in any ❑ ❑ ❑Yes Do given hour. C Proposed Action will result in the incineration of more than 1 ton ❑ ❑ Des ❑No of refuse per hour. C Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed 5 lbs.per hour ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No or a heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. C Proposed Action will allow an increase in the amount of land ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No committed to industrial use. C .Proposed Action will allow an increase in the density of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No industrial development within existing industrial areas. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8. Will Proposed Action affect any threatened or endangered species? ©NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C Reduction of one or more species listed on the New York or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Federal list,using the site,over or near the site,or found on the site. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change C Removal of any portion of a critical or significant wildlife habitat. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Application of pesticide or herbicide more than twice a year, ❑ ❑ 1:1 Yes ❑No other than for agricultural purposes. C Other impacts: 1-1 ❑ [—]Yes [:]No g, Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened or non- endangered species? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident 1-1 ❑ ❑Yes ❑No or migratory fish,shellfish or wildlife species. C Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres of ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No mature forest(over 100 years of age)or other locally important vegetation. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes []No IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. Will Proposed Action affect agricultural land resources? 7 N ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 ❑ C The Proposed Action would sever,cross or limit access to ❑ ❑Yes ❑No agricultural land(includes cropland,hayfields,pasture,vineyard, orchard,etc.) C Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of ❑ ❑ El Yes ❑No agricultural land. C The Proposed Action would irreversibly convert more than 10 ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No acres of agricultural land or,if'located in an Agricultural District, more than 2.5 acres of agricultural land. I� 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change C The Proposed Action would disrupt or prevent installation of ❑ ❑ 1:1 Yes ❑No agricultural land management systems(e.g.,subsurface drain lines,outlet ditches,strip cropping);or create a need for such measures(e.g.cause a farm field to drain poorly due to increased runoff). C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11. Will Proposed Action affect aesthetic resources?(If necessary,use the Visual EAF Addendum in Section 617.20,Appendix B.) WNO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ C Proposed land uses,or project components obviously different Yes No from or In sharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns,whether man-made or natural. C Proposed land uses,or project components visible to users of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. C Project components that Will result in the elimination or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No significant screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance? ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ C Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or Yes No substantially contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic places. C Any impact to an archaeological site or fossil bed located within ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No the project site. C Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No for archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventory. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13. Will proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future opens aces or recreational opportunities? ENO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C A major reduction of an open space important to the community. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes []No IMPACT ON CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS 14. Will Proposed Action impact the exceptional or unique characteristics of a critical environmental area(CEA)established pursuant to subdivision 6NYCRR 617.14(g)? ®NO ❑YES List the environmental characteristics that caused the designation of the CFA. Examples that would apply to column 2 C Proposed Action to locate within the CEA? ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Proposed Action will)result in a reduction in the quantity of the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [--]No resource? C Proposed Action will result in a reduction in the quality of the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No resource? C Proposed Action will impact the use,function or enjoyment of the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No resource? C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes []No 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 15. Will there be an effect to existing transportation systems? 11 NO OYES Examples that would apply to column 2 ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑ C Alteration of present patterns of movement of people and/or No goods. C Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems. 10 ❑ []Yes ❑No C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes -[]No There will be no significant change to the ferry servise but all work will be within confines of existing site for exclusive use of PIADC. IMPACT ON ENERGY 16. Will Proposed Action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy supply? 0 N ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C Proposed Action will cause a greater than 5%increase in the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No use-of any form of energy in the municipality, C Proposed Action will require the creation or extension of an ❑ ❑ []Yes [—]No energy transmission or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No NOISE AND ODOR IMPACT 17. Will there be objectionable odors,noise,or vibration as a result of the Proposed Action? ©NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 C Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital,school or other sensitive ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No facility. C Odors will occur routinely(more than one hour per day). ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No C Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No local ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. C Proposed Action will remove natural barriers that would act as a ❑ ❑ [—]Yes ❑No noise screen. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes 11 No Y 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 18. Will Proposed Action affect public health and safety? 177NO ❑YES C Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No hazardous substances Q.e.oil,pesticides,chemicals,radiation, etc.)in the event of accident or upset conditions,or there may be a chronic low level discharge or emission. C Proposed Action may result in the burial of"hazardous wastes" ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No in any form(i.e.toxic,poisonous,highly reactive,radioactive, irritating,infectious,etc.) C Storage facilities for one million or more gallons of liquefied ❑ El ❑Yes ❑No natural gas or other flammable liquids. C Proposed Action may result in the excavation or other ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No disturbance within 2,000 feet of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste. C Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 19. WillPro osed Action affect the character of the existing community? 