HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMP-Marratooka Lake Preserve � � _ � � , C� . � ��1������������� ��� E ���� ����� E / I/ I/ / I ������ � i �----„�� �� � � � ��C���� ��'�"�� �'�� ��} � ��� ���"��� ���� �4��� � � � , � l '� , ,_��f.��` h-'{l.f` 1 , t �asuF�oi�.�, ; - �.�° °�y � � � J[TD�'I'H T.TERRY � � Town Hall,5309b Main Road � 7.'4WN Ci�R�K v� � P.O. Box 1179 I �" '� Southold,New York 1137i E �cis�xa�t o�vY�as,sramzsrics � • � ; � � Fax(61B)7G5-1823 MARRIAGE OFFiCER �O `aO � RECORI]S MANAG�MENT OFFICER � l�if �+ Telephone{�18) 765-1800 FREEAOM OF INFaRMA7'TON OFFICER OFFICE �F THE TOWN CLERK I TOWN OF SOUTHQLD . 1 - THIS lS TQ C�RTI�Y "I'HAT THE �O�.L�W[NG RES�LUTI{]N WAS ADOPTE� gY THE ' SOUTHQLD TOWN BOARD AT A R��ULAR MEETtIVC N��.D ON OCTOBER z8, 1997: ' � RESOLVEd that the �'own Board of the Town of Sou�ho�d hereby authorizes � and directs Su�ervisnr Jean W. Cgchran to execute the Management !'lan , for tk�e Marrataoka La�ce Preserve, as prepared by The �ature ' Conservancy, Long Islartd Chapter, for the tl-acre Preserve which has �I � � been conveyed to the �'own o� Southold sufaject to the sxpress CQt'1C�Iti01'E �i that it shall forever �e held as a nature preserve for scientific, � � ed�catianal, ecnlogical, and aestk�etic purposes; said pfan ali in acca�-dance '� I with the approvaE of the Town Attorney. � � I � ; , � � � ���. Judith T. Terr�y/�� Soutl�aid Tow� �1erk �ctober 29, 1997 3 � � � � � � q E � • , ��_ ' 1 � � � Management Plan for fhe Martatook� Lalce Preserve _ Jean Cochran, Supetv�sor . � � ' Town o�Southo�d 53p9� Town Hal! �'A, Box 1'f'T9 Southo�d, New Yor�c �197'� � i :� � � 1NTR0_DUCTI0�1 , . The IltlarrataoEca �ake Preserve, Mattituck, New York , was dona#ed to the Town I of Soufhald in �997 by The Nature Car�servar�cy, �ong Island Cf�apfer, iQcated at 250 Lawrenc� Hiii Road, Caid SP«ng Harbor, N�w Yor�c �1724. The approximateEy 11�acre Preserv� was arigi�ally do�ated tv T�e Nature Conservancy in 1973 by Mr, & Mrs. I Wiilard 3. Hegger�. I The Preserwe was conveyed to the Town of SoutF�old subject�v the expres5 � condition t�at it shall forever be hefd as a nature preserve �or scien#i#ic, educatinna�, i � ecologicaf, and aesthetic�urposes. � i D�SCRlP714N � The Marratao�Ca Laka Preserve �onsists o# 'I�.7 acr�� an the r�orth shore of Marratao�a Lake. Apprvximately 8 acresf or 80% of the Preserve, is successional shnabland. Mos#of this ar�a is former pastur�, hay�eld, and cropland. i I Approximately 2 acres, or 24% of the Presecve, cons�sts afi freshwater wetiand E • �nd biack cherry, black {ocust, �nci No�ay ma�le woadland and hedgerows. E The pand share is ric#� in a�uatic pla�#s, wil�flowers, and fems such as , pickerelweed, swamp �aasestrife, )ewelweed, iris, m�rsh 5t. .