HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSEA Stipulation of Agreement RESOLUTION 2020-529 ADOPTED DOC ID: 16369 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2020-529 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON AUGUST 25,2020: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the Stipulation of Agreement dated July 22, 2020 between the Town of Southold, the Civil Service Employee Association and the Southold Town Police Benevolent Association and hereby authorizes Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute same on behalf of the Town of Southold. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Dinizio Jr, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell N1'cM1jw4Jv111 of Agmcnitnt inadc this 2211d day of July 2020 by and onlong the (D TO Or SouthOld.(1110 Civil ScrVite rimployets Azo-ciation lnc.,Local 1000,AFSC-ME, AFL-CIO,Sowhold Unh 9785("the CSEA")nud(ho South0d Tovm Police Ognevoleni Aunlatioll("the PDA")- WHEREAS,on or shoo[Augtkv 15,2019,thr CSEA'filod PM lw)pwW ftaakc Chme Ux Vqo.U-37 too allegiag that,in sum And subitiirv�t.t K,-To*mn hzd im".-dy 0"ilderally tromfared(he CSF A's ek0usiYc barpining unit worP�tQhcn,Qu or about April 2019,Town Uirt U.Giom,D PBA Unit Mcniber,was wi5igncd to-Verforai the work of emlille mwk schrAlUICS for Plift S0641Y MqNitchL o,("PS0!;-) by the CSEA,and WHEREAS.08 oat 0910ba 4,2Q190h-.TWM GW an Anmer to ft ChgrE c denYina.aniang othar things,dw CS 's allegation of e=ltWvlty ov&a*at-ism we*. WHFMAS,on w r11 t(Sqxmbcr 2S,2019,ft PDA riled a nimica to jnwcv=;and WHEREAS,oa ar 2bmg Omber 22,2019,the PBA"z moftn to ingavent ww S=ccd; WHEREAS,an w aboan(kv3b-,r 24,2019.ft PBA filed an Answer to tk-.MzT(z denyin&&nwnt,'&L1=tWn,%tk CS °sanggatUM ofacluzivity ova ft ot-imm wak; WHEM4,m0fiPIC PM410-36119 c6DfffM*9 fmve shm beco Md b,-fam PETM AdminiAmtivz Law IvAgc K04i Aku DaIi twd a hwAng is cas jy�hej-ultd to u-utc ptmo�before AU Badido on My 14,20 ,mW WHEREAS,dw pwdcs have conferred m4 reahad an agm-emcnt malvitkg this M011W withota the unccmiwiM caa ad dska of amikived lifigatkn among Qz& NOW,THOREFORE,dw partieq Wee=falom: I. Effiwiivc uM&-.MMplale rmt1ficadw af this Aymcment,tk CS F-A will withdmw Me Imipm-pa F(actice Chmrgr io PERH Cm No.U-171 00,with pmjutrjCq. 2. Mc ive ur",ilk c==left MC01-110a of this Agrccmtot uW mfirication cr1f,:jMc by (14-Town Murd,the C=ji0a offlic nN -daich is definV4 to it sdwduling shill and mcciving and pw-cgdjM , jim-aff r"00A(1, Iromted ror ravcn)l YL*,-,4-,n PSD It,will te donne&as C=W*,VtY CISBA tv'rpiniu-S WAA Wim, 0=0 rd&=-dwin hmm- ph-38"MW 0 ecfinm�y ppplk-6k-PSN B cmc-tow. I Mcdve -010PIcle MMWOR oftfili Agractrichund emilkwim of by tht Town Mwad,and to 11ja contmq in j,.,jFUCrp Ph**4"1hh;.