12/1 NO RYES Examples that would apply to column 2 C The permanent population of the city,town or village in which the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No project is located is likely to grow by more than 5%. C The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No services will increase by more than 5%per year as a result of this project. C Proposed Action will conflict With officially adopted plans or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes Flo goals. C Proposed Action will cause a change In the density of land use. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No C Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No structures or areas of historic importance to the community. C Development will create a demand for additional community ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No services(e.g.schools,police and fire,etc.) 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change C Proposed Action will set an important precedent for future Yes No projects. C Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment. El El ElYes M No C Other impacts: ❑ []Yes []No 20. Is there,or is there likely to be,public controversy related to potential adverse environment impacts? WINO ❑YES If Any Action in Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If you Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 ,J Part 3 -EVALUATION-OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s)is considered to be potentially large,even if the impact(s)may be mitigated. Instructions(If you need more space,attach additional sheets) Discuss the following for each impact identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1. Briefly describe the impact. 2. Describe(if applicable)how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project change(s). 3. Based on the information available,decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is important. To answer the question of importance,consider: The probability of the impact occurring The duration of the impact Its irreversibility,including permanently lost resources of value ! Whether the impact can or will be controlled ! The regional consequence of the impact ! Its potential divergence from local needs and goals ! Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. 1 �� NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Federal Consistency Assessment Form An applicant,seeking a permit,license,waiver,certification or similar type of approval from a federal subjectto agency which the New York State Coastal ManagementProgram(CMP), is shall complete this assessment form for anypropis activity that will occur within and/or directly affect the State's Coastal Area. This form is intended to assist an applicant in certifying that the proposed activity is consistent with New York State's CMP as required by U.S. Department of Commerce regulations(15 CFR 930.57).It should be completed at the time when the federal application is prepared. The Department of State will use the completed form and accompanying information certificationin its review of the applicant's of consistency. A.APPLICANT (please print) L Name: Department of Homeland Security 2.Address: 40550 Rte 5 Orient Point, NY 11957 3.Telephone: Area Code(631l l -323-3142 or ext.3073 B.PROPOSED ACTIVITY I.Brief description of activity: of the existing bulkhead,replace ferry ramps,counterweight towers,utilities,repair a 100 LF pier and 2.Purpose of activity: This project will restore the structural intergrlty of vital infrastructure for a Federal research facility. 3.Location of activity: Suffolk Orient,Town of Southold. End of Main Road County City,Town,or Village Street or Site Description 4.Type of federal permit/license required: Nationwide Permit No 3 5.Federal application number,if known: unknown/pending 6.If a state permit/license was issued or is required for the proposed activity,identify the state agency and provide the application or permit number,if known: NY DEC Tidal Wetlands Permit r _ j C.COASTAL ASSESSMENT Check either"YES"or"NO"for each of these questions. The numbers following each question refer to the policies described in the CMP document(see fo Proposed activity. otnote on page 2)which maybe affected by the t 1.Will the proposed activity result in any of the following: YES/NQ a.Large physical change to a site within the coastal area which will require the preparation of an environmental impact statement? (11,22,25,32,37,38,41,43),,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ❑ b.Physical alteration of more than two acres of land along the shoreline,land under water or coastal waters? (2, 11, 12,20,28,35,44). ❑ ER c.ReWtalization/redevelopment of a deteriorated or underutilized waterfront site? (1)..• Q d.Reduction of existing or potential public access to or along coastal waters? (19,20)...... Q e.Adverse effect upon the commercial or recreational use of coastal fish resources? (9,10)... f.Siting of a facility essential to the exploration,development and production of energy resources❑ in coastal waters or on the outer Continental Shelf? (29)......... g.Siting of a facility essential to the ...j..... Q J0 h.Mining,excavation, generation or transmission of energy? (27).. ........ . Q -® or dredging activities,or the placement of dredged or fill material in coastal waters? (15,35) ,, ,,,,. i.Discharge of toxics,hazardous substances or other pollutants into coastal waters? (8 Q j.Draining of stormwater runoff or sewer overflows into coastal waters? 33 15,35) C1 k.Transport,storage,treatmnt,or disposal of solid wastes or hazardous materials? (36,.39). 1.Adverse effect upon land or water uses within the State's small harbors? (4).......... .. Q a 2.Will the proposed activity affect or be located in on,or adjacent to any of the following: YES/NO a.State designated freshwater or tidal wetland? (44). ❑ 10 b.Federally designated flood and/or state designated erosion hazard area? (11, 12, 17). . ... (_� ❑ c.State designated significant fish and/or wildlife habitat? (7).. d.State designated significant scenic resource or area? (24). c.f.Beach designated important agricultural lands? (2�............. . . .. dune or barrier island? (12)9-Major . h.State Ports,county,or local park?of Albany,Buffalo,Ogdensburg,Oswego or New York? (3)................ (19,20). i.Historic resource listed on the National or.......Register histo is Places? (2 ........ ❑ -® State Register of Historic Places? (23)........ 3.Will the proposed activity require any of the following: YES/NO a.Waterfront site? (2,21,22).................. ® ❑ b.Provision of new public services or infrastructure in undeveloped or sparsely populated — sections of the coastal area? (5).,, D 10 c.Construction or reconstruction of a flood or erosion control structure? (13, 14,16).... .. . ❑l d.State water quality permit or certification? (30,38,40). ❑' e.State air quality permit or certification? (41,43)..................... .... ...... .. ❑ 4. Will the proposed activityoccur.within and/or affect an area covered waterfront revitalization program? (see policies in local b3'a State approved local program document).............. � [� COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM CONSISTENCY STATEMENT I, Mr. Patrick Moylan, Director of Operations of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the proposed bulkhead restoration on Plum Island, New York, complies with the State's approved Coastal Zone management program and maintenance activities will be conducted in a manner consistent with the program. t712-d za Patrick lan,Director of Operations U.S. Department of Homeland Security Plum Island Animal Disease Center f NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Federal Consistency Assessment Form An applicant,seeking a permit,license,waiver,certification or similar type of approval from a federal agency which is subjectto theNewYork