�ohn's-wort, and marsh '� and royaf ferns. F+�rther bac�C frorr�the anrater, red ma�fes s�ade the shorel�ne anc� ifs '' rich shrub zone of highbus� �I�eberry, sweet Pepperbush, and white swamp azalea. I Th� shnre con#ains signifcan#amounts o#phragmites, an invasiv� nor�-na�ive species. Tt�e Preserve has appraximately 79�' of frnntage an Marratooka Lake. T�e lake � is a "k�ttle hole" pond, origi�ally farmed by a leftover large chunk of i�e from the i Pleis�o�ne gEaciers. The lake is fed by groundwater and runoff from the u�lands af the � surra�ndir�g area. ; . I l � € E �. �i Mar� #I�ar� 1S0 species of plants, $6 spec�es of birds, 8 species af rep#les ar�d � amphibians, and �2 rnammals ha�e b�ert�bserved at the Presenr�. , , The Preserve contains no foot traiis or pa�king#or�isi�ors. ? � _ ; CULTURA HIST� - The area around Marratooka �.ake was frst ir�habited by the �orchaug Irtdians. This tribe, one of fhe thirteen tribes an Lot�� Islan� that made up #he Afnganquin family of the great De€aware lndian B�nd, is b�lieved to have sett�ed in tf�e area ir� about 5,(3�0 B.C.. � 1� the 1fiQD's, the Corchaugs soid the area desigr�ated as Mattitucfc�o the New � Haven Colony in Connecticut. The Cafony lat�r sald the land to the p���ie of Southold. 'j �ar a number of years, t�e land was �eld in common. It was evenfuaEly divi�e� and �' sold ta the inhabitants. Or�� o�t#�ese sarly(andaw�ers was WIHam R+�rrier. H�s land cantained Matti�uck�ake, n�w known as MaRatoaka Lake. Wf�en Wiiliam died, the properky was passsd ta his grandson, Thomas Reeves. , In the 180Q's, fhe land and lake were acquired by Jose�F� Par[te�1Nic�Cham, a , . New Yo�k Ciiy merc�ant. T�e Iartd Passed into the har�ds of Joseph's son, Char�es, i. who estahEisl�ed a farm. Charf�s r�amed �e lake "Marra#ookaA mea�ing °p�ace wh��� ; the deer come to drin�C," Charles' farm became we�i knov�►n for its butter and ice. � ln the early 990Q's, the area of the Marrataoka �ake Pr�serve was sold to Pceston Ruland. PrEston fived tt�ere for twen4y-s�x years. ; In 1947, th� pro�erty was sald to Wi�lard J, a�d Lama E. Heggen. The Hegger�s donate� the pr��erty to The Nature Cor�senrancy in 1973 so that it wo�fd b� maintained ;` � as a nature preser�e irt perpe#uity. ', IVEq�IAGEMENT GOALS I'I In keeping with t�e conv�yar�ce language of t�e deed, the To�rvn will maintain tf�e pra�erty as a nature �Eesenre for seienfifc, �ducation�ff ecQlagical, ar�d aesthetic purposes. The long-terrn mana�ement gaals are as folEaws: �. Maintain the Freserve in i#s natural state, excepf for such fao#tra�ls and � property maintenartce ac�ivities as may be apprap�iate without impairirtg tt�e Pr�serve's na��ral c�aracter. � 2 �. f I � � - � - .._ . _ _ . ! i �. � 2. Frovide npppr�ur�ities far th� pubGc ta en�ay passive recreatior� sucF� as walking, phafography, bird wa#cF�ing, ar�d the qUie�co�templatian ofi nature, beir�g care�Ful ta ��event d�gradation of r�a#ural cammunities ar�d wetland ar�as, ir��luding t�te j shareline. � 3. Restflre and maintain the former agricultt�rai felds (naw shrub�ands) as � meadaws �or native wifdflowers, grasses, birds, butterfiies, an� oth�r n�#ive , pla�ts and animals (if the Tawn de#e�ine�s suc� restoration andlar maintenance � � ta be feasible). � I ! 