HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMP-Frank Kujawski Preserve Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Page 1 of 8 Town of Southold Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Adopted by the Town Board on July 28th, 2020 by resolution 2020-451. Properties included in plan: SCTM# Location Project Funding Acquisition Pursuant To 1000-116.-1-9.2 New Suffolk Ave Zahler Gift Chapter 185 Purposes of Property Acquisition The property was accepted as a gift for the purposes of open space preservation. Prohibited Activities All activities not related to the purposes of the property acquisition are prohibited. Use of motorized vehicles and equipment is prohibited with the exceptions of: vehicles and equipment necessary for approved stewardship work; emergency/public safety vehicles; and motorized wheelchairs/scooters for the handicapped; and registered vehicles used by visitors to access the designated parking area on the preserve for parking purposes only. The creation of new trails except as outlined in the Town Approval of Activities section below. Trapping of wildlife with the exception of Town approved trapping of diseased wildlife and feral cats. Fireworks. Weddings, parties, reunions, flea markets, swap meets, antique shows, car shows. Camping, fires, bonfires. Sports whether organized or “pick up” in nature. Paintball and other similar war games. Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Page 2 of 8 Town Approval of Activities No activities related to the purposes of the property acquisition are allowed on the property without the explicit approval of the Town Board except for the activities listed in the Allowed Activities section below. Allowed Activities Section I Public Uses Access shall be from dawn to dusk unless posted otherwise or approved per the Town Approval of Activities section above. Foot access to Downs Creek as depicted in Appendix 1. Nature walks/surveys, bird watching, citizen science surveys. Star gazing. Participation in the General Activities outlined below. Section II General Activities Inventories of the properties including flora, fauna, trails, trash, archaeological features, structures and any other aspects provided that conducting such inventories does not alter or damage the properties. Invasive species control and removal provided an invasive species plan using Best Management Practices is approved and followed. The invasive species plan will be updated, expanded and amended as needed based on monitoring of the property for the extent of invasive species present. Clean up of man-made trash provided such clean up does not damage the property. Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Page 3 of 8 Section III Infrastructure Signage – the following signage is allowed: Preserve name sign, Town open space signs, posted/no hunting signs, safety signs, rules/regulations signs. Due to the sensitive nature of this preserve which consists almost entirely of tidal wetlands only one short trail to provide access to Downs Creek will be maintained as depicted in Appendix 1. Trail maintenance will be kept to the minimum necessary to maintain the trail in a condition that allows the public to access Downs Creek safely. Parking will be limited to the road shoulder of New Suffolk Ave as depicted in Appendix 1. The preserve or any section thereof may be closed to the public should any unsafe conditions exist; or for the purposes of protecting native flora and fauna. Signage denoting such closures is allowed. Appendices 1. Frank Kujawski Preserve plan 2. Frank Kujawski Preserve Bird Species Listing 3. Pets St e w a r d s h i p M a n a g e m e n t P l a n f o r F r a n k K u j a w s k i P r e s e r v e Pa g e 4 o f 8 Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Page 5 of 8 Appendix 2 Frank Kujawski Preserve Bird Species Listing as of July 2018 based on eBird observations beginning in 2003 Seq Species DEC Status Audubon Watch List NY SGCN Status Breeding Status 1 Canada Goose 2 Mute Swan 3 American Black Duck High Priority SGCN 4 Mallard Probable 5 American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 6 Surf Scoter SGCN 7 White-winged Scoter SGCN 8 Long-tailed Duck SGCN 9 Bufflehead 10 Common Goldeneye SGCN 11 Hooded Merganser 12 Common Merganser 13 Red-breasted Merganser 14 Common Loon Special Concern SGCN 15 Double-crested Cormorant 16 Great Blue Heron 17 Great Egret SGCN 18 Snowy Egret SGCN 19 Little Blue Heron SGCN 20 Green Heron 21 Yellow-crowned Night-heron SGCN 22 Turkey Vulture 23 Osprey Special Concern 24 Sharp-shinned Hawk Special Concern 25 Cooper's Hawk Special Concern 26 Bald Eagle Threatened SGCN 27 Red-tailed Hawk 28 Clapper Rail Yellow Probable 29 Black-bellied Plover SGCN 30 Semipalmated Plover 31 Killdeer 32 Ruddy Turnstone SGCN 33 Sanderling Yellow Potential 34 Least Sandpiper 35 Semipalmated Sandpiper Yellow 36 Short-billed Dowitcher High Priority SGCN 37 Greater Yellowlegs SGCN 38 Willet SGCN Probable 39 Lesser Yellowlegs 40 Bonaparte's Gull SGCN 41 Laughing Gull SGCN 42 Ring-billed Gull 43 Herring Gull 44 Great Black-backed Gull Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Page 6 of 8 Seq Species DEC Status Audubon Watch List NY SGCN Status Breeding Status 45 Least Tern Threatened Red SGCN 46 Common Tern Threatened SGCN 47 Royal Tern 48 Mourning Dove 49 Belted Kingfisher 50 Red-bellied Woodpecker 51 Downy Woodpecker 52 Northern Flicker 53 Merlin 54 Great Crested Flycatcher 55 Eastern Kingbird 56 Blue Jay 57 American Crow 58 Fish Crow 59 Purple Martin Confirmed 60 Tree Swallow 61 Bank Swallow 62 Barn Swallow 63 Black-capped Chickadee 64 Tufted Titmouse 65 House Wren 66 Carolina Wren 67 American Robin 68 Gray Catbird 69 Northern Mockingbird 70 European Starling 71 Common Yellowthroat 72 Yellow Warbler 73 Yellow-rumped Warbler 74 White-throated Sparrow 75 Song Sparrow Probable 76 Eastern Towhee 77 Northern Cardinal 78 Red-winged Blackbird Probable 79 Common Grackle Probable 80 House Finch 81 American Goldfinch 82 House Sparrow Current Status Notes: NYS DEC  Special Concern: Any native species for which a welfare concern or risk of endangerment has been documented in New York State.(New York State DEC, 2001).  Threatened: Those designated by the DEC as likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of their range.  Endangered: Those designated by the DEC as seriously threatened with extinction. Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Page 7 of 8 Audubon Watch List  Yellow: This category includes those species that are declining but at a slower rate than those in the red category. These typically are species of national conservation concern.  Red: Species in this category are declining rapidly, have very small populations or limited ranges, and face major conservation threats. These typically are species of global conservation concern. New York Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN)  High Priority SGCN: The status of these species is known and conservation action is urgent in the next ten years. These species are declining and must receive timely management intervention or they are likely to reach critical population levels in New York.  SGCN: The status of these species is known and conservation action is essential. These species are expected to experience significant declines over the next ten years and will need management intervention to secure their populations.  Non-SGCN Species of Potential Conservation Need: The trends in abundance and distribution of these species are poorly known, but there is an identified threat to the species, or the species has a high level of intrinsic vulnerability. Further research and surveys are needed to determine their actual population status. Although not classified as SGCN, actions for their conservation will be identified and they will be included in the State Wildlife Action Plan. Stewardship Management Plan for Frank Kujawski Preserve Page 8 of 8 Appendix 3 Pets o Unless posted otherwise, pets are allowed provided that they are leashed and under control at all times while on the property. o The Town may permanently or temporarily restrict pets from the preserve or designated areas of the preserve for reasons including, but not limited to, wildlife and nesting habitat protection and public safety. Such restrictions will be approved by the Town Board and will be posted at the preserve. o All pet waste must be picked up and properly disposed of as required by Southold Town Code. o Failure to follow pet rules may result in all pets being prohibited from using the preserve.