State Coastal ManagementProgram(CMP),shall completethis assessment form for anyproposed activity that will occur within and/or directly affect the State's Coastal Area. This form is intended to assist an applicant in certifying that the proposed activity is consistent with New York State's CMP as required by U.S. Department of Commerce regulations(15 CFR 930.57).It should be completed at the time when the federal application is prepared. The Department of State will use the completed form and accompanying information in its review of the applicant's certification of consistency. A.APPLICANT (please print) 1.Name: Department of Homeland Security 2.Address:40550 Rte 5 Orient Point,NY 11957 3.Telephone: Area Code(631) -226-2796 B.PROPOSED ACTIVITY 1.Brief description of activity: Ferry Terminal Hatchery Restoration:Remove and replace 262(+/-)LF of steel sheet pile bulkhead landward of the existing bulkhead,replace fent'ramps,counterweight towers,utilities,repair a 100 LF pier n repair,moi aor replace up to 16 wood tenders an res o ng p ms. 2.Purpose of activity: This Project W 1:111 ill:IF:It 11,3 E.I LZ S a octal al, 3.Location of activity: Suffolk Orient,Town of Southold End of Main Road County City,Town,or Village Street or Site Description 4.Type of federal permit/license required: Nationwide Permit No 3 5.Federal application number,if known: unknown/pending 6.If a state permit/license was issued or is required for the proposed activity,identify the state agency and provide the application or permit number,if known: NY DEC Tidal Wetlands Permit C.COASTAL ASSESSMENT Check either"YES"or"NO"for each of these questions. The numbers following each question refer to the policies described in the CMP document(see footnote on page 2)which may be affected by the proposed activity. 1.Will the proposed activity result in any of the following: YES/NO a.Large physical change to a site within the coastal area which will require the preparation E]of an environmental impact statement? (11,22,25,32,37,38,41,43). . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . b.Physical alteration of more than two acres of land along the shoreline,land ❑ under water or coastal waters? (2, 11, 12,20,28,35,44).. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c.Revitalization/redevelopment of a deteriorated or underutilized waterfront site? (1) . . . . . . ❑. .2 d.Reduction of existing or potential public access to or along coastal waters? (19,20). . . . . . Q e.Adverse effect upon the commercial or recreational use of coastal fish resources? (9,10). . . Q f. Siting of a facility essential to the exploration,development and production of energy resources in coastal waters or on the Outer Continental Shelf? (29) . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . ❑. JR g. Siting of a facility essential to the generation or transmission of energy? (27).. . . . . . . . . . Q h.Mining,excavation,or dredging activities,or the placement of dredged or fill material in coastal waters? (15,35). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Q .2 i.Discharge of toxics,hazardous substances or other pollutants into coastal waters? (8, 15,35) ❑. j.Draining of stormwater runoff or sewer overflows into coastal waters? (33). . .. .. . . .. .. R .❑ k. Transport,storage,treatment,or disposal of solid wastes or hazardous materials? (36,39). Q .® I.Adverse effect upon land or water uses within the State's small harbors? (4). . . . . . . . . . . . Q 2.Will the proposed activity affect or be located in,on,or adjacent to any of the following: YES/NO a.State designated freshwater or tidal wetland? (44). . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ❑ b.Federally designated flood and/or state designated erosion hazard area? (11, 12, 17,). . . . . Q c.State designated significant fish and/or wildlife habitat? (7). . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . d. State designated significant scenic,resource or area? (24). . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e.State designated important agricultural lands? (26). . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Q f.Beach,dune or barrier island? (12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E[ g.Major ports of Albany,Buffalo,Ogdensburg,Oswego or New York? (3). . . . . . . . . . .. . . . E[ h. State,county,or local park? (19,20). . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Q i.Historic resource listed on the National or State Register of Historic Places? (23). .. .. . . . D a 3.Will the proposed activity require any of the following: YES/NO a.Waterfront site? (2,21,22). . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ® _❑ b.Provision of new public services or infrastructure in undeveloped or sparsely populated sections of the coastal area? (5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ElE c.Construction or reconstruction of a flood or erosion control structure? (13, 14, 16) .. . . . . . d. State water quality permit or certification? (30,38,40) .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . e.State air quality permit or certification? (41,43).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Will the proposed activity occur within and/or affect an area covered by a State approved local waterfront revitalization program? (see policies in local program document).. . . . . . . . . .. . . 1 COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM CONSISTENCY STATEMENT I, Mr. Patrick Moylan, Director of Operations of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the Proposed bulkhead restoration on Plum Island, New York, complies with the State's approved Coastal Zone management program and maintenance activities will be conducted in a manner consistent with the program. �t7I2-,d ia Patrick ylan, Director of Operations U.S. Department of Homeland Security Plum Island Animal Disease Center Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except for minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A_ proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town) 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in detail, listing both supporting and non-supporting facts If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (, the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's Office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 1000-132-1-30 PROJECT NAME: Bulkhead and Ramp Restoration,U. S.Dept. of Homeland Security,Plum Island Animal Disease Center The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board Planning Board Building Dept. Board of Trustees X 1 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): a) Action undertaken directly to Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant loan subsidy) c) Permit, approval, license, certification: X Nature and extent of ,action: Repair and 200 LF of the existing steel sheet pile bulkhead at the ferry landing facility at the Plum Island ferry terminal on Plum Island. Location of action: Ferry terminal at Orient Point Site acreage: 3 (+/-) acres, harbor infrastructure 10 (+/-) acres,entire island Present Land use: Industrial Present Zoning Classification: Marine Commercial 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency,the following information shall be provided: a) Name of applicant: ASRC Federal Field Services Inc (AFFS) Plum Island Animal Disease Center b) Mailing Address: 40550 Route 25, Orient Point,NY 11944 c) Telephone number: Area Code (860) 572-8939 (Agent) d) Application number, if any Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes X No If yes, which state or federal Agency?US ACOE,NYS DEC C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support of not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. 