4. Sirive to work caoperativ�ly wit� t�e MattitucEc ScE�ool District and the Mattitucic i Park District ta protect, manag�, and use the fhre� arljoining prop�rties. ' Determine the feas�bility of res�or�ng the former scenic views af t#�e lake on the ScF�ool andfar Pa�lc District property. � 5. Pratect the shoretine and wat�r�uali�y af Marratoaka Lake. � ; MANAGE�1lENT STRATEGIES �� � �n order t4 achieve t�e above management goafs, the Town, at its discre#iar�, ! ; may im�le�ent sorne ar ail of th�fallowing management strategies: ; t . � 1. Determine the f�asibility of resto�ing the former agricuit�ral f��lds curr��tly in '' shr�biand to meadQw�vsrith mowing and �rus� cut#ir�g. Mairtta�n the meadows witt� periddic mowing �very � - 3 years. Mow after November 1 to allow the devela�ment af tate-bloom�ng wildflowers, �rasses, and �utterfli�s. 2_ D�velop and maintain a pubiic foot-trail system to pravide oppor�u�ities for ; passi�e recreatian such as w�fking, bird watching, and �d�ca#iona! actav�#ies. � Gi�e speci�i attention to: 1) �reventing degraciation of we#ia€�ds, inclutling the shareiine; �) minimizing human distu�ance af nativ��lants and animals; 3} cQr�trolling unauthorizec� �ases such as mourrtain biEcss, hars�s, off�road �ehicles, and dumpir�g; 4) cnntrofl�r�g erosin�; and 5) minimizing d�sturbance to neighbors. � � 3. Use the AMC Fi�ld Guide to Trar!Building and�Vfain#enar�ce, by Ra�ert D. Proudman a�d Re�ber� Ra�ala �Bostor�, MA, Appaiac�ian Ma�nt�i� Glub, '!981) as � gc�ide far#rail maintenance. �_ Meet wit� the Mattituck Scf�ool Dis�rict and Ma�tifuck Park Dis�rict to discuss the 3 I access, use, and maintenance of th� thr�e adjvir�ing pc��erti�s. Seek to dev�lap and implement a memorandum of und�rstanding �M_O.U_) or � coo�erativa rnana�emertt agree�nent for the tfi�ree p�operti�s, i 3 ` , I _ i i � C � f 5. Determine the f�asibiliiy of de�elopir�g and implerr3en�ing a plan #o cor�trol '� phragmites ir� an ecolog�calEy-sensitive manner. Obtain req�ir�cf wetlands ' permit5 from the N�w York State Department of En�ironmenfia[ Conservation. I 6. Oiscuss wifh the Mattituc�C 5chool Dis#r�ct and the Mattituc�C Park Dis#�ict the r�storation of the former scenic views af#F�e lake from the Main Road ta th�west of the Fresefve or� Park andlor School District property. , i � 7. Erect and mai�rtain a sign in a prom�r�er�t focation stating "T�is erea was protected witE� t�e assistar�ce n�The Nat�re Conserva�cy.„ i C41�I�LlJ�IflN � I If caref�iJy protec#ea ar�d maintained, the MarratooEca Lake Presetve has th� patentiaf € ta �rovide a high-quaii#y scier�tifc, �ducational, ecologicai, afld aes#hetic resaurce for the �itizens af the 7own af Sout�ald. ,` � I 7HE T�WN OF S4UTHQLD � i � �"� �� 111�3197 Signa#ur Date . I E E Jean W. Coc�tran Prinf name I S�pervisor, Soutf�ald Town Title 1 i I � � � � I - -�. --- ---- ' .. . .... _ - .. i � — ._._ � , j __ i � I � � ` I � i Marratoo[ca Lake Preserve � � � , � s��ser lane !! 20011. gou�e 25 . . .�.� � r i . �.�. �. �. :[f I ^,r E N ,� • � -� • � .� . ' .� . .��� . . . _'t! . � 5,.. � ,� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:,i � �a;,, ��# � + . ;_= ±.: . : . ` . : .' 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"�;s�' _ _ — "' �'-7ifiti.+ I �� M�' ^� _'' ,"-�1jtz3.ti.:�~4� ..h- '' - - _ .YS�"7.,:.^'..ny._�;;v:�,: I '.y�l`•{.'l�+.f1N.-h' ��i.l l�y^�• ' _S,•1.�� A �� *� ` l�'�:`-\ '}�}.,. y �li ,� �rr:;� tt" _ ^[; �;.:, .�;�t^' MARRATOOKA EAKE 3 � SCALf: L£GENO= oF �Sp �OPE�F FIELO -- TIMPiHY � I� I I ���Y (APPRO%� Q RED MAPtE � � L�W DEtI�ElpL15 GR4WTli {MkXE�) ? � � � MIXFO CPiVlFERS I - � Q PICKERELWEED/100SESFRIFE � � � � . , � ELEYATION IH FEEr {APPROX) . �I � I f9B2 � �, � , € � . . .