HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Food Delivery Assistance Program RECEIVED 4,, AUG 3 1 2020 Southold Town Clerk Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Mary Silleck Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: August 28, 2020 Subject: MOU between Town of Southold and Suffolk County Food Delivery Assistance Program With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /ms Enclosures S 4 5/18/20;Law No.CE-20-Ml MOU—Food Delivery Assistance Program—Town of Southold Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Food Delivery-Assistance This Memorandum of Understanding("the MOU")is between the County of,Suffolk("the County"),a municipal corporation of the State,ofl+Iew York;acting through.its dulyconstituted Office of the County Executive ("'the Department"),located at 100 Veterans Memorial Highway,P:O.Box 6100,Hauppauge,New'Yoik 11788- 0099;and the Town of Southold("the Town"),having an-address at 53095 Route 25,PO Box-1179,Southold,NY 11971. 1 The County and Town are partnering to provide assistance to individuals and families by deliver'ingmeals to those who cannot access food themselves duri-ng.the-COVID49 pandemic. Term of the MOU: June 1,2020 through August 31,2020, with an option to extend,to be exercised upon mutual consent of-the parties,to December 31,2020. Total Cost of the MOV:No cost-to-the County,; Terms and Conditions-: Shall be as-set forth in Exhibit A. In Witness WhereoUthe parties hereto-have executed the MOU as of the latest date'written below: s Town of SatethQ' CO TMabkv LK 11% title Chief DeputyCo ty Executive Fed.Tax-ID k -Date _ ---- - -._-�_-- -=- CC��++pp�� ;>zereby affi e v ounty I xe teve~-- cer[ifies:unilei penaTties_of perjury, am au officer of - the'Towir.ofSouthold,that I-have read and`I am familiar B - _ _ - Fvith-§A5-8 of-Article V of the-Suffolk County-Code,and 3' - - ` - — - Vanessa- �d tree er that ttieTown of =„ meets all requirements to - qualify for d eFetiz<de Deputy C -tki. Ubdutive _ - •Date- - 0-616 Approved as to Form: Dennb VL Cohen Actiig•Co-_H __tto ey i t oust' A rney F -__? f E Page 1 of-3 r r 5118120;law No.CE-20-023 4cju—Food Delivery Assistance Program—Town of Southold r Exhibit A Whereas,protecting the health and safety of impacted communities in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency is paramount;;and - a Whereas, due to the impact of the-COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary as an emergency protective measure-to provide food to meet the immediate needs of those individuals and families who do not have a_ccess`to food as a -result'of COVID-19;and Whereas,the County and Town are partnering to provide assistance to individuals and families by delivering meals to those'individuals and families who-cannot access food themselves-during the COVID-19 pandemic;and �ti a Now Therefore,in consideration of the mutual provisions and covenants hereafter set forth,the parties hereto agree a as follows:- 1, 'C6iinty's Responsibilities a. The County's 311.Call Center will serve as the coordinator of resources for food assistance delivery: b. The County,through the operators at its 311 Call Center, will do the intake to determine whether,an individual or household is eligible for food delivery assistance. c. Based on the intake information gathered by the 311_Call Center operator,the'31 i Call Center operator will determine whether the,individual or the household meet the eligibility criteria for food delivery assistance. d. If the individual or-household is eligible for food delivery assistance,,the 311 Call Cenieroperator will provide the Town's-designated representative via e-mail with the following information about-the eligible individual or household in need of food delivery:name,address, and.phone`number. e. If the individual of household is eligible for food delivery assistance,the 311.CallCenter operator-will direct the-individual calling to call back 311 if he or she needs additional food assistance after`the initial delivery is made. L The County will procure and provide'boxes of non-perishable food to the Town for delivery by the Town ; to eligible individuals or households. Upon the.execution of this MOU, the County's ven4ot(s)will make an initial delivery of one fifty (50) boxes of non-perishable food to the Town's designated r representative. 4 t g. The County will provide the Town with a placard with informi tioinabout the food delivery assistance program to be used by the Town during the delivery of boxes-of-non-perishable food to eligible individuals and households. - 3 2. Town's Responsibilities Page 2of3 5118/20;Law No.CE-20-023 MOU—Food Delivery Assistance Program—Town of Southold a_. The Town will designate aperson(s)/department who serves as the primary contact with the County for food delivery assistance and will provide the County-with the contact information of such designated person(s)/department. F b. The Town will fulfill each request for food delivery to an eligible individual or household within twenty four(24)hours of receipt of such request from the County's 311 Call Center. a i c. Each delivery of non-perishable food will contain at least three(3)days of food,with three(3)meals a day per person for a household of four(4). k d. The Town will confirm that food was delivered to an eligible individual or household by sending an e- mail to a 31.1 Call Center_supervisor. e. The Town-will designate a facility(ies)where the non-perishable food boxes will be_properly stared for distribution_("Storage Facility"). The Town-will provide the County with information about the location of each Storage Facility. L The Town will keep an inventory of the boxes of non perishable food in the Storage Facility and will inforin the Department when!hat inventory drops to twenty(25)boxes. 3. Confidentiality 2 The Town and County,expressly agree to preserve the confidentiality of all data and information shared, received,collected or obtained as result of this MOLT.No disclosure,re-disclosure or release of such data or information is to be:made,permitted or encouraged by the Town or its officers or employees, except as expressly autharized by law in the form of a judicial warrant.It is further understood and agreed that no such data or_information is-to be used for anypurpose not authorized by this MOU. 4. Term-and Termination a. This MOU may be amended in writing at any time'by mutual consent and may be terminated by either party upon thirty(30)days-written notification. -- � i b. This-MOU may be renewed,by mutual written agreement ofboth parties,through December 31,2020. 5. MuhialIndemnification a. The Town shall protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the County; its agents;servants;officials, and employees from and against all liabilities, fines, penalties, actions, damages; .claims, demands, judgments,losses,,suits or actions,costs,and expenses caused by the negligence or any acts or omissions of the Town. b. The County shall protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the-Town,its agents,.servants,,officials, and employees from and against, all liabilities, fines, penalties, actions, damages; claims, demands, judgments,l'osses,suits or actions,costs,and expenses caused by the negligence or any acts or omissions of the County. -End of Text for Exhibit A L Page-3 of 3