2 DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable The new loading ramp support facilities for vehicles and passengers and bulkhead replacement sheeting make continued appropriate use of an existing waterfront site and complies with environmental design factors published by the NYS DEC Tidal Wetlands Regulations,'Southold'Local Law No. 6, 2004 and the Southold LWRP. The new bulkhead will basically be driven immediately behind the existing bulkhead. Piles will remain about 4' above the finished grade of the bulkhead. There will be no impairment of water flow or navigation. Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Page 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes No X Not Applicable This site is restricted to public access. The terminal site and harbor facilities are visible from the water only when directly south of the line of the harbor. The only portion of the proposed work visible to any extent is the harbor from the south and, at a distance, the changes in appearance will hardly be noticeable. The only land side visual access affected by this project is at the road and the industrial nature of the site and ferry landing facilities will be unchanged by the repair work. 3 i NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable The proposed bulkhead restoration will take place in the harbor and is acknowledged to be in a flood-prone area; there is little damaging wave exposure at this site and existing sloped stone wave attenuation sections dampen waves which enter the basin through the channel entrance. Nonetheless, the bulkhead has been designed to accommodate complete submersion and resist hydrostatic uplift pressures due to flooding. The project site, in fact all of the ferry terminal facilities,are landward of the Coastal Erosion limit line. Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X_ Not Applicable This project will not have any affect on suitability of or availability of drinking water. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWR'P Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. X_ Yes No Not Applicable This project is consistent with this policy because it proposes minimal work in an area of no tidal wetlands or submerged aquatic vegetation. With regard to the use of CCA pressure- treated Southern Yellow Pine in the course of construction,the NYS DEC prepared a study showing that the proposed pressure-treated Southern Pine timber products construction materials are suitable for this type of project in this location. The design parameters shown on the drawings provides an optimum balance between acceptable design and access standards without adverse environmental impact. Because of vessel loading potential, the dolphin fender piles will be Greenheart. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes No XI Not Applicable There are no air quality issues related to this project. No emissions will be generated by the ferry landing facility. 4 Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X I Not Applicable Any non-soil salvaged waste from the excavation and the pressure-treated wood trimmings from the fender repairs and any steel bulkhead sheeting cut-offs from the demolition will be collected and disposed of in accordance with current regulations by a licensed hauling contractor already providing such services to the PIADC facility and utilizing best management practices so as to minimize any harmful affect. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters,public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This project is being built on Federal land in a manmade Ferry Terminal basin. The public trust lands and waters typically constitutes the area between the mean high water line and mean low water line and the resources are from the high tide line out,and there is none on this site. Environmental resources elsewhere onsite are being protected by the design standards dictated by the Federal Government. There is no public use of the waterfront in this area and the repair of the ferry landing facilities mostly landward of the apparent high water line are not likely to influence or change this fact. This Federal facility is exempted from the NYS Coastal Management Program and the PIADC is specifically listed as such in the CAM Act Appendix D. WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III —Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable This project is to repair the ferry landing bulkhead at the Orient Point ferry terminal, a high priority, water-dependent use, Federal installation This usage is defined as water- dependent in the LWRP because the operation provides essential transportation access to and from Plum Island. Ferry access is the only form of transportation to and from the island. 5 Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This facility is not used for commercial fishing or shellfish industries or enterprises. Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This facility is not used for or in support of any agricultural or aquaculture industries or enterprises. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral sources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This facility is not used for or in support of any energy or mineral mining or processing operations. PREPARED BY Keith B. Neilson,P.E. Docko.Inc. TITLE_Agent DATE : May 29 2020 6 U.S.ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR'DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO.0710-0003 33 CFR 325 EXPIRES:31 AUGUST 2012 , 71 Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources;gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information,including suggestions for reducing this burden,to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters,Executive Services and Communications Directorate,information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget,Paperwork Reduction Project(0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities:Rivers and Harbors Act,Section 10,33 USC 403;Clean Water Act,Section 404,33 USC 1344;Marine Protection,Research,and Sanctuaries Act,Section 103,33 USC 1413;Regulatory programs of the Corps of Engineers;Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose:Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses:This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal,state,and local government agencies,.and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary,however,if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application(see sample drawings and/or Instructions)and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANT) 5. APPLICANTS NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE(agent is not required) First- Patrick Middle- Last- Dylan First- Keith Middle- / B. Last- Neilson Company- ' vF /�or$�L�r /p cxXaW.—Krrr XM T)J iii�. ) , Company- Docko Incorporated E-mail Address- Cleanles ,aea�r@ST.DHS.GOV E-mail Address- 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS: 9. AGENTS ADDRESS: Address- 40550 Routs 25 Main Street Address- POBox 421 City- Orient point State- NY ZIP- 11957 Country-USA City- Mystic State- CT Zip- 06355 Country-USA 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOs.WAREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOS.WAREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax (631)323-3073 (860)572-8939 (860)572-7569 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. 1 hereby authorize, to act in m shelf as my a it in the processing of t is application and to furnish,upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit ication. SIG 7"PPLIVNr— DATE NAME,LOCATION,AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE(see instructions) Bulkhead and Ramp Restoration 13. NAME OF WATERBODY,IF KNOWN(if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS(if applicable) Plum Island Harbor/Orient Point Harbor Address plum Island Harbor 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude:oN 41010'.4 Longitude:-W 72012".3W City- Orient Point State- NY Zip- 11957 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS,IF KNOWN(see Instructions) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section- Township- Range- ENG FORM 4345 OCT 2010 EDITION OF OCT 2004 IS OBSOLETE Proponent:CEMOR t 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE TAKE THE FERRY TO THE PLUM ISLAND FACILITY WHERE THE WORK IS PROPOSED. DRIVE TO 40550 ROUTE 25 FOR ORIENT POINT. 