- .,. .., - ' _ I . _ . . . . _ _... ..... ............ . ......... . ... . if , . ... .. _ ._.. . . " _""",.. . , _ . I �,, . ' - . . ' . .. � � � . .�- .. . . . - . . � _. . . ' . - , � ' ' . . '_ MARRATOOKA LAKE PAESERVE � f . � -�,,:MatfE#LICk � . . '.:S�ffallc Caurt#y �I �i Acres . Qf Inierest An vutstand9ng 11-acre parcel of land, 1 Marrataoka is one of the few undisturbed lcet- • tlahoEe areas pn Long lsland. !t bc,rders o� Mar- ratoaka Lake of 22 actes.A great variety of vegeta- ' tion is found here because af the differing habitats. ' � � � �� �"of the Sanctuary.The shares of the Lake are rlch in --- �.._ . - � --=�aquatic pla�ts such as plckerelweed,water•miifvil, ` `1 ` � -_ and swam�IoosestrEfe.The two m�jor flelds on the ,I l�� -- - - � eastern �ortion af the Sa�ctuary ara mowed and � : _�-`�----•— � consist ma9nly of tlmothy gras5_ 7he wnodiands ? ' vary from black cherries and blac[c locusts sur- ; � rounding t�e Lake, to No�snray r�aples and baacEc locusis surrounding the open fields. �fhe Lake atEracts vsprey, heron, and a variety of ducics. Small mammals, such as op- posums, rnaskad sbrews, eastern coitontails,white•footed mfce,red foxes and gray squfr- � rels may be found, as weN as a�ariety�f ampTtlb[ans and reptiles. . History The preserve was donated to �'he Nature Conservancy in 1972 by Mr. & Mrs. . t 1Nillard ,f. Heggen.The area uras originally Inhabtted by the Gorchaug Indians.The word, • "Marratooka"is Indian for"where the deer corne to dr�nk".After sale by th2 Endians the land ; was held in common for a number of years. Later ihe area was subdivided and sold to ' � private inferests. It was then used to pasture iarrrt a�imaEs and, later, far patatoes,sweet , eom and atfalfa. I Admisslon to Praser►re Like ather preserves,this area is open to individua�s and group5 . ! who nbtain p�iar permission from the Conservancy and who abide by the Conservanay's ' ' policies on preserve use. � �}IrecEions TaEce the Lang Island Expressway to the end(fxlt 73)and ther�folEow County � . fioad 58 east. !n approxlmately 4 iniles, F�aufe 58 merges wlth Route 25. Follow Route 25 i �as#tv Maitftuck.Approximately ane-half mE�e past Mattituck is Matiituck High SChaaa an the north slde of the raad.The preserv�Is Just past the hlgh.school on the south side of the � j raad.J�s#before reaching Sunset l.ane thsre is a di�t road leading to the south.'furn into 1 . #his road and park along#he edga of the fieEd. � � � � . � - . j i . a �''V U '' .;`', � � � � , i � ! � �* �� _ > i i i � � �y- �: f � � s - t � , } � ?` � � F j +: , ,-�� ..�' �' �� � � � �--. �': .M1 J � I� :... � .. '_. � __ - _�- .., .. , ' . . . . � _ 7 : 12- y--. 1 S ' � . . . . . , � . - . , . . . _ ' _ _ . . . , _ ._ _ _ .- . , '. .. . � . � . , . _ - �. �f [ ,.�...:.... ....._:,..� --- ..____ '��<«„ � —�z � <�—, " °""1 ,,..�,�W, �,< .a ,o. � . ro,� �/ 'rZ ���o.�...�.� ..� L-"-.,��-�°'._`` _.., r ... .,.� � ,. i ' 1 r` � .�...� � , E _ �% i' ;7'C a��� �_ .� �.o..� ..��n �e....� � ...�.� p �`�.. , �� �o�;: .�s ''S��Yv�w - � � �Y- `' f_l �F � O y r(icF a '� �� ��e " .. tJ ... 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