- Poc N-Vadw-mt will c0clinIX W qprova 0 PSD 0itte-W stqtn*t,.rifter th-ty= zc iv ed and rWA-66--4 tre a CS FA tw,V,)a i I I iag Ltj 4 cam M b'-1,tit b44=A!t IW,5,firc 11040d tf LV rH� i-'Wulr.In sdditioa.a PSD It will not sciledulc shifts or rcelve or proem r®rrrt•off regjusts for hkOw-Mirot for any of the PSD tl'z irrrrricdNic Mkti (16dtrmd in CSF-A CDA CD SMlon 16.t'Rerravet"Ot L=v0-In€teAt,tf-,e Poker-Chief or desigrize wlti owi,lue to Rhedutc shirts gild receive mid process ttw•off requests foa lba pSo 11 god 3cry of hiV r mIdtivV%consi,-anl With filo t3cpadmcnt's paclicc afsalicdulfng overtirsac olligntrnna and vacation P'03bad QM ssniOty,and fiPvaduling other turas off rquast pnfmnaes by the *'Tdcr in which rhe mquegii;are received by l€z-folic;Chief or de:si c( 9r ifrrraatti�tc reqtlesb ftp the saasne hate am received at the taaarmrt time by the Police Chief or desipec,by >retaitrrity), 4- The Police Chicl'or dezipTe will,prior 10 assigning in PSD 11 to Prfortri� described in Paragraph"2,"mctt with the PSD li to rcvie%v the Demos€mca's rules,prOccdurus,eu€scent practice,and expexatit}rrs with Mpecl to sch cling shit Arid ma4ving gad prow ing britt-off rcqu is for offier,pS02. S, lEVM though tl havo CRICRA iWo think cn the Tom MW dew PISA cminw to&&SM th&t the'fcwn It2d the sight 10 take tine Utim(s)that led to die f r4um diWte, and thea they would Pmail if WIS rttraticr WcM tried Ware tho ALJ.As n malt,this Azmer=t will not he comtrstad by the Tcnvn or 11M PDA es agreeing treat the i Tow:/Police Departumt did trot h2ve the light to ea..ign a Licuteataatt to a tc dw PSI)s schedule beginning On or rrbrat t April 2019. 6, Ukcwis ,cvcn tltvtrgh it I=erste-fed into this Ag er cnL the CS c tint to Assort that the Tourer did not b--ve,the right,to take ft agtiia1gs)tWled to the itl=nt dispute,W thea it would pmvWl if this ra2'tterwere tried before 2hs ALL As u molt, this At natstt will Wt in Con-Onxd by tho C SEA us ngrtiaS tit the Towv/Policc Dr. mrtinetit W the tight to assign a f kuwnaarat to cmft IM PSM wwk scheduk beginning on or 60ur April 2014, T. nis Agrcernem crsamitutsa tklz caative uFr!ccn=t artwoa the Town,th-z CSEA and y PEA mgtxding its *jwt chatter.Wo oIW 1 have been mmdc.This Agr merit; iwa,dudint;this A graph,may not�.fr4tdiffied end by a writhe aprc�merrt parties. �. Ik fluiguage of all Pam a fthis Agrement will bc const ue4 as a whole.scowding to its WC I'lMnirrg rants not strictly for or nonsi any of the psvties,even thatigh one of tk parties MY Irmve dr€rfled it. 9. 'Dias Agmment ray Ile executed vrM ctdgt W Sign,tures in catrtrtcr1Xa1t5, Of 1$y facsirraiW or Mr-ltd sigaurture% in courticrartm, +�Ericit will bed atsd kBally binding as fully r�--an original Agnaalum. 1Q.Tiiiv Agreerneat is st&jcgt to rillifioatioia by the'Ca va Board. if tate Town Board duct not ratify this Agmranr.,sat,that it tvili Incoarte hull arta void wid no adt+=,r,* inference will bttM;a ogeirmt Other putty by viltm of it having CnIcrod into it, 2 �N FOR TEE POs: 0000, PDQ THE CSSA: �U - T CMA Usk pz Arte: ' ate --. CSEA Wist Dt :=7 F left 1.gyrawicz, (I gr(" b cbwwI) DOW, �"'