18. Nature of Activity(Description of project,include all features) Repair and restoration of the bulkhead landward of the apparent high(spring high tide)line. 19. Project Purpose(Describe the reason or purpose of the project,see instructions) Conduct repairs and restoration of the existing bulkhead and associated ferry support facilities for the Plum Island Ferry Terminal. The fent'is an essential transportation facility serving the PIADC facility on Plum Island and workers,passengers,auto,freight,construction and service shipping needs. USE BLOCKS 20-23 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s)for Discharge Not Applicable. 21. Type(s)of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type In Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount In Cubic Yards Amount In Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 22. Surrace Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled(see instructions) Acres Not Applicable or Linear Feet 23. Description of Avoidance,Minimization,and Compensation(see Instructions) The work cannot be avoided and there is no need for compensation,the new seawall is to be built landward of the existing bulkhead. "NG FORM 4345,OCT 2010 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete?QYes QNo IF YES,DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK The existing bulkheads have been in continuous service for more than 25 years apparently installed in the 1970's with routine maintenance since that time. 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners,Lessees,Etc.,Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody(d more than can be entered here,please attach a supplemental list). a.Address- Cross Sound Ferry City- Orient point State- Ny Zip- 11957 b.Address- West Marina City- Orient Point State- Ny Zip- 11957 c.Address- City- State- Zip- d.Address- City- State- Zip- e.Address- City- State- Zip- 26. List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal,State,or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* IDENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER NYS DEC TIDAL WETLANDS PENDING JUNE 1,2020 PENDING SOUTHOLD TIDAL WETLAND PENDING JUNE 1,2020 PENDING TRUSTEES NYS DOS NOT PERMIT REQUIRED;FEDERAL *Would include but is not restricted to zoning,building,and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. 114 1 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DTE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity(applicant)or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C.Section 1001 provides that:Whoever,in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the-United States knowingly and willfully falsifies,conceals,or covers up any trick,scheme,or disguises a material fact or makes any false,fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false,fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry,shall be fined not more than$10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345,OCT 2010 1 / Office of ain ant cc ta11 ret � r , Conservation USAm of Ealglne V JOINT APPLICATION FORM For Permits for activities activities affecting streams,waterways,waterbodies,wetlands, coastal areas,sources of water, and endangered and threatened species. You must separately apply for and obtain Permits from each involved agency before starting work. Please read all instructions. 1. Applications To: >NYS Department of Environmental Conservation 0 Check�here to confirm you sent this form to NYSDEC. Check all permits that apply: ❑Dams and impound- ❑✓ Tidal Wetlands ❑Water Withdrawal '❑Stream Disturbance ment Structures ❑Wild,Scenic and ❑ Long Island Well ❑ Excavation and Fill in ❑401 Water Quality Recreational Rivers ❑ Incidental Take of Navigable Waters Certification ❑Coastal Erosion Endangered/ ❑ Docks, Moorings or ❑Freshwater Wetlands Management Threatened Species Platforms >US Army Corps of Engineers ❑ Check here to confirm you sent this.form to USACE. Check all permits that apply: ❑Section 404 Clean Water Act ❑✓ Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act Is the project Federally funded? M Yes ❑ No If yes, name of Federal Agency: Department of Homeland Security General Permit Type(s), if known: I Nationwide Permit No. 3 Preconstruction Notification: Yes 0 No >NYS Office of General Services ❑ Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSOGS. Check all permits that apply: ❑ State Owned Lands Under Water ❑ Utility Easement(pipelines,conduits,cables,etc.) ❑ Docks, Moorings or Platforms >NYS Department of State ❑ Check hereto confirm you sent this form to NYSDOS. Check if this applies: ❑Coastal Consistency Concurrence 2. Name of Applicant Taxpayer ID if applicant is NOT an individual U.S. Department of Homeland Security Mailing Address Post Office/City State Zi Orient Point [NY] 11957 40550 New York 25 Main'St. Telephone 631-323-3142 Email I patrick.moylan@ST.DHS.GOV Applicant Must be(check all that apply): ©Owner ❑ Operator ❑ Lessee 3. Name of Property Owner if different than Applicant) Department of Homeland Security Mailing Address Post Office/City State Zi 40550 Rte.25 Orient Point [NY 111957 Telephone 631-323-3142 Email patrick.moylan@ST.DHS.GOV :A' 1r yp�y'P¢Mq±u'. "Vi.:�j.'i ., Ep( +4 Rr' 's JOINT APPLICATION FORM 08/16 Page 1 of 4 y� JOINT APPLICATION FORM=Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 4. Name of Contact Mr. Charles Lecour, Project Manager Mailing Address Post Office/city State Zi 40550 Rte.25 Orient NY 11957 Telephone 631-226-2796 Email Charles.Lacour(�ST.DHS.GOV 5. Pro ect-/Facility Name Pro erty Tax Map Section/Block/Lot Number: PIADC Ferry Transportation Terminal Project Street Address, if applicable Post Office/City State Zi E::::::7 [Orient,Town of Southold NY =11967 Provide directions and distances to roads intersections bridges and bodies of water Take NYS Rte 25A east to the end past the Village of Orient to the end of the road and tum right into the security screening area. Town F_' Village 71 City County StreamMaterbody Name Southold, Orient Point Suffolk Peconic Bay Project Location Coordinates: Enter Latitude and Lon itude in degrees, minutes, seconds: Latitude:R:=0 g=1' 13 Longitude: 72 ° 14 34.17 " 6. Project Description: Provide the following information about your project. Continue each response and provide any additional information on other pages.Attach plans on separate Danes a. Purpose of the proposedproject: This is a US Government,restricted use,facility providing essential transportation to a research laboratory.The Orient Point Harbor Terminal is operated by the US Department of Homeland Security. b. Description of current site conditions: The existing site is a fully bulkheaded ferry terminal basin with a fixed wood,pier,wood fenders,hinged ferry terminal landing ramps, and electrical utilities to power all of the equipment and lighting systems. This is an industrial site. c. Proposed site changes: There will be no changes of,a dramatic nature. This is a piecemeal replacement of existing facilities,upgrading the bulkhead and ferry landings to better suit the ferry terminal operations. d. Type of structures and fill materials to be installed, and quantity of materials to be used(e.g., square feet of coverage,cubic yards of fill material structures below ordinary/mean hi h water, etc. The structures to be installed will be replacement ramp landing facilities, repair and restoration of the wood pier, relocation of the existing wood fenders, and the back sheeting of the bulkhead. There is no new fill in this project. The bulkhead restoration will be built within the footprint of the existing facility. Any material that is excavated to allow construction work to proceed will be replaced. e. Area of excavation or dredging, volume of material to be removed, location of dredged materialplacement: There is no dredging or excavation in navigable waters. The excavation will be behind the existing bulkhead and will be replaced upon installation of the new bulkhead. f. Is tree cutting or clearing proposed? F' Yes If Yes,explain below. F No Timing of the proposed cutting or clearing(month/year): Number of trees to be cut: Acreage of trees to be cleared: JOINT APPLICATION FORM 08116 Page 2 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM—Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. t Work methods and fun&of a ui ment to be used: This project will involve the use of land-based and water-based construction equipment,including a marine construction barge with a deck mount and crane,land crane,excavator, loader,trenching equipment for utilities,and the like. Work methods will be typical of heavy and highway construction including pile driving. h. Describe the lanned sequence of activities: The sequence of activities will be to decommission one slip of the existing terminal facility and then install the entire new bulkhead behind the existing bulkhead and completely restore the ramp before proceeding to the second ramp and completing the bulkhead project. The laststep in each case prior to ferry slip opening will be the replacement of the wood fenders. i. Pollution control methods and other actions proposed to Mitigate environmental impacts: j. Erosion and silt control methods that will be used to prevent water guality,impacts: It is anticipated that silt control method and erosion,and sediment control methods will not be necessary for this project.The proposed scope of work<Inaudible>bulkhead,which is still 99%in tact and will act as a suitable buffer and barrier between the open waters of the basin and the work area. k. Alternatives considered to avoid regulated areas. If no feasible alternatives exist, explain how the project will minimize impacts: The proposed work scheme,for replacing the existing steel bulkhead behind the<Lost Signal>with the new structure is the best alternative to avoid regulated areas,and to avoid repeated encroachment into this already small very terminal basin. It should be noted that this basin was a man made structure and does not represent federal public trust land,or state public trust land. This is the most feasible economical and environmental) suitable I. Proposed use: Z Private ❑Public Commercial m.Proposed Start Date:I October 2020 Estimated Completion Date: 1 October 2021 n. Has work be un on roiect? ED Yes If Yes ex Iain below. No o. Will ro'ect Occupy Federal State or Munici al Land? The Federal Government, Homeland Security Office,owns the property utilized as the ferry terminal departure point for Plum Island. p. List any previous DEC, USACE, OGS or DOS Permit/Application numbers for activities at this location: Attached on a separate exhibit are copies of other DEC, USACE,Department of State,and town permits,which have been received for this site. q. Will this project require additional Federal, State, or Local authorizations, including zoning changes? �°-- Yes If Yes, list below.—O No This project is being funded by the federal government.Local authorizations are required,including a town of south old trustees permit.Application documents for those other agencies,including DOS and DEC are attached. JOINT APPLICATION FORM 08/16 Page 3 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM—Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 7. Signatures. Applicant and Owner(If different)must sign the application. Append additional pages of this Signature section if there are multiple Applicants, Owners or Contact/Agents. I hereby affirm that information provided on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Permission to Inspect- I hereby consent to Agency inspection of the project site and adjacent property areas. Agency staff may enter the property without notice between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday- Friday. Inspection may occur without the owner, applicant or agent present. If the property is posted with"keep out"signs or fenced with an unlocked gate, Agency staff may still enter the property.Agency staff may take measurements, analyze site physical characteristics,take soil and vegetation samples,sketch and photograph the site. I understand that failure to give this consent may result in denial of the permit(s)sought by this application. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the NYS Penal Law. Further,the applicant accepts full responsibility for all damage,direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whomever suffered,arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from said project. In addition, Federal Law, 18 U.S.C., Section 1001 provides for a fine of not more than$10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both where an applicant knowingly and willingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up a material fact;or know' ly makes or uses a false,fictitious or fraudulent statement. Si nat of A lic nt Date �pll7 I LeZ� Applicant M (check all apply): ✓❑ Owner ❑Operator ❑Lessee Printed Name Title Mr. Patrick Moylan Director of Operations Signature of Owner if different than Applicant) Date Printed Name Title Signature of Contact/Agent Date I L Printed Name Title Keith B. Neilson, P.E. Agent .V ';•'kr.•� d�" ;6; A��{"aN`t§; ?n4.'ti�u',M'r}c`;'iga 2f:Q. ..,-' �`F ;Ki; k .,l�it.�'r' �Je��tiz.teik�.�'=s;E,i'Y=•R�.t,,?:.;'�-y�i yF a."Fi.'.Y.'.i.t.,`�'a�f,^: Salo �y N. ? -r .v, 'i. n '-a,L�'{y,li r`C"J"'4p I +•,`'�s°is',:`i .,x... •: wih'p,Is:NR F:.Jh s Y L^ µ%?•. fix, `,f+ �P^,- r ��i.Y"za'7°z_. w L:3 a"�-. ,�,•.T,ix{';=s .*,.,•. v3'P.� w S .i'�a _ t -bb.s'.}'3�' .�S,�E�� 4 "y' R�{+ ti � 3 •;�,•�: ',X�''t�.^2�=s, s s p,11° ,�,t,� �{ �11;4 °•I�.` � 8,.`Y =; � _ = �'t;.y��• ?:?, s N`' Y ,,.=1. Y{.:.i .Y r,'d ht� �} yea k i' '3�=,= �+.-•n:Z=`.,ly; - »'diet=$a •� •1` 4§` h.Ca ,�, }`- 'i.Yre .>-e 'F t�. •jX-���� J:.. �':.4''� .? +: af''. � as ygk ^:d"_ :a� .4 � x• �' ��� '<•�• :`4 s. �' Y, p,K .� ��.��,�'" �, 'q?i,,;;t:tom;�. �y��K�'F :�P iB��S�`r 4"F.s S .�A3`1'ti; �` .4�'>82 F il• '.�� .• ' ....,..;. MR f✓'i'fia� , -y�".n.r.•-;�:.,$°'� Y $yrta bks. �Xn" �, i. f C+l �� Y��'"- ,t.,; �=Y-,bi'S8"L�.��$S;'..L "�TZ''x✓.,,'C.o`�`:.Y''�1 Y°.T,}t'.'Si.;T. .:v�c vr*jr WN, c `r i� ;�..» � eN,p w,1. ., yy~,1��, y "••, 4��,£' ` ' -. - .� �.a r .5' k sl'+:?i.,{,�°.k.ksi:bn;.'._-. :i x%st Orn= ah - am ,1- JOINT APPLICATION FORM 08/16 Page 4 of 4 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation _ MON PERMISSION TO INSPECT PROPERTY By signing this permission form for submission with an application for a permit(s)to the Department of Environmental Conservation("DEC"),the signer consents to inspection by DEC staff of the project site or facility for which a permit is sought and, to the extent necessary, areas adjacent to the project site or facility. This consent allows DEC staff to enter upon and pass through such property in order to inspect the project site or facility, without prior notice, between the hours of 7:00 a.m.and 7:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. If DEC staff should wish to conduct an inspection at any other times,DEC staff will so notify the applicant and will obtain a separate consent for such an inspection. Inspections may take place as part of the application review prior to a decision to grant or deny the permit(s) sought. By signing this consent form,the signer agrees that this consent remains in effect as long as the application is pending, and is effective regardless of whether the signer,applicant or an agent is present at the time of the inspection. In the event that the project site or facility is posted with any form of"posted" or"keep out"notices,or fenced in with an unlocked gate,this permission authorizes DEC staff to disregard such notices or unlocked gates at the time of inspection. The signer further agrees that during an inspection,DEC staff may, among other things, take measurements, may analyze physical characteristics of the site including, but not limited to, soils and vegetation(taking samples for analysis), and may make drawings and take photographs. Failure to grant consent for an inspection is grounds for, and may result in, denial of the permit(s) sought by the application. Permission is granted for inspection of property located at the following address(es): Plum Island Ferry Terminal 40550 Route 25,Orient Point,.NY By signing this form, I affirm under penalty of perjury that I am authorized to give consent to entry by DEC staff as described above. I unders nd that false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor rsuant to tion 210.45 of the Penal Law. Mr.Patrick Moylan,Director of Ops. � /7 Z d L Print Name and Title Signature Date *The signer of this form must be an individual or authorized representative of a legal entity that: • owns fee title and is in possession of the property identified above; • maintains possessory interest in the property through a lease,rental agreement or other legally binding agreement;or • is provided permission to act on behalf of an individual or legal entity possessing fee title or other possessory interest in the property for the purpose of consenting to inspection of such property. Permission to Inspect Property Application Supplement 12/08 EFH ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET FOR FEDERAL AGENCIES (modified 08/04) PROJECT NAME: Bulkhead and Ramp Restoration DATE: May 29,2020 PROJECT NO.:_19-12-3073 LOCATION: Plum Island Ferry Terminal PREPARER: Docko, Incorporated, Keith B. Neilson, P.E. Step 1. Use the Habitat Conservation Division EFH webpage,Guide to Essential Fish Habitat Designations in the Northeastern United States to generate the list of designated EFH for federally-managed species for the geographic area of interest ( -Use the species list as part of the initial screening process to determine if EFH for those species occurs in the vicinity of the proposed action. Attach that list to the worksheet because it will be used in later steps. Make a preliminary determination on the need to conduct an EFH Consultation. `r��``' = s.s,°%tt:�� �J,2f _ °:�� •;k••x' �p�;.,; ,w;:r_., .s� r x>s�^���'�' r �.�,^� � •s• �«.N.•„.,,:.,r.; s�'e�ry� .�:A•+�:a�'FZ,v�:�vi WA EFW Dsatlons rgn Is the action located in or adjacent to EFH designated for eggs? X Is the action.located in or adjacent to EFH designated for larvae? X Is the action located in or adjacent to EFH designated for juveniles? X Is the action located in or adjacent to EFH designated for adults? X Is the action located in or adjacent to EFH designated for spawning adults? X If you answered no to all questions above,then EFH consultation is not required-go to Section 5. If you answered yes to any of the above questions proceed to Section 2 and complete remainder of the worksheet. Step 2. In order to assess impacts, it is critical to know the habitat characteristics of the site before the activity is undertaken. Use existing information, to the extent possible, in answering these questions. Please note that, there may be circumstances in which new information must be collected to appropriately characterize the site and assess impacts. ,:,��;�-- .;yv C4`�'���>w�.Y,�:=•:f��:y s>•.r�`'.z��`y�.,`'.:-"�v�'��'SA".3;a"�.' "��;rr';•i. �s 'r {� x �" �3�'?'•<. :.1: Fh <u'..p'_" ; ..ry' Is the site intertidal,sub-tidal, or This project is to backsheet a long-standing steel bulkhead with wood water column? pile fenders and construct a new ferry landing ramp facility. The project will encompass parts of the shoreline, the intertidal zone and shallow subtidal zone approximately 0.1 acres in size. See attached narrative.The entire site is developed. What are the sediment The existing subtidal sediments are coarse grained sand, gravel and characteristics? rocks of various sizes up to 6 inches diameter. There is a bulkhead seawall along the entire shoreline and the sediments beneath the shore landing are stone and boulders. Is Habitat Area of Particular This site is an existing developed shorefront and not HAPC. The Concern(HAPC)designated at dune that boarders the cove to the east is eroding due to exposure to or near the site? If so what normal tidal and climatic conditions, with light sporadic dune type,size, characteristics? vegetative growth. HAPC exist in open waters of the Bay beyond the site where no impacts with occur. 1, Is there submerged aquatic There is no visible SAV in the shallow subtidal waters within the ferry vegetation (SAV)at or adjacent basin and there is no SAV detritus on the foreshore to indicate to project site? If so describe existence of SAV in the near shore waters. This project will not have the spatial extent. any adverse effect on SAV. The harbor structure is long-standing,as is the boat usage,which includes vehicle and passenger ferries and patrol boats. What is typical salinity and Salinity varies somewhat seasonally but is typically in the 25-30 ppt. temperature regime/range? Temperature varies seasonally from approximately 30 degrees in the winter to 70 degrees in the summer. What is the normal frequency of There is site disturbance per se,everyday attributable to the ferries site disturbance, both natural terminal maneuvering and access to and from this site but not in and man-made? adjacent open waters. What is the area of proposed Approximately 1/10 acre will be directly impacted by this bulkhead impact(work footprint&far oversheeting and ramp construction project. afield)? - f Step 3. This section is used to describe the anticipated impacts from the proposed action on the physical/chemical/biological environment at the project site and areas adjacent to the site that may be affected. a:'.. �:' �,.^ :Fx, v �, ,k ,aur• z•r yy':"w5'.' ry'�<s ..i\<�.. .. .. .am,.. .�`.,.;,,-•tF,.;,.�''C�. ;�xz' �;��%;s,...� �� ��, '��:'�?`"" > yea u .�-r�.'•a,"-,cF�xf,�`. �Y;�yn a.. , ''�'��b ,��n a. � 4v,y'., l.`�:. ..h'�:. <.;x- 2"> ..".: >•tiaC'° J. kin ='.;L.:,;`+S�v. - ,"/.' - ;.+:+ Y'ti - - -..,%.. - - r,t `IritU�a�ts` �:�• sdescr` `t�riri,�;:: .. _ ��: Nature and duration of j It is anticipated that the impacts from this project will be ^,ns activity(s) ��< small because of the limited nature of the work which can take place in as little as three months and is scheduled for fall 2020/winter2021. Boating activity is mostly Ferries which -:z� a run all year. Will benthic community be X It is unlikely that shellfish flourish in this area. Also,the benthic disturbed? community would be only marginally disturbed by the marine construction barge and push boat and propulsion systems. No excavation or filling is proposed and the dock facility will be repaired or modified in place or behind. New piles are less than 50 and will have limited impact. Will SAV be impacted? X No SAV have been observed in the project areas and no adverse impact to SAV is foreseen as a result of this project. Will sediments be altered and/or X Sedimentation rates in the shallow sub tidal zones will not sedimentation rates change? change as a result of this project. The project is in immediate proximity to and behind the existing bulkhead. Will turbidity increase? X Turbidity, on a day to day basis,will not change significantly from existing conditions.The ferries will continue to use both sides of the harbor regularly. Will water depth change? X No changes in water depth are proposed for construction equipment access or for boating operations. Will contaminants be released X The likelihood of contamination from this pier/bulkhead/ into sediments or water ferry ramp reconstruction will be minimal. column? Will tidal flow, currents or wave X Tidal flow, currents or wave patterns will not change, the pier and patterns be altered? fenders are an open, wood pile and timber dock facility which will not adversely affect water flow and circulation. Will ambient salinity or X No changes to salinity or temperature of tidal waters will temperature regime change? result from this project. Will water quality be altered? X Water quality should not change to a measurable extent as a result of this project beyond the bottom sediment disturbances resulting from ferry and construction operations. Step 4. This section is used to evaluate the consequences of the proposed action on the functions and values of EFH as well as the vulnerability of the EFH species and their life stages. Identify which species from the EFH species list (generated in Step 1) will be adversely impacted from the action. Assessment of EFH impacts should be based upon the site characteristics identified in Step 2 and the nature of the impacts described within Step 3. The Guide to EFH Descriptions webpage (http://www.nero.noaa.govihcd/list.htm)should be used during this assessment to determine the ecological parameters/preferences associated with each species listed and the potential impact to those parameters. -nsy ritk ,,s .'Fr"" lu;�e'ee s'">'ro r�.-;S'..� `o\sr,+�&•.,: `Y°>.x....yN,r= cr•,i.tetlesa:�:.;1d,;;,:' ,�.+. .�...:..�y.,a.,.+•.sy :..^.v..- pe:scesafs��'�:'s,:".iy"Ns .v°,.,t.o; ;be ayi, versFucicr . <anc:. a "iabtatpilyely _ ;, ... ,�,;, y � e,;any Fo�. �,' ` �, `�x^ • • �s .ine Will functions an d values of � fz � � � `` r�r �.k.f.,,�_�,:�:.. ��,-:::;. �• e impacted for: EFH b p �� ��•�'���;a�L ,.� ,, i�;��, :� : °��: ��:a�''�;�.� �:Z: _�n�: ��,;. C• Spawning X The sub-tidal zone and intertidal zone are currently sandy gravel strewn with stones and boulders and will remain so without regard to the project. No alterations of the benthos or underwater habitat are proposed.The benthos in this case is severely stressed by daily ferry operations and this will not change as a result of this project. Nursery X The shallow sub-tidal zone and intertidal zone is currently boulders and sandy gravel and will remain so. No alterations of the benthos or underwater habitat are proposed. The benthos in this case is severely stressed by ferry operations and this will not change as a result of this project.The waters are severely agitated during ferry arrival and departure maneuvering. Forage X The shallow sub-tidal zone and intertidal zone are currently boulders and sandy gravel and will remain so. No adverse impact to submerged aquatic vegetation is anticipated if it does exist in nearby waters. No SAV has been observed during underwater surveys or subsequent visits. Shelter X The shallow sub-tidal zone and intertidal zone are currently coarse gravel with shoreline stone and boulders and will remain so as a result of this project. No SAV has been observed during site surveys. The benthos in this case is severely stressed by ferry operations and this will not change as a result of this project. Will impacts be temporary or ��'°' It is envisioned that an impacts experienced as a result of this P P ry ,�-,•.�� Y P P permanent? reconstruction project will be temporary and not permanent. The area of coverage of the facility is small compared to the area of the a ' basin and of no consequence compared to the overall coastal ` 6 shoreline fringe habitat and of Gardiner Bay. Will compensatory mitigation be X No compensatory mitigation is proposed for this project. This used? project is only to replace an existing bulkhead from behind and modify a second ferry landing ramp adjacent to the existing ramp facility and to the same dimensions. , 7 1 Step 5. This section provides the Federal agency=s determination on the degree of impact to EFH from the proposed action. The EFH determination also dictates the type of EFH consultation that will be required with NOAA Fisheries. :!�,,✓,;,y:a r<y .kR.,; :w kKr;v&,i',v;,'wcT, ^o•',5'..9dq•^,K+.'�.,tea;r•-•rw C' .',„'.,",.' .= ,'vaib., :`,e:.• X 'dt';.• .,cw p. .. ,,. km ; '•ii'.`,ai`,' ,�.irirl„ V, %!•'i :V�'F';j.r� Y;`t2 'i 9^ `l. '£E '. � "- ":.Ti:[✓x•r', ;'rr?.,..'z'"..+ :..�? N�G� r� ��:Yb� .,�.(.•K,axe,'Mart. �� D'W�Yi������,;�.��.""� ��y- .� 'y<✓L �;. s,/:��� _ .;> 'ti's.':xc: . ,r�,•.,,( .. Y. Yv' _ .; , 'Federate Agency a:.�FH`�Determ6ratirsn.;.:� '�. x`,CiT,I'^- ,•), •-'4.' _ �:�',i•S t$.=Y� .3�:�". '"}~• - a•?'F..r.�`�1 C' .. ,. z• .„. ., ., ... is -.�,' ti,�..' Y `•aY Na �,:: �.. X There is no adverse effect on EFH Overall degree of EFH Consultation is not required adverse effects on EFH (not including The adverse effect on EFH is not substantial. compensatory mitigation)will be: This is a request for an abbreviated EFH consultation.This worksheet is being submitted to NMFS to satisfy the EFH (check the appropriate Assessment requirement. statement) The adverse effect on EFH is substantial. This is a request for an expanded EFH consultation. A detailed written EFH assessment will be submitted to NMFS expanding upon the impacts revealed in this worksheet. Step 6. Consultation with NOAA Fisheries may also be required if the proposed action results in adverse impacts to other NOAA-trust resources, such as anadromous fish, shellfish, crustaceans, or their habitats. Some examples of other NOAA-trust resources are listed below. Inquiries regarding potential impacts to marine mammals or threatened/endangered species should be directed to NOAA Fisheries' Protected Resources Division. ,. ,�;a'"r'� ^„i.^ %i'§; '�r'"s" .rte'..., �';, •.sw '�'�. - z ♦r:^,"v „�'�, ���.,��'' ..�^` ,.:z°;`.,�C�0r;..•�;,v<�. .fix �,• ;,Y�"'a^'i�� y. ' � x:t '�. ...X��.,. �,g,�-.O'� .�.,�. ,.: s�� �NM�����s*:• 71Ma'!I3>�"V`.�:., ,,,e1�+o�� 34r�iMl��. ;,�'�•'✓- ,�'.�.,r , :De crib- abitat.16iouet e: h sicaI;f chernidal' or'�b olo �caf ;$pedies�.knowrt'ta-occurs., k? p typ ,( at;site' listotlie'rs=ttat= x cliruptiori:ofspwhingHar�d/or;eggileveloprment=habitat;.juvenile.nursery, �,. ;. ., r. ma 'a "I^ ;n�iiilarsadultfeaitirr/`ycolririi ratccri Wafift sN kti:;,. _ .: alewife blueback herring rainbow smelt Atlantic sturgeon Atlantic menhaden American shad American eel Physical changes, not disruptive to any stage American lobster Physical changes, not disruptive, not observed at this site blue mussels Physical changes, not disruptive, new habitat for all stages soft-shell clams quahog Physical Changes, not disruptive, no adverse impact to any stage. Otherspecies: n ' Docko, Inc■ Serving the waterfront community since 1987 P.O.Box 421,My II E,-CT 06355(860 5 - 860)572-7569, l June 17, 2020 Glenn Goldsmith, President Southold Board of Trustees 27 P.O. Box 1179 j Southold,NY 11971 i - Sci,tlo3d Tarn B a o lluq as Re: S. Dept. of Homeland Security Bulkhead Restoration, Orient Point,NY Dear Mr. Goldsmith: On behalf of U. S. Department of Homeland Security, we enclose herewith the following in support of his permit application for bulkhead restoration on Orient Point. ➢ Three prints each of plans titled: Project: "Bulkhead Restoration" Waterway: Gardiners Bay Location: Orient Point, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Applicant: U.S. Department of Homeland Security Date: May 29, 2020 ➢ Three copies of the Southold Board of Trustees permit application; SEQR- Part 1, LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, Tax Assessor's Map, site photographs and location map and topographic and boundary survey of the site. ➢ Check in the amount of$250.00 payable to the Town of Southold. ➢ One copy of each of the other applications to regulatory agencies. This project does not require a Coastal Erosion Permit. I trust that you will find this application package complete and acceptable; please let me know if the need for further information arises. Very truly yours, DOCKO, INC. Keith B. Neilson, P.E. KBN: cl Enclosures CC: Mr. Jeff Law US ACOE NYS DEC: Environmental Permits NYS DOS File: 19-12-3073 PIADC